THE 3IOENIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE3IDEI 13, 1922 itt0nmiigrpntart ESTABLISHED BY HENRY 1 PITTOCK Published by The Oregonian Pub. Co.. 135 Sixth Street. Portland. Oreicon. 3.CET, jfl. B. PIPER. Manager. Editor. The Oregonian la a member of the As sociated Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use. for publi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. Subscription Kates Invariably . in Advance. , (By Mail.) Dally, Sunday Included, one year $8 00 Daily. Sunday included, six months .. 4.2.1 Daily. Sunday included, three months i.2S Iaily. .Sunday Included, one month .. .75 Daily, without Sunday, one year 8.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months .. 8.25 Daily, without Sunday, one month ... .60 Sunday one year 2.50 (By Carrier.) Daily, Sunday included, one year . . . .$0.00 pally, Sunday included, three months 2.25 Daily, Sunday included, one month .. .75 . . i . .- , .. Daily! without Sunday! three month's L95 Daily, without Sunday, one month ... .65 How to Remit Send postofflce money order, express or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currently are -' owner's risk. (Jive postofflce address full, including- county and state. Postage Rate 1 to 18 pages. 1 cent: IS to 32 pages. 2 cents; 34 to 48 pages. 3 cnt; 50 to 64 pages, 4 cents: 66 to- 80 Piges. 5 cents; 82 to 96 pages, cents. intern Business Off Ices Verree A 1 in part because he has an income, Ccnklin. I00 -Madison avenue. New York:. . . verree sc conklin steger Building.- Chi cago; Verree & Conklin. Free Press build ing. Detroit, Mich.; Verree & Conklin, Monadnock building. San Francisco. Cal. MR. HALL'S CANDIDACY. Mr. Hall seeks to become an independent candidate for gover nor, following his defeat at the republican primary, and in repu diation of his pledge, required of all candidates by statute, that he would not become a candidate, if defeated, of any other party. This is a purely personal promise and it may be, as. it has been, dis regarded by any candidate in a primary who is able to provide himself with reasons for his action. Because it could be done the leg islative assembly in 1919 enacted a companion statute which sought to prevent the certification of inde pendent nominations growing out of such circumstances, or nomina tions by another party, and the governor was instructed not to in clude such candidates in his procla mation. It is this latter law with which Mr. Hall is confronted. Since it is the law, it may be expected that the attorney general will so advise the secretary of state; and a man damus proceeding upon him will naturally follow, and the supreme court will determine whether the statute is constitutional. If it is Mr. Hall is out of it; if it is not, his name will find a place on the ballot. With the legal .' phases of the case, it may not be proper that we now concern ourselves; but some thing may be said of its other aspects. Mr. Hall became a can didate for governor before the re publican primary, and subscribed to a written obligation that he would in good faith accept its re sults. He was defeated on the face of returns by five hundred votes, and he instituted a contest qn varied charges of irregularity, mis count, and so forth, with implica tions of gross fraud; and he failed to make good. The chief reliance of the contestant, however, ap pears to have rested on the show ing that many democrats entered the republican primary and voted for Mr. Olcott; but the court wouki not permit him to open up this phase of the subject. It therefore remains unproved of record. The fact that democrats changed their registration on election day is notorious, but that more of them voted for Mr. Olcott than Mr. Hall is and forever will be uncertain and unknown. There is no novelty about the phenomenon of a raid by members of one party Into the primary of another. It is a prac- i tice which has been tolerated for years, without legislative relief or, the interference of an effective public opinion. Whatever the facts ! behind the returns, no candidate at least no candidate for high of- I fice has ever heretofore made I inem me occasion or pretext for disputing the record. Mr. Hall is Doia enough to do it. The impulse behind the Hall can didacy is the Federated Patriotic societies, or a faction of that or ganization, and the occasion is the compulsory education issue, raised by the initiative measure requiring ait cnuaren between, eight and fourteen to attend the public schools. Clearly, Mr. Hall will stand on advocacy of that measure. It la significant that Mr. Pierce, the democratic candidate, takes occasion now to announce that he is for the bill, but that the issue is not compulsory education, but taxation, and he wilt be drawn in no controversy over the former. It is significant also that Mr. Pierce is at paina to proclaim that he is a Protestant, and that eight gener ations before him wera Protestants, and hisA family, his wife and his wife's family, are all Protestants. If compulsory education, with its involvement of religious warfare, has no place in the campaign, why did Mr. Pierce find it necessary to give his sectarian pedigree? What has his Protestantism to do with his candidacy? Disclaiming reli gious prejudice, and denouncing it, he at the same time makes a bald appeal to religious prejudice. Yet religion has no proper place in the campaign. Every candidate knows it, and every one will dis claim responsibility for it. But it is here, and the prospect that the public will be able to determine calmly and soberly the issues that concern their material welfare chief of which is taxation is not good. The offer of a prize of $25,000 for the most valuable contribution to the science of chemistry during ,the year makes a goal worth striv ing for in the material sense, but it is doubtful whether it was needed to stimulate endeavor