Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1922, Image 1

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VOL. LXI NO. 19,267
Entered at P,o r 1 1 i n d fOrejpon
Prtstoffir ra Second-clays Matter.
International Marriages
Not to Be Financed.
Either- Triumph or Dis
aster Lodge's Portion.
Desperate Fight With Live
Opponent Follows.
We Would Rather Beat Lodge
Than All Other Republicans,
Says One Enenly Leader.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased "Wire.)
BOSTOX, Mass., Aus. 20. Henry
Cabot Lodge, United States senator,
at the age of 72, rounding out. 36
years of continuous service in con
gress, is going to crown his career
with either the greatest triumph or
the first defeat he has experienced.
Dean of the senate, in -which he is
serving his 30-th year, Mr. Lodge is
a candidate for a sixth term. He is
just now approaching the renomi
nation hurdle in the republican pri
marv on September 12. If he wins
the primary, as now seems probable,
he is not unlikely to find, himself in
for a desperate fight with the demo
cratic nominee in the Xovember
election. His rival, Joseph Walker,
is an ex-Bull Mooser.
The hottest, the most spectacular
political battle in the country this
year Is getting under way in Massa
chusetts. All because of the candi
dacy of Lodge for re-election and of
the extensive and imposing array of
his foes from near and far who have
sworn, vengeance upon him and are
mustering all their resources to
beat him.
Rich Vengeance Sought.
It is a. dizzy pinnacle from -which
his enemies are endeavoring to burl
him. They hardly could have
picked one who had farther to fall
and certain it is that to defeat a
president would not afford them
half the satisfaction of dethroning
"We would rather beat Lodge
than all the rest of the republican
candidates in the whole country,"
recently remarked one of the big
men in the Wilson administration.
Undeterred by the disastrous ex
perience of Mr. Wilson in endeavor
ing to beat Jim Reed in his own
party, the democratic .national or
ganization is reputed to be planning
to concentrate on the effort to de
feat Lodge, if the republicans
renominate hii. Former Governor
Cox of Ohio, democratic nominee
for president in 1920, who is now in
Europe, getting more intimately
acquainted with the league of na
tions, is expected home in time to
lead the revenge movement.
" Much Discontent oted.
If you had listened as I did today
to a group of republican leaders in
tbis state sizing up public dissatis
faction with the republican admin
istration, the republican congress
and the republican party, you would
think the defeat of Lodge in the
primary a foregone conclusion. The
workingmen and farmers, it was
said, are discontented here as al,
t most everywhere else; there have
been numerous strikes in the indus
trial cities, the most serious in the
Lawrence textile mills; the manu
facturers and business men are still
waiting for a protective tariff (o
restore the promised prosperity
and, on top of all. the conservative
Xew Englanders are denouncing the
administration for failure to pursue
a more vigorous policy in the coal
and rail strikes.
Some blame the president while
others say they have been disillu
sioned concerning that "strong cabi
net" Mr. Harding promised in his
acceptance speech. Members of the
cabinet have been kept busy ex
plaining why the president was not
swinging the big stick. I was told
of letters Secretary of War Weeks
is. said to have written stating the
administration feared that vigorous
action in the coal and rail strikes
would precipitate civil war. Secre
tary of Commerce Hoover is quoted
by Xew England railway executives
as warning them to settle the con
troversy to avoid civil war.
Keeble Policy ProteKted.
Weeks, Lodge and other New
Englanden- in Washington have been
deluged with irate remonstrances
from this section gainst a feeble
, str'ke policy.
They have been told that if we are
o close to civil war as is asserted,
it can only be postponed at best, and
' it would be better to have it now.
It Is interesting to note that Lodge
was active in urging the president
to address congress and announce a
f rra policy. '
On account of the close identifica
tion of Lodge with the administra
tion and with republican policies
. generally the senator's chances for
renomination are not being im
proved by this dissatisfaction In his
own party, extending all the way
from plutocrat to proletariat. But
the republicans say Lodge. is going
to be renominated and re-elected, in
spit of the unpopularity of the re-
(Concluded uu Page 3, Column S.)
