SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 - " ' 1 : i t wtnaiia- l Tnunnli ' Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments, 1 Typewriters. I Miscellaneous. J10 CASH. $5, 6 OR MORE MONTHLY Buvs a J 47a piano, used, for $103, and 1021 model for $295, or a $675 player . piano, used, fcr 393. and 1921 model for M95, $15 cash. $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clear ance tale right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th at Stark. i73 cash buys used $273 upright piano $145 cash buvs used $473 upright piano $195 cash buys used $373 upright piano $245 cash buys used $630 u'jrighl piano $313 casn buys used i'JiO player piano at Security Storage Co.. 10th a: Stark. $20. $33. $7o bays phonographs, in eluding 3 or 10 used records, $3 cash. $3, $4 or more monthly, at the Schwan Piano Co., 10! Tenth ,st. at atark. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Brunswick, new. mahogany, case. gold plated l- A UCILU X - VOCALIOX, mahogany case, gold plated 1- SYMPHONY, oak case, good condi tion, with records 80 COLUMBIA. tabie model. oak . case, bargain 100 And Others. Terms Given. SEIBBKLIXU-LUL'AS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. . ANNUAL HOME-COMING SALE. p;gnn sins -'H5. S37.V $3 to $S month. Piaver pianos, $393, $473, $8 nrt 10 a month. Grand pianos, $6i5, Js75. $14 and $17 a month. Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. Washington and 5th sts. HEW $15 MANDEL PHONOGRAPH imohApnnv finish i. Plavs all records wunderful tone. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will sell for $83 cash Phnne Main 5t4 IT DOESN'T pay to be too cheap; get a properly repaired piano u seconu hand. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Washington. BEHNING PLAYER PIANO.' Cost new $1000; will take $300. East 7433. THREE brand new Hobart M. Cable pianos at real bargain; terms. These are strictly high-class. 312 Worcester building. $VAN'f to rent mahogany grand piano; give best of care, very nice home, no children: state rent waiueu ami dress. BP 894, Oregonian. i fx DOESN'T pay to be too cheap; get s property repaueu ocv.... ......... Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, near w asnington nnvn tiivtt: and uhonograDh repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. SKIHKRL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. art pianos, iioo to $265 each; many o: America's best make; terms. Broker age !CoI3Lvorcete2jJiug. BRUNSWICK phonographs demonstrat. ed in your own home. Nate Ardrey Sell. 2143. 11050 FINE player piano, music and bench- only $250; easy terms. 312 "Worcester bldg. BRUNSWICK, pnonograpns demonstrat ed in your own home. Nate Ardrey, Sell. 2143. , WEBER BABY GRAND FOR RENT. NOT THE SMALL SIZE. HAROLD S. riTT.BERT. 107 WEST PARK. FOR SALE at once, beautiful concert grand ChlCKermg; in,. hjluw"". mahogany case. Main 6364. 12 50 RENTS phonograpn with .ate :ec ords. Empire Transfer. 143 Ilia. Bdwy. Oloo. I CAN save you money on used phono- grappa. in. Aimy. .j"- -. $600 ADAM SCHARFF piano, fine con dition. $225; terms. 312 Worcester bldg 650 1VERS & POND piano, good us- rignt, cou; lEnna. oi- 0. 4575 KOHLER Ai t AMrllE. i.ij P""". fine; $175; terms. 312 Worcester mus i550 R. S. HOWARD, $23o; terms. 312 Worcester uiue.. au mm v.ot. $300 HOWARD piano, plain case, $lao; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $200 BUY'S $500 Jewett piano; $25 down, $10 month. 312 Worcester bldg. I HAVE practically new $630 piano; will sacrifice for $350. Tabor 9204. WANTED Bargain in used piano for all cash. Cail Broadway 154S. m $573 ELLINGTON piano, equal to new, $260; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $l.".i VICTROLA, 40 selections, Just new, ,,-. si.' Worcester piuk WANTED Second-hand piano, pay cash; no deafer. Broadway imu. $6lli) ESTE Y piano, just new, $3110; terms. 3 1 2 Wo rcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. $575 BRAND new Shoninger piano, only $363; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $650 PACKARD, equal to new, only $263, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. KIMBALL piano, fine condition, $165; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $550 HARRINGTON piano, $200; $25 down. $10 month. 312 Worcester bldg. $775 FAR RAND player, just new, per fect. rfoo; terms, ai- yuiceLci ume BRASS BARITONE HORN. $25. WAL NUT 2: Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE for sale; Detroit Jewell gas range, heavy quarter sawed oak dining table and six chairs, large hall rack, mirror and seat; brass bed, mattress and springs; stair carpet, porch chairs, small tables, linoleum, chiffonier. 306 N. 24th st. 10 to 12, for 3 days. Phone Atwater 3304. FURNITURE FOR SALE and flat for rent By family leaving city. Will eell In one lot furniture of 5-room flat; 5 minutes from old postoffice. Immed iate possession. Bargain if sold at once. Automatic 534-28. ST ING room furniture, drapes, rugs, music cabinet, black ebony' combina tion bookcase and writing desk, wal nut dining room table and sideboard, Singer sewing machine, dishes, kitch. en stove, gas stove. Main 3222. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer a Baggage Co.. 245 Pine st. FOR SALE" at a bargain, owner leaving city; furniture for 5-room house; this is beautiful furniture and is in fine condition. No dealers. 344 E. 49th st. Phone Tabor 4360. IWILL sacrifice my $450 ivory bedroom suite; also overstuffed and cane daven ports, rugs, etc. Everything first-class. 193 North 22d St. WALNUT bedroom set. rugs, floor lamp, mahogany table; refrigerator, dishes and other articles. Ill E. 35th st., near Alder. COMBINATION range, overstuffed living room set, walnut dining room set, rugs, bedroom furniture, two wardrobes. Walnut 6389. LET ME make you beautifully over stuffed davenports and chairs in my spare time. 847 E. Stark. East 6598. BE EKE Y & GAY solid walnut Inlaid din lng table, 54x60; slightly injured by water; bargain. Atwater 3921. BEAUTIFUL stand and large fern, also lovelv Jardiniere; very reasonable. Ta bor 5123. FOR SALE Large colonial quarter sawed oak buffet, nearly new. 757 E. 16th St. North. Automatic 312-26. $200 GAS RANGE, good as new; $05 if taken at once. Olsen-Roe Co. Bdwy. 0627. DINING room set, excellent condition. Apt. 3, 554 Tillamook. NEW Anglo-Persian Wilton rug, 9x12. Tabor 0477. 4-POSTER brass bed, with box mattress. East 6T31. DETROIT Jewell gas range and 9x12 rug. Bdwy. 2555. KICELY upholstered in corduroy, . three chairs and a table. East 5037. OAK EXTENSION table, good condition, $12. Call 650 Schuyler st. Office Furniture. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys in used roll and flat-top desks, chairs and filing cabinets, refinlshed, almost equal to new. See our special four drawer letter file, $23, a new file at less than second-hand prices. IRWIN-HODSON, 391 Stark Street, at 10th Street. FIBER-REED furniture for office, studio, reception room or home; ever lasting wear, attractive prices. IRWIN-HODSON. 391 Stark Street, at 10th Street. THREE flat-top desks. $16.50 each; also new desk at used price; 3 tables. 12 chairs, 1 letter file and 1 cap size file, 2 safes, 1 bookkeeper's, at $13. Bush org Co.. 91 Park st. HIGH-GRADE 4-dr. steel letter file for $37.50: will cutlast a wood file and la semi-fireproof. We buy. sell and rent office furniture. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739 MAHOGANY directors' table; oak roll top desk, swivel chair, straight chairs, table and counter. Call lilo Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. SEW arl used burglar-proof manganese bank safes, immediate delivery. Jesse R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. BARGAIN Corona typewriter; rolltop desk. Newman. 128 First, bet.. Alder and Wash. Typewritern. L. C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter Co.. S06 Spalding bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6975. Sell typewriters thoroughly rebuilt in own factory; also rentals, supplies. $3 RENTS Underwood. Remington type writer. Empire Transfer, 145-11. Bdwy. 0153. $$ RENTS nice sewing machine. $2 mo. Empire Transfer. 145-11. Bdwy. 0155. REBUILTS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rates'. 1'. D. O. Co.. 231 Stark st. Bdwy 7507. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell, supplies. Type writer Insp Co.. 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. OLIVER typewriter for sale or trade. Main 4549, room S. I fi,r., 1 n.R .!.. 1 SAT.fc-ArTOMOBH.E8. FOB SAI.r1-AUTOMOBII.ES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUUu- REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $30. com plete with carrying case; supplies and repiiirs lor all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth st. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 33 per cent to 70 per cent below manufacturers- price; TERMS $3 monthly if- desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months. $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes. CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th' St. DoANE'S. Poultry. DECOY DUCKS. $2.50 A PAIR PHONE MILWAUKEE 43. MALLARD ducks for sale. East 0371. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds unci Pet Mtock. 2 FEMALE Toggenburg kids. 20 ma tured geese. 3 female Persian cats and 4 singers, for sale or trade for useful articles or for feed or hay. Broad-, way 7303. FOR SALE CHEAP Rabbits, 12 bred does, 2 fine bucks. Can be seen at 185 Wichita road, south Wichita station, on Estaeada line, mile. D. W. Zeller. FOR SALE Boston terrier pups; can be seen at 1348 E. lutb N. between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. 1 SILVER Persian malt cat, pedigreed, California stock. Inquire Davis Reatau rant. 119 Philadelphia st., St. Johns. TUMBLER pigeons for .sa.'e. 30c each 184 East R4ih street. 1'EDioREED Boston terrier Ta-bor 6790. 2096 Delano st. YOUNG canary singers; reasonable. East 694H. FINE canary singers for $10. 561 Going st. 2 DUCK LAKES for rent. East 5500. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and -white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 519-19. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. BEST HOUSEBOAT on Willlamette t river; 5 rooms on fine float. A .bargain 'for $2000 cash; terms or trade. $2200; will take well located city lot or good used Ford or both, as part payment. 436 CHAM. OF COM., Tabor 3C68. - Bdwy. 6633 BOAT house with 2 living rooms and gasoline launch. 628-93. Cail any time, evenings or during day. Coal and Wood. $4.5.0. PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS, lfl-lnch ' fir blocks and slabs; runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102. FOR SALE Slabwood, blockwood No. 1 fir and pole oak cordwood, sawdust, cut fuel and coal. S. & H. green trad ing stamps. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st. Broadway 6353. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry, fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50 and $4 load; box, $4; li-in. thick, $5 anywhere; No. 1 cord, $7.50. Sellwood 1769. BIG LOAD of boxwood, $4; block and slab, partly dry, $4.50 a load. Call Wal. 5904. HEAVY BLOCK AND SLAB mixed. 16 In., $6.50 a cord. Atwater .2S55. HEAVY country slab. $60 per cord; No. 1 old growth fir, $8. Tabor 9512. UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. Bid LOADS block and slab, mixed; two loads, $9; one load. $3. Walnut 1390. Machinery. FOR SALE One 7iixl0 Monday donkey engine, with line and sled, price $800 Theil Bros., Ri'dgefield. Wash. LATHE. 1 -IN. BARNES. $50. 853 WIL LIAMS AVE. Fruits and Vegetables. PRUNES. 2c to 4c; applet. ioc per box and- up; crabapples. Bring boxes. D. O. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd.. mile east Union avenue. PRUNES Large Italian prunes. 1240 E. 42d street N.. corner Ainsworth. ITALIAN prunes, 2c lb. Aut. 626-96 3o.l tOth st., near Powell valiey. Miscellaneous. HOT-WATER tanks. $;,. guar.: tanas, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing con tractors; estimates given. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams t. E-. 8516. DUCK-HUNTERS Chance for 2 sports men to Join us on the best duck lake on Savries island, by auto: fine cabin and blinds. AC 899. Oregonian. BUY, SELL. RENT OR' TRADE. SHOTGUNS OR RIFLES. FISHING TACKLE. ' 128 FIRST. NR. ALDER. BDWY. 7161 APPLES Big red. 50c box; bring your own containers; keep Alberta car . line to Hollingsworth ave.. east to 33d. north to North St.. E. 37th st. Adams WIRE Galvanized hop and berry wire. cement contractors tie wire at 3 tec lb. Broadway 6230. H. N. Bain. P. O. address. 712 Washington st. HOOVER sweeper, fine condition; big Jiorris cnair, upnoisterea in real leather; 2 pairs o fine portieres. East 8206. 2 BRASS BEDSTEADS, springs and mattresses; latest davenport, ermine furs, lace, etc. 975 Francis ave: Sell wood (1982. DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine in good condition, ?lo. East 3iti9. 562 Williams ave. LADY'S coat and suit, size 36, also some otner wearing apparel, sell very cheap. Phone Main 5430. TWO SWELL evening gowns for sale or trade; also 3 new kimonos. Main 4549, room 5. BARGAIN Cash register; 5-ft. floor ci gar case, candy case, scale. Newman, 128 First, near Washington. HIGH-GRADE Remington pump gun, 12 gauge; also solid English leather case, perfect condition. BF 920, Oregonian. LATEST style lady's coat, size 38, prac tically new; pes material, mole fur collar. Call Main 0223. SHOWCASES All sizes, cash registers, scales, pool tables, back and front bar, other fixtures; big reduction. 