,THE MORNING ' OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 19 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 2000 HOMES FOR SALE. IrO SALESMEN AT YOUR SERVICE. FRANK L. -IcGUIRE SAYS We Have the Key te Your Home." THE -McGUIRE SYSTEM. This frystem eliminates your every house-hunting problem, makes home buying a pleasure and puts you in im mediate touch with the home you are looking for. HUNDREDS OF REMARKABLE BARGAINS. Before you -buy, corae fitto our great display room and see over 2000 photo graphs of homes for sale, with prices, terms and address under every picture, livery section of the city has Us allot ment or space. Every home offered for your consideration has first been Inspected and appraised' by our expert Appraiser. Our many years of experience, our thorough and expert knowledgs of values, and the most desirable home districts; our personal appraisal of every home-listed, and our unparalleled display of over 2000 photographs, to gether with courtesy, efficiency and In tegrity are the keynotes of the Mc GUIRE system, which made it possible for this office to establish an UNDIS PUTED NATIONAL RECORD for home selling. Office open evenings and Sundays. "WEST SIDE VIEW BUNGALOW. $1500 UNDER VALUE. $4500 $500 down, 40 per montK, in cluding interest. This 5-room very modern bungalow with sleeping porch on a 50xl27-foot lot with paved St.; liens all paid; has a wonderful perma nent unoDEtructea view oi river, city and mts. Pull-width front porch, living rooms with, fire place and bookcases, solid pan eled dining room with 10-foot leaded glass buffet and beam ceilings, massive plate glass windows In front rooms, hard wood floors, two airy bedrooms, white Dutch kitchen; full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry trays; unusually well constructed; built for a home; Just like new. Owner leaving city; close to car and schools. Only 10 minutes' drive over beautiful TerwJlliger boulevard, on first t.. near Lowell. . A good neighborhood. LIVES IN SAN FRANCISCO! tB750 Beautiful 7 -room ultra-modern home In Alameda Park, excep tionally clever lines, living room with, fireplace, hardwood floors, den. 4 bedrooms and bath: this is a real home in the fullest sense of the word; 60x105 lot; garage. East 32d fit. Can ar range terms. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW! $M90 REAL BEAUTY, is thia bunga low or o rooms; close to tie fragrant firs of beautiful ML Tabor, near the park; has a j deiiehtful view of the city and now-capped 'mountains; big pillars and pergola; fireplace; exquisite in old ivory and tap estry : hardwood floors an d built-ins, breakfast alcove off Dutch kitchen; furnace, garage E. 67th st., on car line; terms. 95190 The value will surprise you, fof thia Is actually one of the most moderately priced thoroughly modern -bungalows on ortiana Heights. Just the location you are wanting! Just completed; 5 rooms: immaculate, cheery liv ing room with fireplaee, hard wood floors. spotless white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, recess bath, furnace, garage: on Fern ave. Call today for an appointment to see it. DON'T BUT ANT FURNITURE ! $4750 Here's an attractive heart of Hawthorne bungalow, practic ally new and beautifully fur nished! Owner must sell every thing. This is your opportunity to etep right In 5 rooms in a very popular design ; fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, built-in buffet and bookcases, white Dutch kitchen. 2 sunny bedrooms and bath. E. 44th st. Can arrange reasonable terms. $4690 Rose City bungalow that must be sold immediately! 5 rooms, brand" new, with hardwood floors, clever built-in labor saving devices, fireplace in large living room, bookcases and buffet, Frenuh doors, dandy Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, two airy bedrooms and bath; see this bungalow at once If you want a real bar gain In this district. E. 52d st. $4450 Artistic Kenton bungalow, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace and all of the built-ins; garage. E. Buffalo St., block to car. $3990100x100 lot In Rose City Park with a very attractive, com pletely modern 5-room bunga low, front porch full width of house, fireplace, tauffet; can finish 3 rooms in attic. East 73d st. You should see thjs for real value. $3800 $300 down. Very pretty new bungalow in Sell wood district. 5 rooms, combination living and dining room, fireplace, cheery white enamel Dutch kitchen with built-ins, two bed rooms and bath, large 60x100 lot with paved street, cement sidewalks and sewers In and paid for. Ellis ave. $3750 Airy, white bungalow in the heart of Hawthorne on E. Lin coln st., just as neat and clean as a new pin, on a fin corner lot. built-ins, combination liv ing and dining room, 2 bed roms; can arrange terms. $8750 Very easy terms! If you want an attractive, modern home in the Hawthorne district on a small down payment and monthly terms less than rent, then see this! Living room, dining room with built-in buf fet, tapestry and old ivory fin ish, 2 airy bedrooms and white enamel bath, sleeping porch ; a cosy, practical home. E. Sal mon st. $3390 $500 down! 6-room modern Al berta bungalow on E. 11th st., 1 block to car; all conveniences; 3 bedrooms; full lot with trees and shrubbery. $2990 $500 down; Real home bunga low in Kenilworth district, 5 : rooms, all of the built-ins, fire- ; place. 2 dandy bedrooms and bath, furnace and wash trays; no liens to assume; close to car and park. Kenilworth ave.; ar range terms. $2800 $400 down! Widow faces fore closure on her home in Central East Portland; must be sold at once ; comfortable, practical 6-room cottage with all im - provements in and paid for; on E. Clay st. A few minutes' walk to town. $2S00 $400 down! New Peninsula bungalow, close to great indus trial plants; designed just Zike more expensive bungalows, with fireplace and built-ins; immacu late in old ivory ; 4 rooms; Portsmouth ave. Let us show this to you; $400 down, then rent to yourself! $2750 Easy terms; this very attrac tive, modern 5-room bungalow in "Woodstock district can be your happy home for ever aftr; has latest built-in features, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white en amel bath, etc.; very cosy. . 44th st. x $2362 Vacant! Move right In today! A practical 5-room modern bun galow cottage in Brooklyn dis trict on paved street with all improvements in and paid; 2 blocks to carline; can. arrange easy terms. E. 8th st. S1390 $240 down! Here is one of the biggest snaps in Montavilla; $240 down, then rest like rent; good comfortable 6-room home with fireplace, plumbing. 3 bed rooms, full lot with fruit. E. Davis st. $1390 $200 down! Just like new; Pretty 4-room modern bunga low in Mount Scott district, liv ing room, dining room, nice Dutch kitchen wittx lots of built-in features; attic. This is a fine little place for newly weds to start out. 40th ave. We have hundreds of Homes for sale In everv district in the city.- We canT advertise them all. YOUR HOME IS HERE. Come in and look at the photograph. See FRANK L. McGUIRE I To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. i Rn st. het. Washington and Stark. I We need 10 high-class salesmen. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Close in. beautiful location; all Im provements in and paid; 2d mortgage privilege. Call Main 8930 Tuesday. Will obtain loan for home builders. HOUSE PLANS. 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonabU fa. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 624 N. W. Bank Bldg. ARE YOU going to build Let me figure your job; work guaranteed; monthly payment plan If necessary. Write O i0 1, Ore go nian. - 8-ROOM house and half acre. 12 fruit trees, sidewalk, sewer in; $2000. easy terms. 