Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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Craft Bought From Federal
Government Assigned.
M. Barde & Sons, Who Are Among
Purchasers, ExpecV About
25 Steamers Here.
Of the 50 to 69 wooden steamers
of the shipping: board fleet of 226
vessels purchased Tuesday by a
Pacific, 'coast syndicate for $750,000,
that are to be . brought from the
east coast, perhaps 20 to ?5 vessels
will be sent to Portland, according
to M. Barde & Sons, who are Inter
ested with the Fleicnhackers and
others of San Francisco in the trans
action. Plans for the operation of the car
riers are not fully developed, the
head of the Barde organization said
yesterday, but as the terms of the
sale permit the operation of the
steamers on other than regularly es
tablished trade routes, he said, it
was calculated there were abundant
uses to which the ships can be put
Some Ships Ballt Here.
- In (he fleet purchased, which is
held et Claremont, Vs., and Orange
and Beaumont, Tex., are many that
were constructed in the Oregon dis
trict and perhaps some of those will
be among those selected for Pacific
coast operation.
Such ships as will not be operated,
because of their condition and ex
pense of overhauling, may bo '"dis
mantled, but the Impression here is
that nearly all of them will be
placed in service, though some time
will be required in which to find
fields for them.
It is believed that some of those
In the group of purchasers are pre
pared to take part of the tonnage at
once and place it in active service,
and in other cases changes will be
made so as better to fit the ves
sels for carrying timbers and long
lengths of lumber as demanded in
the Pacific coast trade.
Coal May Be Carried.
Possibilities of coal business have
been discussed and other avenues
are under consideration that are
construed by the government as not
within the scope of the restriction
as to regularly established trade
The Barde and Fleischhacker in
terests were the principals in the
purchase earlier in the year of un
completed hulls in Lake Washing
ton, on North Portland harbor and
at Alameda, and various plans for
their future have been rumored,
even to fitting some of the hulls
with oil-burning engines. The only
move as to the Portland vessels has
been to draw three of them from
the fleet to be used in conjunction
with salvage operations at the scene
of the wreck of the steamer Welsh
Prince, the contract for which M.
Barde & Sons also hold.
Navigators Expect Rivers and
Harbors Bill to Remedy Evils.
, Steamboat operators, particularly
those engaged in towing log rafts,
are awaiting developments In con
nection with the signing of the
rivers and harbors bill by President
Harding, which is looked for short
ly, because of authorization given
for the removal of two dams and a
dike in Willamette slough.
The works, which originally were
undertaken as improvements in be
half of navigation, are held now to
hamper the free movement of steam
boats with tows, because of the cur
rent created. For years steamers
handling passengers and freight be
tween Portland and St. Helens and
Rainier have used the slough route,
being able to overcome the current,
but with towboats the flow is too
strong at ordinary stages of water.
Another point is that log rafts are
drawn from the lower part of ttie
slough and it is necessary at pres
ent for steamers to tow them to the
main river by way of St. Helens.
While the new bill grants author
ity for removing the works, funds
are not yet provided for.
Danish Vessel to Have Room for
Dozen to Trip to Europe.
Passenger accommodations from
Portland to London and other Euro
pean ports are being offered by the
Danish-East Asiatic line on the mo
torship Afrika, which reported in
the river yesterday from oriental
ports by way of Puget sound, and
will be .at. the Inman-Poulsen mill-
today to start cargo. Balfour,
Guthrie & Co., agents for the line,
are prepared to book first class trav
elers to the number of about a
dozen. The ship will probably sail
the latter part of next week.
The Danish steamer Kina of the
same line sailed from Hamburg on
August 24, and has a limited amount
of Portland cargo.
Yoshida Mara Is Shifted.
In working lumber for Japanese
delivery the Japanese steamer Yo
shida Maru No. 1, the first berth
steamer of the Yamashita fleet to
report under the new service ar
rangements, was shifted yesterday
from the North Bank dock to St.
Helens. The Japanese steamer
Usuri Maru, of the Mitsui flag,
moved last night from Columbia
City to the Harvey, dock to load
more lumber for the orient.
West Keats Arrives From Japan.
Another voyage from lands across
the Pacific was ended when the
steamer West Keats headed into the
river yesterday afternoon as. had
been indicated the preceding day,
making a 14-day run from Yoko
hama that puts her in the speed
class among freighters. The vessel
has copra and general cargo aboard
that will be landed here, the copra
at the plant of the Portland Vege
table Oil Mill company and the other
consignments at terminal No. 1. The
ship sails October 1 for Yokohama.
Kobe, Shanghai. Tientsin and Dairen
while the Montague, which moved
yesterday from Albina dock to Co
lumbia dock, is to start for sea to
morrow, her cargo, being destined
largely for Yokohama, Kobe. Hong
kong and Manila.
Steamer Reported on Fire.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. The
British steamer Roman Prince,
bound from Hull to San Francisco,
has a fire fh the after hold, accord
ing to advices today to the marine
department of the San Francisco
chamber of commerce, which said
the vessel would arrive tonight at
Marine Notes.
The steamer Solano, arriving yesterday
from San Pedro., was ordered to Wauna
for a small lot of lumber and then con
tinued to Kalama to load today. Her
next mov. will be to tbe Eastern
Western mill here.
The Norwegian steamer Torrey. laden
with general cargo from New Orleans
and flour from Portland, was dispatched
yesterday lor tbe orient.
The steamer Minnesotan of the Ameri
can-Hawaiian banner departed for Bos
ton and New York at 10 o'clock last
night, laden with lumber, canned goods,
doors, hides, mohair, . woolen goods.
rirjes, bags ol bones and pitch.
The departure of the Admiral line
steamer Senator yesterday morning for
uanrornla ports was marked by tne raci
every stateroom aboard was filled. The
vessel carried considerable freight.
The steamer Daisy Matthews. In the
freight service of the McCormick line.
arrived last night from California ports
and berthed at Couch street dock to
land general freight. She will load lum
ber Tor the southbound trip.
Captain Macgenn will have a number
of travelers for San Francisco, judging
from reservations made for the steamer
Rose City, to depart from Ainswortn
dock at 10 o'clock this morning.
