THE MORNING OREGONTA WEUXESDAT, ATJGtTST SO, 3T33 ' 23 UNCIAL MARKET RECOUPING LOSSES lasier Feeljng on Street At tributed to News. PRICE DRIFT IS UPWARD Advances Tor Most Part AVipe Out Previous Day's Declines, Rail Stocks Leading. BY ALEX D. NOTES. By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Precisely as Monday's financial market moved in response to the mental contusion and un certainty which the news over Sunday had created, so today's markets reflected the turn to calmer consideration of the outstanding problems. This quick re action from a day of uneasiness has oc curred on several occasions during this troubled season. It has always marked a change in the financial mood of the moment rather than a visible change in the situation, but it has also usually foreshadowed some tangible develop ment. All of the losses were recovered on the ensuing day; the financial mood ap peared to- have changed over night and in due course the settlement of the bitu minous coal strike and the repudiation by the brotherhoods of the talk of a "sympathetic demonstration." gave logi cal basis lor the market's action. In the present instance, it is possible that an impending settlement of the hard coal strike was foreshadowed by toda's re covery on the stock exchange. But it in dicated even more distinctly the change of mood from one of vague and form less apprehension to one in which cool Judgment is applied to' the situation. Most of today's advances on the stock exchange were greater than the previous day's declines; with the railways particu larly, most of the closing prices were the highest. One of the Incidents of the day was the recovery of most or all of the pre vious day's substantial decline in French government and municipal bonds. It is always probable that what are known as "supporting orders" play a part in such recoveries; on the other hand, so swift! a reverse movement after a show of weakness usually points to professional speculators' selling rather than outside liquidation as the primary cause of the jr-v.ous decline. The day's change of mood was not con fined to the stock exchange or to the New York market; it was equally in evi dence on the foreign exchange market, wher- sterling and the franc recovered fh:irpl and the mark went to .0001; cum riarfd with a closing price of .00061 i:i .ioiuluy and a low level of .0000 Is Amn Agr Ch 7s 1941 Amn Sin 1st 5s 1047 Amn Tob 7s 1923 Anaconda us A 1U29 do ii B 1929 Armour cv 7s ............. 1930 do 4s 1939 Beaver Board 8s 1933 Beth Steel 7s 1923 do eq 7.. a 1935 do ref .Is 1942 Cerro de Pasco 8a 1931 Chile conr 6s A ,1932 do 7s .. 1923 Col Graph 8s 1923 Copper Kxp 8s ............. 1923 do 8s 1924 do 8s 1925 Colo K I gen 5s 1943 Colo Ind 5s 1934 Cuban Am Sugar 8s 1931 Cuban Cane cv 7s .......... 1930 Distillers Sec cv 5s 2927 Diamond Match 7 'is 1935 Dupont 7s 1931 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 Kisk hs 1941 Gen Elec deb Ss -1902 Gooirich 7s 1925 Goo.iyear 8s , 1941 Heinz 7s 1930 Her.hey 7Hs 1930 111 Steel deb 44l 1940 Ind Steel 5s 1952 Int Agr 5s 1932 Int Marine ("T 6s 1941 Kelly .Springfield 8s 1931 Kemecott 7s 1930 Lack Kteel 5s 1923 do 1st 5s 1950 I.ibbv McNeil L 7s 1931 1944 1951 1944 103B 1930 1923 1940 1922 1923 1951 1925 1931 Liggett & Myers 5s Jo 7s Lorillarc1 as ...... do 7s Mlilvale 5s Morris & Co 7s Procter & Gamble 7 Republic I & S t5s Sears Roebuck 7s . do 7s Steel & Tubs 7s . . . Switt & Co 7s ...... do 7s rni Drug 8s 1941 11147 19:to 1963 J 923 1932 1922 1938 13(5 1 1941 1H28 1925 1931 104 95 '4 103 lu2 104 105 92 79H lues 104 3. 97-4 127 94 106 39 102 103 104 Si's 79 10614 90 452 108 100 14)1 100 102 103 1144 105 104 93 loo a, 81 03 1117 lu7 loo Hi 92 100 90 117! 98 117 90 105 ioi 94 100", 101 101 102 103 112 '. 102 1113 loos ln.-.vs lot Hi loo 114 101 !'& 108 BOND MARKET RALLIES FOREIGN' ISSUES RECOVER MONDAY'S LOSS. Liberties Ease Early, But Later Strengthen Domestic Rail- way List Is Irregular. KliK DKVfcLOI'MEMS FACTOR Kail.