18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1923 FOR SALE.. llanos. Organs and Musical Instruments. USED PHONOGRAPHS. We have a fin line of good used phonographs: all makes; at prices to e.os out quick. $ T5.00 Munoia. cab., mah $ 45 flO 115. OO Edison, cab., mah .0 125.0O Coiumbia cab. wal 70.00 125.0 Yituroia. cttb. mah H3.00 125.00 Vtetroia. cab. oak Ho 00 125. Brunswick, cab. oak 85.00 250 00 Magnola cab. mah 125 00 I'.O.OO Magnoia cab. mah 100.0) 275. 00 Vlctro a. cab. fum. oak. 175 O0 275.00 Victroia cab. goi. oak.. 175 O0 50 00 Columbia table, oak 30.00 50.00 Pathe table, oak 23.00 Cash or Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 14 SIXTH ST. J10 CASH 5, Ji OR MORE MONTHLY ts ali you need pay if you buy your piano of the Schwac Piano Co , besides, you then buy at their 25 to 40 per cent . lower pric-s. Here are a few: $450 Marshall & Wendti upright .. Jins J475 Haliett & Davis upright 235 500 F. & C. Fischer large upright 25 !00 Steinway 4 Son's upright? 315 JH50 Thompson player piano 395 $1050 Singer player piano BBS 101 Tenth St., at Wash, and Stark. $30. $35. $65. $S3 secures phono graphs at $5 cash, $3 or more monthly, at Scbwan Piano Co.. 10th and Stark. $75 buys small 7-octave upright piano. $'.i5 buys United makers' square piano. $145 buys $425 Emerdon upright piano. $105 b'jvs $430 Hulit-U & Davis piabo. This Fe?k at Security Storage Co.. 103 lot h St.. C Stark St. PIANO TUNING AND PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make, all work guaranteed. SEIBERLIXO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., I25 Fourth St. Bdwy. 6576. STUDENTS uf v!oi in outfit, including violin, bow, cas. extra strings, rosin and chin rst. 1 and $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14: Sixth Street. PlANoS. piaycr p.ctnos ana paonograpns to rent; new p 1 h y er rolls, 25c eac h. Player Roll Exchange Harold 3. Gilbert. 107 W s: Park, near Was h. DECKER PLAYER AND ROLLS $195. terms given. SE1BKRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., lL'5 Fourth St. 6 A UK usfd 'iprignt pianos. $ 105, $215, $2ti5. etc., 410 rash. $5. $0 or $S month, at LipTnan, Wolfe ic Co.. Fifth and WajhiriKton St a. BL ESCH K R "C" me ;. saxophone, silver and goM hell. $1 25 ; terms. ti. f. Johnson piano CO., 140 Sixi h Street. J. & G. FISHER $Joo. good condition; terms given. SEIBEHLIXG-TAXAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth St. MARTIN "' me!, saxophone, s go.d bei;. ?130; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. JACOB Dol.I, p:ano. man. c.ise, one of the good oil reliable, on-v $275; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14:i Sixth Street, KOHLKR fc C A Al i'Li KLii piano, oak rase. an excellent narenin; omy S2N5; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 1! Sixrh Street. PIANO Spit-mini action a.tHl turn-, ai new, half price, mahogany case, tnet lamp and shade. E. 2107. $775 FARRAND plaver-piano, perfect; $3.s5; terms. 312 .lust new, Worcester $2.50 RENTS ptionograpa with .ate . ec ords Empire Transfer. 1 45 lltn. Bdwy. 0155. WILL PAY taih fo be reasonable. Ea d vioiin; must VERY old violin. Str;i $.;oo. Mr. Bratty. div;irius model, Filers bldg. PHONOGR APH Broadway 71ril or records wanted. Auto. t27-4i or S25-K2. Furniture for Sale. CLOTHING DEALERS ATTENTION. Kof sale, mix revolving suit cabinets 4 ft. 4 in. by 7 it. 6 in.; also two oak t a hies each 5x8 it. with drawers. Also clothing showcase lo ft. in length by 2 ft. 3 in wide, by 5 ft. high. Also one 8 ft. standard plateglass show rase. A:so few oak chairs with leather Feats. Also few odd window fixtures. Delivery at any time, but before Oct. 15 when we move. Winthrop Ham mond Co, 127 Hth St., Portland. S M'iNTHS old furniture, good as new, complete for 4 rooms, Including cur tp ins, ruts cooking utensils, clork. OisheS". blankets, spreads, linen, mir rors, books, fruits, electric percolator, toaster, iron, l-ru-a-brao, etc.. at leps than half of cost and is a real bar gain. The a pt. is for rent if vou want it. Inquire jwnltor, Ionian Court apts.. lth and Couch sts. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine st. NEW $S0 IVORY living room suite, table, rocker and chair. Sell very reasonable! Prty leaving city. Also cot. 130d Fast llch st. N. FUit QUICK SALE Reiiable gas range, good as new; ivory enameled dresser; one iron bed and springs; $3 for ail. 7 3 E. Washington st. CHAIRS, kitchen and dining tabie. col lapsible baby buggy, bed. mattress and i-mt-r minus. Jirs, rratiK tireen, ici.enna ave. FO-t SALE Two 0xI2 rugs, dining room tame ana cnairs. wood and gas range bed. dresser, etc.; all in good condi tion; no dealers. 215 Russell street. Lr.T Mb make you beautifuLy over stuffed davenports and chairs in my spare time. M7 E. Stark. East 6508 RUGS, buff hall tree. library table- other thing reasonable. 0t4 Vancou- ver ave. v a i n u t 00 . niHiKKbhrt-.K s standinK desk and ,wlso counter suitable lor Junch room 224 C. of C. bldg. Bdwy. 323 1. ONE COMUNIATION bookcase, hail tree gas range, kitchen chairs and table' 347 East 7th st. N. PERSIAN RUGS. 1 yd. by 2; Axrainster rugs. 9x12. mahogany Morris and Sheridan chair, etc. East 2107. FURNITURE 1-rooin house complete ready to move in. Must sell. $70 Call Armory Oarage. Ben Pardue LIVING nd din mi? roo m furniture; no dealers. Aut. 324-74 FURNITURE or 4-room house complete $225. 573 E. 7th N. AN A-B gas range, $20. East S004. Olfice Furniture. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys In used roll and flat-top desks, chairs and filing cabinets, refinished. almost equal to new. See our special 4 drawer letter file, $23. a new file at less than second-hand price. IRWIN-HODSON. 391 Stark street, at 10th street. NEW furniture, price of used, making room for the famous Cutler line of desks for which we have secured the agency. A large line of used type w ritera, adding machines, mimeo graphs, safes, etc. D. C. Wax 4-6 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. FIBRE-REED furniture for office studio, reception room or home; ever lasting wear, attractive prices. IRWIN-HODSON. 301 Stark st. at 10th street. NEW OFFICE table and letter file oak very cheap, also banjo. 325 Lurhber mens bldg. NEW and used bui giar-proof manganese bank safes. Immediate delivery. Jesse R. Sharp, 537 Sherlock bldg. Typewriters. