T THE-' MORNING OREGONIAXv WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1922 " 21 BtsivEss opportunities. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 347. Pittock Block. Washington at Tenth. Phone Broadway 11651. OREGON'S LEADING BROKERS. 12 Successful Teara in This Business. Our long record of satisfactory sales made proves the value of our service ftnti the merit of our propositions to oth buyers and seilers; we are sole and exclusive agents- for the following uuu nuu investments: BATTERY ELECTRIC SERVICE AND REPAIR STATION. Here is an exceptional opportunity for an ambitious and reliable young man to secure equal half interest in a busy battery and electrical repair service station; no better location; have agency for leading battery; prev 'i ious wpenence not essential, as I am a. first-ciajm battery and electrical re pair mechanic and will teach the right man the business; you can easily clear better than JI70 a month for yourself from the start; only $430 required. Dept. E. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. a ?er 18 an Penine for an ambitious 0 and reliable man to secure an equal interest in one of the best known and largest financial concerns in Portland; a clean, interesting and steady paving busInMs; special experience not essen tiol if you like office work and can meet the public; as the business is in creasing rapidly, need a man wfth self confidence and sound judgment to as sist in handling thf vA'im- r.r,ia will positively prove last month's re ceipts over K'JOO; you will never clear . . " 3UO pr month for yourself Only 500 required to handle. A bona V B"u" investment with a guaran .uviiic irom uie start. Oept. V. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. As I am enlarging my auto repair snoo I need a partner; my location is trte bet fireproof building, busy down town street; fully equipped shop; have 5 t ,foiIowin8 ot steady customers and I do only firsr-c-lja;. utk. r-rerer steady and reliable partner to n:red he! You need not be exper.enced this Tins f Vftii a pa handy with tools and are willing to earn and work up with the business. Your share of the profits should never be less than $J0o per month; my long lease guarantees a permant-nt location. If you are the ri?ht man 1450 will faan- Qie, a real bargain. Meet me at this t uiiicer. uept. l. CIGAR STAND SPECIALS OFFICE BUILDING CIGAR STAND; iu iouuy oi large aowiuown building vwuipifLe siap.e siock; fine iixtures u u.sni or isunuay work; one person can conduct this business; can easily j.d per montn; yam wiii handle HOTEL CIGAR STAND in best known hotel downtown ; elegant fix tures, wen stocKed; any lady or man can ciear iu to yJWt pr month price $150. Apply Dept. E. GAS AND OIL STATION $450; UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. only 4o0 required to secure an equal half interest in well-known and long- rswmisneo steady paying business fine, busy location, complete enuiD ment: handles full line of fast selling and popular oils, tires, accessories and supplies; also has modern vulcanizing wulj.1i.. i a. renaDie man to serve the customers and handle the cash; previous experience not necessary, as the work is easily learned; no trouble to clear better than $165 per month for yourself from the start; a genuine bargain; see my exclusive agents. Dept. GROCERY CASH AND CARRY Select, busy location; east wide apt. house district; a modern, attractive store; sublot space to meat market making rent low ; have long lease complete staple stork; a real live no buf'ness; month's receipts Jo.-00; right man will positively clear better than $400 per month; $50i down for fixtures and invoice stock; $3000 handles. Dept. B. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT We have just listed exclusively a res taurant and confectionery business of I!Dw,lfr, ft-clas'; no better location: established years: elegantly equipped Throughout; large Red Cross soda foun tain; has a good steady restaurant fhe:nnrh'y rerPipts avprage better than $.1000; price $G5(0; terms. Inves tigation Will prove this a wnnrirf..l buy. Dept. E. AUTO WRECKING BUSINESS. une of the oldest and leading con a7wavSlnaPO:IaHnd; WiM '"voice $7uSo; TrnuZl f8tfdyi.P'y,n business; no trouble to clear better than $700 net pXmon-.5X other intfrests cause sate. Price $.000; will accept $4000 cash aown. A rare opportunity to step into a long-established hiKin. ,(v. . ; hi rat... . . -.w. imui cover the investment. Dept. A. POOL ROOM AND CIGAR STAND As the busy season is now starting here is a good opportunity to step into another excellent paying business; choice location; no close competition; 3 modern pool tables ; complete stock and fixtures; can clear $2m or better per month. Price onlv J'.mio- btt buy in Portland. Dept. C- $44)0 INVESTMENT WITH SERVICES Need a steady and congenial partner to .loin me in conducting a growing bona fide paying business. I am thor oughly established and will teach the right man all that is ncessarv to know A business where you are sure to make better than $L'Oo per month for vour self. Dept. B. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT Only $450 required: excel'ent location in heart of hotel and auto district; long established, steady paving busino wlil positively clear $200 per month na-nt irom tne start and business will sei'J increase in winter season; ren only $50 month; a real bargain De partment A. BARGAIN FOR MAN AND WIFE Corner confet tionery and grocery, op posite large public school, with five . n.-ni-neu nving rooms and bath m connection; rent for store and rooms only S35. with lease; positively c.ears b-ttr than $2no net monthly now and 'Yf """ Mvreaj-es ,- per cent when "t" njy i-,u required tc handle. Dept C. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO Suite 347 Pittock B!k., Wash, at Tenth! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. I offer an equal undivided one-fourth interest in my business valued at $30,000 for $7AO0. $2000 cash, balance to be paid from earnings. I can show to the satisfaction of anyone that the earnings will exceed the full purchase "-r iirst year, meet me at 310-11 r n ii u: ping., .m and Alder sts. am f'mchu to sei out my stenographic business account of illness- brief'y mv equipment consists of the following- , nuuirugiapii, A o. j under wooa ivpewrner, flat-top desks. 1 ijpewnier uwk, o cnairs. Have beei eight years in one location. Other in leresung particulars upon request. L r , vreyo man. $ 1 000 POOL HALL $li00 Brick bldg., 5 shawcases. wall cases soda fountain. 