' "VI .. 1 .. L' , T
for Failure of Americans
to Take First Place..
PARIS, Aug. 20. '(By the Asso
ciated Press. ) English women ath
letes' today won the first interna
tional women's track meet over
competitors from the United States,
France, Switzerland and. Czecho
slovakia. The American team was
second, France third, Czecho-Slo-vakia
fourth and Switzerland fifth.
The point scores were: England
50; United States 31; France 29;
, Czedho-Slovakia 12 and Switzer
land 6.
A large crowd gathered at
Pershing stadium to witness the
The American team was leading
in the point score when half the
events had been finished. Weak
ness in the sprints was responsible
for their failure to take first place.
Lucille Godbold Estill, South Caro
lina, and Cornelia Sabie,' Newark,
N. J., were the' star- point earners
for the American team, the former
setting a world's record in the eight
pound shot, putting alternately- with
both arms -of 20 meters'and 22 cen
timeters, and Miss Sable doing the j
100-yard: hurdles in the record time'
of 14 2-5 seconds.
Other records established during
the meet were by Mile. Mejslikova,
Czecho-Slovakia, in the 60-yard
dash, of 7 3-5 seconds, and by ttie
Same girl in the second elimination
trial heat for the 100-yard dash of
11 2-5 seconds, although - the final
in this. event was won in 12 seconds
flat; the 1000 meters run in 3 min
utes 12 seconds by Mile. Breard,
France, and the 440-yard relay in
51 4-5 seconds, made by tly British
team. .
Death Claims Victim Who for 9
Years Suffered Strange Disease.
PITTSFIELD. Mass., Aug. 20.
James Burke, S7, whose body for
nine years had been slowly turning
to stone, died yesterday in tOie
Mother Margaret Mary home in
Nine years ago, while holding a
clerical position in the Panama
canal sone, he became Infected from
an insect bite; his Joints soon there
after started to stiffen, and the
process of ossification - was under
way. Many forms of treatment
were tried, , but none benefited him.
While suffering much discomfort he
had little pain and always was
cheerful. -
General to Wait on Legislature
Before Becoming Varsity "Head.
MAXIXiA, Aug. 20. (By the As
sociated Press.) The date of the
d e p a r t u r e of Governor-General
Leonard Wood for Philadelphia to
assume tVe presidency of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania depends
considerably on the" speed with
which the Philippine legislature
works, according to a member of
his staff.
Governor-General Wood Is pre
paring a programme which ex
pects to carry out in the legislature
before he leaves, it was said. This
may require his presence here for
several weeks after January 1, by
which time he was required to be
in Philadelphia.
Clarence A. Colin, Salt Lake Busi
ness Man, Struck Dead.
, SALT LAKE CITT, Aug. 20. Clar
ence A. Cohn, 42 years old, vice-president
of a department store here,
was killed late this afternoon when
struck by lightning while playing
on the golf links of the Salt Lake
Country club. Mr. Cohn was struck
in the head, the bolt tearing off tHe
right side of his face.
Two players crossing the links
in company with Mr. Cohn were
rendered unconscious. A caddy was
knocked down, but not seriously
Illinois Man Runs Farm on Which
He. Has Lived 75 Years.
AURORA, 111., Aug. 20. George
Elkins, 97 years old. of Buncombe,
111., was selected today as the win
ner of the prise offered by the Cen
tral states fair for the oldest man
actually engaged in farming.
Elkins submitted affidavits to
show he was actively engaged .in
running his farm, on which he has
lived for 7a years. He' won a trip
to the fair, $50 in cash and a num
ber of firming implements.
Machine Bound for Brazil En
counters Heavy Squalls.
20. The giant seaplane Sampaio
Correia. Lieutenant Walter Hinton
commanding, flying from Sew York
to Brazil, encountered heavy squalls
on her trip down the coast from
i i ..... o r 1 . : 1 .
anchored in Lake Worth, off Palm
In the face of further threaten
ing weather Lleufenant Hinton said
he decided to spend the night in
this harbor.
