Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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', Published by Tta Oregonian Pub. Co.,
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In all the articles which members
of the shipping board -write in com-
MAnQtin nf tha shin RUbsldv bill
they confine themselves to the
need of an American merchant
marine and of government financial
aid to establish and maintain it.
They say nothing of tne means ty
which the emergency fleet is to be
sold to private investors or of the
manner in which government aid
is to be administered. Assurance
"through the provisions of the law
that strict impartiality and the
American principle of equal oppor
tunity for all will be observed is
essential to the end in view. When.
the people are satisfied that this
assurance is adequate, there will be
small difficulty in winning popular
support for the subsidy scheme and
in selling the fleet to the American
people. Such assurance is the one
thing lacking in the bill and in the
board's pleas on its behalf. With
out that assurance-the bill is likely
to be defeated and, in the improb-
i . i ....... . I. . ; f alinnM TtnoQ in its
iXUlK event Litav 11. miv.-.- j.-" .
present shape, the entire scheme
would run risk of failure for want
of bidders for the ships and of men
willing to build on its terms.
Though the proportion of cus
toms revenue to be diverted to the
subsidy fund is estimated by the
board at about $35,000,000 a year.
Senator Fletcher estimates the total
direct and indirect aid to be given
at J72.750.000 a year. This is an
immense sum for any seven men to
have in their hands for distribution
every year. The- power- to grant
or withhold a share in it, to make
that share more or less, to decide
whether "ships shall be sold for a
line to run on a certain route from
one port or another, whether a
company which operates the
greater part of its tonnage under
foreign flags shall receive govern
ment aid for its American tonnage,
to decide whether a shipping com
pany . has forfeited its subsidy by
violation of its contract all this
power Is by the bill vested in the
board without any requirement that
it shall give open hearing to all
parties before deciding, or that
appeal to the courts or an arbl-
tration tribunal shall be allowed. I
Only one provision for hearings
is made in that section which re
quires the board to sell its existing
lines to domestic communities pri
marily interested but the defini
tion of such communities is so
broad that it calls the entire Pacific
coast from the Canadian to the
Mexican border one "domestic
community," the entire gulf coast
another, the entire south Atlantic
coast a third and the entire north
Atlantic coast a fourth. Under
that HofinitirtTl tha hnnrrt mi p"h t
pick out one or two ports on each
coast for bestowal sof Its favor and
yet make a plausible pretense of
having complied with the law,'
though it would thereby snuff out
many other ports.
Such arbitrary power has never,
except in tim,e of war, been vested
in any government bureau. The
closest approach was made when
the reclamation bureau was per
mitted to apportion the reclamation
fund among various projects, but
congress took away that power by
providing that no sum should be
expended except by congressional
appropriation to a specific, project.
The interstate commerce commis
sion has no public funds to dis
burse among the railroads, yet it
gives public hearings and formal
decisions, which are widely pub
lished, on every case that comes
before it. By the bill It is pro
posed to give the shipping board
arbitrary power to decide almost
all questions without hearing by
mere resolution adopted in private
session, and the only safeguard
against abuse is provision that in
some classes of cases five affirma
tive votes must be given and that
the vote and the reasons for the
action taken must be recorded on
the minutes. Few members of the
board are familiar with shipping
and the chairman admitted on
taking office little more than a
year ago that he knew nothing
about it. Hearings of all inter
ested parties and communities not
entire coasts but locar communities
would give the board a liberal
education in its duties as well as
giiard the public against abuse of
its power and grave errors of judg
ment. Yet these seven men, a
majority of whom have not yet
found their sea-legs, did not wait
for a committee of congress to take
the initiative in giving it such
power; they themselves drew the
bill, thus asking congress to make
them omnipotent over the mer
chant marine.
The board may conceivably allo
cate first-class ships to ports to
which it has hitherto denied them,
but those ports should not permit
themselves to be lulled into false
security by such action. What the
board gave it would as readily take
away after its purpose had been
served and when the pull of rival
ports beams too strong to resist.
It is most interested at present in
quieting criticism, that the way
may be smoothed to slide the bill
through congress without limitation
of the power that it seeks. That
end once gained, it would be free
to transfer to other ports the ships
that had subdued opposition. It
present aim Is unrestricted -author.
attained, the
have passed.
pe of selling tne emergency
fleet or such part of it as is fit to
be- incorporated in the American
merchant marine and of establish
ing a well balanced merchant fleet
rests on enlistment in the shipping
business of a large mass 'of . new
capital drawn from ports which
have hitherto had a minor part in
that business, also from their trib
utary inland territory. That capital
can be attracted under conditions
which assure an open, square deal
and equal opportunity for all ports
to compete in buying and operat
ing ships, but under no other con
ditions. If the bill is not radically
amended in that direction, the
board is wasting its labor in ex
piating on the general merits of
its scheme, for enactment of its bill
is highly improbable, and the
scheme could not succeed if it
should be adopted.
Mr. Hughes gives the weight of
his political judgment and great
moral authority to- the support of
Senator Newberry. He says that
Mr. Newberry was convicted under
a statute afterwards held invalid
by the supreme court of the United
States; that he was guilty of no
moral turpitude; and that the only
charge was that he had spent more
than $3750, the limit fixed by the
Michigan statute.