in a line that has been particularly inviting in recent years because of the rewards afforded by the work itself. For the research worker is either an enthusiast or a failure and like the explorer of old he either went into the game for the glory of it or he stayed o.ut. As a means of arous ing public interest in the progress of chemistry, and especially indus trial chemistry, however, it may be worth while. Few persons who make everyday use of the common articles of domestic economy real ize the extent to which they are dependent on organized science and how difficult it would be to return to primitive ways. Understanding of the necessity tor specialized training- will have a good effect on the general movement for educa tion and If this were universal it would be worth a good many times $25,000 to the country. , F LAYING ON WORDS. Mr. Spence. of the state Grange, gave his approval, it appears, to one of the "approaches" used by the men he hired to hawk the in come tax measure about the streets of Portland. That approach upon the unwary voter and possible pe tition signer (at so much per name) was the representation that It was a measure to reduce taxes. Mr. Spence offers the ingenious argument that the income tax measure would in fact reduce taxes on general property, and therefore it was not untruthful to say that it was a measure to reduce taxes. The fact is that while the income I tax measure would make possible a present reduction in the property tax it specifically permits the rais ing by taxation of the total amount now permitted to be raised by the constitution. Of course the dollar the citizen contributes to the cost of government, when assessed in part because he owns property and is just as much a dollar ,s when it is assessed against him solely because he owns property. The implication conveyed by the petition hawkers, and the implica tion intended to be conveyed, was that the measure offered for signa tures was one that would decrease the total volume of taxation, which it would not do. The only reason that the paid hawkers did not present the matter in its true light as an income tax measure was that signatures came easier if they represented that the bill was something else. Mental reservation by Mr. Spence and the hawkers that their words should not have the meaning they inevit ably, conveyed is flimsy excuse for such tactics. NO PARTi' YARD-STICK. It is to be expected that the con vention of republican candidates, called to meet in Portland, will content itself .with resolutions of fered distinctly as an expression of the views of the members of the convention and not as A party plat form or declaration of principles for other members of the party. The distinction is quite impor tant. In the days of the much berated convention and when con ventions were wilful and sometimes seemingly indifferent to party opin ion, a suggestion that candidates be chosen and that those candi dates alone decide upon the party platform such a suggestion would have been treated harshly. Some states having the direct primary also provide by law for platform conventions. The conven tion delegates are chosen for the definite purpose of preparing the party platform, and to men of known views on important issues and of fair accord with party be liefs and aspirations is entrusted the task. There is nothing like that in Oregon. We nominate par ty candidates for office, but the candidate's party is no more than i label. He prepares his own plat form, and often that is a mere formality. The required quota of candidates has now been nominated by the republicans. What each stands for is not remembered except in con spicuous instances. It may be well for them to get together now and reiterate what they propose to do for the public if the public elects them. But what they may agree upon .will not be the measure of republicanism. Nobody in Oregon is qualified at present to cut a par ty yard-stick. One logical . thing for. the con vention to do is to recommend a law authorizing a method of enun ciating party principles. COME HITHER. BUDYARD. Like rjoor Robinson Crusoe of the weathered rhyme, the wonder is what made Rudyard Kipling do so. Here in America we had shrined him most affectionately and held, against argument, that he of all scriveners knew best the magic of our mother tongue when there was a tale to be written. Yet he has turned upon America, with a snarl for us and our opinion, and as many a smaller man before him he has raised the charge that we are blind to all save the dollar. We take this most unkindly, and also with a chill fear that some thing has happened, most unto ward, to Mr. Kipling's distin guished and hitherto mannerly liver. Mr. Kipling needs to go fishing. When men and matters are drab to a dour eye. when jaundice floods the spleen with rancor, it is usual for mortals to require a day or two, or a blessed week, if the red gods are kind, by lake or stream. Wherefore we suggest, having first in mind the precious health of a favorite author, and second the comity of nations,- that Rudyard repair without more ado to the green current of the Clackamas, where it rushes toward Willamette and thence to Mother Columbia and th Sea. That he will recog nize the reasonableness of this prescription seems self evident, for once upon a time and this isn't another story he caught a silver, flashing, furious, fighting salmon there.. The record of that event is epic. Young Mr. Kipling. his mustache was very callow then had com mitted himself to a tour of the States. San Francisco he had found repellent and uncouth, the speech of his fathers alien to his ears, and Portland he had discovered as an upstart settlement with board side walks whereon sank, and remained, "the fresh tobacco stain" of the braggart Yankee. Young Mr. Kip ling did not care for us, his cousins. and It seemed to him in his lone