THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1922 INQUIRE AT NOTION SHOP, MAIN FLOOR, OR PATTERN SHOP, SECOND FLOOR, FOR INFORMATION ABOUT MADAME COATES' DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY COURSES SOON TO BEGIN AT THIS STORE Can't have too many school handkerchiefs. Plenty here in all col ors and at all prices. Main Floor. It is a good plan to have the children's eyes examined before school opens. Ex perienced optometrists Mezzanine. Seven experienced men and women bar bers are here daily to cut children's hair in the newest styles. Fifth Floor. Charge Purchases Today and Balance of Month Go on September Bills, Dated October 1. WHEN Meier & Frank's does a thing" it does that thing- well. So it is with this special "School Days" program a complete, carefully planned presentation ' of all the things pertinent to school, featured by special price offerings in many instances by lowest prices, quality considered, in others. This event will demonstrate again that Meier & Frank's is . HEADQUARTERS for All School .Meeds Together with the marked advantages that patrons enjoy in the matter of most complete stocks, dependable qualities and best values, Meier & Frank service assures prompt attention, courtesy and satisfaction to everyone. ESTABLISHED Te Quality Store of Portland. Oregon FWCH. StXTM. MORRISON. ALOER STS. The September issue of "The Juvenile Magazine" is being distributed now. To secure a copy this month and succeeding months, names and addresses of children should be brought to the Children's Store. Copies of the September issue have already been mailed to children whose names we have. Official Portland Grammar School Text Books for All Grades In addition to providing a special section for these text books (Fifth Floor) we have also assembled here representative stocks of other school supplies such as note books, pads, pencils, pens, etc. Patrons will appreciate the convenience of finding these requisites side by side. Meier & Frank service and satisfaction. ,rW""L"'"jyfl Tie Up Pretty Curls With Bows Like These at 35c Ordinarily you would pay 60c to 90c for each of these bows. But the new school term is such an event that Meier & Frank's is celebrating it by this special: . Tied of 1M yards of ribbon taf feta, moire and satin taffeta in plain, plaid and checked patterns they are fluffy enough to please the most fas tidious little person. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Umbrellas for Rainy School Days There's a Special Sale of $5.50 Ones for 2.45 Today You'll almost want it to rain so that you can carry your all-silk rain or shine umbrella. Both bright and darker colors. Plaids and checks. Cotton Umbrellas 1.50 to 2.25 The kind of umbrellas that prove good, trusty friends through out the rainy months. Good assortments for girls and boys. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) For School Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pencils Fountain Pens 2.75 to 12 Fountain pens all makes Water man, Sheaffer, Conklin and Dunn with clips for the boys and with rings for a ribbon for the girls. All are self-filling and all guaranteed. Other fountain pens $1 and up. Eversharp Pencils 60 to 5 Whether it's elaborate or very plain it is the one pencil for the student. Always ready there when you want it to jot down those im portant notes. If You Go Away to School then what a stock of stationery you will need. The dozens of letters back home to everyone you know telling all your ad venturescall for a good supply of it. Every kind here. Address and Memorandum Books are here, waiting for your inspection. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Youthful Blouses for Girls Who Like Jumper Frocks Pongee Blouses 5 to 6.50 The round Peter Pan collars that are finished with such demure little ties under your chin are prominent in this group of school blouses. Some trimmed with pleating. White Tub Blouses Crisp and dainty of batiste, voile and dimity some all white and some with touches of color. For the girl who goes away to school and for the girl who stays at home. Some Specially Priced 1.95 Apparel for School Girls of Every Age If you've a jumper dress or an attractive tweed suit or a pretty pleated skirt then you want one or several of these blouses. They are white and dainty and crisp and becoming. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Little Girls Will Want to Be Gloved Gloves are a protection and a warmth that can't be neglected to say nothing; of style. Good Kid Gloves $1.25-$1.50 One-casp capeskin and mocha gloves, P. K. sewn, with embroidery stitched backs. Sizes 2 to 10 years. $3.00 to $4.00 Gloves Special 2.69 The best kind of gloves made to wear until you outgrow them in shades of mode, grey, beaver and mastle, (Sizes 5 ta 7 only, Meier Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filfed.i SB PPl The days when school clothes were made for service alone and looked it are gone. Not that the gay little togs the school girl of today wears don't prove just as practical and serviceable. They do. But they are also pretty enough and smart enough to make any small per son want to wear them all the time. And mothers know that you are more careful of a dress or coat you like. Navy Serge Dresses 4.95 and 5.95 It,'s surely a girl's right to own a pretty blue serge frock for school. As if they knew that, this special shipment has arrived barely in time for the new fall term. Sizes 8 to 14 years. "Let's Celebrate," said the Coats, -"And Go on Sale at 9.95!" And in spite of the fact that some of them carried price tags that read "$25" they did. They number 50 in all and some have fur collars imagine 'it! They've sent out a hurry call to girls between 8 and 16 years. Other coats priced to $40. School and Sweaters Go Hand in Hand A sweater is something you can't overlook. ' It is marked in capital letters in the list of school n'eeds. And no wonder it is warm and comfortable and always looks like new it's bright looking, the correct thing to wear and it's always becoming. Not one but several says the school girl. $3.50 to $8.95. - Pullover Sweaters 2.95 They are the sweaters- for outdoor sports! ' .. Wool and moliair gayly - striped brilliant as autumn leaves surely youH have one. 6 to 16 years. The Importance of a Middy Is at High Tide Now Justjmention "school" and watch the middy blouses sit up and take notice! They know no school room is com plete without a sprinkling of them. Some are jauntily called "Bob Evans" and others answer to "Jack Tar." Of wool flannel and wool twill, they may be green or scarlet or navy sizes 6 to 18 years, $5.95 and $8.95. Kilted Like a Scotchman Is the Smartly Middied Girl Her skirt may be checked or a bright plaid fabric but to be correct it must be tightly pleated. With straps, these kilts are worn with a blouse. With cotton bodices, they accompany middies. Priced $3.95 to $6.95. Bloomers for the Active Girl Pair, 75c Black sateen bloomers, made with elastic at waist and knee and also in drop-seat style. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Gym Bloomers 1.98 Heavy quality black sateen bloomers, in sizes 8 to 18 years. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) ill Everything for a Boy's School Wear Does your boyneed a new suit an overcoat a raincoat a mackinaw a sweater blouses a hat or cap or any of the other things that go to complete the boy's outfit for school? If he does Meier & Frank's is the place to supply that need choose here from the largest assortments of boys' clothing and furnishings at mod erate prices. Boys' Norfolk Suits 8.45 An excellent value. Boys' novelty Norfolk suits with TWO PAIRS fully-cut, fully-lined knickers. Fancy mixtures. Sizes 10 to 18 years. Boys' Corduroy Suits 8.45 The famous "Crompton" corduroy all-weather suits with one pair knickers. Dark brown shade. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Two-Knicker Suits 11.45 Another new shipment just received. Newest styles, patterns and colors. ' Sizes 7 to 18 years. Boys' Norfolk Suits 12.85 Limited number at this special low price. Boys' fine Norfolk suits in fancy browns and tweed mixtures. Sizes 10 to 18 years. Other Boys' Suits of fine tweeds, cheviots and worsteds, sizes 9 to 18 years at $13.50, $16.50 and upwards. ,s' Overcoats $14.85 New blue cheviot overcoats with large convertible collars and patch pockets. Red lining. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Also double-breasted polaire cloth overcoats with convertible collars and raglan sleeves. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Special $14.85. Boys' Raincoats 3.95 Extra special at this low price. Boys' rubberized raincoats or rain-capes in sizes 4 to 16 years. Boys' Mackinaws 7.45 Every wide-awake boy wants a mackinaw for colder days. These at $7.45 for 6 to 12-year boys are in plain colors and plaids , with shawl and notch collars, belted all-around. Others in sizes 13 to 18 years are special at $9.85. Boys' Sweaters $2.65 Warm slip-on sweaters in rib stitch. A wide variety of plain colors and combinations. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Boys' Sweaters 4.95 Shaker knit slip-over sweaters in or ange and black, cardinal and black, black and orange and various other combinations, also plain colors. Sizes . 