THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1922 REAL ESTATE. i'or Sle lioueh. IRVINGTON. f 1000. 5-room modern bungalow with large attic, everything built to make a real home ; Broadway car, located Just right for grammar school. Price right; balance on easy terms. Broadway 5231 or Auto-317-44. . -irk i-n.m hnibM with bath, elec lights and gas, garage, 2 blocks from -riine: a snao for i00o, on easy terms.. H. W. C-arland. u0 Taylor. Suburban liomew. w:k'ISHR1j! 250 DOWN! a J-rnnm VinnCJlloW With OD acre of ground. Living room, dining k-hchnti and ene bedroom. Here r i khv the house has all new furniture and a good light car is in cluded. This is a real buy. AsK us to show it today. Tomorrow will be loo late. See F. C. Marshall, wita PP A NTK" T, M"ct 5-1 TIRE. v,: Abineton Bidg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 4 'i tr cultivation and ia crop. 5 A-. f nnttiu ha.ince in corn. irrafn and fruit. All machinery and AAninmHnr iniudfnsr team of horses. 35 miles out, hk niiie from paved high way. No gravel. Crop in excellent ,r.m. Six-room bouse, pood barn and outbuildings, 3 miles from good suburban to-n. For particulars and terms see Mr. Eisner. Comm. Rrdwy. 4ort 515 Cham, of ARTISTIC house (not compietea dui livable) located on 100x200 corner lot just outside city limit 25 minutes out, Tc tare, near school and car, city r-nnvonipnm. som furniture, two years" supply of wood. Due to change of plans owner will sacrifice at actual cost of production, $1500, some cash, balance terms. This will bear close in- Vesication. AO Uyumin. FOR SALE Gentlemen's country home cf 10 acres; modern residence; fruit orchard and wainut trees; Bull Run water; city gas; paved auto road ; -O minutes from the courthouse; splendid electric interurban service with station right at corner of piace. Owner will not consider proposition to cut up, nor trade. If interested address P. O. box 3.t-. Portland. OI 7 A RTER-ACRK HOMB! 1200! :00 down will handle this 4-room cottajre with 2 bedrooms; 14 young assorted fruit trees; chicken house; close to school and stage; Multnomah district- See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRK, 305 Abington Bldg Broadway 1 1 1 L. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. ONE ACRE FRUIT AXD BERRIES. 4-room house, garage, poultry house etr. ; 1500 strawberries, also logan and raspberries. grapes. blackberries. 1 1 fruit trees. 11 cords of wood cut: on gravel road close to Elec. station; price $lflO. $3O0 cash. $15 per month and interest. See Hurd with Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. HALF ACRE BARGAIN! Bots of fruit and berries: good 4 room house, chicken house and wood shed; at Oak Grove station on O. C. line J 1700. ?40n will handle. EASY PAYMENTS See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGriRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wnsh. and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME. 1 acre, all in cultivation, with new 4-room plastered bunealow with bath room ; finished in white enamel. Has citv water and pas. Fine locution, just outside citv limits. $27o. easy terms. SAYLER E. SMITH. 31S Ry. Ex. Bid;?. Evening Tab. 0.il3. MAGNIFICENT SUBURBAN' I-IOM E. One of the bewt homes around Port land; large rooms, fireplace, furnace, garage; abundance of fruit; more than one acre; running water. If looking for a real home call Macpherson, Bdwy. 6785. ATTRACTIVE suburnan bungalow and 2 choice lots on Capitol highway at Multnomah station. wih excellent view of Mount Hood. City water, phone, gas. electricity and built-ins, with full basement und all modern conveniences. Main 2610. DRIVE out the scenic Pacific highway to Oswego; see the most exclusive and beautiful residence district around Portland, Iu nth rope, Wilsonia and Glenmorrie. for sale bv HALL & WEBSTER Aerni Bldg.. Oswego. 1'hone Oswego 381 ATTRACTIVE suburban bungalow and one acre near Powell Valley road and Buckley avenue, not entirely finished but can be occupied and completed in spare time; Bui I Run water and gas in, electricity available. Ownep, Ta bor 4590. BEAUTIFUL OS W EGO LAKE, ONLY $12O0. I have a wonderful view acre, over- j looking Oswego lake; rock road, water. lights and gas; easy terms. A?k Allen, 5O0 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. NEW BUNGALOW. MULTNOMAH. Hardwood floors, buffet, fireplace, breakfast nook, two bedrooms, full basement, furnace, lot BiOxlOO. Pri vate owner. W. F. Watkins. Broadway 550(. A SIGHTLY ACRE Nice trees; new house partly completed; water, gas and lights; on Harrison st. ; sacrifice sale; some cash; easy terms: must be aold this week by owner. Ea.vt 3850. Broadway 35s. ON RIVER. West side, lots or houses, close sta tion, city; bathing beach, trees, creek, garden. Riverdale school : any size residence; owner. Main 9563. PRETTY 5-room modern home, fine view of Oswego lake, acre, fire place, furnace, garden, garage, $4500, S750 cash, balance McFarland. Bdwv. 7672. Failing Bldg. ACRE 5-R. NEW BUNGALOW, $J850. $300 CASH. Close to elec. sta., water, lights, bath, parage, beautiful trees. McFar tand. BdwyTB" Failing bldg. IXANDY new 5-room modern bungalow under construction at Capitol Hili sta tion; inside finished to suit purchaser; terms. Atwater 1874. For Sale But in ens Property. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 80x200 corner, 80 on Fremont. 200 on Alameda drive, improvements in and paid; $2000. cash, balance 6 per cent. Owner, Tabor 6704. CITY INCOME PROPERTY. This is first-class and will show 15 per cent net. AP 941, Oregonian. For Sale Aereajre. 12, ACRES, all under cultivation; house and barn; 2 horses, harness, wagon and plow, cultivator, harrow and other small tools; 'Z cows. Zij chickens; acres of potatoes, . some hay in the bam ; small family orchard ; price $3200 on easy terms, or will trade for smau nouse ana lot on part payment. H. W. Garland. 2K0 Taylor. REAL CHEAP 8 ACRES. Investigate this exceptional offer at once; no better soil anywhere: right on pavement ; city water; electricity ; 2 miies out; oniy o an acre, an or ft air. owner, Henry bldg., Bdwy. 2505. Evenings. Main 78-44. TWO BEAUTIFUL acres, fine view, right on paved road, near Evergreen station. Oregon City car. Bearing orchard, $2600. Terms. J. M. WELLS. 600 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4254. 6 ACRES. 2H acres under cultivation; living stream ; near paved highway, station and close in: you can live here and work in the city; $2500; consider car or lot part pavment, balance easy. Bdwy. 340Q. or Main 1852. LARGE CREEK. 1.69 acres of very rich bottom land, between two electric stations, 3 miles from city limits; price $760, $50 cash, $12.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 3 ACRES, 2 MILES OUT. On pavement: city conveniences; only $ UHt an acre; young orchard and ber--:; best soil. Owner, 626 Henry bldg. "Bdwy. 2505. Sunday and evenings. Main 7844. WRITE for map of western Washington Bhowing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE BY OWNER, acres. Bull Run water, gas, elec tric lights and 4-room house. $3200 cash. 11a miles east of Aiilwaukie. CaH Milwaukie 2S4. 2 1-3 ACRES, all cultivated, with garden, fruit and spuds; new 5-room bungalow, hen house, fine well; 5 blocks Oregon Electric; gravel road; $2600. $500 cash. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exch. bldg 2 ACRES. $950; $25 DOWN. Remainder at $15 per month. Rich soil, 3 miles easjt of city. STRONG & CO.. 606 Cham. Com. 40 ACRES about 33 miles from Portland. A part cleared. Good second growth timber. Creek runs through the tract. Main 2432. 20 ACRES Good soil, $100 per acre. $200 cash, balance as you cut the wood. McFarland. Bdwy. 7672 Fail ing bldg. IMPROVED 10 acres, six miles oat. west side. Cornell road; house, barn, large chicken house; family orchard. Main 5404. ACRES level, timber, creek, some beaverdam; 12 m. w.. near hard sur face; terms. J. . R. Sharp, owner. 83 3d. 120 ACRES unimproved land; some tim ber on it; tow sale cheap. P. Wabke. Nehalem, Or., box 61. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. ALLKfyiai &2D ST. 6. JB. THOMAS 616-44. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. EXTRA CHOICE ACRE TRACTS. ON BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. Part of the beautiful Patton place, just a few yards west of the Multnomah county line, where the Scholis ferry road crosses the paved road : few blocks of Olsen station on S. P.. 9c fare and convenient to Portland Golf club. Gently sloping land with south and east exposure, very sightly with mag nificent view ; all tracts face on the pavement, some are in cultivation, some in beautiful grove; city water, gas and electricity; moderate build ing restrictions protect you from un desirable surroundings; only $1200 per acre; easy terms; drive out and see it or phone for appointment Large sign on property and each tract plainly marked. J. G. RAINEY. 517-18 Abington Bldg. Broadway 62BQ- $16 DOWN $16 MONTH PARKROSE TRACT. $1610. Almost 2 acres, the south boundary is a stream, 379 ft. on street level, underbrush all cleared out, partly cleared, balance in trees, rich silt land, free from rocks, no building re strictions, low county tax, north of Sandy blvd. - and car line. Branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of line. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. iu acrks. miles from center of Port land; good maeadom road in' front and side of property ; 4 miie 10 scnooi , good loam soil; 2 acres cultivated, bal ance in brush pasture, all can be farmed when cleared; over 100 cords first-growth fir wood; 2-room house with water piped in; price-$2100; $500 cash; asy terms. Inspected by Nelson. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 3 acres, between Portland and TIgard, H mile to electric station; all under cultivation; bearing orchard, some ber ries; 4-room house with electric lights, barn, chicken house, other buildings. Price $3500; $700 cash. Consider 15 to 40 acres improved or unimproved, not over 25 miles from Portland. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Uerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. PAVED CORNER. ROSE CITY-BEAUMOUNT. Beautiful 6-room home, 2 blocks from car and school; corner lot, 10Ox 100; flowers, shrubbery and fruit trees; street paved and paid ; porch across entire front, large living and dining room, all oak woodwork, bookcases, fireplace, sunny breakfast room and cabinet kitchen, three cheerful bed rooms and storeroom on second floor, all bedrooms have hot and cold water 1 and very large closets; full cement basement, laundry trays, A-l hot-water heating plant, double cement garage with lights and water; we feel at the price we are offering this property we are simply giving you a 50x100 corner lot; full price only $d500. Office open today. David Harp. Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 3Uth. Aut. 320-04. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 6 acre tract, nearly all in cultivation, about one acre assorted orchard, half acre berries, gentle sloping hill, fine soil, no rock, own water system, just outside city limits, paved road; 4-room house. 2 large barns, chicken house, water piped all buildings, 10 minutes walk to Estacaua car; for sale at $5000 on very easy terms, or exchange for house in Portland; now hurry. C. M. DERR. REALTOR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bids?. Atwater 2245. EIGHT ACHES! ONLY $4000! Family orchard. 2 acres logan berries; on good road to Aloha station; new 5-room house with gas and run ning water. Terms or will accept small house in city. INVESTIGATE THIS TODAY! See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bidg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. SUNNY SLOFE ACREAGE. B-acre tracts within 6-mile limit of Portland, good soil, good road; $100 to $300 per acre. $50 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month; no Interest to pay S B. Guatoft, 400 Henry bldg Bdwy. 4075. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. One or more acres at 91st and GI1 sin; 1 b!ock from city car line; good soil ; very small payment down ; easy terms on balance. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. IBS 8. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTEADS near McMinnvi.le; good soil, neighbors and out range ; quick cash, $200 each. 301 Corbet t bldg. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 15 ACRES apples and pears, 12 acres bearing; modern 6-room house, pack ing house; stone apple house; chicken hwuses; adjoining graded school; 4 miles from Hood River; creek through place. For sale or trade for Portland property. L. H. Smith, R, 4, box 52. Hood River. Or. For Sale Farms. 96 ACRES, Yamhill county, 50 miles from Portland, 5 miles from good town, 1 mile to school; 20 acres cultivated; 75 acres can be farmed when cleared, 60 acres good piling timber, 15 acres pasture, large bearing orchard. 400 prune trees, some fruit; 7-room house with water piped in ; well ; 5-room house. 6 chicken houses, capacity 3000 chickens; other buildings; personal property: Team. 3 cows, heifer. 500 chickens, crops, cream separator, incu- i bator, brooder and very complete line of machinery. Price for everything, $7500; terms. Consider Portland house for same or larger amount, in good district; will assume. 25 acres, 2 miles from good town south of Portland ; Linn county ; mile to school; well settled community; all in crop; 3-room house, small barn; some young fruit trees and berries. Price $3000; $600 down, immediate pos session; 1-3 crop to purchaser. In spected by Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small p laces near Portland. BIG MONEY-MAKING 15-acre prune and loganberry ranch, stone's throw from town. Southern Pacific red elec tric line .and paved highway. 30 miles south of Portland in famous fruit and berry district ; 5 acres nine-year-old Italian prunes; 5 acres full bearing lo ganberries, balance family orchard, gardens; all in excellent condition; good water, small building, etc. Un improved land in this district worth almost as much aa I am asking. For quick sale by owner, $8500. AH 90, OTegonian. FARMS. NOTHING DOWN BUT INTEREST AND TAXES FOR FIVE YEARS. 10. 20, 40-&ore tracts, from $25 to 40 an acre, 210 acres to choose from, down Columbia river, on Oregon side, cloee to highway; some of these tracts have streams; beautifully lying land; fine location for growing prunes, apples- berries, filbert nuts and English walnuts; fine for dairying, bees and poultry. Chas. .Uelfei. 318 Railway Ex change bldg.. city. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE. HO acres; would make two dandy smaii i arms; iew ieet oit pavement 500 young bearing fruit trees; good house; two barns; spring water piped to house; large team; a cows; separa tor; au iarm implements; R. F. D., telephone, cream route; close to school and town. Owner, 554 St. Helens, Or. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. 59 a., 45 a. in cult.; fruit for family use; buildings are fair; live stream tnrougn place; on country road ; -mile to school; 3 miles to store and P. O. ; church; team, wagon, 2 cows, drag harrow, disc' harrow, plow, hay rake. A. B. Wolfard, owner. Walker. Or. SEE SARIN'S BLUE RIBBONS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FARM? I HAVE MANY GOOD FARMS AT BARGAIN PRICES. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union ave. N. Walnut 0589. FOR SALE 5 1-3 acres, 2 houses, 1 mod ern; water system, electric lights and gas in both houses; all set out to small fruit ; 13 miles on Sandy road. S. C. Dixon, Gresham 21X2. Route 2, Trout daie. Or. 171 ACRES, on main county road; small house; 20 acres in cultivation; springs, running water; only $18 per acre; $350 down, balance small yearly payments. Draper. 408 Board of Trade. 160 ACRES In Clackamas county, about 12 miles S. E. of Molalla. at $7.50 per acre, A. C. Howland, 620 Main st. Oregon City. 80 A., Clackamas county, rich soil, no rutN av i-itai uua Darn, orcnara, spring, stream; valuable timber Only $3500. Feemster. Abington bldg CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near roruana, su to $oOO an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, all sizes. jicranana. reanor, aus r ailing bldg. 160 ACRES. 70 acres under cultivation 2 miles Lyons. Or.; bargain, $6000; must be sold to settle estate. Mrs. JML s Beats, Mt. Angel. Or. RBAX ESTATE. For Sale Farms. TILLAMOOK COUNTY. 122 acres, mile from Robsevelt highway, 1 mile from cheese factory; borders on Nestucca bay and the ocean; good soil, good buildings; share in cheese factory, 24 cowa, 2 reg. Jersey bulls, 2 heier 2 hogs, 3 horses, ensi lage cutter, wood saw, 7 h. p. gas en gine, root cutter, milking machine, wagons, buggy, disc, mower and other farm and dairy tools; price $13,500. Address William P. Porter. Oretown, Oregon. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-7 Board of Trade bldg., will get you the highest price for your lot that tne maritet will bring, we nave many cash buyers now for homesites in Irv- ington, Alameda Park, Laurelhurst or Hawthorne. Most of the buyers see us before buying. Come in and talk it over. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE cash for bargains in real estate. Will buy houses, lots or business prop erty; either vacant or improved, if you are willing to make a price that is sufficiently attractive. Quick action. Give location and full Information in answer. Address R 829. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for good building lots. Must be real bargain. Give lot and block number and addition located. If your price is - right you will hear from me at once. Address S 843. Ore gonian. IF YOU have a. good 4. 5 or 6-room bungalow for sale in Rose City or Mt. Tabor district close to school and car. not over $5OO0, $1000 to $ 1 500 cash, call McDuffee or Pengra with W. G. Idle, 817 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 1006. HAVE $25,000 cash, $25,000 good secur ity and unincumbered real estate for income property. Give full informa tion in answer. Address R 830, Orego nian. "WANT 5-room bunealow in HAW THORNE district, not over $4000; have $1000 cash as first payment. Ask for Mr. Fisher, Broadway 4S37. 224 Henry bldg. WILL BUY from owner modern 4 or 5 room bungaiw under $3500. Will pay $1000 down. Must be a bargain. Bdwy. 29 5. AMERICAN, 4 children, employed, wants 4 to 6-room house, not over $2000, terms. What have you? Phone terms and location to East 7924. WANTED 0-rooni modern house. Al berta, Piedmont of Sunnyslde; not over $;000; cash payment $350, $25 montn ly. N 92, Oregonian. WANT modern suburban home for my $3000 equity in my $ti000 home. From owner only or will sell. Tabor 2746. WANTED From owner, bargain in small house about $2000. Have $500 down payment. Bdwy. 2956. WANT residence; give choice 15 acres or less near Vancouver; good buildings; only $4500. Owner. Box 68. Astoria. MY METHOD WILL SELL your property. Brings cash buyers. Let me demonstrate. P. O. box 1131. WANTED At once, nice home on west side, prefer the heights. R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. WANTED A good 7-room house on west side ; must be modern. Main 2534 or Bdwy. 2045. WANTED Good 2-story house in Irv ington or Laurelhurst. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. TO BUY house and lot, not less than 8 rooms, close in; all particulars when answering. AP 870, Oregonian. WANTED Acreage and lots. C. Cole, ijq j-umoermens biug. WANTED Moderate-priced house good district; easy terms. Main 6869. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANT to rent farm with pasture, bldgs., good road and water. Cash. AV 334, Oregonian. WANT farm to rent on shares. 0361. 20S7 E. Madison. TIMBER LANDS. 120 ACRES of good timber, 1 mile to Mt. Hood railroad; land is worth more than what is asked for all; terms can be arranged. Call or write. P. L. Hannon. 253 v Washington, near 3d. STANDING TIMBER lor cordwood. al der, maple, fir, on good road. Marion Robertson, Gresham. Phone Gresham 165X. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. . One of the finest dairy farms in Clarke county, Washington. 33 0 acres, about 45 minutes by automobile from Portland Pacific highway except one mile; modern house, dairy barns, silo and outbuildings (corn 'and roots for silo can be purchased by renter). Farm ready for 75 to 100 cows and 200 hogs. 517 Abington bldg., Portland. Or. I HAVE 6-acre chicken ranch to reot to expert chicken man; close to Portland. Write Geo. E. Barr, route 2. box 145, Troutdale. Or. 13 - ACRE farm, 4 miles from Fort land, house, barn, outbuildings, best land. Chas. Harris, Route 1, box 3V5, Milwaukie. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO TRADE. 20 acres in cultivation, with fair improvements, good water rights for irrigation, w ithin 3 miles of pros perous town of Delta. Colo., splendid climate for anyone wanting to live in higher altitude of 4800 feet. Will trade for acreage In vicinity of Port land or improved city property. If interested write for further information to F. N.. 6021 49th st. S. E-, Portland, Oregon. EXCHANGE. 8.000.000 feet timber, 4 miles from Columbia river- 640 acres Lane county. 2 miles from railroad. 100 acres, 2,000.000 feet timber, two miies from railroad. 160 acres wheat land, four miles from Centerville wash, all clear, any or all for Portland property ; will as sume. Bdwy. 4975 Monday or after. PORTLAND FOR SEATTLE. I want a modern home in Seattle ; must have 3 or more bedrooms and in a good residential district. Have residence on corner lot in the best part of Rose City, with garage. Will consider exchange. Price $5700. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT.; RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. LOOK: WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large cr small, city or country ; I will match them. E. A. Easley. 