10 THE 3IORNING OKEGONLiN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 1 ' ONE of the most attractive af fairs given during the Episco pal convention was the recep tion yesterday at the auditorium, honoring the visiting guests. In the receiving line were Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. Loyal B. Stearns and Mrs. Warren Keeler. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Joseph X. Teal, Mrs. Charles F. Adams, Mrs. James B. Kerr, Mrs. William D. Wheelright, Mrs. M. H. Lamond, Mrs. J. Guy Strohm, Mrs. James Cook, Mrs. George Cater Sterling, Mrs. I. H. Amos, Mrs. Ed ward Failing, Mrs. M. P. Lamondon, Mrs. I. B. Peters, Mrs. Joseph O'Gorman, Mrs. F. C. Austen, Mrs. William L. Thompson, Miss Laura Eaton, Mrs. Roger B. Sinnott, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. F. E. Lounsbury, Miss Ruth Grant, Mrs. George B. Van Waters, Mrs. C. E. Cunningham and Mrs. R. W. Blakeley. The women of the parish and 60 girls assisted. ' Mrs. James Cook complimented Mrs. Sidney Z. Mitchell and Mrs. Charles M. Maxwell yesterday after noon at a luncheon. x Mrs. Parker F. Morey has asked a number of her friends to tea this afternoon at her country home, for Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Maxwell. Mrs. James A. Malarkey will entertain with an Informal tea Thursday afternoon In honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Huntington Malarkey. Rev. Arthur Thomas Stray of North Hartwell, Me.. Is In Portland for the Episcopal convention, and is the house guest of Mrs. J. w. Fowler, on Willamette heights. Rev. Mr. Stray Is the secretary of the diocese of Maine. . A get-together dinner will be riven by ex-students of the Annie Wright seminary, at the Multnomah hotel Thursday evening at 6:30, to honor Bishop and Mrs. Keator, Bishop Wells and other notable con vention guests who have been con nected with the activities of this Institution. All ex-students are re quested to be present. Telephone reservations to Miss Hanson after 6 P. M-. at East 8627. Mr. and Mrs. S. GiUspie have re turned from an extended motor trip in California. They visited in San Diego, Los Angeles and Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal will preside at a dinner this eve ning honoring Canon William L. Devries of the -Washington cathe dral, Washington, JJ. C. Covers will be placed for the honor guest. Bishop David L. Ferris and Mrs. Ferris, Dr. and Mrs.- .. A. Morrison and Dr. Davis of Buffalo. The Misses Jane and Anne O'Reilly I- 13- ' " V : : xf :n f J ht Markham photo. MlitK Gladys Bozlee -who lias just returned from New York city, where he has been studying dancing under the direction of Ted Shawn. and their three younger sisters have returned to Portland after a sum mer at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Percy, at Three Tree Point, midway between Seattle and Tacoma. . . Mrs. S. Spencer Scott," who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mlnsinger, since May, de parted for her home in New York city yesterday. During her visit here she was the motif for'a number of social affairs. Dr. and Mrs. Horace L. Rosenberg and little daughter returned home Thursday after a week's visit at Rockaway. Mrs. A. R. Wollenberg and chil dren have returned from their sum mer vacation in the east. She vis ited her old homes In Iowa and Illinois, returning via Winnipeg, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. " Mrs. Ed Goldsmith left Sunday for a- trip to Los Angeles, where she will spend some time. She was accompanied by her son, Dr. Leon Goldsmith, who will continue east from California to Boston and New York, where he will spend three years in postgraduate study. Mrs. Broderlck ; O'Farrell will be hostess to Portland members of Mu Phi Epsilon, national musical so rority, tomorrow night at her home in Beaumont, t25 East Forty-second street North. For the musical pro gramme, which is always a feature of the meetings, a group of active and alumnae girls will give an ar rangement of voice, piano and vio lin numbers which is to be broad cast the following week from The Oregonian radio station. All-visiting Mu Phis in Portland are urged to get in touch with Mrs. O'Farrell, Tabor 7730. Miss Mabel Korell, Miss Grace Kern and Miss Elise Cramer are spending a fortnight at the sum mer home of the latter at Seaview, Wash. , The "society of Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, a social and his torical organization, will hold . an old-fashioned picnic supper and re ception at community home. Penin sula park, at 6 P. M. Saturday, OUTLOOK BELIEVED GOOD EVEN. RISE IX- COAL PRICES ,NOT CAUSE FOR AIjAR Flnley P. Mount, Head of Manu facturing Concern, Brings Message of Optimism. Although