COLLI SUB FFIIJhi AMBUSH Irish Free State Army Chief Is-Shot.. T Country's "Hope" Is Killed From Ambush at. Ban don County Cork.- DUBLIN IS IN MOURNING Troops Urged to Keep Up Courage and Refrain From Reprisals. BY PAUL WILLIAMS. (Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service. Bv Chicago Tribune leased Wire.) DUBLIN, Aug. 22. Michael Col lins was killed this afternoon in an ambush at Bandon while on a tour of inspection. Mr. Collins was head of the free state armies. The news of the' death of Ire land's hope comes as a great shock to the country. The general head quarters at Portobello began pre paring an official statement of the assassination. The news of Collins' death has overwhelmed the great majority of the Irish who "had seen in him Erin's hope for peace after the long years of fighting. At the time of his death "Micky" Collins was commander-in-chief of the Irish free state army, chair man of the provisional government j and secretary of the treasury in the cabinet of the Dail Eireann. His loss, combined with that of Arthur Griffith on August 13, will affect Ireland in a manner now im possible to conceive. Moaning Announces Death. The correspondent learned of the tragedy in a dramatic manner. He was sitting in the Brunswick street police station here when he was startled by the sound of moaning in the corridors. Then General Beaslie, the chief censor, walking with bowed head and unable to still his grief, came into the room, where he gave the news which he had just received from general headquarters. The managing editor of the Free man's Journal, himself on the verge of tears, hurried across the street on the receipt of the news to order the rules turned for the second time within two weeks. He said: "It means to Ireland what Abraham Lincoln's assassina tion meant to America." "For God's sake," said a hotel porter forgetting to close the door. Some See Curse on Country. A taxicab driver stopped dead still, letting his cigarette go out, when he heard the news. Some superstitious persons asserted that a curse was on the country. Others asked what would Ireland do now. Mr. Collins, with Commandant General Fistan Lynch, an aide and a driver, left Dublin, on Sunday morning in a high-powered four seated motor car of special make, which recently had been presented to him by admirers. I saw him on Sunday afternoon at Limeridt, where General O'Duffy, a member cf the army council with Mr. Col lins, joined the party on an in-?-:e;-tion trip through the south western command. An armored car led the party, '. ;:ich included two motor lorries c iiTying soldiers, and another ar mored car brought up the rear. While the route was not announced U is known that Mr. Collins in tended to visit a number of the cities which had been recently oc cupied by his troops. To reach them it was necessary to pass through many miles of country in which roamed small bands of ir regulars. Details Not Furnished. ' No details of the tragedy were furnished by general headquarters, but Richard Mnlcahy, the chief of staff, got out the following order (Concluded on Page .3. Column 1.) PROHIBITION CHIEF HELD PROPAGANDIST DISCHARGE OF COMMIS SIOXER HAYXES IS ASKED. Maryland Lawmaker Declares Vse of Frank for Political Purposes Is Fraudulent.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 22. Representative Hill, republican, Maryland, today addressed a letter to Secretary Mellon requesting the immediate removal of Federal Pro hibition Commissioner Haynes, who, Mr. Hill charged, is "engaged in defrauding the United States gov ernment in that he is using and causing to be used the official mail franks of the treasury department for the sending out of personal political propaganda In, the interest of himself and his associates, ' the anti-saloon league." In support of his charges. Repre sentative Hill stated -in the letter that Commissioner Haynes -has been sending under mail franks a bulle tin under the title of - "Information Bureau Prohibition Unit, Immediate Release," dated August 21, contain ing an interview in which the com missioner discussed the enforce ment of the prohibition amendment. In the statement the commissioner is quoted as saying "there never was greater necessity for all law abiding forces to get together and candidates who have come out wholly on the side of law and order should have the fullest . support at the polls." Explaining that he is a candidate for re-election, Mr. Hill asserted in the letter that "Prohibition Com missioner Haynes is using money derived from taxes of which I per sonally pay a part for a personal