THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923 SULLIVI THUS BUS FAGES SiG Opposition to Bill Now Said to Have Increased. HARDING VETO EXPECTED Hone AVUI Override President, hut Senate Will Not. Is View; Subsidy Legislation Waits. BY MARK SULLIVAN". '.Iivright by the New York Evening I'n&i Pub.ished by Arrangement.) ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Auk. 21. It is undeniable that when the bonus bill comes to a vote in the senate it will pass. But it is equally undeniable that the current is running strongly against the bonus. Indeed, it can be taken for granted that there will be no bonus legislation certainly not in any shape that will carry cash into the pockets of the soldiers any time in the near future. When the bill comes to a rollcall in the senate, there will be about 30 or 32 votes out of the total of 96 either cast against it or paired against it. This represents a rather extraordinary growth or sentiment. When the bill was first discussed ahout six months ago. there were only eight senators who were then counted on for opposition. Thirty two votes would not, of course, be enoueh to defeat the bill. It w-ill iimss the senate and will go to President Harding. Veto Taken for Granted. That the president will veto is universally taken for granted. The subject of discussion now is just w hat will be the nature of his veto message. If he vetoes the bill on the broad grounds that the whole bonus idea is fundamentally un sound, the question may be out of the way permanently. But there is some feeling that Mr. Harding may put his veto merely on the same ground as his opposition 15 months ago, when he said that the bill could not be considered in the present state of the treasury and under the present weight of taxa tion. If the president's veto is put upon this ground it will have the effect of merely postponing the issue. Even so, that postponement will be for a considerable period. If the bonus must await some lessening of our present taxation the answer is that there is hardly any thoughtful person in Wash ington who thinks he can foresee any material lessening of our national taxation within a period of five years or more. Whatever the grounds upon which President Harding may base his veto, the bill will then go back to congress. The lower house will provide the necessary two-thirds vote to pass it over the president's veto. But the senate will not. There has been much doubt on this point, but it is now reasonably certain that there are close to 40 senators who will vote against passing the bonus bill over the president's veto. This includes the 30 or 32 who will vote against the bill in the first instance, and in addition about eight more who will feel that their personal promises to vote for the bill will be dis charged by their action in the first instance and who will refuse to aid in passing the bill over the presi dential veto. Delay for Ship Subsidy. If the tide is running against the soldier bonus, so also is it running against the probability of the ship subsidy bill being taken up at the present session. It may well be a full year before final action one way or the other will be taken on the ship subsidy bill by both houses. President Harding, some weeks ago. was insistent that action should be taken on the bill at the present session. Since then, however, the strikes have intervened, have con sumed a deal of time already and will consume much of the fu ture time of congress. What actuated President Harding in his wish that the ship subsidy should be acted on at the present session is the fact that the next regular session beginning in Decern ber will have only about eight work ing weeks. That time will be too short for consideration of the ship subsidy in addition to other busi ness. This will put up to Mr. Hard ing the question whether he wishes to call a special session of con gress after March 4. Among other reasons for the post ponement of the ship subsidy bill, the present congress, both house and senate, 5s anxious to quit and get away to their states and districts for the coming elections. Even the necessity for considering the emer gency legislation about coal, asked for by President Harding, is irk some to the impatient senators and congressmen. negotiations today for an unani mous consent to agreement for a final senate vote on the soldiers' bonus bill, but apparently with little prospect of immediate success. Some progress was reported, but it was understood that four or five senators objected to an agreement at this time. The bonus measure is the senate's unfinished business and will be taken up after the senate recon venes Wednesday. Chairman Mc Cumber of the finance committee plans to deliver a prepared address at that time in support of it and come majority leaders said that unless there was an agreement meantime for a time for the final vote the legislation would have to be fought out to a finish on the floor. Several substitute measures have been proposed and many