14 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 19, 1922 REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale- Lots. 120 DOWN, $20 MONTH. 14x20 Shack. ACRE AND THIRD. PARKROSE Barn and chicken house, oak and ash shade trees; 200 ft. frontage; the south boundary is a stream; rich silt garden land, no rocks or gravel. Your chance to get a little home; the monthly payment In cludes Interest at 6. This tract north of Sandy Blvd. and carllne. Parkrose branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car to end of carline. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6034. w OVER 2 ACRES. $18 DOWN $18 MONTH. Parkrose. Many trees, rich j,arden and berry land, free from rocks or gravel. 300 foot frontage, the south boundary Is a stream; great place for a little shack to get a start, no building restrictions, low county tax. plenty of wood; you should see tnis at once, your oppor tunity to get a home of your own; price $1S35. J. L. HARTMAN. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. HOMESEEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive. We are interested in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buy ing or building. ROBNETT & MeCLURE. BUILDERS. 802 Couch Bids. Broadway 6574. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE IN UDD'S ADDITION. NICE LOTS FOR $1000. Remember this premier residence district is only 25 minutes' walk to the courthouse. Improvements all in and paid. Beautiful shade trees; five beautiful parks kept up by the city. You can't beat it. See Mr. DELAHUNTY, LADD ESTATE CO.. Bdwv. 5754. . 24H Stark St. WESTMORELAND. Where else in the whole city can be found for the money all that we offer here. A fully improved district, best car service, near Reed college and golf links. Lots as low as $500, easy navments. second mortgage privileg. to builders. We could mention many more things. Look for yourself. Call Mr. ..Patterson, with LADD ESTATE CO., Bdwy. 5754. 243 Stark St. 100x200 TRACKAGE 100x200. $12,000. Near Montgomery Ward, American Can Co. ana otner large concerns, i nis property is ideal for factory, ware house or wholesale business; excellent R. R. and shiDDine accommodations. Paved streets to the property. Before buying industrial property look this up. RITTER, LUU K A: LU.f rt t una. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PENINSULA LOTS. $400. South front lots on Colfax St., be tween Concord and Campbell sts. ; all imp. except paving, in and included in price of $400 on easy terms; we have 4 lots. including 1 corner, at this price. See us for building loans and lots. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 22S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 1RVINGTON If you expect to make IRV1NGTOS your home, secure your homeeite now. ine nuijniia ES TATE lots are pretty well gone. We have some desirable ones left on block bounded by Stanton, Siskiyou, E. 22d and E. 23d. Better hurry if you want one. KITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT $8s0. Level lot on E. Davis St., 50 feet west of 47th st., all imps, in, only 2 blocks from Glisan st. car; price $880 including $210 bonded assessments; will consider late model Ford in ex change. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 2258 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. TO CLOSE AN" ESTATE. . YOU CAN BUY fi good lots on California street in South Portland, close to car and school, very cheap; any reasonable offer will be accepted and terms granted if wanted. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 2422. "4 -ACRE TRACT. S4:!0. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Level lot. 115x100, front on E. 71st St., 5 blocks north of Sandy; Bull Run water and graded St.; $4.'l down with near'v 4 years to pay the balance. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22R Henrv Fldg. Bdwy. 4754. BEAl'TIf'UL IRVINGTON, Portland's Model Home Section. Drive out today. Block bounded by Stanton. Siskiyou. E. 22d and E. 23d. Nice, level homesltes very attractive prices for short time. KITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK LOT, $050. Level lot on Glenn ave near Mason; all imp. paid; we have 100 Alameda park lots for sale; many on easy terms with second mortgage privilege. See us lor lots and building loans. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 50x100 east front lot on E. 87th St., only 1 block south of Sandy; all imp. except paving iu and paid, this is real value for $ii75. We have loo lots in the Rose Citv district to select from. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22S Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. MAKE OFFER. 117xl00 on E. 24th N., between Prescott and Going, facing west; will be sold to the highest bidder; all im provements in; near school and car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK. $775. BELOW THE HILL. 50x100 east front lot on E. 3!th St., near Thompson; all imp. in and paid. See us for lots and building- loans. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. 54TH AND EAST WASHINGTON. $Hilt buys a 50x100 lot on East Washington st., with everything paid; $350 cash will handle. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Broadway 6720. :inth and Sandv Blvd. Auto. 320-60. LAURELHURST LOT, $1200. 1 BLOCK TO CAR. Level lot on the east side of Floral ave.. 300 feet north of Glisan St.; this is a buy. We have building loan money. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. EAST YAMHILL NEAR 23D. 40x100 with garage; $050. $100 cash, $10 monthly; macadam street, sewer, sidewalks and curbs, everything paid. 2 blocks to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. IRVINGTON $3000 "ai block on 23d st. Also 100x100 N. E. corner 24th and Thompson, $3500. We're selling Ir vington lota. Better get yours now. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PENINSULA PARK. 59x15; 2 blocks to Peninsula Park; sidewalks and sewer in; nice fir trees; $725; $75 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 833 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST Choicest section: view lot; no encumbrances; $1250 cash this week only; adjoining lot on. market for $1600, so if you want an ideal home site and wish to save from $400 to $500 call owner. Tabor 1470. after 6:80 P. M. IRVINGTON block, bounded by Stanton, Siskiyou, E. 22d and E. 23d. Beautiful level lots. We're selling them. Better get yours now. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LESS .THAN 1910 PRICES. Sandy bTvd., 24th St., all improve ments in, prices on lots you'll be sur prised, some as low as $850. Phone Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. VIEW LOT CAPITOL HILL. 60x100. corner, near "Highway sta tion, $450. This is at least $200 under value; very easy terms, or will build bungalow and sell on your terms. At water 0746. forenoons. OLMSTEAD PARK. Beautifully wooded, 2 short blocks to car, all improvements in and paid. Surrounded by good homes. Price $1300. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUILDERS Houses completed prompt ly; our construction and workmanship, together with liberal financial assist ance, will please you; soldier's bonus accepted. Reimers & Jolivette. Sell. 2964. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 50x100; all improvements in and paid; $950: terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. THIS MUST BE SOLDI 50x100 lot, 200 ft. north of Division on 42d: west front: $325 for quick sale. J. B, HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. $675 CASH. ' " 50x100 E. Taylor, near 47th; all Im provements in and etnld. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main .1787. 100x100 ROSE CITY PARK, overlooking speedway. By owner, 469 Hi 6th. st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. America's Largest Home Seller. 2000 Photographs of Homes for Sale. The largest, most varied selection of homes for sale in the entire west. Every type of home at every price moderate terms! A few minutes spent in this modern office will save you time and worry, and put you in lm mediate touch with the home you are looking for: I'll help you make your first pay ment ii necessary. Open evenings until 9. 90 salesmen with autos. Telephone Bdwy. 7171. $25 DOWN! $25 DOWN! $25 PER MONTH! SEE THIS! $1490 Entire price,- with only $25 down and $25 per month! Where can you "beat" this? Dandy double constructed warm bungalow; pretty combination living and dining room; con venient Dutch kitchen; sleep ing porch; bath; substantial concrete foundation; near chil dren's playground and park school: in Mt. Scott district SEE THIS TODAY. IT WON'T LAST UNTIL EVENING! $30 DOWN! $30 DOWN! $30 PER MONTH! IT'LL GO NOW! $1830 ANOTHER BIG TUESDAY SPECIAL! Good comfortable 6 room home on the west side, on a full lot with no liens or mortgage to assume; every modern convenience; 3 bed rooms, bath, beautiful shrub bery, trees; just renovated and repainted! MUST GO TODAY! Eighth street. CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. Rose City Beauty A Bargain. $5250 Standing Hke a jewel in an ex quisite setting of cool green lawn with flowers 'everywhere, will you find this lovely brown bungalow of 6 rooms think of it, all on one floor. Has every thing conceivable for comfort and convenience. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cheer ful living room, dining room with -massive built-in buffet, model white enamel Dutch kitchen with drawers. bins, shelves, etc., galore; 3 alry bedrooms, bath, garage, full lot; improvements are in and paid, "? block to Sandy boule vard and car. E. 46th st. Can give terms. LOOK AT THIS $500 DOWN. WALK AND SAVE CARFARE. $4990 $500 dowti and $30 per month. including interest, for this very substantial modern attractive home in central east Portland on E. 9th street, just a few minutes' walk to town and close to car and school; on paved street with all improve ments paid; 6 airy rooms, pretty . living room, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with all sorts of built-in labor saving conveniences, white en amel bath and 3 bedrooms with closets. E. 9th. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. $4490 The owner of this pretty 7- room bungalow has moved into the suburbs and must sell quickly. Large front porch, large living room, plate glass windows, artistic clinker brick . . fireplace, hardwood floors, din ing room with massive built in buffet, cosy den, beautiful light fixtures, completely equip ped Dutch kitchen, glassed-in sleeping porch, full cement basement with furnace and laundry travs. Tn fact, this home has everything that you could expect, and more. E. Yamhill st. Can give terms. IRVINGTON PARK BEAUTY $3990 "One of the prettiest yards in Portland," I heard someone say. and it's true: 100x100 in Jrvington park, among stately fragrant firs and with cool, smooth, green lawns, flowers, fruit, and a fine 5-room bunga low; congenial living room with fireplace; attractive dining room, very convenient kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms and bath, sleeping porch, full cement . basement with furnace and laundry travs. E. 31st st. Can arrange terms. KENILWORTH BARGAIN. $3990 Price reduced for quick sale, as owner is leaving olty. Your opportunity to secure one of the nicest, most substantially constructed modern bungalows m tnis uistnct. splendid home environment, o rooms, all mod ern features. 2 bedrooms, attic full lot, 1 blocks to carllne paving paid; abundance of fruit VERY EASY TERMS. THIS is a map. Look at it now. Kenilworth ave. $3990 $500 down: lots of house for the money, and it's good, too. We'd like to have you see this large 5-room modern bungalow, you'll be immensely satisfied with it; on paved street with every thing paid for. substantial con struction, buiit-ins. fireplace, 2 .large, light, airy bedrooms; 'on Brooklyn st. OOME IN AND SEE THE PHOTO GRAPH and then any one of our courteous, experienced sales man will take you out to see the original. Widest range of listings in the entire citv. YOUR HOME IS HERE AT THE PRICE YOU CAN AF FORD TO PAY. I'll help you make your first payment if necessary. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Realtor. Abington bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d st., bet. Washington and Stark. Deal with an old reliable established firm. We have an opening on our sales force for a salesman with- car. IRVINGTON. $13,000. Elegant home on 23d, near Knott. 2 baths, 2 real fireplaces: hdw. floors throughout; old ivory and solid ma hogany woodwork: lovely ballroom in blrdseye maple; beautiful art windows; easy terms. Why pay rent? McDonnell, east 0419. $6500. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, $6500. New 5-room bungalow with finished attic, hardwood floors and tapestry paper throughout. Beautiful fixtures, very expensive. Bult-in buffet, plate glass windows, French doors, attrac tive fireplace, Pembrook tub with shower, shades, furnace and garage; $1500 cash, balance easy terms. 977 E. Irving st. Hast 2567. LAURELHURST. $8000. 7-room house and garage at 1168 East Couch St., near East 39th and two blocks from Park; house- is double constructed and has hardwood floors, plate glass windows, sleeping porch, sewing room and full cement base ment. See this house before you buy 1168 East Couch st. SPECULATOR HOME-SEEKER PRICE $1675. New and attractive 5-room broken line bungalow on corner, 1 block to car; just north Peninsula park. Re stricted district. No mortga-ge or city Hens. Nothing down to purchaser with capital to finish house. Opportunity has arrived. This won't last. Call 1 561 Kerbv st. $3250 $750 CASH $30 A MONTH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 354 EAST 43D ST. 40x100, GARDEN, FRUIT. A nice clean home in an excellent district; living room, dining room, large kitchen, bath, three bedrooms; price Includes heater, gas range, Ruus water heater in kitchen: Radiantflre in dining room, four loads wood. 2 ton briquets in basement. NEW BUNGALOW. Just outside the city limits, 4-room plastered bungalow and "A acre of ground, all in cultivation; has all city conveniences, $2100, terms, can be ar ranged. See SAYLER R. SMITH, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. BUILD A HOME. We win build your home, assist in planning and financing; come in and talk it over. ALBOHN INVESTMENT CO., 216 Panama Bldg. Broadway- 6157. BUILT FOR HOME BY OWNER. Charming house, 7 rooms and sleep ing porch, furnace, 2 fireplaces. 2 toi lets, all modern built-in features, hard wood floors; Colonial Heights district: lovely garden, shrubs, roses, trees; a bargain; no agents. Main 2910. FOR SALE Strictly modern 5-room bun galow, located in Alameda; hardwood floors, bookcases, fireplace, buffet, ex ceptionally fine built-ins. bathrm. and kitchen. Payment down, balance like rent. Phone Automatic 323-97. Tabor 2109. - BY OWNER. 100x100 corner. 8-room house, laun dry trays, gas, elec, fruit, paved streets. A bargain. Price $3750. Wal nut 0230. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. 