- unci Itilitiet l.rad in Advance in Stuck Market. LJv- Chicaero Tribune leased Vire. NEW YORK, Aug. L. The uncer tainty which prevailed on Monday re Kanliiig the outlook for a continuous supply of coal for the nation's industries was overshadowed today by the more favorable trend of event concerning the pendinpr crisis. Throughout the morning the stork market displayed a firm tone under lead ership of the railroad and public utility issues, many of which advanced to new high records for the year. The sensational advances in the public ritility stocks since th beginning of the year has been one of the outstanding features in the security markets. The jise bas been as rapid In the bond sec tion as among the stocks of these com panies. In the latter, gains of 10 to as much as 35 points have been witnessed in such isus as American Telephone & Telegrt ph. Consolidated Gas. Brooklyn Union Gas. Western Cnion. North Amer- can, Columbia Gas & Electric, and allied issues. The possibility of a settlement of the Anthracite coal strike before the close of the week caused renewed interest in the anthracite coal road stocks today and gains of a point or more followed in Lehigh Valley, Reading and Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. There were some special reasons, in addition to the improved earnings state ment of the corporations engaged in the tobacco trade, for the advances recorded today in United Retail Stores, which ran up some 4 points, and Tobacco Prod ucts and the A. and D. stock, which recorded mure modest gains, with Amer ican Tobacco reaching the best price for the year. The special reasons are that those who have sold for the decline in those stocks affected by the recent mer ger evidently did not calculate on the large amount of United Retail Stores which would be removed from the mar ket In the exchange. 'ew York Bonds. Furnished by Jordan. "Wentworth Co. of Portland: Railroad Bonds Atch gen 4s ......... A C X. 4s - . - do 7s B O gold 4s do con 4 45 cv do ret 5s Cajida Southern As . Canadian Nor tis . do Ts Cent Pac 1st 4s .... Ches & Ohio cv 4s do gen 4H ...... do cv os do con 5s C B & J 111 div 4s .. C West Ind 4s ... C G & W 4s C M St P 48 .... do cv 4s ........ io deb 4s ......... do gen 4s A do cv 5s do g&r 48 A . Chicago IV W gea 4s . Ao i4s do 7s C R I & P ret' 4s Colo Sou rf ex 4 Vis .. do 4s Del & Hudson cv 5s do 7s J & R G cv 4s do ref 5s Erie P t 4s do con 4s A ...... do B do T do Pa C G 4s Gd Trunk eq 68 ... Gt Nor 7s Gt Trunk 6s io 7s II! Cent jt 5s do ref 4s K O Sou ref 5s Keo & J)es M 1st 5s .. U S & M S 4s L. & N a do uni 4s M St P 8 M 6fts . M .. d- I 4s . M t gen 4s 1 rt f 5s Io ref .s X V C ueb 4s do con 4s Io ref imp 4s .... do coll 7s X Y N H & H cv 6s... X O Tex Hex 5s' X P P L, 4s X P Hs , X P Gt Xor jt tSs ... O L. ref 4s Penna 6s do gen 4is do 4,8 to ge-n 5s do 7s do R R 6s Reading gen 4s ......... S A L. 4s tiO 5S sKA . . a . . UO 6S A ,f. m ...... Sou Ry con 5s So Pac cv 4s do ref 4s ............. do sf term 4s ........ da conv 5s SU t S P P L il ..A. do gen 5s ............ do P L 5s B Jo gee 6s ............ do adj 6s do lnc 6s ............ St L, & S W 1st 6s do con 4. ............. do 1st 4s . .... ...... . Tex Pac 1st Ss ......... In Pac 1st 4s do cv 4s ............. do ref 4s ............ do 6s ............... Tin rank 7s ............. Wabash 1st 6s do 2d Ss West Pac 53 ....... . . Industrials - - -.Pf oer-3 . . 1905 93 4 .. 1853 1. . . 1030 107 i . . 1948 87 . . 1933 UGH .. 1995 91 H .. 1962 100V, . . l!4o 112 Si .. 1940 113a . . 1949 89'., . . 1930 90 H . . 1992 90 U . . 1940 97 H . . 1930 103V, . . 1949 91 . . 1952 77 . . 1959 tilt, . . 1925 &5H . . 1932 .. 1934 tSS . . 1989 71 S .. 2014 78Va .. 2014 67H . . 1987 90?, .. 193 lia . . 1930 109 ..1934 85 . . 1935 89 Si .. 1929 US'. . . 1 935 97 . . 1930 1091, . . 1 938 79 . . 1955 47Si .. lH'.'li 68 4, . 1953 53 S .. 1953 63S .. 1953 57 Si . 1951 9)i .. 1936 108 .. T931! 111 . 1936 104 . . 1940 11 Hi . lit: 99 . . 1955 91 ., . 1950 V2Si . 1923 91 . 1931 93 Si . 1930 108 . 1940 93 V. . 1946 105 . 1990 83 Si . 1975 es . 1923 100, . 1926 97 . 1934 91 i . 1998 86 , . 21113 90 . 1935 107', . 193o 105H . 1948 84 Si . 1935 78 . 1997 89 . 2047 W19S . 1936 104 5. . 1929 94 . 1936 110 54 . 1905 94 5, . 1960 SH . 1968 102S . 1030 1101, . 1936 110 . 1997 854 . 1950 60 Si . 1949 SO S, . 1945 109 Si . 1994 89V, . 1929 93 '4 . 1955 91 . 1950 85 . 1934 102 . 1950 74 . 1931 99 . 1950 87 . 1931 1o44 . 1955 84 . 1960 78 . 1952 84 . 1932 82 . 19S8 80 . 200O 9S . 1947 95 . 1927 95 . 2008 SO . 1928 105 . 1930 103 . 1939 98 , 1939 90 1048 81 ( -1839 S3 U S Rubber 1st ref 8s.. do 7s V S Steei sf 5s Va Chem 5s Va Car Chem 7s West Klec 5s Weit I- T col Tr 5s West Union 6 s . . Wilson 1st Cs do cv 6s West Elec 7s WestinEhonpe 7s . . . Public Itlllites Am I.t c Tran 6s 1925 106 Am Tel coll 4s 1929 92 do 5s 1946 99 do 8s I 1925 117 Bell Tel of Pa 7s 1945 lo B R T us . 