Divorced Daughter Halted
on Brink of Romance.
Oil King Tightens Pursestrings
and Shows Determination to
Keep W'ealth in America.
(CopyrighCl922, by The Oregonian.)
CHICAGO, Aug. 20. The long,
lean finger of John D. Rockefeller,
pressing on that most sensitive
nerve the nocketbook today is
said to have called a halt tempo
rarily, at least on plans for fur
ther international marriages in the
Harold F. McCormick family.
Although he'' says little, John T.
is accustomed to being obeyed. He
has not been able , to stop the mar
riage of his ex-son-in-law, now
basking In the roseate light of ro
mance with Ganna Walska, nor has
he been able to put an end to the
preRaratlons for the marriage of
his' grand-daughter, Mathilde, to
Max Oser, the Swiss ridingmaster.
Divorced Daughter Hesitates.
But Mrs. Edith Rockefeller Mc
Cormick, daughter of the oil king,
hesitates on the brink of her ro
mance with Krenn, the youthful
Austrian architect, who returned to
this country with her some. months
ago. Mrs. McCormick knows her
father, and his stern parental figure
evidently has caused her to stop,
look and listen.
However, the end of the McCor
mick Imbroglio is not yet in sight
Chicago is wondering what the next
chapter Is to be. Those who read
the signs in the air say that dark
shadows gathering along the hor
izon and faint rumbles of thunder
In the blue, forecast dangerous
storms ahead.
Silence of John 1. Ominous.
The silence of old John D. in itself
is ominous. He is not unmindful of
the flagrant disobedience on the
part of his heirs -of his wish that
his money be spent in America and
already he' is beginning to bring
pressure to bear from unexpected
It is an open secret in high offi
cial circles .that it was Rockefeller
who forced the resignation of Har
old F. McCormick as pres'dent of
the International Harvester com
pany and relegated him to a place
of only nominal control on the
(Concluded on Page 3. Column 2. )
Express Cars Traveling 5 0 Miles
' Hour When Engine Somer
saults Cars Follow.
CHICAGO, Aug. 20. (By the As
sociated Press.) Express train No.
39, en route from New York to Chi
cago, was wrecked with the loss of
two lives near Gary,Ind., early this
morning. The wreck resulted from
the deliberate removal of 27 spikes
from one of the rails, Michigan
Central railroad officials announced
tonight. A J1000 reward was offered
for the arrest of those responsible.
The dead:
Edward- Coyo, engineer, Kalama
zoo, Mich. V '
" Frank Lubbs, fireman, Niles, Mich.
The injured: (
C. H. Stockwell, Niagara Falls,
N. Y. .
A. B. Heath, Bifffalo, N. Y. -Plunging
along at a speed esti
mated, at more than &0 miles an
hour, the train, composed of 23 cars,
was Baid to have been trying to
make up several hours' lost time,
being due in Chicago at 11:45 last
night. The cars were filled with
valuable express shipments, and the
train carried a crew of eight men
but no passengers.
Suddenly on a straight stretch of
track about a mile east of Gary the
Engine leaped from the track,
plowed over the ties for a hundred
feet and then turned a complete
somersault, ending in a mass of
steaming wreckage at one side of
the right-of-way. Eight of the cars
followed after the engine, their con
tents being scattered for hundreds
of feet in all directions. The bodies
of the engineer and fireman were
buried beneath the wreckage.
First reports of the wreck came
from Conductor Harry Foote of De
troit, who walked a mile down the
track to telephone for doctors'and
rescue parties. E. E. Evans, coroner
of Lake county, and Bailway offi
cials immediately began an investi
gation of the cause of the wreck.
According to the Gary police, some
of the trainmen were quoted as say
ing that trouble had been experi
enced with the engine since Its de
parture from Detroit.
Serious Error Declared Made Jn
- Army Appropriation Bill.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 20.
