Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE MORNING OREGOyiAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923 - ' ' ' ' - "
Proprietor Weighs 100, So
Store Must Be Enlarged.
$250,000 Jewelry Business Done
Annually in Little Piece-of-Pie
Shaped Place.
NEW TORK. Aug. 10. (Special.)
t The smallest store in the world
has been closed for alterations be
cause the proprietor had gained five
pounds. He now weighs nearly 100
pounds and a watchcase had to be
removed from the wall to accommo
date ail of him.
The Btore, which is one of the
freaks of Tims square, is the jew
elry shop of Milton Lubin. on the
west side of Seventh avenue, five
Steps south of 42d street. It is not
only the smallest store in the world,
toot it pays the highest rent in the
iworld in proportion to its space.
Two workmen were able to get in
ft ax once, but if one moved at all
the other had to step out into the
doorway. Not only was the watch
case being removed, but the walls
were being scraped to save space,
which, is measured in this place of
business by the cubic millimeter.
Inside Is Triangle.
The shop has a six-foot frontage
on Seventh avenue, but this is prac
tically a falsa front. The interior is
In the shape of a triangle. Deduct
ing the space for the window dis
play, the inside of the shop is a
triangle five feet by three and a
half. Lubin has one employe, H.
Stetson, a slender young man, who
stated that his title was "general
manager." They keep different
hours, however, and only one is in
the Bhop at a time. Neither can sit
down. The man behind the counter
and the customer in front must both
stand up when they do business in
this shop. The counter is a mahog
any apron on rollers. It has to be
swung out if the man behind it
turns around.
The mahogany apron has to be
moved In order to enable the pro
prietor or the general manager to
take off his coat. "When either
takes off hi coat and hat, there
Is no ordinary place for it. The
lights and fixtures take up all the
room on the wall. The ehop is nor
mal in only one dimension and that
is the height of the ceiling. There
is some overhead space, and t'hey
have rigged up a coat form on a
pulley. During the hot period this
pulley is let down, the coats are
hung on the form and the hats on
hangers and then hoisted aloft.
The place behind the counter has
always fit too tightly, in spite of the
spareness of the two men, and re
cently the watchcase has rubbed
calluses on their shoulders, accord
ing to Stetson.
Annual Business Is $250,000.
The rent for this place is $6000 a
year, which is alleged to be the
heaviest rent in the world in pro
portion to floor space. In this lit-
tie triangle, according to Stetson, j
$250,000 worth of business is done
annually. It recently weathered a
heavy setback when a previous
"general manager" who had been
engaged largely on account of his
microscopic physique, wa robbed of
all the jewelry he could lift. More
than $60,000 worth of jewels disap
peared on that occasion.
The jewels were then kept in a
safety deposit vault and carried
through the reets to and fro twice
a. day. But after that it was deemed
necessary to keep them on the prem
ises. There was no apparent room
for them. Plans were discussed for
tooisting them up to the ceiling,
where the free space was compara
tively vast. This was considered too
dangerous, and a small safe was
finally built in under the window
There is only a bit of black glass
letween the safe and the sidewalk.
When a man stands in front of the
place his hand is only a few inches
from $60,000 or $70,000 worth of
jewels. There is a stout safe there,
it is true, but this is not consid
ered the chief burglar protection.
Tne facts that there are plenty of
people around Times square every
hour of the 24 and that there is no
room in the shop for a burglar to
work in are considered the chief
So Space Goea Begging.
"It takes a special training to
wotTc in this place," said Stetson.
"For instance, if you or a customer
happens to drop a jewel I have to
take the counter off to stoop and
pick it up. Tou can't even stoop
in it as it is. If the jewel rolls
into a corner I have to move the
counter to one side and coil up on
the floor with my feet out in the
doorway to pick it up.
"I have to keep in constant train
ing to be slim enough to work here.
It is very uncomfortable after a full
meal. I take constant exercise and
diet carefully.
"Mr. Lubin wished to employ H.
T. Graves, who is considered the
best jewelry salesman in New Tork,
but it proved to be a physical im
" possibility, because Graves weighs
200 pounds.
"This shop does a business of
$250,000 a year, but it loses almost
as much business again because it
is impossible for two customers to
enter the premises at the same time.
Mr. Lubin and I are never here
together if there is a customer in
the place. If we happen to be in
here at the same time and a cus
tomer comes, one of us has to
press himself close to the wall and
squeeze out. If it is raining, the
one that squppzes out has o go
illliiH wi)ttc
into the shirt shop next door or
the Hotel Hermitage.
