CITY NEWS IN BRIEF itv Editor Main 7070. 3ftfl-95 t Sunday Kditor Main ?070, 560-13 i Advertising Dept Main 770, 560-95 Sunerfntendent of Bid.. Main 7070, 560-95 OREGON IAN RK SORTS, subscribe with the following agents at our summer resort, to secure the most promp delivery of The Oregonian. City .atrs. Subscriptions by mail are payable nt advance. Rarview, Or Mrs. Georgia Bay City. Or O. E. Shelly Bay Ocean, Or F. O. Mitchell Breakers, Wash J. M. McArthur Brighton, Or A. W. Rowe Cannon Beach, Or. . .Cannon Beach Mc. Co. Carson. Waxh Mrs. M. St. Martin Canon, Wash Shipherd's Hot Springs i 'arson, Wash . . . Chiiook. Wash. . Krola, Or u.iribalui. Or. . . . , carl K. smun - IV . IVI1ULBU-: Cannon Beach Merc. Co. D. C Kills J:L. Kidder tiartbaldi. Or. . liearhart. Or W.J.Robinson Hot Ilce. Or .. . Hot Lake Sanitarium llnaco. Wash A. C. Pesco Uns Beach. Wash W. K. Strauhal Manhattan Beach, Or L. Stalnaker Manzanita. Or E. Kardell McKcnzie Bridge, Or. .Swartz McPherson Moclips. Wash Mrs. I-. L. James Nahcotia. Wash H. J. Brown Neah-kah-nie Beach, Or. . .'.A. C.Anaerson Nehalem, Or. . . . D. C. Peresoy Neskowin. Or Newport. Or Ocean Lake Ocean Park. Wash... Oceanside. Or. ....... Pacific City, Or Pacific City. Or ... . Rockaway. Or Seaside. Or Seaview. Wash . Tillamook, Or Twin Rocks, Or. Wheeler. Or Whteler. Or . . .Alexander Rod: J. E. Sharp I,. Stalnaker . . Emma Campbell . . Rosenberg Bros. ti. W. Ward . . . 1. F.. Edmunds L. Stalnaker . . . . Roth Drug Co. Ueorge I.. Putnam J. S. Urnur . . L.. Stalnaker R. H. Cady . . . J. F. Hamilton AMl'SKMKNTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures con tinuous daily, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PAXTAOES l Broadway at Alder' Vaudeville. Three shows dally, J:30, 7 and 9 P. M. THE OAKS (Amusement Park) Picnic grounds, bathing and summer diver sions. Take cars at First and Alder. COLl'MBIA BEACH (Amusement Park) Bathing, dancing and rides. Cars at Fifth and Washington. Masons to Institute Lodge. W'a luga lodge of Masons, which was or ganized last February by Oswego members of Milwaukie lodge and new members from the Oswego dis trict, will be instituted tomorrow night at a meeting in th Oddfel lows hall there. Guests of honor will be grand lodge officers of the state and visiting members from neighboris? lodges. The original Oswego lodge was moved to Mil waukie some years ago as a matter of. accommodation to the greater number of members living in the latter town. Trading at Home Agitated. Com munity problems occupied the atten tion of the Milwauku Real Estate and Development association at its last meeting, held in the high school auditorium. A "trade at home" pol icy was presented by George Ha- zelton. The aims of the association were explained by H. . Fletcher, other speakers were J. W. Grasle and N B. Harvey. M. A. Behman, chairman of the organization, has Announced another meeting for , S o'clock tomorrow night at the high school. Balloon Ascension Tomorrow. Surprises are in store pr the boys and girls at the Oaks tomorrow aft ernoon, as Professor l.e Strange, aeronaut, is booked tq go up in his big balloon in honor of the little folk. He expects to return to earth in three parachutes. The special added attractions will be a free ride on one of the park concessions which one will be a secret until the children arrive at the gate. Admit tance to the park will be frep. 'Episcopal, Vicar Resigns. Tht resignation of Rev. John Krian Mc I'ormick. as vicar of the Church of Oar Savior, at Woodstock, and of - St. John's Episcopal church at Sell wood, has been ahnounced by the diocesan office. Rev. Mr. McCormick will take up work in Alberta. Can ada. Jay -. Black. archdea on. has been appointed '. y Bishop Sumner as general overseer of tin missions after September 1. Street Improvements Progress. East side street improvements in clude work . in East Stark street, which is being hard-surfaced from Twenty-eighth to Forty first streets: in East Clay street, from Forty-first to Forty-second streets; in East Twenty-seventh street, from Harri son to Stevens streets, and the newly completed paving !n East Thirty-eighth street.' from Yamhill to Taylor streets. Auto Hits Pedestrian. A. Gold son. 1500 Albina avenue, was run t down