Senator Newberry, or his friends
for him, expended many thousands
of dollars to defeat Henry Ford, a
candidate for senator both as a
republican and as a democrat (in
cidentally in itself a suggestive and
illuminating exposition of the direct
primary). He would have been
equally guilty if he had expended
The Oregonian has never de
fended Newberry. It has never
been reconciled to a system under
which enormous sums of money
may be must be spent if a can
didate is to put his cause fully
before the public. Henry Ford had
at his command all the needed
machinery of publicity through his
Jmmense organization and through
otner avenues. in a primary,
where publicity is vital, he had a
vast advantage over any rival. Will
it be held that on that account a
nomination should go to a Ford by
consent? Or should there be an
offsetting and leveling plan, by
which the public may know about
other candidates? If so, what?
The returned heralds of the ex
position, having toured Oregon with
their message, bring word that the
state at large is very receptive to
the project and entirely willing to
help. They bring word, as well,
of the genuine hospitality that was
everywhere accorded them, and of
the battering down of such decrepit
prejudices as may have lingered
here arid there between other cities
and the larger one on the Willam
ette. This was a happy result, and
could easily have been foreseen.
If the dwellers of our sister coun
ties, somewhat remote from. Mult
nomah, found their visitors to be
without horns and cloven hoofs, the
pilgrims were likewise apprised
that their hosts were not bumpkins,
but good fellows and sterling citi
A Klamath Falls resident, we
imagine, would speedily become a
typical Portland enthusiast if he
changed his home to this city so
typical that you couldn't tell him
from a member of the Ad club. On
the other hand, a Portland busi
ness man transplanted to Klamath
Falls would instantly assume the
hue and characteristics of his new
environment, and defy detection
from the home-grown variety.
Oregonians are very much alike
and have a great deal in common.
The chief benefit of such a tour
as that recently concluded is the
mutual discovery of this truth.
The vote by which the senate
ended the tariff debate was of the
kind that ends all tariff debates.
The makers of the bill were of sev
eral minds as to its merits and de
merits, but they agreed that it was
the best that they could do and
that, being the work of the repub
lican party, it had a claim to their
votes for the good of the party. Its
opponents voted against it for va
rious reasons relating to its spe
cific provisions, but chiefly because
it was a republican tariff and they
were democrats. The partisan
alignment of senators was empha
sized rather than broken by the
fact -that Borah voted against the
bill, Broussard, Ransdell and Ken
drick, especially as two other
republican dissentients. La Follette
and Norris, did not enture to. vote
as they think.
More than any recent tariff de
bate, that which hasjust closed has
demonstrated that the difference
between the parties is no longer as
to whether the tariff should be pro
tective, but as to which industries
should be protected, and to what
degree. Much of the democratic
criticism and most of the repub
lican criticism of the bill has been
founded on the assertion that du
ties were higher than necessary
for the purpose of protection as set
forth by its sponsors, namely, to
offset the difference in cost of pro
duction between this' country and
competing countries. The most se
vere democratic critics of the bill,
either openly 'or by implication, ac
cepted this as the proper basis for
the tariff and then, by exhaustive
discussion of German costs and
American prices of German Im
ports, undertook to prove that the
rates were exoessive. That line of
argument destroys the distinction
between republican and democratic
tariff principles, for it constitutes
acceptance by democrats of the re
publican principle and reduces the
controversy to questions which eco
nomic scientists and statisticians
alone are competent to determine.
Enactment of a tariff bill by the
present congress can, be explained
and defended by the habit of re
vising Jie tariff when a repub
lican succeeds a democratic admin
istration, by the expectation that
this would be done, and by the well
recognized fact that, aside from its
general policy, the Underwood law
had been rendered obsolete by the
war, and that the emergency law
was but a patch to repair Its worst
faults. With the exception of ultra
protectionists like Representative
Fordney, whose positions-of power
in congress are not justified by their
numbers, congress no sooner went
to work than many members must
have realized 4i.e unfitness, pton-.
gress to do the job. The economic
conditions on which the tariff must
be based are in such a state of flux
that, in order to be effective as a
means of protection and as a source
of revenue, it must be subject to
revision in detail from week to
week, at least, and in addition to
giving protection and providing
revenue, it has become an instru
mentality of foreign trade. It can
be made to meet all these require
ments by no other means than an
administrative body, constantly at
work in ascertaining the' facts to
which duties should be adapted and
In adjusting duties to them.
Hence the best assurance of real
progress In tariff-making is to be
found in those provisions of the bill
that authorize the president to raise
or lower duties within wide limits,
and which empower the tariff com
mission to . ascertain and report
facts to him. Though the commis
sion is not permitted to recommend
Jchanges of duty no doubt exists
that the president would seek and
almost invariably follow its ad
vice. In that way we may arrive
at a scientific tariff a congress
made tariff will never deserve that
Mr. Harding is finding out that
the presidency is no easy job. But
he knew that before. He went into
It with his eyes open, for as a sen
ator he had exceptional opportu
nities to see and weigh the vast
burdens placed upon the executive
He knew exactly what happened to
Woodrow Wilson and why it hap
pened. He knew that the problems
of Wilson's successor would be ter
rific and that the wear and tear
on his nerves, conscience, intelll
gence and body would be appalling.
