FOR SALE ACTOMOBIXES. H. & E. AUTO CO SACRIFICE SALE ALL KINDS USED CARS. H. & E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. tt- r t r- Tniinlv'fi 1920 model with original finish. Just like new car. Has no starter, but would install one. A bargain tor quick sale. Bdwy. 24SS. MAXWELL touring with all tires nearly new: good vaiue at "j"' v: Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. 1921 BRISCOE In fine shape, new paint and runs tine, tor jivo. xu". AntomoMlcs Wanted. I will pay cash in your hand for Borne late model, light touring cars or roadsters. Buicks, voages, phAvmrta Hunns. or Hudson. speedsters. Bring your car or phone where it is ana we win nave uiu 513-01. 16th and Alder sts MURPHY MOTOR CO.. txrrT.T. PIT SPOT CASH for late model Dodge. Buick, Essex. rAirrniot find iawe!l. roadster or touring. Bring your car here and get the cash. PREMIER SALES CO.. Ninth and Couch tts 1VB WRECK THEM Hignest cash price paid for old cars, condition no oojev-i- THIRD AND GLISAN. FORD WANTED FOR CASH. Bring to 28 N. 11th St. TJ ir4 IVf.TflV TMimn e-n n . 12 eaUKe. CX cellent condition: also solid leather case, as part payment on good used car. AJ oregonian. ITRNITL'RB of 5-room house and winter fuel for light car; some cash. Tabor 9449. ' fARs wanted in wrftck : parts for all cars (or less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Bdwy. e.ts. CARS wanted to wreck, parts lor less. Hodes Auto Parts Co.. 522 Alder. S. W. cor. 16th. Bwv. 3638. Mall orders tilled. WANTED Late model Ford; prefer touring: wll! pay cash: must Be rea sonable. U , urenin WILL, pay top cash price tor your Ford, any model. Bring it to 609 Washington St.. at 19th. WILL pay highest cash price for any model Ford. Bring to Williams Motor Co., 30 N. 11th et. $300 FIRST mortgage on real estate; trade for Ford or Chevrolet touring. AK 899. Oregonlan. HAVE late Ford touring with starter, in good condition; want '17 or '18 Ford touring In exchange. Call Auto. 63:1-68. WANTED Dodge roadster, late model. Will ppy cash but must be cheap. A 803. Oregon ian KEAliV cash for your car at 2i N." ParK st. Bdwy. 7043. CASH paid for good used cars. 101 11th st. North. Apply WILL trade 80 acres virgin land in Lake county for car. Call East 8540. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS For good used Ford. East 9102. WILL pay cash to private party for a Ford touring. Bring to -S N. 11th St. CASH FOR Ford or Chevrolet. 153 E. 8 st. S. Bring to Motorcycles. BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. EASY TERMS. As Low as $40 Down. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.'. Third at Taylor. Main 78X9. HARLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE. CENTER. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. i EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND. SACRIFICE Harley motorcycle, going abroad; perfect. 1920. with tandem, many extras, $150 or what offers? Phone Kennard. Main 1153. after li. 1921 MODEL K Henderson, with sidecar. Dream tandem and spot light. Just like new. $300. If you want this snap. phone Mr. Woodruff at East 3i70. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with side car, electrically equipped; sale or trade for car. 332 Alder st. 1920 INDIAN, powerplus. eiec. and side car, cheap, easy terms; perfect condi tion. 122 E. Terry. . 1919 MOTORCYCLE, twin, A-l shape; a bargain. Tabor 6455. After 6 P. M. call Tabor 7745. MOTORCYCLE side car, with top and tandem, for sale cheap for cash. Main 6254. i'ALL is here. Why walk? Twin Indian motorcycle. Al shape, 460 cash. Tabor 4972. 1920 READING-STANDARD motorcycle, electrically equipped; new tires; A-l shape; S100. 457 Williams ave. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE! TRY US. 209 Third st. Main 6139 Automobiles for Hire AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night service. , COUCHMAN GARAGE. . 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3696. NEW CARS FOR RENT. Without drivers: roadsters and tour ing cars. H. H. Rebstock, 64 4th St.. cor. Pine. Bdwy. S393. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th st. Broadway 0840. 6-CYLINDER. 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 3547. NEW 5-passenger car with driver by tne hour, day or week. East 3493. For Exchange Automoolles. TO EXCHANGE One practically new 30-h. p. GMC tractor for car or truck. AV 3S0. Oregonian. FOR SALE TRrCKS AND TRACTORS. 3-TON Packard: this is a good re liable, cheap truck for heavy , work. .$975 214-ton Republic, long frame, for $1250 2-ton G. M. C: we are overhaul ing this truck at the present time and it will afford you a splendid opportunity to inspect every wearing part of this truck, now that it is to be torn down $1550 lH-ton G. M. C all pneumatic tires: this truck has had very careful usage and is In excel lent condition $1550 3 ltt-ton White trucks. $750 and up 1-ton Denby, pneumatic tires; this truck has been used but a few months and Is a snap at -.$750 1 -ton Federal, nearly new pneu matic tires, overhauled.... $875 lH-ton Republic, thoroughly overhauled from start to fin ish $550 14 -ton Republic, on solid tires; this truck is in excellent con dition and would make just the thing for a contractor or builder $375 1-ton G. M, C: we are overhaul ing this truck thoroughly .$775 -ton G. M. C, equipped with good express fcody. in first class order $475 1-ton Chevrolet; this Is snap real .$aso 6 1-ton Ford trucks, all styles of hpdies and tires; up from.. $273 Dodge delivery, screen sides. $450 Ford panel delivery $225 Overland delivery; come and get it $50 WEVTWORTH & IRWIN. INC., 00 Second St.. cor. Taylor. WOOD trucks ready to go, G. M. C, White. Republic, Winther, and many others, any size, make, or price: can use Ford cars in trade; easy terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve. East 2418. OLDS ECONOMICAL 51-TON. Delivery, $650; cord tires,, top con dition. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. FOR SALE OR TRADE One Cleveland tractor and gang plows, value ?850. Would trade for truck. C. C. Kimmeli, Suplee. Or. 1918 DODGE. PANEL DEL. $250 AS IS. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. Inc.. Bdwy. 8281. 