13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1923 j REAL X&tATW.. For Sole Flat and Apartment Pro pert BY OWNER Apartmem building an furniture. For particulars writ car t Oregonlan. -Tso sgenLS. u ur gon;tn. ' For bale -Lots. BE INDEPENDENT. BUT IX LADD'S ADDITION. Lots for $1000. OnTy a few more at th!s price. All improvements in and paid. You can walk to tha courthouse la 20 minutes. BUILDERS TAKE NOTICE. Not a completed bungalow la tiio district for sale, SECONT MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. Restrictions do not forbid duplex bouse or bungalow. Ee Mr. Pelahanty. with LADD ESTATE CO., 246 Stark St. Bdwy. 5754. Res.. Tabor 7045. 2-ACRE TRACT. $1285. $13 POW-$13 MONTH. PARK ROSE, all cleared, ready for plowing, rich silt garden land, no rocks or gravel, the crop you can raise on this land should more than make your payments, no building restric tions, low county tax. north of Sandy blvd and car line, in new Parkrose tract, Parkrose branch office, open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car. go to end of line. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, & Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 6034. nem KEARLY 2 ACRES. $16 DOWN $16 MONTH. PARKROSE, shade trees. the south boundary la a stream of wa ter, corner tract, rich garden, land, beautiful spot for a little home, no building1 restrictions, low county tax. Parkrose branch office, end of Parkrose carline ; open every day. Tabor 2904. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Broadway oiXi4j HOMESEEKER9. WHY NOT BUILD t It la less expensive. Wo are interested in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buy ing or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE. BUILDERS. S02 Couch Bidg. Broadway 6574. LOT SACRIFICE. Right in Irvington. $250 Down Balance Easr. This is the cheapest priced lot ever errered on the market. Think of this, right In Irvington, surrounded by beau tiful aristocratic homes. A full beau tifully wooded lot: exceptional home' site. AH impts. are in and paid. Entire price is $S5u. Don't waste time in see ing this. Gal. R. B, Lee at E. 5012 or nawy. ( j 1 1. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Choice west front lot on the north west corner of E. 58th and Hawthorne ave. ; all imp. in and paid. Grab this buy at $10o0. Several bearing fruit trees. HENDERSON-BAN KTJS CO.. 223 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Corner. $812.50; $100 cash. $10 montniy; on paved street, sidewalks. curbs and sewer all in and paid. Near scnooi; blocks to Irvington car; 13 minutes nae. JOHXSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. 591 Thompson st.; 8 rooms. 2 baths. ivory and mahogany finish and papered walls, oak floors throughout, auto matic JK.uua neater, in excellent condi tion ; sacrifice price on account of leaving city; $10,o00; $2500 cash. East ROSE CITY PARK. $750. E. 5STH.. NEAR SANDY. 50x100. east front lot on E. flSth irt 300 ft. south of Siskiyou; 3 fir trees on tms lot. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 22 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. BIG SACRIFICE. $600 cash buys & lot on 53d and East Washington sts.. with everything in aim paiu. Rt'MMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. 30th and Sandy. Aut. 320-60. Choice west front lot on E. 5Sth st , 45 ft. north of Hawthorne ; several bearing fruit trees. A sacrifice at $850. HENDERSON-BAN KITS CO.. 22$ Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. LO T 1 00 x 1 00 4 fift $46 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. 100x100 lot on E. 71st St.. 3 blocks rorth of Sandy blvd., no restrictions. Bull Run water and citv conveniences KENDE RSON-BANKT7S CO., 22S H-nry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. LAURELHURST LOT Stiir.ft FLORAL AVE.. NEAR G LI SAN. Choice west front lot on Floral ave.. 30 ft. north of Glisan; all imp. paid. Bee vp for good buys in lots. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO . 22$ Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754 HAWTHORNE Corner, $1150; $100 cash, $10 month ly: all improvements in and paid. East and souih front, near good homes JOHXSOX-DODSOX CO 633 N. W. BanK Bidg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON Build D 11 T 1 sin V.iat dandy lot on E. 15th, near Brazee $1300 buys the lot; make your home carry itself. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg CLOSE TO ALAMEDA npivr 47xlio, sidewalks and sewer" in view of entire city; 4 blks. to car: $60U; $100 PHsh. JOHXSUX-DODSON CO 033 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. iivvi.NuiU.N CUKALK $1175, on 17th St.; all liens paid; remember this is an SO-ft. street and the surround ings are new. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS -01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. ROSE CITY PARK. $775. , BELOW THE HILL 50x10 lot on E. 30th st.. 3 blocks Bortil-rSJS.ndy- A11 imP- and paid. HENDERSON-BAXKUR CO.. 223 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 4754. BUSINESS CORNER. 1WHUO. A fine location for light mfg laun dry, foundry, etc., on Grand ave. and Stephenson st. Phone Owner Auto 520-42. Tabor 9452. LADD ADDITION LOT. $800. 43 ft. front; this haa been cut for quick sale. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 60x100, all improvements in and paid above grade. surrounded by new homts; terms. JOHXSON-DODSON CO 633 X. W. Bank Bidg. Main 37S7. ALAMEDA PARK. The two best view lots left for sal in Alameda park have not vet been sold. Offered less than evef before Owner Bdwy. 4H0. IRVINGTON $1375 East face on 21st st with beautiful trees; the cheapest good lot in Irvington RITTER. LOWE CO., REALTORS, 01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. close to jeffers75nhigh 50xloi, all improvements in and paid; $150. on terms. JOHXSOX-DODSOX CO R33 X W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787 IRVINGTON CORNER BARGAIN $10O0 on Stanton; east front: 1 block to car See it before it's too late. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. I R VI NGTON CORNER $2000. Beautiful level east face on 25th and Brazee; look it over, then see us. FITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. fcEVERAL fine Inrs Just off Ainsworth avenu- seli $25 down, balance $10 per month while thev last. CORCORAN. 325 Lumbermen! Bidg. BARGAINS. 47th st.. 50xloo. Everything in. $900 Just off Sandy road. 50x100. $350 HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor 213 Corhett Bidg. t Main 6869. IRVINGTON PARK Sewer. sidewalks -yaid. Sell or might exchange for prop erty in Iowa. Mri C. E. Conway, Oel wem, Is. WESTMORELAND SNAP. Southwest corner of Tolman and 20th: garage goes with it; price $050. STRONG A CO.. n Cham, of Com. 2 GOOD iots on Martin ave., near Reed college, cheap. John Bain. 507 Spald-ln- bidg. $275 ru BLKS. ROSE CITY CAR. Nice full lot, assess, paid. Tabor 6559 5lY BEAUTIFUL 50x100 lot! fir trees and all: Mason, near Glenn. Price $1000. Bdwy. 4620, REAL ESTATE. For Sale lots. 6 LOTS SACRIFICE PRICE. To close an estate a price of $2100 wilt b accepted for these lots and very liberal terms can be arranged. All of the lots are 50x100 except one. which is 60x100; located on California st. in South Portland, close to car and school. E. M. BROWN. 1122N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON Weidler near 21st St.. 1 block to Broadway ; good location for 2-family house; high-rental district; make your home carry ltelf; very low price on application. