12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1923 HELP WANTED MALE. WANT K D ! W A NTED! W A NT E D I By Frank I.. MrGuire. Salesmen TOlA V ! Makp hig mony selling Real Kstate; no experience needed ; all property furnished; wp (Jose all deals and pay your commission the day your dal ia closed. You can It-am in our office. You can make thousands of dollars yearly. Your splendid chance to i?et Into the Real Kslaie bunmHs. associ ated With a live, progressive, estab lished office. We offer you every op- f portunity to make jfood. Portland is cn the verse of nnn of the Kreatest Real Est te Activit i-s in her history. Take advantage of it NOW. Call C. W. Uorders. with FRANK U McGl'TRE. Ab:nsin Hid?., Hdwy. 7171. Third St.. Btt. Wash, and Stark. .!)! PUR WKEK. Exceptional opportunity awaits the man who can handle oifice and three city salesmen. Kssentfal cash line. No competition. Permanent. Personal assistance given by direct representa tives. See ilr. Whitt, 074 Multnomah !iotl. IK YOU are a live -wire specially sales man, willing to work six hours per day six days per week, our organization can make you an attractive offer; we have territory for two men; our- salesmen are making better than $100 per week. for interview call Monday evening after 7 o'clock, room 544, Imperial hotel. WA MED A GENTS. 'GOOD article, 100 per cent commission; honest persons only need apply. Call Last M!2. kOLAWlil. accident ana Hospital Insur ance; biff commission. oOl Corbett bids. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CHOCOLATE DIPPER? Experl . enped; only girls of neat ap pearance, doing f:rst-olass work, will be considered. Steady em piovment; wages $22.5 1 per week to start. Harry Hoefler Candy Co., 41 Jessie St.. be tween Mission and Market, near Sixth, San Francisco. CaL EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN. Only applicants who have had suf ficient experience In good stores will be -considered for the position now vacant in the Meier & Frank ready-to-wear and millinery departments. Apply at Employment Bureau, sixth 11 oor. MEIER & FRANK CO.. CUR NEW reduced price of four pairs of genuine auk hosiery, announced in ih Saiurdav Evening Post. Ladies Home Journal. Good Housekeeping maeazlne. ha resulted In such tremen do us business we ace now adding more saleswomen to our organization to take care of our customers. opportunity for you to earn good money. We tell the truth to ourselves and others and in no way misrepresent our goods. If you would like to join our organiza tion cali 32. Henry bldg. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requires the services of a' marcel waver for beauty parlor ; mu.t be thoroughly experienced. Apply Employment Otfice, .sixth fioar. Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to assist at soda fountain in candy store. Afternoon-night shift. Apply for position sfter 1 P. M. Don t phone. Rogers Candy Store, Cor. Broadway and Yamhill sts. WANTED Housekeeper for country home, 6 in family; all modern conve niences: must be good plain cook; no laundry; state references, salary ex- pected. AV 262. Oregonian. WANTED Young lady with initiative. personality and knowledge of short hand and stenography for permanent position ; $70 to start. Call Mr. Har- wood. Bdwy. 0690. ANY GIRL In nei of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army He fug a Home,, Mayfair and Ales&nder sts. Phone Main S450. DM car. WANTED- -Experienced maid for house work and cooking; some laundry; ref erences required. Ea?t 0580. 535 E. litth N. SEVERAL salesladies of good personality to handle one of the best lines on the market; big commission. Call 279 Hawthorne ave all week. THOROUGHLY experienced beauty par lor operator. including marcelling; write or phone immediately. Feme Beauty Parlor, Olympia, Wash. ' WANTED Stenographer to assist in of f ire. must be correct at figures, state age and give references; salary to start - 8.5 per month. S U40, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED saleslady for cloak and suit department; give references, for mer experience and salary expected. D 974. Oregonian. WANTED Teacher of American history and civics for high school; must be toliege graduate. Convent of the Holy Child, E. 64th and Almeda. Tabor 1081. W ILL GIVE large, light housekeeping room to elderly couple and one meal a day for light services. Phone 628-23 after 3 P. M. COMPETENT middle aged woman to assist with housework and some nurs ing; plain home ; moderate wages; by ppt. 15. East 8o 43- 2 EXPERIENCED women wanted, one for dipping chocolates, one for French pastries; out of city. BF 913, Orego r ian. WANTED Neat appearing salesladies Apply HUrt Spalding bldg., between 9 j&nd 12 A. M., Monday. HOCSEU'Il'E can make extra money for holidays working a few hours daily In our neighborhood. C 911, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer for wholesale grocery; state age, experience and phone number. O 956, Oregonian. GIRLS wanted for road show and camp. Experience not nec3fcsary. Good Wages. Call 311 C.Hson st. WANTED Young iady to lead riding horse for Tom. Moore. Apply Hippo drome at 9 o'clock M on da y . THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help any giris in distress 953 East GHsan. "MV" car. East 0316. W A N i P-ai cooks and housemaids. Square Employment, Uoodnough bldg., W ANTED Experienced weavers. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. WANT neat girl for general housework. Call 173 in-n st. WORKING WOMAN share housekeeping privileges. $12 month. Main 0254. LADY imaw nr hlrig. use) assistant. WAITRESS wanted at Blue Point Res taurant. 40 ' N. 6th. Wuued- -Domestics. WANTED Young school girl to help with nouseworK ana care for small boy; Portland Heights home; refer ences desired. Main 1 li."i. UM D WAGES FOR COMPETENT 8EC OND GIRL. 429 VTSTA AVE., COR NER CARTER LANE. TEL. MAIN 2412 WANTED Girl for general housework; suburban home on Oregon City carline; 3 minutes from Portland. Call Sell. 1966 between 11 and 2. WANTED Experienced girl for second work. Apply mornings, 1060 Westover road. A ELDERuY lady wanted as light house keeper for 1 lady; good home. Apply a 4 Grand ave. N. GIRL or "middle-aged woman to assist with housework and care of two little g i r ia. Good home. Tabor 526'. WANTED Scandinavian girl for gen eral housework ; $50 to $60 a month; references required. Walnut 0368. WANTED, girl for general housework in small family; must like children. Phone Sellwood 172-v . GIRi work. o assist with Tabor 8766. 3i general house E. 41st N. EXPERIENCED g:ri for general house wcra Bdwy. 1 1 45. EXPERIENCED girl general hu.gework. for cooking S31 Kearney s GIRL for genera 1" housework, of children. Bawy. 4738. WANTED Girl to work. 407 Clay. assist with Main 3S34. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooking. ' 328 Jackson st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE fiu HOP PICKERS wanted, good accom ' modations, water piped to houses, good flops. At Horseshoe lake near St. Paul. Or. Apply 615 Lumberrr.ens bldg. " HOP PICKERS WANTED. For my yard at Hopmere; good hops; shacks free. Will be at St. Charles hotel Aug. 21 and 22. Homer Gouiey. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE UtOI HOP-PICKERS WANTED. FAMILIES PREFERRED. EXPE RIENCE UNNECESSARY. We pay 5oc per box; we must have clean picking. E. Clements Horst Co. Independence. Oregon, largest hopyard in O.-egon. Fine hops; two beautitui, clean camp grounds, each with store, butcher shop, pure water, community stoves, always hot. and with camp marshal in charge; experienced private parties care for children during work ing hours at reasonable charge; free teiit, or room to families; free wood, water and straw for bedding; handball court and horseshoe throwing grounds and good bass and croppie fishing on the ranch. We haul pickers from train to ranch free, and after harvest bring them biick to trains free. Do not -register elsewhere until you have talked to our representative, who will be at the Coffee & Sheely store. 223 Morrison street, Portland, on August 21st and 22d. Come prepared to buy your tick ets to Independence, or If coming by your on car. to pay cash deposit as evidence of good faith; this is to be returned to you at the ranch office on your arrival. ' MITOMA HOP RANCH. We will be at room 415 Common wealth building, corner of 6th and Burnside, on August J 8 and 19. to register and make arrangements for transportation to the Mitoma hop yard. Independence, Or. ; 117 acres of the finest hops in the valley. Good camp ing grounds, tents, tables, beaches, straw and sawed wood furnished, store and restaurant on the grounds. We have, arranged for a special train. Cttme prepared to buy tickets. Fare round .trip $3.25. one way $2.42. If you wish to drive down a cash deposit wiil be required as evidence of good faith at the time of registration, which will be returned to you. Picking will begin about August 2$. Families only. Office open y A. M. to 5 P. M. HOP PICKERS WANTED. For Lyniff and Hammack yard, 9 miles north of Salem, on the Wil lamette river; excellent camp ground with good conveniences; we furnish you with new apartments, sawed wood, good water, stra w, tables and stools ; store on place. Picking will start about September 1. Register August 18, ID. 21 and 22 at 602 McKay bldg., S. E. corner 3d and Stark, sts. Phone Bdwy. 6171. ' . HOP PICKERS wanted at J. W. Seavey's hopyard. Forest Grove, Or.; 130 acres of hops; good, clean camp she as, water piped on grounds, straw and camp stoves furnished free; good grocery store, good dance hall near camp; cab ins are built to accommodate three or more persona, &a make up your parties accordingly; it will be necessary to buy your transportation tickets and make camp arrangements at our Portland office, 222 Pittock bld.. loth and Washington sts.; if you wish to drive, a cash deposit will be required, which wlil be refunded after you have picked two days; picking will begin about September 1. Phone Broadway 1090. A?k for Mr. Oglesby. HOP PICKERS WANTED FAMILIES PREFERRED. For a fine yard 9 miles north of Salem, on the Willamette river; ex cellent camp ground with good con veniences; we furnish you with new apartments, sawed wood, good water, straw, tables and stools. Store on place; picking will start about September 1. Register Augufet 18. ly, 21 and 22 at 602 McKay bldg., S. E. corner 3d and Stark sts. Telephone Bdwy. 5971. HOP PICKERS WANTED. For over hundred acres extra fine hops on Willamette river, near New berg ; come and register, prepared to secure transportation; fare $1; making arrangements may have boat which would land you with baggage at camp ground; usual accommodations; will pay $1 per hundred pounds, ruling price. 606 Worcester Bldg., Third and Oak. Phone Broadway 708 4 . HOP PICKERS WANTED. For T. A. Livesley & Co. yards. Come prepared to buy railroad ticket. iVe furnish tent free to family, also tables, stools, straw for bed and wood. Regis ter at room 602 McKay bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5971. w a .MaL) bxperiencea teacner of ex pression; individual instruction; must be able to coach experienced person in monologue plays, etc. Please do not apply, unless thoroughly capable ana experienced. A u oregonian HOP pickers wanted for Bell hopyard. toatem, or. ADout aays. finest pick ing. Register at 31 East 13th st. Come prepared to buy your tickets to Lives ley (Oregon Electric). All usual accom modations furnished. HOP PICKERS wanted for East Inde pendence, Or.; good camp grounds, wood, straw, water, sheds, electric lights lurmsnea. rtegister at setd Back Co.. 308 1st st. rnone Auto. 536-5Q. 200 HOP PICKERS wanted, wood, straw water, tents and usual accommodations furnished. Apply Bishop Bros.. 408 Flanders Bt., or phone, day or night. fc.ast ij.'i to re-gister. TEACHERS for western positions; free registration. w eatmore Agency, Spo kane Wash. HOP PICKERS wanted. 227 Hall st. AUtO. 029-11. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; plenty work; make from $6 to $42 a day. &ua swetiana bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AUTO mechanic, 10 years married. will go any place. Automatic 532-23. Adams. - 434 Broadway, Portland. W. PLASTERING contractor wants work ; cement ana repair work specialty. E, 4216. GARDEN and housework neatly done. oOc per hour; references. ERNEST MILLER. Bdwy. 089. PANTRY C A LCI MINI NG. First-class work and material. 