0 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1922 CITY NEWS IN; BRIEF - i City Editor Main T070. 560-95 Sunday Editor Main 7H0. 50-BS Advertising Dept Main 7070. 580-95 Superintendent of Bldg. .Main 7070. 560-95 AMUSEMENTS." HIPPODROME (Broadway at TamhlH) Vaudeville and moving pictures con tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. 4L , PANT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaudevilie. Three showa daily, J:3u. and 8 P. M. - ; COLUMBIA BEACH Amuement Park) Bathine. dancinK and rides. Cars at Fifth and Washington. Bishop Brent Will Speak. Th KiSht Rev. Charlea.H. Brent, bishop of western New YoTk ana ex-cnap lain-eeneral of the American ex neditionary forces, will speak at th luncheon of the Ad club at the Ben son hotel today noon. .Arthur H. Ueute, ex-Portlander and now sale manager of the Borden Sales com pany of New York, also will speak takine as his subject "The fcunn Side of Salesmanship.". Frederick Steiwer of Pendleton will be presen to give the late '"dope' on tn Round-up and he also will touch up on the "Umatilla. Rapids powe Project." There will be special vocal selections by Nina Dresseil, ton tralto. Reputed Drug Vendor Held. Ah Jim, reputed drug- vendor, recently arrested at The Dalles by W. U Shaffer and R. H.- Burdrck" of th narcotics sauad. was held to the federal grand Jury under $3000 bond yesterday, after a hearing be fore United States Commissioner Krazer. In default of bond the Chinese was Vodged In the county jail. The federal agents not only witnessed the sale of several cards of opium by Ah Jim, but themselves made the purchase of three cards. ' Two other Chinese, arrested at The Dalles by the agents, were handed over to the local authorities for prosecution on similar charges. Woodmen Visit Tillamook. A large number of Portland Woodmen were In Tillamook last week, when 50 candidates were initiated Into 'Aider camp, Woodmen of the World, at that place. The visitors from Portland included: E. P. Martin, deQ- tity head consul: J. O. Wilson, head manager; F. A. Beard and J. A. Pate, district managers; John Beard, es cort of camp No. 77. The member ship campaign was In charge of Howard W. Brooks. Peter Nelson and John Carroll of Tillamook. . Snake Has Two Perfect. Heads. A perfect specimen. of two-headed snake was discovered recently by Victor Mason of Metzger and was displayed yesterday in Portland. The snake, of the common garter- snake variety, possesses two per feet heads joined together at thl neck, or rather where the neck would be if a snake had one. The reptile, about six inches lnlengtli, operates both heads at will, eating with either or with both at the earae time. Constitution Dai to Be Observed. Constitution day is to be observed throughout the country in the schools, churches and courts Sep tember 17. The Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution are en deavoring to attach signal Import ance to this day and are asking for the preservation of law and order in all communities. Services will be held In the public schools at. times during the week due to the day fall .ing on Sunday. Social -Smoker Planned. A big social rneting and emoker has been arranged for next Wednesday, by the members of Milwaukie camp, No. S39, .Woodmen of the' World. A membership campaign soon will be launched in the district and the emoker has been arranged as a pre liminary. Several good entertain ment features are planned and a committee on attendance is working hard to bring out a record gathering of the members. British Society to Meet. The ' SiT?rrAV Srnnftr a 'Pr.jrr-r At the! Wtitk'r Pt.ka Tattji Mirhs pi P1a. convention of the Multnomah county I cas is out $a0 just because his wife Sunday School association, which I needed wine to ameliorate her phy- was in session all day yesterday, sical condition. So at least Mrs. election of officers for, the coming .Plecas told Municipal Judge Ekwall year was held. - L. R. Marvin was re- when the couple appeared before elected .president, J. P. Faust was, him yesterday to answer charges of elected vice-president. Ruth Clement I possession f liquor. Their- estab- secretary, G. D. Garrett treasurer. I lishment at 63 North Second street The superintendents of the various divisions were Mrs. S. Earle 3u Bois. children's division; Earl Marks, boj's' division; Louise Hunderup, girls' di vision; Harley Hallgren, adults' di vision; W.