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg- For Sale Houses. SUNNYSIDE SNAP FOR QUICK SALE HURRY. Here is one of the best-built 5-roora bungalows in the city; it has fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, modern bath, lights and cas: full cement basement. wood lift and laundry trays, hard oak floors on every room; good floored attic; handy to -car, good stores and Glencoe school; only 43500, including all the household goods; everything goes. S1500 cash. balance straign mortgage. If you want a real home snap you will not hesitate to come in and let me show you this. SEE E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bidg. Main 258. ROSE CITY. NEW BUNGALOW. S4750. $500 cash will handle. Last word in modern bungalow construction. Built wide with living room and dining room across entire front, concrete porch, 5 large rooms, floored attic and concrete basement, every built-in feature, an street inmrovements in and paid. Mr. Parker, 505 Artisans bidg., Broadway at Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4231. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Small 6-room house ; some detail unfinished; beautiful woodsy location; fruit trees, raspberries, loganberries. etc, lot 75x80, walking distance; $W. BROOKE. MAIN 434-. BIG HOME SNAP IN KERN PARK. Do you want a little farm In the city .' riere is a good o-room nouse, It has bath, lights and gas and three beautiful lots with 20 full-bearing fruit trees; fine garden, berries, well-kept lawn and lots of beautiful nowers; $2000 gets complete outfit; do not hesitate to come in and let me show you this. If you want a real home snap this is what you are looking for. 507 Journal Bidg. Main 2858. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $3600. This is a new 4-room bungalow, built for a home. The living room is 30 feet by 16 feet. There is a large bedroom, bath and kitchen. Good hardwood floors in the living and dining room. Cement basement with laundry trays; garage with cement floor and drive ways; only i block from Sandy. Owner needs $1500 in his business. Will sell now for $36U0; $1500 cash. See Mc Dufee or Pengra. with W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis Bidg. Bdwy. 1006. ROSE CITY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW $5500. Located on 4!Hh St., near Sandy, faces east; modern in every way. in cluding garage; perfect condition; $1000 cash will handle. See this no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. LAURELHURST OFFICE, 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. 5-ROOM HOUSE, ALBERTA DISTRICT, FOR $3200. Large living and dining room, arch way between, large kitchen with all built-in features; full basement, ce ment walls. 2 large bedrooms and modern bath up large closets. French doors; $500 cash, balance $25 nonth and interest. A real bargain. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. $5750 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. j-iere is a reai buy for the money. 5 rooms finished in ivory and tapestry paper; fine electric fixtures, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, all in ex cellent condition, terms. Shown by appointment. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. $3800 PAVED STREET $3800. IMPROVEMENTS PAID. One of those nice quiet homes, has five beautiful rooms and bath. 2 full 50x90 lots, cement basement, gas. fur nace, all kinds of flowers, shrubbery, etc. You will appreciate the , value here. JOHN F. ZUBER, 1824 E. Glisan. Tabor 7547. 5-ROOM HOUSE CLOSE TO DIVISION ST. ' PRICE $2S0O. A real bargain if you are in the market for a real home call Murphy and let him show you this home you will like it and can handle on any sort of terms. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. BDWY. 6006. DOWN $500 DOWN. CORNER BUNGALOW. $2500. $2500. $2500. 5 rooms, basement, full plumbing, sidewaJk and sewer in; 1 block to car and pavement. STAR REAL ESTATE & TNV. CO.. Bdwy. aeift. 512-13 Wilcox Bidg ROSE CITY bungalow; worth more than ow; at a Bargain ior quick sale to anyone that can put up $1200 cash. 5 rooms and bath, in first-class con dition, hardwood floors, enameled kitcnen. but It-ins, concrete basement, fine lawn, space for garage, etc., 2 blocks from Rose City carline. 340 E. 42d st. No agents. See owner. ROOM modern bungalow near Penin sula park. Living room across the front; oak floors; fireplace; built-in book cases; china closets; Dutch kitchen; tbreakfast nook; wood lift; cooler; laundry traya and full base ment. For sale by owner. Walnut 2381 or call at 1203 Campbell street. House at 1454 Missouri avenue Terms. NEWLY WED BUNGALOW. Bungalow of 4 rooms and breakfast nook, one year old, concrete founda tion, cement floor In basement sta tionary tub, lot 50x100, cement walks around house; total price $J400; $300 cash, $15 monthly. Don't hesitate on this. See Kertson, with Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW. Swell, strictly modern 5-room bunga low, large attic, hardwood floors, fur nace, fine fireplace, garage; lot 50x100: Imp. all in and paid; built for a home; .just completed. 454 E. 27th. near Tillamook. Price $SOoO. on reasonable terms. Owner. 318 Board of Trade bidg. Bdwy. 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. New 6-room bungalow with garage, Ivory woodwork. hardwood floors throughout, tapestry paper, fireplace, large living and dining room, attic; close to car. C. A. WAGNER COMPANY. 230 Stark St. Broadway 7150. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences of any building, assist in financing same; 12 yrs.' continuous and complete bidg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank $2500 TERMS. DANDY FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE TWO BLOCKS FROM LAURELHURST PARK AND CARLINE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Ill EAST 35TH ST.. NEAR ALDER. IRVINGTON COR. HOME. Nine rooms, nw England colonial on sightly 100x100 corner. Hardwood floors throughout ; hot-water heat, $16,000. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7567. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy, nearly new 1-story modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, best section near park, no in cumbrances, easy terms; a bargain: excellent condition. Tabor O407. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. In good condition, close to car and school; $3000; small payment down and terms to suit you. or will rent to re sponsible party ; $30 month. Walnut 0913. $4S00 NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. Just completed, dandy 5 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, garage ; near schools, terms to suit. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. Six beautiful rooms. It's different and distinctive, hdwd. floors through out. nOxtOO lot: garage. 18th st. $8500. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7567. FINANCE SERVICE CO., Construction Dept., John J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 9C&-813 Wilcox bidg. Phone Bdwv. 6453. 50x100 LOTS. $350-$450; 10 cash; close to car. stores and school; 10 minutes' walk from Kenton Industrial center. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. gftft Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 3860. FOR SALE: By owner, new 4-room bun galow, large L. and D. room, 12 ft. buf fet. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full basement. Terms. 66 E. 82d st. X. Tel. Walnut 0963. BUY FROM OWNER 5-room house, lot 50x100. lights, gas, water, shower bath: $950. terms. 