Declaring a ""serious error" was
made in the last army appropriation
bill, resulting in many injustices
through the method prescribed by
reduction of officer personnel, Rep
resentative Curry, republican, Cali
fornia, announced in a statement to
night that he would ask congress
to pass an emergency corrective
measure at the present session.
To support his plea for immediate
action, Mr. Curry said he had made
a thorough investigation of the
present "plucking" process, against
which war department officials re
peatedly protested, and called atten
tion to the recent letter written by
General Pershing to Chairman Mad
den of the appropriations committee
declaring actual operation of the
law would result Jn a much greater
officer reduction than congress ap
parently had realized.
Paris Woman Appears on Beach
With Daring Gown of White
Open-Work Lace.
(Chicago Tribune foreign News Service.
Copyright, 192a, by the Chicago Trfbutae.)
DEAUVILLE. Aug. ZO. Frenzied
betting almost as heavy as in the
baccarat room at the casino, oc
curred this morning on the beach,
when a thrilling life counterpart of
Hans Christian Andersen's story
about the emperor's new clothes was
staged by a daring Paris manne
quin. -
Wagers were made .by startled
spectators as to whether the man
nequin wore anything under her
white open work lace dress, which
she exhibited strolling beside the
Generally pink silk slips are worn
under transparent and open work
dresses, but something about the
fleshlike tint revealed aroused sus
pense today. Quite a following, in
cluding the shah of Persia and his
faithful, ever-present grand vizier,
stalled along behind the mannequin,
trying to fathom the mystery. The
mannequin wore white doeskin slip
pers and was stockingless. That
much was conceded by everyone. A
divergence 'of opinion arose as to
whether the gleaming pink" seen
through the open work fleur de lys
design lace gown was cuticle or an
undergarment. -
"I'll bet she's wearing a slip un
derneath," said a prominent New
York society woman who won 100,
000 francs in the night session at
the Chemin de Io for tables. "She
would not dare appear without one."
"I'll bet .against that," said
French count whose race horses had
a winning streak during the present
meeting. "Of course I'm wearing a
slip underneath," replied the man
nequin when a daring Cuban' asked
the question point-blank. "But it
such flimsy sheer material that it's
Everybody had a drink with the
king of Spain this morning when
Alfonso treated a crowd of 300 in
eluding many Americans at Potin
lere. Manv ordered vermutn ana
others drank to royalty's health
with champagne.
King Alfonso won 1,200,000 francs
at baccarat in a session i ending at
6 o'clock this morning.-
Chief of Island Band Orders
Return to Simple Waltz.
"SARNIA. ' dht., Aug. 20. Indian
squaws with eloquent shoulders and
braves whose feet have learned the
tricks of the Broadway dance pal
aces must go back to the old-fash
ioned, demurely simple waltz, says
an edict of the council of Walpole
island which went into effect to
Chief Red Knife, incidentally
manager of the island band, has
protested against the invasion of
the saxophone on thetisland.
"They want to dance all night,
says the chief, "and no one wants
to" work the next day. Once they
were satisfied with an ordinary
band. ' Now they want cabarets. '
Fair Boosters' Party Is
Welcomed Home
Impromptu. Programme Is
Held at Parting.
Scores of Relations, Friends and
Interested Citizens Gather
for Big Reception.
"It was a wonderful trip, not only
from the standpoint of the fair, but
from that of development of the
state' as a whole."
Such was the statement of George
L. Baker, mayor of Portland, as he
arrived at 7 o'clock . last night at
the head of the exposition caravan,
which had completed a circuit of al
most 1400 miles through central and
western Oregon as herald of the
1925 exposition.
It had taken the message of the
exposition into towns of eastern
Oregon, parts of central Oregon,
southern Oregon and the Willamette
valley. The final day's run started
from Eugene, and was punctuated
with stops and outdoor meetings at
Monroe, Corvallls, Albany and Sa
lem. The caravan of automobiles, which
had left the city on August 12 on its
unusual mission, had everywhere en
countered a hearty welcome, said
those in the party, and this was no
less true here at home, as the
bronzed and dust-sprinkled travel
ers pulled into Portland and. gath
ered on Sixth street between Mor
rison and Alder, where they later
Closes Great Caravan. .
