Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Portland Woman Is Chosen
Member at Large.
Xewly Named "Members " to Be
Guests Monday; Resolutions
to Be Considered -Today.
Election of a new executive board
for ttie Woman's auxiliary occupied
the attention ot yesterday's meeting
of the body in the auditorium.
Voting was done by secret ballot,
and it is considered a notable inci
dent that all 16 of the members
were elected by the first ballot, it
requiring a majority vote to elect.
Eighty-seven votes were cast, each
diocese having one vote.
Mrs. "Wilsor. Johnston of Portland,
who has presided as chairman at all
auxiliary meetings, was chosen a
member at large, as also was Mrs.
F. S. Monteagle of California. Eight
Drovincial representatives were
elected to the board and eight mem
bers at large.
Representative Are Named.
Provincial representatives chosen
are: Province No. 1. Mrs. Herbert
Pay son, Maine; province No. 2, Mrs.
A. S. Phelps, New Jersey; province
No. 3. Mrs. M. C. Adams, Pittsburg;
province No. 4, Miss Margaret Weed,
Florida: province No. 5, Mrs. Her-
mon Butler. Chicago: province No.
6, Mrs. G. H. Prince, Minnesota;
Drovince No. 7. Mrs. Thomas Q. Dix,
Missouri; province No. 8, Miss Helen
Magill, Los Angeles.
Members at large, chosen from 27
nominees, are: Miss N. H. Winston,
Kentucky; Mrs. F. S. Monteagle,
California: Miss Eva Corey, Massa
chusetts; Mrs. Loarlng Clark. Ten
nessee; Miss Elizabeth Matthews,
southern Ohio; Mrs. C. R. Pancoast,
Pennsylvania; Mrs. Wilson Johnston,
Oregon; MrB. Kingman Robins,
western New York.
Others nominated for election
were Mrs. F. L. Bishop, Denver;
Miss Edith Brent, western New
York; Mrs. J. H. Browning, Newark,
New Jersey; Mrs. H. L. Burleson,
South Dakota; Mrs. W. P. Cornell.
South Carolina; Miss Louise A.
Davis, Virginia; Mrs. R. W. Elliott,
New York; Mrs. F.T. Foxley, Louis
iana; Mrs. P. S. Gardiner, Missis
sippi; Mrs. W. B. Haff, New York;
Mrs. v H. Jones. Nebraska; Mrs.
C. L. Pettigrew, Atlanta; Miss Laura
Ruddle. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;
Mrs. Julius Schaad. Michigan; Mrs.
J. G. Staton, East Carolina; Mrs. F
B. Stevens, Michigan; Mrs. Samuel
Thorne, New York, and Mrs. J. W.
Watzek, Iowa. Mrs. W. P. Reming
ton of South Dakota, who was nomi
frnated also, withdrew her name be
fore election.
New Board to Be Gnml.
Mrs. Johnston presided over the
session and Miss Grace Lindley, as
executive secretary, and Miss Eva
Corey, as director of dispatch of
business, performed their offices.
Following the election it was an
nounced that the outgoing execu
tive board has arranged a corporate
communion, followed by breakfast
for 7:30 next Monday morning at
the Multnomah hotel, for which the
new boattL members will be guests.
Members of the former board, sev
eral of whom were re-elected, were:
Miss Corey, Miss E. R. Delafield
Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Butler
Miss Brent, Mrs. J. McE. Ames,
Mrs. Monteagle. Miss Matthews,
Miss Winston, Mrs. Pancoast, Mrs.
P. B. Stevens, Mrs. L. C. Sturgis,
Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Burleson and Mrs.
F. I. Foxley.
Today's session of the auxiliary
will be held at 9:30 this morning at
the auxiliary, when the order of
business will include the reading of
resolutions on the united thank of
fering and a report from the com
mittee of Girls' Friendly society in
regard to a resolution which had
been referred. The debated reso
lution reads: "That the head of the
central department of missions of
the Girls' Friendly Society of Amer
ica be made a member of the
executive board of the woman's
auxiliary and that the by-laws of
the woman's auxiliary be amended
to allow this."
