13, THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1923 V AMERICAN VESSELS GET Gil TRAFFIC Arrangements Made for , Coming Year's Needs. RATE TO PORTLAND CUT This Port Now on Sarnie Basis as Others oi Coast on Business From Hongkong. Gunnies from India for next sea son's requirements in the west are to move on American- ships from Calcutta to Hongkong and there be forwarded via American lines to the Pacific coast, the business being divided among the established serv ices to the principal ports. Port land's portion will be moved on ves sels of the Columbia-Pacific Ship ping company and it is estimated the amount to be received through this harbor will reach close to 20,000 tons. The transportation of the gunny- business has been arranged by con tract. The Pacific Mail fleet and that of Struthers Sc. Barry will han dle gunnies to Los Angeles and San Franoisco and the Admiral line the shipments destined for Puget sound ports. The basis of the contract is a rate of J6.50 a ton from Calcutta. The shipment of gunnies to Port land has not always been handled direct and at the opening of the present season, whilt there was rate of $6.60 to other Pacific coa:t ports, that to Portland was 1, as a consequence af which bags were consigned via Tacoma and reshipped by railroad to Portland at less than the through freight to Portland. The Injustice of that differential was taken up by the Columbia-Pa cific Shipping company with its Hongkong representative, with the result that the same charge was made applicable to Portland's gunny shipments. However, the elimination of the differential-was brought about after much of the bag movement had,been contracted, though there have been some direct shipments here. Under the new arrangement for an all American line routing at the going freight rate an appreciable gain Is looked for In the column of Imports. The routing of gunnies from Cal cutta will be on small "feeder" steamors, which are utilized in as sembling cargo at Hongkong, Manila and such ports for the convenience of the trans-Pacific fleet. EIGHT GRAI2T SHIPS IN" PORT Tenpaisan Mara Leaves With Big Wheat Cargo for Europe. With the departure of the Jap anese steamer Tenpaisan Mara last night, and the Norwegian steamer Torrey under orders to leave early this morning, eight of the grain fleet will remain In the river either loading cargo or awaiting orders to proceed to a loading berth. The Tenpaisan Mara is headed for the United Kingdom with a full wheat cargo, while the Torrey is bound for the far east and her Portland cargo Is made up of 45,816 barrels of flour for Shanghai and 5000 barrels for Hongkong. The ship came here from New Orleans, where she took aboard considerable general freight for the orient. Three, vessels were at terminal No. 4 yesterday for bulk wheat and the Tokufuku Maru probably will ' finish there today and her berth will be taken by the Baltimore Maru. The Victoria Mara and Orient City began lining yesterday for wheat. BRAZIL NUTS SHIPPED HERE West Jappa Arrives With 1000 Bags for local Discharge. t One unusual direct shipment to be discharged here-yesterday from a deepwaterman was 1000 bags of Brazil nuts, which were brought by the steamer West Jappa, of the Swayne & Hcyt South American ser vice. She reported in tht harbor at 10 o'clock in the morning and left ' down at 6 o'clock. Incidentally, it had been intended to land the nuts at San Francisco, but they were or dered here and while the consign ment was shown on the coasting manifest, it was in bond and not enumerated on the foreign manifest, so the customs house officials took the master to task. There were 860 bags of sunflower seed, originating at Buenos Aires, 2000 bags of coffee from Santos, Brazil, and miscellaneous freight. Outward the vessel worked a small coneignment of flour for the return voyage and went on to Puget Sound. CARGO LOADING SPEEDS TJP Bf ore Wheat and Lumber Carriers Increase Harbor Activities. More wheat and lumber carriers here for. cargoes created a spurt in the circles of longshoremen yes terday and it was said close to 750 men were engaged, while additional gangs could have been utilized. As the average run of work of late has not demanded such a number' of longshoremen, part of those who follow the trade are believed to have temporarily found other vocations. It is the opinion on the water front that the next few weeks will be busy, especially should an ad justment of railroad strike diffi culties be brought '.. about, so there would be a more free movement of grain from the interior, which is understood to be influenced at pres ent because of limited rolling stock. The increase in intercoasta'l freight in both directions, restoration of oriental services and normal coast wise business add to the volume of longshore work. Munson Line Enters Coast Trade. Announcement that the Munson line has entered the intercoastal service and that the first steamer, the Munaires, which has visited here, will get away from New York for the Pacific coast October -7, is interesting Portlanders. So far as has been ascertained the matter of a Portland representative has not beeTTsettled. One opinion in shipping circles is that the Munson Interests decided to bid for a share of the trade as a result of the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific having suspended service. , . Full Cargo of Snlphur Coming. Storage of between 6000 and 7000 tons of sulphur from the Gulf region at terminal No. 4- is being nego tiated. The