295 Montgomery st., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. WARM mineral springs with bathhouses, swimming pool filled with natural farm mineral water, two cottages, south side Mt. Hood, 1 miles east of government camp; half mile from Mt. Hood ioop highway, for Portland property or close-in acreage. H. E. Meserve, Rhododendron, Or. ABOUT 9 acres, by owner, practically all can be farmed, furnished house, good outbuildings, water piped to house and barn, family orchard and many other improvements. Valued at $3000. Want town property or rooming house. Might assume some. AJ 973. Oregonian. 80 ACRES, 55 in cultivation, stocked and equipped ; gas engine ; best of soil ; just 14 miles from Portland; 5-room bungalow and all other outbuildings. . Will take Portland home as part pay mept. Call Bdwy. 5931. WANTED To trade furniture of 72 rms. and five-year lease In good brick bldg.. close in on east side, for a good farm not too far out or a good house and cash in good dist. This place nets $400 per mo. E. 7389. 454 Belmont. I HAVE 6-room house and 2 lots, near Peninsula station, for $1800; will ex change same, pay difference for house in Kenton, Woodlawn or "Alberta G. A. COBB & SON (Agts.) BDWY. 3296. WOULD take good grocery up to $5000 as part payment on a 10-acre prune ranch with dryer and 6-room house, good outbuildings, horse, cow and chickens. Price $1000. What have you? W. A. Bennett, 317 Henry bldg. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade having merit; houses. lots, farms, acreage. Bring in your proposition, Robinson-Spooner Co.. 712 Couch bldg. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE TKAUE ARTIST AT J. W. C CONN ELL CO., 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661 EIGHT-ROOM modern residence, 2 sleep ing porches, bult-ins ; exchange for lots or income property up to $10,000. 796 E. Harrison st. $2000 GROCERY to trade for rooming house. Z. EAKINS, 315 Couch Bldg. 109 4th St. 160 ACRES, near Rose Lodge, Lincoln co. ; exchange for good car or truck; value $1200. AV 296, Oregonian. HAVE acreage and small farms close around Portland to exchange for city homes. C. Cole. 426 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lots in Tilla mook City. Timber claim. Tillamook county. Johnson, 909 Wilcox bldg. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. WILL trade 40 acres in Harney county for automobile. Atwater 3635. WILL trade Velie in good condition, on TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BABY FARM IN CITY. $0000 Two acres, 25 minutes from 5th and Wash. sts. by street car. A blks. from paved st. and 6 blks. to street car. Cement sidewalks in front of property. All cleared, finest soil, lies level, no gravel. 100 bearing fruit trees, sell over $225 worth of fruit yearly; good 5-room bungalow, built 2 years, fire place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, garage, good chicken houses, etc. Wonderful place to raise family, close to school. Price $6000, terms reasonable ; will consider good 5-room house as part payment. See COE A. McKENNA & CO., Broadway at Oak. Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7522. I DID WELL YOU CAN in this small country store close to Portland. I have an acre of ground, store build ing with living apartments, small stock of general merchandise, gas-filling station, large barn where I store and grind feed ; auto truck. I have been here for 7 years and have made a good living and a little beside, but I want to make a change. Would like some acreage close to Port land. My price is $6000, nothing against it. See MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. Where Trades Are Made. HAVE a good grocery to exchange for an apartment house up to $2000; no fixtures to buy. Let's hear from you today. W. A. Bennett, 317 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCEHXANEOUS. 2 FINE building lots, 36th and Alberta, for late model auto; value $750. At water 0345. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. EVERY farm should have a few regis tered sheep; we have Shropshires for $10 a head and up. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 Fifth st., Portland. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esenshare. 360-366 East Morrison st. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. SEVERAL good work hor&es. Inquire of C. O. Pick, 55 Second street. DEAD animals taken quickly. Milwaukie G9-J. SANAAN doe, gallon milker. Will show you. Broadway 4487 Monday. BLACK team weighing 3000 lbs., har ness and wagon, by owner. Main CUB BEAR for sale. 10-weeks oid. 371 16th st. North, city. CHEAP for cash, team 3000 lbs., wagon and harness. 226 Russell st. FINE span bay mares, 2300 pounds, with harness for $150. Eas.t 407. Pianos, Organs and .Musical Instruments. $10 CASH $5, 56 OR MORE MONTHLY is all you need pay if you buy your piano of the Schwan Piano Co., besides, you then buy at their 25 to 40 per cent lower prices. Here are a few: $450 Marshall & Wendel upright. .$195 $475 Hailett & Davis upright 235 $500 F. & C. Fischer large upright 265 $?00 Steinway & Son's upright;... 395 $950 Thompson player piano 395 $1050 Singer player piano .- 55 101 Tenth St., at Wasn. and Stark. $20, $35. $65, $85 secures phono graphs at $5 cash, $3 or more monthly, at Schwan Piano Co., 10th and Stark. $75 buys small 7-octave upright piano. $95 buys United makers' square piano. $145 buvs $425 Emerson upright piano. $195 buys $450 Hailett & Davis piano. This week at Security Storage Co.. 103 10th St.. Cor. Stark St. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing. Work guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Bdwy. 6576. PIANOS, player pianos and phonographs to rent; new player rolls, 25c each. Plaver Roll Exchange. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, near Wasn. WILL give you a good price for your old piano in trade for a new piano. We also sell pianos and phonographs at very low prices, m? yjuiuu SA LB used upright pianos, $1, $21-, $'65 etc., $10 cash, $5. $6 or $8 month, at Liprnan, Wolfe Co., Filth and Washington Sts. NEW $105 "Mandel" dark mahogany phonograph and 24 late records, $ cash. Apt. 104 Imperial Arms. Main 5647. Ph one STEINWAY", oid styi. $135. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St, h.i.Gi)bLKl utiigat, ilhi. Come la nd hear it. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 w n tv riv near Wasnington st DECKER & SON-player, $19". with rolls. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 3 25 Fourth St. $2 50 RENTS phonograpn with .ate :ec ords Emuire Transfer, 145 lltn. ords. Empire Bdwy. Oli PIANO wanted for dance naii. cheap. Atwater 1532 NICE Vose & Son piano for saie cheap; no dealers. Phone East 5259. NICE Miller piano for sale cheap; terms; no dealers. East 5259. FOR SALE $125 size Victrola with rec ords. $6M; good condition. Tabor 6333. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALE. GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED. FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. 