THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY. AUGUST 21, 1922 MM y NEW BILLS ALREADY PROPOSED Next Session of Legislature Is in January. BLUE SKY CHANGES UP Better Protection for Stock and Bond Buyers Is Declared to Be Necessary. SALEM, Or., Aug. 20. (Special.) Althougn the next regular session of the Oregon legislature will not convene until January, state offi cials, state departments and super intendents of the state institutions already are working out in their minds various bills which will be submitted for consideration of the lawmaking body. Important among the legislative enactments to be requested will (be several amendments to Che present blue sky laws of the state. T. B. Handley, state corporation com missioner, has indicated that the blue sky laws now in operation are inadequate, and that numerous amendments are necessary if in vestors in stocks and bonds are to have the protection to which they are entitled. This legislation will be remedial in character, Mr. Hand ley said, and will be directed par ticularly at non-resident corpora tions and stock-selling organize tions which are increasing rapidly Dunking Amendments Wanted. The state banking department also will have a number of amend ments for consideration of the leg islature. Frank Bramwell, state banking superintendent, in a recent report, declared that the present banking laws are lame, and that "tightening up" "process is necessary to guarantee protection to depos tors and Investors. Although re fusing to divulge the nature of the proposed legislation, Mr. Bramwell said he 'had discussed several bills with members of the state banking board and that they are agreeable to a number of drastic changes. Bills to be offered by the state in dustrial accident commission, if ap proved by the legislature, will ex tend the scope of operations of that department and make it easier for the smaller industries of the state to come under the workmen's com pensation law. Whether there will be a downward revision of the charges of the commission for pro tection has not yet been determined by the commissioners. During the last year, the accident commission has sought to interest farmers and other rural industries In the protec tion offered by the compensation act, and it is likely that the pro posed legislation will hold out nu merous inducements to this class of business. The state eugenics board already has announced that it will have a bill before the legislature looking to the passage of a law to replace the one which recently was declared unconstitutional by the courts. The so-called old eugenics law, under which the board operated for a number of years, was attacked in the courts a year ago and was held to be unconstitutional by Judges G. G. Bingham and Percy Kelly. Appeal then was taken to the su preme court, with the result that the decision of the lower court was affirmed. Revision of the present motor ve hicle license laws, based on the age of cars, as well as their weight and tire width, also probably will re- ceive the attention of the legisla ture Motor vehicle owners are not satisfied with the present license laws, it was said, and hate de manded that the age of ears, be taken into consideration by offi cials. At the present time no allow ance Is made for old cars, which are compelled to pay a state . license equal to those fresh from the shops. Training: School Site Sousht. The legislature also probably will be asked to provide an appropriation with which to purchase a site for the proposed new state training school for boys. Money for the erec tion of this plant was made avail able by the legislature at the 1921 session, but because of objections to the tentative site selected by the board of control, actual construction work was postponed. Officials said that approximately 300 acres of land will be required for this institution. The plant will cost approximately $280,000 and will be erected under the cottage system. Most of the pro posed new laws to be sought by state institutions will relate to the han dling of their charges. band and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jones of Reno. Nev., plunged into the bay from the apron of & ferry-boat upon which it was being driven. The others were rescued. Mrs. Jones, a sister of Mrs, Whit ing, was rescued by James T. Mur phy of San Francisco, a sailor on the U. S. S. Natoma, who leape into the bay with all his clothes on. Jones and Whiting were saved by Charles Shane of Martinez, who was in ar rowboat. Mrs. Whiting was taken from the water after 20 minutes by George .Lynch of San Francisco, another sailor, who dived repeatedly for he body.' but she was dead. Mr. Jones is the Nevada state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league. MEMS FROM SKY COIN SHOWER PROVIDES