23 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 SHORTAGE DF CARS HOLDS MlPPli Steamers Here for Wheat Still in Country. DEMURRAGE BEING PAID Public Service Commission Will Be Asked to Compel Rail roads to Give Belief. Grain shippers of Portland are prepar Inr to bring the car shortage Question directly befors the Oregon public service commission in an effort to obtain relief. The grain men of Washington will also appeal to the Washington public service commission to the name end. The car shortage has reached a se rious phase in the northwest. There are a number of grain steamers in this har bor on demurrage, some of which ar rived last month, and the number is oe ln continually added to. Exporters have the wheat bought to supply cargoes for these steamers, but the grain Is still in the country and they cannot get to tide water. Premiums are being quoted on wheat tfiat can be delivered to the docks promptly, but this Is affording little help. Unless something can be done in the way of better car service from the Interior, the grain trade stands to face a heavy loss. The railroads assert that they have fewer bad-order cars than before the strike, yet they have fewer cars to place at the disposal of grain men than they had before. The trouble seems to be that they have allowed the cars to get away from them on eastbound Dusiness and have not replaced them with other cars westbound. It Is this phasa of the question that will be brought to the attention of the public service commissions and they will be asked to order the railroads to re place all cars lost to eastern lines with other cars that can handle necessary business at this end. EXPORT WHEAT BIDS CENT LOWER Offer of $1.20 Made for 5000 Bushels September Big; Bend Blnestem. The wheat market had an easier tone yesterday .and bids in the open market were about a cent lower than the day before. Trading was light. At the Merchants' Exchange session a special bid was made of $1.20 for 5000 bushels of Big Bend blue stem, Septem ber shipment. Regular September bids ranged from 1 cent higher to 2 cents lower and October from nchanged to 1 cent lower than Tuesday. The coarse grain market was unchanged. The Chicago wire to the Gray-Roseq- baum Grain company follows: "Prussian crop report indicates 50. 800,000 less bread grains than last sea son, confirming reports poor crop in Germany, Latter reported bought 6,000, 000 bushels wheat and 1,000,000 bushels rye In London recently. Seaboard ex porters reported taken 2,000.000 bushels hard winters past few days. Sentiment bearish. No particular pressure." Wheat closed d higher at Liver pool at 9s 6d for September and 9s d for December. The Price Current Grain Reporter says: "The condition of corn has not improved and the crop has been ma terially reduced by drouth and heat throughout the southwest and in Kan sas, Nebraska and most of the central part of the belt. The surplus corn states will be confined to northwest Nebraska, state of Iowa, southern part of South Dakota, and southern parts of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio." Terminal receipts, in cars, were re ported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows. Portland Wht. Bry. Fir. C. scuth was good with the Los Angeles quotation Friday reported at 43 Re ceipts included three carlot shipments fom other states, but total receipts are not equal to last week. The eastern butter markets opened slightly unsettled in the past week be cause of the holiday. It was freely pre dicted that the demand would increase because of returning vacationists and children starting to school, but dealers generally were not thoroughly convinced that the increase would be large enough or come soon enough to take care of the three-day accumulations. A few days of trading, however, soon settled that question as fancy butter all week was short of buyers needs and therefore the prices all week were steadily ad vanced. All grades were fairly well cleaned up, but the lower scores were not so firm as the higher scoring lots. - There was, especially at Chicago and Philadelphia, a good demand for the lew scores. The medium scores were the hardest to move and this was partly because of the use of short-held butter, which directly competed with the 89 to 90 scores. The four eastern markets' stor age movement was very large, giving the-"markets more strength, but the pre liminary report was rather - bearish as the holdings were about 4,000,000 pounds hoavier than was expected. PRIVT BUTTER TWO CEJfTS HIGHER Local Advance Will Go Into Effect To dayEggs Also Higher. Print butter and butter fat will be 2 cents higher in the local market this morning. The advance is due to a simi lar rise in the Seattle market. Prints in parchment wrappers will be quoted at 4(1 cents and the delivered buying price cf butterfat will also be 46 cents. , The cube butter market was firm dur ing the day and extras moved at 4041 cents. Eggs continued to advance. The asso ciation. raised .its selling prices 2 cents to 39 cents for selects, 37 cents for firsts and 33 cents for pullets. Receipts of fresh eggs are very light and . buyers are of fering 3334 cents to country shippers. Storage eggs are moving out freely at 30 32 cents to the retailer. The poultry market was quiet at un changed prices. Fancy dressed veal wu firm at 1516 cents, but heavy veal was in large supply- and very hard to move. j skinned, 30c; picnic, 18c: cottage roll. zac per pound. BACON Fancy, 363143c; choice, 259 sic: standards. 2224c. LARD Pure tierces, 15o per pound DRY SALT BACKS 20023c; plates. is cents. Wednesday 109 Year ago. . 199 Sea. to date 3992 Year ago.. 8153 Tacoma Tuesday.... 47 Tear ago ... 2 Sea. to date 1S40 Tear ago ..2849 Seattle Tuesday .. 