7500 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of -very kind and description; antiques. curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, viclins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blan kets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks. Wilton and oriental rugn, refrigerators, sewing ma chines, automobile and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other r tides too numerous to mention. SECURITY -STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 4th and Pine Streets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Oison Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine U LET ME make .you beautifully over stuffed davenports and chairs in my spare time. 847 E. Stark. East 6598. PGR SALE 2 stoves and furniture of a five-room flat, 606 East Belmont st. East 1397. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale. 414 Harrison st. Office Furniture. OFFICE AND BANK EQUIPMENT. 2 Burroughs posting machines, 2 Elliott-Fisher posting machines. 2 Underwood typewriters, 1 electric check indorser. 2 Rand files, ledger binders and a number of filing cases in assorted sizes, for sale at excep tionally low prices. Call Bdwy. 6559. ask for Brownell or Slocum. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys in used roll and flat-top desks, chairs and filing cabinets, refinished, almost equal to new. See our special 4 drawer letter file, $25, a new file at less than second-Jind price. IRWIN-HODSON. 391 Stark street, at 10th street. WE BUY, sell and rent every kind of equipment for your office. You save money on either new or used equip ment, buying from us. D. C. Wax Of fice Equip. House, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy, 2739. FIBRE-REED furniture for office, studio, reception room or home; ever lasting wear, attractive pricea IRWIN-HODSON. 391 Stark st. at 10th street. FOR SALE EXTRA fine oak flat-top desk ; also small typewriter desk and chair. 423 Pittock blk. NEW and used burglar-proof manganese bank safes, immediate delivery. Jesse R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. 42-INCH roll-top desk, $47.50. East 9333. after 6 P. M. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis r tributors of Corona portable. $50, complete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all inak. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 3o per cent to 70 per cent below man ufacturers' prWee; TERMS. $5 cash and $5 month if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months. $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 121 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. ADDING machine and calculating ma chine. Some very good bargains. Call Mr. Black, 309 Lumbermans bldg. or phone Bdwy. 3712. $45 MODEL No. 5 Underwood type writer, slightly yused. Mr. Hampton, Bdwy. 4343. ' REBUILTS, 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. O. Co.. 231 Stark st. Bdwy. 7507. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type writer Insp. Co., 312 Stark. Bdy. 7459. $3 MONTH rents an Underwood or Rem i n e ton. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. BEAUTIES, St. Andreasberg rollers, fe males from carefully selected imported strain on both sides, $2 and $3. Call East 6874 or 687 Multnomah st. REGISTERED fine pedigreed English buJ-ido- pups for ale, ready to take away. S. Takemoto, Milwaukie. Or., route 2. box 474. On J. P. Keij place. SHEPHERD pups; something good, reas onably priced for immediate sale. Leslie G. Foster, Pasco, Wash. FOR SAT,E. bogs. Rabbits, Birds und Pet Stock. BOSTON TERRIER AT STUD. A. Iv. C. 315784. winner Pacific coast bred-dog . class; Seattle show, 1922; also pupa for sale. 7114 52d ave. S. E. Auto 626-29. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. SELL OR RENT, five-room modern houseboat, furnished, piano ; terms. 2 Yacht club. Sellwood 0702. FOR SALE, or trade for automobile, 26-ft, launch; good running order. Sell wood 1980. Coal and Wood. $4.25 PER LOAD $4.25. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir blocks and slabs; runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO., WALNUT 4102. FOR SALE Slabwood, blocawood. No. 1 fir and pole oak cord wood, sawdust, cut fuel and coal. S. & H. green trad ing stamps. Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5tb st. Broadway 0353. "WE have 200 cds. of oak wood that must be sold at once; also 100 cds. of choice red fir. Our prices are convinc ing. Prompt del, w Walnut 5447 NO. 1 GREEN and dry fir, $8.00; heavy country slab, $6.00; pole or body oak, $10 per cord. Second growth fir $7.25. Main 6241. , ; WOOD WOOD. " 4-foot block and railroad tieo, also 16-inch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. $4.25 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed; fur nace or- heater four-foot slab. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. BLOCK and slabwood, $4.25 per load; 2 loads S8: furnace ana nrepiace wooa . $4.25 per load; two loads $3. Call Walnut 5904. . NICE 16-in. slab, $3.50 and $4 load; box. $4; 1-in tnicK, $i anywnere; iso. x DRY box wood, iaeal kindling ; $3.25 and $4 a load, walnut WHEN you want a woodsaw call Kelley East 6840. BEST grade Utah coal, oak cordwood. flione fciast liqa. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load. $5; double load, 38. Bdwy. o4.i. A-.NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood $8 cord. Tabor 5933. ROCK SPRINGS coal, country slab, fir cordwood. Atwater 2526. Wain. 4. UTAH KING COAL. EAST S9S4. Fruits and Vegetables. ORDER your Bartiett pears, $1.25 a box delivered. Jaii &f otn su or aen wood 3308. - Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 8U j. 14th st., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 019-iy. Machinery. 40 H. P. WHITE steamer engine, $250. Walnut 5584. Machinery Wanted. WANTE ick concrete mixer; 1 hoist Phone E. 3158. Nursgry Stock. Bulhp and Flowers. ADVERTISING collection of bulbs at 1-3 of the regular price. Send $1.25 and 5 addresses of flower lovers and we will send vnn this collection 01 tulips. hvacinths. narcissus and crocus, 48 bulbs at a value of $4. parcel post pre paid. American-Holland Bulb Com- pany, Bell Ingham. Wash. Miscellaneous. DUCK lake, on Sauvies island, limit . shoots last year during high water; renchprt hv machine or Doat : camn blinds, etc. F. A. McGuire, Multnomah hotel. FIRST-CLASS .32 Special Winchester rifift with about 100 shells. $25 for all; also new tarpaulin and camp bed c h ea p. Call Broadway 7826, room Em p ress hotell CLOSING out large lot wool blankets, htiv nnantitv vou wish, very low prices. nlaids. grays 'and fancy ; also a few auto robes. 603 Title & Trust bldg. Brl wy 325S. BARTLETT PEARS. $1 to $1.35 a box; very choice. H. W. Strong. Powell Valley road, near Gresham. FOR SALE Exquisite diamond solitaire set in hand-carved platinum. Perfect white stone. Will sacrifice for cash. ' Address V 924. Oregonian. SODA FOUNTAIN. Front and back bar, coffee urn, warmer, class ware, stools, tables, etc. Sell for less than half cost. Tabor 3382. HOT-WATER tanks, $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing con tractors; estimate given. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8516 BARGAIN on men's Pats ana caps, $4, $5 hats now $1.95 to $2.95; caps 75o to $2.45. 251 Washington St., between 2d and 3d. ; SHOWCASES. SAFES. SCALES. Cash registers, root beer barrels, check writers, wall cases, account reg isters ; big selection. 1 29 First st. Ti'OR SALE Advance steam tractor. h. p.; N, 2 Russell sawmill; 2-8x10 engine, lo-h. p.; upright boiler. C 86b, Oregonian FOR SALE A school or auto bed; slid ing glass doors; complete; ready to set on an auto, $25. Bdwy. 4811, after 7 P. M. HOOVER sweeper cheap for cash ; Torrington and attachments. 