"Most of the purchasing from jew
elry salesmen from Maiden lane has
to be done on the sidewalk. If 1
am dealing with a customer, Mr.
Lubin always does his business with
the salesman in one of the neigh
boring shops."
The shop handles nothing but
diamonds, platinum and a few
precious stones, very thin watches
and almost invisible chains. Some
of the diamonds are of gigantic
size and as much out of place in
the tiny mart as a skyscraper on a
small-scale Japanese landscape.
Cheaper jewelry could not be
handled because it would "eat its
head off" in the matter of rent, the
cost of warehousing it at the gigan
tic rent being more than the value
of the jewels. Diamonds, emeralds
and platinum are practically all
that will pay their way.
When a woman with an escort
comes to buy'a jewel the most that
her "company" can do is to stand
in the doorway and growl at the
prices. According to neighboring
tradesmen, fat clients have tried
unsuccessfully to wedge ttieir way
inside, but have been foiled by the
slice-of-pie shape of the shop and
have conducted their business on
the mail-order plan.
There used to be another element
of smallness about the shop and
that was a sign in the window
which said "Small payments." But
this is all over.
"We found It was too much trou
ble running after them," said
The shop will be closed three
days because of the slowness of the
painter and carpenter in doing their
work on a watchmaker's scale.
Organization Aims to Help Under
privileged Child, Says In
ternational Mead.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) The single objective of Ki
wanis this year is "a square deal to
the unprivileged child," George H.
Ross, of Toronto. Canada, Interna
tional President of Kiwanis, declared
in his address following the annual
Kiwanis dinner of the northwest dis
trict convention here tonight.
With every club in the northwest
district well represented, the conven
tion proper opened this afternoon.
Conferences of officers and registra
tion filled the morning time. The
registration of delegates passed the
500 mark early in the afternoon.
Helping to mould public opinion,
as distinguished from emotional
public clamor, along right lines, is
the work of Kiwanians, M. A. Mc
Donald, of Vancouver, B. C, told the
convention delegates in his address.
Public opinion rules nations and
the world, he declared, and to rule
rightly public opinion must be sane.
The opening convention session,
following the address of welcome
by Mayor C. H. Bowen and response
by Ben C. Nichols of Victoria, for
the Canadian clubs and First Lieu
tenant Governor S. W. Lawrence of
Portland for the American clubs,
was filled with brief talks and re
ports of officers.
Resolutions and nominating com
mittees were appointed. The reso
lutions committee includes Stephen
I. Miller, Seattle, chairman; C. C.
Lantry, Spokane; P. M. Troy, Olym
pia; C. O. Nicholson, Takima; Gro
ver C. Winn, Tacoma; Mark Graham,
New Westminster; Fred Miller, Col
fax; Dr. M. H. Smith, Astoria; Gus
Metz, Everett; Thomas Neill, Pull
man; and Carl N. Stockwell, Aber
On the nominating committee are
Lester M. Leland, Portland, chair
man; Walter M. Walker, Victoria;
George Cunningham, Vancouver, B.
C; Sam G. Lamping, Seattle; Charles
A. Rose, Olympia; Charles A. Oman,
Tacoma; Dr. R. M. Tennant, Spokane;
and L. Barnum. The Dalles.
Election of officers, adoption of
resolut'ons and selection of the next
convention city will mark the close
of the convention proper tomorrow
afternoon. The annual banquet
and ball will be held tomorrow
Traffic Conditions Improve.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 21. (Special)
T. A. Raffety, chief inspector for
the law enforcement bureau of the
state motor vehicle department, re
turned here last night from south
ern Oregon, where he spent a few
days observing traffic conditions.
Mr. Raffety said it was apparent
that most of the motor vehicle
operators are attempting to obey
the traffic regulations, and arrests
for -lolations are decreasing.
Special Unit fekj
Programme K;.
Headed by fv
Two Stellar
Numbers f
The drama of rich wives,
poor wives and marriage
when the glamor fades
Next Saturday
Legality of Grand Jury In
quiry Attacked.
Demurrers Contend That Facts in
Six True Bills Fail to Con
stitute Crime.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) Demurrers have been filed
by attorneys in the circuit court at
Jacksonville to six of the indict
ments returned by the special grand
jury investigating the nightriders'
activities in Jackson county last
spr'ng against Howard A. Hill, J.
F. Hittson, Dr. Jouett P. Bray, Bert
L Moses, J. Alexander Norris and
Thomas Goodie. The defense attor
neys are John A. Jeffrys of Port
land and George A. Codding, H. A.