92 Year ago.. 119 Sea. to date 1191 Year ago.. 14443 1 134 80 1 10 60 4 51 8 4 287 494 4 12 247 261 14 14 555 448 3 1 200 99 10S 53 5 12 332 213 O. Hay 2 .1 4 1 156 42 315 293 7 10 111 114 34 39 3 129 77 5 9 305 328 SOIL DRY FOR FALL PLOWING Harvest of Spring Wheat and Oats Con tinues in Elevated Districts. Harvest of spring wheat and oats con tinues in some of the elevated districts. Threshing is generally well advanced. The present hot weather is favorable for the maturing of corn in irrigated dis tricts and where recent rains' have oc curred. Cutting of corn for ensilage is becoming more general. Some plowing for winter wheat has been -done, but over most of the state the soil is too dry, according to the Oregon weekly crop report of the weather bureau. Picking and shipping of prunes are In progress in eastern counties. Drying of prunes in some western and southern districts will begin this week. Picking of pears and peaches is advancing rap idly. Apples in most districts are ma turing satisfactorily, but in some places are affected by drought. The black berry season is about over. Pastures and meadows m northwestern counties have been improved by rain. Irrigated alfalfa continues to do well, and conditions have generally been fa vorable Tor late haying. There is still complaint of ranges being dry, though there has been improvement in some sec tions and stock is mostly fair to good. Hop picking was somewhat delayed by rain, but little damage was done and conditions In the latter part of the week were ideal for picking. Hops on high land show the effect of drought but on bottom land are good. Late potatoes in northwestern counties are making good top growth, but it is believed th? rains came too late to. make r ood tubers in some cases. Irrigated potatoes are good, but digging has stopped in most sections owing to uncertainties of ship pi ig and market conditions. Late veg etables and melons are plentiful. STORAGE EGGS ARE WITHDRAWN Local Holdings, Decrease 2051 Cases in Past Week. . Withdrawals from local storages in the past week were 2051 cases of eggs and 25,698 pounds of butter. The official figures on storage hold ings of dairy and poultry products at Portland and Seattle this week compare with, last week and a year ago as fol lows: At Portland - ; This ' Last Last Week. Week. Tear. Butter, lbs 650,797 677,495 220,284 Am. cheese, lbs. 113.933 129.288 182.299 Ekes, cases 54.624 56.675 46.383 roultry, lbs 88,547 90,776 70,254 At Seattle This Last - Last Week. Week.- Year. Butter, lbs 716,796 770,604 296,886 Am. cheese lbs. 384,504 404,177 215,641 Eggs, cases 40,673 48,996 28,638 Poultry, lbs 227,964 240,689 12J.C ORIENTAL FLOUR DEMAND CEASES Financial and Crop Conditions on Other Side Effective. Prospects for an early renewal of flour business with Japan are not bright, a cording to cables received yesterday. The trouble is largely the result of financial conditions on the other side. Added to this is the good crop of wheat in the oilent and also the slump in rice prices. The Japanese bought flojr rather heav ily early in, the season and these ship ments are now going forward. There is no likelihood that the orient als will be in the market for wheat very soon. Some of their previous purchases In this line have Been cancelled. Cantaloupe Season Ending. Peach receipts were light yesterday and prices were firm. Wordel grapes are being offered at 30 cents a basket. The cantaloupe season is nearly over owing to the low prices that have been rul ing here. Yakima growers have ceased to ship. Green prunes are abundant and slow sale at 22 cents a pound. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland J6.424.649 t 756.334 Seattle 6,750,680 1,354,336 Spokane 1,951,332 722,740 Tacoma Transactions, $2,939,000. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. September October Bid. Ask Bid. .Ask. Wheat Bluestem Baart,J1.18 fl.lS Soft white 1.08 1.12 1.05 1.08 Western white. 1.08 .... 1.05 1.07 Hard winter. . . 1.05 .... 1.02 1.07 Nor. spring ... 1.05 .... 1.02 .... Western red .. 1.00 1.10 - .98 1.05 Oats No. 2, 36-lb. naturals 30.00 32.00 30.00 32.00 38-lb. clips ... 29.00 31.50 29.00 31.50 3S-lb. naturals 31.50 32.50 31.00 32.50 Barley . 44-lb. minimum 29.00 .... 27.50 .... 40-lb. minimum -.'7.50 26,00 ' Hides. Hops, Etc HIDES Salted hides, under 45 pound 8 9c; salted hides, over 45 pounds, 78c: green hides, under 45 pounds. 8c; green hides. 45 pounds, 67o salted bulls. 637c: green bulla. 636c salted or green calf, under 15 pounds, 1213c; salted or green kip, 16 to 30 pounds, viuiioc; nair slipped hides sna skins, half price; flint dry hides, 110 12c; flint of dry calf, under 7 pounds. ll12c: dry salted hides. S9c; culls and damaged, half price. Green or salt ed horse hides, $23 each; colt skins. 50c$l each; dry horse, 75c51.25 each. PELTS Dry sheep pelts, long wool 18s20c; dry sheep pelts, short wool, 9 10c; dry sheep pelts, pieces, 910c; dry sheep shearlings, no value-; salted pelts, long wool, each, S1.502; salted peltc, short wool, each 73c$l: salt -sprlng lamb pelts, each, 75c$l; salted shear lings, each, 1020c; salted goats, long hair, each $12; salted goats, short hair, each 80c $1; dry goats, long hair, per pound, 10 12c; dry goats, short hair. each 253'50c: goat shearlings, each, 10& 26 cents. ' TALLOW No. 1, 05t4c; No. 2, 4 5c per pound; grease, 3ft 4c per pound. CASCARA BARK New peel, 6VsC per pound; old peel, 74c per pound. OREGON GRAPE Grape root, go per pound. HOPS Nominal. WOOL Valley wool, fine and half- blood, 3035c; three-eighths blood, 30 32c: quarter-blood. 2527c: low quarter and braid, 20S22; matted. 16(8lSc. - MOHAIR Long staple, 30' 32c, deliv ered Portland; short staple, 2527c; burry, 20 (S1 25c per pound. GRAIN BAGS Car lots. 8Mc. coast. Oils. LINSEED OIL. Raw. In barrels. $1.10 5-gallon cans, $1.25; boiled, in barrels. 