1945 65 Cities Service 7s B 1966 124 do 7s C . .4 1966 92 10 7s D I960 90 Int Met i.s 1956 14 do ref 5s 1966 72!ed im 7s J930 101 Mont Power 5s A 1943 98 No-thweFt Tel 7s -. .1941 107 Phc Oss 0s 1942 94 Southwest Tel 7s MI25 103 011 Bonds Anlo Am 7s 1925 103'i Atlantic Ref s 1931 11(3 Oai-na S Oil 7s 1930 106 Oulf Oil 7s 1933 104 Humble 7s 1923 1o0 Pan American 7s 19.1(1 Jill Mexican Petroleum cv 8s 1936 HMt Sinclair 7s 1925 10:! So Oil 7n 1931 105 So N TIr 1931 110 Texas Co 7s 1923 llo Tidewater Oil 6s 1931 ll3 Va-uum Oil 7s 1936 109 r-'orein (Government Argentine 7s 1927 100 lieleium 8s 1941 104 Bolivia 1947 '97 Brazil .ss 1941 100 tl j 7s 1952 91 ('HDMtla 5s 1952 99 Chi 8s 1940 103 rzrho-Slnvak Ps 1951 95 Hen-nark 6s 1942 99 Dutch Kast Indiej 6s . . 1947 95 lo 0s 1962 94 French Ciites 6s 1934 80 M-xico Kxternal 5s 1954 56 Mexico Kxternal 4s ........ 1954 43 Netherlands 6s 1972 99 Pans-I.yon-Mdtm 6s 1958 73 Seine 7s 1942 85 French Internal 4s 1917 48 French Victory 5s 1920 58 Itpl'fiHn Restoration 5s 68 British 2r conxols ,53 Ital Cons War Loan O"- 35 Curb Bonds Allied Packers 6s 81 Am Tel Tel 6s 1922 loo lo 6s 1924 101 Anaconda Copper 6s 102 do 7s 104 Armour Co 7s 104 Beth Steel 7s 19.-.5 1"4 Copner Ex Assn 8a 1924 102 do 8s 1925 103 Craid Trunk 6s 107 Oulf Oil Co 7s 104 Inter Rpid Tran 7s loo Libbv McNeil & Libby 7a. . 100 So West Tel 7s 102 Stand Oil X T 6e 1933 109 ,1o 7s 1926 100 Swift & Co 7s 1925 101 74 do 7s 1931 10.1 Vacuum Oil 7s 109 Foreign Bonds. Furnished by Overbeds & Cooke com- I Bid. Ask. i Belgian Rest 5s 1919 66 7o Belgian Prem. 5s... 1920 69 73 Belgian 7s 1945 104 104 Belgian 6s 1925 100 100 Brazil 8s 1941 101 101 Brazil 7s 1952 91 91 British 5s 1922 92 94 do 1927 95 97 do 1929 93 95 British Vky. 4s 1919 77 79 British Ref. 4s 1919 77 79 L". Kingdom 5s 1922 108 109 do 1929 108 109 do 1937 104 105 Bordeaux Hs 1934 78'.. 7( Canadian 5s 1926 10o lOO'i Canadian 5s 19JJ . 9S 10O do 1929 102 102 Canadian 5s 1937 99 100 do 1931 100 100 Chinese Ss 1951 53 55 Chile 8s 1941 103 104 French 4s 1917 48 49 French 5 1920 67 70 do 1931 5S 59'-. French 7Us 1941 95 96 French 8s 1945 100 100 NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Influenced largely by the better tone oT the stock list and foreign exchange rates, today's bond market rallied uriskly from yes terday's acute depression. International Issues showing pronounced strength. French municipals rose 2 to almost 4 points over the low levels of Monday with active buying; of the Bordeaux, Ly ons and Marseilles groups. French 7s rose 1 points and Belgian Ss one point. Among other foreign issues, Havana Electric 5s were prominent for their ad vance or 1 44 points. Domestic industrials and utilities were featured by American Telephone con vertible 6s and 4s, which advanced ISi to 2 points in sympathy with the In creased price of that company's stock. Kails were Irregular. Norfolk & West em convertible 6s, St. Louis A South' western consolidated 4s and Seaboard Air Line consolidated 6s gained 2 points, while Chicago & Alton 3s and 3s lost 3 to 4 points, with similar reactions in Atchison adjustment 4s stamped. North ern Pacific 3s and Colorado & Southern 4s. Liberties were inclined to ease in early dealings, but rallied later with the improvement in the genenal list. Total bond sales, par value, were $12, S50,ooo. A banking syndicate offered at par and accrued interest 1, 500. 000 7 "per cent gold bonds of the Rosemary Manu facturing company, these finding a ready sale. Favorable interpretation of current news developments imparted a buoyant tone to the stock market today, active issues recovering Monday's losses and advancing to higYier ground on gains ranging from one to six points. President Harding's assurance that no immediate seizure of coal mines and railroads was contemplated, although authority for such action mi desired in case of great emergency, combined with reports of Increased car loadings and Chicago dispatches which indicated the railroad labor board's refusal to make the so-called "living wage" the sole ba sis for fixing the new scale of main ttnance men. caused a more active de mand for railroad shares, which ad' vanced from one to more than three points. . Chicago & Northwestern closed the ffay with a net gain of 3 and Canadian Pacific with 3. while gains of 1 points or more took place in Reading, I'nion Pscific. Great Northern preferred, Atlantic Coast Line. Lehigh Valley, Nor folk & Western and a few others. Chi cago & Alton issues were .reactionary. Public utilities displayed marked im provement, new high records for the year being established in the group by Brooklyn Edison, North American, West ern I'nion, American Telephone and Co lumbia Gas of Baltimore. . Steel shares also participated exten sively in the -upward movement, United States Steel common making up its quarterly