727 16th st. , also East FO R SALE Plums and cooking apples. Tabor 7513. 34 East 52d N.. corner Couch. TEXT SALE ONE 30x50. ONE 20x30, ONE 10x14, ONE 10x12; CANVAS TOP TENTS. O 941, OREGON 1AJN. REMINGTON .22 repeater, octagon bar rel, pistol grip, model 12C, to trade on clarinet, i-0-t onpwicK street. FOR SALE 1 Morris chair, $12.50; 1 librarv table. $10; 1 oriental rug, 9x12. Call East 7145. ONE MANNING GAS MAKER, perfect condition ; one water-power washing machine. East 021S. 1 BURROUGHS adding machine and stand, five bank, good as new, cheap for o u i e k cash sale. 269 E. 52d st. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second hand, special pricea Pacific Safe & Supply Co., 48 Front st. Broadway 1966. FOR SALE A velvet rug cheap if taken at once. Call at 42 E. 27th st. S., rear of 42 K. 27th st. SCREENS and screen doors, cabinet work of all kinds. Webster's Screen S-hop, 321 Marguerite. Tabor 3325. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms, $12; 5 for $20; guaranteed to oass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. 5000 -GALLON California redwood tank, nearly new, for sale cheap. 5 East 7tith st. Tabor 0172. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks . Sandy, 124 Broadway. BARTLETT PEARS, and potatoes for sale. Now is t he time to place your order. East 0853. FIREBOX BOILER Good condition, 130 pounds steam; bargain. East 2257. 175 V? E. Water st. $3-o6 RENTS nice sewing machine 2 mo. empire iransier, io-l, roaa- way 01oi. -GALLON Wayne gasoiine pump. 280 gallon. 12-gauge tanlt almost new, at a ba rgain. Auto. M -W. l48o Siskly o u CASH REGISTERS and computing scales, bought, sold, exchanged and re paired. 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. ELECTRIC range and refrigerator for sale. Come to 610 Grand ave. and make me an offer, bellwood 393G. EVERGREEN blackberries; will deliver at $1.50 crate. Phone Tabor 6983. DROP-HEAD Singer machine; good con dition. $15. East 3769. 562 . Williams. BEDSPRING and mattress, dresser and chair to match. Call E. 5758. ONE 6-HOLE - range, coils, fine condi tion, good baker. $35. 443 Emerson st. TWO RUGS, heater, safety back, pipe, all for $20. ' 447 5th street. Main 3877. FOR SALE ONole cart, in good condi tion. East 8820. BARTLETT PEARS for sale, first house west Ruby stock farm. Base Line road. NEW full dress suit, size 39. for $33.50. East 9333 after 0 P. M. 32 WINCHESTER for $15. East 9333, after fi P. M. BABY CARRIAGE, nearly new, $15. Apt. 3, Laurette apts., 11th and Main. BARTLETT pears; bring containers. 20S E. 47th st. N. FOR SALE Cash register, sale, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $15. Bdwy. 4492. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 7 a c per day, delivered. Walnut 1259. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1 lat at. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Star. Taylor-st. dock. Main S065. APPAREL SHOP in a nom-2, good show ing of fall garments. Tabor 2S25. ONE STROLLER wicker buggy; just like n ew ; reasonable. Broadway 3330. FOR SALE Old windows, doors and lumber. 5th and Hail st. NEARLY new Hu ghes electric range. oisx sx. a. J ij. pen, uom. VULCANIZING PLANT. Finney, 610 Al- berta st. 18-FOOT spruce extension lighter, $4. 1119 E. 29th st. N 351 AUTOMATIC Winchester rifle in good shape, $25. Henry Long. East 6840. HOOVER vacuum cieaners for rent; de li vereBdwy 3652. SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing, cabinet work, etc. Walnut 1487. SAFE Half price. RS54. Oregonian. FOR SALE. M i see llaneous. DAINTY, lacey. white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well ; a wonderful selection to choose from. MILLER'S BIG LITTLE JEWELRY STORE. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER, WASHINGTON NEAR PARK ST. WANTED 6 cars. We will paint 6 cars, any make, any color, for $37.50, for advertising purposes ; no Blouch job goes on these cars. A written guaran tee and a mighty nice piece, of work. Call early; don't have to leave car here, but book for it; come and see our work; you will be astonished. East 4578. Detroit Auto Painting Co., 425 E. Morrison. SEWING MACHINES. Large stock slightly used drop-head Singers, Whites, New Homes and all other makes, guaranteed and at truly bargain prices. Liberal allowance for your old machine in , exchange on a new Singer. We rent and repair. Singer Store, 193 4th, near Taylor. Main 6S33. 256 NEWTON, at a bargain; fine shape. 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. Call Sellwood 3936. or AM 855. Oregonian. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest selections. Come In and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Broadway 4253. LEAKY ROOF, EH? Very aggravating, indeed ! Why not a comfortable and permanent roof? We repair, rubber bond anil rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old Isaky roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 5958. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sta. r SEWING -machines, new and second hand, sold fo iess ; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices, bought, sold and exchauged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mould' ings. millwork. glass roofing and hot bed sash; see our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Mam 4lu.-i. SIMPLEX cream separator. GOO pounds an hour; in good condition; price 40; residence one mile south of Bell sta tion. O.-W. P. R. R. M. C. Thompson Route 2, Box 456. Phone Milwaukie 50-X. 60 SLIGHTLY used White. New Home. Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms on sale. Jfi. K. Steen. 152 Grand ave. at Belmont, Phone Easr. 2359 PILES can be, permanently cured with out operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. DODGES DODGES DODGES MR. USED CAR BUYER. Where can I buy a depend able car that will require no mechanical repair until mileage of service rendered me by said car has run into hundreds of miles, and where said used car will be priced fairly and reasonable terms can be arranged, and where I will receive the same courteous and fair treat ment that I would if purchasing a new car, and where said used car will be fully and completely equipped ? We, as DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CAR representatives, have extended just this facility and service to used car purchas ers running in number into the hundreds, and, to a man, we can show you these are all satisfied used car customers. Can you afford not to avail yourself of this standard of ser vice offered' the PUBLIC OF PORTLAND? DODGES ALL MODELS. 1918 Dodge sedan $600 1937 Buick touring 475 1920 Ford touring . .' 335 Ford delivery 110 1921 Mitchell touring 825 1921 Velie 34, 5-pass -. 875 1919 Model 90 Overland 290 1918- Model 85-4 Overland... 325 1920 Baby Overland sedan.. 595 Reo touring 195 USED CARS IN TRADE. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnslde Sts. X.IBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE: WE FURNISH THE MONEY; OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG.. 2d Floor. BEST BUYS IN PORTLAND TODAY. Late Chevrolets. Maxwells, fine order, under $30O; Dodge touring, $295; Hup, model M, going cheap; many others. Cars can be seen at Portland Auto Sales, 125 15th. cor. Wash. Open Sun days an d even i ngs. SELDOM AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS. Peerless 8. model 1920, 7-pass. ; just overhauled and painted; looks and runs like new ; 4 new cord tires ; lots of extras; easy terms : a real bargain. Owner 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. H58. CASH PAID FOR FORDS. Why trade your old car in on a new one when we will pay you Its value in cash? Then do your shopping. Cash counts. T. McDonald, 191 Grand ave., corner of Taylor. East fi319. OLDSMOBILE 8, newly painted midnight blue, natural wood wneeis, o nearly new cord tires! many extras; will give mechanicai guarantee. This .car to be sold at big sacrifice. N. E. corner Borthwick and KHlingsworth. REO light 6, 1920 model, the first sec ond-hand lignt t Reo orrerea oy us this year. Cord tires with spare; a real car at an attractive price. North west Auto Co., cor. ISth and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. STANDARD 8 COUPE. Practically new coupe, run only 4f00 miles, just lfke new. Will sell at a ' great bargain. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 60Q7. A REAL BUY. 1920 Monroe, with 4 new cord tires, bumper front and rear; windshield de flectors, spotlights, motometer; refin ished and mechanically O. K. See this car at 530 Alder st. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. This car is just repainted, looks like a brand new car and is in fine mechan ical condition. Has wire wheels and 5 good tires; will sell at a bargain on easy payments. Phone Bdwy. 7133. MAXWELL TOURING 5-PASS. In A-l condition, good tires, Alemito greasing system. This car is a snap; terms. See it for yourself at 530 Alder st. DOES $100 mean anything to you? You can save that much on the purchase of your new Ford touring car. Run far enough to be well broken in. Extras. Call Mr. Pinard, East 6837. 4-CYLINDER, 5-passenger Studebaker, good tires, seir-starter, in gooa condi tion ; $100. Call Mr. Bates, East 0802. OVERLAND model 90, in good running order, at $200 cash. N. E, corner Ho r t h wick and KilltngswoT-th. POWERFUL and speedy Cadillac 4-30. sell or trade; make me an offer. 6010 82d S. E. DORT demonstrator, cord tires, Al shape, easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. A 1918 CHEVROLET roadster; cord tires and spotlight; in fine shape; $200 cash, $215. terms. East 3300, Apt. 3. OVERLAND SNAP 5-pass., splendid condition, new tires; sacrifice for $300. Easy terms- Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 1460. MAXWELL ROADSTER. Ready to give someone real,, service for a small sum. 530 Alder st. LATE model Maxwell, all new tires, fine top, A 1 conaition rawnanicaiiy, j o. East 1487. 120 Union ave. N. FORD, cheap. 1101 E. Caruthers st. Tabor o"M- 1920 FORD A-l condition, $330. 45th st. Tabor 8149. 414 E. GOOD 5-pass. car, $3&0w or will trade for lot. Sellwood OT68. VELIE SIX, late model; exchange for diamonds. Y 874, Oregonian. 1922 LIBERTY six. like new, at a great diseoi.-nt. Phone East 8879. FOR SALE 1914 Peerless a-4S, East 3603. $u. FOR SAXE AUTOMOBILES. MID-SUMMER BARGAINS ON RENEWED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles. These are in the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition, we give 30 days free mechanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit given on: any other car of equal price that ' cus tomer may select. This gives ample time for every pur chaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it inspected, andwe want only satisfied customers. 1919-1920 (model O series) Hud son super-six," Westihghouse air springs $1275 1919 Hudson speedster , 1915 6-4 Hudson 1917 Hudson 1919 Essex 1922 Essex 1921 Essex .... 1918 Liberty 1921 Olds 4 ... 1918 Stephens . ........ - 575 .......... 800 650 1920- liberty Cole 8 . . . . 750 .,,,.. . 550 1918 Chandler coupe ... 750 1920 Chandler dispatch 750 1920 Chandler , 773 1919 Chalmers, ....,.,.. 625 Maxwell truck 800 Largest u?ed car branch store In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch store Vipen Sunday and evenlnga Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5739. Also a Display at Our Salesrooms. 615-617 Washington St. C. L- BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY'S CLEAN-UP SALE. WE HAVE VERY GREATLY RE DUCED OUR USED CAR PRICES. THE POLICY OF THIS HOUSE TR TO OFFER YOU BETTER VALUES THAN Y'OU C AN FIND ELSE WHERE. Compare our offerings with any other. It ia by comparisons only that you will be able to appreciate the real bargains we have. This house has been doing business for ever 17 years. It does a legiti mate business. This is a legitimate sale we are conducting and you have the right to rely upon anything you are told by us "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant 21st and Washington. Phone Broadway 6244. Broadway Branch 28-30 North Broad way. We have cars' to take you from one place to the other. $150 AND UNDER. USED CARS. USED CARS. TERMS. CARS TRADED. 1912 Packard touring, good, tires. This is a real buy $150 1912 Apperson touring, top. tires and body good, motor perfect... 100 1918 Maxwell touring, all good, ready to run away (license).... 150 1918 Chev. touring, a dandy car.; 150 Reo rebuilt roadster, good top, paint, upholstering, motor per fect 150 1916 light 4 Studebaker bug, lie, good tires, a dandy car 100 See These Cars. TALBOT & CASEY, INC.. East 8118. Open evenings 8:30, Sundays 9 to 5. A REAL. USED-CAR SALE. We need the space and must move our large stock of cars at once; every car has been reduced in price. The following is a partial list of stock on hand: Wa. Now. 1921 Auburn Sedan $2000 $1500 - . . 1150 .. 375 750 1050 mm 875 1916 Dodge Touring 400 250 1920 Cole "8" 1200 800 1917 Chalmers 650 400 1921 Stutz Touring 2250 2000 1917 Packard, 7-pass 1350 1100 19-16 Overland 275 150 We will consider any trade or term within reason. No brokerage charged. GRANNTNG & TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Late model Winton 6, 7-passenger, in A-l condition ; run less than 16,000 miles; 6 good cord tires. MERRILL'S AUTO SERV. GARAGE, 380 Flfnt St. East 7165 or Broadway 7579. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, in excellent condition throughout, some terma : TALBOT & CASEY, INC.. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. Open evenings 8:30, Sundays 9 to 5. A FORD COUPE. Yotf will love to own, 1921. newly refinished, new tires, shock absorbers, speedometer, new floor mat; recently spent $90 for complete overhaul. Call Wa 1 nut 28 1 0. A REAL BARGAIN. 1921 DODGE TOURING, $685, Five cord tires; same as a new car. If you have cash and small auto, write BJ 901, Oregonian. FRANKLIN. . Demi-sedan, new, never used, will sell at a substantial saving to buyer. Bdwv. 0849 1922 FORD touring, like new; spotlight, shocks, speedometer, spare tire, foot feed. $475 cash, by owner, leaving town. 424 E. 47th st. S. $75 DOWN takes my Ford roadster; shocks and lots of otlror extras; fine mechanical condition; srood tires. City Auto Laundry. 11th and Burnsidc sts. 191S CHEVROLET touring, new top. bumper, extra tire, license, $J!o0 terms. Walnut 5010. 