propaganda against me and those who, in accordance with our sworn duty, are advocating a modification of the absurd and tyrannical Vol stead act." The letter further charged that Commissioner Haynes was "neglect ing the business of his office and making stump speeches in favor of himself and the anti-saloon league throughout the United States." VICTIMS WILL RECOVER Portland Men Shot by Hunter Held Out or Danger. MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 22. R, A Stewart and Charles H. Mead of Portland, members of a hunting party being entertained by Tom Hart, also of Portland, at his cabin on Sucker creek, 30 miles from Medford, are at a local hospital re covering from wounds received early Sunday morning when they were mistaken for deer and shot by Charles King, football coach of the Roseburg high school. The rifle bullet pierced Stewart's left arm above the elbow and went through the right side of Mead, who Was just behind him. It was 12 hours before Stewart arrived at the local hospital and Mead did not get there until late last night, but in spite of much suffering and loss of blood, both men are out of danger, according to physicians. RIGHT TO SHOOT GIVEN Chinese Says White Woman Signed Contract for "Privilege." OMAHA. Neb., Aug. 22. David Yee. a Chinese waiter ' employed in an Omaha cafe, displaying a con tract in which he said Miss Lily Larson of Omaha gave him the "privilege" of shooting or killing her in any way he chose, if she ever went out with any other man, today asked police to find Miss Larson; who he said, disappeared last, night when they were to have been mar ried. The contract quoted Miss Larson as saying she would "never walk or talk to any other man" and "never go out with any one else." Police learned Miss Larson had gone to Alliance, Neb., and Yee ap peared at the county attorney's of fice for a complaint against her. He was told she had violated no laws. GIRL IN BUGGY HURT Rider Is " Thrown Out When Horse Is Frightened by Dog. MOLALLA, Or.. Aug. 22. (Spe cial.) Miss Hazel Bowman, 16. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bow man, farmers, near Molalla, was thrown from a buggy in which she was driving 'to town yesterday and her skull fractured when her horse became frightened by a dog barking at its heels. ' Miss Bowman was taken to the Sellwood hospital, where her condition was declared to be critical. Miss Bowman is a? student at th-i Molalla high school. When she was thrown from the buggy she struck rocks by the side of the road and a serious fracture resulted. Dr. E. Todd, who attended her, said that she had a chance for recovery. WOMAN KILLED BY TRAIN Mrs. Thomas Saltman Struck While Crossing Railroad Trestle. 'BELLINGHAM. WTash., Aug. 22. Mrs. Thomas Saltman, aged 30, was killed by a train shortly, before noon today as she was crossing a railroad trestle with two of her children at her home in .Concrete, Skagit county. One fot her daughters, aged 10. was bruised and otherwise injured in jumping from the bridge. An other daughter, aged 3, escaped un hurt. Mrs. Saltman wao the mother of six children. S IS MISS Charming Girl, 17, Is Oregon's Beauty. CHOICE IS UNANIMOUS ONE Victor Is Fine Swimmer and Diver, Too. GALA TIME IS, AHEAD Shower of Gifts Is Promised by Portland Merchants for At- Iantic City Visitor. Virginia Edwards .wins the proud title of Miss Portland. This charming girl, 17 years old, who lives with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.,Edwards. 675 Multnomah treet, has been declared by the five judges ot The Oregonian contest the most perfect beauty in the hun dreds of contest entries. They agreed unanimously yesterday aft ernoon that she is the loveliest of all Oregon girls. 'I can hardly believe it," gasped Miss Edwards last night when told of her good fortune. "It seems too good to be true. I had hardly thought it possible that I could win. I hardly know what to say about it. Of course winning makes me very happy." Girl Born in Portland. Miss Edwards was born in Port land, educated here and is thor oughly an Oregon representative. She was graduated this year from St. Helens hall and expects to enter Dana hail, Wellesle, Mass., this au tumn. Next year she hopes to enter Wellesley college. " It is also fortunate that the con test winner is an accomplished swimmer and diver,, water sports entering largely into the Atlantic City pageant. She is also a stu dent in Russian dancing. She has musical training", as well, having a cultivated soprano voice. She is an only child. As the state's foremost beauty Miss Edwards wins high honors. She