17, THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. : AUGUST 24, 1923 RIAL ESTATE. For Sale CLOSE IN. s Good as new. 3-room bungalow with attic large enough for 2 rooms. oOxjO foot lot. south front. This house Is practically In Irvington and utes to heart of city. Front porch has massive brick pillars, large living ana dining rooms with French doors, oak floors, tiled fireplace, leaded glass door cases and a buffet you will admire, one large bedroom 1:1x13 with five win dows, closets with windows, bath with best of fixtures and built-in dressing table with large mirror, perfect cab inet kitchen with breakfast nook, base ment 18x38. eay stairway, fruit laundry trays, good cement drive to ga rage, lawn with large trees, all im provements in arte paid; price only $3250, with terms. DAVID HARP. Manager R T STREETS Sandy Blvd Office. 1150 Sandv Blvd. at 39th. A. 820-04. $5200 Here la a real home, 5-room bungalow, strictly modern; wonderful basement, partition ed -Into 5 rooms; has full size lot. some fruit and garage; all improvements In and paid; un der the hill In Rose City; $1000 will handle. HILLKR BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry Ex. Bldg.. Bdwy. 3626. Branch Office 50th A bandy. Tabor 8483. NTW SOUTHERN COLONIAL BY OWNER. 7 ROOMS. MODERN TO THE MINUTE. 60x100 LOT. DOUBLE GARAGE. PRICE $8900. EASY TERMS. 107 FLORAL AVE.. LAURELHURST. A NIFTY BUNGALOW. WONDERFUL VIEW. $4630 you will appreciate this splendid home. Complete and ready to move into. 5 large rooms and breakfast alcove, oak floor, fireplace, tapestry paper, shades, garage, soa cious front porch and convenient rest porch. EHSy terms or soldier's bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARTJS CO.. 1111 Sandv Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Automatic 313-44. NEWLY WEDS PULLMAN BUNGA LOW. $2400 S300 down. $25 monthly, moves you Into brand new bungalow; large com bination living and dining room, cosy bedroom, cutest little built-in kitchen von ever saw: tapestry wallpaper. $185 new range. nifty fixtures, window screens complete: large lot 50x164: R. C. Park line. Se Mr. Krtson. Fred W. German C".. 732 C. of C. bldg, A REAL BARGAIN. On paved street and car line. A won derful 5-rm. bungalow that's new and classy, has large plate glass windows, living room across entire front, dining room, Dutcn Kltcnen. DreaKtaat r-uiM. ; 2 lovely bedrooms, bath, cement base- J ment, large attic, garage, cement drive- j way: 50x100 corner lot. A real good j bur. $4750, terms. Inquire 1824 E. Glisan St. $373 CASH. EASY RENT TERMS. 6-room house. vacant; hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement; trays. Near Franklin high and grade schools; 2 blocks Hawthorn? car. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER. LOWE v CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Broadway m a class oy usen. r, mm date: first time offered for sale. CORCORA.N-JOXL'S REALTY CO. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy f,0(l J i 250 PIEDMONT CORNER. 7 rooms, ivory finish, furnace, fire- rage, nice yard with trees, streets j paved. improvements !n and paid; terms that can he handled easily. J R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. Bdwy. 2045. CLOSE TO BL'SINKSS CENTER. By owner See these 3 modern 5 room cottages, well built, lnjcood con dition. Fine corner lot. jssorm cash. $2M. Can pay balance from rent. Adams and Hassalo s:s.. near Holla riav ave. Phone East ".14. If you are looking for property with a future, this is your opportunity. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW. Swell, strictly modern 5-room bunga low, large attic, hdwd. flours, furnace, fine fireplace, garage: lot 50x100: imp. ail in and paid: built for a home: just completed. 454 E. 27th. near Tilla mook. Price Jsimo, on reasonable terms. Owner. HIS Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7432 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $1100. Near 10th and Thompson: $250 less than present market value. Owner has given us instructions' to "sell at once." This lot is not on a high bank: in fact, it is level with the sidewalk. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad- Bids. IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100. 8-room residence, modem in every detail; old Ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout, beautiful lawn, fine neighborhood, exceptional bargain at $10,300: terms to suit. Owner. East 3399. S. W. cor. E. 26th N. and Brazee. LOOK ONLY $3800. Lovely 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, all built-lns, cement basement. Gasco furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, garage: 1 block from Sandy car line; sidewalks and curb in. street not paved. -All assessments paid. See Mc Duffee or Pengra. with W. J. Ide. 817 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 1006. SELLWOOD 6 ROOMS $2250. $750 CASH. BAL LIKE RENT. Furnace, semi-bungalow, full baee metit. wash trays. excellent condi tion, fruit, berries and shrubbery: Bid well ave.; hurry. Bdwy. 6011 or Sell. 270ft evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. IRVINGTON. $7000. Fine home on 16th near Bra zee; 7 large rooms, double sleeping porch, full basement, furnace and fire place, hardwood floor;. easy terms. See this for bargain. McDONELL. East 0410 HAWTHORNE FURNISHED. Five-room bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floors, built-lns. old ivory and taoestry finish. 50x100 lot: garage. $4500. $1000 cash. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. SO Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 33S0. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 Tooma located on the carlme; everything built in .that is needed in a good home: nothing better in Rose City: price $6400. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. Phone Bdwy. 6006. - EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. $4750 We are offering this beauti ful new 6-room modem bungalow, cor ner location, at a sacrifice: duplicate sold last week for $5700; $1600 cash handles. Universal Sales, 433 Railway Exchange. KAST SIDE CLOSE IN. Dfe-ndy 5-room cottage with base ment, trays and attic. Everything In good condition, corner lot. Price $3500. With good furniture. $4200. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7S31 750 IRVINGTON HOME $6750. A or 9 rooms; 2 fireplaces: close to both carllnes: ideal for remodeling with small expense into duplex house: splendid condition; fine fruit trees aad shrubbery. East 32P7. FINE LAl'RELHl'RST LOCATION. DANDY HOME. VERY DESIRABLE IN EVERY RESPECT. NOTHING LACKING. CLOSE TO PARK. $6500. TABOR 2045 EVENINGS. ROSE CITY' PARK. 8 ROOMS. Eight large rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, full basement, garage, loca tion best, hi block to Rose City. car: leaving city; best offer takes it. Call Tabor 74 SJV IRVINGTON 22d and Broadway, large living room, cosy den with fireplace, beautiful dining room, hardwood floors, 3 fine bedrooms, bathroom with show er. Dutch kitchen, gas range and heater: $6750 Bv owner. K. 4745 1107 FRANKLIN, NEAR 37TH. $2000 Neat 3-r. home. 2 lota, fruit. 927 WILLIAMS AVE. $2750 5 r.. 26x90. paved. Snap. $3130 New. 680 Skidmore. near loth. TABOR S104 BROADWAY 4003 COPY 3-room house, completely furnish ed. Gas and electricity, lavatory, toilet, roughed in for bath, lawn hose, some wood. $1800. jo.vl cash. JOHNSON-KELLY CO.. g0 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. SNAPPY 5-roorp house, newly painted and papered, for cash only: 2 lota, corner, garage and chicken house, cheap. Tabor 6793. $500 DOWN. Good 7 -room house. $3000: terms to suit, or will rent to responsible party $ 30 mo n th. Walnut 0013. 6-RM. MODERN home. Murrymead. Just east of Ladds Addition. Will accept a lot in restricted' distrwt or auto as payment ; efi'""' 4.:i r;. -'t,tn. sen. 7i- $4tiO0 NEW, 5-room. modern house, re stricted district, close to 8arty; some cash and bonus w-ill handle. Tabor 5007. $4200 NEW. modern. 4 large rooms, re stricted is.; very complete. Tabor 5007. ENGLISH COTTAGE ON SANDY BOULEVARD. H-room Engiieh cottage located on Sandy boulevard: this is without a doubt the best buy in the city; you want to see this beautiful home; it is REAL, ESTATB. For Sal -Houses. $6001) Here is one of the swellest bungalows in Rose City, under the hUlv near the car, north of Sandy. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, everything In and every thing: paid for. There is noth ing lacking in this beautiful home. $loo0 will handle, you had better step lively. ' H1LLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3U2b. Branch Office 00th & Sandy. Tabor S4S3. 3 STORES AND GARAGE. $5350 $1767 CASH. Besides 4-room apartment, with two bedrooms, large UMng room with fire place, cabinet kitchen with breaktast nook, white enamel bath, present in come $50 per month from 2 stores, other store occupied by present owner. Entire property will bring in $100 per month. Ground space SSVixDU. Situated in R. C. on Sondy blvd. For a home with Income it cant be beat. Office open today. , DAVID HARP, Manager R T STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1130 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Aut. 320-04. ROSE CITY PARK $4400 . Combination living room and dining room, 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, pipe furnace; garage 2 biocks of Sandy; absolutely new '; $730 cash will handle. This is a snap. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Bdwy. 3626. Branch office ooth & Sandy. Tabor 8485. ROSE CITY PARK. $4100. Truly you can readily see the value In this cozy bungalow: built by day labor for a home; located three blocks from Sandy; improvements all In; 5 rooms and breakfast room: finished in old ivory; oak floors, fireplace, book cases, Dutch kitchen, lighting fixtures, cement basement, fine garden; easy terms or bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) Automatic 315-44. ST. JOHNS BARGAIN. $2S50, $200 down, $20 and in ternet a month, 1 block to school and park. Modern 4-room bun galow, well built, concrete base-i ment. cement floor, 30xl49-foot lot. 819 Smith ave. N., near St. , Johns ave. Tabor 3323. . IRV1.NGTON 5-ROOM HOiE $.4700. Located in choice part of Irving ton we have a 5-room house with large living-room, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms on second floor; cement base ment; Gasco furnace; beautiful lot; lawn. Shrubbery and fruit; price $4730; terms. JOHN M. KROG CO., 412 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 1375. ALAMEDA. NEW. Four beautiful rooms on first floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, set-in tub and shower bath, automatic water heater, gas furnace, perfect kitchen, two or more rooms can be added on second floor: tow price and easy terms W. M. . Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. Sundays and evenings Walnut 2726. SEE THIS IN ALAMEDA. Forced to sell my beautiful new, modern 6-room bungalow; best dis trict; hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-lns, vitrolite drain board, cement basement, laundry tubs, furnace and garage. This is a real bargain; easy terms W. M. Umbdenstock 4 Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1638. Evenings and Sundays Walnut 2726. MISSISSIPPI CAR SKIDMORE ST. $3730 $10(MI CASH. 6 rooms, modern; corner lot and only 3 blocks from 2 carlines; close to Cath olic, school and church: full cement basement, bath: beautiful corner lot: bearing fruit and berries; house only vpura old. Worth really $4500; sac rifice price $3750. $1000 cash. Phone Main 9.118 for inspection. No trades DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful 11 -room modern home, 6 sleeping rooms, sunroom, living room, specially designed floor coverings. Mc Crav refrigerating system, double set plumbing, etc. $10,000, some terms. Shown by appointment only. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $700 WHY PyAY RENT $700. Here'B a neat little 2-room home on a full 50x100 lot. basement ail exca vated for futxire home. assessments paid; l'i blocks west of Union ave; $4nO down. $10 month. Phone Walnut 7-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE. 50x100 FEET. NO. 839 CLACKAMAS ST. VERY DESIRABLE AND AT LOW FIGURE EASY TERMS. SEE US FOR FULL DETAILS. PARR1SH, WAIK1NS & CO.. 252 Stark St. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE. VACANT. -room home. 3 bedrooms, good ce ment basement, wash trays, concrete garage; house in fine condition: all improvements In and paid for. $3,800, $r,iv cash, balance like rent. O. O. Sletten. Realtor, Suite 415. Ry Exch Bldg. Bwd. KENTON DISTRICT. $1973. Brand new 4 rooms and bath, hurry and ' choose your paint, full lot. will give good terms. See the builders. 216 Panama bldg.. Broadway 6157. WONDERFUL BUY IN WESTMORE LAND. This beautiful home must be sold St once; corner lot; house just I year old; 4 bedrooms: all modern built-lns. Price $6900; very easy terms. W. M. Umb denstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658, IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4950 $1000 CASH. 5 rooms, modern, hardwood floors throughout, full cement basement, fur nace. Bv owner. 521 E. 8th st. N. East 2961. MODERN bungalow, ready to move in; $80t cash, balance just rent. 5 rooms, large Attic and garage, near school and high school. A real bargain at $36i0. G L. Webb. 414 E. Stark St. Phones: East 0988. Walnut 1396. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP Classy, nearly new 1 "4-story modern 6-room home with sleeping - porch and garage, best section near park, no in cumbrances, easy term: a bargain; excellent condition. Tabor 0407. FINANCE SERVICE CO.. Construction Dept., John J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 900-913 Wilcox bldg. Phone Bdwv. 64 5 3. FOR SALE Very attractive bungalows with five large rooms, breakfast, nook, tile bath, large attic garage, lot 50x 100. Make us an offer. Owner leav ing city. 801 B. 51st N. ' 6-ROOM modern bungalow, R. C. Park; hi block carline: garage, electric range. linoleum, curtains, $5250; terms $1000 cash, monthly payments. K 874, Ore- gonlan LAURELHURST. 8-room modern house, well located, close to car line, 3 blocks to park; double sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces. OWN ER. PHONE TABOR 2669. PIEDMONT DISTRICT SNAP. 5-room house, corner, paving and sewers paid; $300 cash, balance month ly, 6 per cent. Total $3375. Mr. Vail, 624 Henry oiag SACRIFICE account of sickness, $2400, $330 cash. 5-room bungalow, E. "3d St.: lot 50x100; garage; close to car. 1038 Belmont. ATTRACTIVE Rose City corner. 7 rooms. 4 bedrooms, old ivory wood work; double garage. By owner. Phone Aut. 319-88. BARGAIN. Irvlngton colonial, original design: all oak floors; art paper; ivory finish; garage: choice location. Main 8078. IRVINGTON bungalow sacrifice; owner leaving Sere.. 1 ; . must sell; 6 lovely rooms: large lot; garage. Main S078. East 0394. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $14, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. LIST your home with RALPH HARRIS CO 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. S B Vi. if you want snappy service. IRVINGTON. Several fine modern homes, also vacant lots. R. B. Rice. E. 2432. $8200 $650 CASH 5-room. house, ga raife; lot 73x126: chicken house, fruit and berries. 1038 Belmont. OWNER, 6-room plast. house, full lot. cemt. basement, garage, $3000; terms. 1180 E 17th gt. N. ; A-B car. 4-ROOM unfinished bungalow on 75x100 lot, some terms. 1022 Marguerite ave. N. Phone Auto. 325-46. IRVINGTON Buy from owner. Modern 8-room house, big value at price asked. East 1191. $2300 7-R. HOUSE, Sunnyside. 30x100 lot: worth $1500; imp. paid; $300. 201 McKay. Bdwy 7429. RESTAURANT, downtown location, good equipment, low rent: $450. O. O. Sletten, Realtor, 4,15 Ry Exch Bide. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 3 STORES AND GARAGE. $5350 $1767 CASH. Besides 4-room apartment, with two bedrooms, large living room with fire place, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, white enamel bath, present in come $50 per menth from 2 stores, other store occupied by present owner. Entire property will bring in $100 per month. Ground space 5Stx90. Situated In R. C. on Sandy blvd. For a home with income it can't be "beat. Office open todav. DAVID HARP, Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 38th. Aut. 320-04. $5800. 