yesterday at Sixth and Alder streets by an auto driven by Clar ence Larsen, 1927 Division street. According to the driver, the man walked in front of the car as he was crossing Alder street at about the rate of six miles an hour. Goldson was slightly bruised and walked away without assistance. Tailor Sentenced for Theft. Tracy Hatch, tailor, employed in a local department store was sen tenced to 30 days in the county jail by District Judge Bell yesterday when he pleaded guilty to the theft of a coat. Hatch, who lives at 252 McMillan street, found a claim check lost by 'L. Carlot Meier, organist, at a moving picture house, presented it. and walked away with a $13 coat. Mothers and Chapbrones. To morrow (Wednesday) is children's day at Oaks park. Every boy and girl will receive a free admission to the park and a free ride on one of the park concessions. Professor J. t.e Strange will give a special ex ibition in his big balloon with three parachute drops. Bring your lunch baskets and enjoy a glorious day. Adv. .New Spinach Recommended as hot weather food for children. Chil dren enjoy King's Dehydrated Spin ach and it keeps their systems in proper condition and tone, during the hot weather. King's Spinach is thoroughly washed and entirely free from grit. Get it at your grocer's. Adv. Ex-Residents of Union to Meet. A party for former residents of L'nion, Or., will be given at 2 o'clock today at the home of L. J. Davis at , .l.'fG East Fortieth street North, in honor of Mrs. Effie Foster of that city. Divorce Suits Filed. Divorce suits filed in the circuit court yes terday were: .Emma against Harry Shelley. Hattie against Eugene Hicks and Letitia Wood against Iory G. Moyer. Onte Child in Evert Five needs glasses. Your child may be that one. Don't guess make sure. Dr. Wheat, optometrist, 207 Morgan building Adv. The Allen Preparatort School opens September 5. Office hours 10-12. 535 East Salmon street. Tele phone East 2791. Tired, Achino Feet can Be re lieved. See our foot specialists for relief. . X-ray service free. Knight Shoe Co.. 342 Morrison. Adv. Sensational Triple Leap from balloon at the Oaks, Wednesday V. M. Come out and be thrilled. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored and insured. Cartozian Bros., Inc., Wash, at Tenth. -Adv. Dento De Temple Co. moved to 3 0 Pine St., at Broadway. Tires and repairing. Adv. Tublat makes good clothes. 0 Failing building. .Adv. THIEF INVADES AUTO CAMP AND ROBS TOURIST OF $20 Campers Take Up Collection and Poor Man's Loss Will Be Dis tributed Among 'Auto Owners. BY ADDISOX BENNETT. ' THE first theft of any moment noted at the camp grounds oc curred Sunday night, when a prowling thief fished a pair of uaiiittiuons iut di u tern, w nuc me. owner was asleen and extracted the owner was asleep, and extractea tne sum of 320 from a pocket. No clew! ; . , , .. . . , ,. IIAO ' " It I J II 111. fc l1 liVL I I 111 ,' ailj , will be. The owner of the money is apparently a poor man. and the campers took up a collection, in; which way the loss will be dis-j tributed among the auto owners. I ' Saturday and Sunday were big days at the camp, the Sunday ar rivals of machines being 118. mak ing itone of the bigges't days for arrivals. The number of arrivals for the season passed the 7-DOO mark baturday afternoon, and Monday at! 10 A. M. stood at 7171. - Three cars left San Jose. Cal.. July 3. and are now at the camp. The owners of the first car are r. v . rien lie anu wue, wun iiivir; daughter. Dolores, aged 11. In the second car came Len Wolfe and wifeCamp from Seattle, with their son with two children. Leonard, aged 11 and'Clare. 7. The third car brought Ira Fox and wife. All of the men folks are owners of orchards in the vicinity of. San Jose. They seem to be getting along fine on- their trip, as the fox and the wolf are agree able. The party has had a splendid time. They have visited Yellow stone park. Salt Lake City and the j cities In Washington on their way from Spokane to Tacoma. From here they will go to Eureka. Cal., for a short visit, and then to their homes. i From Alhambra. Cal.. arrived Charles W. Young and wife, with their friends. Walter H. Weyrath and wife, and two children. Dorothy, aged 14. and Gladys. 10.