AUGUST 22, 1933 13 THE MORNING OREGONIATf, TT7T1SBAT, SITUATION WANTED frAl. ) (iEXKRAL housework in (rood German- ; speaking family by girl who speaks German onlv; no objection to doing washing. Mre. L. Duber, Walnut 5:W9. PRIVATE exchange or relief work. 5 years' telephone experience ; no objec tions to typing or general office work. -all in A. M.. Atwater 5044. . 2&LDERLY woman, Norwegian, active and healthy, desire place as com panion and helper to elderly couple or eiier:y taoy. av ojo. un?, J'RK.W'H couple, middle age. wail situa tion; man cook, wife second work; references; city, country. N. 945, Orego- ; n:an. MRS. ANN I E HUNTER would like day j work. laundry or cleaning. Phone : Soil wood 377, address 1H Maiden , avenue, or phone Sellwood 0142. j V-DOW le-dy wishes position as hotel i houaekeeper, or will take charge of J apt. house; experienced. Atwater 4093. apartment 1. " accept position as companion or, governess to right party on short trip or at home; can give astisfactory and complete references. V !"4. Oregonian. COMPETENT laundress wlsnea work j Wed.. Thursday. FrL ; references. Wat- , nut 1651. . I VA.TRU-vSeinB. care of children, by j day or hour; your home or hotel. Mrs. ; Carter. Main 730. COOK-WAITRESS wants work. Square! Deal Employment, Goounough bldg.. . 5Q6. Main 5727. i MAN AG EM ENT of first-class apt., or J rooming house by exp. woman. Best ref. t Phone Tabor 7370. ' ELDERLY lady will care for children by f the hour in your home, day or even- j i c g. Phone Main .'Hi-'. LAUNDRESS, enced; will room 1. colored, neat and experi do cleaning. East 5143. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants house cleaning, washing or other work; gond work guaranteed. Walnut 6305. FOR EX P. cre of convalescents, chil dren evenings rail Atwater 0349. v TWO EXP. girls wih housework; wages from $40 up. E. 4496. . EN PERI ENCED laundress work, apt. 10. Main 325'.. wants day COLORED woman wants a ay work, j washing, ironing, cleaning. East 9632. i WOMAN wants work by hour; -5 cents; washing, ironing, cleaning. East 2522. Bookkeeper, frienograpnera. Office. ENERGETIC young lady with bookkeeping experience desires position in doctor's office ; has had considerable experience in handling medical accounts; also thoroughly experienced in other lines of general office work and in meeting the public Call Broadway 4976. OFFICE HELP OFFICE HELP STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS WILLIAMS PERSON N L PE R V I C E. BDWY. 6953 504 SPALDING BLT'3 LADY bookkeeper, experienced in all kinds office work, wants position at once ; references. Sell. 0563. EXPERIENCED legal stenographer ( wishes position, permanent w i -." rary. Sell. 3936. , STENOGRAPHER would like position, good typist, clerical work. W alnut 50. . Dressmaker. SEAMSTRESS would like to have day work mending and sewing, $2.o0 a dav: fine hand sewer. Sellwood 3301. HOUSE-DRESSES and aprons made to ord'-r, materials furnished. East 3S36. HEMSTITCHING, any color. c. Rm. 403 R ;i ! eigh blrig. 327 Wash. Bdwy. 34i. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg. 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3742. DRESSMAKING, your home or mine; guaranteed, reasonable. East 2560. PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. WALNUT 1515. HEMSTITCHING. 5c and 7c. Riley Clinton. 411 Raleigh bldg. JjR ESSM AKER. make over tailoress, $3 5Q: references given. Bdwy. 5652. Nurses. GRADUATE nurse offers 2 rooms, kitch en, furnished apt., also single H. K. rooms, prefer nurses or etudents will ing to share, rates reasonable. East 4 650. TOL'NG lady wishes position in dentist's or doctor's office, answering phone, helping with patients. Call Tabor 0135. INTELLIGENT. EFFICIENT. PRAC TICAL NURSE; READY FOR CASE. ATWATER 2618. N L'RjiE will care fir patient in her own home; desirable location; physician's r-f-renr-es. Tabor 5733. NURSE takes maternity home ; best of care. E. cases 0868. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as housekeeper or companion ; good home desired more than wages. BC SH5. Oregonian. ' ELDER).. Y woman wants to keep house for widower with one child or for small family : small w;iges and good home. AC 92'i. Oregonian. WANTED By lady with boy. age 8. po sition as housekeeper, gentleman ' with child ; no triflers. Phone East 7852. WANTED TO RENT. Ho use t. WE HAVE many calls lor nouses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle voar property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. "WANTED To rent, by Sept. 1, furnished 5-room house or bungalow; must be fnirly close in and in good neighbor hood. M 875. Oregonian. W A N T E I 3 or 4 -room unfurnished house. NOT FLAT. On or before Sep tember 1. No children. Call East 8573 after 5:30. "WANTED -Small furnished house on or before Sept. 1; rent not over $25. Bdwy. 2726. "WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished house or flat, south Portland. Phone Main onoi . mornings. W AN TED 5-room bungalow by October 1, east side. Empire 1539. Apartments. WANTED Well-furnished, steam -heated apartment or flat not later than Sep tember 1. by adult family of three; desirable and permanent tenants ; can use place with garage. State rent and full particulars to BP 959, Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED Room not more than one block from 16th and Thompson ; give price, etc. AE 863. Oregonian. Roams With Board. MOTHER and 2 daughters, all employed, desire room and board in nice home with home privi leges. Bdwy. 4976. COUPLE employed desire room and board for selves and 2 children where children will b cared for during the day. Walnut 333!. Housekeeping: Room. WANT 2 or 3 f urn. h. k. rooms, west tide, walking distance, near Ladd school : must have beds or 1 bed and sanitary couch, not over $30 per month, to permanent tenants. AO 971. Ore gonian Business Places. WANT to rent space for school of de signing and dressmaking, will con sider large furnished or unfurnished house in desirable location, on or near car line. Atwater 1446. WA N'TED Furnished or unfurnished off ce, Henry bidg. preferred. AM 966. Oregonian. WELL-LOCATED meat buy later if satisfied, gonian. market ; will AF 924, Ore- FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. WHY NOT have an apt while in town ? Three modern furn. rooms. $12. 5A per week Sn Marco, E. 8th and Courh. E. li!0 LARGE front corner room, well fur nished, steam heated, hot and cold water, high -class apartment house, lose in. west side. Broadway 2266. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 652 Washington st. Mod ern, private baths, iree phones, reason, ahl" rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th st.. 2 bio ks north of Washington St.. fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at t ry reasons ble rates by day or week. MATH I ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up. $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat. elevator service. 