TIIE 3IOHXIXG OREGONIAN. MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1922 VILLAGE All UPSET NOTED DANCER INSTITUTES MILLION-DOLLAR SUIT CORNELIUS VANDERBILT WHITNEY. IlEflRH DECLARED UNJUST BY GUND FACTORY Outraged Citizens Angry at Conviction Is Without Basis, Quiet Doctor. Says Mr. Hughes LICENSE NOT GRANTED SENATOR SAID TO SUFFER Townspeople Regard the Idea of State Court's Attempt to Establish liaw Violation Is Termed "Complete Failure." Scrambling Animals and Humans as Immoral. AGAINST IL Mr - vftU? Hi Ml .M,Ha if A if x : y f v: II BY RAYMOND M. RUSSELL. (Cops-right, I'.tHJ. by The Oregonian.) U'KST DENNIS. Mass.. Aug. 20. (Special.) A refusal by the select men of West Dennis to grant him a sanitarium license has not deterred Jr. J. l.ee Hanson from going right ahead with the development of his 'gland factory" in this, the most staid section of the Old Bay state. Dr. Hanson sat smoking pensively on his "factory veraniia luuajr while his goats and sheep and rab bits the monkeys haven't yet ar rived cavorted about the place de veloping nice fat strong glands which some day may adorn the ana tomy of a wealthy Conrad in quesi of his youth. "Ouwntown the outraged citizens of tne community fussed and fumed as to what they could do and there was high talk of the "immorality" and ungodliness of the modern idea of scrambling animals and human beings together in an effort to ex tend ihe biblical life and portion of three-score years and ten. Dr. HaiMOn I npcrturbed. Dr. Hanson says he doesn't need a license to operate the "factory" and that his experiments will go ahead regardless of what the countryfolk think of this "new-fangled" notion. The trouble began when the clinic represented by Dr. Hanson, a spe cialist in glandular pathology, pur chased one of the old farming prop erties here and announced to the world that henceforth West Dennis would have something besides its tradition to boast about. West Dennis, he said, was about to have a gland farm, a real gland farm where the fountain of youth would bubble and gurgle for the aged and where defective children might be treated for their afflic tions. Furthermore the doctor announced the West Dennis "gland farm" was to conduct many varied and radical experiments in glandular pathology. For this purpose it was to keep vast numbers of goals, rabbits, guinea pigs. etc.. upon which these experi ments would be conducted. (lands tome Too Clone. Residents of West Dennis had heard about glands before the farm was established. They read of them in the newspapers. They chuckled over the news of them or discussed them gravely, whichever might be their individual altitude on things glandular. Hut. this was in the quiet repose of W'est Dennis far from the scene of the glands. But when to their amazement the glands were brought right into West Dennis and they were obliged to rub elbows with them, so to speak, quite a dif ferent situation presented itself. Then the fun began. Residents stood open-mouthed on the roadsides 'and watched the glands, alive, kicking and squealing, . brought in in motor trucks. From that moment the town was split into factions. "I can't bear to think of it; I just can't bear to think of it," wept one lloston matron. "1 have been com ing to West Dennis for years to en joy its quaint surroundings and its traditions. I intended to write some poetry this" year and, my dear, I'm just too upset to do a thing. All I hear in the town is glands. My friends, in their letters, ask me about glands. I am almost mad from glands. They are positively vulgar." On the other hand, many of the townspeople welcomed a glimmer of the outside in West Dennis. They wanted the gland farm and didn't hesitate to say so. On .this issue lifelong friendships were shattered. The one apparently least concerned was Dr. Hanson. He went cheer fully about his work and in due time applied for license to conduct a sani tarium. Mertinjc tnritclj Attended. Never before was a town meeting so largely attended as llu- one in which Dr. Hanson's sanitarium li cense was thrashed out. The select men, Caleb E. Crowell, William Crowell and W. S. Rogers, gravely listened to the storm, and then just as gravely announced a license would not be issued. Dr. Hanson replied with equal gravity that he intended to conduct his experiments in West Dennis, license or no license. Next day came a fight the first fight West Dennis has known In years when two young townsmen engaged in an altercation over the relative organic position of the thy roid gland and its physical func tions. The residents are still won dering and the fur is still flying. III I V ;;f I ;f : ; 1 1 . -p f j I . r- If ' 4 & " I : ill 1 S V- I t : III A " Y j $ ill- ' ; ' - :ll Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. EVA.V Rl'RROWS FOSTA1SE., The above photograph is a new one of Evan Burrows Fontaine, noted interpreter