- Mr. Young is the manufacturer of a screw ma chine. Mr. Weyrath is a civil engineer. From here they go by! easy stages to Detroit. Mich., where Mr. Young will stop. Mr. Weyrath will there buy a machine and motor down to their real home at Dayton. O. They have been in California for the past year. From Graybull, Wyo.. which place, from its name, must be in the live - stock or cattle country, arrived two Prisoners Face Further Penal ties. Two persons, who have just completed payment to the state .for various offenses. fll into the hands of federal authorities yesterday to answer to the United States for vio lations of national laws. Chester Harness yesterday completed a three-year sentence at the state penitentiary for burglary committed in eastern Oregon. He has also been convicted of perjury in a fed eral court and sentenced to serve three years in the United States prison on McNeil's island. As that institution is filled to capacity. Har ness will be taken to Leavenworth. Carl Munson. who has just finished a county jail term, was rearrested by federal authorities on an indict ment recently returned by the fed eral grand jury at Seattle, charging violation of the narcotics act. Bot's Body Found. The body of John Zimmerman. 15-year-old son of L. W. Zimmerman, 4t6 East Alder street. who has been missing since last Thursday, was found yesterday morning by three small boys, who discovered it- floating in the Wil lamette riv"T just south of the Sell wood ferry. Relatives of the boy were notified and the body identi fied. Last Thursday young Zim merman left home saying he was noine to the Oaks. He has been missing ever since. it is tnougnt that the boy went into the river for , a swim and was drowned, as his , body was clothesless when found. art. eta Residents Protest. Resi- ' dents in the Ar.eta district, particu- j iarly owners and users of automo- : biles, are complaining about the I rendition of Foster road, which has I been so torn up in the work that has been done upon -it that it can not be crossed from Forty-firtst to Seventy-second streets, a distance of a mile and one-half. Indications that such a condition will continue until the work has been completed and the obvious ease with which temporary platform crossings could be constructed have nettled Arleta folk to the point ef hfated expres sion. Mayor Back on Job. Members of the city council switched around yesterday. Mr. Baker resjumed the mayoralty chair, while City Com missioner Mann, who served as act ing mayor for one week, became a mere commissioner again. Commis sioner Barbur left for a two weeks' vacation at Seaside and Commis sioner Bigelow. who has been in San Francisco attending the inter national convention of fire chiefs, was back on the job. Commissioner Pier, who has been ' among those present the last few weeks, was on duty and is not contemplating leav ing soon, he said. Festival Film Shown. As an aft ermath pf the Rose Festival. Queen Harriet'and her maids and directors of the association to the number of about 30 attended the performance at the Hippodrome theater last night as guests of. Manager Ely. The party was much interested by the showing on the screen of the most import ant events of the Rose Festival in June last, such as the landing and crowning of the queen and many of the beautiful floats in the parade. This film will be shown at the Hip podrome theater all this week. Farm Home Gets J800. Eight hundred dollars was pledged yester day by the congregation of the East Side Baptist church to help in the building of cottages at the Woman's Christian Temperance union farm home near Corvallis. The pledge was called for by Rev. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the church. Women to Hold Picnic The an nual picnic of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, in which all circles in the city will participate, will be held tomorrow at Peninsula park. Rain caused the postponement of the affair from last week. Dr. Hood, glasses. Morgan bids Adv. Dr. SilTjN. e. asses. Swetland blda. Adv. TRUSTY ESCAPES PRISON McXeil Island Timber May Be" Burned to Get Fugitive. .TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 21. Fred erick H. Delage, 34. sentenced last May to a two-year term for stealing automobiles in Seattle, escaped his guards at the federal prison on McNeil island this morning. An armed 'posse was at once sent in pursuit, and if the prisoner is not apprehended within a short time the woods where he is thought to be hiding will be burned. Delage, who was a trusty, was working with a wheelbarrow when he fled into the woods where Roy Gardner made his escape. j - r" . . i families in one car, S. J. Vanderburg and wife, and D. M. Hohe and wife, the latter couple having a sweet 3-year-old daughter, Jeanne. Jeanne is noted for her beautiful hair, which in color Is about Schenectady. , . . . . . , . su. whlch 1S 3ust bevon1 Auburn. She f ne seotjon 7 . . . i. iwnere sue uvea. ner ituiti is traveling salesman. They head for home from here. Seattle is represented at the camp by F. W. Phelps and wife, with their little daughter, Frances Belle, age 7. Mr. Phelps is a writer by occupation, and is editor and publisher of The Picific Coast Me chanic. They are simply on a trip to this city.' and will return in a day or two. 4 Raipi, c. Miller and wife are from i Cleveland. O.. where Mr. Miller is Ian automobile mechanic. With them I little daughter. Marjorie, age They are all bound for L,os AnRC,e9 for the winter m John AUeman and wife are at the and daughter, the young man being of age and the young lady in tnat vicinity. Mr. Alleman is a Car penter contractor. They are on their return trip from Long Beach. Cal., and from here will return io, their Seattle home via the highway, Yakima valley route. - From Long Beach. Cal.. arrived j A. P. Bunn. an auto machinist. Cal H. Widman. a !ather. Paul Bond, also a lather, and Tom Gleason, lather number three. Four fine looking young men. worthy the at tention of many .of our Portland young ladies, and there will" be plenty of time to get acquainted, for all four of them will hereafter sign Portland after they register. They are fed up on California, and are going to make a stand in Oregon. If any of the Kiwanians should chance to pass the camp they ma? see what the avenue which it was prom ised to be given their name looks like cleared of the brush and other j impedimenta, for the park workers j nave ciearen it, tnanK you, as tar as the grounds reach south, which is to Ainsworth avenue, without help from old man Kiwanis. WILL F. LIPMiSN IS BACK WOMEN IX EAST STILLi BOB HI XG THEIR HAIR. Department Store Official Says Improvement in Business Conditions Is Evident. "Women are still bobbing their hair in the east." said Will F. Lip man of the Lipman, Wolfe & Co., who has just returned from a month's visit to the east with his staff of departmental buyers. "De spite the fact that bobbed hair is being decried as inharmonious with the Grecian lines of the latest wom en's gowns, the women with shorn tresses-are increasing all tlfe time. They argue that only by bobbing their hair can they keep themselves looking young when they don the modish long dresses for style. "Long dresses are going to prove the vogue this fall and winter," he said." and with them women are going to wear battleship gray stockings. Sandals are failing into the discard. Women's oumns are being cut down to show little heel and almost no sole this year. The high heel is to be no more for those vyho would' ke&p pace with the styles. "Women's hats are to be fashioned along oriental designs for the fall styles." he told. "We have already ,n our store model entitled the Sphinx. The headwear Is not to be as large as it is beautiful. "I have found the men growing more and more fastidious in their dress. Men's wear ceases to be a staple and is more faddish. Knit t'es in conspicuous colors are stylish and men will find themselves wear ing woolen sox this year more than ever before. "On the whole -there is a spirit of optimism among the merchants and buyers throughout the United States. Those who went to New York to attend the annual Buyers' week there were all of the opinion that by the middle of September business would be 100 per cent nor mal. Buyers are taking their stocTt in conservative quantities, but are looking forward to a general in crease in business volume." Mr. Lipman passed, about four weeks in the east. He said that New York appears much better than it did for some time in a business way. The