Yet he became a candidate for
president and was elected. It is
pleasant to believe that he was
inspired more by a sense of duty
than by mere personal ambition.
The fact that President Harding
does hot want a second term, or is
indifferent to it, will be a powerful
factor in bringing about a situation
where he will be a candidate for
re-election, and in re-electing him
It is the best possible sign that he
is not playing politics with his great
office. It is the best possible assur
ance of his fitness for it. It is
the testimony of those about him
that no single act of President
Harding's has in view its effect
upon his fortunes as a candidate
His position on the bonus bill is
one well-nigh conclusive evidence
of it. A politician at the White
House would, be standing on the
steps ready to receive and sign
bonus legislation whenever it left
Mr. Harding is lacking in some
qualities of greatness, but he is aa
great as he thinks he is, or greater
That helps a lot. He Is a good
man, with a fine Intelligence, val
uable experience, real dignity, ob
vious sincerity, demonstrated im
partiality and a genuine desire to
serve all alike. The public has not
lost faith in him and is not likely to.
Some day the president of the
United States will be eligible to a
single term only say of five or six
years and then he will be under
no temptation to act as a candidate
and not as president, and can worry
through to a definite time when
he can know that his work will be
But for his feathered allies, the
Wrds.nan mferht soon be driven to
tie wall by innumerable hordes of
his grotesque enemies, the insects.
Indeed, save for the same aid, he
might never have attained civiliza
tion, and would today have been
what he was a million years ago
a savage hunter in skins. The jus
tice of this homage is generally
comprehended, and is now reflected
ivv laws for the protection of bird
friends, but to the layman its proof
remains much of a mystery. The
tsrly Mormons in Utah firmly be-
ieved that heaven itself sent to
their fields, attacked by myriad
grasshoppers, . the great flight of
gulls which saved their harvest and
tLeir colony. However timely and
providential was the coming of the
gulls, there was nothing of the mi
laculous about It. They obeyed a
natural law and took food where
they found it. The instance is but
one of the many wherein birds
came to the rescue in the stroke of
The biological survey, in collect
ing specific data regarding the local
suppression of agricultural pests by
birds, has assembled a number of
well-authenticated and important
tecords regarding feathered inter
cession on behalf of American
farmers. These form a convincing
brief for the protectionof insecti-
rous birds, who in the pursuit of
fare render us a service beyond es
timate. The instances therein cited
conclusively prove that our allies
are ever on the alert to descry an
invasion of Insect pests for the
sufficient reason that to them such
an attack means abundant fpod to
be obtained at a minimum of effost.
The blackbird is too helpful a
follow ever to be baked In a pie. In
the plagues of migratory locusts
throughout the Rocky mountain
region, recorded intermittently for
many seasons during the greater
part of the 19th century, it was he
blackbirds who rallied to he de
fense, here and there, of certain in
fested tracts and saved them from
denudation. The thoroughness of
their methods, which for lack of
Lumbers alone was unavailing to
suppress the insect advance. Is at
tested by a field observer, who nar
rates that in one Instance "a garden
was attacked by an innumerable
host of minute locusts. The owner
battled bravely with them for a
while, but at last, giving up in de-
tpair, eat down to watch the prog
ress of destruction. Suddenly a
f'ock of blackbirds alighted on the
young cottonwoods In his yard.
Presently they flew into the garden.
When they left, and hour or so
after, the dreaded hoppers were
gone and his garden saved."
The yellowhead blackbird is com
mon throughout the prairie states.
Tt chanced that the spring of 1865
in Nebraska was ideal for the
hatching of locusts, and that the
young insects speedily took posses
sion of the grain fields destroying
some to the last blade, and heavily
damaging others. Into this parlous
p'tuation the yellowhead thrust his
inquisitive beak, and sent the tid
ings near and far. The arrival of
vast flocks of blackbirds, sum
moned from districts where insect
food was not so plentiful, alone
made possible a harvest that year.
ffba ill deer iptovertjiouj&aot in
tipch numbers, rendered equally!
valuable service, while quail and
p. airie cuiv;At;iis pruvea nie-ir p tT
verbial fondness for a fat hopper.
A. field obslrver noted among the
tirds which repelled this attack
various species of blackbirds, many
plovers, quail, curlew, prairie
chicken, occasionally larks (the
horned lark), orioles, ' sparrtews,
bobolinks and robins.
It was estimated, so- great , was
r.he(hatching of locusts that spring,
that the average production of in
fant Insects was more than 300 to
the square foot. By the magnitude
of such numbers one is enabled to
understand how complete and de
vastating can be the effect of insect
appetite upon cultivated lands. Near
the end of May the insects hatched,
but -in the districts where the yel
lowheads, the prairie chicken .and
the quail were on guard scarcely a
aocust was to be found by. the
middle of June. The same yeoman
service has been performed, in re
t ent years, in the wheat fields of
the Dakotas by gulls and tern as
well as by blackbirds, of all varie
ties, v
"The testitmony," concludes W.