The Girls' Friendly society held a
reception yesterday from 4 to 7
o'clock in the Portland hotel for
which about 500 invitations were
issued to the clergy, deputies and
all persons who had registered at
the Girls' Friendly booth. Those
in the receiving line were: Miss
Frances W. Sibley, president, of De
troit; Miss Sarah B. Hopkins, of
Massachusetts, acting president
Miss Alice L. Simrall, Cincinnati,
head of the committee on arrange
ments for the general convention;
Miss Marianna P. Ford, South Caro
lina, vice-president of the fourth
province; Miss Mary K. Jacobs, Los
Angeles, vice-president of the
eighth province; Mrs. Joseph D.
Herron, of Xenia, O., vice-president
of the fifth province.
Council la Announced.
Announcement was made of the
election, of the national council of
the Order of the Daughters of the
King. Members of the national gov
erning body are: Mrs. S. L. Abbott,
San Francisco; Mrs. Charles H.
Arndt, Germantown, Pa.; Mrs.
George Ames, Cortland, N. Y.; Mrs.
A. A. Birney, Washington, D. C;
Mrs. Felix G. Ewing, Cedar Hill,
Tenn.; Mrs. W. S. Humphreys. Jack
sonville, Fla.; Mrs. Robert Jett,
Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. E. F. Kenyon,
Chicago. 111.; Mrs. W. E. Lamb, Den
ver, Colo.; Mrs. F. F. Reese, Sa
vannah, Ga.; Mrs. W. W. Rice, Hart
ford, Conn.; Mrs. John G. Ruge,
Apalachicola, Fla.; Mrs. E. V. Shay
ler. Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. T. W. Will
iams, Harrisburg, Tex.; Deaconess
Martha H, Wurts, Des Moines, la.
From the council, Mrs. Ewing was
chosen national president. Mrs. Bir
ney, first vice-president; Mrs. Lamb,
second vice-president, and Mrs.
Arndt. treasurer.
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Southern Preacher Ar
raigns Violence.
Top row Left to right, Mn, A. S. Phelps, New Jeraeyj Mrs. Herbert Pay hoc, Maine) Mrs. WlUion Johnston, Portland, Or. Mrs. Thomas d. Dlx,
Mlssoarit Min Elisabeth Matthews, southern Ohio) Mrs. C. R- Pane onst, Pennsylvania. ' Front row Mrs. Louring Clark, Tennessee; Miss
Margaret Weed, Florida Mrs. Kingman Robins, western New York Miss Eva Corey, Massachusetts; Miss N. H. Winston, Kentucky; Mrs. F. S.
Monteagle, California; Mrs. M. C. Adams, Pittsburg.
nnpr nrfPlflll IP PrTlbeen Piacd upon convention
KllSr HrHHIl Al IS Sr I Mars for consideration.
liUJL ULuUlull lU ULI ' The house of bishops, aft
Royal Cosarians to Give Honors
to Visitors In : Portland ' for
Church Convention.
Names Are of First 100 Episcopal
Bishops in America.
In connection with the Episcopal
convention there is being shown in
rooms at the Oregon Historical so
ciety in the municipal auditorium a
remarkable collection of bishops'
autographs. The colleotion is the
property of L. Bradford Prince of
Santa Fe, N. M. It contains the auto
graphs of the first 100 Episcopal
bshops in America.
The set of signatures on exhibit
also lacks but one name of contain
ing all those of the prelates who
were the English consecrators of
the first four American bishops. For
the one missing signature, that of
Bishop Kilgour of Scotland, it is
said that search has been made over
Europe for the past 40 years. The ex
hibit contains many letters written
b early leaders, .of the church.
Honorary knighthood will be con
ferred on a number of the visiting
delegates to the Episcopal conven
tion by. the Royal Rosarians at the
session to be held Saturday night in
the auditorium. Saturday night has
been designated as rose night and
the programme will be under the
auspices of the Rosarians.