1160 . S2d aU N. REAL ESTATE. FRANK L. McGUIRE says: "INVEST your savings in Portland Real Emate! "It's perfectly safe and will bring you big returns before the "IflSS EXPOSITION. "Portland Real Estate values, based on the steady, solid growth of the city, are the best in our history! "VALUES ARE BOUND TO IN CREASE! "BTJT YOUR HOME NOW before the fall rush begins! "2000 HOMES FOR SALE. "Photographs and full Information are on display in our great "PUBLIC SHOW ROOM! "I'LL HELP YOU" MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT IF NECESSARY." OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. TELEPHONE BDWY. 7171. 90 salesmen with autos ONLY $40 DOWN! Owner leaving for Idaho! J19S0 $40 down! This includes furni ture and this very cozy. practi cal 4-room modern bungalow in Mt. Scott district, close to car line; light living room; conven ieht kitchen; 2 bedrooms and white enamel bath; owner must leave in a hurry, and is only asking $40 down for this for immediate possession! Garage. 59th ave. See THIS WITHOUT FAIL! NEWLY WEDS' DELIGHT. $1590 A charming, cheery bungalow for two light, bright and airy; lovely yard with plenty of Bhrubbery and fruit ; 3 rooms with built-ins; arranged just like a cunning apartment; on pavement; 2 blks to car. uur appraiser says "one of the best hare-in I've run aerobe in months." Foster Road. t!790 150O down: close to big Indus trial plants of Peninsula; cozy 'brand new 3-room modern bun galow with all built-ins; white enamel bath. etc. ; vacant ; can arrange easy terms. Migoah st $1890 $400 down! This is a clean comfortable 6-room home on Carson Heights in the beautiful hills of southern roruaao irhara tho air Ifl EOOd tC breathe; reception hall, living room, dining room, convenient , kitchen, 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, sleeping porch, garage. This is a real snap. E. 8th st. $2190 Here is wonderful value in a 6 room modern Mt Scott bunga low ; spotlessly clean and very cozy; just newly renovated both outaide and in; convenient kitchen; 1 bedroom down and 2 up; dandy big lot. 40x255. with worlds of fruit and garden and equipped for chickens; can be handled on only $300 down and rest less than rent! If I were you, I'd not waste one minute seeing this. E. 76th st. $450 DOWN! FURNISHED. $2650 and jut think of the terms, for this very cozy Montavilla bun galow furnished, too! 4 rooms, just as convenient as an apart ment; only it's nicer; living and dining room combined ; fire place and pretty buffet; white enamel Dutch kitchen; 2 bed rooms and bath ; full lot with nice lawn; flowers. $450 down and easy monthly terms. No " liens against it. E. Alder st. $2890 $400 down! Widow faces fore closure must sell her home at once! A neat, practical 5-room modern cottage, easy walking distance to town with all Im provements In on E. Clay st. ; $400 cash and monthly terms like rent! $2090 $500 down takes this big home special in Waverly-Richmond. Dandy 7-room modern home for a large family on full lot on 4 2d ave. Eliminate paying rent; invest it for yourself. Has 4 cheerful bedrooms, built-in feat urea, sleeping porch; one of the biggest bargains in our en tire office; no liens against it. We'll help you with the $500 down if you haven't all of it. $3490 Where can you find a nicer bungalow than this brand new exquisite one in Mt. Scott dis trict ; has 4 rooms, unusually artistic colonial style; ivory and tapestry; clever built-ins ; two bedrooms and bath ; breakfast nook ; attic ; full cement base ment ; $500 cash will handle and $20 per month including in terest on the balance. 51st at. ONLY $300 DOWN for this large attractive 6-room modern home in Sellwcod dis trict on Sherrett st., just 100 feet off Milwaukie ave. ; living room with fireplace, bookcases, very convenient kitchen with large built-in pantry. 3 bed rooms and bath ; fruit ; 2-room cottage in rear of lot included. fcjntire price 10 $d 100 Let us hear from you if you want bargain. $3750 and some cash handles bright new white ounga"low on beautiful corner lot in heart of Hawthorne on E. Lincoln st. exceptionally fine little home, a very model or ultra conven ience; built-ins, combination living and dining room. 2 bed rooms, Dutch kitchen; new and spotless and in point of prac ticability and neatness this has no equals. $3890 $500 down, and terms to be ar ranged on easy payments; pretty new bungalow adjoining Westmoreland, on 60x107 lot. facing on car line and paved street; lovely new colonial bun galow ; combination living and dining room, Dutch - kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 bed rooms, bath; immediate posses sion. We advise your seeing this at once. Milwaukie ave. $3990 on 100x100 in Rose City Park, bungalow bargain that defies competition; 5 rooms that are exceptionally large, light and airy. fireplace. all sorts . of built-in conveniences, 2 airy sleeping rooms, hardwood floors. ; There is room in attic for 3 ad ; ditional rooms. See this for one of the real bargains in Rose City Park. E. 73d st. $4090 $500 down. Adjoining Pied mont. A truly beautiful bunga low, containing in its 5 rooms everything necessary for com plete housekeeping; living room with fireplace, built-in buffet, ivory finish, mirror door, white Dutch kitchen; full cement basement, with furnace; stove and gas range included; ga rage; 1 blk. to car and walking distance to Jefferson High. Grand ave. $4190 Easy terms, a comfortable sub stantial Alberta home on good paved corner; full lot; all Im provements In and paid ; 6 rooms; beautfful glassed-in sun parlor; built-in features; 3 bed rooms; full cement basement with furnace; garage; soldiers can have this on $40 cash and apply loan. E. 8th st. $4490 Heart of Central E. Port, and an attractive, very substantially constructed 6-room modern home; paved street with all liens paid; has all modern built-in features; pretty fire place; furnace; 3 light airv bedrooms; garage, A typically American home. E. Davis, and it's walking distance to town. Very reasonably priced. .Terms. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. $4750 Here's that 5-room bungalow you have been looking for. close to car; large lot. 6fixl00; hao large living room and music room across the front, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath; full cement base ment ; beautiful lawn and shrubs; good garden. Let's show you this real bungalow home. Easy terms can handle. E. 45th pt. MOVE RIGHT IN. $4750 Completely furnished 5-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne district; living and dining rooms across the front; built-in buffet and Ideal Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms and dandy bath with fine white enamel plumb ing; everything is in firt-class condition ; you will have to move fast If you want this. E. 44th st. Can arrange terms OUT OF TOWN OWNER. Irvington $500 Down! $6250 and $500 down! This is a posi tive sacrifice in an artistic bun galow in heart of Irvington on a beautifully elevated full lot; 6 rooms with hardwood floors and every up-to-date conven-1 ience; fireplace: furnace; sleep-1 Ing porch; 2 blks. to Bdwy. car; $500 cash handles this phenom . enal buy. Easy terms on bal ance! E. 20th st. See FRANK L. McGUIRE r To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St, bet. Wash, and Stark. This is the biggest Home Selling Month In. Our History! Your "Home Is Here!" Come in and select it NOW! REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ELECTRICAL ROSE CITY. $5550; This new bungalow is a real innovation, along bungalow lines; every feature about it is distinctive. Living and dining room across the front; tiled electric fireplace; bookcases; buffet; French doors; interior in soft tones of silver gray; hardwood floors throughout; beautiful lighting fixtures: . mirror door in bedroom; tile bath; wired for electric heat; electric water heater and elec tric range included. A beauti ful bungalow worthy of your closest inspection. E. 52d st, Terms. $5750 New