Li. McAtee, of the biological survey,
"proves that' birds render valuable
assistance even in the case of in
sect infestation so serious that al
most all of the crops over enormous
areas are destroyed. The evidence
leaves no doubt, that in many in
stances birds ' exterminated the
lecusts In restricted localities, and
that it was due to their work alone
that crops were secured in these
.Now, there . is the English spar
row a most conceited and upstart
little scoundrel by common acclaim.
But, on the other hand, there is the
dread cicada or seventeen-year lo
cust. Nature doubtless intends his
sparrowship to be a ferocious foil
for this particular insect, inasmuch;
as the bird appears to be deeply an
tagonistic to the cicada. "Where-
ever the English sparrow has been
introduced the periodical cicada is
doomed," declares J. B. Smith, in
his "Economic Entomology." He
ras observed that the sparrows
seem "to have an intense hatred for
the insects, attacking and pulling
them to pieces in the most wanton
manner. Near the large ' cities
where sparrows are numerous en
tire broods have already been de
stroyed. In 1889 the insects ap
peared in large numbers in Pros
pect park, Brooklyn, and in the
surrounding woodland, but in an
entire day's careful search I found
only a single branch containing
eggs." The cicada, afflicted with a
consuming hunger, emerges from
the soil after his long nap. " He
comes by thousands, digging up to
funlight and destiny. Destiny is
ready for him. Flocks of enthusi
astic birds, particularly blackbirds,
are patrolling his nurseries and
snapping up the young cicadas as
rapidly as they appear.
Chicadees in the orchard twirl
ing nimbly about like wee gym
nasts, are there for a very prac
tical purpose the capture of
enough green aphids to satisfy a
very lively appetite. Warblers and
nuthatches, too, are indefatigable
exterminators of insect pests, while
ho rose-breasted grosbeak and the
cliff swallow like nothing better
than a dinner of Colorado potato
beetles. The cedar-bird is gastro
nomically devoted to tent-caterpillars,
and any number of birds1 ap
prove of gipsy moths as a diet.' In
brief, there seem to be but few
pests that have not a natural en
emy, or several, in the bird world
and which, but for that enmity,
would long since have discouraged
the growing of food. These truths
have led to many efforts, and with
some . sucpess, to attract birds to
agricultural localities.
Birds evince a keen appreciation
of friendship and protection. To
attract them, to rally them to the
standard of civilization, is by no
tiieans difficult. Protection against
enemies, provision of food during
lean seasons, placing of nesting
boxes, and plentiful supplies of
water for bathing and drinking, will
insure the grateful attendance of
he birds. And while being prac
tical one can, if so inclined, be as
prettily sentimental about them as
any poet. For the birds are worthy
of sentiment as they are worthy of
economic recognition.
There is a young fellow in thaf
part of Oklahoma that used to be
the Nation" going to become the
richest squawman in the land. His
Indian bride has an income of
$1200 a day from oil. In spite of
that, his dreams may be of scalping
knives and tomahawks. 1
Just at present there is a surplus
of crude oil and ten years from
now, when it is scarce, we will be
looking back and speaking of this
period as "the good old days."
While Grandfather John holds
the purse- strings, those marriages
in Switzerland and elsewhere may
be deferred. His money is patri
otic, to say the least. ,
"As solid as a brick" is historical;
but now they are said to be making
what they call "bricks'.' with all
kinds of substitutes for clay and
straw. ,
The Germans are said to .have
learned the. secret of -how to fly
like birds in motorless gliders.
Still aping the eagle. :
Every girl who does not win can
rest assured she will be the prettiest
ever to- some young fellow. And
that's what counts.
It does a man good sometimes to
laugh "until he chokes.'?. That is
the idea of clean, humor. It is
good medicine.
If an arsonist is not at work on
the east side, some remarkable fires
have developed without reasonable
explanation. ,
Whenever the police can't solve
a crime wave they have a good
alibi now in blaming it on the
movies. : , '
The Rogue river pear ' crop is
coming on bigger than ever and
eastern people will consume it, as
usual. v
Here's a chance for the local
lens louse' A company has ar
rived to film scenes on the Willam
ette. .
Idaho will be making political
The Listening Post.
By DeWltt Hairy.
THE world did not know much
about fighting in 1898. Though
the nations and tribes on the face
of the slobe had devoted a great
deal of their time to battles since
the days of Cain and Abel and had
made some progress, scientific
slaughter did not come into vogue
until a later period. A resident of
Portland, who was a salty gob dur
ing the Spanish-American war, and
who also had some first-hand ex
perience with this latest of wars,
was making a little etudy in con
trasts the other day. Of cour3a they
really thought they knew something
back' in those old days.
"What back numbers we were,
though," mused the old combatant;
"what dubs. Why, we didn't know
a thing about propaganda. I can't
figure out how we' managed to win,
or even how we managed to fight
at all. There was so little secret
service work, so few skilled operat
ives at espionage. Of course there
undoubtedly were spies, but real
psychological sharks were' not yet
made. Censorship, yes, to a slight
degree, but not really, skilled like
theyxthought they had during this
last war, and who had ever heardi
then, of the real deep stuff, such as
breaking down the morale of a na
tion by a studied campaign of innu
erdo and distortion?