-F. Daut, administrative division,, and Dr. George H. Young, educational division. The conven tion closed last night with a ban quet at 6 o'clock and a musical pro gramme rendered by the combined orchestras of several Sunday schools following. Angora Journal Moves. New lo cation has been taken by the An srora Journal, which has been pub lished in Portland for the past 11 years. . For years the publication had offices in the Oregoian build ing, later in the Board of Trade and is now established In th6 Exchange building at North Portland. A. i- Gage, who has been the editor and publisher for the past seven -years, has been entered at previous times by the morals squad and each time Mrs. Plecas, the officers say, places her four small tots behind- a glass door in such a' position that they would be hurt should the agents of the law attempt forceful entrance. The sink in a back room in the place has foiled the law on several oc casions, the morals squad men say. The fine was for possession. v -Bio Robbery. $11,000 worth of jewelry,, silverware and furs taken. Protect your valuables. Phone At- water. 2391 for a burglary and theft policy 'which "protects you against such losses.- -W. R. McDonald Co., Yeon bldg. Adv. ' ,. Dr. 1 H,' E. Shoot returned. Adv. FAIR ENVOY TO DEPART HEILIG IE""1! BEGINS TODAY co Vtix ties TOMORROW, FRI. AND SAT. CONTINUOUS 11A.M. to 11 P.M. reports the production of mohair- in eo Friede to Spread Exposition Oregon well maintained, shipments from this state in the present season having exceeded 800.000 pounds. There is remaining unsold In Oregon more than 125,000 pounds, some ot which was held over from 1921 to realize a better price, Masonic Lodge to Build. Con struction work on the new annex to the Washington Masonic lodge is ex Dected to start about October 1, ac cording to membere of the building committee who are completing tne details. The plans have been com pleted and figures will be asked for next week, with actual work to be started before the winter season sets in. The annex will cost approx imately $75,000, and will provide twice as much room as Is now avail able, including a new auditorium and ball room. Water Systems to Be Discussed. Plans for the new Parkrose water system for which the people of tne district will be asked to vote a bond issue September 30, will be laid be- Inforniation in South America Leo Friede, who has been ' ap pointed the state representative from Oregon, and a special, represen tative of the Oregon 1925 exposi tion to the Brazilian Centennial ex position, will leave Friday to ful fill his commission. Mr. Friede will deDart from" New York. SeDtember 30 on the steamship American Le gion for Rio Janeiro. After a visit to the Brazilian exposition he will proceed on a personal tour of South America." From Rio! de Janeiro he will go down the eastern coast by rail to Montevideo, Uruguay, and from there to Buenos Aires. Then he will cross the continent to Santiago, Chile He intends to visit what is reported to be an interesting coun try eouth of that point, and then will go north by rail to Valparaiso, and on to Antofagasta, whence he will travel Inland through Bolivia to Lima, -Peru. He will go home ama canal to New Orleans. He will be absent on his trip three or . four months. fore the residents- of the entire area I .hrnns-h R.ihA. ,r,x th- t.- anectea, at an open meeuug a-i tuo Parkrose community house Monday, September 8. The water commis sioners of the district recently de cided that It would cost $50,000 to install the system to supply 400 users of the district, and it Is pro posed to bond the district for that amount at 5 per cent interest Canadian Investigator Here. On a tour of investigation for-the de partment of agriculture of Canada, S. McGillivray, chief inspector or the (department, visited In Portland yesterday. Mr. McGillivray, wno makes his headquarters at Ottawa, the Canadian capital, spent the en tire day investigating methods of dehydrating fruits and vegetables and examining dehydrated products, The data which he collected will be sed for the purpose of fixing cer GAME VIOLATORS FINED Hunters and Angler Punished I Under Oregon State Iaw.-" A number of arrests and convic tions of violators of the state game laws were reported to the state game commission's office yesterday. J. Vincent of Central Point, ar rested September 6, by Deputy War den Daily , at Evans creek for kill ing er doe, was fined $50 at Medfo-rd September 11. Rudolph Bessbart of Warrenton. arrested September 10 hv Dniitv tain standards covering dehydrated Warden Smith on the Lewis and food in Canada. . I Clarke-riverv for killing ducks dur- Artisans Initiate Class. With ing closed season, was fined $75 at delegates from every United Artisan I Astoria, September 11. assembly on the Pacific coast in at- I Joseph A. Santell of Portland, ar- endance, one of the largest classes rested. July zi at -bilk lake by War- ever to -be initiated into the Al-Azar den Adams for angling