Roses will be presented to all
visiting delegates by a committee of
the Business and Professional Wom
en s club. Under the direction of
H. H. Haynes the committee selected
by the branch librarians is collect
ing roses for this feature. The stage
will be elaborately decorated under
the direction of City Commissioner
Pier, Park Superintendent Keyser
and the Oregon Forest club.
This will be the first session of
the convention at which a non
ecclesiastical city organization fea
tures in the entertainment of the
visitors. The Rotarians will, figura
tively speaking, extend the "glad
hand" of Portland to the visitors.
The visititig delegates who are to
have honorary knighthood conferred
upon Jhem Saturday night were
guests of the privy council and the
committee on arrangements of the
Royal Rosarians at a luncheon .at
the Chamber of Commerce yester
day noon. The guests included:
Samuel F. Houston of Philadelphia
Stephen Baker of New York, Will
iam J. Tully of New York, Burton I
Mansfield of New Haven, Samuel
Mather of Cleveland, W. H. Crocker
of San Francisco, Courtney Barber
of Chicaeo. George A. Elliott of
Wilmine-ton. Del., and Bishop Na
thaniel D. Thomas of Wyoming, who
will b the orator Saturday night
Others at the luncheon included
John H. Dundore, O. C. Bortzmeyer,
E. J. Jaeger, W. J. Hofmann, C. P.
Keyser, Dr. E. A. Pease, Jesse A.
Currey, Dean Vincent, Frank E.
Smith, Erie V. Hauser and Bishop
Walter T. Sumner, the latter being
a special guest. '
(Continued From First Page.)
after an
other sharp debate, voted to omit
from the marriage ceremony the re
sponse of the bridegroom in which
he pledges "with all my worldly
goods I thee endow." Sixty bishops
favored omitting this phrase and 31
voted to retain it.
Appointment of "a deputation to
present to the secretary of state a
resolution protesting against the
continued manufacture and distribu
tion of narcotic drugs was author
ized .by vote of the prelates, con
curring with the lower house. On
this committee Chairman Brown
named Bishop Alfred Harding of the
diocese of Washington, D. C. He
will act with Dr. James E. Freeman
of Wasi' . ton, and Blanchard Ran
dall of Baltimore, Md., these two
having been named by the house ot
Bishops of the convention die
dissected the report of the commis
sion on the fuller recognition of the
ministry of healing. On the part of
some bishops the report was at
tacked on principle, while others ob
jected that it should go much farther
in recognizing the value of prayer
and laying on of hands as means of
healing. Bishop William Manning
of New York city, where several
churches, hold .healing sessions,
wished more specific approval of
healing practices.
The house eventually concurred In
action of the deputies in discharging
the commission and authorizing ap
pointment of a committee of its own
to make a report on the subject of
healing before the convention closes.
Jewish Paster in Brooklyn Due
Here September 2 0.
Rabbi Samuel Sachs, formerly of
of the missionary district of eastern
Oregon until 'a bishop is regularly
named for this post This will be
done later in the present conven
tion, when the general, matter of
electing bishops comes up.
There was no little surprise that
temporary jurisdiction over eastern
Oregon was given to a Washington
bishop instead of to Bishop Walter
T. Sumner of the diocese of Oregon.
Presiding Bishop Tuttle, in his an
nouncement, made reference to sug
gestions that the missionary district
of eastern Oregon be. merged with
the diocese of Oregon. There were
hints about convention halls that
Bishoo Sumner had urged thia con
solidation, though confirmation of
this could not be obtained from the
bishop himself.
Bishop Tuttle's protest against
union of the district and diocese and
his opinion of the great future In
store for the Oregon country were
emphatically expressed.
"I feel strongly," said the presid
ing, bishop, "that to unite eastern
Oregon with Oregon would be a
great mistake. Look around Oregon
and see the fertility of the soil.' its
great timber resources and the
prosperity of the people and you
will see what a great future this
country has. We do not want to go
back. Eastern Oregon should have
a bishop of its -own."
