Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Weird Rite, Thought ExtinctH
Is Discovered. .
South America Kxplorer Says
Feminine Members of Tribe
Are Kept Under Guard.
are to take over the string- of mins
operated by the Spokane Flour Mills
company and that the Sperry combi
nation of California is dickering for
i the Portland Flouring Mills proper-
' ties.
Morltz Thomson, master miller and
head of the Centennial Mills com
pany, is said to have Spntered into an
agreement with the Holland Inter-
Iests for operation and ultimate pur
chase of the Spokane Flour mills in
ane, Seattle, and Pendleton, Or.
The consideration, according to the
Spokesman-Review, is in. the neigh
borhood of $500,000.
The agreement, it is stated, -is to
remain in force one year, when the
Holland people have the option of
refinancing the properties.. Mr.
Thomsen is forming the Seattle
Flour Milling company as a holding
corporation for the Spokane mills,
and has severed his connection with
the Albers mills of Portland " to
handle the deal, it is said. .
The Centennial interests already
have mills in Seattle, Spokane, Ta-
coma, Wenatchee, Creston. Sprague,
Keardan and other points. This re
ported deal will give them the
Hammond mill in. Seattle, said to
he one of the finest milliner nrnnpr,
,rymcuKo in.urai. ,r., tieB jn the northweSt
rvfcW lOHK. Aug. ooraon The Portland mills, in which the
MacCreagh, ethnologist, returning Sperry people are reported inter
today on the steamship Polycarp I ested. were part of the Max Houser
from South America, where he had I properties.
been for 18 months as a member of
the Fnlford bioloirical exDloratfon
expedition. which explored the I HII UnTrUIP fl Til
Caapi. a devil-devil dance which
scientists have thought extinct, but
which still flourishes among In
dians on the Tiqui river.
"The caapi takes its name from
the drink which is used in the
dance." said Mr. McCreaeh. "The
drink is made from a vine which folicemen Make Arrest When
is cut down and boiled. The caapi
Kansas Quest Pleased With
Informal Talk.
ceremonial, which we thought was
extinct, was found in full swing in
the sections we visited.
Dance L,ast Two or Three Days.
The dance lasts two or three
days. The Indians dress in full re
galia, with many feathers and orna
"Early in the second afternoon
the chief offers the caapi bowl to
One Is Battered In Effort.
Other Cases Traced.
Ed Adams, believed by the police
to be the man who has been annoy
ing women in the vicinity of Wash
ington park, was arrested Saturday
night in the downtown district after
he had been overpowered and hand-
thosewho have elected to take cuffed by six policemen. Adams
was arrested first by Patrolman
Phauvin. who acted on the ' com
when the women are ordered to the nlaint of Teslie Stevens, a stereo-
barracks, in which 40 or 50 families typer on The Oregonian, who said rrs. Harding came on with her sec
retary. Miss Harlan, daughter of
Sirs. Homer, Hoch, Wife of Rep.
resentatlve ' ,Jn Congress,
Tells of Experiences.
"WASHINGTON, D. C. An invita
tion to go aboard the president's
boat, tiie Mayflower, is warranted to
carry a thrill. But when It comes
in the form of a little personal note
from Mrs. Harding, as if you pos
sibly were the only one asked, al
though you know, of course, you are
not. It is doubly thrilling, and if
you are one who has lived her life
in the middle of the land, it is
trebly thrilling." And when the note
says you are to spend the afternoon
in a trip on the historic old Poto
mac, your imagination runs aneaa.
Tou picture expanses of quiet water,
fleeting landscapes, historic fort
resses and a glimpse' of peaceful
Mount "Vernon.
This all happened to a few of us
the other day. and since it was my
first trip on the Mayflower, all the
thrills of firstness. were mine.
On this occasion, Mrs. Harding had
asked a conveniently small company
of congressmen's wives to be her
guests,, and wo all gathered on
board, at 2 o'clock. A little later
to the dining room. Therer we were
served by Filipinos to ice tea, hot
tea, lemonade, sandwiches and cake.