material, which is to be used in connection with the manufacture of paper, moves this way in smaller quantities at times, but in view of lower freights from the Atlantic side it is proposed to move a full caj-go. With storage added the saving in transportation is sufficient to Justify the arrange ment. Swimmer ",in . Nude Fined. Dan McSherry, 19 years old, mess boy aboard the steamer T. J. Potter, paid a fine of $14 in the municipal court yesterday on pleading guilty to swimming in the Willamette river minus bathing garb. He was arrested Monday by the harbor pa trol force, on the beach below where the Potter is lying. The waterfront minions have conducted an active campaign against bathers disre garding an ordinance in which the character o swimming apparel is prescribed.. ' Pilots Ge Branches.' The Oregon state board of pilot commissioners ' yesterday granted branches ' to Captains George F. Gildez ad S. S. Dalby of the Co lumbia River Pilots' association. The cicerones were among the best known steamboat skippers in the district and became affiliated with the pilotage service a few months ago. The commission reissued the river branch of Captain Isaac Turppa. Until granted state branches pilots are restricted in their operations to handling Ameri can vessels under enrollment. . Marine Notes. E. M. Cherry, British vice-consul at Astoria, and Captain Frank M. Sweet, harbormaster, were In the city yesterday on business. E. F. R. De Xanoy, coast manager of the Joint European service of the Holland-America and Royal Mall lines, spent yesterday in the city In conference with officials of the Oregon Pacific company. representing the service. The steamer Edna Christenson cleared yesterday for San Pedro with a lumber cargo measuring 2,100,000 feet, loaded at St. Helena . The steamer West Keats of the Colum bia Pacific Shipping company's oriental fleet Is looked for in ths rlver-this after noon, ending a voyage of 14 days from Tokahama that will set a new mark for freighters In that trade. She has con siderable Inward freight and a full cargo awaits her outward. The Montague, of the same banner, went from the Southern Pacific siding to the Alblna dock of Kerr, Glfford & Co. yesterday and is due to sail Friday. The Mlnnesotan of the American-Ha waiian fleet moved yesterday from Ter minal No. 1 to the upstream dook of the St. Johns company to load New Tork lumber consignments. The Mexican of the European service returned to the North Bank dock yesterday to complete her load with wheat. The Norwegian steamer Xulse Nielsen. which entered yesterday from oriental ports with limited consignments of freight, having landed other cargo at Astoria, shifted from Albers to Alblna dock in preparation for loading a wheat cargo for the United Kingdom. The Japanese steamer Konkosan Maru left the harbor for Columbia City early yesterday to complete her cargo for Japan. Accommodations aboard the Admiral line steamer Senator were largely sold out last night and by 10 o'clock this morning, her sailing time, belated trav elers will probably be disappointed In obtaining passage. The ship departs from Terminal No. 3 for California cities as far as San Diego. The .Rose City of the San Franoisco & Portland flag, sails tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from Alnsworth dock and will carry another crowd. The motorshlp .Boobyalla, which ar rived yesterday morning, went to the Albers dock to land California cargo. afterwards moving to the. Irving dock and later to Terminal No. 4. The Japanese steamer Yoshlda Maru No. 1, of the Yamashfta company's Portland-oriental line, moved from the West Oregon Lumber company's plant to the North Bank dock yesterday. The steamer Multnomah of the McCor- mick line came in from San Francisco last night and is due to sail Saturday. She la expected to have an average list of passengers for the southbound trip. The Wapama of the same line sails Friday. . The commission of public docks meets in regular session tomorrow morning and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the Port of Portland commission will con vene. The steamer Robert Luckenbach. bound here on her initial voyage in the Luckenbach service and laden with con siderable east coast freight, reached San Francisco yesterday. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 12. (Special.) The British- steamer Canadian Observer arrived at 0:15 o clock this morning from Ocean Falls, B. C, and after discharging o.iu ions ui wow puip at ma port ter minals for reshlpment to Camas, Wash., sailed this afternoon for San Pedro with a cargo of paper. The steam schooner Multnomah arrived at 11:16 o'clock today from San Francisco and after loading shingles at the' port terminals left for St. Helens to load lumber. - - At a meeting of the Astoria . Port commission this morning, Manager Bart- lott reported that for the installation of the proposed additional unloading equipment at the port elevators, he had ordered machinery costing about $22,000. It should arrive within a few days so that the new equipment will be ready for Port Calendar. To Arrive a Portland. Vessel From Date. Regulus ....West coast.. Sept. 14 Steel Navigator New York... Sept. 16 Eastern Prince. ... ..Orient sTt is Celilo San Fran... Sept. 18 a. aj. aoui ,.wtiw xorK. . .tsept. J6 jUerlden So. America. Sept. 18 Artigas ..Portia' d, Me.SepL 18 Kobt. Luckenbach. ..New York... Sept 18 Admiral Farragut. ..San Diego. . .Sept. 1 A dm. uoodrich. . j . an Fran. ...Sept. ltt Kristianiafjord . Europe, Sept. 19 Baja California. Cen. Amer.. .Sept. 19 Klnderdyk ..Europe Sept. 20 Nevada .......... ..Bordeaux ...jepu21 WlUhilo ..New York. ..Sept. 21 Kentuckian, JS'ew York... Sept. 22 1'elaa .........New York. . .Sept. 22 Wm. Campion Gulf j.. Sept. 23 Arakan .............. Batavia ....Sept. 2a Buliaren - . .Aust. ...... .Sept. 27 , To Leport from Portland. Vessel" For Date Minnesota! . .. . . ...New York. . .Sept. 13 Senator .'