railroad strike is tying up trade to some extent, but the east is looking to a hasty settle ment of the strike. With this im pediment to traae'out of the way, the public is expected to come for ward and buy in greater quantities than it has for a long time. FJUH TO BE CLACKAMAS COCXTY EXHIBIT TO COVER WIDE FIELD. General Enlargement of Sections and Extension of Judging Are Planned for Coming Show. """" t General enlargement and im provement of departments and judging methods are planned for the Clackamas county fair, which will be held September 19-22. Strieter rules will cover competftion and augmented classification of exhibits is being arranged. Grange prizes this year will be $100 for the best exhibit; second prize. $75: third prize, $50: 'fourth prize. $25, and fifth prize, $15, and in addition a special prize to the grange entering the most beautiful and artistically arranged booth. - In the improvement club displays the first prize will be $75. the sec ond $50 and the third $25. Any neighborhood organization , is eli gible for entry. Livestock again will be the fea ture of the juvenile department, but each regularly organized club will be restricted to one judging team of three members. Judging will be limited to one lot of one breed of cattle, one lot of one breed of sheep and one lot of one breed of swine. First prize will be $9. second $6, third $3, fourth" $2 and fifth $1. Judging in this and the poultry de partment will take place Septem ber 21. Special prizes will be given in corn and potato growing, vegetable gardening, pork productton. sheep raising, calf raising, the keeping of dairy herd records and in canning and sewing. rr.Tr-r- irnnvrm nnrfnVTIV TTTT?OTliT A TT. TTST 22. 1 022 - xxiru jiUJviu a uiiutaj.! ' - - - - - BEAUTY CHOKE WAITS jyiHiKS IN CONTEST ASK FOR MOKE TIME. Five Experts Are Expected to Agree in Selection of Miss Portland. Judges of The Oregonian beauty contest asked for more time yes-, terday in which to arrive at a de cision. It is expected they will bring in a verdict within a day or two. It had been hoped by the judges themselves, as well as all others interested, that the award would have been made yesterday at what was hoped to be the final -meeting of the judges. This was found to be impossible, although the jury went into the task with all the vigor possible. It was realized that further consideration of the most formidable contenders for the beau ty crown would be absolutely essen tial. The great care the judges are tak ing, to choose the very loveliest of Oregon girls to bear the proud title of Miss P ortland at the Atlan tic City pageant of beauty next month is complete evidence of their fairness1 and desire only to make no mistake in the ultimate picking of the winner. The five experts named to elect Miss Portland want to be in com plete accord in making the. award and it is believed that with fur ther consideration this will be pos sible. It is expected that Miss Port land will be introduced to The Ore gonian's readers within a very short time, possibly tomorrow. , SHIP CJ! ISPCKED PROPOSED SAIXT IAWREXCE PROJECT HELD MEXACE. Xew York Alan Declares Oregon Ports Would Suffer Should Government Back Scheme. Should the government take up and develop the St. Lawrence ship canal and expend $500,000,000 through rivers and harbors appro priations, as is proposed . Oregon ports will suffer. This was the warning given to members of the Portland Chamber of Commerce by Henry W. Hill of Buffalo. N. Y., at the forum luncheon yesterday. Mr. Hill is touring the United States in opposition to the St. Law rence project. He said that the tak ing of such a large sum of money from the rivers and harbors budget would make almost impossible the appropriation of money for the -needed improvements of ports on the Pacific coast. "Why waste millions in the waste ful waters of the St. Lawrence and leave unimproved the waterways of the United States, or there are not now and for a generation there will not be sufficient Yunds to take care of both?" Mr. Hill asked. He stated that the St. Lawrence scheme was one the expediency of which is doubted by any navigator or owner of an ocean-going vessel. Mr. Hill is a member of the state commission of New York appointed to fight