Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Policy of Kindness and Love
Declared Long-Sighted.
will enable her to discharge her
duties with greater business effi
ciency." v
Kev. Harold H. Griffis Asserts
Man Should See Consequences
of Today's Conduct.
It Is always a short-sighted Pol
icy to be malicious," said Rev. Har
old H. Griffis yesterday to his
audience of the First Christian
church now worsniping in i
Lincoln high school auditorium
while waiting for its new building.
"The apostle Paul in his famous ode
to love pointed out the philosophy
of kindness when he said that love
suffereth long and is kind. The
more exact translation of this Paul
ine utterance would be. love's long
minded and is kind.' The philosophy
of the whole matter is that the long
thought, the far thought, always
. shows the folly of unkindness.
Hatred. malice. intolerance are
short-minded. They are impetuous
and hasty, and the man who looks
pimply to the immediate future will
yield to their influence.
Kntreil I'hIm Sentiment.
"Hatred is not only an unhappy
and unholy sentiment it is an un
wise sentiment. It lacks foresight.
It is a symptom of that disease
classed in pathology as mjopia
near-sightedness. Even your smooth
tongued politician knows this.
You mav oppose him with all your
might and denounce him as a rascal,
a thief and a grafter, but if he is
up to his professional standard, he
nver shows the least sign of irri
tation In deed, it is likely that he
win come to you and assure you
that, notwithstanding yqur open
hostility, he is going to win your
respect and good will and prove to
you that he is all right. He ma De
harilv mistaken on what he means
bv "all right,' but he has certainly-
learned one lesson and learned
well and that is the strategy
kindness. He has cultivated enough
fri-t.ifrht to understand that it
doesn't pay to harbor a person
grudge. '
Time Cilven New irwpoint.
Loiig-mindedness is the thing
needed to restore amicable rela
tions among men. Love is long
minded and is kind. Love can af
ford to be kind because it ponders
results. Time, we are told, heals
many wounds. Not that time alone
.:an erase the effects of sin, but
time can do this: it can give us
new viewpoint it can put our
quarrels into a different perspective
and show us the folly of our ani
mosity. And the power to discern
this future' perspective with which
we shall some day come to look
noon our actions is what I mean by
long-mindedness and this is what I
understand was in the thought of
the anostle when he said: 'Love
suffereth long, and is kind.'
'Lomt-mindedness is the key to
morality. What is morality? It
the science of right living. That is,
it involves a system of laws based
upon some standard of right and
wrong, liut what is a law'.' It is a
process of uniiormity whereby the
same effetts always follow the
same caases. a moral law eing a
process of uniformity whereby the
events of tomorrow grow out of
tiie decisions of today. To be moral.
then, a man must honor these proc
esses of uniformity and to do that
in: must penetrate far enough into
the future to see the consequences
ol today's conduct. And all this
requires long-mimledness.
Act Determine Future.
"Our views of life are to be as
long as life itself. We are to think
forward to the final outcome of
what we propose to do. to consider
where and how it will end and what
ill be Its last effect upon our char
acter. And this is knowledge that
we may all obtain if we want it.
There is much about the future that
is necessarily hidden. We may not
lie prophets or the sons of phophets.
Nevertheless there is a future into
whose revelat'ons we may all pene
trate, and that is the future of hu
man character. We can see, if we
want to see, what shall be on the
morrow of the moral world, and
nothing can change the vision but
a miracle itseif. For it is no more
certain that two and two will con
tinue to make four in the days to
come than that folly will end in
grief. You do not need a fortune
teller to inform you of the conse
quences of getting drunk every Sat
urday night or violating the laws of
chastity or outraging tie processes
digestion. He who sows the
Rev. Mr. Parker Calls Attention
to Visit of Jesus to Bethany.
A sermon calling attention to the
visit of Jesus to the home of Mary
and Martha was preached yesterday
morning by Rev. B. Earle Puker,
pastor of the First Methodist church,
who has just returned from his va
cation. Mr. Parker emphasized the
fact that the incident of Jesus visit
appears immediately after the par
able of til Good Samaritan, which
was the answer of Jesus to the law
yer's question "What shall I do to
inherit eternal life?"