R. P. Caples has been signed aboard
the steamer Olympia as master, suc
ceeding Milton Smith, owner of the ves
sel, who has leased her to M. Barde &
Sons for service in connection with the
latter's contract for the removal of the
wreck of the British steamer Welsh
Prince, near Altoona.
The steamer West Jappa of Swayne A
Hoyt's South American line, which left
here Tuesday night, was on her way
from Astoria to sea by daylight yester
day morning.
The tank steamer La Purisima arrived
last night from San Francisco with an
oil cargo for the Union Oil company's
wnibridge station.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
The Japanese steamer Karachi Maru ar
rived today from Japan and after being
fumigated here will go to Portland.
The steam schooner Trinidad arrived
from San Pedro and will load 1,100.000
reet or lumber at tne Kammona Lumber
company's wharf for a return cargo.
The Danish motorship Afrika arrived
from Yokohama, via British Columbia,
and went to Portland to pick up freight
for Christianla.
After taking on freight at Portland the
steamer West Jappa departed for Buenos
Aires, via way ports.
The steam schooner Daisy Matthews
arrived from San Francisco and went to
Portland with freight.
The Japanese steamer Tenpaisan Maru.
with wheat from Portland, departed for
Colon lor orders.
The steam schooner Solano arrived
from San Francisco and went to Wauna
to load lumber.
After discharging fuel oil In Portland
the tank steamer Lyman Stewart de
parted for California.
Carrying 670.000 feet of lumber from
Portland and 0S0.O0O feet from St. Helens
the steam schooner Ryder Hanify de
parted tor San Francisco.
The tank steamer La Purislma arrived
from California with fuel oil and after
discharging part cargo here went to
Completing a remarkably fast run of
14 days irom Yokohama and setting a
new record for freighters in that trade,
the Columbia Pacific steamer West
Keats arrived She has a part cargo of
oriental goods for Portland.
The Japanese steamer Yuri Maru ar
rived from Kobe and will load grain at
The Norwegian steamer Torrey, with
flour from Portland, departed this after
noon for China.
The motorship Kenneeott will be due
tomorrow from Willapa harbor and gtoes
to Westport to load lumber for the At
lantic seaboard.
GRAYS HARBOR, Sept. 13. (Special.)
The schooner Ella A. arrived from San
i-earo at ll o clock last night. She
tied up at the Eureka mill, Hoqulam
where she will load cargo for San
The steamer Oregon arrived from San
Francisco at 1 o'clock this morning to
load at the Wilson mill. Aberdeen.
The steamer Florence Olson arrived
from Redondo, Cal., at 8 o'clock this
morning to take a lumber-cargo at the
Western mill, Aberdeen.
The big shipping board freighter Po
mona crossed the bar in at 1 o'clock on
her way from Seattle. She will load
about two million feet at the Aberdeen
Lumber & Shingle company's mill and
the Bay City mill, berthing at the former
On her first trip into Grays Harbor
the Japanese freighter Kaisha Maru
operated by Suzuki & company was
sighted at the bar early this afternoon
She will tie up at the Bishop mill dol
phins, to load approximately 1,750 000
feet of Japanese squares.
The steamers' Nehalem and Providence
and the motorship WilMam Donovan left
for California late yesterday afternoon
The big freighter Rednnrfn t- -ii.k'
ing cargo at the Northwestern mill, Ho
qulam. and is expected to clear for the
east coast late this afternoon.
The Japanese steamship Havre Maru
is scheduled to arrive tomorrow from
the orient.
The steamer Solano is expected to reach
port tomorrow from California to take
cargo at the Eureka mill, Hoqulam.
The shipping board freighter Blue
Triangle, allocated to the Nawsco line is
due to arrive tomorrow from Seattle
to load 2,800,000 feet at the Eureka mill.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 13. Prevented
only by the dock on which the vessel
caught, the Japanese steamship Azuma
san Maru. Captain Weiati Matsu of the
Mitsui line of steamers, narrowly es
caped turning turtle at the port lumber
pier -today. When the ship decided to
tango there was a lively movement
among members of her crew and Jap
anese came streaming from every sec
tion of-the vessel and onto the dock
The Azumasan Maru had on board at
the time the ship Ifsted about 3,000,000
feet of lumber. The last of the Tacoma
cargo was being taken on board today.
About noon the vessel listed to port,
away from the dock. Orders were at
once given by Captain Matsu to work
the water out of the ballast tank on
the port side. The vessel straightened
up and then started to starboard. Lines
attached to a lumber laden scow moored
alongside the ship snapped as the scow
took the strain of the ship. Then the
vessel brought up against the dock and
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 13. H. W. Deaa.
resident manager of Norton. Lilly & Co.,
announced today that the McCormick
Lumber company in addition to lis fleet
of lumber carriers running to this port
would start on Saturday with the ar
rival of the steamer Edna a semi-monthly
service from northwest ports to San
Francisco, San Pedro and San Diego.
The transport Henderson arrived In
port today from San Francisco on her
way to Hampton Roads and will steam
out at 11 A. M. tomorrow. Several mem
bers of the local naval colony have
booked passage on the transport.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Sept. 13. Bringing
a capacity cargo of European freight for
Paoific coast delivery the motorship
Buenos Aires, second vessel of the John
son line fleet to call here since the recent
establishment of that company's service,
arrived early today from Malrno. Sweden.
The Buenos Aires was preceded recently
by the Johnson line motorship Balboa,
which is r.ow discharging at northern
ports. Both vessels have been perma
nently ' placed !n the European-Pacific
coast trade. The cargo consists mainly
of rags, glass, foodstuffs and general
merchandise. After discharging local
freight consignments the vessel will pro
ceed northward, returning again to load
In about a month.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 13. The
American-Hawaiian Steamship company
today announced an enlargement in its
intercoasta. service, taking In four ports
not before included in its trade routes.
A monthly service westbound will be
maintained from Charleston, Mobile. New
Orleans and Savannah. Vessels clearing
from these ports, beginning with the
Ipuwieh. from Charleston November 1,
will touch at San Pedro, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle and Vancouver. -
The freighter Mahukona, formerly the
Coverun. will arrive from Hawaiian
ports Friday, concluding her first tri
angular nan from San Francisco. Pugat
sound ports and the Hawaiian islands.
