THE 3IORNING OREGONIAX TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 V FULL BLOOD, HOPE OF FILIPli PEOPLE Half Breeds Declared Have Been Selfish. to NATIVES STUDY HARD Good Name and Fate of Philip pines Liies With Self-Sacrificing "100 Per Centers." BY RUTH DUXIWAY KERBY. Article III. MANILA, P. I.. Aus. 10. (By .Mail.) It is true that I did not go to the Philippines with an open mind. When I first learned that we were going to the islands, the pic ture that came to my mind was one day back in 1898 in Park school. The teacher had told us that the school had presented a flag to the 2d Oregon, who were going to war in the Philippines, There was to he a guard of honor of little girls to march with the sol diers to the station. Then she read the names. I felt so proud to be in cluded among them. We were to be excused at once to go home and put on white dresses, but were to be back to school at 1 o'clock. Then came the picture of marching down Sixth street, past the Portland hotel and wondering if my little legs would hold out until we got to the depot. Mixed up with that was hazy memory of Captain Charles McDonell and company H and vague stories of heroism. ..Then, several years later, a night on the Holbrook front porch when Millard and Sam held forth about the mosquitoes. Little Known About Islands. A war and mosquitoes, that was all I Knew about the Philippines. But I read zealously and listened to a host of pro-Filipino arguments Our poor downtrodden little brown brother! He was so far away that no one knew or cared. Here they had a budget system, ran a. railroad at profit, had the cleanest city in the orient and the best penal system in the world. Big business was hold ing them subject because if they were independent there would be a big tariff and the Wall street crowd couldn't make so much money. Indeed I didn't arrive in Manila with an open mind, far from it. I was strongly pro-Filipino. I learned soon that our little brown brother is a specialist in half truths. Thank heaven they still do have the finest penal system in the world but there always has been and there is still an American at the head of it. , i Americans Clean City. Manila is the cleanest city in the orient but it was the Americans who drained the salt marshes on the liuneta, who made them stop sta bling their horses on the first floor of their houses and who started the mosquito squad which at one time had completely annihilated that festive insect. Who couldn't run a railroad at profit if every year a beneficent government made it a large gift of money running into the millions? When the politico wishes to dis credit America's system of schools in the islands he remarks proudly, "Santo Tomas university is older Uhan Harvard." Another one ol -;those dangerous half truths, for he neglects to add that until America came the doors of Santo Tomas were open only to Spanish lads and half caste sons of Spanish fathers. There was no direct prohibition of Filipino boys, but on the other hand there was no provision made for the necessary preparatory training. Add to this a high tuition charge and you will find In. only a few isolated instances did any pure-blooded Filipino boy pass those sacred por tals of learning. Flag-Raising; Memorable. The raising of the Stars and Stripes over Fort Santiago was jubilant day for the children of the Philippines. Today school houses abound. Slowly but surely along with! tune American school teacher went ideas of cleanliness and sani tation. The children, of today ore larger physically, stronger and much brighter and healthier than those of 24 years ago. But since the schools have been Filipinoized the Ameri can teacher is found only in high schools. The grade children are taught by Filipinos, often mere boys and girls. These native teachers speak English with a decided ac cent, hence the resultant English spoken by their pupils is frequently unintelligible. On numerous occasions young sters have spoken to mo in English and I have thought it was their na tive dialect. There are thousands more children clampring for an edu cation than there are school houses or teachers. In the provinces many native teachers get but 25 pesos or $4.2.60 per month, and they are worth Just that. The children of Ifugao are learn ing to write fcy drawing in the air with, their forefingers. There is no paper, no pencils, no crayons, no blackboards in the province. Yet there was 1,000,000 pesos to eend a mission to A m erica. Filipino Not to Blame. But In spite of the graft in poli tics, ih spite of the failure of the bank and the bad management of the Manila railroad; in. spite of the failure of the various development companies, the Filipino is not to blame. He has done the best hel Knew now. We must look closer to home. First, to our lack of a definite col onial policy, and second, to eight years of throughtless democratic i administration. It