liness that he would trade his lit erary future for a glimpse of or dered hedge rows and the whiff of hot cross buns. There must have been, however, an entertainment committee even in those distant days. Someone suggested to the disconsolate Briton that he go fishing. He caught his salmon. Need one say more? Rudyard did. Almost he hymned the happy Clackamas in liquid pose, almost ho deified the brilliant and courageous creature that thrust upward at his lure, and by the strenuous gallantry of bat tle afforded him his first kindly impression of America. He quite forgot the Tweed and its chalk banks in the glory of that moment, and it is logical to assume that he ' not exacting such teamwork and went his way Jn. a sweeter temper j for not exerting his executive power for that he had caught a fish. In , promptly and firmly. i substance he committed himself to I Prospective reduction of repub the conclusion that that man who, I lican - majorities will- probably having never felt the strike and J strengthen rather than weaken the seen the leap of an Oregon salmon, j party by imbuing each member in had never really lived and was congress with a deeper sense of cheated of his birthright. Of such j party solidarity and responsibility a man, one inferred, as he said than now prevails. Leaders will somewhere else regarding mutton realize that they must give effect stew, it might well be imagined, j to the consensus ol opinion among "By Allah, heknoweth not bad from good!" ' Obviously Mr. Kipling, older and wiser now though he is? needs to go fishing once more. He is too fine a friend to be lost when a trip to the river, the east of a fly, the swirl of a fish, will save him. If he hastens, and greatly to his interest it is to hasten, he will arrive before the steelhead have ceased their late summer pilgrim age up the Rogue. There, where the smooth green current slips over some ledge a long cast from waist deep water, his -remedy will rise to the fly. causing Mr. Kipling to feel vastly improved, urging him ' to write another epic, and eliminating in a joyous twenty minutes the bile which plagues him so. PREVENTION OF SAWMILL FIRES. Burning of the Hammond mill at Astoria suggests that some more effective means be found to prevent sawmill fires. Though a mill be fully insured, the frequency of fires makes premiums high, and payment of insurance money can not compensate for stoppage' of a great industry and, loss of employ ment to several hundred men until the mill is rebuilt. Mills constantly become larger, investment in machinery heavier, and more and larger communities become dependent on them, but lumbermen build of wood simplj because that material is handy and cheap. Unless automatic .appar atus can be installed which would instantly extinguish fire in its in fancy or unless mill buildings of wood can be chemically .treated to render them fireproof, it may prove to be economy to build of some non-inflammable material. This may be considered a poor adver tisement for lumber, but so are sawmill fires, and against that ob jection it may be said that the fire risk is greater in sawmills than in other frame buildings. . MAINE AS A POLITICAL WEATHER SIGN. With due addition for the women's vote and due deduction for the fact that this is not a presidential year, Maine has given the republican party an average old-time majority. Evidently those voters who were attracted to the republican ticket in 1920 by desire to be rid of the Wilson administra tion and by other motives have dropped back into their usual party places, so that we could not expect a repetition of the huge majority of 77,394 that was given Harding in that year. The probable major ity of about 27,000 compares well with that of 13,142 for senator in 1918 when the house of representa, tives was all but tied and witfi that f 18.758 for governor in 1910 It approaches that of 31,684 given Taft in 1908, when the republicans won the presidency, and both branches of congress. It contrasts with the- meagre majority of 5388 given Hughes in 1916, which fore shadowed republican defeat, though that might have been turned into victory by better political judg ment in the west. Maine's verdict means that the high hopes reposed in the repub lican party in 1920 have greatly subsided, that it has not been able to hold the new adherents that it won in that year, that it may lose much strength in the next two years unless it performs well dur ing that period, and that thereby it may imperil its chance of victory In 1924. Recession of the tidal wave that rose in. 1920 will cer tainly reduce the republican major ity in the house, possibly also in the senate, but a democratic majority in either branch is not in the cards. Memory of the Wilson administra tion is too fresh to permit that, but while that memory will fade during the next two years, republicans will be judged more by their own record and less by that of their opponents. In order that it may hold public confidence, the republican party in the two years before us must im prove on what it has done in the two years just passed. Its big ma jorities in both senate and house were a positive handicap, for they encouraged it to be careless and irresponsible and to split into groups, which at times overcame the party majority by temporary alliance with democrats. Having been elected in popular protest against a stretch of the executive power which reduced congress, to a position of. subservience, it has been too much disposed to reject the leadership of the president, and Mr. Harding's temperament and legislative experience made him reluctant to exert his authority as head of the government and leader of the party. To these conditions may be traced the extent to which the party has fallen short of public expectation and of meeting the necessities of the time. In revising the revenue law, it - rejected the