Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Secretary Davis Asks Co
, operation of Cuba.
Chang Tso-Lin Forewarns
of Proposed Reprisals.
Labor Department Head Ad
dresses Letter to Mr. Hughes
Eequesting Help.
In Presence of Americans, Mili
tary Leader . Makes Charges
Against English Subjects.
WASHINGTON", D. C, Aug. 21.
(By the Associated Press.) Smug
gling of aliens into the United States,
particularly Chinese from Cuba, con
stitutes one of the most serious
problems before the department of
labor. Secretary of Davis declared
today in commenting upon the ef
forts being made to obtain closer
co-operation between the Cuban
government and the United States.
The secretary was hopeful, he
said, that negotiations between the
state department and Cuba would
tend to remove eoroe of the obstacles
confronted by the immigration au
thorities of the labor department in
dealing -with smuggling operations.
No Reply Received.
It developed today that negotia
tions began in October last, when
Secretary Hughes asked the Cuban
legation here to call certain fea
tures of the situation to the atten
tion of officials in Havana. Since
then the legation has sent several
other inquiries to its home govern
ment, but has received no formal
reply to the American representa-lions.
The latest phase of the problem
is understood to have resulted from
a letter written to Secretary
Hughes by Secretary Davis on
. August 3 stating that the labor de
partment "has deemed it proper as
well as advisable to present this
matter (smuggling of Chinese from
Cuba into the United States) for
the consideration of your depart
ment with the request that if you
approve of that course the American
minister at Havana, or other proper
representatives of this government,
make appropriate representations to
the -government of Cuba with the
object in view of ascertaining if
restrictions of a character which
will serve materially to check the
movement to that country of aliens
of the Chinese race may not be im
posed under the lawa of that coun
try." Cuban Aid SuiicrHted.
Mr. Davis also suggested that the
Cuban government may be able to
devise some plan whereby the de
parture from ports of Cuba of craft
engaged in the smuggling of aliens
to our coast and who are not, or
may not, materially be checked. He
said his department was "very
gravely concerned over the situation
which now prevails on our southern
Atlantic and gulf coasts growing
out of smuggling over from Cuba
of aliens in large numbers." and
explained that "it seems to be the
generally accepted view of persons
in touch with the situation that
virtually the entire present Chinese
population of Cuba (except, of
course, those who are engaged in
business here) have the one thought
uppermost in mind of gaining entry
to the United States, which entry
must necessarily be accomplished by
unlawful means.
Secretary Davis declared the labor
department "recently had a rather
extensive investigation made into
smuggling matters on the Florida
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The new minister from Panama to the United States is Sfenor Don Ricardo Alfaro, who brings with him
his charming wife and five attractive children.
Chinese Negotiations With Soviet
Representative Is Cause of
Strong Resentment.
Mexican Randits Plunder Settlers
I'pon Isle of Palms.
ALBAXT, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Oregonians at Palmita, on the Isle
of Palms, near the west coast of
Mexico, where a colony from the
Willamette valley settled last
spring, are being guarded by 45
Mexican soldiers. This guard was
stationed there following bandit
raids in which all of the canned
fruits, clothes and bedclothing were
taken from their hacienda, it is
learned here from a letter written
by Mrs. Derriil Austin to friends.
The Austins are ex-residents of this
All the firearms belonging to this
family "and others were taken by
armed bandits, who rode up three
weeks ago and first were taken for
soldiers by the colonists.
The household effects were taken
from the Austin hacienda while they
were moving to that of the Horn
backs, also ex-residents of Albany.
An American named Hill is re
ported to have been shot dead from
behind recently by a Mexican la
borer, who was captured by soldiers
and executed at sunrise shortly
afterward at Escuinapa.
In spite of soldier protection "by
the government, many Americans
have left or are now preparing to
return to the United States, the let
ter states.
Westmoreland Community Club
to Meet With Council.
. Representatives of the Westraore
. - land Community club will meet -with
. members of the city council and
-y the county commissioners at the
city hall at 8 o'clock tonight to dis
cuss the proposed Beacon street
Members of the club have set
1; tire evening of Monday, August 28,
a the date of the third of the sum
mer's trips on the excursion boat
Swan, which will leave the east end
r of the Morrison street bridge at the
V usual hour.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
Cooyriht. by the Chicago Tribune.)
