23 THE MORNING' OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 1 DECLINE Iff STOCK MARKET CONTINUES Strike Settlement Has Effect on Trade. No REACTION WAS EXPECTED do inc 6s 1960 S L. & S W 1st 5s. lo do con 4s vy&'l do 1st 4s 1!8S Tex Pac 1st 3s ... 1 1'UOO Union Pacific 1st 4s 147 do cv 4s 1D27 do ref ia liOuri do 6s ; lHl'S Union Tank 7s 1930 Wabash 1st us 1U39 do 26. 5s 19;i West Pac 5s 1946 Industrials v Allied Packers i . 1830 Am Agrr Cliem V&a 1941 Am Sm 1st oa 11J47 Am Tobacco 7s . , .. 1923 Anaconda Os A 10 J'J do B Wl'J Total of Transactions Again Runs Above Million Shares; Steel Advance No Surprise. fTKir rhlmm Tribune lased Wire.) XEW YORK, Sept. 13. The only news which micht have affected today's finan cial markets was the evident approach of a. surrender by the railway shopmen 6 unions on the matter of individual set tlement of the strike. Whether because ha.t action had been anticipated or be. cause the mechanics' strike waa looked upon- as defeated, with or without the official permission for strikers on certain railways to return to work, the union's deliberations had no effect on the stock exchange. Yesterday's decline continued, and, al thonnh still irrefrularly distributed, waa on the whole more general. Both rail way and industrial shares lost ground, final Drices beinsr not much above the lowest and total transactions running again above a million e hares. On the whole, this reaction was in line with what. In a market which has Ions held tip under trying outside influences, has usually occurred when the strain was ended. How efficiently the railways have thus far managed to handle the transporta tion problem is shown by the car load ing returns for the week ending Sep tember 2, published today. The increase over the week before soft coal mining ,was resumed is more than 40,000 cars, but the most impressive fact is that, al though loadings of coal fell only 5099 cars below the same week in 1921 load ings of general merchandise ran 59,422 beyond last year and the total traffic etarted was only 77.000 cars below the highest weekly record. Since the iron and steel producing in duatrv provides the best measure o scarcity or sufficiency of fuel supplies for use in manufacture, the weekly port of Iron foundries which have umed production is of unusual interest. During July something like 20 furnaces blew out for lack of fuel; during Au gust. 28: the number of furnaces in blast before the coal shortage was felt, being 192. Since soft coal production was re turned, about 24 furnaces have blown in again, of which 15 started up during the pa.st week. , This has made it possible to bring the steel corporation s output above CO per cent of mill capacity against less than 50 per cent three weeks ago and 75 to 80 before the curtailment po:iy was adopted. Kverything considered, this is highly reassuring testimony to the replenishing of fuel supplies tor manufacture, espe cially when it has occurred along with Iransporfation of general merchandise in unchecked volume. The announcement today that the gov ernment will withdraw 46,o00,000 from member hanks of the New York district Friday did not come as a surprise to in stitutions of the district that were aware the treasury department has some large maturities on September 15, which the recently offered certificates of indebted ness would not cover. I The decline in sterling today, which carried, that exchange to $4.41, was generally construed by bankers in Wall street to be a reflection of the chaotic international situation, although it was conceded by them that this situtaion Is no worse, even If no better, than it was when sterling was sailing along calmly above 4.45. ' Judging from the number of rumors afloat in the financial district, the spec ulative following among the independent oil stocks would have one believe that , Standard Oil interests were about to acquire control of every important Inde pendent oil producer in the country. The expected advance in the price of atandard steel rails was officially an nounced by the United States Steel cor poration late this afternoon. The In crease amounts o $3 a ton or from $40 to $43. the new price becoming effective October 1. Such an increase was an ticipated in financial circles in view of the advance in other steel products an nounced within recent weeks. Wall street based its predictions upon tne recent ad vance in wages of steel mill workers, the rise in fuel prices and other factors which tend to increase costs. . Activity noticeably increased in the bond market today, with the demand for Issues long