the St. Lawrence project. FIR STANDS SURVEYED Government Prepares to Malrket Huge Areas of Timber. B. E. Hoffman, logging engineer for the United States forest service, has returned from a general survey of a mammoth stand of timber In the Cascade national forest, par ticularly that n the watershed north of Oak Ridge, on the north fork of the middle fork of the Wil lamette river. Mr. Hoffman said yesterday the stand is one of the largest of untouched fir in the counr try, and that he has been conduct ing cruising and survey work with a crew of men for the purpose of blocking, off the areas for timber sales. There are between four and five billions of feet of beautiful stands, which are easily accessible by the railroad to Oak Ridge, and will be made more so when the Natron cut off is completed. Mr. Hoffman has also been doing some survey work in the pine tim ber lands in the Burns area, where large sales are being contemplated by the forest service. He is of the opinion that large lumber interests cannot afford to pass up the oppor tunity to seize upon some of the valuable stands which will be re leased by the government. SEA ROUGH ON ACTORS Ruth Stonchouse and Associates Stricken With Mai de Mer. Seasick and looking anything but heroes and heroines, the members of the recently organized second company of the Premium Motion Picture corporation, with headquar ters in this city, reached Portland about 8 o'clock yesterday morning from Los Angeles and heaved a sigh of relief when they at last stood on something that was stable and not given to nauseating movements. Picture work will begin soon here. The company, which was in charge of John J. Fleming, president of the corporation, included Ruth Stone house. Lura Anson, George Larkin, Carl Silvera, William Gould, Frank Whitson and Al Ferguson. J. C. Cook, the cameraman, proved a good seaman. In, order to while away the time, he mounted his camera on the bridge of the vessel and, every time any of the woe-be-gone looking members of the cast timidly put in an appearance on deck he relentlessly recorded on celluloid their unheroic actions. , M0RGENTHAU PRIZE WON Miss Muriel Matthews of Rogue River Writes Best Essay. J. J. Handsaker, state director of near-east relief, announced yester day that Miss Muriel Matthews of Rogue river is the winner of the Henry Morgenthau prize offered for the best essay or oration on the near-east situation written by an Oregon high school junior or senior and read or delivered at a public meeting of some kind. The state contest committee, Miss Margaret Reid, Marshall Dana. Walter Gleeson and Dr. R. F. Scholz. BUILDING MATERIAL SALESMAN with ten years' actual experience selling lumber and other building materials to Portland contractors, would like to hear from established firm needing high-class salesman. Drivel own car. For interview ad dress AJ KS4, Oregonian, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, l 1 u . HEILIG Bwy. at -Taylor. Pfc. Main 1OO0 NOW SHOWING TODAY TCMGHT CONTINUOUS II A. M. TO II P.M. ' GRANDMA'S BOY nrx an 3 ITP A TTTI.P! Together wltb uol hlg-h-clasa HBIhlG PROGRAMME POPILAR PRRK rnnlnrllniy f TJ T AFTERNOONS TO 6 - - 25c FVFftlsiGS AFTER 6 - - 35c a-uiw nnmv lrNI)KR 12 - - 10c I ! AVOID COTOS AT NIGHT have forwarded Miss Matthews' es say to New York, where prize es says from all states will be. judged by a national committee and the national prize offered' by .Mr. Mor- genthau awarded. t Fly-Tox. The foremost scientific institute of the world developed "fly-tox" to kill flies, mosquitoes, moths, bed bugs, cockroaches and other house insects; no dust; harmless to peo ple. Sold by all retail dealers. Yakima Rex Spray Co., Yakima, Wash., distributors. Adv. t -" The Oregonian publishes practi cally all of the w"&nt ads printed in the other three Portland papers, in addition to thousands of exclusive advertisements not printed in any other local paper. S. ft Ix. green stamps for casa. Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Broadway 6353: 560-21. Ady. Summer prices on coal. Phone Dia lond Coal Co., Bdwy. 3037. Adv. :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiimmiiiiiiiiiii gesr mm nu-. HAZELWOODI Puff Pastry I Made of the finest creamery butter; E crisp and flaky. S- Palm Leaves, dozen 80c Patty Shells, dozen 70c E Cheese Straws, doz. 30c Banana Cream Tart, two for . . . . i 25c E Napoleon Slice, two E for . .... 