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below man ufacturers' price; TERMS. $5 cash and $5 month If desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months. S7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 121 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, wnt, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $30. complete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO 94 Fifth St. Broadway 71flfl FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood typewriter, tirs'-ciass condition, $50 cash. Sellwood REBUILTS, 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. O. Co.. 231 Stars: st. Bdwy. 7307. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell, supplies. Type writer Insp. Co.. 312 Stark. Bdy. 7459. Poultry. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 geese. 893 0 th st. X. Automatic 315-12. goats. Lau 11cb.es and Marine Fqui pment. BEST HOUSEBOAT on Willamette river: 5 rooms on fine flat. A bargain for $l'OO0 cash; terms or trade, 12200; will take well located city lot or good used Ford or both, as part payment. 43 CHAM. OF COM. Tabor 366S. Bdwy. 6653. HOL'SKBOAT. beamitully furnished, ln cludiniEr cooking utensils and dishes, !ar(?e living room, two bedrooms, bath room, kitchen, storeroom, large porch, swimming raft and all modern conven iences. No. IS Willamette Moorage. Sellwood 1042. FURNISHED houseboat, all conveniences. eiecinc iiAtures. oatn. pnone. dishes, pas stove, gas heater; $1450 cash. Own er going east, must sell immediatelv o. 17 Oregon Yacht club. Sellwood vtM evenings or Sunday. XKW HARM;. 45xlii. 4Vs ft. deep. $ti50 ;h: one new 4r.-ft. fishing or tow ii.iat with L'-horsepower Palmer mo tur: $J..on. Call Kmpire 0:52 or address lOOti Bank. Iog. KhKMIm. Bird, and IVt Moc k. A BIRD and cage for sale. 2trk iaat St. i-ast TOS. FOR SALE. logH, RabhitH, Bird and Pet .Stock. FOR THE HOME. BABY. WATCH OR CAR DOG. Bt'LL TERRIER PUPPIES. Pedigreed; reg. stereo" on both sides; pure white; ready to take away; by our Plaza A. K. C. 2N12'Si, the greatest bull terrier in the west; best in shows at Seattle and Tacoma: ex-Victoria Wueen, A. K. C. 30U:107. Call or write Dr. J. H. Held, 853 Morgan Bid if- Main 330S. Aut. H34-23. NEW BIRD book. 'Care, Feeding and Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume of real information; also tells how and what to us to overr-omc disease and trouble; worth a dollar to any owner of a canary; postpaid 30c. Routledge Bird. Pet & Animal Co., Portland. STORMS UP KENNELS. Registered Llewellyn setter puppies, unsurpassed breeding; dogs $30. bitches 25. Some voune retters ready for field. Reasonable prices. Visit ken nels or write C. L. E. Worrall. Port land, Buckley and Floyd aves. REGISTERED Boston terrier, female. IS months old, four puppies. Tabor 6700. i.N K SI LVEK Persian malt kitten. Ta lor 251. DUES with half-grown young, $2.50. Call evenings. Junior. KegM and arrets. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whit oak. Western cooperage Co., 808 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. Machinery. FOR SALE -Bargain. 1-18" horizontal McCormiek water wheel, to hoist: pow er. on 30-ft. head and up. Wootw. governor and alternator. J. R. Wheeler, men ester, or. Coal and Wood. $4.23 PER LOAD $4.25. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 36-fnch. fir blocks and slabs; "runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102. COAL at $7 per ton can be used your furnace if you have a smoke leas coal stoker; you save the difference ask for particulars. 326 Failing bldg Phone Aut. o24-05. FOR SALE Slabwood, biockwood. No. fir and pole oak cord wood, sawdust, cut fuel and coal. . ft ti. green trad ing stamps. Holman Fuel Co., 94 6th st. Broadway 63o3. NO. 1 GREEN and dry fir, $8.00; heavy country slab. $0.00; pole or body oaa. $io per cord, becona growtn iir a. Main t24l. WOOD WOOD. 4 -foot block and railroad tie, also 16-mch diy block wood; green block wood. Main 2b id. WOUL special sale, ary 4-f t. country slab. su.jO cord. Heavy lb-in. block and i -u mixed, 50 cord. Sumner Wood Yard. At water 255. $4.25 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. Irt-inch block and slab mixed, part dry, fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. BO NE-IR Y bo x wood. $ 3. 25. slab. $4.50 and $4.75 per Walnut 3vt0. block and load. Ca NICE 10-in. slab, $3 50 and $4 load; box $4 ; 1 Vi -:n. thick, $. ; anywhere ; No. cord. $7.50. Paul Fuel, Sellwood 1769 DRY BLOCK slab, $5 per load ; part dry, $4.25, or 2 loads for $S. Cal Walnut ..!H)4. BLOCK and slab. 10-inch, Phone Atwater 20S3. $0.50 cord. WHEN you want a woodsaw call KeJiey, f.ast bfo. BEST grade Utah coa:. oak cord wood. Fhone iast 1.59. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load. .j; ooiiDie joao. y. nawy, 2545. ROCK SPRINGS coal, country slab, fi; cordwood. Atwater 220. Wdln. 3423. ROBERTSON FUEL; A-l fir, $S; No. fir $7.50; Al oak $10. Main 5336. UTAH KING COAL EAST 8!S4. 4 - FT ' UNTR 1 Mao $ 5.511 per cord . or heaters and rancr". East 7483. A-NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood, S..0 cord. Tabor 5033. 4-FOOT country slab, $5.50 delivered A uto. n22-la. Miscellaneous. NATURAL MUSK RAT COAT Extra fine skins. Canton crepe lining, excellent condition; cost $285. sell for $100. Main 2 1 0. FOR SALE Woodsaw and Ford truck in good condition, cheap. Inquire Fetty, 425 E. Burnside. Phone East .iH2. SPORTSMEN Two fine lakes with cab in, sauvies island. St. Helens hleh way to Rocky Point. Ask for STUBB, Sunday only. CASH REGISTERS SHOWCASES. Safes, fountains, back and front bars. pool tables. All kinds of store fixtures. Sacrifice. 3 23 1st st. HOT-WATER tanks, $5. guar.; tanks, gas water neaiers repairea ; plumbing con tractors; estimates given. East Side A elding bftop. Adams M. B. 8516. BA RGAIN on men's hats and caps, J4, o nats now i.w to 2.oa; caps 75c to $2.45. 251 Washington St., between a nor ;ia. $3 AND UP. Oriental beads for sale, any shade. from 24 to 3ti-inch. 494 Market st.. apt. a. CRAB APPLES, E. at 5Uth; 617-07. 4c. lb. 4927 34th ave. S also other fruit. Auto. BLICK touring car, good shape, new top anu ruuoer; aoo. a.'M aico apts., 35 , Conch and Union ave. ROTARY White sewing macmne for saie. like new; paid $65 5 months ago; what win you give .' rayior st. CHILD'S iron bed, high chair. bed springs, mattress, gas plate, electric iron, uaoor 4:wi. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second hand, special prices. Pacific Safe A Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1066. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms. $12; 5 for $20; guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wood lawn 37l. 30c GAL. 50 gallons molasses; counter piaiEorm scales, ti-pounU- capacity $14. 1024 Clackamas st. OFFICE furniture, bought, sold rented. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. Bdwv. 2739. and fith KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 124 Broadway. FOR SALE Alcazar wood range, cost $200; sell half price; used 3 months. 320 E. 35th. SHOWCASES, wall case, counter jars, pans, scales, complete outfit for retail confectionery or bakery. Main 2107 FOR SALE Dining table, oak. extension, 8 feet, reasonable. 186 N. 18th sL Bdwy. 2749. FOR SALE 18-in. Mueller furnace, in A-l shape. Call Aut. 511-93, mornings or evenings. CASH R&GISTER3 and computing scales, bought, sold, exchanged and re paired. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE reDairin at a price you can afford. Faulkner. Main 4477. FINE old piano $100; No. 6 Remington typewriter, $i'; some rare old walnut pit-ces. 453 12th st. WESTERN .Electric washing machine practically new. $XQ. p. r. l. & P. Co. BARTLETT pears, $1.25 box delivered. 1 aoor uui. BEAUTIFUL canning pears 50c a box. a39 E. 4th N. Rose City Park. BARTLETT pears, box. Tabor 4269. $i per LATEST White rotary machine, like new $20. East 3769. 562 Williams, ave. DENTIST'S must sell. electric sign, 104 H 9o6, Oregonian. lights; CHOICE Bartlett pears. $1.50 a box, will deliver. Sellwood 3045. So RENTS sewing machine two months. Kmpire "iransrer. Hroaaway 0155. WOMEN AND GIRLS Good value In used apparel for fall. Tabor :is::5. SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing cabinet work, etc. Walnut 1487. AERIAL poles, any size. Lake May F. D. 6, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE Cash registei, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $15. Bdwy. 4492. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 750 per day, delivered. Walnut 1259. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. i-acmc iyin -fvwniilg to., ISO. I 1st St. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Star. Tayior-st. dock. Main '8UB5. GOOD lver Johnson bicycle in good condition, cheap. Call at SSI E. Ash st. AUTO camp trailer. This is a less than hall price. E. S925. dandy ; GAS RANGE, good as - new. cost $70' will sell for $40. Call Main 6363. BARGAIN In child's wood folding bed and youth's chair. Tabor 2647. WHITE kid high shoes, 7 V- AA, never been worn. $2.5Q. 246 E. 6th N. VELOUR couch., rug. 9x6, new. large size. 415 Beech practically st. 50 CLASSY Havana cigars, $2.25. Dost- pnid. Heitkemper's factory. 151 Porter. uli.u iiol water neater wua vent pipes. Aut. 627-34. IMPROVED Yellow Bantam sweet coin for canning. Tnhor 42S4. TEAM. harness and wagon for sale heap. Tabor 34 79. E'.ECTKIC blanket for sale. 54 40. Call East GOOD hair mattress, $15; 6x6 hotbed complete, $9. Tabor 6484. SAFE Half price. Rij54. Oregonian, FOR SALE. Mbtcellaneoua. DA TXT lacav. whlt ifoid and nlatinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well; a wondtriul se' action to choose from. MILLER'S BIG LITTLE JEWELRY STORE. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER, WASHINGTON NEAR. PARK ST. YOUR TEETH SLEEP .WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your denta work can be done witnout pain. Absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. - Dr. A. W. Keen. Dr. E. J. Kiesendahl. Above Majestic Theater 351 H Wash. CANNING PEACHES. CRAWFORDS. At T. B. Jones' orchard. Mission Bot tom. Take east side highway to Ger vais. turn west through Gervais and St. Louis to Champoeg road, then south to second right-hand road, follow that until you come to the peach house, then buy them at your own price. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to Snow Flake laundry; clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; 15 lbs. for 70c; 4c for each, additional lb. Val uable premiums given. Phone East 8433. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third: all styles, finest selections. Come in and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4-53. WANT SIX CARS We will paint six cars for $37.50 each, any make, and color, for advertising purposes; a real painting job for half the money, done in a real auto paint shop. Come and see our work. Detroit Auto Painting Co., East 4578, 425 E. Morrison. LEAKY HOOF, EH ? Very aggravating, indeed: Why rot a comfortaoie and permanent roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warned, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 5958. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Waa-hington std. SEWING machines, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 3d St., near Taylor. Main 8431. AT A sacrifice, one brown manogany Queen Anne dining room set, one ivory enameled bed with springs and mat tress, one kitchen table with four raw hide chairs, one fiber rug, all good con dition. Terms. Walnut 3062. - DOORS, windows, screen doors, mould ings, millwork, glass roofing and hot bed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SAFES Fire and burgiar proof safes. new and second - hand at right prices, bought. sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. Cash paid for all kinds Shotguns or rifles Trunks, handbags, tents, tools. Healers or stoves, fishing tackle. Newman, 128 First, near Alder Broaiiwav 71H1 Auto. IS25-S2. S27-4B PcACttliS and pears, crao app;es, Grav- enstein apples, Bartlett pears, at al most any price. Cochran's Town Store. 1108 Hawthorne, near 37th. Bring empty apple boxes. DUCK HUNTERS. Chance for tvo congenial sportsmen join duck club, Sauvies island, best lakes and accommodations. O 953, Ore gonian. FOR SALE CHEAP 8-ball croquet set, bed spring, folding cot. round top trunks, flower pot stands, gal. wash tub, misceiianeous china dishes, etc. 700 E. Ankeny. East 1S0R. CHOICE peaches for canning; pears. plums, apples; windfall apples ,-0c box. Young ducks, fat hens, springs. Curtis fruit ranch. 1 mile East Muntavllla, Base Line toad. ENGAGEMENT diamond; 5-18 karat, at a sacrifice. A genuine steel-blue dia mond vaiued at $125 or $70 cash; has not had much use: no dealers need anolv. C 035. Oregonian. FOR SALE 3 iron slop sinks 13x13 with frames: o lauceis, lorry ,8-in. win dow weights. four 10-lb. weights, plumber's blow torch. 