1. 1.12: 5-gailon cans, 11.27. TOBPENT1HJS in arums, ll.su: o- firallon cans, 11.65. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs. 12 Vie per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron barrels, 26c; cases. 87c. , ' Lumber. The following are direct quotations on Douglas fir and represent approximately prevailing f. o. b. ' mill prices in carlots and are based on orders .that have been negotiated: Flooring High Low 1x4 No. 2 VG J54.00 $45.00 1x4 No. 2 & B, SG . . 38.00 1x4 No. 3 VG 43.00 39.00 1x6 No. 2 & B, SG . . 42.00 40.00 Stepping . No. 2 & B 67.00 Finish No. 2 and better 1x8 10-inch 69.00 Casing and base ... 65.00 Ceiling x4No. 2&B ....38.00 1x4 No. 2 & B . 41.00 Drop siding 1x6 No. 2 & B 43.00 1x6 No. 3 39.50 Boards and S L No. 1 1x8 10-inch S. I. S.. 19.50 lxl2-lnch 17.00 Dimension No. 1 S & E 2x4 12-14 19.60 Planks and' small timbers 4x4 12-16 S 4 S 22.60 17.50 3x10-12 12-16 S 4 S 22.00 19.00 Timbers 32 ft. and under 6x6 0x10 S 4 S 25.00 20.00 Lath Fir 6.00 4.00 Pre vailing Price $51.00 3S.UU 41.66 56.00 56.00 38.00 40.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 36.50 14.50 19.-50 15.60 18.50 Oregon Banking and Bond News. Prospects for an enlarged bond busi ness in southern California this season are expected by Alfred. T. Brock, vice- president and manager of the Los An geles office of G. E. Miller & Co. In a letter to Mr. Miller received yesterday Mr. Brock called attention to the slack season which was evidenced some time ago, but expressed it as his opinion, as well as that of other bond dealers, that the fall market would be better than it has been for several years., Mr. Brock, who recently went with G. E. Miller & Oo., is one of the best known ftend men on the Pacific coast. m m The prune cro-a in the country around Dayton will be large this year and will almost make up for the bad crop or J.yzi, in uie opinion o J. L. Stuart. cashier of the Bank of Dayton, who con ferred with officials of the Northwest ern National bank yesterday. Prices for prunes are good --and the growers will make substantial profits. Hops around Dayton are yielding heavily, but the prices, except for those under contract. are low. A number of local bond houses par ticipated in the offering of $50,000,000 ten-year o per cent debenture , bonds riss-ued by Swift & Co. yesterday. The securities found a ready sale, according to Blyth, Witter & Oo. The big meat packing concern recently made a call for an outstanding $65,000,000 issue of 7 per cent debentures and is putting out the new issue instead. The new cannery that has been in operation at Stayton this season has afforded the small farmers a market for their fruits that heretofore have gone to waste. J. W. Mayo, cashier of the First National bank of Stayton, was in Port land yesterday and told of the operation of the canning plant. Conditions in the Lewiston. Idaho. country are better than they , have been ior some time despite the fact that wheat crops were not what they were expectea to be, according to Alonzo L. Lyons, president of the American Na tional bank, who is here for a few days. W. S. Link, cashier, and O. K. Knick erbocker, assistant cashier of the Na tional bank or McMmnville. paid their respects to officers of the United States National bank yesterday. LIVERPOOL WHEAT SURPRISES MARKET Close Higher in Face of Pre vious Day's Decline. GERMANY BUYS HEAVILY : V Retail, Prices of Pork, Beef and Mutton High as Before War, Says Provision Parser. L. L. Rogers, vice-president, and "R. A Davis, assistant cashier of the Inland Empire bank of Pendleton, were among me out-oi-xownnanKers wno visited In Portland yesterday. FLOUlt Family patents, J7.20 per bbl.; whole wheat. $6.20; graham, $6; bakers' hard wheat, $7.40; bakers' blue stem patents. $7.20; valley bakers', $5.90. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, ton lots, $29; middlings, $41; rolled barley. $3638; rolled oats, $42; scratch feed, $48 per ton. CORN White. 135:" rT-Wi1 197 nor tqn. A. L. Fuller, cashier of the State bank HAT Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Raimier, was in Portland for a few Alfalfa. $18(818.50 per ton: - cheat. 115: hours yesterday arternoon. AN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Thomas West, vice-president of the Wasco County bank of The Dalles, was nere ior tne purpose or transacting Dusmesa yesieraay, s oats and vetch, $20; clover, HS18; valley ' timothy, $20; eastern Oregon timothy, I Si $2021. CALIFORNIA BITTER MARKET FIRM Fancy Grades Short at Eastern Distribut ing Centers. The firmness in the San Francisco butter continued throughout the week with an advance of lc on 92 score, which Closed at 424c The 3-cent gain in. prices during the past two weeks is in line with general conditions and dealers con sider the firmness seasonable. Prices tr-is year were 4c higher on June 23 than in 194S1, but September 8 they were lc lower than last year. Top grades were firm and scarce all week but me dium and lower grades were harder to sell, although they showed very little surplus at the close. Butter scoring 90 points continued to sell 4c lower than 92 score. Shipping demand from the POULTRY WANTED Any Kind, Any Quantity Best Market Prices by Return Mail Guaranteed THE SAVINAR CO, INC. lOlTFront St, Portland, Or. Butter and Country Protlu-r.' BUTTER Cubes, extras, 40 41c lb.; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 46c; cartons, 47c. Butterfat, 46c delivered station; buying price, A grade, 43c. EGGS Buying price: Current receipts. 30c per dozen; henneries, 33 34c per dozen. Jobbing prices: Associations selects, aye; association firsts, 37c; as sociation pullets, 33c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, pries to jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook. 26c: Young Americas. 