THE MORNING" ORFGOXIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 CITY DEPARTMENTS late stars of the San Carlos and Boston Opera company. Their voices blend' perfectly in duet and stand out in great loveliness in their single numbers An episode of song That fine Chef of , juntvidLduubtib I I III from "The Mikado" delighted the audience greatly. Miss Tennyson wears gorgeous apparel and tri umphs in sons: and in histrionics. Mr. Fein is delightful in the comedy role of Ko Ko. Miss Tennyson adds musical value to the act by play ing accompaniments for Mr. Fein. Council Orders Items Cut to Last Year's Basis. ' Wilfrid Du Bois has one of the most interesting of opening acts. He has added novelty and original treatment to his skill as a juggler and constantly entertains with his offering. He has a likable person ality and proved a great favorite ALL ESTIMATES TOO HIGH with his audience. Valentine Vox is another chap who pleases by his personality. He is a ventriloquist who has his offer ing in a novel and unique setting, called "The Glubman." Johnny Marvin adds songs and chatter of a humorous quality and interests especially with his spe Police, Fire and Lighting to Get First Consideration AVhen Adjustments Are Made. cialty on a saw, using the saw as a violin. Rfc'.$ .ill i k I IB . i -, mm By order of the city council, all budgets have been returned to the beads of the various departments, with instructions that all items- be reduced to the exact amount that was allowed by the tax conserva tion and supervision commission last year. xnis was done - when it was found that through a shrinkage of assessed valuation of tiroDertv the city of Portland the levy of the entire 11 mills permitted under the cnarter would bring in less than was raised by taxation for the op eration of the city last year. , Revenue Greatly Reduced. The total of the budget, as al lowed by the tax commission last year, was $3,649,134 and to this was aaaea $160,000 allowed for the coun cil a general emergency fund. The city levied 10.35 mils last year. The total of money raised by taxation and through miscellaneous receipts was guy, 134. It was estimated by Chief Deputy Auditor Grutze that the full 11-mill raise S3, 245,000, miscellaneous re ceipts would bring in $607,231 and ?36,700 eet aside to care for the auditorium claim will come back to me city Decause of the supreme court s decision in which it was held that the city was under no obliga tion to pay this amount. Budget to Be Pared. Confronted with these facts, mem bers Of the council fnlt that It vnnlil be folly for them to eit for days and attempt to extract ruthlessly or otherwise more than $1,000,000, and decided that the department heads could bring the budget down to the amounts allowed for the last year. But in reaching this decision members of the council were agreed that some special attention would be necessary to certain departments. Mayor Baker frankly stated that the police department, as now con stituted, could not give adequate protection where necessary. PeoDle he said, demand traffic regulations which takes men and there is a general demand that the moral laws be enforced. "We have not enough men prop erly to take care of these things now," the mayor said, "and as for police patrol, it is a joke." Street Lighting Imperative. Commissioner Mann served 'notice that he must of necessity have a $20,000 increase in street lighting, as it would take this much to pay for the electricity required by lights in stalled during the new year. And with thousands of applications on file, some from districts now with out any lights at all. Commissioner Mann maintained that an additional $20,000 for new lights would be the minimum that his department could ask. It was agreed that the fire de , partment must have some atten tion, Mayor Baker pointing out that police and fire protection were two essentials that could not be neg lected. So it is possible that when the budgets are returned some re adjustments will be made to give ' punce ana lire departments ad ditional funds and probably to care lor some new lights. CANADIAN LOBBY VICTOR DEFEAT OF CHARGED SHINGLES DUTY TO SHEVtlXS. Northwest Delegation Is Defeated Sharply by Iowering of Rate- Governing Magnesite. THE OR.EGONTAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, D. C, Sept. 