FO AT COLOMBIA BEACH. Men, 'Women and Children Join in Scramble Some Lose ,Hats or Get Mussed Vp. A shower of money from the skies created a riot of fun at Columbia beach yesterday when hundreds of persons, both young and old, joined in the scramble for the envelopes as they' were cast from the window of the- dance hall onto the beach. For more than half an hour the struggle raged and the throng of children, flanked by men and wom en, swept to and fro in. the effort to get under the wind-carried, mon ey. Among the little ones there were several casualties in the way of ruined tempers, but nothing more serious. A few of the men lost hats and were a bit imissed up, but the soft sand made the tussle both safe and amusing. Bathing attracted a large num ber, it being estimated that 1500 iook to me water auring trie ait ornoori. Two more tickets to Sea side were awarded to pretty girls who were picked .by a committee. All during the day picnic parties flocked to the resort, where every amusement feature was operating and where the dancing and skating drew large numbers of merry-mak ers. Much of the popularity of the new pavilion was said, to he due td the Tom Curtis orchestra. As the season at the beach is drawing to a close, the management is planning several momentous ex hibitions for the few Sundays that remain. It is probable that one of them will include the transfer of a man from a speed boat to an air plane. ' IS LARGE AIRMAX PROVIDES THRILL BT TRIPLE LEAP.4 GIRL ATTACKED BY MAN Cent ra Ha Resident Found Lying in Street Unconscious. j CENTRAL,! A. Wash., Aug. 20 (Special.) While driving along Che balis avenue Thursday night with his family Walter Conrad found Miss Anna Frank, aged 18 lying in the street, unconscious and a hand kerchief tied around her mouth. When revived, the young woman stated that she was on her way home after calling on a friend and a man stepped from befhind a tree and grabbed her. That was all she could remember. A bad bruise over the eye indi cated that she had been struck. The only description Miss Frank able to give of her assailant that he was roughly, dressed. was was Park Is Crowded With Amuse ment Seekers Who Keep Concessions Busy. Almost the record crowd of the season surprised The Oaks yester day afternoon and evening, in quest of entertainment. Prof. J. Le Strange, intrepid mas ter of the air, gave an exhibition in the clouds from his huge balloon. Ascending to a great height he jumped into space three times with three parachutes alw&ys opening at the right moment. With a stiff northwest wind blowing he was car ried onto the Setlwood golf links. where he landed at the nineteenth hole as gently as thistledown. He will appear again next Wednesday afternoon as the feature attraction for Children's day.. Old and young found the resort ready to do their bidding. All the" rides and concessions worked con stantly to keep the crowd amused. Skating and swimming proved popu lar and the laughing galleries re sounded with hilarity. Numerous parties came early and stayed late, so refreshing was the spirit of the smart river breeze. The Oaks certainly lived up to its Blogan, "Everybody s playground. GREW NEAR DEATH IN 43;DAY CALM Starving Men Favor Woman and New-Born Babe. RELIEF FINALLY APPEARS Condition Reported Pitiable When 30-Day Vood Supply Is Put on "Lost" Schoone. SAN FRANCfsCO, Aug. 20. A tale of the sea. a becalmed ship, a starv. ing crew and a mother with & new born babe for whom everyone sacri ficed rations in order to preserve its life, today thrilled the water front here upon the arrival of the motorshiD Annie Johnson with news of the San Francisco schooner w u- 11am H. Smith. The schooner, according to reports from the motorship, was becalmed the Pacific for 43 days and was discoverer) on August 14 when Cap tain Thomas Murray responded to her signals of distress. A pitiable condition on Board tne schooner was Jiscovered. The crew or seven men had been without sud- stantial food for 11 days. Crew Weakened by Fast. Weakened by their enforced fast, they -were phsyically unable to hoist the emergency supply of rations over the ship's side. "Their principal food for days had been copra from the schooner's cargo. In the cabin of the William H. Smith the scene was heartrending. a young woman in the company. Vera Lehmann, who gave promise of golden attainment; she had voice, she was beautiful and he could dance. He was giving her vocal Instruction. Miss Lehmann returned from tour and was a frequent caller at his home. "People began to talk," said Mrs. Koemmenich today. "I forbade Vera to call at my home when I was ab sent." 