TTIE MORNING" OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1922 0 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. 5fl0- Sunday Editor Main 7070. BBO-95 Advertising Dept Main 7070. 50-9S Superintendent of bids. .Main 7070, 5(10-95 OREGOMAN RESORTS. ' Subscribe with the following agents at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City rates. Subscrlptiona by mail are payable in advance. Barvlew. Or Mrs. Georgia Fisk Bay City. Or . O. E. Shelley Bay Ocean. Or F. D. Mitchell Breakers. Wash J. if. McArthur Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe Cannon Beach, Or.. Cannon Beach Mc. Co. Carson. Wash Mrs. M. St. Martin Carson. Wash. . .. Shlpherd's Hot Springs '"arson. Wash Carl R. Smith Chinook. Wash R. Knutson Bcola. Or Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Saribaldl. Or D. C. Ellis '"'aribaldi. Or... J. I Kidder Jearhart. Or ; W. J. Robinson Hot Lake. Or Hot Lake Sanitarium Ilwaco. Wash A. C. Pesco Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach, Or. 1. Stalnaker Manzanita. Or E. Kardell McKenzie Bridge, Or.Swartl & McPherson Moclips. Wash Mrs. I.. L. James Nahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Neah-kah-nie Beach, Or.. . A. C. Anderson Nehalem. Or D. C. Peregoy TTeskowin. Or Alexander Rock Newport. Or . J. E. Sharp Ocean Lake, Or. . . .... L. Stalnaker Ocean Park. Wash... .. Emma Campbell Oceanside. Or Rosenberg Bros. Pacific City, Or.... O. W. Ward Pacific City. Or.... ..... D.F.Edmunds Rockaway. Or.... L. Stalnaker Seaside. Or ............ Roth Drug Co Beaview, Wash.... ... George L. Putnam Tillamook. Or.... J.S.Lamar Twin Rocks Or.... L. Stalnaker Wheeler, Or R. H. Cady Wheeler, Or J. F. Hamilton j AMUSEMENTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhll!) Vaudeville and moving pictures con tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaudeville. Three shows daily, 2:30, and 9 P. M. COLUMBIA BEACH (Amusement Park) Bathing, dancing and rides. Cars at Fifth and Washington. Forestry Inspector arrives. Ma jor E. w. Kelly, inspector in ine Washington office of operation of the United States forest service, arrived in Portland yesterday. He will study road and trail projects of the northwest for the purpose of determining the amount of ap Drooriations to be alloted to this district. lie has just come from Montana. His first trip will be to the Umnaua national forest, and if time permits, he will visit other for ests in the district. One of the local forestry heads will accompany him on his Inspections. White Citt Park Seeks Light. Residents of the White City Park district in the vicinity of Milwaukie are making- an effort to secure elec trie lighting facilities for their homes. Negotiations have been car ried on with the Portland Railway, Light & Power company with the result that property owners have been asked to supply the poles. The residents are not inclined to provide the poles and maintain that the cost of the service and of wiring their homes is sufficient. In the mean time the district is without electric lights. Business Efficiency Explained. At the regular luncheon of the Ro tary clu-to, held at the Benson hotel yesterday, George Cromwell Blower, efficiency expert, was the principal speaker. He gave a talk on "Knock ing Home Runs in Business." He reminded the members present of the recognized necessities for busi ness efficiency. An announcement was made by Dr. R. E. Logsden of the Oregon health exposition, to be held in this city October 26 to No vember 4. A musical programme was given, tJby Miss Helen Levoff, soprano. i Card Party and "Corn Feed" Is Announced. A card party and "corn feed" will be held in the. Ascension hall, East Seventy-sixth and Morri son streets, tomorrow night for which the ladies of the Ascension parish of the Catholic church will' be the hostesses. A novel departure in the serving of the refreshments menu will be made when green corn on the cob will replace the usual coffee and sandwiches. All mem bers of the parish are cordially in vited to attend. Fish Hatchery Work Satisfac tory. Game fish hatcheries are go ing strong in their annual egg-tak ing work, and are in good condition. was the report made yesterday by A. E. Burghduff. state game warden. who has been recently touring the hatcheries of Jackson, Deschutes and Klamath counties. He said he had received reports also from the Tilla mook and Coos county hatcheries which indicated that the egg-taking work in those counties was pro ceeding satisfactorily. Vicar of St. Johns Going to Can ada. Rev. John Brian McCormick. vicar of St. Johns Episcopal church of Sellwood and of the Woodstock Episcopal church, will leave Port land for Alberta, Canada, about Sep tember 15, where he expects to make his future home. Rev. McCormick has made his home in the Wood stock district for the past two years. He expects to retire from the min istry and take a complete rest while in Canada.' Catholic School Dedication Near. Dedication services for the new parish school of the Blessed Sacra mentparish of the Catholic church, which will open today, will be held next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the