As we were finishing tea we heard
again the beairtirul strains of the
"Star-Spangled Banner" sounding
out from the deck above. We were
repassing Mount Vernon on the re
turn trip and we knew that the be
ginning of the end of our happy aft
ernoon on the Mayflower was at
The memory of the quiet and
beauty of the return trip and of
Mrs. Harding's never failing inter
est in her guests down to the mo
ment we all told her good-bye and
waited until she left the boat at
the wharf still remain to remind me
of the end of in ideal afternoon
aboard the Mayflower. .
Environment of Forest Fire Found
Less Exciting Than Heels
of Domestic Animal.
Seasons Declared to Occur Same
as on Earth, but Length Twice
. Those of This Planet.
live together. The chinks are cov- that Adams had been, following
ered and guards are posted to pre-I women and calling them vile names,
vent the women from observing thel When the policeman .turned to ask
dance, for it is death for the women the pedestrian's name, Adams was
who see it. I said to have struck him in the eye.
The dancers settle down to aA call was sent to the station for
serious mood and at dusk each dan- I reserves and five other policemen
cer gets a reed pipe which makes a I responded. It took the six to arrest
sound like one of the land animals. I the man,
an owl or a cat. Then they begin the Adams, who said that he resides
long, rhythmic dance. - J at Broadway and Salmon street, at
tempted to explain his actions by
saying that he was a woman hater
Suddenly you hear the devil- and had been one for the last three
devil in the distance. The devil- years. Adams has been tentatively
devil, as far as we could learn, is identified by Rosenberg as the man
the only supernatural belief that In- who on August 18 accosted a young
dians in that region have. It is the I woman on Broadway. Rosenberg I as Miss Harlan had invited, them to
evil spirit called Jumpary. Thel said that he was accompanied by a do. This gave everyone a chance
Jumpary blows his horn with pene-lyoung woman friend at the time I for a personal chat with Mrs. Hard-
trating sound. Ihe sound grows and that the woman who complained! ing at some time in the afternoon
nearer and nearer until suddenly! to them stopped to talk. i Mrs. Harding talked on every sub
four or five jumpary men appear.! Adams was held on a charge oflject suggested by the remarks and
questions or the women, from
former Justice Harlan.
Informality Is Pleading;.
Mrs. -Harding had Mrs. Gillett
wife of the speaker of the house,
stand with her on deck and all
memhers of the party passed' by and
met h,er. And then the delightful
informality of the afternoon, began.
Mrs. Harding sat on deck with the
group neaxest her and talked and
answered questions in her kindly,
energetic way. The group gradual
ly changed as others Joined it and
some drifted away to see the boat,
Representatives - to Seek i
Action at Washington.
One of them is the devil in dis-1 disorderly conduct.
guise, xne oevu is supposed to
have entered into him.
The jumpary man unlooses n Innc
whip. He swings it with all the Coast
force he can command and the cruel
lash lands on the shoulders and
belly of the dancer.
Terrible "Welts Rained,
The whip raises terrible welts.
If the dancer flinches or winces it
means the devil-devil will get him
some time in the woods and his life
won't be worth a bead. If he does
not flinch it is his turn, and the
lash is now laid on the body of the
"Each man must feel the whip on
his body and the devil-devils have
story about the family disappoint
ment that she was born a girl in
stead of a boy, to the matter of
entertaining the foreigners who at
tended the disarmament conference
She said her father had counted
on her being a boy and when she
wasn't he decided anyway to give
x.ra Avnr.r.KS Pal a tr in.
Governor Stephens' today telegraphed her business training. So he took
from his office here to George H.
Hecke, director of the state depart
ment of agriculture at Sacramento,
requesting the latter to go to Wash
ington at once and there do all pos
sible to obtain the prompt return to
California of refrigerator cars for I and business matters were
fruit shipments. I cessity put into her hands..
Telegrams were also sent by Gov
ernor Stephers today to the gov
ernoxs of Washington, Oregon, Utah I One woman spoke . to her of her
her at an .early age into his bank
and taught ner a practical know
ledge of the business. This, ehe said,
proved helpful during the first few
years of their married life when Mr.