The ship Is bringing '47.000 bags of raw
sugar. 20.010 cases of canned Din earn la
and 37 tons of plunder.
The steamer Shinyo Maru arrived to
day from oriental ports with 322 pas
sengers and 2050 tons of freight. Among
the passengers were C. V. Ariza, Mexican
conlul at Hongkong, returning to Mexico
City; S. Akamatsu. chief of immigra
tion, department of foreign affairs, in
TokJo. enroute to Paris; T. Rohrl, diplo
matic service secretary, en route to the
Jfananeser consulate, Ottawa. Canada, and
Major .1. F. de Rosa, ranking officer of
the Portuguese army in the orient, en
route to Portugal on a vacation.
SJSATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 13. The
Seattle port commission today fixed its
budget of funds to be raised by taxation
to make good deficits in operating rev
enue and' to pay interest and principal '.
on bonds at $30,371.S4 for next year. ;
This is 927.AOS.lff lejs than the corre- j
spondtng budget for this year, but the i
levy, one mill, will be the same.
At the suggestion of M. J. M airhead.
Rivoli "The Prisoner of
Majestic Curwood's "The
Valley of Silent Men."
Liberty Norma Talmadge
in "The Eternal Flame."
Columbia Do Mille's "Nice
Blue Mouse "Monte Cristo.'l
Heilig Florence Vidor in
"Dusk to Dawn."
Hippodrome Tom Mix in
"The Fighting Streak."
Circle Jack Holt in "The
Man Unconquerable."
(SELDOM does it happen that
star can follow one nationally
r- famous screen success with an
other even greater. But It has re
mained for Norma Talmadge to
achieve that in "The Eternal
Flame,"" the new attraction at the
Liberty theater. None can deny the
heights to which she carries Bal
sac's "Duchesse de Langeals," mov
ing untouched through the romance
and intrigue of the old French
courts. Yet she ultimately finds
herself regarded merely as a toy
by her husband, who wagers upon
her faith with just about as much
feeling as he would upon a horse.
Many telling effects are produced
in this excelent photoplay. Its re
production of court life at its most
picturesque period Is signally dis
tinctive and harmoniously achieved.
The massive and artistic ballroom,
for instance, is just one of the many
elaborate sets in this picture. It is
far superior to any that has been
shown in some time.
The story concerns itself with a
wife of purity transformed by
despair into a court beauty and
heartless coquette, with all Paris
at her feet, who gave nothing but
relentlessly exacted heart s blood.
And an iron man of battles, un
versed in women and love. In a
trice she turned him into a violent
traffic manager, -and Harry Larsen,
agent, the port commission today ordered
the dry cargo stored at the Spokane
street terminal in bond shifted to the
commission's warehouse at Stacy street.
This is to make space for storage of
salmon and apples. Room is being
made for 1 80,000 boxes of supples, of
wmcn it was stated, jimmkh nave oeen
The Juneau of the Alaska Steamship
company, which took the first cargo of
oil drilling machinery to Kanatak, the
scene of operations by the Associated
Oil company near Cold Bay, returned
here today with ore and salmon from
Cordova and way ports. Officers of
the Juneau said that the camp at Kana
tak resembled early days at Anchor
J. Johnson," who has been chief en
gineer of the tug Sea Monarch, has
been ordered to San Francisco by Thomas
Crowley, president of the shipowners'
and merchants' towboat company of that
The steamship Depere, turned back
to the shipping board by the General
steamship company and towed into Lake
Union, has been reassigned to the com
pany, due to revival of traffic to the
west coast of South America. She is
to start loading Sept. 20 under com
mand of Captain F. Lenhardt.
October 6 has been set for the third
and. final game of goif between ship
ping men of Seattle- and, of Vancouver,
B. C.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Sept. 13. Arrived: At 10
M., steamer Daisy Matthews, from
San Francisco; at 4:30 P. M., steamer
La Purisima, from San Francisco. Sailed:
At 6 A. M.. Norwegian steamer Torrey,
for north China ports; at 10 A. M.,
steamer Senator, for San Diego and way
ports; at 3 P.' if., steamer Tokufuku
Maru, for United Kingdom; at 8 P. M.,
teamer Minnesotan, for New York and
ASTORIA. Sept. 13. Arrived: At 8
and left up at 9 last night, steamer Daisy
Matthews, from San Francisco. Bailed :
At 4 A. M., steamer West Jappa. for
Seattle. Arrived at 4 and left up at
6 A. steamer -Solano, from San Pedro;
at 5 and left up at 6 A. M., steamer La
Purisima, from San Francisco; at 6:20
A. M., Japanese steamer Karachi Maru,
from Muroran. Sailed: At 7:30 A. M.,
Japanese steamer Tenpaisan Maru, for
Europe. Arrived: At 7:40 A. M.,
steamer Trinidad, from San Pedro; at
12:30 P. M., Japanese steamer Yuri
Maru, from Kobe; at 2:25 P. M., Danish
motorship Afrika, from Puget sound
ports. Sailed : At 5 P. M. , Norweg ian
steamer Torrey, for north China ports.
SEATTLE. Sept. - 12. Sailed: At 5
P. M., Danish motorship Afrika, for
COOS BAY. Or., Sept.. 13. (Special.)
Fishing boat Leader passed out last
evening; Johanna Smith, Coos Bay for
Port Calendar.
To Arrive at Portland.
Vessel From Date.
Regulus' ...West coast. .Sept. 14 I
teiuo oan r ran... sept. io
a. aj. JUIH...OC1JL. i?
Meriden So. America . Seoc. 1
Steel Navigator New York Sept 18
Artigas Portla'd, Me. Sept. 18
KOOL. jjUCKenoacn...iew lorK. ; .Sept. 3a
Admiral Farragut. . -San Diego. . .Sept. la
Adm. Goodrich San Fran Sept. la
Kristianiaf jord Europe, Sept. 19
Baja California On. Amer.. .Sept. 19
iviuderdyk Europe Sept. 20
Nevada Bordeaux ...dept. 21
Wilihao New York...aept. 21
Kentuckian New York... Sept '22
Texan ....New Yortt. . .seoc
Senator San Diego.. Sept. 25
vviu. campion Lruir ...jSepi.