inflation of prices, may be the result of the coal and rail road strikes, primarily caused by the coal strikes, there is little cause to regard this as an indication of depression, in the opinion of Finley P. Mount, president of the Advance- September 16. W. B. Crane, Presi- R'umey company of La Porte. Ind dent, will preside as toastmaster. A feature of the gathering will be a concert by the Elsie Lewis violin chorus during the supper hour. Re ception begins at 4:30 o'clock and will include the following members on the reception committee: Mes dames William N. Gatens, Leslie M. Scott, Joseph L. Hoffman, Harvey G. Starkweather, W. BN. Crane, An derson M. Cannon, John C. Welch, Mary Barlow Wilkins, Louise Hue lat Bickford, Edna Htmes Reid, Lela F. Barthrop, Kate C. Ca vender. E. A. Breyman, Thella j Rickard Scruggs, Ora H. Haeney, Mary B. Gebhart, Alice L. Dustin and the Misses Myrtle Moffit and Frances Myers. The programme will in clude speeches and musical numbers. The Alpha Delta chapter of the Delta Gamma sorority will give a theater party today at the orpneum. A number of the girls who are en tering the University of Oregon were the inspiration for the occa sion. Following the show tea will be enjoyed at Hotel Portland. y m Miss Constance Piper, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper. accompanied by Miss Helen Stover, departed for New York city Sunday, where both young women will re sume their musical activities. Miss Piper and Miss Stover passed the summer in Portland and were the Jsinspiration for many social affairs during their visit. - Miss Harriet Leach and Miss Flor ence Leach have returned to Port land, after passing the summer at the north beaches; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Palitzch, with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Palitzch Jr.. expect to return the latter part of the week to Portland, after having passed the entire season at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs, John W. Baker are making an extensive trip to the leading cities of the east. Mr. and Mrs. Baker went by way of the Canadian Pacific, stopping at. Lake Louise and other important places of interest in Canada. The Bakers expect to be gone two months. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuniholm of 767 Wasco street announce the mar riage of their daughter, Anna Ron ald, to Louis D. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will ake their home In Al bany, Or. Mr. Allen is a son of Mrs. Robert A. Miller of this city. who is in the city paying a visit to the local branch of the concern. Mr. Mount has been on an extensive tour of inspection of the branches maintained by the company and came direct here from Yellowstone park, where he spent several vaca tion days. A message of optimism for the country is brought by the head of the threshing machine firm, who makes it his business to analyze carefully crop conditions and agri cultural territories throughout the nation. "The wheat crop throughout the middle west will be good this year," he said. "Not exceptional, for there has been a shortage in the winter wheat territory, but it will be fair." "But the great corn belt will produce nearly 8,000,000,000 bushels of corn this year, and corn Is meat," he continued. "The crop will mean a return to a decent living for thousands of farmers and the end of a period of partial depression which has enveloped the northern Mississippi valley for several years." Good Morning! Wonderful weather we've had since last we met. Our convention visitors are de lighted. Let's remember these wonderful days when the rainy season starts. You had to use your Gasco furnace in the bracing, cool morning hours last week? A Radiantfire uses only one fifth the gas consumed by the average gas furnace. - , . - : . Yesterday the sale of Radiantfires commenced. Think of ft, only 75c down! ,As the price Includes the necessary piping and install ing it, which amounts to J10 or $15, which has to be paid in cash by the Gas company, you can realize what wonderful terms these are. Only 76c down means that the company trusts you for the appliance as well as for the cost of in stallation. Then 75c a week. No interest! Observant? Are you observant, or do you belong to the majority T, Have you ever observed the difference in street lights? No! Then notice next time you are downtown. You'll be surprised that you never saw it before. What's What. By Helen Decte. - The good manners of a business girl influence the manners of all her masculine associates in the office or store. After all, the social game requires a woman's lead and, while, strictly speaking, society and busi ness are on opposite shores, courtesy can always go halfway