Harding had a physical breakdown
of ne
10 go uirougn the ordeal many u.i,. Vi.. , ...j .....
. , - i i mo., uicj oouu I ki ciii Miiuuess ana interest in cnu-
senerauy or the agricultural commissioners of dren. and she said she had .Iw.v.
nad many cnidren coming to her for
40 dancers in the ceremony.
"The dancers are as prtud of
their states to Washington to join In
"-""." "lK ""pern refrigerator cars to the west,
of his duelling scars. ' ' I
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 19. Di
i ait 1T Ua Ir A ff 4- A oti 4-a 1 a no vim An t-
WUiVlAIM AlUi I1M UAIUH of aSrioultur8 will go east in com
i pu-iijf wii.ii nits uirtsciurs oi agncur
nAM.H-n rw-. -r , I W - wi.6wx, onuuifi Will
3 .p icaus uuicers o Idaho and Utati, it was announced
1- i n ,1 f.w,.,,-li,,
I here. The action in sending Mr.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Aug. 19.-rl Hecke east to obtain refrigerator
CSpecial.) Woman's intuition was I cars is an outcome of the meeting of
responsible for the .irrest late yes- I shippers and growers at San Fran
terday or Guy Ross, Malin poolhall 1 Cisco last week, it was stated
proprietor, and Lloyd Furlatt, bar
ber, and the confiscation of 20
quarts of moonshine. The heroine
of the raid was Miss Mildred Carr,
leacner in one or the public schools,
who as special deputy assisted
Sheriff Low and Deputy Sheriff
Barnes to unearth the liquor cache.
turlatt had charge of the poolhall I (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
wnen the officers arrived. Miss uisxtitt liAI, Lu i., Aug. is.
Carr suspected the safe held some f Their romance unfettered at last
of the liquor. The sheriff opened I after months of litigation. Mrs. Flor-
xae sate and found liquor in it.
Furlatt was taken into custody
and later Ross was arrested. Both
were released, today under 1400
many things from the days when
she was active in her husband's bus
iness and took an interest in the
children of the men in the office to
the present time. Her remark re
called a story that one of the wo
men had heard of a little girl who
had been presented informally to
Romance of Pair Unfettered After
Months of Litigation.
Infant Alleges Arm Is Paralyzed
Before Birth.
(Hv Chicago Tribnne Leaded Wire.)
JERSEY CITY. N. J., Aug. 19. A
6-weeks-old child. through her
father, today brought suit against a
taxicab company for injuries alleged
to have been received before she
was born.
Through her father, Samuel Gar
giulo. the infant alleges that as a
result of an automobile accident to
the mother, riding in a taxi of the
Hudson Taxi company of Jersey
City, she had a paralyzed right arm
She seeks $25,000 damages from the
taxicab company.
The mother, it was said, was only
slightly injured when the taxi in
which she was riding collided with
another car.
n a,i I Mrs. Harding one day. After the
..V till. V 1 1 4 . IS IT . 11 V, . ULCJIUCUO I . , , ;
inwuii tuc iHLic giii reporLea to a
mend and said. "I know Msr. Hard
ing was glad to see me because she
looked just like mother does when
she is pleased with what I do."
In speaking of the representatives
from the foreign countries, who
came here to attend the disarma
ment conference, she said she took
every possible opportunity to in
vite them to the White House t5
meet all the different official
groups. Her hope was that they
might get a near, first-hand know
ledge and appreciation of the Amer
ican people, their methods and spirit.
Charred Walls ow Blue.
The boat itself was a matter of
great interest and the decorations
bore evidence of Mrs., Harding's
taste and love for the soft pastel
blue shades. There had been a fire
on board and so the decorations had
to be done over, hence the "Harding
blue" touch.
Below deck in the sleeping Quar
ters the woodwork is white enamel
and the small panels are of soft
blue brocaded wall covering. The
bed coverings are in the same shade
of blue taffeta. . The comfortable
living-room furniture is covered
with large flowered cretonne. The
president's workroom is in brown
leather-covered furniture. The din
ence E. Rock, wealthy widow of
William T. Rock, president of the
Vitagraph company, and John H.