11th and Burnside Sts. 2 -TON Denby truck, run only 3 months. Will consider some clear lots In ex change. F. E. Bowman & Co., Cham- ! ber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6007. . easy terms- Phone Jensen, Bdwy. j . 0691. Eve. East 241S. FIERCE-ARROW 2-ton: yours for $850. j S Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve, East 1 1 2113, . I FOR BALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. THE WHITE COMPANY. Offer the Following Used Trucks at Bargain Prices. LOGGING TRUCKS. PACKARD 6-ton, , motor rebuilt like new, entire truck mechanically right: all new tires, 1922 license -. $2500 MACK 5-ton. 1920, " over hauled, motor reground, new pistons, pins, rings and bearings, new transmission case, new radiator shell, 1922 license $3000 WHITE 5-ton, overhauled, new tires $2000 WHITE 3-ton, completely overhau led ..; $1750 LIGHT EXPRESSS. REPUBLIC -ton, finest kind of condition, good body t 250 G. M. C. 54-ton, all over- hauled 600 INTERNATIONAL Good condition fine body and 1922 license $ 300 FORD 1920, 1-ton. worm . drive, overhauled, pneu matic tires -.$ 300 OLDS 1920, Si -ton. runs and looks like new, electric lights and starter 400 WOOD TRUCKS. WHITE 1 i4-2-ton. fine condition, good body, cab and windshield. .. .$ 900 PACKARD 3-ton. over hauled at a cost of about $200 $ 450 USED TRUCKS FOR ALL PURP03ES. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. . EASY TERMS. THE WHITE COMPANY. 390 Flint Street. Corner Hancock. 4 Blocks East of the Broadway Bridge and One Block North. BANK SALE OF MASTER AND KISSEL TRUCKS. One of the leading Portland "banks still has on hand a few new and used Master and Kissel trucks, all sizes, which must be sold at once at prices that will surprise you. If you are inter ested in trucks It will be to your advantage to Inspect these truoks and note our selling prices. Also has one only SM Atterbury, new ly equipped for wood haul. NO BROKERAGE CHARGES. TERMS. Removed from 841 Burnslde to 10th and Stark sts. Phone Broadway 1641. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 2739. BETTER PRICES THAN THE BEST. on used trucks; see them all and then come to me; In other words, I want your business; a truck for every need, any make, size or price. See Jensen, 415 Davis St.. or phone Bdwy. 0661. Eve. East 2418. 1920 1-90 CHEVROLET. Delivery, good tires and guaranteed, S350. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnslde Sts. GARAGES. DEAD STORAGE, $4 per month, brick building 120 Union N. GARAGE at 663 Johnson. $7 per mo. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING want ed. We pay the most for cast-off clothing and shoes. Call us, Bdwy. 2S45. 129 North Sixth St. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL ATWATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES r OK sin; M S SUITS. OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE ST. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 134 Park st between Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 6529. . SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVER coats We pay the highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners, 117 Second et.. N. W. corner Wash. Bdwy. 7244. OLD-ESTAB. paint shop advertising new location will paint any car $30, guar anteed. Acme Auto Painting Co., 146 East 7th, near Morrison. CLOTHING WANTED it you want to ell castvoff clothing. Mar. 3225. Peo ples' Second-Hand Store. 209 Madison. WANTLD Newspapers and magazines tied in bundles. Will call and pay 50c 100 lbe. Call Empire 1339. WANT Shotgun, rifle, tent, electric fan. Broadway 716L Auto. 627-46., Auto 625-82. WANTED Electric washing machine, swinging wringer, $75 cash. Atwater 2310. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co., 483 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper. DIAMONDS and gold bought. Reliable estimates. G. Cramer. 713 Selling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington st. HIGHEST cash prices paid for rifles. shotguns. Hochfeld. 85 3d. near Oak. SAFE Small or medium size; must be reasonable. P 928 Orgonian. WANT small float or woodshed to hold H cord of wood. Call Sell. 8815. Furniture Wanted. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. CALL MAIN 8878. WB NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE . of any description; pay "cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. CALL MAIN 0734. Will pay full value for furniture and household goods. WB WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Main 3332. WE DO business to your satisfaction: buy and exchange furniture and phono graphs. Call Broadway 3615. f NE.Vfc. KNVJ TUER Y.t? 'TICKETS H ME- FOfc. Mr$?Mvi FtXlHG OFt? VRS- SVVPO-SC. VUU "TO UKt EH AU- glSgSSff ' dp'lOi W HrW UfTL V Wk Nt WATH ENJES GOOD vwSH POS. I WSmm ' Pllsrao! sSfTg TassB84 SUCCESSFUL CAN.PAVt4 AH, J- L(Ut TWl . C "v, ' Iff ' jcrr , osx -svncerev-t, jl fk V, AWi - Li rQHt'jr-. -fsS V -Y X. 7 ; - s-. I ' -n L--T, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town: will pay more than other local dealers: call us for one article or a houseful!, a courteous, competent buyer will call. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, 72 N. Third st. Broadway 2200. PAY SPOT cash for second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everything you want to sell or exchange. We pay more than anyone in town: your call promptly attended to. CALL EAST. 8986. , ATWATER 26U3 Call a fair and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods and I will pay you all It is worth; we will appreciate ' your call and attend to It Immediately. Atwater 2693. WE BUY all kinds East 8236. of used furniture. EDUCATIOXAL. LOOK FORWARD 10 YEARS. Will you be a $30 or a $300 per week man? It ail depends upon whether you are willing to get ready now. Export and foreign trade offers golden oppor tunities unlimited fo- the future to the trained man. and the American Com merce Association offers you a train ing which will enable you to cash in on these opportunities, provided you are the right sort of man. If you wish to Investigate write to District Ex aminer for an interview giving age, education. business experience . and phone number i any. N 898, Orego nian, ' NOTICE. AUTOMOBILE STUDENTS. TUITION PRICES ADVANCH SEP TEMBER 15. On September 16th our fall and win ter prices go into effect. All courses will then be much higher. If you pay a small deposit now you get the sum mer rate and you can enter anytime during the fall or winter. The time is short act now. Call today at 10 A. M. and inspect our school or send for our big 112-paga catalog. Ask for Book ADC'OX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, 374 Wasco St.. Corner Union Ave. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It Is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, beet shop equipment and instructors. Ac tual shop practice given on real re pair jobs Results absolutely guaran teed. The time for you o go to school Is whl.e business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main st. at Sixth. Ex service men get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY. Enroll for day or summer school at this great business college, the train ing school for success. Courses include comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth, near Morrison. Portland. OPPORTUNITY. To save 50 per cent tuition by helping to Install new auto school equipment. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL, 5th and Glisan Sts., near Union Depot. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach the trade in S weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions so, cured; write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside St. MARION SCHOOL. Kindergarden and Elementary Grade. " For those desiring Christian Science environment for their children." Auto. 313-02. 696 E. 45th N. 1 ' OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 283 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 weeks; toois furnished; some pay; position secur, l ; special rate this month. Write ui call 234 1st st. IF YOU like to" d:-aw, a large commercial art house will show you how to earn money in spare time; state age, phone, address, box, etc. N 935. Oregonian. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates Madam Curtis. -100 Dekum bldg. Phur-e Bdwy. 6902. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and night classes. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state . eupt.. mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. MONSIEUR ZUBERT, graduated Uni versity of Paris, wants student in French or Spanish. Atwater 3569. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Type writing school; individual instruction. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Day, evening. STUDY MASSAGE AND HYDROTHER APY Portland School of Massage, Inc. 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg.. Main 2722. F1SK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching position; free reg. YATES-FISHER Teacher Agency Fre: registration. Main 6274. Bdwy. bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED man wanted to work on drum sender. Lutke Mfg. Co., 140 North Sixth street. , WANTED Man and wife to take charge of small dairy. Ford Jersey Dairy, Vancouver, Wasli. YOUNG man to work in small dairy, Montavilla-Depot cars to depot, east to Buckley ave. WANT old baker, good, opportunity for right man; state age, experience and salary expected. AH 897, Oregonian. WANTED A baker: $120 month; 1 meal per day; state age and experience. Write Elms Baker. Elma, Wash. BUSH ELM AN wanted, Oregon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d., -N. W. cor. Washington. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTED. 2D FLOOR, 128 SECOND ST. SEE MR. DANIELS. GOOD, steady boys. Apply after 11 A.M- at the Oregon Bowling Alleys, 664 Broadway. EXPERIENCED magazine or newspaper salesmen; new proposition. Rooms 428, 102 2d st. WANS, experienced sash and door clamp er. Hawthorne Bracket Co.. 1065 E. Madison st. EXPERIENCED multigraph operator for wholesale house, state age and refer ences. BF 904. Oregonian. BARBER wanted: 23 on 35 and 60 pel cent over; steady job. James E. Wynne. Marshfieid, Or. MAN FOR chicken and dairy ranch. Call at 190 Pine" st. BRICK mason to figure labor. job. 1093. The Alameda. Call at THREE mechanic's helpers, 8 hours, $4. Samson Tractor Co., 321 E. Morrison. MILKER, single man. Call Hotel Ore gon. 9 to 12. 1 to 5. Mrs. Dungan. PAINTER Must be good brush hand. 174 43d N".. 2 hlocks north Glisan. WANTED First-class sheet metal work er. Charles Hahn, Lewi&ton. Idaho. EXPERIENCED prune dryer. 5th st. or Auto 528-26. BOYS WANTED The Breneman Som mers Co., Inc.. 188 2d st. MAN TO sell auto accessory, of Com, bldg. A. M. 527 Cham. GOOD boy, 18 yrs. old, -to learn florist business. Tommy Luke, 141 6th. WANTED BARBER FOR SATURDAY. 222 MORRISON. OFFICE BOY WANTED. BC GON1AN. 65, ORE- THE GUMPS I'LL BITE $0 VfWXT1, TWVS WTH MONEM PfcM -TO "THE aUM f 5 2 - .FLtS,. ZANOtVl- pS VMM'S THVS THE WAVE rS---r-: r m A.tim? ( "J O mm BRXMG MJ.OVJT TOV. ELECTION- HOPXHC S fl Ml I - h Ji M 11 TOU VWluV ACCEPT TM CONTRIBUTION - ) THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED! Northern 'Pacific Railway company will employ men at rates prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as follows: MACHINISTS, 70 Cents Per Hour. BLACKSMITHS, 70 Cents Per Hour. SHEET METAL WORKERS. 70 Cents Per Hour. ELECTRICIANS. 70 Cents Per Hour. STATIONARY ENGINEERS. Various Rates. STATIONARY FIREMEN. Various Rates. BOILERMAKERS. 70 to 70 Cents Par Hour. PASSENGER CAR MEN. 70 Cents Per Hour, FREIGHT CAR MEN, 63 Cents Per Hour. HELPERS. ALL CLASSES. 47 Cents Per Hour. Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. strike conditions prevail. Young men who desire to learn these trades will- be employed and given an opportunity to .do so. A strike now exists on the Northern Pacific railway. Apply to any Roundhouse or Shops or Superintendent. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. At Tacoma, Wash. SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEATTLB RAILWAY COMPANY. RAILROAD MECHANICS WANTED. STRIKE CONDITIONS. 840 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG NEWSPAPER Want good advertising man and also circulation man; prefer married men; must be experienced and understand country dally work; town of 4000: no roamers; steady jobs to right parties; must be able to meet . the public, give "service" and hold business. Ask for Mr. Morton at Se ward hotel. Friday, September 15. TYPIST Familiar with Underwood ma chine, knowledge of automobile acces sories, 65-$85. Stenographer familiar with automo bile insurance, $80-$100. Law stenographer, $100. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. 504 Spalding Bldg. DISABLED ex-service men. trained by the government in 92 different voca tions, are now available for employe ment; these skilled men are furnished at no cost to the employer or to the employe. United States Veterans Bu reau, Myler Bldg., 9th and Oak sts. Broadway 7621. STEADY MAN wanted to ' take perma , nent charge good territory; supplies and special information furnished; ex perience not required; cash weekly. If a permanent, profitable business Inter ests you, give us a trial. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. RUBBER manufacturing company es tablishing and constructing chain and system of automotive service stations, desires to get in touch with respon sible and capable men locally to man age and 'operate same. References re quired. X 654. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, cost accountant, assist ant office manager, familiar with branch office work, 27-32 years of age, $125-$150. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. 504 Spalding Bldg. FARM HAND. Strong, healthy man, must have ex perience In general farm work: milk 6 or 7 cows: steady Job for right party; $40 per month. Phone East 0067. 221 East Water st. WANTED By local branch of nation wide organization experienced and ca pable man to take charge of stock room, handling of automobile and mo tor truck parts. Answer fully, giving age, experience, etc. F 858, Oregonian WANTED Married man for general farm work f must be good teamster and plowman; $50; house and garden. See me Thursday morning only, 140 East 32d st. NEAR CITY. Elderly couple without children for hog ranch; good pay and steady job. PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY. 11 N. 2d St. WANTED Subscription solicitors for old established, high-class weekly; excep tional opportunity. Ask for Mr. Smith. Call from 9 to 10, 12 to 1. Z to 6, 1036 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED First-class short-order cook, with references; must be reliable and good manager; state whether married or single; good wages and steady po sition. C 883, Oregonian. WANTED Order and delivery man for country store. Man who has had ex perience in general merchandise busi ness and can run and keep up a Chev rolet car. O. F. Cady, Fairview, Or. SALESMAN for established laundry route ; applicant must prove sales ability by. house-to-house work. Ap ply In person after 8 P. M. Thursday. Tabor Laundry. 1256 Halsey st. ADVERTISING solicitors; new apart ment house publication, free circula tion; quick commission. Clyde Co., 208 Stock Exchange. STEADY employment for 2 first-class mattress makers, $6 per day. General Bedding Co., 703 S. Griffin ave.. Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Experienced stave sawyers and pickups. Applicants report in per son at Western Cooperage Co. mild, St. John .station, city. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. WANTED Several boys over 16, with or without wheels; experience unnece sary: good chance for advancement. Apply C. W. Loop. 76 3d st. WANTED First-class broom makers for steady work at National Broom Manu facturing Co., 945 Sandy blvd. ; must be first-class or need not apply. MAN TO give a private lesson in typLng one or two riight3 a week; state quali fications and price. AG 896, Oregon ian. WANTED Logging truck, to haul piling and logs; few miles from city. Ad dress 213 Henry bldg. Telephone Bdwy. 5954. ; , BRIGHT boy, 16 to 18, to learn grocery business. See Mr. Luihn, Sealy-Dresser Co., 87 4th st- No phone applications received. . WANTED First-class operating mill wright, Cal.- 'pine. 2-band mill: wages $210 per month: give experience and references. AV 15, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly man- for re lief clerk in lodging house, 2 shifts per ' week, $3 per shift and room. Globe Hotel. 44 North First st. , WANTED First-class electric welder; machinist helper, for open shop in the city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg..' 5th and Oak sts. v MAN THAT Is alive and willing to work to sell new and used Ford cars. Ar-mentrout-WIcke Motor Co., 82d and Foster Road. WANTED Automatic air-trimmer man; will pay top wages. Central Employ ment Agency, 13 North 2d st. - UEfcfc;S OWE f-S-l 5 14 X- A. CHECK OVtt-ES- OV ANREXJU - HEKWUtTTA US SWEET COOKVE. POV. 7 HELP WAXTEP MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGCY. . 240 ANKBNY ST.. COR. SECOND. OFFICE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M. LEADING LUMBER OFFICE PACIFIC COAST. SOUTH MeCLOilDi CAL. Ship Tonight, Free Fare. 3 sets white pine fallers, 24c M. LOGGERS FOR COLUMBIA RIVER CAMPS FARE ADVANCED. 3 sets fallers, $5 and $3.23; 4 buck . ers, $5; 3 chasers, $5; 1 yarder en gineer, $7; 1 swing engineer, $5.25; 2 sets fallers, 9o sq. ft.: 3 hook-on men, $5; 1 head rig man, $6.50; 2d rig man, $5.50; 1 set loaders. $7 and $6; 1 gas saw man, $4.50. NORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR. Fare Advanced. Mill and yard men. $3.25 and $3.50; young men for light work in box factory, $3. Ship today. LARGE CAMPS TILLAMOOK LINE. Fare Advajaced. 3 sets fallers, $5.85 and $6.12; 4 buckers, $5.40; 4 choker setters. $5; 1 fireman, $4.05; 1 signal punk, $4.05; 1 set loaders, $7 and $6; 1 gas saw man, $4.50; 12 R. R. laborers, $4.05; 2 wood splitters, $4.05. FREE FARE TO SACRAMENTO. CAL., S. P. CO. WORK. 10 carpenters, B. and B. gang, 61c hour. Snow-shed work in the Sierra Re . vada mountains. Ship tonight. SOUTHERN OR. FARE ADVANCED. Free fare stay 60 days. 10 laborers on new power line, $4.03, ship tonight. SOUTH MILL CITY, OR. HAMMOND LUMBER CO. FARE ADVANCED. 5 sets fallers. 36c M. or $4.80 and $5.20: 8 buckers, 38c M or $4.80; 6 choker setters, $4.80; 2 ohasers. $4.80. For camps No. i4 and N0. 17. , TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 1 Automatic trlmmerman $6.40 1 Flooring grader 5.00 4 Millwrights, new work 0.60 2 Lbr. pliers, for dry kiln 40c M 1 camp dishwasher, $60, R. and B. 2 sets fallers, by sq. foot, 9c. 10 carpenters. S. P. Co. work. B and B. gang, Sacramento, Cal., 61c hour. See us today. Other positions in hourly. YOUNG MEN SINGLE. Those having a fair educa tion and ambition to succeed can secure work In Central Office Telephone Installation. APPLY TO Western Electric Co., Inc.. Employment Office, 526 E. Morrison St., Portland. Or. The work is permanent, in teresting and should appeal to the beet types of electrical and mechanical young men. Opportunity to advance for those who show ability. I NEED two men over -25 years of age, who are gentlemen, who can tell the truth convincingly, who want a real opportunity. My company is the largest of Its kind in the west. It has many openings for promotions. If you have the above qualifications there Is a splendid future for you with us. Interview -by appointment onlv. Phone my secretary. Main 6657, after 9:30. COLLECTOR for installment store: must know city and be able to ride blcycie: state age, references, experience and salary expected. BC 801, Oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. UNUSUAL opportunity for 2 or 3 high class salesmen to earn upwards of $100 a week for the next 8 or 10 months. Possession of an auto necessary to get best results. Those experienced In sell ing farmers or business executives are the type we want for our work. Our thorough co-operation and a complete training in how to best cash in on our proposition are guaranteed. See Mr. Lewis at. 9 A. M.. i 1 tjascc diok. SALESMAN wanted for the state of Cal ifornia to represent an old established manufacturer of a nationally known line of toilet preparations. Only those experienced in this line will be con sidered. Permanent future with big earning possibilities for right party. Basis of compensation, salary, commis sion and traveling expenses. SANITOL CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY, 404 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. . G C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4355. We have an topenlng for a sales man; experience not necessary; must have a car and lots of "pep." NATIONAL MANUFACTURER OF AUTO ACCESSORIES wants high-class man with some capi ta! as state representative ' for new motor meter; direct -factory contract; opportunity to build youriown perma nent business: wonderful seller. 150 per cent profit. HUBPAYNE"CO.. 421 First National Bank Bldg., Oakland. Cal. WANTED Experienced stock salesman who can sell stock himself and who can handle other stock salesmen on one of the best Issues, ever offered in Port land; shortly to commence; part sal ary and part commissions; in reply give references, experience and age, otherwise no reply wfll be made to your letter. AC 954. Oregonian. WANTED GENTLEMAN SALESMAN. We want men of high character who think in terms of $5000 per year up. We teach you the business and give every possible co-operation; permanent, with plenty of room for advancement. Call at 1108 Wilcox bldg. Ask for Mr. Dore. LIFE insurance salesmanship offers a greater return than other profession. If you are alive we will teach you. If you appear to be a "go-getter" we will pay you a salary. It is entirely up to you. Call at 806 Gasco bldg. between 8 and 9:30 A. M. for interview. WANTED Commercial stationery sales men for general store work; permanent position to right party. Must have ex perience and not afraid of work. KUBLI-HOWELL COMPANY. 84 4th Street. LOS ANGELES manufacturer wants re sponsible distributor for article in great demand; experience not neces sary; no competition: restricted terri tory. Call 544 Washington St. REAL -ESTATE SALESMAN. Experienced man to manage subur han dept; liberal commission to right man. 630 Chamber of Com merce bldgw Al SALESMANAGER with car for city work, acquainted with grocery and restaurant business preferred. Call 327 Ch. of Com, bldg. TWO MAGAZINE or newspaper sales 'men; publisher's own offer; new prop osition; no money collected in advance. 428 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHOICE permanent sales business In home territory for people of character. M r. Warner, 220 Fleidner bldg. CLEAN-CUT SALESMAN with refer ences, selling to merchants. Apply 408 Stock Exchange bldg. HIGH-CLASS grocery specialty salesman, salary and expenses. Spohn & Fenton, AE 877, Oregonian. SALESMAN Young man to take orders; good money to live hustler. 222 Fail ing bldg. WANTED Salesman to sell Hoover electric sweepers. Apply 437 Stark st. WANTED AGENTS. HOUSB-TO-HOUSE canvassers wanting staple and fancy merchandise. Phone East 3863. WHAT'S THE9 AiA FOR. 45S ttJVUCtt HOVE. MOVJ aILL Bt KIN ENOUGH TO. ACCENT T0VWARt TOUK CAMPA.I6M Vim- T IS HOT MUCH fcuT VT AS AJLU I CAN AcFOM TO GIVE.- AAA XM?TtVX N. ACCOfc.t VMITH TOUR. CANt?VtACT CONGRESS ANt ASSUR.E NOJ VMU X0 E.VERNTWN d CAH TO BRxMG AfcOVJT. T0UV. LECTAON.- H0PHb TOU W'lA. A-CcfcVT TWS M THE- -SV VtCC I VJHVCH ANt IAATH EJEK GOOD NSH Xft. SVCCe-SFUVe CANWAVv4 Is HEHWETTA .OXS ZANtE. 1 j i 14, 1933 WANTED AGENTS. NEW HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. Guaranteed good seller. See Mr. Hudgins at Hotel Hoyt before 10 or after o for choice oi: lerntw r. SALESMAN with ear for city and country; hustler not afraid of work. Call 327 Ch. of Com, bldg. a t.ALl'H. accident ana hospital insur ance: big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED, capable girl for general office work; permanent position for girl who is pleasant, neat, accurate, good correspondent; one - capable of growing Into responsible position with enterprise with tremendous future ahead. Moderate salary to start but assurance of early, advancement if sat isfactory. Reply in own handwriting; state age, experience, references. Re- - plies confidential. AN 908, Oregonian. WOMEN wanted for peeling pears. App: thlp mo-nlng. Star Fruit ProiiucU Co., 821 E. YamhllL j, HOUSEKEEPER for family of 2 adults and 3 children, school age; modern, electrically equipped home, lower Hood River valley; permanent position. Ad dress Mrs. S. L. Banks, route 3. Hood River, Or. . BRIGHT girl for stenographic work, bill ing and general office work; prefer one with some cashiering experience. Apply, stating age, experience, salary expected and whether married or sin gle, to AK uo, ureconian. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS AND P A C K E R S WANTED: GOOD PAY. AP PLY LANG & CO. CANDY FACTORY, NO. 9 N. FIRST ST., NEAR BUKKS1UE. WANTED Lady with boy old enough to take Interest in farming; am willing to give a good proposition to the right party who wants a steady home. AV 9. Oregonian. i WANTED Experienced woman for gen eral housework, Scandinavian pre ferred, to go to Pendleton later: ref jerences; good pay for right party. Call Walnut 0926. WANT experienced young lady for soda fountain and front store work in drug store; permanent position if satisfac tory; state phone and address. A J ssn. u-regonian. DRESSMAKER and designer, capable of running my dressmaking shop; may have all she takes In If she will pay rent and phone. Am leaving city. Phone Broadway 7690. , WANTED Experienced operator on made-to-order shirts; one capable of taking charge. G. T. GRELLNER. SHIRT MAN. 464 Union Ave. N. East 5389. DRESSMAKERS! Will exchange fine scenic building site on Columbia river highway for first class dressmaking to be frnlshed as requlrel. B-S77 Oregonian. WANTED Subscription solicitors for old established, high-class weekly: excep tional opportunity. Ask for Mr. Smith. Call from 9 to 10. 12 to 1. 5 to 6. 1036 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work: must be neat and a good cook; 3 In family, no children: references re quired; wages $45. Residence 667 Flan ders st. ' WANTED Young lady to answer tele phone who has some experience as a stenographer. Call 520 Henry bldg., Portland. Oregon. - WANTED Elderly couple to make home at Seaside; small wages; man can work away if he wishes; lady must assist with cooking. Phone Tabor 4389. WANTED Girl to do housework and be companion for invalid lady; no laun dry; $30 per month. 1217 Mall St., Woodstock car. . WANTED Woman for housework in small modern country home. Call Ho tel Cornelius, 12:30 " o'clock Friday, Sept. 15. WANTED Experienced young woman as model In photographic studio; state qualifications fully. AN 885. Orego nian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, Mayfalr and Alexandor sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. COOK, out, $65; waitresses, hotel, out, one $40, R., B.; one $14 wk., B. Port land Ladies' Agency, 288 Washington, 401 Macleay bldg. YOUNG lady, experienced in soda foun tain and grocery store. Ref. required. 293 Burnside St. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter. Ap ply Oregon City Laundry Co., Oregon City. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: good cook; no laundry; four adults: good wages. Call Main 3729. WANTED Experienced waitress, relief work. 4 days a week. Call after 8 A. M. today. 148 Broadway. ELDERLY lady to care for child while mother works; good home and wages. East 2587. HOUSEKEEPER for 3 adults and com - panion to middle-aged lady. Atwater 4164. WANTED Experienced waitress and one dishwasher. The Palace Cafe, 127 11th sts., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. WANTED Experienced lunch counter and soda fountain girl. Schubach's Auto Stage depot TYPIST willing to run errands when needed; small salary to start. Phone Atwater S822 for appointments. WANT experienced beauty parlor opera tor; must do marcelling. Apply 706 Washington, or phone Bdwy. 6156. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip per. Jim Gosparis, 1828 Main St., Baker, Or. MAID, general housework. 3 children; $50 per month: Alameda district. Tabor 7774. WANTED Kitchen maid, resident; ref erences required. Apply St. Helen's Hall. 13th and Hall sts. YOUNG LADY to do 2 hours work three mornings each week in exchange for first-class piano lessons. Aut. 324-22. THE FLORENCE CR1TTENTON home is ready to help any girls In distress. 955 East Glisan. "MY" car. East 0316. MARKER LADY to take charge marking room, $25 per week. Wire or phone, XL Laundry. Baker. Or. WANTED Stenographer, lumber office, prefer dictaphone and invoice experi ence .APPiy"2 - WORKING girl or high school girl can work for room and board; lady alone; nice home. AB 956. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, not over 30: no washing- fine home. K 876. Oregonian. SECOND cook for club; $70 and board. Phone Sell. 1700. WANT woman experienced on Hoffman press. 950 Thurman st. . COMPETENT bookkeeper with at least 6 years experience. wj o-t., ..a.. ELDERLY woman to assist with house work and children. Main 4758. LADY to take care of baby. W. Gold man. 88 6th St. GIP.LS wanted. The Breneman Som mers Co., Inc.. 188 2d st. WANTED An experienced waitress, Nortonla Hotel, 11m ana aiar- FIRST-CLASS chocolate dippers wanted. Donovan's, East 7th and Couch sts. WANTED Dressmaker, good finisner. 214 11th St., cor. Salmon. WAITRESS wanted at Bluepolnt restau rant. 4 iNortn iitn si. Stenographer wanted in law of fice, $60 to bt in. AK 886, Oregonian. ANSWER? tdz "CwveA CuriAIMC - Lie CONTRIBUTION .T IS SENT AH, HELP WANTED FEMALE. PLATEN press feeder wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., East 23th and Holiaday EXP SEAMSTRESS wanted on power machine. Kauffman Manf. Co., Union ave. Wanteil Domestics. WANTED A thoroughly experienced girl for general housewora; oniy cook will be considered: n washing, family consists of three adults and one child; location, 23d and Irving sts., west side. Phone Main 2573 any time WANTED A competent woman for gen. housework: small house, small family; dark finish and no washing and good wages. Phone Atw. . 4123. Call be tween 11 A. M.-l P. M. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, family of 2; references required. Call W. A, Bushong, Wednesday morn ing. E. 3(17. EXP. GIRL for cooking and downstair! work. 8 adults and 2 children 9 and 11. Good wages. 794 Irving. Auto. 511-82. CAPABLE woman for general house work and assist with children. -J month; no washing; good home. Tabor 0338. MAID for general housework; 4 adults; references required. Phone East 3.34. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework. References re quired; three In family. Call Main .14'.t.Y COMPETENT nursemaid, care of one child and upstairs worK; nijf" """ to one of ability and experience. Phone mornings. Atwater rfouii. THOROUGHLY experienced and reliable girl for general housework, 4 adults. No furnace. 