dividend of 1 per cent on very heavy dealings. Further confidence In- .the future of the steel industry waa indicated by the advance in wages an nounced by the Colorado Fuel & Iron company. Independent steels, as a group, followed the course set by the premier issues. Speculative issues, like Mexican Pe troleum, Baldwin and Studebaker. also gained substantially, partly in response to short covering operations. The to bacco group exhibited marked strength and coppers rose on the high prices quoted for the metal. Strength of American Tobacco, which rose to a new high, was attributed to the stabilization of retail prices which followed the aban donment of the trade discount policy by that company. Special stocks which registered new high prices for the year Included Ameri can Ice. National Lead ' and Retail Stores. Total sales approximated 700,000 shares. The money market adhered to its movements of. the previous day, opening at 3 per cent, but advancing to 4 per cent on the later part of the session. Leading foreign exchanges showed further steadiness . and a higher range. Sterling was steady, despite heavy of ferings of commercial bills. French francs were substantially above the pre vious day's close and the German mark rallied sharply. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished' by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Sales. High. Low. Close. German W. L. 5 Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4s .. Lei psig 4 Sis Leipsig 5s Munich 4s Munich Ss. Frankfort 4s . . . Italian 5s Japan 4s Japan 1st 4s. Japan 2nd 4s Norway 8s Swedish 6s Denmark 6s Denmark 8s ... Russian '5s ... do Russian 8s Sao Paulo Ss . . . Swiss 5s bwiss 88 1918 35 36 1931 79 SO 1925 94 95 1925 93 94 1940 112 112 1939 104 J05 1942 99 99f 1945 110 111 1921 12 16 1926 2 1919 12 . 16 1936 100 101 1929 104 1114V. 1940 120 120 Advance Rum pfd Agr Chem Ajax Rubber. . .. Alaska Gold A laska Juneau . . Allied Chem Allls-Chalmers. .. do pfd. Am Beet Sugar. Am Bosch Am Can Co do pfd Am Car & Fdy.. do pfd. ....... Am Cot Oil do pfd Am Drug Synd . . Am Hide Sc. Lth. do pfd Am Ice ........ Am Intl Corp. . . Am Linseed do pfd Am Loco do pfd Am Saf Razor. .. Am Ship & Com. Am Smelter .... do pfd Am Steel Fdy... Am Sugar ...... do pfd Am Sumatra . . . Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco. . do "B" Am Wool do pfd Am W P pfd 500 100 4.400 4.600 116 1,800 35 300 34 V.ioo 120 20 55 40 11 11 11 1 85 58 57 57 99 48 47 47 40 40 39 60 59 60 110 110 109 183 183 ' 1 83 122- 27 27 27 53 6 6 6 14 73 New Issue $2,000,000 ' MARTEL MILLS ' INCORPORATED First Mortgage Fifteen -Year 7 Convertible Gold Bonds Dated July 1, 1922 Series "A" Due July 1, 1937 Interest Payable January 1 and July 1 in New York City Redeemable at 105 on any interest date until July 1st, 1923, and at 105 less V of 1 for each 18 months or part thereof elapsed thereafter. Authorized Issue, $3,000,000 Present Issue, Series "A," $2,000,000 Convertible into 7 Cumulative Preferred stock ($100 par) at the rate of ten shares of stock for each $1000, face amount of bonds, until thirty days before redemption, subject to adjust ment of interest and dividends, and in addition 4 shares of no par value Common Stock of the Company if converted on or before March 31, 1924; 3 shares if converted on or before March 31, 1925; 2 shares if converted on or before March 31, 1926; 1 share if converted on or before March 31, 1927. Thereafter into Preferred stock only. THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK TRUSTEE Mr. G. E. Hnggins, President of the Company, has summarized his letter to us (copies of which may be obtained on request) as follows: Business : Martel Mills, Incorporated, is organized under the laws of Delaware and is ac quiring eight cotton mills heretofore owned by affiliated .companies. After such con solidation these mills will continue under the same management which has developed the business and conducted the affairs of the mills; control of which was acquired by them during the period from 1911 to 1915. These mills produce a widely diversified range of T cotton fabrics, including colored goods, tickings, hickory shirtings, pocketing twills, un- . derwear goods and satin bedspreads. Security: These bonds are to be secured by direct first mortgage upon the real estate, plants and fixed assets of the Martel Mills, Incorporated. These properties have been valued by ' the American Appraisal- Company as. of April 1, 1922, after depreciation, at $4,501,744, or $2,250 per $1,000 bond. The balance sheet, as of April 1, 1922, after giving