'x. - One day one of Koemmenich's daughters returned home to find that her father had attempted sui cide. They sent for Miss Lehmann and Mrs. Koemmenich said "she came and sat for hours holding his hand. "During his illness she sent him flowers and they saw each other a great deal afterward." ' m - i ' : i . J - leu aaya ago xvuenjiiicuicu uuo a second attempt to end his life. Two days later Vera Lehmann was round unconscious in ner mother's shop. Mrs. Koemmenich was out of the city when Koem menich ended his life. "11 YEARS EX -YALE STUDENT rmsi WORD OF HEARS WAR. LAST CALAPDOIA BURIED FUNERAL FOR AUNT ELIZA HELD AT BROWNSVILLE. Prisoner in Germany Subjected to JSueh Brutality He Is Abso lute Human Wreck. Mrs. Nels P. Jansen, wife of the master of the vessel, was attempting to nupse her baby, whose cries were pitiable. The mother, although fa vored by captain and crew in the matter of available food, for days had not had sufficient nourishment to supply the needs of the infant. Both mother and baby were in a weakened condition. Lives of Crew Saved. Not only did the 30 days' supply I in a duel and was sentenced to five of food which was turned over . to years in prison. Six years were (BY FLOYD GIBBON'S.) (Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service. Copyright, lf)22, by tho- Chicago Tribune.) PARIS, Aug. 20. John Gurchison,' ex-Yale student, who has been bur led from the world for 11 years in a German prison at Heidelberg, has arrived in Paris, an. absolute human wreck. The American Aid society in Paris has placed him in a private nursing home in the suburbs, but he is in such a nervous condition that he attempted suicide twice in several days. American physicians pronounce him sane, but- his terxjlble memories prevent him from sleep ing. He acts like a man with de lirium tremens and his memory is almost gone. ' Mr. Gurchison was raised in a foundling home In New York, whose address is not known, hut he Squaw, Believed by Some to Have Been About 100 Years Old, Is Laid to Rest. BROWNSVILLE, Or., Aug. 20. (Special.) Funeral services for Aunt' Eliza, last of the Calapooia Indians, were held today from the Starr undertaking chapel," with Rev. W. P. Elmore officiating. She died Friday nigfht at the home of Johnny Moore fn this city. Some pioneers estimate her' age to have been in the neighborhood of 100 years. She had been blind for many years and de pendent upon thecounty for sup port. She was interred in the Masonic cemetery by the side of her two dhildren, Susi Indian and L. Bi Indian. Eliza's father was a full-blooded Calapooia brave, living on the Cala pooia river in the upper valley. He wandered south into Lane county, where he found his bride, and it was there that Eliza was born. Her parents died when she was a small child and was for a time virtually a slave in the camps of anotftier peo ple. She ran away and was taken in and' cared for by Jacob Spores and wife at what is now Coburg. Eliza, in search of her fathers people, ran away from Spores' ferry to Brownsville. She was iust en tering into womanhood when the Blakely-Brown-Kirk emigrant train arrived at the old ford on the Cala pooia. It was understood that sine was cared for at a very early day by the Kirk family. But she slipped away and went into the southland again and there was married to a Mohawk, brave. This man drank incessantly and beat Eliza unmercifully. She fre quently ran away. At length Cal apooia Jim with the assistance of Riley Kirk bought Eliza. Jim ihad been raised by Kirk since the for mer was 12 years of age. Calapooia Jim later was killed in brawl. Eliza supported herself t long as she could by - making baskets, but eventually went blind. The county then placed her in a good home, where she was at the time of her death. added to his sentence for attempt ing to escape. Apparently 'no friends attempted to obtain his re lease. Mr. Gurchison did not know any thing about the world war until re leased and can scarcely grasp the fact. He has been'in solitary con finement- for 11 years and his body is full of scars inflicted by the war dens. His age is given as 29 years. The American embassy, is attempt ing, through the German embassy, to clear up the case. MAN SCALDS SICK WIFE MURDER CLEWS LACKING HUNT FOR BOTICH SLAYER AVAILS NOTHING. Police Think Wounded Bandit Either Will Die or Be Forced ta Seek Medical Aid. PRUNE PRICES NOT FIXED Crop in Northwest District Esti mated at 70,000.000 Pounds. SALEM. Or., Aug. 20. (Special.) Prices tor the 1922 prunes have not yet been announced, and sellers, dealers and consumers are specu lating with relation to the probable market. Estimates have placed the 1922 dried prune crop in the north west district at 20.000,000 pounds, while California will have 200,000, 000 pounds of the product. Officials of the several .local prune organizations Baid the prices for the 122 crop probably will be an nounced within the next few days. Until these prices are announced growers will