204 Columbia. . $4 A WEEK for steam-neated sleeping room in modern apartment house ad joining bath. 402 3d st. liuiKL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. ut 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light, and airy. THK ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder; A M P EC T A L L E DO W N T O WN H O -TEL: $1 up. Rates by week of month. 50c DAT. $2.50 week up; large, absolute ly clean rms.; baths free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson, ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day. week or month at reasonable rates, i GRANT HOTEL. 13th and Washington. , . iMrr.s by day. weea or mom a: nome- trke and quiet CLEAN third-floor sleeping room, very re aso n able. 562 Glisan. PARTLY fur. or unfur. rooms, $15 per month. 375 Cable c Sell. 4063. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. ANGELA HOTEL,, GJ5 Washington st. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection ; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate. day, week or month. THE WHITEHALL. 263 Sixth fat Roams, single and en fcuite, modern, at moderate prices; large sun parlor and every convenience. Portland's downtown h.'tel. hotel clifford, principal kast siie hotel east morrison st. at east 6th; quiet, dignified and refined; $1.25 per day, $0 per wk. and up. convenient. all night garage. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up. private bath, $8 ; fireproof and ciean; close to business center. CALL at V. M. C. A to sets Tree ast of moderate priced rooms for young men in a!I parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each r oom. showe r baths a nd ciub fact iities. WEAVER HOTEL, 70S WASHINGTON STREET. Attractive, spotless rooms, with priv a te baths, phone. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 5571. FOR CONGENIAL young folks, attract ive double and single rooms, free phone, breakfast or kitchen privileges; also sleeping tent and 2 h. k. rooms: rea sonable. "42 Lovejoy. Main 2760. ANSON1A HOTEL." 124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5 Der week and ud. $1 day: fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms. clodJ to amusements ana snoppmg i-bimci. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates. $5 and up; hot and coid water, steam heat. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable rates by week or month. Furnished KHmn in Private Famtl. LARG E, well furnished front suite and single rooms, heat, bath, phone, hot waUT, twin beds, suitable for 2 gentle men or 2 teachers; exclusive modern home, close to business. 321 12th St., corner Ciay. ST. JOHNS Large, well-furnished room, furnace heat; suitable for one or two teachers ; near George, Williams and new high school. 1661 Willamette hlvd. Empire 2 IPS. EXCEPTIONALLY nice large, light rms. in exclusive home, 3 closets, fireplace, private bath, suitable for 2 or 3: small er room 84 N. 21st. cor. Everett. ATTRACTIVE front room, furnished, newly decorated, bath adjoining; home privileges; gentleman; walking dis tance. Atwater 3295 FRONT room in beautiful home near Jefferson high school; lady preferred; kitchen privileges if desired. 1034 Williams ave. NICE front room, very centrally located; no carfare; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; may have separate beds, 228 10th St., or phone Main 575S after 5 P. M. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate, twin beds, parlor, piano, a rai home; rates $3 up. 61 N 18th, Bdwy. 2721. TO BUSINESS WOMAN, attractive large room in new bungalow, near Rose City carline; laundry and kitchen privileges; $20 per month. Phone Automatic 317-45. ROOM in steim-h&ated apartment, bath room adjoining, walking distance, ref er f nces. Broadway 5131. NICELY furnished rooms, all conven iences ; rent reasonable ; walking dis tance: 741 Hoyt st. Main 6094. WELL furnished room, close j heat. 307 11th St., apt. E. 04S1. ... - a. steam Atwater 269 14TH. near Jefferson, choice room, modern conveniences; walking dis tance. ' NICELY furnished room, private family, hot, cold water, gentleman preferred. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. A LARGE, airy room, clean as a pin, suitable for one or two ladies orgeats. Call Main 4078. 253 N. 21st. NICE furnished i oom in private 668 Everett. 257 12TH ST., single, double, hot, cold, room, walking distance ; men only. FRONT parlor bedroom, home privileges, walking distance. Call 387 12th st. 1 NEATLY fur. rm. convenient location. in private family, 517-61. CLEAN front room, modern home, 382 Ross st., 2 blocks Broadway hridge. NICELY fur. room tn modern home for gentleman, $12 per month. Tabor 8310. $16 ROOM for gentlemen. 729 Gllsan st.. west side; refrrjnce. Atwater 3613. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. HOTEL HEREFORD, 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3305. Portland's high -class residential ho tel, being completely redecorated ; at tractive rates; special Sunday chicken dinners; all the comforts of home; now offered by Mrs. McDougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel. 223 EAST 20TH. . . EAST 7384. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; all modern conveniences, a home for discriminating people; make reservations for the winter now: large - corner front room, suitable for couple or more; available Sept. 1. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1189. THE MARION. Attractively furnished rooms and ex cellent meals with every home con venience, very moderate rates. 565 Glisan street. Broadway 0014. ROOMS. Double. Single. Meals. 779 Marshall. Main 4S7S. ROOM and -board for business girls: mod ern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week. Ea st 97:t0. 12 E 7ih st. THE REINE. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, Marshall St.- Phone Main 1644. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, 712 Marshall St. Main 8603. Newly furnished, excel . nt meals; rates week or month. LARGE room suitable for necting. Main 8603. bath con- Roomw With Board in Private Family. ONE LARGE ROO M . SU I T A B L E FO fi TWO; BOARD IF DESIRED. BDWT 3355. 617 MARSHALL. LARGE corner room. Fine view, Nob Hill district. Well cooked meals; 2 ladies. C. S. preferred. Main S3s3. ROOM and board for two young ladies employed or high school ; 1189 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 6517. NICELY furnished rooms with or with out board: all conveniences; walking distance; 741 Hoyt st. Main 6094. ROOM and board, $.15; modern, a real home, west side, close in. 407 14th st. Atwater 1752. ROOM and board in private boarding house. 