.. "In some quarters there is a grow
ing feeling that to play the part of
the Good Samaritan is one essential
to a claim on eternal life." said Mr.
Parker. He affirmed that correctly
understood this parable does answer
the question, but the quiet hour of
meditation and contemplation at the
feet of Christ which exalts the char
acter of Mary in the story is essen
tial to playing adequately the part
of the Good Samaritan.
"Like Mary in the Bethany home,
we mav be so busy trying - to au
something for Christ that we have
no time to let him do the needful
things for us," said Mr. Parker.
"Tnis is a practical-minded age.
Service is the modern slogan in
everything from business to re
ligion. This is as it should, be, but
we must not lose sight of the fact
that the motive power and th en
durance necessary for greatest
service coma from the springs of
prayerful communion and medita
Assessment Action Against
Stockholders Promised.
ONLY $24,000 IS PAID
Shareholders in Defunct Institu
tion to AVage light to
Avoid Liability. .
wind must reap the whirlwind. We
are ali too much like Shylock we
want to take our pound of flesh and
leave the blood. But that is impos
sible. The Shylock that cuts his
pound of flesh must expect to draw
some drops of blood.'
ltcv. Thomas Jenkins Talks About
threat Task of Church.
At St. David s Kpiscopal church
yesterday morning, Rev. Thomas
Jenkins rendered a dissertation on
the "General Convention at Work."
He spoke of the offices of the con
vention in connection with the great
task of the church as a whole, and
the matters which are scheduled to
come before the body in a few days.
'To use our Lord's own symbols.
the kingdom of God is both a treas
ure to be guarded and a seed to be
cultivated." said Rev. Mr. Jenkins.
'The agency or instrument which
He designed for this task is the
church. He reminded the first
apostles that their treasure was to
be held in earthly vessels. At. all
times there have been men who have
forgotten this wise counsel.
'iObviously He intended the church
to adapt itself to changing condi
tions that it might the more ade
quately minister to the enlarging
needs of human life.
Education and philanthropy
therefore soon became a part of His
programme for the carrying out of
the mission. It is well to remember
that the church is a body, an or
ganization, which stops growing and
adapting herself at the peril of de
cay. It must change if it would ren
der a full meed of service to a world
that is marked most by its changes.
"The matters to come before the
convention will have to do (1) with
adapting her liturgy to the lin
guistic changes of our time, to fresh
educational standards, and to a new
social and missionary outlook; (2)
to a revision of missionary method
in the light of changing world re
lationships and an enlarged knowl
edge of human needs; and (3) to
suci . changes in administration, as
Protracted Services Opened by
Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Jeter.
At the protracted evangelical
meetings being conducted by Rev.
and Mrs. Jerry Jeter, which opened
vesterdav at Union avenue and
Multnomah street, the house was
filled to capacity to hear the sermon
of the morning delivered by Bishop
Horace M. Du Bose. who had come
here to attend the northwest annual
conference of the Methodist Kpisco
pal church to commence at Milton,
Or., Wednesday morning. Rev. Mr.
Du Bose is the presiding bishop of
the northwest section of the church.
During the afternoon Mrs. Jeter
gave a Bible reading which was
followed by a picnic basket lunch at
6:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Jeter preacheu
a serman to the gathering in the
evening. He features his pulpit wont
with entertainment for his congre
gation by clay modeling, oil painting
or cartooning. There are to be no
services today, which is rest day for
the meetings, but they will continue
throughout the rest of the week.
Mrs. Jeter is attempting to form
four choirs to sing at odd times dur
ing the meetings, occupying their
respective positions in the meeting
place. The choirs "will be trained
and coached for the work which
they are tp take up.
The evangelical gatherings are to
last for a month under the direction
of the Southern Methodist Episcopal ;
Hoirfold Problems I
bu Lilian Tingle
SAI.EM, Or., July It. My Dear Miss
Tinitle: Will .you kindly (five me
recipe for chicken Spanish and one for
a spice cake, using sour milK : I woula
also appreciate a-recipe for cherry cheer.