700 E. Ankeny. East 1808. FOR SALE One Ditto duplicator in fine condition at low price, ana we want to buy an Ediphone machine. C 921. Ore gonian. EVERGREEN blackberries. $1.50 per crate; 2 crates. $2.o0 delivered; $1.25 a crate if you call witil container. Phone Tabor fi83. WILL trade sanitary couch for three- quarter bed; Lave wool bathing suit and new fall bat ;v want bookcase and camp stove. Tabor 78!1. BLEACHED and laundried 100-lb. flour sacks. $1.20 per dozen; sugar sacks. 85c dozen, add 15c doz. for postage and insurance. Snow Flake Laundry, 48i) R.mAnl at 50 SLIGHTLY used White. New Home Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms on saie. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. at Belmont Phone East 2359. ALMOST NEW 30-30 Marlin safety rifie and .12 gauge Stevens pump gun. $30 each. 790 E. Ankeny st. East 1808. BARTLETT pears, 100 boxes, $1 per orchard box. r-nd or 02d st. s. :.. at foot of hill, south f ErroII Heights. Bring containers. ORDER for $7S on piano house for $50 cash or as first payment on Ford auto. Aut. B43-97. GOOD dark winter coat cheap. Atwater 1S7S. FOR SALE AFTOMOBH.ES. WE SELL FOR LESS TERMS. 1913 Overland touring $ 50 1918 Ford bug 110 1917 Saxon 4 roadster 135 1917 Ford touring 150 191B Chevrolet bug 150 iniS Ford touring 1S5 1918 Saxon 6 chummy 245 191H Dodge touring 2O0 1918 Oakland 0 roadster 245 1920 Ford touring 325 1917 Hup model N touring 3M5 1917 Buick 6 touring 375 1918 Buick 4 touring 363 1920" Buick 6 touring 625 VRANSON-S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and East Main St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. '20 Studebaker special six tour ing, 5-passenger. This car will be sold at a bargain. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION" Or A M h. rtlt A. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. MOVED TO EAST WATER AND SALMON STS. FRED DUNDEE, Motor Car Repairing and Machine Works. PHONE EAST 0067. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Late dition. Maxwell. In fine A good small car. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. '19 CADILLAC TOURING. This Is the sport model, six wire wheels and 6 cord tires and many ex tras: bumper stop on rear. spot light, automatic rain swipe, windshield shade, tools, and if you want speed and the standard of the world see this Cadillac. Price $1550. with $550 down, balance 10 months; no broker age, and will take car in trade. 16TH AT ALDER ST. MURPHY MOTOR CO. LATE HUP TOURING. Here is the Hup: come and get this and do your stuff; they always go, and no trip is too hard on the Hup; this one is rebuilt and we will re finish it any color you like; have low price of $495. with $175 down, balance easy; take Ford in trade. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 16TH AT ALDER ST. FOR SALE A classy Buick sport road ster. Call Goit. Tabor 0935. BUICK roadster, in good condition, bar gain if taken now. 384 11th st. 1917 REO six, mechanically good, looks fine; buy from owner. Tabor 6S97, FOB SALE ACTOMOBII.ES. OUR PRICES ARE MOVING THE CARS. The radical reductions we have made in prices on all used cars and trucks is doing the busi ness. If you are a dealer or & mechanic you - can buy one of our "as Is" cars and get good pay for your time fixing It up. Our cars priced at 100 or less are cash. Cars for $101 and up are sold on terms if desired. A large stock of cars, trucks and trailers to pick from. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW CARS. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE & SALES COMPANY, 415 East Ash St.. Cor. E. 6th. Open Sundays 9 to 4. Phone, East S510. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Buick, like new. Glass wind deflectors, motometer, automatic windshield cleaner, spotlight, tire, tube and cover, bumpers. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. , Bdwy. 2731. Sil Burnside St.' LIBERTY BONDS CASHED AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE: WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL. PLEASE YOU. UKt-GUN BOND & MORTGAGE CO -; an.LLl.XG BLDG.. 2d FLOOR. 1920 FORD SEDAN. $400. . Starter, demountable, dandy tondl tion; going at the bargain price of $400. Some terms. Phone Mr. Cate, East O.iOJ. 1021 OVERLAND touring, in excellen condition, has nearly new tires, pain very good, mechanical condition very good; a real bargain at $400, terms to suit your pocket hook. COOK & GILL CO.. nth and Burnside. Bdwy. 77-11 FORD. 1921 roadster, starter, demountabl rims, running fine, but need money must sell ror cash. $300. Tabor 321: ALTO PAINTING New shop, close in modern equipment, low rent, make our prices lower. Fords, Chevrolets Maxwells and Dodges, $15 to $40. Work guaranteed. Commercial auto signs anop rfjo li,. Oregon, corner 1st. 1021 FORD TOURING. Starter. demountable rims. good iires ana runs line: must sell quirk lerms. cast). i. Taoor 112 BL'ICKS BUICKS BUICK S I have some very good buys in Buick used cars, it you are looking for good buy see these cars before you buy. See or phone Bdwy. 1130, ask for emery. 1922 MAXWELL TOURING. Excellent condition. One of the most attractive, best running cars in Portland. 1022 license, extra tire and cover. Used by factory official. $750. Terms. East 0531. $2000 VALUE. $950. I.ate model little Winton 6, mechani rally perfect,- privately driven, cord tires; easiiy worth $2000. For quick sale. $950. Mr. Miller, 355 Washing ton si. htnwy. v.iiii. CHEVROLET touring; if you want good car cheap see my late model: in first-class condition; liberal terms to responsible party. Call Auto. 334-60 today. $205 J920 CHEVROLET touring, stilen did condition. 5 practically new tires: upholstering like new. starter, and all in fine shape; license; tools, other extras. Owner East 89. ,4. luai) 5-PASS. OAKLAND in A-l condi tion; must sell at once. Cash or terms. J. C. McNARY, Call between 5:30 and 7 P. M. 1356 Denver Avenue. . BRAND NEW FORD. Purchased, Aug. 5: will discount for casn or take eord in trade. BRA LEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., Hdwy. 3281. nth and Burnside. 1921 CHEVROLET touring: this car bound to give satisfaction : in fine shape in every respect. Call Auto, 34-t)U and let me show it to you. basy terms. WILL trade my Buick six-cylinder tour ing car. in perfect shape, as part pay ment on 5-room .cottage or building lot close in. for particulars write O, Gray, 292 W. 11th st. 1822 CHEVROLET touring car. has been privately .owned, in Al condition, good tires; must be seen to be appreciated. Tabor 778 1. 