692 E. Ash. Phone East 1207. ROOM, men. board, private home, 576 Ladd ave. East two gentle 2333. ROOMS for rent; Phone 645-01. will serve breakfast. HEIGHTS Large room. balcony, line; $15. Atwater 2937. LOTS- THtM . fcM8 ) i!lMMlW OUST CAM"E MlM SOMtTw6- V yy 7 " H Ural BJLJ II I I Ml mi I! (I gfa l( frf-, . ,-Tf ( fyl A ira s fini&Ui J 1 1 FOR BENT. Rooms With rsoarq tn Frvare Family. PRIVATE home for girls grammar school age; each child will receive mother'- care and training ; near school, library and churches. Sellwood 2203. NICE room with board in private Rose City home, for couple employed with child, mother's care; or two compan ions: reasonable. Aut 3 IS -06. 346 E. 41M st. N. TWO MEN to room, one or two meals; beat home cooking; home privileges; no other boarders. Sunnyeide car serv ice. Tabor 7849. WANTED Children to board, school age preferred ; 2 blocks Ockley Green school. $20 per mo. 1203 Maryland av. IRVINGTON Beautiful double room, also single room, best home cooking, refined surroundings. Garage. East 6645. NICE, large room, with board for 2 gentlemen, rates reasonable, walking distance, east side, near Sunnyside car. 54 E. Taylor. East W44. NICELY f urn. rm. with board ; home privileges; for gentleman or couple; no objection to child. Sell. 227Q. FOR high-class board and room at re a sonable rate, ' with every modern con venience call Main S936. NICE warm room, very reasonable, ex cellent board for 2, 101 11th st. Main 9121. Furnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. HIgh-cla-a apartment house near 23d ana wasmngton will accommoaate tourists during summer: 3-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly decor ated 3-room apt., with a real bed room and new furniture. Call Main 3883, 2-ROOM suite, clean, .well furnished. $20 three nice rooms, private bath. Free Dhone. furnace neat, large veranaa $35: children welcome, near school Take 16th st. o N. an S. Portland cars to 20th and Thurman; one block north to 643 Upshur. Broadway 1871 NOW AVAILABLE Desirable 2-room apts. in modern brick bldg.; large rooms, roomy kitchen, built-in or open beds, linen -furnished : nothing better for the price. $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. 3-ROOM APT.. $43. Best residence district, modern brick building, hardwood floors, private bath, walking distance, heat, hot water. Jani tor service, completely furnished. The Meredith, 22d and Washington. THE ALAMO, APTS. Furnished 3-room front apt., $40 and S4o month: disappearing beds, steam heat, newly done in white enamel. 494 Market St. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished & ana d-room immaculate apartment in high-class apartment house; period rurnlture. Wilton rugs, linen, sliver, etc. Elmwood Apts., 415 10th. M. 6600. $37.50 UNIQUE APT. $37.50. Artistically fur., overstuffed furniture, clubhouse davenport, fireplace, etc. : tenant, of permanency desired. , Main 3816- BEAUTIFUL 2-room front apt.; well fur., Clean, light, airy; also 3-room base ment apt. with reduction on rent for little light work. 4i4 Clay. Atwater 4194. GARDNER, 562 E. Ash, corner 13th Very desirable large three rooms, ab solutely clean; nice balcony ; near Washington high school : references. 3-ROOM furnished or unf urnished. all outside rooms, in high-class apart' ment house with first-class service. 15th and Belmont. East 6613. SUNNY CREST, $25; 3 outside rms.. bath newly furn., redecorated, steam heat. gas. eiec. iso bnerman. THE NICKOLS 3-room apt., also 4-r. apt. with 2 bedrooms, private baths, phone. 856 E. 6th N. Walnut 4971. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 roorns, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont ; 2 or 3-room apts.. finished in white enamel. East 4548. IN WALNUT PARK. 2 or 3 rooms, bright and airy, new furniture; handy to 6 carlines. Walnut 4940, NEAR LINCOLN HIGH. Apartments suitable 4 to 6 people, reasonable. 888 11th st. At. 4164. KITCHENETTE APT. 2 large and 1 small room, bath, private entrance. 388 Grand ave. N. MOORE APTS. Newly furnished two-room-bath apartment, new building. $35. 415 E. 10th. East 1507. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N- 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. HADDON HALL, 11TH -AND HALL. 3 rms.. kitchenette, bath, h- w. firs., private balconies, t35 up. Mar. 1160. FURNISHED three-room basement apt., all white enamel, private bath; Sunny side district. Call Tabor 5188. 4-R OOM apt., modern and nicely fur nished; walking distance. Rent $38.50. Bdwy. 1104. NICE, light 2 or 3-room apt., every thing furnished ; reasonable rates. Main 7061. FURNISHED 2-room apartment, hot and cold water; fine location. 631 Hoyt, near 20th. .. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment- Close in, west side, quiet place. 208 17th at. Main 7628. THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave. At tractive, well-arranged suites, renovat ed, private baths, very reasonable. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 TRINITY PL. 2 and 3-room furnished apts. ; 4-room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. MARTHA APTS. 2-room furnished apts. by week or month. Main 2141. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. Walking dfs tance, opp. auditorium. Atwater B566. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished, 21st and Irving. ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., also 3-room basement apt. 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1098. HANTHORN APTS 3-room furnished apt. ; 2 disappear- ing Beds: close, in. 251 12th st. UNION AVE. and Klllingsworth, fur apt. $21.50. Complete, concrete Piag. WESTMINSTER, 2C2 SIXTH. NICELY FURN COR. APTS. MAIN 5582 ROSELYN APTS.. 110 21st N. 2-room modern apt., reasonable. 662 FLANDERS, near 20th, nicely fur nished, 4-room apt.. $35. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. NEAT and clean 3-room apartments. 1347 Corbett. Atwater 4217. JUST vacated, modern 3-rm. apt. and sleeping porch, at 721 East Ash st. BANNER apartments, nicely furniMhed 2 rooms. Reasonable rent. 480 Clay st. NICELY furnished 586 Hoyt street. -room apartment at VERY desirable 3-rrn. apt,, light, bath, phone. 30; garage. 566 Market st. r LARGE, clean modern apt. with bath and sleeping porch. 511 Columbia. CAMBRIAN apts 2 and 3-rm. fur. apt a Hw. floors. 433 Columbia. Atw. 3639. $25 TO $35 for modern steam-heated furnished apartment 402 m 3d st. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment. Close in. $30. 432 Jefferson St. $20 TWO NICE rooms, 354 Ivy St. NICE 5-ROOM 2376. LOWER APT. EAST THE GUMPS THAT'S BEATING 'EM TO FOR KENT. Furniwhed Apartments. STELWTN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apts. in city, in select res idence district. Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home atmosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny outside apart ments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hang ings, brasses, comfy wicker furni ture, floor lamps, etc.; piano; maid service if desired ; excep tionally clean. Also single rooms by day, week, month. THE STELWTN, 166 St. Clair St., Cor. of Wash ington and Twenty-second. JUST COMPLETED. WESCOTT COURT APTS. 450 Weidler. blk. S. Broadway. Each apartment consists of large liv . Ing, dining and bed rooms, balcony, shower bath; all outside rooms; ma hogany furniture, ivory finish, electric ranges, hardwood floors, etc. I believe these apts. to be the most complete in ciy; only few left; see them. t WHEELDON ANNEX Has been thoroughly renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts. to perma nent or transient by day. week or month. Clos to business center. Cor ner 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. MODERN, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-RM. APT., $50, SUITABbti 1 2 TO 5 PERSONS. ALSO ONE OF 3 ROOMS FOR . $40 MONTH. THESE ARE FINE. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th & COLUMBIA THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. MOW TrVTMTR KKW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnisried apts., French doors and balconies, pr manent and transient. Atwater 5198. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floore, walking dis tance. Main 9466. , LADELLE APTS.. 790 E. ANKENY ST. Very desirable 4-room apt., newly renovated and retinted; sleeping porch, private bath and phone ; completely furnished, light, clean and airy; ffood car service: parking space. East 4046. ALT AM ON T APTS., 304 COLLEGE. BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH STS. 3 and 4-room apts., private ,Dath, newly tinted, nicely furnished; also 2 room and private bath, basement apt. Main 6375. GRAY GABLES APTS., 289 10th St. Four minutes walk from business district, 2-room apt., modern, $30. Phone Main 2805. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. WELLINGTON COURT, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. , Two rooms, strictly modern; newly kalsomined; all new golden oak furni ture; $35. Broadway 1245. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128. 5-room completely furnished apt. All outside rooms ; no objection to chil dren, transients and tourists. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath. Hardwood firs., white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. East 3782. , LAMBROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished apts. Call East 4062. rm. BUENA VISTA 134 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictly modern fur nished and 1 unfurnished apt.; all out slde apts. Main 1052. $15 COZY APARTMENT $15. 1 room comfortably furnished. Neat, clean and quiet. Where your apart ment Is your home. Main 3816. THE DR1CKSTON, 448 11TH ST. One 2-rm. fur. apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and painted; one 3-room basement; free phone and light. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Muitnoman ; and 3-room lurnlsned apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. ALICE COURT. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, phone, $45 and $50; strictly modern. E. 3566. 8-ROOM apartment, clean, light, airy. well furnished, modern conveniences; adults only. Phone East 0858. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment reasonable. 14th and Market. BUNGALOW apt., furnished complete, 4 rooms ana sleeping porch. Jfhone, heat, private bath, adults, $60 a month. East 1966. Walking distance. LUXOR APTS., under new management, furnished 2 and 3-room apts., modern; also sleeping room. Phone Main 81-05. THREE-ROOM apt. for rent, 1 block WaL from AJberta car. Furnace neat. 3041. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12th st. Private bath. One 3-room corner apt. walking distance. TWO small 2-room apartments, clean. light and airy, $22.50 each; adults. 562 Glisan. LAURELH URST APARTMENTS. 3-room apartment and bath. 142 E. 39th st. Tabor 2014. THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone. $23. Winter rate. Main 7392. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Call Tabor 1103. 7334. Hawthorne ave. apt. E. Unfurnished Apartments. BOWMAN APTS. Irvington, 16th and Hancock; high class 4 rooms, modern steam-heated apartment. East 1369. GARDNER, 562 E. Ash and 13th Large a roorr s; just i:Ke a bungalow ; hot water heat, fireplace; absolutely clean; near Washington high school; ref. DOUGLAS COURT, high-class 4-room apartment facing park, walking dis tance. 425 West Park st. Call Main 2616. LORENZO apts., 427 Salmon st. Main 86 1 s; unturnished, 2-room apt., water, light, phone, 1 blk. from Central library. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.. 1 blk. off Wash, wt. : adults. Bdwy. 2761. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery Main 0359. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able fur. and unfur. apts. available at reasonable rentals. Phone Bdwy. 6S60. ROSE FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson. Choice 5-room apartment can be se cured Sept. 1. Atwater 14 1 0. ROSE FRIEND. Bdwy. and "Jefferson. Choice 5-room apartment can be se- cured Sept. 1- Atwater3410. MORTON APARTMENTS. 4-room un furnished apt. 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1098. THE CHELTENHAM, 225 N. 10th, 2 and 4-rm. apts., base, apts. Bdwy. 3658. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broad way 3360. MORDAUNT 586 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rm, homelike; Inspection invited. 660 FLANDERS. 6-room unfurnished apt., porches, $65 month. ONE 4 AND 5-ROOM unfur. apt. The Wilmar. 742 Everett st. Main 5164. THE ORMONDE 1 and 5-room unfur. apts. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. 5-ROOM 4566. modern apartment ; 33. Main FOR RENT. Unf urate hett Apartments. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 796 EAST HOYT ST. New building now ready for ocea pancy, 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, t!le baths, every modern convenience and unex celled service. Phone East 7527. IRVINGTON APARTMENTS. BUILT BY BOWMAN. High-class 6-room lower No. 4 apt., hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service: reference. 377 E. 25th N. Call East 7620 until 11 A. M. or in quire Atwater 5S47. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four rooms, modern, front apart ment; In first-class condition; on main floor; only 3 blocks from Washington; $45. Broadway 1245. THE MERLIN. ' Choice, large apts., 8 rooms, 2 dress ing rooms and bath, with all modern built-in conveniences. All outside rooms. Phone Atwater 0426. ABERDEEN, 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apt. house, just completed, 4 room apt., hardwood floors, 2 sets French doors, ivory finish, electric ran ges and washer. Phone East 6950. ARROR COURT. 14TH and COLUMBIA. Beautiful 3-room apartment, finished in ivory and tapestry; adults, reason able. THE A T.TICFt R-rm huneaiow aDl.. sip. porch, tile bath with shower, hardwood floors, china closet, fireplace, $75. 21st ana overton. flawy. iai. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room and 2 room modern, unfurnished; excellent services, located 18th and Flanders. west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. GRACE APTS . 24TH AND NORTHRUP. Five outside rms., redecorated, front and rear sleeping porcnes, steam neat. janitor service. Atwater uaat. FORD HAM APARTMENTS. 3 rooms. Atwater 1381. Funtiwhed or Unfurnished Apartments. BERYL APARTMENT, Lovejoy near 21st st.; 1 very large 3-room will be nicely papered and paintec ; unrur nished or f urniahed ne w ; also 1 fur nished 2-room, all new. Phone Mali 6254. nR-ROOM and kitchenette furnished or unfurnished, very clean, quiet, ideal location, near city park, on Council Crest carline. 768 Park ave. Main 4278. Reasonable. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. ST. ST. CLAIR APTS. 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, just remodeled, clean. good .service; rates reasonaoie. xsawy. 4452. THE REXFORD. 2-roo nnt . steam heat, newly fin' Ished. This is a nice one. Main 0553. HIGHLAND COURT, ATWATER 3181 Furnished "or unfurnished apartments Flats. 7-ROOM flat, arranged for renting single rooms or suite. 393 16th st., second building south of Montgomery; rent $50. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM FLAT, good condition, fine view. 391 16th St., second house south of Montgomery, Vacant Sept. 1. Rent $40. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, or Com. I.-ROOM uDDer. sleeping porch, fireplace, gas range and other conveniences. 267 E. 25th st.. bet. Hawthorne and Madi son. East 1819 , IRVINGTON Modern 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, nrepiace, iurnace, jiara wood floors, garage, adults. 391 East 13th st. North. S-ROOM flat for rent, Sandy Blvd. and 52d st. $23 per montn. au xaoor 4016. : MODERN upper flat, living rooms and 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; rent ou. ou N. 24th. Bdwy. 1158. 4-ROOM modern flat, 772 Osage ave.. 1 block south, at zaa ana wasamgion, west side. Main 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. 7 ROOMS, close in, gas range and water heater, cement Dasemenu auuud. At water 1445. - FIVE rms., furnace, coil, laundry trays. water heater, linoleum, ciose in. ('s B. Main. UPPER flat, modern, nice, clean, large rooms; rent (.tu, wanting uiwanue. Phone East 4266. MODERN 4 and 5-room flats with sleep ing porches, walking distance, adults. Eas-t 5396. 440 Ross st. 4 ROOMS, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, sun porch, range, linoleum. 268 E. 30th st. near Hawthorne. FOR RENT-r-Lower flat at 333 E. 43d St.. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, newly painted. $35 per month. East 8407. 4-ROOM lower flat with garage, fur n ished or unfurnished. Call 1155 Wil liams avenue. Walnut 0351. $22 MODERN, 4 rms.-ejid -bath. Use of phone; near S. P. shop. Children wel come. Sel. 1028. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished flat, heat and hot water furnished. 394 Fargo. 5-ROOM lower East 186S. flat, $30. 424 Stanton. TWO NICE unfurnished outside rooms, $18. 71 East 22d st. S. CORNER, modern, coils furnace, rent dated August 25. 481 E. Couch. 598 Vi SALMON 8 modern rooms, $50 per mo., clean, desirable. Bdwy. 6252. Furnished Flats. THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, close in, newly finished, cheerful four rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall st., near 13th. NICELY furnished 4-room lower flat, hardwood floors, furnace heat. $35 month. 3 blocks from car barns ; no children. 880 East Pine st. . FURNISHED five-room flat, $350, in cluding Colum-bia grafonola, everything practically new. Phone. Broadway &646. 2 LARGE outside rooms, close in, on east side, lower floor, electricity and gas; suitable for 1 or 2 adults, $15. At water 3873- MODERN 4-room furnished flat; clean and neat; adults only. Sellwood 0590. 1193 Cora ave., near E. 39th. MODERN, nicely furnished 4-room upper flat and basement, $27. Adults. Wal nut 3796 morning and evening. FURNISHED lower flat 5 rooms, piano, radiant fire, good furnace. Adults. 601 E. Morrison st. FUR 5-RM. mod. flat with piano. 333 Cook ave.. Main 2835, apt. 26; shown by appointment oniy. 3 ROOMS, porch, phone; clean. Wal nut 6554. free light, water. 740 Minnesota ave. FURNISHED 5-room flat, sleeping porch, garage. $30. Sellwood district. Phone Sellwood 0626. FOUR rooms, bath, sleeping porch, piano, water, light, phone. Adults. 781 Overlook Blvd. Walnut 0495. 5-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, walking distance. Nob Hill dist. Vacant the 25th. Main 1563. THREE-ROOM flat, modern, adults. 504 E. 22d gt. South. 5-ROOM furnished upper flat, rent $15. Call 565 E. Davis. MODERN 2-room flat, with garage. Sellwood 0683. ' Housekeeping Rooms. 2 LARGE rooms, piano. $20 a month. 603 6tn si. alter a. FURN., clean 1, 2 or 3-room H. K. suite, close in. 431 E. Ash, near 7th. CLOSE in on Morrison, clean, comfort able kitchenette apt. $4. SO. 168 13th. ONE SINGLE housekeeping room. Hoyt. near 20th. TWO rooms newly furnished, $25. 205 N. 23d. $20 and 3-ROOM furnished H. K. apt., free phone, lights, water; $6 weekly. 350 14th st. NICE clean room with kibchenetfte. $4.50 per week. 312 Clay s FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished suites, large, light rooms, every convenience, not water and free baths at all hours: phone, linen, gas ranges; clean suites for desirable people, center of city, no carfare, $4 to $5 week. 288 Third st., near Jefferson. NICE clean sleeping rooms, $2.25 and $2.50 per week; housekeeping rooms, kitchen and living rooms, $4 per week. 7734 Savier st. . NICELY furnished -room apartment $22.50, including light, heat, hot water and phone. 275 N. 21st st. Main 6309. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, electric light, gas and phone. $16 month. Garage $5 month. 363 East 12th st. Phone East 5467. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms facing Wash. st. ; telephone, light, laundry, bath and water free. 489 Washington. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, including hot water, elec. lights, laundry room. HOUSEKEEPING suite, nicely furnished 2-room apartment. Main 2399. 