Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 14, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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Increase the Purchasing Power of Your Dollars Save Your S. & H. Green Trading: Stamps We Give Them With Purchases Amounting: to 10c or Over
for the
Shined 10
in Basement
. Prompt
' Courteous
Gladiolus Show
Don't fail to see this wonderful dis
play of choice blooms. Hundreds of va
rieties. Center Aisle on the Main Floor.
Agency for
and Home
Mail Orders
Filled by
Shoppers and
Candy Specials
Candy Chews, assorted, a pound
Fresh Chocolates, special pound U5
Hard Candies, all kinds, lowest prices.
Candy Dept., Main Floor
Railroads Supply Few Car
riers on Branch Lines.
WWT Pawn and tenth
eaders of t
W. J Here is Assembled the Largest and Most Complete blocks or
fa " Women's and Children's High-Class Wearables to be found in all
V Portland. And evprv frarmpnt. is marked nt a Kneriallv low nricc.
r CD - I J
Style L
he Tn ortfa
Large Plants in Centers Reported
to Be Getting All of Space
Lumber ' manufacturers whose
plants are located on branch lines
away from the thickly populated
centers are having the moat serious
problem of years in receiving cars
with which to make shipments to
fill orders from all parts of the
country. Several manufacturers
have been for the last month unable
to obtain, more than 15 per cent- of
their normal car requirements.
"There is no complaint from the
manufacturers in the city because
they are getting all their require
ments," declared one manufacture
yesterday. "But those of us who
are served by one railroad and are
removed from the larger centers are
in a serious position. Unless con
ditions are righted and righted soon
some of us will be forced to close
down our plants and when they will
open again will be up to the rail
road companies.
Small Mill Hit.
"Were it possible for us to ob
tain cars we would be enjoying the
most prosperous lumber condition
the northwest has ever known.
"Cars come into large cities such
as Portland and are sent immedi
ately to the large mills there. None
of the local mills are complaining,
for all have been able to obtain car
requirements." In my mind the
small manufacturing towns, sup
ported by mills, are important
in no less measure than their larger
neighbors. They are all bringing
thousands of dollars into this sec
tion and are providing large pay
rolls. "In 1920 the car situation became
serious. I was a tile to obtain ovef
a six months' period what I re
quired for one month. In August
the interstate commerce commission
granted a 33 1-3 per cent advance In
freight rates and the car shortage
ended. But before it ended the
lumber demands became so few and
far between that many mills closed
Railroads' Co-Operation Wanted.
"Now that we are getting back
on our feet and are enjoying a busi
ness that 4s bringing prosperity to
the northwest we should have the
entire co-operation of all of the
railroads. The shutting down of
any number of small mills will
have a detrimental effect upon the
financial condition of the country.
' "It is .not alone the lumber indus
try that Is suffering from a car
shortage. The manufacturers who
have plants of any description in
the smaller towns are having their
"It is time for the railroads to
get busy and get cars into the
towns located on branch lines."
What this manufacturer has said
is practically the same as that of
a dozen other lumbermen who have
been confronted with car shortages
-for weeks.
Gus E. Erlcksen to Oppose Mr.
lierrigan for Public Service
Commission TJiis Fall.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 13. (Special.)
The industrial labor party of
Portland submitted four independ
ortt CUlngs to the secretary of state.
They lnclud4 F. T. Johns for rep
resentative i congress from the
third congres .onal district; Anders
D. Berglund. A. A. Hoglund and J.
R. Nasholm for representatives in
the state legislature from the eighth
representative district.
Three Independent candidates, in
dorsed at an assembly of the Ore
gon Educational league, also filed
yesterday. They are Gus E. Erlck
sen of 928 East Seventh street,
Portland, for public service com
missioner from the state at large;
B. H. Hansen of Portland for labor
commissioner, and Sidney S. George
of Eugene for state superintendent
of public instruction.
Mr. Erjcksen, who will oppose T.
M. Kerrigan and Thomas B. Camp
bell, in a written statement Issued
nere today, said:
ine position of public service
commissioner appears to be above
Mr. Kerrigan's mental caliber. He
haa done nothing but make a mess
or ine Business of the commitslnn
His principal action appears to have
Deen 10 rorm a coalition with H. H.
Corey to control appointments. I
was active In the recall election
and helped to nominate Mr. Kerri
gan. Now I am disappointed."
C V. Soderback filed yesterday
for county commissioner of Multno
mah county, but his certificate was
defective and had to be returned to
him. Mr. Soderback is a member
of the industrial labor party.
The time for filing of candidates
by nomination expired last night.
Lonjr-Bcll Company to Install New
System at West Kelso.