Berk, insurance broker of New York,
were married tonight at the home oi
the bride here.
Mrs. Rock recently was made de
fendant in a suit for 100,000, charg
ing alienation of affection, brought
by the insurance man's ex-wife, Mrs.
Kate Berk. In her defense Mrs. Rock
said that there never was any love
between Berk and Mrs. Berk, and
charged that the couple never had
been legally married.
Mrs. Berk admitted that she lost
all love for her husband in 1907,
when he struck her with a cane upon
finding her after a night's absence
at a. neighbor's home. She also ad
mitted that a man ran out of the I ,n& room is large and hospitable,
back door as Berk entered the house. I 1 ne capacity of the boat for over
Through the death of the moving
into possession of an estate of more
than $1,000.0 "0. Her home. Rock-
haven, 4s one of the show places of
Oyster Bay.
"Hootch" Maker Drinks Own
Stuff and Huns Amuck.
Z.A GRANDE. Or. Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Using a zinu bath tub for a
etill in which he mixed his mash
and let it ferment caused George
Rupple of La Grande to get firmly
in the clutches of the law. He 'im
bibed freely of the "hootch" manu
factured in zinc, and as a result ran
amuck, defying officers and the en
tire community early this morning.
Chief of Police Haynes arrived at
Rupple's house in time to see him
smash a $250 phonograph. After a
fierce battle the chief got control
of the man crazed with his home
made liquor and placed him in jail.
Portland Flouring Mills Proper
ties May Be Sold.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 19. Ne
gotiations are pending to consoli
date the four big miling corpora
tions in the northwest into one, ac
cording to an article the Spokesman-Review
will publish tomorrow,
stating that the Centennial interests
Prehistoric Discovery . Made
Base of Mexican Volcano.
(Chicasro Tribune Foreign News Service.)
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 19. A pre
historic city at the foot of the vol
cano Ixtaccihuatl, four miles long
and three miles wide, was discovered
yesterday by explorers of the na
tional museum of Mexico. Half of
the buried city is surrounded by a
stone wall 8 to 20 feet wide at the
top, and contains 28 pyramids about
100 .feet high, above the debris of
centuries covering them.
The ruins aparently are of as great
a city as the famous Teotihuacan, a
show place of Mexico.
Newspapers and Other Holdings
Expected to Be Sold.
(ChicaKo Tribune Foreign News Service.)
LONDON, Aug. 19. There is much
mystery- concerning Lord Norh
cliffe's newspapers and properties.
but it is very probable that they will
come into the market. Tentative ne
gotiations for the purchase of one or
the other oT his newspapers .already
have taken place.
Prospective purchasers are large
British newspaper owners.
night passengers is about 15. The
deck of the boat can accommodate
during the day about 200. As the
women cat around in talkv trrouns
here and there they confessed that
the pleasingly informal invitatfon
with short one-day notice had made
them hurry to get their sport clothes
in proper order. One confessed to
buying a whole new outfit from hat
to shoes. Another thought she just
must have new shoes, but when she
got them home she found one was
too small, and with no time to
change' them she had to wear her old
ones after all. Another bought hose
to match her skirt, but. when she got
away fropi the artificial light of the
store into the daylight they fought
her skirt violently. And to keen
peace sne nad to wear plain black.
JMrs. Harding wore a soft blue
flowered silk dress made on straight
pleated lines and soft blue silk port
hat with self-colored silk flowers.
But no one knew whether it was
new for the.occasion or. not.
Tribute at Mount -Vernon.
As we neared Mount Vernon. Mrs.
Mrs. Harding stood near the raiL
ana spoke or some of the attractive
old homes we were passing. As we
passed beautiful Mount Verflon and
the band on board played taps, fol
lowed by the ''Star-Spangled Banner,"-
she stood in reverent silence
beside the rail of the boat. The
crew and all on board stood at at
tention and we llrted a thought of
thankfulness for the founder of our
country and its present day beauty
and strength.