In closed took the solemn obligation last night in the Women of Woodcraft hall. More than 30 assemblies were represented and the ceremony was declared- to be one of the finest ever put on by any fraternal organiza- on. Carl Winkler, assisted by su preme Master Hudson, was In charge of the ceremonies. . Winter Supply" Held Too Plen tiful. Harry J. Wilson, 110 Twen ty-first street north, apartment 45, was fined $50 for manufacture of beer and $100 for possession of beer nd moonshine by Municipal Judge Ekwall yesterday. He Insisted that the liberal supply of both beverages found in his rooms by the morals waters,- was fined $25 at Bend, July 24. Charles Knight of Klamath Falls. arrested September 1 at Diamond lake by Warden Walker, for acting as a guide for deer hunters without a license, was fined. ,$25 at Roseburg on September 7. omiaj ... 1 1 hi. 'winter aiinnlv " Th montniy meeting or tne untisn cen-f judge wag of the oplnlon that tne supply was rather iore than plen- evolent society of Oregon will .be held tonight at 8 o'clock in room A, public library, Tenth ' and Yamhill streets. Sot the consideration of business and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before same. Members and friends are requested to attend. After the conclusion of business a musical programme will be rendered. Lecture on Healing Sunday. There will be a free lecture on the history and practice of metaphysical healing at the public library next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A special invitation is -extended to everyone interested or who is auf fering from organic or functional diseases to come and learn how to get well and stay well, . "Changing China" Lecture Topic. "Changing China" is the title of an illustrated lecture to be given by Dr. W. T. McElveen, at the First Congregational church tomorrow evening. Thirty-five , stereopticon pictures will be shown, illustrating the recent political social and re K ligious changes in the celestial re- I X public. . Dr. Bowman to Address Men. Dr. H. L. Bowman, pastor of First Pres byterian church, will speak on "Eastern Affairs at the Men's Re sort tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.-Fred Parka will sing and give .musical numbers. In addition there will De an illustrated , song and a set of motion pictures - The Waverly Baby Home - would like to have a donation, of pears, peaches, prunes and tomatoes for canning. Much fruit is permitted to go to waste by growers and would be ; appreciated. Phone Automatic 542-34 or Sellwood 2793. Location of baby home, 1064 Woodward ave, Adv. ' Woodcraft to Initiate A home. coming of Montavilla circle, No. 400, Neighbors ,of Woodcraft, will be held at the Oddfellows' hall in Mon tavilla . Friday evening. An initia tion oeremony will be conducted and a special effort is being made to bring out a record attendance. Kindergarten Is Opened. A com munity kindergarten was started this week in the primary room of the x riends church. East Thirty fifth and Main streets. Children of all denominations are invited to at tend the school, which is in session from 9 to 12. each morning. New Librarian Selected. Mrs. Caroline McCulloch hasH- succeeded Mrs. Chester Pierce as librarian. at the Lents branch library. Mrs. Pierce will devote part time as sub stitute librarian in the future, out side duties having forced her to re sign as head librarian. Bad Check Operations Get Set back Bad check operations in Portland suffered a setback last rnontn. iineiy-tnree cases were cleared - up by Inspector - Tom Swennes and but 79 reported, ac cording to Captain Harms' monthly report to Chief Jenkins. .-' Dean of College Chosen. Dr. W. P. Evans,, professor of anatomy at the Oregon' State College of Chi ropractic, has been made dean of the college. The college opened for the fall term Monday. High School students groups will be formed at Temple Beth Israel Sunday at 10. All are welcome. Adv. . - -' " -"'J i r. c i ri will OS Abetter if made by the plate special ly 1st. Dr. Roasman. Journal bldg. Adv. One Room makes two rooms with OaciUating Portal WaU Beds. Cress & Co., 96-98 Front street Adv. Rheumatism. Jack King cures it. 07 Dekum bldg. Adv. i tiful. EVANGELICAL CHURCH RENOVATED. Complete renovation of the in terior of the Wichita Evangelical church has been accomplished by a new and novel plan under the di rection of the pastor. Rev. E. . C. Farnham. The men of the congre gation donated their Individual serv ices while the women prepared din ner for the workers. The lawn about the building was also placed In better shape and a fine new drinking fountain installed. To Clothing Dealers. Fixtures now being installed in our new store enable