is acclaimed queen of beauty here at home, she will be showered with gifts by Portland merchants and will leave the first week in Septem- ber for Atlantic City, where she will j (Concluded on Page Column 2.) VIRGINIAEDWARD PORTLAND CHARMING PORTLAND GIRL WINS CROWN OF BEAUTY IN THE OREGONIAN CONTEST TO CHOOSE STATE'S LOVELIEST LASS. i . I , v? fi s-! f - V & 1M PLEA FOR ALIMONY PROBLEM FOR JUDGE $43,000 YEARLY HELD SPEXT OS CHORUS GIRL. What Should Be Wife's Allowance Pending Divorce Trial? Query Is Put rp to Jurist. (Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Aug. 22. What is the proper amount of alimony for the ex-wife of a man who spends ?43,000 a year on a chorus girl? Supreme Court Justice May, in Brooklyn, reserved decision today on the application of Mrs. Hildure Sterne, of Beechurst, L. I., for $200 weekly alimony and $4000 counsel fees, to consider the problem. Mrs. Sterne, asking divorce, seeks also temporary alimony pending trial of her suit, and Allan S. Locke, special referee, recommended today that she be given $75 a week temporary alimony, $750 counsel fees and $500 to pay living bills incurred since she started action against her hus band. The young wife's charges against Sterne, who lives in Manhattan, and according to Mrs. Sterne, derives $75,000 yearly from his import and export business, include undue inti macy with Helen R. Meyers, former Winter Garden beauty, on whom it is alleged he spent $43,000 in the principal cities of Europe between rr-nmhfir 191S. and November, 1919. During that time, Mrs. Sterne al leges, her husband assigned one or his employes to "spy" on her to ascertain whether she was "becom ing susn ir.ious" of his lavish spend ing abroad, and used a code in com municating with this agent. ctcrnn nrcsldfnt of the Sterne Trading Corporation, Inc., dealing in surplus army supplies, which had a profit of more than $1,000,000 last year, according to Mrs. Sterne. DEAN HICKS IN CHARGE Portland Man May Be Made East ern Oregon Bishop.. THE DALLES. Or., Aug. 22. (Spe cial.) Dean Reginald T. Hicks of Portland, has been placed tempo rarily in charge of the Episcopalian parishes at The Dalles and Hood River, according to a telegram re ceived this morning by local Episco palians from Bishop Robert L. Pad dock in New York. Dean Hicks is expected to conduct the services here next Sunday. .Archdeacon Van Waters is making t.. a .".ngements for Dean Hicks' wori. A number of conjectures have gained circulation since the receipt of the telegram, the chief of which is that Dean Hicks may be the next eastern Oregon bishop. A new rec tor for St. Paul's church here will be named at the Episcopal convention next month, it is expected. The local church has been without a rector since the resignation of Rev. George Hoisholt. . MISS V1KGIMA EOWiKDS. ISTEEL CORPORATIONS LIFT PAY OF 300,000 THREE BIG COMPANIES' AC TIOX IS SURPRISE. Financial District Taken Back Because Other Revisions Are . Generally Downward. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. (By the Associated Press.) Three big steel corporations, employing normally nearly 300,000 workers, today an nounced a 20 per cent wage increase for ail day laborers in their manu facturing plants. The United States Steel corporation took the lead, but was quickly followed by the Midvale Steel & Ordnance company and the Youngstown Sheet & Tube company. In the absence of Charles Schwab and Eugene Grace, of the Bethlehem Steel corporation, no other official of that company would commit him self. Secretary Brown said, how ever, he did not know of any action tvmt hod been taken on the wage question. President Matthews of the Crucible Steel corporation said nis company had taken no action "as yet." It was generally believed in financial circles that all important independent steel firms would an nounce Increases within a few days. News of the increase came as a surprise to the financial district probably because wage adjustments in other industries have been gener ally downward. It was followed by slight recessions in the price of steel shares. No expU nation of the increase was given by the steel corporations. However, it is known that the immi gration law has cut off the supply of unskilled laborers which formerly drifted to the iron and steel centers. When the labor shortage became acute last spring and the steel in dustry began to show signs of re habilitation, temporary relief was afforded by the employment of men thrown out of work by the coal strike. DOMESTICS ARE TRAINED Iiondon Hopes to Find Solution of House-servant Problem. LONDON, Aug. 