TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1923 LIGHTENS BACK AFTER LONG FLIGHT TWENTY-THOUSAND-MILE TRIP TO EVADE JUSTICE PROVES M SCHOOL UNIT TO BE BUILT SOON UNAVAILING TO FUGITIVE. 4 E(SM(S)iMyf Fugitive Returns for Trial Ironed Hand and Foot. DRUG VENDOR IS DEFIANT t'edpral Prisoner Hints Tliat He Will Implicate Many Persons to Prove Own Innocence. A 20,000-mile trip, a jail break, fwiventures of the super-thriller fiim variety and a desperate attempt to ,.iatch his wits against the resources .f the federal government have availed Dave Lijrhtner, agcused nar cotic dealer, nothing. ,' Shackled hand and foot and in the custody of two deputy United States marshals, the notorious Fortlanci fugitive arrived in the city from Los Angeles last night, victim of the far-reaching justice of the federal government. - Three months ago. on the eve of his trial in the federal court on a series of narcotics charges. Light ner disappeared. His bondsmen were ordered to pay the amount of the surety. S2000. Then the United States, through its agents of the de partment of justice, began a hunt as romantic, as adventurous as that of the average melodrama or sen sational bit of fiction. Radio and wireless, stool pigeons and under world characters, the master of a Norwegian . tramp and ' a federal marshal at Shanghai, China, were enlisted in the chase. , Thrilling; Adventurer Follow. Lightner, arrested, was taken io the consular prison at Shanghai. A midnight jail break, a thrilling es cape over roofs and walls of that ancient Chinese city, 11 days spent in hiding beneath the docks and in the huts of a nearby Chinese river town, enter the story of the fugi tive's adventures The shipping board steamer West Faralone, pull ing out for San Pedro, offered a chanee-of escape. Lightner took it. hiding- beneath a Pile of- tackle in the aft steering gear room. A man-handling mate, a two-fist ed captain, 19 days on bread and water in an improvised brig, and finally the federal section of the Los Angeles county jail are featured in his tale. As a climax to the ad venture was the trip which ended last night; a 48-hour trip in which the fugitive wore both hand and leg irons and was under the constant guard of one of his two escorts. LiS,hner Familiar Klfmr. ' Lightner is the familiar Lightner of old, the local character who is known to thousands of Portlanders as a chubby newsboy who. first sold papers and later conducted news stands on prominent downtown cor ners. From the vending of papers he drifted into the bootleg business. He acquired a reputation unenviable even in the underworld. He was more than a law-breaker, his fellows in crime intimated. He was snitch." an "informer." - From bootleg. Lightner drifted to narcotics. He "framed" a local Jap anese, who had just received a large consignment of -drugs from the orient. As a part of his scheme, he attempted to induce a policeman to stage a "phoney" arrest, and to allow Lightner to make off with the drugs. But the policeman was hon est and Lightner and the Japanese went to jail. C'rook 1 1 ends Jinrasglins IMot. , That was las December. Several months iater Lightner, a couple of policemen and two other men were caught by federal officers in the attempt to smuggle in a quantity Of narcotics from a Japanese steamer. Lightner went to jail again. A series of indictments followed. Lightner managed to get bail. Then, on the eve of his trial, he fled. . The fugitive, back in, tire confines of the county jail last night, showed a none too great inclination to talk. Whether he wou.ld reveal secrets ot the underworld secrets which ru mor says have caused more than one Portlander to lie awake nights he would not tell. "I'm not rapping anyone, he said. "Alt I want is a fair trial. These people who have been knocking me haven't anything on -me. They can't prove that I ever sold a bit of dope in my life." . Prisoner Hint at Exponures. But after his questioners had told him of certain events that had transpired, in the last few months, of the rumors of the -long sentence that faces him, Lightner's tone changed. He didn't threaten and he made no set statements, but he let- it be known that he knew con siderable about certain persons in Portland and he didn't propose to be made a "goat" by anyone. In short, although he denied it, he let it be known that if pressed he might talk. But on the subject of his adven tures he talked freely talked with that ' pardonable pride that a good mechanic shows jn his works or. ac complishments. His capture on the Norwegian tramp, on which he had sailed from Astoria, he admitted, was due to his error of signing on under his mother's name. But his escape from the consular jail at Shanghai was a feat that caused a smile to spread over his fat, chubby face. Portland Label In Undoing:. The fact that he managed to escape the American, British, Japa nese, French ' and native police in that cosmopolitan city, that he lived for 11 days in a river town, 20 miles from Shanghai without funds or knowledge of the language, or of the customs of the orient, he dwelt on with no small measure of pride. ,."It was a Portland label on my coat that got me," he explained. "After they pulled me out of. my hiding place on the West Faralone the captain began to