across the bridge and meet efficiency in the center. - A courteous and self-respecting girl invites, and should require, courtesy and respect. If an office acquaintance whom she happens to pass on the -street at noon or after business hours should respond to her civil bow of recognition by throwing her an off-hand word or two while lounging against a door, and without taking the trouble even to tip his hat to her well, she need not see him when she passes by at any other time. If he should inquire the reason for her outdoor aloofness she can explain to him considerately and tactfully that she did not under stand why he responded to her bow in so negligent a manner. - RoHenispfDipmE MaiamEickef Bend, Ore. Dear Madame Richet: Am 26 years oid, five feet four inches, bust 31, waist 23, hips medium, brown hair and hazel eyes. Have coat like sample which I wish to make over with other material and color. What style would you suggest? Have dresa like sample. Could you suggest a pattern to make it over by ? The skirt is too long and narrow at the bottom. Have two stria, one tall and slender. She will ?o to school this term. Would you please advise about her clothes ? The other one will be five years this fftll. small for her aee. brunnette wUh PIMPL ES ON FACE TCHED BADLY Also On Chest Face Dis figured. Ccticnra Heals. " My face and chest were terribly affected with pimples and black heads. The pimples eU? IV were hard- krge, and (ii -s4a red and festered nl Cl - 8caled over- They itched and burned so badly Cl ky. .that I could not keep from scratching, and I lost my rest at night. My face was terribly disfigured. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the first week I could see an improvement, and after using three boxes of Ointment, together with the Soap, I was healed." (Signed) Miss Mary A. Micek, R. F. D. 1. Box 195, Sherwood, Ore. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sjuaptebeh P by Hi. Addre:"CoUeirI.k 4toriM, Dpt. H. Halkn 4S, Via" Sold .verr wh.re. Samoiac. Otntangitta5ndS0g. Tuieuxn 2&C. s?&&- Cuticur Soap shaves without mnf. curly hair, dark complexion. What colore- would be good for her? ANXIOUS. ANXIOUS. Bend, Or.: As you do not state the length and type of your coat. It will be difficult for me to plan in detail the dress you wish to make from same. However, I can give you a hint and if that does not help then write again with a fuller description. In the But terick quarterly for the fall you will find on page 25, No. 3593, a model after which the average coat can be remodeled. The vest, the sleeves and the underskirt of the black satin, the top portion of your coat material. The hand touches I would do in the old blue, black, green and fuchsia. " Use th3 rope silk in the heavy quality for this j trim. Bind all edges with the satin. ! For the wisteria you can copy in general lines the model shown on the cover page of the quarterly Mc Call's for the autumn. In order to have more w;dth have the set-in of the satin, which I am sure you can match in a tone quite like the one you have. The set-in will carry the ripple line and the seam will hardly show. This side trim should be done in the steel beadn. The ruffles you now have will make the lower portion of the sleeve and the square neck will in no way detract from the general style of the gown. Outline the neck, belt and the sleeves trim, also the skirt, using the design as appears on the model. For the 6-year-old I would have you see the models pictured in the Butterick quarterly," page 55, Nos. 3895 and 3587. The checked wool, with the plain sleeves and under arm Is very youthful and attractive for the school wear. The first model named is also pleasing in its general style. The blue trimmed with the red worsted in the wide diagonal lines is very effective; 3895 should be so treated. . - For the 5-year-old there ' is a cunning dress on page 56, No. 3922. Make in the fawn shade of serge and trim in the cherry v duvetyn, doing the hand work in the fawn shade of worsted. Also No. 3906, on the same page, is good and in a black sateen with the orange trim you would have a dashing frock for the petite brunnette. Things You Will Love to Make. It la Euhj to Make This Lovely Petaled Sleeve. Since sleeves still "make" the froek, you will certainly want to make this petaled sleeve for your new tricotine dress. If the ma terial is wide you can cut the sleeves and yoke in one, kimono fashion. Let the back part hang loose like a cape. Line the sleeves and cape with silk. 