of oriental dances, in one of her Egyptian numbers. Miss Fontaine, who is the mother of an infant son. is said to have instituted a $l,at0.000 suit against Cornelius "Sonny" Vanderbilt Whitney, son of Harry Payne Whitney and grandson of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, started in Saratoga county, N. Y.. yesterday. The dancer alleges breach of promise to marry. According to the latest news dispatches from Los Angeles. Miss Fontaine has announced that she will ask a court order to compel young Wnitney to submit td a comparison blood test. CIVIL Will SIGNS SEEN CHINA IX FOR MORE INTER NAL DISSENSION. Militarists Busier Than Ever Building Machines to Keep Up , Individual Supremacy. u-hirairn Trihunn Poreien News Service. Copyright. l'J-L', by the Chiraiso' Tribune. PEK IN, Aug. 20. Signs multiply that China is likely to have a fur ther civil war, possibly precipitated by the imminent retirement from Tientsin of President Li Yuan Hung, coupled with the resignation of the cabinet. General Chang Tso-Lin has fully recovered from his spring losses and earnestly is training his troops under Russians and other foreign ers, also having ample money. General Wu Pei-Fu Is unable to obtain constructive action in Pekin by his dictatorship and sees increas ing signs that General Chang, with support from the Anfu clique, hopes to take advantage of the present situation in Pekin by a renewed ef fort to dominate the capital politi cally. While a small group honestly is striving to bring re-unification, the fact remains that militarists are busier than ever, building machines to maintain individual supremacy in their respective spheres. JOHN D'S HEIRS WARNED (Continued From First Pace.) lkHna Liberated Id Clatsop. A consignment of 100 Chinese pheasants arrived in Seaside Friday for liberation on Clatsop plains and other points in this section of the county. The birds are young and came from the Oregon state game farm at 'orvallis. Seaside Siernal. SIT5 TOAST! Gagarette It's toasted. This one extra process gives a rare and delightful quality -impossible to duplicate. Guaranteed br board of directors. This was ef fected not directly, but by means of the banks from which the harvester company draws Its loans. Mathildr Additional Expenne. Settlement in January of his di vorce from his ex-wife, Edith Rockefeller McCormick, made fur ther heavy drains upon the personal fortunes of Mr. McCormick. And now his sanction of the marriage of his daughter Mathilde ,to- Max Oser. in defiance of the opposition of the girl's mother and grand father, John D. himself, adds Ma thilde to his already unwieldy, ex pense account. Although the rumor that Ma-thilde's- marriage with the Swiss ridingmaster will cut her off from her share in the Rockefeller mil lions has never been confirmed, it is generally understood that Edith Rockefeller McCormick is at pres ent contributing nothing to the support of the daughter who defied her. Nor. moreover, has Mathilde, who Is still a minor, as yet come into any substantial bequests from the oil king's fortunes. Still on Papa's Hands. Mathilde," in popular parlance, is "still on papa's hands." Mr. Mc Cormick, in the meanwhile, is tour ing Europe incognito with his new bride, the- beautiful Polish opera singer, pjaying the flattering role of her fouroh husband. It has been stated that McCor mick gave Ganna. upon their mar riage, a cash wedding gift running into millions, and is in the process of purchasing a princely estate as a love nest for the pair. Reports, however, are divided as to whether this is to be In Lake Forest or in Switzerland. How the European connections of the family would re gard a sudden economy streak is problematical, to say the least. McCormick also has promised the fair Ganna, it is said, to make her the greatest opera star in the world. If America is to be made the scene of her triumphs -snags would be en countered in the influence of his ex- wife. For five years Mr. and Mrs. McCormick were patron saints of opera in Chicago. Battle of Opera Pendins. Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick's in fluence with the present Chicago Opera company remains as potent as that of her ex-husband, and her financial resources are even greater. Also the fair Ganna has had one un fortunate experience with opera in Chicago when, two years ago. Direc tor Maroonuzzl refused to let her sing the title role in "Zaza" after hg had heard her in the first re hearsal. Edith Rockefeller McCormick, meanwhile, divorced by her hus band, deserted by her children, all three of whom turned against her for the father at the time of the divorce, seeks solace for her lone liness in Freudian psychology and the companionship of Krenn, the swarthy-skinned young architect, who is now remodeling her Lake Forest estate. . ! The two arc constantly .seen to gether, riding, driving, strolling over the