was but a scant 24 years ago that .we found ourselves in pos session of this archipelago. Up to that time the native had not been allowed to wear shoes or tuck in his shirt. There are presidents of towns today, who, as boys, dared to dress as white men and were promptly given their choice of jail or fighting the Moros. There was no provision made for general edu cation or even industrial training. For 400 years the Spaniards had worked on the theory that the less the native knew the better. World Turned TJpside Down. Then we came along and turned his world topsy-turvy. We put him in school and he proved a remark ably bright pupil. But his knowl edge is memorized. As long as he can quote from a book he will carry off the honors, but don't put him up against a new situation which he must reason about. His powers of deduction are still dormant. Thus he doesn't understand today what he is asking when he demands independence. To him it is a high sounding oratorical phrase and he is unable to reason out what abso lute independence involves. Under former republican regimes the native .was encouraged to hold minor government positions, and as fast as he showed signs of progress he was advanced to a more diffi cult job. Governor Harrison,, carry ing out the democratic policies, dis missed the Americans in authority and placed Filipinos in their places, or else he promoted Filipinos over the heads of Americans who had been working faithfully for years. The latter promptly resigned. Natives On Their Mettle. The Filipino was on his.' mettle and he strove hard to make good. It was a hot fire, but out of it came some capable young men and in them lies the hope of the islands. But the majority went down to ig noble defeat. They weren't pre pared, their experiences were too limited, but they did the best they could. Power went to their heads. All this time they were being flat tered by Governor Harrison and somewhere in the hysteria a very insidious doctrine was launched. This was to the effect that the Americans who had striven so hard to uphold the good name of Ameri ca in the Philippines were less fine than those who had remained at home, in fact, were nothing but "camp followers." This is a very favorite doctrine today with the publicity agents of the Philippine government when they try to re fute any statement made by a mem ber of the American colony. Oreftonians Are Capable. Oregon has sent some of her most capable sons to help in the build-" ing up of the islands. Captain Heath, president of the Manila chamber of commerce, is from Port land. Joseph Marias, head of the shipping board for the far east, with headquarters in Manila, was Dorn and educated in Portland. Incident ally when Mr. Marias settled the seamen's strike, he demonstrated that he is one of the best execu tives and diplomats in the Philip Dines. Nelson Bartholomew, Alan Percv. Howard Strickler, all Ore gonians. Edward L. Powell, head of the Associated Press of the islands, is 'an ex-Portlander. These are the type of men that the Fili pino politico is decrying. Sturdy, staunch American patriots who have upheld the honor of their country in the business of peace as much as any soldier on the front line. We are bit hard on the Filipino because we are paying him the rare compliment of taking him at his own valuation. He has shouted so many times and stamped his foot to emphasize it, I am grown up. 1 am, too!" that we have looked at him and said, "Bless my soul, so you are!" Crux of Trouble Told. Right there is the crux of the whole trouble. ' It is a scientific fact that the average Filipino reaches mental maturity from 12 to 16. Think of them as children and immediately you realize that ttjey are the most promising and wonderful children a mother ever had. They are kindly, hospitable, have charming manners. take a tremendous interest in grown up affairs, and are unusually bright and well-read, with sharp prlcKmga of genius. What they have done in Hi years is little short of a miracle. We accuse them of lack of respon sibility in business well, any child does not succeed the first time it tries. We say that they are deceitful. For years the Filipino succeeded in his relationship with the Span iard by trickery and deceit. It is impossible to eradicate that in one generation. Most of it, now, is to be smarter than the other boy at all costs. We say his legislature is filled with meaningless oratory. Did you ever attend a high school oratorical society? Remember, though the leg islators wears long trousers and have graying locks, they are still in the high school stage. Titles Are Loved. He loves titles. Your high school laddies tell you he lunched with the football captain never mere Johnny Jones. He wants to lead. "If no one elsa will lead my people, then I will lead them." Mere adolescent conceit. He has a child's sense of humor and takes himself and his affairs most