KJCiO, Wash., Sept. 13. (Spe
cial.) Plans are being - completed
by a staff of the Long-Bell Lum
ber company engineers for a mam
moth storm and sanitary sewer sys
tem . for their community, which
will be built southwest of West
Kelso. The first unit that will be
installed will be a gigantic storm
sewer, which will drain the entire
area of the commercial and resi
dential town.
The main trunk" sewer will ex
tend from the hillside west of West
Kelso to Fowler's lake, a distance
of nearly two miles. It will be 48
inches in diameter. . and radiating
from it will be a large number of
Smaller KPWCTtt tn drain V. Anri.
area of the town. Plans for the
work are being completed this
week and the contract will be
awarded at an early date.
The sanitary sewer system, which
will be equally large and compre
hensive, will be an entirely sep
arate installation and will drain to
the Columbia river.
Phone your want ads to The Ore
gonian. All its readers are inter
ested in the classified columns.
' iff S
IK 'I II I m V
Another Important Feature Offering
In the Garment Store
New Fall Suits
Specially Priced at
Second Floor Suits of quality, every one of
them. And the price is much lower than you
would expect to pay for garments of this kind.
Beautifully tailored and fashioned to conform
with the very latest styles. ; Duvet de Laine, Vel
dyne and Novelty Checks. Medium and full
length coats in straightline and semi-dressy mod
els and box coats. Narrow tie or crossover belts,
wide flare sleeves. Finished with narrow bias
folds, buttons, stitching, etc. A few (JJJC QfC
embroidered models included in lot 0xVltl
Silk Petticoats
Special $5
Jersey, Taffeta and Satin Petticoats in black
and the newest shades to go with Fall suits
jade, green, brown, navy, purple and fuchsia.
Hemstitched and plaited styles also ap- (PpT
plique and picot edge effects. Priced at
Garment Salons, 2d Floor
New Models in Women's
Fall Blouses
Of Georgette Crepe and Crepe
de ChineSpecial
. $5
36 to
We have sold wonderfully pretty Blouses at five
dollars heretofore, but nothing to ' compare with
these in attractiveness and value. Tailored models
in many beautiful models to wear with. Fall suits.
Also dressy overblouse effects with, or without col
lars, long or short sleeves, trimmed with laces and
embroideries. Black, pink, tan, henna, jade, navy,
brown, white. . A. few batik and cascade front
models in this special offering. Choice at
Garment Salons, 2d Floor
Neckwear Clearance
Center Circle, 1st Floor
NOW you can afford to have that dainty piece of
Neckwear you have been wanting! And at a very
much lower piece. Over 18 different styles in this
lot. Latest Fall styles. Net Guimpes, tuxedo style,
Irish and filet lace, hand applique on net Collar
and Cuff Sets in Irish and filet with new wide col
lar, hand embroidered on net Irish and filet Vestee
with tuxedo collars Camisole Vestees in dainty
styles Net Guimpes with new Bertha collars, Irish,
filet and antique filet lace trimmed. Several styles
and assorted patterns in each type. Neck- QA f
wear worth up to $7.50 priced special Vvl7
OWK Coffee 29db.
Regular 40c Grade
No deliveries except with other purchases
madcin the grocery department. If you
enjoy a good cup of coffee try our famous
OWK Imperial Boast. Thursday OQ
special, 3 pounds 85 1 pound AULr
Baking Powder, Royal, regular A Cn
Thursday special x
a pound 7o
Model Grocery, 4th Floor
45c size 12 oz
Lipton's Tea on sale at
Great Special Purchase
And Sale
Scratch. Felt
in the new and very popular
sand shade. Ideal Hats , for
Fall and Winter wear. On sale
Nothing like them in the city
at the price. Extra good quality
scratch felt smart looking and
exceedingly serviceable. Popular
style with the new roll brim.
These Hats were made to sell at
not less than $5. Very desirable
for street and sport wear also
for school. Get yours (gO QO
early. Priced special DO0
Millinery Salons
2d Floor
Y2 Price Sale of Low Shoes
Shoe Dept. Main Floor
Women's Strapped Slippers, Oxfords, Pumps
t 300 pairs Women's Low Shoes in a great Half Price Clearance
Thursday and Friday. Short lines and samples in such well-known
makes as John Kelly, J. J. Grover, Selby, E. P. Read and Menihan.
Patent and satin strapped Slippers tan calf Oxfords, plain or
with ball strap brown kid laced Oxfords 3-buckle strapped Ox
fords of patent grained leather black suede Oxfords trimmed with
patent black kid Oxfords gunmetal calf brogue Oxfords gray
kid Pumps, French heel brown satin one-strap and many other
styles and patterns. Sizes range from 2 ,to 9. Widths AAA to
D. Lines selling regularly at $7.50 to $10.50 at $3.75 to $5.25
Low heels, military heels, French heels heels of all kinds.