effect to the present financing as certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company, also shows net current assets of $1,104 per $1,000 bond, making total net tangible assets of $3,354 per $1,000 bond. . Earnings: The net profits of the eight mills, as certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company,, for the five years ending December 31, 1921, after depreciation, but'before fed eral income taxes and interest on borrowed money, were $3,974,316, an average of $794,863 per annum, or more than 5y times the annual interest requirements on this issue. For 1921, a period of depression in the textile industry as well as ;in most industries, the combined net profits, similarly stated, were $639,177, or more than 4V times the annual interest requirements of this issue. For the three months ending March 31, 1922, the ' profits similarly stated were $185,922. Sinking Fund : The mortgage will provide for annual sinking-fund payments commencirfg . July 1, 1923, to retire each year for five years 3V and each year thereafter 4 of the ' maximum amount of bonds at any time issued, subject to credits for bonds acquired by the ; comply and tendered to the trustee for retirement, as well as for bonds retired by con version. Purpose: The proceeds of this issue are to be used for plant additions and betterments, the reduction of current obligations aud other corporate purposes. All legal proceedings in cfAinection with the issue will be passed upon by Messrs. Rushmore, Bisbee & Stern, New York, for the Bankers, and Charles A. Roberts and 'Hen son- M. Stephens for the Corporation. A report on the properties has been made for the Bankers by Messrs. Sanderson & Porter. The bonds are offered for delivery when, as and if issued and received, and subject to the approval of counsel. '" Price 95.55 and interest to yield about 7.50 Geo. H. Burr & Co. " Hambleton & Co. Peabody, Houghteling & Co. The statements presented in this advertisement, while not guaranteed, are obtained from to be reliable, and on which we have acted in our purchase ot these sources which we believ. bonds. 3 1F . JRIMElB ONDS A great Fall bond market which, means advancing prices and lower interest rates, generally expected to be the greatest invest ment market for many years, is near at hand. It is, in fact, already under way. We urge investors to make their purchases now and an ticipate their future invest ment requirements using our Partial Payment Plan for holding bonds firm until ready to complete payment. CALIFORNIA State 4s, to yield 4.15. I50U0 July 2. lflSSiffftH.fiS PORT OF ASTORIA fi to yield 5.23C,-. JL'000 January 1. 19SL 68 33 CONDOS WATER 6, to yield 6.40. $3000 Ausrust 1. 1943 lOT.Sg KLAMATH FAIXS Imp. . to yield SSi" to est, date, and 6 thereafter. t 1.R0O est. July 1, !92flini.75 s.srwi ' inL'fxe'102 s."i 10,000 " " 1032. 103.8O ARROTO GRA3.DE, CaL, Imp. 7, to yield J1702 July 2, 3fl24rl01.7S 1202 " 1925.8)102 71 1.100 1!2BS103M 1702 " 193V 100 SS CASPER, Wwo., Imp. 6s, to yield $."O00 est. Sept. 1, 1929 (3100 SOOO " 1930 100 DIXOV. Cal.. Imp. In, to yield 6. J2000 July 2, 3923100.8O MOSCOW, Idaho, Imp. 6 to yield 6. JHO0 Sept. 1. 1924100 XEWMAN, Cal., Imp. In, to yield J102 July 2. 1932?107 44 102 " 133J 107.97 SAV BRrKO, Cal.. Imp. In. tn yield 6. J2000 July 2. 1925 102 71. WAI.M T CREEK, Cal., Imp. 7, to yield 8. t IBS 1 1 9 1100 I3n sn isn 100 July 2, 1923W1O0 PS 1024-9101. 7S 192SH 102.71 1921103.M 1927iffl04 27 19 SS104 !' 19324H07.44 EKKDLET, Cal., Imp. 7, to yield 8 to .2(Ki. 16000 July 2, 1924101.78. to yield 6. 16945 July '. vield 6. t945 July 2 vipld 6.10'r. 2.S00 July : yield 6.20. CENTRAL COAT, . to yield J1000 June 1. 2000 3000 3-M10 500 LOf.AX Hun. Co., Colo.) $2000 June 192103M. to 1930105. 63. to in32105.0, to COKE CO., 19'JSi-fi !l Sil lUKOfiT ! 47 193S.7.S2 193S& 97.51 Irr. Il. (I.nean 6, to vifld B'4",. 1, 1925.1(9.33 900 400 3.100 400 57 14 17 26 1.410 SOO 300 1.400 O0 5,900 43, 37 9 S0V, 28 Si 6914 400 800' 2,400 Ts 1.1 65 4 11314 H5V4 35 Si 35 34 Si 34 Si 53 118 119H 119 6'4 en 15 15 63 9, 64 100 lOOVi lOOVi 100 1,200 41 41 41 400 83 Si S3!4 M 1111 38 15814 94 -107 H 31 '4 400 39 3814 .13,000 125 -123 . 2.800 163 Si 158 V, . 2.400 159 Si 1"8 . 1,600 94H 94 Am Zinc i Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds. Country Unit. Austria. Kronen Belgium, Francs Bulgaria. Ieva Czecho-Slovakia. Kronen ........ Denmark, Kroner England. Pound Sterling Finland, Flnmark France. Francs Germany. Marks Greece. Drachmas Holland. Guilders Hungary. Kronen Italy. Lire Jugo-Slavia. Kronen ........... Norway. Kroner Portugal, Escudos Roumania. I.ei Serbia. Dinara ; Spain. Pest-las Sweden. Kroner Switzerland. Francs China-Hongkong, local currency. Shanghalr, Taels ." Japan, Yen Rate .