..... San Diego ..Sept. 14 Kote City. ...... ....San Fraa....Sept. 14 Monta&ue .. Orient .-. .. ..Sept. IS Wanama ......... ..San Fran Sent, is Multnomah .........San Fran.. .Sept. 16 A. I.. Kent New York. . .Sept. 17 Steel Navigator. ..... New York. ..Sept. IT ttegulu ........."West coast. .Sept. 18 Meriden .... ..So. America. Sept. ly Celilo .....San Fran. ..Sept. J0 iam. Farragut San Diego. . .Sept. 20 Robt: Luekenbach. ..New York. ..Sept. 20 aum. Goodrich. ... ..a.F. and way. sept, 2i h-entucalaa New York... Sept. 24 wixiauu . ...... .rttjw xora. .aepti 2 ' Vessels In Fort, ' Vessel " ' Berth. Anten Globe miU. , Booyballa Terminal No. 4. .Baltimore JUaru. .. ..Terminal No. 4. Cmiucothe ....Terminal No. 1. i: rogner Astoria. Koiitosan Maru. .... Columbia City. Iw. V Kiuse Victoria Doipoina. Levi Xi. Burgess.... Terminal No. 1. Louise Nielsen ... ..Alblna dock. Minnesotaa St. Johns mill. Montague .... Alblna dock. Mexican ........... North Bunk dock. Multnomah -Couch street. Oregon Pine ........Peninsula mill. uron Fir ......... Peninsula milL fawwt ....... ......St. Johns Moorings, Orient City Peninsula mill. biaihls ............ Oregon- YVasn. dock. Hose City ..........Alnsworth dock. Senator ....Terminal No. 2. XuKuiuku Maru.. ...Terminal No. 4. Xoiuku Maru. ..... ..Peninsula mill. Torrey ...P. F. M. Co. Utsuri Maru Columbia City. Victoria Maru ...... Peninsula mill. Wapama .......... .St. Helena Wei-an City lnman-Poulsen's. Voshida Maru No. 1. .North Bank dock. Trans-Pacific Mail. Closing time for the trans-Pacific mails at the Portland main postoffice is as folle ws (one hour earlier at Station G, 282 Oak street) : . For Hawaii. 1 - A. M., September 18, per steamer Ventura, from San Francisco. For Hawaii, 7:45 P. M., September 19 per steamer Shlnyo Maru. from San Francisco. For Japan, China and Philippines, 11:30 p M , September 20, per steamer Em ores of Australia from Seattle. Hawaii and Australia, 7:45 P. M., Sep tember 18, per steamer Ventura, from San Francisco. For China, Japan and Philippines, 1180 P. M-, September 15, per steamer President Grant from Seattle, . - use by the time the new wheat crop begins to move for export. After taking on freight at Portland the steamer Steel Worker sailed at 9 o'clock last night for New York via way porta The steamer West Jappa from South America via San Francisco arrived at 12:30 o'clock this morning bringing freight for Portland and Seattle. After discharging fuel oil in Portland the tank steamer W. S. Porter sailed at 3 o'clock this morning for California. The Oneonta, which has been in Portland to be overhauled, arrived today to leplaee the tug Wallula.in the service at the mouth of the river. The Japanese steamer Yuri Maru and the American steamer West Keats will be due tomorrow en route to Portland. EVERETT, Wash., Sept. 12. The steamship Meriden of the General Steam ship company, arrived last night and took on a freight cargo and left for Port Angeles. The steam schooner Forest King, of the Forest line, arrived today and Is loading lumber for San Pedro. . The freighter Steel Maker of the Isth mian line arrived today and is taking on a huge cargo of lumber for New York and Boston. BA.it ' FRANCISCO, Sept 12. The latest addition to the Pacifie Mail Steamship company's trans-Paclfio fieet, the President Taft, left for the orient to day with 270 passengers and a capacity cargo. Certain Thomas Blau command ed the new allocation. The liner President Pierce, also alloca ted to the Pacific Mall, which was forced back to New York Sunday on account of engine trouble, resumed her voyage to San Francisco today, the' company was advised, v , She will join the oriental fleet of the company , on . her arrival. Captain Ryland Drannan of the steam er President Lincoln wirelessed today that he would make port tomorrow, 10 hours earlier than was expected, cap tain Drannan made a fast getaway -from Honolulu and stayed within the board's speed limit tor 635's of 17 knots an hour. SAN PEDRO, CaL, Sept. IS. Six lum ber schooners with approximately 8,800,- 000 feet of lumber arrived here today. They were the C A. Smith from Coos bay with 1,600,000 feet of lumber; the Ernest H. Meyer, 1.200,000 feet irom Grays Harbor; the Idaho, Grays Har bor, 1,000,000 leet; the rtosaue jxianoney, 000.000 feet, from Puget Sound; Saginaw, . Tacoma, 000,000 feet, and the barge Nelson. 800.000 feet. Two of the largest freight carriers sailing here left today for New York with thousands of tons of miscellaneous cargo. . They were the Norton Lilly and the company freighter Birmingham City and the Lena Luckenbach of the Luckenbach line. Both vessels put in here, recently from San 'Francisco to finish loading freight for New York delivery. . Loaded with 0000 tons of general cargo the freighter Missourian of the United American, line sailed from this port today tor Europe. The Missourian s cargo, picked up from Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, is said to be the largest single shipment ever to leave here for Europe. 