grounds of the Lake For est estate and attending lectures and concerts. Rumors linking their names in romance are neither con firmed nor denied by Mrs. McCor- mi(lr nr Krpnn Krenn. who is just 28, admitted when interviewed that he and Mrs. McCormick, have many common in terests and enjoy each other's so ciety hugely, but merely smiles enigmatically when marriage la suggested. Mrs. McCormick, when accosted by representatives of the press, grimly announced she has nothing whatever to say on any sub ject and quickly passes on. LODGE FACES CRISIS (Continued From First Page.) publican administration and the re publican congress. "You see. Lodge is an institution, said one, "like the Sacred Codf'shor Old South Meeting house. Massa chusetts venerates her insttutiona" Lodge is so confident of winning the primary that he is making no canvass. His friends say he will win four to one. Wnllter'AIso Hopeful. Joseph Walker has been- encour aged to believe that he will be car ried to victory bv the same powerful forces' of protest that have e"nabled numerous progressives to defeat old guardsmen in the republican pri maries this year. ' Hp is directing his appeal con spicuously to the prohibitionists, the womea. the league of nations re publicans and the former Bull Moosera He assails Lodge as a ma chine politician who works hand In glove with Charley Innes, the re publican boss of Boston, and with the corporation lobbyists at the state house. Walker was a classmate of Gif ford Pinchot at Phillips Exeter academy, an '87 man at Brown uni versity and a law school graduate and honorary master of arts 'at Harvard. He has five children, three of them sons, in that same wool business which he says should not be excessively protected. Two of the sons are managing his campaign and his daught.era-in-law are on the stump for him. s Democrats Sp4it Three Ways. The democracy of Massachusetts Is split three ways in the hectic squabble over the horror of being chosen to go up against Senator Lodge in the election of a United States senator next November. I The leaders of the three factions pronounce Lodge as good as re nominated now, and they have be gun to unleash their guns upon him to vary the monot6ny of their at tacks upon each other in the demo cratic primary. While there is an undercurrent of discontent in the republican party Lodge will win re nomination by-virtue of his powerful organization, say the democratic chieftains, but when it comes to the election republican disaffection will prove the senator's undoing, they opine. The contenders for the democratic nomination for senator are Sherman L. Whipple of Boston, one of the ablest lawyers In the country: Col onel William A. Gaston, millionaire Boston lawyer and barker, and for mer State Senator John Jackson Walsh, lawyer and author of the anti-profiteering law. Whipple Democratic Hope. Whipple is the hope of the Wil son democrats who have set out to get the scalp of Lodge, whom they blame for the defeat of the league of nations covenant. 'He is a friend of the ex-president and a strong league of nations advocate. If he should be nominated the democrats would make a bid for the support of the league of nations republicans, many of whom are now numbered in the following of Joseph Walker, the republican primary opponent of Senator Lodge. The democratic party in Massa chusetts is so preponderantly Irish that it has become the custom to speak of the Irish democrats and the Yankee democrats. In this three cornered democratic primary the Irish candidate is Walsh and the Yankees' candidates Whipple and Gaston. Because the Irish repeated ly have plumped almost solidly for every Irish name on a democrtaic primary .ticket, the republican lead ers are ,expectlng the nomination of Walsh, particularly with the Yan kees, split between Whipple and Gaston. Walsh is peppering away at Lodge. Both Wralsh and Gaston are "liberals" on prohibition. WASHINGTON. D. C Aug. 20. Secretary Hughes, in a letter made public tonight' by the republican national committee, expresses the conviction after a review of the Newberry case "that Senator New berry was wrongly and most un justly convicted." The- secretary, writing to the Rev. Hugh B. McCaulley . of Paterson, N. J., in response to an inquiry as to the "facts" in the Newberry case, gives in detail the findings of the courts, especially the supreme court, which set aside the -conviction of Mr. Newberry, and then concludes: "Despite the long period of prepa ration, the rigid investigation, the careful choosing of their ground, the long drawn out trial, the at tempt in every possible way to be smirch, and the zeal, ability and even bitterness of his pursuers, their endeavor to establish a viola tion of law on the part of Senator New-berry completely failed, and ac cordingly Sm.