1922 CHEVROLET 490 touring; will guarantee car to be in first-class con dition; must sell at once, easy terms. Tabor 5935. FORD COUPE, 1922 model, like new. I am leaving city and must sen my car before Sept. 1st. Call walnut. 2202. 1920 CHEVROLET 490 TOURING. Privately owned, $395. 124 Killings- worth. Walnut J379. F. L. Randall. Excell bakery. 1920 CHEVROLET, in excellent condi tion. Tires all good; leaving town. need money, casn or terms. sell wood 2016. CHALMERS demonstrator, cord tires. with spare and spotlight, excellent condition. $S00, terms. Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation. East 0531. FOR SALE Chevrolet 490. 1919; good tires, good condition, $150 cash. Call or phone S. W. Tooley'a grocery store. 52rt and 74th ave. S. E. 101S CHEVROLET 490 touring, good tires, good condition, $225. Terms. L. Y. BI LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. 1920 STEPHENS. For sale by private- owner, or will trade for small roadster or coupe. Call Broadway 4775. 1920 CHEVROLET light delivery, panel body, good condition. $350. Terms. L. Y. B I LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at Sth. East 0720. 1922 CHEVROLET touring car. has been privately owned, in A-l condition, good tires: must be seen to be appreciated. ' Tabor 7781. DODGE TOURING. $150 and it's yours; if you want It, get it quick; need the money. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691: eve.. East 2148. CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY. 1919 model, in fine condition, good tires: will sell for $90 down and $15 per month. Phone Owner. Tabor- 1473 CHEAP FOR CASH Fully equipped, late Nash 6. perfect condition, new cords. Main 0127, A. M. FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring, fully equipped, bargain. Call mornings. Main 705. 262 14th st. LATE Chevrolet touring, like new, cheap, will take old Ford or Chevrolet in trade. East 8219. 1922 DODGE TOURING. Like new, $975. Braley. Graham & Child. Inc.. 11th at Burnside. BARGAIN 1922 Buick. 7-pass., with $200 extras. Car has been driven very little. 492 East Burnside st. 1920 490 CHEVROLET touring, $350; terms to suit. E. A. Dockstader, Wal nut 3201. FORD bug. good engine, shocks, good rubber and top. $170, terms. East 423. 109 East 11th st. HUDSON speedster for sale by private owner, $725, at Main-St. Garage, 2d and Main sts. MITCHELL. 1918, good condition. Come and see it evenings. 569 Pine street. Phone East 0459. . $273. East 1920 STUDEBAKER special sis. thor oughly overhauled and repainted: don't fall to see this car. Walnut 2590 1922 FORD sedan, just like a new car; must sell this week. Walnut 2599. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SATISFACTION IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE DESIRE. THAT IS WHY We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automoDuea These are in the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition, we give 30 days' free mechanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being re turped and full credit given on any other car of equal price that cus tomer may select. This gives ample time for every pnr chaser to try ou the car he buys, gives him time to have it inspected, and we want only satisfied customers. 1919-1920 (model O series) Hud son super-six, Westinghouse air springs $1273 1919 Hudson speedster 1150 1915 6-4 Hudson 875 1917 Hudson 675 1919 Essex 725 1922 Essex 1050 1921 Essex 850 1918 Liberty 400 1921 Olds 4 800 1918 Stephen 650 1920 Liberty 675 Cole- 8 650 1918 Chandler coupe 750 1920 Chandler dispatch 750 1920 Chandler 775 1919 Chalmers 475 Maxwell truck 600 Largest used car branch store In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch store open Sunday and eveninga.. i Phone at Branch Stort Broadway 5739. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Here is a list of fine buys in good used cars and we have others not listed so the man who wants a GOOD used automobile at a reasonable price can find exactly what he is looking for. Sold on easy terms. If you want to know where to obtain highest value in used cars ask those who have bought of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, 1910 White touring $ 150 1919 Ford touring 250 1921 Scripps-Booth sedan.. 1295 1920 Dodge touring 450 1917 Chalmers touring.... 350 1917 Hudson speedster 395 1919 Mitchell touring 750 1920 Mitchell touring 950 1917 Ford roadster , 185 1920 Buick touring 950 1918 Liberty 6 touring 495 1920 Mitchell light six 995 1918 Stutz Club roadster.. 1295 1918 Mitchell Club roadster 575 1916 Packard touring 15 Open Sundays, and Evenings. Our reputation of over 40 years in the northwest is your guaran tee of satisfaction. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY, Broadway at Everett, Portland, Oregon. COVEY MOTOR CAR' COMPANY SALES SEASON. Don't think we are just spend ing money to advertise our money goes to tell you of REAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. Our used cars must be sold. Our new prices are RIGHT we try always to keep them BELOW THE MARKET. It is our aim to tell you the TRUTH ABOUT ANY CAR WE. SELL. We don't camouflage our cars; we don't sell you "cars as good as new" no used tar is that. But we do sell you BET TER TRANSPORTATION AND AT A LESSER PRICE THAN CAN BE OBTAINED ELSE WHERE. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS: Main plant, 21st at Washington. Phone Broadway 6244. Bdwy. branch. 28-30 Broadway. We have cars to take you from one place to the other. WHERE IT'S HANDY. HUGHSON'S FORD CORNER. BROADWAY AT DAVIS. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. . 100 Hughson's Service means day and night service in the finest equipped and best located shop in Portland. Here is an institution whose reputation i your assurance of a square deal. Join our list of satisfied customers and it will be a pleasure to own Ford. 25 Used Cars for Less 25. "Some $50 Down, Balance Easy. Open Evenings and Sundays. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. Authorized Ford Dealer. 00 N. Broadway. Broadway 0321. LATE '21 Ford touring car, oversize cord tires, many extras, this car is a won derful bargain. See it If you are . in the market for a new Ford before buying. COOK & GILL. Ninth and Burnside. Bdwy. 7751. 