17 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Hoaeea. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC. Suite 405. Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4304-4333. Six-room home on East 34th street; paved and paid. Thii Is a good home for the money; price' $3575, good terms. If you want a real home in f.he heart of Irvington: extra large and built for a home, we will be pleased to show this. The price has been reduced to J 7500, good terms. This one you cannot afford to overlook. A beautiful eight-room home in Rose City: hwd. floors; basement 40x40; strictly modern; nice sleeping porch; beautiful vines and shrubbery. This house cannot be built for near the price asked for the entire property. $2500; completely furnished six room home; only three short blocks to car on corner oOxlOO: 1300 cash and $25 per month; move right in. Four-room bungalow in the Al berta distrirt; completely furnished for only $3000, $500 cash, balance easy. Why pay rent? Four-room house and 4 acre for only $1800, very easy terms; Just off 8i'd street. The house cannot be built for $2000. ROSE CITY BEAUMONT. Bit BUT. 100x100 CORNER LOT. WITH 1 ROOMS AND DEN; HOT-WATER Seat? alu oak woodwork DOWNSTAIRS; LARGE LIVING AND DINING ROOMS. KIXCHEN V IT;J BREAKFAST NOOK: EXTRA TOILfcT ON FIRST FLOOR; 3 LARGE BED ROOMS AND BATH ON SECOND FLOOR; LARGE CLOSETS IN ALL BEDROOMS. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BUILT HOMES IN PORTLAND; CEMENT DOUBLE GARAGE; 2 BLKS. FROM CAR AND SCHOOL. ALL IM PROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. PRICK $6450. ON VERY EASY TERMS. LEI US SHOW YOU THIS. DAVID HARP. MANAGER R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 SANDY BLVD.. AT S9TH ST. AUTO. 320-04. $4350 " buys a beautiful little bungalow, combination living room and din ing room. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, 2 bedrooms, cement basement, located on corner: on account of death in the family, tnls bungalow must be sold: only $."U0 cash; will sell furniture at naif cash. HILLER BROS., REALTORS 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3B26. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN 8-room hous.'. 2 sets of plumbing, hardwood floors, a fine home and in- rT-ir.o ir.Mlft terms. 5-room i cottatre. fractional lot on Broadway; walking distance. Price $2fi50, terms. ... 8-room house on Clay st. Rooms will always rent. Price $6000. terms $1500 cash. E. J GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WESTMORELAND. Walking distance Rted college: s room modern home; not new but ex ceptionally well built, In good repair; Soft grev finish and tapestry paper in living and dining rooms, white kit chen; full concrete basement, laundry trays, furnace, etc. : 50x100 lot garage and concrete driveway. $j300. $ijou CaSh' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. A REAL BARGAIN. r--T v l-lium S1O00 CASH. One of the most beautiful 5-room bunealows imaginable, all double con structed: near car in restricted dis trict. The living rooms are really won derful. Two lovely bedrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Full r;nYiitn irtt with voune fruit trees. You will surely like this. Tabor 7547. BE A U MONT. -One of the best-built bungalows in this fine district; material and con struction the best obtainable and is strictly modern, including garage. If you are looking for a home, see this 5-room bungalow just completed; you will like it: $0500; JliiSO cash handles A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. 52d and Sandy. Tabor 2580. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Double constructed, fireplace, h. w. floors, buffet, concrete basement, laundry trays; near car and school. This is In th beautiful El Tovar -district, just off Union ave. Price only $4000, $000 down, balance $40, inc. int. A. B. CHRISTENSON. The Home Realtor. 6S3 E. 8th St. SMIwood 2631. WILSHIRE. Have your home where there is breathing room. We are offering a new home, modern in every detail, on 125x105, covered with fir trees, near school, in the finest of Portland's new additions. Beautiful Wiltshire, the home of the happy. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. PREPARE FOR THE FAIR. f large rooms, suitable for apart ments or flats: close in on E. Morri son on flOxltlO corner lot; ground alone worth nearly the price aBked. .. Pri'-e $6000. $1000 cash, $50 monthly includ ing 6.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., (533 N. W. Bank rVdg. Main 37S7. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $45011. Extra cosy and well-constructed 5 rooin bungalow, absolutely up to the minute in home comforts; hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen and built-in ef fects; cement basement and garage. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. f!19 Ry. Exch. Bide. Broadway 673o. PEll. SOI-THERN" COLONIAL. This charming Irvington home. 8 rooms, also two bathrooms, complete in every detail. French doors and French windows open on to heavy pil lared cement veranda with vine cov ered pergola. 522 E. 23th St. N. Phone Kast HM74. . $500 DOWN ONLY $500 DOWN. NEW. 5-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace and breakfast nook; double constructed: in good neighbor hood. Call R. Bepler, Bdwy. 4108. A REAL BARGAIN. $2650 4-room bungalow, two 40x100 ft. lots, paved streets, fruit trees and berries: take good car, some cash or reasonable down payment, balance $25 a mo. Call 327 Ch. of Com. bldg. GOKKY WESCH. $3500 FRACTICALLY NEW. 1 am of fering this attractive bungalow at a low price and on good terms. You will appreciate its convenient arrangement; finished in ivory: splendid fireplace; good neighborhood. No agents, please. Phone Walnut 3822. $3500 PRACTICALLY new; I am offer ing this attractive bungalow at a low price and on good terms. You will ap preciate its convenient arrangement: finished in ivory; splendid fireplace; good neighborhood. No agents, please Phone Walnut 3822. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Well constructed 8-room modern house, 2 lots, magnificent view, hot water furnace, arranged to burn fuel or gas; cement garage; near Ains worth school. $7000. BROOKE. M. 4342. $2liOO NEW AND SNAPPY $2600. 5-room modern bungalow, 2 light, airy bedrooms, cement basement; lOOx 10 lot. $5I0 cash. $25 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, .1S N. W. Bank B!dg Main 3787. BARGAIN INVESTIGATE. Albina. home with income; 7 rooms with wash trays, furnace and garage; $300 gives possession and free use of furniture for one year. Owner, Wal nut 6711. . $1500 EASY TERMS $1500. 3-room plastered cottage: 100x100 lot: 1 block to car: $200 cash, $20 monthlv. including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., . 3 N. W. Bank B'dg. Main 8787. 3-ROOM plastered house, modern con veniences. 100x100 corner lot; fruit trees; double garage: paved street. Will sell house and one lot if so de sired. 483 BidweW ave. or phone Sell. 3076. $3200-rNEW $3200. Bungalow with 2 bedrooms. In Al berta: breakfast nook. Call R. Bepler, Broadway 410S. MY fi-ROOM modern home, 2 lots, good parage: fruit and berries, good gar den, fine flowers. $4200. $1000 cash Phone Tabor 2977. 294 E 76th st. N - Week day morning only. No agents. 2-STORY. 6-room. full basement, graded streets, sidewalk, connected to sewer lot 50x100; $2500. $500 down, balance terms. G Hofstrand. 1382 Greeley Walnut 5965. FINANCE SERVICE CO. Construction Dept.. John J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling 909-913 Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6458. 6-ROOM bungalow, on corner lot. 3 blocks from Jefferson high; 4 car lines; only $3()ivti ; trms. J. M. Wells, 800 Cham. of f-m CC.ME to 11S Holland St. Exceptionally fine and well built bungalow. Will sell cheap. Phone Walnut 6819. Mis sissippi car. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Fine home, near Knott; large lot SACRIFICE for quick ale. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078. REAL ESTATE. Fop Sale Uouttes. LAURELHURSTI $5750 S-room bungalow. Just being completed, ready for occupancy in about 10 days, hardwood floors, old ivory finish, fire place, cement basement, fur nace, breakfast nook. 50x100 lot, garage; improvements in and paid. Total price $5750. Good terms. LAURELHURST. ' -$6500 Wonderful 5-room bungalow across street irom parte, nam wood floors, old ivory finish, full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook. This Is a beautiful home with very fine floor plan, fine lighting and olumhine fixtures, all built. ins, garage, etc. Total price $6500. Good terms. T. A Tin KT.HTTRST. $6750 5-room bungalow, hardwood , floors throughout, old ivory fin ish, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, breakfast nook, nil built-ins. tiled bath room. nice level lawn, price Includes electric stove, gas plate, hot water heater, 6 cords cut wood, etc. This is indeed a fine home. Total price $6750. Good terms. If you want a home in Laurel hurst. Irvington, or Rose City be sure and see- our lists. We have the exclusive selling rights of some of the finest homes for these districts. These homes can be shown only by appointment. FOR GOOD HOMES COB A. McKENNA CO.. (Established 1S8U) ARTISANS BLDG. Bdwy: 7522. ROSE CITY PARK, NEW. 5 rooms, strictly modern, any reason able terms; owner says must be sold at once a dandy. $750 CASH ROSE CITT PARK. 5-room bungalow Just north of Sandy blvd., modern, with garage, terms to suit. $2750 $500 DOWN, ROSE CITT PARK. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, furnace, not new but a good buy. ONLY $3750. 5-room bungalow Vt block to car, close to school, large lot, fruit and berries, garage, your own terms within reason. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN LAURELHURST. 5-room, modern; this is a dandy, close to park and school, very rea sonable terms. BEFORE YOU BUY SEE US. HILTON-DANIELS CO., Bdwy 7800. 270 Stark St. ROSE CITY. A REAL BUNGALOW BUY. 6 rooms and floored attic, oak floors, fireplace, attractive; buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; 3 bedrooms, large basement, furnace, nice lawn, double garage. This Is a real bunga low and the price is right. E. 45th st.. near Sandy. REED COLLEGE. CLEVER BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, sleeping porch and full floored attic, oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement; imp. paid: only 6 blocks to Reed col lege. $4750; terms. NEW BUNGALOW. NEAR HAWTHORNE . AVE. One of the most unique 5-room bun galows in this district, complete in every detail; oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, garage; $5500. Let me show you some real buys in homes. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2245. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $7500. , Modern house, bungalow type, living room, dining room, kitchen, sun room. 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor; 8 bedrooms, toilet and wash stand on second floor. Corner lot, streets and sidewalks paved, fine view Tualatin valley. I rtable garage. Three blocks from end of Council Crest car line. Terms $2500 cash, balance to suit. Address 943 Beaverton avenue. LAURELHURST. 6-room bungalow and large attic. Just east of park: fine home location and only $7000: terms. We also have many other good homes In this district. LAURELHURST. $5250 $1150 CASH. 5-room bungalow, brk. nook, hard wood floors throughout, furnace; 2 blks. to car; ready to move Into: let us show you. CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-6-7 Broad of Trade Bldg. Broadway 7567. 38TH STREET. $500 DOWN. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch. All street improvements in and paid. Hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, buffet, ' full basement and floored attic. Close to school and car line. Full price $4250. See PARKER-FOR-PROPERTY. 605 Artisans bldg. Broadway 4231. IN BEAUTIFUL OVERLOOK. New 6-room bungalow that has everything that you would expect to find in a home selling for twice as much; rooms exceptionally large, with plate glass, tile kitchen and bath, fur nace, garage. Ask us about it; you will be surprised at the price and terms. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 3626. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. REPAIR THIS. $25 DOWN. $25 per mo. straight contract. Not a mansion but a large 6-room house on the Mount Scott carllne.. This, is part ly furnished. About li-acre; lots of fruit. Price $2150. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 630 Cham. Com. bldg. No phone. ON EAST YAMHILL. 6-room plastered house in excellent condition. Street improvements all in and paid. You will agree that this home Is undarpriced at $3500, with $500 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 316 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5654. WEST SIDE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $250 CASH. Good 4-room cottage, bath, newly renovated; cement basement; clear of incumbrance; Kelly st., near Porter: price $1850; $250 cash, $20 month. 6 per cent. J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7452. $500 WILL HANDLE. ' New 5-room bungalow in Alberta district; hardwood floors, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins; cement basement: attractive appearance; 50x100 lot. This is a good buy. Price only $3600. R. R. POWNDER, REALTOR. 4 OB Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW Swell, strictly modern 8-room bunga low, large attic, hardwood floors, fur nace, fine fireplace, garage; lot 50x100; imp. all in and paid; built for a home; Just completed. 454 East 27th. near Tillamook. Price $8000, on reasonable terms. Owner. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 7452. ' ALAMEDA CORNER $500 DOWN. New 5-room bungalow for $5200: all the new modern conveniences, furnace, fireplace, nice electric fixtures, tap estry paper, enamel finish. French doors. Dutch kitchen; 4 blocks to car. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. $200 CASH. We . have several 2 and 3-room houses, well located, that can be han dled on very easy terms. Ask to see them. R. R. POWNDER, REALTOR. 406 Broadway Bldg. Main 2717. WEST SIDE. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. 50x100. close-in on Broadway:- T room old house and garage; $8500, 2500 .cash. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. $200 CASH and you can move in this new 4 room bungalow; has hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms: on lot 50x100. It is a beauty: only $35 per month, includ ing interest. Call Sellwood 1920. WHY PAY RENT? 2-room house, $100 worth of plumb ing, 80x100 lot, 1 block to car, close to school, no incumbrance; price $1000, with terms. ALBERTA REALTY CO.. 675 Alberta St. Walnut B998. ATTRACTIVE modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace ; good neighborhood: two blocks to car and school; reasonable rent; Woodstock car to Slst St. 6104 58th ave. S. E. WILL take $200 for my equity in a 2 room house and half acre, near Mult nomah school and highway. Main 6285. No a gents. 6-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished, 70x135 lot, $2900: $400 cash, balance like rent. Jones Realty Co., 207-8 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 3143. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room with garage, -676 E. 49th N. Price $4200. Terms to suit. A BARGAIN 6 rooms, lot 50x100. No, 756 Wasco st. East 2132. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DO NOT BUY UNTIL YOU SEE US AS I HAVE SOME OF THE BEST BUYS IN THE CITY. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AS YOU KNOW BUILDING IS GOING UP EVERY DAY. IF YOU DO NOT SEE WHAT YOU WANT HERE. CALL ME UP AND I WILL TELL YOU WHAT WE HAVE. THESE ARE ALL HOMES YOU CANNOT BUILD FOR THE MONEY, AND ALL HIGH CLASS HOMES. LAURELHURST, NOTHING NICER IN THE DISTRICT. Nine rooms, five bedrooms, all hard wood floors, two baths, one tile hot water heating plant, double garage, corner lot; this is new and has never been lived in and was built for owners ' own home and circumstances compel them to sacrifice. If you are looking for a home or investment act quick and see this; this is a place you must see to appreciate. Price Just cut to $10,000, and it would cost $2000 more to build. IRVINGTON, BEST BART OF DISTRICT. One of the finest five rooms in the whole city, and I will leave it to you. T.ivlmr rnnm One bedrOOm 18x20. other 16x18; large bathroom with tile floor and the finest fixtures you ever saw, and the kitchen haB large break fast nook and wired for electric range; large garage; this was built for owners own home, and has good reason for selling, price cut to $7700; will give terms. ROSE CITY. ON 43D ST.. CLOSE TO SANDY. One of the nicest and best built five- room bungalows In Rose Clfy; rooms all very large, all narawooa iioors, cedar-lined closets, full basement and Boynton furnace; house has tile bath and tile drain boards; garage; price $6750, and this is less than cost and will show you. Look for the blue sign. WOODLAWN, ON AINS WORTH AVENUE, $4250. Large 5-room bungalow, all on one floor, hardwood floors tnrougnoui; nice entranoe hall, fireplace, furnace, 50x100 lot; improvements in and paid for. You must have $1000 cash and if you are looking lor a bargain tniB is it. Call or see W. F. Mahoney with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. . 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. $6250 LAURELHURST $6250. Unequaled bargain in a mod ern 6-room bungalow, all on one floor AND LARGE ROOMS AT THAT; living and dining room across front of house, hardwood floors, ivory enamel woodwork, French doors, breakfast nook, labor-saving built-ins; a harmo nious and beautiful interior: 50x 100 view lot; everything first- class. It's a home out of the ordinary. Just see It and make comparisons. CROSSLBY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188.. SACRIFICE. One Block 39,000 sq. ft. Nearly "one acre of ground. This property practically . adjoins Westmoreland on the north; only 0e block from Sellwood car line. 6-room cottage, barn, sheds, etc.; excellent garden soil. An ideal proposition for chickens or nursery. The price is only $4500. Reasonable terms can be ar ranged. This is a most excellent prop osition for those desiring to get ahead .in the world, as It combines both home and Income. This property can be seen by calling H. F. WOOD, 1203 Yeon Bldg. Atwater 0892. HERE is the best and cheapest buy in the city; 6-room colonial bungalow. just completed, double living rooms across the front, ivory finished; plate glass; latest electric fixtures, tapestry papered, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet; large kitchen, all built ins; three large bedrooms, two rooms upstairs with bath and toilet; also toi let on first floor: full cement basement, furnace and wash trays, large porches; east front; lot 50x100; beautiful loca tion. 461 47th st. Deal direct with owner. Price $5300. Phone 617-36 $350 DOWN. NEW N E W NEW. KENTON. - . ... ' 5-room new bungalow for $2750 if sold at once. Full basement, floored attic and sewer connected. Double constructed. See PARKER-FOR-PROPERTY. 505 Artisans Bldg. Broadway 4231. ARTISTIC IRVINGTON CORNER. First offering of modern, well-appointed 24-story, 8-room home, with sleeping porch and garage, most exclu sive section on Thompson st., near car and school; Ivory and mahogany finish artistically decorated and papered; oak floors throughout, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, fine condition: main rooms very large; maid's room and bath third floor; beau tiful grounds. Owner going east, offers snap. Call Tabor 0407. ON BROADWAY, CLOSE IN. 100x100 CORNER WITH FINE 9-ROOM HOUSE, ONLY $11,600. If you want a fine home located on Broadway, close In, on a dandy corner lot. let us show you this place; all large rooms, a real location and this house is priced to sell. Call Murphy with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. $6000 IRVINGTON. Story and half bungalow. 7 rooms. reception hall, furnace, fireplace, nice built-in biuret ana DooKcases. oaa floors: this house is in fine condition and is a real buy; garage, nice lawn with shrubbc--' terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 AN KEN Y. . BDWY. 2045. OPPORTUNITY. $29 DOWN. $29 PER MO. STRAIGHT CONTRACT. NJiiVV 4-K. u:nuaj-,uvv. Move right in and fix this up to suit your own taste. A little work here will make you $500. Price $2290. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 630 Cham. Com. bldg. No phone. IRVINGTON Colonial bungalow. 490 E. 23d st. N., between Thompson and Brazee st. A high-class home of 6 rooms; tile bath, Dutch kitchen, tap estry paper, breakfast room, French doors, plate glass windows, garage; beautiful location; house now occupied; for Inspection call owner at 602 Ladd ave. East 7593. $4300 ROSE CITY $800 DOWN. 5 rooms and sleeping porch all on one floor; furnace, fireplace, oak floors, tapestry paper, ivory finish, nice fix tures, plenty of built-ins, Dutch kitch en. J R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. BONUS MEN, Call and see modern bungalow near Peninsula park; oak floors, bookcases, china closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry trays and full basement. Walnut 2381, or call at 1293 Campbell st. ; house at 1454 Missouri ave. E. L. King. SANITARIUM. Modern 8-room house with 2 beau tifully wooded .acres, in city, on car line; a restful, secluded spot, wonder fully adapted for rest home or sani tarium. Attractive price if taken at once. Owner, Auto. 631-44. -ACRE, 6-room house, sidewalks, garage, fruit; will consider smaller property as part payment. Price $4250. -ACRE sacrifice, close in: sidewalks. For quick sale $450 cash. 202 Falling bldg. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN. Not a new house, but a mighty good modern 2-story. 7-room home, close In, near Broadway car. with oak floors, ivory finish, fireplace, gas furnace, fine condition, nice yard with lots fruit trees: only $7000. terms. Tabor 0407. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences d any building, assist in financing same; 12 yrs." continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect, 924 N. W. Bank. BEST BUY IN TOWN. 5-room and large attic, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, fine lawn, fruit and berries; street improvements In and paid; close to car and high school; east side; only $4000, good terms. Stewart & Morris, 202 McKay bids HOME BUYERS. See our homes before you buy. We have good homes of all types and prices :n all parts of the city. Give us a call. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 3-ROOM, well-furnished house, fine lo cation, lot 50x100, all In garden, ber ries and fruit; price $1100, $350 cash, balance easy terms. Call 320 Henry bldg.. city. . $700 BUYS HOUSE AND LOT. Located on 90th st. S. E., 3 blocks to Lents car; 3-room house. 50xl00 lot; $200 down, bal. easy. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. 2-STORY, 7 rooms, full basement, on corner lot, 100x100. 2 blocks to car $4000. $2000 down, balance terms, a. Hofstrand, 1382 Greeley st. Walnut 5965. ; . HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Homes from $2500 to $40,000. BROOKE, MAIN 4342. 641 Montgomery Drive, West End Elm. BEAX. ESTATE. For Sale Honses. LOCATION FOR PHYSICIAN. 50 feet off Sandy blvd.; 6-room house, all rooms hardwood floors; all kinds of built-ins. beautiful kitchen and breakfast room; furnace, full ce ment basement; condition A-l; corner lot. For information phone owner Ta bor 2472. , CHOICK Irvington home for sale; house built of excellent material; has 8 fine rooms, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, 2 fireplaces, garage, etc. Beautiful lot 75x100 with lovely ornamental shrubs, plenty of roses, some fruit and fine yard. Open any time. Terms, by owner. 