129 1st. MILLINERY classes opening in different districts: hats at your home with new or old materials. East 0936. MY PRACTICALLY new double stitch. electric, portable sewing machine; must sell. Main 1822. PRACTICALLY new, ball-bearing lawn mower and basket; $7. 621 Brazee. East 7776. CASH register. National, fine condition; will sell cheap for cash. AP 879. Ore gonian. STAR weil-drilling machine; small pay ment, bal. terms: a bargain. Arthur Laurence Edwards. Gen. Del., Portland. ALMOST new Cleveland tractor for $1100. Also double gang plow cheap. Arthur Langguth, 606 Concord bldg. FURNACE 2 Fox turnaces cneap. fair condition, complete. Main 3278 543 Yamhill. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchang Kodaks. Sandy, 124 Broadway. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and re paired. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. -Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR SALE Radiantfire, tion. 32 E. 84th st. S. good condi- CHILD'S white iron bedstead and one wardrobe trunk. East 6949. CASH register, bargain for cash. 105 N. 6th st. FOR SALE Hemstitching machine. Call Broadway 4433. GOOD bicycle in A-l shape, cheap. In o.uire 425 East Burnside. East 6562. ITALIAN PRUNES for sale. 211 East 84th st. S. Tabor 6697. CEDAR posts delivered anywhere. A. W. Steele. Sherwood. Or. PORTABLE chicken house, reasonable. Call East 7121. - ' ITALIAN prunes. 3c. Tabor 0918. 3003 53d st S. E., near Franklin high. 16 SIZE Howard heater. 2-.burners; gas, hot plate. Walnut 6879. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. LARGE genuine gray reed baby carriage in perfect condition. Tabor 0626. FOR SALE Furniture, stoves and type writer. Phone Walnut 5210. GAS range, nearly new. Call S72 E. Pine. Cheap. ALMOST new 6-hole range for sale, $13. 2058 E. Stark. CALL Faulkner. East 6060. furniture repairing ana upnoistering. FOR DRY FEET, shoes that wear, try Doublewear. Tabor 2618. 30 CLASSY "John" cigars. $223, poat- pald. neitKemper s lauiury, 101 sorter. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 73c per day, delivered. W'alnut 1259 SECOND-HAND fents and covers for sale. rr.,,,,.. ft. A,nln fn 7." . 1 1 . SAKE Large double door safe; good make; bargain. A 972. Oregonian. WOMEN AND GIRLS Good value in used apparel for fall. Tabor 2823. SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing, cabinet work, etc. Walnut 1487. FOR SALfc Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALU cars, $10 to $15. Broadway 4492. FOR SALE 1 set Manitoba blue-gray wolf furs (Albrecht make), pood con dition; cost $69.50 two years ago. will sell for $25; also 1 superior quality midnight blue tricotine dress, suitable for maternity wear, size 38 to 40, straight-line model; cost $40 last fall, will sell for $20. All these articles just back from cleaners. If you are looking for shoddy garments please do not cail. Phone Sellw-ood 1041. or call 574 E. 0th st. S.. cor Brooklyn. , DAINTY, lacey, white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 23 per cent larger and brighter as well; a wonderful selection to choose from. MILLER'S BIG LITTLE JEWELRY STORE. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER. WASHINGTON, NEAR PARK ST. DAISY wood and coal heater, pipes, base board and wall screen, $13; White kitchen treasure, $4; linoleum, 18-yds., $8: Ruud water heater, $12; small gas heater, $3; window shades, gray and white, good condition, 60c each; White Frost refrigerator, metal, round, first class condition, new price $95, our price f 38; -size violin. $8. 790 W. Kelly st.. cor. Gibbs. N. S. car. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-thir.d; all styles, finest selections. Come in and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 4253. LAST CHANCE We will paint 6 more cars, any make, for $37.50 each, to advertise our shop, for Sept. only. Make reservations if you can not spare your car just now. Get a. real Job done by real auto painters. Detroit Auto Painting Co. Phone East 4573. 425 East Morrison. Open Monday. FORD TOURING. Must sll this late 1920 Ford tour ing.; demountable rims, self starter, foot feed, water pump, oiling system, speedometer, dashlight; fine appear ance, good upholstering; demonstrate anywhere; $375, terms. Call Tabor 321 IF YO1 appreciate splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to . MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and asnington Sts. LEAKY ROOF, EH? Very aggravating, indeed! Why not a comfortaole and permanent roof? We tepair RUBBER BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, .de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaianteed. Bdwy. 5958. SAVE your wife; send your wet wash to the Snowflake Laundry. Clothes washed snowy white in separate com partments; ' Thurs., Fri. and Sat., 15 lbs. for 60c, 4c for each additional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. BOOTBLACK STAND SPACE FOR RENT. Close to bus line. West Park and Tamhill sts., for 3-chair bootblack stand, 5-year lease, rent $30 per mo. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. SEWING machine, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts tor all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 19(1 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. HOME WANTED. Desire to purchase 6-room bunga low or two-story colonial home in Rose City, Laurelhurst or Alameda: some thing around $8000. Wilbur P. Man ning, P. O. Box 4. city. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mold ings, millwork, glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SAFE FOR SALE. Large fireproof safe, with burglar proof ' inner compartment with time lock, for sale at a bargain; moving Saturday, safe must be sold at once. AM 914, Oregonian. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, New Home, Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. Phone East 2359. , SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 103 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. BLEACHED and laundered 100-lb. flour 1 .. 1 OO .,...,... . .- . .-.!,.. 85c dozen, and 15c dozen for postage and insurance. Snow Flake Laundry, 480 Belmont. DIEHklLD SAFES, new and second hand, special prices. Pacific Safe & Supply Co., 48 Front st. Broadway 1968. FOR SALp: AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR SALE. Everything from Marmons to Fords. H. & E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. QUICK New 1922 Dodge touring, driv en' less than 7000 miles; sacrifice for $C75. O. C. Baker, 56o First. Haw thorre apts. 1918 CHEVROLET 490 touring, good tires, good condition. $225; easy terms. L. Y. BILL1NGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Aye. at 8th. East 0720. HUDSON super six, hard to tell from new, $675; this is really a bargain and will sell on easy terms to re sponsibie people. Call Walnut 6763. NEW CHEVROLET CARS. CHEVROLET PARTS AND CHEVROLET SERVICE. L. Y. BILLIXGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. 