3 BLKS. SOUTH OF SANDY BLVD. 6-room modern bungalow; nice, large rooms and well arranged; a screened in back porch and a large front porch: full cement basement; furnace, laun dry trays; 2 extra wide and extra deep lots; the house stands on the cor ner lot; the extra lot is well worth $1250 to $1500; good garage. Call at ROSE CITY PARK Branch Office, 43th and Sandy blvd. Auto 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. LAURELHURST NEW BUNGA LOW $5750. Fellow th is description, then inspect this attractive bungalow. Oak floors throughout, tiled sink, tiled bath, mod ern plumMtig, exceptionally large liv ing room, one of the best furnaces, garage. Very liberal terms. Investi pate phone now. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Laurelhurst Office. :lth and Glisan, Tabor 34e3. Rose City Office. 4lth and Sandy, Tabor 0586. IRVINGTON PALATIAL RESIDENCE. Tl-is beautifully situated Irvington brick r.nd stucco home has just been put on the market, 10 rooms, including library, breakfast room, 5 bedrooms, 2 tile baths. 4 fireplaces, downstairs fin ished In solid mahogany and oak; grounds are 100x150. beautiful shrub bery; known to be one of the best homes in Irvington. .If in the market for a real home see VANCE T. FERGUSON. 1011 Ch. of Com. B'.dg. Bdwy. 4620. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. 2-story. 8-room house with garage; every modern convenience, 4 bedrooms, beautiful grounds: $7500. Tabor 0407. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN FORCED SALE. 4 acres on hard surface road, 8 block to car and school. 11 blocks from city limits: 2u acres raspberries, 14 acres strawberries, 33 fruit trees, story and half house, plastered, bath and toilet, all city conveniences, good outbuildings, all fenced; $2oOO below value; $ttt)00 for everything; as little as $500 cash. See from branch office, 15th and Shaver. Aut. 32S-48. or JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. STOP! LOOK THIS OVER! An exceptional buy in a 4-room plas tered bungaiow. close to street car; lots of fruit arid berries, garage and chick en house; plaee is In fine condition and can be handled with an easy down pay ment; price $2450. You had better call us today! Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Waflh. and Stark. COURTNEY STATION. Two acres with beautiful shrubbery, fruit and berries, modern house and garage; splendid community. near schools and car service. Here is a rare opportunity to get just the place vou have been looking for. Let us hear from you at once for appointment to show this .property. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. AV. Bank Bldg. OWNER LEAVING STATE! So he has reduced the price of this nearly new 4-room house and 1 acre of " fine soil, only blbck from Oregon Elec tric station and on a good road: price now is only $2850; $5O0 will handle, with easy monthly payments. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. . MODERN BUNGALOW. 5 rooms with one-third acre, beauti ful shrubbery and lawn; city water, gas and electricity: close to car and school: has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, floored attic. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room and all built-in features. Price $4750: reasonable terms. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. ; FOR SALE Gentlemen's country home cf 10 acres: modern residence: fruit orchard and walnut trees: Bull Run water; city gas: paved auto road; 20 minutes from the courthouse: splendid electric incerurban service with station right at corner of place. Owner will not consider proposition to cut up, nor trade. If Interested address P. O. box 3562, Portland. MODERN 2-ACRE HOME. SACRIFICE $3000; $2000 CASH. Five rooma and bath: large chicken house and other outbuildings; all cul tivated and well improved. Only three blocks from Garden Home station; 46 trains dally; 9c commutation fare; big gest snap around Portland. See Mc Cormic. at Garden Home or phone Main 9318. No trades. OAK GROVE. Onlv $4000 for a seven-room home and lot. 80x283. right on the river at Oak Grove. This is- a bargain and can give godd terms. FRED C. PRATT. 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ONE ACRE FRUIT AND BERRIES. 4-room house, garage, poultry house, etc.: 1500 strawberries, a-lso logan and raspberries, grapes, blackberries. 17 fruit trees. 11 cords of wood, cut; on gravel road close to ' Elec. station; price $19(10. $3O0 cash. $15 per month and Interest. See Kurd with Fred W. German Qt., 732 Cham, of Com. SUBURBAN HOME. 1 acre, all in cultivation, with new 4-room plastered bungRlow with bath room; finished in white enamel. Has citv water and gas. Fine location. Just outside cltv limits. $2700. easy terms. SAYI.ER E. SMITH. SIR Ry. Ex. Bldg. Evenings Tab. 0513. FOR" THE NEWLYWEDS, ONLY 8.-u. Fine new 4-room plastered bunga low, garage, plumbing, lights, boating, swimming, a fine grove of trees, close to electric station and auto road; easy terms. Allen. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. SOMETHING NEW. ..creage home, with every city con venience: new 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage, elec. and city water; 10 miles from Portland; good roads, good schools, fine soli, 5 acres. $4500. Can sell 10 if preferred. Easy terms. Walnut Q648. 19-;0 ATTRACTIVE suburban bunga low and one acre near Powell Valley road and Buckley avenue, not entirely finished but can be occupied and com pleted in spare time; Bull Run water and gas in. electricity available. Own er. Tabor 4.nJ. DRIVE out the scenic Pacific highway to Oswego; sea the most exclusive and beautiful residence district around Portland, Dunthrope, Wiisonla 1 and Glenmorrie. for sale by HALL & WEBSTER Aerni Bldg.. Oswego. Phone Oswego 381 ' HERj. la YOUR CHANCE. 9 acres. 4 a. in cultivation, bal. pas ture; very easy to clear-; neat house: mile Newherg highway. 1 mile Tuala tin: $3000; $500- cash, bal. easy. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 hi 4th St. A SIGHTLY ACRE Nice trees, new house partly completed; water, gas and lights; on Harrison St.; sacrifice sale; some cash: easy terms: must be sold this week by owner. East 3850. Broadway 3258. NEW BUNGALOW, MULTNOMAH. Hardwood floors, buffet, fireplace, breakfast nook, two bedrooms, full basement, furnace, lot 100x100. Pri vate owner. W. F. Watkina, Broadway nr.oi. . PRETTY 5-room modern home, fine view of Oswego lake, 4 acre, fire place, furnace, garden, garage, $4300, $750 cash, balance easy. McFarland, Bdwy. 7672. Failing Bldg. 7-ROOM house on choice acre of ground, covered with fruit and flowers, facing on improved county highway. Com pelled to sell. For particulars call Main 0880. $925 BUYS a quarter acre on improved street with small house near Mult nomah on the Oregon Electric Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., or Mrs. - Grant at the Multnomah office. ACRE 5-R. NEW BUNGALOW. $2S50. $300 CASH. Close to elec. sta.. water, lights, bath, garage, beautiful trees. McFar land. Bdwy. 7672. Falling bldg. DANDY new 5-room modern bungalow under construction at Capitol Hill sta tion; inside finished to suit purchaser; terms. Atwater 1874. FINE LITTLE PLACE. Oregon City line, nearly 1 acre, fruit, good bldgs. ; only $3000; easy terms. Owner. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale Acreage. BEST ACRE HOMESITE. Only $750. highly cultivated acre, on paved highway, city "water, lights, phone; has fine view and best of soil, verv close In. Owner, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505: evenings Main 7844. 2hi ACRES. $950; $23 DOWN. r Remainder at $15 per month. Rich soil. 3 miles east of city. SI K'..lr P. v v. . mmi. l. 'm 20 ACRES uooa soil, iuu per acre. $200 cash, balance as you cut the wood. McFarland. Bdwy. 76Ig Fail ing bldg. , 16hi ACRES level, limber, creek, some beaverdam; 12 m. w., near hard sur face; terms. J. R- Sharp, owner, 68 ft Id, REAL ESTATE. For teale Acreage. 