Following his statement the pre
siding bishop presented a resolution
to the effect that the convention
proceed to fill the vacancy by elec
tion of a bishop when the time for
such action arrives. This was re
ferred to the committee on domestic
missions. -
Heresy Trial Will Be First.
If the general convention acts fa
vorably on the report of the special
committee which investigated the
case of Bishop Brown, who has been
retired and succeeded in the diocese
of Arkansas, there will be held what
is said to be the first trial of an
American Episcopal bishop for heret
ical utterances.
The utterances which have placed
the retired bishop in such great dia
favor with his associates have been
contained largely in volumes he has
published. In a book entitled "Com
munism and Christianity," he is said
to have promulgated beliefs which
are radically antagonistic to church
doctrines and ordinary religious
teachings. A resolution from his
former diocese says that in this book
he "renounced the Christian re
An alternative recommendation of
the investigating committee, of
which the present bishop of Arkan
sas, Right Rev. James R. Winchester,
is chairman, offered an alternative
for the proposed trial for heresy.
This would be merely the "disavow
ing, regretting and repudiating of
the theological holdings" of the re
tired bishop in public statements.
The recommendations have not i-ai,
Church Should Welcome Masses,
Speaker Tells Joint, Session
of Episcopal Houses.
That members of the church have
it as their task to "apply the prin
ciples of Jesus Christ to every de
partment of life," was the keynote
sounded yesterday in the joint ses
sion of the Episcopal houses by Rev.
Charles N. Lathrop, executive secre
tay of the department of Christian
social service. The cause of this
department and that of the Sea
men s Church institute, reiatea to
it. was presented at the joint meet
ing. Bishop Edwin S. Lines of New
ark presided.
Speakers listed on the programme
included Bishop Walter T. Sumner
of Oregon; Bishop -George W. Dav
enport of Easton, Md.; Rev. C. P.
Deems of San Fraiicisco; Rev. D. R.
Covell of Washington, D. C; E. L,
Baylies of New York city, and Sec
retaary Lathrop. Other speakers
participated during discussion of
the subject of social service.
It. was a suggestion of Mr. Bay
lies that the Episcopal church spon
sor workingmen's institutes
throughout the country. He spoke
for a closer contact with the
"Our church is regarded every
where," said Mr. Baylies, "as the
church of the classes and not the
masses. The masses do not ciyne to
our church today because, they are
not always welcomed, but they
should be."
Bishop Sumner spoke of the
growing importance of Portland as
a port, suggesting the need for a
branch of the seamen's institute.
F. C. Morehouse, lay deputy from
Milwaukee, read a statement and
declaration from the church coun
the gospel of Jesus Christ to all
relations into which men and worn
en are brought, whether in govern
ment, industry social or political
ui.e. ,
"The church must serve all peo
pie, the unprivileged and the priv
ileged alike, and must continue to
stand for mercy, charity and com
passion toward those who are in
"Wages sufficient for a whole
some living should be the return
for efficient service and the more
that can be done in making the em
ployer and the employed partners in
business, with a feeling of common
and friendly interest and mutual
service, the better."
Brooklyn, N. Y., telegraphed to Dr.
George Rubenstein, secretary of the
congregation Neveh-Zedek Talmud
Torah, his accepance of the call to
this community and is expected to
arrive here September 20 and to
occupy the pulpit of the local syna
gogue Friday night, September 22,
when the Rosh Hashono services
will begin.
Rabbi Sachs is a graduate of Co
lumbia university and received his
rabbinical training at the Jew
ish Theological seminary of Amer
ica and at the R- I. Alchnan Rab
binical college. New York, gradu-1 pal church
ating with the class or 1316. He merits:
has been 'in charge of B'nal Israel I "Christian ' social service means
temple of Brooklyn. 'the application of the principles of
Episcopal Bishops Receive Let
ter From Committee of Rail
road Shopmen.
Bishops of the Episcopal conven
tion were much interested yester
day in having read to -them an of
ficial communication from the Port
land railroad strike committee
apologizing for the appearance of
Hermit Bill' Henry before them in
the alleged role c-f an accredited
and responsible spokesman for the
In response to a written request
for the privilege of presenting the
strike cause and obtaining advice
as to its merits the bishops, in pre-
convention conference, permitted
Henry to make a 30-minute address
before them on September 1.