us to sell the following: Four revolving , suit cabinets; 4.4x7.6 feet and 51 inches high; two oak clothing tables, 5x8 feet by 29 inches high; four oak tables, 8 feet by 26 inches by 31 inches high; 50-foot wall clothing cabinet, open front;' four leather upholstered oak chairs; de livery at any time. Winthrop Ham mond Co., 127 Sixth street. Adv. Sellwood Festival September 30. Members of the Sellwood Better Business club are making arrange ments for their fourth big bargain festival, to be held In Sellwood Sep tember 30. The festivals have been meeting with great success" among the- business men and the residents of the district, and it is planned to make the coming one more unique than ever. . :;; - Tax Probers Meet' September 18. Discussion of taxation of corpora tions and intangibles money, notes and accounts will be conducted by the state tax investigation commit tee at a hearing September 18. The hearing will be held in the green room of the Chamber of Commerce. The proposed Income tax measures will also be considered at that time. Ex-Judge KaVanaugh Speaker. "Constitutfonal week" will be ob served by appropriate ceremonies in the court room of Presiding Circuit Judge Stapleton next .Saturday at which John P. Kavanaugh, former judge of the circuit codrt, wll be the speaker. The meeting will be held in the forenoon and the public Is invited to attend. . .... Salary Sued For. Salary to the amount of $8250 is brought by U. L. Upson, former manager of the Pa cific Co-operative Poultry Products association, in a suit filed against the association in the circuit court i yesterdaj He avers that he had a three-year contract, signed in 1920, at $6000 a year, which was abro-1 gated last July. . I Wood Thefts Reported. Contin- I u'al thefts of wood from the base ment of her home at 1041 Sherman street have been reported to the police by Norma Dixon. Her com plaint added that locks placed on the basement door have been re peatedly broken off by the nightly DRIVE ON FOR MEMBERS Woodmen of World Begin Cam paign to End December 16. A membership campaign has been started in the city by-the various Woodmen of the World camps and the affair will- culminate in a big gathering of Woodmen at the mu r.icipal auditorium December 16, at which time 1700 Woodmen, of dis tricts Nr. 1 and No. 2 will particl pate. . Representatives of all the camps of the city met Sunday in- the Wood men temple and outlined plans for the campaign. E. P. Martin, deputy head consul, called the meeting to order. Reports were read and the following chairman of committees named: J. O. Wilson, publicity; Herman shade, in charge of teams M. A. McEachren, in charge of ritual; George Tabler, side degree; H. L. Barber, street parade; J: A. Bowen, refreshments, and W. A. Trout, music. John Pattison, head manager at Spokane, Wash., was a guest of the day. ' FINAL NOTICE IS GIVEN Auction Sale . to Get Delinquent Taxes Scheduled by City. Final notice was sent yesterday by City Treasurer Adams to prop erty owners affected by sales pro posed to recover delinquent assess ments. The property, which will be sold at public auction unless re deemed by the owners, Is situated In the following districts: City Homestead, Westmoreland, Bartsch Park, Hancock Street addi tion. Wheeler's addition, Waverly, Green's addition. Vernon Couch's addition, Irvington, Southport, East Portland. Latzhahn, Simon's addi- FLORENCE ' IN, THE ROMANTIC COMEDY DRAMA, "DUSK to DAWN" From the Famous Novel, SH"DTTL.E SOUL.," By Katnerine Hill. i A King Vidor Production. . Toirether With - Greatest Comedy Hit - Since - HAROLD LLOYD ' In " GRANDMA'S BOY " "ONE TERRIBLE DAY" WE'LL ;tjaraivtee it 50 LAUGHS 50 Or You Money Back. ,. Also ... ' PATHE "REVIEW . ' and SCREEN SNAPSHOTS OF HOLLYWOOD STARS TAKEN ON "THE LOT" ' Same POPULAR PRICES (Including War Tax) AFTERNOONS TO 6 -- -25c EVENINGS AFTER 6 - - 35c CHILDREN UNDER 12, 10c No Cost A 10-Day Test is Free The coupon will bring to any homo a ten-day test of Pepsodent, That test will be a revela tion. It will show yoa the way to new beauty, new aafety to results that all people desire. Mail the coupon now. :Tor--iamtv-' reoote For careful people A new way to brush teeth This is far people who want prettier ' teeth,' cleaner, safer teeth. It has brought those results to miTlinns, the world over. . It is fast displacing old and ineffective methods. Dentists everywhere are urg ing its adoption. In some fifty nations careful people use this method sow. Find out what it means to you and yours. There are few things more im portant. . ' v. The yrax on film '.. Dental science is conducting a world wide war on film. This new method is the way employed. Film is that