'SEATTLE, WasbJ. Sept. 12. It Is predicted- here that inside of a year there will be a large increase In the number of motor-driven vessels operating coast wise, intercoastal and foreign. The suc cess.of the motorshlp Kennecott in econ omy of operation has created .-sentiment In favor of this type of power for deep sea- merchant vessels. The Kennecott, built by the Todd -plant at Tacoma for the Alaska Steamship company and op erating under an agreement between that company and the Williams line, -is on her sixth voyage to the Atlantic coast and her seventh voyage since completion. Everywhere the economy of the Kenne cott- In fuel consumption has attracted attention of shipping men and the same Is reported of the new motorshlps Cali fornia and Missourian of the American Hawaiian Steamship company's fleet. Resumption of heavy cargo movements to the orient Is noticeable here and all vessels operating trans-Pacific are re- ported booked full for several montha The Walker-Ross company, represent ing the Tatsuuma Kisen Kalsha In the northwest,- has requested an additional vessel for October loading. The Septem ber ship has been booked full for months and the October ship, the Ayaha Maru, is now reported full, with much freight offered to go before the November boat, the Hakushikl Maru. is set to leave. BELLINGHAM. Wash.. Sept. 12. The Catherine D of the Paclfio American Fisheries company Is In from her last trip from Alaska canneries, bringing 108 oannery workers and a full cargo of canned salmon. The steamer Manulani Is due tomor row for lumber for the Hawaiian islands. The Jacob Luckenbach will arrive to morrow morning from the east coast for a cargo of canned salmon. Ths Sierra will be in Thursday from an Pedro for lumber. ' GRAYS HARBOR. Wash.. Sept. 12. (Special.) Steamer Carlos arrived from San Francisco at 7 A. M., to load at the Donovan mill. The steamer Svea from San Francisco arrived at 8 P. M., yesferday to take lumber at the Bay City mill. The steamer Providencia. completing cargo at the A. J. West mill, is expected to clear late this afternoon for Califor nia and Mexican ports. The steamers Oregon and Tamalpais are due to arrive late tonight from San Francisco and San Pedro, respectively. The steamer Nehalem is' scheduled to elear port late this afternoon for San Francisco. - - The steamer Redondo moved last night from the Western mill, Aberdeen, to the Northwestern mill, Hoquiam. TACOMA, WashSept. 12. The Ta coma Grain company has sent out some fine orders this month and business booked tor the remainder of September shews a steady lineup of ships to take flour for ths orient, South America and Europe. The Hamburg Maru of the Osaka Shosea Kalsha line took an unusually large amount of flour from this mill this week and the vessel will be followed by the Manila Maru Friday and the Rainier In the California trade Saturday. The Norwegian motorshlp Pedro Chris topherson Is due September 20 to. load for Europe, while the Santa Crux is ex pected the following day.. The President Jefferson is due at the same time at the mill dock. The oriental trade will be represented on' September 25 when the Africa Manx of the Osaka Shoeen Kalsha line berths here to load whfle the Depere will load on this date for South. America. The Pomona of the Admiral line will be In September 27 to load for the orient. Under a new tatlff adopted by the Admiral line Tacoma firms will have the benefit of a better - rate to and from California ports by ' the Admiral line vessels, word received here today announced to shippers. This rate went into effect September 10 and under its provisions there is only a difference of 24 cents between the Admiral line rates and steam schooner rates. In connection with the business the Admiral line will give Tacoma three sailings each week on passenger steam ships scheduled out of San Francisco. COOS BAY. Or., Sept. 12. (Special ) The port of Coos Bay commissioners last night transacted business ' which means an expenditure of many thousands of dollars before the programme Is com plete. The port, on recommendation of Commissioner Banks, decided to pur chase the Puget sound tug Oregon and will have it delivered here by Septem ber 20. The price of the tug was not named, but payments will be made at the rate of $800 monthly. The dredge constructed by the port with a lS-lnch suction was a failure and this Is being remedied by the purchase of new com pound condensing engines and replace ment of the old pump by a new one of 60 inches diameter. Towing and pilot charges on Coos Bay will be lower In the future through an arrangement made yesterday for piloting and towing combined. Ed Lund will be the port's official pilot and will co-operate with the tug .service. Charges for towing service will be for round trip rates, that is, for bringing in a vessel, mooring her and towing her to sea again. Transfers from dock to dock wi'ch In the harbor will be charged extra. The rates Set are as follows: Vessels of 8000 tons net and under, $250: over 8000 up to 4000 tons net, J 300; craft of more than 4000 tons net, $400. The steamer. Cotton Plant arrived this morning from Bay Point at 7 o'clock and started loading a lumber cargo at the electric dock. m The steamer Johanna Smith sailed this afternoon with 1,500,000 feet of lumber to be delivered at Bay Point. . Movements of Vessels. - PORTLAND, Sept. 12. Arrived at 9:45 A. M., motorshlp Boobyalla, from San Francisco. Arrived at 8:55 A. M.. West Jappa, from Buenos Aires and way ports. Sailed at 4 