Henry's talk proved to be an at
tack on the railroads and railroad
managements rather than an ex
position of fundamentals of the
strike situation. The letter read
yesterday said Henry never received
cil stressing the need for social the official backing of the strike
cramiites ana disclaimed responsi
bility for the inadequate presenta
tion he made. The letter was signed
by Charles B. Knight, as secretary
of the strike committee, and was
addressed to Bishop Charles' H.
Brent, who read it to his associates.
service effort and co-operation. This
took the form of a resolution which
was referred to the convention
Secretary Lathrop's suggested
social service creed of the Episco-
contained these state-
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
The Cap that never fits
Episcopal . Convention Thrown
Into Roar of Laughter by
Baptismal Discussion.
Vengeance is the L6rd's; violence
begets violence; it is not possible
to cast out demons through Beelze
bub, chief of demons, contended the
Rev. C. B. Wilmer, D. D., of Atlanta,
Ga., in a scathing arraignment of
mob violence, offered in the form
of a resolution at the Episcopal
general convention, yesterday.
Mob rule is threatening not only
the nation, but the whole of society.
the clergyman held, and civilization
which has been ages in the build
ing, is menaced with destruction
because public justice has given
way to private revenge and a rever
sion to savagery threatens mankind.
The ministry and church are the
two factors which can bring th
people to a realization of their
duties toward society, Dr. Wilmer
contended, in asking for a public
expression of the church's attitudo
on the question. The resolution was
referred to the committee on social
service for consideration.
Civilization Being Torn Away.
"The man who commits a crime
against another is like a man who
breaks out a window pane on the
top floor of a building. The mob
that lynches that man for his crime
is tearing away the very founda
tion of the building civilization,"
the Atlanta minister stated by way
of explanation.
This, and a-reaolutlon against the
use of gambling devices at church
fairs and entertainments, were the
features of the morning session of
the lower house of the convention.
The afternoon was given over to the
discussion of prayer-book revision,
and out of the mass of deep theolog
ical alignment one little clash took
place, which caused the learned doc
tors and dignified laymen to break
out in laughter. The baptismal
service was taken up, and a pro
posal to substitute other phrases for
the words, "Oh, merciful God, grant
that the old Adam in this child may
be buried," brought an explanation
from Dr. C. Xi. Slattery, secretary of
the prayer-book revision committee.
When the doctor explained that
the change was proposed because
some embarrassment was caused
when the infant being baptized was
a girl, the house broke into roars
that cost less than
ours are clothes
that are worth less
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$25 to 60
Strong lines
35 to '45
Fifth and Morrison
(Corbett Building)
of laughter. It was a full minute
before order was restored.
The house opened its session yes
terday with the troublesome matter
of the right of suffrage for suf
fragan bishops confronting it. On
the advice of J. Randolph Anderson,
parliamentarian of the house, a way
was shown for clearing up the dffi
culties that confronted a reconsid
eration of the matter. After this
point was cleared, the house decided
that. It did not want to reopen the
subject and the matter of suffragan
bishops again went on the table.
Reports from the committees on
women and on constitution and
canons were read. The house, in
consideration of the long service In
the church of L. Bradford Prince of
New Mexico, extended him a vote of
thanks by a standing vote
Dr. Wilmer's attack o mob vio
lence was the feature of the day's
sessions. The resolution read in
"Sympathizing as we do with all
victims of brutal crime, we must
remember that wisdom if found In
rlghteousnefw and the wrath
of man worketh not the rlKhteoui
nens of God. Violence begets vio
lence. It is not possible to cat
out demons through Beelzebub,
chief of demons.
Fair Trial la Klaht.
"Every suspect la entitled to a
fair trial. It is undeniable that men
have been tortured by mobs, who, as
afterward transpired, were abso
lutely Innocent of any wrong.
"We also call attention to th
Vnre 7
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