Scores "of relatives, frieids and
interested citizens thronged the
walks and Intersection at Sixth and
Morrison streets to greet the return
ing caravanlsts. They arrived almost
exactly at 7 o'clock amid cheers and
greetings of the welcoming hosts
and the clicking of the of
tion picture machine, filming the
last few feet of the noteworthy
tour as it Bad recorded scores of
interesting incidents along the itin
erary. ,
The returning members of the
caravan were bubbling over with
enthusiasm. Superlative terms and
adjectives were on everyone's lips.
True, there had been breakdowns,
minor accidents, disappointments
here and there, but on 'the whole the
trip had been carried to a success
ful conclusion, certain to bear ben
eficial fruits, not only for Portland
but for a big portion of the state as
well. '
Impromptu Programme, Held. .
As the caravan ists debarked they
moved in concerted action to the
intersection of Sixth and Morrison
streets, where an impromptu pro
gramme marked the disbanding of
the party. Mayor Baker, who first
evolved the caravan idea and had
piloted it from first to last, perched
himself on the running board of a
convenient car and called the
gang" together. The crowd that
gathered around the crusaders com
pletely blocked traffic while the
parting, cere-monies continued..
Briefly but with undiminished en
thusiasm. Mayor Baker thanked his
fellow carivanists for their kinciiy
good spirit and co-operation in
making the tour a success. He spoke
on behalf of the exposition manag
ing- committee; of which be is a
"Oregon 1935 Sons; Sung." 1
We have put our ideas over so
far as the state is concerned," he
said. "It is now up to tHe rest of
you to follow up the work we ve
done. Those of us who took this
trip are going to organize a cara
van club and it will accomplish re
sults, I assure you."
The returned boosters then lustily
sang the "Oregon 1925" song which
had been- their greeting to the scores
of communities visited in course of
the tour. The "gang" then did the
mayor the honor of singing his
praise. "Old George Baker is better
than he used to be, six or seven days
ago," rang out the voices, after
Walter Jenkins, song leader, had ex
plained that "George" was "better
than ever" because of his associa
tion with the party merfibers on the
long jaunt. Mr. Jenkins then sang
the Oregon state song,, also made
familfar to the citizens along the
route, and disbandment followed
amid cheers of the crowd for the
caravan and of the caravanists for"
those who welcomed them.
Support Given to Fair.
.'"The trip has been a wonderful
thing for the state of Oregon," com
mented the mayor to friends who
surrounded him. "The people "are
for the fair there is no doubt about
that. But perhaps more important,
we found a remarkable sentiment
favoring active development of the
"I believe that we accomplished
our two principal purposes in the
towns and communities we vsited.
We made it clear to the voters of
. (Concluded on Page 2. Column Z.)
One Starts Feud by Erecting Gate
Which Required 2 Men to Lift.
Bible Quoted on Peace.
UKIAH, CaL, Aug. 20. Isaac Cres
pin and John Haynes, aged ranchers
In a remote section of Mendocino
county and enemies in a feud of
years, "shot it out" with high-powered
rifles yesterday. Both are
"Crespin was about 70 years old;
Haynes about 60. Haynes, it was
said, fired first and fatally wounded-Crc-spin
only to be shot in turn
and killed by Leo Batt, son-in-law
of Crespin.
The feud started years' ago over
erection of a gate across a road the
Crespins had to use to reach their
property. v
The day came yesterday when
they met at Mountain View Bchool
house. Both were armed, with rifles,
it was reported to the sheriff's of
fice here. Crespin was accompanied
by his daughter, Mrs. Hazel Batt,
and -her husband, Leo Batt.
Immediately upon, meeting, it was
said, the two men engaged in word
argument. Then a ' rifle cracked.