The one I have in mind is Bomewhat
similar to cherry preserves. Thanking
you very kindly, I am k-. M
THKrIi are so many dishes called
X "chicken Spanish" that I cannot
guess what you may have in mind.
Following are two types. Of course
the seasoning of the sauce can be
very greatly varied by using differ
ent kinds and amounts of Spanish
peppers, garlic, onion, etc.
Chicken Spanish, Xo. 1 Cut up a
chicken as for fricassee, brown
ightly In a little oil or tried-out
pork fat, set aside while you prepare
the following sauce, using the oil
and browning already, in the pan.
pouring off some of the oH if too
much is present.
Spanish sauele, No. 1 Three table
spoons oil, one onion, three toma
toes, one large green pepper, one
clove, garlic, two or three tablespoons-cooked
or canned peas, Span
ish pepper powder and salt to taste,
one teaspoon each sugar and lemon
juice, one teaspoon cornstarch. Cut
the onions fine and fry in the butter.
Add the green peppers chopped, then,
when these are tender, the tomatoes.
sliced, or an equivalent amount of
canned tomatoes. Simmer until ten
der, add the peas and seasoning and
thicken slightly with the cornstarch
mixed in cold water with the Span
ish pepper powder. Boil up, and
taste to be sure of the seasoning. ,
Make it hot or mild as preferred.
Leave the garlic in only five min
utes, then remove. Add a little wa- I
ter or stock if it tends to become
too dry. Add a few sfoned ripe ol
ves if liked. Add the chicken, place
n a casserole or Tireless cooker or
large double boiler over the gas sim
merer, and cook slowly until the
chicken is very tender. Serve with
dry boiled rice or with slices of
fried cornmeal mush. ,
Chicken Spanish No. 2 Add two
or three cups cold cut-up chicken
meat to the above sauce. Heat
through in a chafing dish ordouble
boiler.. Serve on toast or in a border-of
boiled rice.
If preferred the pulp made by
soaking and scraping the large red
dried Spanish pepper may be used
in' place of Spanish pepper powder.
The amount of pulp from two to
eight peppers may be used, . accord
ing to the size of peppers and
whether a mild or a hot sauce is
I hope you saw the sour milk gin
gerbread and spice cake recipes
given to another correspondent since
your letter was written. Any recipe
for spice cake made with sweet milk
may be modified to use with sour
milk by adding level teaspoon of
soda for every cup of sour milk used
and omitting 2 level teaspoons bak
ing powder for every teaspoon
soda thus added. This is a useful
rule to remember in converting any
sweet milk dough mixture to one for
sour milk.
I am unable to identify the cherry
preserve by the name you mention.
Perhaps some reader may help.
Stockholders in the defunct State
Bank of Portland must today pay
the 100 per cent assessment levied
against them or face suit by the
state superintendent of banks. Less
than 10 per cent of the $300,000 due
as assessments against that-amount
of capital stock had been actually
paid in or pledged by Saturday, ac
cording to those now in charge of
liquidating the bank.
In a letter recently sent out to
the stockholders, approximately 240
in number, they were given until
August 20 to pay the amount due
from them under the state bank
ing laws. Before Frank C. Bram
well, state superintendent of banks,
left on the official trip that has
taken him to Petersburg, Alaska, he
made all arrangements with the law
firm of Bowerman & Kavanaugti,
attorneys of his department, to in
stitute collection suits against
stockholders failing to pay up by
this date. Jay Bowerman said yes
terday that he will this morning
receive a list showing tnose wno
have paid or made arrangement to
pay and those against whom legal
proceedings must be taken. His
firm will lose no time, he said, in
proceeding against the delinquents.
Atuiesament Is Opposed.
Meanwhile approximately 200
stockholders who acquired their in
terest in the State bank through
merging of the State and People's
bank less than a year ago,- are co
operating in an effort to avoid the
assessment liability. They held a
meeting last week, pledged $1 a
share' for an expense fund and got
under way an investigation of all
phases of the merger of the two
banks. On their behalf an account
ant is now scanning the books of
the State bank with particular ref
erence to its condition at the time
of the consolidation.