11. Failure of the conferees on the tariff bill to put a duty on shingles, as asked by the Pacific northwest states, was a victory for the most successful leg islative organization that has oper ated in Washington for many years the Canadian lumber lobby. The lobby was managed and fi nanced by representatives of the Shevlin lumber interests in Minnea polis, which held something like 600,000 acres of timber in British Columbia. The original fight was to defeat a tariff oh lumber, and this was comparatively easy because northwest lumbermen were inter ested chiefly in writing into the tariff bill the provision which would make a tariff apply on this side when Canada levies such a duty on the other side. The opponents or the tariff on lumber and shingles worked through the Minnesota delegation, the last stand in opposition to the shingles tariff being made by Senators Nel son and Kellogg. The magnesite rate, as finally adopted, is a sharp defeat for the Pacific northwest delegation who fought to have the house rate of $15 a ton on the dead burned min eral and $10 on crude magnesite adopted. The rate as reported out is $11.25 a ton on dead burned mag nesite and $6.25 a ton on crude magnesite. LEAGUE HELD ESSENTIAL BISHOP PLEADS FOR ASSOCI ATION OF NATIONS. Nation Living Wholly to Itself Cannot Prosper, Says Prom inent Churchman. PubUc Works Hampered. xne iacK or funds, members of the council declare, means that the puoiic works department must con line its improvement programme to about the same as was allowed year ago $1,600,000 although peti lions are on me asking for $5,000. 000 of public improvements. commissioner Pier, in charge of the park bureau, explained that failure or the council to find addi- uuiiai money means that 16 new parks purchased during the last 24 mourns must remain undeveloped. in fact, we may have to lease some or tne present parks and play- grounas unopened next year," he eaid, "because we may not have as mucn money as we were allowed for the present 12 months when we nave operated under difficulties." V The revised budgets will be back to the city council Thursdav morn ing, when consideration of the items will be renewed. At the Theaters. Pantages. -THE new bill opening yester A day at Pantages is a splendid one. Every act is notably good, with a preponderance of very fine singing. One voice particularly stands out lor its tremendous beauty and volume and power, it lives in me tnroat of Marion Claire, a vi vaciojis and animated foreigner. Whether she is French, German or xtussian tne audience could not de cide, for she displays the training and technique of foreign schools of music. Her range is phenomenal ana ner singing fairly electrifies the audience. In one instance Miss Claire sings Tosti's "Good Bye" in a low, rich contralto and then turns on amazing high notes which reach a climax of great beauty. Miss Claire is generous with her encores ana returns again and yet again. As a final offering she sings a flute like obligato to a spirited rendition of Sousa's "Stars and Stripes," which brought her overwhelming applause. Harry Downing and his company is remarkably worth while. Against a handsome and unique background a musical revue of delightful pro portions assembles itself. An excel lent pianist, a young man, provides the melody background, and there are two lovely girls who dance. One is an acrobatic toe dancer whose technique is faultless and who makes graceful and long sustained risings and balancings on her toes. The other maid calls to mind Mari lynn Miller and is every bit as graceful and young and talented as is Miss Miller. A youthful man dancer delights with his eccentric steps and excellent imitations of Georgie White and others. Out from them all in this act, however, stands the comedy of Harry Downing in his travesty of a prima donna at work. His comedy is spontaneous, his voice is unusually interesting, of two distinct qualities, one a light baritone and the other a falsetto of remarkable sweetness and color. The the whole act sparkles with youth ind gayety. An artistic act and a musical treat In every essential is called "A Re vusical Musicale," in which are Philip Fein and Florence Tennyson, That no state or nation can be prosperous or progressive unless it Uvea for something larger than itself was