859 Marshall st. Pnone Main 3442. OA1PETENT girl To cook and assist with general housework; 3 adults; ref erences. East 5819, between 9 and 12 A. M. GIRL for general housework in Klvur wood, 20 minutes from city; easy work, time off, no laundry, $40. Call Main 0136. GIRL wanted to do general housework; must be experienced; no cooking or washing. Apply in person 575 East 12th. N., near Knott, or cajl East 4219 GIRL OR young woman to do general housework and assist with cooking. 2 in family. Phone Tabor 8692, or call 309 E. 37th St. N. GIRL tor general housework. Must be good plain cook and fond of children, $45 per month. East 19113. WANTED Girl for general housework, $40 month. Apply after 3 P. M. 5.3 East Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL APPLY PRINCESS THEATER, IH ' AND BURNSIDE. BDWY. 4(168. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 2 In family. Call Main 1091. between R nnrt 1 '1 A M. RELIABLE girl to care fo child and referencea assist with second work; 687 Davis, near 21st st. RELIABLE girl to assist with house work, care of children; good home and wages. East 038 1. WOMAN to do housework and assist In care of Infant. Apply In person at 735 -Washington st. WANTED Girl lor general housework; small family. Call between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. East 2329. WANTED Experienced gill for cooking only; give references. BF 921. Orego nian. . WANTED Girl for general house work. Family of 4 adults. Good wages. Main 1217 RVPKlirxCKD r-irl for general house work: eood cook: no laundry; four adults: good wages. Call Main 372H. COMPETENT woman wanted for gen eral housework; pleasant home, kind treatment. $40. Sellwood 1501. EXPERIENCED nursemaid for small child; referencea required; good wages. 340 10th st. WANTED Young girl, good plain cook and to assist with some housework- Phone Main 14 1 8, RENT free lor small amount of work; good for wife of working man. 147 WANTED Helper for general house work, $30; no washing. Automatic 24-92. GIRL for general housework; must be good plain cook; no furnace, no wash ing. East 14lt. 583 E. 22d St. N. GIRL to assist with housework and care of child, call Mam -;mo YOUNG girl to insist with light house, work, care of 2 children. Main 5234. WANTED- Girl for cooking and down stairs work. Walnut 3U32. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework, call xanor o.i.u GIRL to assist with care of children and some housework. Atwater 1010. GIRL" FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL FAMILY. TAHUtt -ii. GIRL for light housework. 591 0th St. Atwater 1120. GIRL to assist with housework and care of small child. Call East 3164. WANTED Neat girl for general house work. 1063 Thurman. Tel. Main 691 lit iIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK; NO COOKING. MAIM 5159. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work, $0O. ast l.'4H. GIRL for general housework, good home. adults. Ill l nompaun bu COUNTRY girl for general housework; $30. 487 E. 24th St. N. East 11179. GIRL for general housework; refer ences. Sellwood 2R7IK GIRL for cooking and downstairs work. 144 N. linn. St., near noyt. qii-q-.. GIRL wanted; Finnish preferred; $40. East 2160 after 5 o'clock MAID for housework; washing. Tabor 0845. no cooking or GIRL for general housework in apart ment; references required. Main 1085. GIRL, general Housework, easy place. plain ioiks. K"'i ivaw-j.. .I,., ... WANTED Experienced girl for cooking. Main 6:113. kni westover roao WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework. Call Walnut rf-ua. GIRL or woman for general housework. East 8393. GIRL wanted for Ught housework. 433 1 bth st. iiain aou GIRL for plain housuwork. Tabor 9339. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 3D MORE good hopplckeis wanted, best of yards, on Willamette river, near Newberg; usual accommodations: Just startln two weeks' picking. Come to Newberg; inquire for Henry L. Bents Jr or phone him at Newberg, Or. Also yards near St. Paul, Or. Go to St. Paul; Inquire for Bents yard or phone me Henry L. Bents. Aurora, Or. "60 MORE HOP PICKERS WANTED. B'or fine hops on yards near New berg, Or. Approximately 2 weeks' work. " Usual accommodations. 606 Worcester bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7084 or East 2540. JAPANESE couple tor cooking and housework In family 4 adults: good wages, comfortable room with bath. AR 885. Oregonian. HOP PICKERS wanted for hop yard near Newberg, Or. Good hops; usual accommodations. Phone Walnut 6669. HOP PICKERS wanted, good camping conditions, tents or shacks rurnisnea; varrt st station on Oregon Electric. In- qulre 214 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. COLORED couple for cooking and house work in family 01 aauus. ak ooi, Oregonian. TKlt-'KC (OH y min! j 19 tir.l r w T.,'T T 'T!' .'.'JL -TMrvT. A OEXU1NR OPPORTUNITY. I need assistance of capable womsn with pleasing personality to handle In creasing trade of my downtown heeuiy shop. Thle Is p;(-odid opening for person who can qualify. Enul half In terest, $400. Call Cl'O Chamber of Coin merc e bid g. , 41 h and si ark. YOUNG woman as partner in real -tate business, old established offlr: must have nome office exienno. ''0 rri-ewarr. Call Rrly. 7". Kl 'Ml. WANTED Partner with nieaus lo In vest In establli-hed business; 75 p-r cent profit; siient or active. AK 3. Oregonian. ,. PAHTNKK in established wood saw busi ness; plenty work: make from 4 to $U a day. 505 8wtland bldg. BITrATION WASTED MALE, EMPLOYERS'! One (f the things the Portland T. M. C. A. does Is to sort men ovr for par ticular Jobs, or position. If you .hou.J need a man for any position we wul b glad to sort over a large number of men, m-lthout expense or obligation to you. ar d make available two or tlir- men. with their credential, from whom you may make electlon. Call 8700 "and ask for advisory and emp.oy mert department. EMPLOYERS, NOTICE. Freight traffic manager and ie man. I have .erved m.ny y"- w'1 the railroad handling freight e''m milling In transit account, checking rates, revising bills, etc. Also nve had ome .oiling "P"''""-"'1' I"'. nih Al reference. AJ i0. Orego nian. - ACCOUNTANT wish" to mk perm. nont connection wnn ioci uu-.,.