Batt said Haynes shot first. This
bullet struck Crespin's watch, drove
the timepiece through Crespin's
clothing and into his flesh and then
the bullet ranged upward. Crespin
died late last night from the wound.
Haynes was thrice wounded. He
was' dead when residents reached
the school house,
Mrs. Batt is credited with trying
to prevent Haynes from shooting
her . father. She threw herself in
front of him, but Haynes, it was
said, maneuvered his high-power
rifle around her waist and fired.
For years at nearly every session
of the, county grand jury either
Crespin or Haynes would appear and
attempt to obtain an indictment
against the other for some alleged
offense. At other times the office
of the county board of supervisors
would be the scene of exciting times
when the two arrived to make com
plaint against , one another regard
ing alleged road usurpation. The be
ginning of the feud dates back years
to a time when Haynes erected a
gate across the road the Crespins
were forced to take to enter their
property. The gate instead of being
simple bars was made of huge tree
limbs which required two meivto lift
aside. '
- A younger son of Crespin is haid
to have moved away from the home
ranch because he feared Haynes but
the father refused to quit his prop
erty, Haynes before coming to Mendo
cino county was a captain' in the
Salvation Army. Neighbors said they
have often heard him quote the Bible
in exhortations on "brotherly love"
"Snd .concerning how neighbors
should live in peace together.
Planes Search Vainly for Million
aire's Son Who Drowned.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Aug. 20.
Four hydroplanes and 40 other craft
of various types returned tonight
from a vain all-day search for the
body of Donald M. Phipps, 23, grad
uate of Yale and son of A. J.
Phipps, millionaire lumber merchant
of Florence Park, near here.
Young Phipps was swept by a
high wave from the bow of a speed
motorboat into Long Island sound
late yesterda-y and drowned. He was
on a boat driven by . his friend,
William Lyons, of Easthampton. The
victim's mother is prostrated by his
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Highest temperature. 73
degrees; lowest, 53 degrees.
TODAY'S Pair and warmer; winds
mostly westerly.
Near-nature garb excites Deauville.
Page 1.
Newberry trial' unjust, says Hughes.
I fage a.
i Organized fight on bonus renewed.
Page 5.
John D. Rockefeller calls halt to further
international marriages in McCormick
family. Page 1.
Henry Cabot Lodge, dean of senate, faces
rrisis in his career. Page 1.
Massachusetts village all upset over lo
cation of "gland factory." Page 3.
Shop leaders predict strike settlement
this week. Page 2.
Spikes pulled up: train wrecked and
two killed. Page 1.
Crew starving in 43-day calm saved by
passing vessel, fage o.
Faclfie "orthwrflt.
Many new bills already proposed. Page 2.
Illegal soldier burial charged at Tacoma.
Page 9.
Pacific Coast league results: At Seattle
S-S. Portland 5-7; at Sacramento 8-6,
Salt Like 2-7: at San Francisco 0-3,
Vernon 2-4: at Los Angeles 5-2, Oak
land 4-3. Page 8.
26,000 see Giants defeat Cubs 8 to 4.
Page 8.
Women ot England win big track meet.
. Page 1.
Lacrosse game is spiced by duellos.
Page 8.
New York clubs top both leagues. Page 9.
Commercial and Marine.
"Willamette Iron & Steel works to enlarge
shops. Page n.
Market holds up despite many mlBglv-
Ings. Page 15.
Week's offerings of bonds are few,
Page 15.
Loans required by many fanners. Page IS.
Lumber business oorely needs cars.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Seven persons Injured; two autoists ar
rested. Page 1.
Stockholders in defunct State bank face
assessment suits. Page 16.
Kindness long-minded policy. Page 16.
Caravan closes wonderful tour. Page 1.
Negro orchestra to play for radio to-
nsm. f
Weather report, data and forecast. J
Page a, I
Boy Skating on Streets
Hit by Machine.
Contractor Is the Victim of
Freak Accident.
Womun Sent to Hospital After
Cranli; Driver of Other Ma
chine Held Intoxicated.