3 pool tables, chairs' other fixtures, stock; old-established place and money-making place. A real snap. Partner cannot agree Some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. $5000 FOR DANDY corner meat market In best west side location, doing busi ness of more than $600 per week- rea sonable rent; good long lease. This is a money maker and exceptionally eood buy. $2MX will handle. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR 30O-2 Henry Bidg.. 4th and Oak Sts. OLD-ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT ON SIXTH STREET On account of death we are going to sacrifice this fit-class place on Sixth . o-year lea; JAO0 up on lease, hirt-class fixtures. $2000 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO 4Q-6 Panama B!dg.. :td and Alder SHOE REPAIR SHO"pT miles out in thickly settled com- I nunity; 2 nice living rooms and sleep-I ng porch. New equipment. Clears1 $l.i per day $1700. some terms. i JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. I I OWNER LEAVING PITT SAYS SELL MY BUSINESS NETTING 2.0 to $300 per mo.; lease over fair. car as pare payment. See Mr. Smith. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RESTAI-R A ."r nowntown restaurant doing $600 net business per month. Can prove this !Aoomant' Be" ' equi)ment- Price INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Brtny. 47.--1. Realtors. 410 Henry Rl'dg. HIGH-CLASS GARAGg ...VnE bua; ,WM 8ide SHTHge, netting l00 monthly: best possible location good lease. lor rent: a real business. I rioe J..1O11. part terms to responsible man. Call til'O Cham, of Com. bldg 4th and Stark. G ROC ER T -CON F ECTI ON ER Y BARGAIN. Here Is a., fine grocery and confec tionery: 5 living rooms and bath, oppo site large school. Clears SJllO per month. No agents. Call Sellwood 04L'4. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONER V. 3 nice living rooms and rent on:v $1.V Average better than f.i0 per day Price 127". Get busv MERRICK CO.. Realtors 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. S"42. AUTO wood-!iw with we;i-establih"J trade, earning from ,12 to tii per day Fric J4&0. Tabor 2913. r i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. Here is an excellent opoortunity to secure an equal haif Interest in the busiest and best-equipped small auto repair shop In Portland; fine, busy lo cation, est a hi ished. steady trade. Have more worn tnan can handle alone; pre fer an honest and reliable partner to hired help; previous experience not necessary if you are handy with tools; your opportunity to learn the business and clear better than $165 month for yourself from the start; only $250 re quired to secure an equal half interest. Don't fail to see this before you buy if you want the very best for the in vestment. Apply 347 Pittock block, Washington at 10th.. AN UNUSUAL GARAGE OFFER. In order to meet other obligations I am compelled to sacrifice my big pay ing garage, located on main thorough fare with no near competition; big sales of gas, oils, tires and accessories; storage more than covers all over head ; has well -equipped repair shop, keeping two men busy at all times ; also big battery and vulcanizing busi ness; books will show net profit of $400 to $500 per month. If inter ested in a real buy. be sure to see this. Price only $1500. Call 6J0 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. GROCERY SPECIAL. $2000 One of the best locations on the east side, doing $50 to J 60 a day. Would exchange for rooming house about same value. No fixtures to buy. $1800 Good location with 2 living rooms doing $33 to $40 a day; rent reasonable. $1'750 Corner location, with 3 living rooms ; doing $50 to $90 a day ; on west side. $215(i Corner location on east side, doing $35 to $40 a day; rent only $20. W. A. BENNETT, 317 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4582. GARAGE AND REPAIR 3HOP. PARTNERSHIP. Opportunity to buy equal half inter est in one of the best paying garages and repair shops for the amount in vested in Portland, j norougniy equip ped with all hand tools, welding out fit, electric drill, large stock oils and gas; wash rack. If you are mechan ically inclined this is your opportun ity: $650 for equal half interest; $450 cash, balance November 1. 310-11 Pan ama CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS, LIGHT LUNCH AND CONFECTIONERY. West side location on Portland's main street ; doing big business In cigars, soft drinks, ice cream and light lunches: valuable fixtures, soda foun tain, large mahogany back bar, front bar, cigar cases, confectionery cases, large staple stock ; fixtures and stock worth . the price asked. Price $1600. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Here is an opening for an ambitious, steady and reliable man to secure an equal interest In an old-established business downtown; experience not es sential if you are capable of meeting the public; you can easily clear better than $20O every month for yourself; price only $350; no better buy in Port land. Call OJU Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th ar. . Stark. MEAT MARKET and grocery, clean stock. 5 below invoice ; up-to-date fixtures, including refrigerating plant. at cost: located in growing town near Portland ; good growing business: dis agreement between partners forces sale. C 966. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE SNAP. Opportunity to buy one of the best paying grocery .stores in Portland, west sde lo'tion, doing $100 day business: all fretff staple stock at invoice. This is a real grocery and worthv of your investigating It. About $3000. 310-11 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. . MERCHANTS, LISTEN! I have some real buyers for stores; If you really want to sell and sell right, come in and see me, or call Bdwy. 6S0S. If Harper cannot sell your place, forget about it. You will find him at 21S Rv. Exchange bldg. HERB YOU ARE. $600. light grocery and ronf.. west side, well located, with living rooms. Thi is a real buy; good chance for improvements. See Harper. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. ' AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Clears $275 month; will invoice more than price asked; $2000 will handle; full equipment machinery. Invetti gate. Room Ml Railway Exchange. HAVE excellent opportunity in lumber industry; fully equipped mill, located close to Portland; doing fine business: must be sold ; no agents. See owner, E. Jordan, 225 11th St.. Portland WOOD HAUL. Trucks from just a few dollars up to anything you can stand, any size make or price. No brokerage. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0601; eve.. East 2148. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Owner; storage garage, also repair ing, wants active man as partner; pre fer a mechanic; $800 required, secured. Room 51 1 Railw ay Exchange. FOR SALE Half interest in lunch room, clear $35 per week. Price $60O cash. Have to leave city. Box K .943, Ore gonian. $lOO:i LIGHT GROCERY $1600. 4 living rooms in connection ; rent ?.; goou location. tan t be beat this price. Vail. 624 Iienry bldg. OPENING for grocery near large west side 1 school: U h.k. rooms for sale with privilege of renting store. At- watcr o4. i I ior:.iT ginuery in payroll town on account uf dissolution of partnership rttocK. iixtures ami r nrd delivery car for $..-0Q. AV 4. Oregonian. FOR SA I.E Confectionery, cigars and soft drink parlor, cheap; owner leaving city. Apply N. LImoc. 562 Larrabee St.. cnrner Allxna; pric $200. DR. WANTS lady partner with $500. in a hydrotlierp , inst itute ; will teach you; pfvod ior $3ii0 month. E 918, 'rpjconian. Lur,.cn meat niiiiKet, oett stand on i amniN st. v nl consider partner: do ing fine business. C. W. Millership, i - "2 si. 5.4M1 GROCERY and confections, four neautiiui living rooms, bath, fine dis trict, no near competition. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. Ft R SA LE Small manufacturing and wholesale business; good profits; $200 -wi'd hanole. I' 911. Oregonian. OLYMPIA Oy Oeo. Anesr. er House, 121 Ruf.sel st, Bus! newt Op poit unities W anted. WANTED C.rm-ery store and conf'eetion--?ry combined. $700 to $12o'i; will pay cash. ALSO First -class grocery store on good terms. Must invoice the price. What have vou ? WICKMAN At JONES REALTY CO.. 213 Stock Exchange Bldg. Or call Main 2451. WANTED Grocery with living rooms from $500 ud: have clients with r- h waiting: list with us: we eet remilts. i Lati iorris or rtotramei, with I) O. Metten. Realtor, suite 415. Ry. Exch. bldg.. Bdwy. 340O. 1 K Yt U WANT Ti SELL Y UR GROCERY OR MEAT MARKET CALL US. 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwv. 5948. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. WE CAN SELL YOUR POOL HALL OR CIGAR STAND. Phone us and we will call for listing. 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. n94K. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS 1 WANT a grocery store, preferably with living rooms; must oe located west of 14th and north of Everett sts. Phone Broadway 6i42. WANT a grocery store, preferaoly with living rooms; must he located west of 14th and north of Everett sts. Phone Broadway 6942. WANTED. BOARDING AND ROOMING. I have $500 to invest in board ing house, must he in good neighborhood. Call Bdwy. 1578. , FARM lands and cash for merchandise business. Box 7. Madras, Or. SO 0 Tmijk Sm& toORES THE: v-. i v., . at, . i T -ABOUT ME' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. fiuslnrwH Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN TEN DATS. - FOR QUICK ACTION list your busi ness with the largest, strongest and fastest selling organization specializ ing in all lines of business in the northwest. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Partnerships formed, additional cap ital procured ; business is good with us; we have many buyers waiting; our selling system, backed up by expert salesmen. NEVER falls. It's results that count; we have sold many others, why not yours ? We can sell your business in 10 days. MAKE US PROVE IT. Phone Bdwy. 2651. Note our col umn of salew ads. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Suite 347 Pittock bldg.. Wash, at 10th, PARTY with long business experience and wide acquaintanceship wishes to enter business; manufacturing pre ferred ; references exchanged. R y60. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. EXCEPTIONAL GOOD BUY. 3-story corner apt. house, 42 rooms, 12 apts., modern, with bath; oil burner, house in excel lent condition inside and out. This house is positively the best buy in the city and will pay out, including apt. for owner, in 5 years. Investigate If you want a real buy. $10,000 cash will han dle. See Mr. Tice, with E. M. ELLIS. REALTOR, LEASE SPECIALIST. 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060. 14 ROOMS swell furniture, in Nob - Hill distinct, netting $85 and a 3-room apt. for o-.ner. Will trade on larger house. 15 rucms. on Wash. st.. close in. ni' -sty transient. Must sell at once. Would consider car as prt payment. 9 rooms and double garage ; rental $3?. extra good f urn. ; grossing $130. Excellent location. $1000 to handle. If you are looking for a good home and an income, too, be sure and see i hi 6-room house; rent $33. Including garbage and water and lawn taken care of. $.100 will give you possession. See Mrs. Casaday, with H. W. OSBORNE CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DOW NT OWN HOTEL. 50-room. corner, brick; ground floor lobby, elevator, some pri vate baths, good furniture and rugs : 5-year lease; nets $750 now; good transient location; House will pay out in 2V years; $16,000 cash required. See Mr. T:ce, with E. M. ELLIS. REALTOR. Lease Specialist. 428 Morgan Bldg. Main B060. SACRIFICE. I must sell my apartment house. 42 rooms, modern brick apartment, have 4-year lease, house partly furnished, all apart ments rented, steady tenants, one of the nicest apartments In the city: will seli. for $500O, good terms. See McCauley, HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Bdwy. 3626. FOR HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES LEASES AND PROPERTIES None too targe or too small. Take advantage of our years of person al experience in this line. See us before buying ; it costs you nothing. G C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405, Stock Exchange Bldg., Main 4354-4355. . NEW TODAY. 19 rooms. 2 garages, well fur nished throughout, 3 baths, building newly painted. 2-year"1 lease. $800 will handle, small balance. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. ilx. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. $500 DOWN BUYS 24 ROOMS, ALL H. K. Lease over the fair. Rent less than $5 per room. NETS $140 MONTHLY. Full price only $3000. Easy monthly payments arranged. On west side, close in. This "place is a guaranteed buy and carries our recommenantion. ARTHUR L. SCOTT. 3"0 Chamber cf Commerce. BARGAIN. 20 rooms, all gas ranges, all rooms rented. rent $55 with leas?, price ? 2200, netting over $100. good terms. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Kl RST -CLASS furnishings and lease of 6-room modern flat, well arranged for tenting, close to Dental college; could give board and have nice home and in come. Rent $3M. Price $850. terms. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. HOTEL SPECIAL. 7'i rooms, transient hotel, cor. brick bldg., s'.vum heat, hot and cold water: lease to 1926; rent S5 a room. A real money maker and $9000 cash will han dle, see us about this one at 317 Henry Bldg. - WILL TRADE. Furniture end lease of a large mod ern apartment house, white pressed brick bldg., automatic elevator, ail private bath?, for a west side hotel. Equity $17.5(H. EE MRS KELLER. Ceo T. Moore Co. 1 0(7 Vein f!dg R( ttjM I.Nti house, completely furnished, modern house, fireplace, furnace heat, near big college and walking distance to city; have a few boarders: man and wife can make big money here ; this elesrant place for $850, terms. UNIVERSAL SALES. 435 Railway Ex. DAD KENNEDY'S SPECIAL. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 18 rooms H. K., clean and on two floors. This house caters to the best districts. If you want something good seA Dad. with H, W. Osborne Co. LOVELY, nine-room house, good furni ture, for sale $1000; cash or trade to $450. balance time ; consider good lot. Apply 664 Wasco, corner 19th, Irving ton. APARTMENT LEASE WEST SIDE. To be built and leawed for term of years. lO two-room apts., fully mod ern, rent $250. $5000 advance rental. W 973. Oregonian. NEW APARTMENT LEASE. Will build at once. 45 apts.. White Temple district, leaee for term of years. 1421 N. W. BANK BLDG. BUILDING NEW APARTMENT HOUSE 48 2-room apts., private baths, west side ; $7.VK cash security required. Plans at our office. 323-4 Chamber ft Commerce bldg. EIGHT rooms, 4 apartments, nice home. $000 handles. See owner today. 187 12th street. NOIJ HILL Four 2-rm. apts. and attic. Rent $45; price right. 618 Henry bldg. Broadway 4835. 6 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $1000 will handle; good lease. 422 Cham, of Com. VtXTG I Copyright. 1922. Nfwsp.perfr.nire Servire. Inc.. Great Britain rights Tfjcrj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. OVER 5 rooms, one of the best transient hotels in Portland, first-class condi tion, long lease. Price $20,000. We recommend this as & good buy. Over 40-room aot.. ail full and net ting about $750 per month; good east siae location, close in ; good iease. Price 127.500 with s-ood terms. 45-room hotel, all new furniture, oil burner furnace, good lease ; must sell to settle ousiness affairs. trice , 000. This is a dandy buy. 30-room hotel and ant., all new fur niture. with a 7-year lease. Will sell for $8000 if sold this week. 16 h. k. rooms, new ivory and ma hogany furniture, good rugs, straight iease to ltfo. wmte iempie aistncc. Come in and see us. We guarantee a square deal. F. B. TOMLIN & CO. 601-2 Corbett Bldg. 16 ROOMS, S 2s, all H. K. ; nets $100; $550 will handle. 1 1 H. K. rooms ; $950 ; $500 cash will handle. 14 H. K. rooms, close in W. S. ; nets $100; price $S00 cash. 37 H. K. rooms, W. S. : lease; rent $92; nets $150; $1800 rilt handle. 30 rooms, all H. K.. for $2400; part terms; rent only $50. with lease. Fine modern brick apt.. 61 rooms, all full; nets $500; $8500 will handle. HOLLY REALTY CO.. 436 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6653. HOTEL. A commercial and touriat hotel Busi ness for sale. It is paying the present owner 70 profit per year on the money he is asking for the business. Will net over $1200 this month; con tains 40 rooms, has hot and cold water !n all rooms, a number of private and public baths, "modern brick building, large lobby and dining room, long-time lease at low rent. Located In live southern Oregon town on Pacific high way. Doing a capacity business. Fur niture and equipment in best of con dition. Price $11,000. Must have $8000 cash, balance terms. See McClure & schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. n ALL THESE WITH LEASE. 1 2 rooms, good location, good ten ants, rent $60. Price $1800, $1300 cash. 16 rooms, apartment, new furniture. Rent $50. Price $2500, $1000 cash. 13 rooms, 14th and Main. Good con dition. Rent $65. Price $2600, $1500 cash. IG-room apartment house, upper Hoyt st. Rent $00. Price $3700, $2500 cash. 27-room workingman's r o o m 1 n g houpe. Close in, east side. Price $3900, $1500 cash. These are good money makers. We uave otner smaller nouses. io lease FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Com. ' APARTMENT HOUSE. SEE DAD KENNEDY for 70-room, fine, modern, up-to-the-minute, close-in W. S. house ; lease is2i. at $300 rao.; $600 net income: $M0O will handle. Reliable party will v get the beet buy In Portland. H. w. OSBORNE CO. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. offers you this choice 42-room apart ment house, modern throughout; over $m0 income; pressed brick bldg. Must sell one- PRICE AND TERMS ON APPLICATION. LEASE 4 years at $300 per month. SEE DAD KENNEDY. A REAL BUY 15 rooms, ail housekeeping; close in. west side, nice corner location; furnace. This place nets $100; al ways full: takes $1,000 to handle; price $2,000. SEE MRS. PRESTON WITH G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405, Stock Exchange Bldg., Main, 4354-4355. HOTEL. Has not changed ownership for three years; excellent transient business; corner brick modern bldg.; long lease. A money maker. Owner wants to rest up. will sell for $30,000. some terms. RICH AN BACH & CO.. Suite 605 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4143. 13-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. $1800. Good furniture, good location, all full of good tenants. Year-to-year -iease. rtent ou; tiduu casn. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $1150. Close in. rent $35; $500 cash. Have other good listings. SEE US TO BUY oijiiju. Air. Lamb, witn FRED W. GERMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Com. WE HAVE THE PLACE. A lovely home and a erood Income. Only personal inspection can convince you that this is the best that money can. buy; tease; best location, $2500 aiwn. THOMSON A- THOMSON. REALTORS. 020 Henry Bldg. NEW ON THE MARKET. Furniture of 12 rooms. lease. 7 bed rooms. 2 fine baths, hot-water heat, hardwood floors; ideal for high-class boarding house; neighborhood of dental college; $3800 cash, small balance terms; agents don't answer. Owner, G 903. pregonian. SIX ROOMS furniture and lease, new and spotlessly clean, close in. east side, near colleges, everything modern, rent $:t3. including water, garbage and and care of lawn. $1150. including player piano, or $850 without; not less than $500 cash. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bidg. MARY E. LENT COMPANY 523-4-5 N. W. BANK BLDG EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES SIXTEEN YEARS IN THIS BU3I NKSS IN PORTLAND. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotels, apartment or rooming nuuoca witn u, jour interests win al ways be protected; we have cash buy- cii wtiiuug iur your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A. GOOD BUY. 11 rooms, H. K., 4 kitchenettes, splendid furniture, good west side loca tion, rent $50, lease. Price $1450, terms. OSCAR E. NELSON. 433 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6252. r R i C E .$1 0,000 T ER M S. Lease over fair; good furnishings of 17 modern apts. : brick bldg.; excellent condition; nets $300. THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors. 620 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE. A modern hotel of 29 rooms. lobby and living rooms; has a net earning from $300 to $500 per month. Buy thU from owner and secure a real money maker. Address AV 298, Oregonian DIRECT from owner. Do you want to buy a good lease and furnishings of very nitre api. nouse, mouern, good location. Fine investment, low price. P 910. Oregonian. 6 ROOMS, all housekeeping, with ga rage, on Wash, st., west side : fine furniture. $450 takes it. C. W. Miller shlp. 165 4th st. Main 5275. FALLS CITY HOTEL Oniy hotel in c.ty; a real snap; $1500 cash will han dle, balance $2500 to suit; no trade. H. Mather Smith. Falls City. Or. FOR SALE 26 furn. rooms, very reason able; must leave town owing to ill ness; west side. Main 1030. 493 Yam hill st. WANTED Woman to sell rooming houses, hotels and apartment houses ARTHUR L. SCOTT. Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3R68. FOR LEASE A 3o-room rooming house, furnished. Write to 360 N. Capital -.t.. Salem, Or. OWNER leaving, 11 h. k. rooms, walking distance, income $125; rent $35; best buy in city, $800; terms. 349 Salmon st. BEST LITTLE rooming house buy In city; make fine business location 829 Main st., Bdwy. 6765. FOLLY AND EVERYBODY U1 AGREE WITH T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSE. 16 rooms; first time on mar ket; walking distance; good fur niture; 10 cords of wood in the basement; all goes .for $1200 cash. HTGH-CLASS APARTMENT HOUSE. 26 rooms ; hardwood floors ; best of furniture; clean as a pin; beautiful yard and flowers. This house shows a net income of $300; on account of sickness will pell at a great sacrifice; come in .nd get our price and terms. PETERSON-YORK CO., INC. 30 4th St. Ground Floor. Broadway 8019. ROOMING HOUSE. 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; iight down town; rent only $30; best of furniture; a good home and Income for someone; small payment down, balance easy. 5 PETERSON-YORK CO., INC. 89 4th St. Ground Floor. Broadway 8019. ROOMING HOUSE. 9 rooms furnished ; 4 rooms down stairs; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch up; good basement and furnace: bed ding, linen, dishes, carpets and cur tains all new; everything goes" for month. Rent $15; 3-year lease. JOHN M. KKOG CO. 412 W;icox Bldg. Broadway 1375. TAKE NOTICE. On account ot" the death of my wife I will sacrifice mv boarding and room ing house for $:1JH)0. Will take corner 'ot as part payment. Dandy prop, for man and wife. All full. See Smith. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APARTMENT. Close in on west side; 28 rooms, 14 apartments. extra well furnished ; 4-year lease, $225; takes in $480 ; net .ncorae $250 per month. $8000. half down, balance $125 per month. JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. CAN YOU BEAT IT? 36 H. K. rooms, right downtown; corner brick bldg. ; 4-year lease, rent $10; no rooms vacant. Here is a real money maker. Price $3800; some terms. See this. 317 Henry Bldg. DOWN TOWN HOTEL. 39 rooms, N. W. heat, lease, at $275. Price $7000, $4000 cash. Will trade for smaller place and some cash; nets Hbout $300. 1. E. SPENCER & CO. ftl" Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 6 ROOMS, lovely furniture, rent S45. lease $850. Bdwy. 4835. Mrs. Rector. Hotels and Rooming Houses Wanted, NOTICE! NOTICE! If you have a hotel, apt. house or rooming house to sell and want to get quick action PHONE BDWY. 4582. or call at 317 HENRY BLDG. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of groceries of the inventory valuation of $2191.85. together with fixtures used in and about the same of the inventory valuation of $2139. 15, and one auto d-elivery car, all located at No. 987 N. W. corner of 7th stree-t and Olney avenue, Astoria, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, September 1, 922. The inventory may be seen at my office and the property may be inspected on the premisses. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent will be required on each bii. The light is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Oregon, August 26, 1922. R. L. SABIN, . 740 Morgan Bldg. NOTICE is- hereby given that the under signed will receive sealed bids until 10 o'clock A. M., September 7, 1922. for a hotel and Its contents (partially damaged by fire), located on William ette boulevard at McKenna avenue, in the City of Portland, Ore. No bids will be considered unless ac companied by a certified check to the order of the company ipr 5 per cent of amount of bid, balance payable upon acceptance of bid by the company. Bids will be received for the build ing and contents only, building to be i removed inside of thirty days of ac ceptance of bid. The company reserves the right to reject any ana an olds. PENINSULA LUMBER COMPANY. P. O. Drawer 4198, Portland, Ore. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY , BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is herebby tiven that on Mnrv day. September 11, 1922. the Board of Equaiation or. Aiuitnoman county will attend at the office of the County As sessor, at tne courthouse in Portland and publicly examine the assessment rolls ior tne year i22, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other prop erty assessed by the County Assessor. And it shall be the duty of persons in terested to appear at the time, and place appointed. If it shall appear to suci Board of Equalization that there are any lands or lots or other property assessed twice, or incorrectly assessed as to description or quantity, and in the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond the actual cash value there of, said Board may make proper cor rection of the same. If it shall appear to such board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the As sessor are not assessed, such board shall assess the same at the full cash value - thereof. HIRAM U. WELCH. County Assessor Portlar-d, Oregon, August 15. 