A rattan ...
iiuiiajen . .
atavia .. ..Sept. 2o
Aust. Sept. 2t
To LepaJt from Portland.
Vessel For Data
Rose City San Fran. . ..Sept. 14
Montague Orient Sept. 15
W a pa ma San Fran... Sept. 15
Multnomah San Fran. . .Sept. lt
A. Kent New York... Sept. IT
Kegulus West coast.. Sept. IS
Mermen so. America. sept, is
CeUlo San Fran... Sept. 20
A am. Farragut San Diego . . . Sept. 20
Robt. Luekenbach. ..New York.. .Sept. 20
Adm. Uooancb o.F. ana way. Sept. 21
Steel Navigator New York... Sept. 22
iieniucKian -New York Sept. 24
WiUhUu New Yorn. , .sept xi
ben&ior ....San Diego.. Sept. 27
Vessels ia Port.
Vesfeel Berth.
Afrika Inman-Poulsen'a. ,
Auicu Gluoe mill.
Booyballa Terminal No. 4.
tsa-iuiuore Alaru Terminal No. 4.
Cn. income Terminal No. 1.
Daisy Matthews Couch-street.
t uuer- .. .Astoria.
Karachi Maru Astoria,
iwuujbaii juaiu Columbia City.
kL. V. Kruse V'lci.orla Dolpnljuw
X,a Purisima W'JlIbridge.
L.evl iiurgeas liiiu No. 1. .
iouise Nielsen .....Albina dock.
Aiouiague ; Columbia dock.
Mexican Norm ana dock.
Multnomah St. Helena.
Oregon iina peninsuia mill.
Urea on Fir Peninsula miU.
t&wt-t St. Johns Moorings.
Orient City . .
Koae City ....
si. turns
Toiuku Maru. .
Uian viaru. . .
Victoria Maru
Wei&n City. . .
. .. Pemnsuia mill.
. . . Kalama.
. . . Ainsworth dock.
. -Oregon-VVastt. dock.
...Terminal No. 4.
. -. Astoria.
...Harvey dock.
'Peninsula mill.
...St. Helens.
- Eastern & Western.
...Terminal No. 1.
West Keats
Yobiiiua Axaru No. 1 . St. Helens.
Yuri Maru West Oregon.
Trans-Pacific Mail.
Closing time for the trans-Pacific malls
at the Portland main postoffice is as
follows (one hour earlier at Station O,
282 Oak street):
For Hawaii, 1 A. M-, September 18,
per steamer Ventura, from San Fran
cisco. For Hawaii, 7:45 P. M., September 10,
per ' steamer Shinyo Maru, from San
For Japan, China and Philippines,
11:30 P. M.. September 20, per steamer
Empress of Australia from Seattle.
Hawaii and Australia, 7:45 P. M., Sep-;
tember 18. per steamer Ventura, fronij
San Francisco.
For China, Japan and Philippines, !
11:80 P. M., September 15, per steamer
President Grant from Seattle
man of passion, to whom love was
a religion, and kept him swinging
perilously, between hope and de
spair, while the royal court looked
on and delighted in her latest con
quest. But it required the anguish of
unrequited love, of contempt anu
merciless hatred on the part of tbe
disillusioned De Montriveau, when
he learned that he was merely being
played with, to change tne nearuesa
coquette into the supremely lovius
woman, to whom no sacrince i
too great to. redeem herself in nil
Norma Talmadge scored adistincS
trinmnh in "Smilin' Through." Sh
will achieve still greater fame wit
Vi-r present starring vehicle, "The
Eternal Flame,"
Screen Gossip.
Nita Naldi, who appeared recently
in "Blood and Sand" at tne UDeny,
was formerly a chorus girl.
Richard Ba.rthelmess Is starred In
"Thp Ttnnfihnv" which has been
booked by the Liberty.
One of the most unusual pictures
of the season is De Mille's "Man
slaughter, which is coming: to the
Columbia theater. Thomas Meighan
is the underscored player.
Wallace Reid, Rodolph Valentino
and Milton Sills Paramount ravor
ites are great pipe smokers and
each has his peculiarities about his
particular devotion to the weed.
Wallace Reid likes the cube cut
kind of tobacco, generally; valen
tina mixes his own blend; Sills has
been - smoking the quite ordinary
brands. And each has a collection
of pipes, with Wally probably in the
"Java Head," generally conceded
to be one of Joseph Hergesheimer's
best stories, is to be produced as a
Paramount picture by George Mei
ford. Announcement to this effect
was made this week by Jesse L.
Lasky, first vice-president in charge
of production of the Famous Play-ers-Lasky
Rav Point. assed out: Tramp, Coos Bay
for Rogu river, passed but ; destroyer
Chase crossed out.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Arrived:
E. D. KinKSley (British), from Van
couver, 6 A. M. ; Shinyo Maru, from
Manila, etc., 7:25 A. M. ; Tiverton, from
Gamble, 10:55 A. M. ; George L. Olson,
from Aberdeen, 11:30 P. M.
Departed: Manoa, for Honolulu, 12:15
P. M. ; President Taft, for Hongkong.
1:40 P. M.
SAN PEDRO. Cal., Sept. 13. Arrived:
Haico, from Eureka, 10 A. M. ; Martha
Buehner, from Coos Bay, 1:30 A. M. ;
Buenos, Aires (Swedish), from Malmo,
Sweden, via San Diego, 7 A. M. ; Colonel
E. L. Drake, from Portland, 7:30 A- M.;
Mercy, from San Francisco, 10 A. M. ;
Harvard, from San Francisco, 10:45
A. M. ; W. S. Miller, from Richmond,
4:30 P. M..