P. M., Ryder Hanlfy, from St. Helens, for San Francisco. Sailed at 11:55 P. M., West Jappa, for Buenos Aires, via Puget sound. a ASTORIA, Sept. 12. Arrived at 10:80 last night and left up at 1 A. M., West Jappa, from Buenos Aires and way ports. Sailed at midnight, W. S. Porter, for San Francisco. Arrived at 9:15 A. M., British steamer Canadian Observer, from Ocean Falls, B, C., for Sen Pedro. Arrived at 10:50 A. M., Multnomah, from San Fran cisco. S4.N FRANCISCO, Sept. 12. Arrived at 8 A. M., Admiral Goodrich, from Port land via Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived at 1 P. M., Robt. Luckenbach, from New York and way ports, for Portland and Puget sound. Arrived at 1 P. M., Albert Jeffres, from Philadelphia and way ports, for Puget sound and Portland. SAN DIEGO, Sept. 12. Sailed Ad miral Farragut. for Portland and way ports. SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept. 12. Arrived: Admiral Farragut, from San Francisco and San Pedro; ammunition steamer Pyro, .from Hampton Roads: destroyer squadron No. 12, including the McDer mut, Yarbarough, La Vallette, Wood, Kidder, Selfridge. Marcus, Mervlne, Hull, Mullany, Robert Smith, McDonough, Far enhelt, Sumner, Corry and Melvin from Port Angeles and San Francisco; Swedish motorshlp Bunoa Aires from Malmo, via sp&nftnift c&ha! Departed: Swedish motorshlp Buenos Aires, for San Pedro; Admiral Farragut, for Portland and way porta. ' TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 12. Arrived: Axumasan Maru, from Seattle, Griffco, from Stewart, B. C.J tug Ambassador, from Chicago. Departed : F. S. Loop, for San Fran cisco, via Vancouver, B. C. ; Phyllis,' for San Pedro; Regulus, for San Francisco; tug Ambassador, for Seattle. SAN PEDRO, Cal., Sept. 12. Arrived: Rosalie Mahoney, from Puget sound; Saginaw, from Tacoma; Henderson, from San Francisco: Idaho, from Grays Har bor; Wabash, from Seattle, Portland and San Francisco; Ernest H. Meyer, from Grays Harbor; W. S. Rheem, from San Francisco; C. A. Smith, from Coos Bay; Admiral Farragut, from San Diego. Departed: Daisy Freeman, tor Colum bia river; Birmingham City, for New York; Missourian, for Europe; Lena Xuckenbach, for New York; Fort Bragg, for Fort Bragg; Yale, for San Francisco; Steel Navigator, for San Francisco, port land and Seattle; J. B. stetson, for Grays Harbor; Royal Arrow, for erlent; Port Angeles, for Port Angeles; John C. Klrk patrlck, for Seattle; Virginia Olson, for Bellingham; Wabash, for Portland, Me.; Annette Rolph, for San Francisco and Portland: Vaquero, for San Diego; Gu erre (MeTc.), for Sallna-Crnz. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 12. Arrived Texan, from Boston, at 7:30 P. M. ; Presi dent Jefferson, from Manila, at 6 P. M.: Wakena, from British Columbia, at 4:30 P. M. ; Richmond, from San Pedro, at 3:15 P. M. ; Qulnault, from San Pedro, at 4:30 P. M.; Santa Maria, from New York, at 10 A M. ; Yosemite, from San Francisco, at 9:50 A. M.; Apex, from Anacortes, at 10:15 A M.; Regulus, from Tacoma, at 4:45 A. M. Departed Spokane, for southeastern Alaska, 8 P. M.; Regulus, for Val paraiso; H. F. Alexander, for San Pedro, 4 P. M.; Julia Luckenbach, for Boston, 3 :45 P. M. ; iAfrlka, for Rotterdam, 6 P. M.; Apex, for Alaska; Yosemite, for Everett. 2:45 P. M. KETCHIKAN. Sept. 12. Departed Admiral Watson, northbound, 1:30 p. M. VICTORIA. Sept. 12. Departed President Jefferson, for Seattle, 1:10 A. M. VANCOUVER. B. C. Sept. 12. Departed Kalsho Maru, for Grays Harbor, 10:30 A. M. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12. Arrived: Hamer, from Shanghai, 1:45 A M. ; Columbia, from New York. 6:15 A M. ; Nanking, from Hongkong, etc., 6:10 A. M. ; Maui, from Honolulu, 8:45 A. M. ; A Talon, from Grays Harbor. 7:20 A M. ; Admiral Goodrich, from Coos Bay, 8 A M. ; Loba Maru (Japanese) from Shanghai, 8:20 A M.; Dorothy Alex ander, -from Victoria, 10:10 A M. ; Willamette, from Portland, 11:20-A. M. ; Albert Jef frees from Philadelphia, 41:55 A M. ; Steel Scientist from Seattle, 1:25 P. M. ; Robert Luckenbach, from New York, 12:40 P. M. Sailed: Berenear (British) for Lelth or Hull, 2:10 P. M.; York City, (British) for Shanghai, 11:50 A. M. ; President Taft for Hongkong, 1:40 P. M. HAVRE, Sept. 9. Arrived: . Michigan, from San Francisco. MANILA Sept. 11. Arrived: Bohem ian Club from San Francisco; President Cleveland, from San Francisco. TIENTSIN. Sept. 11. Arrived: Han nawa, from Portland, Or. HONGKONG, Sept. 11. Arrived: President McKinley, from Tacoma. NEW YORK. Sent. 12. Arrived: Ma jestic, from .Southampton; President Monroe, from London. VENICE, Sept. 8. Arrived; Belvidere, from New York. TRIESTE, Sept. 8. Arrived : - Presi dents Willson, from New York. PLYMOUTH. Sept. 11. Arrived: Ryn- dam, from New York. GENOA, Sept. ll.-rArrived : Arabic, from New York. SOUTHAMPTON. Sept. 12. Arrived: Mauretania, from New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 12. Arrived: Bournemouth, from Cardiff: Plnar del Rio, from Antilla. - - , BOMBAY, Sept. 11. Arrived: Solen, from Port Arthur. NEW YORK, Sept 12. Arrived: Delco, from Portland, Or. YOKOHAMA, Sept. 8. Arrived: Haka ta Maru, from Tacoma and Seattle. MOJI, Sept 1L Maru, from Portland, -Arrived: Kaikyu NEW YORK, Sept. 12. Sailed: Aqul tanla, for Southampton; Samlatd, for Danzig, via Philadelphia. ST. MICHAEL, Cretic, for. Boston. GENOA, Sept. 7 Sailed : Colombo, for New York. , MARSEILLES, Sept. 7. Sailed: Roma, for New York. - CEBU, Sept. 8. Sailed: Archer, for San. Francisco. HANKOW, Sept. 9. Sailed: Algonquin, for San Francisco, SINGAPORE, Sept. 9. Sailed: - Bear port, for San Francisco. Sept. 10: Broad Arrow, for San Francisco. - 9 y; SHANGHAI, Sept. 10. Sailed: Presi dent Madison, for Seattle. ' , . , HONGKONG, Sept. 11. Sailed: Taye Maru, for San Francisco. , CRISTOBAL, Sept. 11,-Sailed.