"But take the rules of the game
then how puny we were The
battles were such smalt affairs.only
a few hundred casualties at a time.
No wholesale slaughter, no poison
gas, no planes how did. we ever
fight at all? We used to use the
cld-fashioned key telegraph .nstru
ments to communicate in thai field
not even field phones. Mighty few
armies or navies could do anything
much these days without the help of
"And we thought we were fight
ing think of it! What a contrast
between 1898 and 1918 two dvcades!
The world certainly moved, but
whether forward or backward is a
matter of doubt."
She was just an ordinary, white
clad little cafeteria drudge, one. of
a hundred or more similar ones in
the city. She bustled about the place
with a big bowl of soapy water and
washed off the tables. She was not
unusual in appearance, her features
were good, but not especially fine.
However, she was attractive, for
she was happy, manifestly so, and
did hot care who knew it. She
smiled to herself as she went about
her work and, being engaged with
some manner of pleasant recollec
tions, her work, hard and unpleas
ing as it was, must have been easy
for her that day.
Unsuspected dimples played about
the corners of her mouth as she
scrubbed away with her greasy rag
and her eyes wera bright and
dreamy. She paid no attention to
anyone in the place, had plenty to
occupy her mind with her pleasant
thoughts and her job.
The man with his meat pie could
not keep hi eyes off her face.
There was romance here. His fork
moved slowly as he watched, . fasci
nated. The magnetism of the con
stant gazing at last had it3 effect,
She looked right at him, unseeing.
Suddenly she became aware that
she was being watched. Someone
was invading her privacy, trying to
catch her secret. Her eyes became
cognizant of this fact and she re
turned his glance with interest. The
man with the meat pie somehow
found that his fork was tickling his
He who carried but 30 cents would
have been classed as a mighty poor
sport a few years back, but condi
tions are different now. Men don't
carry a big roil of bills along as
a matter of habit. Our real American
used to always possess a wad of
greenbacks, often encircled by a
rubber band and the show of wealth
was impressive. Modern banking
has changed all this.
It's not considered, a disgrace to
b broke, in cash, now. The practice
is to carry a handful of small
Change in the pocket and" a check
book for emergencies. Then again
people are more frank than for
merly. They will talk facts more
than fancies. The bluffer who could
get away with a front and empty
pockets has found it does not pay.
People have learned to see through
Some women are clever. This
proof walked into a shoe store. She
was comely and wanted to buy a
pair , or oxtorcts. The clerK was
puzzled when he discovered that,
though she wore black silk hose,
on one leg she had a tan stocking
fitted over the black one with the
foot cut out.
The reason- for this odd garb was
oon apparent. She did not know
whether she wanted black or tan
oxfords. When she tried on a black
one she rolled the tan stocking up
out of sight, and when she tried on
a brown one lowered the tan stock
ing to fit into the top of the oxford.
The clerk managed to keep his head
and made the sale.
Truly this is the age of "Missouri"
when . even babes and sucklings
have to be "shown."
A Portland business woman living
in an east side apartment hjas made
a loyal subject of her landlord's
five-year-old son. The woman has
had extensive stage experience and
her bedtime stories get over en
rapturingly. By way of variety and
in the Interest of culture a recent
narrative was the tragic history
o Adam and Eve, told with dramatic
fidelity to the record. Noting a
brown silence on the part of the
small auditor at the conclusion of
the story, the woman said: "Well,
how do you like that story; ;&n't it
a good one?"
"No-p-o," ' slowly ; and . ref lectively
replied the venerable critic, "Sorter
er er foolish."
' f
Dear Sir: Didjacnow that one of
the White Salmon saloons (I scream,
of course) serves a delectable con
coction of refreshment called the
Billy Sundae?
Yep, 'tis even so. It is full of
good things, has a nutty flavor and
sinks in. Lotta Slang is the dis
penser. BILBATES.
Their meeting, it was sudden; .
Their meeting it was sad.
She sacrificed her sweet young life;
Those Who Come and Go.
Talea of Folka at the Hotels.
Eugene is probably the busiest
little place in the state today, -e-clares
Marion Veatch, who, with
his wife, is a visitor in Portland
and is registered at the Portland
hotel. Mr. Veatch is a member of
the firm of Gordon & Veatch, under
takers. He has been in Eugene
for several years, and as one of its
prominent citizens has watched the
city through periods of prosperity
and hard times. "The usual fall
activity preparatory to the opening
of the university and the city schools
is on in Eugene with a vengeance,"
he said. "Eugene is going to house
the college students in the proper
way," said Mr. Veatch, telling of
numerous dwellings that are being
fitted for student living. The de
mand for apartments in Eugene
will be supplied this winter, in the
opinion of Mr. Veatch, and will be
occupied to considerable extent by
families- who accompany college
students to that city for the school
period. The new addition to Bartle
Court apartments and the new annex
to the Hotel Osburn, to be completed
by November 1, were cited by Mr.
Veatch as apartment accommoda
tions of which Eugene is proud.