seriously, absolutely uncon scious that he Is strutting like a gamecock. Johnny Jones, aged 16, does not see what a funny figure he is cutting why expect it of Juan de la Cruze? Andt finally, remember this: "Very few pure-blooded Filipinos have as yet had a chance to demonstrate what they can do. They were not prepared to grasp and utilize promptly the new tools America held out for them to use. The half breed was. He snatched at them and has proceeded to use them for his own advantage, but when the full bloods once sense their power they are going to rule. Just now they are too busy going to school themselves or working to give their brothers and sisters an education. Before the sacrifices some of them are making, quietly and without os tentation, I bow humbly and ashamed. With them lies the good name and the fate of the Philippine islands. PASTORS ARE ASSIGNED Rev. J. A. Beck Gets First Ger man Methodist Pulpit, Portland. SPOKANE, 'Wash., Sept. 11. (Special.) Assignment of pastors for the coming year in the Oregon district was made at the closing session today of the conference of the Pacific German Methodist church, held at Rosalia, Wash. Assignments are: Rev. A. J. Weigle, superintendent; Bethany, Rev. G. J. Kleinbach; Clarks, Rev. A. J. Weigle; Metolius, Rev. C. A. Maag; Newberg, Rev. P. J. Sechnert; Oak Grove, Rev. J. A. Beck; First church, Portland, Rev. S. A. Schu mann; Salem, Rev. G. S. Roeder; Willamina, Rev. S. H. Luedcke, and Richfield, Rev. H. L. Woehl. Get your coal at Ediefsen's. Adv. Extra Suit Service costs no more! . $45 . BEN SELLING AT FOURTH Portland's Leading Clothier for Over Half a Century PHIMAHY CONTEST TIE SENATOR POIXDEXTER LEADS IiEAVIS COUNTY CONTEST. Indications Point to Light Vote and Candidates for . Jjesser Offices Are Numerous. CHEHALIS, Wash, Sept. 11. (Special.) Not a great deal of In terest is expected to be shown in the primary election that will be held in Lewis county's 79 voting precincts tomorrow. There are nearly 12,000 voters registered, but due to the absence of a real heated campaign over any of the various offices to be filled in the county it is not thought a heavy vote will be cast. It is expected that Senator Poin- dexter will carry the county by a substantial plurality over his near est competitor, if indeed he may not have a majority over all of them. For the supreme court seats, the in cumbents, Judges Mackintosh, Park er, Fullerton and Hovey are expect ed to get the bulk of the votes. The offices for which there is the greatest number of candidates are the two vacancies as county commissioner in the first. Centralia, and the second, Chehalis, districts. First district candidates are John Fulton. William Scales, E. H. Colson and J. C. Watson of Centralia, John Nelson of Lincoln Creek, L. A. Stahl of Ford's jjrairie, F. J. Saliger of Agate and W. H. Mitchell of Clark precinct. In the second district the candidates from this city are George R. Walker, Chess Moore, J. P. Hur ley and John uenhor, witn iienry Rayton of Adna the only candidate west of here, and J. R. Morton of Napavine, the only one south of this city. There Is a four-cornered race for state representative, with three places to be filled. Representatives A. S. Cory and W. H. K-noyer, both of Chehalis, are candidates, as are also ex-Representative Judd Siler of Randle and , Robert Somerville of Centralia. For the courthouse positions there was less interest in develop ing a long string of candidates this year than ever before, although E 1 tmts. i J" E a A suit with extra pants is an assurance of far-reaching economy. The extra serv ice one gets is practically doubled and the conven ience of an extra p,air pants in press offsets any emer gency. ' My new stock in cludes hundreds of these quality, extra service suits in all-wool finished and unfinished worsteds. AH are reasonably priced. MENS SUITS with two pair pants $35 $40 there are good reasons why more possible "candidates might have en tered the lists. CREAMERY TO EXPAND Hood River Business Will Be Put Upon Co-operative Basis. HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Plans will be launched at a meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River creamery next Saturday afternon for a complete reorganiza tion of the concern on a strictly co operative basis. The creamery, or ganized co-operatively in 1913 by or chardists and business men of the city, while it has developed into one of the most successful of its kind in the northwest, ha's outgrown its present quarters and the equip ment of the plant. The creamery, during its first year, made less than 40,000 pounds of butter all told. At the present time it is churning about 1000 pounds daily. ROAD BEING GRAVELED Haines-Baker Section of Oregon Trail Under Imporvement. HAINES. Or., Sept. 11. (Special.) The Newport Construction com pany of Hermiston, Or., has begun placing an additional 8 