new building. Archbishop Christie will officiate at the cere mony, and an interesting pro gramme has been arranged, consist ing of a number of addresses and musical numbers. Milwaukie Boosters to Meet. Members of the Milwaukie .Real Es tate and Development association will meet tonight to transact the final details in perfecting their or ganization. The meetings are open to the residents of the district and have been made especially interest ing through the plan of including an entertainment programme following the close of the business sessions each week. Seven Speeders Fined. Fines against speeders were levied by district Judge Hawkins yesterday as follows: T. R. Morehead, $25: W. VV. Jaeger, $20; V. E. Holm, $10; B. W. Rucker, 0; S. F. Sparks: $10; I J. Wasser. $10, and Ben Bunch, $10. a total of $95. Frank A. Miller and J. H. Troutwine were fined $10 each for overloading their trucks. Elks, Attention! The State Elks association convention at Seaside, September 7, 8, 9. Trains leaving North Bank station 8:15 A. M., 1:05 P. M. and 6:30 P. M., Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Adv. School Books. Bought, sold and exchanged. Hyland's Old Book Store, 204 Fourth st. Between Taylor and Salmon. Adv. Peaches. Peaches. Hurry. Hurry. Fawoers orchard at Canby, Craw fords, Muirs. Pick them for less. Adv. Enlarged, Diseased Tonsils treated without operation. Results permanent. Dr. Baker. East 8535. Adv. Your Artificial Teeth will be better if made by the plate special ist. Dr. Rossman, Journal bldg. Adv. One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Cress & Co., 96-98 Front street. Adv. Jocelyn Foulkes. piano instructor, returned. East 6957. Adv. Dr. H. M. Patton returned. Adv. Dr. Stevenson has returned. Adv. j Pisgah Colony Work Grows. The work of the three Institutions under the Pisgah home colony of which Mrs. Hattie B. Lawrence is the head, continues to grow in numbers and usefulness, according to the report for August. At the Woodmere old people's home the total registration for the month was 41; the daily av erage. 37; the number of meals served, 3398. and 1133 beds were used. At Ardenwald place the av erage attendance was 18. the aver age daily 14 1461 meals were served and 487 beds were used. At Pisgah home colony, above Scap poose, the registration was 33, the daily average 16, meals served 1461, beds used 487. Woodmen to Visit Tillamook. A special degree team from the Port land camps of the Woodmen of the World will go to Tillamook tomor row to meet with the members of the Tillamook camp. No. 219, of the order, in a big session tomorrow night. E. P. Martin, deputy head consul; F. A. Beard and J. A. Pate district managers, and J. O. Wilson, secretary of camp No. 77, will be included in the party and a number of others will also make the trip. A big class of candidates is to be ini tiated 'into the Tillamook camp. Club Session Postponed. The regular session of the Mount Scott Improvement club, scheduled for last night, was postponed subject to the call of the executive officers of the organization after it wag found that a number of the members were still away on vacations. Several Import ant items of business are to be con sidered by the organization and it is probable that a special meeting will be held shortly. The club has not been meeting during the summer. Woodmen to Visit Camas The degree team and officers of Multno mah camp. No. 77. of the Woodmen of the World, will make a trip to Camas. Wash., Saturday to meet with the members of the Camas lodge of the order on Saturday night. About 35 members of the local camp will make the trip and will put on the degree work for class of candidates to be initiated there. Meetings to Resume. The East Side Business Men's club will re sume regular monthly meetings throughout the winter on September 21, according to announcement made yesterday by L. M. Lepper. seere tary. The organization has not been meeting during the summer vaca tion period. A number of important items for consideration will be taken up at the first regular meet ing of the fall and winter season. Smuggled Goods Sale Today. The annual sale of smuggled goods, seized by United States customs of fleers, will be held at the custom house, Broadway and Davis streets this afternoon. . Beads, laces, ki monos, silks and trinkets, taken from the members of crews of ships, will constitute the articles offered The sale has always been alluring to local women and a crowd of buy ers is expected. Eight File Divorce Suits. Di vorce suits filed in the circuit court yesterday were: Edna- L. against Joseph Y. Gibson, Jane against Wil bur E. Hurst, Arline against Tom Henslee, Helen M. against George A. w ilson, Flora P. against Floyd C. Crosslin. Leon against Bessie Mc Cluskey. Wanda Victoria against A. H. Hallett and Mayme O. against Vurl C. Burdick. Legion Adjutant Home. Harry N. Nelson, department adjutant of the American Legion, who returned yes terday from a two weeks' trip to posts in eastern Oregon, reported that legion activities were in flour ishing condition in the small or ganizations visited. He attended post gatherings in Grass Valley, An telope, Moro, Wasco, Prineville. Red mond. Madras, Sisters and Bend. Boy Hit by Auto. David Swy- gert. 11. 