Property is changing hands rapidly
in his town, he said, and good
values are being realized.
Sixteen hundred people will be
employed in Salem in the next
month to help harvest and can the
enormous crop of fruit and berries,
according to Dr. Fred Ellis,' promi
nent dentist of that place, who is
registered with his wife and family
at the Imperial hotel. People of
the capital city are virtually In
terested in the success of the fruit
harvest, he said, and whenever the
call is made for help in the can
neries or wherever assistance is
needed, the response is immediate.
The Salem community lost thou
sands of dollars on its' early berry
crop because of prolonged dry
weather, Dr. Ellis said, and a part
of this loss will be made up by an
especially good crop of blackberries,
pears, prunes, peaches and other
late fruits. All canning and pack
ing plants are employing huge
forces.he reported, and there is no
excuse" a t this" season of the year
for an able-bodied man to be with
out work. People from all parts
of the state are flocking to the
capital city to find seasonal em
ployment, he said, and if they are
looking for work they will find it.
Athletic fame follows Paul Wapato
wherever he goes, and now he has
come to Portland and is registered
at the Imperial, putting Salem in
the "from" column. Mr. Wapato
was football coach last year at Lin
coln high school and played with
the Multnomah club football team
and the Centenary Wilbur basket
ball five, reporting sporting news
on one of the Portland newspapers
at the same time. He is classed as
one of the be basketball players
in the state. He received his start
In athletics at Chemawa , school in
Salem. He was graduated from
Willamette university, and in 1920
was captain of the- varsity basket
ball team there. '
E. R. Budd, manager of the rail
road branch which runs to Ilwaco,
Wash., spent yesterday in Portland
and was at the Imperial. The town
Mr. Budd represents, although it has
only 1Q00 population, is not so un
important as that might seem to
imply, for it is situated , in Pacific
county, in the very heart of the
world's greatest cranberry pro
ducing marshes. Its scenery, bath
ing, boating, fishing and hunting,
make it an attractive summer re
sort. It is on Bakers bay, at the
mouth- of the Columbia river, and
combi-nes ships, fish and oysters
with its cranberry industry. "Things
begin to buzz in Ilwaco when cran
berry season opens," said Mr. Budd.
Stockmen from various points
came into Portland yesterday with
loads of cattle and hogs, bringing
into the markets a large supply of
livestock. Among those who came
was Max Epstein of Blackfoot,
Idaho, who is registered at the Ore
gon. Ben F. Evans and F. A. Bid
well of North Powder brought in a
large load, as did N. E. Dodd of
Haines and Sol Dickerson.of Nampa,
Idaho. Livestock is in good condi
tion at this season, stockmen report,
in spite of hot weather and short
Th.6 Sunday family of Hood River
was well represented in Portland
yesterday with registrations at the
New Perkins, but the famous "Billy"
Sunday and "Ma" were absent, hav
ing had their visit to the city a few
weeks ago. The representatives this
time were H. E. Sunday, brother or
the evangelist, and Paul Sunday and
"Billy" Jr., sons Of the preacher.
Mrs. Clara Clain of San Francisco,
sister of Clyde May, engineer of a
local fire boat, who was drowned at
Seaside August 16, arrived in Port
land yesterday to attend her
brother's burial. Mrs. Clain is a
former resident' of Portland. sne
will make her home here tem
porarily at 8300 Fort,y-ninth street
Walter F. Mulligan, who was sta
tioned near Portland during the
war, reappeared yesterday in town
and registered at the Multnomah.
He is now allied with a bondhouse
in New York city, and announces
that he is planning an extended trip
in the .near future, to study condi
tions throughout the United States
and European countries.
Registrations for the general con
vention of the Episcopal church, to
be held in Portland from September
6 to September 23, with headquar
ters at the Multnomah hotel, are
ooming in fast. Stephen Baker, a
prominent banker of New York city,
is one of the latest important lay
men to reserve accommodations.,
J. M. Bentley, who is ,an "old
timer" from Pendleton and one of
its famous ex-sheriff3, is in Port
land for several days and a guest
at the New Perkins hotel. Mr.
Bentley is president of the Bentley
Graham Insurance agency of the
eastern Oregon city and plans to
make an extended visit in Portland, j
George . Wilbur, department com
mander of the American Legion, is
a Portland visitor. Mr. Wilbur hails
from Hood River and is an attorney
there, his trip to the city being on
business. He is a veteran of .the
Spanish-American war and also par
ticipated in the late hostilities.
Portland has another fire chief as
its guest in the person of T. A. Clan
cy of Milwaukee, Wis., who is ac
companied by his wife. Mr. Clancy
stopped in the city to visit the local
fire department and was entertained
by members during his stay. He
wag registered yesterday at the
Dr. R. W. Hendershott of Bend, a
prominent physician of that place,
was in Portland yesterday and put
up at the Imperial.
Candid Doctor.
r Boston Transcript.
"Are all those articles of food yOu
prohibit injurious to my health?"
asked the patient.
"Oh, no." replied his physician,
"but you've got to economize eome-
IUiw4 arou'regoins; ijpayi-inyublillH-
Burroughs Nature' Club.
