Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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"LEADERSHIP" Course by Miss Edith M. Kempthorne, N. Y., Campfire Girls' National .Field. Executive, at Public Library, 8 P. M. XCampfire Headquarters Here Atwater 4600)
Opening Fall Musical Concert -in
Symphony Hall Today
You are invited to attend. the special Friday Musicale to be given in our Sixth Floor Piano
Salons today, beginning at 3 P. M. Miss Frances Byers (14 years) and Miss Clara Low
(9-year-old Chinese girl), pupils of Paul K. Hutchinson, will play on the Knabe Concert
Grand. Selections by world famous pianists will be rendered on the Knabe Ampico. No
charge for admission. - ; -:
' ) Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Last Two Days of the Annual
Fall Sale of Paints, Etc.
This annual Fall sale brings good savings on practically our entire stocks of high-grade
paints, varnishes, brushes and allied lines; Now is the time to clean up and paint up. We
make a specialty of Fuller's paints the Fuller expert is constantly in attendance and will
help with your selections. Profit by the savings this sale brings. Last two days, today and
Saturday. ,
Meter & Frank': Basement.
the Quality Store
of Portland
.ESTABLISHED 5867 . jff
Advance October Victor
Record Releases 75c
"Strutting at the Strutter's Ball"- (fox-trot) Zez
Confrey and orchestra, and "The French Trot" (fox
trot) All-Star Trio and Orchestra; "Why Should
I Cry Over You" (fox-trot), and "Blue" (fox -trot)
The Virginians: "Say It While Dancing'1 (fox-trot)
Benson Orchestra of Chicago, and "I'm Just Wild
Over Harry" (fox-trot) Paul Whiteman and His
Orchestra. . Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Smartly Tailored Fall Frocks
Handkerchiefs 30c
Regularly 50c, 65c and 75c. Men's fine silk
handkerchiefs in plain white with colored
borders. Finished with French turned 4 and
'2-inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs 15c
Regularly 25c. Women's and misses' silk
handkerchiefs with novelty colored sports
borders. Some in all-over designs. Finished
with i-inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs 11c
Regularly 20c. Women's fine Irish shamrock
lawn handkerchiefs in white with hand em
broidered designs in flowered and figured Card S 89 C
. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs 7c
Regularly 17c. Men's medium sheer white
initialed lawn handkerchiefs. Some ' with
colored hand loom embroidered initials. Fin
ished with 4-inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Women's Silk Hose
Pair $2.45
Slightly imperfect silk hose of the regular $4.00
grades. Women's full-fashioned ingrain silk hose
with lace clock patterns. Black, white and' beige.
All sizes at this Surprise price.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Stationery 29c
Regularly 40c pound. Magnolia paper in
packages of 90 sheets. White. Also 15c
envelopes to match, package 11.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
,0-Piece SeU
English Dinner Sets
Sets for
Sets for
Regularly priced at $52.50 and $34.25
respectively. An extra special Friday
Surprise sale of English semi-porcelain
ware dinner sets with attractive floral
- border design in combinations of colors.
Open stock pattern. Limited number.
Meier & Frank's: Basement.
1 7f st
Inaugurating a New Century
Satin Canton Crepe Twill
Frocks that show a marked originality
in ' design and line. . , Silver embroidery
has been used to striking effect on many
of these dresses, some of which are fin
ished with artistic metal girdles Plain
and pleated panels add a distinctive note
to others. The colors are navy, brown
and black. A complete , range of sizes
from .16 to 42.
-Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
Fall Hats
SC. 85
Hats chosen from our regular
stocks and marked for Fri
day at $5.85. Hats of panne
and Lyons (U. S; A.) velvet,
trimmed with chic bows of
the material and with grace
ful glycerined ostrich and
metallic ornaments.
-Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
Regularly $1.00. Correspondence cards in
. boxes of 24 cards and 24 envelopes. White
and tints, with gilt edges.
; Meier & Frank's: Matn Floor.
Lunch Cloths $1 .39
Regularly $2.50. Lunch cloths, stamped in
, effective designs, finished with, edges of
striped gingham bindings.
. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Regularly $5.00 to $7.50.
Dainty voiles and dimities,
some trimmed with filet or
Irish lace, others in tailored
styles. . Many hand-made
blouses in this group. Sizes
36 to 44 but not all sizes in
every style. ' : .