5 ACRES 0 miles southwest of center of Portland. - hi mile to electric station J macadam roaa; u cumvw-u, " bearing assorted orchard, lots of per ries; attractive 5-room bungalow, white ecamel plumbing, private water svstem, large chicken houses, brooder house, fruit house, attractive suburban home in favorable location. Will ex change equity for modern house in Ladds addition, Laurelhurst, Pied mont or Rose City. 10 acres 2hi miles from Oregon City. 5 blocks from electric station and grade school; good fences, rocked road, loam soil, 8 acres under cultivation, spring and creek; 2 acres pears and apptes, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre raspberries, grapes, etc. 6-room house and- other buildings. Included with place: Jersey ccw, horse. 15 chickens, plow, harrow. cultivator, harness, buggy, tools, etc. Price for everything, $3 750. Terms. ACRE TRACTS CITY CON VENIENCES. On the west side, good soil, no rock nor gravel, close to electric station, 8c commutation iare. goon car Portland gas, electrio lights and city .... .. . .. iiffapn far below value, on easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlir.ger Bldg.. Ovgr 500 small places near Portland. $16 DOWN $16 MONTH PARKROSE TRACT. . $1610. Almost 2 acres, the south boundary is a stream. 379 ft- on street level, underbrush all cleared out. partly cleared, balance in trees, rich silt land, free from rocks, no building re strictions, low county tax, north of Sandy blvd. nd car line. Branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. 16 ACRES. . all cleared except about one acre of fir trees, in one corner; located only IS minutes car ride on Oregon Electric, west -ide; this is an exceptionally well located piece of acreage either tor country home or to plat; city water, gas and electric lights available; good roaa to property, fine soil, only 4O0 feet to public school, and the price is only $500 an acre for a quick sale: land la this district is being held from $1000 an acre up. Broadway 25 .1 Portland Home Co., 633 Railway Ex- cnange bias 6 acre tract, nearly all in cultivation, about one acre snorted orchard, half acre berries, gentle sloping hill, fine soil, no rock, own water system, just outside city limits, paved road: 4-room house, 2 large barns, chicken house, water piped all buildings, 10 minutes walk to Estacada car; for sale at SoOOO on very jey terms, or exchange for house irtPortland; now hurry. r C. M. DERR. REALTOR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2245. antti: AfitKACE BUYS. 5 acres on Buckley avenue, mostly in cultivation, some fruit trees. Price $2500. 20 Acres on Barr road, west or Buckley ave.; water, electricity and 4 water shares; $350 per acre. One acre, all in cultivation, at Sil ver Spring sta. on rivec road to Ore gon City; price $2000;also one acre, all in cultivation, at $1700. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. LET THE CHICKENS HELP. 1 1-3 acre; good 4-room house, plas tered inside; with gas and good well; 3 large chicken houses, 1000 young chickens and 225 old hens; only '6 blks. from station.; $3300; $900 starts the chickens working for you. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. GARDEN HOME 5-ACRE SNAP. ONLY $2750 $1000 CASH. Fronts on fine gravel road; half mile to Garden Home station; gas. electricity; Bull Run water in front; adjoining property $800 to $1000 acre. Hurrv. this is one big snap; no build ings. See McCORMIC at Garden Home or phone Main 9318. No trades. SUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE. 5-acre tracts within 6-mile limit of Portland, good soil, good road; $100 to $300 per.acre. $50 to $100 down, bal incei$10 per month: no interest to pay. s. B. Gustoff, 400 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4975. CHOICE ACRE SNAP. On paved road, close in. on west side. Bull Run water, gas, electricity, all in cultivation; very sightly, big walnut, trees; 3 blocks station;-9c fare;' $1250, terms. J. G. Rainey. 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 62H9. SPECIAL OFFER. Exceptionally choice 3 acres, oity water, lights, phone; south fronts on paved state highway. 2 miles out; 13 minutes' easy ride: only $1500 for this fine tract with young orchard and berries. Owner, 626 -Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505; evenings .Main 7844. g 10 ACRES, nearly all level land, partly cleared, balance real easy clearing, the best of soil, hi. mile to Columbia river, store, school, postoffice and boat land ing, several boats calling daily at this place. Price $500. Very little cash down. 133 1st st.. room 1. Nelson COUNTRY HOME SITE ON CLACKAMAS RIVER. 10 acres, over 6 acres in cultivation; . about u mile from Clackamas bridge: price $5,000. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831.- FINE 2 ACRES CHEAP. City water, lights, phone. 2 miles out. "on pavement; rich soil; ideal building spot; only $500 an acre for a country home with city conveniences. Owner. ,626 Henry bldg. Bdwy, 2505; evenings Main 7844. 40 ACRES, improved, on coast highway, good buildings, fine stream. 1 large - trout ponds, gravity irrigation for truck gardening, berry-raising, excel lent soil, good market, standardized school. $3500. Terms. Owner. Ches ter A. Groat. Seaside, Or. 30-ACRE farm, close to Portland, new buildings, fine little farm. Price $7500. Owner has cut the price to $5000 for . quick sale; $1000 cash; time on bal ance. T. P. KELLY, 205 Henry Bldg. ' hi ACRES. ACRES. EASY TERMS. $675 buys beautiful tract with natural trees, city water, no assess ments, north of Rose City. Why pay more for ordinary tots farther out? Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 5 ACRES BEST SOIL. City water, lights, phone; faces paved state highway; 2 miles out, for only $400 an acre. You can't beat it. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505: evenings Main 7844. 24 ACRES BASE LINE, $1850. Corner, some cleared, vater. gas and electricity available: small house; $100 down, small payment. Henry W. Goddard, Realtor, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. ; LARGE CREEK. 1.69 acres of very rich bottom land, between two electric stations, 3 hi miles from city limits; price $760, $50 cash. $12.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 80 ACRES, 20 cleared, balance pasture and timber: buildings, creek, springs, stock, crops, machinery; 900,000 feet timber: $3000. J. C. Kuratli, 804 Spalding bldg. ' WRITE for map of western Wasnlngton showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.., Tacoma. Wash. ' SEE STOKES TRACT. 42D - SIMPSON. Water, gas, electricity, no gravel, some in fruit; acres to hi acres. $10 payments. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. m illy umts. 120 ACRES unimproved land: some tim ber on it; for sale cheap,' P. Wabka, Nehalem. Or., box 61. ' SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-45. Homesteads. Relinqniwhments. TWO DANDY relinquishments, $2000, equipments and improvements on one $1000, on other, on main line S. P. ry., close to Grants Pass. If sold quick for cash will take $900. and $500 for each. A real snap. 301 Corbett bldg. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 15 ACRES apples and pears. 12 acres bearing; modern 6-room house, pack ing house; stone apple house; chicken houses; adjoining graded school; 4 miles from Hood River; creek through place. For sale or trade for Portland property. L. H. Smith, R. -, box 62, Hood River. Or. ' For Sale Farms. 56 ACRES, stocked and equipped, near Turner. All lies well, good buildings, fine soil, 14 miles from R. R. Reason able terms. 325 Exchange bid-., 2J and Stark 160 ACRES in Clackamas county, about. 12 miles S. B. of Molaila. at $7.50 per acre. A. C. Howland, 620 Main St.. . - rs CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes. McFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. 20-ACRE FARM $1600. Well improved, $600 down. C Cole, 426 Lumber-nena bldg. REAL, ESTATE. For 8a I e Farms. AT NEWBERG, OREGON. 30 acres on rocked road, 4 miles out; . hi mile to school; all cultivated; creek; 4 acres bearing prunes, other fruits: 7-room house, garage, good barn, chicken house, woodshed, milk house, personal property, young team, chick ens, 3 good Jersey cows. 3 registered, machinery, hi crops, etc. Price $7000; terms. Consider larger farm of 60 or 80 acres up to $4750, or Portland house. WANT STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. 