PEKIN, Aug. 21. A strong re
sentment is arising against the Chi
nese negotiations with the soviet
envoy, M. Joffe, who, with an en
tourage of 24, is suspected of seek
ing to' spread bolshevik doctrines,
and attention is called to the fact
that he was expelled from Germany
for like conduct.
The action of the red government
in Mongolia in deciding tp issue dol
lar currency indicates its intention
to enforce worthless paper. M.
Joffe assertshe has come to estab
lish cordial relations with China,
and not to impose communistic
views, but suspicion was aroused
by his speech at the dinner accorded
by Chinese journalists, wherein he
said that Russia and other weak
nations must unite to block imper
ialism, adding: "Although the Mon
golian question is inseparable from
other questions, Russia will be
pleased to withdraw her troops
wnen tne proper moment in tne in
terest of the whole Chinese nation
really comes."
The Chinese are doubly alarmed
over M. Joffe since Sun Yat Sen's
presence in Shanghai coincides with
a renewed fomenting of labor agi-1
tation somewhat akin to Bolshevism, I
causing a section of the British
press to urge Sun Yat Sen s expul
sion from the foreign settlements.
way to end the present revolt is to.
deprive De Valera and his aides of
funds from this country.
All checks on these funds were de
posited in the local banks in De
Valera's name up to the time of the
signing of the Irish peace treaty, it
was said. The money was under the
jurisdiction of three trustees
Archbishop Michael Fogarty, Irish
prelate; Stephen M. O'Mara, mayor
of Limerick, and De Valera.
(Continued From First Page )
Englishwomen Appear In Streets
With Strange Companions.
LONDON, Aug. 21. The place long
held by the dog as a fanfily pet and
street companion threatens to be
usurped by the monkey and other
exotic creatures. Women are seen
carrying marmosets, mongooses,
foxes and parrots.
People also are getting accus
tomed to the woman with a young
white fox on a string, another with
three cats and the chimpanzee that
rides in a motor car.
But the most startling innovation
in family pets was observed at a
lawn party where a guest carried
what appeared to be a sunshade
with a highly decorative handle.
Closer inspection revealed the "han
dle" to be a beautifully marked
snake, perfectly motionless and
carelessly twined over its fair
owner's arm and around her sun
fContinufd From First Page
and the preservation of that gov
ernment under which we live.
"There is new assurance; there is
new confidence; there is new belief
in the perpetuity of this American
republic -when one can stand as I
have stood this morning and note
such a company of'ready volunteer
defenders as you have shown us in
this review. Again my congratula
tions and my gratitude for your
Log Too Big for Mill to Cut.
GARIBALDI. Or., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) The Whitney company, own
ers of the big eawmill at this place,
cut a spruce log the other day
which is now in the bay at Idaville,
to be floated to the mill to be sawed.
The log is 13 feet in diameter. The
mill can saw no log over nine feet
, in diameter, hence this huge log
will be split with powder.
Baldwin Works Receives $900,-
000 Order From Union Pacific.
uel Vauclain, presdient of the Bald
win Locomotive works, announced
tonight the receipt of an order from
the Union Pacific railroad for 15
locomotives to cost $900,000. Con
struction of these engines will be
gin at once.
Mr. Vauclain said his company
now has $16,000,000 worth of un
filled orders on its books, the larg
est volume of business since April,
(Continued From First Page.)
banks, the free state representatives
contend, it would be devoted to the
carrying on of further revolution
against the present government and
prolong needless and unjustifiable
war in a country which has ex
pressed by the ballot its preference
for the Irish free state form of gov
ernment. It .is further stated in the appli
cation that the Irish free state is
prepared to make good the bonds
of that nation and that the- -Quickest
record ap advocating an allied con
ference for the settlement of war
debts which would be attended by
all the nations interested, "without
exception." The latter phrase -was
taken to mean that he referred to
the United States.
France will not consent to a
moratorium of any character to Ger
many unless the German state
mines of the Ruhr and the national
forests are placed in the hands of
the allies as a guarantee, and no
matter what happens Prance will
not depart from this policy, said the
Obligations Must Be Met.