in the process of comple tion, a charming type of Rose City bungalow; has everything imaginable in its five rooms. Terms. We would appreciate being able to show you this. E. 46th st., close to car on paved street. $5990 Distinctive new colonial bunga low In Rose City will give you something to think about. rooms; large living and dining rooms across the front with big ... windows; fireplace;. massive buffet ; ivory finish ; all floors hardwood; tile bath; breakfast nook and white enamel Dutch kitchen: furnace; garage paved street paid. This is an inspiration. Thompson st., right in the midst of bungalow land fc Can arrange , terms. Come in and look over our display of homes for sale! You'll be surprised howTar your money will go. I'll help you make your first payment if neces sary. Open Sundays and evenings for your convenience. tee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St. bet. Wash, and Stark. This is the biggest Home Selling Month In Our History! Your "Home is Here!" Come in. and select it NOW! LAURELHURST HOME. BARGAIN. MAKE AN OFFER on this Laurelhurst home; six large rooms and nursery ; living room 14x26, nice large dining room with attractive built-in buffet; hardwood floors, very prttty fireplace, many other built-ins; complete cabinet kitchen, full cement basement with laundry and first-class heating plant; full cement drive to garage; nice lawn and shrub bery, hard surface paid ; in the best part of this district; money talks. DAVID HARP, Manager, R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, ' 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 320-04. i HilITRR RiRCIAIXS We could write paragraphs on the following houses, hut then you would have to see them to appreciate the value. If they are about the size that you want, ohone for appointment, for the value is unouestlonable. 4iiuO This is a 6-room house. 2 blocks from car on paved street. Fur nace, fireplace, built-in features and all; good lot and a bargain; 2 fin ished bedroom's on second floor. $3800 Less than a block from the Hawthorne car. 2 bedrooms, living , room, dining room, kitchen , (a good one) and batu on first floor. Upstairs finished into kitchen, dining room, liv ing room and two bedrooms; street paved. $3750 5-rm. bung., lot 75x100, fruit and flowers, paved street, everything paid; 1 u, blocks from car; $300 cash. We know that these are rare buys. If j'ou are in the market, telephone McDuffee or Pengra, with W. G. IDE. 817 Lewis Bidg. Bdwy. 1906. IRVINGTON BETTER HOME. New listing. Some features; 2 baths on second, fire-place, 75x100, beautiful yard of trees and flowers; center en trance, large living room across one end. French doors to large glass sun room; 4 bedr. on 2d. or 3 and si. porch room, one is oversize ; oak floors throughout; maid's room In attic; lo cation the very cream of Irvington' s best: to sell quick, $11,500. terms; shown by appointment only, and worth it. If this is the kind of home you want for your family, it's the best find in Portland; easy to show you through this exquisite home. Today's the day. Phone us to show you this and other Irvington homes exclusively for sale by R. T. STREET BETTER HOMES. Irvington Headquarters, 606 E. Bdwy. East 0894. $5800. THREE BLKS. SOTJTH OF SANDY BLVD. Six-room modern bungalow, nice, large "rooms and well arranged, a screened -in back porch and a large front porch, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, 2 extra wide and extra deep lots, the house stands on the corner lot, the extra lot is well worth $1250 to $1500; good garage. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK branch Office, 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J, L. HARTMAN COMPANY. IRVINGTON PARK. New 5-room absolutely modern bungalow, $;J000; $500 cash will handle if taken at once. HOLLY REALTY CO.. 436 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 6653. IRVINGTON bungalow. $6500. You haven't seen this perfect home ; like, new, absolutely mod. and latest style: large living room, 20 feet; bevel plate mirror door, ivory finish, beautifully papered rooms ; 15-foot dining room, Boynton furnace, garage, two beds, on first, couple can be finished on second floor. Shown by appointment and worth It. R. T. Street, Better Homes. Irvington headquarters at ,-606 East Broad way. East 0804. $400 IRVINGTON HEIGHTS $4200. 5 rooms, glassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, tapestry paper in every room, full cement base ment, laundry trays, pipeless furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. This is worth your time to just see. Terms can be ar ranged. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO INC., Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bidg. SNAP FOR QUICK ACTION. Good 6-room home with garage; choicest part Hawthorne district, close in and one block to car; $3500, $1500 cash. A real buy. Get busy. No phone information. Shown by ap pointment only. A. K. Hill, 426 Lum bermen.1? bidg. KENTON DISTRICT. 4 rooms and bath, brand new, cozy little home on full 50x100 ft. lot, for sale by builder; full price only $1975; small payment down, small monthly payment. 216 Panama bidg. Bdwy. 6157. FOR SALE by owner: 150x360. 15 fruit and 2 walnut trees, berries, grapes, currants, 9-room house, hardwood floors, sleeping porches, sun parlor and all built-in conveniences; must be seen to be appreciated. Walnut 4210. OWNER LEAVING CITY. ' Offers 7-room modern house on Ken ton car, nar park, at $4750; $2850 cash required. JOHXSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. 19th st.. bungalow of 7 rooms, new and absolutely modern; fine garage. $8000. A bargain. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, . 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7567. NEW BUNGALOW. MULTNOMAH. Hardwood floors, buffet, fireplace, breakfast nook. two bedrooms, full basement, furnace; lot 100x1 (h. Pri vate owner. W, F. Watkins, Broadway 5500. . $5750. Irvington on Weidler, 6 rooms, mod ern, wit h built-ins. hardwood floors, tapestry paper, furnace; fine lawn and shrubbery. Close to Broadway or 28th st. car. Bdwy 5231 or Aut. 317-44. LAURELHURST. S-rm. and s. p., 4 bedrooms, s. p. up; a beautiful house. 1 blk. to car; $7400; $1300 cash, balance to arrange. Tabor 21 S9. $1900 BARGAIN FROM OWNER. 6-room modern house., bath, newly painted, 50x100 lot, bearing fruits, fine 'awn and flowers, sewer and side wilks in. A. ' 025-67. BY OWNER 4-room home, elec. lights, lot 75x100, 8 fruit trees, 15 grape vines, berries, all in bearing, storehouse, chicken run and woodshed; price $1400. Sell. 3867. $7000 BUYS a new 7-room bungalow with all modern features and double ga rage. Irvington district. RITTER. LOWE & CO.," Realtors. 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7567. LOOK! Hdme with income; 6 attractive rooms for your home and a 3-room apt. to rent ; easy terms ; on hard-surface street near car, stores and school. Phone Auto. 621-01. 10-ROOM house, not quite pavement; take car part 439 Foster road. finished ; payment. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. G. C TTLRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bidg. 1 Main 4354-4355. New bungalow in the heart of Irvington, 30x48 feet, high-terraced lot; hdwd. floors, garage, cement drive, buffet, fireplace. This is a wonderful home for $7800. terms. Beautiful home In Laurelhurst, tile bath and sink; all modern con veniences. Price reduced. Five nice rooms. Total price for house and furniture only $2550, $500 cash. Seven-room strictly modern home in Irvington for only $4750. This is a bargain and should not be over looked. We have many other homes In all sections of the city to choose from ranging in price from $1475 and up. Our cars are at your disposal to in spect these homes and you are under no obligations. FORCED SALE OLD ENGLISH TYPE 5 rooms, garage attached; something different; has individuality and real class; just being finished: everything the very best; price only $5850; terms. 