2 -bed-rooms. breakfast nook, hardwood firs., fireplacti, garage and cement drive way. Vs block to car. all improve ments in; big snap. $3950. easy terms. Mrs. Tanby, Broadway 4231; evenings and Sundays. East 4216, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 4354-4355. Beautiful home in Rose City; eight rooms 'and sleeping poroh; hdwd. floors; modern; beautiful vines; this is way .underpriced at $5500; terms.. New bungalow In the heart of Ir vington; built by owner for a home; this must be seen to be appreciated; $7500; good terms. I need a larger house; will trade my 7-room home in Irving-ton on a larger place up to $25,000 or $30,000 and pay the .difference, Four-room bungalow; new;- good garage; ground- 100x100; Just off S2d fit.; price only $1800; good terms. Five-room bungalow on. 83d st. ; modern; lot 50x100; pries only $3100; your own terms. ( Seven-room home; new; strictly modern; hdwd. floors, furnace, fire place; this is a real buy; $3890; extra good terms. Six-room home on 46th st. ; near Hawthorne, for only $3600; terms. GREATEST SACRIFICE IN PORTLAND LAURELHURST. NINE ROOMS. FIVE BEDROOMS. If you want a home that has no ' equal for the money, here is your chance. New. and never lived in and everything in the home is best money win buy. . All thick hardwood floors, wonderful fireplace, two tile baths, fixtures are the best you ever saw; has lots of built-ins, consisting of break fast room, dressing rooms, wardrobes. large white tile drain board, hot-water neanng plant witn tne low radiators in every room; double garage, all plas tered and has wash basin in e-ara&re also wash rack, corner fbt, near the car. Price cut to $10,000 and must be sold by Monday morning. Now, if you are wanting a home, don't hesitate. Call me for appointment. W. F. MA- HONEY, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwv. 6006. $50 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded to the. persons writing the best letters setting forth the advantages and bene fits to be derived from home ownership; $25 first prize, $15 second prize and $10 third prize. Letters not to exceed 750 words. Either prose or -poetry. Contest closes Sept. 30. For further In formation call at office or write for "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM," in which winning letters will be published. A copy free" on re quest. Mail letters to FRANK L. McGUIRE, America's Largest Home Seller. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 717L 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. IRVINGTON. IF YOU INSIST ON PLENTY OF ROOM, HERE IS THE HOME YOU WANT. PRICE $10,500. How does this sound for a large home? 4 large bedrooms, large sleep ing porch, extra large living room, dining room, den, 4 fireplaces, sun room, maid's room on third floor; full basement; ground 75x100; garage; in fact, you would not ask for a better home; located in the part of Irvington you would like to live in. Let us show you this fine home. You will like it. CALL MAHONEY. with , CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone tttnvy. noun. WITHOUT A iJOUtJT the best buy ever nffprpd in Irvineton district. A REAL tj-wtui rtr Ruilr. two vears ago this beautiful 6-room bungalow has ,varVthiii7 vtm could wish. ivoiy nn .h t.nelrr nnnpr. hardwood floors, buffet, breakfast nook, 1 bedroom 16x26 ft. in size, complete cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, full sized lot, -level with sidewalk, perfect lawn, nice back yard, enclosed with lattice fence, flowers or an uescnp rmnu vntr, with solid cement drive way.' Owner must have $1500 cash in 10 days. Shown only by appointment. Full price $5600, SloUO casn win nan die. ' Broadway 5619. ii iMtr.ni PAR IC $5500 $500 down, bal. like rent, buys this fine 5-room bungalow in this high-class restricted resi dential district. Fireplace, large living room, iurnace, now v cant- and in first-class condi tinn Clone to car and school. Don't pass this up without an inspection. .di van o-j ivm.. CITY HOMES DEPT., RITTER, LOWE "- CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM Bungalow $4200. Not new, but .cosy. Owner trans forreil to California, and mUSt Sell, at tractive 5-room bungalow, complete in every way with hardwqpd floors, fire place, new Fox furnace, garage, etc. An Inspection will convince ' you that this is a bargain. A. (i TEEPE CO.. Rose City of., 40th. Sandy. Tabor 95S6. Laurelhurst of.. 39th, Glisan, Tab. 3433. A REAL SNAP. On account of sickness we have been asked to sell a 7-room house with bath. elec. lights, for the small price of $1200; there are 4 2.1X.I00 lots and a dandy barn that would make good garage; no, this is not in Laurelhurst, but if you want a snap, here it is; $850 cash. bal. mtg. Don't let this one get by you. OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Com, bldg.. Bdwy. 63Sfl. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. JB',1.,0 $iaoo uow,. New. extra well built bungalow at 104 Hazel Fern place. All hardwood floors, large plate-glass windows, elab orate bathroom, tile floor, recessed, tub, built-in dressing table, long tile drain boards in wonderful Dutch kitchen, large breakfast nook, floored attic, fur nace and garage. Balance like rent. R. SOMERVILLE, Main 3761. 1010 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY. "5-ROOM. BUNGALOW, NEW $4000 NEW. A real home, hardwood floors, bath, flowers, shrubbery, full lot, cement basement, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, built in bookcases: one of the best buys in Rose City. Let us show you. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO., Established 1808. Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. THIS will bear investigation. $1625 for a modern 4-room bungalow with garage; easy terms. 6587 4th st. S. E., Lents. Or. Auto matic 614-32. IRVINGTON. $7500, EASY TERMS. On 23d near Brazee, fine, square home, large rooms. . REAL BARGAIN. EAST 0419.' $3600 NEW BUNGALOW. Just finished, has two bedrooms, fine bath, living room with fireplace, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays, Hall gas furnace, beautiful paper; located one block from Alameda; good district. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK : CO., Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. MISSJSSIPPI CAR SKIDMORE ST. Worth $4500; sacrifice $3750. Good mojiern 6-room house; beauti ful corner lot; fine lawn) bearing fruit; real snap, but you must have $1750 cash. Close to car and both city and Catholic schools. Phone McCormic, Main 9318. BONUS MEN, Call and see modern bungalow near Peninsula park; oak floors, bookcases, china closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry trays and full basement. Walnut 2381. or call at 1293 Campbell St. ; house at 1454 Missouri ave. E. L. King. $3200. This splendid 6-room bungalow must be sold; hardwood floors, white enamel .woodwork and everything in good re pair; 2 blocks from . carline; easy terms. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO., Broadway 1658. 210 Oregon Bldg. PRESCOTT ST.,' NEAR 14TH. 6 Rooms, Modern; $4200, $750 Cash. Good 6-room modern home with full cement basement, furnace; full lot, bearing fruit trees; all imp. in- and paid. Not a bungalow, but a real home. Phone McCormic. Main 9318. COUNTRY home on 1 acre of sightly ground, highly developed fruit, berries, flowers; thoroughly modern bungalow type residence of 8 rooms, 2 sleep ing porches. This is a real home and must be seen to be appreciated. For Particulars see Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt ldg. PIEDMONT DISTRICT, $4500. $500 cash, balance easy terms, brand new 6-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace; 50x100 lot; 1 block to Wood lawn car. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 6007. WESTMORELAND vacant new 5 room bungalow; breakfast nook, fireplace, every modern feature. East front, 2 blks. car; No. 1 construction; very classy. Some terms. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. Biii. &26 Chamber ot Commerce. REAI, ESTATE. COE A. McKENNA CO.. HOUSE BARGAINS. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6 Rooms $3750. , $ 600 Cash Here's a real buy close' In on Carruthers St.; 6-room modern bungalow on paved street, beautiful grounds, nice large rooms, all built ins, tc. ; $50O cash, balance like rent. ROSE CITY. 5 Rooms $52541. $ 500 Cash Here's a dandy, 6-room modern new bungalow wKn ' everything in that you could want, hardwood floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, ce ment basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen, all built-ins, breakfast nook, on paved street; $500 cash, balance like rent. ROSE CITY. 7 Rooms-$600. 500 Cash A very spacious T-R. mod ern house; hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen, all built-ins, modern in every ssspect; this is soma home on small down payment and balance like rent. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5 Rooms $3250. $ 500 Cash 5-R. modern bungalow, 1 block from car line, all built-ins, nice large bed rooms, full cement base ment, garage, etc.; very easy terms arranged. ALAMEDA. 6 Rooms $5250. $ 609 Cash A very beautiful 5-R. new modern bungalow on paved street, close to car line, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, breakfast nook, cosy fire place, full cement basement, furnace, alt built-lns; this , is a real home; $500 will I handle, balance like rent. ALAMEDA. 5 Rooms $4150. $ 500 Cash Exceptionally nice 8-R. new pungalow, hdw. floors, tap estry paper, old ivory fin ish, fireplace, built-in buf fet, breakfast nook, Dutch ' kitchen, full cement base ment, laundry trays, etc.; $500 cash, balance like rent. ROSE CITY. 5 Rooms $4200. $ 750 Cash- A very cosy 5-R. modern bungalow; hdw. floors, fire place, old ivory finish, ce ment basement, laundry trays, etc.; $7-50 down, bal ance like rent. ROSE CITY. 6 Rooms $4200. $ 800 Cash Here's another fine little home, new modern bunga low, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, cement basement, breakfast nook, all built-ins, etc.; $800 aown, balance like rent. ROSE CITY. 6 Rooms $4750. $1000 Cash A beautiful 6-room bunga low close to Sandy blvd., modern in every respect. hdw. floors, old ivory finish, nrepiace, run cement base ment, laundry trays, break fast nook, etc. ; this is t mighty fine buy; $1000 casn, balance UKe rent. f HAWTHORNE. 6 Rooms $5000. $1000 Cash Here's the best bargain ever orrered In this district; 6-R. bungalow, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, large library, living room and din ing nail, fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, breakfast nook, Dutch kitch en; this is one real honest-to-goodness home, and the price is right; good terms. FOR RE-AL HOMES, COE A. McKENNA & CO , (Established 18S9) ARTISANS BLDG. BDWY 7522. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 4 bedrooms and very large en closed sleeping porch that will hold 3 beds; full basement, fur nace, 50x100 lot. 956 fi. Flan ders st. Price $5250; $1000 cash, balance like rent. A coat of paint will make this a $6000 house. CROSSLBY & ABBOTT. 283 Stark Street. Broadway 1188. ROSE CITY PARK. New 6-room bungalow S5950. Positively one of the best buys in the district, just nearing completion. 6 rooms with hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, garage. Very conven ient Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Buy now and select your own tapestry paper,- interior finish and light fixtures. $1000 cash will handle. A. G. TEEPE CO., Rose City of.. 40th. Sandy, Tabor 9586 Laurelhurst of., 39th. Glisan, Tab. 3433 ARTISTIC IRVINGTON CORNER. First offering of modern, well-appointed 2 hi -story. 8-room home, with sleeping porch and garage, most exclu sive section on Thompson st.. near car and school; Ivory and mahogany finish, artistically decorated and papered: oak floors throughout, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, fine condition, main rooms very large; ,r!al1',s room and bath third floor; beau tifulr'grounds. Owner going east, offers snap, tau -rappr u40 A REAL HOME BARCATM Unusually well-built double con structed bungalow, excellent neighbor hood, close to car, 50x90 corner lot, both streets paved; 7 large rms. ; pol ished floors in every room: 1 bedrm. downstairs, 3 bedrms.. upstairs; full basement, cement floor, laundry trays, fine furnace. See this today. You will want it; no incumbrance. Price $5000; make your terms. Alberta -o- 'vat, pans. 675 Alberta st. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME, one of the most elahorat u.r-nnm colonial homes with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river, built for uuuie, very unusual construcUon and every modern feature, wall beautifully decorated. 2 nice lots with magnificent trees and shrubbery, hot-water heat. " ""'-"p. tiuuma garage. labor 0407, 4-ROOM house in St. Johna- i. j:--xiuu. lnis is new and has chicken house and brooder house. Will take auto as part payment. The price Is $2300. Show us your car and we will WW,, jfxjia inv place. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwv 6389 IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN Not a new house, but a mighty good modern 2-story, 7-room home.. close in, near Broadway car, with oak floors ivory finish, fireplace, gas furnace, fine conaition. nice yard with lots fruit . mi'r iiwu. terms, 'labor 0407. ALAMEDA PARK- NW FIVE-ROOM RTTVniTrtTir iF?!BR: BBST DISTRICT. EASY. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 OREGON BLDG. BDWY. 1658 PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE wen constructed 8-room modern house, 2 lots, magnificent view, hot water furnace, arranged to burn fuel or gas; cement garage; near Ains worth school, $7000. BROOKE, M. 4842 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP Classy, nearly new 1 14 -story modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, best section near park, no in cumbrances, easy terms; a bargain; excellent condition. Tabor 0407 ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. $4400, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, 2 blocks north of Sandy, near grade and new high school: fruit, flowers, im provements all in: full cement base ment. 424 East 3Sth st. N. NEAR Peninsula park, beautiful mod ern bungalow; owner must sell on ac count of leaving city. See this for" a real bargain from owner. Call East 054. $300 DOWN, $25 month will handle S3300 5-room house, hardwood floors, fire place, large porch, beautiful view: Al bina district. 672 Kerby st. Tele phone Walnut 0976. $300 CASH New 4-room bungalow, modern; double garage; near electric station; full acre; extra fine place; a "real snap." McFarland, Failing bldg. Broadway 7672. 6 ROOMS, modern, sleeping porch, east front, Dutch kitchen, fruit, flowers, near Peninsula park. Price very rea sonable. Easy terms Give possession at once. Owner. Walnut 0159. SPECIAL BARGAIN, MY COSY NEW 3 ROOM BUNGALOW; BATH. LAUN DRY TRAYS, FIREPLACE, BUILT INS; COMPLETELY FURNISHED, AT $2500: TERMS. EMPIRE 1564. MAKE ME AN OFFER. Bungalow. 