$0.0003 . .0740 . .0067 . .0370 . .2160 . 4.48 . .0223 , .0787 , .0009 . .0328 .3902 . ' .0009 . .0450 .0033 . .169: .0593 .0080 .01 .1560 .26511 .1912 .5780 .7773 .4823 NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Foreign change steady. Great Britain, demand $4.46: do cables. 4.4i4 : 80-day bills in banks, $4.43 , . France, demand $7.74: do cables. l.(4hc: Italy, rtemand 4.40Hc; uo 1-auifs. i.ic. ueigium, ' aemana 7.31 He: do cable. 7.32c. Germany, de mand. .08c: do cables. .08ic; Holland, demand. 38.8.c: do cables. 38.90c; Nor way, aemano. 18. Me: Sweden, demand 26.45c: Denmark, demand. 21.45c; Switz erland nemana lii.oac: Kpaln. demand. 15.54c: Greece, demand. 8.10c; Poiand. demand. .01 1-5. Czecho-Slovakia, de- manu. J.42c: Argentine, demand. 36.12c; Brazil. demand, 13.30c; Montreal 99 15-16C. Chicago Potato .Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 29 Potatoes weak; receipts 96 cars; total United States ship ments 547; Minnesota sacked Early Ohios No. 1 11 1'OJ, ..K) cwt. : Nebraska sacked Early Ohios 90c1.15 cwt.; Irish Cob blers sacked $1 cwt.: Wisconsin sacked Irish Cobblers I.451.55 cwt.; New Jer sey sacked Irish Cobblers $1.85 1.90 cwt.: sacked Giants $1.301.40 cwt ; Idaho sacked Rurals $1.40 1.80 cwt. . Coffee Futures Slightly Higher. NEW YORK. Aug. 29 The market for coffee futures closed at a net ad vance of 1 to 3 points. Sales were esti mated at about 28.000 bags, including exchanges. September, 9.45c; October, 9 44c; December, 9.42c: Januarv, 9.43c; March, May and July, 9.41c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio, 7c 1010!c. Santo. 4. 1414o. I 2,200 3.900 700 500 Anaconda Assd Oil Atchison . s . . . . do pfd At Coast Line. . Atl Gulf & W I Balwwin loco. . do pfd Bait & Ohio... do pfd Beth Steel "B". B R T Butte A Sup. . . Caddo Oil Calif Packing. . Calif Pet 3.400 uo prd. ...... Canadian Pac.., Cen Leather.... Cerro de Pasco., Chandler Motor, Chgo N W Chgo Gt W do pfd Chili Cop Chino C M St P do pfd Coco Cola I' & O ........... Colo F - I Colo Southern . . Col Gas & Elec. Colum Graph . . Con Gas Cons Cigars . . . . ttontl Can City SVC Bank. Ct rn Prod do pfd Cosden Oil 8,300 C R I & P 1,100 do A pfd 100 do B pfd 200 Crucible 6,200 8,800 55 1 54 14 500 11714 116 3,00 104 102 400 117 ii6 2.400 28 13.000 127 125 3,800 58 57 ',4 78 26 30 77 25 30 55 Si 117'j 103 94 117 29 127 113 57 85 25 30 Si -i 10 63 61 63'H 92 2,800.147 144 147 700 41 41 41 1,000 40 39 40 1,600 2.900 4.700 1.5O0 600 1,800 1,000 900 1,800 1,600 100 700 17 S 800 324 1,100 119 m 4,800 88 87 3,400 3.300 10O 200 8,300 900 7.300 9.200 6.700 1,400 62 59 62 90 87 80 22 21 21 -'3 az 23 31 30 31 34 31 33 fZ S2 52 71 70 71 76 75 76 31 48 HUU 1U -102 1.700 4 3 3 7,500 140 137 138 1.300 102 101 102 1.000 83 82 83 7,600 119 iii 119 . ..118 47 45 96 85 95 97 13 38 25 48 44 96 85 94 98 13 37 25 300 700 2,700 1.600 2,400 6,700 ' 400 600 300 52 86 17 27 48 94 63'" 12 '8 do nfd 700 Cuba Cane 1.200 do pfd 1.000 Cub Am Sug 2.500 Del & Hudson Dome Mines .... 1,700 39 T I. & "W 400 132 lavison cnem . Endicott Jhnsn. Erie do 1st pfd Elec Stor Bat. . . Famous Players. Fed Mg & Smelt do pfd Fisk Tire Gen Cigars Gen Elec Gen Motor 5,400 do 63, 600 Gen Asphalt 6,500 Goodrich I 600 Glidden O & P Granby 700 Great Nor Ore.. 600 do- pid 2.4UU Greene Cananea. 700 Gulf S Steel 6,200 Glen-Alden Houston Oil 700 79 79 Hupp Motor ... 100 IS 18 Ills Cent Inspiration 700 41 41 Int Ag Crp com do pfd Interboro ; I.6OO 1 1 do pfd - 900 4 4 Tntste Callahan. ..... Int Harv 600 109 108 Int Mer Marine. 200 15 14 do pfd 1.400 B9 H7Mk lot Nlckel 0.000- 17 17 47 45 95 85 94 96 i 13 37 25 128 37 38 131 1,4132 400 185 13 83 68 51 83 17 26 47 -91 52 12 78 184 13 81 67 31 41 94 32 83 83 31 41 92 32 52 85 17 26 48 94 12 52 12 78 185 13 82 67 36 15 31 41 83 32 85 53 79 18 104l 10 39 1 n 109 14 58 Int Paper Invincible Oil . Island Oil Jewel Tea K C Southern . do pfd Kelly-Spgfld ... Kennecott Keystone Tire . !ack Steel Lee Tire Lehigh Valley . I.orillard Loew Theaters. L & N Lima Loco Maxwell Mot A do B May Stores Mex Pet . Miami Mid States Oil. Mldvale Steel . M K & T wi . . . do pfd wt . . Mont Power . . Mont Ward . . . Mo Pac do pfd Mex Sea Board Marland Oil .. Nat Enamel . . Nat Lead Nevada Con - . New Haven . . . Norfolk & W. . Nor Pac N S Steel V T Air Brake N Y Central . North Amn . . Okla Prod ref. . Ont Silver Ont & W Otis Steel Pac Dev Pac Gas & Elec. Punta Allegra... Pac Oil :.. Pan Amn Pet do B ,. Penna Peo Gas Pere Marquette. . Pure Oil Phillips Pete . . . Pierce Arrow . . . Pierce Oil Pitts Coal Pitts & W Va. . . Penn Sea St. . . . Press Steel Car.. Pullman ....... Ray Cons 1,000 ll.ailinir 5.700 Rem-ington 3.700 Replogle bteei. . Rep I & 8 do pfd , Rep Motors . . . Roy Dutch Oil., Ry Steel Spg.. S O Ky Sears Roebuck. Shattu-ck, Ariz... Shell T & T Sinclair S O Ir.d do N J Sloss Shef Sou Pac Sou Ry S O Cal St L & S F Ktromhftrs- Carb. Studebaker 12,200 128 Swift & Co Tenn Cp & Chm. 100 Texas Oil 6,700 57 14 14-25 43 36 8 79 26 68. 