Copyright, Houghton-Mifflin C.
Cam You Anawer These Questional
1. What makes phosphorescence
in the sea?
2. Can a whale breathe under
3. Can any other birds but parrots
and mockingbirds imitate other
bird's notes?
Answers in tomorrow's Nature
Answers to Previous Questions.
' 1. Why is horseradish called by
that name?
The "horse" prefix has nothing
to do with equines, except as the
idea of a horse's size and strength
has caused the use of the word as
an adjective meaning large or
coarse. Horseradish belongs bo
tanically with the Cruciferae, or
mustards. Horse chestnut and horse
beans are similar cases of the prefix.
2. Why do bird's eat gravel, and
why doesn't it hurt their insides?
.- The seed-eating birds need the aid
of the sharp gravel to cut or grind
up the rather dry, hard substance of
their food. ' The husk to seed is
cracked in the bill, but no grinding
done there. The walls of the stom
ach of these birds are tough, con
structed to withstand the friction
of the sand.
3. Are there any wild norses left
in this country?
Wild in the sense 'that escaped
domestic stock may revert to a
"wild" state. In Nevada at one
time bands of roaming hnraaa wpta
I so troublesome in running down do
mestic cattle and calling off do
mestic horses to join their vagrant
bands, the law was temporarily re
laxed to allow them to be shot. A
good many escaped horses running
wild are troublesome in areas, are
like wld-life refugees and consti
tute a problem. If they can be killed
the way is at once opened for thiev
ish hunters to kill also domestic
horses and sell their hides.
Responsibility of Parents in Trust
ing Immature Driver.
Spokane Spokesman-Review.
Justice Mann's timely remarks as
he sentenced a youthful speeder to
jail are good counsel for many in
dulgent parents. In this case, al
though . the defendant had been
fined before for reckless driving,
and Justice Mann considered this
case a most aggravated one, the
mother of the youth and the mother
of the girl in the speeding automo
bile appeared in court and pleaded
for leniency. q
"Do you women realize that when
you place an automobile in the
hands of a careless child you are
giving him the most, dangerous
weapon known?" asked the justice.
"Boys get the idea that if they get
into trouble their folks will take
care of them. We want to make
the streets and highways safe". You
have seen other boys sent to jail to
day and this boy must go there."
So long as "weak and thoughtless
parents permit immature youths to
take out the family automobile and
go speeding on the streets and
highways there can be no other
curb than that so resolutely andj
justly appiieu oy justice Mann. i ne
easy and more pleasing course for
a magistrate would be to administer
a mild reprimand, but that weak
course would not protect the public
It would lead to ever increasing dls
regard of the traffic regulations,
with the inevitable resultant of
grave and fatal accidents.
Judges are employed to . enforce
the laws, and when parents allow
their youths to go speeding on the
highways they should not expect
leniency on grounds of youthful im
pulsiveness and thoughtlessness.
Married Happiness Seems Uncom
mon in World Behind Screen.
Astoria Budget.
Is there no such thing .as married
happiness in the, real life of movie
heroes and heroines?
Do these actors and actresses fake
rormflice so much that they have
lost their capacity for the genuine
Such a conclusion is forced upon
us. Today we read of the marriage
of two screen stars and a word
picture is painted of their nuptials
that reminds one of the fadeaway
happy ending of one of their thrill
ing film dramas. Tomorrow they
are in the divorce courts with
stories of scandalous escapades, in
fidelity and cruelty hurled back and
Apparently there are few excep
tions. A few days ago it was an
nounced that Gloria Swanson and
her wealthy husband had come to
the parting of the ways. On the
same page was the story of the
estrangement of Marshall Neilan
and Blanche Sweet, who were mar
ried not so many months ago.
Yesterday news was flashed of
the separation of Big Bill Hart, hero
of a thousand western dime-novel
scenarios, and Winifred Westover,
his bride of a few months ago. And
Winifred shatters the heroic con
ception of Big Bill by relating how
he behaved like a caveman, knock
ing her down and dragging her
about the rooms by the hair of her
Verily, one by one our idols are
revealing their feet of clay. '
Candidates for Senator Xot Repre
'' sentatlve Republicans.
Yakima Republic.
It is an interesting fact that of all
the candidates struggling for the
republican nomination for United
States senator, not one is a more
than - skin-deep republican. Poin
dexter was born and brought up a
democrat, held an office as a demo
crat, went on the bench as a non
partisan, came off a "progressive"
office seeker and finally landed in
the republican camp. George Stev
enson held a federal office under
Cleveland and later acquired his
republicanism through association
with Boss Crocker and the railroad
lobbyists. Judge Griffiths bolted in
1912 and had charge of the third
party campaign in the state. Mrs.
Axtell does not pretffnd to know
what party she belongs to. She held
a federal appointment under Wilson
Ballaine and Lamping are nomi
nally republicans, but both are mak
ing the'r appeal to the radical and
discontented elements of the state,
and the latter is understood to bo
the candidate of William R. Hearst,
the democratic newspaper magnate
Not one of these people would have
a look-in for a nomination of any
kind in any convention of represen
tative republicans, yet by virtue of
the direct primary system one will
be given the highest office in the
state this fall by the party and in
cidentally will be chargedwith re
sponsibility for republican policies
thereafter. Great thing, the pri-maryi
More Truth Than Poetry.