27c: longhorns, 27o pound POULTRY Hens, 1222c lb.; springs, 1822c; ducks. 1522c; geese, nominal; turkey, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 15 14 16c per pound. PORK Fancy. 14 o per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencias. $100 $11 p?r box; lemons, $8l0; grapefruit, $7 7, 50 box; bananas, 8 Vi 0 ' c lb.; cantaloupes, per crate; peaches, 75 & 85c per box; watermelons, l2o per lb.; casabas, H42!4e lb., pears, $1.75 2.25; grapes. $23 per box, 30c basket: prunes,, 22'4c pound; apples, $12.50 per iMt x. POTATOES Oregon. $1.50 sack; sweet potatoes. 44c per pound. ONIONS Walla Walla, $1.25 1.50 per sack: California yellow, $2 sack VEGETABLES Cabbage. 11424o per pound; lettuce, $22.25 per crate; garlic, 10 20c pound; green peppers. 6 09c per pound: tomatoes, 40 50c per crate; cucumbers, 60c per box; beans, 68c per pound, green corn, 15 20c dozen; eggplant, 6y-8c pound; summer squash, 34c per pound; beets, $2.50 per sack; carrots, $2 per sack; turnips, $3 per sack. Staple Groceries. ( Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated, '.40c pound; beet. 7.20c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 1535o per pound; Brazil nux-s. 17 19c ; almonds, 21 14 2tic; peanuts, 10 11c per pound. RICE Blue Rose, 7o per pound; Japan style, 6.10 6.25c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums. 20 038ic per pound. SALT Granulated, bales, $2.603.85; half ground, tons, 50s, $17; 100a, $16. DRIED FRUITS Dates. 14o pound; figs, $1.9002.75 per box; apples, 1213o per pound: peaches, 16c; prunes, 1416c; apricots, 23 32c. BEANS Small white, Tc; pink.. 65ic; red. 6c; lima, 9 Ho per pound. ' Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 25 0 2So per pound; Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 13. (State Division of Markets.! Poultry Fryers, 2932c; broilers, 28S5c; young roost ers, 34g)36c; old, 1418c; hens, 16 32c; ducks, 18 20c; live turkeys, 32 4S 47c; dressed, nominal; hares, 1518o pound; squabs, $3 3.50 dozen; jackrab- bits. $22.50 dozen. Fruit Bartlett pears, $12 box; ap ples, 3-tier to 4-tier, $12; canta loupes. 75c$1.25standard crate; oranges. Valencias, $611 box; lemons, $69 box; nectarines, $11.25 crate; grape fruit, $7.509 crate; strawberries, 45 50c drawer; raspberries, 5055c drawer; blackberries, 1525c drawer; loganber ries, nominal; huckleberries, 20c pound: avocadoes, $47 dozen; figs, 75c$1.2o double-layer box; peaches, 65c$l crat; plums, 65c $1.25 crate; grapes, $11.50 crate; Persian melons, 5085s crate; new green apples, 75c$1.25 lug box; water melons, lc and less a pound. Vegetables Beans, 47c pound; car rots, 75c $1; celery, $3.50 4 crate: cu cumbers, 4075c lug; eggplant, 6065o lug; lettuce, $1.502 crate; green corn, 1015c dozen; beets, $11.25 sack; on ions, Stockton red, $1.251.40 cwt.; do, yellow, $1.25 1.35 cwt.; do green, nom inal; peas, nominal; bell peppers, 60 70o lug; potatoes. $1.25(851.60 cwt.; new, l(5'2c pound; sweet, 23c pound; rhubarb, $11.25 box; summer squash, 658&c lug; spinach, 34o pound; tomatoes, 40c$l lug; turnips, 75c$l sack; parsley, 30c dozen bunches; radishes, 30c dozen bunches. Receipts Flour, 4126 quarter sacks; wheat. 100 centals: barley, 13,860 cen tals; corn, 1715 centals; potatoes, 5998 sacks; onions, 3781 sacks; hay, 373 tons; hides, 64; livestock, 100 head. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Sept. 13. Turpentine, firm, $1.21; sales, 350 barrels; receipts. 602 barrels; shipments, 179 barrels; stock, 12.109 barrels. . Rosin, firm; sales, 1221 barrels; re ceipts, 1843 barrels; shipments, 605 bar rels; stock, 98,576 barrels. Quote: B, D, E. F, G, H, I, $5.25 5.32; K. $5.27 5.32; M, $5.305.40; N, $5.455.50; WG, $6.10; 'WW, $6.60 6.70. Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. Raw sugar, centrifugal, 4.95c; refined fine granu lated, 6.50c. Dried rult at w York. ' NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Evaporated apples, dull. Prunes, unsettled. Peaohes, easy. j . BY CHARLES D.. MICHAELS.. -(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Sept. 13. While grain prices averaged higher during the great er part of the day. buying power gave out toward the last. The finish was at the low point. Wheat was off c, corn and oats -4c hierher to lower and rye 4c lower. Liverpool wheat surprised the traders by closing d higher, in the face of the decline in North America the pre vious day. The lack of nressure if mnt grain at Liverpool was more pronounced. This led. to fair buying and an advance early, but the trading was not large. At no time were prices more than e above Tuesday's .finish. Local traders went long on the bulge. They found sup port lacking when they tried to take proms, making the closing decline. Larger Exports Reported. A much larger export business than reported has been put through lately. Messages from the seaboard said Ger many had taken 5,000,000 bushels wheat. presumaDiy Manltobas, and 1.000,000 bushels rye throuEh London reeentlv. It is estimated that seaboard exporters have taken about 2.000.O0O hushpib harri winters that have been pressing for sale at eastern and Gulf ports in the last few aays. Primary arrivals of wheat in thn days aggregated 7.580.000 bushels, or 656,000 bushels in excess of the previous week and compared with 9,543.000 buahels lastyear. Shipments have been 3,069,000 bushels, against 5.550.000 bushels last- year. Winnioes: and the northwestern markets are having a liberal run with premiums at Minne apolis unchanged to 2o lower. Local re ceipts 111 cars. Corn Low at Finish. It was not jintll the last few minutes of trading that corn prices got as low as me iinisn 01 tne previous day. There was no material pressure early, but when w-heat weakened