president's advice in deference to demagogues and others who did not understand the .economic ef fects of taxes. It has passed a tariff law the redeeming feature of which is the authority given the president to vary from its rates of duty on advice of the tariff com mission. It is now- engaged in passing a soldiers' bonus bill with out providing revenue to pay the bonus, again contrary to the presi dent's advice. A revolt in the party, supported by many demo crats, was necessary to prevent the leaders from dangerously weaken ing the army and navy against the protest of the president. To its credit may be placed the budget law, the immigration restriction law, several measures for relief of agriculture and the pending coal control and inquiry bills. The most outstanding achieve ments of the party, those which have won most general approval, have been the work of the execu tivethe Washington treaties, the peace treaty with Germany, media tion between Peru and Chile, the large savings made under the budget law, improvement in the national finances, better care of disabled veterans. Where the president has not risen to the oc casion, the fault has lain usually with congress for not giving him proper teamwork and. with him for J j the members in order to carry their , measures, and that hereafter they will be completing the record on which . the party must go to the oeorjle in 1924 lor a renewal of its rnnirnl rtf th e-nv-prnment. Less tolerance may be shown to mem bers who, though nominally repub licans, habitually vote with the op posite party. Results of primary elections have shown a desire among the' people for a change in control of the party. They might extend this restlveness to elections, if the republicans delin quent. Taking .Maine as a guide, the party can win in 1924 by holding its present voting strength and capturing its fair quota of the un attached vote. It cannot expect another tidal wave to sweep it in, for tidal waves are political phen omena, therefore infrequent. GROWTH. OF I.IFK INSURANCE. . How far advanced we are beyond the period when life insurance was regarded by a good many serious minded persons as a kind of "blood money" is illustrated by the esti mate of the Insurance Press that in 1921 the total of life insurance premiums paid in the United States vl.710,000,000 exceeded by al most a billion dollars the total for fire and .marine risks combined. The laying out of a billion and three quarter dollars for this form of "protection" is curiously at var iance with the recklessness with which we disregard' many of the commoner precautions for preserv ing and prolonging life. Of the sixty-three largest death claims paid during the year, eight, or a trifle more than 12 per cent of the whole, were occasioned by automobile accidents, a rate that entitles automobiling, from the actuarial viewpoint, to rating among the diseases of high mortal ity. The automobile death rate in 1921 indeed was 155.1 per million of inhabitants, having increased from 149.7 in 1920. The rate, says the report, has "risen to alarming proportions, with no signs of abate ment." It shows how great is the stake of the insurance companies in the safety first movement, which we may confidently expect to re suit in a new department of extra insurance service, comparable to the departments of health and hy- giene which some of them now maintain. Increase of population of the United States between 1910 and 1920 was about 15 per cent and in the same period the amount of insurance in standard companies increased by 120 per cent. The principle involved is the established one of dividing the burden of calamity and loss among so large a number of individuals that no one of them will be oppressed, kind of social co-operation which has been one of the noteworthy features of the development of civilization in recent years. . The refinements which have been added to the original system, its invest ment opportunities and whatnot, creating a common interest among large numbers of individuals in tremendous economic undertakings no less than in the immediate re lief of distress caused by death, have been the product of increas ing human capacity for organiza tion. Moreover this phase of in surance depends so utterly upon order and stability of government as to make it one of the strongest possible hostages against bolshev- ism, anarchy and every other force inimical to orderly social progress. Efforts to determine the identity of the youthful burglar who was killed in a house he was looting a week ago have proved futile, and somebody's mother will be happier that it s so. James M. Cox, back from Eu rope, says the United States is cer tain to enter the league of nations, If she does, he may depend upon it, it will not be under his guidance. The fire in the Hammond mill at Astoria is nothing short of a calam ity and the most cheering an nouncement will be that the mill will be rebuilt. Rudyard Kipling seems to have forgotten all about that glorious salmon he once caught in the Clackamas river. A Chinaman who complains of attempt to "badger" him by white women needs lots of evidence to sustain him. Trains taken off a while ago "be cause of conditions" are being re stored; so conditions must be good. The evil of a vice ring is that it drags in people who would not be contaminated by anything else. What the country likes so much. aDout .fresiaent ana Mrs. Harding is that they are "just folks." Dr. McElveen declines to run. but as for Andy Gump catch him doing anything like that! The ice men, whose business is cash with increasing demand, never have labor troubles. Now. what has America done to Rudyard Kipling to warrant that splenetic attack? This heat wave is probably put on to make the visiting bishops feel at home. Is there anything growing around here that needs this high temper ature? "Another day of this "continued