11 84 Tollman ave.. near Reed college. Broadway 3628. NEW 4-room bungalow In Kenton dis trict, $1975. $250 down, balance easy monthly. Albohn Invest. Co., 216 Pan ama bldg., Broadway 6157. LAURELHURST XEW. Eight rooms, a real buy for $7000. W. M, Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. A COZY new bungalow. rooms and bath, fireplace and built-in. Com pletely furnished for $2500. Easy terms. rnpirr 1564. pO YOU own a lot? Let us build you a - home; we can arrange terms to suit; satisfaction guaranteed. Write K. 910, Oregoniao. REAL ESTATE. HOMES RESTRICTED DISTRICTS. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Exceptionally nice 5-room home for particular buyer. Fine corner lot, close to car. Furnace, fireplace, lots of built-ins; oak floors, garage and only $0850. $1250 cash. BRICE AVENUE BEAUTY. Exceptionally fine 7-room home In the heart of Alameda Park, modern, with a number of fine fir trees; $S5oO, terms. LAURELHURST. Five rooms in nice part of tract, furnace; fireplace, oak floors, lots of built-ins, tapestry paper $5750, $1250 cash. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow in the best part of Laurel hurst, oak floors throughout, furnace, fixtures. ' three sets of leaded, art I glass French doors, plate glass win dows, fine large porch, $7500. Brand new 5-room bungalow under construction for only $5750, buy now and decorate to suit. IRVINftTON Just finished, fine 5-room bunga low which is some buy at $5000; fire place, furnace and a wonderful kitch en; only block from car. Terms $1000 cash. Six-room bungalow In the heart of this choice tract, ultra-moaern, at tractive exterior. $7750 and terma Six-room colonial, nearly new. on fine corner, strictly modern, $10,500. ROSE CITY PARK. " Eight-room home near Sandy on 45th street, attractive exterior, oak floors, white enamel finish, garage, etc., for only $6000, $1000 down. . Five-room bungalow, nearly finished, three blocks from Sandy, close in, very attractive design, to be finished with furnace, fireplace, oak floors, paper and paint to suit; garage; if sold next few days price will be $5850, $1000 down. PIEDMONT-WALNUT PARK. Ultra-modern 5-room bungalow, liv ing room across front, built by one of Portland's best builders, finished and, ready for orcupancy, $6500, can be sold on $1000 down. Another choke o-Hoom bungalow with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and garage, near Peninsula Park, for only $4ts00. $1000 down. Cars at your service and large list of good homes. See . , J. R. HAIGHT FOR. REAL ESTATE, 351 Ankeny St. Broaaway -v-r.i. THE HIGHEST KIND OF LAHOrl IS TO GET A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. , The best place to go for that home is the Ralph Harris company. See us early today. Plenty or courteous salesmen on duty to show you. On Omaha ave., near Killings worth, ! a dandy 4-room bungalow with white enamel plumbing; full basement with new furnace. Entire house newly decorated. A real buy at $2900. Will take car or lot to $600, or small cash payment; 6 rooms, furnished, near MV carline on 7th street. This home Is in the very pink of condition inside and out. 2 large bedrooms upstairs. Good base ment. $3000. $350 cash, balance easy. East Yamhill, a Bplendid 6-room house, 3 large bedrooms. The best buy on the market. AH street improve ments in and paid. Close to car barns and high school, walking distance o city Any reasonable terms. $3o00. RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5654. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. WONDERFUL VIEW. Large home with 7 rooms and sleep ing porch ; all hardwood floors, all plate glass windows, large fireplace; house all finished in IVORY: full base ment and furnace; grounds 100x100, wonderfully laid out and lots of beau tiful shrubbery; largo garage. This is level with the street and located in best part of PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Price cut from $16,000 to $13,000 and some terms. This is like hew and a sacrifice at this price. You see this, your househunting is over. See W. F. MAHONEY, REALTOR, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdwy. 6006. ROSE CITY PARK. OMB BUYERS, ATTENTION! We. have any number of desirable homes in this district at all prices and on terms that can be arranged. All that we desire is an opportunity to show vou. You will not be urged to buy. BE YOUR OWN SALESMAN. Let us show you. You will be under no obli gations, absolutely. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 801-4 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6704. OWNER BROKE. This fact compels an immediate . sale. Buneralow is brand new. never lived in; in Alameda park. 2 blocks to Bdwy. -car; 6 rooms, all on 1st floor; hardwood floors throughout ; all modern conveniences. Reduced on account of forced ss le- to $5500; $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME. $7900 On 23d near Brazee st., 7 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. French doors, east front, full lot, a real bargain. McDONELL, EAST 0419. . WEST SIDE. $9500 A very fine 8-room house, has 4 fireplaces and 2 baths, hardwood floors, double garage, on Cornell, near head of Washington, Mr. Wiles. J. R. HATGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7-r., select hardwood iioors in ai I downstairs r., breakfast r., sleeping porch, full cement basement; modern to the last notch. Price $7750. Have 2 homes, will sell either. Owner. Terms. Sunday, Tabor RG66. John A. Meifsner. 821 Gasco Bldg. ALAMEDA NEW. Beautiful new home in best dis trict ; 4 bedrooms, sun room, large closets, hardwood floors. Gasco fur nace, garage, nice lawn and shrub bery. Easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. BEST BUY at Multnomah. Large mod ern 7-room house, right on the boule vard. Concrete basement, with good furnace. Very choice location. Only $4600. on easy terms. For particulars Fee Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., or Mrs. Grant in charge of the Multno- mah office. . PIEDMONT DISTRICT. $4500. $500 cash, balance easy terms, brand new 5-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace; 50x100 lot; 1 block to Wood lawn car. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 6007. 8 ROOMS Restricted district; improve ments in and paid : close to car, church, stores and library; hardwood floors, furnace, cement basement, laundry trays, garage, trees, shrub bery and flowers; a bargain at price irsked ; terms. Automatic 325-73 or Broadway 0249. WEST SIDB VIEW LOTS. We have a few sites where the owners will build on terms. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. SUNNYSlDE MT. TABOR CARS. $5000 Buys tltis strictly modern bun ' galow home of 5 rooms, bath and attic, 50x100 lot; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc.; lot us show you. 4 .T. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 801-4 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6794. FO-t SALE by owner: 8-room no use, 6 lots; 70 choice fruit trees; owner's health falling and price reduced for quick sale; might sell house and 1 lot separate ; east side, walking distance. N 840, Oregonian. WILLAMETTE HEIGHT!. $5000 Modern 5-room bungalow on view lot: this is a good buy. Mr. Wilea J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. WORTH LOOKING INTO. This brand new up-to-the-minute 5 room bungalow, all latest features, in cluding tile bath, furnace, garage. 351 E 52d st.. Hawthorne car. Phone Sellwood 383. 2 BLOCKS NORTH SANDY. .44O0, six rooms and sleeping porch. .44O0; improvements all in; fruit trees, flowers, choice neighborhood, near grade and new high school, 424 East 38th st. North. " ALB1NA BUNGALOW. " 5 rooms, hard surface streets, Im provements paid, lights, gas. bath. 3 blocks Miss. ave. car; $2000; $5U0 cash will handle. Owner, 23 Minnesota ave. NEW UOM home In Kenton district , $2050; only 1 00 down, $25 per month. Call Main 8936 Tuesday A. M. ROSE CITY PARK New modem 5-room bungalow. 480 East 52d st. N., near Thompson, Wal.. 4841. WILL SELL equity in cozy 3-room mod ern house for $825 cash. 1012 E. 9th st. N. ROSE CITY PARK Modern 5-room bungalow; " sle.eping porch, garage, -naw-d street. O'.ner, Tabor 2035, $ jr0 H ANDLES 6-room modern house. Richmond district, near car. Main 8940. EQUITY in new 4-room house for sale cheap; take good. Ford part payment. 