It is the hope of these stockhold
ers of the old people s oaiiK tnai
they can . show that they were more
or less defrauded by misrepresenta
tions as to condition of the defunct
bank. Facts of this sort uncovered
in their investigation may be used
in a legal action seeking to
aside the consolidation deal and re
cover from the State bank officials
who engineered the merger.
Time Extension Unlikely.
Because this group of stockhold
ers cling to the hope that they may
wriggle out of liability under the
assessment, it is not expected that
many more of them will pay the
$100 per share assessed against
them on this final day of
grace for such payments. No
extension of time will be granted
according to Attorney Bowerman,
so the preparation and filing of
suits against them will proceed just
as against all other stockholders
liable for an assessment.
Out of the total of stockholders
interested in the State bank at the
time of its failure last February
far the greater majority, or fully
200, had been shareholders in the
People's bank. The State bank had
only some 30 stockholders at the
time of the consolidation.
Payments Total 924,000.
Actual payments of assessments
up until closing time on Saturday
were said to have aggregated but
$24,000. Several persons had, how
ever, paid only a par of the amounts
assessed against them. These and
others who had definitely pledged
payment at a given date will pay
over a total ot about $30,000, it was
said. It has been the smaller
stockholders principally who have
paid up. The largest assessment
paid in was said to have been one
of $6000, levied against a holder of
60 shares. Some stockholders are
admittedly unable to meet the dou
ble liability assessment and will
doubtless face judgments by the
courts if proceedings of the state
banking department meet with suc
mit your having, there is at the
same time a general line of value
which you can have and with your
splendid quality of serge I would
have it a bit more dressy than the
black. Please see the same issue as
above mentioned, page 55, No. 2835.
The lower sleeve and the vest
would have in a matching blue
with the material and beaded in a
lengthwise line In the steel beads
which with the blue is always a de
lightful combination. Then for the
belt bead as shown the belt and
portion of the drop end, finishing it
with a ' long fringe of the sieel
beads. Finish the neck line with
the blue satin, also the tie band at
wrist. This will make a very at
tractive frock and one which I am
sure you will enjoy wearing at all
Two Pay $500 Each; 2 00 Quarts
of Beer, Two Stills Found.
ABERDEEN', Wash., Aug. 20.
(Special.) Stanley Walchuck and
Sam Schenher, both Aberdeen men,
were fined $500 and costs each on
manufacturing charges, following
the seizure of two stills on Thfhk-o'-Me
hill. East Aberdeen. Two
stills were found In operation.
Following these arrests the of
ficers shifted their operations to
a house farther up- the Fleet-street
gulch and found there 200 quarts
of home-made beer and a large
quantity of bottling paraphernalia,
indicating, they said, that the place
had been extensively used for
brewing purposes. The owner of
the place was not found.
trj" Madam Eidier
SALEM, Or., Aug. 13. Dear Madam
Richet: I have a blue se-r&e dress and
black skirt I want to make over, so come
to you for help. Skirt is 2V4 yards at
bottom, hem 2V4 Inches, seam back and
front, length of skirt 34 inches, has a
yoke cut en bias with pin tucks running
from back to front downward, depth of
yoke, back 4 inches, front 11 inches.
Which would be best, to make into a
skirt again or combine with something
else and make into a dress? I prefer
dress, unless you think goods too heavy.
Serge drese around bottom 2 yards 34
inches, front all in one, back has seam
down center from waist line and across
waist line, sleeves one seam with two
pleats at elbow, turnback cuffs; a V-neck
11 Vi inches deep in front, four different
colors of braid worked across front i
Inches deep above waistline runnine
down on aides below waistline, light and i
dark blue, gray afld o!d. not put on by I
nana; belt, 114 Inches wide, goes around
waist, crosses in back and fastens four
inches from center front on each side
dress fastens on left shoulder and under
one seam; length in back of dress 53
Both were bought six years ago ready
made. Bust 35, hips 41, waist 29, height
5 feet 6 inches, weight 143, aged 43,
brown eyes and brown hair, turcrinic Quite
gray around face; not much color.