Big Lot of John Kelly's Samples Included in this Sale
September Sale of
Decorated Dinner Sets
and Separate Pieces
tin.- a r iA J-32 Pieces' CottaSe Sets of -dec- &A QQ
White and Gold 0rated. semi-porcelain special at Di.70
. 1 J 32 piece's,' pink floral border Sets. QQ
Pink Border "Regular $10.00 values priced special DO0
ri pieces, conventional gold stamp CQ QPx
GlenwOOd Ij-eguia,. $12.50 values priced special at DO,VO
. J 46 pieces, floral spray and gold (JQ QK
Morning Glory - imGre,ular sl2.5o values snecial
Hudson White
f 46 pieces semi-conventional gold flQ QfT
border $15.00 values special at
. 42 pieces Homer Laughlin white
ware $9.00 values priced special
J 49 pieces, floral decoration on imported flJOO Cf
RoseburS china regular $35.00 values special at D&d3
. "f 49 pieces, Bavarian china, large pink QJT
Rosma rose regular $45.00 values priced special V&JJ
. ' 48 pieces, thin china, with moss rose spray fiJOl '7C
Danzig 'decoration regular $37.50 value special at tDi' I O
v. r 50 pieces delicate thin china, with dainty Kft
Nippon border $37.50 values priced special, set '
r No." 1724 49 pieces, gold edge, gold han-
1 dies. Dink flowers priced SDecial. the set I tlvl
- i a J 99 pieces, service for 12 persons. (J?fQ
KOSe Garland Decorated Bavarian ware. $75 value wJ.iD
a' trf ' A S59 pieces, conventional and floral bor- flJPTQ
biegrnea der coin gold edge price(J spec;ai the set !DV. I D
Separate Pieces at Big Savings
White Semi-Porcelain Ware.
Tea Cups, special at 13$
Tea Saucers, special at 70.
Sauce Dishes, special at 70
Soup Plates, special at .150
Salad Plates, special at 130
Luncheon Plates, special 150
Bakers, 7-in. size, each 300
Salad Bowls, 8-ln., each 450
Meat Dishes, 12-in., each 500
Decorated Semi-Porcelain.
Tea Cups and Saucers 250
Sauce Dishes, special at 100
Bread, Butter Plates at 130
Pie Plates, special, only 150
Luncheon Plates, special 200
Soup Plates, special at 250
Oatmeal Dishes, each 200
Olive Trays, special at 150
Cov'd Vegetable Dish $1.50
China Department, 3d Floor
Fancy Cretonne Pillows
In a Very Special Offering:
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Round, square and oval")
shaped Floss Pillows covered with splendid qual
ity art Cretonne in a great variety of pretty pat
terns and colors. Pillows in this lot worth up to
$2.25. Very suitable for gift giving. It will pay
you to. take advantage of this sale at $1.00j
Drapery Remnants y2 Price
Remnants of Cretonnes, Silkolines, Sateens, Marquis
ettes, Curtain Nets. Short lengths and odd pieces that
have accumulated in the department on sale at price.
Pieces suitable for various purposes. SHOP, EARLY!
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor
Great Sale of Fruit Jars
-Supply Your Canning; Needs
Third Floor Deliveries will be made as
promptly as possible. Place your order
at once and avoid delay.
Mason Fruit Jars, pints, dozen 880
Mason Fruit Jars, quarts, dozen 980
Mason Fruit Jars, Vt-gaX., doz. $1.48
Kerr Wide Mouth, pints, dozen 980
Kerr Wide Mouth, quarts, doz. $1.25
Kerr Wide Mouth, 'i-gals. doz. $1.79
Economy Wide Mouth, pts. doz. 980
Economy Wide Mouth, qts. doz. $1.25
Economy Wide Mouth, '2-gals. $1.79
Kerr Narrow Mouth, pints, doz. 880
Kerr Narrow Mouth, quarts, doz. 980
Kerr Narrow Mouth, !4-gals. .$1.35
k Ml II
Save on Table Glassware
September Sale Now in Progress
Water Tumblers of thin, clear
crystal glass special at 100
Engr'v'd Table Tumblers 150
Grape Juice Glasses at la0 ,
Sherbet Glasses, cut star, tall
or low stem special at 390
Water Pitchers, Colonial, 750
Berry Sets, 7 pieces, set 980
Mixing Bowls, set of 4 at 690
Flower Vases, 15-in. size 350
3 IPS'
m Html P 11
Third Floor
Take Your Cash Discount in
S. & H. Trading Stamps
Rare Savings on
Silk Underwear
The woman of discriminating taste will
welcome this opportunity to buy quality
Silk Underwear for so little money.