viscous coat you feeL It clings to teeth, gets between the teeth and stays. It becomes discolored, then forms dingy coats. Tartar is based on film, That is why teeth lose their luster. FHm also holds food substance which -ferments and forms adds. It holds the adds in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, axe the chief cause of pyorrhea. Thus most tooth troubles are now traced to film. 49 in 50 suffered The ordinary tooth paste does not ef fectively fight film. So, despite the tooth brush, all these troubles .were constantly increasing. About 49 -in 50 suffered. And glistening teeth were seen less often than today. Dental science has long sought ways to fight that film. Two effective methods have been found. One acts to curdle film, one to remove it. And this without an Ql effect or use of harmful grit Able authorities, by many careful tests, proved these methods effective. Now leading dentists everywhere advise their daily use. A new-type tooth paste was created, ' based on modern research. Then those two great. film combatants bodied in it. The name of that tooth paste is Pepsodent. x - Two great mistakes It was also found that old-type tooth pastes involved two great mistakes. They were due to soap and chalk. They decreased the starch digest ant m the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits which may otherwise ferment and form acids. They decreased the alka linity of the saliva. That is there to neutralize the acids which cause decay. Pepsodent corrects those mistakes. It multiplies the starch digestant, multi plies the alkalinity. Thus every use gives manifold power to Nature's great tooth jprotecting forces in the mouth. In five important ways, Pepsodent is bringing users a new dental era. It also polishes teeth so film less easily adheres. tion, Fulton, West Irvington, Dosch er's second addition Tilton addi tion, Woodlawn Heights, North Port land, Southport, ' Laurelhurst, Ala meda Park, East Portland Heights, Mead's addition, King's second ad dition, Olmstead Park, Sellwood, City View Park, Caruthers' addition. Glencoe Park,- Terminus addition, Madeline, Tibbetts' addition. Dune din, Waverleigh Heights, Broadway addition, Hancock addition, Blu- mauer's addition and Holladays ad dition. ,' - New Beauty Appears Delightful results appear quickly to people who use Pepsodent First cleaner teeth, then whiter teeth. The glistening teeth you see every where now are largely due to Pepsodent. You should use it always, for beauty's sake and safety's sake. And you will when you know what it does. Then teach your children to em ploy it, to avoid the troubles yoa may . have suffered. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. ' Then dedde your future course by what yoa see and feeL Cut out the coupon now. ( J PAT.OFF. m I.ULS. IsJBMISMSMBSHSMBnBB The New-Day Dentifrice A new-type tooth paste, made to meet five new requirements. Now advised by leading dentists the world over. All druggists supply the large tubes. INFANT MORTALITY LOW Portland Leads All Cities With 50,000 or More Population. Portland led all cities with 50,000 or more population in low lniant mortality during 1921, according to information received by Dr. George Parrish, city health officer, from the American Child Hygiene- association. Portland's" record in citi-es with 250,000 or more population was 48 deaths the 1000. San Francisco is next with 51 deaths the 1000; Seattle third with 52 deaths, and Minneap olis next with 55. Charleston, S. C, has the highest record, with 158 infant deaths the 1000. Get Edlef sen's Dest coat. Adv. Edlefsen's supply best coal. Adv. Be safe -Ediersfnh roar Adv. 10-Day Tube Free " THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. F-S 1, 1 104 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, m. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to Onlr one tub to a family. a ft H. green tiamt ror caslv. Eolman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Broadway 6353: 560-21. Adv. Peacock Kock Springs coal. Dia mond Coal Co.. Bdwy. 3037. Adv. . Get your coal at P-diefsen's. Adv I intruder. egro Escapes From Rockpilb. Sixteen days on the rockpile seemed enough for A. Z. Obart, negro, 40. He escaped yesterday afternoon from Kelly Butte by creeping away among the boulders. H;s sentence was 180- days . for selling opium. Police and county officers began search Immediately. .' - J Three Divorce StnTS FiLEb. Di-J voree suits filed In the circuit court yesterday were: Mildred P. against Jefferson C. Crandall. Celesta Clara against Arthur Galland Andrus. and Marion against Arthur N. Brodersen. Shoplifter Pleads Guilty. Mary Petronl, shoplifter, was fined $25 by District