inches of gravel on the Haines-Baker section of the Old Oregon trail, state high way. It is understood that this will be the final treatment of this sec tion of the highway before the hard surfacing, which may not come for another year or more. With the-completion of the work now under way, the Haines-Baker stretch of the state road will be the best between Pendleton and the Idaho line. Skamania Pear Crop Sold. HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Underwood, Wash., orchard ists report that practically the en tire tonnage of D'Anjou pears of the neighboring Skamania county fruit- district has been purchased by Ira L. Hyde of White Salmon, mid Columbia representative of Stein hard & Kelly, New Tork city buyers, prices paid are announced as fol lows: Extra fancy and fancy, $2.25 a box, and C grade, $1.75. H5 The Tire with the Wider and Thicker Tread Why Cords Are Costing Less- Cotton mills are now able to fur nish cord material at very little higher cost than fabric material. For the first time in tire history, cord tires should now cost you but a trifle more than a fabric tire of equal quality. You are getting full advantage of the lower costs in Gates Super-Tread Cords and they have the wider and thicker tread which you know mean two to three thousand extra miles for you. Last Times TODAY BETTY COMPSON in "The Bonded Woman" i 1 Jensen & Von Herberg and J. J. Parker's Mammoth Benefit Performance for Mrs. GLENN H. PRICE and HER CHILDREN PEOPLES THEATER Doors open 7:30 o'clock Curtain at 8:15 Tickets Still Selling at the Liberty Theater Check Room 'A BUY ONE VALUE OF NEGLECTED LAND OF VALLEY ESTIMATED. Bottom and Floor Areas Declared to Store Vast Agricultural Wealth Along "Willamette. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Irrigation would pay m dol lars and cents and pay well on 20 per cent of the Willamette val ley land representing a half million acres, farmers from various sec tions of the valley were told Sat urday afternoon at a special field meet on the Oregon agricultural experiment station grounds. Irri gation is profitable on the free working soils and in dry seasons anywhere, it was pointed out. A 100 per cent crop increase may be had on the sandy loam soils of 1-, rivcp ittnTTi- and from B0 to 75 - . aTit n-n t ii a vfl-llev floor, by means of irrigation, W. L. Powers, chief In soils, told the visitors, as Jv ' " c ' ii ii n f,4 nr !..- iL. M;l-m.l I I 111 fcjj l omgnt sine nigm; i i Laaai6iij.iiri-i'-r:-i'iMniil'" mi mi iiiimiimr nr.. 1i ri amiil .Ji STARTING CORRECTION but no apology!! We did not mean to mislead when we said "Smilin Through' was all that the screen could give. We honestly believed it. So did our patrons. Now we wish to retract that statement. "Smilin' Through" was a great achieve ment BUT GREATER, FAR GREATER IS NORMA TALMADGE'S NEWEST MASTERPIECE, "THE ETER NAL FLAME." And that's a statement we won't have to retract. JENSEN & VON HERBERG. LIBERTY FASHION REVIEW Long Skirts V Everything CARTOON COMEDY LIBERTY NEWS EVENTS a 13-year average the Irrigated fields at the experiment station have produced two tons more hay to the acre, 70 bushels more pota toes, five bushelstmore beans, and six tons more beets. Water has saved the clover stand the last two years in the irrigation fields. Nine years of continuous cropping has reduced the Dean yieia irom it w nve Dusneis an acre, wniie wna ir rigation, rotation and manure it has been increased Irom nine to bushels. 23 Haines Ready for Caravan. HAINES, Or., Sept. 11. (Special.) Monroe Goldstein, advance repre sentative of the 1925 special, visited Haines this afternoon and was the guest of the Haines Ad club and representative business interests of this city. Plans for the reception of the Portland fair caravan, which will occupy the high school audi 3 COME EARLY 3 Now Showing to Crowded Houses i&Baauctxotx or Prisoner oZenda by Anthony Hope INCOME EARLY O 2 Bismuth " WMNsl0f sbutter 3 inn it spreads just like butter 'gnci i wj I kttuii I Green Chile Cheese WEDNESDAY Eight Reels Aglow The Wine of torium during its visit here Sep tember 19, include the dismissal of the schools and closing of business houses. a H. green (mpt for ca&. Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Broadway 63B3: R60-21 Adv. ran T O D AY BEBE DANIELS WALLACE REID CONRAD NAG EL JULIA FAYE -in- NICE PEOPLE wherein the jazz mad maid of today is shown up for what she really is. KNOWLES' PICTURE PLAYERS A 100 Score IK is With Life jjr i .ii I Keates Is Playing "Mississippi Moon" ONLY MORE DAYS William Fox's DRAMATIC WONDER PICTURE Directed by. Emmett J. FLYNN MONTE CRISTO 1A Noted Cast of Players Including John Gilbert William V. Mortff Robert McKim Estelle Taylor Maud Georg-e Virginia Faire NOTE To avoid standing in line so long we advise the seven o'clock show COMING SATURDAY "A Fool There Was" mm :f,:f lr?if lr:if KM - 7 I I I! Ir-m John Bans