By Jamrs J. Montague.
How doth the busy Bolshevik
Improve each shining hour
By drowning in the nearest creek
Those who dispute his power!
How much he talks of equal rights.
But. when he holds full eway.
He unrestrainedly delight
To shoot and kill ana alay.
When he was In the moujlk stage,
. Before he ruled the roost.
With outbursts of unbridled rage
All power he traduced.
He held that property was wrong
And money was a snare.
The burden of his savage song
Was. "Swat the millionaire!"
But now that he has got the cash
The government once had,
The property he held was trash
He finds it not so bad.
And any man will jeopardize
His family, life and limb,
Who, in his folly, ever tries
To pry it off of him.
"Equality" Is something which
(The Bolshevik is sure)
Was given him to make him rich
And other people poor. ,
And, now that he has got enoug'h.
He'll make it his cpdeavor
To bar such socialistic stuff
From Russia's soil forever.
None of Mr. Lenlne'a deaths-liana
thus far proved fatal.
Hard to Establish.
The open shop is not very open!'
arrived at.
r-uranlng Contests
Canada's breweries are prospering
to an unprecedented extent Where
do you suppose she finds all the new
If Tears Must Be.
By Grace E. Hall.
If tears must be. let them be tears
of laughter;
If we must weep, then let us weep
for joy.
Where sparkling raindrops fall,
flowers spring up after;
When gold is pure, there is no
base alloy.
Tears drawn In pain are acid, hot
and galling;
Sobs that tear the heart leave
red scars of despair.
But tears of Joy are crystal rain
drops falling
In sweet refreshing showers every
where. The world is just a garden old, and
A million weeds to every lovely
But with each smile a fertile seed
we're sowing
To grow a fragrant blossom In
the gloom.
In Other Days.
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oregonian of August 22, 1B72.
New York. John Garry killed
Maggie Frit by striking her on the
head with a bludgeon. It had been
reported she died of sunstroke.
Havana. The American and Eng
lish consuls are busily engaged in
hunting up testimony regarding the
Alabama claims which will be sub
mitted to the Geneva arbitrators
by telegraph.
The public schools of the city yill
open next Monday morning.
Twenty-five Yenrs Ago.
From The Oregonian of August 22. 1897."
Cleveland. Senator M. A. Hanna
returned today from a three weeks'
yachting cruise. He looked the per
fect picture of health and said that
he never felt better in his life.
After the manner of the unlucky
Chicago areonaut, silver appears to
be tangled In the guy ropes with
ho parachute at hand to check ita
The work of putting tip the new
Y. M. C. A. building at Fourth and
Yamhill streets will be pushed to
completion rapidly.
Water Snpply of Parkrose District.
PARKROSK, Or., Aug. 21. (To the
Editor.) A news story in The Ore
gonian on August 20 states that the
present water supply for the Park
rose district is Inadequate. This fs
contrary to the fact. The facilities
are ample to cover the territory the
system was originally laid out for,
and with few exceptions an abund
ant supply of good water has been
furnished during the past dry sea
son. A large area of the newly
formed Park rose water district is
not piped and was never intended
to be supplied by the above-mentioned
system, and it is now pro
posed by the newly elected water
commission to bond the district to
the extent of $50,000 or $60,000 and
take in the unsupplled land.
In other words, we who have
water under contract for a period
of years at reasonable rates are to
have a lien placed on our property
to give water to other parties who
bought acreage without expectation
of paying for any supply.
I am writing this to correct any
wrong impresssion which, might be
made by the item in question re
garding the opposition mentioned
to the proposed bond issue.
Costs in Recount Case.
PORTLAND. Aug. 19. (To the
Editor.) As a matter of informa
tion, would you be kind enough to
state how the expense of the re
count carried on at the insistence of
Mr. Hall will be apportioned? It
would be interesting to ail tax
payers, surely, to know what pro
portion will be Dorne Dy mem. it
the entire recount shows as little
result as would seem probable at
this time, do the taxpayers have to
bear the burden of Judges' salaries.
etc.? Of course, tne amount oi
amusement the general public got
out of the recent recount is worth
something and it would be inter
esting to know how the amount it
cost compares with the amount the
circus, will take out of town.
I. M. UiKlilA)US
Mr. Hall- posted a bond of $2000
to cover costs of the recount. In
cluding attorney fees. Had he won.
the court would have assessed tne
costs against Olcott, though the lat
ter was not required to give bond.
The judges are paid by taxpayers
whether they hear divorce cases,
murder trials or recount proceed
ings, or bask in the sun.
Pronunciation of nh-Knh-Me.
TILLAMOOK, Or.. Aug. 20. (To
the Editor.) What is the correc
pronunciation of "Neah-Kah-Nie"?
I have heard it pronounced as if
spelled "Ne-Kar-Nie."
"Ne-a-Kah-Nie," with the accent
on the third syllable. The sound of
"r" has no proper plica- in the pro
nunciation. '