amendments to the committee draft are promised. All of these are ex pected to lead to more or less pro longed discussion. After the bonus is passed by the senate and the general belief at the capitol is that it will go through finally by a substantial majority it would, in the usual course, be sent to conference for the compos ing ofs differences between the senate and house. In that event it would be handled by the same con ference committee to which the tariff measure will be referred this week, with little prospect that it would receive attention until after the committee had completed its work on the tariff. IDAHO REPUBLICANS WILL MEET TODAY Delegates Hold Demonstra tion at Wallace. PRIMARY LAW IS ISSUE Nomination of C. C. Moore for Governor Is Conceded; Other Offices Uncertain. so far and his strength is not doubted. Dr. O. T. Stratton of Salmon is conceded the nomination as .lieu tenant governor. In the race for secretary of state are Ben R. Gray of Hailey and Leslie Dillingham of Mackay. Mr. Gray is believed by leaders to have the edge in this race. For state treasurer W. W. Spires of St. Anthony is the only candidate men tioned. W. M. Snow of Boise is in the running for mining inspector and Miss Retta Martin for superin tendent of public instruction. Howard Snell of Nampa is the only person mentioned so far for state auditor. Ml MUSIC MAKES HIT NEGRO ORCHESTRA WIDELY APPLAUDED. Radio Fans in City-and Surround iitg Towns Ask for Fa vorite Numbers. BONUS TALK AVILL GO OX Handful of Solons Block Unani mous Agreement to Vote. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 21. Senate republican leaders continued rx ur" " ia- . . - j- n inol cRecommend to that friend witn skin trouble! If yon have a friend suffering with eczema or other itching, burning eruption, Trhat greater kindness could you do him than to say : " Why don't you try Resinol ? I know you have experimented with a dozen treatments, but I believe Resinol is different. It does not claim to be a 'cure-all' simply a soothing, healing ointment, free from all harsh drugs, that physicians prescribe widely in just such cases as yours. Do get a jar today I " Rcsiaol Ointment is sold br all druggists. The second concert of jazz music played by the High Brown Five, negro orchestra, last night in The Oregonan radio room and broadcast to thousands of delighted listeners, was every bit as fast and snappy as the first one they gave several weeks ago. From every part of the city and surrounding towns phone calls came in from listeners, report ing fine reception of the numbers and asking for their favorite selec tions to be played by the clever negro musicians. The hour allowed the station was altogether too short for the fans, as their requests were so numerous It would have taken several hours to grant them all. As in the first concert, the feature of last night's programme was Octavia Doram's singing. This col ored soprano has a voice that is suited both for orchestra accom paniment and wireless transmission. In fact her voice has such strong carrying power to throw it into the 'ether" that after the first number it was necessary to move her sev eral feet from the transmitter col lector. Her selections last night were "High Brown Blues," 'Cuddle Up Blues," "When," "Vale," "The Sheik" and "In My Honey's Lovin' Arms." Another feature of the programme which brought much applause from the fans was the clever piano play ing of A. Thompson, who played two snappy solos. His selections were 'The Imitation Rag" and the "Twelfth Street Rag." The other numbers of the pro gramme were played by the orches tra and were "Jazzalog," "Gin Gin Ginny Shore," "By the Riverside," "Some Sunny Day," "Nobody' Lied," "The Sneak," "I Wish I Knew," "Sweet Indiana Home" and "Bow Wow Blues." The High Brown Five will be in Portland for a long stay, as they have many concert engagements in and near the city. It is probable they will play in The Oregonian tower again at some future date. The programme last night was sent out under the direction of the Ship Owners' Radio Service of Port land. The next programme to be broad cast from The Oregonian radio tower will be on Wednesday night and will consist of vocal and instru mental solos by pupils of Ella Con nell Jesse and Mityiine Kraker Stites and two well-known local profes sional vocalists. The programme will be broadcast between 8 and 10 o'clock and will be in the nature of a recital arranged by the two prom inent local music teachers. 