Miss Harlan came then, smiling
and informal, to tell Mrs. Harding
that tea was ready. Mrs. Harding
in turn, just as inrormally, extended
the invitation by saying, "Now we
will all have - some tea together,"
and with Mrs. Gillett, led the way
FLAGSTAFF, , Ariz. Members of
the staff of Lowell observatory here
are elated over recent studies of
the planet Mars which, they assert,
bear out the; theories of the late
Percival Lowell, founder of the ob
servatory, as to snowfall and vege
tation on the little red planet. Mars,
nearest neighbor of this world with
the exception of Venus, is closer to
the earth now than at any time in
18 years. Observations have been
in progress for the, past five months
each hour of every night . that
weather conditions would permit.
Hundreds of photographs and charts
have been made.
The seasons on Mars have the
same significance as on our earth
and occur in the same manner, but
are about twice the length of our
own, according to Doctors E. C.
and V. M. Slipher 6Trhe observatory
staff. A statement by them on the
results of the latest observations
here follows:
"Winter has been occurring in the
southern hemisphere of the planet
Mars and the extensive dark areas
there are now faint and have been
so for some time, betokening the
dead season of vegetation in con
formity with the view held by
Lowell regarding the seasonal
changes on the planet.
"The .large winter cap of white
about the south pole of Mars, which
for some months has appeared to
consist oi only mist or cloud cover
ing the south polar regions of the
planet down to latitude 40 degrees,
is now dissipating and disclosing a
mantle of snow beneath. The
spring season for the southern
hemisphere is now approaching, the
season there at present correspond
ing to our March 21, and these
changes are characteristic of late
winter over the south of Mars.
"In the 'northern hemisphere au
tumn is arriving and the polar cap
there has already become consplcu
ous, having increased rapidly dur
ing the last few Martian nights.
On the night of June 17 it was ob
served that when the planet's longi
tude 266 came Into Martian sunrise,
and therefore visible to us, that a
vast area there" had during the
preceding night been covered by a
bright canopy. This bright hood
faded off toward the equator but
was discernible down nearly to 50
degrees north latitude and veiled
the darker markings of the north
ern part of the planet. This event
marked the first really big autumn
storm in the northern hemisphere
of. Mars so far this year. On that
date the Martian season corresponded
to our September 18. Early indica
tions of autumn made their ap
pearance a month and a half ago
at a Martian season corresponding
to our late August. These observa
tions have been recorded on photographs.
These conditions and cnanges oc
curring in unison witn tne pianei s
seasons indicate that conditions are
more analagous to those bf the
earth than to any of the other
planets.'' "
Development "of Palestine Under
- Jews Moves Rapidly.
JERUSALEM. The industrial de
velopment of Palestine under the
Jews is moving forward in leaps and
bounds, and this in spite of the many
trade quarrels that have sprung up
of late between employer and em
During the past year no less than
4000 licenses were issued for new
trades .and industries in Palestine.
The extent of this development can
be judged from the fact that prior
to 1921 only 2500 licenses were reg
istered by the government. This
means that nearly two-thirds of the
enterprises in Palestine were started
within the last year.
The capital invested in each of
these new ventures ranges from
$20,000 to $50,000, but with such
notable exceptions as the Silicate
company of Jaffa, with a capital of
$500,000. and the Standard Oil com
pany, now exploiting the lied sea
A tract of 500 acres of land has
been bought by British Jewish in
terests and will be devoted to home
and factory building, while Ameri
can interests are starting a building
and loan association and a savings
bank. A casino, two bathing estab
lishments and electric lights are
among the attractions of an "Amer
ican" seaside resort which has
sprung up on the sands stretching
to the north of Jaffa.
In reality this is a Jewish town
ship and its local name is Tel Aviv,
but to a visitor it appears a go-
ahead American town with a spirit
that overcomes all obstacles. It has
more than 12,000 inhabitants and an
immense brick factory working day
and night
Two amusing bear stories, "both
vouched for by reputable eye-wit
nesses, are going the rounds her
u ore st tires in nonnern sriLicii vu
lumbia during the past month have
had a peculiar effect upen some of
the wild animals of the woods, judg
ing from some of the stories
brought in to Prince George.