Thanking you In advance, - '
KSARBEN, Salem, Or.: It would
seem to me that your material
would, with a combination, make a
splendid dress as shown in the Sep
tember McCall's, page 54, No. 2842.
The skirt can be made narrower and
the pleated apron or panel longer
than the skirt, made of satin or silk
poplin, also the sleeves and set-in
vest should be of the new material.
This is an excellent style of dress
and will give you a most serviceable
costume. The entire front of blouse
can be of the satin or poplin, should
your skirt not cut to advantage. The
panel will hide -the pieced portion
where the yoke now is.
Although the model I shall later
quote to you has the draped skirt
and the kimona sleeves, which two
features your material will not per-
SALEM, Or., Aug. 13. Dear Madam
Richet: I am hoping you can help me
as you have so many others. I have- a
pleated akirt of the inclosed sample, but
it is not satisfactory, as the goods is too
heavy and very full at the waist. There
are two lengths. 37 inches long and 50
inches wide. I would like a one-piece
dress if you think that it would make up
nice that way. Of course it would have
to be pieced. ' Gould I - use braid eilk
(black) to trim it? If so, how and what
design ? I am 3 feet 3 inches, waist 25,
bust 36, hips 39, medium dark, dark
brown hair streaked with gray, aged 49.
Will you tell me just how to make and
trim it? I can wear almost any shade
of finish. My complexion Is sallow and
most coIots are trying to me. so could. I
have Just & touch of pink next to my
face? If so. what?
Will black Skinner's satin be worn to
any extent this fall and winter? I am
thinking of getting one. Would you ad
vise it? If go, what pattern would you
advjse? Would a string of the red cut
heads be appropriate to wear with it?
We have the Pictorial, Standard, . Mc
Call's and Butterick's. I am awaiting
your, reply, as 1 am surer you will help.
One Who Needs Help, Salem, Or.:
With the amount of material you
have there must a combining fabric
and I am sure that you would like
the canton cre'pe in a henna, which
color will reflect a warming hue to
your face. The model shown in the
Butterick quarterly, page 16, N04
3843, is a clever model and will give
you good lines. The Collar and
cuffs I would have of the henna,
ratner man a -contrast, for in your
case this would mean the black next
to the face. The seven large but
tons covered with the henna and
centered with the French knots
done in the black worsted would
add a stunning touch as (Well as a
different one. You will not require
the braid trimming. Piece the
blouse panel at. the belt line.
If the suggestion here given does
not meet four fancy, feel free to
write again as the object of this
department is to give at all times
service and solution for the prob
lems in dressmaking.-
The Skinner satin is rather
passe, and I would "not advise your
getting one. Why not have the very
popular moire in a black, dark blue
or bobolink, wearing with it the red
beads, as you have in mind. The
stunning model shown on the cover
page of the Butterick quarterly for
autumn is a splendid , one to copy.
Have the buckle of the red beads,
should you choose the black or blue, j
ana 01 copper beads should you se
lect the bobolink.
Concert by High Brown Five
to Be Broadcast.
r , . . s
Sixteen .Numbers of Fast and Fu
rious Jazz Music Promised by
Sam Ketchul, Director.
ABERDEEN, Wasn., Aug. 11. Dear
Madam Richet; 1 would appreciate your
help in planning a silk and wool heather
sweater for school, to be worn with a
blouse and pleated skirt. I would want
it open in front.
Will jumper dresses b worn next win
ter? What would be the best color to
dye a light pink crepe de chine dress to
be made into an afternoon dress?
I am 18 years, 5 feet 5 inches, weigh
124 pounds, dark hair and eyes and good
coior. inanK ycu ror your help. H. X
H. ?., Aberdeen, Wash: The
sweaters are being shown in a va
riety of styles and if you wish the
open-down-the-front type I would
suggest the four-button, the collar
and cuffs in a plain contrasting
shade, tor instance a green with the
heather is very attractive, and that
you may see the shape of collar I
have in mind will you please see
the one as shown on blouse No. 3951,
page 34, September Delineator. Nat
urally in the knitted there will not
be the seam, but the shape is splen
did. A plain band of the contrast
ing material could finish the bottom.