1922. I.OST AND FOrXTJ. LOST Monday, spring bumper between Rainier and Portland. Reward. At water 4323. LOST Bunch of keys, probably between Hall st. and depot. Return to Orego n ian. Reward. A GOLD cut f link with initial R., be tween E. Stark and E. Salmon, on 12th to 25th. East 4618. LOST Blue Persian cat. Mrs. Victor Ives, 120 Hamilum ave. Atwater 2664. Reward. LOST Walt ham wrist watch with black wrist band, somewhere on East Glisan. Phone Tabor 2747. Reward. 7 ROOMS. H. K., wal king distance, brick. 4 yrs'. lease at $10O, $2900. terms. We want offer. Kerr 301 Yamhill. LOST Police dog in Hawthorne district. Black fcpot on tail. Reward. F. H. Larned. Tabor 2854. LOST Large velvet bag on Pacific high way, near Toledo. Wash. Valuable con tents. Call Atwater 1977. LOST Ivory pin on 21 st st. or between - 21st and Park on Washington, Satur day. Reward. Broadway 2080. SLOST Airedale dog, right fore Coot slightly crooked. Answers to name of "Bobby." Suitable reward. Bdwy. 2386. LOST.. Black female Cocker spaniel dog on "west side. Phone East 6235. Re ward. LOST A black fox neckpiece, reward. Apply 201, Portland Hotel. LOST An upper plate of teeth. Reward. Auto. 636-91. LOST White female pup, one eye. one blue eye. Tabor 6852. LOST On Col. Beach Sunday, Brownlfe camera. Finder please call Empire 0117. YELLOW Persian male cat, strayed from home. Finder call Walnut 2137. Reward. LOST 1 black handbag on west side, 11:30 P. M., Aug. 28. Phone Main 4584. HER PALS TiME. I KtSG E-.R. She Jess ASH. Shuts r 8UME' 'ER? ASH LB. BY CLIFF STEKHETT, LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN If one of the two women with the blue capes that stole the little Boston bull pup out ot our window Monday just before noon, re turns it at once, she will save herself much trouble. After Wednesday, we will pay a liberal reward for the name of the thief. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2nd st. THE following articles were found on cars of the p. R,, L. & P. Co.. Aug. 2S: 2 umbrellas. 4 lunch boxes. 3 purses, 1 cape, 1 suitcase, 2 handbags, 1 pair gloves, 1 fur, 5 packages, 1 saw. 1 bundle posts, 1 key, 1 flashlight. 1 pair glasses, 1 brif case. Owners may ob tain same at First and Alder streets. LOS 'ft Small black leather traveling case, near Maryhill, Wash. A liberal reward will be paid for return of bag ana contents to 363 west Park st, Portland. Main 4172. LOST, Strayed or stolen male shepherd dog about 1 year old; reward will be paia ior tne return of dog or infor mation leading to his return. Willard r. Jiawiey Jr., 400 E. 22d. N. ; E. 2695 LOST Airedale dog, answers to name of "Pat," in vicinity of East ISth. near rwicKitat st.; has Cheyenne, Wyo.. li cense on collar. Finder phone Bdwy. 2S78. Reward. LOST Man's gold watch at Little Jack iran rails. on highway, between Rainier and Goble ; reward. Call E. uij or 44o Vancouver avenue. LOS r 34x4 Miller tire and rim be tween Mist, Pittsburg and St. Helens. Reward of $5 will be oaid for return to I. Aronson, 340 Washington st. suit Monday ntieht. somewhere be tween 39th and Hawthorne or Div. to 66th st and 27th ave. Tabor 245S. PARTY who picked up female police pup on Canyon road return to 49 1st st.. Portland, or call Bdwy. 3333. WILL party finding wrist watch in Mar kell's wash room, call Tabor 1859. Re ward. LOST While driving through city, black nAvcwuB oag. i-iease caii Bdwy. 1280. LOST Bunch Ya!e lock keys and white gloves. Bdwy. 4374. Reward. FINANCLVL. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6. As Portland residence loan corre spondents for the New York Life In surance company, we are able to offer the best form of residence mort gage loan obtainable. All loans appraised and closed local ly. NO DELAYS. We are also in a position to handle iuwiisage loans on inside business properties and apartment houses. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., Ground Floor, Wells-Fargo Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., I'Ob SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN. HOME OR BUSINESS PROPERTY. We have money for straight loans on c.ty residences or commercial proper ties at ruling rates. Loans will be promptly appraised and closed by ua NO DELAY. STRONG & McNAUGHTON, 700 Corbett Bids. WE OFFER a limited amount of secured short-term paper of highest quality anu uciuus our unquaunea inaorse- mem, aiscountea to yield 6& per cent WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., ou tn st.. Portland, Oregon. Phone Bdwy. 6464. EUROPEAN SECURITIES We buy and sell German and other European government and municlnal bonds; also German industrial stocks and currency. TRANSATLANTIC ESTATES & CREDIT. CO. 210 Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark FEAR & GRAY, 102 FOURTH STREET. BUY BONDS AND MORTGAGES: MAKE FARM LOANS TlTROUCrHOUT OREGON AND WASHINGTON AND COLLATERAL LOANS O'N THE SE CURITY OF MARKETABLE BONDS AND STABLE LISTED STOCKS, WILL discount $150, 2d mortgage, on 320-acre valley ranch, payable in 5 annual payments. J043 Cham, of Com FOR SALE $1400 2d mortgage, payable -monthly, on 5-room bungalow; will dis- count. juw inamner or commerce. CASH for mortgages and sellers con tracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 cnam. or com Didg. Bdwy. 6007 CASH paid for mortgages, sellers' con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, i ia Lewis oidg., 4th and Oak. LOANS and securities. Broadway 5890. i-.ee iavenport, ttia uucnanan bldg. WE LOAN money on automobiles. Gran ning & Treece, 102 N. Broadway. FIRST and second mortgages bought; quick action. 215 Lewig bldg. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds bought mnuii, j nitiiwa.j' tixcn a n ge. Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE 74 shares A. D. S. stcok at 50 cents a share; less than the market quotation. Lloyd Millhollen, Corvallls Or. FOR SALE 1000 shares Anderson Broa inc.. nest oner. & U47, Oregonian Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. Pay for your home like others pay rent by our v MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN. Also straight mortgage if desired. WESTERN BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residence. apartment houses and other income real estate. cay nere. ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewals charges. Building loans also. Other funds as since 1907. LARGE AMOUNTS. Central Business Property &. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., United States Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up $n improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. WANTED By young man with good po sition, $3,000. to be Njsed in paying for the building of a home in Alameda Park while getting soldier bonus loan completed; possibly six months. S 652, Oregonian. H A V E cash for completed building con tracts. Phone Main 0072. Francis. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Solomon & Co., 307 Ry. Exch. bldg. NOTES bought Money loaned. Oliver M. HIckey, Atty., 826 N. W. Bank bldg. e i Kia4 YOO FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS, 6 PER CENT. Five-year period with repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof on interest dates. INSTALLMENT LOANS. rf 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all of principal on first of any month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. , 6 PER CENT. Five-year od, with repayment privileges. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. BRICE MORTGAGE COMPANY. Portland Mortgage Correspondent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bidg. Main 8308. MORTGAGE LOANS. 1 to 15 years. LARGE OR SMALL. DWELLINGS APARTMENTS. FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES. Low Interest Rates Prompt Service. INSTALLMENT OR STRAIGHT. Unlimited Funds Immediately Avail able, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Sixth and Morrison. OWN YOUR OWN HOME BY PAYING LIKE RENT. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $25.36 per month for 48 months, 'or $21.34 per month for 60 months, or $18.60 per month for, 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 98 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Other amounts in same proportion. City loans on Improved property or for improvement purposes; no com missions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. $500 to $50,000 on city property. We make a specialty of small loand. $400. $600, $800, $1000. Plenty of capital. Can pay at once If good title is furnished. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BUILDING LOANS. ATTENTION. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. 5-year straight money. We also buy 2d mtgs. and sellers contracts. Mr. Martin, Financial Dept. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Artisans bldg.. Bdy. at Oak. Bdy. 7522. $1000 $1500- 2000 $2500 $6000. NO DELAY-CURRENT RATES. LARGER AMOUNTS IF DESIRED. IMPROVED CITY OR FARM PROP ERTY. W. S. POINDEXTER, 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE LOANS. We have local private funds for Im mediate loans on improved city prop erty at current rates, in amounts from $500 to $10,000. Keep your interest payments in Oregon. See C. V. Hawk, loan department, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. STX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money for RESIDENCE LOANS. Also farm loans. Quick Service. Liberal Repayment Privileges. COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third St. Bflwy. 6068. 6 LOANS may be secured for any pur pose on farm lands, irrigated lands, to buy or build homes, city or farm, under our first-mortgage certificates. Bankers Reserve Deposit Co., Gas & Electric bldg., Denver, Colo. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest curfent rates on Willamette val ley farms; no deiayg. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amount at lower rates on city or country property; prompt and help ful service. PAGET & PAGET, Realtors. 283 Stark St.. nr. 4th. Bdwy. 3794. WE HAVE money available for good residence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest avail able rates. ' MORTGAGE BOND CO. Bdwy. 2021. Wilcox Bldg. PAY YOUR mortgage by Installments; 6 per cent interest on new principal after each payment; no commission; repay ment privileges any amount at any time. Walnut 0412. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; tavorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. $250, $400, $500, $700, $850. $1000 and up. low rates, quick action. Money on hand. Pay off any part any time. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 630 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6V. and 7 per cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. MONEY to loan in any amount at low est rates of interest on city Improved property. rirst mortgages nought and sold. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, city, farms or sub urban property; BUILDING LOANS A SPEClALii. Kroadway 740 WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Failing Bldg. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. xoans quiCMiy closed. F. H. DESHON. 1007 Spalding bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO., - J Lrayco ouiiding. $500. $1000 AND UP on imp. real estate, favorable terms, no delay, no broker age. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan, $250 to $1500. Contracts, 2d moitgages bought. C. C. Murton, 612 Worcester bldg., phone 511-25. $2000, $2500 AND $4000 to loan. Henry W. Goddard, Broadway 7831. 243 Stark street. MONEY loaned on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com $200. $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP low rates, quick action. Fred W Ger man Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce MONEY loaned on city property, lowest rates, contracts, ia mortgages bought SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE rn 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND a v u aiAniv o j. rt ji Hi i b. LOAJNS at current rates on weii.im proved farms and city property. K. K. .paxier, opaiaing n i a g. $1000 TO $5000 TO LOAN; my own money. B 681, Oregonian. VIT II -AuA -3Q M. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATiiS, QUICK SERVICE? . LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PI ANOS, V1CTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rays reasonable. Private offices. All business, strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed.) 300-307 Dekum Bldg. Broadway 5857. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOAKS SALARY. We loan money to salaried and work ing men on their personal notes; rates reasonable; easy payment plan; no se curity, no indorser. Alt business strict ly confidential. Call and investigate our system of lending money. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, ( Licensed.) 218 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6994. DAN MARX & CO.. 315 Washington stT. near 6th St.; established over 35 years: only high -class jewelry store In city with loan department in connection; private rooms for ladles; business strictly confidential; under state super vision; all articles held one vear. Do business with an old-established Vrm. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In. storage with us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Sts., Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715 MONEY to loan on diamonds, jnwelry ; confidential service, govern in' t licensed and bouded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 283 Washington st. Broadwav 6725. r MONEY to loan: diamonds, jewelry, etc.; legal rates; articles held I vear. Vines' Jewelry, cor. Third and Washington $100 TO $1000 to loan on good security, private party. Write AN 861, Oregonian. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. SECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGES OS IMPROVED CITY AND FARM PROPERTY: OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU; ABSTRACTS ARE EXAMINED, PROPERTY KEPT INSURED. INTEREST COLLECTED FOR CLIENTS W. S. POTNDEXTER. 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WANTED To borrow from $7000 to $10. 000 for from 2 to 6 years on flour mill and elevator property and equipment invoiced last year at $65,000, in good community and thriving town In Idaho. AV 355. Oregonian. CAN place money on good first-mortgage loans in amounts $500, $600. $700 and $10iin at 8 per cent; no charge made for lending or collecting Inter est. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham her of Commerce building. WANT $2500, 7. ON IMPROVED Portland property, reasonable value $8500. RTTTER. LOWE CO., 2"l-2-3-ft-7 Board nf Trade Bldg WANTED $2500. 7, for 3 years; nine room stucco house, in Portland Hts. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO INC.. Bdwy. 4 8:t7. 224 Henry Rldg. W ANTED $120O, 7r, 3 yfiars; new house, ii acre ground; value $3000. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. INC. Bdwv. 4H37. 224 Henry Bldg $45O0 TO $5noo from private party on 8 room, modern home in best part Laurelhurst; value $H.0oO. see Mr. A st 1024 Board of Trade bldg. MO N K Y wanted from private party, ,$.'1000, 7 per cent, 3 years; good se curity an Improved Park Rose prop erty. E 917. Oregonian. WANTED Loan oT $1200 on modern 3 room bungalow and 2 lots, now clear of inrumhrance ; no agents. Bdwy. 47S6, WANT $ 1 750. 7 3 years, modern .si -ronm bungalow with sleeping porch. ftQ9 Chamber of Commerce bldir. WANT J600 val. $3500. Way 74 2!. on 5ux too cor., 2 housen, 201 McKay bidg. Broad - SEE OREGON IN v. MORTGAGE CO. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. 2D A.T STARK STREETS. WANTED, dir. ft, $2000, 3 years, 7, good scurltv. East 6799. $1700 ON close In. IMPROVED rel property, 606 Gasco bldg. At. 04K. PERSONAL. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no after effects, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene. Dr. E. J. Kles-ndahl. Above Majestic Theater. 851 H Wash. LADIES. TA KARA, ANTISEPTIC POWDER, a soothing, cleansing, healing, germi cidal and Invigorating douche; a great aid In female disorders; 50c and $1. PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY. DR. NETTIE BENSON Electric cabinet and mineral steam baths, hot and cold showers, expert manipulation, elect rio violet ray and traction treatments for chronic ailments. 711 S wetland bldg. Broadway 6799. MISS LEE RANDALL, trained nurse, gives best steam baths, violet ray, electric and v.bratory massages in city. All patients given personal care. 215 S wet la nd hidg. RHEUMATISM and stomach troubles yield to Lang's Mineral Wonder when all else fails. A mineral, not a drug. ,Pkg. $1. Used by thousands. Portland Dlst. Co.. 314 Stark, neat 6th, Portland. STUDY massage and hydrotherapy; pre pares one for sanitarium work, physl cian's assistant or private practice. Port land School of Mass ge, 414-19 ?stocK Men, niflg. Alain 27;j2. $1 GETS both fet fixed up at DT Eaton's, chiropodist and arch spec, who doesn't hurt you ; 8 yrs here ; exam, free. Blue Mouse bldg. 1 1 th. Wash. WOULD like to meet party going to Cal ifornia with automobile; would stop off and fish along road. D 956, Ore gonian. VIT-O-NET. sweats, massage, manicure, ' shampoo, face, scalp massage, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sun. Mrs. Alice Robert son. 501 Swet land bldg. Bdwy. 2563. MISS WALLACE, late of Vancouver. B. O., chiropodist, manicurist, face, scalp massage. 350 H Morrison St., apart ment 214. No phone calls. DR. LOUISE NETZEL treats rheuma tism, etc. Electric appliance, naturo path, manipulation. 546 Columbia St. Main 5508. PRIVATE car going to Loa Angeles. Will take 3 to pay expenses. Phone Main 0747. JAZZ piano be.ginnern, 10 lessons guar anteed. rrRcuce rooms, "jazz" Par ker. 516 Ellers bldg.. Wash, at., at 4th. NURSE gives steam baths, massage. treats rheumatism, neuritis. 417 Swet. land bldg. w AM DRIVING to Seaside SatnMay aftef- noon, can tane one passenger, p 940, Oregonian. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re moved. 10-needle method; trial free. Joaie Finley, S14 Bush & f.nne. M. B3h' STEAM baths, hut or cold showers and vibration; nurse attendant. 322 Flied ner bldg- MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. 10 to n P. M. Also Sunday FEBVET & 1IANEBUT. leading wig a toupee makers, permanent marcel ai4 water wavlnga, 34i) Alder. Main .V! DR. A N N E. KRI-EO-ER. NATUROPATH. (W 5th St. Phone Main 1260. BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Dekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. HStO" BATHS, body, massage, for rheumati.m. constipation, kidneys. Dr. Emma iJnr. enson, 508 Panama hidg. Bdwy. TO.Srt. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean Second and Morrison. ' HAIR, moles, pimples removed (diplomas Boston, cnicago ana state medical board). S01 Broadway bldg. Main 5 1 0. SHIRTS made to order and repaired by Miss nuae. x none Aiwaier OUDII. 4I2 4th St. MINERAL steam buths. massage, violet ray. .riours iu to a. to ciay. Main 8:t.VJ. Dr. Eva Rollins. Naturopath. THE much-talked-of V'ader (Wash.) treatments can oe nan at oo-12 leigh bldg.. 327 Washington, cor. Sth, - O - NET sweats, massage, elec. treat ment tor coias. neuritis, sciatica, rheu matism. 45oSIorganhMgMa In 7570. DOLLY NORTON, MANICURIST, 405 BUCHANAN BLDG. CABIN ET BATH, elec, hand and body massage. H. C. W. Bdwy. 32.-.f DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you See viere'Tr.. uuiirioin. ifKum piog. SWEDISH MASSAGE. HOURS 1 p. M. TO 9 P. M. BROADWA T 7001. PROSTATE trouble cured without opera. tlon. LJr. rt. a. j-nnups. adwy. bldg. AT i'OL'R home, both feet fixed up. Expert chiropodist, arch fitter. M. 4520. l'BIMEDA BALM. formerly Balm of Figs. fc4 M st. sell. 2213 mornings. PLEASE write again. Hav ioat ad. area. f