"The day Germany recognizes
loyally her - obligations toward
France and carries them out with
good grace," declared M. Poincare,
"we will not refuse to examine with
her the best methods of assuring
the prompt a-nd regular execution
of the treaty of Varsailles.
"Contrary to certain British
spokesmen," continued the head of
the French cabinet, "we are neither
Neros nor even Bismarcks. We are
simply a good people wtio were
brutally attacked and whose native
soil was ravaged. All we ask is the
opportunity to continue in peace our
daily tasks.
"We are greatly disposed to aid
other nations in the effort to restore
the world. We know the world does
not end at our frontiers. We wel
come a broad and generous Euro
pean policy. We fervently desire
to remain allies of our allies and
friends of our friends. . We ask
nothing better than to resume with
our enemies of yesterday pleasant
and courteous relations. But we
wish to have our ruins repaired
and they will be.
"If, contrary to our desires, we are
forced to take independent action
without the approval of our allies,"
he continued, "we shall make no ef
fort to retain indefinitely the guar
antees which we may take. We
shall guard these guarantees in the
interest of all and only until Ger
many consents to meet her just obli
gations." Action Held Imperative.
The premier added that the
French government knew the best
guarantees now contemplated would
not quickly fill the French treas
ury, but action was necessary to
enforce justice.
He compared the relative policies
of France and Great Britain, as
serting that the execution of the
treaty and the payment of repara
tions were vital to France, while
England, finding her industries
paralyzed and her people out of
employment, was obsessed with re
gaining her markets.
"They follow their road and we
follow ours," he continued, "and it
is not surprising that we draw
apart at times. It is very natural I
and inevitable, and I ' am neither
scandalized nor astonished. What
I cannot understand, however, is
why compromises always are made
at the expense of France."
"England," he declared, "whose
intentions always have been re
garded aa friendly, does not realize
the gravity of the French financial
situation and the all-important in
terest which France has in the
rapid collection of reparations."
Ambassador to Washington Is in
' Tokio and Not Expected to
Return to America.
TOKIO, July 31. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) A general
shakeup of the Japanese diplomatic
service which may even include the
chief of the foreign office is con
templated. Baron Shidehara, am
bassador to Washington, is already
here and if he follows the advice of
his physici-aft-s and the wishes of
Baroness Shidehara, who desires
their sons to complete their educa
tion in Japan, he will not return to
America. If he is not appointed as
foreign minister then, a position of
which he had the refusal when- the
Kato .cabinet was formed, he will
The baroness as a daughter of the
famous house of Iwasaki, s im
menely wealthy so the question of
salary does not enter into the ques
tion of the baron's future. The only
difficulty the foreign office would
have would be in the selection of a
successor, who would probably be
Mr. Hanihara, the present vice min
ister of fore'gn affairs.
Viscount Ishii, ambassador to
France, has been granted a furlough
and is coming home and his friends
have him slated for the post of for
eign minister. At any rate he is not
expected to return to Paris.
Baron Hayashl, ambassador to
England, also will return home as
soon as the Washington treaties
have been ratified by King George.
He likewise is not likely to return
to London, according to reports.
These changes may be due to the
fact that Baron Kato, the prem'.er
backed by the experience he gained
at Washington, like Lloyd George in
England, has assumed control of the
foreign policy of the country to a
greater extent than most previous
premiers. This is not altogether to
the liking of the old diplomats who
fear that after Baron Kato hands
over the navy department to some
new minister yet to be elected, he
will take an even greater share in
the direction of the foreign office.
Admiral-Ide, vice-minister of the
navy, who was to succeed Baron
Kato as minister to that depart
ment, has been forced . to decline
owing to ill health.
Intoxication Costs Fine.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
A. C. Hansen of Portland, who was
arrested here yesterday charged
with reckless driving, being intoxi
cated and having liquor in his pos
session, pleaded guilty to the second
charge today and was fined $10. To
morrow he will be arraigned on the
other counts. Hansen was said to
have operated his car at a high rate
of epeed and narrowly escaped hit
ting a number of machines on the
highway. His car went over the
bank and was wrecked. Hansen es
caped with a few bruises and cuts.