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
Pillow Cases 79c
Regularly $1.50. Stamped pillow cases, of
good quality tubing, slightly imperfect
where joined. Attractive patterns. ,
' Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Girls' School Blouses
Special $1.49
Regularly $1.79 to $2.50. Girls' school blouses of
fine quality ginghams in pretty checks, colored
prints and white dimities. Made with Peter Pan
collars and long or short sleeves. Sizes 6 to 14.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Damask 65c
Regularly 85c yard. Firmly woven mercer
ized table damask, 63 inches wide, in con
ventional and floral patterns. ;
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
R ibbon R emnants
Each 25c
Ribbon remnants that come in one long piece at
25c each or in a bunch of shorter lengths at 25c
"bunch.",: Brocaded wash ribbons, grosgrains,
staple and novelty ribbons. AH colors and widths.
1 to 5 yard lengths.
. Meter & Frank's: Main Floor.
Blankets $3.95
Regularly $5.00. Large single plaid blankets,
66x84 inches, in assorted colors. Some bound
with sateen. .;
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. '
of Friday Surprise Sales With This Page
Nut Top Chocolates 39c
Regularly 75c pound. Maple pecan, vanilla
walnut, pistachio and vanilla almond fondant
dipped in -chocolate and with nuts on top. No
Main and Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony '
Imported 12-Momie
Japanese Pongee
New shipment just received. Government
inspected 12-momie natural color Japanese
pongee the silk of a hundred uses. '33
, inches wide.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Georgette $1.39
Regularly $1.98 yard. 300" yards of printed
Georgette suitable for blouses, negligees and to
use in combination with heavier fabrics for
dresses. Dresden, Paisley and floraL designs
on black and navy grounds.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Lace Edgings 18c
Regularly 25c yard. Imitation cluny lace edg
ings, 4 and 5 inches wide, for art work. In
natural color, mercerized -linen finish. 3 yards
50c. .
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Odd Wallpapers
Regularly 30c to $3.00 single roll special 15c
to $1.50. One and two-room lots of wall
papers in good patterns and colors.
A special lot of wall
paper borders that have
been priced at' 10c to 20c
yard. Patterns -. and ; col
ors for every room.
Exactly half price for
dry wallpaper paste. Re
quires onry mixing m
warm water. Specially
priced at, pound, 10c.
Save, on Window. Shades
$1.25 Shades, 3 x6 feet . ,98
$1.50 Shades, 3'2x6 feet. . . . .$1.19
$1.85 Shades, 4 x6 feet S1.39
$2.25 Shades, 42x6 feet. .1.75
Oil opaque window shades mounted on guaranteed
rollers. Cream, white, olive green, dark green and
linen. With necessary fixtures for installation.
Cretonnes Yd. 37c
Odd pieces that have been priced at 75c to $1.20 in
regular stock. Heavy qualities. Many patterns.
Curtain Scrims 19c
Regularly 30e to 50c yard. Colored border scrims in
rose, blue and yellow. Some short pieces.
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor.
Dress Gingham, Yd. 10c
Regularly 25c yard. 27-inch ginghams' in 2 to
6-yard lengths. A clear-away of short pieces.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
White Outing 15c
Short lengths 2Yz to 7 yards of good quality
. white outing flannel. 27 inches wide.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Daisy Outing 24c
Slightly imperfect qualities of the regular 30c
grade. Yard wide Daisy outing in plain white.
Meier & Frank': Second Floor.
Sale of Bibles $2.50
Regularly $5.00. Red Letter, self-ronouncing
illustrated Bibles, bound in flexible morocco
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Text Bibles $1.50
Regularly $3.00. International
text Bibles with flexible binding.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
In the Drug Shop
40c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, unboxed, 6 OQ
for $1.25, each Ot
50c Automatic Cigar and Cigarette Off
Lighters K,
$5.00 Household Brushes hand brush, hair brush,
cloth brush, duster, velvet brush, and (jJQ OQ
bath brush set of six for pO.U
$2.00 Combination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe,
seamless rubber, 2-quart size,' guaran- g- QQ
teed one year, special. . ; DxtI
45c Glycerine, Bay-Rum and Rosewater Lo- OP
tion, 12-oz. bottle.... SOl
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
of Money Saving Specials
2400 Union Suits
Regularly Priced at $2.50
This is a SURPRISE ! Silk finish cotton
ribbed union suits, in an ideal weight for
Portland fall and winter wear, have their
price cut squarely in two for this sensa
tional Surprise sale. Men, and women
buying for men, will select a supply suf
Golf Balls 40c
Dozen 4.50
These are the standard 50c "Burke 65" golf
balls. Good enough for any golfer and, espe
cially at this surprise price, so inexpensive that
a man can afford to take chances with his
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Sale: High-Grade All-Wool Suits . . .