- Vene zuela for San Francisco. NEW YORK. Sept. 12. Sailed: Fred erik VTIL, for Copenhagen; -Niagara, tor Vigo and Bordeaux; Assyria, . for Liverpool and Glasgow ; Madonna, for Naples; City of Batavia, for Calcutta; Camaguey, for Santiago; Sarpfos, for Nassau; Munplace, for Vera Cruz; Crof ton Hall, for Buenos Aires. ' KOBE, Sept. 10, Sailed; Kumsang, for San Francisco; Persia Maru, for San Francisco; Wheatland Montana, for Tacoma. YOKOHAMA Sept. 9. Sailed: Ixion, for Seattle. . Report From Month of Columbia River. NORTH HEAD, Sept. 12. Condition of sea at 5 P. ,M., smooth; wind, northwest, 10 milea Tides at Astoria Wednesday. " High. Low. 5:24 A. M.....S.8 ft-10.87 A M.... 2.9 ft. 5:03 P. M T.8 ft.) Get your coal at Saiersen'a. Adv -. Mi1 9P White, shmlng poreelafal Easily kept clean and ra diant. Apply Catol Liquid Gloss with damp cloth then polish dry. In con venient aisecaaa at roar dealer.. ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calsfacnia) CALOL LIQUID GLOSS rlVOfsKERS NEAR ARGONAUT SIIJfERS, IP ALIVE, -WIXIj BE RELEASED SHOKTLY. Veteran Operators Confident That Some of Imprisoned Crew Will Survive Ordeal. JACKSON, Cal., Sept. 12. (By the Associated - Press.) "Forty-eight hours more and the miners will be released," - was. the cry in Jaokson tonight when word came' that the last barrier to the Argonaut mine will be broken through late Thurs day night or early Friday morning. Although no eignals have been heard from the 47 men since the first 45 minutes of their imprison ment August 27, veteran miners be lieve that a few of the stronger and more experienced, men are still alive, saying that the number will be easily counted on the fingers of one hand. Others firmly believe that all have been killed by the deadly poison fame? that have filled the burning i-iine, for the last two weeks. Officials who have bee-0 drag ging along tired, weary and with broken spirits, sleeping but three or four hours each night for the last two weeks, were keenly active today and alert for the final struggle. Once mors women be gan flocking to the adjoining Ken nedy mine from which the rescue crews are working, and it is thought the number of spectators will grow steadily until word comes from either ths 2600 or 3900"-foot levels of the Kenneddy that a connection withthe Argonaut is a reality. -The fire in the Argonaut has Just about" burned itself out, according to F. R. Lowell, safety engineer of the California accident commission. He said this was proved by the fact that" today's test of poison gas below the 2400-foot level of the Muldoon shaft, the perpendicular approach' to. the Argonaut, which has been blocked, as well as the main Inclined shaft itself, by the fire, showed less than 4 per cent of carbon d'oxide, with just a trace of the deadly carbon monoxide gas and 15 percent of oxygen. Ship Reports by Radio. By the Radio Corporation -of America. (The Radio Corporation of America, in co-operation with the United States public health service and the Seamen s Church institute, will receive requests for medical or surglqal advice through its KPH San Francisco station without cost. . All positions reported at 8 P. M. yes terday unless otherwise indicated. - HEATHER, at Richardson bay. " H. F. ALEXANDER, Seattle for San Francisco, 78 miles from Seattle. MAT SON I A , San Francisco for Hono lulu, 1923 miles from San Francisco, September 11. - WEST KEATS, Yokohama for Port land, 544 miles- west of Columbia river, September 11. YANKEE ARROW, San Francisco for Shanghai, 2269 miles from San Francisco, September 11. CHINA ARROW, Manila for San Fran cisco, 1271 miles from San Francisco, September 11. 1 ALBERTOLITE, Talara for Vancou ver, 129 miles south of Saa Francisco, noon, September 11. IPSWICH, Baltimore for San Pedro, 948 miles south of San Pedro, noon, Sep tember 11.- ARTIGAS, Philadelphia for San Pedro. 933 miles south of San Pedro, noon,- Sep tember 11. SWIFTSTAR, Philadelphia for San Pedro, 1048 miles south of San Pedro, noon, September 11. HYADES. San Pedro for Honolulu, 1806 miles from San Pedro, Septemiber 11. MAKENA, Belllngham for Honolulu, 2005 miles from Beilingham. DOROTHY ALEXANDER, Victoria for San Francisco, 202 miles from San Fran cisco. September 11. J. A. MOFFETT, San Pedro for As toria, 554 miles from Astoria. COLONEL E. L. DRAKE. Wlllbridge for El Segundo, 115 miles from El Se gundo. BABINDA, San Francisco for San Pedro, 32 miles from San Francisco. . MELVILLE DOLLAR, Port Alice for San Pedro, 125 miles north of San Fran cisco, noon. WEST CATANANCE. San Pedro for San Francisco, latitude 34:33 north, longi tude 120:48 west, noon. ENTERPRISE, Hilo for San Francisco, 732 miles west of San Francisco. SEA LION, towing log raft, Astoria for San Diego, 37 miles northwest-of Point Rey-s. RUTH ALEXANDER, San Francisco for Seattle, 31 miles from San Francisco. MANULANI, San Francisco for Bell Ingham, 431 miles north of San Fran cisco. . V JOHANNA SMITH, Coos Bay for San Francisco, 86 miles south of Coos Bay. COVE RUN, Kaanapall for San Fran cisco, 400 miles from San Francisco. ED. KINGSLEY, Vancouver for San Francisco, 90 miles north of an Fran cisco. NORTHLAND, Roche Harbor for San Francisco, 132 miles north of San .Fran cisco. CITY OF SYDNEY, Bristol Bay for San Francisco. 