There is also the much-favored tux
edo type of sweater,, which has good
style and shows to advantage the
oiouse worn with it.
The jumper type of dress will be
worn this season, and in all sorts
of fabrics from the homespun to the
velvet. A clever model in the style
here mentioned is shown in the But
terick quarterly, page 24, No. 3632.
This has, as you will see, the gen
eral line with a little modification
which gives the whole a newer and
fresher appearance.
For the crepe de chine which you
wish to dye, why not have the love
ly new bobolink shade, which, with
one of your coloring will be splen
did? The dress can then be trimmed
with the touches of the black. A
charming model, if you can use your
material in the production of line
shown, is pictured in the September
Kiite, page 26. No. 3963D. The belt.
sleeve facing and the two bands on
skirt made of the contrasting mate
rial would be stunning.
Land Sales Total $207,624.93.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.) State land and timber ap
praised at $171,967.43 sold for $207,
624.93 at the state land sale held on
August 1. Clark V. Savidge. land
commissioner, has announced. Up
lands appraised at $22,169.91 brought
$24,856.91. Timber appraised at
$147,393.70 brought $180,364.20 and
tide lands appraised at $2403.82 were
sold for that amount. Harbor area
for a rental of $62.50 annually also
was contracted.
Radio fans .who ' are lovers of
snappy syncopation as played by a
negro orchestra will surely enjoy
tonight's programme to be "broad
cast from KGW, the radio station of
The Oregonian operat'ed in conjunc
tion with the Ship Owners Radio
Service of Portland. Sixteen num
bers of fast and furious jazfc music
have been promised by Sam Ketchul,
director and drum player of the
High Brown five, the colored mu
sical organization which caused a
sensation in radio circles when it
played a concert in The Oregonian
tower several weeks ago. Scores of
the -listeners who heard the concert
not only asked but demanded a re
turn engagement, emphatically stat
ing that it had been one of the best
stirnts "pulled" by The Oregonian
radio staff.
Alias Doram to Sing;. '"
Miss Octavia tDoram, colored so
prano, who sang at their last per
formance, will be heard again to
night in six solo numbers. She will
sing, accompanied by the orchestra,
the following selections. High
Brown Blues, Angel Child," "Cud
dle up Blues," "When," "In My
Honey's Lovin' Arms," and "Vale.
The High Brown Five orchestra
is from Chicago and has been
Portland but a short .time. It has
been playing in several of the large
western cities this summer. The
members of this clever musical
troupe are: Sam Ketchul, director
and drum player; A. Thompson
pianist: Jesse Halsell, violinist; De
Oracie Oliver, saxophone; Frank
Junior, banjo.
Concert Starts at 7:30.
The straight orchestral numbers
tonight will be "Prelude Jazzalog,"
"Some Sunny Day," "By the River
side." "Gin Gin Ginny Shore," "I
Wish I Knew." "Nobody Lied," "The
Sneak," "Sweet Indiana Home" and
"Bow Bow." Several piano solos
will be played by A. Thompson, who
is one of the cleverest handlers of
the keys ever seen in The Oregonian
The concert win begin at 7:30
o'clock and is expected to take up
the full hour allowed the station to
night. However, if there is any
time left for request numbers, the
High Brown five will gladly play
M-. ' "" ' " "" "" j
Eastern Power Companies Exper
iment With New System.
-Eastern electrical power com
panies are experimenting with, the
new "wired wireless system in
vented by General Squires, head of
the signal corps, for communication
purposes between their plants, ac
cording to H. V. Bozell, electrical
engineer and editor of tine Elec
trical World, who was in Portland
last week. ,
One concern, the North American
which controls the power and trac
tion facilities in a number of east
ern cities, has already made a
number of extensive tests with the
use of high frequency currents on
their power lines, with highly suc
cessful results, declares Mr. Bozell.
Whether the power companies
will extend this system to the
broadcasting of entertainment into
the homes where their lines run is
at the present time unlikely, in the
opinion of the electrical engineer.