Famous Makes in All Styles and Sizes
If you want a new Society Brand, Alder-Rochester or other high-grade all-wool $ .50
suit at a saving of $10 to $25, this is your chance to get in and get one in the -style
and pattern you prefer. A . suit in your size guaranteed to fit you,
whether regular, stout, short or slim. Conservative men's styles, advanced young
men's models, plenty of sports suits.
Meier A Frank's: Third Floor.
Stamped Scarfs 69c
Regularly $1.00. Hemstitched scarfs
stamped on white linen-finished Indian head
for French knot and lazy dazy embroidery.
Size 18x48 inches.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Pumps and Oxfords
Great values in women's
and misses' low shoes for
street and dressy wear. Black satin one-strap
pumps. Tan one and two-strap pumps. Black kid
and patent strap pumps. Black calf two-strap
pumps. Brown oxfords. Sizes 2 to 8 but not
all sizes in any one kind.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
Sox Garters 45c
Regularly 85c pair. Children's half sox rib
bon garters, in shirred fashion, trimmed
with ribbon rosettes and ribbon flowers. A
wide variety of colors.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
"Munsing" Silk
Vests $1 .95
Regularly $2.75 and $3.00. A Friday Surprise
shipment of these silk knit vests. They are"
slightly imperfect the imperfection being marked
on each garment in order that the purchaser may
examine it. Plain and fancy weaves. Vests in
bodice style with ribbon shoulder straps. In
shades, of lavender, pink, white and black. All
sizes but not all sizes in all colors.
Meier & Frank's: Matn Floor.
Silk Bloomers $2.95
. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 values. Munsing
silk knit bloomers. The slight imperfections
are marked 'on each garment. Elastic at
waist and knee. Sizes 4 to 9.
Meier & Frank's! Main Floor.
Veilings Reduced
Each 39c
Regularly 50c and 65c yard. Oddments of first
quality veilings in one-yard lengths. Colors are
brown, navy and black. Filet and Roman meshes.
Also novelty meshes in henna, copen, sapphire
and jade with chenille dots.
Meier 4 Frank's: Main Floor.
Feather Pillows 89c
Regularly $1.25. Feather filled pillows, 18x
25 inches in size, covered with, fancy art
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
""1 ' jit
Stationery Sale
Half Price
Regularly $1.00 to $2.50 a box now 50c to $1.25.
Stationery of such makes as Crane's, Kurd's,
Elams, etc., in single and folded sheet 6tyles,
regulation and extra large sizes.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
J r',I.-4 . . ' t .' ,(
ficient to last till next spring at any rate.
Made up to special Meier & Frank
"specifications by a first-rank manufac
turer. The finish of these is particularly
fine. Elastic form-fitting garments in
white and ecru. Sizes 36 to 46 inclusive.
Meier A. Frank's: Main Floor.
Golf Clubs $2.95
Regularly $4.00 Each
Burke shafts are seasoned for two years before
being made into Burke Standard golf clubs.
Every club guaranteed. Your choice of brassie
or driver, midiron, mashie or putter. For one
day only, extra special at $2.05.
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Fabric Gloves
Pair 95c
Regularly $1.25 and $1.05 pair. Women's 12 and
16 button fabric gloves with spear point and em
broidered backs. Also some novelty 2-clasp and
gauntlet fabric gloves. Mastic, pongee, mode,
grey, navy, beaver, brown, black and white.
Broken line of sizes. Some slightly imperfect.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
i Needlework 3 for 98c
A set of three pieces, regular $1.75 value.
Group includes a 75c unbleached muslin bib
apron, a 50c Indian Head dresser scarf and
a 50c towel all for 98c.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Sheets $1.25
Regularly $1.75. Best quality sheets, 72x
00 inches, three-quarter bed size.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
All-Wool Suits
Surprise clearaway of 26 boys' all-wool
blue cheviot (a few BLUE SERGE)'
suits with one pair of knickers. Belt all
around style with inverted "pleated back.
Lined throughout. Sizes 6 to 18 years.
Juvenile Suits
Limited number of juvenile suits- in O'iver
Twist style. Choice of gray or brown linen
blouse with black or brown velvet pants. Sizes
2 to 8 years.
Boys' Wash Suils
Friday Surprise sale of boys' Oliver Twist
wash suits in two-tone effects. A few plain
colors. Sizes 2 to 5 years.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
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