warm," according to the "rule of three.". . ' Mr. Hall's bat Is in the ring at last, not exactly "drug in by the cat." Mr. Pier is one uncommon offi cial who finds one term enough. - Steps to impeach Daugherty are only sidesteps. ' It was a setts, tooj hot day So Massachu- The Listening Post. By DeWttt Harry. THERE must be money in selling automobiles via the two-bit-ticket route. A casual estimate shows that fully a score of thera have been disposed of by this means of late months. Raffles are forbid den by law, but the promoters of auto-gift games never sell chances, they sell ehares. And then the owners, or their representatives, can get together and do -as they see fit with the car. The new development in working the public .usually operated under the protection of fraternal organiza tions, has resulted in the training of some highly productive crews. There must be a nice, comfortable, margin of profit. : There is no guarantee of how many chances or shares- are to be sold and the appeal, similar to that of any gambling game, is to get a great deal of value for a very small risk. The teams working the passerby are usually girls, carefully picked and decorated. It's a new development in city life, the big truck backed to' the curb on the prominent car, the car to be shared thereon, a musician or two to draw the crowd, the banners telling of the purpose of the. draw ing and the swarm of- busy littl bees, this last week garbed in orange, gathering in? the honey. REWARD will be paid on information of party who ran over . dg in Ford car on 17th and Sandy blvd-, Sept. 4, at 8:30 P. M. Phone East 181H. After quoting the above ad, "Dear Reader," from Rainier, asks: "Is it pertinent to inquire as to what the dog was doing in the Ford car when he, or it, was run over, or is it immaterial and Irrelevant Also, did it hurt the Ford?" We might suggest writing room 300, Oregonian building. The classy fied girls there may explain they can if they will.' One of those fortunate and cheer ful Individuals deficient in cash, bu well endowed with ready wit, was footing it down the sunny side of the street -with a full-faced grin. "Go ing down to get my sedan," he in formed an acquaintance. "It's one of those with 23 on the front, and then I'm going to drive out to the ball park." Take heed, your unfortunate, who cannot afford a car, and get the same kick out of life this man does Your neighbor who drives down town every day has to walk far in a broiling sun to and from the place where he parks his machine, and he can't get any more fresh air than the fellow who rides a Strandborg bus. . - With the explicit disclaimer of be ing ironic, one of our valuable as sistants writes in of "a rare and beautiful thing." It concerned the father who brought his 17-year-old daughter on a visit, a charming girl with her hair in curls down her back, modest and sweetly natural. She was so utterly unlike other girls of her age the writer knew that he spoke about it to the father, who "apologized for her modestry - ie was sans nose and one eye, but seemed cheerful. Dressed rough ly and grimed evidently as the re sult of hard labor. . A sight seldom seen In this, or any other American city but one so usual in foreign countries that had millions of men in the great war for years. Of course the chances were that this man was not a battle casualty, but he was noticeable here when he would not have attracted any atten tion in Canada, a country that has thousands of cripples. Leave Them Pants Alone. When Eve brought woes to mankind Old Adam called her woe-man; But'now. with folly and with pride Their husbands pockets trimmin'. The ladies are so full of whims The men folks call them whim-men. Contributed Talk about rushing the season, what would you say to the man who had already donned his winter underwear. Yes, he exists, took a chance on continued cool over a week ago. Yesterday he changed back, and the woman with the fur neckpiece could not understand why he did so. The church convention has not yet discussed, among its many prob lems, the length of sermons. No one should complain, vows one of our readers, of the length of a ser mon "if a good man preaches for eternity." w HILLSBOr.O ROAD BAD EXAMPLE Hope Expressed That Its Failure Will Be Lesson In Future Work. -PORTLAND, Sept. 12. (To the Editor.) 1 read with considerable interest The Oregonian's recent article regarding the concrete high way near Hillsborn. As Ishave trav eled this highway quite often in the past I have watched the develop ment of this road, for my attention was attracted by the early and ex tensive repairs which hindered traf fic soon after its completion. Now it is in a deplorable condition, as we who have traveled it know. Every time I ride over this stretch of road I feel as If I were on pins, for the wrecked pavement is not only hard on my tires but I feel, as if my good money spent for the original construction is veritably being thrown away before my eyes. There will also be as much or more money spent for repairing un less a permanent protection is given it. In my own estimation and from what I have seen in the past the only solution seems to be to cover It up with an asphaltic material. called "hot stuff" by many, the same as has been laid on most of our present state highways. Every one to whom we talk now adays has the subject of tax reduc tion on his mind. We cannot talk tax' reduction by building such roads as the one leading into Hills boro. When we built this road three years ago we were expecting it to live the life of its bond issue, yet It has not even passed the early stages of its expected life when it is in such a condition that it can no longer do its duty. As a citizen who is deeply con cerned, I express my hopes that our future road construction will not end in an early failure as did the Hillsboro road. V. H. RICHARDSON, 1101 Mallory Ave. Those