3 large rooms, bath, sleeping porch, front porch and base ment, value $1500, Phone Mrs. de Man bey, Main 7156. between 2 and 6 P. M. WILL trade my equity in modern 4-rm. bungalow for light car and some cash. Walnut T67, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. KCMNYSlllB KNAP. Beautiful, new four-room bungalow, fine, easy terms, vacant, ready to move into. Here is a snap not often found for the man that has only little money to start with. This little bungalow has been occupied less than one year, has two sleeping rooms, lovely living room with fireplace and bookcases, fine Dutch kitchen with large breakfast nook and laundry tray, good cemeu hanpmpni full ize lot. handy to faun nyslde carline. good stores and Olenco school, only $3950. If you can pay only S20O cash I can make you the balance $40 per month and this pay ment will include the interest. Mr. Homeless Man, why pay out your hard-earned money for rent when the same money will buy you little home. For home snaps and fine. easy terms see E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal building. Main 2858. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. $5500 7 large rooms, 100x100 corner lot; house has fireplace and furnace, old Ivory finish, 8 bed rooms and sleeping porcn, beautiful 100x100 corner lot. fruit, shrubbery and garage. Located on E. Broadway neat proposed site of, new high school and city park. A de cided bargain at $5500 and is bound to increase in value. Terms. Broadway 567. CITY HOMES DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , irDFl.UITR4T SNAP T-nm hinlrainiv luree living and dining room, French doors, elegant buf- fpi nrt rireniace. Deautnui isui. kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bed nma ,4nwn nn hd. floors, garage, extremely low price of $6500, only xl.-.OO to handle, balance to suit.. Call 327 Cham, of Com. Gokey & Wesch. Bdwy. 6706. 5-ROOM HOUSE. A REAL SNAP AT $2100. S9nO CASH. 5-room modern home, a real bar gain. If you want a real investment don't overlook: tnis nome. v-u PHY. with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. PIEDMONT BUNGALOWS. 5 rooms, new. Grand avenue near Holman: $4500. $500 down. 5 rooms, new. Ainsworth avenue SIOIO. 1 -.Art Hnurn T rooms, new. Rodney avenue, $6500; $1500 down. Many others in this and other dls trlcts. Mr. Lemons. Bdwy. 6007. wf:st srnE SOUTH. Modern bunaalow Of 7 rooms and .nmniiinl. 1273 Kelley st-, wtu nn at a. moderate nrice or will rent to a responsible party. Owner at the premises after 6:30 P. M... or apply to JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SANITARIUM. -Mftditrn R-room house with 2 beau tifully wooded acres, in city, on car line; a restful, secluded spot, wonder fully adapted for rest home or sani tarium. Attractive price If taken at once, owner, amio. wi-- jar $5350 NEW BUNGALOW $5350. Just completed, nifty 6-room bun galow with finished attic, hardwood floors.- tapestry paper, French doors, fireplace, floor tub. pedestal lavatory. Corner 31st and East Harrison sts. Phone East om. THE PRIDE OF IRVINGTON i." ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE. Just finished on 17th treet. Owner transferred out of city. Will sell for cost and submit bills to check. This is a distinctive home of seven rooms. Call Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007 or i-ast 2286. iDvivr.Tn- BUNGALOWS. Three unusually attractive five-room bungalows, with attic, garage, and ex tra' large rooms. All plumbing, elec trical fixtures, and hardwood floors of the best. Each is in fine location. There are some nice homes, tail -air. Lemons. Bdwy. 6007. ONLY $5900 NEW. NEW. Yes, it's all new; a new design, a new kind of a bungalow. Yes, Its more attractive than anything you hav seen; see it and you will be lovesick for one like it; on Glisan St., between 47th and 49th sts.; for sale by owner, rtssiener and builder. Tabor 4368. rsniw. 1V11 INCOME. Duplex bungalow, close in but BoJ residence section; a pleasing home and a profitable investment; near car, school and high school. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Coch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. "IT CAN BE DONE. IF NOW . - Alberta 4 rms.. fireplace. cement basement, brand new. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen. Priced at $J800 for quick sale. $1000 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 5654. H-ncTH SRRING. Choice brand , new 5-rm. bungalow, "improved streets, cement porch, plate glass windows, oak firs., fireplace, tiled bath, built-ins. furnace, garage, electric fixtures, shades, dol East od St. Hawthorne car. nn'fl Tn HlTILD? We design and build residences of any building, assist in financing same; 12 vrs ' continuous and complete bldg. service SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tractlng architect. 924 N. W. Bank. -A "REAL" HOME IN SUNNYSIDE Plastered 6-rm. house, in fine condi tion, all improvements paid. lKJ BEST BUY IN TOWN at $3500; $o00 cash. See us on this. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Com., Bdwy. 5654. A COUNTRY HOME IN THE CIT 1. Nice seven-room house witn -a acres out on 59th st. All kinds of flow ers, shrubs, garden, berries and fruits. Here is a wonderful buy, only $9i00, with fine terms. Mr. Lemons. -ruwy. 6007. TOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room Dutch colonial house, waiuinc? distance, in good east side dis trict, close to good car service; bargain for quick saie; "u ascuio. Oregoillan. tl.ioo fix- PAVFD STREET SIMM 5-room cottage, modern; 40x100 lot; all improvements in; 4 blocks to Haw thorne car: $400 cash. $25 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON JU., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 50x100 lot. close in, 4o, terms. 5-room bungalow, near Hawthorne car. $3800, terms. J. C. KURATLI, 804 Spalding Bldg. $150 DOWN. 5 rooms, 50x100 lot, 2 blks. carline, at Ryan place. This is an extraordinary bargain for $1150. Atwater 0746. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Weil-constructed 8-room mod. house. - 2 lots, magnificent view, hot water furnace, arranged to burn either fuel or gas; cement garage; near school; $7000, terms. BROOKE. MAIN 4342. ALAMEDA COLONIAL $7500. Nearly new. seven rooms, well ar ranged, and well constructed. Large lot 80x100, double garage, good loca tion. This Is a real buy. Mr. Lemons? Bdwy. 6007. REAL HOME BUY. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, hardwood floors, double con crete garage; furnace, - ffrreplace; all improvements in and paid. Bdwy. 6785. REAL BARGAIN. 8-rm. duplex house, full cement base ment; lot 50x100, 14 fruit trees, street paved ana paia; -uu, asuu cash. Aut. 643-08. IF YOU WANT a real home with an income, see this highly improved acre with 7-room modern house before buy ing; nas to oe seen to De appreciated; will take some trade. Automatic 630-45. 5 ROOMS, bath, breakfast nook, fire place, built-ins, hardwood, everything modern; near ni.uuwi. a real Home. $4300. East 6434. NEW DUTCH colonial, beautiful Ala meda view, 7 large rooms, hardwood floors, French doors, Batchelder tile fireplace. Brenco gas lighter, choice of paper ana tixtures. Atwater 5645. FINANCE SERVICE CO. Construction Dept., John J. Lewis, manager. GEN .ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. S09-91S Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6458. SUNNYSIDE $250 DOWN. 5 rooms, 2 blocks from S. S. car, just off 30th; easy monthly on balance. Tabor 2189. HOUSE PLANS. 100 designs, $10 to $18, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO., 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. $400 CASH 8-room cottage, large lot. Spring, paiueu, muia, luruiiure, fine place for chickens. Price $1000. McFarland, Bdwy. 7672. Falling bldg. PiiRNltflltlD 4-room mod n buiiualou hardwood noors, stoepine; jorcn, inj ItOMe . lain., ici, icwuamit, Ufi E 62d N. -Tabor 082.1 $1600. Small, well furnished cottage, lot 42x169, 3 blocks south of end of Richmond carllne. 3020 East 41st st. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. 