1920 FORD TOURING -In good condi tion and good tires; some terms if de sired. Walnut 2-'!S7. Pl'E new 5-passenger auto to trade. Will take piano or real estate tn part payment or wnat nave you 7 mi mtn st. WE PUT steel teeth in your old fly wheel; crankshaft turning, cyl. grind ing. H. B. Black, 534 Alder. Bdy. 2SS1. BUICK roadster, in excellent condition, good rubber; terms; a sensible buy. 384 11th st. LATE model 390 Chevrolet, good con dition; price for quick, sale, very easy terms. Tabor 5935. Maxwell bug Tabor 5642. 192( DODGE SEDAN, $i."0: terms. Would consider Ford sedan or coupe as part payment. Baxter, Bdwy. 287H. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, In fine con dition; lota of extras; will consider terms; price 3S0. Walnut 23X7. $100 BUYS 1917 Chevrolet roadster, new ruiryber. 157 Julia ave., opposite Ore gon box factory. Mafailam mad. WB TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 8254. Mail orders filled. 1921 STUDEBAKER special six at a great bargain, excellent condition. Phone East 8879. DODGE touring, In good condition, good tires, new top. $250. Walnut 2387. FORCED to Bell 1921 Ford coupe, J430; ood. condition A.t. J.S& .Chapmaa-st, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS AT RIGHT PRICES. We have the best and most reasonably priced Used Car stock in the city. We have the car that you are looking for one that is best suited to your needs and purse. A reasonable amount down and the balance on long and easy terms. Buy a gsod used car with a reliable com pany behind It. Our stock. i constantly changing. Come in today and make your choice. These are a few of our Used Car bargains; 1918 Briscoe touring $ 225 1 ! 1 7 Saxon roadster 75 1918 Mitchell touring 400 1917 Chalmers touring .... 350 1920 Mitchell touring ...... 995 1918 Libortv touring 600 1918 Studebaker 800 1919 Apperson touring ..... 1150 191S Overland touring 275 1917 Hudson touring. . 400 1913 Overland roadster 40 1915 Mitchell touring.. 135 1917 Overland touring ..... 160 Ford roadster 200 1920 Mitchell touring 995 Grant sedan ......,., 675 1920 Buiek touring. .. .., 950 1916 Packard touring 1000 1920 Mitchell touring ..... 995 1917 Maxwell touring ....... 175 191. S Briscoe touring 250 391 S Mitchell club roadster. 675 1918 Stuta roadster .. 1225 1919 Mitchell touring.. ., 750 1919 Briscoe touring , j 325 1918 Overland touring liwm SOO 1918 Maxwell touring ,L 250 Open Evenings and Sundays MITCHELL, LEWIS & BTAVET COMPANY. Broadway at Everett Bt. 40 Years in the Northwest. HUGHSON FORD CORNER. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCES3. BUY A FORD. PUT THE REST IN THE BANK, BETTER USED FORDS FOR LESS, LETS PROVE IT. A large stock of used rar 1s th rrv- sult of too high prices without dolUUP for dollar value. Our stock of used cars, while nTM over stocked, we have a good dispUJf of all models. Our cars aro all under oar own rofl not standing out all night, a lot in, tbm rain, rusting by night. Our used cars receive the same care and attention as our new cars. In this way you are assured of receiving higher valus for your money. These cars are of good value, priced right, with terms to suit. SOME $75 DOWN. BALANCE EASY. Tourings $125 $175 $325 Roadsters ...,...... 160 30O 3.75 Coupes 375 425 475 Sedans ..... ... . 4 50 475 M) Deliveries ......... 125 2lO 250 Trucks 230 250 85 COME ON. LET'S GO. ALL IN FINE SHAPE. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. WILLIAM L, HUGHSON CQ, Where Is'a- Handy. 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 0321. USED CAR BUYERS: It will be to your advantage t note our excellent offering iu good used cars. Owing to an enormous busi ness since, the arrival of our new modal Buickq we are offer ing a fine variety of makes and mode-is in good used' automobiles which we are desirous of uloing out within three days. 1020 Buick '-lx' touring (guar anteed). 1919 Butck "six" touring (wtro wheels). J920 Oakland sedan. 1 922 Ford fidan, 19'JO Ford coupe. 1917 Buick touring. l:21 Dod'ge touring. HHH Ford touring. 1921 Alaxweil touring. These cars are all we-11 equipped and in fino meohanioal condition. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO,, 12th and Aldr Street. Broadway 11JO. (Sunday: PhoJie Bdwy. U3-. Open Day Sunday, USED CARS. 1921 Nash, 7-passenger, run 8338 miles; new cord tires, paint; guaran teed . $1175 1919 Nash, 3-pass.; original finish; cord tires; 90 days' service 775 1919 Nash, 4-pasa. & ral Dargaln ror 191! Nash, 4-pas. 635 600 Buick roadster; good run ning order 575 1921 Kssex; real Dargrain; lota of extras: the bent buy in Portland. ..... 850 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. COLK COUI'K Tho miwt beautiful coup. , in Portland; driven only HllRhtly: nvr eff the pavement. A Kenuine bargain for one de.-drinK a high-class and, .t traetlvo car. -Northwest Auto Co cor. ISth and Alder. Bdwy. BUVS llii'u Chevrolet tourlnsr. almost like new; mood tires, upholstuj-y and top like new; license, tool, starter. All in fine shape. Owner wants to soil. Ka."t S!."i4. O V ' K K LAND MOUKL 4 IHl'L OriKinal factory finish, can't be tnld from new. 0 good tires, Alemlte greas intf system. A good buy in a light car. Terms, r.30 Alder st. MUST sell my late model Oakland 6 tour nig car, in the finest condition, nw tires, spotlight and other extras. Takn $4.H and give some terms if desired. Call Mr. Olldea. Broadway 3121 1'OHD SUDAN. Cord tires and manv other extras. specially priced at J015. BRALEY. GRAHAIkt & CHILD. Inc 11th and Burnside. COLK Aero 8, a wonderful car, comfort able and easy riding; mechanically per fect; extra tire; easy terms. See It; ride in it. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. lidwy. 14ln. 1'JIS IjODGK TOURING J4II,".. Cut down for sleeping; luggage and trunk carriers, as is. ERALKY, GRAHAM Sr. CHILD, Inc. 11th and Burnslde. R.KO, big 6, dandy for heavf duty or sage, low operating cost; a real car at a bargain. Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 4ll). FORD KOADSTBil. New radiator, all good tires, ready to go. Come to 530 Alder St. if you want a bargain: terms. BIG BARGAIN 1021 Ford touring, with cord tires and lots of extras. This la a real snap, so don't fail to sea it. Terms. Sellwood 0739. FORDS FO R DS FOR DS. From $150 up, mechanically in good condition and new tires on most of them. 530 Alder st. CHEVROLET touring, a real snap. Tn perfect running order, good tires, 1922 license, easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., cor. ISth and Alder. Bdwy. 140Q. 1917 ENCLOSED LOZIKH. ' must icU this month, will take $425 with small payments, consider lot or car in trade, i'hono Milwaukie 99. 1. 1919 DODGE ROADSTER $475. Cord tires, gnod condition as Is. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc, llth snd Burnside. FORD BUG. Electric generator, storage battery. Bosch magneto, speedometer and many other extras. Terms, 530 Alder st. LATE Dodge touring oar, used about a year but looks and runs like a brntl new car. Sacrifice for cash. Phone Empire n3H5. 1920 FORI) TOURING SNAP. Will sell my 1120 Ford touring car. In finest condition, for $275. Best buy In town. Call Mr. Gildea. Bdwy. 3121. $490 CHEVROLET touring car. late model, in excellent condition. A ral bargain for the price. Call Aut. 334-B0. WILL sell or trade for touring car. 1920 Ford one-ton truck wit h flat body. Good tires. Call East 832. OVERLAND 90 1919. New top, repainted, very good tires; s bargain., price. Terms. 630 Aide at. t l"