1835 Marq.ueritte ave. N. REAL' ESTATE. For Sule -Houses. 3 ROSE CITY SPECIALS. Our City Homes appraiser is a keen judge of values and he says, "If I were in the market for a home I would put my own money into one of these," Let us show you. We believe you will thank us for it. t FOR LARGE FAMILY $4500 A splendidly built. 6 room, 2-story house on 51st near Halsey. Paving, sewer, etc. Won derful lawn and shrubs. House is modern every way except hard wood, floors. A coat of paint would help outside appearances. Otherwise it needs nothing. Dou ble garage. This is a home, not just a. house. Terms. See it. FOR NEWLY WEDS $4750 A "Lovenest." Very at ; tractive outside and even more attractive insider 5 lovely rooms and garage. Ideal arrangement. AH improvements in and paid. Prettiest part of Rose City. Only a little more than 3 years old. $1000, or less to responsible peo- -pie, will handle. NEW UNBEATABLE LOCATION $6000 Just ready to occupy. 5 rooms down, space for two more ' in attic. Garage, furnace,- etc. Every modern feature. Unusual . interior finish. 1 block to car, 2 blocks to public school. 3 blocks to Catholic school, 2 blocks to stores, 2 blocks to church, 2 blocks to Masonic clubrooms and community club. Right among beautiful firs. At least $500 un ci er current prices. $1000 will handle. You must act quickly if you want one of these. MERRICK & CO., REALTORS. Suite 304 Panama Bldg. Open Evenings and Sundays. Broadway 6942. 1 v - IRVINGTON. IF YOU INSIST ON PLENTY OF ROOM, HERB IS THE HOME ' YOU WANT. PRICE $10,500. How does this sound for a large home; 4 lare bedrooms, large sleep ing porch, extra large living room, dining room, den. 4 fireplaces, sun room, maid's room on third floor; full basement; ground 75x100; garage; in fact, you would not ask for a better home; located in the- part of Irvington you would like to live in. Let us show you this fine home. You will like it. CALL MAHONEY. with COR COR AN -JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdwv. 600. $5250. Under the hiil here is a snap. A beautiful corner, facing west and south; has 5 rooms, is brand now,;, has every modern feature, every built-in. large .concrete porch, full width of house, gar age; only $500 cash and $50 mo. This is a snap. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3826. Branch office, 50th and Sandy, v Tabor 8485. OWNER forced to sell, so this is your opportunity to secure a beautiful home In exclusive Alameda at a sacrifice. 8 large rooms beautifully finished and papered. Hardwood floors through out. This home has been built 1 years and occupied only 6 months, so you are practically securing a new house. Shown only by appointment. Phone after Sunday, between 9 and 12. Main 8829. FORCED SALtt. MAKE OFFER, i OLD ENGLISH TYPE. ' 5 rooms, garage attached, something different, a real classy place, just being finished, offered at a great bar gain for immediate sale, on your own terms; submit your proposition ; will consider some exchange. 1605 E. Tay lor, near 60th st. ' Atwater 0746 eve nings. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4750, $1000 caah and monthly pay ments; has hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, French doors, old ivory fin ish, plate-glass front windows, attic, garage, built for a home; owner leav ing; corner lot, 2 blocks from Alberta car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. 7-room house, good condition, close to car and school, lots of fruit; $2S5U; smail payment down, easv terms. 7-ROOM HOUSE, $2300. Close in; $300 down, terms to suit; full size basement, laundry trays, street improvements, sewer in and paid. Owner. 10S9 E. -29th st. N. Wal. 0913. EASTMORELAND. $7500. One of the distinctive homes In this most desirable residence district. Six room colonial and garage. Beautiful coiner. All oak floors and many other nice things you must see to fully ap preciate the offering. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark St. IRVINGTON $6000. Fine new bungalow, near Knott st.. cement porch, large rooms, fireplace, French doors, furnace; full lot; garage. Easy terms. McDONELL, EAST 0419. DO YOU WANT A HOME ? Aa opportunity to have a home built on very desirable close-in propertv, -all improvements in and paid. W;e draw plans, build and arrange terms. Only few more sites !eft. For fuli in formatlon, w r ite O 913. Oregonia n , WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. One cf the most elaborate 9-room colonial homes with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river, built for home, very, unusual construction and every modern feature, walls beautifully decorated,, 2 nice lots with magnificent trees and shrubbery, hot water heat, 3 baths, double garage. Tabor 0407. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $4200 Here is an attractive bungalow home with 5 rooms and bath. and attic; fireplace, fine cement basement; all street improve ments, etc., terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, 801-4 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6794. 6-ROOM, 2-STORY MODERN RESI DENCE IN IRVINGTON, 83!J CLACK AMAS ST., LOT 50 BY 100 FEET. SPLENDID LOCATION AND CEN TRAL. PRICE $6000. VERY AT TRACTIVE TERMS MAY BE HAD. PARR1SH, WATK1NS & CO , 252 STARK ST. OVERLOOK ADDITION $4800. Attractive 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in features; full cement basement, fur nace and wash trays; lot 50x100, im provements In and paid for; no assess ments to assume. Easy terms. Owner, Overlook Land Co.. Main 0216. $3000 LOCATED near City park; 4 rooms and bath down. 2 rooms and storage space up; cement basement; 50x100 lot with large garage: terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 801-4 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6794. 4-ROOM bungalow, large cement base ment, electric light, gas. city water; barn, chicken house, fruit trees, gar den; lot 50x100: 1 good cow. 50 chick ens; all for $1600; located near Dorh station on highway. Joe C. Gente mann, Portland. Route 5. Main 7405. $7500 IRVINGTON HOME $7500. 8 rooms, strictly modern, ivory finish, oak floors fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fruit room, laundry trays, garage, nice yard, fruit, shrubbery, near Irvington school. By appointment. East 8671. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same; 12 yrs." continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND . SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. S24 N. W. Bank. FURNISHED HOME. Six-room nicely furnished home, close to Ford plant and car shops. Large basement with furnace, laundry trays. Price only $3450. Easy terms INTERSTATE INVEST M ENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410Henry Bldg. NEW LAURELHURST PAR 8 jms. ; full cement basement, fur nace, garage. 60xlO0 cor. lot. Sacri fice - for $5300. $1200 cash. bal. monSily to suit. Could be easily tised as 2-famiiy home. Phone Tabor 2189. NEAR MISSISSIPPI CAR. New 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood f ioors. French doors, mod ern built-ins, cement basement ; best construction ; full lot ; 3 blocks to car; $4350. Owner, 091 Mississippi ave. PARKWA1. We will build to suit customer. 4 room bungalow on lot 1, block 3, Missouri avenue, near Peninsula park; $250 down. Walnut 2381, or call at 1 293 Campbell ave. LAURELHURST CORNER HOME. 6 rms. and s. p., finished in lovely taste; built Tor a home; leaving for business reasons. Will take $1000 down; arrange bal. monthly. Tabor 2189. ' $2850 BA RGAIN hunters ; 4 -room, new bungalow, fireplace, built-ins. W. E. kitchen, full basement, wash travs. Irvington park ; $500 ; bargain. 201 McKay. Bdwy. 742ft. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. G C. ULRICH CO.. INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4355. Beautiful, new,, equisite, too mildly describe this spacious bungalow we are offering right in the heart of Irvington. It is honestly built, without a flaw, intended for a home but is pow being offered at a price and on terms you cannot reject if you are looking for a home SUPERB. Shown by appointment only. - Only $1000 cash, balance like rent, buys beautiful, new Laurel hurst home, with tile bath and drain boards, hardwood floors throughout, all modem conven iences, garage and cement drive. Price reduced for Quick sale. Fine new home with 4 sleep ing rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace and . many built-ins. close to school and car; a genuine bar gain for only $3985; on very easy terms. Think of it. 6 large, cheerful -rooms, full basement, furnace, dandv 50x100 lot, close to car. for only $310O. on very easy terms. Our cars ere at your disposal. We are hapnv when showing homes. MAKE US HAPPY. $50 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded to the persons writing the best letters setting forth the advantages and bene fits to be derived from home ownership; $25 first prUe, $15 second prize and $10 third prize. For further information call 'at office or write for "THE Mc GUIRE SYSTEM." in which win ning letters will be published. A copy .free on request. Mail let ters to FRANK L. McGUIRE, America's Largest Home Seller. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. WE WILL BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW just outside of the city limits in Skag way Heights. This tract Is located just outside of the city limits on Pow ell Va'ley road and the first time It has been offered for sale. Come In. pick out your tract and we will build a bungalow, 3 rooms, plastered, with bath, city water, eleatricity and gas available; All for $1050. on easy terms at 6 per cent interest. This tract of ground is covered with fruit and ber ries. Come in early and ptrk -out a nice 4 -acre tract before the best of it is gone. The sale on these tracts will open Tuesday morning. Sept. 5. For further particulars see FISHER REALTY CO. ' Exclusive Selling Agents. N B15 Cham, of Com, T BJdg. Bdwy. 4026. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Owner selling, furnished or unfur nished, large 5-room bungalow, situ ated on corner in the heart of Rose City, below the hill, 2 blocks north of Sandy bivd. This home has all built ins, finished in enamel, everything almost new; one look and you will be convinced this home is a bargain; owner leaving city. For particulars call 490 E. 42d st. N. ST JOHNS BARGAIN. $2750, $250 down, $20 and In terest a month, 1 block to school and park. Modern 4-room bun galow, well b-uilt, concrete base ment, cement floor, 50x1 49-foot lot. 819 Smith ave. N., near St. Johns ave. Tabor 3323. ARTISTIC IRVINGTON CORNER. First offering of modern,, well-appointed 2 hi -story, 8-room home, with sleeping porch and garage, most exclu sive section on Thompson st., near car and school; Ivory and mahogany finish, artistically decorated and papered; oak floors throughout, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, fine condition; main rooms very large; maid's room and bath third floor; beau tiful grounds. Owner going east, offers snao. Call Tabor 0407. TRVINGTON COLONIAL. $10,500. Beautiful gray co lonial. In heart of Irvington; 7 large rooms, plate glass French doors, beautiful arrangement of bedrooms. See this if interested in a Colonial home. McDONELL, EAST 0419. ' NEWLYWED BUNGALOW. $300 down. $25 monthly, moves you into brand-new bungalow. Large com bination living and dining room, cozy bedroom, the cutest little built-in kitchen you ever saw; tapestry wall paper, $185 new range,-' nifty fixtures, window screen complete, large lot 50 x 164, R. C. Park line. See Kertson with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN S-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4850, $1250 cash, $45 monthly, in cluding interest; large living room across front, fireplace in center; dining room," breakfast room, oak floors, den, built-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, cement basement, garage, 8 fruit trees, plenty berries, 75x100 lot. East Mount Tabor. H block from East Stark. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $7800 Modern 6-room house, hard wood floors, beautiful west view Int. concrete garage on Montgomery drive. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL. ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Broadway 2045. BY OWNER. 5-room modern bungalow near Pen insula park; large living room, oak floors, bookcases, china closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cooler, wood lift, laundry trays and full basement. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell ave. House at 1454 Missouri ave. E. L. King. SANITARIUM. Modern 8-room house with 2 beau tifully wooded acre, in city, on car line;' a restful, secluded spot, wonder fully adapted for rest home or sani tarium. Attractive price if taken at once. Owner. Auto. 631-44. IRVINGTON HOME. BARGAIN. Not a new house, but a mighty good modern 2-story 7-room home, close In, near Broadway car. with oak floors. Ivory finish, fireplace, gas furnace, fine condition, nice yard, with lots fruit trees. Only $7000, terms. Tabor 0407. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy, nearly new 1 -story modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, best section near park, no in cumbrances, easy terms; a bargain; excellent condition. Tabor 0407. LOOK! Home with income; 6 attractive rooms for your home and a 3-room apt. to ren t ; easy terms ; on hard-surface street near car. stores and school. Phone Auto. 621-0L FINANCE SERVICE CO. Construction Dept., John J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL. BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 909-913 Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6453 $500 DOWN PAYMENT. New double constructed bungalow on E. 29th and Klickitat, with furnace and garage; soldier bonus accepted. E. 8696. 6-ROOM house for sale by owner, very nice location, newly painted inside and out ; luts of fruit fress, furnished or without, $1500 down, balance by terms. 55 E. 28th st. A GOOD 10-room flat ; -money-maker, on a busy corner; will sacrifice for $7500; see my agent for terma J. p. McKenna, Realtor, 1151 Belmont at E. 39th st. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE by owner, 10-room house, good condition ; suitable for home or boarding house; lot 50x133, east-side business district; no - agents. 1033 Ha thorne ave. BY OiVNJflR Income $lso month; 17 roora house and furnishings; ideal west side location. 412 10th. Make me an offer, must sell. Main 8442. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. 2-story, 8-rpom home with garage; every modern convenience, 4 bedrooms beautiful grounds; $7500. Tabor 0407. WILL sell my equity of $500 in cosy 5 room house what offers; any reason- - able offer not refused. Apply 7509 48th ave. S. E. . BY OWNER New, 4 rooms, modern, 50x100 lot, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement basement, close to car. Terms. Call Walnut 0408. BY O WNE R, cheap 7-room modern house. 4 blocks from R-C. car line, 50x100 lot, some fruit. Call 981-L, 'Vancouver. Wash. RELIABLE builder wants' work; will tigure your plan and arrange loan. V 3S. Qrfr gnnian. MODERN 6-room house; easy terms. Call Sellwood 1520 from 7:30 A. M. until $ P. M. RESIDENCE loans made on city prop erty. easy repayment plan. K 916. Oregonian. REAL EST ATM... For Salfi Homev EASTMORELAND. NEW CLEVER BUNGALOW. . 5 well arranged rooms with full- floni-ti Aftic- concrete oorch: very at tractive living and dining rooms, oak floors, fireplace, tapestry walls, a very complete kitchen, br. nook, screened porch, two dandy bedrooms and bath, full concrete basement. Only $5500. Use your bonus. Key at office. Phone for appointment. LOOK THIS OVER, MR. BARGAIN HUNTER. 