56 miles northwest of Point Reyes. W. S. MILLER. Richmond for San Pedro. 98 miles from Richmond. H. T. HARPER, Richmond for Point Wells, 576 miles from Point Wella HORACE X. BAXTER, Everett for San Pedro, 15 miles south of Cape Men docino. SISKIYOU, San Pedro for Columbia river, 120 miles south of Ban Francisco. CHINA ARROW, Manila for San Francisco, 1033 miles from San Francisco. ROYAL ARROW, San Pedro for Yoko hama, 80 miles from San Pedro. MANUKAI, Honolulu for San Fran cisco, 1224 miles from San Francisco. SANTA CRUZ, Calla'o for -San Fran cisco, 20 miles south of San Francisco. CITY OF LOS ANOELES, Los Anpelcs QE30E IOQOI For Shops and Roundhouse Machinists ............. Blacksmiths .. . . ...... Sheet-Metal Workers ... Electricians Stationary Engineers ... Stationary Firemen .. . . . Boilermakers ... Passenger-Car Men ....... Freight-Car Men ........ Helpers, all classes oaoi for Hilo, 370 miles west of Point Firmln. MAKAWELI. Tacoma for Honolulu. 820 miles south of Cape Flattery. WEST OROWA, Portland for Yoko hama, 2084 miles from Columbia river, September 11. DILWORTH. San Francisco for Shang hai. 2907 miles from San B'ranclaco, Sep tember 11. EASTERN SAILOR, Yokohama for Portland, 8120 miles from Columbia river, September 11. APUS, Hongkong for Ssn Pedro. 8207 hilles from San Pedro, September 11. SHABONEB, San Pedro for Nagasaki, 8394 miles from San Pedro, September 11. KETCHIKAN, Cordova for Vaidez. 85 miles from Cordova, September 11. LATOUCHE-. Cordova for Burnett In let, off Point Colpoys. September 11. ALAMEDA Cordova for Port AlUiorp, off St. Ellas, September 11. STARR, Seldovia for Kanatak. 80 miles from Kanatak, September 11. REDONDO, discharging at Kanatak, September 11. - ADMIRAL EVANS, Snug Harbor for Kodlak, 20 miles from Snug Harbor, September 11. TATOOSH, Redwood Waterfall for Se attle, 456 miles from Seattle, Septem ber Jl. NORTHWESTERN. Seattle for Ketchi kan, 43 miles from Seattle, Septem ber 11. VICTORIA. Akutan for Nome, 395 miles from Akutan, September 9. ADMIRAL WATSON, due Ketchikan September 11. A. F. LUCAS, Port Angeles for San Pedro, 969 miles from San Pedro. MERIDEN, Port Angeles for Roche Harbor, arrived Roche Harbor 9 P. M. SIERRA, San Pedro for Belllngham. 730 miles north of San 'Pedro. HART W OOD, San Francisco for Grays Harbor, 445 miles north of San Fran cisco. WAHKEENA, San Pedro for Everett, 210 miles from Everett. EVERETT, Everett for San Pedro, 800 miles from Everett. RAINIER. San Francisco for Belllng ham, 262 miles from Belllngham. W. S. PORTER. Llnnton for San Pedro, 20 miles from Linnton, September 11. By Federal Telegraph Company. WEST PROSPECT, San Pedro for Yokohama, 3305 mlies from San Pedro, September 11. DILWORTH, San Francisco for Shang hai, 2797 miles west of Saa Francisco, September 11. FRANK G. DRUM, San Pedro for Honolulu, 2088 miles west of Ban Pedro, September 11. PRESIDENT WILSON, San Francisco for Yokohama, 1396 miles west of Hono lulu, September 11. JEPTHA, San Francisco for Valpa raiso, 955 miles south of San Francisco, September 11. 7 WEST OROWA, Portland for .Yoko hama, 2084 miles west of Columbia river, September 31. SHABONEE, San Pedro for Nagasaki, 3594 miles west of San Pedro, Sep tember 11. COALINGA, Honolulu for San Pedro, 973 miles from San Pedro, September 11," WILLAMETTE. Ban Francisco for San Pedro, 50 miles south of San Francisco. PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Yokohama fof San Francisco, 284 miles west of San Francisco. . CELILO. San Pedro for San Francisco. 180 miles south of San Francisco. HUMBOLDT, San Pedro for San Fran cisco, 95 miles south of San Francisco. LA BREA, San Francisco for San Pe dro, 25 miles south of San Francisco. FRANK H. BUCK, Port San Luis for Avon, 10 miles from Port San Luis. OLAKEMONT, San Pedro for Ray mond, 287 miles north of San Francisco. SAN DIEGO. Tacoma for San Pedro, 89 miles south of Cape Blanco. NEWPORT, Cristobal for San Fran cisco, 192 miles south of San Franclsc6. PRESIDENT TAFT, San Francisco for Toko'Ama, 101 miles west of San Fran- HARVARD, " San Francisco for San Pedro, 70 miles south of San Francisco. YORBA LINDA. Tokuyama for San Pedro, 120 miles from San Pedro. HARTWOOD, San Francisco for Grays Harbor, 444 miles north of San Fran cisco. PARAISO, San Pedro for Grays Har bor, 664 miles north of San Pedro. LA PURISIMA, Martinez for Portland, 178 miles from Portland. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. DOYLE-KLEMENT Faye A. DoyU, legal, 981 Alberta street,, and Vicla Kiement, legal, 1209 East Fifteenth street North. KEUHN - MOECHLI John Henry Keuhn, " 27, 4033 Forty-second avenu'j Southeast, and Minnie Moechli, 20, Hilts dale, Or. JUBB-KELLER Clarence Jubb, 32, Estacada, Or., and Mabel Keller, 25, Portland. EK-PERRY Ellis W. Ek, legal. East Forty-sixth and Killingsworth. avenue. and Mildred perry, legal, oj ,ast .ign-ty-eighth street. GOLDMAN-GOLDSTEIN Hlmalf S Goldman, legal, 2it4 Lincoln street, and Goldle Goldstein, legal, First and Sher man streets. . v BUXTON-SCHIFFER Henry Oliver Buxton, legal, Molalla, Or.to and Vera V. Schiffer, legal, 440 East" Fifty-second street. BECKER-FAGAN Eugene H. Becker, 34, 203 Weidler street, and Pearl U. Fagan, 24, 2o Weidler street. LAWRENCE-WOOD WARD Edgar H. Lawrence, 40, Klamath Falls, Or., and Alice Woodward. 