corn followed. Septem ber held within a range of 34 c and closed firm. There has been considerable widening of the difference between con tract and lower grades of cash corn in the last few days. No. 4 grades dropped to He under September today. Local re ceipts 372 cars. Exporters took 190,000 bushels here and 200,000 bushels were sold to go to store. Primary arrivals so far this week of 5,421,000 bushels are nearly 2,000,000 bushels in excess of the previous week and 305,000 bushels more than last year. Oats Are Dull. Oats were dull with trade mainly of a local character. September maintained its premium of 'He over the December with further buying of that delivery by hedgers, who were transferring over into the December. Receipts 103 cars. Rye reflected the action of wheat. Cash houses were on both sides of the September with 'the seaboard a seller. Duluth sold the deferred deliveries. A fair export business was under way with sales of 50, Out bushels mads to go to store. "The two northwestern markets had 378 cars at $2.23 per bushel. Late corn was benefited by rains in part of the central and lower Mississippi and Ohio valleys. Corn matured too rapidly in northern and eastern Iowa, but condition is generally lair to very good. Heat and drought caused some damage in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minne sota as well as in much of the great plains district. Crop is mostly safe from drought in North jaKota, aoum uanoia and Nebraska. About 70 per cent is safe in Iowa. Illinois will be mostly safe by September 20 and Indiana safe within another week. A considerable portion of the winter wheat belt was benefited by moisture. Prussian bread erain crops this year are officially estimated at 4,947,000 tons. compared with e,30,oou tons last year. m Condition of corn in the states of largest production, as given by returns to the Price Current Grain reporter fol low: Ohio, 84; Indiana, 82; Illinois. 79 ; Missouri, 71; Iowa, at; soutn uaKota, 69; Nebraska, 69; Kansas, 67, and Okla homa, 56. Estimates on the amount of fall plowing range from 42 to 59 per cent in'the winter wheat territory. . Railroad men say the settlement of the shop strike should give the roads more men to repair motive power and cars, thus eventually increase traffic facilities. Sentimentally it is expected to increase selling pressure for a time. Retail nrices of hoe products, beef and mutton are almost as high now as they wo fliirinff the war. said Charles Sin cere and company's provision specialist. With the bulk or nogs selling aruunu 7V.C per pound, the demand lor porK products would be so enormous that they would be consumed as fast as produced, if retailers would keep down prices to anytmng use a ucwjii 10. . i. ...... The number of stock hogs on farms in the United States on September 1. as shown by the government report is 7 per cent in excess of 1921. In North Dakota tho increase is 10 per cent. "Nothing but an immediate revival of the export business will encourage any buying power large enough- . to Tielp wheat," says Bartlett Frazier & Co. President Anderson of the Equity so ciety is looking arouna umcago ior 1 site on which to erect a grain elevator to cost $1.000.000. EXPORT TIDE CHECKED .62 .56 .60 .34 .34 .37 10.40 9.50 9.60 No. ports to the effect that export business in American wheat th past two days has been larger than reported failed to revive confidence in the market. It was said that Germany bad bought about 5.000,000 bushels of wheat In the past few days and that the bulk of hard winters at Buffalo, Montreal and other points had been cleaned -up.' Winnipeg messages also intimated that a large business had been done in Canadian wheat, but added that the prospective movement will more than offset the de mand. Receipts at winter wheat mar kets are falling off, while the domestic milling demand is broadening. Corn Showed independent strength at the start and held the advance well until shortly before the close when wheat weakened. Cash com was steady for the better grades, but easier for the lower quality grain which lost about of a cent relative to futures. Country offerings to arrive were reported only fair. Sentiment Is friendly to the buy ing side of this commodity, based on re duced crop outlook, small available stocks and prospects of a strong situ ation to be felt a little later in the sea son because of the large hog popula tion. Oats Displayed a firm tone with very little selling pressure in evidence and commission house support on tbs small recessions. Cash market was firm on small receipts. - Shipping sales reported were 125,000 bushels, including 50,000 bushels to exporters. Country offerings to arrive light. Rye Hedging by the northwest and selling, of September by the east In the way of liquidation offset the demand for deferred positions from export inter ests. Cash rye was nominally firm with limited offerings. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. . High. Low. Close. Sept. .....$ .99 $1.00 $ .99 $ .99 Dec 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 May 1.06 1.06 1.05 -.05 CORN. Sept 62 62 .62 Dec 56 .67 .56 May 60 .60 .60 OATS. Sept 34i .35 .34 Decv. 24 .34 .34 May 27 .37 .37 LARD. Oct 10.27 10.42 10.27 Jan. 8.90 8.95 8.90 SHORT RIBS. Sept. ..... 9.50 Oct 9.60 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 hard, $1.02 hard, $1.01. Corn No. 2 mixed, 6262c; No. 2 yellow, 6464c. Oats No. 2 white, 36 37c; No. 3 white, 3536c. Rye No. 3, -70c. Barley 55 61c. Timothy $4o. 'Clover $1216.50. Pork Nominal. Lard $10.42. Ribs 9.50 10.90. Primary Receipts. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. Primary receipts: Wheat, 2,051,000 bushels versus 2,369,000 bushels; corn, 1,584,000 bushels versus 1,690,000 bushels; oats. 887,000 bushels versus 841,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 911,000 bushels versus 1,862,000 bushels; corn, 657,000 bushels versus 996,000 bushels; oats, 632, 000 bushels versus 805,000 bushels. Clearances Wheat. 13.000 bushels; Lcorn, 95,000 bushels; oats, 10,000 bushels; flour, 34.000 barrels. Deliveries Wheat, 86,000 bushels; corn, 30,000 bushels; oats, 261,000 bushels. Car lots Minneapolis, wheat 383, rye 10, flax 13; Kansas City, wheat 159, corn 7, oats 13; St. Louis, wheat 33, corn 18, oats 23; Omaha, wheat 117, corn 42, oats 28; Winnipeg, wheat 1086, oats 38, barley 30, rye 50-; Duluth, wheat 915, corn 49. oats 13, rye 368, barley 52, flax 29. - " Minneapolis Grain Market. Reported by the McCaull-Dinsmore Grain company of Portland: Wheat No. 1 dark, good to fancy to arrive, $L081.26; fancy. No. 1 dark northern, $1.17 1.26 ;' No. 1 dark northern,- $1.07 1.13 ; to arrive, ti n7u Nn 1 northern. $1.03 1.11 ; to arrive, $1.03; fancy No. 2 dark northern, $1.11 1.12 ;. No. 2 dark northern, $1.01 1.09 ; No. 2 nortlr ern, 99c1.07; fancy No. 3 dark northern, $1.07 1.16 ; No. 3 dark northern, 96c$1.06; No. 3 northern, 93c1.03; No. 1 dark hard Montana, good to fancy to arrive, $1.09 1.13 ; No. 1 dark hard Montana, $1.09 1.13; to arrive, $1.08; No. 1 hard Montana, 97c$1.04; to arrive, 97c $1.03; No. 1 dark hard Minnesota and South Dakota, $1.08 1.09 ; to arrive, $1.07 1.08 ; No. 2 hard Min' nesota and South Dakota, 9198c; to arrive, 9596c; fancy No. 1 amber durum, 96c$1.00 ; to arrive, 91 94c: No. 1 amber durum, 8893c; to arrive, 85 ; No. 1 durum, 80 87c; to arrive, 78c; fancy No. 2 amber du rum, 9498c; No. 2 amber durum, 8591c; No. 2 durum, 7784c. Corn No. 2 yellow, 68 59c; to ar rive, 58c; No. 3 yellow, 6758c; to arrive, 67 c. Oats No. 2 white. 3133c; No. 3 white, 3632c: to arrive, 30c. Barley Choice, ozcpo4c; meaium gooa. 4851c; lower, 4447c. Rye No. 2 6565c: to arrive, 65c..' Flax No. 1, J2.20; to arWve, $2.18. Wheat futures September, $1.01 : December, $1.01; May. $1.05c. Cash Grain Markets. Furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co., Portland: OMAHA, Sept. 13. Wheat No. 2 hard white, 95c $1.04; No. 3 hard wljite, 94c $1.04. Corn No. 2 white, 54e; No. -2 yellow, 54c55;; No. 2 mixed, 54c.. Oats No. 2 white, 35c. ST LOUIS, Sept. 13. Wheat No. 2 red, $1.12; No. 2 hard white, $1.02. Corn No. 2 mixed, 61c; No. 2 white, 61c; No. 2 yellow, 61 c. Oats No. 2 white, 39 c. ' DULUTH, Sept. 13. Flax 1$2.23 2.35. FANCY CATTLE AT YARDS LOADS OF HIGH-GRADE STOCK FROM CALGARY. 4 steers 767 25 steers 1328 2 steers 830 6 steers 811 1 steer . 950 1 steer .1050 2 steers 1190 1 steer .1010 1 steer .1100 7 steers 1030 23 steers 1411 23 steers 1420 Icow .. 960 cow . . 900 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 3 heifs 1100 .1170 .1130 . 770 . 840 630 3H4 4.00 240 3.50 490 7.00 240 10.00 120 10.00 173 10.50 76 fl.OO 180 10.50 161 10.25 1S7 10.40 520 7.25 146 10.40 80 10.50 67 10.00 141 4.50 Best Steers In Lot Bring $8.25; Market Is Steady and Un changed in Other Lines. Eight loads of fancy cattle were re ceived at the yards yesterday from Cal gary, Canada, and three loads were dis posed of during the day at high prices. Two loads of steers of good weight were sold at $8.25 and one load at $3. Aside from this, the market was with out feature. The cattle market held steady and the regular top remained at $8. A few hog sales were reported on the basis of $10.50 for prime lightweights. The best lambs offered brought $10.50. Receipts were 185 oattle and 401 Bheep. The day's sales were as follows: . Weight. Price.) Weight. Price. 1 steer .1150 $7.00 1 stag ..1000 3.70 2 steers 825 5.25 11 mixed 4.901 17 calves 8.001 1 hon . 4.251 2 hogs 4.751 2 hogs 4.751 8 hops 4.501 24 lambs 5.25! 1 hog . 5.251 10 hogs 5.251 14 hogs 5.751 1 hog .' 8.25L- 5 hogs.. 8.251173 lambs 4.00! 35 lambs 3.001 6 ewes ., 2.001 46 ewes . 4.00! 25 ewes . 4.001114 ewes . 2.001 2 bucks 2.001 1 calf 4.50! 1 bull 6.501 Prices quoted yesterday at the Port land Union stockyards were as follows: Cattle Chaice steers Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers . . . Med. to good cows, heifers.. Fair, medium cows, heifers. Common cows fanners 1.50 2.00 Bulls 3.00 4.00 Choice feeders 5.00 5.50 Fair to good feeders 4.00O 5.00 Choice dairy calves 8.50ifi 9 00 Prime light Calves .- 8.00 8.50 Medium to light calves 7.00 8;00 Heavy calves 5.00 7.00 Common heavy calves 4.00 5.00 Hogs Prime light 10.0010.50 Smooth heavy 200 300 lbs. 9.00 9.60 Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. up.. 8.00 9.00 Rough heavy 6.00 8.00 Fat pigs 9.7510.00 Feeder pigs 9.7510.00 Stags, subject to dockage.. 5.00 7.00 -Sheep East-of-mountain lambs .. .10.00 11.00 Choice valley lambs 9.60 10.50 Medium valley lambs 8.00 9.00 Common valley lambs ..... 6.00 8.00 Cull lambs 5.00 6.00 Light yearlings 8.00 8.50 Heavy yearlings 7.00 8.00 Light wethers 6.00 7.00 Heavy wethers 5.00 6.00 Ewes 2.00 5.00 . 115 . 143 . 114 180 . 140 .1570 7.75 4.50 7.75 3.00 9.50 3.50 1 stag .1400 . .$ 7.50 $8.00 . . 6.75 7.50 . ." 5.75 6.75 .. 4.00 5.75 . . 5.00 5.50 3.50 4.50 3.00 3.50 !.00 3.00 BUYING HALTED BY DECLINE IX FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Early Gains, Based on Liverpool Advance, More Than Wiped Out at Chicago. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. Dearth of new export business weakened the wheat market at the last today, more than wiping out earlier gains based largely on higher quotations at Liverpool. Th close was easy at the same as yesterday s fin ish to c lower with December $1.00 1.00, and May, $1.05 1.05. Corn closed a shade off to c up, oats at c decline to a like advance and provisions varied from 5c setback to a rise of 17c. At first, the wheat market tended up ward, the majority of traders being im pressed by the unlooked for action of values at Liverpool, where prices had mounted potwithstanding declines yes terday in America. Gossip was heard that export buying of United States hard winter wheat in the last few days had totaled 2.000,000 bushels and that Ger many had purchased through London 5,000.000 bushels of wheat and 1,000,0000 bushels of rye. In the final 30 minutes of the session, however, selling by early buyers besame tu conspicuous factor, messages from the seaboard telling of absence of any fresh purchasing from Europe, and exporters having taken only 170,000 bushels here. Declines in rates of foreign exchange were said to have operated against ex port business today. Corn and oats were governed chiefly by tho action of wheat. Sales of corn to go into store here for delivery on September contracts tended somewhat to ease the corn market. Provisions averaged higher with hogs, but trade lacked volume. r The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland follows: Wheat inactivity featured tne early trading with prices at a small premium over last night's final figures. Later in the day what support there was in the market was filled up and the close was KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 13. Wheat. No. 2 hard, 98c$1.09 No. 1 red, $1.091.10. , Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Wheat, milline. $1.80 1.85: feed. $l75l.Sl: barley, feed, $1.151.20; shipping, $1.25 1.35. Oats Red feed. $1.60 1.S5. Corn White Egyptian, nominal. - Hay Wheat, $1517; fair, $1315; tame oats. $1416; wild oats, $1012; alfalfa, $1316; stock, $911; straw, $9 11. . ' Winnipeg Wheat Market. WINNIPEG, Sept 13. Cash wheat No. 1 northern, 97 c; No. 2, 97c; No. 3, 91c; No. 4, 86c; No. 5, 80c; No. 6, 70c; feed, 60c; track, 96c. Futures October, 94 c; December, 93 c; May, 98 c. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Sept. 13. Wheat Hard white, $1.05; soft white, western white, hard red winter, soft red winter, north ern spring, $L04; western red, $1.02; Big Bend blue stem, $1.18. Feed and hay unchanged. COTTON MAKKKT REACTIONARY Futures Close Around Low Point of Day at New York, (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Cotton futures were reactionary in the late trading after a slight early gain. They closed around tho low point for the day, 18 to 24 points under the previous closing. Morning support was from the trade. New Orleans and Wall street shorts. Around midday the list was . 10 to 22 points net higher, but southern selling increased in the afternoon and the de mand slackened. The local market for spot was quiet, 20 points decline, 21.80c for middling upland; sales nil. Southern markets Galveston, 21.05c, 20 points decline; New Orleans. ' 21.25c, unchanged; Savannah, 21.25c, 25 points decline; Memphis, 21.25c; unchanged; Houston, 21.05c, 20 points decline; Little Rock, ,21.03c, unchanged. NEW YORK, Sept 13. Cotton' futures opened firm; October, 21.80c: December, 22.12c; March. 22.18c; May, 22.14c. Futures closed easy; October, 21.52c; December, 21.80c; January, 21.62c; March, 21.80c; May, 2L72c. I Coffee Futures Lower. NEW YORK, Sept. 13. There was rather a sharp break in the market for coffee futures here today which seemed to be started by the circulation of a few September notices which brought in scat tering near-month liquidation. This led to selling of the later months. The market closed at a net decline of 12 to 23 points. Sales were estimated at about 32,000 bags, including exchanges. Sep tember 9.40c; October .4o; December 9.54c; January 9.55c; March, May and July 9.56c. Spot coffee was reported firm at 10 c Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. (United States Department of Agriculture.) Cattle Receipts, 11,000; active; beef steers and butchers' stock strong to 15c higher; top beef steers, $11.25 paid for several loads, part load at $11.35; strictly choice and prime kinds, scarce; bulk of beef steers of value to sell at $910.50; can ners, strong to 10c higher: -bulls and stockers, strong ; veal calves, steady to 25c higher; bulk desirable bologna bulls, $i. 15(64.35; bulk" fat she stock, $4.50 7.25; bulk, canners and cutters,' $2.85 3.50; bulk veal calves, early. $12.5013. Hogs Receipts, 16,000; light weight active, steady to strong; packing grades slow, around steady; bulk. 170 to 220- Dound averages. $9.609.75: top. J9.80 bulk, 230 to 260-pound butchers, $9.35 9.60; bulk, 280 to 310-pound butchers, $S.608.90; bulk, packing sows, $77.75; pigs, dull, mostly $8.509; heavy. $8.10 9.30; medium, $99.80: light, $9.50 9.80; light lights, J8.909.45; packing sows, smooth, $7. i5; packing sows. rough, $6.607.25; killing pigs. $89.25. Sheep Receipts, 16,000, fat lambs opening around 25c higher; early top natives. $13.25; bulk, $12.75 13; best western unsold early; choice Washing ton confidentially held above $13.50; sheep, scarce, firm; fat ewes mostly $4 6.25; feeders, strong; desirable light feeding lambs, $13. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 13. (United States Department of Agriculture.) Cattle Receipts, 15,000; beef steers, steady to 15c higher; best medium weights, $10.75; top, 1000-pound year lings, $10.75; better grades grassers, $7.508.35; others $6.757.20; fat she stock, steady to 25 higher; bulk cows. $3.755.o0, few good enough to pass $6: most grass heifers, $5(6.25; can ners, strong, mostly $2.252.40; bulls, strong to 25c higher; bulk better bolognas, $4; calves, steady to 5c higher, mostly strong; small lots, $11; practical top. $10.50. Hogs Receipts, 8000, closing steady to strong; spots, higher; shipper and packer top, $9.15; shippers took about 1300: 170 to 220-pounders. $S.909.10; 240 to 300-ppunders, $8. 