688 Overton. DENVER APTS., 208 Wash., cor of 1st; stone building, large clean H. K. rms.. smgies and doubles. j and up. LARGE front room and kitchenette, $20. . Three rooms and pantry, $30. 306 1st st. Two-room suite, $20. 300 4th st. SNAPPY 2-rm. suite, h. and c. water, place for car, reasonable. 302 Tilla mook, near Wiliams ave. 3 H. K. ROOMS. 2 beds. $20 a mo.: large front H. K. room, $15 a mo. 372 Hawtnorne. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, water in rms., furnace heat; rent reasonable. 83 North 2Tst street. CLEAN housekeeping room suitable for bachelor, reasonable rates, $3.ou up. 224 Washington st. 5-ROOM apt., private bath; also two light h. k. rooms. Rent reasonable. Main 8510. STEAM heated, H. C. water; newly furn, h. k. and sleeping rms., laun. rm., $V2 - mo. up. Sunnycrest. 186 Sherman. 2 FURN. H. K. rooms, sink, gas stove, garage, adults; close In. 253 Han cock, near Vancouver ave. East 1046, CLEAN, newly kalsomined 1 and 2-rm. apts. ?15 and $17; light, water, hear 293 Weidler. East 8331. LARGE, airy basement rooms, $3.50 per week: others; single h. k. rooms, $2 up. 206 13th st. 2 LARGE rooms, furnished for house keeping. 585 Commercial St., near Emanuel hospital. LARGE, light, well-furnished housekeep ing rooms, $3.50 a week, everything in eluded. Main 0371. 868 Thurman st. NEWLY renovated two rm. hk. uite. $4: also a pleasant sleeping room $2.50, at iM4 Jonnson street. SINGLE housekeeping room, furnished, ngnt, pnone, gas ana iurnace heat, $15. 554 East Madison, cor. 13th. NICELY furnished H. st. Close in. K. rms., 412 10th LARGE single housekeeping room, $4.50 weeK, -o ft orana ave. jn. $3 UP. down-town H. K. rooms Washington, corner 3d. 253 STEAM-HKATED h- k. rooms, h. and water, $3 to $7 week. 147 13th St. MARTHA APTS., 1 and 2-room h. k. newly furnished, lobby. Main 2141. TWO nice rooms very reasonable ; single rooms. 655 Flanders st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. CLEAN furnished H. K., rooms, large closet, furnace heat, close in ; ideal place for winter. 391 Russell, block east of Union. Good car service. East 3740. LARGE cheery room, light housekeep ing, gas, electric lights, phone, bath. $3 per week. On paved st. halfi block from car. Call Empire 3172. NEAR Jefferson high, furnished house keeping rooms, private bath, separate entrance; gas range. Call, after Sun day. 1037 Cleveland ave. 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished for house keeping, good location. Call 181 Skid more. TWO CLEAN h. k. rooms. Phone, bath, 264 Jefferson, cor- walking distance, ner Third. A NEWLY painted H. K. room facing park. Also front sleeping room. 331 W. Park. 2 WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms. walking distance, lights, heat, gas, phone, bath. 101 E. 17th. E. 8033. TWO PLEASANT light H. K. rooms. Gas, heat and light furnished. 442 E. 39th st. N? VACANT Aug. 24th. 3 clean outside rooms; private entrance. 9o E. 30th. East 8146. IRVINGTON $35. fine 2-rm. corner apt.. very light, new rugs, elec, water, phone, heat. East 8259. - TWO FINE large furnished rooms for housekeeping. All modern con veniences. 315 22d st. N. ROOMS, nicely furnished, newly pa pered, adults, $20 month. 694 Front, corner Meade. $50 THREE beautifully furnished h. k. rooms in private norae. our r., $65. E. 3481. 3 H. K. ROOMS on lower floor. Burnside. Adults. NICE clean 2-room .pt. Atwater 345C, ir 739 Kearney st. Houses. WILL lease for year to responsible party modern home in Hawthorne district; 8 rooms and large sleeping porch; fur nace and fireplace; $55. 295 E. 32d. Tabor 3560. MODERN 5-room bungalow with ga rage, lawn and big garden space to lease for one year; Multnomah station. AB 950, Oregonian. 6-ROOM house, 4 rooms furnished, near car and school; $'12.50; will sell or re move furniture; rent $20. 8035 59th ave. FOR RENT A 6-room strictly modern home, entirely refinished. Rent $40 per month. Apply 191 Curry st. be- fore 1 P. M. or call Main 0518. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th street. FINE modern 7-room house, sleeping porch, close In, $50 a month. Lease to right party. Phone Bdwy. 6932 or Tabor 3655. 5-ROOM house for rent unfur. 6817 60th ave. S. E. $25 month. Call Auto. 612-31. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP; FIRE PROOF. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445 MOVING Pianos, furniture: long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy 5121. 5-ROOM mod. cottage, large yard, fruit, fine view ; rent $20. 881 Front st. Main 8582. ; FOR RENT Modern 6-room house with garage, on Portsmouth ave. Call E. -.3669. $22 MODERN, 4 rms. and bath. Use of phone; near S. P. shop. Children wel come. Sel. 1028. 7-ROOM house, newly painted. near school, ciose in. Apply 1042 E. Taylor. WALKING distance, desirable district. 8 rooms, east side 334 Halgey st. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc Guire. Ablngton bldg. 5 ROOMS and basement, st. $25. 5-ROOM $32.50. modern house with garage 1136 East 17th st. North. IRVINGTON, beautiful, large modern home, ivory finish : $100. East 7011. IRVINGTON Ten - room modern house. 605 Tillamook. $50. Main 4789. $25.60 Five-room modern bungalow. 1188 Front st. Main 4789. IT, KID TOR RENT. houses. 8-ROOM bungalow, 1204 Mivter st.. $50. 5- room house, 601 Arden road, ,$60. 6- room house. 592 E. &3d, $20. 5-room flat. 746 Kearney, $45. 5-room modern Rose City bungalow, 585 E. 57th N, $42.50. 6 rooms. 989 E. 33d N. $20.60. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abmgton Bldg. ELEGANT 10-ROOM IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. E. 20TH & KNOTT ST. LARGE YARD, GARAGE AND EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. FRED S. WILLIAMS, 506 PANAMA BLDG. - - 9-ROOM house, will lease for one year for $60 a month. 3 fireplaces, hot water heat, garage, corner lot 100x100. 192 East 49th, corner 49th and Taylor. Bdwy. 428M. Evenings East 6407. ATTRACTIVE 8-room home in good residence district near school and car; 4 large bedrooms. Will sell furniture and lease home to responsible party. Tabor 4553. EXCLUSIVE river front; every conven ience ; nicely decorated ; large recep tion suite: beach, acre; Riverdale school; might furnish; $90. Occupant, Main 9563. FINE 8-room bungalow; hardwood floors, artistically decorated walls, hot water, nice electric fixtures and yard; garage; in Hawthorns district: oossesslon bep tember 1; rent $70. Phone Tabor 7012. FURNITURE and piano moving at rea sonable rates. Estimates given. B. A C. Transfer, Main 6750. Furnlsiied Houwu JUST what you have been looking for. 5-room cottage, furnished, close to car, store and school : just east of Laurelhurst. and only $25. J. B. Hol- nrook. 