Canaday and O. C Boggs of this
The following allegations are
given as the basis for the demur
rers. That the grand jury had no legal
right to inquire into the crime
charged, because it Is not triable
within the county.
That the indictments do not sub
stantially conform to chapter 7, title
18, Oregon laws.
That more than one crime is al
leged in the indictment.
That the facts stated d not con
stitute a crime.
All th6 demurrers are identical
and one was filed for each count
alleged in the true bills.
According to Rawles Moore, dis
trict attorney, the demurrers will
be argued as soon as Circuit Judge
Calkins returns from his vacation
about September 1.
The defendants were indicted on
charges alleging riot, assault and
The demurrers were described by
the district attorney as "shotgun
affairs," because hey cover every
legal point raised, embraced in the
It is probable that Assistant Attorney-General
Liljeqvist, who con
ducted the investigation, will re
turn to argue the demurrers, but
this has not been definitely decided.
If the demurrers are sustained,
the indictments are automatically
quashed, and if overruled, the de
fendants will be required to file
pleas after which will come the
legal red tape incidental to setting
of a trial date.
Motion to Dismiss Indictments
Against ex-Officers Denied.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 21.
There is enough evidence in the
case against G. W. Price, former
kleagle, and W. S. Coburn, former
grand goblin of the Ku Klux Klan
here, to justify submitting it to
a jury. That was the ruling of
Judge Frederick W, Houser, pre
siding at the trial of these two and
34 others here today, when he de
nied motions to dismiss the indict
ments against them. Judge Houser
said from the bench that the cases
against Price and Coburn were not
strong but that "there was a bare
possibility that there was enough
in the case from which an inference
might be drawn." He said he did
not want his ruling to be taken, as
a precedent in case of future
motions in the same case.
The defendants are all charged by
indictments with felonies alleged to
have been committed in the course
of a masked raid on the home of
the Elduayen brothers at Inglewood
near here .last April. The state
closed its case last week and mo
tions to dismiss followed.
Another motion was presented on
behalf of J. G. Baum, another de
fendant, and argument was begun.
When court convened for the
afternoon session Judge Houser
denied the motion to dismiss as to
Baum and the defense proceeded
with its case.
Property Returned to Testerman.
Echoes of the murder of J. H.
(Buck) Phillips, who was shot and
A First
' Attraction
0 Catherine
is1 Domestic M
"You convicted me because I did to
my wife what you did to yours. But
because you're a judge and I'm only a
jailbird, you got away with it."
k'lled in the Albina yards in June,
1921, were heard in the federal
court yesterday when C. B. Tester
man, Albina storekeeper, obtained
an order for the return of goods
taken from him as evidence in a
charge of receiving property stolen
in interstate commerce. As a result
of this shooting, Dan Casey and
John L Burns were arrested. The
former was convicted and is await
ing. execution at Salem. Burns was
acquitted. Testerman', according to
the government's contention, pur
chased property which the pa'r stole
from boxcars in the Aibina yards.
He was tried in the federal court
and acquitted.
IN' CITY $566,538.25.
Partial Report ot Surveyor Is
Submitted Showing Estimates
of Various Plants.
Portland property owned by the
city water bureau is valued at $566,
538.25, according to a partial report
made to Commissioner Mann yester
day by E. C. Willard, who is making
a valuation of all properties of this
The valuation reached, it is
pointed out in the report, is based
upon appraisals made by Strong &
MacNaughton, estate managers. All
values are on the basis of the price
that would be paid by a willing
buyer to a willing seller, with no
recognition given to the so-called
"public utility" factor.
The properties within the city are
classified by Mr. Willard as fol
lows: Used and useful in the opera
tion of the bureau, $455,755.75; not
used at present but held as reserve
operating property, $175; non-operating
or investment property, $110,
607.50. The schedule of "used and useful
property" is as follows:
Mount Tabor reservoir site. $178,172;
Washington park reservoir site. $176,680;
Portland Heights reservoir site, $5."00;
Council Crest standpipe site, $1750; Wil
lamette Heights tank site. $100; Bur
linpame stamlpipo site. $200; Pulton park
pumping station site, $350; Vernon stand
pipe site, $7it00; St. Johns standpipe site,
$2213.75; upper Linnton reservoir site,
$50; upper Whitwood reservoir site, $100;
lower Whitwood reservoir site. $400;
Kings Heights reservoir site. $450: Whit
wood court pump station site, $75; east
side water office site, $4100; east side
storage yard site. $13,070; Albina office
site, $3173; Albina warehouse site,
$20,370; repair and meter shop site,
$21,500; submerged pipe line rights of
way, $0500.