Departed: Henderson, for New York,
7:15 A. M. ; Steel Seafarer, for San Fran
cisco. Portland and Seattle, 7 A. M.;
Wv S. Rheem, for San Francisco, 8:80
A. M. ; Admiral Farragut, for San Fran
cisco and Portland, 10 A. M.; Harvard,
for San Francisco, 4 P. M. ; George
Washington (Norwegian), for San Fran
cisco, Portland and Seattle, 5 P. M. ;
Daisy Gad-sby, for Grays Harbor, 7
P. M. ; Colonel B. L. Drake, for the Co
lumbia river, 11:30 P. M. (left from El
TACOMA, Wash.. Sept. 13. Arrived:
Quinatilt, from San Francisco, 4 :15
P. M. Departed: Santa Rita, for San
Francisco, 3 P. M. ; Santa Inez, for San
Francisco via Everett, during night
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept. 13. Arrived:
Motorship Vaquero, from San Pedro. 6
A. M. ; transport Henderson, from San
Francisco, 3 P. M. ; supply steamer Arc
tic, from Mare Island. 3 P. M.
Departed: Motorship Vaquero. for
San Pedro, 4 P. M.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 13- Arrived:
Steel Worker, from New York; Prince
Rupert, from Trince Rupert; ' Juneau,
from Alaska; Manila Maru, from Van
couver; Redwood, from Alaska.
Departed: Regulus, for Valparaiso;
Edmore, for orient; Skagway, for Alaska;
Richmond, for Richmond ; Prince Ru
pert, for Prince Rupert; Quinault. for
San Francisco; Jefferson, for southeast
ern Alaska.
JUNEAU, Sept. 13. Departed : Ad
miral Watson, northbound; Queen, south
bound; Alameda, southbound.
Yosemite, from Everett.
13. Arrived :
EVERETT. Wash., Sept. 13. Arrived:
Edward Luckenbach, from Vancouver;
Sahta Inez, from Tacoma.
Departed : Forest King, for Seattle ;
Yosemite, for Seattle.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Sept. 13. Ar
rived : Oregon, from San Francisco;
Florence Olson, from Redondo; schooner
iswa a. irom san Pedro; Kaisho Maru.
rom Vancouver: fomona, from Seattle.
Notice to Mariners.
Alaska The survey steamer Explorer
reDoris aiscoverv or sl rnrie with a enth
or seven feet at mean low water 7Zti
yaras south o3 desrrees east mar. frnm
the most southerly of the Sisters islands
in Icy strait. This rock is surrounded
oy aeptns or rrom y to 10 fathoms.
Lieut. U. S. N.
PORTLAND, Sept. 13. Maximum tem
perature, o degrees; minimum, 53 de
grees. River reading, & A. M.. 2.8 feet;
change in last 24 hours, 0.2 feet fall.
Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M. ), none;
total rainfalr since Sentember i ifi9
0.96 inches; normal rainfall since Septem-
ue a, u.i'i excess or rainraii since
September 1, 1922, 0 39 inches. Sunrise,
5:47 A. M. ; sunset, 6:27 P. M. Total sun
shine, 12 hours 40 minutes; possible sun
shine. 12 hours 40 minutes. lUnnnrisx
12:23 A. M., September 15; moonset, 2:02
r. m septemner 14. Barometer (re
duced to sea level) 5 P. M., 29.95 inches.
Relative humidity: 5 A. M.. 89 per cent;
noon, 50 per cent; 5 P. M., 40 per cenCv-
Eureka ... B0 B80.00.'.'SW
K K Wind, j '
v n "H 9 3
WATIONS. I 3 J? 2? I Wt.T
3 5 gS : ?
. "... I ' ' ' '
Baker 46 8H 0.00 .. W Clear
Boise 58 80 0.00 .. NW Clear
Boston .... 60 76;0.0O . . W Clear
Calgary ... 46 0210.01 .. B Cloudy
Chicago .. 00 B8 0.0114B Cloudy
8!?v,-l- J SS'2-S2 Pt- cloudy
Clear ,
. 12!E
!6 '. lis'"
.00 . . SW
.00 lOiNW
.00 . . NW
. 22 . . IS
.00 . . SB
.00 IfljSW
.00 12INW
.00 . . NW
. 00 . . W
.00 . . N W
. 00 . . N
.OO . .S
.00 14 S
.00 . . NTT
.00 . . SW
.00 12 SW
.00 . . NW
.66 SW
.00 . . N
00 w"
.00 . . S
.OO . . NW
. 00 . . SW
Juneau . . .
Kan. City. .
L. Angeles.
Marshfld '.
Medford .. .
N Orleans.
New York..
North Hd..
Phoenix ...
Pocatello ..
Portland ..
Roseburfjf ..
Sacr'mto . .
St. Louis..
Salt Latke..
San Diego.
S Fr'cisco.l
Spokane ...
Tacoma . . .
Tatoosh Is.
Vaidez . . .
W. Walla. .
Wash'ton ..
Wlnnipwjar ..
Yakima ".. .
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
A. M. today. tP. M. J-eport ot preced
ing day.
Portland and vicinity- Fair and cooler;
northwesterly winds.
Washington Fair; cooler east portion;
moderate northwesterly winds.
Oreaon Fair and cooler; moderate
nortr westerly winds.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Two Japanese Craft Arrive to Join
Wheat Fleet and Another
Completes Cargo.
Engagement of the new British
steamer Benvorlich by the Gray
Rosenbaut Grain company to load
either in British Columbia, on Puget
sound or at Portland in October, the
arrival of the Japanese steamers
Karachi Maru and Turi Maru to join
the wheat fleet and the completion
of the bulk grain cargo of the Jap
anese steamer Tokufuku Maru, were
features in the cereal transportation
sphere yesterday.
The fact the Benvorlich was taken
with provision for loading in British
Columbia, the option being given
without c change in the freight, is
expected to be followed by other
engagements on the same basis. One
reason assigned is influences ex
erted on the movement of wheat
from the interior at American
northwest ports because of the
railroad labor difficulties, while on
the British Columbia side conditions
are different.
The time occupied in getting the
bulk cargo of the Tokufuku Maru
aboard at terminal No. 4, amounting
to 765-0 tons, was four days and
four hours and while not a record,
is said to' be creditable. The vessel
sailed in the afternoon for Europe.
The Gray-Rosenbaam interests have
the Japanese steamer Tofuku Maru
lying there for bulk wheat and an
other carrier in their fleet in port
Is the steamer Orient City.