7-room. 2-story house in the very half block from Williams ave., 10 minutes by car to heart of city; liv ing r.. dining r. and k. first fioor; 3 dandy bedrooms, sewing r. and bath second floor; full basement, furnace and trays. Price $4200. Name your own terms in reason. EASTMORELAND BUNGALOW. 5- room bungalow, new and modern, located about 6 blocks of Reed col lege, 50x100 lot, imp. paid. A real buy at $4750. ROSE CITY. 6- room bungalow, large living room, oak floors, fireplace, attractive dining r., complete built-in kitchen, 3 bed rooms, full concrete basement, fur nace trays, double garage, nice lawn. East 45th st., IVi blocks to Sandy. . C. M. DERR, Realtor, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2245. HOMESEEKERS, ATT K N T I ON ! DO YOU WANT A HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE? If you do, call W. F. MAHONEY, Bdwy. 6006, and I will show you the best buys in fine homes in the city. I only handle high-class homes and the price must be right before I will list them. I am always with the buyer and I know I have, the place for vou and at the right price. ASK YOUR FRIENDS W HO H A V E AL READY BOUGHT OF ME. If you are a stranger in the city I will help you locate in the right district. I have some wonderful view homes on the HEIGHTS. W. F. MAHONEY. REAL TOR, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Broadway 6O06. $2000 A SACRIFICK--$2000. YOU WILL SAY SO WHEN YOU SEE THIS. Here is a good 6-room house, it has bath, lights and gas and 3 big. fine lots, over 20 big, fine, bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, fine garden, beautiful flowers and well kept lawn, fine neighborhood in Kern park, house is in good condition, is no shack and is a genuine bargain for $2000 cash, or if you have one thousand cash yofc can easily borrow the balance. No information over the phone; please come ia if interested and I will gladly take you out and show it to you; it is a real snap. SEE E. "W, HUGHES, -507 Journal Bldg. - Main 2858. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME). On 23d near Knott. Really perfect home. Large rooms, solid mahogany and old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors throughout. 2 bathrooms and ex tra plumbing, 2 fireplaces and pretty breakfast room in real oak. Large ball room In birds eye maple and art windows, spring floor, beautiful lot and garage. Real home for particu lar people. McDONELL. EAST 0419. ROSS CITY. $0250. Large 5-room bungalow, all hard wood floors, tile bath and drain boards, full basement. GASCO furnace, auto matic water heater. 50x100 lot. large garage. Present owners built this for their own home less than six months ago and it cost them over $7000. They are leaving the city and sacri ficing for quick sale. It takes $1500 ca3h to get this at this price. Best buv in the city. Call W. F. MA HONEY. with - CORCORAX-JOXES REALTY CO,. 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdwy. 6006. $4150 Just 3 blocks north of Sandy is a real home for you; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, ajl the mod ern builtins and then some, fire place, furnace and all; the street is pavedtoo ; you will have to speak right up if you want this; very easy terms. Ask for Mr. Calvert, with HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. NEW COLONIAL. Beautiful new modern eight-room home, large living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen with tile drain boards, enclosed back porch, lavatory and toilet on first floor, three fine bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, hardwood floors throughout, tiled bathroom, attic finished suitable for billiard room or play ,room. laun dry, fruit cellar, Rudy furnace, garage. Price $.10,000, terms. 655 Wasco, near 17th, 2 blocks from Irvington car Owner, Robert- B. Beal. East lf75. Open for inspection. FOR SALE. , Beautiful 6-room colonial home, sun parlor, breakfast room, hardwood firs., large grounds, garage. Owner, Wal nut lo9 1 . 298 Willamette boulevard WILLAMETTE HTS. 6-rm. mod. house. Fireplace, furnace, laundry tray, hard wood floors. By owner. This is a real buy. mux Wilson st. Main 4fi70. rMibnrban Homw. ABOUT acre, between Lents and Gil bert, i -room house, newly painted; close to two carlines; fruit, Bull Jtun water, chicken house and yard, earaee. Taxes only $12. Just leok at this and you will buy it. oniysiiio: $1000 cash, balance at $15 per month and 6 per cent interest. John urown, Uresham Phone 2501. ACRE AND BUNGALOW, ONLY $1650. Niftv 4-room buneralow. close to sta tion, S. P. electric, large homesite, fine soil, ngntR, water, rocK roaa, a bar gain at $1650. Small down payment. balance terms like rent. Call Allen, 500 concord mag., L-q and stark. I OWN a small new 2-room house on 100x105 near Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric. All modern utilities in the street. Will sell for $1150, on terms of $100 down and $15 per month. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg., l'Ji rarK st. SUBURBAN HOME. 5-room bungalow. 1 acres, garage, large chicken house, brooder, small barn; only two blocks from car. Small payment down, balance only $.i0 mo Call Sunday, 10 to 12; Monday. 8 to 10:3ft. MacPherson, Bdwy. 6i8.. FOR SALE A real farm home, right in town ; 1 acre, close to college and school; modern house; fruit and ber ries; chickens if wanted. Would take some trade. Auto. 630-4a. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, all city con . venlences, 20 minutes from Portland, ' close to station; 1 acre fine soil, all kinds bearing fruit and berries. For price and terms call Main 6232. NEW BUNGALOW MULTNOMAH. Hardwood floor, buffet, fireplace, breakfast nook, furnace, full basement, private owner. , W. F, Watkins, Broad way 5500: ' . 10 BEAUTIFUL acres, 5-r. house, barn. 2 hen houses, well, orchard; near high way and elec. ; $25p0. terms. Bdwy. 7 6 72. McFariand. 208 Failing bldg. For Sal" Acreage. A HOME FOR $50 DOWN, and $20 per month, 2 acres of rich soil fronting the Barr road; unplastered house 16x24 to be ready soon; if you are wise as well as practical you will contract for this now; price $1H50. STRONG & CO.. 60S Cham, of Coin. 20-ACRE ranch for sale, partly cleared, 3 miles south of Beaverton ; Al fruit land. Sma 11 furnished house, other small buildings, fine well. 40 fruit trees bearing. Bargain if sold at once. Owner E. M. Hankinson, R. F. D. R oute 3, Box 33, Beaverton. Or.t MUST BE SOLD. 10' acres. 3 acres cultivation, balance pasture. 150 cords wood, 6-room house, chicken house, cow. 2-year-old heifer, some chickens, close to Oregon City on highway. $1250, terms. C. W. Miller ship. 165 4th st. 100 A. 15 MILES from seaside on Pa cific highway; can raise anything; good creek through land, fish all sea sons: all kinds of berries; 5 shacks; $1000. cash or payment. 523 254 st., Portland, Or. LARGS CREEK. 169 acres of very rich bottom land, between two electric stations, 3H miles from city limits; price $760, $50 cash, $12.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 72 Cham, of Com. CHICKENS, ducks, geese, trout, ideally located on Johnson creek, 700 feet to electric station; about cultivated: 1 acre timber, balance pasture, $200 per acre. Easy terms. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. 47 ACRES, house, barn and out -ho uses. 500 cords of wood on highway, on car line, 30 minutes by auto. 20 acres clear ed. LVio riPimuiiL. i auor ihmjj.. 5 ACRES close to Beaverton; no house, a barg-ain. 575 Madison St., west side, forenoons. 320 ACRES unimproved land, near Bux ton, cheap for cash. AN 033, Orego nian. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-45. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. . BEAUTIFUL country home or 1 acre, near Multnomah, on the Oregon Elec tric. All kinds of fruit, berries and flowers, which must be sold on ac count of the inability of the owner, an elderly lady, to take care of the prop erty. Place can be bought on easy terms at an attractive figure. For par ticulars, see Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. PRUNES, THE ONE BEST BET. This 12-acre place. M mile off paved highway; mile from town, school and high school, 6 acres bearing prunes; estimated crop $1560; all In cultivation; cows, chickens, everything except household goods goes for $6500, hi cash, balance 6 per cent. John A. Melssner. 