"Radio broadcasting in the east
ern cities is attended by a good
deal of confusion at the present
time," said Mr. Bozell. "There are
too many stations within close
proximity to each other and it is
almost impossible to form a sched
ule so that there will be no inter
ference. The wired wireless sys
tem, if used for entertainment
broadcasting, would do away with
much of this confusion. Improved
radio receivers which use the power
lines instead of the storage and dry
batteries and also as an antenna.
have already been brought to no
tice. With such type receivers in
use, the power companies may in
the future take up the broadcast
ing of entertainment as a service to
their patrons. However, it is im
possible to forecast the future of
radio, as its development has been
Suits in a
Good Sale
Men have taken to the twotrouser idea with
zest, and when, as in this sale, they can pocket a
handsome saving as well, they shouldn't lose
any time in getting one of these long-life, all
wool suits.
All Sizes for All-Builds
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
rp The Quality store
e of Portland. Oregon tfc
so rapid that no one has been able
to catch up with it."
Mr. Bozell has been touring
through the cities on the coast.
studying the electrical develop
ments in Che different sectiomst He
was greatly interested in' the re
cent experiments made by the new
radiophone station, of the North
western Electric company of Port
land when they held a two-way
conversation for several hours with
a station in California.
J. Sliller Says Mr. Strahorn
HasAVork Mapped Out.
LA GRANDE, Or., Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.) Frank J. Miller, ex-member
of the Public Service commission, is
visiting La Grande for the purpose
of talking railroad building in cen
tral Oregon. According to Mr.
Miller there is a well-founded belief
that Robert Strahorn has a plan
working to construct a rail line
across the central part of the state
Whether Mr. Strahorn is backed
by any railroad company now ope
rating in the 'west Mr. Miller did
not say, but the fact that he came
here to spread railroad talk Is in
dicative to many that he has some
information on the subject. .
erly the yield is wholly satisfactory
to the farmer. J. A. Eggelson, who
Is considered one of the best east
ern, Onegoa dry farmers, . had a
tract of 110 acres that threshed 2T
bushels to the acre. .
Night Shifts Increased hy Lumber
Company at Wallowa.
LA GRANDE, Or.. Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.i The Nibley-Mimnaugh Lum
ber company of Wallowa, has put
on extra sniits . in ineir snipping
department. About 20 men were
employed in the night shift of the
box factory and planing mill.
The output of the mill has in
creased lately and now that cars
are pientltui ana tne marnei. sooa
the company is working to full ca
Dry liands Coming Into Own.
LA GRANDE. Or., Aug. 20. Spe
cial.) Wallowa county dry lands
are coming into their own this year
for where they were farmed prop-
Great Variety of General
488-494 Washington St.
Open Evenings
''Pianos that make
friends; prices that
My Pride
Low Prices
Reliable Customers
No Salesmen No Regrets.
No Autos. Easy Terms.
Out of the High Rent District
! HABflLOSGllBEfffl
Iff PIANOS fit
Between Washington and Stark Sts.
in Fittock Block.
for the Vacation'
Horseback Riding Boating Bathing Hiking Fish
ing Motoring Mountain Climbing and Dancing
Low Round-Trip Fares
$30.70 and $33.35
both ways via Medford.
Fares slightly higher through Klamath Falls.
Excellent automobile service daily between Medford
or Klamath Falls and Crater Lake.
Good hotel accommodations and camping places.
Go one way thru Klamath Falls and stop off at Upper
Klamath Lake, where "the catchin's fine."
For 'further particulars or beautiful folders
ask agents
Southern Pacific Lines
How Do You Think
of Your Bank?,
Most people-'tJiinlc f,banfc aa
nothing' more than-- groat- store
house for-money.
The truth of it Is, the bank-ns the
world's greatest general' merchandise-store.
If all the actual material "that is
represented by actual deposits
could be gathered together, the
bank would present a great picture
of the industry and trade of the
' Northwest.
The United States National bank
is inseparably linked with the in
dustry and trade of this great
country it-" is a- livings breathing
part of it.
United Sfarfps
National Bank
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74. .ia'nno r ilia Anrf iiu) c r a
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General. Passenger Agrent.
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r'-'.j Ujpj I - ;' ablen hfs