The steamer Yuri Maru, which re
ported yesterday from Kobe, is un
der charter to the Northern Grain
& Warehouse company, which has
the steamer "Victoria Maru here for
wheat as well. The Karachi Maru,
which arrived yesterday from Mu
roran will get cargo from Kerr,
Gifford & Co., and others in the
river for that company include the
Anten, Frogner, Luise Nielsen
and Stathis. The Northwest Wheat
Growers association has the- Japa
nese steamer Baltimore Maru, also
at terminal No. 4 for bulk wheat.
S. Norton of Widely Known Ship
Operating Firm In City.
S. Norton, of New York, son of
the senior member of the widely
known ship-operating firm of Nor
ton, Lilly & Co., Is in the city after
a tour of the world and on complet
ing a study of port conditions here
is to continue to New York and as
sume responsibilities with the firm.
Mr. Norton went over the highway
yesterday through the Middle Co
lumbia country in company with J.
P. Cribbin, Portland manager for
Norton, Lilly & Co., and with Mr.
Cribbin he will today go over ter
minal properties, the drydock plant
and other features. ,
While abroad he took occasion to
familiarize himself with shipping
methods and facilities and having
had his new vocation in mind on
graduating from Yale, he was bent
on gaining all possible shipping in
Ship Reports by Radio.
By the Radio Corporation of America.
The Radio Corporation of America, in
co-operation with the United States public
health service and the Seamen's Church
institute, will receive requests for medlca'
or surgical advice through its KPH San
Francisco station without cost.
All positions reported at 8 P. M. yes
terday unless otherwise indicated. ,
U. S. C. G. SNOHOMISH, at Port An-g-eles,
September 12.
U. S. C. G. ALGONQUIN, at Makushtn
Bay, September 12.
APUS. Hongkong for San Pedro, 2988
miles from San Pedro, September 12.
D1LWORTH, San Francisco for Shang
hai, 3025 miles from San Francisco, . Sep
tember 12.
for Honolulu. 370 miles from San Pedro,
September 12.
YANKEE ARROW, San Francisco for
Shanghai, 2412 miles west of San Fran
cisco, September 12.
WEST ARROW, Portland for Yoko
hama. 2320 miles from Columbia river,
September 12.
Yokohama, 1822 miles west of Honolulu.
WEST PROSPECT, San Pedro for
Yokohama, 3648 miles from San Pedro.
EASTERN SAILOR, Yokohama for
Portland. 286S miles from Columbia river.
ENLEY CITY, San Pedro for Yoko
hama, r60 miles east of Yokohama.
LIEBRE, Tokuyama for San Pedro, 647
miles from Tokuyama.
R. J. Hanna, San Pedro for Manila,
20f. miles from Manila.
STARR, at Kanatak. from Seldovia.
for Yokohama, 1112 miles from Flattery.
REUCE, 410 miles west of North
A. F. LUCAS, Port Angeles for, San
Pedro, D69 miles from San Pedro.
MERIDIAN, Port Angeles for Roche
Harbor, .arrived Roche Harbor, 9 P. M.
SIERRA, San Pedro for Bellingham,
730 miles north of San Pedro.
HART WOOD, San Francisco for Grays
Harbor, 445 miles north or fean f rancisco.
WAHKEENA, San Pedro for Everett,
250 miles from Everett.
EVERETT. Everett for San Pedro, 300
miles from Everett.
RAINIER, San Francisco for Belling
ham, 262 miles from Bellingham.
SKAGWAY, at Point Wells, bound for
Anchorage. 8 P. M., September 13.
EVERETT, bound for San Pedro from
Everett, 650 miles from Everett, 8 P. M.,
September 13. -
H. F. ALEXANDER. Seattle fop San
Francisco, 240 miles north of San Fran
cisco, 8 P. M.. September 13.
RICHMOND, Seattle for San Pedro,
1100 miles north of San Pedro, 8 P. M
September 13.
HEATHER, at Coupevllle, 8 P. M.,
September 13. . eo
APUS, Hongkong for San Pedro, 2988
miles from San Pedro, September 12.
for Tacoma, 880 miles south, of San Fran
cisco, September 12.
CLAM, Yokohama for San Francisco.
1500 miles from San Francisco, Septem
ber 12.
GREAT CITY, Portland for Honolulu,
1220 miles west of Portland, Septem
ber 12.
HANNA NIELSEN, Yokohama for
Seattle. 812 miles from Cape Flattery,
September 12.
WEST KEATS. Yokohama for Port
land, 255 miles west of Columbia river,
September 12.
ALBERTOLITE. Talara for Vancou
ver, 1007 miles south of Vancouver, Sep
tember 12.
DIANA DOLLAR, for San Pedro, 50
miles west of Cape San Lucas, Septem
ber 12.
LURLINB, Honolulu for San Francisco,
1988 miles from San Francisco. Septem
ber 12.
MAKENA, Bellingham for Honolulu,
2238 miles from Bellingham, Septem
ber 12. -
HYADES. San Pedro for Honolulu,
2125 miles from San Pedro, September 12.
MAXUKAI, Honolulu for San Fran
cisco, 936 miles west of &an Francisco.
ROYAL ARROW, San Pedro for Yoko
hama. 300 miles west of San Pedro.
MONTEBELLO, Oleum for Wilming
ton. 3B0 miles from Wilmington.
CHINA ARROW, Manila for San Fran
cisco. 774 miles from San Francisco, i
EVERETT. San Pedro for Everett, 650
miles from Everett.
H. F. ALEXANDER, Seattle for San
Francisco, - 240 miles north ot San Fran
cisco for Wilmington, 136 miles south of
San Francisco.
RICHMOND. Seattle for San Pedro,
1100 miles from San Pedro.
MANULANI, San Francisco for Bel
lingham, 702 miles from San Francisco.
COVERUN, Kaanapali for San Fran
cisco. 320 miles from San Francisco.
CHARLIE WATSON, motorship, Ketchi
kan, for Richmond, 868 miles from Rich
mond. JOHANNA SMITH, Coos Bay for San
Francisco, 105 miles north of San Fran-
1 Cisco.
1 EA LION", towing log nit, Astoria
for San Diego, 24 miles south of San
ft a rinda. San Francisco for San
Pedro, 115 miles from San Pedro.