8. A -H-. green tramps for cash.
Holm an Fuel Co, coal and Wood.
Broadway fAZii SSO-aigAdT.
Tacoma Man Loses Life While
Driver, Pendleton Man, May Live.
PENDLETON. Or.. Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) Ernest. Todhunter of Tacoma
died at St. Anthony's hospital early
this morning as the result of an
accident when a motorcycle driven
by Douglas McDonald of this city.
his companion, left the highway
while going at a terrific rate of
speed and crashed into a house In
Freewater yesterday morning.
Todhunter's scalp was almost
completely torn off and he suffered
other serious injuries. McDonald
was not seriously hurt. Both were
rushed to Pendleton.
It was reported that when the
cycle hit a ditch by the side of the
road it hurtled 0 feet through
the air before striking the house.
Two girls were asleep in the room
into which the machine crashed but
they escaped injuries.
McDonald was reported to be
PEKIN, Aug. 21. -(By the Asso
ciated Press.) Grave alarm is felt
by British subjects throughout
Manchuria over the threat of
Chang Tso-Lin, governor of the
province, to withhold his protection
of British lives and property in re
prisal for what he calls British con
tempt of his authority. Chang de
clares the Manchurians are contem
plating a boycott of British busi
ness and says he will not be re
sponsible for action taken by the
people if the present .methods of
British subjects in Manchuria con
The text of Chang's speech pub
llcly attacking the Britons was
published in today's newspapers.
Britons Bitterly Attacked.
On August 12 it developed Chang
invited several American and Brit
ish merchants to his headquarters
in Mukden. There, in the presence
of the Americans, he bitterly at
tacked the Britons. During the
course of his speech the Manchurian
governor made three specific charges
against the British.
First, he declared that in the war
between himself and Wu Pei-Fu,
the northern military leader who
defeated Chang and revived the old
republican parliament, Manchurian
soldiers were killed with bombs
hurled from British airplanes.
Seizures Held Opposed.
Second, Chang charged, the Brit
ish have been opposing his seizure
of the railroad extending from
Shan Hai-Kuan to Mukden, whereas
they have not protested the capture
of Pekin by Wu Pei-Fu nor the
seizure of the Hankow railroad by
In the third instance, Chang as
serted, the British were opposing
his seizure of the salt revenues of
Manchuria, thus discriminating in
favor of other tuchuns who hold
"If you continue to treat me with
contempt." Chang told the British
merchants, "I cannot be longer re
sponsible for protecting you, and as
for your goods, a severe boycott
will be set as a negative form of
Recent Manifesto Flatly Indorsed
by North China Leader.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 21. (By the As
sociated Press.) Sun Yat-Sen, de
posed president of south China, who
recently fled here from Canton
leaped to the front today as a piv
otal figure in the reorganization of
the Chinese government, with re
ceipt of a telegram from Wu Pei
Fu, dominant military figure of
north China, flatly indorsing Sun's
recent manifesto and pledging his
support to Sun's policy for rebuild
ing the federal government machin
ery. The southern leader, who Pekin
authorities recently declared had
been wiped from the slate of Chi
nese politics by his overthrow at
Canton at the hands of Chan
Chiung-Ming, has become the local
point of a series of inter-factional
conferences here, which, his , sup
porters say, points to an early set
tlement of the country's problems.
Despite the fact that Sun Yat-Sen
backed Chang Tso-Lin, governor of
the three eastern provinces, in his
late unsuccessful tilt against Wu
Pei-Fu, the latter's telegram today,
addressed to his personal repre
sentative here, General Sun Yueh,
expresses unqualified indorsement
of Sun Yat-Sen's policies.
They include the southerner's
terms for the convocation and func
tioning of parliament free from all
outside interests, self-government
for the provinces to replace the
tuchun, or military governorship
system, and the conversion of the
independent provincial armies into
labor battalions to wield the hoe
instead of the sword.
Main Offices: 67 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco
Factories: Richmond and San Pablo, California
HERBERT L. FRANK, Northwestern Rep.