234-215 Panama bldg. WOULD like to lease for six months my five-room furnished house to a re sponsible party of adults. Phone Walnut 2299. Residence 1066 E. 15th st. N. NOB HILL DISTRICT. To lease, 7-room modern house with garage. Rent fur nished or will sell A-l furniture cheap Call Sunday before 4 P. M., 705 Nor- thrup st. 1TTT VTBUm a.mnm hnnia nsv 11-. nace, 6 blocks to Laurelhurst park ; lease to adults ; one small room i serve d. 167 E. 4nth st. $57.50. 8-ROOM modern house and garage, block from car. in Ladd addition; very nice ly furnte'eed, including piano. Phone East 4381. FOR RENT Small 3-rcom shack, partly furnished, $10 month, board can be had across the street; gentlemen pre ferred. Call Tabor 1301 after' 3 P. M. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, near 28th St. Well furnished modern 5-reom bunga low, iurnace, fireplace, oulit-ln con vemences. For lease. $50. Main 8359. MODERN 5 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, tile bath, ivory finished, elegantly fur nished, oriental rugs, Havliand; lease. rent $100. 65 N. 2lsi st. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 8-room house; hardwood floors. Ivory finish, mahog any and overstuffed furniture; $100 montn. Main oi l. SEVEN-ROOM house. well furnished, clean, walking distance. East 0858. Call at 71 East 16th. between Oak and Stark. Adults. FURNISHED 6-room house; fruit, flow ers, garden, poultry nouse. lot sux iuu, good location; reasonable. Phone East 0858. FOR KENT house for j of adults. 8307. -Furnished modern 6-room period of time to family Call evenings. Phone E. COMPLETELY rurnished home in Irv ington to lease for 6 months, year; ga rage; $135. East 5167. 7-ROOM modern furnished house, near high school, $45. 622-44. 5423 38th ave. WILL share my six-room nome with couple or 2 business women ; walking distance ; references. East 2170. FURNISHED modern S-room house, fire place, hardwood floors, piano. 709 E. Couch st.; rent $70 Aut. 637-21. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 309 E. 9th st., bet. Clay and Market, $32. East 5235. Close in. 5-ROOM house and garage for r small amount of furniture for si 6H Williams ave.. corner Stanton. MODERN 6-room furnished home for rent. 955 Clinton st. $60. References. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, near J. H. S., piano, targe yard. 1038 Williams ave. WALKING distance, 5 rooms fur.; bath and garage. 854 First st. HAWTHORNE 7-room house. ave., modern furnished 3 bedrooms. Tabor 4679. 5-ROOM house, nicely fur., with garage. Inouire . E. Morrison. HOUSE T Tth wood, $15; Lake Grove; 6 advance. AV 263, Oregonian. months 3-ROOM house, furnished, $20 per mo. Phone Walnut 2380 after 5:30. MODERN 6-rm. duplex, 834 E. Yamhill. Houe for Kent Furniture for Sale A BARGAIN. REDUCED TO $650. 7 rooms of very good furniture, everything goes. This is a downright bargain. Owner must sell. Flat rents for $37.50, in good west sidp location. Call Mr. Orleman. Bdwy. 6794. 801 Board of Trade bldg. FURNITURE for sale cheap, 3-room modern cottage, sleeping porch and orchard for rent. $25. 1131 40th st. S. E. Take Woodstock car, get off Harold avenue. $275 GIVES possession of 8 rooms, fur niture, in fine house ; free rent to Sept. C. Partly rented; walking dis tance. East 4226. NEW furniture of a 9-room house, in come pays rent; nice home, close tn east side; $800; some terms. AG 859 Oregonian. FURNITURE of an 8-room house for sale. House for rent $50, close in West side location. Atwater 1377. FURNITURE of 7-room flat for sale suitable for roomers. 425 Sixth sL Phcne Atwater 3M5. 4-ROOM flat for rent: oak furniture for sale. 61 East 6th st. N. 7-ROOM furnished house, west sdde. close in, from. Atwater o. Resorts. AT THE OCEAN FOR VOUR VACATION. FINE BEACH BAUTIFUL GROVE. Clams, crabs and fresh water fish Ing, electric lighted "Tent City" big furnishea , nouseKeepmg tents, very moderate charges. For reservations call 248 Stark st. Phone Bdwy. 7829 SEASIDE For rent, new two-room fur nLshed cottages one block from ocean. Address K. Goff, Seaside. Or., or Phone Walnut 4816 Tuesday or Wadneeday 7:30 to 0 P. M. COMPLETELY furn. cottage for rent, including piano, Brunswick. 1 boa t at Lake Grove, on Oswego lake. Phone Oswego 332. CANNON BEACH Special September rates. Modern furnished cottages, every convenience. M. B. McKay. Lucretia court. Atwater 1506. FOR RENT -Six-room modern home at Seaside from Sept. 1 to June 1. East 2671. VERY desirable residence, completely furnished, at Seaside, for September or longer. Oilman, box ana, seaside. SEAVIEW, Wash., attractive 4-room cottage. Good bed, bath, ocean view, East 0236. MANHATTAN BEACH, Aug. 28, 2-room furnished cottage near ocean, lake and mountains, $8 per week, walnut o7. FOR TENTS, cottages. h. k.. beach camps, accommodations, write or phone Classic Kidge house. jNenaiem. ir. CANNON BEACH tenthouses. reduced rates. C. L. Wingard. Cannon Beach Or. CANNON Beach cottage, Sept. and Oct. BD 909, Oregonian. . SEASIDE Comfortable, furnished cot- tages. near ocean. Tabor 7371. CANNON BEACH Newly equipped lSx 20 tents, water, etc. East 48.3. FOR RUNT. FURNISHED 3-room cottage at Ocean Lake. Call East 3501. Store and Buwiness Place-. STORE ROOM suitable for drugstore, grocery, confectionery, real estate or cigar store; good business district on two car lines; rent reasonable. Corner Mississippi ave. and Shaver st. Wai nut 1249. 2 ELEGANTLY lighted rooms. 24x42:; one store on Stark t. 17x42; rent very reasonable; lease if desired. New Carl son bldg.. 13th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 6551. DESIRABLE space for lease at reason able rate for manufacturer or manu facturer's agent; close tn, 200 feet of trackage Call at 830-334 E. Morrison or phone East 639. FOR RENT Fine corner building in Roseburg, Or., near depot; suitable fo ri rug More, grocery store or billiard hall. Decker A McMillin. Roseburg. Or. STORE for rent on Sandy blvd. near picture show. Excellent location for a hardware and plumbing shop. Call Tabor 4010. SMALL store on Morrison St., near 1st, suitable for shoe repair, Jeweler, con. fectionery or tailor; rent reasonable; lease. Call Main 2124. FOR RENT Store in nifty building lobby. Inquire at Bon Marche. 3d end Morrison. SPACE for rent. 34x120, fireproof bldg., on track. 13th and Couch. Clay S. Morse. Inc. EAST SIDE trtore for rent cheap. In quire. 204 Morris st., corner Commer cial. Phone Walnut 1568. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3715. STORE for rent, 20x20. 421 E. BelmoLt st., cor of 6th. East 16T1. STORE Lower Washington st., able rent. Phone Tabor 3114. FOR RENT Will build 50x100 on E. Clay. Call at 462 Hawthorne. E. 6840. $20 STORE 18x50. Columbia st. near 3rd. W. G. Cox. Main 4:iSS. STORE and house, attached. 