EL SEGUNDO, Point Wells for Rich
mnnit KiH mile, from Richmond.
H. T. HARPER, Richmond for Point
Wells, 383 miles from Point Wells.
J. A. MOFFETT, San Pedro for Asto
"ria, 207 miles from Astoria.
San Pedro, 135 miles from San Pedro.
ENTERPRISE, Hilo for San Francisco,
484 miles west of San Francisco.
MANOA, San Francisco for Honolulu,
81 miles , west of San Francisco.
TAHITI, San Francisco for Sydney,
1907 miles from San Francisco.
HANDICAP, Hongkong for San Fran
cisco. 650 miles from San Francisco.
for Seattle, 836 miles south of San Fran
ANNETTE ROLPH, San Pedro for San
Francisco, 150 miles south of San Fran
W. S. RHEEM, San Pedro for Rich
mond. 262 miles south of Richmond.
CAPT. A. F. LUCAS, Port Angeles for
San Pedro, 719 miles from San Pedro.
PARA1SO, San Pedro for Grays Har
bor, 120 miles south of Grays Harbor.
CLAREMONT, San Pedro for Ray
mond, 160 miles from Raymond.
SIERRA, San Pedro for Bellingham,
'876 miles from San Pedro.
ROSE, United States lighthouse tender,
anchored in Umpqua river.
By Federal Telegraph Company.
cisco for Yokohama, 1882 miles west of
Honolulu. 8 P. M.. September 12.
WEST PROSPECT, San Pedro for
Yokohama, 3646 miles west of San Pedro,
8 P. M., September 12.
DIL WORTH, San Francisco for Shang
hai, 3025 miles west of San Francisco,
8 P. M.. September 12.
WESTOROWA. Portland for Yoko
hama, 2321 miles west of Columbia river,
8 P. M., September 12.
COALINGA, Honolulu for San Pedro,
706 miles from San Pedro, 8 P. M.,
September 12.
JEPTHA, San Francisco for Valparaiso,
1105 miles south of San Francisco, 8
P. M September 12.
LOS ANGELES, oleum for San Pedro,
243 miles north of San Pedro.
SAN DIEGO, Tacoma for San Pedro,
54 miles north of San Francisco light
ship. HORACE X. BAXTER, Everett for San
Pedro, 307 miles north of San Pedro.
SISKIYOU, San Pedro for Columbia
river, 115 miles north of San Francisco.
YALE, San Francisco for San Pedro,
70 miles south of San Francisco.
LABREA, San Francisco for San Pedro,
70 miles north of San Pedro.
HENRY S. GROVE. San Pedro for
Savannah, 1060 miles southeast of San
HARVARD, San Pedro for San Fran
cisco, 70 miles north of San Pedro.
PRESIDENT TAFT, San Francisco for
Yokohama, 525 miles west of San Fran
cisco. HUMBOLDT, San Francisco for Santa
Barbara, 33 miles south of San Fran
cisco. LYMAN STEWART, Portland for
Oleum, 305 miles from Oleum.
W. S. PORTER, Llnnton for Port San
Luis, '618 miles from Llnnton.
Progress Being: Made on Fruit
Warehouse at St. Johns and
Early Completion Seen.
Driving of piling began yesterday
on. the extension of pier No. 1, at
terminal No. 4, St. Johns, which will
be carried about 300 feet northward
on the harbor line from tne present
completed section. The extension
will be covered by a shed adjoining
the main structure, as well as the
fruit storage warehouse on the
north side "of the pier, bids for the
latter being due for consideration
at a meeting of the commission of
public docks to be held at 10 o'clock
this morning. Foundation work is
going ahead for the fruit ware
house, which will be an especially
ventilated structure so ordinary
temperatures may be maintained.
The pier extension proper, as well
as the shed, is embraced in one con
tract and 60 days were allowed in
which to complete the work, so
progress will be watched by the
commission. The construction pro
gramme contemplates making avail
able such additional floor space
that facilities for wheat and general
cargo will be increased, as well as
making available modern conven
iences for assembling fruit and
other perishables for shipment to
markets of the world.
Report Prom Mouth of Columbia River,
NORTH HEAD, Sept. 13. Condition cf
the sea at 5 P. M., smooth; wind, north'
west, 12 miles.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
:42 A. M..5.3 feet ! 0:29 A. M..1.1 foot
6:07 P. M..7.2 feet I 11:39 P. M..3.3 feet
Notice to Mariners.
Alaska Lynn Canal-Vanderbllt Reef
light reported not burning August 19.
Was relighted September 5.
Wrangell Strait Wrangell north flat
buoy 18. reported missing September 4,
will be replaced.
Boras de Kinas Channel Emerald Is-
Glorious Days
at the
This is the rarest period of the
year at the Pacific ocean de
lightful days and cool nights,
with a touch of autumn.
Especially Low
Round Trip Fare
This Week-End
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Return Limit Monday.
Clatsop Beach
This gives a fine opportunity
to visitors in Portland for a de
lightful trip along the wonder
ful lower Columbia river on the
S. P. & S. Ry. and a visit to the
Pacific ocean. Hotels at Seaside
are open all year.
Trains leave Union Station at
8:15 A. M., 1:10 P. M. and 6:20
P. M.
Tickets, parlor car seats and
details at:
Conxolldated Ticket Offle,
Third and Wantainsrton Sin.
Union Passengrer Station.
Public Invited to Attend
Every Evening This Week
From 8 to 9 o'Clock.
These lectures will be educational
' in character.
Every working part of a motor car will be
The Jewett is the sturdy six built by Paige
and its marvelous performance is the talk
of the nation.
Come and see what modern motor-car
engineering has developed.
Ninth and
rroSTj U9 w.. Oct. 1st
USSB 83 Montague.... Sept. l&th USSB SS Eastern Sailor. Oct. 15 ta
For rates. pac9, etc., apply to
Broadway 5360 600-522 Board
land buoy, reported out of position, will
ha rn laced.
. Sumner Strait Vank Island light, re
ported not burnlns September S, win he
relighted. N. M. P1GMAN. Lieut. U.S.N.