1920 DODGE BROS, truck fitted up as a camp touring car for 6 passengers, perfect mechanical condition, 5 cord tires; ready to go with extras $550. Call and- see it or address owner 494 E. Ankeny st. A STUTZ BARGAIN. I have a 1919 Stutz owned by me and has been kept in the best of shape; can be bought at a bargain. See Emery at Bdwy. 1130, Howard Auto mobile Co. 20 MODEL Chandler Dispatch; car has been completely reconditioned; as good mechanically as new car; sold, with Cook & Gill positive guarantee; your credit is good. Ride while you pay. COOK & GILL. 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. 7751. A REAL BUY. 1920 Monroe, with 4 new cord tires, bumper front and rear; windshield de flectors, spotlights, motometer; refin ished and mechanically O. K. See this car at 530 Alder st. 1923 CHEVROLET COUPE. Utility new model, many extras and license; discount for cash or Chev rolet in trade. . BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. 1921 DODGE. I have a wonderful buy in this Dodge; has 5 new cord tires, bumpers, spotlight, motometer and sunshieid. A bargain at $775. Phone Bdwy. 1130. Ask for Emery. 1918 FORD CHASSIS. $80. DUNNING MOTOR COMPANY. East 3d and Broadway. East 030". 922 CHEVROLET sedan, run 1400 miles: top new. with extras, $1250; will sac rifice for $800 with easy terms, con sider Ford or Chevrolet in trade. Phone East 0178. 1919 FORD TOURING, $185 Starter Type. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnsjde Sta. 1921 STUDEBA K-Uirb. light 6; o nearly new cord tiros, -Dumper, spotlight, license; a bargain if sold at once. Tabor 1850. DOLLED-UP 6-CYL. ROADSTER. $400. BRALKY, WK.AAAa 5e VJ1JU, liNtJ.. Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. CHEVROLET touring, good condition, price $200. private party. Call 415 E. 7th street, corner Grant. 1921 FORD roups In fins condition, $450. Walnut 2387, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. "18 Series 7-pass. Studebakef. best running car of this model in the city. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO- ' RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy.' 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. '19 Studebaker Special Six. 5 pass. Will sell this car for $700. Condition excellent. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 27S1. o41 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '19 Ford sedan. Refinished and thoroughly overhauled. Wire wheels; ail extras. See this car if you are looking for a sedan. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 271. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Late Auburn Beauty Six. This car is like new; has been driven very little. . THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER! '20 Big . SIX Studebaker. Like new, overhauled and refinished. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OP AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. 1921 DODGE TOURING CAR. Purchased from Dodge agency In May, 1921; has had excellent care and does not need a particle of work on it; body, top, upholstering, etc.. like new; motor in excellent condition. The price is $695 cash. Call owner, 300 Oregonian building LATEST FORD COUPE. Refinished and done right. wheels striped and body also.; demountable rims, some extras and this is real closed car; low price with some down. balance easy. 16th at Alder at, phy Motor Co. Mur- BARGAINS. 5 new Shaw chassis. 1920. -ton truck; ideal delivery car. The best price on these, is $2193. For quick sale we are offering them at $1000 apiece. Call Bdwy. 6559, ask for Brownell or Slocum. 6-44 PAIGE. Glenbrook. These cars are hard to get. Has been reconditioned under Cook & Gill system, and is a wonderful buy at $S50; absolute new car guarantee with this car. COOK & GILL. 9th at Burnside. Bdwy 77ol. A DATE MODEL LIBERTY TOURING, $475. This car repainted, looks like new and is in fine mechanical condition, has 5 good tires; will sell at $175 down, bnlanco easy payments. Phone East 1962. : 1919 CHALMERS TOURING. $47." Tl is car is in fine mechanical con dition and has 3 A-l tires. Will sell on easy terms. Phone East 1962. IQOI KT1TDERAKER SIX. Studebaker light six at a bargain; has 5 new cord tires, bumper, spotlight, motometer. This car is as good as a new one: a good buy. Bdwy. 1130, ask for Emery. CHEVROLET, late model: this car is in excellent, condition : has had good care. Small payment will handle. Balance easy monthly payments. East 5224 or Empire 1853. 1920 FORD touring, new top and uphol stering, electric units, new. refinished, BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. Bdwy. 32SI. 11th and -Burnside Sts. PTTPMORILR i One of those light cars that have lots of power and economical to run; all cord tires; mechanically in very good condition: terms. 530 Alder St. 1921 MAXWELL TOURING. With 1922 mechanical fixtures, new cord tires; $575. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Bdwy. 3281. ' 11th and Burnside Sts. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club with wire wheels. 5 good tires. $190. Terms. L Y. BI LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO Hawthorne Ave. at Sth. East 0720 1919 CHEVROLET touring. lirst-ciass condition; 4 new cora tires, muwi.ju overhauled; $350 cash or trade for heavier car. Tabor 6135 or Tabor 1918. NEW CHEVROLET CARS. CHEVROLET PARTS AND SERVICE. L Y. BILLINGS LEY MOTOR CO Hawthorne Ave, at Sth. East 0720. 21 LIGHT 6 VELIE touring, cord tires. guaranteed, s(n. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 32R1. 11th and Burnside Sts. ioon rilEVRfll.KT 490 TOURING Prinli.lv owned. $395. 124 Killings' worth Walnut 1379. F. L. Randall, Excell bakery. 1917 FORD touring, Hassler shocks, 3l2 tires all arouno, imo. lerms. L Y BI LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO Hawthorne Ave. at Sth. East 0720 FORD ROADSTER New radiator, all good tires, ready to go. oSO Alder st. -'-o. 1918 FORD touring, by owner, good shape, extras; $iUo. vvainut nuis alter 6 P. M. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX. Five good tires, overhauled, refin Lshed. 530 Alder st. $450. OVERLAND 90 1919. New top, repainted. 5 good tires; bargain: terms. 530 Alder st. BUICK TOURING. $475. Repainted and Al mechanically. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sts. llr.m FORD touring, starter. 2 new tires, speedometer, root tnrottie, a-o. lerms. L Y. BI LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. H a'wthorne Ave, at Sth. East 0720. OVERLAND MODEL 4 1921 Original factory finish, can't be told from new: 5 good tires, Alemite greas- ing system: terms, o-i." Aiqer st FORD sedan, 1920, In very good condi. tion, good tires; dbbl ouy m town. $400. Tabor 082.8. 