0118. PAINTING, tinting, papering; .satisfac tion- Phone Automatic 622-96. MAN 40 wants to work about A. hours day. 3 12 N. 4th st. PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates furn. Kinder & Peterson. Atwater 1828. PLUMBER wants small jobs; repair ex pert; low estimates. td wy. 2?83. ALL-AROUND janitor and fuma.ee man first-class. Atwater 3Q2. JAPANESE boy wants house or garden work or hall boy. K 063. Oregonian. PLUMBING and repairing, best work. reasonable. Tabor S24. East 9838. PLASTERING by contract ; first-class East 2011. work guaranteed. CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXERS. PHONE ! TABOK 6781. WANT work by day or hour. Call Wal- nut 2134; reference. MARRIED man in need of work; steady walnut fun. PAINTING AND TINTING. Walnut 6613. ROOFS REPAIRED AND PAINTED. Walnut 613. ALL ROUND BAKER WANTS POSI TION. Y 970. OREGONIAN. MALE nurse, very capable. Phone East 6716. room 10. T. J. Lloyd. COMBINATION restaurant cook; clean and good experience. Atwater 2413. EXCAVATING. General teaming. Atwater 1808. HOUSE painted, $-M$!io; rooms tinted. $l-$5; papering, 35c roll. Walnut 6084- Ht CjUMPS ECEVS. A. LETTER. rRoM NC- B1N N FAR x veev. vt Men-tw, After v. TWT m -S1 STATES BUT StEMCT UKE -VHE TRT WOVAS tOR. EVER-- t HAVE K0T BttM tt in tU SINCE KVroM UU TO MX Almost THE. Tl it SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. THERE are In Portland several disabled ex-service men very efficient in their different lines who are badly in need of work. By giving employment them you will not oniy secure a hard and conscientious worker but will be relieving a situation which is very serious with them. They are not seek ing charity but are looking for some thing where by earnest endeavor they can create a permanent position. 1 Married man, wife and baby to sup port, desires private chauffeur posi tion; can keep up repairs and will ing to make trips, day or night, any where, 2 Desires a position of lens trrlndinar or photography and finishing school ebout September 25. 3 Neat appearing young man desires - a position as private chauffeur; well acquainted with fcity; good references. , , 4 Married, have wife and baby to support; grocery clerk, clerical and can handle any kind of automobile; need work at once. 6 Desire a position, not too heavy, where advancement is possible; am willing and energetic and cau handle a clerical job; not a $1000-a-week man. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WORLD -WAR, PORTLAND, CHAPTER NO. 1, REPLACEMENT OFFICE. 310 Buchanan Li Id a. Bdwy. 3980. YOUNG man, 27, single, university grad., desires position with lumber company, where there is chance to learn office and sales work; spent 2 years In woods, yards, mills, kilns, sheds, etc.; location immaterial; now employed. Address Box 188, Aberdeen, Wash. MAN, up-to-date, orchard, stock, poultry, farm, irrigation, machinery, open for job September. If desired, can hand! big ranch to country home. Two I family,- workers, good references. AV 30 1 , Oregon Ian. SHINGLING We specialize In reshln gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; est! mates free. East 1928. YOUNG man having office experience. but desirous of securing a more active line ot worK, wants position Sept. 1. desires interview now. AG 921, Ore goman. i? u -jJj i certniea accountant require: opening in any commercial or manu facturing office; salary no object where chances for Advancement are good. 868. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR Cadillac, Pierce or any car. city and state license, know all highways. Will drive stage or pri vate. an How, oregonian. EXPERT -accountant, thoroughly reli able, would like work writing up. ad justing or balancing books. G 867, Oregonian. PAINTING. TINTING AND WOOD FTN JSHING. I DO YOUR WORK RIGHT. MAIN 3383. WANTED A job in city aoing anything by young married man. 25, 6 feet 3 and Duut in proportion; nan ay at most anything. AC 8, Oregonian. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. Let me do you a first-class job re a sonable price. J. H. Jenkins- Tabor .9354. FIRST-CLASS carpenters and builders reasonable for residence construction, alterations and repairing; best recom mendation. Main (520. WANTED 10OO cords wood or more to cut: have' all tools to do the work. Ad dress J. O. Lee, Oregon City, Route 6, box 113A. CARPENTER, repairing, reshingling, cab inet, mill work. Nelson & Neilson. Aut 533-81. Atwater 0224. Tabor 3457. KLfwLSOMINING, painting; reasonable work and material guaranteed. East 1042. JAPANESE cook wants job In family or any place; best references. .71 Tnn ity place. Rrdwy. 2546 PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. Let me do you a flnst-class job, rea sonable price. Jenkins; Tabor 9354. CARPENTER work of any kind; cialize in alterations and repairs. 3638. epe- SelL WANTED Home for boy, 14, to work for, part board and room and go to school. 408 Broadway South. REbHINGLING Shingling, prices rea sonable, work guaranteed, estimates free.' Auto. 325-ltf. BANKER, 12 years' experience, desires position of trut; beat references. H 858, Oregonian. GENERAL contractors, oricic. tile, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor 8793, Empire 0145. CONCRETE AND ALL. KINDS OF CE ME NT WORK BY MIXER. TABOR 6888. YOUNG MAN attending school work evenings and Saturday. Tabor 4713. wishes Phone WILL cut grass and 638-14 evenings. weeds. Call Auto. JBookKeepers. Ptenograpnera- Office. VERY URGENT. Employment wanted by mar ried man, bookkeeper and sten ographer, bank and lumber of fice experience, but prefer office of architect or contractor; am hard worker and want perma nent position, with possible fu ture Investment; am I. C. S. stu- , dent. Phone 461-R Vancouver. Address Ad, 3100 J St., Van couver, Wash. THOROUGHLY experienced, competent and reliable bookkeeper, stenographer and all-around office man, 32 years of age, desires permanent position with reliable concern. Best references. C 94 2. Oregonian. TRAFFIC man, accountant, young man. 15 years' experience railroad and steamship traffic, rates and claims with some knowledge of accounting desires position moderate salary and prospects advancement. P 963. Ore goniaa. WANTED Office posiUon by middle aged man; experienced in double en try bookkeeping and accountancy; also experienced in grain business. Address L. W. Fudge, AVaitsburg, Wash. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants to han dle small sets of books after 6 P. M.' Address L. E. Eachus. 573 Haig St., or inquire of elevator operator at 327 Washington st. BOOKKEEPER, with A-l reference, now employed, by large concern, deeires to make a change. What have you? H 775, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, mill, wholesale, invoice expert, wants position. Oregonian. order, J 942, COMPETENT bookkeeper, 12 years' ex perience banking or wholesale lines preferred. AV 247, Oregonian. Salesmen. SALESMAN wants part-time work; V 855, Oregonian. produce. SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. COLORED woman wants fcy work, washing, ironing, cleaning, bast vqsj. WOMAN wants work by hour; 25 cents;' washing, ironing, cleaning. East 2r2A GOOD cook, fine in pastry, wishes day work or 8-hour shift. Phone jiain t'.ti.i. EXPERIENCED woman to run rooming house. 115 East Biannena., WOMAN wants to take trip to southern Oregon as companion. walnut WOMAN wants day work. 35 cents hour. Call room 14. Brdwy. 5o.2. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPEKJENCE. EAST 616. COLORED woman wants small to take home. Tabor ooih. A RELIABLE woman wa nts chamber work or day worK. tv urfb, oregonian. PRACTICAL housekeeping for men or women. Tabor 8744. ws Noumea v;evch tONX mttcw. Soon ma cabie irxpwsts A Wvn). vou come OVER. A)t n"SYT VWVTVt ME AVuHVLE 1 HAVE A BVVtl4G OUST LEASED INCOME EAJtE4 Two Atsifc Twocrt. -WOVS.ANt t0UNtS AMVHJAU.W- V Jlvif -vvns CAAR. TO MN UTtLF VuU TH lu&NM VAiXUL RP r..,..-- LE CHtSTt- IIKSTa-ULMtNTS' TO E (CHESTER'S f SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. FRENCH couple, middle-age, want sit uation; man cook, wife second work references; city, country. N 945, Ore gon la n. WIDOW, with girl 12 years old, wishes position as housekeeper or taking care or an apartment nouse. u a-t ure gonian. - WIDOW lady wishes position as hotel housekeeper, or will take charge of apt. house; experienced. Atwater ,4099, apartment 1. . COMPETENT laundress wishes work. Mod., Tues.. Wed., Thurs.. FtL; ref erences. Walnut 1611. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Wed., Thursday, Fri. ; references. Wal nut 1611. - . RELIABLE woman wishes position as housekeeper for one or more men or as chambermaid. AJ 869. Oregonian. HOUSEWORK wanted, competent; Sun days off. Phone Monday,. Autc. 613-40. $45- month. A RELIABLE woman to work in bakery v grocery or confectionery anu uowa stana. ti.ast oianaKiia WANTED Sewing, care of children, , Dy day or hour; your home or hotel. Mrs. Carter. Main LiVX. VERY experienced woman wants all around day work ; expert laundress. Main 211". . COOK-WAITRESS wants work. Square Deal Employment, Goodnough bldg., 506. Main 5727. MANAGEMENT of first-class apt., or rooming house by exp. woman. Best ref. Phone labor idtv. ALL ROUND, good, experienced worker bv hour; references. Phone 610-19. WANTED Restaurant work, fry or pastry.' East 5940, Apt. 57. cook BtHokkeepers, stenographers. Office. ENERGETIC young lady with bookkeeping experience desires position in doctor's office ; has had considerable experience in handling medical accounts; also thoroughly experienced in other lines of general office work and 1n meeting the public. Call Broadway 4976. OFFICE HELP OFFICE KELPV STENOGRAPHERS 'BOOKKEEPERS. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, BDWY 6953 504 SPA1DING BLDG. CAPABLE stenographer and general of fice woman; can handle correspondence and credits and help on books, or take complete charge of small office; mod erate salary. H 971, Oregonian. YOUNG lady thoroughly experienced in - bookkeeping and general office work, with1 some stenographic experience wishes temporary work. Tabor 78-4. karnrst. reliable woman with on month's local experience, wishes book keeping position. Steady, exact worker. Moderate wages. Walnut '8864. EXPERIENCED legal stenographer wishes position, permanent or tempo rary. Walnut 7013. STENOGRAPHER wants position; four vears secretarial experience; win can by appointments Phone Atwater 3314. fiTRTMlRAPHER exDerienced in gen era! office woric or win ao just ing or billing. V 960. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wants position, real estate and insurance preferred; three years experience. pnone Mam nun; LADY bookkeeper, experienced m an kinds offioe work, wants position at rrcf references. Sell. Ofbd. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist; best references. Sell. 3721. EXPERIENCED steno. and bkkp. wants substitute work. n. Bdftd. RELIABLE stenographer desires perma nent position. Tabor ivta. - Dressmakers . ACROSS 10th street from public library. Rose Dressmaking Parlor, 186 10th st. Maiu 2161. HEMSTITCHING, any color. 6c. Km. 403 Raleigh biag, szi wasn. ouwy. on- WANTED Dressmaking and sewing. 344 La rrabee. East fcoin. HEMSTITCHING, any color. 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg. 327 wasn. nawy. am. DRESSMAKING, your t home o; guaranteed, reasoname. .cast PLAIN SEWING AND CHILUlUs. & CLOTHES. VVAL.N 11 HEMSTITCHING., 5c and 7c. Riley & Clinton, 411 Kaleign oiag. DRESSMAKER, make over taiioress, $3.50; references given. Bdwy. 5652. Nurses. GRADUATE nurse offers 2 rooms, kitch en, furnished apt., also single xx. ja.. rooms, prefer nurses or students will ing to share, rates reasonable. East 4650. NURSE will care fr patient in her own home; desirable location; pnysician s references. Tabor 5733. NURSE takes maternity cases home; best or care, n.. oaoa. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as housekeeper or companion; gooa home desired more than wages BC 865, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants to keep house for widower with one child or lor small family; small wages and good home. AC 926, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Modern . unfurnished o or 6-. room house or bungalow, with garage, must be clean and not over $45 per month. Bdwy. 6785 or East 0989. WE HAVE many calls Tor houses and flats and can rent yours; let us nanaie your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED 5 or 0-room modern bunga low or cottage near scnooi. gooa neign horhood, at once. Phone Walnut 6465 mornings . , WANTED To rent, by Sept. 1, furnished 5-room house or oungaiow; must oe fairly close in and in good neighbor- hood. M 875, Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow restricted district by ramiiy or two adults; best of references. Phone Bdwy. 6651. - WANTED Small furnished house on or before Sept. l; rent not over zo. Bdwy. 2726. 4 OR 5 ROOM house or lower flat within walking distance to s. P. shops, pnone Sell. 3266. SEPTEMBER 1, small modern furnished bungalow, uau Atwater j.o, u a. m. to 6 P. M. WANTED tf-room bungalow by October 1, east side. Empire lbav. BY SEPT. 1. 3 flat. ar 4-room unfurnished E 863. Oregonian. house or Apartments. WANTED Well-f urnished, steam-heated apartment or flat not later than Sep tember . 1, by adult family of three; desirable andspermaneat tenants, can use place with garage. State rent and full particulars to BD 959, Oregonian. WANTED September 1, two-room furn. flat or apt.; must be reasonable and absolutely clean. AS 971, Oregonian. WANTED Rtjom not more than one block from 16th and Thompson; give price, etc. AE 863, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. MOTHER and 2 daughters, all employed, desire room and board in nice home with home privi-i leges. Bdwy. 4976. YOUNG married couple wants room and board for six months in exchange for "Ivory and mahogany furniture of & 3-room flat. Call after 4 P. M. 445 E. Couch, near 7th. TH E GUMP S FROM Sfcous but WHICH I HAVE ctcf VEARS THC WANTED TO RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. WANT 2 or 3 furn. h. k. rooms; west side, walking 'distance, near Ladd school ; must have beds or 1 bed and sanitary couch, not over. $30 per month, to permanent tenants. AO 971. Ore gonian. Business Places. WELL-LOCATED meat market; will buy later if satisfied. AF 924, Ore gonian. - - ' f FOR RENT. ATTRACTIVE suburban bungalow and 2 choice lots on Capitol highway at Multnomah station, - with excellent . view of Mount Hood. City water, phone, gas, electricity, and bui It-ins, with full basement and all modern conveniences. Main 2610. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant -ln connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, day, week or month. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free dst of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each room, shower-baths and club facilities. , THE WHITEHALL. ' 263 Sixth St. Rooms, single and en suite, modern, .at moderate prices; large sun parlor and " every convenience. Portland's dojvntown hotel. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. . EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up, private bath, $S; fireproof and clean; close to business center. 1 ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and chopping center. WEAVER HOTEL, 708 WASHINGTON STREET. Attractive, spotless rooms, with priv ate baths, phone. Reasonable rates. fcldwy. ud ( l. FOR CONGENIAL young folks, attract ive double ana aineie roome. tree pnon-e, breakfast or kitchen privileges; aleo sleeping tent and 2 h. k. rooms; rea sonable. 742 Lovejoy. Main 2760. HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St., cor. Stark Under new management: modern ; prl vate baths; phone; reasonable rates, $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON 13TS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable nates by week or mo nun. WHY NOT have an apt while in town? Three modern furn. rooms, $12.50 per week, San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. E. 1990. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man aeement. .32 Washington st. Mod ern, private baths, free phones, reason- aoie rate; ?a.ou wee up. buwjt. oool HOTEL CONRADINE.f22 North 10th st. z Diocits norm Ol VV ibuliib iuu bi., m a nmnf: nleaeant rooms and suites very reasonable rates by day or week. AT A TH I ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. WEST SIDE: Some real nice newly fur nished rooms; nice district, walking distance;. $12 and $lo. 024 Northrup. $4 A WEEK for steam-heated sleeping room in modern apartment house ad- joining bath. 402 3d st a PARTLY furnished or unfurnished rooms. $15 per month. 375 Cable et. Sell. 4063. " HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy. THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder ; A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HO TEL; $1 up. Rates by week or month. 50c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absolute ly clean rms. ; baths free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, da, near jerrerson ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th at., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonapie rates. GRANT HOTEL, 13th and Washington, rooms byplay, week or month; home' like and quiet. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 310 10th st. CLEAN third-floor sleeping room, very reasonable. t62 Glisan. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. LARGE, well furnished front suite and single rooms, heat, batn. pnone, not water, twin beds, suitable -for 2 gentle. men or 2 teachers; exclusive modern home, close to business. 321 12th st.. corner Clay. ST. JOHNS Large, well-furnished room. furnace heat; suitable for one or two teachers; near George, Williams and new . high school. 1661 Willamette blvd. Empire 2108 EXCEPTIONALLY nice large, light rms. in exclusive home, 3 closets, fireplace, private bath, suitable for 2 or 3: small er room. 84 N. 21at. cor. Everett. ATTRACTIVE front room, furnished, newly decorated, bath aajoining; nome privileges ; gentleman; walking dis tance. Atwater 3295. FRONT room in beautiful home near .Teffe-rsoTi hie-h school: ladv Dref erred ; kitchen privileges If desired. 1034 Williams ave. NTCE front room, very centrally located; no cartare; for l or -z gentlemen; may have separate beds. 228 10th St., phone Main 5758 after o P. M. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate, twin beds, parlor, piano, a real home; rates $3 up. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. NICELY furnished rooms, all conven- iences; tance ; rent reasonable; walking dis 741 Hoyt st. Main 6094. WELL furnished room, close in, steam heat. 307 11th st., apt. E. Atwater 0481. - 269 14TH, modern tance. near Jefferson, choice room. conveniences; walking dis FUR. AND UNFUR. sleeping rooms in modern home with garage. Walnut 8682. DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman, best location, west side; easy walking dis tance, reasonable rent. Bdwy. 6111. NICELY furnished room, private family, not, cold water, gentleman preferred. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. A LARGE, airy room, clean as a pin, suitable or one or two ladieo orgenta Call Main 4078. 253 N. 21st. ROOM in steam-heated apartment, bath room adjoining, walking distance, ref erences. Broadway 5131. NICE furnished 668 Everett. : ooni in private family. 257 12TH ST., single, double, hot, cold, room, walking distance; men only. FRONT parlor bedroom, home privileges, walking distance. Call 387 12th st. 1 NEATLY fur. rm. convenient location. in private family, 517-61. CLEAN front room, modern home, 382 Ross St., 2 blocks. Broadway bridge. NICELY fur. room in modern home for gentleman, $12 per month. Tabor 8310. Rooms With Board. ROOM S. Double. Single, Meals. Main 4878. 779 Marshall. THE REINE, RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, 772 Marshall St. Phone Main 1644. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 712 Marshall at. Main 8603. Newly furnished; excel ent meals; rates week or month. LARGE room suitable for necting. Main 8603. bath eon- FAR AWAY AUSTRALIA 100 M-U WEAR. VRONA MX COUMSELORS IN A VVJ tANS - MOW tON'T VWORRS ASO0T ME MV . fceAVt REXATAVTES - lAILL W1P.AO I f Owu tWANG-i ! I AAE W.MN SHORTty. it " iTirTI " WONttwTW HE 1 VER- WITH LOTS 0 Lout NtS&JL" pA I ILL" 'F E HAVE TO Go TO ANt a. kvss. or rurwo ) I 3 I, Australia tlu 'havE to V. - OX- CWESTTR- . (I r I ? GET A- LOT OF NEVO Wte. OVJCVE IAA- L1" ' " 3" (cunnes- WAVET A J ' ' V4M0 FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. . HOTEL HEREFORD, 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3305. Portland's high-class residential ho tel, being completely redecorated; at tractive rates; special Sunday chicken dinners; all the comforts of home; now offered by Mrs. McDougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel. 223 EAST 20 TH, EAST 7384. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; all modern conveniences, a home for discriminating people; make reservations for the winter now; large corner front room, suitable for couple or more; available Sept. 1. CHESTERBURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day, week or month. Meals served to transients NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fanaiiies and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1189. FOR AGED Invalids, chronic or conva lescent patients. Pleasant home sur roundings with health building diet and treatment. Personal care of phys ician. East 8535. ROOM and board for business girl; all modern conveniences; waiking dis tance ; $5 per week. Aut. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. Rooms With rnani in Private Family. PRIVATE home, for girls grammar school age; each child will receive mother1 care and training; near sahooL library and churches. Sellwood 2203. NICE room with board In private Rose City home, for couple employed with child, mother's care; or two compan ions; reasonable. Aut. 318-00. 346 E. 41st st. N. LARGE, clean room with board for one or two gentlemen; shower bath, home privileges; walking distance. East side. East 9044. TWO MEN to room, one or two meals best home cooking; home privileges ; no other boarders. Sunnyeide car eerv ice. Tabor '7849. IRVINGTON Beautiful double room, also single room, best home cooking, refined surroundings. Garage. East 6645. NICELY furn. rm. with board; home privileges; for gentleman or couple; no objection to child. Sell. 2270. NICE warm room, very reasonable, excellent- board for 2. 191 11th st. Main 9121. ONE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO; BOARD IF DESIRED. BDWY. 8355. 617 MARSHALL. LARGE corner room. Fine view, Nob Hill district. Well cooked meals; 2 'ladies. C. S. preferred. Main 33v3. ROOM and board for two young employed or high school; 1189 thorne ave. Tabor 6517. ladies Haw- NICELY furnished rooms with or with out board; all conveniences; walking distance; 741 Hoyt st. Main 6094. CLEAN rooms with good board. t3G7 , Weidler st. AIberta, Woodlawn or Broadway cars. GOOD home offered girl between seven and ten years. R. 1, Box 16. Brush Prairie, Wash. MOTHERLY lady would like the care of child. Mrs. J. F. Peterson, R. No. 4. Silverton, Or. ROOM and board, home, west side, Atwater 1752. $35; modern, a real close in. 407 14th st. ROOM and board In house. 692 E. Ash. private boarding Phone Bast 1207. HOME cooking, home privileges; prices right. Sellwood 1502. LARGE, clean, sunny room, good table board, piano, garage. East 2418. ROOM with board for one or two ladies; walking distance. Bdwy. 3780. LADY wants couple children and room. Aut. 613-91. Forniwhed Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two rooms, strictly modern; newly Kaisomineo; an new golden oak iurni ture; $35. Broadway 1245. . THE DEZENDORP APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128. 6-room completely furnished apt. All outside rooms; no objection to chil dren. transients and tourists. BUNGALOW apt., furnished complete, 4 rooms ana sleeping porcn. pnone. heat, private bath, adults, $60 a month. East 1966. Walking distance. BEAUTIFUL bachelon a.p.t., sitting room," oearoom, aressmg room and bath; can be shown Monday. Gordon Court Apart ments, 530 Montgomery. LUXOR APTS., under new management. lurnisnea 'i ana 3-room apts., modern; also sleeping room. Phone Main 8H5. THREE-ROOM apt. for rent, 1 block rrom Alberta car. Furnace heat. Wal. 3041. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12th st. Private bath. One 3-room corner apt walking distance. TWO small 2-room -apartments, clean, airy, $22.50 each; adults. light and 562 GHsan. LAURELHURST APARTMENTS. ' 3-room apartment and bath. 142 E. 39th st. Tabor 2614. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment. Close in, west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628. THE ORDERLEIGH. 82 Grand ave. At tractive, well-arranged suites, renoyat ed, private baths, very reasonable. THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone, $23. Winter rate. Main 7392. FURNISHED 2-room apartment, hat and cold water; fine location. . 631 "Hoyt, near 20th. SUNNYCREST, $25; 3 outside rms., bath. newly turn., reaecorateu, steam heat, gas, elec. 186 Sherman. THE NTCKOLS 3-room apt., also 4 with 2 bedrooms, private bath; apt phone. 856 E. 6th N. Walnut 4971. CLASSIC APARTMENTS. 21st and Glisan, 2 and 3-room apart ments, strictly modern. y KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 1 1th and Montgomery. Main 0359. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts.. finished In white enamel. East 4548. IN WALNUT PARK. 2 or 3 rooms, bright and airy, new furniture; handy to 6 c.arllnes. Walnut 4940. NEAR LINCOLN HIGH. Apartments suitable 4 to 6 people, reasonable. 388 11th fit. At. 4164. LEONCE APTS., 186 N. 22D ST. 3-room, furnished apt. with private bath. Marshall 2250. H ADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs., private baTlconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. VERY desirable 3-rra. apt., light, bath, phone. $30; garage. 000 MarKet st. LARGE, clean modern apt. with bath and sleeping porcn. oil uoiumDia. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 3-rm. fur. apts. 3639. Hw. floors. 43 uoiumpia. Atw. COSY 3-rm. furn. flat, fireplace; clean ; bridge. 344 Benton. near Broadway 25 TO $35 for modern steam-heated 3d st. furnished apartment. 402 THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th, 2 and 4-rm. apts., z osmt. apts. ttawy. oopm. NICE 5-ROOM LOWER AFT. EAST 2376. ROOM furnished t Hawthorne ave. apt. ipt. Call 1103 E. Tabor 7334. BE-TWEE-H TVAO AWl THREE.: THAT-S OVER tlO.OOOSS A, ALU THAT TIME- vutU.. Vrri YOC AT 1tMi WE MW HWt TO MAKE I I fi WE MW HWt TO MAKE MI'S FOR RENT. Furnibhed Apartments. v STELWYN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apts. in city, in select res idence district. Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home atmosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny outside apart ments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hang ings, brasses, comfy wicker furni ture, floor lamps, etc. ; piano; maid service if desired; excep tionally clean. Also single rooms by day, week, month. THE STELWYN. 