-.tor Newberry stood as a senator duly elected by the peopie of the state of Michigan and entitled to his seat in the senate of the United 'States." Injustice Is'Saffered. Mr. Hughes expresses the belie' that "there seems to be a general misconception of the nature of the litigation and its result, and Senator Newberry has suffered in conse quence of a most serious injustice. "The conviction of Senator New berry," he continued, "was obtained under a statute held by the ma jority of the supreme court to be in valid; rested upon a ground which did not involve any finding by the jury of moral turpitude; and was affected only by a most serious mis construction of the statute which exposed him to conviction regardless of any moral offense upon his part and no matter how high-minded he might have been in his conduct in the campaign." j The Secretary, who as counsel for Mr. Newberry and his associates, participated in arguments in the case before the supreme court, fur ther declares, in his letter that "it should be borne in mind that Sen ator Newberry's conviction in the lower court wag not based on any charge of fraud, corruption or of the use of money for any illegal purposes or of any act involving moral turpitude." ' - Basis Declared Lacking. Mr. Hughes then explains that the conviction of Mr. Newberry was based solely on the charge that there had been an expenditure in his campaign- and election of more than $3750, the limit fixed by the state of Michigan, and that the federal corrupt practices act made it un lawful for a candidate to spend in excess of the limit fixed by state law. "Senator Newberry could not have been convicted," Mr. Hughes adds. "even upon this charge without what I always regarded, and so stated in my argument to the su preme court, as an extraordinary misapplication of the statute upon which the charge was based." Discussing the decision of the su preme court at length Mr. Hughes points out to his correspondent that the majority opinion of the court held that the federal statute was un- consitutional and therefore the con viction should be set aside and that the other four justices, while not concurring on the question of con stitutionality, joined in reversing the judgment of conviction "because the statute had been seriously mis construed by the trial court." Overflow Exhibits in Prospect. CHEHALIS. Wash., Aug. 20. (Special.) According to George R. Walker, secretary and manager of the Southwest Washington fair, overflow commercial exhibits are in prospect for the 1922 fair, to be held the week of August 28. Numerous northwest firms have already ap plied for booths. In addition to these, the boys' training school in Chehalls, the girls' school at Grand Mound, the Red Cross and the fed eral department of agriculture will have displays In this department. URROUNDING these words is a frame the ad' vertising symbol of Cyrus Peirce 6? Company. In side of these col umns will appear from time to time our message on in vestment securities. We trust that the securities we. offer, and our manner of offering them, will in time endow this trademark with attributes that will inspire your confidence in the insti tution of Cyrus Peirce fe? Company CYRTISF COMEANY EIRCE 1002 Wilcox Bldg'PORTLAND 'TeLBroadway 5915 SAN FRANCISCO "Mother says I must eat lots of Spinach . and I like it too, 'cause it's DEHYDRATED Spinach This spring's Spinach crop, home crown, tender, free from grit. Summer prices on coal. Phone Diamond Coal Co.. Bdwy. 3037. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Ore gouiau. llain 7070. OCii canon is enough for 6 to S &Ji portions. B Simply ask your grocer , 3 g Oh! Boy- A Delicious Milk Shake With a Cold Veal Sandwich - - at the BEAN POT Fifth Near Morrison I I I I 1 rv 1 i 1921 4 ' ' I IF quality counts $2 with you in toilet Z articles and purity tfj; Ln drugs, patronize ji the old reliable' ! ' drug store Nau's "C on that busy I downtown corner. TOs e a -Dependable I J Service " . . . Cand ALDER. STS. INVESTMENT SECURITIES . SEATTLE . LOS ANGELES ..lee Wanted. Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Telephone Main 7070 Northern Pacific Railway Company Will Employ Men at Rates Prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as Follows: MACHINISTS .70 cents per hour BLACKSMITHS 70 cents per hour SHEET METAL WORKERS 70 cents per hour ELECTRICL4NS 70 cents per hour STATIONARY ENGINEERS Various Rates. STATIONARY FIREMEN Various Rates. BOILERMAKERS .... 70 to 70,2 cents per hour PASSENGER CAR MEN 70 cents per hour FREIGHT CAR MEN 63 cents per hour HELPERS, ALL CLASSES ,... 47 cents per hour Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Strike conditions pre vail. . Young- men who desire to learn these trades will be employed and given an opportunity to do so. A strike now exists, on the Northern Pacific Ry. . , Apply to Any Roundhouse or Shops or Superintendent NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY . AT TACOMA, WASH. 1