not be in a position to place any value on their crops. - WOMAN IN AUTO DROWNS Three Others Rescued When Car Plunges From Ferry Boat. MARTINEZ. Cal.. Aug. 20. Mrs. Conflicting reports, a score of baseless rumors, clews that turned out to be no clews, were investigat ed by the local police detective bu reau yesterday in the hunt for the pair of robbers who shot and killed Marco Botich and wounded George Steiff in at holdup of the latter's soft drink establishment at Fifteenth and Savier streets, early Saturday morn ing. No progress in the hunt has been reported by the half dozen detectives who have been assigned to the case. though the belief exists in police cir cles that the men will be caught, due to the bullet wound received by one of the pair in the course of the gun battle that .marked the crime. That the wounded bandit will either die or be forced to seek medical aid is the opinion of the officers. ' The report that a wounded man was seen near Carson, Wash., was thoroughly investigated. No definite information on which to base a fur ther hunt for the outlaws was ob tained. Steiff, who was wounded three times in the course of the fight, is reported to be improving at St. Vin cent's hospital. A formal inquest into the cause of Botich's death will be conducted to night at the courthouse at 8:30 o'clock by Coroner Earl Smith. C. D. Whiting of Independence, Mo wife of the chief deputy sheriff of Jackson county. Missouri, was drowned here today when an auto- pjofeUe ontaiiiii herself, her bus- been announced. FOSSIL NAMES TEACHERS Grammar Grade Instructors Are ChosenOpening Sept. II. FOSSIL, Or., Aug. 20. (Special.) The Wheeler county high school and the Fossil public school will open Monday, September 11, for the year's work. Superintendent E. R. Curfman of lone has accepted the position of superintendent of the Fossil public school and principal of the high school. With the exception of Miss Flo Gilliland and Mrs. W. G. Trill, all the teachers will be new this year. Teachers for the public school are: First and second grades, Miss Flo Gilliland; third and fourth grades. Miss Mabel Mercer; fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. W. G. Trill; seventh and eighth grades, H. R, Kane. The high school teachers have not IS OFF ? the becalmed schooner save the Uvea of those on board, but Captain Mur ray reports that the crew of the William H. Smith were beginning to show signs o insanity as the result of its ordeal and.' under-nourish- ment, and are now removed from that danger. The schooner William H. Smith, craft of 489 tons, loaded with copra consigned to Burns, Philips & Co. of this city and owned by George E. Billings of San Fran cisco, sailed from Faisi, Solomon islands, for this port on April 26. She has been posted for se'weral days as overdue and .during the last week it was believed In shipping oircles that the craft had been lost. Word brought yesterday by the Woman Probably Will Die From motorship Annie Johnson is the first ews of her whereabouts. jciiects oi xruiaiiiy. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire..) JAMAICA, L. I., Aug. 20. Charged with pouring -a quantity of hot rater over his wife, Chester Blaszi- kiewicz, 38, of Dunton, Queens, was arraigned in court yesterday and held without ball by Magistrate Miller. His wife is in St. Mary's hospital, and as pneumonia has de veloped, surgeons say there is little hope for her recovery Acording to the police, Blaszikie- wicz, when he returned home last Monday evening was incensed be cause dinner was not ready. His wife, the mother of his three small children, was In bed suffering inter nal pains, and the police charge that the man grabbed a kettle of hot water and poured it over her body. No complaint was made to the police at the time. Mrs. Blaszlkie wicz was taken to the hospital. The, next day the husband appeared, said he had an automobile outside and asked to be allowed to take her home. After much persuasion the wife consented but there was no car and she walked a mile to her home, the police say. Her condition was such yesterday that the police ' were notified by neighbors and the woman again was removed to the hospital and Blaszi kiewicz was arrested. worked his way through a year at Valfl a nil wnti a f-i nl n rsh in in TTeid elberg. Soon-after arriving at Heid- W PROFESSORS NAMED eioerg ne Killed a ueriian hluuciil New Instructors at Willamette University Announced ALL WEEK Special Unit Programme Headed by Two Stellar Features Other Numbers ' J: Mil Catherine MacDonald ii m u: 0iarioris t: The drama of rich .wives, poor wives and marriage when the glamor fades AND A First National ' Attraction "You convicted me because I did to my wife what you did to yours.: But because you're a judge and I'm only a jailbird you got away