166 St. Clair St., Cor. of Wash-- ington and Twenty-second. JUST COMPLETED, WESCOTT COURT APTS. 450 Weidler, blk. S. Broadway. Eafch apartment consists of large liv ing, dining and bed rooms, balcony, shower bath; all ouside rooms; ma hogany furniture ivory finish, electrlo ranges, hardwood floors, etc. I believe these apts. to be the -most complete in city ; only few left ; see them. WHEELDON ANNEX. Has beea thoroughly renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts. to perma nent or transient by day, week or month. Close to business center. Cor ner 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. 2-ROOM suite, clean, we:i furnished. $20 month; three nice rooms, private bath. Free phone, furnace heat, large veran da; ?33 month; children welcome; near school. Take lHth st. or N. & S. Port land cars to 20th and Thurman; one block north to 643 Upshur. Broad way. 1371. - MODERN, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-RM. APT., $50, SUITABLE FOR 2 TO 5 PERSONS. ALSO ONE OF 3 ROOMS FOR S40 MONTH. THESE ARE FINE. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th & COLUMBIA. NICELY furnished apt. for responsible congenial couple,' all very moaern, a garage if desired, wash trays in base ment and furnace; call all week; Sun day until 2 P. M. 521 E. 39th N., cor. Brazee. FURNISHED houseboat for sale; all con veniences, electric fixtures, bath, . phone, dishes, gas stove, gas heater, $1450 cash.' Owner going east, must sell Immediately. No. 17 Oregon Yacht club. Phone Sellwood 2141 evenings or Sunday. t THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts., French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 5198. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis- tance. Main 9466. ; " LADELLE APTS.. 790 E. AN KEN Y ST. Very desirable 4-room apt., newly renovated and retinted; sleeping porch, private bath and phone; completely furnished, light, clean and airy good car service; parking" space. East 4046. ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH STS. 3 and 4-room apts., private bath, newly tinted, nicely furnished; also 2- room and private bath, basement apt Main 6375. GRAY GABLES APTS., 28J) lOth St. Four minutes' walk from business district, 2-room apt., modern, $30. Phone Main 2805. . THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern ; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. THE BONNIE BRAE. Furnished apts., 3 rooms, dressing room, bath, sleeping porch. 514 Han cock St., Irvington district. E. 2202. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR Ml. Hi. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath. Hardwood firs., white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. East 3782. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. BCENA VISTA--434 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictiy modern fur nished and 1 unfurnished apt.; all out side !aH3MaJnl052. . $15 COZY APARTMENT $15. ' 1 room comfortably furnished. Neat, clean and quiet. Where your ' apart ment is your home. Main 3816. 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnished, all outside rooms, in high-class apart ment house with first-class service. 15th and Belmont. East 6613. THE DRICKSTON. 448 11TH ST. One 2-rm. fur. apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and painted; one 3-room basement; free phone and light. THIS will suit you, 2-room suite, porch, hot and cold water, laundry trays, phone, light, $7 per week. 166 E. 16th st. East 8954. . SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah; 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all outside apta. E. 1426. BASEMENT APT., suitable for employed couple or bachelor, $15 per mo. 868 Multnomah. .East 8051. ALICE COURT. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, phone, $45 and $50; strictly modern. E. 3566. FURNISiHED 5-room hot and cold water; 587 E. Main st. apt., steam heat. walking distance. 3-ROOM apartment, clean. light, al-y, well furnished, modern conveniences; adults only. Phone East Ooaa., . CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment reasonable. 14th and Market. BERKELEY APTS., 39 TRINITY PL 2 .and a-room rurnisnea apts.; 4-room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. MARTHA APTS. 2-room furnished apts. - by month. Main 2141. , JULIANA APTS. 4o TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. Walking dis tance , opjpauditoriurrK BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished, 21st and Irving. ALTONIA APTS.. 19th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, iigni, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., also 3-room basement apt. 697 Washington et. Bdwy. 1OO8 HANTHORN APTS. 8-room furnished apt. ; 2 disappear ing 2 BASEMENT apartments, one and three rooms. 493 Yamhill. . UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur apt. $21.50. Complete, concrete oiag. WESTMINSTER, 2C2 SIXTH. NICELY FURN COR. APTS. MAIN 5582 ROSELYN APTS.. 110 21st N. 2-room modern apt., reasonable. 662 FLANDERS, near 20th, nished, 4-room apt., $35. nicely fur THE STILES. 2 rooms with bath. East 4847. THE LEONARD 3-room furnished apt., clean, desirable. 665 E.- Main st. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. NAT and clean 3-room apartments. 1347H Corbett. Atwater 4217. JUST vacated, modern 3-rm. apt. and sleeping porch, at 721 East Ash st. THOv)-SAHX POUHOS . - - ft:A.R. - ANV TOR TEARS THAT K'S K CLouenL - . A.FTER-TVIIVT . MI'S FOR RENT. Furn U h ed A purt montw. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-cIsiM apartment house near 23d and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer; 8-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly decor ated 3-room apt., with a real bed room and new furniture. . Call M.!n 8883. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnt?hri 2 and 3-room immaculate apartment in high-class apartment house; period furniture. Wilton rugs, linen, silver. etc. Elmwood Apis.. 415 10th. M. 060". I nfurniwheq Apartments. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 796 EAST HOYT ST. New building now ready for oc 1 pancy, 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, tile batbs, every modern convenience and'uutx qellcd service. Phone E;tst 7527. ; WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four rooms, modern, front apsrt-mes-t; In. first-class condition; on main floor; only 3 blocks from Washington; $45. Broadway 1245. ' DOUGLAS COURf Under new manage ment. Superior 3 and 4-room apart ments, facing park ; modern equip ment; walking distance. 425 West Park st. Main 2616 or Atwater 0423. ABERDEEN. 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apt. bouse, just completed, four room apt., bard wood flouri, 2 sets , French doors, ivory finliffi. electric ranges ajid washer. Phone Eat ti'.'