Judge Hawkins yesterday. She pleaded guilty to thefts from a local department atore. Dr, H. Ji, Patton returned. Adv, This Wonderful Radiant-fire At the Gas Salesroom - c at Only Down Factory prices going up. Ours not not while our supply holds out. The earlier you get yours, the sooner it can be piped and installed. Gas Rates Reduced Sept. 1 Hazel wood Crab Louis with THOUSANP ISLAND DRESSING - Prepared in the Hazel wood way from choice .'selected crab meat, and c o'v e r e d with Thousa nd Island Dressing, this salad is delightfully appetiz ing. : r Try it for luncheon today. The Hazel wood 388. Washington St. Broadway Hazelwood 127 Broadway. Guaranteed to be Cured Without Operation x MAN I be cured and will , I remain cured," is the constant thought of suffer ers from Piles. You can be cured and will re main cured under my notv surgical treatment. No knife, no operation, no anaesthetic, no pain, no confinement and pos itive money-back . guarantee of cure, no matter how chronic or evere your Piles may be. If you are a-sufferer from Piles. Fissure. Fistula or Itching, call or twrite today for my free booklet. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN RECTAL SPECIALIST KND AND MORRISON PORT LAND, OREGON MENTION! THIS PAPER WHCN WRITING L Alkali in Shampoos Bad for Washing Hair Most soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the -hair brittle. The best thing to use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is pure .and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces. You can get Mulsified at any drug store, and a few ounces will last-the whole family fo-r months. i ' . ' Two or three teasponfuls of Mulsi fied .in a cup or glass with a little warm water is all that Is required. It makes an abundance 'of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. . The hair dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides,- it, loosens and takes out every particle' of dust, dirt and dandruff. Be sure .your druggist gives you Mulsified. Adv. WHEN YOU GO TO . SAN FRANCISCO HI THE HOTEL STEWART On Geary St, Jnst off Union Squar Close to best stores, cafes, theatres. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Best known meals in the United States. Breakfast, BOe, 60c, 76c; Lunch, 6bc, (Sundays, 75c) ; Dinner $1.25, (Sun days, $1.50). Municipal car passes door. Stewart Bus meets trains and teamer. Advise making reservations in advance, FOR DENTAL SKILL Dr. Fred Mellish 108 y2 Fourth Street Opp. J. C. Penney Co: Store Phone Broadway 3769 Your Shiny Suit! LEKEEMA will make your old suit or skirt look new. Simple to use. Price 10c At All DruggtHia. No More Gas in Stomach & Bowels If you wish to b prrncann My re lieved of it ft in th itnmirh and bowel, take Baalmann'i Gas-Tablets. Baalmann's Gas-Tablet are prepared distinctly for stomach . and fufull the bad effect comma; from raa pres sure. That empty and nrjhwltig feeling at pit of your 8tomch dlxuppenra, tht an jcIoum, nervous f nir with heart pl pltation will vanish, and u will aa-airt be able to take a deep breach, bfu-n pre vented by K4S pri-aniiitf aunnt your heart and lungs. Tour nnths, arms nd f l Hirers n't feel cold and go to p he, a use It 1 1 minn'i 0;ts-THbIets prevent n in ferina with the circulation; ilrnwnlni. sleepy felinic wftt-r dinner wilt be r--piaced by a dflsire for some form of er, tertalnmenL Your distended stoma-h will reduce because ;is Mill nnt form after using Baalmann's Gas-Tablet. Get the (renutne In the Yellow Pack age from the Uwl Iruif Co., or any Ti llable druggist. Price one dollar. J. Baalmaun, chemist, Han Francisco Adv. ELASTIC STOCKINGS Tratan, Abdominal Supporters. snd for Prices and Meas uring' Blank.. Post.ags Paid by Ua. UCE-DAVIS imiJtt CO. Tro Experts. ITS Third Strerl. 1'urtlaod. Orccaa, - - j '1.1 2 Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. A Woman's Way "I tried for four months to tcM my wife to try Mayr's Wondi-rful lioin edy, which I know had he!ii.-d friend of mine who also sulf-ieil from stomach trouble. She iiioiwtcrt her case was different. I flna!! had to bribe her with a new ilr. The first dose produced remnrktiMu results, clearing up her complexion and restoring hpr appetite sin r,u now eat thlnsrs)he hadn't bci-n abli to for many years." It Is a nimpfv. harmless preparation that r-movi-! the catarrhal mucus from th intn tlnal tract and allays the Inf diminu tion which causes practically ul! stomach, liver and Interning ail ments, including appndicitix. One does will convince or money refund ed, for sale at all druKRlut Adv. BHRERQS, JfOR THE RELIEF Of Pain In the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp I Colic. Diarrhoea, aULLr lVlKT W HtHt -