'Bright red is pretty with a navy frock. Scallop the edges and bind the scallops or trim them with braid or beaded folds. This petaled sleeVe is hand some on a negligee also. FLORA. Ths Housewife's Idea Box TWO JOIN Y. M.C. A. STAFF Membership Department Adds University Graduates, Two graduates of Willamette uni versity, Salem, have joined the mem bership staff of the Portland T. M. C. A. The membership department has adopted the policy of making a steady, consistent effort to upbuild its membership , without special campaigns conducted in former years. These announcements, made by L. G. Cranbourne, membership and service secretary and an active leader In membership policies in the northwest district, feature the opening of fall preparations for a greater membership in Portland. The two additions to the staff" are Everett H. Craven, graduate of Poitland-high school and of Wil lamette university, and Ben Rickli, who was graduated from Dallas high school and from Willamette uni versity. Both young men took uni versity courses in Y. M. C. A. work with the intention of becoming affil iated first with the Portland asso ciation. Mr.. Cranbourne, who - attended a northwest membership contest - In Seattle, returned with plans for a vigorous effort throughout the coming year's period to develop the membership here. . He said that a contest had been entered into be tween Seattle, Portland, . Spokane and Tacoma. The Portland "T" now has the largest membership in Oregon and Washington, consisting of local cit izens and a considerable number of outside members. The prestige of Oregonian Want Ads has been attained not merely bv The Oregonian's large circulation, but by the fact that all its readers are interested in OreKoniaa W ant-Ada. .; Keep the Frame of Your Old Urn , brella. The next time the cover of your umbrella wears out and you do not care to replace it, keep the frame. You can use it as a clothes dryer Enamel the ribs white to prevent rust. Suspend the -frame from the ceiling of the laundry or porch, with the handle up. It makes a most ' convenient rack for drying small articles. THE HOUSEWIFE, bt) Lilian Tingle PORTLAND, Or. Dear Miss Tingle: Will you kindly give in the near future some directions for candying fruits and flowers. Thanking you, MRS. C. THE candied fruits and flowers are nice to use for. candies. desserts and salads. They are rather expensive to buy but may be made at home very cheaply. - Nearly all kinds of fruits may be candied but the kinds that have proved most successful are cherries, strawber ries, pineapple, peaches, pears, cur rants and gooseberries. Mint and other kinds of aromatic leaves may be candied as well as the better known rose petals and "French" violets. In making candied cherries, the large red ones are good, but white varieties take a bright color better. Remove the stones and pour boiling water over tne trult. Let stand aj snort time ana tnen drain. In a preserving kettle place IV4 pounds of sugar and cup of water to each pound of fruit. Boil the sugar and water to. the soft ball stage, then add the cherries and. simmer slowly for 15 or 20 minutes, or un til the cherries are soft and trans parent. . Remove the fruit with a skimmer and place on platters. These should be placed in the warm sun or In a slow oven until nearly dry. Cook the syrup in the kettle to the hard ball stage and add a little red fruit coloring. Put the cherries back in the syrup, a few at a time, and simmer until the fruit Is .well permeated with the syrup. Remove to the platter again and dry thoroughly. Pack in paste board boxes or tins, lined with paraffin paper., Paraffin, paper is also placed between each layer. The strawberries are candied in the same way except that instead of pouring boiling water over them they are placed in the preserving kettle with the sugar in alternate layers and allowed to stand over night, or previously canned berries might be used. Pour off the juice and boil to the soft ball stage. Add the berries, a few at a time, and go through the same process as with the cherries. The pineapple is cut into about inch slices and then cut into cubes or fourths. Proceed as for candied cherries. The largest green gooseberries are used for candying. Remove the stems, cut lengthwise and take out the seeds, using a small fruit knife. When candying peaches or pears, especially pears, a small quantity of lemon rind or ginger root is added to the syrup, or a little vanilla or .almond extract, al though this is entirely optional. Color may be added if desired. If the fruit is to be crystalized, pour the syrup, which has been boiled . down to the crystal stage, over the fruit on the platters and j let stand until the crystals are dry. Leaves and flowers are a bit more difficult, to candy, as they cannot stand much handling. Use one pound "of sugar to each pint -of leaves and. just enough water to dissolve it. The leaves should be laid out singly on platters