57 14 15 25 57 43 37 8 79 2 68 is 173 19 138 61 57 18 1 2 1,300 19 19 100 137 137 3.90O 62 01 600 57 07 400 19 19 7in TfLS. 12654 ;!l4,700 1 84 180 184 29 13' 13 13 34 34 34 19 18 19 46 45 40 74 73 73 23 Si 23 23 23 23 23 60 59 59 23 22 22 41 40 41 w,s oa 800 110 107 10S 16 200 . 2.500 .16.300 700 ' sino 600 100 1.600 7.800 8.S00 2.9(10 2.500 300 400 4.5O0 3.100 200 40O 300 1.000 300 76 98 98 2 27 11 4 80 57 80 76 46 93. 39 32 44 12 7 68 39 . 7 2.600 127 16 79 900 1,600 100 100 5.300 600 113 1,200 106 1,800 90 39 ?i 33 73 94 3 58 76 98 92 2 "27" 11 4 78 '58 78 74 46 93 38 82 44 11 ' 7 65 39 7 i25 16 78 38 32 94 3 55 112 102 S9 38 32 100 38 8.200 33 1,200 113 112 1,200 1S3 IS- 100 rn 3,3O0 95 4.300 27 4.000 111 800 30 1.20U an 5 93 28 108 30 54 127 Texas Pac do C & O LTob Products . .. Tran contl on. . TTnion Oil Del . . Union Pac United Alloy ... United Drug Unl Food Prd... United Fruit . . . TI s Cast I Pipe. Unl Retail Strs. 10.600 U S Ind Alcohol. 1.400 10 48 34 25 67 14 19 2,800 150 148 100 38 , 30 800 1.300 6,000 1.600 2.200 10 47 32 25 55 14 19 1,800 7 7 300 153 153 9,200 39 37 79 75 66 86 17 32 119 88 36 76 98 97 2 6 27 11 4 79 49 57 80 76 ,46 93 38 V. 32 44 IS 7 68 39 7 82 126 161, TI 39 3:1 72 94 3 56 112 ior. 89 8 33 113 183 50 94 26 J 1 I 30 54 128 105 10 48 33 25 57 14 19 150 88 79 7 152 38 79 66 58 104 42 beck & Cooke company of Portland as follows : Swift & Co 105 Swift International- '. 20 Libby, McNeil & Libby .3. . 2 do new .,. 7 National Leather, new 7 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Closing Open. High. low. Bid. Liberty 3s ..100.84 100 94 100.92 100.92 do 1st 4s 100.56 100..6 100.56 100.80 do 2nd 4s..-. 100.20 100.20 100.18 100.16 do 1st 4s.. 10O.7O 100.76 100.64 1OO.70 do 2nd 4 s. 100.16 100.22 100.14 10O.20 do 3rd 4s. 100.40 100.48 100.40 100.44 do 4th 4s.. 100.56 100.62 100.50 100.56 Vic. 4 call..l00.28 10O.28 100.28 100.28 do 4s 1923. 10O.66 100.70 100.68100.70 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK; Aug, 29. Call money firm; high 4, low 3; ruling rate 3; closing bid 4i offered at 4; last loan 4; call loans against acceptances 3. Time loans firm; mixed collateral 60 90 days 44; 4-6 months 4g4. Prime commercial paper 44. Foreign bar silver 69. Mexican dollars 53. LONDON, Aug. 29. Bar silver 35 d per ounce. Money 2 per cent. Discount rates, short and three-months bills, 2 per cent. Mining Stocks at Boston. 'Mining stock quotations at Boston. fur nished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland : ' Bid. Ask. Ariz Comm 8 9 Adventure 50 100 Allouez i 25 26 Arcadian. 3 6 Bineham Mtis 14' 15 Cal & Ariz 61 62 Calumet & Hecla 296 298 New Corn 18 19 Centennial 9 10 Cop Rge 43 43 East Butte 10 10 Franklin Mng 2 2 Hancock 2 2 Helvetia 1 1 Island Creek 108 109 Keweenaw 2 2 Kerr Lake 3 4 Lake Cop 4 4 La Salle 1 1 Michigan 3 3 Mass Con 2 3 Mohawk 63 64 May-Old Colony 4 4 Mason Valley 1 2 Nipissing 6 6 North Lake 30 50 Old Dom Cop 23 26 Osceolaf Mng 36 88 OJibway 2 3 Quincy Mng 43 44 ' Pond Creek 21 22 Isle Royal 23 24 South Lake 46 48 Supp Boston 1 1 Uni Shoe Mch 40 40 do pfd 26 26 South Utah 6 10 Superior Cop ............... 4 4 Trinity Cop 2 2 Tuolumne 69 75 Utah Metals 1 1 Utah Con 2 2 U S Mining 43 43 do pfd 47 49 Utah Apex 2 3 Ventura 29 30- Victoria 1 2 Winona 1 1 Wolverine 9 10 Wyandot 50 60 Shannon 85 95 , Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil s'ocks fu.-nlshed by the U S Rub 4,800 58 56 do 1st pfd ... 100 104 104 TT S Km.ltin ... 100 43 43 U S Steel 11.700 103 102 103 do pfd J. ..... ..... ..... 33 000 zu Utah Copper . . . Va Chem do Pfd Vanadium Steel. Vivandou Wabash do A pfd Western Pac do pfd Wari.i-n I'ninn Wstghse E & M. White Motors . . Willys-Overld . . do pia Wilson Pkg .... Wis Central 6,100 200 1,400 2,800 5O0 400 100 100 100 200 61 11 12 38 10 61 52 11 13 34 19 81 8,300 121 116 2,500 63 63 48. 48 7 v 6 38 88 43 43 8U 3U 69 52 11 13 . 