Women's Silk Chemise Crepe de Chine and
Wash Satin. Tailored and novelty styles,
trimmed with dainty lace. Flesh. (IQ QC
color. Sizes 36 to 44. Special uOD
Women's Night Gowns in several attractive
; styles, trimmed with dainty laces and made
up in extra good quality Radium Silk in
flesh and orchid. V and square Qf nr
necks. On special sale today at 50D
Women's Bloomers, of best grade Radium Silk
in flesh and white. Full cut styles, with
elastic at waist and knee. Com- IQ QfT
plete range of sizes. Special at 5tcD
Women's Silk Camisoles in a number of charm
ing styles. Lace trimmed and tailored.
Flesh color only. All sizes from (3- ?Q
36 up to .44. Priced special at BJLt)
15 Felt Mattresses
An even hundred Mattresses in this special
purchase and sale. Sizes for full and beds.
Made from sanitary felt, covered with high-quality
fancy ticking. Only new materials used.
Weight 40 lbs. Mattresses that would sell in th
ordinary way at $15 or moree. Spe- QQ Qft
cially priced for this sale at only )UUt
Furniture Dept., 4th Floor
One Minute Electric
Washing Machines
NEW COPPER TUB TYPE as illustrated.
The last word in washday convenience and econoinv.
This machine will pay for itself in a very short time
through saving of wear and tear on clothes. Very
latest improved type with copper tub. Sold on easy
pay plan.
$5 Down
balance on easy weekly payments. Come to the
Housewares Store on the Third Floor and see this
machine in operation. Priced at only $112.50
New Improved Wood Tub Type
, Washer $97.50
$2 down and $2 a week. Gives splendid satisfac
tion. See demonstration, Housewares Store, 3 Floor.
White Paint at $2.48 Gal.
A high-grade Paint for inside
and outside use. Manufactured
expressly for this store. Sold
under our own quality label.
$3.25 gallon cans, (PO AQ
priced very special DrO
Superior Paint, cols., gal. $2.98
Varnish 98c Qt.
Third Floor For floors, lino
leum and woodwork. Gives a
hard, lasting surface and beau
tiful finish. Regular QQ,
$1.35 quart cans, special Ol
White Alabastine, the sani
tary wall finish. Priced
special package ......
QWE) Jfg
Floor Paint 85c Qt.
Third Floor Several good col
ors in this lot. Our well-known
Superior brand Floor Paint as
good as the best. $1,00 OfTp
quart cans, special at Ottx
White Enamel
Pure white for particular in
side work on furniture, wood
work, etc. Gives the best of sat
isfaction. Regular ?1.00IQ
pint cans priced special
Electric Irons $3.98
Third Flood Edison make, 6-1b.
size. These Irons are guaran
teed and are best $5 values.
Limited number on- JQ QQ
iy. September sale VUJV
85c Washboards
Large size glass
Washboards. Good
strong construc
tion. Made of se
lect material. Reg
ular 85c Wash
Boa rds on PQ
special sale tlOU
I i
$2.75 Garbage Cans
At $1.88
Garbage Can.
Equipped with,
cover. S i d e a
corrugated to
give greater
strength. Rain
proof cover.
$2.75 CI OQ
cans Ul.OO
$3.00 Ironing Boards $2.25
40c Galvanized Pails at 290
15c Wood Clothes Hanger 100
$1 House Brooms
Oregon mada
House Brooms,
natural finish
wood handles.
5 rows stitch
ing. Buy them
by the dozen.
Special IJF
each I tlw
Basement Underprice Store
5 Great Dollar Specials 5
, Glance Over These Items Each One Is a Splendid Bar
gain. No Telephone Orders Accepted for the Following Items:
Women's Camisoles
Priced Special
Basement Of Crepe de
Chine and Wash Satin
in flesh and white. Sev
eral dainty styles to se
lect from. Special $1.00
Women's Night Gowns
On Sale at
Basement Made up in
good quality outing
flannel. Long and short
sleeves. Cut' full and
well made: Sizes 16, 17. J
Women's Bloomers
Special, Pair
Basement Of good qual
ity mercerized Sateen in
pink, purple, brown and -black.
Sizes 23 to 20.
Dollar Day Sale $1.00
Girls' Tub Dresses
Sizes 3 to 6
Basement Attractive
little frocks for school
wear. Plain colors, checks
and plaids. Neatly
trimmed. Special at $1 J
Children's Rompers
Priced Special
Basement Good grade
Ginghams in checks and
plain colors. One and
two-piece styles. Sizes
2 to 6. Special at $1.00
Women's Aprons
At 79c
Basement Slip-on and Tolly
Prim Aprons in figured Per
cale. V neck and short sleeves.
Just the thing for-house- (7fl
cleaning time. Special