or tins. Boil the syrup to the soft ball stage, then with a spoon dip the syrup over the leaves, which are allowed to stand over night. The next morn ing drain the syrup from the leaves by placing them on a sieve. Boil the syrup to the hard ball stage and dip over the leaves as before and again let stand for several hours. If by this time crystals are not formed over the leaves this is re peated once more. Let stand until dry. Place the leaves in single rows between sheets of waxed pa per and pack in boxes. Rose petals and whole violets may be candied in the same manner. All candied fruits and flowers should be stored in a cool place. Correct English: A Daily-Quiz. How many syllables has the word "finale"? - How are its vowels pronounced? What is the meaning of the Latin words In "The ambassador was per sona non grata to the king ? How is persona, non grata' pro nounced? Answers to'lKlonday's Question. When the first element of a com pound word is a numeral adjective, the second word .is not pluralized, as, "a three-foot rule," "a twenty- story building," "a five-reel film." In compound words, the hyphen should be placed after the numeral adjective. "Gratis." pronounced , "gra tls," means "freely,", "without charge." Omit either "free" or "gratis" in, "Free samples given away gratis." THE Women's Psychic club will resume its meetings after the summer vacation and all members are requested to be present Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the church parlors at East Seventh and Hassalo streets, as this is the beginning of the season and there is much to be done before the bazaar is given. Rev. J. Willard Hills will be. present and will give a spiritual message to all. Visitors are in vited. There will also be a message service in the church Wednesday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. The three Laurelhurst sewing units of th?TLaughters of the Nile will meet at the home of Mrs. Harvey Wells, 1066 East Flanders street, on Wednesday, September 13, at 10:30. Luncheon will be served." s m Albina W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting today at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. Christensen, 883 Borthwlck street. All members are urged to attend. The members of the Portland Woman's club are requested to meet in the club house Wednesday morn ing at 9 o'clock prepared to sew. Bring basket lunch. s The central Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet in room 8, central library, Wednesday at 2 P. M. Mrs. Joseph A. H111 has returned from North Beach, where she (was the gueat of her mother, Mrs. R. B. Knight. Mrs. Franklin . I. Fuller will be hostess on September 20 at a tea for Mrs. L. M. Parrish. Mrs. John W. Gavin of 831 North rup street will entertain on Septem ber 20 from 3 to 6 o'clock, when she will dispense hospitality for the benefit of the Newman club of the University of Oregon. Mrs. J. E. Forestel and Mrs. R. B. Beaman of Astoria will preside at the tea table. Mrs'. Robert Glasgow ha returned to Salmon Arm, B. C, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Manner at North Beach and her sis ter, Mrs. J. Kerr of this city. Miss Mary Helen Glasgow accompanied her mother. Miss Glasgow recently was awarded the governor-general's medal for high scholarship. . This medal is offered by the governor general as an award for the student obtaining the highest scholarship on entrance into the high schools of Canada. Portland friends will, be interested! in her success. Mrs. Glasgow will "be remember as Viola Manner, a former Portland girl who has a wide circle of friends here. Mrs. M. G. MacDonald will give a card party Thursday evening at her home, 818 Thurman street, at 8:30 o'clock. Six prizes will be of fered. The Woodmere Parent - Teacher , association has set thn date for its first meeting of the year to be held at the Woodmere school building Thursday evening. The meeting time has been changed this year from the afternoon to the evening in the hopes that many of the fathers of school children in the district will take an active interest in the work of the association as well as the mothers who have been Tomorrow, at our Wednes day "Less-Than-Cost" sale, in order to have you allow us to show you the three modern ranges, all without equal any where, the Vulcan, Smoothtop, Chambers Fireless and Relia ble with Lorain oven-heat control, we will sell you a Jini Dandy Toaster at 29c. That's much less than cost. Your health is in less jeopardy, your children are safer, your doctor bills less, when in the wintertime your home Is EVENLY heated. $ Ever go to a card party? And you suffer torture from the overheated room? Finally someone ,who knows the host well enough blurts