question me about who I was. He knew about the jailbrcak at Shanghai. When he saw the label in my coat, the stuff was off. "He was some hard-boiled guy. too. The mate was just as bad. They chained me hand and foot and fed me bread and water for 19 days. These American sea captains are a tough gang, a lot worse than the Swedes." Lightner, in common with the man who goes to jail, maintains that he is innocent. He is the victim of a 'frame-up, he claims. When he entered the jail last night a part ner in the narcotics venture, a for mer city policeman who is also awaiting trial in the federal court, was seated in the corridor. When it was explained that the ex-blue-coat now holds the position of jail trusty, Lightner assumed an inter rogatory air. , Positive Pmi for Photoarapfcer. "What right's that guy to be a trusty? He's in worse than I am. 1 didniX do nothing. I'm innocent. . - v ' f i . I 1 i ' If ; n Board Orders Plans Drawn , for Gregory Heights. KENTON GETS ADDITION DAVK IIT.VER, ACCUSED KAKCOTIC DEALKR. This bunch tried to frame up on me. They double-crossed me." Lightner at first showed a great aversion to posing for a newspaper photograph. But when it was ex plained that his rogues' galley photograph, with number plate at tached to his chest, was in the pos session of the press and that a posed photograph would set him off to a much better advantage he consented to pose on condition that a collar and necktie be furnished him. This was done. "I want the people to see that I ain't the yeggman these bulls and1) federal dicks say I am," he ex plained. "I'm innocent. Just wait till my trial. I'll show them." HARE MELODY RADIATED COXCEliTS BROADCAST ARK HEARD BY THOUSANDS. Pupils of Mrs. Pred Li. Olson Fig ure In One Offering; Other . Vocal and Piano Solos. For two hours last night the air over Portland and the surrounding country carried strains of music of two solo concerts being broadcast from The Oregonian tower, and judging from the number of tele phone calls received the music was heard by thousands. The first of the two concerts was arranged by Mrs. Fred L. Olson, who introduced seven of her pupils, six of them sopranos. The second concert was arranged by Miss Uenevieve Gilbert, dramatic soprano, who sang with Miss Elizabeth Reger, con tralto. Miss Lucile Cummins played the accompaniments and also a num ber of piano solos. The seven pupils in the first con cert rendered delightful music. No two of the sopranos were alike in tone and quality and their perform ance, one after the other, gave opportunity for an interesting com parison .of voices. The second concert consisted of soprano, contralto and piano solos. Miss Genevieve Gilbert, dramatic soprano, sang "Come to the Garden, Love," "Musette's Aria" from "La Boheme," "Annie Laurie" by re quest. "The Ship," "Give Me All of You," and "Good Morning, Brother Sunshine." Miss Cummins' solos were Liszt's "Canzonetta," Mendels sohn's "Song Without Words," Novelette" (Rimsky-Korsakoff ) and Chopin's "Fantasy Impromptu." Miss Reger's selections were Thank God for a Garden," "Dreams of Long Ago," "The Valley of Laughter" and "A Mother's Croon." CHiCH TO OREGON' UNITED BRETHREN BEGIN SESSIONS TODAY. Bisliop VVashinger, Head of Coast District, and Other Leaders Will Attend Conference. The opening session of the 69th annual Oregon conference of the United Brethern church will convene at the Alberta church, East Twenty seventh and Sumner streets, at 9 o'clock this morning. There will be an address by Bishop William H. Washinger, head of the Pacific coast district. Communion will be held before the business of the confer ence is taken up. ' Pastors from all the churches in the Oregon district will be present at the conference ard there will be many of the national executives of the church in attendance. The conference will be in session for four days, with open meetings during the day and at night. - W. O. ' Fries and Charles W. Brewbaker. of Dayton, O., are representing the gen eral church and among the well known speakers who will assist in the meetings will be Miss Emma Paige of Marshalltown, la., who will have charge of the first night serv ice, to be held at 8 o'clock tonight. Discussions of all the various de partments of the church and plans for the coming year will be the fea tures of the conference. -Reports of increases of membership in the vari ous districts on the coast are ex pected to be made. Eisrht Rooms Will Be Added Structure Now in Use in :T ' North Portland. The construction of the first unit of a new Gregory Heights school and an eight-room addition to. the Kenton -school . will be started as soon as plans and preliminary work can" be nrenared as the result of action taken at the meeting of the school board last night. The board chose Richard Martin Jr. as architect for the new Greg ory Heights school, which is to be 12.4-room unit of a structure, ulti mately to contain 24 rooms. It. was brought out at the meeting that at present there are eight portables in use at the Gregory Heights school. At the Kenton school, where the addition is to be erected, it was announced that there are now more children than can be taken care of. Action was also taken by the board looking to the purchase of additional ground in the vicinity of the