the opinion expressed by Charles H. Brent, bishop of New York, in an address before , the meeting of the members' forum of the Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday noon. The bishop, who was chief chap lain of the American expeditionary forces, declared that the disarma ment conference, with all it accom plished, was insufficient and that a league of nations, an association of nations or some other organiza tion of an international character was needed to preserve peace and the best interests of the world. Bishop Brent chared speaking time with Cyrus Pierce, head of Cyrus Pierce & Sons, investment bankers, who told the business men of his observations recently while making a tour of France. "America cannot remain isolated from Europe," he said. "Our pros perity here is dependent in a large measure upon the prosperity of European countries. We must aid France and other countries in get- j ting back on a firm business foun dation and in ceasing to think only of war." ANTI-FIRE PLANS IDE PREPARATIONS OBSERVANCE MADE FOR OF WEEK. lisp -Z A" SE5 fiu- It few I Smart EiS FLOOR toe v&terM ,1 i Ul l jS ft VMC r KL. "CM . I ,Wr5E ASH mUZ.Ve(Vni m I if M J JJ lias?! mi m MP oryon You have never seen handsomer clothes than the new fall styles in Society Brand. We suggest you look them over early, so you may enjoy the suit you select, from the beginning of the season. Nothing is surer than the satisfaction these clothes will give you, in style, in fabric. We're proud of them ; you'll see why. Double Service Fabrics are here a Society Brand selection from the best of foreign and domestic worsteds and woolens. Society Brand Clothes range in price from $40 to $65 Unusual Values at $45 bP ESTABLISHED ' "1857 J j The Quality Store of Portland. Oregon ww. SBfm. MOfaaisoM. aloer sts. THIRD FLOOR S Committees Formed to Take Care of Various Features for Pre vention Propaganda. Plans for the observance of fire prevention week in Portland be ginning October 8 were made at the first meeting yesterday of the fire prevention committee appointed by City Commissioner Bigelow. Committees were formed to take care of the various features and departments that will arrange for fire prevention propaganda in every section of the city during this week. One committee was formed to consult with ministers of churches of all denominations and if possible arrange for sermons on fire pre vention on Sunday, October 8. An other committee will arrange for speakers to appear at all the noon day luncheon clubs during the week. construction and is to be completed by February 1. Temporary auartera fcr the school have been erected in portables on a tract 65 by 100 feet. A tULOO building to replace the Corbett high school is under corf- tract and will give adequate class room space for the students in that district. T" j students at present are occupying the old grange building until the new structure Is ready. The schoolhouse in Springfield district No. 41 burned and a $3000 ce-room school is being built to replace it. The school at Gresham Is to have a new gymnasium and $35,000 worth of improvements are to he installed. At Fir district No. 17 $20,000 is to be invested in a two- room building. At Wilkes district No. 7 an addition of one room is to be made to the school building. Three new principals are em ployed. They are Robert Barnett. at Gilbert No. 46; Mrs. Anna Still man, at RiverJale, and Mr. Peters, at Orient jDint district No. 6. sciici ai buiiuui jjiusiaiiime was I r n r r- r - --- n r- n . outlined which includes the appoint- UAIYIrrlnt LrUUnOt UrfcN ment Of Junior fire marshals throughout the city to make inspec tions of homes. Pupils of the schools will be asked to write essays on fire prevention and special fire drills will be arranged. MULTNOMAH DISTRICTS ROLL 3000 PUPILS. Ex- National Field Secretary Besins Lectures on Guardianship. "We spend 15 years of public school life preparing nine-tenths of our. girls for the life which they follow for four or five years follow ing their school career, and we leave almost untouched the preparations for their life which follows for per haps 40 or 50 years afterward," said Miss Edith M. Kempthorn, national field secretary of the campfire girls. in the initial address of a course in campfire guardianship given last night at