1920 FORD coupe, fine condition, com pletely equippea. uasa --o. Daiance terms. Broadway I860. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto w reciting t,o., oji Aider at 17th. Bdwy. dai. m.ii orqers tilled jr. PERT Instruction in automobile driv ing by proiessionai instructor; .cnarges moderate. 1920 FORD sedan, five new tires, dandy little buy lor mis zau. t-aii iiawy. 2488 1921 FORD ROADSTER $335. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 3281. ' 11th and Burnside Sts. 1920 FORD touring, dem. rims, cord tires, wltn ail extras. uan jawy. 2488. 1918 FORD touring, good paint, just overhauled; some ouy. tan uroaaway 2488. FORD ROADSTER 1920. With delivery box, good tires, starter, fine mechanical condition. 530 Aider st. 1922 FORD SEDAN. Nearly new, lot of extras, bor 1850. CHEAP Franklin automobile, 1914 mod el, splendid engine, r-none Automatic S13-89. MUST sacrifice 1922 Buick sedan in ex cellent condition. Extras, low price for cash. Phono Wal. 1042. 1921 FORD roadster, good tires, shock absorbers, fine shape. Call Broadway 2488; FINE new 5-passenger auto to trade. Will take piano or real estate in part payment or what have you? 101 loth st. WE PUT steel teeth In your old fly wheel: crankshaft turning, cyl. grind ing. H. B. Black. 534 Alder. Bdy. 2681. 1920 BUICK roadster, first-class condi tion; will sacrifice at $700. Walnut 1920 BUICK 6. 5-pass. touring. fully equipped and in excellent condition, $775. Walnut 2599. MODEL 85 Oakland 4, 5-passenger; fine car at $175. walnut z.vjh. 1920 FORD coupe, wonderful buy. Will take $475. Call Williams. Bdwy. 2488. 1919 DODGE touring. A-l shape, sacri fice: $450. East 4376. 1920 FORD sedan, good shape, $485 trade for coupe. East 4370. 1921 FORD roadster, fine condition, $300. Walnut 2599. MUST sell 1921 Chevrolet touring car by September 1. Tabor 8897, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HE BOUGHT A - STUDEBAKER.. Buick, 5-pass. touring. Re painted. Motor very good. This is a good car for the price. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. USED CAR SPECIALS. True representation and honest val ues have made us many friends; also it is the secret of our success. Several used cars of higher value and lower In price than ever. 1920 Oakland, A-l. new paint $550 1918 Reo, ready to travel 450 1921 490 Chevrolet, cord tires, A-l 450 1921 Ford delivery, starter and demountable rims 3.u 1918 Ford coupe 330 Several oth-r extra, good buys. TERMS TO SUIT. Cash or Trade. ' Open All Day and Night. See MR. McNARY. 320 Oregon St. East 4492. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Overland 90; refinished: ver;' good for the money. Look this over. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 490 Chevrolet; Price on this car Is . overhauled. $275 THE STUDEBAKER CORPO- . RATION OF. AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 1920 Studebaker, refinished. overhauled. Like new. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '20 Case touring, refinished. Me chanically perfect. Very fine car. , THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Chevrolet 490, In excellent con dition. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. '19 4-cyl., 5-pass. Studebaker. Refinished. Looks like new. A beautiful car. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO-. RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 1920 Cole. Refinished like new. Mechanically perfect. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. WE HAVE the finest 17-6 Stude baker in the west, new tires. $135 paint job, new top. plate glass rear window, leather shows absolutely no wear, motor in perfect condition; everything is like new. Come see this car. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. . '17 Studebaker, 7-pass $100 THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Hupmobile, refinished like new. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '20 Paige sport model. Over hauled and painted. THE STUDEBAKER CORPO RATION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. '20 MAXWELL TOTTRI NG This is the double unit model and is refinished and new top. new tires, all ready to go; take Ford In trade and give liberal terms on balance; no brokerage, $175 down, balance easy. '20 CHEVROLET TOURING. $150 down, balance monthly; refin ished and runs and looks like new; come and try it; some extras. 16TH AT ALDER ST. MURPHY MOTOR CO. LATE DODGE TOURING. THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE EVERY ONE LIKES THE DODGE. THIS IS THE LATE MODEL. 1 AND HAS SOME EXTRAS. F-A'S FINE AND LOOKS NEW. COME AND BE sur prised; low price of $485, with $183 down, balance easy. Take Ford with starter in trade; no brokerage cnargu. 10TH AT ALDEK ST. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 18 BUICK TOURING ' At the low price of $525, with $200 down, balance monthly; take car trade: and this car has new oversize tires all over: new paint and has been rebuilt; all ready to do what any new one will do and aoesn t cost mucn money. 16TH AT ALDER ST. MB R P HY MOTOR CO. TEMPLER SPORT ROADSTER. This car has been driven less than 500 miles and cannot be told from new. Six wire wheels and other extras; same as new car, guarantee. Mr. Pen dergrass, Bdwy. 2320. 4-PASS. sport model Case, private owner. Always naa oest oi care, iookb aou acts like new; lot of extras, including Westinghouse shock absorbers. 2 spot lights, bumper, 5 cord tires, windshield deflectors. Price $900, and a bargain. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6007. 1921 FORD COUPE 1921. Fivo new non-skid tires and other extras; terms. MR. PENDERGRASS, BDWY. 2320. 1921 STUDEBAKER, 7-PASS. Run less than 5000 miles. MR. PENDERGRASS. Broadway 2320. BUICK light six touring, many extras, going at 4o. rias terms. L Y. BI LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. East 0720. 1919 CHEVROLET 490 touring, new top, good tires, good condition. $275, terms. L T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthrone Ave. at 8th. B. 0720. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. USED FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. WE ARE GIVING 30 DAYS' FREB i SERVICE ON THESE CARS. DUNNING MOTOR' CO.. Authorized Ford Dealers, East 3d and Broadway. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS. NOTICE THEY ALL HAVE START ERS. ALL PUT IN FINE CONDITION. AND WE HAVE EVERY ONE OF THEM. 1921 Touring $340 1021 Touring 335 1921 Touring, very late 875 1920 Touring 330 1920 Touring, the best one in town 350 1921 Roadster 1920 Roadster 335 325 OUR STOCK OF SEDANS CAN'T BE BEATEN. 1921 Redan $525 1921 Sedan 315 1921 Sedan 5"0 1!'20 Sedan 465 1920 Sedan 425 1920 Sedan 475 FOUR OOOD COUPES. 1922 Run 6 months .... 1921 Late, almost '22... 1821 .$55 . 515 . 485 . 450 DELIVERIES. 1921 Panel body all In first class shape, demount able rims and starter. looks new -. 375 1921 Panel body 375 Sold under our plan of NO MIS REPRESENTATION AND GOOD TREATMENT AFTER YOU BUY. DUNNING'S. East 3d and Broadway. 4 LIBERAL TERMS. A PHONE CALL BRINGS IT TO YOUR HOME. 1021 FORD touring, very-fine condition, $300. Walnut 2599. 1921 MAXVVEI. AXWEI.Ii touring $363. Waut 239;'. 1 must sell thu car. WILL trade auto tor good lot la city. BO 944, Oregonian. WILL trade good lot for good auto. P 971, Oregonian. Automobiles Wantert. CAR OWNERS. LOOK! Here is your chance to turn yotir car in as cash on a new 5-room hbuse. near Fulton. Price $1600. balance easy terms Sf-e F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIKE. 212 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANT to trade for a car. 111 acres best orchard land, near Lyle, vvasn., partly cleared; small house and a well. Write C. W. Jackson, Liberty Bond. Wash., care Independent Lumber Co. w HAVE you an auto in f list-cia.-s con dition to sell or trade, any make: hiaie details. Address P. O. Box 943, Orego nian. . WE WRECK THEM Highest cash prlc. paid for old cars, condition no oDjecu AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAN. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Bdwy. 036. CARS wanted to wreck; all parts tor less. Hodea Auto Parts Co., oti Aider, corner lth. Broadway 3H3S. WILL take late modul car on $22im home, 4-room house, 4 lots; pome cash, balance terms. Empire 2066. WANTED Used cars. Must be in stood repair. No dealers. Owners only need apply. 101, N. 11th st. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Ulisan, wooayara. Broadway 02: :. WANTED to buy good used Ford, or will tride phonograph and lurniture. t an after 6 P. M.. 131U East 8th st. N. WILL take late model car on $J2on home, 4-room house, 4 v-j lots: some cush. balance terms. Empire 2nQ0. CARS WANTED. Cash for Ford coupe or roadste Graml ave., corner E. Main. 210 WILL pay top cash price tor your rora. any model. Bring it to ouv asmngio i St.. at 19th. FORD wanted, touring or delivery; $..0 down bal. $15 or 20 per inonm. r.at 6786. 3rtS Hawthorn?. DEAD STORAGE, tt per month, brick building. 120 Union -N. OVER $500 worth of good lumber to trade for Ford car, h-vani, l-''a st. BEST Ford for $50; condition no object. Want to make ru g. l 2l, uegoman. WANT Ford or Chevrolet from private party. 153 E. Sth st. East S2I9. WILL buy best auto ior $100. Must be good condition. AB 905, oregonian, WANT late model car, have lot In Ala- mcda Park to trade. Bdwy. 462Q. Motorcycles. BARGAINS IN USE D AND REBUILT HARLE Y-DAVTDSON MOTORCYCLES. EASY TERMS. As low as $40 down. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. 3d at Taylor. Main 7S89. HARLBY-DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson motor cycle and side car van; fine condition; best rig in town for light delivery; make me an offer; am leaving city. Call mornings or evenings, 1024 Clack amas st. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib eral torms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND. INDIAN motorcycle for salo, cheap; also piano. Call Automatic 614-30 after 7 FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEJ TRY US. 209 Third st. Main 6139. Auto Tircw arid Accessories. VELVET transmission lining for Ford car and truck, guarantee 20.000 miles, regular price $3. To Introduce thia week only, $2. Manufactured by Auto Rebuilding Co.. 354 E. Burnside. STKOMBEUG carburetor, model 31-2, like new, used 30 days, more pep, less gas save $1Q. Tabor 8500. Automobiles lor Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. nay ana nigni service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember Our Numbei Bdwy. 3696. NEW CARS FOR HIRE without drivers;; roadsters and tour Ing cars. H. H. Rebstock. 64 4th St. cor. Pine. Bdwy. 5393. i-PASSENGER machine with day or week. driver Dy ma uour, East. 3498. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th st Broadway 0840. ii.rYI.IXDER. 5-PASS. BUICK- FOR H1KK vv 11 H fKivr,i. niv i. For Exchange Automobiles. 1919 CHEVROLET touring; 4 new cord tires; overhauled. Aiso cabinet pnono graph. Will exchange both for better car. Tabor 6135 or Tabor 1918. 1914 BUICK, good mechanical condition. rood rubber. will trade ror anyming of value. Call Bdwy. 3848. Ask for Wittner. TO EXCHANGE One practically new 30-h. p. GMC tractor lor car or truck. AV 380. Oregonian. FORD coupe for late touring, jllo E. oth st. N. FOK SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCK CONTRAC". I want a man not afraid of hard work,, witft at least $150O cash and willing to buy a motor truck on time payments. Such a man may earn from $30 to $50 a day. A wonderful opportunity to make big money. Writ. D 916, Oregonian. MACK TRUCKS. Any size and for any line of work, the only place in town you can buy these used high grade trucks. Low priced. Easy terms. No brokerage. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0191 ; eve., East 2148. ONE G. M. C. 2-ton truck with lrfight body, side doors, good rubber nil around and in good running order; no reasonable offer refused. Geo. Havill. Hoff. Dr.. six miles southeast of Ore- gon City. NEW Maxwell chassis. 31x4 tires, with new, customJbuilt delivery body. $750. terms. Formerly listed at $1225. Max well Motor Sales Corporation. East 0531. -TON Pierce-Arrow truck: looks and runs like new; win sacrifice for s.'uuu with easy terms; consider automobile in trade. Phone owner. East 0178. LET ME figure on your lumber, log or gravel naui. l-iave eitner or a ton trucks ready to go. See Harta horne, 353 Burnside st. 921 2H-TON truck on steady job pay ing from s.ioo to $8imi per montn. will sell or trade for house and lot. Call evenings. Auto. 613-80. TWO-TON G. M. C. working every day. $4.7o. see Air. aermon, zui i:a. corner Taylor ' 3-TON trailer with bunks and license, (200, Phono 619-84,