200 ACRESGIVErM CITY County Agrees to Turn Over Poor Farm for Park. Further evidence of co-operation between tax-levying bodies of Mult nomah county was shown yesterday at a joint meeting of the county commissioners, school board and city council. The county officials agreed to turn the 200-acre tract known as the county poor farm over to the city as a park, and the city, through Commissioner Pier, in charge of parks, agreed to give the school board a portion of the prop erty to be used for educational pur poses. City .Commissioner Pier and Charles S. Rudeen, chairman of the board of county commissioners, also agreed to make the formal transfer of the property at 2 o'clock Thurs day afternoon on the old county poor farm site. The ceremony will be simple and brief, but a large at tendance is anticipated. A large portion of the tract will be devel oped as a golf course. FRUIT CROPS ARE LARGE Harvest of Prunes and Apples in Xyssa District Is Xear. NTSSA, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.) The drop of prunes and apples dur ing August was a little above the normal drop, yet it is expected that a large crop will be harvested. Prune picking will begin about Sep tember 1. The Idan-Ha Prune Or chard company has made prepara tions to harvest about 1Q0 carloads. The prunes will be shipped in bushel baskets this season. The Nyssa Fruit Growers' asso ciation recently completed the re modeling of the old Reece ware house for handling apples, of which it expects to harvest a bumper crop. 4 8 Sheep Killed by Dogs. EUGENE, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.) Following a raid on a flock of sheep near Santa Clair by maraud ing dogs that killed 4$ of the an imals, the Lane county court has announced that action will be taken against all unlicensed dogs in the county which are causing more loss to sheepmen than predatory an imals, in the opinion of county of ficials. A total of $1045.38 has been paid by the county since the first of the year to sheep owners, which represents about 50 per cent of the total valuation of animals lost by dogs. The dog license fees are added to the fund which is used to reimburse the sheepmen for the loss to flocks. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. WALLACE, Idaho, Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) The vanguard of the repub lican state convention arrived in Wallace tonigm and turned the Samuels hotel into a political caucus hive preparatory to the opening of the biennial conclave tomorrow noon. While many of the delegates. especially those from northern Idaho, came by automobile the ma jority of them reached Wallace at 7:30 tonight by special train from southern Idaho. With bands sere nading, the delegates, republican leaders and those who aspire for nominations marched from the depot to the Samuels, where political quar ters were immediately 'opened, and the milling to line up the congres sional and state tickets started. . The initial demonstration for any candidate started immediately after the special arrived, when a large number of the southern Idaho dele gates marched through the hotels singing a song, entitled "The State Wants Charlie Moore for Governor." There was nothing tonight to indi cate that the predicted nomination of Lieutenant Governor C. C. Moore for governor by acclamation when the convention gets down to the business of naming its candidates will be changed. A majority of the delegates on the special made it cjear that they favored Mr. Moore's candidacy. Unless there is an un foreseen development within the next 24 hours, which is not now ap parent, the scheduled programme for Mr. Moore s nomination will go through. Rent of Ticket Uncertain. The situation with regard to the remainder of the ticket is not so certain. There is a contest over the lieutenant governorship, with Will H. Gibson of Mountain Home. H. C. Baldrldge of Parma and Donald A. Callahan of Wallace as the leading aspirants. Both are making strong canvass among the delegates. For secretary of state Capt. F. A Jeters. state purchasing agent, in dorsed by Kootenai county; Miss Margaret Roberts of Boise, state traveling librarian, and Bennett Williams, present chief clerk in the secretary of state's office, are can didates. Captain Jeters is said by party leaders to have the united support of the north. He likely wlli get the nomination from the south which has for some years conceded this office to the panhandle. Miss Roberts' candidacy is being stren uously pushed by the women dele gates in the convention. C. G. Crom well, auditor of Benewah county, is mentioned. . "Women Are Mentioned. It is forecast that Dan Banks, state treasurer, who is . unopposed so far, will be nominated to suc ceed himself, and that E. G. Gallett, present state auditor, also will oe renominated. The latter is being op posed by G. C. Dunn, auditor of Cas sia county. A. H. Conner of Sand Point is conceded to be the prob able winner of the nomination for attorney-general and Stewart Camp bell, present state mine inspector, is slated to succeed himself. Two women, who. it Is said, party leaders are considering for state superin tendent of public instruction, are Mrs. Watkins of Salmon City and Miss Boyer of Pocatello, Frank Ryan of Weiser, author ot the Idaho public utilities law, who denies that he is a candidate for the nomination of supreme court justice, is mentioned for that office together with C. H. Heitman of Rathdrum. former state chairman of the republican state central com mittee, and Guy Martin of