1605 E. Taylor, near 60th; west slope Mt. Tabor; wonderful view; large lot. If you are looking for a home look it over and call me evenings. Atwater 0746. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $4650. To be built. The owner is to dupli cate a bungalow already built. This , bungalow is to be complete with hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace. French doors between living and dining rooms, tapestry paper, ivory finish, light fix tures and shades. Garage, too. One of the best locations. $750 cash will handle. A. G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy. -Tabor 9586. LAURELHURST OFFICE, 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. WE WANT SOMEONE TO READ THIS AD. THAT IS INTERESTED IN BUY ING ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTI FUL HOMES IN PORTLAND. We have for sale, without a doubt, the finest home in the city of Port land. At owner's request, no informa tion will be given over phone; never been on the market before. If you want he honor of owning the best home in the city, come in and we will give you full information. You can phone and arrange for appointment. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. BDWY. 6006. REDUCED TO $3600. You can't afford to miss this op portunity to buy one of neatest little 4-room bungalows in Rose City, 1 block from carline; combination living room and dining room 15x30, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, tapestry paper, large Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom, large closets; cement base ment, laundry trays, Gasco furnace; garage, cement driveway; reduced $200 today for quick sale. See McDuffee or Pengra, city dept.. With W. G. IDE. 817 Lewis Bidg. Bdwy. 1906 ROSE CITY. $4500. $1000 CASH. Cozy 5-room bungalow, completely furnished, paved street, garage, fire place, furnace, lots of built-ins, half basement; the biggest snap in the city. Owner leaving city. Hurry if you waut a real bargain. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Artisans Bidg. Est. 18S9. Bdwy. 7522 PROSPECTIVE LAURELHURST BUYERS. If you're going to build in Laurelhurst. get in touch with our office. We are headquarters for Laurelhurst property, our office be! n & in the tract office, 39th and Glisan. Most of those who sell Laurelhurst property list with ua have the bargains. We're always glad to show you no .bongations positively. A. G. TEEPE CO. LAURELHURST OFFICE. 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 0586. - HOMES BUILT TO SUIT YOUR INCOME In any part of the city. Plans drawn, estimates cheerfully given and financial aid secured. Come in and talk it over. ALBOHN INVESTMENT CO., 216 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6157. MISSISSIPPI CAR SKIDMORE ST. $3750 $1000 CASH. 6 rooms, modern, corner lot and only 3 blocks from 2 canines; close to Catn olic school and church ; full cement basement, bath, beautiful corner lot, bearing fruit and berries, house only 1 years old. Worth really S4oOU; sac rifice price, $3750; $1000 cash. Phone Main. 9318 for Inspection. No trades. DON'T READ THIS unless you want Rose City bungalows, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, double con crete garage, improvements in and paid. TJiis is a good buy and a rea sonable payment will give you pos session. See this today. Ask for Mac p her son. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bidg. Bdwy. 6785 IRVINGTON HTS. $3150 $650 CASK. New bungalow, consists of combina tion living-dining room. 2 bedrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen with sanitary drain and sink ; cement basement, trays. Near Irvington car. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bidg. Bdwy. 1375. $3700 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS. New, attractive, modern 5-room bun galow, double const., cement porch, hwd. floors, fireplace, all built-ins. A-l plumbing, 2 fine bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, concrete base ment, wash trays, nice 50x100 lot; asst. paid. Tabor 6559. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. $4500. $500 cash, balance easy terms, brand new 5-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace; 50x100 lot; 1 block to Wood lawn car. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 6007. OVERLOOK ADDITION $4800. Attractive 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in features; full cement basement, fur nace and wash trays; lot 50x100. im provements in and paid for; no assess ments to assume. Easy terms. Owner, Overlook Land Co.. Main 0216. A REGULAR PARK. With a lovely 7-room home, in the midst 100x100 grounds; 6 towering pines, 6 ornamental trees, 5 fine fruit trees ; all growing in a velvet green lawn. For beauty this Is hard to dupli cate. Is surrounded by beautiful homes. Onlv $8500, with terms. Tabor 2189. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW just completed ; finest , location west slope Mt. Tabor on car" line; splendid view; cement garage leading to basement; construction A-l. A complete home for $5i0 on terms. Owner, 615 Rv. Exch, bidg. Bdwy. 5085. WILLAMETTE .HEIGHTS BARGAIN Beautiful 7-room. strictly modern, double set of plumbing. hardwood floors throughout, basement; garage; fine grounds, lawn and shrubs ; $1300 cash will handle; price $(i500. 202 Failing bid?., 3d and Washington. FURNISHED HOME. Six-room nicely furnished home, close to Ford plant and car shops. Large basement with furnace, laundry travs. Price only $3450. Easv terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bidg. LOOK! Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement; garage; only $300 down, balance $30 month. See this today. Maepherson, with ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bidg. Bdwy. 6785. OVERLOOK BARGAIN. Must be sold this week. Owner sac rificing modern 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, built ins, cement basement, furnace, garage, near Jefferson high and grade schools. 905 Longview ave. ALAMEDA $7000. New 7-room house with garage, strictly modern, with all built-in con veniences, hardwood floors downstairs and large fireplace. 985 Skidmore. Open Wednesday from 10 to 4. 6 ROOMS, new and modern, with ga rage, near schools. In Piedmont park. One 5-room, near Mt. Tabor, under construction. Either place at $4500. Terms. Owner. WALNUT 4374. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $150 DOWN. Near Lombard, dandy shape, almost new; price $3000; best get busy; this kind doesn't last. .RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5654. 1 BEST ACREAGE BUY. 5 acres on pavement, only $2000; wa ter, light, phone, best soil; ideal home site; see it at once if you want real value. D. McChesney. 626 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 2505, evenings Main 7844. OWNER leaving city. Must, sell new 5 room modern bungalow, completely fur nished, lot 100x100; $1800 cash; take Mount Scott car to end of line; walk 4 blks. north to No. 10326 56th ave. S. E. WILL sell my equity of $500 in cosy 5 room house what offers; any reason able offer not refused. Apply 7509 48th ave. S. E. ' KENTON 2 rooms. 50x100 ft., sidewalk, $750, $100 down. 1567 Denver ave. REAL ESTATE. For Sal ROB? CITY VALUES. 5 RMS. AND SLEEPING PORCH. 