329 Salmon. Fine business location. Call. ' Office. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heatrd offices, Ingle or en suite, central office build ing In financial section of city: low rents. See Donald G. Woodward, agent. 304 Second st.. corner Stark. WANT party to share private offices with reception room, stenographer and telephone ; expense prorated. 1002 Spalding bldg. OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale, 2 room suite, with phone, typewriter and first-class furnishings at bargain price, on account of sickness. Main 8936. FRONT SPACE for rent in soft drinks place; long lease, good location for employment office. 24 N. 2d st. SINGLE or suite, dandy offices, light from 3 sides, fine service; $15 month up. Stock Exchange bldg. ROOM tn centrally located office build ing, with or without use of phone and reception room. Broadway 7093. FRONT office; modern conveniences; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 312. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 8715w OFFICES for rent, and Washinjpton Flledner bfdg., 10th its. FURNISHED OFFICE, 1039 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, $10 MONTH. To Lease. LEASE. Country home and 6 acres for 2 or 3 years; 17 minutes out on west side; fine view; 3 blocks from car, close to the graded school; 2 acres In bear ing orchard. Dandy 5-room house with Bull Run water, gas, nice bath, cement fruit cellar, large garage, bMrn and chicken house. Rent $50 per mo. See Mr. Hodson. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 4th St. BUSINFH8 QPrORTO'lTIKfl. PARTNER WANTED. AUTO PAINTING. Here is your opportunity to b-uy in with a first-class automobile painter in the busiest and beat-known shop In Portland : no better location : have largeat firms in city as customers; previous experience not necessary if you are steady and reliable, as you can learn the business; have shop full of work and large, steady volume com ing in; you can easily clear better than $170 p-r month for yourself; equal half interest, only $300 cash re quired; a good, steady income from a fmall investment. Be sure and took this up before you buy. Positively the best for the Investment. Apply 347 Pittock blk.. Washington at loth st. P.4RTVKHSHIP AUTO REPAIR. If you are mechanically Inclined . honest and a willing worker, here i your opportunity to buy an equal half interest wit h a first-class mechanic In one of city's leading auto repair shops doing only high-grade work f r some of the largent firms In Portland. Shop is fully equipped Including welding outfit, electric drill, hoist and all nec essary hand tool. Sublets and storage make rent very low; fine west side lo cation; $300 handles. Best -buy in Port land. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. GROCERY SToKE OPPORTUNITY". Large, beautiful Ntnie room. 2 stork rooms, good liiin.-nwnt. located on cor ner, 'Ir.-U-elHf- fitures. A steady, going liusin d .ing M00 day full profit; no cut price. freh staple stock. Will "?M ut invoice of about $3500. If you are looking for a real business do not fi il to investigate thip. 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder RtS. w ATTENTION, RESTAURANT MEN! Looking for location ? Best oppor tunity In city: $200 gives possession, 2 months' rent paid ; $ 1410 worth provi sions and fuH. Dandy lease and option, well equipped, serving 60 to 80 meals per day. trade incring. Illness com pels to sacrifice. 412 19th st. North. Broadway 2906. ' I WANT A PARTNER. In my factory, who can handle office end. I manufacture food products, han dled by all local jobbers, business In creasing rapidly; profits large, your in vestment goes Into the business. I am the sole owner, to suitable man will sell half interest, at right price. Call room 401, Drkum bldg. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Here Is a dandy 4lttl grocery busi ness for man and wife to handle. Has good living rooms, very low rent and is doing $H" to $45 dally: can't be best for the money. Full price only $1000. Call 620 Cham, of Com. toldg., 4th and Stark. FOR SALE Equipment of a 1 2 - bed hos pital in thriving Willamette valley town of 2500 population; established business and patronized by four dorv tors. Addres- Lebanon Hospital, Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE Confectionery and light lunch, light groceries, doing good busi ness, cheap if taken at one ; price reasonable; doing over $35 a day; one living room upstairs; rent $36 month. By owner. Call Tabor 0173. . GIFT AT THIS PRICE. Well equipped downtown auto shop, doing big business; 3 or 5-yesr le-twe; price onlv $1600. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. Close In on east side 3-story brlrk: price $35,000; clear of Incumbrances; will take part trade; Jong time on bal ance. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 4026. & PiPTNKR WANTED. Handy man can buy in a nicely lo cated auto business. Equal interest with a good mechanic. Profits extra good, $450 required. Room 401, Dek- umoiag. FOR SALE A blacksmith shop ana ga rage, fully equippea. goon ioruun, will take part trade. Wismer & Haase. Hlllsboro Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Hille boro. Or. , CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in rsiao llshed real estate buineas gt advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Or go.i b'.6e. Phom Broawav 1902. SOFT DRINKS AND CONFECTIONERY. located In one oi ine n-si margin m Portland. Price $h00. with leas-. G. A. LANE. 422 Chamber of 'omni'-rre. CAFETERIA Good for a n -I vork the r SU1L or i! partners; too inu'-n owner; growing location fr party. Priced ?l00. See 130 North Broadway. $1800 OR INVOICE grocery aver $ ( U a ay , Drum ukj., ihiih i ' " iii. tures reasonable. An opportunity. Z E A KINS. 315 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St. RESTAURANT fur ale, a g'V.d p'.re for man ann wir-; ihkp in k n. Rent $35 month. lase if wautrd. Owri-r, 542 Washington t HEMSTITCHING and notion More, good business xor j or - iuir. vm. mw- gonian. A GARAGE SPECIAL. Profits $500 month. Trial given. A bargain. Room 401 Dckum bldg. WILL BUY from owner or lease country hotel in live town, waaningion or Ore gon. H 915, Oregonian EASY terms to right party on beat little business in country. ju- . , v.iover dale, Or. FOR SALE; Small beauty shop in grow. Ing town, doing good business. Write for particulars. V 922. Oregonian. '1 "FINE business, accessories and tires; wll ' or trade; wnat nave your euio sa 8. . WOODYARD for saie, all or half inter- st. t;an i na winorne ave. FOR SALE Coffee house, cheap. 20S Marti son st. SHINING parlor for sale, between Aider and Morrison. 15 second, at-