.V'. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors and garage. iee this betore you rent eli where. Price $100. 601 Schuyler, corner 15th. ARBOR COURT. 14TH and COLUMBIA. Beautiful 3-room apartment, ftninhd in Ivory and tapestry ; adults, reason able. VERY attractive 5-room apt. at new Gordon Court apts.; terraced lawn, flowers, sunny and bright; 2 bedrooms. 530 Montgomery LORENZO apts.. 427 Salmon st. Main 8078; unfurnished 2-room apt., water, light, phone, 1 blk. from Central li brary. THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow apt., sip. porch, tile bath with shower, hardwood floors, china closet, fireplace, $75. 21ot and Overton. Bdwy. 1US(K WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room arW 2 room modern, unfurnished ; excellent services, located 18 th and Flanders, west side. Phone Bdwv. 2201. GRACE APTS., 24TH AND NORTHRUP. Five outside rms., redecorated, front and rear sleeping porches, steam beat, janitor service. Atwater 0554 BOWMAN APTS. Irvington, 16th and Hancock ; high class1 4 rooms, modern steam-heated a pa rt ment. East 1361. ION IAN CO CRT, 1 T H A N D CO UC H. 4-room modern front corner apt.. 1 blk. off Wash. t. ; adults. Bdwy. 2761. KING. ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 "rooms, elevator, tile bath. 1 1th and Montgomery. Main 03"i9. ROSE FRIEND, ,Bdwy. and Jefferson. Choice 5-room apartment can be se cured Sept. 1. Atwater 14 10. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A Tew desir able fur. and unfur. apts. available at reason ible rentals. Phone Bd wy. 6s0. MAY APARTMENTS. 14th and Taylor, will have a 3-room corner apt, vacant Sept. 1. Main 7211'. ROSE" FRIEND, Bdwy. t. nd,- Jefferson, tit ran be ae- 1410. Choice 5-room apartme cured Sept. 1. Atwater MORTON APARTMENTS. 4-room un furnished apt. 09 Washington Bdwy. 1098. THE 'AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broad wa y 3360. MO RD AUNT 5H(i Everett. Large mod -ern 4-rm, homelike : Inspection invited. 660 FLANDERS, 6-room unfurnished apt., porches, $65 month. ON E WH: 4 AND 5 nar. 742 ROOM unfur. upt. Everett st. .Main The 6164. TH E OR M u N D E 4 and 5 -ro apts. 65 6 Finn d t- r s. fi d w y . m unfur. 8873. 5-ROOM 4506. modern apartment; 33. Main MODERN 3 -room a pH rtuteiit, 554 Tillamook car. 13th st. FOKDHAM 8 rooms. ' APARTMENTS. Atwater 1881. FuniiHhed or L nf unuwiit a A partmr nt BERYL APARTMENT, Lovejoy near 21st St.; 1 very -large 3-room will tm nicely papered and painted ; unfur nished or furnished new; also 1 fur nished 2-room, all new. Phone Ahu 6254. ONE-ROOM and kitchenette furnUhed or unf urnished, very clean, nulet, ideal location, near city park, on Council Crest carline. 768 Park ave. Main 4278. Reasonable. . JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APT 3. ST. CLAIR APTS. 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, just remodeled, cKan, good service; rates reasonable. Bdwy. 4452. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. aptH.. bath, close in, very reasonable. 4J Columbia st., nr. 11th. Atwater 2277. f THE REXFORD. 2-room apt., steam heat, newly fin Ighed. This Is a nice one. A I ain 0553. HIGHLAND COURT, AT W A TE R 3181 Furnished or unfurnished auariments. IlutN. 5-ROOM uppj-r. sleeping porch if-r, sleeping porch, lirepia-'e, nd other conveniences. 267 gas range E. 25th st.. bet. Hawthorne and Madi son. East 1M19. 1 MODERN 4-room unfurniKhed tlt. Immediate possession. 10U Siith, near Alder; water heat. Ran ranijo iree. Owner. Euat 3850, ndwy. S1'5S. MODERN fl-rooin flat within walking distance, 32b East Hub at., - block aouth of Broadwy oar. Aletzger Parker Co.. , IRYINOTON--Modern 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, fireplace, , furnace, vijar.l--wood floors, garage, adults. 3111 Ka.t 13th st. Norths 8-ROOM flat for rent. Sandy Hlvd. and Mid St. f-5 per month. Call Tabor 4iim. IRVINGTON flat,5 rooms and sleeping porch; modern in every particular. W'. L. Page. 107 Sherlock Hldg. MODERN upper flat, living rooms and .1 bedrooms, a bathrooms; rent $U0. 13U N. 24th. Bdwy. ll.vt. MODERN 4-room flat with slee plt.g porch, walking distance; adults. 530B. 440 Ross at. EuC 3-ROOM modern upper flat with surg ing porch, $-".; adults only. 400 N. U.'.th t. ("all Atwater 3T1H 6-ROOM modern upper painted, at (lull 14 Hoyt; tance. Call Eaat 3376. fiat. newly walikng dis- 4-ROOM modern flnt, ; block south, at 2:M west side. Maij SiiSS t'l Usae HV.. 1 and WasliliiK ton, or 13dwv. 7S33. 7 ROOMS', close in, gas range and water heater, cement basement. Adu.ts. water 14-llV FOR RENT Lowtr flat at 33 K. 43d t . 5 rooms and sleeping porch, v.: painted, $35 per mouth. Kat 810.. LARGE 2-room flat. firt floor, rl.f place, niee porch: adults, .s.ii. mm.. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished flat, heat ana hot water furnished. 3:H Fargo. &-ROOM lower flat. $30. 4 Stanton. East 1HKM. TWO NICE unf urnish' 71 East 22d SI. S CORNER, modern, roil dated August 25. 431 ' furn.'.cf, rent K. Coucll. MODERN 4-room flat, newly renova.n.. $32 per month. navj. ni-n. FurnJahed Flats. THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, rlnn In. newly finished, cheerful lour room, and bath: a pleasant homu: references. 4U4 Hall St.. near 13ih. MODERN 4-room furnished flat: ri.an and neat; aauits oniy. 'mwuuu 1103 Cora ave., near E. 8th. FOUR rooms, bath, sleeping porch, piano, water, light, phone. Adults. 7H11; Overlook H va. wainui 6-ROO.M flat, nicely lurnisnea. walking- distance, inoo uih v...... .v . .h-. th. -Main too.- 6-ROOM flat, very attractive, good loca tion KM E. Madison. Phone E. H7H.i, THREE-ROOM flat, modern, adults. 501 K. 2-'d at. South. 5-ROOM furnlahed upper flat, rent $15. Call SflS'i E. Davis DANDY 4-room f'at. nicely furnished. cneap. uwi Housekeeping Rooms. Jlng 1 TTTC AND 3 furnished tl. 1. rooms. 12, ?!.. Tabor 042B. 1117 East Myket. 2 NICELY furn. housekeeping rooms, near Broadway bridge. I'll Larrahee MARTHA APTS., 1 and 2-room h. k., newly furnished, lobby. Main 2141. TWO nice rooms very reasonable; also single rooms. 055 Flanders t. 5 ROOMS first floor, newly papered. 405 Montgomery. Atwater 115. 2 LARGE rooms, piano, $20 a month. 603 6th St. aftef 2. SINGLE housekeeping room, corner uf Bth and Morrison. Bdwy. 6106. FURN., clean 1, 2 or 3-room H. K. suito, ' close in. 431 E. Ash, near 7th. ONE SINGLE housekeeping room. 631 Hoyt. near 20th. TWO roomrt newly 125. 205 N. 23d. furnished, 20 .nd S-ROOM furnished II. K. apt. 'r ft.onfl, lights, water; $6 weik'.y. 35Q V-th st. NICE, clean room v-itli x:K 4.00 par w-et-k. 312 Cl.y m.