Sand Point. Primary taw la Ismie. Advocates of the state-wide pri mary plank under the leadership of the 20 instructed delegates from Ada county have made the primary an issue before the convention and it has now become known that the leaders who have the convention in charge favor a free and open dis cussion of this issue not only be fore the resolutions committee but upon the convention floor if neces sary. The primary supporters de clare they are prepared to prove to the committee and the delegates that the party must adopt a primary plank if the state ticket hopes to pool its full strength. The platform recommended by the platform committee, authorized and appointed by the state central com mittee, has placed its drafted re port with State Chairman Thomas. While the contents of the report are not known in detail, it has de veloped that a number of the rec ommended planks will not be ac cepted and that the proposed plat form will be greatly ..altered. ' POLITICAL CONTEST HOT REPUBLICANS IX SCRAMBLE "FOR COMMISSIOXERSHIP. ST1E OPTIMISM RECEIVES JOLT All Labor' Is Asked to Help Win Fight. CAUSE HELD EVERYONE'S .Five Candidates Enter Primary Campaign in First District of Klickitat County, v GOLDENDALE, Wash., Aug. 21. (Special.) Five candidates are in the field for the nomination on the republican ticket for county com missioner for the first district, or western portion of Klickitat county, and the fight in the coming primary over the office promises to be warm. ( Principal towns representing dif ferent community centers of the dis trict are: Wahkiacus, Hartland, Grand Dalles, Lyle, Klickitat, Apple ton, Liberty Bond, Laurel, Glen wood, Guler, Trout Lake, Gilmer, Husum, White Salmon and Bingen. Candidates, their occupations and residence, who aspire to direct the business affairs of the taxpayers in the district are: John G. Wyers, present commissioner from the dis trict, owner of a farm near Bingen, tilled under lease to Japanese; Ru fus A. Byrkett. a White Salmon merchant, formerly a farmer in the Trout Lake valley; Richard J Bates, prominent orchardist in the Burdoin heights section of the fruit belt of the White Salmon valley; Al E. Harden, farmer, stockmen and racehorse man in the Camas prairie section ' near Glenwood; John S. Clark, retired marine engineer, an orchardist in the Lyle district. Attempt by Roads and Other Em ployers to Destroy Organi- ; zations Is Charged. OREGON MEN TO SHOOT Appropriation to Send Team to Xational Match Received. SALEM, Or.. Aug. 21. (Special.) Oregon will be represented by a se lected team of 14 expert riflemen in "the national rifle matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, next month, ac cording to an announcement tonight bv Brigadier-General George A. White, adjutant-general of the state. Telegraphic appropriation from the United States treasury suf ficient to cover the expenses of the Oregon citizen soldiers was received by General White after hone had been practically abandoned, since only a limited number of states can be represented this year because of limited federal appropriations. Selection of the team had already been practically completed and in cludes the 12 best riflemen from the infantry units of the state. Towns represented are Portland. Salem, Hood River. Dallas, Marshfield and Albany. Announcement of the names will be made tomorrow. The team will leave Portland next Monday and will spend a month shooting in the national matches. The Oregonians will be in compe tition with the crack riflemen from the army, navy and marine corps. FARM WORK PLENTIFUL Japanese Are Getting Foothold in A'icinity of Xyssa. NYSSA. Or., Aug. 21. (Special.) There seems to be plenty of work for willing hands; in fact, a short age in hay hands. This season has seen the invasion of a number of Japanese into this vicinity, a 'large number of Nyssa farmers having leased their ranches to these people. It seemed the only salvation for some, as the alfalfa weavil caused many to plow up their alfalfa. It is expected that hav will bring a good price this winter, as many fields formerly in hay now are planted to potatoes and head lettuce. Some of the head lettuce raised in this vicinity was condemned on account of a slight brown wilt on the outside leaves. This did not ex tend to the lettuce heart in many instances, but was thought to have been caused by a light rain and then the hot sun's rays later in the day, well as by the extreme hot weather. . ALEXAXDER CHOICE LIKELY Idaho Democrats to Open Conven tion at Hailey Today. HAILEY, Idaho. Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) Delegates rrom every section of the state arrived here this after noon to attend the state democratic convention, which convenes tomor row at noon to nominate candidates for congress and state offices. One hundred and ten votes in the convention will be represented by 260 delegates. Many counties are sending from one to six delegates for each vote. Blaine county, with one vote, will have 26 delegates, al though the W. M. Morgan forces, headed by R. H. Stevenson, former state senator and farmer editor of the Press-Times at Wallace, are making a hard fight- to turn the tide for the former member of the supreme court. A canvass of the delegates this afternoon indicated that Mose Alexander will be nomi nated on the first ballot, with about 70 votes already assured. If the Morgan forces are not strengthened greatly by tomorrow morning it is, indicated they will turn their votes to Senator D. W. Van Hoesen for the nomination as governor and make a fight for Morgan 'as candidate for congress from the second district. In this case Mr. Morgan will have a hard fight against W. P. Whitaker of Pocatello, whose nomination is said to be practically assured. Mr. Whitaker was candidate for the house of representatives during the 1920 campaign. Chester G. A. Direl of Buhl is also mentioned. George C. Waters, farmer and business man of Weiser, is conceded the nomina tion in the first district for con gress. No opposition has appeared DRUG SUPPLY IS. STOLEN Store at Eugene Is Reported Robbed During Xight.- EUGENE. Or., Aug. 21. (Special.) A supply of narcotics valued at several hundred dollars was stolen from the Red Cross drug store here some time Sunday night, according to a report to the police. Entrance was gained through a rear window and only the drug cab inet was disturbed. BY GRAFTON WILCOX. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 21. An appeal by the American Federation of Labor to its 4,000,000 members to day to give moral and financial sup port to the railroad shopmen's strike served to jolt considerably the op timism in administration quarters that the strike" would be settled at the mediation conference between the railroad brotherhood officials and railway executives at the New York conference this week. Following the statement issued by Samuel- Gompers, president of the Federation, Saturday, declaring President Harding's address to con gress on the industrial situation to have been "unfortunate" and pre dicting that it would restrain rather than facilitate the peace negotia tions, the executive council of the federation today issued the appeal for widespread eupport of the strike. Ternn Tteclared Unfair. The federation appeal addressed to "all organized labor" was in part as follows: v The executive council of the American Federation of Labor ad dresses this appeal to all organized labor throughout America in behalf of the organizations in the; railway employes' department whose mem bers are now on strike to resist the imposition of unfair terms and con ditions of employment. "It must be clear to all wage earners and to all thinking men and women that the policy which ha been pursued by the railroads has been entirely in harmony with the policies of all organizations of em ployers which, since the armistice, have been seeking to weaken and destroy the voluntary organizations of the workers The railroads have been en gaged in this effort from the mo ment government control was relin quished on March 1, 1920. Co-Operatjon Long Attempted. "For two and a half years the railroad workers, now on strike, made every possible effort to co operate with v the railroad labor board in order to give the law every possible trial and to secure, if pos sible, just ends for the workers and continuous operations of the roads. "No amount of conscientious ef fort and forbearance on, the part of the workers, however, could overcome the attitude and the pol icies dictated by the small but pow erful group of bankers who control the finances of the railroads and who have compelled the adoption by the railroads of a policy of bit ter antagonism to the organizations of the workers. "Finally, the decisions of the board compelled resistance on the part of the workers through sus pension of work. A wage of 23 cents per hour was established for section men and this wage is the basis upon which all other wages are calculated. Overtime Is Abolished. "In addition to this the board or dered the abolition of the payment of time and a half for work done on Sundays and holidays. It was sought to impose grave injustices upon the workers through rulings of the labor board while the rail roads had consistently violated and repudiated rulings of the board from the beginning." Reports persisted here tonight that the rail strike, if ended by the negotiations now in progress, would be settled by means of a "gentle men's agreement." Notwithstand ing the denial of T. DeWItt Cuyler, president of the Association of Rail way Executives, it was reported on good, authority that the proposal under consideration provided a means for both sides to "save their the "big five" brotherhoods for ending the shopcrafts strike, the eastern presidents' conference today held a secret meeting to formulate a policy for its 11 members to pro mote at the national session. What action the eastern group, which includes several of the most powerful lines, will finally pursue was not indicated, those