Central library. Twenty-five mothers, teachers and others interested . enrolled for the special course in training or the work of guardians, as the demand for group leaders is at all times greater than the supply. The lecture this evening will begin at 7:30, the subject being "The Honor System and How Campfire does Its work." Mrs. Elizabeth -J. White, campfire executive for Portland, will enter tain today with an honor luncheon r WlllHtiinilHHtMHM AT 40 New Structures Going Up to Re place Schoolhouses Burned During- Past Summer. The schools of Multnomah county opened yesterday with 3000 chil dren enrolled for the new year and 120 teachers employed. Three of the county schools burned during the summer months and contracts are being placed to erect new struc tures. At Russellvllle district No. 40 a 30,000 building now in process of AREIMPERUED Four persons out ot every five past forty, and thousands younger, contract Pyorrhea. Bleeding gums are the danger signal Heed -It for" the - sake 'of sound teeth and health. Brush your, teeth with I at the Meier & Frank tea room, the guests being Miss Kempthorne, the four girls who displayed the best spirit of co-operation and cheerful ness during the Clackamas river camp this summer, Elizabeth Shiv ley, lone Wedemeyer, Susanna Good win and Volda Faldman, and Jane Friedlander, who taught the girls the Indian dance given at the Lin coln high school and repeated several times since by request. 10 01 I0E30I I0E30 w A N FQRTHE GUMS More than a tooth ttaste mmii checks Pyorrhea ' I 35c and 60c in tubes I N TED For Shops and Roundhouse RATES: Machinists - , 70 cents per hour Blacksmiths ..." 70 cents per hour " Sheet-Metal Workers 70 cents per hour Electricians 70 cents per hour Stationary Engineers Various rates Stationary Firemen Various rates Boilermakers 70-70'zC per hour Passenger-Car Men 70 cents per hour Freight-Car Men , 63 cents per hour Helpers, all classes 47 cents per hour Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Strike conditions prevail. A Is ust waiting to show you what he can do to your pal ate with Olympia Oysters! a cocktail 1 A pepper roast! A cream stew or a little special all his own! Your fine Chef knows Try him today! He wants you to come oa.!' v'ants vour re peat patronage serves plen ty of oysters! Try him to day! And remember that the phospho-salines ir Olympia oysters give vou that revital ized feeling thev are the ac tual basis of nerve and brain 1 more important than iron! Take some ome! Try this Old Style Rosnt Olympia Oyrtr: 1 pint (200 Olympia Oyster; 4 lb. tmcon ; 4 cup crated cheeae ; I teaspoon c hopped onion : teaspoon tyonne : 1 teaap'-on wait ; jepper j lemon , Tarnlf y. Waib and drain ovitera. Place n oakinf dish. Acid ceaaon ina and onion. La.y thin aliens ba-?on over jyatera. Sprinkle grated ch-ie ovrr boon. Bake ir moderate oTen. Do not om hat oyatera. Done when bacon criapa. Number of aervina;! from 1 pint (200) oyatera, ft- -oat of oyatera only 18'fO to Bao per full arvir. University of Waahington, Seattle, teated recipe, (ft Caiif ornta $ Sometime called California fni -rip! jMSlS;1)' i ? a a- a &j Bii k. o y n Shipped freih from Olrmpia and 6helton Wub.. Trv dar APPLY ROOM 312 COUCH BUILDING, 109 FOURTH ST., WASHINGTON, PORTLAND NEAR oxaoi I0B0I 3001 IOE30I Stabbed by Neuritis ! Many pepole auffer atincka by tnia arcti-flend, commonly railed "nrve in flammation." The firt warninit im uMia. a sharp, atabbtnjc pain, which may "t-n-and go or hurt conMantly. You rnu leel it In the shoulder, ni ck, t tai hi. email of the back, or down th- thixh and leg to the heel. It in aometlmra nnr-lahh fur clatica, rneumatlMti ur n:tr a tt a which often end rn nuntla No matttT where you liave ncrf i " -or what caused thm, you ran g-t q .i U relief without lining narcot in nr po.Min J uat apply Tyamol over tne nil that hurts, and In a few minutes the p.tln i , be gone. Tyamol la ahaorbed through ihe porej of the akin. It has a pootMns:. hH in. effect upon the dlaaaed nerpa, rrdda ally helping to re tore then, in new i a condition. Uon't Buffer any longir. Price ' a VVoodard-"larke. Owl lrug Co. or a reliable drujcgiMt. Tyamol Co., Mfg. herrlia. 4no hu -etret San Francisco Ad v P Phone your want arts to The re q I fconlan. All Its readers are .nti -3g ; terest in the claesifled columns.