with it." USTE KEAT0N IN HIS NEWEST GLOOM BUSTER A SATIRE ON THE BLUE-COATED MINIONS OF THE LAW. it COPS" Next Saturday CHARLIE CHAPLIN 28 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Sa- le,m, O.. Aug. 20. (Special.) Pro fessor Horace L. Williston, Jr., has been elected to the department of English literature and is to arrive in Salem September 5. Professor Williston, a native of the northwast, graduated from Reed college, taught at Corvallis and in the Washington- State college and for the last year has been doing graduate work in the University of Pennsylvania. He is the son of Rev. Horace williston of the Puget Sound conference in Washington. Francis W. Launer is a new in structor in the department of music of Willamette university. He is the son of Rev. F. W. Launer of Salem and Is well-known in Portland for his brilliant performance on the piano. ABOUT 30 PORTLAXDERS GO TO OLYMPIA. Two-Day Convention of Northwest District Is to Be Opened Today. V Pacific Automobile Is Burned. CENTRALIA. Wash., Aug. 20. (Special.) An automobile, destroyed by fire, was found this morning on the road near Tono. The machine carried license No. 149091, showing it to be owned by C. H. Wyckoff of Spokane. The car is believed to have been stolen. NATIONAL OFFICERS DUE FOREIGX VETERANS AUXIL IARY ENTERTAINED. Party Stops Off in Portland on Way to Homes From Conven tion Held in Seattle. Fbur national officers of the wom en's auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, elected a, the con vention just closed in Seattle, were entertained, together with their party, by members of the women's auxiliary of World War Post of Portland in the city yesterday. The officials and delegates were en route home from the Seattle gathering. Mrs. Kate Hutchison of Oakland, Cal., the new national president of the auxiliary, passed through the city also, but was unable to stop off to meet the Portlanders. , National officers who were enter tained here included: Mrs. C. A. Haffensperger of Harrisburfc, Pa., new treasurer; Mrs. George Arm strong of Pittsburg, Pa., secretary; Miss Margaret Hall of Pittsburg, color guard, and Mrs. Eugene Rich ards of . Baltimore, Md., vice-president. About 40 other delegates from various eastern cities were on the same train. The visiting officials were met at the train by members of the local committee of Veterans of Foreign Wars, headed by Mrs. George Will iams and Mrs. Winifred Reinig, pres ident of the auxiliary of World War post, and were taken on a drive about the city. Later dinner was served at the Portland hotel. . The, train from Seattle bearing the visitors arrived at 3:35 in the after noon and they left again for San Francisco at 7:45 P. M. It originally had been planned for the party to leave at 11 o'clock, and with this in view a trip out the Columbia River highway had been planned. This, however, Jjad to be abandoned. SCHOOL'S QUOTA FILLED Applications at Willamette Are Greater Than Accommodations. WILLAMETTE UNIVE-RSITS". Salem, Or., Aug. 20. (Special.) Ap plications from young women- to en ter Willamette university already exceed' by. more than 100 the num ber fixed as the limit. Lausanne hall is filled by a carefully chosen list and thje sorority houses likewise will be crowded. The numoer men to be received has almost been Veacrtd and the total attend ance could be brought to ifr record breaking number. Until facilities are increased it is the .policy of the school to receive approximately 500 students in order that high standards of instruction may be continued. Bethel A. Davis Dies. LA GRANDE, Or.. Aug. 20. (Spe cial.) Bethel A. Davis, for 26 years a resident of this city, is dead at his home here. He came to Oregon from Missouri in 1889, living in Eugene for a time before coming here. Sev en .children survive him. They are: Mrs. A. McBeth or Willows, Mrs. William Bryant of North Powder, Mrs. William Walker of La Grande, Bert, Clyde and Edward of La Grande and Thomas Davis of The Dalles. of I Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles floap tsdeanM. Ofntnmtfe ooth Julcom to rwrw. dr, SSc. SamplM of OMtamr. Xpfc. X, Mftloaa, liM. About 30 members of "the Port land Kiwanis club left yesterday morning by auto caravan for Olym- pia. Wash., where the Pacific north west district convention of Ki wanis clubs will open a two-day session In the legislative chamber of the Washington state capitol this morning. . George H. Ross, international Ki wanis president, who will be in Olympia, will visit Portland while en route home tomorrow and will be entertained with a dinner at the Multnomah hotel at night. The caravan of Portlanders was in charge of Clare H. Bullen, chair man of the -On to Olympia, com mittee. The members gathered at the Forestry building for the start, which was made at 10 A. M. Following the sessions at Olym pia, about 300 delegates have been lieted for a trip to Paradise inn, on Mount Rainier. Mr. Ross will arrive in Portland tomorrow morning at 7:30. He will be greeted by a reception commit tee headed by George A. Lovejoy, past president. There will be an Informal breakfast at the Multno mah hotel, followed by a drive out the Columbia highway.