650 Schuyler st. SELLWOOD $500 CASH. Maiden ave., 6 large rooms, finished in ivory; fireplace: paved street; garage; near car, $3i700; payments like rent: move right In. vacant. East 7978. owner. - FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room Dutch colonial house, walking distance, in pood east side dis trict, close to good car service; bargain for quick sale; no agents. BD 881, Qregoaian. FOR SALE New modern 5-room bun galow in Alameda, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, exception al built-in features, bathroom and kitchen: terms like rent. Automatic 323-97 or Tabor 2109. ROSE CITY home at 108U Tillamook, by owner. Call Tabor 6SS5 for particulars. Suburban Homes. NO CASH NO CASH. APPLY BONUS LOAN. HOME GARDEN TRACTS. Averaging 9 acres of richest kind of garden land, each with a frontage on the Columbia river. Just at the gateway to the city of Portland, are now avail able to ex-service men who have applied for the state loan. There's no better garden soil in Ore gon. A fine place for the home with an income. We will build house on each tract and take second mdrtgage over term of years. JUST INVESTIGATE. There are but nine of these matchless garden tracts available. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, Sales Agents. 283 Stark St, Bdwy. 1188. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Now is the time to secure your sub urban home at beautiful Oswego lake. We have a number of particularly fine buys. Remember, the commutation fare to Oswego is only 9 cents, with pavement all the way. ' $1200 for 175x120 with large uncom pleted house; a snap. $2100 for 100x120, hew 4-room bung alow. $2000 for 180x120, new 4-room Dung alow, a (2850, acre and 4-room bungalow, bath and garage. $2000. new 4-room modern bungalow. Also lake shore lots, acres and home sites: terms within reason. Call Alien, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. RIVER FRONTAGE HOME. Why not a 6-room house with bath, electricity, gas and running water; also sleeping porch; 50x200 lot; really all a man wants to take care of after a day's work in town; right close to highway and station with very good train service; ONLY $2500, only $500 down. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 212 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., net. wash, ana atarK. PACIFIC HIGHWAY HOME. Dandy little 5-room bungalow with full plumbing, electricity, gas and tbeir own water system; has beautiful acre with abundance of bearing fruit trees and berries; on paved Oregon City road, close to Meidrum station and school; Oregon City line. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 212 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. ARE YOTT LIVING IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE? And buying garden truck that grew on someone else's land? The greatest satisfaction you will ever know will be the satisfaction you will get in work ing on your own land: start now, buy 5 acres in Ritlow Acres, on Base Line road, for $1000; easy terms. . R. H. OONFRFY. REALTOR. ' RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $50 DOWN. WHY PAY RENT! When you can buy a brand new 2-room house on about 'A acre Qf ground near Oak Grove station; close to highway and Oregon City line: electric lights ana gas. Price only $800. See F. C Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. . Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. WELL-BUILT, ARTISTIC. 5-RM. MOD ERN BUNGALOW. COMPLETE, . WITHOUT ELECTRICITY: FURN., LOT 145x150: 20 YOUNG FRUIT TREES. BERRIES OF ALL KINDS, GARAGE, . HENHOUSE, SUPERB MOUNTAIN VIEW;- EAST OF MONTA VILLA. 20 MIN. FROM CITY. WILL PLEASE FASTIDIOUS. PRICE $4500: TERMS. ATWATER 1455. COUNTRY HOME. Just outside city limits, near Gllsan St., 6 blks. td school; fine, substantial 7-room house, w-ith all' city conven iences; good barn and chicken house; on a 100x158 lot with fruit and berries; $0200; good terms. Let us show you this today. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark BUNGALOW WITH Vt ACRE. Close to station on Estacada line; beautiful 5-room bungalow, electricity, gas and city water; fruit trees and berries; good soil: splendid view; $2700. Easy down payment. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, -212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW. Worth $4000. Sacrifice $3250. Drive to Garden Home today and see the best buy you ever had a chance to make; 5 rooms, finished cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fire place, gas, electricity. Bull Run water; everything, including fine view; -acre on corner. McCormic. Main 9318. NEW BUNGALOW. Vi ACRE $3200 TERMS. This dandy new 5-room bungalow on H-acre. Only 12 minutes' ride from center of the business dist. Close to school and car; will accept small cash payment and soldier s bonus. MERRICK & CO., Realtors. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. Open Evenings and Sundays. 1 ACRE with all kinds ot fruit, berrlei and flowers, on a sightly point between Multnomah and Ryan station on the Oregon Electric; large modern house With every convenience; a beautiful country home, offered at a low figure on easy terms. For particulars call on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg. 15 MINUTES TO CITY. -acre and 3-room house with garage, electricity, city water, gas' and telephone. More land If desired. Price $1600. $300 cash Willi handle. MERRICK & CO.. Realtors. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. Open evenings and Sundays. 4-ROOM bungalow, large cement base ment, electric light, gas, city water, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, gar den, large lot, 1 good cow. 50 chickens, all for $1600; located near Dosh sta tion, on west side highway. Joe C. Gentemann, Route 5, Box 73, Portland, Or. Main 7405. DANDY suburban home at Oak Grove, only 4 blocks from station; 3 acres, with 4-room cottage, garage, chicken house, etc. Bearing grapes and other small fruits. Price $6500. -Want city income property. t INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Broadway' 7829. MULTNOMAH real estate office of 3EN RIESLAND on the boulevard, next to the drvg store, is now in charge of Mrs. Grant and her son, Sherman Grarrt. They have full lists of the property in and about Multnomah. To make appointments call up Main 6039. ATTRACTIVE ACRE. Six-room modern bungalow, all city conveniences, 20 minutes from Pert land, near station and school. Fine as sortment bearing, fruit trees and ber ries, barn and large poultry house. For price and terms call Main 6232. CHARMING bungalow of 5 roomB; with all city conveniences; two acres; chick ens, cow, bees, wood, garden, orchard and berries: a city life with" country freedom, on paved highway and elec tric cars; 30 minutes from work. 606 Gasco bldg. Atwater 0400. LARGE, modern lti-story bungalow on 3 sightly lots Close to Multnomah on the Oregon Electric. Fruit, berries, flowers. Only $4500, on easy terms. For particulars see Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg. WE will build you a neat 3-room bun galow with city conveniences on acre tract for $1050, on easy terms. FiPher Realty Co.. 51" "ham. of Com. bldtr. Bdwy. 4026 BEAUTIFUL home, 2 acres, 1 In orchard. 8 miles out, west side, highway, 14J rnfirns. S hedrnnms. haiiHfiil itit.iitiIb'I sell cheap. Dr. Dallas, Lipman, Wolfe & Co Broadway 7001. ONE ACRE snap, all in fruit, garden and 15 bearing1 trees; 4-room house, fine spring creek, on gravel road, near Oregon electric ; good terms. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. For Sale Business Property. ONE FIVE-ROOM cottage and a store building for sale; either trade for a small residence In good business lo cation. 792 Mississippi ave. Walnut 4612. REAli ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. DOTJBIB YOUR - MONET CLOSE IN CORNER. Never offered a bargain like this; full corner, several old bldgs., paying good income. This property is only a few blocks from Washington and 10th. Will cost you $12,500 with only $4000 cash. Double your money within a year. A real bargain. Call us today. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 4th floor. Couch b'.dg.. 4th St. Bdwy. 6787. 100x200 TRACKAGE 100x200. $12,000. Near Montgomery Ward, American Can Co. and other large concerns. This property is ideal for factory, ware house or wholesale" business; excellent R R. and shipping accommodations. Paved streets to the property. Before buying industrial property look this up. RITTER LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For fciaie Acreage. 10 ACRES, 3 miles northeast of Oregon City, 2 miles from electric station, under cultivation; 3 acres bearing fruit, apples, peaches, pears, etc., in good condition; 3-room house with fire place, good barn, several chicken houses, well. Price $2290, $490 cash, balance $300 per year, 6. One acre. 9 miles west of center of Portland; close to station and school; rocked road; all cultivated; 9 bearing fruit trees, some berries; attractive 4-room house, chicken house; price $2000. $600 down, balance easy terms. Consider larger place of 5 to 10 acres near high school up to $5000. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small, places near Portland. ARE YOU DRAGGING A HEAVY LOAD? Taxes, rent and the price of bread and meat are a pretty heavy burden hers in the city and the signs are that your load will not be lightened.- Why not make up your mind today to cut . expenses by growing your own Kvln'g on your own tract in Ritlew Acres? 2 acres for $800. Bull Run water In front of tract; good terms. Drive out Base Line road 3 niles east of city limits; you will see our big sign: look over the tract; talk to the pesple who are living there, then see us for special terms. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DIVERSIFIED FARMING. SUNDERLAND ACRES at East 29th st. N. and Columbia boulevard (paved). This is "that NEW, CLOSE-IN ADDI TION, convenient to Woodlawn and Alberta cars. Rich soil, all under cul tivation. 1 to 20-acre tracts. $450 per acre and up. Easy terms. Branch of fice, E. 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd. Phone Walnut 3110. J. O. . ELROD, Owner. 283 Stark st. . Bdwy. 1188 TO AN HONEST, well-meaning person, will sell 23 acres, close to Portland, with modern house, etc.. 10 tons of prunes now on the trees and con tracted for; will sell to the right party .on a basis of payment -down, and bal ance one-half of proceeds of crop yearly; will deal with principals only. Owner. S09 Oak street. Phone Broad way 3175. TERWILLIGER HIGHWAY. To Beaverton; $1200 buys this sightly acre all in cultivation, rich soil, perfect drainage, view of . Mt. Hood, 4 blocks station, 9c fare; all city conveniences: easy terms. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6209. 20 ACRES EQUIPPED. . FOR $2500. Also several other small farms equipped and now receiving cream checks, which can be handled with $500 up. RALPH HARRIS CO. 810 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5654. SUBURBAN ACREAGE ONLY $4500. 4.S5 acres on Minthorn tract, Mil-w-aukie; opposite Wichita school, half covered with natural trees, one-half acre loganberries, some raspberries, strawberries, small garden. Bull Run water, gas, electricity, road paved; one half mile from Wichita Sta. HENRY W GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark St. 'Bdwy. 7831. CHICKEN RANCH. FULLY EQUIPPED,- ONLY $2700. a acres in .cultivation and new 4-room house and chicken house; 400 pullets, lancred strain, only do min utes from city on good auto road, This is priced to sell. MERRICK & CO., Realtors. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. Open evenings and Sundays. GARDEN HOME, 6-ACRE SNAP. ONLY $550 ACRE $1000 CASH. Fronts on fine gravel road; half-mile to Garden Home station; gas, elec tricity. Bull Run water in fron, ad joining property $800 to $1000 acre; hurry, this is one big snap; no build ings. See McCormic at Garden Home or phone Main 9318. No trades. SUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE. 5-acre tracts within 6-mile limit of Portland, good soil, good road; $100 to $300 per acre. $00 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month; no interest to pay. S. B. Gustoff, 400 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4975. 90 ACRES, with 7-room bouse and barns. Spring and creek on place, only few acres In cultivation'; on rocked road. 34 miles from Columbia highway, 26 miles from Portland; $4200 if fair pay ment down. A. Langguth, 606 Con cord bldg. QUARTER ACRE FRUIT. Fine bearing fruit trees, sightly, level, fine toil, 1 block paved highway, near Bertha. 8 l-3c fare; sidewalks, gas, electricity, water; snap for $800; $80 cash, $15 per month. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. ON THE Oregon Electric between Port land and Hillsboro, fine tract of 56 acres, nearly all clear, which I must sa-crifice. Will not refuse any reason able offer. Might take- some Portland real estate on account. I have no en cumbrances. For particulars call up Main 088Q and make appointment. $00 CASH $00. EASY TERMS. Choice 10-acre tract,, close to Co lumbia highway and river, very best soil, no rock or gravel, only $750, in cluding about 2 acres clearing INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bxoadway 7829. 10 ACRES, nearly all level land, partly cleared, balance real easy clearing, the best of soil. &-mile to Columbia river. store, school, postoffice and boat land ing, several boats calling dally at th place. Price $500. Very little cash aown. laa-a 1st st. .room 1. Nelson. 3 ACRES, all in cultivation, near Beav erton. Price $1500. Will trade for city xiome ana assume, aee F. u. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. 3 ACRES AT STATION. Facing west, on Barker road Just norm oi uasa i.ine roaa, covered with native trees: ( 41.10, easy terms. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $ 100 DO WN $ 100. 20 acre near Rt tfalnna 11 -nil nice spring and running stream, small box house, some cleared; $1000, very easy lei iiim. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 24ft Stark St. Broadway 7829. OXE MIJLE FROM CITY LIMITS. $850 buys 2.42 acres of cut-over land, very email creek, near Boone's Ferry road, on prop. ext. of Terwllliger blvd. $25 down. $8.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of com. WRITE for map of western Washington, enowiny location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma. Wash. HJAST 91et., near Glisan. one acre for your chickens and berries; 5100 down will ptve you possession. See W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Ore. bldg. Bdwy. IftoS. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS 616-45. ALLEN, J131 VXD ST. S. E. LARGE or small tracts of land adjoin- ing .lr'oruana. terms, uwner, East 0745. Homesteads, Relinquishments. A HOMESTEAD relinquishment in Har lan, Lincoln county, Oregon, by widow reason for selling, husband's death; will sell oif reasonable terms or trade for car. AVrite Mrs. J. E. Garrison, Brewster, Wash., for particulars. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE By owner, 2 acres. 9-room house, big sleeping porch, 6 minutes to O. A. C. campus. Fine place for chickens, garden with bearing fruit trees; will sell cheap. C. Van Hine, West B st.. Corvallis, Or. box 1. 425 ACRES. Fine stock or fruit farm, adjoining best town on Pacific highway; build ings; part in cultivation, part pasture; $50 per acre. Tabor 84fi9. , DAIRY farm, 75 acres, 25 minutes from P. O., highly cultivated, fine buildings . will subdivide. 606 Gasco bldg. At water 0400. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes, McFarland. realtor 208 Failing bldg SEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Farms. CLOSE IN. 17 acres, 15 miles from center of Portland; 1 mile from station; maca dam road; 6 acres cultivated; 1 acre timber; balance pasture; 2 acres logan : berries; Vt -acre bearing orchard; strawberries and other fruit; 6-room log bungalow; spring water piped in; barn, chicken house, tool house; per sonal property, cow. heifer, horse, chickens, etc Price $3300; terms. In spected by Nelson. 