Writers on Way to Round-up to
See Symbolic Pageant.
Arrangements for entertaining the
group of eastern authors and news
paper critics who are on their way
to the Pendleton round-up at the
Lancaster gorge camp on Sunday
night were made yesterday at the
regular weekly luncheon meeting of
the Mazamas. Samuel C. Lancaster,
who was present at the meeting
outlined his plan, which the Ma
zamas are to help make a success.
Boyd Williams having been selected
by the organization as chairman of
the entertainment committee.
Plans of the entertainment corn-
Sails from Municipal Dock No. S
Wednesday. Iept. 13, 10 A. M.
JSvery Wednesday thereafter
SS. Admiral Goodrich
Thursday. Sept. HI, 1 P. M.
Ticket Office:
Phone Broadway o4Bi
ta pi vunirrii. nnmtiCNC
' Br New American Flag Steamers
Resolute Sept. 19 Oct. 17
Reliance Oct. 3 Oct. 31
Sailings erory Thursday, br the coca
Ur .teamer. Mount Clay. Meant Car
roll. Mount Clinton. Han", Bmym,
Wnerttambars, with special eauia and
improved third claM accommodation..
184 West Randolph St.. Chicago
or Local Arenta
Via Plctureique St. Lawrence Route.
CASSANDRA ..Sept.S!9 Oct. 27 Not. 17
SATLKN1A ....Oct. 6 Nov. S
ACSOMA Oct. 14 Nov. 11
ALBANIA Oct. 21 Nov. 25 !-. 80
tTVKKHENLV.Oct. 28 'Dec. S
tNew. Palls from Halifax.
Montreal to Plymouth, therbourir, London
ANOANIA Sept. 30 Nov. 4 !?. 9
ATONIA(new)Oct. 14 Nov. 18 Wee. 23
'Sails from Halifax
See yoor local CI'NARD acent or write
Company's Office. 2t Second Are..
Seattle. Phone Elliott 1B32.
From Seattle
The popular S. S. "LITRLINE" (13.000
tons) saiia tor Honolulu and Hawaiian
uorta bept. 30, Nov. 4, Kec. 9.
v Cabin Rates $U0 and 100.
For Information or reservations apply
tand All Authorized Ticket Anta.
The Well-Equipped Royal Mail Steamer.
"Maknra" (IS,50 ton), Oct. 20, lec. 22s
"Niagara" (20.000 ton), Sept. 22. Nor.
24, Sail from Vancouver, B. C. For ratea,
etc.. apply Canadian Pacific Railway. 5A
Third St., Portland. Or. Canadian-Aua-tralasian
Royal Mail IJne, 741 Hastings
6t West. Vancouver. B. C
Burnside Sts.
North China Line
Operating United States Government Shlpa
rOHILAMI, OllfettU
(Tientsin) UAIHKN
I USSB S3 West Kader.. ..Nov. lit
ot Trade Bldar.
Portland, Orrgoi
mittee will be to provide red fire
signals on - the Kummlls of Table
mountain and Wauna peak, tha
abutments of the Bridge of the Gods,
and during the night a pageant will
be 'featured with Indians and their
ponies taking part, a miniature vil
lage of wiKwama being erected for
the occasion. A huge cainpfire will
provide the light for the reullstio
pageant, which will recall the his
tory and fable of the Bridge of tli
Phone your want ads to The Ore-
Rnnian. Mflln 7070.
The Comfort Routes
New York Cherbourg;
Southampton Hamburg
Oropngi ....Sept.8ft Nov. 4
Orlit Oct. 14 Nov. 59 Jan. 10
Orcliimi ....Oct. 21 Dec. 211 .Inn. 31
From Pacific Onait J'ort. to U. Iv.
KeKular falling-..
South America
New York- Havana Panama
Peru Chile
FRKO October 7
ENMvgt'lBO November 4
"E" bl'm'ra 14.30 tons diaplacental
Rea-nlnr Salllnira From CRISTOBAL
to WEST COAST of MM 1U and
Special Reduced Fare, for
Rouutl South America lours
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
The Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
The Nelson Line
or nny local ateamohln nirent.
Astoria and Way Points
Dally, Kxrrpt Friday. Ni.10 A. Iff.
NiU Boat Dally, Kietpt Baa
day, 7t30 P. M.
Fare to Aatorla, 1J3 93 Itouaa
Week-End Bound Trip SajM.
The Dalles-Hood Ri?er
Dally, F.xeept Saturday, 7iI3 A.M.
Fare to The Da I lea. 1.25 Hood
River, ft.
Bdwy. 8344. Aldcr-St, Dock.
Til FJ
-n, f ,7 ": To Norway. HweoVn,
i-fT Imnmark ami Finland.
Royal Mali iwin is-rw.
i Fine moucrn, luxurious
meamen. KxrfI.nt rv
Irfl and rulmne. iseavinf
Nw York
MttVftnicfrfJnrd. . .!Hnt. 3
JWkv-ii. ii.rd Oct. 1.1
htaimrrfJord... . .Not. .1
HTKDMiJorf. Nov. 2 I
htVH.nTfJird lrr. I
For Information and rfwrvutinnK apply to
Horspy H. Htnlth, Journal httildlna ; M.
Bollam Stparnnhtp Agnr. ljj Third .:
all railroad of fie. I'ortland. Or. Kidar,
Gjolm Co., Inc., Gen. A jet., tWttle, U'anh.
k tl F. R M A N V and
Ir HA 1.1' Id! kTA'ri...
4 Oacar II Sep. ti
1 nlted htiilcs IX u B
llellla Olav. .Oct. 11
rrederik III Oct, it
O.rar II Nor.
I nlted Slates Nor. 1
II el li Olar . .Not. S8
Frelcrlk VIII.Hon. 7
Lea rye, Kant, Hteady,
Comfortable H t earn
er . Spacious State
room and Proina
nada Dacka
t'neirelled Culalna. Illy Concert.
For Paaaeaaer Hateat 103 ftd St.. Portlaad.
San Kranclaeo and Loa Anaelea,
SHlllnir Friday. 2i.tO P. M.
Low Rates
M. BOLLAM, Atrnt,
122 Third St. Phone Hdwy. 7324.