dealt in on the stock ex change and recent creations exceedingly heavy. More than $SO,000,000 of new Issues were brought out by various bank ing syndicates, the largest being the $50, 000,000 Swift & Co. refinancing operation. Today's total of new bonds was the largest single day's contribution for some months and brought the aggregate for the week well above $120,000,000. Armour cv do 4i6s Beaver Board 8s ..... Beth Steel 7a do eq 7s do ref ob Cerro de Pasco 8s ... Chile conv 6s A ..... do conv 7s Copper Express tie .... do 8s Colo F & I gen 5s.... Colo Ind 5s Corn Produ ref 5s .... Cuban Am Sugar 8b . Cuban Cane cv 7s Distillers Sec cv 5s .. Diamond Match 7 Vis Dupont 74s Empire Gas Fuel 6s . . Visit 8s Gen Elecric aeb 5s . . . 4I0 deb 63 Goodrich 7s .......... Goodyear Ss Aj ....... . Heinz 7s . .. ....... . Hersliey 71j3 Ill .steel deb 4&s .... Ind Steel 5s Int Agr ' l!i30 H'oM 3113.! , 1923 1935 1942 1931 1932 1923 1924 1925 1943 1934 1931 1931 1930 3 927 1 935 1931 3 924 1941 1952 1940 1925 1941 1930 1 930 1940 1952 193: Following their abrupt sensational col lapse yesterday, Chicago & Great West ern 4s were turned over in more active volume around the previous closing of 3!i, or nearly S points above that day's low. New York Bondft. Furnished by Jordan, Wentworth Co. of Portland: Railroad Bonds Atch gen 4s A C L. 4s do 1995 1952 s 1930 B O gold 4s 1948 do con 4Vss cv. ......... . 1933 do ref 5s 1995 Canada Southern 5s ....... 1902 Canadian Nor 6V2S 1946 do 7s 3iHu Cen Pac 1st 4s '. 194!) Ches & Ohio cv 4VsS 3930 do gen 4ii 3992 do cv 5s 3946 do con 5s 193U C B & Q 111 div 4s 1949 C & West Ind 4s 1952 C G & W 4s 1959 C M & St P 4s 1925 do cv 43 1932 do deb 4s 1034 do gen 4s A 199 do cv 5s 2014 do g & r il-s A 2014 Chs? .V W SI 5s 3929 do gen 4s 19S7 do 6!js 3936 do 7s 1930 C. Ft 1 & p ref 4s 3934 Colo Sou ref ex 4Vas 3935 do 4s 1929 Del & Hud cv 5s 1935 do 7s 11130 D Sr R G cv 4s -. 1936 do ref 5s 3955 Krie P U 4s 1996 do con 4s A 1953 do B 3953 do D 19.-.3 Erie Pa O G 4s 3951 Go" Trunk eq 6V2S 39311 Gt Nor ls 196i do 7s l'-3 Gt Trunk 6s 1936 do 7s 1940 111 Cent jt 5s 19B3 do ref 4s 1955 K C Sou ref 5s 3950 Keo & Dcs M 1st 5s 3923 L. S & Jl S if 3931 L & N 7s 3 930 do unl 4s 1940 M St P & S S S Jt 6,s 194 M K & T 4s 3 990 M P gen 4s 3 975 do ref 5s . ... 3 920 NYC deb 4s 3934 do con 4s 399S do ref imp 43 013 ao cv deb 6s 1935 N T N' H & H cv 6s 1948 N O Tex & ilex 5s 1935 X P P L 4s 1997 N P 6s : 204" O S L, ret 4s . 3929 "" Penna 6V4s 1936 do gen this 1935 do 43 , 3 900 do gen 3s 196S do 7s 1930 Penna R R 6Hs 1936 Reading gen 4s 1997 S A L 4s 3950 do 5s , 3949 do fis A 3945 Sou Ry con 5s 3994 So Pac cv 4s 1920 do ref 4s 1955 do F term 4s 3 950 f P conv 5s 1934 Kt. L, & S V P I. 4s A 3950 ft L t S F gen 5s 1931 f! L S F P I 5 B , 1950 St. r, & S F gen 6a 1931 dj 6s- 1855 92 91?. 107 V 87--J, S7 92 114 90 91 90 98 103 93 78Va 53 85 74 67 79 77 U 69 97 90 11 Hi 309 87 90 93 102 112 78 47 66 51 52 53 89 10-7 95 11314 106 114 99 V 91 K 93V4 94 93 30, 93 107 84 69 91 91 86H 90 107 85 78 70 .110 93 112 94 100 102 110 111 89 .60 2S 69 101 93 91 85 104 76 100 90 104 85 Int .Marino C T 6s 1941 Kelly Spgfield 8s 3 931 Ketlnecou. 7s 3930 Lack Steel 5s - 1923 do 1st 5s 1050 I.ibby JUcN & Libby 7s f!Ml Lis & Myers 5s 3951 do 7s 1944 Lorillard 0s 1951 do 7s 1944 Midvalo 5s 1936 Morris & Co 7s 1930" Proc & Gamble 7a ......... 3923 Republic I & S Ss 1940 Sears Roe 7s 3922 do 1923 Steel & Tube 7s 1951 Swift & Co 7s 1025 do 1931 Uni Drug 8s 1941 U S Rub 1st ref 5s 3 947 do 7s " 1930 IT S Steel sf 5s 1963 Va Chem 5s 1923 V Car Chem 7s 1932 West Elec 5s ; 1922 West U T col Tr 5s 1938 West Union 6s 1936 Wilson 1st 6s 1941 do cv 6s . . . 392S . .. 3925 ... 1931 ... 1925 . . 1929 . . 1946 .. 3 925 .. 1945 .. 1945 .. 1937 .. I960 .. I960 . . 1 906 .. 19BB . . '3930 .. 1943 .. 1941 . . 1 925 .. 1942 .. 1925 .. 3 925 . . 1 930 . . 3 933 . . 1923 . . 3 930 . . 1936 . . 1925 . . 1931 . . 1931 . . 3931 . . 1936 79 V4 83 80 so 100 94 95 89 105 100 100 92 87 81 105 95 101 1 02 103 105 92 SO 106 103 96 128 94 106 3 02 102 91- 79 303 106 89 46 107 108 101 107 102 107 303 316 105 305 9.1 J01 81 93 108 105 100 94 1I2 99 11S 99 338 - !I0 100 3 02 95 100 3 01 101 301 3 03 111' 90 110 104 100 3 05 100 too RAILWAY STOCKS YIELD bICAK TIIADERS ATTACK LIST IX XEW YORK MARKET. Oilier Recently Active Issues Af fected With Declines of One to Three Points. NEW YORK, Sept. N Y Airbrake N Y Central .. North Am . . . Okla Prod ref Ontario Silver Ontario Sr. W . 13. Active short 1 Otis Steel Mack Truck 1,300 61 59 Mont Power .... 1,400 75 72 Mont Ward 3,200 22 22 Mo Pac ,. 