1920 FORD sedan, cord tires and other extraV $450. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. LIBERTY SIX $345. Am forced to sacrifice, car in A-l shape: gladly demonstrate. Mr. Ran dall. Bd-vy. 7016. 1920 BABY GRAND touring, has bump ers, "upholstery, top and tires in good condition. Will take small car as first payment. East 1371. FOR SALE Overland touring car in first-class shape. Can be seen at 825 E. StH.-k after fi P. M. !91 CHEVROLET 490; good condition; $205; $150 cash, balance monthly Main 3994. LATE model Ford coupe like new. $100 down, balance monthly payments. 110 13th. Bdwy 7902. 1921 MAXWELL TOURING. 5 tires, license, car in fine condition, only $350. Call Main 0623. room 316. JUST THINK You can buy a 1920 Chevrolet in good shape with new top and battery for $225. Call Bdwy. 1614. IF YOU want to buy a Ford phone me for vn attractive, money-saving propo sition. East SS6S. EARLY" 1922 Chevrolet, car runs and looks like new, $500; some terms. East 1371. 1921 CHEVROLET touring; looks like new: good tires, special curtains, ex tras; terms. Owner, Tabor 3133. 1921 FORD coupe. This car will not last long at the price. See me at once; terms. Sellwood 0856. WE HAVE a 1917 Oakland roadster, newly painted and in good condition, for $295. Call Bdwy. 1614. 1921 ESSEX in perfect repair, $800; this is the best running auto in Portland. Call Walnut 6763. HUDSON sedan, $1175; model M; in nice repair and appearance: will sell on easy terms. Call Walnut 6763. FORD BUG, good tires, top. shocks, $150 or trade, terms. 109 East 11th street after 6 P. M. 1918 FORD touring, Just overhauled; 1 need money; $193 takes it. Call 860 Sixth st. FOR SALE ;Elgin 'IS. In good shape; Al rubber; $225 cash. "875 Upshur St. Upshur Apts. 1918 ELGIN chummy roadster; new rub ber, bargain, $275. 110 13th. Bdwy. 7902. SUPERIOR model Chevrolet; can save you $150. E. A. Dooksteader. Walnut 3201. FINE new 5-passenger auto to trade. Will take piano or real estate in part payment or what have you? 101 10th st. FORD touring in first-class shape; make offer. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve. East 2418. MAXWELL touring. good condition. Cash or terms. By owner. Stored in garage. 17th and Thurman sts. MUST sacrifice my 1920 Oakland 6, $250 cash. 110 13th. Bdwy. 7902. FORD bug ready to run, $125. Bdwy. 7902 110 13th. OLDSMOBILE 4, demonstrator, factory guarantee. Call Duffy. Broadway 2270. FOR SALE 490 Chevrolet touring, "19 model: $175. Walnut 6879. 1921 FORD touring, cheap. 388 North 21th st. FORD RACER, $175. Torpedo bug body. 170 E. 7th MITCHELL light six touring; no reason- abie otter refused. ridwy. 3090. $285 EQUITY in Ford coupe, late model, for $225 today. Bdwy. 7455, Long. 1920 FORD roadster, starter. $295. Vran son'e. 240 Grand ave. 1918 BUICK 6, roadster, first-class shape. $450, 240 Grand ave. GOOD USEDi AUTOMOBILES. We are offering this week some good used cars with ex ceptionally low prices, arranged in groups shown below: GROUP NO. 1. FROM $150 TO $350. Car No. 464, 1918 Ford road ster (with delivery box.) Car No. 477. 1920 Ford road ster (starter.) Car No. 409. 1021 Ford touring. Car No. 327. 1921 Chevrolet touring. Car No. 470. 1921 Maxwell touring. Car No. 472. D-45 Buick light six touring. GROUP NO. 2. FROM $450 TO . $550. Car No. 479. 1918 Buick road ster (excellent condition.) Car No. 476. 1920 Ford coupe (fully equipped.) N Car No. 449. 1921 Overland touring (looks like new.) Car No. 451, 1919 Paige 7-pasa. GROUP NO. 3, FROM $700 TO $900. Car No. 441. 1920 Buick six -touring. Car No. 378. 1020 Buick road ster (rebuilt and guaranteed.) Car No. 387, .1920 Oakland sedan (excellent shape.) Car No. 439. 1920 Studebaker special six; new paint.) In making Inquiry kindly men tion car number. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 12th and Alder sts. Broadway 1130. Open Evenings and Sundays. COVET MOTOR CAR COM PANY'S USED CARS. Our cars are going to tie sold. The prices on every used car In this house is established by he buying public. In other words, an automobile Is worth only what you will pay for it. If you have been following our price re ductions you will know our policy is to REDUCE PRICES UNTIL the CAR SELLS. Another most important thing for you to consider wUen you buy ftom this establishment you can rely upon any statement we make to you. " "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." - COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant 21st at Washington. Phone Bdwy 6244. Broadway Branch, 28-30 Bdwy. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO., "The House of Service." 12th and Stark. 1921 Touring $375 1920 Touring 323 192C Roadster 230 1921 Roadster 360 1920 Delivery 273 1918 Sedan 350 1920 Sedan 523 1918 Coupe 850 1920 Coupe 47$ TERMS. Many others to choose from. ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO.. "The House of Service." 12th and Stark Sts. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealera FORD SEDAN. $440 1920. Complete motor and 'transmis sion overhaul, fine appearance. Speedometer, dome light, wind shield swipe, foot-feed. shock absorbers; terms. Call Tabor 3212. .SALE. SALE. SALE. High-grade used cars. H. & E. AUTO CO.. 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. SPORT MODEL NASH 5-disc wheels, bumpers fore and aft, 2 new cord tires rear 5 altogether; Special curtains and top. Every ac cessory built for this car is on it. Just broken in nicely. If you want some thing special call for appointment. Am not forced to sell, but will make special price. Walnut 4602. H. & E. AUTO CO., SACRIFICE SALE USED CARS. H. r E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwv. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOrj. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 2C SELLING ELDG.. 2d FLOOR. FOR SALE Late 1919 5-pass. Buick, always had good care. Never been run by anyone but myself. Now in first-class shape. Has lot of extras: 2 new cord tires and tubes. Dandy buy, $800. See E. P. Hopwood, room 201 Oregonian bldg. ONE BARGAIN. My Essex demonstrator in abso lutely perfect condition. New extra cord tires, inner tubes and covers. Gabriel'" shock absorbers, spot light, bumper, cut-out and license. $950 cash or $400 cash and liberal terms. Man ville. 617 Washington St. ' 1920 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL. I have a Studebaker special 0; has almost new 5 cord tires, bumper, spot-lig-ht, motometer; you cannot tell this car from a new one; a bargain at $360 down, terms. Broadway 1130, ask for Emery. 