Seven persons were Injured, one
possibly fatally, two drivers weru
arrested and three automobiles were
badly damaged in a series of traffic.
accidents in I'oi Hand and vicinity
Twelve-year-old Phillip lioson, 39
Hall street, was sent to St. Vincent's
hospital suffering from a broken
arm and what was thought to be a
fractured skull. He might die, hon
pital authorities said. The youth,
skating on the pavement near
Broadway and Hall streets, was run
down by an automobile driven by
J. E. Coffin, Carson Heights, at
about 10:30 o'clock yenterday morn
ing. Coffin was arrested by Mo
torcycle Patrolman Tully on a
charge of reckless driving and later
released on $100 bail.
According to the infortnatlon ob
tained in an investigation conducted
by Tully, Coffin was driving south
on Broadway and started to turn
cast on Hall street. Young Rosen
was on his skates near the curb at
the northeast intersection.
Corner In Declared Cut.
Coffin cut the corner by a nar
row margin, missing the curb only
three feet eight Inches. The boy
was knocked to the pavement. Tliu
car skidded a distance of 32 feel
before the driver could bring it tu
a complete stop.
Coffin, when interrogated at po
lice headquarters by Sergeant Rob
son, said lie had been forced to
"cut" the corner to avoid striking
another boy, who was on a bicycle
near the center of the Intersection.
This was denied by a number of
youthful witnesses of the accident
John Frank, 330 Hall street; Max
Weinstein, 330 Grant street. und
John Jacobson, 438 Third street.
Boy Taken to Iloopital.
Following the accident Coffin
took the injured boy and the lad s
mother to St. Vincent's hospital and
then reported at police headquar
Rosen is the son of A. Rosen, who
conducts a hat cleaning establish
ment at 69 North Sixth street.
John C. Van Atta, contractor, of
605 Heights Terrace, was taken to
the Good Samaritan hospital yester
day morning, victim of a freak acci
dent that happened at a point about
a mile and a half east of Hillsboru.
Van Atta was on the ground beside
his car repairing a tire when the
machine was struck from the rear
by another car. Van Atta said that
the second machine had no head
light. The contractor was badly
bruised and suffered a broken col
larbone and several broken ribs.
returned to his home after the acci
dent, but was sent to the hosiiHii
by physicians yesterday. He saj
he has the number of the car re
sponsible for his Injury.
Woman .Sent to Hospital.
One woman went to a hospital and
the driver of another car went to
jail as a result of .a smash at East
Thirteenth and Broadway yesterday
afternoon. R. A. Smith, fi9S Kan I
Couch street, driving north un Thir
teenth street, collided with a ma
chine in which Mrs. G. A. Hurley,
309 Glenn avenue, was traveling cast
on Broadway. Mrs. Hurley was cut
about the face and neck. She was
sent to the Good Samaritan hospital
for treatment. Smith, found to bo
under the influence of liquor, was
sent 16 jail by Patrolman Scott on
a charge of operating an automobile
while intoxicated.
Alexander Webster, a member of
the crew of the English steamer
Ben Abou, was so busy watchlnar
traffic while crossing Second and
Jefferson streets that he walked
into the side of an automobile
driven by Willard Jahne, 510 East
Thirty-seventh street. One wheel
passed over the sailor's foot and the
windshield bruised his ear. Web
ster was taken to the emergency
hospital and, after treatment, re
turned to his ship.
Woman Grows Hysterical.
Mrs. George Ladeen, , 19, 100
Kelly street, became hysterical
after a machine in which she was
riding narrowly escaped a serious
accident at East Nineteenth street
and Spokane avenue yesterday.
Friends were forced to take her to
the emergency hospital for treat
ment. Three persons were injured in a
head-on collision of two machines
on the Columbia highway, a half
mile west of Multnomah falls, yes
terday afternoon. A. T. Reed, 74S
Lovejoy street, was driving west
when he saw a machine approach-
zigzagging across the road.
" 1-2 S .
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 5. J
Too WARD- -' - ) 1 . -. ' . ;
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