A fight between a fire-crazed
bear and a mule, in which the bear
was worsted, occurred at L. Mason's
ranch, at Bednesti, B. C. The for
est fire routed the bear- from its
lair, and in its dash from the flames
Into the open country it collided vi
olently with a jack-mule. The bear
was promptly stretched out on the
ground by a double tattoo irom tne
capable - hind hoofs and the mule
calmly . resumed its interrupted
Thoroughly angered, the bear
picked itself up and cautiously ap
proached the mule from a different
angle. The huge paw was brought
down with a resounding thwack on
the mule's ribs. .This was unfortu
nate. The hoofs were again brought
into play, after a quick accurate
maneuver for position, and the fight
was called off as far as the bear was
concerned. Mr. Mason, who had
witnessed the unusual encounter,
dashed to the house for. a rifle to
finish the bear, should any life be
left. Before he could get back to
th scene, however, Bruin managed
to get groggily to his feet and re
turn to the less exciting environ
ment of the forest fire.
A. fire patrol ranger is sponsor
for another bear story. While mak
ing a survey in the mountain dis
trict, he came upon a young cub
suffering from severe burns on feet
and body. The youngster was
whimpering from the pain and the
forester took pity on it, lifted it
into his car and there made it fast
with some rope.
The patrolman started on his
journey only to discover that the
mother bear had appeared and was
in hot pursuit. As the track ran
uphill at this point, the bear, mak
ing long strides, gained steadily and
the need for strategy was clearly
indicated. The forestry book of in
structions does not cover a situation
such as 'this, but the ranger was
resourceful and decided that the
best plan would be to throw the cub
overboard. , His attempts to untie
the knots on the lashings which se
cured the-youngster to the machine,
however, proved futile. Pursuer
and pursued came to a yet steeper
grade, with the advantage all with
the former. Finally, with one
mighty effort, the old bear threw
herself on the back of the car, hold
ing on by her claws and paws.
This is where the forester decided
to retire in favor of the emeny. He
dove off the car and regained his
feet in time to see it continuing its
journey eastward, with a mother
and child happily reunited -as us
passengers. Later the automobile
was found, run down and every
thing intact except the side of the
seat .where the cub had been led-, ,
the old bear having torn it out to !
release her offspring.
t 1 " 'M
m w
Pennsylvania Demands Another
Million for Inheritance.
PITTSBURG. The estate of Henry
C. Frick is required to pay an ad
ditional $1,188,248.16 in inheritance
tax to the state of Pennsylvania un
der a decision handed down by Judge
Mitchell of the Orphans Court of Al
legheny county. The estate has paid
already to the state $1,976,940.71.
The feature of the decision or tne
court was that the state has the
right to collect inheritance tax on
the property owned in other states
by a resident of Pennsylvania.
There were four contentions in
the case. The estate claimed ex
emption from inheritance tax on
property in New York and Massa
chusetts, described in the decision
as consisting of "works of art, paint
ings, furniture, books and automo
biles and including the paintings
bequeathed to the city of New York
to be maintained as the Frick col
lection by that city." The portion
of property mentioned, which is in
New York, is valued at $13,210,209,
and the Massachusetts property at
$325,534.25. The inheritance tax rate
on the property presented to the city
of New York is 5 per cent. On most
of the bequests to individuals the
rate is 2 per cent.
Judge Mitchell holds in his de
cision that under the act of June 20,
1919, the state has the right to col
lect inheritance tax on property of
a deceased resident of Pennsylvania,
no matter in what state it may be
located. Several supreme court de
cisions are quoted in support.
The tax due from the bequests of
the "Frick collection" to the city of
New York, valued at $13,132,391, is
A second contention of the estate
was that the amount paid by the es
tate to the federal feoyernment in
taxes, amounting to about $6,000,
000, should be deducted from the
value of the estate before levying
the state tax. Judge Mitchell ujiholds
the claim of the state that the de
duction should not be made and the
state tax should be computed on the
full value of the estate.