1920 CHEVROLET TOURING. Must sell my Chevrolet touring; run less than 1000 miles. If you are in the market for a car like new. can save you some money. Easy terms. Call Tabor 3913. 1921 DODGE TOURING. If you are looking for a Dodge that is like a new one I have one that has 5 new cord tires, bumper, spotlight, motometer; a good buy; price $775, terms. Bdwy. 1130. ask for Emery. 1020 PAIGE. This Paige you should not overlook; 6 new cord tires, 2 spotlights, bumper, motometer and sunshield; this is the beat buy in the city; $600. terms. Bdwy. 1130. ask for Emery. BABY GRAND Chevrolet touring, late model, in first-class condition; curtains open wlt-i doors; bumpers, front and rear; must sell; easy terms. Will con sider small car first payment. Tabor 5935. LEAVING CITY Must sacrifice my 1921 -Auburn Beauty Six. Price $750 cash; guaranteed in first-class condi tion mechanically and otherwise. Ap ply cigar stand. Clyde hotel. BIG SIX PAIGE 7-PASS. In fine condition, sacrifice at $650; can give terms and will take light car in trade. Phone Mr. Burnett, Bdwy. 7751. FOR SALE Bf OWNER. Small Overland roadster, 1920 model; A-l condition: $325 cash. Between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M.. 1030 Grand ave. N. Walnut 6941. 1921 F.ORD TOURING. Good tires, new top: $250. terms. GRANNING & TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723, LATE 1920 Haynes sedan, excellent con dition, wire wheels. Main 1924 or Main 3853. 1921 WILLYS KNIGHT touring at a bar-, gain. Will take small car as part pay ment and make reasonable terms. Phone Mr. Moore at Bdwy. 3535, or evenings East -8151. LATE 1921 Ford sedan, that has had ex ceptional care, at a saving of $250; pri vately owned and the car has a. motor that will take you anywhere. A mighty nice little car for winter. Empire 1736. 1920 DORT roadster, in splendid condi tion; $125 down will handle. GRANNING & TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. FORDS FORDS FORDS NOTICE THE PRICES. 1921 Touring, in excellent condi tion, with starter and good tires $335 1920 Touring, a good one, with' starter, good tires $320 1921 Sedan., speedometer, shocks, - etc., good rubber and mechan ically fine , 4IS 1920 Sedan, with complete motor overhaul, extras and 4 good tires $425 1921 Coupe, paint dull, but me chanically fine, Kelly-Spring- ' field tires $433 1921 Panel body delivery, starter. .$365 ttf-t .rtoaasier, starter, excellent t car, several extras $323 1920 Roadster, a real good one, I with starter $290) 1918 Roadster, particularly good I tires and running fine $175 . 1914 Touring with 1918 block $125 1 1918 Chassis $90 1916 Delivery. a good old car $15 t Don't judge these cars by the prices We realize that they are considerably lower than the market, but WE WANT TO SELL THEM. You'll find them to be fully as good as described. Better, 1 believe. Our terms are liberal. You can ride while you pav. WE. HAVE 33 FORDS TO CHOOSE FROM. THE SAME SERVICE ON OUR GOOD USED CARS AS ON NEW ONES. IT WILL PAY Y'OU TO COME TO DUNNING" S. Authorized Ford Agency at -East Third and Broadway. If you aren't quite ready, take ad vantaga of these prices by putting a deposit on one of them. . GOOD CARS LOW PRICES. '19 CHEVROLET TOURING. Fine light four, refinished, and some extras, low price and take $150 down, bal. easy. 19 OAKLAND TOURING. Refinished the very latest color and runs fine, has been gone over; low price of $365, with $150 down, bal. easy. '21 MODEL AUBURN TOURING. Rebuilt and refinished. new tires and a real car for low price; take car in trade and guarantee this one; terms are liberal, some down. LATE HUP TOURINO. Rebuilt, and refinished. good tires, one extra, low price of $465, with $150 down, bal. easy. See this snap; take Ford in trade. LATE DODGE TOURING. Come and try this popular car; looks and runs first-class, all complete ready to go; low .price $165 down. '19 CADILLAC 4-PASS. Here is the standard of the world. It has wire wheels and many extras; first-class in all ways and we will guarantee it; low price and take car in trade or give terms to right people. Phone 513-67. Call 16th and Alder. See the latest models of Auburn cars. We are STATE DISTRIBUTORS. MURPHY MOTOR CO. FORDS. FORDS. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. '16 new top, fine shape $175 '17 new tires, fine shape r95 '18 runs good, looks good ......... 210 '19 new tires, runs perfect 265 '20 new paint, overhauled ........ 295 '21 a dandy, runs fine 845 '21 coupe, a snap at 475 '18 coupe, like new 225 '20 roadster, runs perfect 300 '20 good shape, new top 285 Dodge, a good buy 300 20 Ford truck, good body, cheap. Stewart truck, good body 310 Others to choose from, easy terms. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. 181-3-5 Grand at Yamhill. East 0471. See Del Wright. USED CAR SALE. Everything from Marmons to Fords. H. & E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. 1922 FORD COUPE. $588. Run 5500 miles, purchased new in February by owner for business calls in city only. Car in perfect run ning condition and looks like new. Liberal demonstration; part payment, balance terms. Will make better price for cash. Call C. M. Gregory. Phone Empire 102! for appointment. 1920 BUICK SIX. This Buick you should not overlook if you are looking for a Buick: this car has wire wheels, cord tires, 2 bumpers, spotlight, motometer. new paint and has been all 'overhauled; a bargain at $310 down, bal. terms: price $775. Bdwy. 1130. ask for Emery. STANDARD S, 1920 model, in excellent condition, with good tires; we will consider any sort of a reasonable trade on this car. GRANNING & TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. 1922 CHEVROLET, in perfect con dition, 5 good tires, runs and looks like new. 530 Alder st. I EXCEPTIONAL Chevrolet 1922 4-90 touring. Like new. You cannot afford to buy a new or late model Chevrolet without seeing my car. Can give good terms. Call evenings. East 5224 after B P. M. DODGE touring. $154.86. A real Dodge touring, 6 good tires, looks 00 per cent new; quiet, powerful. economical. $154.86 cash and $23.23, 10 monthly payments. Gladly demonstrate. See Mr. Randall, Bdwy. 7916. OVERLAND light 4 coupe, cord tires all around; car in perfect shape with lots of extras; $200 down will handle. GRANNING & TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. DODGE TOURING. I have a late Dodge touring, has 5 new cord tires, spotlight, motometer, sun shield, this car looks and runs like a new one. Can be bought for $600, terms. Bdwv. 1130, ask for Emery. $ao FORD TOURING $50 Balance of $75 in small monthly payments. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. , B d w y. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. BUICK SEDAN. 