Testimony to Be Taken on Pro
posed Amendment Today.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 31. (Special.)
Taking of testimony in .the case
brought by the state fish commis
sion to prevent the secretary of
state from placing on the ballot at
the November election a constitu
tional amendment initiated by
G. G. Green of Oregon City will
start in Portland tomorrow. The
testimony of 71 witnesses already
subpenaed by the court will be
taken by a referee appointed by
Judge Bingham Saturday.
The amendment initiated! by Mr.
Green would prohibit the use of
traps, wheels and seines in fhe
Columbia river and would regulate
the operation of the state's hatch
eries. It is known as the salmon
fishing and fish propagation amend
ment. Oregon Gets 500 New Students.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Between 500 and 600 new students
already have registered at the Uni
versity of Oregon for the fall term,
the majority coming from Multno
mah county, according to figures
of Carlton Spencer, registrar. This
is about 100 more students than
had registered this time last year.
All applications of new students
must be filed before September 15
for the fall term, which opens Sep
tember 30 with the opening exam
inations for freshmen.
Human Stock to Get Prizes.
BROWNSVILLE. Or., Aug. 21.
(Special.) In addition to prizes and
premiums offered to the winner of
stock and agricultural exhibits, the
management of tne Calapooia valley
fair, to be held here September 15
and 16, will award prizes for the
oldest couple present, the best look
ing woman, the man with -the long
est whiskers, the ugliest man, the
prettiest girl under 18 years, the
largest family, and the prettiest
baby present.
I 4 EI
Harvesting and Factories
Suffer From Strikes.
Coal Agreement Declared Disap
pointing Because Enough
Is Not . Being Mined.
(Copyright, 1922, by The Oregonlan.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 21.
(Special.) Rail and coal troubles
hit business their hardest blow
during the last week. Every re
port coming into "Washington tells
virtually the same story. Troubles
besetting industry as the direct re
sult of the prolonged strikes vary
only in the degrees of their acute
ness. From the harvest fields of
the middle west to the great fruit
growing sections of the Pacific
coast and the factories of the north
Atlantic seaboard activity slowed
The only hope of betterment, ac
cording to reports to the govern
ment and to private agencies here,
lies in a speedy settlement of the
railroad situation and a quick and
decided Increase in soft coal pro
duction. Coal Resumption Disappoint.
Contrary to the general belief,
the soft coal mines have not re
sumed operations on the grand
scale hoped for. The "treaty of
Cleveland," signed this week by the
warring coal operators and their
men, still leaves 350,000 men, or
thereabouts, idle in the bituminops
coal fields. Less than 15 per cent
of the country's soft coal production
signed the agreement. The other
85 per cent, with the exception of
the non-union fields, is still on
strike. Coal production has in
creased at the rate of about 1,000,
000 tons a week. To insure hand-to-mouth
requirements, it must in
crease at least 2,000,000 tons more,
and to prevent a serious shortage
of soft coal this winter it should
increase at least 5.000,000 tons more
Indiana and Illinois mines, as well
as those idle in ' central Pennsyl
vania, are expected to resume oper
ations within ten days. The great
producing field in the Pittsburg
section is not going to sign the
wage agreement unless there is an
unanimous change of heart among
its operators. Neither will the
operators of southern Ohio. Like
wise the union operators of the
southwest Arkansas, Kansas, Okla
homa and nearby fields will gener
ally refuse to sign up on the basis
of the Cleveland agreement. .
Fields Xow 'Wholly Union.
"Within the next three weeks
these fields may reasonably be ex
pected to attempt operations on a
non-union basis. They are at pres
ent almost wholly union.
The report has been widely dis
tributed among .striking shopmen
that the railroad labor board stands
five to four against the restoration
of seniority rights in the present
situation, and would vote accord
ingly. That may explain in part
the brotherhoods' unwillingness to
have the issue placed before the
board for decision. There is noth
ing authoritative, of course, to the
report, any more than there would
be to a report that the supreme
court of the United States stood
five to four on a certain case yet
to be decided, but it is generally
believed among the shopmen.
Developments of the week includ
ed an order to divert thousands of
tons of coal from the non-union
fields to the northwest. This coal,
which was badly needed in the ter
ritory supplied by the mines, is still
more badly needed, or will be, in
the northwest, and must be sent
there while the Great Lakes, over
which it is transported, are navi
gable. Purchasing agents of all classes
with House Peters
and Edith Hallor
A story the whole
world loves.
wm& w j i
of coal consumers still storm the
non-union mines. The Hoover prices
have been shot to smithereens. Buy
ers have bid fancy prices against
each other for coal as yet unmined.