25c Eccles Cakes, three for 25c E E Banburry Cakes, three E for ,25cE I HAZEL WOOD I 1 DAIRY STORE 1 E 126 Tenth Street IbroadwayI 1 hazel wood Pastry Dept. I E 127 Broadway 7iiiiiiiiiiii!iiii:mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin NEW PERKINS HOTEL In Portland's Business Center Rates from , $1.00 with detached bath $1.50 with private bath ir-T 1922 I II . 1 Mo'sSossf Nine cases out of ten you'll find that he is the njan who prepared for the job by educa tion. You, too, can hold a position of respon sibility if you prepare yourself by training. Every man who comes here with the desire to accomplish the big things in life will be given every encouragement. Last year over 2,000 ambitions men prepared themselves in the day and evening schools of . this Institution. Small plaaaea and Individual Instruction are art aaanr nnce that here you will learn quickly and thor oughly. Cherk the course x you are Interested In, fill In the coupon at the ' bottom of the page and start "Suceeaaward" today! OREGON INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY Y. M. C. A BLDG. PORTLAND, OR. . - Tear off this coupon and mall NOW! Gentlemen. Please send me full Information about the school or course I have marked Name . . . ANNIE WRIGHT SEMINARY " TACOMA, WASHINGTON Boarding and Day School for Girls Thirty-ninth year begins September 14, 1922. College preparatory and general courses. Special advantages in French, Music and Art. Elementary Department. ADELAIDE B. PRESTON, Principal BISHOP KEATOR, President Board of Trustees. I' it ' U 'Z. A ... on fm the heart of s- !3g wo.-, TlmiGB in New lorK, Lnicmii, x-,i,,au;.K".. wn r.lrls from 0 to zu years, torv ' music, art. supervised calisthenics, all communications to Mother Superior. Teeth by Gas If it hurts don't pay me." Charges Reasonable Reduced Prices on All Plate and Bridgework. All Work Guaranteed. Dr. Harry Seraler . DENTISTS Dr. A. B. Stiles With This Office d Floor Alisky l'hone Main 6578 BuildiiiK Open Kvenine w. Corner 3d and Sundays by and Morrison Appointment TWO ENTRANCES Next to Rex Theater on Morrison St. Next to Skidmore Drug Store on 3d. HOTEL SEATTLE Pioneer Square, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 200 Large, Clean, Airy Rooms, Newly Carpeted and Re decorated. Rates: $2 Single, $3 Double. With Bath: $3 Single, $4.50 Double. First-Class Cafe in Connection. Club Breakfast 30c. Lunch 60c, Dinner $1.00 R. L, HODGDON, Manager. Note Owned and operated by Americans. t ,v. Sfatps- the MOtrier nouhe i 'i"iu" . . .nui. in the United t,a,"is:.lnI;V.rjL.v.4. sffo-n N v.: Massachusetts and Chpv- DR. SEMLE$. Day, Xlght and Corres pondence Courses Automobile Electrical Storage Battery Vulcanizing Business Administration Accountancy College Preparatory Engineering Electrical Mechanical . Civil Elementary School Radio Telegraphy Mechanical Drawing (course) Addreaa. Academy of The HOLY CHILD 64tn to 57th. between Sandy Boulevard and Alameda Drive, rortland. Or. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR OIKJLS Delightfully situated on the main ar tery lcadingr to the wonderful Columbia the city. This is one of the ten convents t lnr ...V' -, L.'v . ii aciosi us m .B Vx r Catalogues sent on request'. Address TAILORS j 201-202 Wilcox Building ELASTIC STOCKINGS Trmma, Abdominal Supporter, -lind for Prices and Meas uring Blank. Postage Paid by Us. I4AVB - DAVIS DRUG CO. j Trnas Expertj, 173 TtaLrd street. Portland, Oreston. WANTED CHAIRS TO CANE AND PIANOS TO TUNE BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND For Particulars Call MRS. j. F. MYERS. EAST 733. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Primary, Intermediate and Academic Departments Fall Term Opens September 18 Write for Catalogr ' 821 Marshall Street PORTLAND, OREGON 'hone Atnatcr 018S THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Special preparation for college entrance examinations for all lead ing eastern universities and tech nical schools. Accredited to all western universities. Thorough and efficient training. Circulars. Phone East 2701. 