60 9; bulk sales, $8.659.10; packer sows, steady to Btrong, mostly $7.157.50; stock pigs, steady, $8.758.0; best natives, . Sheep Receipts, 15,000; fat lambs, 10 15c higher; bulk, early sales, $12.75 westerns, $13.1513.40; sheep, steady; odd lots fat ewes around $6. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Neb., Sept. 13. (United States Department of Agriculture.) Hogs Receipts. 10,51: steady to 6c higher: close weak; bulk packing grades? $77.50; bulk, 200 to 300-pound butchers, $8.509.15; top, $9.25. Cattle Receipts, 5500; better grades of corn-fed beef steers about 10 15c higher; top, $11. new top for the year to date; better grades of beef steers and grassers, steady; she stock, mostly steady; bulls, strong; veals-, steady; stockers and feeders, steady. Shep Rclpts. 15,000; fat lambs. 10 15c higtfer; bulk, early sales. $12.75 13.10: ton. $13.1-'5: native 'lambs up to $13; sheep and feeders, firm; ewes, $5.50 down; feeding lambs, ' $12.75 13. San Francisco Livestock Market. SAN FRANCISCO, -'Sept.. 13. (Quota tions furnished by Federal-State Live stock Market News Service, based on prices off cars at San Francisco.) Cattle Beef steers, good grade, $7.75 8; medium grade. $77.60; common grade, $67.75; beef cows, good grade, $o.756; medium grades, $5.255.50; common grade, $45; canners and cut ters. $23.50; bologna bulls, $2.604. Calves 150 to 200 pounds, good and choice, $8.759.25; 200 to 250 pounds, good and rholre. S7.50S.50: ?SO to The Safe Position of Public Utilities Figures show the desirability of Public Utility Securities as investments. Over a period of the last thirty year the risk of receivership in industrials has been $2.07 per annum per $100 of securities outstanding. With railroads it Has been $1.84A while in the case of Public Utilities only $0.37. 5 cents above that for National banks. During the same period railways showed average net earnings of 4.5, industrials 7.8. and Public Utilities 8.45. Good Public Utility securities combine the attractive features of railroad bonds, the liberal return of industrials without so much of their speculative features, and the fundamental security public necessity of the municipal bond. At the present time we are offering a group of desirable Public Utility bonds at attractive prices. Descriptions of these will be furnished on request. Blyth. Witter fo FOURTH AND STARK. PORTLAND Broadmay 6481 San Francisco Los Angeles New York Chicago Seattle Portland 300 pounds, good and choice. $g.607 50; over 300 pounds, $5.506.50. Hogs Good and choice, grain-fed Cali fornias. 150 to 200 pounds, $11.50 12.25; 200 to 250 pounds. $1111.50: 250 to 300 pounds, $10 11; over 300 pounds, S'J 10; smooth sows, 250 to 300 pounds, $7.508: rniiD-h ,o . n ,,,n , .. $6.507: over 800 pounds, $5.506 50. o.ipcp miu lamps run wooled lambs. good and choice tranVn, $11.73 0 12.25 medium - grade. 111 3 11 50; ewe, me dium and good. $56; wethsrm. medium and good, $79 8 50; yearlings, wsthv.-s. medium and good, nous offered. Seattle IJvestork Markrt. SEATTLE, sept. 13- Hogs and csttl. ftady: no rreipts; prlrts unrnanged. We offer our participation in $3,500,000 NEBRASKA POWER CO. 6 Gold Debenture Bonds Dated Sept. 1, 1922. Due Sept. 1, 2022. Nonmailable for 25 Years. ntSIXKSS AD The Nebraska Power Company and Its TERRITORY i predecessors have successfully con ducted an electric light and power business in Omaha, Nebraska, and vicinity for 38 years. TJirouh & eub N sidiary it furnishes commercial and municipal electric power and liifht and gas service in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Combined population served (1U20 U.S. census) is 237,162. Bonds are direct oblisrations of NVD. raska Power Company and are callable after 25 years at 110. PURPOSE OF ISSVKl KHL'lTVl StPKRVISIO.Vt Kor fiscal ypar ended July 31. 1VZ2. earnings applicable to Interest churl's ,were 2.17 times annual interest re quirements on total funded debt, which will be outstanding upon completion of this financing, including this iMue of gold bonds. Proceeds of this Issue will he used for retirement of all-general mortgage S' bonds, 10-year 5': notes, and ail float ing indebtedness of the Company. These bonds will be followed by $4,000,000 par value To (inferred stocks and ta.OOO.ooo par Value com mon stocks, all of which have been paying dividends. Dividends have been paid without interruption on the pre ferred slocks of the Company anil Its predecessors for the past 19 years. The Nebraska Power Company is con trolled by American Power &. IlKbt Company and the operation of the properties Is under the supervision of the Kleclrln Bond & Share Company, assuring efficiency In operation and vigorous development of new business. oro;!2ooiijJ rather easy at about the bottom. Re-1 for Rio 7a and 16 15 &a lor Santos -is. An Indispensable Connection TjEW people men or women " can a d v a n t ageously get along without the; services of a trust company. There are too many important decisions to make and things to do to fore go the benefits' of advice and assistance which we afford in consultation with clients. Ask about oar plan of financing home building. Portland Trust Company -f Oregon SIXTH AND MORRISON . , aAffiliated with Nortltmstprn National Baiia Price: 90.50 and Interest to Yield CLARK, KENDALL & CO., INC. Temporary Location, 295 Stark St. Portland, Oregon. m New Issue Swift Company 5 Sinking Fund Gold Notes ' Due October 16, 1932 These notes are redeemable at the option of the Company during 1923 at '1022; such premium decreasing one-quarter per cent each succeed ing year thereafter. Price 97 and Interest To Yield 5.40 Call, write or phone Main 4195 for reservations. GrErMILLER COMPANY Portland municipal Seattle - MM: coRPcnAficN San Franrinco 1 L.os AngricH 2d Floor N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland. Phone Main 4195,