attending today's meeting asserting they had been pledged to secrecy. The only comment was made by L. F. Loree, president of the Delaware & Hud son and chairman of the confer ence, who issued a statement set ting forth that the Atlantic coast roads, which normally employ 161, 339 shopmen, had brought their forces up to 71.5 per ceat of that figure on August IS. This represented an increase of 2.5 per , cent over the week ending August 11, the statement indicated. "It was expected that the ratio of increase over August 11 would be continued on the 18th, but the oc currences of last week put a damper on recruiting," said Mr. Loree. "Nothing can be more de structive than to introduce a feel Ins of uncertainty into a situation such as this." , Roads represented at the confer ence were those whicfa led the op position when the national' body of rail chiefs rejected President Hard ing's two proposals for ending the strike by submitting the seniority issue to the railroad labor board. Mr. Loree, saying that he spoke for himself alone, later made the following statement: "You can quote me as saying I stand where I stood from fhe start Solidly against any surrender, and it is a surrender on the part of the roads to give back the strikers their seniority." W. w. Atterbury, vice-president of the Pennsylvania system, told newspaper men that the president of the Delaware & Hudson spoke for an or the eastern roads. "Mr Loree speaks for the bunch," he said, "and I will back anything he says." T. DewItt Cuyler, chairman of the association of railway executives, said he had received a telegram to day from Senator Borah urging him to do all in his power to bring th strike to an end this week. He backed his Request with the declara tion that the farmers of the coun try were facing great financial loss if transportation facilities were cur tailed in the coming crop season. It was reported that Mr. Cuyler did not receive the telegram in time to reply to Senator Borah today. Obituary. Girl, 12, Enters High School. EUGENE, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.) Miss Verna Lenore Parsons, 12-year-old daughter of Lieutenant and Mrs. M. V. Parsons of this city, has the distinction of being the young est student ever to enter the high school of Washington, D. C, accord ing to word received here , today from the national capital. Lieu tenant Parsons is stationed with the United States marine corps at Washington. faces. Seniority to Be Unsettled. In other words, neither side will yield in principle" regarding the seniority issue. The seniority ques tion will remain technically unset tled, but the men will go back to work under a "gentlemen's agree ment" that they will get back the old places, or jobs equally as good; that is, if the reported basis of set tlement goes through. Senator Borah, Idaho, today sent the following message to Mr. Cuyler: May I respectfully urge all who shall convene on Wednesday to con sider ways of settling the strfke that at this time throughout the fruit and potato regions of the west there is a pronounced shortage of cars and an utter Inability to move these perishable products to the market." SECRET COXFEREXCE HELD Railway Presidents Formulate Strike Policy. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Prelimin ary to the session of the associa tion of railway executives on Wednesday when members will vote their attitude toward proposals of Mrs. Phebe Breyman. The ranks of the pioneers, as well as many civic and patriotic organi zations of Oregon, lost a conspicu ous member in the death of Mrs. Phebe Breyman, widow of A. H. Breyman, on August 19, at her late residence, ,555 Montgomery drive. ivirs. Breyman was born in Wood stock, O., in 1846, and was brought to Oregon by her parents in 1852. As a girl, Phebe Cranston attended school in Portland and later mar ried A, H. Breyman in Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Breyman lived for several years in eastern Oregon, later com ing to Portland and at the time of her death Mrs. Breyman had lived here continuously for 40 years. Mrs. Breyman was one of the organizers of the Portland Woman's club. She was also one of the earliest mem bers of the Multnomah chapter of Daughters of the American Revolu tion. For several years she. sang in the choir of the old Trinity Episco pal church and was a life-long member of that denomination. Her ancestors, the Cranstons, came from a long line of patriots and pioneers. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Ash and Floy Breyman and two sons, Otto Breyman and Arthur Cranston Breyman. F. C. Daniels, SHERIDAN, Or., Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) Funeral .services for F. C. Daniels, who died suddenly Satur day, were held today with Rev. Frank James, state chaplain for the American Legion, officiating. Mr. Daniels was 82 years old and had been a res:dent of Sheridan for the last 14 years. He was born in Wln sted. Conn., but the major portion of his business life was passed in Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. He is survived by a daughter, "Mrs. O. D.