22. London hopes to solve its servant problem by es tablishing a college for the training of young women in domestic science and the useful arts. The govern ment has set aside $250,000 for the purpose. The post of training an unemployed girl so that she can take a situation in domestic service is $100. The girls are given a course last ing 13 weeks, with 30 hours instruc tion every week. They are taught cookery, laundry work, housewifery, needlework, infant welfare and hy giene. They also are given instruc tions in the arts of singing and piano playing, which are considered indispensable adjuncts to the all around servant who wishes to brighten her mistress' life with something more than mere culinary accomplishments or household in dustry. rink Photo. BIG HAIL CHIEFS HURRY TP PARLEY Trip From Europe Is Held Significant. ROADS AGAINST SENIORITY Three Other Surprises Met in Railway Strike. STEEL MEN'S PAY LIFTED Unions on Walkout Regard Ac tion as Upholding Refusal to Accept Wage Cut. , NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Four sur prise, factors entered into the rail strike today, any one of which, ac cording" to representatives of roads and brotherhoods, may vitally in fluence the action of the Associa tion of Railway Executives' when it meets- tomorrow to consider peace proposals for mediation with the big five brotherhoods. They -were: 1. The announcement that pres idents of three powerful eastern roads, Samuel Rea Of the Pennsyl vania; E. E. Loomia of the Lehigh Valley, and William Bester of the Jersey Central, were expected to ar rive from Europe on the Majestic, in time to participate in the con ference of the Association of Rail way Executives. 2. The grant by three large steel corporations of a 20 per cent in crease in wage to their 300,000 day laborers. Peace TalK All "Bunk." .. Assertion by L. F. Loree, pres ident of the Delaware & Hudson, and chairman of the eastern presi dents' conference, . that predictions of a strike settlement and peace in the industry were "all bunk." 4. Announcement that several brotherhood chiefs are en route from the west with practical pro posals for settlement of the shop crafts ftrike, which they will sub mit to rail executives if all other advances fall. Heads of the railway executives refuse to comment on the unexpect ed arrival of the three eastern presi dents. Their return on the same boat, and in the midst of the present crisis, wa3 admittedly significant, however, especially since their respective vice presidents have been the nucleus of the group which, in conference of the national arsociation, has con sistently fought against any peace plan which included reinstatement of strikers with seniority rights un impaired. Strikers Welcome Decision. The decision of the steel corpora tions to raise the wages of laborers just 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting of the executives was hailed by the strikers as a point in their favor. It not only justified their refusal to accept wage cuts fixed by the railroad labor board, they said, but was ample proof of an impending Industrial boom which would put the railroads, with their thousands of bad order cars, more than ever in need of their old repair forces. "This wage increase will put con siderable fire into the veins of rail road labor," declared David Wil liams, secretary of the eastern strike committee. "The railroad man will find it hard to understand why he should get $2.75 a day when he could get $4 for the same work in the steel mills. "If the railroads don't settle with the shopmen, it will be doubly diffi cult for them to hold the unskilled crafts in line." Rail Headu Are Silent. Rail heads refrainea from discus sion of the possible effects of the steel company's move on rail strike negotiations. They were, neverthe less, quick to offer numerous rea jons why the steel industry should grant their men a raise at the criti sal stage. One was that some of the steel corporation bankers who also are large investors in the railroads took such means of making unten able the position steadfastly main tained by the eastern "diehards." headed by L. F. Loree, that the trike be allowed to continue "as a finish fight," rather than let it be settled by returning seniority rights to the strikers. In other quarters the rise for the steel men was interpreted as an attempt to forestall a shortage of labor when coal mines get into full action again and roads are called upon to take up the additional bur den of record crop movements. Still others decided it might bring the wage question back to complicate the strike, which now has simmered down to a battle over seniority rights. Similar Views Voiced. Although Mr. Loree today dis claimed any intention of .putting the brakes on strike negotiations, after declaring that "this talk of peace is all bunk," other members of the eastern presidents' conference, Voic ing similar views, indicated they will enter tomorrow's conference as (Concluded, en fags Column 3.J SHIMMY IS DOOMED, SAY DANCE MASTERS DECOROUS, DREAMY WALTZ EXPECTED TO RETURN. New York Convention Approves Long Skirts; Jazzy Music Is to Be Banned. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Aug. 22. The shim my, the Chicago, the various forms of sinuous swaying and shuffling dances, are "out." The ban applies to everything "Ritzy" in a terpsicho rean form. And jazz music is passe. This is official. The International Dancing Masters' association and the National Association of Dancing Masters in convention here today decreed these things. Both organi zat'ons okehed long skirts down to the ankles, but not trailing. The old waltz, with its decorous, dreamy sway, is coming in again, it was decided. Tradition is about to reverse itself and the old order will replace the new. Elimination of the laughing trombone, moaning saxo phone, piping clarinet and other weird orchestral noises from the modern dance orchestra, will go far to hasten the passing of many of the more objectionable steps. In the opinion of the dancing masters. Up-to-date dance orchestras, it was agreed, will in future play dance numbers in faster time, giving dan cefs Jess opportunity to Interpolate hops, struts or wriggling body move ments. Introduction of symphonic effects in dance music in place of the familiar razz, jazz, shriek and clash of the recent past was urged. A few of the dancing masters said the dress and manners of modern girls favored "wriggling dances." LIGHTNING KILLS SCOUT Bolt Strikes in Midst of Group of Nine Boys. t BUTTE, Aug. 22. Henry Heide mann, 16, a boy scout who had gone with a party on a climb of Red mountain in the highlands 25 miles south of Butte, was killed yesterday afternoon when lightning struck in the midst of the group of nine boys led by the scout executive, Benjamin Owen.- Three other scouts, Thomas Lanphier, Carl Shiner and William Kent, were knocked unconscious from the flash but were revived. Young Heidemann had suffered a direct hit and efforts at resuscita tion were futile. The party had left the summer camp early in the morning for. the climb of the peak, more than 10,000 feet high, and were on their way down the west slope when over taken by the storm. BERTH DRESSER IS HURT Doctor's Shoulder Is Thrown Out of Joint While Donning Attire. BUFFALO, N. Y:, Aug. 22. Dr. R. E. Flack of Asheville, N. C, threw his shoulder out of joint trying to dress in his berth on a Pennsylvania train which arrived here yesterday. He could not set his shoulder without assistance and he suffered greatly until he arrived here and obtained medical aid. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature 77 degrees; minimum 62 degrees. TODAY'S Fair and warmer; moderate northwesterly winds. Foreign. Germany and Moscow in secret alliance. Page 8. Honolulu shipping firm robbed for years by trusted secretary. Page Michael Collins, commander ot Irish free state armies, Is shot to death. Page 1. National. Prohibition Commissioner Haynes he-Id propagandist and discharge Is asked. Page 1. Three big rail chiefs hasten from Europe for strike peace parley. Page 1. Britons, confused over terms' of war debts, says Mark Sullivan. Page 13. Domestic. Mrs. Speckels getting into trouble. Page 1. Three big steel corporations Increase pay of 300.000. Page 1. New York woman accuses husband of spending 43,000 year on chorus girl. Page 1. Shimmy is doomed, say dance masters. Page 1. Two more states end coal strike. Page 2. Exiled soldier seeks to return. Page 3. , Pacific Northwest. Construction of hydro-electric plant on Hood river, in Oregon, progresses rap idly. Page 5. Idaho republican convention formally organized in Wallace. Page 5. $284,277 is asked for state institutions. Page 2. Poindexter's rivals unable to agree on one-man fight. Page 13. Sports. Lead of Yankees cut to half same. Page 14. Pacific Coast league results: At Sacra mento 1. Los Angeles 3; at Salt Lake 0. San Francisco 7; no other games, teams traveling. Page 14. F'eld of 48 opens women's golf tourney at Aberdeen. Page 14. Kinsey brothers win stubborn sets. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. No demand for hop crop soon to come on market. Page 24. Rapid fluctuations in Chicago wheat market. Page 24. Railway bonds firm In spite of selling profits. Page 25. Hot weather in corn belt forces prices up in Chicago market. Page 24. Intercoastal rate war still urged by American-Hawaiian line. Page 12. Portland and Vicinity. Telephone company blocks telephone rate cut. Page 11. Ad club opens drive to clean up adver tising. Page 17. Both income tax bills condemned by tax investigation commission. Page 26. Evidence Is closed in case of 14 strikers. Page 26.- Virginia Edwards, 17, wins beauty con test. Page 1. ' Sewers' outfall lowering urged. Page 3. Federal prohibition agents seize model whisky distilleries. Page 17. Weather report, data and forecast. Page IRS. SPREGKELS Tl Grandfather May Ask Children's Custody. OTHER WOMAN PLANS SUIT Alienation of Affections Ac tion Considered. LEGACY IS THREATENED Action to Hye Court Tako $S0, 000 From Woman Who Tried to Buy Mate Kumorcd. (By Chicago Tribune Leased ' SAN FRANCISCO, Auff. 22. Suit for alienation, divorce proceeding and court action to relieve Mrs, Edith Huntington Spreckels Wake field of the custody of her threa children by her first husband. John D. Spreckels Jr.. probably -will fol low as an aftermath of the dis closure of an unusual marital tri angle. Mrs. "Wakefield also may lose an J80.000 bequest from th estate of Spreckels as) a result of her affair with Rodney Kendrick. a newspaper artist. It was reported but not confirmed that John D. Spreckels Sr. had com to San Francisco from San Diego to take steps to obtain the custody of Mrs. Wakefield's children, and to investigate the possibility of legal proceedings to set aside th bequest. Damage Suit Prepared. Frank M. Carr, attorney for Mrs. Kendrick, announced today that $25,000 damage suit charging Mrs. Wakefield with alienation of af fections of Kendrick Is being pre pared and will be filed by Friday. Mr. Carr also announced that his client had instructed him to file divorce proceedings against the artist as a result of Mrs. Wake field's offer of J100 a month if sh would give up her husband. Mrs. Kendrick said today that sh reached her decision not to accept Mrs. Wakefield's- offer while her husband and Mrs. Wakefield were on a motor trip together. The un usual triangle had promised to work out smoothly until Mrs. Kendrick left the home of Mrs. Wakefield at Sausalito, where she had been a guest, and consulted her attorney. Divorce Suit Pending;. Mrs. Wakefield now has a divorce) suit pending against Frank Wake field, well-known business man ot San Francisco. Mrs. Kendrick in an interview said today that when she first met Mrs. Wakefield she never dreamed that she was in love with her hue band. "I thought she -was a. most lovable and generous woman," 8h said. "I had been at a sanitarium la Stockton when Mrs. Wakefield tele phoned, Inviting me to make a visit at her home in Sausalito. I agreed, knowing that I would see my hus band in Sausalito. When I reaohed Mrs. Wakefield's home her first words were that she was divorcing her husband. I told her I wished I also was free. And then she told me she would like to marry Rodney." $100 a Month for Lire Offered. It was then, Mrs Kendrick says, that Mrs. Wakefield made he proposal to pay her J100 a monta for life. According to Kendrick there had been a peaceful separation between him and his wife long before the triangle arose. He says there was no concealment on his part or oa that of Mrs. Wakefield. Mrs. Rodney Kendrick, mother of the artist, sides with her son and Mrs. Wakefield. She blames Mrs. Kendrick for marrying her son when she knew she was a victim of tuber culosis. The Kendrlcks were married three years ago in Elizabeth, N. J. They came to the coast immediately after their marriage. TWO KILLED IN CRASH Motortruck Bursts Into Flames When Struck by Train. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 22. Two persons received injuries that caused their deaths and another probably was injured fatally this afternoon when the northbound Toledo-Detroit flyer, on the Michigan Central rail road, struck a motor truck loaded with turpentine and gasoline at the Dixie highway crossing, Just out side the village of Rockwood, 28 miles south of here. Both locomotive and truck burst into flames. KINGMAN, Ariz., Aug. 22. D. V. Kinney was killed instantly and six others eeriously but not fatally In jured last night when two work trains on the Santa Fe collided at a point 70 miles east of here. An overlapped order Is believed to have been responsible. Both engines were badly damaged. The injured were taken to the hospital la King- FACING ROUBLE