23 acres, near "ewberg, 3 miles from electric station; macadamized , road; 15 acres under cultivation; 7 acres pas ture, no waste land; 4 acres orchard; 5-room house barn, exceptionally good land; personal property, cow, 3 horses, 2 hogs. 40 chickens, geese, etc.; also complete line of machinery. Price $5500. Consider Portland house or . stock of merchandise or close-in acre age on highway. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. I H.UAJiWA ' ' L1 . t. a.. 122 acres, hi mile from Roosevelt highway, 1 mile from cheese factory; borders on Nestucca bay and the ocean; good soil, good buildings; share in cheese factory. 24 cows, 2 reg. Jersey bulls, 2 heifers, 2 hogs, 3 horses, ensi lage cutter, wood saw, 7 h. p. gas en gine, root cutter, milking machine, wagons, buggy, disc, mower and other farm and dairy tools; price $13,500. Address William P. Porter. Oretown, Oregon. i . FOR SALE A-l 60-acre farm, all undet" cultivation, 40 acres bottom land, 20 acres rolling, fine springs and all fenced, good large electrjc lighted barn, large silo, hog houses, chicken houses, milk room; 7-room plastered house, electric lights, phone, hot and cold water; hi mile to good school. 6 miles west of McMirtfiville, Or.: good fishing in Baker creelewhich runs through the place; deal with owner; will take ftart cash, balance . first-class mortgage. East 8469. FARM BARGAIN SMALL DOWN. 30 acres, all Jn clover; 30 miles out of Portland, 1 mile to Forest Grove, on Pacific highway; 100 feet to good 'school; small house, good well, stream on one side, road on other, gentle slope, well drained; $1250 cash, balance long as desired at 6 per cent; or will trade ' for Portland home; have been getting $8 an acre rent; renter's lease tip this fall. Arthur Allen, 965 E. Morrison et., Portland. Phone Tabor 2189. WE HAVE A 6-ACRE PLACE THAT IS FINE HOME FOR OLD COUPLE. 22 miles out on a good road with gro cery ad meat delivery; stage several times a day; good family orchard; 4 room house, chicken house, small barn; place is all in crop; everything goes, including household furniture, for - $2100; $1000 cash, balance terms, STEWART & JOHNSON. ' 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE. 110 acres; would make two dandy small farms; few feet off pavement; 500 young bearing iruit trees: good house; 2 barns; spring water piped to house; large team; 3 cows; separator; all farm implements; R. F. D., tele phone, cream route; close to school and town uwner, op- t. neiena, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. 59 a.. 45 a. in cult.; fruit for family use; buildings are fair; live stream through place; on country road; si mile to school; Shi miles to store and p. O. ; church; team, wagon, 2. cows, drag harrow, disc harrow, plow-, hay rake. A. B. Wolfard, owner, Walker, Or. " - $1250 REAL BUY. . i 20t.A acres; 15 acres under" -cultivation; six-room house, "big- barn, good well, woven wire fence; Worth $2500; owner needs money and will sacrifice; act quickly. J. $V .1. R. HA1GHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. FOR SALE Ranch in Hood River dis trict. 311-& acres, 10 in bearing apples, about 20U0 to 3000 boxes this year'; 3 cows, large team of horses, weight about 3200 lbs.; 200 chickens; new . plow and cultivator, new wagon and furniture; cheap; a snap. Owner will be in town .until Friday at Montana hotel, room 23IX '' ORCHARD WORTH $5000 FOR $2500. Loaded with big commercial apples ready to pick; 'this year's crop will just about pay for the land; 40 acres of good land, 10 acres of orchard, locate in the Hood river apple district, the best orchard land in the world. Ralph Ackley, 527' Corbett bldg. Tabor 604 evenings. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 60 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, all fenced; four-room house, small barn, family orchard, water system, 2 live springs. 2 horses, 2 yearling colts. 3 cows, 2 heifers, farm Implements, 4 miles from Boring: $200; terms. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swetland Bldg. 98 ACRES, 40 hisnlw Improved, 6 acres in strawberries, new propagating bed will produce $1200 in November, with $3000 crop of berries next spring, and $4000 worth of cordwood, 2 miles from market; will sell or trade, on account of family trouble; price $5000; federal loan on place. 301 Corbett bldg. I HAVE a fine bottom ranch not far from Portland, which is an ideal place for dairying or truck gardening. I will sell this for $5000 and would trade, for Portland real estate. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., . 127 Park st FARMS. 5 choice acres, house, barn, three hen houses, well, on good road near paved highway, $2600; $300 cash, bal ance $20 mo. at 6 per cent. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. 171 ACRES, on main county road; small house; 20 acres in cultivation; springs, running water; only $1S per acre: $350 down., balance small yearly payments. Draper, 4U8 reoara or -Lraae. 320-ACRE farm, in the best wheat dis trict of Saskatchewan, Canada; . 280 acres i'l cultivation; bargain price. Call or write owner, Mrs. J. Ketten, 71 N. 22d st. Aut. 612-69. WAVTF.n RE., r, ESTATE. WANTED 5 or 6-room house in HAW THORNE DISTRICT; $1000 to handle; not over $4000; must .be worth it. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO. INC.. ' Broadway 4837. 224 Henry Bldg. WANTED. Real estate to exchange for hotel or apartment house. REVERMAN INC.. REALTORS 209-210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. IF YOU have a good 4. 5 or 6-room bungalow for sale in Rose City or Mt. Tabor district close to school and car, not over $5000, $1000 to $1500 cash. ' call -McDuffee or Pensrra with W. G. Idle, 8X7 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 1006. WANT suburban, home. I to 3 acre with 5-room house; some fruit, good . soil. Oregon City line preferred. Have two lots on Alnsworth ave., imp. in but not paid, as part payment. Address P. O. box 2003. city. WANT to trade equity of $1350 In $5600 7-rm. R. C. bungaiow; hdwd. floors, ivory finish, basement, furnace, fire place, for small house in any good location. Price not over $1350. 202 Failing bldgj - WANTED BEFORE SEPT. 22. New or used house from 3, 4 or 5 rooms, not too far from, street car and school, something to cost between $3000 and $4000, that may be handled on easv terms.' AG 779, Oregonian. HAVE buyers for 8 or 9-room house sultble to make 2 flats, west of east 20th. between East Morrison and Haw thorne ave. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OWNER, are you going to Calif.? What will you take for your 5 or 6-room house? Give address and full particu lars in first letter or no attention given. P. C. Altman, Gen. Del., Port land. WANTED. Portland residence or real estate as down payment on apartment house building. AG 853. Oregonian. HAVE cash buyer for 6-rm. bungalow, Al construction, not new, paved St., garage, west side, or' good district on east siae. utiwy. j-o-t. WANT from owner 4 or 5-room house, selling riot over $3500; small payment down, good monthly payments. Bdwy. 6785. WANT from owner 5 or 6-room house, good district, which can be bought for $450O to $.iuw on terms, gqwy. oioo. -WANT modern suburban home for my $3000 equity in my $6000 home. From owner only or win sen, taoor -ip. WANT residence; give choice 15 acres or less near Vancouver; good buildings; only $4500. Owner, Box 68, Astoria. MY METHOD WILL SELL your property. Brings cash buyers. Let me oemongt-ra. te. xr. uojc mi. $35,000 CASH $35,000 income Portland property f,er apt. house to $70,000. Own ers only. H 938, Oregonian. WANTED Irvington colonial bungalow, not over $9000, which $1200 cash will : handle as a first payment. Main 6809. WANT 2 or more lots at bargain price; easy terms,. In Multnomah district. AM 874, Oregonian. THREE or 4-room cottage, walking dis tance to 34th and Hawthorne ave. Main 901-. WANTED A good 7-room house on west side: must be modern. Main 2534 or Bdwy. 2046. WANTED Acreage and lots. C. Cole, 4ZO mmperniB ums. WANT 6-room home In Rose City; quick WANT cheap lot for cash. Walnut S 808. WANTED REAL, ESTATE. WANTED IN IRVINGTON OR LAURELHURST; A HOME. . Of at least 8 or 9 rooms; must have at least 4 bedrooms: will pay up U $15,000 if your home is worth it. Call Bdwy. 6006. - , COROORAN-.TONES REALTY CO., "7.i On lr st . Phone Bdwy. 6006. I HAVE $1500 cash to apply on pur chase of 5 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City or Rossmere. Must be real bargain from owner only; no inriatea values considered. Give location, price and terms. If you have a real buy we can deal quickly. West Coast WANTED! WANTED! WANTED; Business property close in; PJfefeJ brick building up to $13,000; MUST BE A BARGAIN FOR ALL CASH; this is a bona fide proposition. Call J. Ma- RESPONSIBLE business man wants, di rect from owner, 4 or 5-room bungalow, good east side location; improved st. ; garage preferred; $2300 to $4000. State best price and terms. V 906. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. HOUSE -with small acreage to rent or learse by responsible parties. Call E. 9598. after 10 A. M. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY RANCH FOR, RENT. 60 acres, 6 miles city limits; paved highway, mile dirt and rock road; living creek, spring; water piped to 'buildings; fine pasture, good barn, milk house, 5-room house, other outbuild ings; family orchard, small fruits, good garden; rent reasonable to responsible .parties. The following personal prop erty on. this ranch is for sale at a rea sonable price on easy terms: 12 fine milch cows, heavy team, chickens, ail necessary tools and equipment for op- eration. SEE E. O. CAMPBELL, with H. W. OSBORNE CO., 432 Cham, of Com. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. One of the fines dairy farms in Clarke county, Washington. 810 acres, about 45 minutes by automobile from Portland Pacific highway except one mile; modern house, dairy barns, silo and outbuildings (corn and roots for silo can be purchased by renter). Farm ready fof 75 to 100 cows and" 200 hogs. 517 Abington bldg.. Portlandf Or. WILL LEASE FOR 5 YEARS. 90 acres. 40 in cultivation; good buildings; live stream at barn; on main market road, 20 miles from Portland terms very easy. L. O, Gerber, 715 Swetland bldg I HAVE 6-acre chicken ranch to rent to expert chicken man; close to Portland. Write Geo. E. Barr, route 2, box 145, Troutdale, Or. TIMBER LANDS. A GOOD MILL and timber proposition, locater in Marian county; $5000 to $0000 will handle, rest good terms; a good proposition all around. If inter ested write or see P. L. Harmon. 253 hi Washington, Breeden bldg. A GOOD proposition for mill man with a few thousand dollars. 24,000,000 feet fir and mill ; easy terms. AM 862, Ore gonian. TIMBER LAND. Will let contract to log and operate mill to reliable party with some capi tal, close in. AL 863, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL" ESTATE. HAVE $6000 cash and $1000, S per cent, . first mortgage, and $7000 equity; 477 acre ranch, well improved, Sherman Co., as first -payment on modern hotel or apt. house and will assume in city or any payroll town west Cascades; must clear big money or no deal. Mrs. S. F. Small, 51 Rainier hotel. Phone Bdwy. 3413 evenings. WANTED LOT as part payment on 5-room house on Irvington ear, or as part payment on an income-producing suburban home. Call at branch office, 15th and Shaver. Aut. 328-48, or JOHNSON-DODSON CO..' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. INCOME PROPERTY Brick building with Income about $600 per month; price $45,000. Will take $15,000 in good, clear property, $10,000 cash, balance long time mort gage. BOONE & CLEARWATER 5X2 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. WANT small acreage and liveable house for $2,400 equity in a fine 2,i acre place, close in. 22 acres in culti vation; stock and equipment go with place for $6,000. Mortgage 6 per cent, has 2 years to run. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WARM mineral springs with bathhouses, swimming pool filled with natural farm mineral water, two cottages, south side Mt. Hood, lhi miles east of government camp: half mile from Mt. Hood loop highway, for Portland property or close-in acreage. H. E. Meserve. tnoaonenqron. ur. HAVE a fully equipped farm, also 61 acres suburban property. ready for platting; total about $63,000; will ex change for apt. house or apartment house lease. Wish to deal with owner only. Give full particulars or no at tention will be given. I mean busi ness. P. O. Box 24. WANT SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. 5-room house in Sunnyside district, in good condition, 2 blks of car. Price $3000; want rooming house or apart ments on the west side up to $4000. What have you? See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. ON THE POWELL VALLEY ROAD. lhi acres, all in cultivation. 3-room bungalow. and garage, elec, gas. city water available. A first-class proposi tion and close In. Price $6000. Will take house in Portland up to $4000. Look this up. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ABOUT 9 acres, by owner, practically all can be farmed, furnished house, good outbuildings, water piped to house and barn, family orchard and many other Improvements. Valued at $3000. Want town property or rooming house. Might assume some. A.I 973. Oregonian. ROSE CITY. Modern high-classi 5-room bungalow, Californi style, cost $.5600; will trade my $2300 equity for part cash and mortgage or small car.' STAR REAL ESTATE & INV CO., Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. WILL' take $500 cash and car or 2 lots for equity in 5-room bungalow; close in on west side; paved street; all im provements; 'value $4000. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR. 300-2 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1566. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 3 acres, in cultivation, on Johnson creek, house, barn and buildings, just outside city limits; will trade for city improved property or good automobile. Call owner. Walnut 3570. or East 2386. WOULD take good grocery up to $5000 as part payment on a 10-acre prune ranch with dryer and 6-room house, good outbuildings, horse, cow and chickens. Price $10,000. What have vou? W. A. Bennett. 317 Henry bldg. 9-ROOM house; 65x100 corner, close in, west side; income $65 month; owner occupies 2 rooms. Price $4,800; clear; will exchange for 4 or 5-room bunga low. Stewart & Morris, .202 McKay Bldg. I HAVE 6-room house and 3 lots, near Peninsula station, for $1800; will ex change same, pay difference for house In Kenton, Woodlawn or Alberta. G. A. COBB & SON (Agts.) MOW I . HO. $35,000 INCOME property; income $350 per month; $5000 cash, balance trade. See me If you want a good Qea,l. T. P. KELLY, 205 Henry Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Income bearing res idence, property in Portland. We want garage proposition, must he good. Submit what you have. Owners, Crit tenden & Courand. Hubbard, Oregon. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade having merit; houses, lots, farms, acreage. Bring In your proposition. Robinson-Spooner Co., 712 Couch bldg. 5 ACRES, 4 in - prunes, big crop, good bldgs., chicken house for 500 hens, on paved road, close to school, electric station. Price $3500, clear; want house and lot. C. Cole. 426 Lumbermens bldg. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE j TRADE ARTIST ' AT , . J. W. O'CONNELL CO., 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. WILL sell my place for $2200. 3-room house, 4t4 lots. Will give terms on $700. Want '21 Maxwell roadster, balance cash. Empire 2066. FIVE acres in an irrigated district in Washington. What have you? P. L. Harrison, 253 Washington st.. Breed- en uiub. 6-ROOM modern house, close in; will accept lot in good location as part payment. Phone Bdwy. 6932 or Tabor S(i55. EIGHT-ROOM modern residence, 2 sleep ing porches, bult-lns; exchange for lots or income property up to $10,000. 79(i E. Harrison St. I HAVE a number of good building lots to trade for light cars. Vance T. Fer guson. Bdwy. 4620. HAVE acreage and small farms close around Portland to exchange for city homes. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lots In Tilla mook City. Timber claim, Tillamook county, jonnson, w ncp oicig. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. To trade in for good lot. Main 3787. WILL trade 40 acres in Harney county for automobile. Atwater 3635. TO EXCHANGE REAI, ESTATE. 150 ACRES, all in cultivation; 7-room house, farm barn, family orchard, gravel road on 2 sides, 3hi mile from highway, R. R. through place; 19 head full-blood Jersey cattle, 4 horses, 2 sows. 800 Leghorn hens, all kinds of implements, 15 tons hay. 300 bushels grain. Price $15.l0. Mortgage $6,000. Will exchange equity for rooming house or city property. Stewart & Morris, 202 Mc- PORTLAND FOR SEATTLE. I want a modern home in Seattle: must have 3 or more bedrooms and in a good residential district. - Have residence on corner lot In the best part of Rose City, with garage. Will consider exchange. Price $5700. MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. FOR SALE or trade, equity in good house in N. St. Johns; 2 large bedrooms and bath upstairs; 3 large rooms, pan try and den downstairs; basement, electric lights, gas, sewer, fruit, cow shed; 50x100 lot; sidewalk; equity $2300. Price $3500. Will trade for farm, southern Oregon preferred, or will sell for part cash. Phone Empire 1540. Ask for Patterson.' 320 ACRES, highly improved, in .Mon tana's famous Judith Basin; complete ly stocked and equipped: running wa ter year around; buildings modern, best roads, near school and market; on account of wife's health owner will trade for equal value in farm in Wil- ' lamette valley or Portland income property w BANK BLDG. LOOK! ...it H'TJ A T-,Ti VV 11., U Z -'y 1 ln-v w I.,..,,, n- what von wantr Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. . E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. . PAR K. tutu UAH .i.ij uai. HAVE a good grocery to exchange for an apartment house up to $2000; no fixtures to buy. Let's hear from you today. W. A. Bennett, 317 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TO EXCHANGE 1 double bed for single one. Phone Auto. 324-9; NEW PHONOGRAPH for new tires, size 84x4 Mi East WILL exchange Victrola. for dressmak ing. Call Walnut 2S0S. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. CROWN STABLES. Wanted To buy 100 head of work horses at once. Must be cheap and good. If you have any to sell come to the Crown Stables, 285 Front st. EVERY farm should have a few regis tered sheep; we have Shropshires for $10 a head and up. Holman Fuel Co, 94 Fifth St., foruanu FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esenshare. 380-366 East Morrison st. FOR SALE 3 Jersey cows, .lust rresii. rich and heavy milkers. 1067 E. Stark st., cor. 78th. JERSEY cow, high test, good milker: milk her and test her yourself. A bargain today only. Tabor 3823. VKTKR1NARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. SEVERAL good work horses. Inquire of C. O. PICK, oo cecoim ancci. DEAD animals taken quickly Phone MilwauKie oi-j. SHETLAND riding pony,, 3 years old. t.aii v ainut -ova FINE span bay mares. 2300 pounds, with harness for 5150. East 841'7. 5-6 WEEKS old pigs foi sale. Main 13il-. BLACK team weighing 3000 lbs., harness and wagon, by owner. Main 0413. DRAFT horse 1500 lbs. C. O. Harris, Vancouver, Wash. R. 4, Box 139. THOROUGHBRED Toggenberg goat, J50, worth $75. Cor. Hood and Mead sts. TEAM, wagon and harness, $123. 3416 54th St., Woodstock car. Pianos. Orguni, and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH $5, $8 OR MOJXE MONTHLY is all you need pay If you buy your piano of the Schwan Piano Co., besides, you then buy at their 25 to 40 per cent lower prices. Here are a few: $450 Marshall & Wendel upright. .$193 $475 Hallett & Davis upright .. 235 $500 F. C. Fischer largo upright 265 $!00 Steinway & Son's upright-.... 8 no $950 Thompson player piano So $1050 Singer player piano . .' 593 101 Tenth St., at Wash, and Stark. $20 $35, $85, $85 secures phono graphs at $3 cash, $3 or more monthly, at Schwan Piano Co., 10th and Stark. $75 buys small 7-octave upright piano. $95 buys United makers' square piano. $145 buys $425 Emerson upright piano. $195 buys $450 Hallett & Davis piano. This week at Security Storage Co.. 103 10th St.. Cor. Stark St. GRAND One of America's best makes, bought new in New York last January; piano is in perfect condition; owner mus! sell quick; make an offer; no matter how little caah. Brokerage Co., 312 W orcester pmb. 3 JIOBART M. CABLE pianos, upright, only $340; brand new, on terms. Just compare with any other new pianos uptown at $800 and $600. All models new, at 312 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak ats. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair- irg. Work guaranteed. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 125 Fourth St Bdwy. 676. PIANOS, player pianos and phonographs to rent; new player rolls, 2ic each. Player Roll Exchange. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Wash. WILL give you a good price for your old piano in trade tor a new piano. We also sell pianos and phonographs at very low prices. 409Unlon Ave. N. SPOT CASH. PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NKWMAN'S RECORD EXCH., Bdwy. 7161. 128 First. Auto. 62i-46. 40 PIANOS, uprights and grands, $115 up Pick your favorite make. Terms to suit. 312 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak SALE used upright pianos. $195, $-!.. $265, etc.. $10 cash. $. $8 or $8 month at Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. 1-ifth and Washington Htg REAL SNAP Weber baby grand piano, just like new: lady who owns this Piano lives in St. Johns, must sell. 634 Ulia- mook st.. apt. 3. , NEW $165 "Mandal". dark mahogany phonograph ani 24 late records $95 cash. Apt. 104 Imperial Arms. Phono Main 564V. STEINWAY. old style. $135. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 1L ruuiui "i- ONE phonograph with 40 records cheap. Call and see it. Waldorf garage. 851 Division st ETnoSBURY upright. $1.87. Come in and bear It. Harold S. Ollbcrt, 107 West farit. near yvaan.ni" DECKER & SON' player. .$195 with rolls. SMBEULING-LUCAS "MUSIO CO., $900 MELVILLE CLARK player fine condition, only $275; terms. 312 Wor cester bldg NEW $725 PLAYER-PIANO. $30 music rolls, for $400 cash. Owner, 1009 Sandy niva $2 50 RENTS phonograph with ,-a.te -.ee-ords. Empire Transfer. 143 lltn. Bdwy. niai JB00 W. W. KIM BALL fine upright, $170. $25 down, $10 month. 312 Worcester $625 EST IS Y piano,, latest. $300, terms. rtl- W orcesiei liiuB, GOOD practice piano. $100. T. W. Wil son. Hroanw-ay -im. $8oO PACKARD. $265; compare with new ne; terms, oj-. v m PIANO wanted for dance naiL Must be cheap. Atwater ioa-s tliOO SHON1NGER piano, brand new. only $ ;s f r , reriiir. ait ,,,,,, . . NICE Vose & Son piano for sale cheap; no dealers. Phone East B25M. $UlO KIMBALL piano, ' plain case, $225; terms, .i- vvmiepi-ri $330 MARSHALL & WENDELL piano, late style, $265. 312 Worcester bldg. NICE Miller pianft for sale cheap; terms; no dealers. East 5259. - SU0O IVEKS & POND piano, fine tone, upright. $150. 312 Worcester bldg HIGH-GRADE piano for sale. Accept some terms, tiall wainm -.wo. W AN T E D S woe t-toned piano, cash if . bargain. j-mwy. mirc peiore U r. .n. $850 LESTEft piano, late style. $275; .terms. 312 Worceste! er bldg. FOR SALE: $123 size Victrola with rec ords. $60: good condition. Tabor 63:j:t. " ' Furniture for Sale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can eave you money on your freight in our through cars fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine st. FOR SALE Drapes, rugs, gas heater, walnut dining room table, sideboard, black ebony comb, writing desk and book case, pewing maenme. iviain o---. TFT ME make you beautifully over stuffed davenports and chairs (n m spare time, bit ej. atara. caat poua. PRACTICALLY new Universal combina tion range; right price for cash. Bdwy. 3029. Call at 288 North 23d st. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale. Ill Uarri.nn mt FOR SALE Vulcan gas range. Ruud water heater. 1204 East Couch st. 64-INCH dining table, buffet, other fur nlture. 1X25 Senate St. Tabor 6149. HlKiHES electric range, perfect condi tlon. $85. Sellwood 3Q17. FOR SALE Vernis Martin bed, spring and mattress. $15 complcg. East 5758. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. GREAT BARGAINS IN OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS AND SUITES. Overstuffed tapestry davenport with 3-sprlng filled cushions, a truly wonderful bargain at. . 0S.7J Same davenport, with arm chair and rocker tu match, offered at 137.50 A strikingly handsome 3-pleee overstuffed suite, with spring filled cushions and upholstered In pretty taupe velour. priced for this sale, only JJi! - , Davenport only, offered at 79. o'l Terms to suit your own convenience. . MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-lrto First St. 4 BED COUCHES, 1 ilillfonier. 1 dresser, 2 rocking chairs, 2 oak chairs, dinln room table and hairs. 2 congoleuni rugs, range, heater, all for $200 Gas plate. Call 1391 E. 8th st. N.. Wood lawn. Office r limit ure. 1 "OFFICE AND BANK EQUIPMENT. 2 Burroughs posting machines. -Elliott-Fisher posting machines. -Underwood typewriters, 1 electric cheek indorser, 2 Kami- files, ledger binders and a number of filing cases in assorted sizes, for sale at excep tionally low prices. Call Bdwy. Uul). ask lnr UrOWneu ur mi-mii. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys In used roll and flat-top desks, chalts and filing cabinets, refinlshed. almost equal to new. See our special 4 drawer letter file. $25, a new fila at less than second-hand price. IRW1N-HODSON, 391 Stark street, at 10th street. F I BR 1-2 -RUED furniture for office, studio, reception room or home; ever lasting wear, attractive prices. IRW1N-HODKON. 3 9 1 Stark at, at 10th street. NEW and used burglar-proof manganese bank safes, immediate delivery. Jess R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. . Typewriters. REBUILT tyjjewriters. all kinds, for aale. rent, exchange. We are exclusiva dis tributors of Corona portable. $30. complete with carrying case; supp les and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Broadway T169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REUULT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below man ufacturers' price; TERMS. $5 cash and $5 month if desired. LATB MODELS RENTED 8 months. $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 121 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481 ADDING machine and calculating ma chine. Some very good bargains. Call Mr Black. 309 Lumbermans bldg. or phone Bdwy. 3712. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER NO. 11. tabulator, latest model, perfect condi tion, $50. 613 East Oak, lyist II3H2. 45 MODEL No. 6 Underwood type writer, slightly used. Mr. Hampton, Bdwy. 4343. REBUILTS, 2d-hnd rentals, cut rales. X. x. o. oo.. r-tara si. nuwjr. n,7uuuu ,r,r l.nv Be I i . -unnlies. Tina. writer irisp. Co., 312 Stark. Bdy. 74.-.0. $3 MONTH rents an Underwood or Ram Inerton. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 153. Dogs. Rabhltn. Birds and Pet Mock. ri-: f'TTV c A TT ER Y. THE HOME OF SUNBURST. Offers for sale the entire cattery. Including Sunburst and 7 of the best bred Persians on the Pacific coast, for $100. Sunburst's matings last spring alone $150. Good reasons for selling. Larry Furman, 1250 E. Morrison. Ta bor 72(4. ,,-.-,i,x, Tt-opiiru AT RTTTD A C. 815784. winner Paelflo coast bred-dog class; Seattle show, 1922; also pups for sale. 7114 - ave. S. E. Auto C2C-29. , REGISTERED fine pedigreed English bulldog- pups for ale. ready to take away. S Takemoto.. Mllwaukle. Or., route 2, box 474. on J. X'. Well plane. SHEPHERD pups; something good, reas onably priced for Immediate sale, Leslie G. Foster. 1'aseov Wash. ANDREASBERG roller imported singer. 2 year., and females. Walnut 36. ,2. Hontx. I.iiniii-hes ami Murine r.quipnient. FURNISHED HOUSE BOAT. Four rooma, with 2 bedrooms, elec gas shower; large porch, finished In old ivory and while: new pongee drapes, ivory dining set and all nec essary furniture. West side. Only $1500, terms. See F. G. Mni'slml! with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Ablnirton Bldg. Hdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Suirk. 1 IRON bedstead, 1 steel bed spring, 1 silk floss mattress, 1 9x12 rug. 1 sinatl rug, 1 small coal stove, 1 R:i.dlantflre gas heater, fruit Jars. 405 East 87th 2H-FT. LAUNCH, 2-cycIe engine, all in first-class shape, cheap. Vonderwortli Hoat House, east end of Morrison bridge. - SELL OR RENT, five-room modern houseboat, furnished, piano; terms. 2 Yacht club, tseliwoon un". FOR SALE, or trade for automobl e. 20-ft. launch; good running order, bell- wood '1181. Cial and Wood. $4.25 P:R LOAD $4.25. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir blocks and slabs; run nai'lv dry. for furnace or heater. OREGON FUBL CO.. WALNUT 4Q2 FOR SALE Slabwood, blnckwood No.l fir and pole oak cordwood. sawdust, cut fuel and coal. S. s H. green trad ing stamps. Holman Fuel Co., 94 6th St. Broadway 6333. WE have 200 cd. of oak wood thf must be sold at once: also 100 erts. of choice red fir. Our prices are convlnc I n g. Prompt del. Will nut 3 447; NO 1 GREEN and dry fir, $8.00; heavy country slab. $6.00; pole or body oak. $10 per cord. Second' rowth fir $7.-8. Mam 8241. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. BLOCK and slabwood. $4.25 per load. 2 loads $8; furnace and fireplace wood, $125 per load; two loads $8. Call Walnut 5904. ' WOOD Special t-alc, dry 4-fl. country slab, $0.50 cord. Heavy 16-ln. block and slab mixed, $6.50 cord. Sumner Wood Yard. Atwater 2855. $4J!5 LOAD 1N.2-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch block and slab mixed, partly dry fine for furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUKL CO., East 20-11. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50 and $4 load; box, $4- ltt-in thick, $5 anywhere; No. 1 cord, $7.50. Sellwood 1769. WHEN you want a wood saw call ICelley. Kaat 6840. . BEST grade Utah coa.. oak cordwood Phono h-ast l ou. DUX B1XJCK and slabwood, single load, $3: double load, $8. Bdwy. 2345. A-NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood 18 cord. Tanor nii.i.i. ROCK SPRINGS coal, roantry fir cordwood. Atwater 2520. Wdln . 3423. DRY box wood, ideal kindling-; $3.25 and $4 a load. Walnut 8649. UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8184. 4-FT COUNTRY slab for heaters an ranges. $5.50 per cord. Bast 7483. Fruits anil Vegetwblew. ORDER your Bartlctt pears, $1.25 a box delivered. Call 875 E. 2oth St. or Bell wood S308. . Kegs anil Harre)s. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western CooperBgo Co.. 808 N. 14th st.. near Pettygrove. phone Auto. 619-19. Miscellaneous. ELECTRIC range and refrigerator for sale. Come to 610 Grand ave. and maks me an offer. Sellwood .'1986. FULL-SIZE wardrobe trunk. Phone At water 1118.1 otter o VACUUM cleaner. $16; electric lamp. $10. Call Aut. 3is-::o, , BROWN orioles, like new, half price. wood noil. SEWINi machine, F.verelt. flat ". kitchen table. GARLAND gas hotel range for sale cheap. 342 Williams a FOR SALE Cheap, good used hot-air furnace. 1075 Stanton t-t. FOR SALE Cheap, fine largo gas range. .. ...,,..1.1.. io-r U.n-tn- t l ne imiiituie, - CEDATt chests, largo size, at factory cost. 122.511. 1 rirsi. FORD roadster body, new top, A-l shape. c n e ii p. x-'j j. -WICKER bird cage and bird; also hand some kimona. Main 4702. EVERGREEN blackberries: will deliver nt $1.00 crate, t-nonn lannr n-.mj. DROP-HKAD Slngef machine; good con dltlo n. 115. East 3769. 362 Williams, ONE 6-HOLE rang", colls, fine conill t)0nt good baker. $35. 443 ICmerson St. BARTLETT PEARS for sale, first houue West UUDV iOk.r. , ..... , BABY CARRIAGE, nearly new, $15. Apt. :t T.nurette apis.. 11th .and Main. FOR SALE Cash regieteij.safe. adding much ne. jafioweases. to ifi. n"nr yv-n. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 o 'r'- Bdwy. 4492, POR RENT Elect rlc vacuum cleaners, 75c per day, delivered. Walnut 1239. SKCOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. 1'acific tent a- iviiim - . iHivr.I.H! direct from mill, extra Star- A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main 806S. APPAREL SHOP In a home, good show In goffaJJgrjrienl!i; Tabor 2825. VULCANIZING PLA"NT. Finney. 810 Al berta st. BAJTB Half trice. -1854, Orecoiilao,