1922 5-passenger 3 in wonderful condition mechanically; tires, uphol stery and finish like new, $800. Wal nut 1042. I3ABY Grand Chevrolet touring car. 1920 model; new paint and completely overhauled. Will guarantee and give terms to responsible party. Walnut 3612. Evening. Tabor 8897. 1920 ELGIN CAR is In A-l condition; wind deflectors $600.00. Terms to re sponsible party. Union Depot Garage, corner Bdwy & Hoyt. , 1917 TWIN-SIX Packard, owned pri vately; good car for atage run; in good condition: $1000. Union Depot garage, corner prunuwaj aiiu nu.yi. NEW SUPERIOR Chevrolet touring, only run 500 mllc-s; this is a snap if you are looking for a new car. Call owner, Bdwy. 4816. ; SUPERIOR Chevrolet touring car. dem onstrator driven only 1 month. Can save you money on this car. Walnut 3612. Evenings. Tabor 8807. FORD touring, Hassler shocks, spotlight, speedometer, motor just overhauled; only $150 for quick sale. 28 N. 11th St.. or snwy. 1920 FORD coupe, refinished, like new, good tires, motor Al. $495. terms. Will take old Ford in trade. Johnson. East 4376. 18(19 PAIGE AT $390. Biggest bargain in the city; motor in fine condition. Phone. Mr. Robert son, Bdwy. 7751. FORD roadster, late 1921 model, fine . condition, new tires, speedometer, spe cial carburetor. 28 N. 11th. St., or Bdwy. 3214. 1921 LIGHT 6 VELIE TOURING. Cord tires, guaranteed. $775. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. SUPERIOR model Chevrolet touring; la test model; used only few weeks; like new. Car O. K., but am forced to sell. Easy terms. Tabor 5935. FINE LIBERTY SEDAN. Looks fine and is good mechanically; only $730 on easy terms takes it. Phone Mr. Robertson. Bdwy. 7751. MUST sell my 1919 Maxwell touring car; best of running condition, new tires. Call Tabor 0876, or 60 E. 79th St. N. 1920 FORD touring; starter and extras; owner going away; take $250 cash. . Inquire room 203 Angela hotel. 1920 i OAKLAND, equipped with new tires and other equipment; $375, terms. Tabor 3934. I2f7 Bandy blvd. 1920 CHANDLER; mechanically perfect: cheap: will trade for Ford bug and some cash. Sellwood 1677. LATE 1921 Ford touring, good tires, lots of extras, now is the time to buy. Bdwy. 1130. Bailey. LATE 1921 Chevrolet, in excellent condi tion, looks and runs like new; buy now. Call Bdwy. 1130. Bailey. WE PUT steel teeth in your old fly wheel; crankshaft turning, cyt. grind ing. H. B Black. 534 Alder. Bdy. 268L 1920 FORD touring. $250. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th aad Burnside Sts. 1920 FORD delivery, starter, 3 tires. Call today; a snap. 860 Schuyler st 1920 BUICK 6, touring, rebuilt, $700. E. 4376. ' -.-'. PORTLAND'S LARGEST USED FORD MARKET. On 6th St.. Between Main and Salmon. ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. BIG SALE BIG SALE 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS. i Hot Puppies. Hot Puppies. FORDS FORDS FORDS . PRICES CUT PRICES CUT. BIG CUT BIG CUT. FORD TOURINGS. 1920 Touring 1920 Touring 1917 Touring Ford Touring 1922 Touring 1922 Touring Hudson Speedster Stearns-Knlght. FORD ROADSTERS. 1920 Roadster 1920 Roadster. Ford Roadster Ford Roadster. 1919 Roadster 1918 Roadster. FORD DELIVERIES. 1920 Delivery 1920 Panel Delivery. FORD TRUCKS. 1920 Truck 1922 New Truck. BUG. Top, Windshield. THIS IS NOT HALF OF THEM. 60 Used Fords to Pick From. Look $75 and Up. Phone Main 1100. RELIABLE USED CARS. Here are some first-class op portunities to save money on good used cars; sold on easy terms and you can depend abso lutely on what we say of them. 1920 Mitchell touring $ 995 Jordan 1195 1918 Briscoe tourfhg 260 1919 Apperson touring .... 1100 1918 Overland touring 330 1918 Stutz i 1295 1917 Olds 8 touring, painted. 425 1917 Maxwell touring 175 1917 Dort touring 275 Grant sedan 675 1917 Overland touring .... 130 Ford roadster 183 1018 Overland touring 325 1919 Mitchell touring 750 1917 Chalmers touring 350 1917 Buick touring 375 1917 Mitchell touring 375 1921 Scripps-Booth sedan.. 1250 1922 Mitchell . . . 140O Marlon roadster 50 1918 Mitchell touring 300 1917 Mitchell touring 400 1919 Briscoe touring 350 1920 Maxwell touring, re painted 450 1922 Gardner touring 950 1914 Studebalter touring ... 110 Chevrolet touring .... 575 1918 Buick touring 400 1915 Maxwell touring -90 1918 Willys - Overland, re painted 450 Open Sundays From 9 to 3 P. M. 40 Years in the Northwest. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R COMPANY, Broadway at Everett. , REAL AUTO BARGAINS. FORD BUG, Bosch' magneto and lots of extras. FORD ROADSTER, 1920. with de livery box $273 MAXWELL ROADSTER, a light, durable car 200 OVERLAND LIGHT four. 1921, good as new 450 OVERLAND MODEL 90, new top, refinished; 5 good tires 400 OAKLAND LIGHT 6. looks and runs like new; 5 tires 400 HUPMOBILE. just the car you have been looking for 600 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET ; good tires, overhauled and refinished. 450 1922 CHEVROLET. In perfect con dition, 5 good tires, runs and looks like new. CHANDLER 7-pass., run only 8000 miles 830 HUDSON SPEEDSTER, 1921. lots of extra equipment. Other Cars From $75 Up. Terms. No Brokerage. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852 FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. TOURING CARS. 1914 Ford touring $ 95 1918 Ford touring 225 1918 Ford touring, starter 283 1920 Ford touring 2a5 1920 Ford touring, starter 325 1921 Ford touring 375 ROADSTERS. 1916 Ford roadster 195 1918 Ford roadster 225 1919 Ford roadster '. , 273 1921 Ford roadster 325 1920 Ford roadster, extra equpt... 350 CLOSED CARS. 1919 Ford coupe, overhauled 475 1920 Ford sedan 475 1920 Ford coupe 495 1921 Ford coupe 525 1921 Ford sedan 523 1920 Ford sedan, wire wheels .... 500 COMMERCIAL CARS. 1915 Ford delivery 95 1915 Ford delivery, panel 135 1919 Ford delivery, starter 350 1921 Ford delivery, like new 475 1922 Ford truck, covered body.... 630 1918 Ford truck chassis 225 Over fifty cars to choose from. Buy your used car from a reliable dealer. We give the same service on used cars as we do on new ones. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne Aves. E. 3770. 1921 STUDEBAKER 6. This car is a special bargain: can hardly be told from new and is priced to sell. H. & E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. DODGES. DODGES. DODGES, foday. Today. BIG STOCK. SPECIALLY PRICED. AS IS! AS IS. - Others Guaranteed. Terms. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. USED CAR SALE. Everything from Marmons to Fords. H. & E. AUTO CO.. 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. HUDSON 4-DOOR SEDAN. This car is in fine mechanical con dition and looks like new; has good tires and other extras; will sell at $373 down, bal. easy terms. Phone E. 19H2. 