607 Lewis Bid?., 4th and Oak Sts Portland, Or.
Loofor this trademark on every fixture it guarantees quality
to complete its organization, let
alone draft an ordinance. When
the committee was appointed by the
mayor, it was understood that a
seventh member was to be elected
by the other members, who are
equally divided for and against the
dogs. This was several weeks ago
and although many meetings have
been held the committeemen are
unable to agree on a neutral ar
biter. " ;
The uosition was offered to a
local business man today, but he
refu&ed to serve and the name of
another business man, offered by
the pro-dog members was rejected
by the anti-dog delegafon.
Extradition of Miss Emmons
From California Undecided.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 21.
After a lengthy hearing today in the
office of Governor Stephens itwas
announced that the request for ex
tradition of Kathryn Estoll Em
mons, also known as Eck Chambers,
from Los Angeles to Eugene, Or.,
would be taken under advisement.
The girl, who gave her age as 22
years, is accused of having been im
plicated in the theft of an automo
bile and also, according to the
requisition papers, faces three other
indictments, one cnarging larceny
and two charging burglary. Con
fessions of three alleged accom
plices who pleaded guilty and are
now serving penitentiary sentences
were read at the hearing.
The girls mother and another
witness, in an effort to prove an
alibi, declared the young woman
was in Los Angeles on November
24, 1920, the date on which the au
tomobile is alleged to have been
Mineral Company Incorporated.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 21.
(Special.) Articles of incorporation
for the Granger Mineral company
wro filed here today. The com
pany is capitalized at $100,000 and
was formed for the purpose of buy
ing and: selling real estate and
mines. M. H. granger ana a. o.
Wright of Camas, Wash., are . the
Showers Hamper Harvest.
TTT.ra r4T,T,ES. Or.. Aug. 21.
(Special.) Insistent showers which
have been falling over Wasco county
during the last weeK are seriouaiy
Vancouver Committee Finds it Is
Unable Even to Organize.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 21.
(Special.) A stormy meeting today
of the citizens' dog committee,
which was appointed recently to
draft a dog ordinance that would
please everybody, made it apparent
that the committee would: be unable
: : i . : I ; . , : . i : ; i ' i i m::;,' :;, i : , : i ; ; . : :
J. F. N. Colburn, Director
6 to 8 and 9:30 to 11:30
2. -Southern Rose'-''wasttraus
3- "4onS!".Tyvictor Srt'-
4" "ion.TTere1S
5 "In the Tentsv of the'-V
' Bed."l?.'. f ?f.EB." Efson
6 Four Indian Love Lyrics
...Amy Woodford Finden
7 "Schon Rosmarin," valso
..... Fritz Kreisler
8- "SW?f f . .Gershwin
Washington St.
388 Washington Street,
Near Tenth
hampering cleaning up of the last
of the harvest, farmers reported
today. In some parts of the county
where threshing from the stack is
still going on, showers keep the
grain too wet to work with, and
are seriously delaying operations.
An almost steady rain all of last
night was reported south of Dufur,
although only a sprinkle fell in The
Alleged Slayer Surrenders.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Jose Espinosa, wanted for assault
with intent to kill 'D. M. Rizen at
Clatsop Plains on last Friday night,
surrendered to Sheriff Slusher last
night after hidinp in the brush for
36 hours. He was arraigned today
and committed to the county jail
in default of J2500 bonds to appear
for a preliminary hearing. Kd
Wiseman, who is alleged to havo
witnessed the shooting, is being
held in default of $1000 bonds to
appear as a witness.
Garibaldi Factory lJiimored.
GARIBALDI. Or.. Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) It has been reported here
that Dorenbecker of Portland will
soon establish a furniture factory
here, and' that Mr. Hawley of Ore
gon City is arranging to put in a
pulp manufacturing plant. Larue
quantities of spruce and hemlock,
which are the best for pulp are
being burned in this ypi-t Ion.
fesrrfHE smoker of Mela-
chrino Cigarettes
has no apology to
offer to the world for
his preference. That he
smokes them is evidence
enough that he appre
ciates the little luxuries
that make life a serenely
pleasant experience
MELACHRINO Cigarettes owe I
(PVjAt tr worL distinction and pref
L?jrJij erence to an unusual selection of the
choicest Turkish leaves grown, a dis
Unction shared by no other Cigarette,
v. 'm
'The One Cigarette Sold the World Over