1,100 23 . 22 do pfd 5.700 62 60 Mex Seaboard .. 900 30 18 Marvland Oil.... 3,000 40 39 Martin Perry ... l.Ooo 33 32 Nat Enamel 2,600 62 61 Nat Lead 1,800 107 106 Nevada Con ..... 600 .16 16 New Haven 6,000 3.2 31 Norfolk & W Nor Pac ........ 3,100 Nova Scotia Steel ;800 2,900 4,000 ll,30O 2,200 100 1,100 3,000 124 122 nelline- of nrofessional origin, combined with extensive profit-taking, halted the upward movement of prices in today's stock market, closing prices of a number of' the recently active issues declining 1 to 3 points below yesterday's final figures. The selling was orderly, how ever, and there wse a good absorption of most offerings. There were a few outstanding excep tions to the reactionary tendency of most issues. Atchison gained nearly a point on reports of a possible increase in the dividend from 6 to 7 per cent or an extra dividend distribution. Cosden, the latest oil stock to be associated with , merger rumors, climbed ,1 points. 400 4.900 Pacific Dev Pac Gas & Elec. 12.000 1.800 12,000 11.600 1,900 3,500 . 400 900 3.200 5.200 3,800 1,400 8,400 4O0 180 2.600 S. . West Elec 7s . VV estlnghouse is .... Public ut lities Amn Lt Tran 6s... Amn Tel coil 4s..... do 5s do 6s Bell Tel of Pa 7s . B R T 5s Cal Gas uni 5s...... Cities Service 7s B.. do C do D Int R T ref 5s Laclede Gas 7s Mont Power 5s A.... Northwest Tel 7 ... Ohio Cities Gas 7s.. Pac Gas 5s Pac Gas, Elec 7s .. Oil bonds Anglo Amn 7s ... Galena S Oil 7s Gulf Oil Ts Humble 7s Pan Amn 7s Mex Pet cv Ss Sinclair 7s S O Cal 7s S O N Y 7s Tidewater Oil 6s ... Vacuum Oil 7s....... Foreign governments Argentine 7s 1927 Belgium 8s 1941 Bolivia 8s 1947 Brazil 8s 1941 do 7s 3952 Canada 5s 1952 Chile Ss Czecho-SIovak 8s Denmark 6s Dutch East Indies 6s do French Cities 6s Mexico External 5s . do 4s Netherlands 6s Paris-Lyon-Mdtrn 6s Rio de Janeiro 8s ... Seine 7s 3942 Hamburg 4s French Internal 4s 3917 do Victory os 1920 Belgian Restoration 5s British 2& consols Ital Cons War Loan 5..' Curb bonds Allied Packers 6s Am Tel & Tel 6s do i Anglo-Am Oil 7s ........ Armour & Co 7s Beth Steel 7s Copper Ex Assn 8s 102 97 108 108 107 3 99 115 108 66 9,8 129 95 91 16 1946 1951 1942 1947 1962 1934 1954 3954 1972 1958 1947 192 192 193.1 3924 do 1925 10S 90 4 93 103 105 104 100 101 106 ior. 100 110 103 108 102 105 98 303 92 99 104 95 99 90 96 82 54 42 95 76 101 90 49 59 67 51 35 66 80 100 101 103 104 7 103 102 103 Galena Signal Oil 7s 104 Grand Trunk bs - 101 Gulf Oil Co Ts , 104 '4 Humble Oil 7s 100 Inter Rapid Tran 7s 101 Libby McN & Lib 7s 102 Sears Roe 7s 3-yr ; 1923 3 01 So West Tel 7s 103 Stand-Oil N Y 6s 1933 109 do 7s 1920 1(10 Swift & Co 7s 101 do 1931 102 Vacuum Oil 7s 108 QUOTATION'S OX DAIRY PRODUCTS Punta Alegre Pacific Oil Pan Am Pet . . do B Pennsylvania . . Peoples Gas . . . Pere Marquette. Pure Oil Phillips Pete .. Pierce Arrow . . Pierce Oil Pitts Coal Pitts & W Va. . Penn Seaboard . Pressed St Car. Pullman- Shares of the Henee Manufacturing com- 1 ttay ions vhih n.9miriiirH mnlftrrvrlps. I neaains enjoyed an advance of nearly 3 points in I Steel response to private reports of increased earnings. Bear raiders, who attacked the Chicago Great Western issues .yesterday, trans ferred their activities to the Erie stocks tod-ya. The common and second pre ferred, however, yielded only fractionally on the day. whir the Jfirst preferred was forced down 1 points. Other rails were weak in sympathy, particularly the low-priced issues such as New Haven, New York, Ontario & Western and St. Paul. Investment issues like Union Pa cific, Canadian Pacific, Norfolk & West ern and New York Central also shared in the recession, some of the losses ex ceeding a point. Mexican Petroleum was active within a S'-polnt radius, registering a net decline of 3 after an early display of strength. Standard Oils of California and New Jersey, Houston, Producers & Refiners, Pan American and General Asphalt all yielded substantially. Copper and sugar shares also continued under pressure throughout most of the session. Weekly iron and steel trade reviews, Indicating a rapid recovery from the re cent depression in the industry because of the - rail and coal strikes, induced active buying of United States Steel com mon, which duplicated its high of the year, but it slipped back in final deal ings on realizing sales. Independent steels were Irregular. American and . Baldwin Locomotives and American Steel Spring each regis tered new highs for the year in early dealings, but reacted sharply at the close. Other equipments also were weak. Some of the public utilities, which moved into new high ground, however, were able. to hold most of their gains. Sales were 1,130,000 shares. Call money opened and renewed at 4 per cent, but stiffened to -4 at the close. T'ncr6 was a fair demand for-time money, but offerings were light. Com mercial paper was quiet. s Weakness of foreign exchange rates in the London market was followed by a rather sharp decline in the local center, demand sterling bills falling nearly 2 cents with corresponding reductions -in the continental rates. The market for. sterling was influenced by heavy offering of cotton bills. Japanese exchange showed a firmer tone. 88 39 81 88 96 ' 2 6 . 