190 HUDSON super 6, motor over hauled, paint good. car first-clajs shape: will sacrifice for $930. Terms. Call Johnson. East 4376. FORD RUNABOUT. Almost brand new, latest 1922 model, $450. Lovejoy Garage, 20th and Mar shall. - FORD coupe, 1921. Atwater-Kent igni tion, shock absorbers, speedometer, 14 other extras; fine condition: good rub ber; $465. 890 Savier. Main 7061. 1921 FORD coupe, new paint, oversize cord tires on rear, shock absorbers, other accessories, $450; some terms. . Phone Cast 1371. FOR SALE by owner, 1920 Ford touring; Al condition; good tires, extras; $225 See car at 773-77S Thurman St.. ask for Scholz. Phone Main 0846. FORD COUPE. Date 1920, in splendid condition: has lots of extras and will sell cheap. Good terms., Bdwy. 2488. PAIGE, 5-pass. sedan, privately owned car, has had the best of care, will be glad to demonstrate this car to you. Phone Bdwy. 2324. ' 1921 FORD touring: also Maxwell road ster. Atwater 0400. SATISFACTION IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE DESIRE; THAT IS WHY We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles. These are In the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition, we give 30 days free fnechanlcal service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first class condition, and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit give.t on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every pur chaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It inspected, and we want only satisfied customers. 1019-1920 (model O series) Hud son super-six. Westinghouse air springs $1-73 1920 Hudson speedster with West inghouse air springs 1-75 Ford coupe 75 Studebaker special six 730 Buick light six 873 1015 6-4 Hudson 3" 191T Hudson 875 ' 1018 Liberty 3 1921 Olds 4 800 1918 Stephens 830 ' Cole 8 830 1918 Chandler coupe 730 1920 Chandler 775 1919 Chalmers 73 Maxwell truck 600 Largest -used car branch store In tjte city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch store open Sunday and evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5739. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. SEVENTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. BIG VALUES IN USED CARS. SALE CONTINUES 1 WEEK MORE. 30 CARS AND TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. ftale No. Was Price 291 Overland touring $225 $173 259 Elgin touring 800 15 240 Maxwell touring 275 1N5 293 Crow-Elkhart chummy. 323 230 299 Chev. FB touring 550 4.v0 189 Oldsmobile 7-pass 850 723 293 Essex touring 850 723 225 Oldsmobile 6 touring .. 830 723 249 Oldsmobile 0 coupe 875 750 234 A very classy 8-cylin- der sport roadster.... 925 823 Cadillac 7-pass.. model 53.. 985 885 Ford 1-ton truck 350 250 Dodge Its-ton truck 550 450 Oldsmobile -ton truck 750 650 Master 2 'A -ton truck 1000 850 About 20 others, all at reduced prices. Every car guaranteed as represented. v CASH. TERMS OR TRADE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY, BROAD WAT AND COUCH ST. ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO.. 12th and Stark Sts. 1921 Cadillac 7-pass. touring car. 6 tires, 2 bumpers, windshield swipe, spotlight, car in fine shape, ruu only few thousand miles. 1915 Cadillac, in fine running order, 8 tires, bumper; will take small car In trade. 38 7-pass. Pierce, In fine shape, al most new cord tires; will take small car in trade; fine for stage. 7-pass. Marmon, 4 new cord tires, car In fine shape; see this car today II you are interested in car of this type. TERMS. ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO., 12th and Stark Sts. Authorized Lincoln Dealers. 1921 MARMON. 4-PASS. This car has been overhauled and repainted; can hardly be told from new; will sacrifico for quick sale. Open Sunday. H. E. AUTO CO., 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. DODGES. DODGES. DODGES. Today. Today. BIG STOCK. SPECIALLY PRICED. AS IS! AS IS! Others Guaranteed. Terms. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. Inc., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. FRANKLIN 5-PASS. Rebuilt and guaranteed same as new car. See this one for a bargain in an almost new car. H. & E. AUTO CO.. 19th and Wash. Sts. Bdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHEN'S. BUICK $500. model D-43, a 5-pass. small 6-cylinder car, cord tires, bumper and four snubbers. Alemlte grease sys tem, new "Weed" chains, new top bungalow, side curtains. Plate-glass and car completely overhauled recently. A car of beauty, power, economy and lasting quality. A rare bargain. Main 1504. DODGE TOURING. Privately owned Dodge, run 6300 miles In city, shows the good care it has had, 3 new cord tires, run less than 500 miles' lot of extras, sun shade, etc.. S325 as down payment will handle, bal ance 10 payments, no brokerage. Call Automatic 324-36. HUDSON speedster. .1 wire wheels, will sacrifice if sold today. 630 Alder st. LATE OLDS. 8 SEDAN. This car looks lilte new, has factory finish, 5 nearly new cord tires, bumper, spotlight and other extras, may con sider trade: price $950. terms. Call Main 0623. room A in. WHY buy a new Franklin roadster? I have left with me for sale, 1922, same as new, with 2 bumpers and spotlight. Party leaving city. If sold at once will sell for $1400. Call Mr. Blscoe, Broad way 1014 BITICKS. BUICKS. HULKS. 1918 Buick roadster, cord tires. ... $495 1918 Buick touring 345 ('25 Buick touring -73 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand and Hawthorne Ave, E. 3770 " SACRIFICE. CHANDLER CHUMMY ROADSTER I am forced to sell my 1919 Chand ler car; can hardly be told from new; if yu are looking for a bargain call owner, E. 6662. FORD SEDAN. Late 1921 model, practically a '22 model, in best of condition; a good car for somebody who will appreciate It Privately owned Tabor HUM 1921 MITCHELL touring. A-l mechani cally: ready to go; easy riding and economical, $825. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. Inc.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnnide Sts. FORD TOURINi 1920 model with starter and many other extras; car thoroughly over hauled; $300. 34 down, balance month ly. Bdwy. 24SX FORD sedan. 5 cord tires, late model with lots of extras; If you want a Ford sedan you can't beat this one. Come to 28 N. 11th st or call Bdwy. 3214. 1018 BUICK; new paint, new top, 3 good tires and Is in as good condition as a used car can be; ready for delivery: will take light car in trade. 