41 acres, 25 miles south of Portland; 2 miles from good town: 20 acres cultivated; 18 acres timber; 2 acres as sorted bearing orchard; lots of berries; good 10-room house, large barn, chick en Timis. wnrkAhnn. smoke house. Price $3800, including crop, stock and equipment; easy terms. Inspected by Hunter; easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON REALTOR. Gerllnger bldg. - ' Over 500 small places near Portland. A REAL BARGAIN. 80 acres finest level soil in Clark county, no stone; -mile off highway; 1 mile to school and church; 75 'acres under cultivation; 9 acres pjatoes, 10 acres clover, 3 acres corn, 2o acres fall plowing, bal. stubble; 8-room house; barn 64x96; place is well fenced; full line farm Implements including new tractor, disk and plow; 13 head of cattle,' 2 horses, pigs and chickens; 50 tons hay. Everything goes. Price $17,500, $6000 cash, bal. easy. H. W. OSBORNE CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CANBY HAS REAL BARGAIN. 15 acres, all cleared, fenced and cross-fenced, the best of sandy loam soil, large plastered house in good con dition, new barn; plenty of potatoes, family garden, lot of kale for winter; price, including most of the household furnishings, $5500; if taken at once will put in good team, harness" and wagon, some implements and tools; $2000 will handle: will take house at cash value to $3000. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. IF YOU have a stock of merchandise, city property, or money you can make a cleanup on thiB: 860 acres, 250 un der cultivation, 12 miles east of Van couver, Wash., near paved highway, ail fenced; 55 cattle, 30 goats, milking machines; large barn; new modern 9-room bungalow. One of the most . beautiful ranches on the coast, on good running stream. The owner is not a rancher. Make reasonable offer and he will deal. See Mr. Phillips with J. L. Hartman Company. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 30 ACRES $1000. Best of soil, - no rock, no waste. Spring and creek. Good country road, good community; suited for nuts, ber , ries, prunes, potatoes, clover, or any valley crops. Cut-over land. Plenty of work close by. Close to school, town, R. R. and highway ; can take you out in 2 hours You can't beat it for a home or Investment: very easy terms. JOHN A. MEISSNER, 821 Gasco Bldg. WE CAN SHOW YOU. the best 50 acres in Clackamas co. for sale or exchange. 35 acres in cult. all stocked and equipped. Corn and potatoes in lieicl, nay and oats in barn. Good house and barn;. 17 miles from Portland on a good rock road; H-mile to scnool ana store, price JN0U0. STEWART AND MORRIS. 202 McKay bldg. IF YOU have $2000 or the equivalent in Portland property of any kind or a business proposition we can put you in possession of an 80-acre irrigated alfalfa ranch, all in cultivation. Fully equippea witn everytning, lncluaing furniture. Ready to step in and start making money. Balance long time and easy payments. Sturm-Kefer Co., 214 Bth st. 40 ACRES HOOD RIVER. 17 cleared, 2 in orchard, alfalfa, 52-inch water right, 4-room plastered bungalow, cellar, barn, highway, scliool high school: $5000. $1500 down: will take home or hotel up to $:l(tn0: wilt accept soldier loan. Wolfhagen, with F. C. Robinson, 415 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Broadway 3222. 80 ACRES, 20 clear, good building, creek, spring, crop, stock, machinery; $300u, terms. 86 acres, 60 cleared, fine -buildings, milk, mall route, phone, on highway. 12- miles to Portland; will take acreage or house and lot as part payment. J. C K-uratll, 804 spaiaing bldg. 98 ACRES, all flee plow land, near Grants Pass; 40 plowed, 6 acres In strawberries; wiil produce $3000 in spring and $1200 in plants now, and $4000 in cordwood: all implements and household and stock, $5000: i.'iOOO cash, balance long time; big sawmill going in close by. 801 Corbett bldg. 20-ACRE ranch for sale, partly cleared. 3 miles south of Beaverton; A-l fruit land. Small furnished house, other small buildings, fine well, 4(1 Trttit trees bearing. Bargain If sold at once. Own er E. M. Hankinson, R. F. D. Route 3 Box 38, Beaverton, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT IRVINGTON HOUSE Have client who will pay spot cash to owner only for 5 or 6 rooms, between 14th and 27th, Tillamook and Fremont; must be in good condition and priced not over $7000. For quick action give exact lo cation and full particulars. Only bed rock values considered. AR 897, Ore gonian. ROSE CITY HOME WANTED. Have party with $3000 cash wanting the best bargain they can get; will consider home up to $6400; house, must be 5 or 6 rooms, not over 3 blocks from carline. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. fiOflli. SPECIALIZING in West Side, Portland Heights, West over and other desirable districts. 1 am soliciting residence listings; indi vidual attention; honest, energetic ef fort. Phone or write GEO. F. MAHONEY, 722 Corbett Bldg. Main 0.118. RESPONSIBLE couple, retired, without children, wants to rent, lease or buy permanent home, with or without fur niture, 4 ojT 5 rooms, modern, desirable outlying district, or suburban, twith ga rage; scenic view preferable. .What have you? Give details, location, etc,, in first letter. BC 884. Oregonlan. SELL your home through old established firm. Competent, courteous salesmen with autos. efficient office force. If your property is worth price asked, we will sell It. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 yr. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HOUSE WANTED. Have party with $3000 CASH: will buy home well located in any good district; will consider up to $4000. A real buyer. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phono Bdwy. 6006. HOME WANTED. Desire to purchase 6-room bungalow or z-story colonial home in Kose City, Laurelhurst or Alameda: somethln around $8000. Wilbur P. Manning, P. o. .Mox 4. city. WANT CITY PROPERTY FOR FARM. 156 acres, all clear, level land, in heart of Willamette valley. Take an thing in or near Portland. W. II. ROSS. 1100 JST. W. Bank Bldg. WE WANT HOMES that $500 or less will handle. Broadway 6387. Call WANT PORTLAND HOMES for auick sale. We are seliine others, why not yours? Many all cash. See A, iv. 1111, l.umDermens blag, RELIABLE SERVICE. HAVE clients desiring homes in Alberta. Woodlawn or Kenton district, $1500 to $aaoo. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank B!dg. Main 3787. WANTED A good buy in a bungalow at once; my client has sold his house and must buy. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO, INC. Broadway 4837. 224 Henry BMg. FARMS WANTED. We have several bona fide buyers for good f arm.1, at reasonable prices. JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. HAVE buyer for 6 or 7-room house in Albina up to $3500. Means business. Rummeli 4r Ruramell, 274 Stark. Bdwy. B729 MY CLIENT wants a house! will trade $4000 improved farm equity and as sume; anv good district; particulars. 14U1 N. W. Bank bldg.. Matn 5274. TODAY, we want house Penlusula or Al berta district up to JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OVERSIZE Laurelhurst lot as first pay ment on modern 5-room bungalow; Irvington preferred. AH 906, Orego nlan. , WLL build to suit purchaser. Four or five-room houses. $2900 up. 504 Ex char.ge b!dg.. 2d and Stark H." A V T 1 t r R arrAM. nrnfpr hi v with house, not far out. Ulve lull details,! price ana terms, aim obi, oregonlan. ONE OR 2 lots for cash. Laurelhurst, Rose City to ootn su. or Hawthorne dtst. BD 865, Oregonlan. 1922 FORD sedan; will exchange for lot In Rose City or district equally good. Phone Tabor 1727. HAVE? buyer for 6-room house in Rose City Park up to $5500. A. N. Mtkkel sen Co., 523 and Sandy. Tabor 250. I WANT a medium priced bungalow In good distrlc t right away. Main 68 PP. SMALL HOUSE WILL PAY CASH. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. WANTED Lot or lots as first payment on 5-room house. E. 4340. WANT Lots and acreage. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermeng bldg. f WANTED New 6-rm. bungalow, Laurel fcurst, R.C.P. or Irvington, Bdwy 1264 WAMED RIAL ESTATE. WANTED Have ready buyers for 6-rm. mod. home. Mt. Tabor, above 52d, near Glencoe school to, $7500. $1000 down, $60 a month. Also 3 buyers for mod. 6-rm. bun galow. In Laurelhurst: $5000 to $6000, with $1000 to $1500 down. Also 3 buyers for 6 and 6-rm. bun galow, rooms on one floor; R. C. park; $4500 to $5500 with $1000 down. Also Rose City or north Irvington for $300 down; can pay $1500 first year. If you can match any of these and your price is right submit to ARTHUR ALLEN, REALTOR. P65 E. Morrison St. Tahor 2189. ' SOLD SOLD SOLD. Buyers waiting. We want properly priced homes; any district; any price. Our seliing svstem never falls. V stay with the buyer until YOU get the money. Business is good! Call us NOW for ACTION. PARKER REALTY CO. 605 Artisans bldg. Broadway at Oak Phone Broadway 4231. Q. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4305. We have bona fide buyers wanting homes ia all parts of the city. If you want to sell and will price your house at Its worth we can positively sell it. We will appreciate your list ings if priced right. HAS $2000 CASH to pay down on a 6 or 7-room house, must be close In; desirable district nec essary; will pay between $40O0 and $5000; not after all the old houses in town, but if you have something good phone me as this is a bona fide prop osition. DAVID HARP. MGR. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 89th. Auto. 320-04. WANT new or one-year-old 5-room bungalow, TODAY. Price around $4500. Must be in good district and paved street. Rose City, Laurelhurst or Haw thorne district preferred. Have bona fide buyer. Call between 0 and 11 A. M. A. J. Orleman, Bdwy. 1658. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4300. We really need suburban property as we have real buyers. We can give you real quick action If the price is right, both improved and unimproved. t ACREAGE WANTED. 5 to 10 acres not more than 12 miles out, suitable for a suburban home. Land must be highly improved and there must be a good assortment of fruit on the place. With or without buildings. . . Call or see Gorman. W. G. IDE. 806 Lewis Bldg. . Broadway 1906. IRVINGTON OR LAUKELilllla 1 . -Have party with $7000 cash; will buy 5 or 6-room home; will pay all cash up to $70M). If you have a home In either of these districts and will sell foe above price, all cash, phone at once. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6O06. WANT to buy small home on monthly payments. AH 896, Oregonlan. Farms Wanted. HAVE CLIENT WITH HOME. CLEAR, and $2000 cash; wants going dairy ranch. My to 60 acres, not over $10, 000; will assume balance; prefer coast direction. Wolfhagen, with F. O. Rob- lnson, 415 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM TO RENT. Will let competent man, having ; helpers in family, have use of my pure-bred, registered Jersey herd. 13 head (6 milking), 4-room house with conveniences, barn and out-buildings, on rocked road. 25 miles from Port land, and give him one-third of In crease of herd at end of term, if he will maintain place, clear and plant one additional acre each year. Could allow tenant use of 20 acres, about 4 in cultivation. Sixty fruit trees planted 2 years ago. Applicant should send banking and othwr references substan tiating financial ability, eperlence and fitness, None hut lover of Jerseys need apply. X 800. oregonlan. DAIRYMEN, ATTENTION. 31 cows, 1 bull, 2 hogs, 60 chickens, delivery truck, milk route, silo, 60 tons hay 2 acres corn and beets, tractor, all machinery and tools for farm and dairy; price $7500, half cash; 6-room house, iarn and outbuildings, all in first-class condition. 60 acres, 40 in cultivation, rent $05 a. month, ,'1-year lease, located on west sida highway, close in. For more information sie or write Joe C. Gentemann, 02 Cornell bldg.. Portland. Or. 170-ACRE farm for $400 per year cash rent; 100 acres In cultivation, family orchard, stock and equipment for sale. Will Invoice about $2500. Will give liberal terms to right party; 3 to 5 year lease: 7-room house, two barns, good water, close to school and town, telephone. Must be taken this week rhonu E. 6713. Vrite 304 San Rafael St., IPioanu, 20 ACHES near Reedville, 7 acres good potatoes, several loads nuDhara squasn, will leave all crop and give 2 years' lease for $000; will ieave on place plow, harrow, ftlsk cultivator, range in kitchen and irnnd household goodn; hurry If vou want this. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. 132 ACRES, located about SVs miles from Lebanon, Or.; this place is to be va cated October 1 and Is ideal stock farm although it Is not stocked at this time; there is a school on the place, also a creek running through: can be had for $700 a year. AM 963. Oregonia n. 5 ACRES and 4-rooin house with water and gas. situated In nice grove of trees on Barr road. Just west of Craig road: $'-'0 per month. R. H. CONFRHY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade, Bldg. 400 ACRES. 3 miles southeast iialbey. Or.; fcOU acres unuer cultivation, .in acres . good pasture; house, barn, out buildings, orchard; school on farm. Further Information adress Eliza Bra n don. Halsey, or. so. ACRE dairy ranch, close to city. 11. R' road. Stock, crop and equipment for sale See E. G. Campbell with 11. W. Osborne Co., 433 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FARM for rent; 130 acres, 40 cleared; on Newberg road, four miles from Llnnton Frd Welch. Linnton. Or. rtopw . liA.VCH for rent, nar Snlrm, $12'K per year. Apply 304 Morgan building. 6 ROOMS and six acres; some fruit, near city, for rent. Oi'J oernnger ping. TTMBFR L.VVPS. TIMBER. Have about 30 mllion feet of timber on tidewater; large mill company win contract for logs; want logging outfit or will assist in organizing logging company. For particulars call room 123 Hnry bldg. TO F.XCMAXGK RKAT, KSTATE. FOR HALE or trade, KHx I H corner lot. worth $3000, in Boise, Idaho, for plw of Portland property. Will consider good car in the deaL Phone Walnut 5501. WILL TRA7 E. We can match you on any trade hav ing merit; houses, lots, farms, acreage. Bring In your proposition. Robinson Hpooner Co.. 712 Courh bldg. PORTLAND FOR SEATTLE. For sale or exchange for Seattle resi dence, attractive east side home. Com pletely modern; garage. Fruit. Own er. Y 831. Oregonlan. FOtt SALE or exchange, equity In Z 5 room flats; 54x100 lot; furnished or unfurnished; good Income. 1085 E. Y.-tmhili. m TRADES .OT TRASH. $2.V)0; high -class confectionery; owner tired of Insido work ; exchange for bunsMow. Broadway 2-Sll. WANT Cla-in acreage in exchange for house sale contract, payable ffi a week at 8 per cent interest. Walnut 4107. WILL TAKE 2d mortgage as part pay ment on Piedmont lot. J It HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BROADWAY 204.V WILL exchange for grocery, light auto or what, new and nifty 4-room modern house, Mt. Scott-Flrland district, $2o00. Call 15 N. 5th st. 30 ACRES, nice buildings, close In; will take good car or house as part py. T. P. Kelly, 205 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 5440. WE HAVE all kinds of city property and little farms for sale or trade. Call Broadway 544H. T. P. Kelly. 10 ACRES improved, good for prunes or potatoe..; trade for Portland property. AK 8111. Oregonlan. LAURELHURST lot to exchange for auto. Bdwy. 3143 207 and S Couch bldg. WANT a Ford sedan on Piedmont paved lot. Broadway 2045. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 7 H. K. ROOMS. Nob Hill dlst. ; wiil take cnr. 85 West Park st. Broad way ROS.3 PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS, BdWJ. 5173. 