27 10 6 87 49 58 82 7S 47 94 38 -33 54 13 7 72 40 7 95 88 38 79 98 94 '4 2 6 25 10 4 83 59 73 22 22 01 20 39 32 61 106 16 31 122 88 39 79 98 94 2 6 26 10 5 85 48' 48 07 Dili 80 76 40 93 37 32 53 12 7 70 39 7 91 ,100 139 136 1,000 5.500 8.300 3.4O0 100 16 81 35 71 92 16 79 33 69 92 80 76 463 93 38 32 , 53 12 7 71 39 7 92 136 16 79 33 69 92 3 57 Republic I do pfd . . Rep Motors Royal Dutch Oil 5.700 " 58 57 Ry Steel Spring 1.500 126 124 124 S O Ky 109 109 109 Sears Roebuck.. 3,200 92 90 90 Shattuck, Ariz 8 Shell T & T ... -300 39 39 39 Sinclair 36,300 34 32 33 Standard Oil Ind 119 117 317 do N J 1,700 189 186 187 SIoss Shef 800 51 56 50 Sou Pacific 6.000 ' 94 94 94 Sou Ry 22,000 26 26 26 S O Cal 9,000 116 115 115 St L & S F 4,500 80 30 30 Stromberg Carb. 200 56 56 55 Studebaker 25,000 133 130 130 Swift & Co 109 109 109 Tenn C & Chem 400 10 . 10 10 Texas Oil 9,100 48 47 48 Texas Pac ..... 600 31 31 31 Tex Pac C & O. 3,200 27 26 26 Tob Products 33.300 67 64 65 Tran Con Oil... 4,200 , 14 14 14 Union Oil Del.. 200 19 18 19 21!. 000 4,500 CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company 01 Portland: Stock Adams. Express Advance Rum. Agr Chem .... do pfd A.lax Rubber . . Alaska Gold . . Alaska Juneau. Allied Chem... Aliis-Chalmers do pfd Am Beet Sugar Am Bosch .... Am Can Co . . . do pid Am. Car & Fdy Am Cot Oil ... do pfd ( Am Drug Synd Am Hide & Lea Sales. 600 266 . . 100 900 500 5,100 4.100 1.700 High. Low. 79 77 39 39. 14 1 86 ;U 200 10: 400 46 400 43 !,800 63 400 1 10 500 122 700 29 14' 1 84 57 102 46 42 62 109 122 27 Bid. 77 20 39 71 13 4,000 1.20O do pfd 1,000 14 74 1.400 120 4.500 36 !,000 400 800 "l'.ioo 14.500 800 37 57 127 21 64 3"0 102 IO0 152 8.500 45 1.40O . 82 100 110 110 Cnrrent Market Ruling on Cheese and Eggs. FRANCISCO. Sept. 13.- Butter, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 13. (United States Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics.) Butter Extras, 49c; prime firsts, nominal; firsts, 39c. Eggs Extras, 46c: extra firsts, 44c: extra pullets, 3ic; -undersized pullets. No. 1. 23c. Cheese California fiat fancy, 26 c; California flat fancy, firsts, 21 c; Cali fornia Young America fancy, 27c. NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Butter, firm; packing stock, current make No. 2, 26 27c. Eggs Irregular. Cheese Firm; state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 23c; average run. ,22 c CHICAGO. Sept. 13. Butter Unset tled; creamery extras, 38c: firsts, 30Sf33c: extra firsts, 34&3ic; sec onds, 2930c; steady, 35c. Egga Easy; receipts, 6(31 cases; firsts, 2730c; ordinary firsts. 2526c; miscellaneous, 2728c; refrigerator firsts, 25 26c. ST TE BANK OF ASHLAND SOLD. Kansas Man Is Slated to Be President of Enterprise. ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.) Sale of the Ashland State bank has been made and a deposit of $5000 put up to bind the deal, it became known here to day. The new owners will take over the banking institution in a few days. J. C. Hopper, stockman and banker of Hutchinson, Kan., is one of the heaviest stockholders in the enterprise, and is slated for the presidency. With him are associated J. H. Fuller, secretary of the chamber of commerce, and C. W Banta, former councilman. Other local people are interested in the enterprise, though the full list of stockholders has not yet been made public. Officials of the bank will be elected in a short time. Standard Rail Price Advanced. NEW YORK. Sept. . 13. The United States Steel ccrporation announced today that it had recommended to its sub sidiary companies that the price of standard rails be increased, commencing October 1. to $43 per gross ton base, f. o. b. mills for delivery in about equal monthly installments prior to June 30, 1923. The present price, $40 per gross ton base, will continue in effect until Sep tember 30. The steel corporation granted its em ployes a 20 per cent wage increase effect ive September 1. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Copper quiet. Electrolytic spot and nearby, 14c. Tin quiet; spot and futures 32.12c. Iron steady; No. 2 southern, $2527. Lead steady; spot 5.90 6c. Zinc steady; East St. Louis spot and nearby delivery, 6.40!g;6.42c. Antimony, spot, 6.256.75c. Rail Bond Sale Authorized. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 13. The Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railway company today was authorized by the interstate commerce commission to sell $1,000,000 of 4 per cent first and re funding mortgage bonds, at not less than 83 per cent of par and accrued interest, n OStetaoin shrdlu cmfwy vbgkqj Chicago Fotato Market. CHICAGO. Sept. 13. Potatoes, steady on early Qhios, slightly stronger on whites; receipts, 34 cars; total U. S. ship ments, 498 cars; Minnesota and South Dakota sacked and bulk early Ohios, $1.10(1.25 cwt. ; heated. 90c$1.00 cwt.; Wisconsin sacked cobblers, $1.3091.45 cwt.; ditto bulk, $1.301.60 cwt 1 Am Ice Am IntI Corp. . Am. Linaeed do pfd ...... Am Loro do pfd Am Saf Razor . Am Ship & Com Am Smelter . . do pfd Am Snuff .... Am Steel Fdy . Am Sugar .... do pfd Am Sumatra . . Am T & T. . . . Am Tobacco . . do "B" Am Wool ..... do pfd Am W P pfd . . Am , Zinc Anaconda Assd Oil Atchison 11,000 106 do pfd 900 94 Atl Coast- L... 500 123 Atl Gulf & W I. 2.000 32 Baldwin Loco . 34.600 140 ao pia Balto & Ohio . do pfd Barnsdell Cor. Beth Steer "B Booth Fish . . B R T Butte C & Z . Butte & Sup . Burns Bros . . Caddo Oil Calif Packing Calif Pet 2,100 do pfd Can 1 84 57 102 46 -42 - 62 3 09 122 28 55 . 6 14 72 117 35 36 56 124 124 n2 6 7 2f 20 63 63 6 , 14 72 117 34 36 102 152 44 82 V 1,300 44 6,000 123 900 165 1,400 162 17,600 105 '"'206 "32 30O 17 8,300 55 200 117 3(i0 110 3.200 5 200 14,400 2,500 1.700 2,100 200 500 66 42 79 9 -5 7 , 29 1,300 135 2UO 31 800 85 64 40 122 14 160 102 "32 17 54 117 104 93 122 - 30 136 110 56 65 40 78 8 24 7 29 134 . 11 85 63 102 152 44 82 110 42 122 164 160 102 110 32 17 54 117 105 93 122 31 137 110 57 65 40 78 9 24 29 134 10 85 63 97 Union Pac United Alloy . . . United Drug . . . United Food Pro United Fruit . . . Union Bag & P. U S C 1 Pipe U Retail Stores. U S Ind Alcohol 3,000 U S Rub do 1st pfd .'. U a Smelting.. V S Steel do pfd Utah Copper. . . Va Chem 1.800 Vanadium Steel. 10,000 Vlvandou ; 100 Wabash do A pfd L100 do B pfd Wells Fargo . Western Pac . . . do pfd Western Union.. Westing A B. . . Westing E & M. West Md White Motors . . . Willys-Over . . . do pfd. Wilson Packing. Wisconsin Cent. Woolworth Worthing Pump W & L K White Oil White Eagle Oil 3,200 153 151 151 400 38 100 81 300 6 200 154 1,400 77 3,100 35 3,400 86 65 5,100 56 1,200 102 37 81 6 154 75 34 84 64 38 80 6 153 76 34 , 84 64 56 101 101 42 33,000 306 304 305 122' 69 28 53 12 33 :'l 68 28 51 12 '33 300 79 600 39 1.200 64 4O0 117 1,000 1 04 1.300 64 2.700 4.80O 3,400 500 800 700 ' 2 00 400 100 900 Orpheum 1,300 15 53 , 7 47 46 33 43 13 8 29 22 79 19 64 317 103 63 15 7 46 45 32 '42 13 28 121 68 28 51 12 12 33 79 18 63 116 103 63 15 51 7 46 45 32 185 42" 13 8 28 South Lake .....4- Superior Boston 1 United Shoe .Machinery 41 do pfd 27 Superior Copper .4 Shattuck s... 8 Tuolumne 66 Utah Metals - 1 United States Mining 42 UtahApex ej Ventura 28 Victoria 1 Winona ..........- 1 Wolverine 10 Wyandot . . . 60 . 46 1 -41 27 5 9 68 1 43 2 28 1 1 11 70 Foreign Bonds. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Belgian rest 5s . . 1919 do prem 5s 1920 do 7s 1945 do 6s 1925 Brazil 8s 3941 do 7s 1952 British 5a 1922 do 5s 3 927 do Bs 1929 do vky 4s 1919 do ref 4s 1919 U K 5s 1922 do 5s 1929 do 6s 1937 Bordeaux 63 i . 1934 Canadian 5s 1920 do 5s 1927 do 5'S ........... 1927 do 5s ........ 1931 Chinese 6s 1951 Chile Ss 3941 French 43 3917 do 5s 1020 do 5s 1931 do 7s 1941 do Ks 1945 German W Berlin 4s . Hamburg 4s do 4s .. Lelpeig 4a do 5s -. . . . Munich 4s . do 5s Frankfort 4a Italian 5s . . . Japanese 4s . do 1st, 4 s do 2d 4a Norway 8s . Swedish 6s . do bs .... Denmark Ss Rusaian 5As do ftjaB do 6s 1919 Sao Paulo Ss 3936 Swiss 5s . . .; 1929 do 8s 1940 L 5s.. 1918 1931 3025 1925 1940 1939 1942 1945 1921 Bid. 64 70 106 99 102 91 89 92 92 77 76 100 107 105 82 100 69 102 100 303 68 66 58 98 101 .60 .70 .75 .75 .60 .70 .75 .75 .75 5 ' 82 94 93 112 106 99 110 .12 jo" ' 102 305 121 Asked. 67 73 107 100 103 82 93 95 95 80 77 ios" 105 83 100 100 102 100 54 104 69 6S 59 9S 101 1.00 .90 1.00 1.O0 3.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 36 82 94 94 112 106 100 111 14 35 303 106 122 German bonds Quoted in dollars and cents. Ex-div. 1V4 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Open. High. ' Low. Bid. Liberty 3s ..101.32 301.36 101.10 101.16 do 1st 4s . . . 