542 Alder BUICK light 6 touring. In splendid me chanical condition. Just recently re finished. new cord tires, new top and side curtains; a bargain at $300. terms if necessary. wainut diii 1921 FORD touring at $J25, Is better than you wlil find elsewhere. Tires are good and the appearance of the car Is good. Just have to sell It. that's all Empire ll.m A NEW Chevrolet, a good buy and terms to right party. Before you Invest in vest igatebycaJlingJ2stL356S. WE TEAR 'em up and seii me pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Aider t 17th. rtawy. --ni. .wan orners iineq. $41 CASH from private party will handle this Chevrolet touring: shown only by " appointment. East &56S, SOME FACTS Every used car buyer should knuw We have been NINE YKAftS. in our present location, selling Ilupmoblles. also all standard makes of used cars. .We do not find it necessary to ' tell LIES or do Ml'I SLING ing to meet competition, for our past record will show the reputation we bear. We are having a "ale which I a bona fide Mule and our pric-n are the same to everyone, as they are all marked in pUin figures, and we don't ue horn trading methods, but offer you staple merchandise at reason able prices. IF you are looking for a safe pUre to buy, ask your hanker or your neighbor who we are anl how we do business. We give terms without broker age, aa we do not sell our con tract to a broker. You should not pay brokerage. We don't afk It. Thn following cars are over hauled, most of them repainted and sold to ynu with a guar antee of satisfaction: 1920 Hupmoblle touring $xoo 1919 Hupmoblle louring .... 85 1918 Hup. roadster, lots of extras 7or) 1922 Ford. like new, extras.. 445 1920 Overland 4. top condi tion S3 1918 Paige, refinished like new 473 1918 Oakland, refinished like new 23 1918 Chevrolet, refinished like new 223 1920 Ford sedan, refinished like new 47S 1920 Ford coupe, refinished like now 47$ 1918 Dodge, near now condi tion 430 1918 Dodge roadster, new tires 4 V) 1920 Gardner, first-class ... iW5 1919-1920 Oakland 3411 tour ing 400 Several others. $200 to $120l. Standard Makes Only. MANLKY AUTO CO. Hupmoblle Distributors. Nine ytiars at 11th and Burnside. BDWY. 0217. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS. You will surely buy one of these. You have the confidence of our 20 years of square daellng In Kord cars. We have sold over 2'JiP Fords thla year. Buy your Ford from any au thorized Ford dealer and take advan tage of the opportunity of purchnaing from Hughson's Ford Corner." You'll be delighted when you enter our plaie. . We appreciate your business arid want you to feel at home, see the Itughson Race Track on display, also Ford rcer No. 999. built by Henry Ford, the first automobile to make a mile a minute. September, 1902. Below is a list of real buys: 1917 truck $2"" 11918 delivery 3m 1919 touring '-'." 1918 coupe 325 1920 sedan 4'i'l 1920 coupe 75 1920 roadster 2"o 192(1 touring Ill" - 1921 touring ' A small payment down will reserve any of the shove. WILLIAM L. HUGIIHON CO. 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 0321. STUTZ BEARCAT. Rebuilt and repainted, wire wheels, cord tin's snd other equipment. See it t It. K. AUTO I'll., 19lh and Wash. Sis. Hdwy. 2320. MARMON. STEPHENS. 19 CADILLAC M'.iitT Mnl'KI.. 1C you cull own the but. here It l. This car is first-class ami we are pre pared to show It any time or pbi.-e; has rt wire wheels and H cord lire-, spotlight, sun deflector, slop sikomI t"i reiir. automatic rain cleaner, do. k. nil si.le curiums opi-n with the doers; low price and will lake car in trade or some down, balance innn:h!y. opn Sundays. Ultti and Aider sis MURPHY MOTOR ''". USED CAR SALE. High-grade used cars. H. K. AUTO CO.. 19th and Wash. Mis. ll.lwy. 23-.'. MARMON. STEPHENS. 1921 CHEVROLET. This little car Is Just like new; ha brand new Mason cord tlren, one ex tra; spotlight, bumpers, tun set; i curtains, tools, etc. $;ni5; $150 down. PREMIER SALES CO., 9th and Couch Sts. Ildwy. 0301. ( ipen Sunday. 1920 FORD sedan, sturti-r, d-m. rlrn. speedometer, dashllKht, win. low cur tain, good tires, good condition. $4ii5; terms. L. Y. Ill I.LIN ti SI. E Y MOTOR CO . II awt hopie Ave, ut hi h: East 0720. jTlOlTlTl) CHEVROLET touring. ")!' did shape; 5 good tire. 2 n w -..r.l; upholstering In perfect condition; license, tools, starter and all I" fin" shape. Owner, Hill E. 10th t. M. E. 8934. . FOKD touring, with dui. rims. Hj-o-r shocks, new top, good condition. 225; terms. L. Y. HI LLINGSI.E Y MOTOR Co. Hawthorne Ave. at Mh. East Q72Q. DoDti E SEDAN. For sale or trade, one 191 S Iodi:e sedan. 5 wire wheels, mechanically Al; tires like new. Call Bowman. East NIIS. LIGHT STUDEHAKER roadster. K condition mechanic-ally; offered owner at $135. Terms. L. Y. HILLINOSLEY MOTOR Co.. H awthorne Ave, at Hlh. Ka s t JJ72JI BEST FORD buy in town; t '.-' i no touring; practically same cnnol'ion new car; wire wheels, cord tir-s i other extras; exceptionally low j.r. easy term a. Bdw y. 43 .. 5 5 . 3 1 1 1 1 7 I v ' FORD COUPE HA it' i A I N This car in g I condition. I starter and dim. runs im.l other tras: will give easy terms. Ph. i-l E. 1,..2J (HAI.MEIt.S LIGHT .-I.V-H. New Koyul cord t res; car l..'K an-l runs fine; a real bargain; His c.t-h, halence $22 per Ino. C.I! Ml'. Italolai., Hilwv. 71 .Hi FORI) UOAI'STKR. 1921 model. In good condition; car has been overhauled a n.l looks good. $ 2 7 5 t a kes it away. I Iwv. 2 I s BUICK llKht 6 touring. D-45 model, ii, condition, many extras. 4!S: terms. L. Y. BILLINGS LEY MuToll Co, Hawthorne Ave, at s:h. E:it QTJ'i 1922 Chevrolet loiiring l - very low price, dandy engine, tires, top in.l cushions; good shape. Easy terms. M. llwoo.l gnl il. lo'ii FOKD roadster, starter, llasslo soeedomelcr. ilemot. llllis. t'SIKMlli $325 cash. Alemlte Lubrliator t o , loin and Oak sts. . 1919 sfUDKBAKEK SPECIAL Looks like new; will guarantee at $55; easy ternu. 1'hone Air. Koi.trt sonBdwy 7731 LATE 19211 Ford roadster, firie nnl 1 1 n 01. good tires, starter, electric I10111 m. i other equipment. A buy at $275. Wal ntit 2599. OVERLAND 5-pass. i'O. good tit.s. new top, newlv painted. $275, terms. L. Y. HILLINGSI.KY MuToll Co.. Hawthorne Ave, at t) 'h E.i.t n7jl). ' HIHK SEliA N. 1922 5-pa?".eiii:er e in 01merful c i -dltion iiicchan :ca 1 1 -: I re and Ifiu-il lilte new; $1mmi. Walnut o-' 1919 CHEVROLET 49(1 touring, new t good tires, good shape, 1275; ti rms, 1. Y HILLINGSI.EY MOToK ri 1 . Hawthorne Ave, at Hth East nT-'o "LA"'IrE 1121 Ford lounnit. lietnoiii.t . ' ! rims, good tires and looks l.kc n . always used as family car. terms :i good responsible par'v '.ilim: til 1 -v. 19 '0 FORD touring, 2 new tires, starter, speedometer, foot throttle :V-'3. t.ioi-. 1.. Y. BILLINGSI.EY MOToR Co.. Hawthorne Ave, at Mh K.isto72 ' 19 '0 BUICK. B-cyllnder with lots t tras, car has been rebuilt and will give you the best of service. Price It H:ht. Call Bdwy. 2t24 1920 FORI) s-dan: new tires; new .V.0..1 naint Job, In the very best of rot-dl-llon: 1175. Call owner, ll.lwy :i-vi TWO fresh cows 1 Jersey. 1 Durham; heavy milkers, and t. ! tested. 2I. East 8th st. LATE model Ford touring. 1 x e;,.u shape, $bi down. Owner, bell. 000. A A rr