-or manufacturing concern. Am experi enced In corporation ccounting. cost. Income tax, credit and collection nd can render accurate statements, " 3(1 reference If delred. X'hone Lt 0127. YOUNG married man, t present assis tant cashier In out-of-town bank, de sires reHponMbln position with lo.l iij nanclal Institution. Have had- six yer experience, good education and can give Al references. . M "77. Orgonln it bHINGLINO We special! In rhln gllng and roof repairing. It w ill py you to get our figure before lettlntj contract; atlstactlon guaranteed. nu mato free. East 1B28. GET YOUR PAINTING. BIO KALSOM ININ'O I' H- , 'J" Vv il RAINY SKASON. .HKST WORK AM MATERIAL. 25 YEARS' LXFLRI KNCK. TABOR nSflfi. , MARRIED MAN would like to run com mercial poultry plant or capon farm, capons preferred. Several ynrt suc cessful experience with layors ana capon. ,T 870. Oregonlsn. FAMILY of three want a care takers for man's estate or summer home: dependable-, furntsh ref. v rite AV 434, OregonUn. PAINTER. Married desire teady employ "it. 12 year experience, $4'.."i0 day: refer ences. Auto. 014-4:1 iiaveequlpment. MARRIED man with several years' ex perience DOOkKeeping nu -o, fire work, desires position In or out Of City. AC M'. tirigonian. PAINTING-PAPE Rl N GK A LSO M 1 N 1 N J. Price lowed; material and work manship guaranteed; estimate free. Ka.t 7H25. . M. AND RANG EL Fainting, tinting, pa pering kalsomlnlng, by day or con tract; price right. 387 North .list st. Phone Hdwy. 1645. AN ELDERLY man wishes occupation as collector or otherwise: very mod erate remuneration; allefactory ref. AP 958. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN. chauffeur, wlslie po sition with private family, best of ref erences; can do his own repair work. AN 8.'3. Ore gonlan. PR I N TER-E I I To H wishes a Cheng" " location now or a little later; would consider lease or management of coun try paper. Address AV 11. OreKonlari YOUNG man, good driver, warns position driving raj'nr truck: for prmite family, city or country; prefer good home more t h an wages. AO KHU, oeaonlan. FRENCH couple, middle age; WHnt situ ation; man cook, wife second work; reference; city or country. A J b.o. Oregonian. MARRIED man needs work. Piilntlng, kalsomlninK. floors waxed and pollihed. Prices reasonable Main 1315. HARDWOOD floors laid over old one. Call us up for estimate. Tabor 7051 or Tabor 4718. PAINTING. KALSOMININU. 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE: PAPER CLEANED. AUTOM A TIC 628-40. ALL ROUND PASTRY COOK WANTS WORK IN CAFETERIA OR HOTEU AH Mt7. OREGONIAN , EXPERIENCED landscape gardener; new lawns a. specialty; old lawn mail over. Phon" Thr 7113 CARPENTER will resiling!, retn.i'lol or build your house or garage; It will pay you to call. Walnut 5676. I PAINTING, papering. Let me do you a first-class Job at a reasonable price. Jenkins. Tabor 9354. WANTED Work of any kind for 2-lon. truck; $1.50 hour, or will contract any thing. Atwaler 2"f. INTELLIGENT, husky high school boy want work afternoon and Saturday. Main 8H40. ABSTRACTERS. Do you need an experienced ab stracter. 3(15 Henry blilir. PAINTING, papering snd liming; paper ing 3IK- roll. Atwater 2193. Atwiiter 2146. ROOMS tinted, 50c to $5; papcrnm. 35o roll; paint for Job. Hdwy. 034. or Walnut Bust. WANTED By married man, truck ilrlv I n g In or around Portland. Wal M'M. CLERICAL position: 12 years' rAi.rnad experience.. AC l"."5. Oregonlnn. YOUNG man need work of any kind, day or nl ght. Phon a Hdwy. 7::"l. ANYTHING 10 A. M to 4 P. M.; h.iv car; reason hie., 11 .797J , O re 50 n U n. EX PKlTl ENCKD chauffeur wants job In private family. AO 8TH, OreKonlnn. SITUATION wanted l,y mechanic! AK 1157. Oregonlnn. draftsman. MAN, 40, want work; prefer Janitor work. L. G. Day. 112 N. 4th St.. rm. 17. EXPERIENCED cook and baker In res taurant. Atwater 24H3. TKAMl.NO, plowing and excavating, eta. East (1210. TRUCK wants work hauling lumber or wood. Phone Kast 374. ToUnO MAN, 23, ex otirlnnced. wauls po sition In auto l'rff. Automatic fM6-ft. PAINTING, tinting, papering; estimates fu'rn. A. C Kinder s Co.. Atwator 1H2H. PA1NTINO, tlutlng. papering; good worn reasonable. Sellwood 13WI. TJTTTTvr work; ha ve mix tun. PHONB TABOR 7l. PLL'MUlN'l anil repairing, best woik. reasonable. Tabor H724. East IIS.IH. SITUATION a janitor, experienced, rf- en-nces. Main 8741. HAVK your work done by a rHtah:e build er; by day or contract. Kn t J7V.t 1. MAN wants work as Janitor, watchman or elevator op rat"r, Tabor W779. LAWNS made and i"-eded. general gar. denlng by expert. Main B521. BSU1NBEK wants work, steam or aa marine preferred. Phone Main 4357. JAPANESE wants Janitor Job or cleaa Ing house. Broadway 2105. PLUMBER, flrnt-clsss man. large or small Jobs. K. 4H52. EXCAVATING. General teaming. Atwater 10 PLUMBER wants siiisil J"bs; expert ra palr: low estimate Bdwy. 2513. MARRIED man In need uf work; odd J o ha. Walnut 7015. bookkeeper. Monographers. Office. foiTxu" man, 27 years of age; married; over 10 years' experience as clerk utenOEraptier, 4H years wilh federal government; graduate In Isw wim L. L. M. and L. L. H degrees, desires po.-lt'ion with law firm; c-redentisjB fur. nlshed. P 91H1. Oregonian WANTED A position as booi4kepr, hours afler 4 P. M. and Saturday; ref erences if nereasarv. 410 tloing St., Portland. Phone Walnut 1122. ACCOUNTANT, typlat. young man. wishes office work of any kind to start with. AE XS5. Orcgonun. Salesmen. fcPECIALTY salesman with several years' experience will be open for po sition September IS. Desire Astorlsi and points. Can furnish automobile. C 922, Oregonian. SnTATlONS WANTrO FTMAT.r. EXPERIENCED women wants day work and care of children evenings; refer ences. Wal. lf.72 YOUNU lady without home wishes posi tion ss ward, companion or houe (P,pir. B'' Sy3. t irrgnnUn. LAKY wauls any kind of work. Walnut (1327. TWO refined young ladies desire poaltlon. willing worHera a.- eii. . r"s"nnT WILL care for children nurlng paren absence. References. Walnut 1611. LACE t urtalns hand laundered. 12 years experience r.asr ni HOUSEWORK wanted by Hit hour. Kv Anderson. Phone Walnut 31. EXPERT hair ny.-lng In your borne or mine. Tsoor ;i;s-. ANY KIND of day work wanted by ex perienced laoy. x.'i y . GOOD COOK, wishes work, pastrle i TlHu T " H T .- 27