535 E. Salmon St. A Moderately-rriced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD E. Morrison St. and E. Sixth. S1.25 Per Oar. S6 l'r Week Up. WOMAN GOULD NOT WORK Made Strong and Well by Lydia ELPinkham's Veg etable Compound St. Paul, Minn. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for la tired, worn-out feeling and pain ful periods. I used to get up with a pain in my bead and pains in my lower parts and back. Often I was notable to do my work. I read in your little book about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and I have taken it. I feel so well and strong and can do every bit of my work and not a pain in my back now. I recommend your medicine and you can use this letter as a testi monial." Mrs. Phil. Masee, 801 Winslow St., St. Paul, Minn. Just another case where a woman found relief by taking Lydia E.Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Many times these tired, worn-out feelings and pains about the body are from, troubles many women have. The Veg etable Compound is especially adapt ed for just this condition, The good results are noted by the disagreeabla eymptoms passing away one after another. Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound is a Woman's Medicine for Women's Ailments. Always reliable. WHY BE FOOLISH? You are both foolish and blind to con viction if you deny that: cure pilea land other r rectal condi tion without an uiciakivu, without first investigating and learning the truth. My methods are painless do not confine you to bed; do not require an anesthetic and are permanent. I ELIMINATE ALL DOUBT AS TO RESULTS BY AGREEING TO REFUND YOUR FEE, IF I FAIL TO CURE YOUR PILES. If you are interested and wish to know more about my methods CALL OR WRITE FOR MY Free Booklet DR. C. J. DEAN 2d and Morrison Fits., Portland. Or. Mention this paper when writing-. It's Neuritis! Not Rheumatism That sharp, Btabblng puin In the upper arm, about the shoulder blade. In th nape of the neck, along the forearm or down the thigh and leg, la often Neu ritis not Rheumatism. If you have severe frontal headache with a feelinjr that somnthinjr Is twith lnf or pulling at the eyeballs h dull, aching pain in the back, accompanied by an occasional shooting pain in the side numbness or tingling in the fingers or "sticthes" of pain here and there, the chances are that your trouble is Neuritis. No matter where your pain is located, you can get prompt relief without takitiK bromides, narcotic.-N or other dope. Take a few Tysmol Tablets tn hot water ac cording to directions. Tysmol is guaran teed harmless. Jt helps to soothe and heal the weak, inflamed nerves. Don't suffer any longer. Get a $1 paek age of Tysmol Tablets from Woodard Clarke, owl Drug Co., or any reliable druggist. Tysmol Co., Mfg. Chemists, 400 Suttr Street, baa Francisco. Adv. GIRLS! BLEACH SKIN WHITE WITH LEMON Squeeze the juice of two lemona into a bottle containing- three ounces of Orchard White, wJtlch any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well and you have a quarter pint of harmless and de lightful lemon bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms' and hands each. day. then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use thla lemon lotion to bleach and bring" that soft, clear, rosy-white com plexion, also as a freckle, sunburn and tan bleach because It doesn't irritate. Adv. . E Apply Zemo, the Antiseptic Liquid Easy to Use. From any druggist for 35c. or 1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed It effec tively removes Eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also Sores. Burns, Wounds and Chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soorties. Zemo is a clean, dependable and in expensive antiseptic liquid Try it. as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective and satisfying. Adv. BING CHOONG CHINESE MEDICINE Remedies for all d 1 i e a i rl mad from th h a r m Herbs, Root, and Bark, these well-known cure. for Nervousness. Stomarh. Lunns. Kidneys. L.1V Tf er. Rheuma 1 tlim Bladder. tjCatarrh. Blood, O a 1 1 stone and all disorders of Men. Women and Chil dren Try Blnic Choon' wonderful Verne "ies. Quick result will sursly BING CHOONG. 284 Flanders St. rHTTTT7Tiiii:iiiiiiiiiM 3! OllWlfe rsr-s"'" i " t vr r