out: "Can't we have some air, Lou?" And Lou opens some windows or front door. ' " In half an hour your head is cooled off, but now your feet are half frozen. Ever have this happen? Well, with a Gasco furnace it never does. The even temperature ts con trolled by the thermostat. Be tween 68 and 70 all day! Our gaslight lamp posts on Washington s t r e e t, for In stance, are like little suns, so brilliant. They make every thing else look dim. Just notice.' Ever experience the comfort of reading by MODERN gas light? Doesn't tire the eyes like other light does. Are your eyes worth saving? No. 30 The Radiant fire. Another advantage of Gas is that when you heat your home with Gas, you make no smoke. You keep your own home clean, yes; but you are a blessing to your neighbors. My neighbor used to send clouds of coal smoke into my sleeping porch regularly every morning. It was like an alarm clock, only more effective. Then we induced him to sub stitute a Gasco Furnace, and all is serene! A home that has all the lat est gas improvements Is a home indeed. Until you have them all, your house is not 100 per cent comfortable. Some of you pay your gas bills by check or at the drugstore and never get to see our wonder fully Improved appliances. Won't you call and let us show you? Letters From a Wife to her husband on the farm, while she visited Portland and wrote him about the many comforts she enjoyed In the up-to-date home where she was visiting, appeared In this paper recently. If you want a reprint ak anyone on salesfloor for the pamphlet. 4 The gas ranges with kitchen heater built in are making a great hit. They are much less bulky and less coxtly than combination ranges. If you have a sense of humor, you will have noticed the gro tesqueness of a great big Jumbo of a clumsy looking combination range In a little kitchen. You feel crowded. Sometimes, however, it wasn't bought on purpose. It was ln herited, or denotes a come, down from a mansion to a cottage. The new range with kitchen heater built in is mora In keeping with the modern small kitchen, and your visit ors can laugh with you. In stead of at you. It's a pleasure to have satis fied customers. Especially women. Men are apt to fear that a word of praise might be disastrous. Or costly. Women are more frank about it, and come in to praise our new range or our Easy Wash er as the bent in the world. That puts a little sunHhlne Into our lives. The kind com ment makes the VRleNman or saleswoman happy and tht.v pass it on and on and on. Like a pebble cast into a lake, the ripples spread to the verj edge. We love a good word, and do our best to deserve It. Portland Gas & Coke Co. Alder, Near Fifth directing the work recently. A special entertainment pro gramme has been arranged for the Thursday night meeting and plans for the coming year will be dis cussed. A committee on attend ance is making a special effort to bring out a record crowd at the opening meeting- of the year. The Loyal Workers, ladies of the Mount Scott Christian church, will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs: Mary Lisdale, 6127 Forty-second avenue, to make plans for the work of the coming year. Members of the two Portland lodges of the Degree of Honor en tertained last night at their hall at Grand avenue and East . Alder street, with their annual homecom ing dinner and social programme. Over 200 members of the order and visitors were seated at the banquet table and music was furnished by a ' six-piece orchestra throughout the repast. A programme of musical numbers and readings was given and fol lowing the dinner, which was served at 6:30 o'clock, a social hour and get-acquainted party was the fea ture. Many members of the order who are not on the rolls of either of the Portland lodges, one of which is conducted at East Eigh tieth and East Glisan streets, and the other at Grand avenue and East Alder street, were present at the banquet and programme as guests! berg of the board anil the others of the Portland members. are: Cards, .Mrs. Hyron Miller; re- The Burrell club of the Unitarian, freshments, Mrs. I.amoncl. asxiotrrl church alliance will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry L. Torrcnce, 430 East Simpson street, this noon. Dr. Virgil Mat MacMlckln will speak on "The Drug Addict." The Portland Woman's club will open its doors to the public the evening of September 22. A recep tion, followed by dancing and cards. will be the attraction. Th chairman is Mrs. Alfred The reception committee of two past presidents and mm- by her social commlttie: tlrk't. Mrs. J. C. Bryant snd Mrs. W. li Shuford; dtiorations, Mrs Geors Parker. The prurtw lis will lip nm d for furnishing the nr' Hub building. Oft l-Mlpfsnn'" hpst pnsl