Who Come and Go. Tales ot Folks at the Hotels. "When the road between Rose burg and Coos Bay Is surfaced next year, machines can come a scooting into our place," predicts Dr. George E. Dix of Marshfield, who was In Portland yesterday. "Even at pres ent the trip from the TJmpqua valley to the bay can be made in four hours, and this time will be greatly reduced with the completion of the highway. There are now several contractors on the job and they are hurrying the surfacing, but there is so much to be done that the work cannot be finished before next sea son." Dr. Dix has been attending a gathering of surgeons at Seattle. At Coos Bay, because of the logging camps and sawmills, there are many industrial accidents and surgeons are kept busy. Last year, despite the efforts of foremen and super intendents there were more acci dents than In any previous season. Two men sustained broken legs while Just walking around. This year, however, all Is running smoothly, the jinx, which made its .headquarters in the lumber industry in the bay country Having levantea. The doctor is of the opinion that the accidents come in cycles. Explorer, author, military man and enthusiast over Pendleton, Charles W. Furlong is at the Benson from the round-up town. He has written a book based on the annual celebration at Pendleton and all loyal Pendletocians have bought at least one copy, which they keep on the reading table, and have bought another copy to send to friends. Mr. FurlongTias browsed in many lands, in jungles and desert wastes, and has met all sorts of people, but after looking them all over he has picked on Pendleton as the place to live. This year he is expecting a bunch of writing fellows to come out and help htm let 'er buck at Pendleton and about next year there will prob ably be more western stories on the market, inspired by the round-up. S. Hughes, connected with the light at Cape Blanco, is an arrival at the Hotel Oregon. The coast In the vicinity of Cape Blanco is one of the most dangerous on the Ore gon coast line and has been the scene of many wrecks and witnessed the loss of many lives. It is said, In seafaring circles, that there is a current in the vicinity of Cape Blanco which throws vessels off their course and one theory ad vanced is that a submarine river bursts Into the sea somewhere around there causing the treacher ous current. Wh.en the Roosevelt highway is completed it will run within a short distance of the cape, cutting across the landward end, but the light, will not be visible from the highway. Pat and Mrs. Foley are registered at the Multnomah from The Dalles Pat Foley is one of the best-known, hotelmen east of the Cascades. Un til comparatively recent years It was the delight of Mr. Foley to garb himself in green. His sombrero was green, so were his shirt and his tie and his suit and his boots and he used green ink in his fountain pen and the table decorations at the ho tels which he has managed carried out the same general color scheme and fresh greens were and are al ways served. The emerald raiment, however, has been stowed away for more conventional hues, but Pat Foley manages to get as much green around the hotel and on the menu as possible. With many of the rooms occupied by delegates to the Episcopal con vention, the hotels are crowded and along In the afternoon each day the clerks wonder if anyone will check out so that new arrivals can be taken care of. For the past couple of weeks people arriving on the morning trains have had to wait around until evening, until others already in the hotels were ready to depart. The congestion will prob ably continue for another week. A champion woman swimmer is Mrs. E. B. Flint who. with her hus band, arrived yesterday at the Im perial from Los Angeles. As Dorothy G. Burns, Mrs. Flint Is well known in aquatic circles and her fame as a swimmer is known from one end of the Pacific coast to the other. What Cheer is the name of the Iowa town, from which register Mrs. B. T. Lawrence and Mrs. E. Crowe, t the Imperial. Old-time Orego- nians will recall that In early days one or tne hotels ot i-ortiana was the What Cheer House, but the hotel wasn't named after the Iowa place. With the exception of George M Brown, all the members of the Ore gon supreme court were in Portland yesterday. They arrived from Sa lem to attend the luncheon given In honor of Joseph Simon, one of the oldest practicing lawyers in the state. Blaine Hallock, attorney and mem ber of the state game commission. Is registered at the Hotel Portland from Baker. Mr. Hallock, being from eastern Oregon, gives particu lar attention to the game situation in that end of the state. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, who was almost nominated as a repuoncan candidate for representative in Marion county during the primaries last May, is registered at the Hotel Portland from Salem. C. C. Clark, former member of the legislature, is registered at the Im perial from Arlington, on the Co lumbia river nignway. Percy R. Kelly, circuit judge ol the third Judicial district, is regis tered at the Hotel Oregm from Albany. Roosevelt's Early Education. CLOVERDALE, Or., Sept. 11. (To the Editor.) Please tell me where Theodore Roosevelt received his early education. Colonel Roosevelt says In ' his autobiography that when he was very young a sister of his mother came to live with his parents and that he received his earliest in struction from her. On account of his delicate health he attended private schools for a few months and from the age of 15 until he en tered Harvard he was taught by a private tutor. He was graduated later from Harvard. Cuckoos in America. PORTLAND. Sept. 12. (To. the Editor.) Please state whether there is a bird in North America known as the cuckoo, or cu-ku. I have seen them In Europe near Flume. GEORGE FRANKLIN. There are several varieties of American cuckoo, but they differ somewhat in appearance and in mating habits from the European cuckoo. The two most widely dis tributed are the yello -billed and black-billed cuckoos. There is a western variety of the yellowblll, but the black-billed cuckoo Is not seen west of the Rocky mountains. Burroughs Nature Club. Copyright. Honsrhton-MIMIln Co. Can Vou Answer These Questions? 