33, 512 East Eighty eighth street North. ALEXANDER-SHAW William W. Alexander, 23, Spokane, Wash., and Blanche Shaw, 20, Portland. BELZ-TROTTEH L. Belz. 24, Camas, Wash., and L. A. Trotter, 21, 703 Ev erett street. McLANE-BARKSi Joseph H. McLane, legal, Bloomlngton, Hi., 'and June K. Barks legal, 469 Taylor street. EMERtsON-CULBERTSON Theodore a F.merson. 21. 508 Rodney avenue, and Violet Culbertson, 17, Portland. MARIANI-SHORT Charles A. Mari an!, legal. Port Discovery, Wash., and Reba lone enon, legal, roniami. MILES-SAL YARD Colton B. Miles. le gal, Camas, JV ash., and Loren-e 2i. Sal yard, legal, 3923 Sixty-seventh" street Southeast. LIND-H ARRIS Thomas A. Llnd, le gal, 803 North Edlsori street, and Flossie E. Harris, legal, 1021 North Kellogg street. COWLING-MARQUART Russell 'Cow ling, 23, 45 West Baldwin avenue, and Elizabeth Marquart, 18, 240 Milwaukee street. . WHTTB-VlLLEB James E. WhltV. 27. lOBOl 10 01 IOBOI RATES: 70 cents 70 cents 70 cents 70 cens Various Various 70-70 12 c 70 cents 63 cents 47 cents Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Strike conditions prevail. APPLY ROOM 312 COUCH BUILDING, 109 FOURTH ST., NEAR WASHINGTON, PORTLAND IOESOI IC0E20X sJSWrJiSiSi'f r,:K '.i-'. n't', n-'-lui tt ,i 4-JV '' .,' --'.''fn' T 7 .1 u : iM Quaint Quebec is Calling In all the American continent there is no place like 1 -- a--n El lWlH:'JiJ the ity of Quebec m cent of old France and the eighteenth century. That old French style of architedure, carefully preserved during the centuries and faithfully copied in the newer structures, lends a picturesque charm to the setting. Those steep cobbled streets, that confusion of high gabled roofs, those churches, convents and count less other features will stand out in your memory of a "vacation you will never forget". Let your trip old Quebec. 55 Third St. W. K NORTH ATLANTIC vfKSTBOtTNn Boston New York Portland, Me. I.KHIGH .. BUI SH I C'Of.I) HARBOR W.4I1ASU . . .Hrpt. 2 ..Oft. 1 ..Oct. 28 Kept. 27 0)'t. IS Oct. 28 I ARTHiAS . IKilK.lt ... BKl S1I .... Nov. 4 THE ADMIRAL LINK. 101 Third St. liccn ss ws.nr. Keats Oct. 1st .1 YOKOHAMA. KOBK, IlOGKO. MA MI.A USSB S3 Montague... Sept-15tb. I Sbll S3 Eastern Sailor. Oct. lE-tn For rates, space, etc.. apply to TRAFFIC. DEPARTMENT Broadway S30 609-623 Board of Trade Bids. Portland, Orr.. Portland, and A. Pearl Miller. SI, 1043 QUES1N BERRY - RUBY -Ernest G. Queslnberry, 24. Serene Court -iliart-mentB. and Leltha Ruby, , Oresnam, Or. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. SANDWIOK - HALVORSON Msrtln S.mdwlck, leital, of Portland, and Mrs. Elle Halvorson. legal, of Seattle. OBRIK.N'-CAMKKON Joseph Rlrhard O'Brien, :!, of 1'ortland, and Eilzabetn Cameron, 23, of Portland. SKUKIBLD-MMITH Curl F Sefflfld, 23, of Wren, Or., and Annie L. Smlt'i, 18, of Halsi-y, Or. WAN.N-WANN Jim Wann, 42. of Camas. Wash., and Mrs. Annie E. wann, 53, of Newberg, Or. Festival Head on Job, VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 12. (Special.) M. S. Cohen, for SO years a resident of Vancouver, and until IOESOI D per hour per hour per hour per hour rates rates per hour per hour per hour per hour D no' place so quaint, so reminis- back east include a visit to quaint Call or write for information. Canadian Pacific Railway PORTLAND Broadway 0090 DEACON. General AfienL ! try i-f 2.1 i . 1 1 I'ii I" & WESTERN S. S. CO Phils. B'ltim're. Ch'rlesfn Hrpt. 13 (. A O. t. 20 Nov. a U....'.1 KASTBOt'Sn Sept. 2ii l t'OI.U 11 1BBOB Nov. IS Oct. 11 I VI A HASH !. 4 I "Accepts freight for Charlenion. I'arlfle Coast Agents. Hroadwsjr &4SL. North' China Line COLUMBIA-PACIFIC SHIPPING COMPANY Operating; United fftatos (lovernment Ships U1HKCT KHKKiHT fKRVM'K WITIiOtl' TH A ' II I M F. T II KT V fc fcj a FOK'ILAMJ, OllliOO! and YOKOHAMA, KOBK. MIAXftlMI, TAKIUIR (Tlrntsln) IIAIIIK.N USdB SS West Kader.. . . Nov. lt recently In business here, arrlveJ today from Albany, Or to sssiima ths responsibility manager of the annual I'rune Harvest Festival, which will be held October 13. 10 and 21. Mr. Cohen put on most of the shows the Klkrf lodge has stafcr-d frr th psnt IS vrnr. Special Round Trip Excursion Fares $ no an 74.IMI S1.M tickft orrtcr: 101 TIIIHU ST.. t'OK. -TRR. I'tioua Itruauwar Din N. Y. Plymouth-Havre Paris PARIS Oct. 4 Nov. 1 . ft ULAM'K ROt 1IAM11E.VU Oct. It T. Kcc. S ..Oct. IS Nor. ts Jan. I New York-Havre-Paris I. a Bmirdonnals. I. fa., cue ( liicuao iM Touralne I.M,. '.orraiae, . . . I.a Savole Kou-Miilloa .Hcpt.zS Nor. t lcc. .l-.cpt.SU Oct, SB . .Oct. S Not. S ..Oct. II llib t Jam. I . .Ht. It ,.o.-t. xi Nov. ic. se . .Oct. 26 lcc, ZI N. Y.-Vigo (Spain ) Bordeaux Ma-cant Oct. 1 Nor. SI Dee. tg For full details commit the French Lin. Asent In Tour city or write to 0-HPANY'H OM-K'K 109 tuerrr bt,, brattle. Waxh. Astoria and Way Points Tit. GKORf.lAV DnllT, Kxrept Frlrtar, Ni.HO A. M. Mlthl boat Dallj, kxrept Sun day, 7.:u I. M. Fare to Aaturln, ttJ-tOi $3 nouad Trip. tVeek-Hnri Hound Trip The Dalles-Hood River STEAMKB HKHlfi:. Daily. Eee Saturday. Til5 A.M. Fare to Tne Dallra. il-iSl lload Hlvtt, $1. BdwT. 034-i. Alder-gt. Dock. TIIK HARKINS THANSPOItTATIO CO. AUSTRALIA NF.W ZEALAND AND rOl'IH HKtt Via Tahiti and Raratoaca. Mail and paMsenaev aervle. I rum fetaa I riuicat. ewery in i. t m, 1'amfle Tour, (to nth Beaa, New Zealand, Aiutralla, .'i0.V Hr.t la... I-VION. h. tt. CO. OF NfctV 7KAMMI. 830 California rt., Ban rranclc, or Umm atcauuiuiv m- mj.vw -,-. I SENATOR I from -thinlrlpal Pock . I m ? IVednrmUy. H-.t. IX. 10 A. M. I j Eve- WrtJtirndar ttlcrraftrr 1 I I. OS A.VGfcl.KM SAN DlfcbO I I I I Sua Die mo ... Ill ' 1 'iT ill ' I vr-iT's i - -,