624 Henry Bldfe TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. llcKT;NNAS EX. Df'I'T. HAIUiAlNU. KES1DKNCK.4 Foil RANCH l-.a. 7-r. celled houxe, more- than ha!f acre of around, well located, fine gar den plot. Irrigate ait of II. smsil djilrr barn, milk nouse, junl tni p. ace nr mn old couple who wants to Keep a cow o two and raise sar.len truck. I'rlr $6dOO, free of Incumbrance, wants nl- little aairy rancn, n"i too isr out. Mirht assume UD to 11500. M-rooni mod. hou, lot 100120 nrlce $1500. mtr. $Mi0: wnlsilnl ranch, well located, not too lar out. equal value only. 8 rooms, niod. fine home. w-!l rated, free of encumbrance, II2.01 wants good farm eo.ua! va.ue. not a suine $2500 resl.$"i-ice nd $4K rjh for acreage on hignway, i.garu or ix-aver ton. COE A. McKENNA CO.. (Established 1S9.) Artisans h!,!it. IMwy. Tr.22 IF YOU have a slock of iin-rcLamii city property, or nionev you canmitAO a cleanup on mis: " wi der cultivation, 12 miles rust of Van- c.niver. null., nrur HHVHl llt;liwav. hii fenced: 55 cattle, ft'' goal, mtlkmif niHchines: large bnrn: new illiidt 9-room bungalow. one of tho mnt beautiful rsticha on the coast, on good running stream. The owner i - not a rancher. Make reasnnahl offer and he will deal. See Mr. l'hi.lii" with J. j. Hartman Company, t Chamber of Commerce hl'lg. .Sn,i or 1. (liii LAKGB JKVINUToN HOME. For .Small one. Fine 9-room home with 2 sleeplnir porches upstairs and 7U feet of t-or. u ilowtista rt: ilituti mirage: lot jooxli" fruit rniil oriiMiiit-iital tro-N. i!irut and rot-.-.s; hardwood floors throughout, of coutse. This is a n ul home, but it I too large for our family of turee. Wl 1 sell below market und take in smaller homo if satisfactory. FRANK M.CRILI.IS, REALTOR. 321 Henry lilitg H.fvv QTT!, ilia INCOME WHEAT RANCH. Over 8000 acres In wheat district. 2800 la cultivation; good buildings, fin well and Jots of water; leased to ex cellent farmers. Insuring Kood Income and less trouble to hsndie than city Income property; price $i(M).ooo. Owner wi,l take valley farm, walnut or pruns orchard or other properly to $io,0O0t balance mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 814 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE WANTED. Will exchange 6-room house ea east side, value $:iou0, and canli for 6 to 10 seres not more than 12 miles out. suitable for a suburban home Iand must be highly improved and there must be a good assortment of fruit on. the place. With or without buildings. Call or see Gorman, W. u. IDE. 803 Lewis B I d g. H rnjilwa TMVM. WILL EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE. 6 acres un auto rond near cur line, all cleared, lot of potatoes and family garden; good f.tmily orchard, berries for home use: take house clear of In cumbrances to $-700. which is the price of this property. Don't wait too long; this is a bargain STEWART JuHNSflrJ. 315 XOUTI IWK ST r. T; Nl l A N.K.JIT.DO SMALL APARTMENT FOR TRAlitS." 3-story, concrete apartment house: contains 8 apartments. 8 room and bath each, all furnished: price $22.5no; will take about half In trade, mortgage for balance.. LI EDDEMANN COMPANY. ' 314 Chamber of t'ommerr. INCOME PRoi'KKTY TO KXriiANGIl We have Income property of all kinds for sale or exchange. If you wish to trade your farm or aereage for city property or your city property for a farm, see or write us. Fisher Realty Co., 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Portland. Or. Itrlwv. 40L'it. WANT BIG APARTMENT llol Sll. Client has fine Income property tn good town; price $-IO.O(iO, dear; will trade for apartment house In Portland, to $10.000, and give cash and mort gage difference LUEDDE.MANN COMPANY. 314 Chamber of ("ominerre. NEARLY new T-pass Hal. 12: would be a dandy for ftage run or a c:aaijr pleasure car; $I8'UI; exchange for aer age or home. What havo Vfiii? Alvln Johnson Co.. Realtors, 6"5 McKay Bldg. Broadway TL'Ul. LOOK ! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you wantT Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; 1 will mutt h them. E. A. Easlty, ::95 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK1 Yot 11 CARAI.L DAT INCOME i'H' H'HIlTY. lloLSLS. LuU AM ACREAGE. FARMS AMi AUTOS We have an active depart tuent . Li-t vour exehailges with .Mr. Phillip. .1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. B Chamber of Commerce bldg. TERRACE PA K K, M O.NT A I I.l.A 5-room modern house, flreolnre, basement, lawn, fruit, flowers and ber ries; a bargain: $2"ihi, iiimki cah; would consider an auto in part, bal ance easy terms. Tabor 6674. Ascot Grocery, Base Line road. MO.MM EXCMANGKH. Snlcm for Portland, several atihurhan homes for Portlat.d; $.':.(m; ftrt mtg. on ranch as f!rt payment on Alberta house. Have others. J. M. WELLS, 600 Chnm of Com. IVIwv 42M. business pkoVkkty KoK t'HAI'E" Choice, piece, of close-In Portland property, with g'Wid Inrome; frlre $110,000; will consider farm or city prop erly to $tO.0'IO, halanee tuortKHge. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 314 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade One of the mmt desirable Iota on paved street. In Tay lor'a addition to Astoria; any terms within re.ai.on or will trade for automo bile or desirable property near Port land. AV H, Oreironlan. ACREAGE FOR GROCERY HTOUK. 25 acres near Broadacres. lo scree tn loganberries, bn lance cultivated. Value $5i"li. See Mr. Phillips wltti J. I,. Hartman Company, tt chamber of Com. bl'lg. DO YOU want lo xohariKo your hu for acreage close to city? We have several parties wanting to exchange acreage for houses. Alvln Johnon Co . Realtors, 605 McKay Bldg. Bdwy, 7'Jill. iSKASI UK 1 1 - ME. Will trade my $4'oo equity In my beautiful Keasiije summer home for Portland properly. Known a the prettiest place In Seaside. Owner, Tid wy. 40?. ltHi ACKKS rouKli mminiMin land f house equity. 1'hone hUwood n4H. TO KTC ITAXOF MISf Ft f AVFOrH. ATTENTION I l.Hti. ' Tailor. l ine building lot on Columbia river highway near Horfta II Falls, to exchann for lad Us' tailored clothes, coveriur in stallments. JSa c&ali required, O rr rn n I an. 80 ATU KS virKln .arul. J-ake county ; value ahmif Ljm)0. What bav you 7 Call K.ixt SMft. for fr.r. IlorM". ehi-l. I.iew.m k. HOITEI aAT ATCT1"N. Forest Grivp, Or., Friday, Hi-pfmb 15. Twenty bend, i avy produc ing cows, provi-n herd bu Is and young er stork, hot h n-xi', cm p.ete di persnl f herd own d bv William Mar tin. Forest irove, Or. InctiinVd In th lot are cattle that have bcn In th winning at the lding stm-M shows tn th northwest; aUo ww with A. It. . reord; straight ton Mm-n. wil hsl ancd udders and flenir.ibl in vr y way. Th nIor herd sir ! . grand son of the two grnt siren; Ktg f the I'ontiacs and Kir Johanna Until ir nn. The sale will b held on th Mnrtln fnrm about rne-helf mile nor'h. f lh Masonic home. This i on tfy pa vl highway et the ft elee of K'r'-t Omvr; s?iiy rarh'l by imln or mi'-v starts about 1 oVJ-irk Invrndlaf V after fre lunch on th frrn. f"a:fi."it givf-s details as to breeding and sk nent upon r"qufKt tn owm-r or mnnngcr. W. Martin, ownr, I r"t Grove Or. E A. Tcnotn. m" nmn agr, km. Or O.i. J. W. Hugh h 1 1 1 1 1 n n " T. rVrof ' r n v' r r KEGISTEKKD piir brrd J"r-. hull i-air. 3 month old; Mo'd or !-t Uoii A! -Mini stork Jn the wor'd: fli !- H cre n a pp!i n i Ion. Arthur 1 n n k .Tu t ... ton ''nnffrd hid g K V E 1 1 Y f .i r m wl in u 1 I 1 1 a. v a fiw r e k - -t'-rif sh''p : wi' havo f-ihrThtr i"'r $10 s h?a l and up. Ilolmau i'u 1 Co., 14 Finn tjilir" WILL I'T'd MiorfVi oVn cattle and rop m lr dhr"'p for N'. X oats or cordwond. Honnun Fuel Co., it l Mh ft., .'or l n no. CHEAP One suUnd hors, Wight J'1; one Mitchell wagon. M. t' Grtvor, Farmington, Or. Addrena Hlilfthoro route 2. BAKOA1 N 3 litKe, young f ri'fh row J T. B. tested and Mg milkers. 1017 K. Stark St.. ror. TMfh. FARM IMPLEMENTS N"w and nrnnd hand. fcpeclal prirei. P. E. Lnhar, St'.o-3rtfr Eat Morriwon p. bi'A N"pert;hron mar, 3'm in. 0 vrw. old, none hMtT, nM! reaotab.e. 6-T17 4 3d ave. Mt. S.'otf cnr. VKTViIi.N AKI A N. rn T?owr.. SEVERAL Kuod work hori. Inquire ot O. ( . Plrk, fls Pfnnd t. DEAD animals takru quickly. Phone Milwaukee W-.T. TH E tim A 1 T lfl cu'M.e horte David liar- Broadway r.uh7. i AN bay marcs, 23uo !bs,, wiia good .bar usee; , eiOZ.