A schedule accompanying the de
cision gives the value of the spe
cified bequests, including bequests
to the city of New York, city of
Pittsburg, Mrs. Henry Frick, daugh
ter, and Ghilds Frick, a son, as $55,
793,794. The inheritance tax on this
portion of the estate given to the
city of Pittsburg is 41.925.247.61. The
grand total of property of all kinds
li given as 189.675,096.45.
Ten-Story Hotel to Be Built.
BERKELEY. Cal. A ten-story
600-room hotel to accommodate stfl
dents at Ihe University of California
will be built at Hearst and Euclid
avenues, just outside the north gate
of the university campus. Articles of
Incorporation of the company which
will build the hotel have been filed
and it is expected the structure will
be completed in a year. It will be
divided into wings of 300 rooms
each, one for women and the other
for men, and will have swimming
tanks, roof gardens and a commu
nity theater. The dining room will
be operated as a cafeteria. Each
room is to accommodate two stir-dents.
The prestige of Oregonian Want
Ads has been attained not merely by
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Interested In Oregonian Want-Ads.
Skin Eruptions
Are Usually Due to
When you are constipated,
not enough of Nature's
lubricating liquid is pro
duced in the bowel to keep
the food waste soft and
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it acts like
this natural lubricant and
thus replaces it.
in u j oi is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative so
cannot eripe.
Try it today.
. lgwpj ' laxative so I
3 (JzFS) lis cannot gripe, t
lJ&fct Try it today.
Fistula, Fis
sure, Itching
and all other
rectal condi
tions except
Cancer per
m a n e n tly
cured with
out a surgi
cal opera
tion. My met hod
is painl ess,
requires no anesthetic and is
permanent. There is no con
finement in bed, no interference
with business or social engage
ments. I eliminate all doubt as
to results by agreeing to return
your fee if I fail to cure your
Piles. Call or write for booklet.
Dr. C. J. Dean
Second and Morrison Streets ,
Portland. Or.
Mention Oregonian when writing
A Phone call brings
driver in a hurry
ffi. J Wbsanj
"Every Picture
Telia a Story"
Why Can't You Have the Pleasures Others Have?
If That Dull, Nagging; Backache Is Spoiling Your Summer and Making
You Tired, Worn-Out and Miserable, Look to Your Kidneys.
VACATION DAYSf Care and worry
put aside rest, recreation, good times!
-Such is August to many happy folks.
But to others it means only another month
of hot weather of added burdens that
tired bodies and frayed nerves can hardly en
dure. Which picture tells pour story?
Is failing health making you uneasy and un
happy ? Are you nervous and depressed ; tired,
worn out and miserable back ache as though
it would break?. Don't give in to it I Find'
out what is wrong and try to correct it.
HAve you thought of your kidneys? Kidney
trouble often comes before the sufferer realizes
what is wrong. But the early warnings are all
too plain.
You are tired, lame, achy tortured with
nerve-racking backache; you have sharp, knife
like pains at every sudden move; daily head-'
aches, too, spells of dizziness and annoying
kidney irregularities.
Truly the whole world seems wrong and it
is no wonder you feel so gloomy and utterly
worn out.
Cheer up determine to get well! Usually
these troubles are easily corrected if treated
in time. Begin now with Doan's Kidney Pills.
Doans have helped thousands and should help
you. Ask Vout neighbor!
''Use Doan's," Say These Portland Folks:
MRS. S. MUELLER, 37 E. 78th St. N., says:
"Doan's Kidney Pills are an old remedy in
my home. I have used Doan's for attacks
of kidney complaint and dull, nag-gins back
aches which made me miserable. My kid
neys would not act right, either. Doan's
Kidney Pills have never, failed to relieve
these ailments and strengthen my back and
kidneys. I gladly recommend Doan's to any
one in need of a kidney remedy."
ABXER AV. BREWER, Pointing Contrac
tor, 9035 Sfttb avenue S. E., says: "The tur
pentine fumes affected my kidneys and
caused lame back some years ago. , When
I tried to climb a ladder pains caught me
in the small of my back and nearly dou
bled me up. I could scarcely put one foot
before the other. Everything seemed In
a blur at times. I heard about Doan's
Kidney Pills and six boxes cured me."
At all dealers, 60c a box. Fosler-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.