2-story, 8-room heme with garage; every modern convenience. 4 bedrooms, beautiful grounds; $7500. Tabor 0407. FOR SALE New 4-room house, 81st and East Alder, $2900; terms. Tabor 0743. 1028 East Alder. 6-ROOM house, built last year, cash or terms; a bargain; 1 Diock from Co lumbia park. 1723 Fun st. $2100 UNFURNISHED bungalow and acre; ocoupy auu iiiiwu m pihuo uiuo. Terms. Tabor 45ft(h ROSE CITY home at 1080 Tillamook, by owner. Call xaDar oaoo Jor p&mouiara. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, IN ROSE CITY PARK. Here is a. snap not often found thia beautiful home district. own' ia leavlncr the citv and desires to mak quick sale of his pretty five-room Hno-nlnw- Innlndlne all the furnishing: ready for housekeeping. It has mod ern bath, lights and gas, beautiful fir olace. new furnace, fine cement bas mnt. wnnrilift and laundry tray. hardwood floors en the living and dining room, full size lot witn irui flnwnn nrwttv lawn and fine garat $4750 gets complete layout. $10UO cash will handle, balance easy like rent. Do not hesitate to come right in and let me show you this elegani mi. home ready to welcome you right in. See E. W. HUGHES, B07 Journal building Main 2858, ROSE CITY PARK. BELrOW-THE-HILL BARGAIN. 5 rooms, sleeping porch and attic, hardwood fioors, excep tional living rooms with attrac tive fireplace and bookcases, central hall, 3 sets of French doors, pipe furnace, garage, over-size lot, faces on 2 streets, all Improvements in e-nd paid, close to Sandy. Price $t000, very easy terms. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. bldg.. Bdwy. 3626. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8483. IRVINGTON' BUNGALOW. 7-ROOM $6000. Here is a real buy; is sur rounded by nice homes on one of the best streets, is in best of condition. Llvnig room, dining room, den, kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, 2 bed rooms on the 2d; furnace, fire place, oak floors, plenty of bullt-ins, cement basement, ga rage. Terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. I.AUHKI.HrRST. $7500 Owner leaving city. reduced Driee from $8500 for quick sa This is one of the largest, well built 6-room bungalows In tn citv. Large cement pore hardwood floors throughou French doors, 3 bedrooms all o on floor that are immense i size; full cement basement 8Hx 48 feet wide, furnace, double e-araa-e: fina location near park. It's a buy. See us soon about this fine home. Bdwy. i567. CITY HUMES DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board or iraae mag. $5000 CLEVELAND AVE. 6 rooms, reception hall, best oak floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases, dandy Dutch kitchen, double ga rage, fine lawn with shrubbery. This house is in the very best of condition. When you see it you will agree that it is a good buy at the price asked. Terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. MR. HOMELESS MAN, HURRY UP. HERE IS YOUR MAGNIFICENT CHANCE. Here is a good little habitable, clean rour-room house completely iurnisnea everything goes, ready for nouaekeep ins-. It has modem -bath, lights and gai for cooking and heating, two big fine lots all covered with fruit, berries, tin garden, beautiful flowers and prett: green lawn. $2250 gets complete lay out: no mortgages or liens to assume $-u will start you. Balance montni like rent. For real home snaps an easy terms see E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal building. Main 2858. $3250 NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. A 5-room house with run .basement, furnace, wash trays, some bullt-ins, floored attic. Dutch kitchen, 40x66 2-3 ft. lot. Lawn and shrubbery. Cit Improvements in and paid; 3 blocks to Dark and 1 block to oar. PRICE fo: quick sale only $3250. with $500 4own RUMMELL Ac RUMMKLL. 274 Stark St. - Bdwy. 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60 TWO GOOD HOUSES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. $3200. 6-room modern house, also 8-room modern house, can sell both these for $3200; one Is rented for $30 per montn. This Is a real Investment, live In one and rent the other. CALL MURPH1 with , CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. 9 ROOMS CLOSE IN. $5000; $1000 cah, balance $50 monthly; rooms extra large; would make 2 fine flats with very small ex pense. or fine for roomers; full cement basement; furnace; 48x100 lot; good renting district; cloee to 2 car lines west ot 22d st. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bilnk bldg. Main 8787. DON'T PASS THIS Ul. BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. 15 mln. on the O. E-. lA blk. to car gas range, wood range, linoleum and draperies; 100x100 lot, garage, 7 bear ing fruit, berries, chickens and chicken house: 8c fare. $2600; $600 cash, $25 per mo. I,. A. VAIL, 624 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5178 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. CLOSE-IN CORNER. Eight-room modern residence, new hardwood floors, new light fixtures, new linoleum, newly painted inside and outside; fine for large family or rooming nouse; price $oiou. owner, 655 E. Burnside, corner E. 18th East 3399. NEW BUNGALOW. $49 Down. $49 Per Mo. Straight Contract. $3960 Price. All modern and NEW. Close to Woodstock car and school. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 630 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Nn 1'hone. ATTENTION. ST. JOHNS HOME BUYER. University Park district, good six room house. This Is forced sale and owner orders u.i to accept any reason able orrer, with now cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 5654. IRVINGTON See dandy 5-room corner bungalow, near scnoot; so.iou. McDonnell, east 04 19. BUNGALOW Six nice rooms, fine con dition InBide and out. Dutch kitchen, modern right fixtures and plumbing, fine Sunnyside lot:, you must see this house to appreciate it; $3400. Owner, 233 E. 89th St. MT. TABOR, west slope, fine view; 5-rm. bungalow, justs completed, -cement ga rage leading to basement, construoti-.n and location first-class. hardwood floors, fireplace and bullt-ins. an up-to-date modern home for $550(1; terms. Owter. 615 Ry. K-coh Bldg. Bdwy, .Mlsr,. $3000 MON.TA VILLA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern; extra large garage; 1 block to car; all Improvements in ex cept pavement: $500 cash, $30 monthly, including Interest at 6 per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bids. Main 3787. $50 PER MONTH. Exclusive section, Irvington hall: liv ing, dining, Luxemburg kitchen, 4 bed rooms; all woodwork enamel: must be sold. East 1347. WALNUT PARK. Unusually attractive 5-room bunga low, with or without furniture; double garage; circumstances compell us to sell. 1087 Rodney ave. Owner, Em pire 1853. . $2200- -NEW BUNGALOW. 4-room, modern: cement basement; sleeping porch; fruit and berriee: 6 blocks to car; $350 cam, $25 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 6-ROOM bungalow type house, modern, furnace, fireplace, 6 closets, garage 100x100 lot, -all kinds of berries and fruit trees. $3650; terms. 7628 67th ave. S. E. 610-81. FOR SALE by owner, an Ideal place for a physician on Sandy blvd., lOOx 100 lot, double garage, beautiful shrub bery. For further Information call Tabor 0738. WILL SACRIFICE my beautiful 6-room bungalow, everything built-in and cozy. Wish to leave town. On 53d and Hawthorne ave. Inquire 648 V Washington. Apt. 22. - BY OWNER. $4800. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fruit, nice lawn. 402 East 53d St. N. No agents. 