Arlv consists Ircnszcu Yeas, for Rheumatism IV, PICNIC PLAYS HAVOC . Radio Service Extended. Announcement is made by Ed ward J. Nally,' president of the Radio Corporation of America, that an agreement has been signed by his company and the Postal Tele graph company whereby every of fice of the Postal company in the United States becomes an agency of the Radio corporation for the acceptance of radiograms for trans-. mission across the Atlantic and for delivery of radiograms received from overseas for points in the United States. Read The Oregonian classified adis: 5 " - '-p llnusuMjtlfgood (2nee "Why. Bernice! Why the long face? You look like you hadn't a friend in the world. Why all the pall of grief?" "You'd look sad, too, if you were such an idiot as I am. I went to a picnic last evening in some fairly good clothes, and, well, the clothes aren't good any longer. We cooked wieners around a beach fire and then played ring around the rosle and a lot of kid gaies we hadn't played for ten years or more. I fell down once or twice and tore my skirt on a rock." , "Well, what on earth did you wear something good to a picnic for any way? Old clothes usually go for a party like that. Or if you had a serviceable tweed suit or something similar you would be all right." "I know it and I want a gooa- looking tweed badly. One can wear them anywhere and they always look great. The minute I can afford one I am going to get one for street wear." "Whv don't vou BO to 34 Mor rison street, second floor, and visit Cherry's? They have some lovely mixtures and they are priced rea sonably, too. And one of the won derful things about Cherry's is that one can buy there on credit. A pay ment down and so much a month.'" Adv. j Do You Realize What Ironistx! Yeast-Vitamine Will Do for Rheumatism and Lumbago? Tn vou know that vltamlnes and I iron are part of your very life? Do you know that the tissue-ana-Dioon factory In your body needs these two materials, and needs them badly? Do you know that if your body furnace does not get enough of these, that en well Mary- your cooking gets bet ter every day! and Mary explains that she's been reading up new schools of cookery advise baking powder with a com bination of leavening units that produce good results if doors do slam, oven isn't "doing" just right, or phone rings at most critical time. So she is using Crescent Baking Powder. At all grocers 1,800,000 cups wr i-srved at the Panama Pacific International Exposition. P h o a direct East 7054 lyik"v Baked White Fish with "Stuffing" A handsome dish and a really tempting one. Be surethe Stuffing" is seasoned with Bill SAUCE IRIGINAL WOftCESTEl -r-. ,- rtoiAtMAI wnar.r.QTFRGHiFC , ne. wniui.."- . . ....... . Wkopeet RknnXlin Pnln Agony All Gur, Iroalaed l east la Surely Wonderful!" queer poisons, joint poisons, musclo poisons, acid poisons are formed in stead of the healthy flesh and the rich blood vou used to have in days gone by? If you hobble In your gait. If pains distort your body. If bendlns; over la an unspeakable agony, if dull pains make you breathe heavily and moan, do not grumble at the rousrh- i riess of the way, smile - sweetly, I there Is a rainbow ahead. Things Crescent Manufacturing Company are different no th" Jh' R-ttl. W..hlnrtnn I t. the days of liniments, salves. , j, romollcatert drugs, ana an mat, re member? The happy secret today l.i lronized yeast, one of the greatest body-and-blood builders of all time. Begin taking Ironised Yeast today. Beware of Imitations and substitutes, because lronized Yeast Is not a mrri combination of yeast and Iron, but Is yeast lronized, which i a substance all bv itself. There is only one lron ized Yeast In all the world. Sold at all drug stores at $1.00 a packape and containing 0 tablets, earh tahl.'t sealed. They never lose thlr po-ver. M'fd onlv by Irontd Yeast Co., Atlanta, Oa. Say goodbye to rheu matism from now onl CrQSCQTlt owdef Positively dot NOT contait Alum. 500 New Pattern Hats New York-Paris Models - $15.00 to $22.50 Now on Show ELSIE'S Millinery Importers Second Floor Artlanna Building, Broadway and Oak St Juat Below Hotel Uenaon, Special Order and Makeover Work Solicited. WHITE WITH LEMON Squeeze the Jules of two Irmoni Into a bottle containing tpr ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for i few cents, shake well and you h a quarter pint of harmlras and de lightful lemon bleach. Muit(t this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the (ace, neck, arme and hands each day. then ahortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use (his lemon lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white com plexion, also aa a freckle, sunburn and tan bleach because It dovao't j irritate. Adv.