-Hamstreet, of Sheridan, and two sons. F. W. Daniels, president of the Sheridan State bank of this gity, and E. E. Daniels of Salem. Start the Kiddies' Lessons Now Are your Kiddies busy with their music les sons? If not, place them under the care of a good teacher at once and later glow with pride at their progress. Ludwig Small Grand Pianos No piano is so suitable for study as is the small grand. Tone and action are vastly superior and assist greatly in interesting and stimulat ing the pupil, Ludwig Grand Pianos combine those excellent qualities which endure and which have made Ludwig the most popular home piano. More than Twelve Thousand in Pacific Coast homes. Price, the Small Grand, $850 Terms Your name here for catalogs ienm MASON 6c HAMLIN PIANOS 148 Fifth St,, Near Morrison OTHER STOKES San I'rnnrlnro, Onklnml, Snirnmenlo, San JoHe, Fremiti, JLon Angeles nnd San liego. by six children. Funeral services will be held here Wednesday. Male farmed in the Birch creek country. Martin Barry. TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Aug. 21. (Special.) Martin Barry, one of the oldest pioneers in Idaho, resident of Twin Falls since 1904, when he ar rived from the Wood river country, died here Thursday at a private hos pltaiwhere he had been undergoing medical attention. Mr. Barry was fond of narrating -thrilling tales of early Gem state politics to his old friends, of which he had a host. George Male. WIVES OF ELKS INJURED Sedan of Clement Scott, Grand , Tyler. Wrecked by Truck. i KELSO, Wash., Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) Clement Scott, grand tyler of the Elks lodge, and Mrs. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ivnapp of Vancouver, Wash., were participants in an auto wreck this morning about 9:30 o'clock near Ostrander, when a bread truck driven by 1. E. Taylor col lided with Mr. Knapp's sedan, in which the party was returning from the Elks' convention at Anacortes. The truck was on the wrong side of the road and Mr. Knapp's car was going slowly, witnesses say. The truck was turned over. Taylor was knocked unconscious, but quick ly recovered. He is at a local hos pital. Mrs. Knapp suffered a broken arm. Mrs. Scott was bruised. Both machines were badly wrecked. A warrant was sworn out charg ing Taylor with reckless driving. Timber, Scofield, Buxton and Man ning.! Next Sunday is his last day on this circuit, in September he goes to the theological seminary at San Anselmo. Pal. Stifef CIGAR. KULSHAN. PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) George Male, aged 90, a native of England and a resident of Birch Creek, near this city, for the last 25 years, was found dead in bed this morning. He is survlvedcircuit. which includes Tlmher. West McCaniants Hear Son Preach. BUXTON, Or, Aug. 21. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCamint came out from Portland by train yesterday morning and heard their son, Thomas McCamant, preach in the Presbyterian church here. Mr. McCamant was graduated from Princeton this summer, and is put ting in his vacation on this mission (Trade Mark Ritlstwad) mm BLACK TREAD WithNeivJFeaturejr Supremem pranceMle-sge and Insist on Ajax from your Dealer nor 'vrrscvur AJAX Kl'BBER COMPANY, INC, 329 Ankeny St. fMi Way- it's different ! THERE'S A FASCINATION about ocean travel that cannot be described. There's a combination of restful hours and sea breezes that relax and invigorate you; spa cious decks, commodious saloons and roomy cabins that give free dom of action; dancing and deck sports that happily while away the hours; service and cuisine that anticipates and satisfies your every desire. It's economical, too ! , FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY: POBTLAITD 101 Third. St., Cor. Stark Plum Broadway 481 ASTORIA Geo. "W. Sanborn & Sons Phone 1185 E. 6. MoMICKEN, Pass. Trafflo Mgr.. I & SmKh Bldg.. Seattl. Wuh. Pacific Coastwise Service ADMIRAL IME P A C I F I CSS STEAMSHIP COMPANY BB8BBBBBLH.EALEXANDER. PRESIDENT! BBBflSBaBfl ...Jill! Lily T1A JUANA The makers of El Sid do take pleasure in reporting especially fine Havana filler tobaccos and Connecticut shad grown wrappers for El Sidclo. - i The C. Gee Wo CHINESR MEDICI-XE CO. ;. GEE WO has made a life study of the c u r a tive p r o p e rties pos sessed In r o o ts, herbs, buds and bark and has compounded therefrom his J w o n d erful, weli k n o wn remedies. all of which are perfectly harmless, as no poisonous drugs or narcotics of any kind are used in their make up. For stomach, lung, kidney, liver, rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, bladder, blood, nervousness, gall stones and all disorders of men. women and children. Try C. Gee Wo's Wonderful and Well-Known Ftot and Herb Remedies. Good re sults 1111 surely and quickly follow. Call or write lor information. . THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. ie2'& First Street. Portland, Orrgoa i