33 20 61 120 68 48 6 88 43 30 Woolworth 121 Worthgtn Pump 200 42 42 42 W tc L E 15 White Oil 8 Orpheum 1,700 22 22 22 Swift ft Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift Co. stocks at Chicago -were .reported -by -the Over- W After you buy 1 securities your interest in tKe issuing company in- i creases. "We nave a depart ment which will assist you in keeping informed by automatically forwarding information on any com pany desired. There is no 1 1 i charge for this. investment service. I WRITE OR CALL I J FuQ details on receipt erf jour Address i I f Cyrus IiRCEjCoMPANy 10O2 Wilcox Bids. Portland Telepkane Broadway 5915 San Francisco Ixs Angeles ' Seattle . Oakland San dleg-o San Jose Paeadena Fresno Stockton Sacramento Eureka b s t - I Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Asked. Angjo Borne Scrysmer Buckeye Cheesebrough do pfd Continental .... Crescent ....... Cumberland ... Eureka Galena com. . . . do old pfd. .. do new pfd. . nilnois Pipe ... Indiana Pipe .. Nafl Transit .. N Y Transit . . . Northern Pipe . Ohio Oil Inter'l Pete .... Penn Mex. ..... Prariie Oil .... Prairie Pipe ... Solar Refg Southern Pipe . South Penn Oil S. W. Penn Oil S. O. Ind do Kansas - . . . do Kentucky . do New York do Ohio do pfd. Swan & Finer. . Vacuum Washington S. O. Nebraska Imperial Oil . 20 415 90 ..........195 .........108 140 33 145 92 51 108 103 160 97 26 160 103 280 20 ......... 28 590 250 .........340 94 210 61 112 530 102 ..436 ....... ..4. VI 117 82 ....460 ".V.77.V.'. iso 110 20 430 98 205 lU 143 35 150 94 53 112 105 170 98 27 170 106 285 io 600 20 350 96 215 62 113 640 103 439 460 119 35 465 27 185 112 PATTERSON, Cal., Imp. 7. to yield ev4. $386 July 2. 1928iffl03 7l SUSANVTLLE, Cal., Imp. Ts, to yield 6YtVr. 3000 July 2. 1934il06 24 AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. 7, to yield 7. $1500 April 1. 19875M0O. HOLLY SUGAR CORPORATION 7. to yield 7. 10.500 July 1, 19371P100. VIRGIN! -CAROLI-f A CHEMI CAL CO "Vis, to yield 7.737o. $800 July 1. J03798. Make Reservations Now Use Our Partial Payment Plan Freeman. Smith al imbwCamp Co. bbb Lumbermen Bldo.. Portland PH0NI B'WAY 5740 riFTH yiZ&TtXllit. 5 How' Money Grows 7 The stof v of Ooftipouftd !r tirrtt tola In & trxtort timi . ALBERT C.0TGEN&Ca, he 16 EXCHANGE PLACE. NY. aV GERMAN BONDS AND MONEY Bought and Sold TBAKSATLASTIO ESTATES A ' CREDIT COMPANY, 210 KgohwncQ Tlldar.. gd unit Stitrlr. Babson Says, Buy Long Term Municipal Bonds L. "The past few years have been hard for cities and towns desir ing to borrow money. Money has been scarce and rates -were hlsh.. Investora are now wondering -whether the present decline in rates is temporary or will extend over several years. The study of the. situation leads mo to 'believe -that the present decline of Interest rates will continue. J "City fathers will soon be solicited by bond houses for issues to sell. The next few years will see a scramble for bonds on the part of the dealers far greater than anv previous scramble for money on the part of the cities and towns. As we have had years of advancing interest rates, we will have years of declining interest rates. Moreover, these cycles cannot be suspended or changed any more than we can suspend or change the tides of the ocean. "In addition to the law of business cycles, very much in favor of municipal borrowing. the tax situation is Before the days of Income Tax Exempt Axhton School 'District A. 1932 SirV Condon. Ore.. Water 1942 ri.40'.'r f.oodlntr. Idaho, Highway 10" r..TM'm fcphriam, Utah. Water 5V4si J8-'6 r..25','r income taxes and surtaxes, bonds of our best cities sold on a 3 per cent basis, and even better. Now, when wealthy men are obliged to pay surtaxes of from 30 to 50 per cent, these tax exempt bonds of cities and towns should be in great demand. .Some of my associates even state that many of these bonds may go up until they are on t 2 per cent basis, or less "Of course, this also applies to the government bonds, although the government bonds are rather short time and therefore not so attractive to the Investor. Cities and towns will have no difficulty in disposing of their securities during the next few years and interest rates should steadily and continually decline. "For investors this means that tax exempt securities and town bonds should now be purchased, even though they have already gone up some In price. Those who contemplate buying should buy at once, before they go up etill higher. When buying tax exempt Issues, seek the long-term ones as these will show the greatest profit." (Taken from Babson's article of July, 1922.) Write, phone or call for full list of September offerings. LUMBER1V3 MNH BROADWAY and OAK