1. A robin built a nest near my house, and after laying three eggs and setting for many days, disap peared. There was no trace of egg shells and no boya in the neighbor hood knew of the nest. Whole stole the eggs? 2. Will you kindly tell if the Peep ers heard in spring are young frogs, or a separate species? 3. What are the little dark, bladder-like things with horny points at each corner that you find on the sea shore? They are oblong shape and -bloated in the middle. Answers In tomorrow's nature notes. Answers to Previous Questions. 1. Is it true cuckoos pick out a nest in which to lay their eggs where the natural egg will be the same color as the cuckoos' eggs? No; though there has been a lot of writing on this subject. Our American cuckoo makes its own nest usually, a flimsy affair, but not stolen. The cuckoo of the old world has been said to choose a nest where th eggs were a bluish cast similar to its own; but this Is probably mefe chance, or at most, not the reason for choosing any given species of bird nest for an asylum. 2. Do bats live In chimneys? They bother us falling down our chim neys. How can I get rid of them? Bats are nocturnal, and during the day hide (n dark crevices like hol low trees, chinks between rocks, be hind shutters and often In disused buildings, if they can enter. Screen your chimneys with wire net at the outside opening. Better swing some thing down the chimney to scare out the bats first. Do not kill them they are among our best cheeks on flies and mosquitoes. a. Do trees grow from the Inside out or outside In? m Both ways, according to their species. The common trees of North America keep taking on each year a new outside layer Just under the bark, gradually burying deeper and deeper the heart wood, which Is really dead. Such growth Is called exogenous, and these trees branch treely. But palm trees, and similar kinds, merely add new fibers mixed all through the bulk of their stems, and are called endogenous, or In side growers.- They do not branch. Illustration of this style growth is seen in a common corn stalk. SELL-W OOD AND BRIDGE ISSVE Span at That Point Necessary Re gardless of New Bridges Elsewhere. PORTLAND, Sept. 12. (To the Editor.) There Is no Inclination on the part of Sellwood citizens to op pose the Beacon street bridge. On the other hand, Sellwood will work for it, as she has always worked hard for everything that will help In the development of Portland. But it matters not how many oth er bridges are built, there must be a bridge at Sellwood. Sellwood hss been agitating for more than ten years for a bridge to replace the antiquated ferry at Spokane avenue, and she will continue to agitate tili she gets it, for it is a practical and economic necessity. The building of a bridge at Bea con street will not do away with the necessity of some means of trans portation across the river at Sell wood. It is exactly two miles and a half from Beacon street to Spo kane avenue. During the years of the ferry's existence there has grown up a neighborliness and busi ness Intercourse between Sellwood and the west side. A prominent advocate of the Bea con street proposition has made the statement that the erection of a' bridge at that point would do away with the need of the ferry at Sell wood, and that the cost of main taining the ferry could be applied on the new bridge. Surely no man familiar with the facts could make such an assertion. There are nu merous cases of men working in Sellwood and living on the west side, or working on the west side and living in Sellwood. who depend upon the ferry for crossing the riv er. Business and manufacturing In terests in Sellwood who do busi ness on the west side to the south of the present ferry must have some means of crossing at this point. The East Side mill and Oregon Door company have a large amount of business on the west side as far south as Newberg. It would entail a .great expense to these two com panies alone to have their trucks travel that additional five miles on every trip in order to cross the riv er. The same thing would be true of transfer companies and all other business Interests as well as auto mobllists desiring to go south of Sellwood by the west side highway. From an economic standpoint the erection of a bridge at Selwood to replace the ferry should meet with the approval of every business man of Portland. In the maintenance of the ferry the taxpayers are not get ting the service they are paying for. At a cost of 5,000 a year the ferry is giving only 14 hours of service, and for the name average outlay a modern steel and concrete bridge could be erected which would give 24 hours of service. In other words the taxpayers may vote for a bridge at Sellwood with the assurance that It will not mean any additional tax atlori. It will call for a bond Issue of $450,000, but the money which Is now being spent by the county in the maintenance of the ferry will take care of these bonds, interest. principal and all. These are the reasons why Sell wood has requested the board of commissioners to place the erection of a bridge at Sellwood on the No- vember ballot. KENNETH BROWN. Right to Limit Traffic. YAMHILL, Or.. Sept, 11. (To the Editor.) Please tell me If a man is not entitled to use his licensed truck on any road In the state re gardless of weather conditions. I was under the impression that as long as the truck would move you could use same unless or course the road Is closed to all trafric. I took a wood-hauling contract about two