100.70 do 2d 4a ...100.18 100.18 100.18 100.16 do 1st 4 s.. 100.86 100.88 100.64 100.64 do 2d 4s.. 100.32 100.36 100.22 100.24 do 3d 4 s.. 100.40 100.40 100.34 1O0.34 do 4th 4S. 100.82 100.84 100.72 100 74 Vic 4s call.. 100.30 100.32 100.30 100.30 do 4s, '23.100.74 100.76 100.70 100.70 Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil stocks furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Anglo Borne Scrysmer Buckeye ..r Cheesebrough ........ do pfd Continenetal Crescent Cumberland .......... Eureka Ualena com .......... do old pfd do new pfd Illinois Pipe . : Indiana Pipe Natl Transit N Y Transit Northern Pipe Ohio Oil .............. International Pete ... Penn Alex Prairie Pipe . . Solar Refg . . . Southern Pipe South Penn Oib S W Penn Oil . S O Cal fac 2,800 148 147 147 Cen Leather Cerro de Pasco Con Textile . . . Chandler Motor Chgo 4 N W. ; Chgo. Gt W do. pfd Chill Cop Chino C- M St P do pfd Coco Cola C & O Colo F & I Colo Southern . Col Gas & Elec. Columbia Graph, Con Gas Cons Cigars do pfd . Contl Can . City Sve Brok. , Corn Prod do pfd 14,600 2.700 1.800 3.400 3,900 2,800 7, 600 3,500 400 11.6O0 7,000 1,600 900 5,000 44 40 30 63 94 6 36 23 30 34 52 76 35 8,500 109 200 3 9,300 143 1,700 35 42 39 10 62 93 0 34 23 30 33 51 71 75 33 ioe 3 141 34 1,700 90 89 2,900 139 1U0 JH Cosden Oil 51.200 5 51 V? 4S C R I & P 4.0(H) do 'A pfd.. do "B" Pfd 700 01 u. Crucible 6,600 95V-" do pfd loo 98 Cuba Cane 800 14 do ufd 2.700 37-: Cuban Amn Sug 1,500 25?4 uei nuason.. 300 33(,v, Dome Mines 1.800 3911 D L & W 300 3 30 Davison Chem.. 5.800 53 Endicott Johnsn 3. 800 89 ii Erie 18,400 10 do 1st pfd ... 1,200 20 Elect Stor Bat. 1.900 48V, Famous Players. 3,600 105 Fed Min & Smlt 117 117 48 ?i 47 800 101 100 90 92 98 14 - 36 25 136 38 133 50 87 34 23 U 47 10: 43 40 30 62 93 6 14 23 30 33 51 70 75 35 49 108 3 141 f 34 75 90 21 117 117 50 47 100 91 ' 92 98 34 36 do pfd 500 59((i Fisk Tire 100 13 Gen Cigars 50(1 82 Gen Elec - 300 382 Gen. Motor ....14,100 15 do 6 Gen. Asphalt . Goodrich . . . . . . Glidden O. & P. Granby -tireat .Nor Ore.. do pfd Greene Cananea. Gulf S Steel Glen Alden Houston Oil Hupp Motor Ills Cent Inspiration .... Int Agr Cor com do prd Interboro 500 1 do pfd 200 4 lnterst Callahan 1.900 a Int Harv 1.000 112 111 lat Merc Marine 4.0(10 14 13 56 17 59 100 8,700 200 500 4!000 3,200 . . 1.000 sjo'o .tTi 84 67 35 14 14 42' " S4 84 .M 23 500 115 900 41 59 l:: 80 1S2 14 84 65 35 34 41 94 82 5S 80 22 114 41 1 4 9 do pfd 5.O0O 58 Int Nickel 8.400 18 Int Paper 3.300 61 do pfd Invincible Oil . 3,000 14 Island Oil 1.800 Jewel Tea 2.000 17 K C Southern.. 600 25' K C Sou pfd Kelly Springfield 300 43 Kennecott 1.5O0 36 Keystone Tire .. 1.200 8 Lack Steel 1.700 79 Lee Tire 200 26 Lehigh Valley ... . 3,200 71 14 16 43 36 8 79 26 70 3 36 3S 133 50 87 15 24 U 47 102 32 58 ' 12 81 190 14 84 65 34 14 31 41 93 31 82 58 80 22 114 41 9 37 1 4 9 111 14 57 17 59 9a 14 16 57 43 36 8 79 26 70 do Kansas . . do Kentucky do N Y do Ohio do Ohio pfd Swan & Finch Vacuum Washington . . . S O Nebraska . Imperial Oil . . Bid. Ask. . . 20 20 ..455 465 . . 97 98 ..195 205 .110 113 ..145 148 .. 25 37 -.148 153 . . 95 98 .. 54 58 ..108 112 ..103 " 305 ..170 172 ... 96 ' 98 . .'" 26 . 27 ..177 . 180 ' ..107 110 . . 288 290 .. 22 22 .. 26 27 ..610 620 . . 205 208 ..345 355 . . 95 97 ..207 213 . . 60 65ex ..110 ..118 119 .560 108 454 450 118 32 476 221 180 114 570 1 lOex 458 460 119 35 480 " 225 190 115 Swift & Co. Stocks. Closing prices, of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 109 Swift International Llbby, McNeil & Libby do new National Leather, new . 23 2 7 7 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK, Sept, 13. Call money, firm; high 4 per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; bid, 4 per cent; offered at'5 pe cent; last loan. 4 per cent; call loans agaun&t acceptances, 3 per eentr ; '.--' ., ' . Time loan's, firm; : mixed - collateral, 60-90 days, 44 per cent; four to six months, 44 per cent. Prime commercial paper, 4 4 per cent. Foreign bar silver, 69 c. Mexican dollars, 53 c. . LONDON, Sept. 13. Bar silver, 35d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. Discount rates, short and three months' bills, 2 9-16S2 per cent. Milling Stocks at Boston. Mining stock quotations at Boston fur- Lorillard ...'..' 179 Loew Theatres ..15.300 20 19 19 L & N - 300 138 136 136 Lima Loco 6,200 64 62 62 Maxwell Motor A - 900 K0 59 59 do B . 