10 ROOMS, fine furniture; rent $75; a bargain $800; $450 cash, bal. $25 per month. JONES REALTY CO.. 20T Conch Bldg. Broadway 3143. $250 DOWN Price $2975. New 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, basement, bath, ' all bullt-ins, very attractive A-l con struction. 202 Failing bldg., Sd and Washington. HAVE a nice 6-room bungalow on Al berta carllne; sell very reasonable. Take used car as part of first pay- ment. Phone 322-10. $2250. New bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, enamel throughout: garage; $250 down, payments rsnW labor 7680. RKAI. KSTATK. lor rmle Houaes IRVINGTON ENGLISH COTTAGE. The most artistic well-constructed, distinctive small house in the city, llulit by day labor of the beat ma teria! obtainable. Owner moving to Seattle and will sacrifice' $2ikmj for immediate Male. 7 rooms. 2 Iirrplacfa. 2 baths. Beautiful location on E. 17th N. among homes of character and di tinctlon. Gasco furnace, garage, beau tifully landscaped lot with expensive shrubbery. A real home for particu lar peopie at a great sacrfiice. ou have aiways admired this home, now it Is possible for you to possess It. Shown by appointment only. iiroad way 7587. CITY HOMES DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 21)1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade H:lg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW EX TRAORDINARY. A 6-room bungalow (new) in won derful LAURELHURST location; oak floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, every built-in convenience, floored at tic, cement basejnenl. laundry trays. Dutch JUtchen, breaklast nook, best of up-to-date p.umblng; beautiful light fixtures; finished in ivory and tMetry paper. 50x100 lot; garage. BEAUTIFUL view. $6500 buya this little home on reasonable terms. RUMMELL & RUM4V1ELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6720. 3'.th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-iiO. IN CENTER OF BEAUTIFUL LALKELHUKST. . 6-room modern bungalow, breakfast nook, all built-lns. hardwood fioors and Ivory finish throughout; large ba. ment; Gasco furnace; price right. For sale by owner, on premises, litis Kast Flanders. Tabor 4069. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. A new and nifty 5-room bungalow narawoea noors throughout, every built-in feature, Dutch kitchen; break- last nook, tiled bath, tiled sink. c. ment basement, laundry trays, fur nace. fireplace, floored attic and everything. Finished In ivory and tap estry paper, beautiful light fixture. 50x100 lot, garage. A REAL snap at $6250 on YOUR TERMS KUMMELL & RUMMET.L. 274 Stark St. Hrtwy 6729 3!th and Sandy B!vd. Au:o .IJO-OII. "SHAKE THE LANDLORD." TERMS LIKE RENT. Move right in; 5 -room cottage on Albina ave., near Killings worth; paved, good neighbor hood. $2550; $100 down, balance $30 monthly. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT. 2S3 Stark SL Bdwy. 1188. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW JBOOO. Close to Alameda school and con venient to uroadway car; built for a home and has all of the latest mi1lt-ln features; hardwood floors, plate-glans windows, fireplace, full cement bail ment, splendid furnace and laundry trays; lot 60x115; east front; good ra- '' saouu cam ana monthly pay- ' E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 2422 MT. TAROn uuu nnu-v --osy &-room house, fireplace, fin- attic, Dcaring rralt. on car line; 4J00, $300 down, balance like rent at 6 per cent. Bdwy. 5l!31. I.AURELHURST. Elegant 7-room home, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, best of plumbing, oak floors downstairs. Freni-h doors, woodwork in old ivory, nice Hwn. -iose i?,.0 Irice and terms. Broadway 5231. 224 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. $4200 Value here. S-room bungalow. fireplace, all built-lns, hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen, ce- , ment basement. Fox furnace, 60x100 lot, garage. Owner leav ing city, must have at least $1000 down payment. Broadway 7."7. CITY HOMES DEPT RITTER LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of 7rat H:!g ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW . $40O0 TERMS. Double constructed 6-room bunga low, oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, concrete basement and floor, wash trays, Snxlort lot. paved st sewer and all Imp. In and paid. This is Sure V a wnee..! K.. .. tiOOO T- a,A, . - - ' fiuw casn ana terms. rent HENDERSnX-BAXKU? CO.. 228-0 Henry H:dg. Bdwy 47.14 ST. JOHNS DISTRICT Owner must sell modern 4-rm. bungalow, built leas than one year, on hardsurfare street, ce ment basement. 1 block from oar. hnn'e- Call any time. 409 Oswego st. SOUTH MT. TABOR $3650 BY OWNER - new 4-room houses, double mg. structed: two bedrooms, large kitchen: cement basement, trays, fireplace, elec tric fixtures, window shades, hard wood floors: near school and 1 Mock rn3-car: ,nt 50x100; terms. Auto. owner st nouse. i'sis 74th 2 Mocks south of Division. St.. NEW HUN OA LOW NEAR REED COI.r.EOE. n wen-arranged rooms snd s. P ; full rioored atflc. oak floors, fireplace, tan ,"!r5LwnM"' Du'eh kitchen, hr. nook. iTooo """'em- ,"mp. in and paid. $4750. $1000 cash, bal. like rent. C. M. DERR 1215 N. W. Bank Bide. Atwate, e-. FROM owner tJ-l c . ". a' ii, ,b'roni. combination dining "i "vln, ""., kitchen, breakfast n2rc,.-;SMl,? tabl"- W"h " built-in.. Tn IvrC r,' '""Oehoiit. finished In Ivory, fireplace, cement basement, gars re and driveway See It today term? Ea" 59lh R ri'V Park- - i --. e. -", uiaoo-new mm... T. TABORWU.NT SLOPE I1"1," on 'his beautiful-8-rm. home: lovely grounds, innxim ft. se- ZZL trKe:"iJ1"hl" full b.I- trms. Tbo. ifto FOR SALE hy vty.B Dv,;''s't"'w.k7r,,; i 171..1SS- ! 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors- a rotdTrxTtw-Wov.h7th """-T "?ZZc JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank bldg ' j,?," 7.7 iw-.At.lJFL-T. NEW Br.VQAInv" detect residential rtl. in,., .. : ment down, balance like rent- hard wood floors, fireplace, lrtch kitchen breakfast nook laundry trayi. Vurnae, and garage. H. F k-in,Ki. e. t.aaro Bldg. JOHN.-ON-bonsON CO Ml N. W. Bank bldg vlin Main 377. ioTnn- ;iT IUr1- r"'IleterrT rent f-jrueni aown. bal. like JONES REALTY CO. 207 Couch Bldg. Broadway S143. A SPLENDID HOMEFOIt v.i ner Wm'h."",?r','"" basement,' cor-rhr'ubw.-IL''." fine terms. Aut 62-l.iV' ' "iU uW .MODERN" HO MR; ,,ofi- cuimui corner. Knxl20. with rv..i. trees, ale rin a-aren - noncash, balance t.rrn. Automatic fi: . A REAL BAROAIN. Must sell my 7-rnom ho.,., --a - Tilture at once, 1038 fi. intn t. nr. $3000 4-ROOM new bungalow. flreplacT wash trava. cement baaement reifl home; $250 cash: used auto ?o t'oo terms. Bdwy. 4794. Bdwv. 740, -00' FOR SALE: By owner. $5760; 7.r. modern house, double concrete garase between 38th and 89th On E Saimo, Tabor 81 28. "aimoa. BAROAIN by owner In 14 -story R c bunaralow: the beet of evervthlna throughout. 641 E. 61t St. N. TermaZ Tabor 2676. FOR SALE R-rootn modern house cor ner Bast 89th and Holgata. Sell wood 0219. IRVINGTON, beautiful home in modified English. By owner, !KM; one-naif cash, long terms Call East 4416 FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house comer; terms to suit. Call Tabor 1888 or 1053 East Alder t. $250 CASH 6-rm. bungalow. $1750; fine view, near school, t acre. McFarland. Bdwv. 7672. Falling bldg. SMALL house, with garage. 93 sett, rbona) Walnut. 2650, E. Kus- i. ...i. noors. sleeping porch large bedronrna with !-- In!'-' oV""1, Ce' .""P'-" IU 7f hull,. ."sv""". ''jr"?;--"' lOII: shout $20110 ca-h House number I, 5m. phn; K , H' Can buy corner lot, also those two in", mnke the finest a p rtmen, - "i un.VEB MUST SKI I $3-00. 7-room house, finished 'in Ivoe. nryOtUr?y,Uf'i0xbl';!itlont"', b"'"- U?,Z bfrV'Tave' Wa'lnftt Ir"",n Phonl 1IKU, rfTTr- k or little llol TWO FINK l"'Y EAST eTAlik BiKt-ICT. .'