miles off a rocked road and now have orders from county commissioners to keep off road un til three days atter the rain. This seems unfair, If I could use same before. Is there any Oregon law concerning same? WADE BUCHANON. The county commissioners have legal authority to protect highways from damage by limiting or pro hibiting any kind of traffic or all traffic. Wlfe'a Separate Property. RAYMOND, Wash.. Sept. 11. (To the Editor.) If a man dies leaving his wife and children with prop erty in his wife's name, could she lawfully sell the property or must she wait until the youngest child is of age A SUBSCRIBER If the property Is In her name it Is hers, and she can dispose ot it at any time eh pleases. More Truth Than Poetry. By Janrs J. Montagus. IV f.I ATAMM.A. In lovely Gu&tnmaia, The people loll at ease Six days a week and Klumher seek Beneath the trr.plc ln-M, Across the dancing wali-r The gentle sea hreexe Mows Where they libido' beside the tide In stalusque repose. But every Tuesday morning At promptly half-past ten The streets resound. for blocks around With shouts of ravage men. O'e'rhcad the shrapnel hisses And sputtering bombshells soar. And all about is rinsing out The horrid noise of war. And till eleven-thirty The war-swept land Is rife With hate and rage, as men engage In Internecine strife. And then, while pit 111 the buildings With smouldering flame are lit. The fight l won, the war Is done A president has quit! In lovely Guatemala When Wednesday morning dawns. They sweep the street up clean and neat And tidy I1 the lawns. Again on slumbering natives The tropic sunbeams blaze. Who take their ease beneath the trees For six long, peaceful days. Crsfcy. Apparently European nations art postponing the next peine confer ence till they have time to get bet ter prepared for war. Troul.l Makers. Germany would inspire more con fidence In her democracy If she would ask for waivers on Ilinden burg and Ludendorf. Open to Illxroaalon. It is a question If publicity dn mo uiovio nusiness mum good when' it is written on the records of the criminal courts. (Oopyrlsht. HIL'S. by Pel! Svndlrate. Trie I The Old Gate. By f.rnee K. Hull. The farm-yard gate la dangling there Beside the wandering road. And a path leads up to the broken steps Of the weather-talned abode. Oh, a million knuckles, large sod small. Have tapped at the paneled door. But the restless feet passed through the gate. And they enter there no more. When the maples purr in the nomad breeze And the yellow moon rides high. Then to the gate by the giant trees Oft a phantom host draws nigh. It lingers there with Its tired eyef On the pathway smooth ami old. But a stranger's hand is upon the latch. And his face Is calm and cold. They come from the city's clash and noise. Where their wayward feet have strayed " A ghost-like phalanx of girls and boys. To the home where once they played. But ever I aee them turn sway And merge with the shadows dim. For a stranger's hand is upon the State. And they do not entor in. In Other Day. Twenty-five Tears Ao. From The Orrconlan, September IS. 187. Berlin. Dispatches from Guate mala say that a revolution broken out against President Har rlos In the western part of the re public. Memphis. The board or health of this city today Isaiied a bulletin en forcing a strict quarantine against New Orleans, Ocean SprlngB, Mobile and other tow ns on the gulf coast., The public schools open today to tho gre,at delight of the children. The Improvement on Tamhlll street Is proceeding apace. Th block between Third and Fourth Is nearly completed. Fifty Tears Ago, From The Oregonian. September 18. 174 Berlin. Emperor William has made the emperor or Austria an honorary colonel In the Schleawlg- Holstein regiment or Hussars, and the sons or the prince Imperial of Germany have received colonelcies In the Russian army. Cincinnati. The exposltsbn was visited by 20,000 persons today. An uptown butcher experienced considerable trouble in driving a band or sheep which would take contrary notions and dart hither and thither to the disgust of those driving them. NEAR EAST FACES TnAC.EDY Itefuseea In Advance of Turkish Army in Pitiful Circumstances. PORTLAND, Sept. 12. (To ths Editor.) The Oregonian hss placed its readers under deep obligation by the editorial "The Rout of the Greeks." With the attention of the people of the nation centered op elections, strikes and other affairs of vital interest to us all, it is hard for us to realize the tremendous tragedv being enacted in the near east, the battleground of the ages. An Associated Press dispatr-h In The Oregonian recently told of the frenzied flight of Christian women and children before the victorious Turkish army. About two Inrhes of space were required for the story, but only the most vivid Imagina tion can picture the suffering of such a Journey of terror. One hundred and fifty thousand refugees have recently pnurod into one near east city, Smyrna. With conditions unbearable before, due to war and Its attendant sorrows, what must be the condition or sui'h a city with this Influx of the destitute and panic stricken? The presence of allltd warships will trannullize the people and, doubtless, deter the Turks from fur ther immediate massacre. This, however, will not feed and clothe the ttarvlng and naked who have abandoned all their possessions In the hope that they might have life. In many parts of this devastated country are relief stations and or phanages, pitifully Inadequate it la true to meet the need, but manned by heroic Americans doing their best to meet an Impossible situation. Tlis appeals reaching the near east re lief on account of this crisis ara heartbreaking. Through Its com munity chest and Sunday schools. Portland is endeavoring to meet the demands made upon Its sympathies by this moat tragic situation. J. J. HANDSAKF.R. State Director, Near East Relief. 4