- The dinner at night will be an all-Oregon banquet and representa tives of various Kiwanis clubs throughout the state are expected to attend. J. Howard Rankin will be In charge. The breakfast will be presided over by John R. Tomlin- aon. Mr. Ross will be accompanied by his wife. SUICIDE THREAT IS OLD Scion of Boston Family Did Same Thing Before, Is Declaration. (By Chicasro Tribune Leased Wire.) BOSTON, Aug. 20. iSix months ago-Winslow W; jCole, scion of prominent Boston family, who dis appeared last week because, his love for a titian-haired show girl wa spurned, threatened, to take his life if Miss Maude Lydiate, dancer- in "Love antl Kisses," now playing at a local theater, cast him aside for someone else, it was learned today. Not even his best friends know his "hereabouts. I pray to God he has not killed himself," said Miss Lyrtiate tonight. "But I don't think Winnie is foolish as all that. I think lie has realized how stupid was his suicide thrtat -and that he has simply dis appeared and will, stay under cover until tnis has blown, over. . MAN AND GIRL SUICIDE INFATUATION OF .MUSICIAN LEADS TO DEATH OF TWO. Pretty Actress Takes Poison and German Musician, Hearing News, 'Asphyxiates Self. Immigration Data Compiled. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSTTT. Sa lem, Aug. 20.; (Special.) Professor C. M. Panunzio is completing a vol-I ume for the Macmillan company on the distribution of immigrants in I the; United- States. Representative I Johnson, chairman of the committee on immigration, and other legisla tors are expecting that such a de tailed and first-hand study "by one who was himself an immigrant will prove a significant contribution to the national problem. She hired a Laundress but did most of the work,' herself The prestige of Oregonlan Wajit- Ads has been' attained not mereJlv by masters infatuation for. a youthful 1 oregonian s large circulation, but by the fact that all its readers are interested in Oregonian Want-Ads. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. A strange story of an elderly German music ri i protege that led both "the master and the girl to suicide, was unfold ed today by the wife of Louis Koem menich, a noted composer and conductor. A week ago. Vera Lehmann, young actress, known on the stage as Vera d Artelle, was taken to Flower hospital suffering from poisoning. She" died last Monday morning. 'l welve hours later the body of Koemmenich, clad in silk pajamas. was found. The gas cocks of stove were turned on. Koemmenich had been asphyxiated. At his side was found an unsigned note. "Just received word that Vera committed suicide. 'This being great loss to me, there is nothing else left for me to do.' KoemmenicB was 65 years old, had been married 36 years and was the father of & son and two daughters, one of them married. The world war came; Koem menich's heart was with Germany and when It was over he was broken in fortune. A year later he started out as musical director of a, road company of "Aphrodite." The. dlrestox jtfote to his yUJi 9t Neuralgic acnes At th first ittb of neuralgic pln n Sloan'. Just spread it on rt pane rates wif Aowf rub- A ting. Then enjoy the tingling. W complete, bappr relief from all n I pain. For alt ecnea and pain. -if kills pain ! Jp With a whole string of recommendations, came the ,aundress ready for work Monday morning. "I'll just rest today," mused the Housewife. But, by the time the Housewife had shown the .aundress where the wash trays and other equipment were, supplied soap and starch, collected missing , , clothes, pins and sent to the store for more bluing, she had taken many steps. Then a hurriedly prepared lunch the Laundress served and sent back to her laundering. ' - 1 The weary housewife had just started to eat "when there came a frantic cry from he basement that the bluing was streaking the clothes "something awful." She hurried down. One glance at the once-white clothes was sufficient. Evening came. A tired woman counted the cost the Laundress' wages, lunch, soap, bluing, starch, gas certainly a surprising total more than the Modern Laundry charges for white, perfectly laundered clothes, without the annoyance of having the work done at home, where constant supervision is necessary. "I'll tp the Laundry next time," she said. "SE1BIT10 THE lATODDW Laundry Industry Send if gunory Li 1 .mm 1 m Tin iw "ir n iuT'u iTiTiiir fiirm r aweum 1 emmaf -- r- T" 5