821 Gasco bldg. 90 ACRES, with T-room house and barns. Spring and creek -on place, only few acres In cultivation; on rocked road. 314 miles from Columbia highway. 26 miles from Portland; $4200 If fair pay ment down. A, Langguth, 606 Con cord bldg. 160 ACRES of fine cut-ever land, close to Buxton, north of Hillsboro; adjoin ing one of the largest prune orchards In state; land suitable for prunes or stock; will sacrifice for $3000 for quick sale. Address Ridgefield Re flector. Rldgefield, Wash. WRITE for map of western Wasiiington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. Horn estead, Reiinq niwhmeiiw. 160-ACRE homestead location on auto road, 5) miles to Portland, nice creek on place; fine neighbors; 1 acre in gar den; $200 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. For Sale- Farms. FARMS. NOTHING DOWN BUT INTEREST AND TAXES FOR FIVE YEARS. 10. 20, 40-acre tracts, from $25 to $40 an acre, 2100 acres to choose from, down Columbia river, on Oregon side, close to highway; some of these tracts have streams;, beautifully lying land; fine location for growing prunes, ap pJea, berries, filbert nuts and English walnuts; fine for dairying, bees and poultry. Chas. Uelfel, 813 Railway x change bldg.. city. GOOD bearing prune orchard on fine red hill soil. Place of 36.12 acres; has 23 in prunes and trees are 10 years old - except replanted trees. All can be planted when 6 acres of fir trees are cleared. Good wire fences, plenty of water and on county road 10 miles from oCrvallis. Take it now and crop too. for only $7500. half cash and terms, or $7200 cash down. Write to L. W. Park. R. 2. Corvallis, Or., for all information. FOR SALE 53 acrea just outside city limits of Seaside; 22 acres cleared. 20 in cultivation, balance small timber and pasture ; 10 acres in loganberries, 5 acres in truck. Fine market for all you can grow; running stream for ir rigation ; one-half mile from Union high school. Can show a good profit this year; $8000 cash will handle, bal ance easy. Address Owner. Box 387. Seaoide, Or. FOR SALE 196 acres, will divide or tell all ; all under cultivation ; good dairy land or orchard land; good outbuild ings; good road to market ; one m ile from Coburg, Or., church, railroad and half mile to school, 8 miles' to Eu gene, Or. and university. Write R. F. Callahan, 8 E. 9th, Eugene, Or. Any reasonable terms and less than $100 an acre. DAIRY with milk route, 15 cows, 4 heifers, 1 bull, 6 hogs, 50 chickens, 2 horses, 20 tons hay, all machinery and implements for farm and dairy ; price $2600; $1000 cash; 60 acres and buildings, rent $700 a year; rent paid to Feb. 23. 1023; located near Mil waukee. Joe C. Gentemann, 527 Cor bett bldg., 5th and Morrison sis., Port land. 20 ACRES, 3 cleared, 12 level, no rocks; a!l fenced, good 3-room house and all outbuildings ; springs; 2 cows, demand for mlik at 4(Jc gallon; 100 chickens; drag if aw and tools; houpe furniture ; school close; berries and fruit: 8 miles north of Stella. Wash.; $1200, $300 cash, balance easy. J. R. Sharp, &3Va Third sL m DAIRY ranch, 167 acres, dandy house, barn, good road. 1 mile from good town; 30 acres cultivated; lots of out range; am determined to sell quickly. Have other plans. Can show you that my prrce, $6000, is only half its value. Stock and machinery. Will accept Portland property to half its value. John A. Meiesner, 821 Gasco bldg. 25 ACRES, $800. This Is the best quality cut-over lanrt. most of it easy to clear. On county road, only 3Mi miles from good town; R. R, Col. river and highway; no rock, living streams; 1-5 cash, bal. 3 vears. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. 40 ACRES of choice prune land in i he heart of the best prune district on the Pacific coast. About 12 acres cleared, the balance In light brush. Facing im proved county road, which I will sell for $4000 and take Portland real es tate for part or all the price. Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt blrig., 127 Park st. FOR RENT 80 avres, 25 acres in cult.. 20 head stocK, irnicupns, z norss, nay, orcha rd. farm implements; will take $1600 for one year's rent; everything included; will trade, will loasn or will stll. Box 15$, Brush Prairie, Clarke county. Wash. FOR SALE lit -A. rancn, 1 mi. of Cottage Grove on gravel roan; good buildings and well fenced; most al! bottom land: can a be farmed; some fruit; electricity and telephone on place. H. L. Rogers, Cottage Grove. Ore. , 600-ACRE FARM. - In irrigation district at Yelm, Wash..; 2KO pcres under irrigation. 1 mile from station. Will take $45 per acre for same. Terms. C. W. Boost, 60G Grand ave. S., Portland, Or. FINE 9-acre berry and fruit farm -just outside city limits; good buildings. ' This is one of the best of its kind; will take city home up to ,OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy, CSSO. ON ACCOUNT of sickness, must sell my improved 120-acre Irrigated dairy farm at Trout Lake, Washington; (30,000; terms arranged. Walnut 1647. 174 W. Watt st. 10-ACRE farm, 4 acres in cultivation, young orchard, good buildings, 2 enws. 200 laying pullets, furniture. Ford touring car; cheap; terms. J. H. Porter, route 3, Ferndale, Wash. 100 -ACRE dairy ranch o miles from Vancouver, Wash., for sale, rent or exchange for Portland property, by Owner. U won, vurBuuitui A- FARM for only (400; a good SO acre and 160-acre farm for $17S0, both close to Portland, bee Anderson, Room 303, Railway Exch. bldg. FOR SALE New modern home and 83 acres finest land, Forest Grove, or will trade for southern California property, P O. Box. 500 Forest Grove. CHICKEN, 'FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes. McFariand, realtor. 208 -Falling; bldg. Ift-ACRE farm, well improved, must be sold this month. Wrfte or call at A. Doubrava, Woodburn, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER 1000 NEWCOMERS Into our city every month! WANT HOMES! List yours with us for re sults! Wa inspect, appraise and pho tograph It within 24 hours after list ing; spend thousands of dollars and are in touch with the majority of Earnef-t Home Seekers ! No chargo ex cept the standard rate of 5 in the event of a satisfactory ale. We take care of the in terests of non-resident owners; 60 energetic salesmen with autos to work on it. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sll Tour Home. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? Then by ail means ret In touch wjth us at once. . We have buyers waiting and will gladly call and talk over the matter of price and terms. NO RED TAPE. We aim to give you a service that will earn your everlasting friend ship. Deal with an old established, re liable firm who are REALTORS in every meaning of the word. Salesmen with autos to show your property. .T. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 801-4 Bd. of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 6794, WE HAVE A BUYER wanting a home in either Irvington or. Rose City Park and he must be located before Sept. 1 5. Please phone your properties and we will act Immedi ately. COE A. McKENNA CO., 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy 7522. S OR 0-ROOM house, witn good base ment, not over $4500: have 20 acres of land in Addison. N. Y., a Maxwell car and soldier's bonus to apply on pay ment. Call 50:i E. Burnside. from I to 10 P. M. WE HAVE a fine large S-room house to 'exchange for good building corner in Alameda or Irvington, view lot pre ferred, 1464 2d st. Main 84fi6. ACRE OR a ACRE. PAY CASH. Must be bargain and close in. G30 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 WANT fl or 7-room house on west side; must he in good location. Main 2i34 or Bdwy. 204.. APT. KOUPE r hotel, up to (HO, 000. Have soni:! ch.sIi and farm southern Oregon. 