1072 Water street, was cut and bruised yesterday when he was struck by an automobile driven by R. F. Herbert. 521 Umatilla ave nue. The accident occurred at Hamilton and Corbett streets. The injured lad was removed to his home where he received medical ttention. Mazamas' Meeting Postponed. Mazamas will hold their Three Sis ters reunion Friday . night instead of . Thursday, as previously an nounced. They will recall pleasures of the annual camp on the slopes of the Cascades this summer at a meeting on the hills to the south west of the city, back of the old cajtle, "Welcome Home Day" Set. A big "Welcome Home Day" has been ar ranged by the Sellwood Methodist Episcopal Sunday school to be held on next Sunday, at which time all ex-members of the school will be invited to attend. A short pro gramme will be given after a lesson hour. Thief Gets Eight Months. Law rence Tucker pleaded guilty to stealing goods from the Marshall Wells warehouse and was sentenced to eight months in the county jail by Presiding Circuit Judge Staple ton yesterday. He has been in jail for two months already. Income Tax Case Transferred. The initiative income tax amend ment case, which was assigned to the circuit court of Marion county, has been transferred to Multnomah county and will come before Judge Bingham at the courthouse here this morning at 9:30 o'clock. Six Cases of Typhoid Reported. Another case of typhoid fever was added to the five cases reported last week. The la,test case was that of Harold Bocan, 1515 Belmont street. Records in the health bureau indi cate that all of the typhoid cases were contracted at outside points. Lavender Club Meets. Members of the Sellwood Lavender club met yesterday afternoon at the Sellwood Community house. A business and social hour was enjoyed and plans discussed for the fall and -winter sesions of the organization. A Kiddie Corner. Berger Photo Studio has installed a beautiful playroom for children. September is children's month, 20 per cent re duction. 205 Blue Mouse buildinsr. II TV) saa Hazelwood Chicken le .A Well-Balanced Meal c o n t a i ning Just right amount of tender chicken c o m b i n ed with diced fresh vege tables and rich fjravy. The whole s covered with a light, flaky crust. Try It for Luncheon Today THE HAZELWOOD 388 Washington St. BROADWAY. HAZELWOOD 137 Broadway. figuring their vacations not yet I over, or their cases had been settled out of court and they had not taken the trouble to notify the! circuit court officials so that the matters could be stricken from the docket. Presiding Circuit Judge Stapleton served notice yesterday on Portland attorneys that such . a condition would not be tolerated while he was presiding judge, and that lawyers must stand the consequences If they are not ready for trial when their cases are set. He said that the cases would be called and assigned every morning at 9:15 and if attorneys were not in court and ready to go to . trial their cases would be stricken from the docket. This would mean a delay of more than six months in trial, because of the present congestion of the docket. Attorneys whose cases were dis missed and who had not the courtesy to notify the court would be reprimanded, he said. WOMEN TO BOOST FAIR WIVES OF EASTERN OREGON INVADERS WILXi ASSIST. Feminine Contingent Will Seek Aid of Sisters in Putting Over Exposition Tax. . Women will have an. important place on the "192o special, whicn will carry a trainload of exposition boosters into eastern Oregon, leav ing Portland at midnight September 18. William r. Merry, wno win have charge of the caravan, reports many of the reservations ror tne trip made so far provide for men and their wives. And it is no mere pleasure junket for these women. It is said at headquarters that it is the purpose of the women excursionists to lend assistance in spreading exposition information, and they will devote all the time possible in each city visited explaining to the women. narticularlv. of those places the I need of such an exposition as is proposed and why it is urgent that the voters in the outside counties I should support the measure at the election in, November that will per mit Portland to raise tlje money necessary to finance the big project. "The enthusiasm of these women is encouraging," said Mayor Baker, director-general of the exposition campaign committee. "I believe their efforts will be as successful as those of the men of the party. We will welcome all the women who can arrange to go." Mr. Merry spent a busy day at the telephone in his office in the Title & Trust building yesterday registering reservations and- last night reported that about one-half the limit of 125 placed by the railroad company had been taken. At this rate it is ex pected that the list will be closed this week. Broadway 4544. Adv, Theosophy solves the problems of life. Send for free booklets on Thought Power, Human Destiny, Reincarnation and Life After Death. Theosophical Society, 826 Oakdale avenue, Chicago, 111. Adv. LIEB5 WASTE S288 " JURIES CAL1L1ED NEEDLESSLY FOR SEVEN TRIALS. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonlan. Main 7070. Get Edlefsen's best coal. Adv. Be safe Edlefsen's coal. Adv. Get Edlefsen's best coal. Adv. 1 p HEILIG Bgf Broadway Phone at Taylor Main 1000 Attorneys Failing to Tell Court Cases Were Dismissed to Be Reprimanded. Negligent attorneys cost Multno mah county $288 in jury fees, not to mention the expense of idle judges both of local residence and called here from outside counties because of the heavy court docket, yesterday. Out of seven jury trials scheduled for the opening of the fall term of court yesterday, requiring the pres ence of 96 jurors ready for winnow ing, not one began. Attorneys either were not ready to go to trial, Now Showing! Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. JULES VERNE'S ROMANTIC SUCCESS THE invested 13 UILDING activities now under way in Portland total millions of dollars. For the first six months of 1 922 permits amounted to more than $11,000,000. Increasing the turnover of in property As you constantly plan to meet ever changing conditions in your business, perhaps we can help you. We have been making constructive analyses of business statements for three gen erations. We want you to feel free to consult with the officers of the First National at any time. Be they large or small, we are inter ested in the affairs of our customers. We want you to avail yourself of all the facilities of the oldest and largest national bank in the Pacific North west. If you are not a patron of the First National, we invite your account. merchan-into'divi- Idle property, like unsold dise on store shelves, eats dends. Profits lie in turnovers, not in leftovers. Property owners are also learning that the problem of turnover of keeping capital busy is all -important. Therefore we see dormant property being developed and put into condition whre it attracts buyers. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND OREGON THE FIRST NfllONAL - BANK WEST OF THE ROCKT FOUNTAINS Free Book About Cancer. The Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, has published a booklet which gives interesting facts about the cause of cancer, also tells what to do for pain," bleeding, odor, ejc. A valuable guide in the management of any case. Write for It today, mentioning this paper. Adv. . Highway Right-of-Way Finished. HARRISBtTRG, Or.. Sept. (Special.) The last strip of ISLE of ZORDA TOGETHER WITH SnubPollard I!V THE COMEDY "The Stone Age" POPITT.AR PRICES (Including War Tax) Aft's to 6 - - - 25c Eve's After 6 - 35c CHILDREN UNDER 12 - 10c To Lease LONGTIME Store rooms in the heart of the business district, Washington street. AP 932, Oregonian was procured for the Pacific high way right-of-way Into Harrisburg when the city council purchased, through arbitration, a piece about 1000 feet long through the Sherrill tract at a cost of $1500. Co-operative Business 75 STOCKHOLDERS ! T1 TTZ 1 WHEIS YOU UV 1U SAN FRANCISCO JFXL HOTEL STEWART On Geary St, Just off Union Square, close to best stores, cafes, theatres. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Best known meals In the United States. Breakfast, BOe, 60c, 75c;. Lunch, 66c, (Sundays, 75o) ; Dinner 11.25, (Sun days, $1.50) . Municipal car passes door. Stewart Bus meets trains and steamer Advise making reservations in advancA CAPACITY 10,000 aDay J "Plenty for Twenty" The most talked of and the best thought of eat ing places in Northwest. W S S III ! -IJ Ktf- '1 rj fFPRINTINGn Your business station ery is your representa tive. Does it repre sent you properly and , convey the irtlpression it should? not, let as famish yoa the kind that will Oregon Peaches Are Ripe We are serving them in pies, cob lers and sliced in cream CORNER BROADWAY and WASHINGTON FOUR ENTRANCES Your Shiny Suit! LEKREMA will make your old suit or skirt look new. Simple to use. Price 10c At AH DrilSBTlmo. . Are You a Skeptic? Ninety-five out of every hundred peo ple that I in terview and treat are skeptical to a ' marked d e -I gree, due to " the fact that they h a ve tried every thing from Home Remedies to Surgery in a vain attempt to be rid of their Piles and other rectal conditions. I remove Tiles without an op eration or surgery. If I f.ill to rid you of youv Files I will refund your fee. My methods are painless, do not confine you to bed, do nut require an anesthetic and are permanent. If you are Interested and wish to know more about my methods. Call or write (or my free booklet. DR. C. J. DEAN 2d and Morrlaon St fortlaad. Or. Mention Urtgoninn when wrlllnK FOR DENTAL SKILL Dr. Fred Mellish 108 Vi Fourth Street Opp. J. C. Fenney Co. Store Phone EToadway 3769 St. Helens Hall Thlrfernlh and Hall Srer, Will Open September 12th Retrlnlrafion Day 8h and itth. Phone your want ads to Tike Ore gt'nian. Main 7070. HOTEL SEATTLE Pioneer Square, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 200 Large, Clean, Airy Rooms, Newly Carpeted and Re decorated. Rates: $2 Single, $3 Double. With Bath: $3 Single, $4.50 Double. First-Class Cafe in Connection. Club rircakfast 30c Lunch 60c, Dinner $1.00 R. L. HODGDON, Manager. Note Owned and operated by Americans.