28 to 34. Boys' Sweaters 6.95 Heavy "Jumbo" weave slip-on sweat ers in the various local school colors. Large shawl collars. Sizes 28 to 34. Boys' Blouses 69 Extra special. Famous "K. & E." blouses of finely serviceable fabrics in an almost endless variety. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Boys' Shirts 95-1.35 Two special lots of boys "K. & E." shirts regular $1.25 to $2 values at 95c, regular $2.25 to $3 values at $1.35. Sizes 12 to 14. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) School Shoes for Boys and Girls- Boi DP fill For Boys and Girls Going to High School and for Young People Going to College For the high school and college girl things she will want far herself and for her room ivory comb, brush and mirror sets, manicure sets, stationery, fountain pens, wrist watches, Indian blankets, picture frames, chafing dishes, tennis rackets, jew elry, party dresses, silk hose, dancing slippers, diaries, writing sets, gloves, wool sport hose, silk underwear, For the high eeheel bey and eellege manr-first long treusep suits, evereeats, tepceats, rain coats, hats, ehees, shirts, eravats, collars, sex, underwear, athletic goods, etc. Our assortments of boys' and girls' footwear for the school season were never more complete. All the newest styles in service? giving shoes may be chosen here at moderate prices. Boys' Shoes 4.15 Sizes 11 to ISV2, pair $4.15. Sizes 1 to 6, pair $4.65. Youths' and boys' black calf and brown elk shoes in me dium and Munson army lasts with heavy soles. Blucher style. Boys' Shoes 4.50 Sizes UV2 to 13, pair $4.50. Sizes 1 to 6, pair $5.50. Boys' black calf, blucher style shoes, extra heavy soles and indestruct ible tips. Girls' Shoes 4.85 Regularly $6.50 to $7.50. Growing girls' shoes of black gun metal, medium and dark tan leathers. Made on semi-English lasts with low heels. All sizes. Growing Girls' Shoes We have a complete assortment of growing girls' shoes, oxfords, one and two-strap pumps in patent colt, tan and black calfskin at $6 to $7.50 pair. Misses' Shoes 3.35 Sizes 5 to 8, pair $3.35. Sizes SYs to 11, pair $3.75. Sizes 11 to 2, pair $4.35. Misses' and children's patent leather, brown or smoked elk shoes with roomy toes, low heels, welt soles. Acrobat Shoes 3.50 Sizes 5 to 8, pair $3.50. Sizes 8 to 11, pair $4.25. Sizes 11 to 2, pair $5. Lace and button style in tan, smoked or black leathers. Without nails or stitches. Perfect for growing feet. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Windsor Ties for School Boys and Girls The bright colors that you want. Special iyc each or a ior ouc. Windsor, middy Windsor, the three cornered and the square middy ties are stacked up in imposing looking piles just waiting to be worn. They range from 25c to $3.50. Starched Linen Collars 50 The smartly dressed child knows the importance of a white tailored collar and chooses one with cuffs to match. The cuffs are also 50c a pair. One Thing That Does Two Things Sport Sets, Special 4.95 The one thing is a sport set and the two things that it does is provide the most enchantingly pretty soft roll-brim hat for your head and a warm scarf for your throat. These sets are cotton and wool mixtures. The colors they come in are jockey red, copen blue, peacock, buff and brown. For Every Girl That Wears a Sweater There is a certain bit of frilly neckwear that should go with it. Girls' tastes vary some like fussy, lacy things and others like plain ones but for every girl's wish there is a pretty collar, a collar and cuff set, a vestee or a smart guimpe. Meter & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) The Feet That Carry . Kiddies to School are important enough to get some special attention all their own. These are the kinds of hose to get both for looks and for practicability. Pair ,35 Pair 50 Regularly 50c pair: Children's fine ribbed mercerized lisle hose, sizes 5 to 10. In brown and black only. 3 pairs $1. Pair 25 Children's medium weight cotton hose In all sizes, blaek only. Pair 50 Children's, three-quarte? silk and. mercerised faney ribbd fell tep hese, siaes ? to 9, In eembinations of cordovan and green, cordovan and gold and black and green, Meier & Frank's. Boys' and girls' "Wayne Knit'! hose in light, medium and heavy weights. Sizes 6 to 11 . in black, white, cordovan and grey. Pair 75 Boys' Cadet hosiery in three quarter lengths, roll top style. All sizes in black and cor , dovan. Pair 85 Children's medium weight wool and cotton hose with elastic rib. Sizes to 8V4 at 85c, sizes 9 to 10 at 95c pair. Black only. Main Floor, (Mail Orders Filled.)