100x100 LOT. On 38th st., just a few steps from Sandy blvd. One of the prettiest lawns with choice flowers and shrubs,, also bearing fruit trees, east front, living room 18x24 with massive fireplace, dining robm 12x18. oak floors, all rms. are large with lots of built-ins, even in the hall; complete cabinet kitchen, full cement basement with laundry, fur nace and concrete fruit room; garage, hard surface paid, close to school and cars; about 4 blocks from new high school and playgrounds. Price $6750, terms. DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th.. Aut. 320-04. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $6800. Fine part of Alameda park, 5 rooms, 8x10 break, room, attic and garage, east front, level lot; living room is 15x28; extra large a.te windows, fire place with bookcases on either side, plate mirror door in guest closet, full Dutch kitchen; best of plumbing and electric fixtures. This house is alt ready for you to move in; let me ahow It to you. R. T. STREET," 606 East Broadway. East 0804. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. LOOK THESE OVER. $1400 3 rooms, small down payment. $2500 1 rooms, modern; terms to suit. $3200 5 rooms, close in; reasonable terms. $3360 5 rooms, Sellwood; your own terms. $3606 5 rooms, take car and cash, balance easy. Save your time and $ $ $ by visiting our wonderful gallery, and selecting your home from our various assort ments, which we will gladly show you after selection is made. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 Ry. Exchange Bidg. Bdwv. 6808. Bdwy. 6808. $2750 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Three blks. north of Sandy blvd, new and modern. 3-room bungalow, large bedrooms with closet, bathroom, nice large living room, kitchen and break fast nook, cement basement, laundry trays and furnace; A very complete little home, good district, may be handled on very easy terms. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. LAURELHURST NEW BUNGALOW $6250. "Ideal location, thoroughly built, do'uble-constructed bungalow, with hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, recessed tub, shower, tiled sink, ex pensive tapestry paper, French doors, garage. Very liberal terms. Better see this today. Ai G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. LAURELHURST OFFICE, 30th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. ROSE CITY PARK. $4800. New 5-room strictly modern bunga low, complete to the last detail; hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, pipe furnace, garage, facing east; $600 cash and easy monthly payments. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485: DON'T READ THIS unless you want Rose City bungalows, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, double con crete garage, improvements In and paid. This is a good -buy and a rea sonable payment will give you pos session. See this today. Ask for Mac pherson. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bidg. Bdwy. 6785. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Near Hawthorne. Priced to sell $6950. New 7-room modern 1H -story house, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch up stairs: built for a home with the best of material and workmanship; indirect light; hardwood floors, fireplace. Com plete In every way. Recess bath, pedes tal wash tray. etc. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 213 Cofbett Bidg. Main 8869. NO BUILDERS PROFIT. Are you looking for a bargain in a new bungalow ? I have it a 5-room, has two bedrooms, living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, fireplace, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, 50x100 lot. This home is double constructed throughout. Full price is $3800, with $500 down. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. INC.. Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bidg. COSY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $2750 $500 DOWN. New bungalow with large breakfast nook, combination living-dining room, 1 bedroom, Duth kitchen, nice cement basement, pipeless furnace; room for garage: 50xl00-ft. lot: 2 blocks to Sandy blvd. and corner; balance easy terms. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bidg. Bdwy. 1375. NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms and floored attic, laun dry room on 1st floor, ivory finish, and nli rnnms nnnpred with hn 11 ( i f ill lanes. try paper, tile bath with recess tub and pedestal basin; large cement base ment with furnace, garage. Open aft ernoons from 2 until- 6 or by appoint ment. 1270 Rodney ave., near Ains worth. Owner A. C. Malmquist, 815 Knott st. East 0022. CLASSY BUNGALOW ROSE CITY. Business takes me to California; my lovely home at 481 E. 38th st. N. for Eale 100x100 lot, 4-foot terrace; most beautiful grounds and finest located place in the district: east front; extri -large rooms; everything modern; ga rage; cement basement, cement fruit room; shrubbery, flowers, garden, fruit trees, etc. Call evenings. - PIEDMONT. Beautiful English Colonial 7-room new modern home, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large sun room, ga rage ; located at 227 and 231 Jessup st.; terms arranged to suit reliable purchasers. For full Information apply COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Artisans Bidg. Est. 1SS0. Bdwy. 7522. HAWTHORNE. This is one of the very beautiful 5 room bungalows with attic, 1 blk. to car, paneled dining room with the prettiest buffet, wonderful living rm. with fireplace. You rcan't help liking this. See it and say for yourself; $1400; $800 down, balance $50 per mo., including interest. Bonus accepted. Tfi-hor 2180. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN. Modern bungalow, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors. 5 rooms on first floor, second floor can be converted into four additional rooms, newly painted inside and out. street paving paid for, fur nished; special price S4650; terms. See Webster. L. Klncald, realtor, 401 Lewis bidg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. EASTM ORE LAND. 5-room bungalow, full floored attl, hardwood floors, fireplace, every built in convenience, tapestry walls, com plete built-in kitchen and breakfast nook; improvements paid; $5500; can not be duplicated for $6500; on terms. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bidg. Atwater 2245. PARKWAY. We will build to suit customer 4-rm. bungalow on lot 1. block 3. Missouri ave., near Peninsula park : $250 down. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell avenue. $550. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. i Good 3-room bungalow nearly fin- ished on 50x104 lot, close to paved f street. Fine chance for party to get t a home cheap. I 319 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6755. $3500; $500 DOWN. Dandy new 4-room bungalow; very complete ; immediate possession ; owner going to Cal. ; hardwood floors, fire place; Indirect light; bookcases; cement porch. See this place at once. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 213 Corhett Bidg. Main 6860. IRVINGTON $4150, $500 DOWN. Near new high school and city park; modern new bungalow; tapestry paper, indirect lights, hardwood floor, fire place, nice , trees, cement basement; breakfast nook and all built-ins. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 213 Corbett Bidg. Main 6869. ROSE CITY. ft rooms, owner in California offers beautiful, very modern bungalow, all on one floor: cor. lot with garage. This is very artistic, has gorgeous shrub, bery. Going at a real bargain, with small down payment. Tabor 2180. $3000 LAURELHURST DISTRICT $350 CASH. 6 rooms furnished, a dandy buy. block off GMsan st.. 57th st. Let i show you today. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Cham, of Com. Bdwy.. 5654. NEW modern bungalow; combination room. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, basement, oak floors, fireplace; Kill in gsworth ave.; $3,000; $500 down. Owner. Walnut 3796. Even. 7-ROOM house by owner in Brooklyn. 706 Lafayette; cheap for c ash Cal 1 Mala 8671. REAL ESTATE. For Sale-r-H ou ses. RENT SAVERS. $550 $550 $550. 2-room cottage and 50x100; city water, gas and elec. available, some fruit trees and berries; $50 cash, $10 monthly. $625 $625 $625. 1- room shack, lot 61x150, on mac adamized street, near school, $9 cash, $9 monthly. $675 $675 $675. 2- room shack and 50x100, Kenton district, $300 cash, balance monthly. $700 $700 $700. 2- room shack, cottage and large porch, ground 100x100. city water and gas, Alberta district, $233 cash and $3 monthly. $900 $900 $900. 3- room furnished cottage, ground 100x100, furniture alone cost $141, $100 cash, $15 monthly. $900 $900 $900. 8-room cottage, lot 66x135, 18 as sorted bearing fruit trees, $100 cash. $950 $950 $950. Exceptionally neat little 8-room cot tage with sleeping porch, city water, gas and elec. lights, close to school, $400 cash. $1000 $1000 $1000. 4- room box house, 50x110 lot, elec. lights, gas and city water, patent toilet, some fruit and berries, $175 cash and $15 monthly. $1000 $1000 $1000. 3-room cottage, lot 45x105, maca damized street, one block Woodstock car, 11 assorted fruit trees, some ber ries, $250 cash, $20 monthly. These are just a few of the hun dreds of small homes that we havt on our list for working men. Call at the office and see photographs. See Mr. Kertson, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. GOING EAST. SACRIFICE. In the best part of Laurel hurst; 6 large rooms, all on one floor. Here is your chance to pick up a home of this type at a real sacrifice figure. Hardwood floors, massive fireplace, French doors, many convenient built-ins, complete kitchen, large attic; garage; in fact, nothing over looked; it will be worth your while to investigate this, as $7500 is a sacrifice price. Can be handled on good terms to responsible party. Oh, yes, hard surface paid. DAVID HARP, Manager, R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 320-04. IRVINGTON. SPECULATORS. BARGAIN HUNTERS. FOR ESTATE, AT $5250 FOR 50x100, OR $6750 FOR 100x100, 9-ROOM HOME, ATTIC, HARD WOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, GARAGE, LARGE ROOMS, EASY TO SHOW YOU THIS BUY B E T T E R BE EARLY THAN SORRY. R. T. STREET." BETTER HOMES. IRVINGTON HEADQUARTERS, 606 E. BDWY. EAST 0894. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE Thoroughly well built modern house; 8 rooms and fine attic; magnificent, unobstructed city view; lot 50x200, facing on 2 hard-surfaced streets; con crete garage. BROOKE. MAIN 4342. $500 DOWN 1 ACRE. A new, 4-room bungalow, with com bination living and dining room, every built-in feature, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, floored attic, cement base ment, wash trays, etc.; gas. lights and city water. A wonderful little double constructed home and 1 acre of land all fenced and on a hardsurface road; just outside the city limits. Really folks, it's real buy for $3500 with your terms. RUMMELL & 274 Stark St., 30th and Sandy. RUMMELL. Bdwy. 6729. Aut. 320-60. ROSE CITY. SACRIFICE SACRIFICE. Is there anybody wanting a large 5-room bungalow, in this district either for a home or investment? I have one that the owner must sell this week and she will not turn down any offer that is in reason. It is new and has all hardwood floors, tile bath and drain boards, Gasco furnace, ull base ment. Call me and I will give vou full details. W. F. 51 A HONE Y with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. BDWY. 6006 IRVINGTON COLONIAL. Let us show you this 7-room Dutch colonial, surrounded by high-class homes: center reception hall. living and dining rooms, den and kitchen on first floor, 3 large corner bedrooms, tile bath on the second, 2 sets of plumbing, oak floors, tapestry paper, French doors, fine built-ins; garage; only 2 blocks from car. The owner says he is losing money at the price asked; $8900, $2500 down. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATES. 351 ANKENY. BDWY. 2045. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK. One-half block from Sandy blvd. Six large rooms, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, double stairway, full basement and furnace, laundry trays, garage. A wonderful home, close to stores and school ; may be handled on very easy terms. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE, 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, $5250. Under the hill. Here Is & snap. A beautiful corner, facing west and south; has 5 rooms, is brand new, has every modern feature, every built-in, large concrete porch, full width of the house; garage; only $500 cash and $50 per month. This is a snap. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 362S. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. BEAUMONT 100x100 FT. An 8-room house with hardwood fin ish throughout, hot water furnace, fireplace, all built-in features, large bath, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays, floored attic, etc.; in good condition; 100x100 corner, ce ment garage; lots of roses and shrub bery; price for quick sale only $6500. Terms reasonable. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St.. Bdwy. 6720. 89th and Sandy Blvd. Aut1. 320-60. A SNAP. 8-room house, modern except fur nace. 3 large lots, cement sidewalks, on Lombard near Union ave. House can be bought for $4000 ; $500 down will handle. Call Bdwy. 6559. Ask for Brownell or Slosum. CLOSE TO BUSINESS CENTER. By owner See these 3 modern 5 room cottages, well built, in good con dition. Fine corner lot. $8500 cash, $2000. Can pay balance from rent. Adams and Hazsalo sts.. near Holla day ave. Phone East 6034. If you are looking for property with a future, this is your opportunity. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. One of the most elaborate 9-room colonial homes with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river, built for home, very unusual construction and every modern feature, walls beautifully decorated, 2 nice lots with magnificent trees and shrubbery, hot water heat, 3 baths, double garage. Tabor 0407. ROSE CITY PARK. Brand-new bungalow below the hill, all complete for only $5450. $1000 down. Finest location, 2 blks. Sandy Blvd. Let us show you. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7567. $3250 NEW $8250. Bungalow with two bedrooms, splen- ! aid built-in Kitcnen ana oreaktast nook, lowest possible terms. R. Bepler. Bdwy. 4108. ALAMEDA. Beautiful home in best district; 4 bedrooms, sun room, large closets, hardwood floors. Gasco furnace, ga -rage, lawn and shrubbery. Price $8500, easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwy. 1658. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Less than year old, 28-foot living room, all hardwood floors, breakfast room. Finest location, B. 17th st. $7850. Terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7507. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Classy 24-story. 8-room home with garage, best location, nearly new, rich old ivory finish, -nicely papered, oak floors throughout, 2 baths, sunroom, nice yard, cheap. Tabor 0407. $1950 4-ROOM modern house. Rose City district, close to car; bearing fruit trees and berries, garage; small payment down, balance easy pay ments. Phone Bdwy. 6932, Tabor 3655. - HOUSE PLANS, 10O designs. $10 to $15. or specially designed at reasonable tee. L. R- BAILEY CO.. 021 K. W. Bank Bids. REAL ESTATE. 