307 ('ouch bldg. Bd wy. .1i;s". WiLL build to suit purchaser. Four or ffve-room houses, (290fjr- up. 504 Ex change bldg., .2d and Stark SMALL HOUSE WILL PAY CASH. 630 Chamber ot Commerce Bids. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT good modern house or bunyalow in Mt Tahftf or unner Hawthorne; can make good cash payment, balance $35 a month ana interest, nawy, t.o. txttft CASi-f. 12(1 m month and interest, for small bungalow in any good dis trict; not over yjw. ksrii aawy. "o. Wanted to Rent Farm. WANT to rent farm, good location; milk route. Cash day of possession. 50 to bO acres. AV 420, Oregonian. ' FOR RENT FARM. FOR RENT 23 acres, highly improved, adjoining Beaverton ; all clear ; or chard, grapes; barn, house; well; cash -ent or on shares to right party; ref orenc?s required A 947. Oregonian. FARM FOR RENT 100 acres. b5 in rultlvation ; good buildings : 15 acres of orchard, prunes. Will sell or trade Aut. 630-45. 80 ACRES, 65 cleared, large orchard, house, barn, ombldgs., 12 miles Ore gon City. Highland road. ' Mrs. N. Scribner, Hoff, Or. Phone 235-5 L ' TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Sawmill with timber ready to run; must be well located; give full particulars; or will buy mill that is cut out, If cheap; will pay cash for good proposition. AG 933, Oregonian. WANTED Good logger to take contract by thousand for 20 m. mill; also saw mill man to run a mill by thousand AB 075, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL KSTATE. LOOK ! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? 3ring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley. 295 Montgomery st.. corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. 240 ACRES. 230 cultivated, 8-room mod ern house, barn, sheds, double garage, well fenced with oak posts and wov en wire. 8 miles to good town in Mar lon county ; want houses in Portland to ha valuer price $100 per acre. This is a number one ranch. Socolofsky, realtor. Salem, Oregon. SMALL ranch of 25 acres. 18 cultivated, close to Portland: houwe, barn, chicken houses, lot of fruit, fenced. Will take house in city(up to in trade. This is a good proposition. Come in and talk it over. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Bide Bdwv. FINE 80-acre ranch. 53 cultivated. 25 pasture; fine buildings, hot and cold water system, good fences, fine road ; 3 miles to town; hay. feed and tools; will take 1 or 2 houses in valley or Rood car as part payment. Route 3. box 17. Junction City. Or. TWO ACRES Near ."21 St.; Johnson creek cuts one corner; value $lrt50; will exchange for home or good city lots. See Mr. Phillips, with J. U Hartman Company, 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 80 ACRES. 10 cleared, buildings, fences; near school, two mila railroad, paved highway, good soil, spring water, adapted fruit or dairy; value $4noo, mortgage $1500; want Portland resi dence near school. AV 405. Orsron'an. 2-ROOM BRICK HOUSE 100x200 feet, Belmont St.. near Mt. Tahor, all ckni', va lue $18,000; want west side lots. Mr. Phillips, with J. L. Hartman Company, 8 Chamber of Commerce blrig. EXCHANGE beautiful old English type, very classy 5 room and garago attached, west slope Mt. Tabor: ItiflS E. Taylor St.. near 60th St.; consider propertv up to $ l'OOO or agood car, fall Atwa t er 0746. FOR SALE Brand new houses and bun galows, very easy terms ; also small acreage homes or any nize farms you want. We exchange real estate to mil you. Grebe & Grebe, with J. A. Hindis, 512 (iPt'llnger bldg. WANT trades of all kinds in real tstate. Farms for income or iacome property for larms. No tradrs too mall or too large. Fisher Realty Co., 515 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 402H. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trad having mrit ; houses, lots, fa rms. acreage. Bring in your prnpoait'on. Robin son-Spoonr Co.. 712 ' 'ou rh bldg IF YOU want to t rade your tioufcc or lot, see Mr. Phillips, with J. L. Han man Company, 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. GOOD room in utoani-heatpd hotel, pt. or home, for beautiful Ocean View lot. Atwater 2H4H. PROPERTY EX C 11 AN UK SPECIALIST A GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 5173 624 Henrv Bidg TO EXCHANGE MIWEI.I.ANKOI S. Ll'DWIG PIANO, f;ne m st ru "" n t. ost mx hundred; trade for good late model Ford ur sell. Owner. 240 Was'hinstnn st. . FOR S A Ml. . HorsPM, Vehicle. Livestock. REGISTERED ,pur-bred Jfiwy Mill calf, 5 months old : blond of btst G'd Medal Stock In the world: $100. Pedi gree on application. Arthur I.angguth. itm 'onrord bi.tfr. EV EH Y farm snould have a tw reg.s trred sheep; we hri" Shropshire for $10 a head and up Uolman Fuel Co l Fi tth st.. 1'ortlan d. WILL exchange rcgi.t;t'red Shorthorn cat tlfc and Shropshire sheep ior No. l oat or. cordwood Holmati Fuel Co., B4 fith st., Portland? FARM IMPLEMENTS New ana second hand, epecia.1 once. P E. Ei-eiiebaro 30-303 East Mirrion VETEiUNARlAN. PR. HOW E T A BO R BSflft SEVERAL h'ood work hores. inquire of C. O. Pick, ri.r Second ?treet. LEA D animals taken quick.y Phune Milwaukle ti-J BARGAINS Horses of all sizs cheap; harness and wagons. 240 East Sth. FUR SALE CHEAP One family ,iPiey cow and calf; Just trfwh. Russell st PiunoH, Organ and Moic;il Instrument. $10 1SH, $... $ti OR MORE MONTHLY Buys a $473 piano, ued, lor $10.1. and ii21 model for $20.". or a $i75 player Piano, used, for $30.', and lOUl model for MO'., $13 cash, $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clear ance -aie right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co.. BU 0th at Stark. $7." cash buys u;ed $275 upright piano $145 cash buys used $475 upright piano $105 cash buys used (375 upright piano 245 cash buys used t50 uprlcht piano $305 cash buys used U50 player piano at Security Storage f).. 10: h at Stark. $20, $35, $73 buys phonographs, in cluding 5 or 10 used records, $5 cash, $3, $4 or more monthly, at the Schwan I':ano Co.. 101 Tenth n. at Stark. ANNUAL II OM E-COM TNG SA LE Pinnop, (105, ('j 65, $375, $5 to $8 a month. Player pianos, $35, (475. $S and $10 a month. Grand pianos- $175, $S75, (14 and $17 a month. Lipman Wolfo & Co., Washing ton and 5th sta. IT DOESN'T pay to be too cheap; get a properly repaired piano if second hand. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Washington. BUSH & GEKTZ piano, practically new, fine selected burl walnut case, to sac rifice for cash, also (20 bench to match. SOO Overlook blvd. WEBER BABY GRAND FOB KENT. NOT THE SMALL SIZE. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WERT PARK- k2.i0 RENTS pnonograpn with .ate . ec ords Empire Transfer. 145 1 It n. Bdwy. 0155. WANTED Responsible family wan if use of piano tor care of ame. K 027 Oregonian. TO OBEAIN money ior school I wl.l sell my Stainer violin very reasonably. Call Walnut 3120. BRUNSWICK, phonographs demonat rat ed in your own home. Nate Ardrey, Sell. 2143. I CAN save you money on ued phono graphs. N. Ardrey. Sell. 2143. PriONOGRA PH Broadwny 7101. or records wanted. Auto. J7-4H or 925-H PIANO for tion. 001 Sit It;, reasonable ; Vancouver ave. cood condi tio, RAYMOND Atwater 0099. like new, $23. Tu rn i t u re for .Sa !e. TWO dressers, 2 beds, mat trends and spnnKs. oak dining room tiuite and sideboard; 2 rockurs, bookcaa;, A. B. gun rantre, RuuU water heater, rujrs. tair carpet, blinds, tables, etc. 1 lOlt E. Yamhill. Tabor U4S4. FURNITURE of T-room house for sale, includinff rugs, piano, etc.: will sell all or separately. Call 3 E. Staric st., corner INt h. UNIVERSAL combination ran?e. walnut dining room set, overstuffed II v.ng room set. walnut and Ivory bedroom sts anvt rugs. Walnut 53o. BUCK'S range and coil. $11; oak china closet. S18; 8-ft. oak dining tfible, $12; hull chair and mirror, $. Tel. Walnut 0400. DININO ROOM iet, davenport, leather rocker and I-trary table, reasonable prices. 