.UiA Only l.'.OO Can snd balance varT eay terms. Attractive ft rimm hnu; living room, dining riioin, lutf-h kit h en and thro fin b--lriM.u.a . fu.l ftieni hae-ment. hot atr hiat. laun dry and fruit room; ,-.,tn-r l't. a. K 11M1; very rl- In an.! near rxitli grani mar and hiKii huo.a. A ivd noma and a fine invraun lit CLuSE-lN. KApf MIE. Very sttrsrtiv" 7-ro"ni hiiu; liv ing tuom, laifca df-n, d.mns l"i'i an4 knctif-n iiu firt f.'r: s nue beirn.,ite and bath on ae. "ltd 1. ",r. fu.i ba--miit, lurnai-e ami flreii!a.-a; nt f.m 1M1. b'ailtllul lawn. Iota ff flowai. shruhovry ai.d fruit. Tins rrtrty im Imaled within walking distance ot the business distr.ct and is cue to all schools. Everclt I'lillpoe. f irenegrr, N El LA N PAlt K II 11.1.. 219 Lumbeuueiis ilK.tf. ll-lw. 2V12. I.At'Kr.l.llL'lt.vr. I fin tin live Jl!ii"$l.,0OV If you are looking for a l.oin with every cowi-ivnu.e lunvenium. iuxuir and refinem'-til, then you m 1 want io Inspect tills home latige living room, dining room. 1'utcu ar.f-i.n. siUi bceaKIast nmik, and tao Mtlge be-1-riM.nia on tirt Lo.r, two laiaa bed rooms and two .e,-plng porches n aonil lioor. Hardwood f.ore, ftra place, double garage, lluf-WATKIt HKATING PLANT, large lot. SoxlAu. loet wonderful view to be had fron tins exceptional liuina. bhown by sp-puintnu-nt on y. A. I. TKI-.I K CO.. Laurelhurst of .. Nlt Ii, G' in. Tab, MIS. ftose City of.. 40r Ii, SaV'le. Tn Nor t."l. 3.-.n notrv, KKNTuN. NEW PINHAI.Otr. Must be S"ld at once. 1'rlre slashed In, 42V50 with only $:l.' down snd ha.ar.--a like rent. 5 looitta, f.f,reJ attic in. full basement; seiner cunuectea. doub.e const rucl'-d. S-e 1'AKKKil K'Ml I'H( H'KltTT. 603 Artisans ilidg. lldwy. 423L I. A I i: Kl.ll l l:r-T. 5-Room Bung ! Must H" oM aii.Mai. Owner has re.lmed prl-e to ll quickly. Practical. ' new j-roim b-iti-gaiow. conip.ete In every wav. wltli hardwood f.oors, flrep.sre. furnace e,t garage. Attractively fin.nhed tn rl. n ti.il unry and while throughout lerta.s ami workmsnatilp spak fir tliemselvi-s. A. (i. TKIvPE CO . Laurelhurst Office, TU.-r n.in. Hose City Office. T.I..T "Vl Ol.l i.s,i IU S IMil . $4s..il TEK1IS Beautiful new 6-ronm hunsalow. wt'h long living rooni. large ftrrp.a.e, prellv dlnlng room, hardwood f.oor. hsn-W Dutch kltilu-n. brisklajil iiu"K. enam eled bathroom, 2 pice aliv n-1r.'-Mi. extra wel; built: cedar sldtiiir :'vl'i floor Joist, etc. located al 7"6 K.t Flanders, bat. 24th and i'6ih sis. A.l Imps, in nii'l p.il.l. R, SOMKllVILLK. M.iln S7l. lulu N.irlhw-e-t. rn 1i.u k lt'lz KiiSI-; CITV I' ll: K. 1.AUKK1.HCHS T. If you are going to buy In elthar ef these districts. ou owe n to yourself to get in tout h with either of our f flces. We confirm our e! forts e. clualye'y to the mih of proi-Tiy In toe best rant side districts. We are al ways on the job. i'liuns either off" e for appolntnten A. i. TF.BPK co . Rose City of. 4ll!h. e-in.ly. Tn her " Laurelhurst. of.. ;;it h , . , tiuiti. To. HV. t. Op. n eVrMrr-c SI.'.U I'AMI. ' Balance easy terms, buvs ' a ne-v dnuole constructed bungA-nw. 1001. mi ft. lot, near school, elc. Price $.14ou. Call A B. ntmsTKN'snx, THE HOME- REAl.Tiir 61 K;iat th SI ve- .,ol jlt'l LA HUE 6-R'inM IMML. $."00 cash: near car line; vacant: ex cellent condition: fireplace and con veniences: g.iraae. lui. like jent Bdwy. 6U11. T. O. Bird, $26 Cbaniher of Commerr-e 175(l IIAliGAlN : I IT 'U Five-room house, wlih nice lae-n. sll Improvements In and paid ; 13 minutes from business center. Mnall payment clown, balance Ilka rent. MT Clntott phone s.1! 1 It VI N'l iTo.V C il.l IN I A I.H. T have ten of the moat a el lei 1 colonial homes lor sale In Irvington. A few hamulna, ' l-t rue allow r" them. Van- e T. Ferguson. nu Cbsm her of font. bld llrnmlar ."', $4.: ,u CiiI Ni'IL CI1KST--1"'W N. 6-r. modern r-'alsa luin.. garage, fire place, furnace, ivory trim., sun rooms, t'w-nrr. 4 19 Sherlock Mmc TAKE l.'T AS I'AHT I'AVMEST S NEW 5-llOOM BUNGALOW . TAIV'II 7s-4 . AI.IIEKTA .llmrlct. modern 4-rm luingnlow. 5T7 Webster, 1 block north of Alherfa on 14th. Mi Jl IE It N 5 rooms .u.d -trace l do ept bonus loan and . 'he Alameda, see own rn. JUKI Wolt K I Nil M N S hone fo IVnl cash. H.'1 V rooms. Write to l I so K NEW 6-ROOM house sn.1 garage, SHI E. 4llth N. Walniit5."L'6 X H A ItTi aTn o""room, l"t SUsIOO, ,a, 7.16 Wasco at. l.t 2132 ?-lti it i.M house, 3 lots, Kijli Walnut Woo ..IK! down. hiilinrli.in llotiiea. OfWKGti UK K II O MM Now la the time to secure your SM urhan home at beautiful sweo lake We have a number of part lc u I s r' v f ne buys. Romember. the eommutstien fare to Oswego Is only cents, alia pavement all the way. $12no for 176x120 with large unrom plotod house; a snap. $2100 for 1011x120, new 4-reom bun galow. $2000 for lnt2. new 4 room bun galow. $250. sere snd 4-room bungalow, bath and garage. $'0nil. new 4-room modem biiiralow. Also lake-shore lota, seres n1 home, sites: terms within res-on. Can Allen, 500 Concord bids-.. 2-1 and ftnrk. OAK c.ROVK RIVEIl FRi'NTAilB, Hs'f sere, with cosv boms, rtset eej the river: living room with fireplace, dining room, bedroom and kitchen snd bath on first floor: 3 be.ir oouua on sec ond floor. $1000. with iK cash, bal ance monthly KKKD C. PR A TT. 634 Chamber of Corr-erce Bldg. H-onrlw-av 1"." MODERN lil'NOAI.tiW. Five rooms with one-third acre, beautiful slirubherv and lnwn: city water, gas snd electricity; closa to car and school; has har.lwoo.l floors, furniice, fireplace, floored attic. Initm kitchen, breekf'ist room and all built in features. 1'rlce $4750; reasonable terms. MKRRICK CO., Realtors 304 Panama Hide. Ilroadway 694J. fipen llv-emtHTs and Sundays. m'YfilTi! M' iV K KIIMTIV! Quarter-acre. A-rooin bungalow with hath and basemenl: comt-lelely fur-nli-hed. ready to walk In and bang un vour hat; only 1 -b'H. to car and r;oa in school: 1 acre of potatoes go w!li the property at the prfco of $2000, terms. See K. C M.r-h l with FRANK I.. Mod lit. 212 Abington ftl-lg llroadwav T171. Thlr-1 St H.t W ah snd sta-k .ILsT SMll' AMI THINK' You can buy for 150 down and per month a cosv little home, brand new. with electricity snd aa; rt"P paying rent and own vour own home. See F. " -VI irshall with FRANK I. M- I emu. 21! Ah'ncto" BMr H-oa.'wsV TTT1. ITea1tTkT"l l-at.iry stone i.osi.an cottHlce, surrounded by dt-swood; mod ern, all conveniences. Bull Run wi"r. 25 minutes' ride from titsn. on Oregon Citv car; will ron-Mer good lota as part payment. Phone Broadway 6242 or fink lir'nvo 11-.T wf'T 4 :.u IV M CHAItMINO bilhs-'tiuw of 5 rooms; w I ' It III city convenient .: two acres, chick ens, cow. bees. wood, garden, orchard and berries; a city life with country freedom, on paved highway snd e ec trlc cars: 80 minutes from work. ol Pasco h'Hg A' w ater 04n S l H t K It a V 1 1 1 ' 1 M K ' B A It 1 ; A I N 6-rooin bungalow. 1 acres improve land, modern poultry buHritnra. eely 2 blocks from car: small payment down, balance like rent ROBINS' iN'-t-POOVKR rvr. 712 Couch Bids Hro-1wy T. JN IH'CKINliHA-M ll'le-hte. near Mult nomah, a lars-. modern hurf-ilow, with a choice night y lots planted to, oung fruit and h-rrlea. very choice BlvTVN KKN MLhTN'-MAH AM) r. H ai 1 -aT or mr. mn-m o-rm liou. liMwoo-1 flnor. furr tloniry tub, full rmMH bmr.T. namele thmuir hotit ; mull p-ymtnt down. Main . iiACAtTIKLI hom", 2 mcrrm, 1 tn orrhtf-l, 9 mtiea oui, w-i pin-, mirwiT, i room. bf droom. h4-utif ul ground ; Ml cheap. Pr. Im: JUpman, ol! A Co.. Hroirlwiiv 7Mj FIN B ulurban h"mv all mo1rii mn- vonlanco. v rooms. im-Pt nou rariii. tla In af ati, mrnr i"t l"0x loo. m m-r-g. Fhona owuar, Orllm. Frio tfekifc