5 RMS. AND LARGE ATTIC. $5450 $950 CASH. Unbelievable value; they are getting $65oo for this type of bungalow today, was built 7 yrn. ago and built right ; hardwood floors, massive fireplace, ait kinds of built-ins, nice largo rooms with lots of windows, complete kitchen, cement base ment with laundry and furnace; very pretty lawn and flowers; hard surface paid. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 30th. Automatic 820-04. $50 IN CASH PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE PERSONS WRITING THE BEST LETTERS SETTING FORTH THE ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF HuMB OWNERSHIP; $25 FOR FIRST PRIZE. $15 FOR SECOND, $10 FOR THIRD. WINNING LET TERS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE McGUIRE SYSTEM. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. McGUIRE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 212 ABINGTON DLDG.. BROADWAY 7171. $8750 SACRIFICE. A beautiful 1 0-room house In Ladd sddition, 65x100 corner lot: hardwood floors, furnace, 2 fireplaces. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laun dry trays, 2 complete baths, tiled floor and best of up-to-date plumb ing; 2 bedrooms and ba ih down stairs, den, all large airy rooms, awn ings and screens, floored attic and everything; beautiful lawn, roses and stacks of shrubbery ; large garage. Would make wonderful duplex bouse; have an income and & home. Only $8750. worth $12,000. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St., Bdwy. 672.. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Aut. 320-60. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW HOME. 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; one of the nicest little places on the heights, built 3 years ago by the owner for his own home, wonderfully constructed and planned; 100x100 ground and level. Iots of shubbery, large garage. This place must be seen to be appreciated. If you have been looking for a home on the heights and ready to buy see this and your house hunting is over. Price cut from $16,000 to $13.00o. Will make some terms. Act quick if you want a ren 1 bargain. Call or see W. F. MA HONEY with CORCORAN-JUNES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. HDWT. 0006. LAURELHURST DUTCH COLONIAL, $10,500. One of the best buys in Laurelhurst. Owner takes a $2000 loss. Come, see for yourself the quality of workman ship and materials that entered into its construction. And it's planned just as you yourself would plan it. A large corner lot with double garage. ' Give us an opportunity to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. LAURELHURST OFFICE. 39th and Glisan, Tabor 3433. $1800 Two blocks off Fremont street, just outside city limits, new 3-room house with breakfast nook, about H acre, an ideal little home and in a splendid location and a growing district. A splendid investment on easy trms. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. $5250 M UST SE LL SACRIFICE. A 5-room bungalow, floored a ttlc, full cement basement, wash trays, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, very large living room, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, French doors, etc. ; linole um, gas water heater, all window drapes; 50x100 lot; lawn, lots of ros.s and shrubbery ; city Improvenvn ( s paid. Alameda Park. Price only $525o, with $15oo down. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Si ark st. Bdwy. 6720. 39th and Sandy Blvd.. Aut. 320-00.- BROADWAY FRONTAGE. Bargain. 75x100 on East Broadway, near 21st st.; improved with 8-room house, fur nace, fireplace, attic, full basemen :. Remember, 'the ground value is qufte high now and Is on the increase. Think it over, only $6500. R. T. STREET BETTER HOMES. Irvington Headquarters. 606 East Broadway. East 0804. ST. JOHNS BARGAIN. $2850, $250 down, $20 and in terest a month. 1 block to school and park. Modern 4-room bun galow, well built, concrete base ment, cement floor, 50xl49-oot lot. 819 Smith ave. N., near St. Johns ave. Tabor 3323. $9000 IRVINGTON $9000. $2000 down, balance to suit. 7 rooms, hot watT heat; large living room, beautiful dining room, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, 4 large bedrooms all with fine closets, linen closet: house built 1 year ago; price includes lin oleum and drapes; garage and full ce ment driveway; fence and nice shrub bery. By appointment only, phone owner Main lJ84rt day. East 0086 eve nings ; no a gent a, please. $4600. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New five-room bungalow, strictly modern in every respect, near Haw -thorne ave.; hardwood floors In living and dining rooms, walls papered, fire place and Dutch kitchen; white enamel finish throughout; cement basement, laundry trajs and furnace; $750. cash, balance like rent. J. L. KARNOPP &" CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6755. 9 LARGE ROOMS. $5000; $1000 cash, $50 monthly: ex ceptionally large rooms, with reception hall and stairway hut off from down stairs; suitable for 2 good flatM; full cement basement, furnace; shrubbery and flowers ; close In on east side, near 2 car lines; lot 4xl00. JOHNSOX-PODSON CO. 633 X. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. BUY THIS RUSE CITY BARGAIN. $5250 Splf-ndidiy built, ideal loca tion near new city park; eastern oak floors, efficient furnace, full cement basement. garage, etc. Reasonable terms, too. in vest iga te. A. G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY OFFICE, 40th and Sandy, Tabor 95S6. LAURELHURST OFFICE. 30th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. FOR SA LE. ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN LACK ELHURST. PRICE $S900. If you want on of the best homs in LaurIhurnt for the money we hftve It. never been lived in, and a real bar gain. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 OAK ST. BDWY. 6006 NEW BUNGALOW. 4 rms. down. 1 and sewing rm. up. classy kitchen, frarago; close to school, car; $3600, $450 cash. Owner, 1128 E. 33d fit. N.. near Killings worth. $50 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded tp the persons wrltlnt the best letters setting fortn the ad vantages and benefits of home owner ship. $25 for first prize, $15 tor tecond. $10 for third. Winning letters will bs published in the McGuire System. Mai. letters to Frank L. McGuire. America's Largest Horn Seller 212 Abington bidg. Bdwy. 7171. ON SANDY BOULEVARD. CORNER 4TH AND SANDY This is one of the best buys in Port land, if you will look this home over, we can gt you a rea 1 ba rgain. mak us an offer at once as the owner Is going to sell. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 OAK ST. BDWY 6"0H MUST SELL my $200 equity in near'V completed lovely 5-room bungilo, corner lot. large floored attic, can b used aJ 2 rooms; very latest finish and arrangement. Leaving city for busi ness reasons. Original price $5400. wM sell for $5200; terms. Call 503 K. 35th st. Tabor 7007. for ky and location. $3000. This splendid 5-room bungalow must be sold. Hardwood floors, white enam el woodwork and everything in good repair; this is on 69th sta-et, 2 blocks from car line. $500 down. bal. easy terms. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwy. 1656. BEAUTIFUL and roomy bungalow, hwd. floors throughout with cement drives and garage. This is one of the most complete houses in Laurelhurst. WW sacrifice at a low price, $7600. Con sider building lot as part payment at the right price. Mrs. Caudy. Bdwy. 4231 eve, and Sun. East 4216. $3500, EASTERN owner's sacrifice; bun galow of 8 large rooms and den ; full cement basement with L. tra ys ; la rge complete bath, connected to sewer; fireplace, etc. Nothing to assume. Good exclusive district; one block to car; some terms. Tabor 2U34,