700 Union ave. N LET ME make you beautifully over stuffed davenport? and chairs in my spare jime. S47 E. S'arfc. East fi.MtH HIGH-GRADE furniture of 4 rooms, everything complete. .Janitor. Ionian Court Apia.. IHth and Couch. ROUND n&k extension table and leather-seated chatra cheap. Atwa O3S10. Mcl ntosh. COM 3. RANGE. . Steel top. white enamel, nickel trimmed. Auto. 47-7L A BEAUTIFUL home, lurnmhed coin pletely for two families. Walnut 3U41. FOR 8 ATE. Furniture for Knle. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if coin east or to California: we can save you money on your froleht In oar throuca cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Oiu Transfer A Bang k e Co.. 245 Pine st. Olfire Furniture. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys In used roll and flat-top dt'Bks, chairs and filing cabinets, rcfinished. almost equal to new. gee our spc!l 4 drawer letter He. $25. a nw file at than second-hand price. IRWIN-HOOSON. 301 gtsrk street, at 10th tret. UN DKR WRITERS' model rt n.eial safe cabinet, 9 ft. htxh outside; wonderful bargain mt half the prlc of new. I. C. Wax, 24-2tS N. 6lh. Bdwy. 2739. FIBRE-REED furniture for office, studio, reception room or home; ever lasting wear, attractive prices. IRWIN-HODSON. 801 Stark st. at 10th street. HIGH-GRADK 4-dr. steel letter file for $37.60; will outlast a wood file and Is semi-fireproof. W buy, sell and rnt office furniture. D. C Wax. 24-21 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2783. NEW and ussd burg.ar-proof manxn bank safes. Immediate delivery. Jesse R. Sharp, 557 Sh erlock hid jr Typewriter ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 7 per cent below manu facturers' price; TERMS $5 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months $7.60 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington st. Biy. 741 REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for rent, exchanga. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50. complete with carrying cmw; supp.ie and re pairs tor all make. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 04 Fitth St. Broadway 71ftl). NEW D1CTAPHONK dictating match inc. Universal motor; have one more ma chine than i need and will tn fur '. cii-h. 411 Stock Exch. bMg. Main M7s REPAIRS, rent, buy, hb!., ufc.p.i-. writer Insp. Co.. 12 murk U u 4 REBU1LTS, 2d -hand rentals, cut laies iJ. D. O. Co.. 231 Ktark t. Bd r 7 ; Toultry. FOR SALE 10 White Leghorn hrn. each. Cail Bdwy. 1 -M iHigM, Kahhlt. Ittrdw ami I'et Min k. ENGLISH bull tern-r, 7 weeks "Id . Pd igreed, from prUe wlnnt-r. Tabor fc"U. Y A NT ED Boston trrri r puppy, not necessarily pedigreed, rant pay muih. Will give flno home. FH'woo'l "!. G I AR ANTE ED rnnr bird m n Walnut 2577. 3SH Bech t. WELL-BRED East 3i"'-. FI N VI M ex. pal rot and Wt F'ark. tag, 27. 43 Bot. Lnumhfi ami Mann iuiuipnieni. BEST iiOUSHHOAT r. WMamMt river. 5 rooms on fine flat. A burs In t r $20o eauh; terma or trade. $J-,rHt, wii. take well located city lot or ffood used Ford or both, m part payment. 43 CHAM. OV COM. Tabor 36S Bdwy 615 A KUKN I SI I ElV ho ii boat, all on entenr, electric fixture, bath, phone, n.lta. gas ftove, xaa heater; wl,l ad'-rifice 1325 tdfli. Owner going eat. mnJ sfll ttntnr -dlately. No. 17 Oregon Vaibi club. S"! I wood 2141 ' Kegs and liurrem. KEGS ANT) BARRELS Ftr and wta.i oak. Western Cooperage Co . HUH K 34th st.. near Pettygrove. Phone Auto blH-lu. Coal and ooL $455 t'EK LOAD TWO-LOAD LOT4. 16-tnth ttr itinrki ana H'uhm, runs Bitly dry. for furnace or h'-ater. OREGON KI EL U'Al.NI'T 4 10 J- FOR SA LE Stubvioou. biocHOOod No. 1 fir and cut fuel pele oak corn wood. mwiIuiI, and cohI. S. A 11. groen tr4- ing StMTll pe. Hr.iman f uel to., u otn St. BroHd way 03.':i. WANT Hint) uorlu of old gmwth stump Hf within 10 m4a i I'or'Unl ir within 2 m lien of siding on I. U. L. i I'hone OlH-hL SA WED tic-woo I xc L'lU'Ill lor flJKii' pi nmpt d'-liv-r trimminK". b-i Phone KNt 17M or heutfr ; c; a n ; hnvy. dry pianer Brade domestic coal. $.-.". LOAD IN 2-LuAD LuTei. to-inch b.ock and s ab mixed, pr:. dry. fin for furnace or heater. NATU'NAL FUEL Co. Kt 2041 BoNE-DKY box , B'.nb, $4.50 and Walnut 3t;4?t. n.ia. $.1 -5. $4.75 per bio. it end loud. BEST griidu ttrth cu:. otK corawod Thorn- E wt 1 ' n DRV RL.OCE ana lab wood, titiRlo load, $3; d':til- loa.l. Hfl'V y. -5 4 .V KUiJJv Sl'KlN'tiS foal, country slab, fir cord wood. Atwxi f-r J''l Wain 3 4 .'3. ROB ElUr SON " F U EL ; A-l fir. $" . Xa. 2 fir Al o:tk $10 M-On 383H UTAH K ING COAL EAST H0R4. A-NO. 1 FIKST-GltoWTH fir .:ordwood". JH.30 cord. !. bur M.'W. AViLOAt'S Mock and slM. mixed. 2 loady tH.Mi, 1 Innd $.'' Walnut Utflo N i. j orj-77iTo TH fir. $ 23; coun try hhk $0. Wwlniit 3 4 .'3. M:irhin;Ty W unletl. WANT EDS.'MMid-.ianl A ti.rruan No 5 H-im-h molding machinn. Write chi'if enalnerr Wt stern 0opre . stating price, cond it ion ml local ton of niHrh ; ii". Aildi' N." nrn fpoinlm' to Box 2 3 1 i 3 , S t . J o h n s M a . . City. Fruit nnd Kible. SPECIAL NOTB'E. Anyon wishing fin appl or Bart lMt pt'MTH toTiif to Eiiht .''"tth and Washington M-. No. 112 i t cheap f ru i ta n d ( h w nn d o. r fi l ls l K h t. ITALIAN PRUNE: ur3 i; 34m -t. v l Krrllum'oit. -A fttt-c:ats lre? Mill, nz at 11 otnl Coin m odor e. Hv I Call afternoon. ielt-r n;'i FOR SALE 3S to .'I!'. Everet t st not apply. Wi iOI'SA W IwuhimI on k""I t'U. k. ("tiHi-.f Prt'M-r. Oregon t'liy. Rt. 1. Box J. Pl)one-'::K-ju. 4-OECK Blodgett oven, r box and olhrp bakery fjuiprntnt. Call frfH Washing ton ft. We buy. ll. r-nt and r-xchang o dukfi Sandy. 1 24 Broadway. FOR SA LE ' ifn Garla nil wood rngt and doutilw ai phtte. 1117 E. li.irrU.m to r'-t Ci-H li & ;G I ST E li i anu computing itufs, bUKht. aold. exohttiig and r naired. Stark t Ha-y. 7334 PI I.ES can be p r manerii ly cur4 with out opuratiun. (. all or wnu lt. 1b N't'nnn and Mnrrmnn. LUNCH rn tin NT. St e m t ble, f):shn. lM stools; nriftmal rout (00; will for $ Urt.Y Phone L. P. H'-nn, Bdwy. '.'!.Vt, D1E1JOLD SAFES, ti. w and acomi hand, special pne-a 1'Mctflo Ssfw Ac Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadw ay ltlflft. LICENSED independent tec trie lan wires S rwntH, (12; 3 for $20; uarnntecil 10 pa hs Inspection. Wood lawn SI 7 01 DUCK hunters, fine lake with cabin, (luO; cioM to Portlnd. 10 Mallard flfrnyn. f in call em. K 013, Or onl n ALMOST new Cleveland tractor for ( 1 ton. AIM double canff plow cheap. Arthur LsnpU'h, HOfl Concord bM L1WU1D GLUE for sizlnn. H3 N. 1 fl th. H:30 P. M 0 tfai.. $t Fi N E yellow nine. Unit liuntain sw Aut. t(4o-ni --t corn for tan l.Ml'KDVI.I) uilow La 11 iHjii uet turn ior vh nn ins. T;i bur 42M. APPLES, pt-arjt, plum and ptuioT 2 renin a pound. .'.Xi E 47th nl. N BICYCLE, Tn ood condition, (. Phone KfiPt 002. liUOS J EK cabinet. pUim. dinitiK ft for plr rheap. A t wn t r room FOR SALE- floor lump ch I3th b I N E 071 Hartlett M iouri (1 23 brn.it bo Uhft.i FOR KENT Eiwtrlc ' 73c per day, delivered tjum ch 4iiu Walnut 1 J3u. bECOND-HA.NU fnis anu ov-n ft,r sa.e. padMC Tent A Awning Co.. , Nu, 1 1 In u till INGLES direct from null, exua t-tir- A-tar. Taylor-et. dot, x M .u bUUa. &U CLAtY Havana ciuai . $2.25. pn'mt' nd over a ft. paid. HUKeini-i a ' ''V1 .-L.f.Ul ter 1M i'liu V ED io w ii.wi i a 111 Mit tui 11 fclor canning Tit or 4-'h4. KXPERT furniture repainnic and upiiuH a t e r 1 n g. Faulkner. Iain 4477. N E A rTTv new oak fiat top olf.ce d k Tabor 0''t'- FOR SALE link fur. rxtr fine Phon MhIii I .Tim, nkin. Price $j:.. LuUliLE barrel Park. (thoiKUIl, flu j h.i r. G00D red fox fur Ior sal-, (.,. liioad" v ny 21-43. FO tt SALE Am-i 1 r-an va u.11 r.. muvt' it."..")1. U it ion ave. N Wainu: ,3..u sTa"FE Large double ic,r .,(. ; i'.M.d make; bargain. A 072, tiregt. VO MEN AND GlRLS u 5 e d sppar! for fail -4iood va, Tabor SCREENS, mirroie, furnsiun rpairng cbinetworK, ic. Walnut 1 IM iOR SALE l-'a!i rmU'ei. Male. Mud.nt: iTiarh sue. ithnWMvn jl 1 "a . . . . GUAHANT LED rcbui.t b.itieriM. V"a LL ca " 1 1 " Bd k i. 41:11'. PKARS- $1.2J BOX. DELI V ELED'tA BOR U121. t VULCAN gun range with Hldt- oven. Tabor BAKTLEIT pears. 11 East Ouih N.