5.300 20 39 19 May Stores 600 137 135 332 Mex Pet 10.000 194 189 189 Miami 300 29 29 29 Middle States Oil 3.000 13 13 13 Midvale Steel I. 2.700 18 18V4 18 M K & T Wi.... 7,100 ;18 18 18 nished by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Bid. Ask. Arizona Commercial ........ 8 8 Adventure '. 50 1()0 Ahoieek 63 64 Algomah ......' 5 15 Allouez 25 26 California 4- Arizona 60 61 Calumet & Hecla 292 - 293 New Corn 184 18 Centennial 9 10 Copper Range ; 39 40 Davis Daly 4 4 East Butte -. . .10 Franklin Mining 2 2 Hancock ..v 2 .2 Helvetia .' 1 1 Island Creek ...i 110 110 Keweenaw 2 2 Kerr Lake 3 4 Lake Copper 4 - 4 La Salle 1 ' 1 Michigan 1 , 2 3 Massachusetts Co" - eVi .'" 3 Mohawk T-i 59 61 May-Old Colony V. . : .. 8 4 Mason Valley 1 1 North Butte 11 12 Nipissing 6 6 Old Dominion Copper 22 25 Osceola Mining . . ....... . 35 36 Ojibway '. ... 2 2 Quincy Mining- 41 42 Pond Creek ....21 22 Iie Royal , 22V, 23 Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchango rates at the close off business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank-of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds: Country. Foreign unit. Austria, kronen $.000025 Belgium, francs 074000 Bulgaria, leva 007300 Cxenho-Slovakia. ' kronen 034300 Denmark, kroner 214oOO England, pound sterling .4,ii.-u Finland, finmark 022300 France, francs 076200 Germany, marks 000700 Greece, drachmas 026800 Holland, guilders 389200 Hungary, kronen wuubiiu Italy, lire 042200 Jugo-Slavia, kronen 003700 Norway, kroner 168000 Portugal, escudos 059500 Roumania. - lei .007300 Serbia, dinara 014800 Spain, pesetas .155000 Sweden, kroner .266000 Switzerland, francs i. .190000 China Hongkong, local currency. .580000 Shanghai, taels 780000 Japan, yen , . - .485000 NEW YORK. Sept. 13. Foreign ex change heavy.' Great Britain, demand $4.42, cables $4.42: 60-day bills on banks, $4.40. France, demand 7.54, cables 7.55; Italy, demand 4.18, cables 4.19. Belgium, demand 7.14, cables 7.15. Germany, demand .06, cables .06. Holland, demand 38.67, cables 38,73. Norway, demand 16.65. Sweden, demand 26.45. Denmark; demand 21.28. Switzerland, demand 18.70. Spain, de mand 15.30. Greece, demand 2.50. Poland, demandV.01. Czecho-Siovakla, demand 3.35. Argentina, demand 36.12. Brazil, demand 13.12. Montreal, 09, . Chicago Oil Market. , (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO. Sept. 13. Gasoline: Tank wagons, 21c; service stations, 23c; ma chine, 27.9c. Oils: 'Summer. 11.4c; win ter, 11.0c; Carbon Perfection, iron . bar rels, llc Linseed oil. raw, 1 to 4 bar rels delivery. $1.02; boiled, $1.04. Tur pentine, $1.53. Denatured alcohol, 40c. Cotton Seed Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Cotton seed oil closed: September $8.308.32; October $7.807.88; November $7.607.61 : De cember $7.677.70; January $7.767.77; February $7.797.80; March $7.807.95; April $7.958.10. NEW ISSUE $5,000,000 State of Oregon 4 and 44 Veterans' State Aid Gold Bonds Dated October 1, 1922 Due Serially as Shown Below Principal and semi-annual interest (April and October) payable at the office of the Fiscal Agent of the State of Oregon, New York City or at the State Treasurer's Office. Salem. Coupon' bonds of the denomination of $1000 exchangeable for fully registered bonds. Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes Legal investment for savings banks and trust funds in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and elsewhere. Eligible to secure postal savings deposits. FINANCIAL STATEMENT As officially reported Assessed valuation, 1921 .' . .$1,020,804,197 Total bonded debt, including this issue. . . . 50,884.020 POPULATION. 1920 783,285 The ratio of the bonded debt to the assessed valuation is about 4.9 per cent. These bonds issued for the purpose of making loans and paying cash bonuses to soldiers were provided for by an amendment to the constitution of the state, designated as article . XI-C, and by the statute known as chapter 201, Laws of 1921. The validity of the amendment arid the constitutionality of statute have been upheld by decision of the circuit court of Oregon, and this decision has been fully affirmed by the supreme court of the state. MATURITIES AND PRICES 4 per cent bonds Due $15,000 semi-annually October 1. 1931. to April I. v 1951, inclusive, at 99 and interest. 44 per cent bonds Due $110,000 semi-annually October 1, 1931, to April 1. 