Gregory Heights school. Plans Are Approved. The board approved he elevation and general plans for the new Narthwest high -school and W. C Knighton was instructed to go ahead with the working drawings. On re quest from George K. Sandy, com mander of Over the Top post, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, for some definite action, the board voted to name this new high "school the Grani school. Crowded conditions which resulted in sending some of the pupils in the Rose City Park section to other schools are to be taken care ,of by the improvement and use of some of the rooms in the basement there as a result of action taken. The fact that some of the students there had been sent to other schools had caused a torm of protest arid the holding of a mass meeting of parents. Communications from W. E. Kim sey, secretary of the Central Labor council, and John B. Wagner, finan cial secretary of the steam and op erating engineers, urging that engi neers for the schools be chosen as a result of competitive examination. resulted in considerable discussion The question was finally left in committee. Milk Requirement Chanfced. On request of J. D. Mickle of the Oregon dairy council action was taken requiring that milk sold school buildings shall score at least 92 DOints. A request for the employment of an assistant to the principal at the Lincoln high school was referred to the educational committee. VOTE ON BRIDGE ASKED SELLWOOD WANTS MEASURE TO GO ON BALLOT. ST. LOUIS CONCERT HEARD Radio Fans of Oregon Listen to Missouri Broadcasting. While no reports have come in from Portland radio fans regarding the reception of the special con cert broadcast from the Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo., Tuesday night, messages have been received by The Oregonian from several radio fans living within a few miles of Port land who heard the distant concert. S. N. Buck of Aloha, Or., received the St. Louis station loud enough to hear It 80 feet away from his ap paratus, he said. Besides several piano selections, he heard a song. The Heart Bowed Down," very dis tinctly. Claude Smith, owner of a fine re ceiving station at Camas, Wash., re ported hearing the St. Louis con certs very well. A telegram was received by The Oregonian from Harry B. Pearce of Sunnyvale, Cal., reporting having heard the Missouri broadcast. Obituary. Miss Ruth Snyder. Funeral services for Miss Ruth Snyder, who died at Emanuel hos pital after short illness last Monday after noon, were held yesterday morn ing at the Wood stock Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Walton Skip worth and Rev. L. C. Poor officiat ed. Interment was in Rose City park cemetery. Miss Snyder was popular at the Franklin high school, which she 9tttlHA(l Kh.Wn also an active worker. of the Meth odist Kpiscopal church and the Ep worth league. She was born at Colorado Springs, Colo., and came to Portland in early childhood. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Snyder, of 'this city, and her brother and sister, Lawrence and Edith Snyder. ' Clarence Barry. Funeral services for Clarence Barry, whose body was found in the Willamette river, near Indepen dence, last Sunday, and which was identified by his sister, Mrs. -Edith Durban, of Vancouver, Wash., yes terday, will be held today at 2 o'clock at the Dunning funeral par lors. East Sixth and East Stark streets. The Woodmen of the World I will have charge. Interment wiil be in Riverview cemetery. Wishes of Suburban Board of Trade Members Submitted to County Commissioners. A request that a measure be placed on the November ballot pro viding for a J450.000 bond issue for a new bridge at Sellwood has been submitted to the county commis sioners by the Sellwood board of trade, with a plea that voters be permitted to decide on the advis ability of locating the structure in the southeastern suburb. A joint meeting of the city and county com missioners recently decided to have two- measures, one providing for a bridge at Beacon street and one to replace the Burnside span, on the ballot this fall, but effort to. have the Sellwood site voted upon are still being made by its supporters. Designs for a structure at Sell wood have been prepared by three engineers, the estimated cost in each case not exceeding $475,000, and in two instances less than $450,000. The cost of operating the ferry at Sellwood has been found to be approximately $25,000 yearly and it is said that this cost has increased about $1000 yearly. Construction of a span would be possible at a sim ilar expenditure, it is held, and would in addition provide 24-hour service, whereas the ferry is operat ed only 14 hours daily. ALLEGED FORGER HELD AUT0ISTS ARE LUCKY Girl Unhurt, Man . Slightly In jured When Car Overturned. VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 13. (Special.) J. -W. Ginivin and Miss Gladys Hall of Seattle were going towards Seattle in a delivery car at noon today near Salmon creek when Harvey Molyneux, 16 years old. whizzed by In a bug and his rear wheel caught the right front wheel of the Ginivin car, turning it over and pinning the occupants beneath. The girl was not much injured. Mr. Ginivin had five stitches taken in his arm. The Ginivin car was badly wrecked. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. TRADE ACTJS TO PASS News From Washington Pleases Portland Business Men. That the China trade act. provid ing for federal incorporation of American establishments doing bus iness in China, a measure for which the local Chamber of Commerce has been f igniting- for the past two years, will become a reality in the next few days, was the news con tained in a telegram received yes terday by the local Chamber of Commerce from L. C. Dyer, repre sentative in congress from Missouri. Mr. Dyer's wire said. "The senate today adopted the conference report on the China trade act. This, means that it will be a law within ten days." Grange Fair Abandoned. SHERWOOD, Or., Sept. 13. (Spe cial.) Sherwood will not have a grange fair this fall. At the last meeting the Sherwood Grange de cided to give the county money eet aside for Sherwood to Scholls. Scholls will reciprocate to She-rwood next year. , Suspect Goes Into Inspectors' Of- I ice by Mistake. Vernon Heathman, contractor, 4920 Forty-second - avenue South, made the mistake of his life when he wandered into the inspector's of fice at police headquarters yester day. "Just the man we want," chorused half a dozen or so of the sleuths, and above the uproar rose the voice of Tom Swennes. who dogs those wayward members of society who exchange bad paper for good money and attach other folks names to i checks. i Heathman was arrested on a war rant issued last April on complaint of M. B. Hearn. Heathman had already been ar rested on a charge of violating the MoMrSmonforChoosingBiisstones Quality has become so definitely associ ated with Firestone that there are still some users who fail to appreciate the price ad vantage this name insures. In pledging Most Miles per Dollar, it is a fundamental Firestone policy to offer the lowest prices at which true quality can be maintained. Long and intensive planning, more effec tive organization'and a raw material market that was never so favorable today permit the sale of Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords at the lowest prices in history. It is logical therefore that current sales of these sturdy, dependable tires should sur pass all previous records. The performance of Firestone Cords on thousands of cars establishes beyond dispute the fact that they give Most Miles per Dollar. Firestone offers price, but emphasizes quality the quality that only superior processes such as double gum-dipping, air bag cure and rubber blending and tempering can obtain. Dealers in all localities are pre pared to serve you. Most Miles per Dollar GUM-DIPPEB CORDS FABRIC 30 x 3 Oldfield "999". 30 x 3 Oldfield "999". 30 x 3 30 x 34 CORD 30 x Zyi Regular Size.. .$12 30 x 3)4 Extra Size 32 x 4 32x4J 37 33 x 5 . Other nze at proportionate price. C Tax free) 70 sakMv 46.93 H-SS f tf VJNC '"WWWinwmi V A I prohibition law and walked into the I inspector s quarters while 'hunting for another office. HE Alleged Thief Arrested. ' G. M. Bean was held at the city I jail yesterday- charged with being drunk and disorderly, and Martin Nelson, who has admitted serving a year in the Montana state peni tentiary for highway robbery, was I booked on a charge of larceny. Xhey were picked up by Special Watch man Worfel at Fourth and Pine streets after midnight Tuesday. Bean charged that Nelson had taken $56 from him. The police found ?46 on the accused man. Atihe first sign of skin trouble apply Resinol It kapOTe8 a poor complexion and preserve a good one, so that, yem need no artificial means to enhance yoor at tractiveness. At die first sign of skin irritation, of a blotch or a pimple, itching or burning, apply Resinol Ointment, and Bee if h doesn t bring prompt relief, it con tains harmless, soothing balsams, and i is so nearly flesh colored that it may be i used on exposed surfaces without at- trading undue attention, ! Yoor deafer MO It. fa MODERN CRANKCA5E CLEANING SERVICE Ckl Fluthinf Oil for e. thorough cleaning- tod Zcr oleac lor correct reBUing, make the ideal combination lor better engine performance- At ' dealer who ditpit? the tiga. STANDARD OIL COMPANY California) . ft m fife - xk jMMNIMHIIMHIMI ! ' "with that lunch is right" j I Grean Chile Cheese I I WW BEBE DANIELS WALLACE REID CONRAD NAGEL JULIA FAYE. IN NICE PEOPLE The story of a jazz-mad girl. LAST 2 DAYS COMING SATURDAY THE YOUNG DIANA and "Ham" Hamilton in THE SPEEDER KNOWLES' PICTURE PLAYERS ALWAYS PMEN WANTED by the Union Pacific System Boilermakers, MachinistsBlacksmiths, Car Repairers and Car Inspectors FOR EMPLOYMENT AT POINTS FROM PORTLAND TO POCATELLO, IDAHO A strike now exists at these points. Free transportation and expenses paid to place of employment, also steady employment guaranteed and seniority rights pro tected for qualified men regardless any strike settlement, i Apply W. J. HANLON, 410 Wells-Fargo Building, Portland, Oregon, or Superintendent's Office, Room 29 Union Station IHHUHIIHHI In Are Your Glasses Comfortable? Just because you wear glasses is no proof that your eyes are properly fitted. You should be able to read with comfort. If you can't, visit our Optical Department. Have Your Eyes Examined Today. STAPLES The Jeweler OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 266 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.