In one field alone prices have risen
more than 150 per cent for free coal
since April. Government regulation
of coal prices in the present emer
gency seems extremely likely.
In the face of the confused busi
ness situation, interest rates con
tinued to fall. Money, except for a
few sections here and there, is a
drug on the market. Investors
found difficulty in obtaining gilt
edge securities at attractive rates
in volume sufficient to meet re
quirements, and - during the six
months ending with this week
placed more than $500,000,000 In the
bank as time deposits, to draw 2
and 3 per cent interest, for lack of
better bargains, according to the
latest figures of the federal reserve
AUTO AND $10.0.
T. C. 'Wilson of Baker, Or., Pays
Heavily for Persistent Viola
tion of Prohibition Law.
T. C. "Wilson, Baker, Or., boot
legger, pays for his violation of the
national prohibition law with a leg,
an automobile and ?100. Nature and
a policeman's bullet took the leg,
Judge Wolverton added the $100 fine
yesterday and Assistant United
States Attorney Bafdwin is proceed
ing to confiscate the automobile.
Wilson, charged by prohibition of
ficials with being a persistent vio
lator of i the dry laws, was arrested
in Baker on the night of July 31
by Sheriff Patterspn and Patrolman
Pierce of the Baker force.
Wilson put up a fight, slugged the
sheriff twice, leaped from his auto
mobile and started down the street.
The officer fired, the bullet striking
the fugitive '"n the leg and inflicting
a wound that will render the leg
useless for the rest of Wilson's life
The automobile, containing 110
quarts of imported whisky, was
seized by the officers.
Wilson, still In the Baker hospital,
appeared in federal court yesterday
through his attorney and pleaded
guilty of violating the prohibition
law. The facts of the case were
told Judge Wolverton by Mr.
"Of course, if the man lost his
leg, it was his attempt to resist
arrest that was responsible. I must
punish him for violating the law.
But, in view of the circumstances,
I will impose a fine of $100," the
judge said.
The 110 quarts of whisky, now in
the possession of prohibition offi
cials, was destroyed. Mr. Baldwin
began cohf iscation proceedings yes
terday against the automobile.
State Institution Heads and Com
missioners to Meet.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Heads of the various state institu
tions will confer here .tomorrow
with members of the state budget
commission, with relation to pro
posed improvements and expansions
during the next biennium starting
January 1, 1923.
Under the law creating the budget
commission, estimates of the cost
of contemplated improvements must
be submitted to the commission
prior to October 15, preceding the
biennial session of the legislature.
Members of the budget commis-
riJJX Mr. Business Man!
I 1
Two -Pants
Portland's Leading Clothier
sion announced recently that no
extensive improvements, other than
those already authorized by appro
priation, would be allowed during
the next two years.
Judging Contests Are Today;
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
c rti -inlo-irto- fAntpsts fnr Linn
county boy and girl club members w
have been arranged for tomorrow, i
when sheep and Shorthorn cattle
on the Pelzar Brothers' farm. Hoi-
stein cattle on the Ashton farm.
Chester White hogs probably on the I
"CtrMimmAT- nlapp and .Tersev cattle on'l
the Henrv Stewart ranch will he
Are you making an intelligent use
of the passing hours ?
To save time is to save money
money saved is profit profit is the
object of business.
There is no greater factor in the
economy of time than the use of the
long distance telephone. The serv
ice is prompt, efficient, convenient
and satisfactory.
Consult the telephone directory as
to rates and classes of service avail
able. ,
Every Bell telephone is a Long
Distance station.
Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Company
Why Two
Pairs Pants?
The. service of a suit is
nearly doubled when you
have an extra pair pants.
Most men wear out the
pants first. How often
have you had to discard a
coat and vest that showed
signs of wear simply be
cause the pants gave out
first ? It's wonderfully
convenient, too, to have
an extra pair always in
press. My stock of two
pants suits is converting
more men daily to sen
sible saving and real suit
Your size is here, in these
extra service suits. Many
pleasing shades and pat
terns in all-wool finished
and unfinished worsteds.
for Over Half a Century
rated. L J. Allen, assistant state
club leader, will accompany F. N.
Williamson, county club leader, to
see the youthful judges work.
Rfa.rl Ttve nr-eeron ffl.n clff'sasifipd rtd
slick with spaghetti
Pimento Cheese
ft Mk 1