1951, at prices to yield about 4Ve, per cent. Legality) to be approved by Messrs. Storey, Thorndyke, Palmer and Dodge, Boston. Cyrus Peircfe & Co. Ladd & Tilton Bank Portland Portland The above statements, while not guaranteed, are obtained (rom sources which we believe to be reliable. LA GRANDEJTO BE HOST Arrangements Made for Arrival of Exposition Special. ' .. LA GRANDE, Or., Sept." 13. (Spe cial.) Upon his arrival tonight from Wallowa county where he had com pleted arrangements for the visit of the exposition special from Port land to Joseph, Enterprise and Wal lowa, Monroe Goldstein conferred with the Ad club here. It was decided that the special train should arrive in La Grande on Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The special will be met by La Grande citizens with automobiles to convey the visitors around the visitors around the Grande Ronde valley. A band concert and mass meeting will be features. Mayor George L. Baker of Portland and others will speak. .. At 10 o'clock La Grande peoftle will give a community dance. At 3 o'clock A. M. the special will leave for Pendleton. IMAI id 1VJ MS BROTHERS CORPORATION Subject to prior sale and change in price, we offer $835,000.00 South Vancouver, British Columbia 5 General Obligation Bonds To Yield To Yield Dated February, 1922. $470,000 due February, 1935. 365,000 due February, 1943 CHEST MOVEMENT BEGUN Albany Chamber of Commerce Considers Charity Aid. - . ALBANY. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.) A community chest for the chari ties to be administered in Albany mav resulr from a movement started fiere yesterday when the local cham ber of commerce resumed, weekly luncheons following the vacation period. The proposition "of such a chest to be made up by the busi ness men and handled through the Principal and interest payable in U. S. Gold in New York and at the offices of the Morris Brothers Corporation; also payable in Canada and London, England. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Assessed value for taxation ' $24,407,281 Value of municipality's assets.... 9,541,713 General bonded debt $6,716,165 Less sinking fund ' $ 805,423 Less special assessments 784,285 Water works bonds 1,013,050 2,602,758 Net debenture debt $ 4,113,407 Population (Estimated 1922) 33,000. SOUTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. This is a well-established, thriving, industrial and residential city, covering an area of approximately 9000 acres, adjoining Vancouver, B. C, a city of over 116,000 popula tion, to which it is closely connected by street railways and thoroughfares. Price to Yield 5.80 Telegraph or telephone orders at our expense. MOMS BROTHERS C0RP0RM0N Government and Municipal Bonds morris building DYrtlaTirl f rrodYn J09"" stark st BROADWAY 2151 chamber met with unanimous ap- membersh'p noon luncheons. Rt i f officer in Xivmbir nd tt m hfl (mhmitted to the1 Ports on finances were nearn inn u tne fiscal year ai mat time inmea next membership meeting. The directors aiso recommended that steps 'be taken to obtain a re adjustment of wheat prices paid to growers, decided to co-operate with the state chamber in putting over "Canning Week," September 18-26, and appointed a committee to ar range for the first of the weekly proposal was made to hold ectirn ' f on January 1. At p-frynf. BUY BRAZIL GOVERNMENT 5 Bonds Yield 8 UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. ' 284 Oak Street. .Safe nepoit Boxes S3.50. Protecting the Investor To protect the investor "is our business. We do not do this by selling him something "better than the other fellow's." We do not sell securities at all, nor do we deal in them in any way. We protect the investor by rating his securities for him; by recommending securities which pass real investment tests; by advising against the purchase of doubtful and dangerous bonds and stocks which are not true investments at all. f In these and numerous other ways we perform a service which is of indispensable value to any in dividual investor, trustee or financial institution. Write us for full information. Moody s Investors Service 35 Nassau Street, New York City BOSTON 101 M0k St. PHILADELPHIA IUlEttmTitBU. CHICAGO Knt Nuioxl Bui BU. LOS ANGELES PmdBc Mutual BU. How to get fMore Interest on your savings r 3 'F YOU are not getting 5 to 7 on your savings you are not getting what your money is worth in the business world. By means of our PARTIAL PAY MENT PLAN or by purchase of BABY BONDS you can make your money earn the maximum, just as banks and insur ance companies do. You don't need to understand finance to do it. We will take care of the details. , Come in and talk it over. You will be under no obligation. SCHOOL BONDS, CORPORATION BONDS, GOVERNMENT BONDS The bonds we sell are BONDS WE OWN freeman, smith & Camp Co. LutflCRMINS Bldo. Portuano PHONI I'WtT B740