Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 19, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Published by The Oreconian Pub. Co..
13 Sixth .Street. Portland, Orecon.
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The chief result of the late, elec
.-- tion contest in the courts was to
establish definitely and finally the
. :: title of Mr. Olcott a the republican
nominee for governor; the second
ary result was to vindicate the In
-'' tegrity of the Oregon election ma
. chinery so far as the counting of
ballots goes. A great number of
charges of irregularity, error and
wrongful conversion were made
hundreds and hundreds of specifi
" cations of miscounting and of Im
proper returns; but it developed,
after painstaking and impartial ju
dicial investigation, that there were,
. " in several hundred precincts, only
an inconsiderable number of cler
ical errors or mistakes of judgment
..." by the officials (with a single ex-
'.. ception). Altogether they nearly
balanced and the contestant, Mr.
Hall, emerged from- the hearing
: with somewhat fewer votes than he
- - went in. It might have been other-
- wise, if his contention that no
elector had a right to change his
registration on election day had not
failed through the court's decision,
which was substantially that a citi
zen cannot be deprived of the
privilege of determining for him
self to what party he belongs and
his action cannot be questioned un
'T less there is a convincing showing
of bad faith. This could not be
done. It should not be otherwise.
The facts of the constant and
uninterrupted invasion of the re
publican primary by democrats in
- " Oregon are not new. It has been a
common performance for many
J. years, and it has without question
influenced many contests. The
Oregonian has from the first de
nounced it as a dishonest and de---
moralizing practice, hurtful to all
parties alike, tending to lower
party standards and to debauch the
. " American political method. It has
; demanded that the primary be sur
2 rounded by safeguards so that the
constant interference of one party
with another b.- minimized, or pre
Z'Tl vented, so far as possible; but
nothing effective has been done.
' " The elector's conscience has been
his Now the court says
there is no remedy, unless there is
-j positive proof of wrongful intent.
Recognizing these things, as it
1- has recognized them for years, The
Oregonian is yet ob.' ged to declare
- that the official and legat result of
- a primary is certainly th? recorded
- will of the party. The primary is
the authorized and accepted meth
od of party nominations-. We are
far from saying that tne:t- is any--.
thing more than a general and very
loose obligation upon the voters in
a primary to support its nominees
in a succeeding election; but any
repudiation of the result cannot
7. fairly be placed upon a denial that
" the result of the primary is what
it is. But we should further say
that there is reposed upon the can-
- didates in a primary a special obli
2 gation of sound sportsmanship and
of good faith to abide by the pri
raary decision all of which is sup-
ported by a specific pledge and it
cannot be escaped except upon a
- satisfactory showing of fraud or
clear perversion of the true intent
of the voters. Doubtless Mr. Hall
thinks he was deprived of the"Vre
publican gubernatorial nomination
by democratic votes in a republican
primary; but Mr. Hall also thought
there was a vast amount of preju
dicial activity among the election
officers, to his detriment, depriving
him of many votes; and there was
not. It is the belief of The Ore
gonian that, if all facts were dis
closed, it would be found that there
was no monopoly of re-registration
or swearing in of unregistered
votes, on election day, for any one
candidate, but that I was done by
the partisans of both leading gov
ernorship candidates, and undoubt-
; edly in individual instances to ad-
vance the fortunes of. lesser candi-
- dates. To be specific, we aoubt if
more democrats voted for
Olcott than for Mr. Hall; and the
balances there are even.
In any event, Mr. Olcott is the
republican nominee, having won in
the manner provided by law, and
. in substantially the same conditions
as have surrounded every other pri
mary contest In the history of the
Now here is the present situation:
The next governor of Oregon will
be Mr. Olcott or Mr. Pierce. The
voters must decide between them.
The Oregonian greatly prefers Mr.
Olcott to Mr. Pierce, just as it
would have preferred Mr. Hall to
Mr. Pierce. It is not so much in
fluenced by the fact that Mr. Olcott
is the republican nominee it would
be not at all influenced by that
fact if'it thought Mr. Pierce would
render better service to the state
as it is by considerations of the
Olcott record and the Pierce record.
But in the choice offered between
Mr. Olcott and Mr. Pierce, it has
no hesitation in recommending Mr.
There can be no doubt, as Mr.
Dodson of the chamber of com
merce suggests, that western Ore
gon has certain merits to commend
it for motion picture production.
Both east and west of the Cascade
range is a diversity of scenery ap
plicable to scenarios with typically
western settings or of general
American character, It is logical.
to assume that these unquestioned
resources will some day be discov
ered by producers and that the
public will be treated to new set
I tings In Its screen dramas. Yet
I firocrAn wmilf? Vibva thp riff-Vir tn ex
pect certain assurances if, on the
other hand, it were asked for guar
antees. We should be unable to
muster much enthusiasm over the
nrnsnept of ncouirine a "second
nocea a new, a sane ana a. uiurai
.spirit, sucn S loo moiiuu diciuicd
everywhere tnust ultimately absorb
if they are to retain public Interest
and confidence.
What a singularly happy conclu
sion It would be if,, at the end of
the deer hunting season now open
ing, we could record that sports
men had not once targeted their
rifles- on any save legitimate and
antlered game. Continued sad ex
perience has taught us that each
recurring autumn we must expect
painful mishaps and actual trag
edies. An enforced study of cir
cumstances has compelled the
opinion that all. or nearly all, of
these are the results of gross care
lessness. If carelessness were elim
inated the tally of hunting fatal!
ties would instantly decline to the
Chief Deputy Brown, in his time,
ly warning to hunters, reiterates the
simple rules that prevent the mar
ring of a vacation and the taking
of human life. The first of these
for the deer hunter Is never to
shoot until he has seen the horns.
A stir in the thicket, though
stealthy, is not always a deer. Fre
quently it is a fellow sportsman,
and by some tragic fiat of fate the
shot fired at hazard often finds his
heart. There are, of course, the
ordinary precautions of being al
ways careful with firearms, in
camp and on the trail. Habit is the
best aid in this respect. Seek to
cultivate the habit of caution, of
most meticulous caution, and you
will be spared funeral expenses or
the pain of testifying before the
cdroner. And, as Warden Brown
observes, it is well to remember
that strong drink and gunpowder
are a deadly combination.
Field and forest are far too
worthwhile to be marred by those
deplorable accidents we have come
to associate inevitably with the
hunting season. The man who em
braces such a vacation should enter
it light-heartedly, of course, but
yet with a thorough understanding
of his responsibilities. If he lacks
such an understanding he is unfit
to have a license or to bear fire
arms. For all his merriment he is
a dreadful and ominous figure.
As many could mournfully tes
tify there is such a physiological
process as rusting. Both mind and I
L. uu j , wiuiuui nui luai CACii-ioc, luce
the fine burnish and efficiency of
he standard and begin to retro
gress. Aware of this, and applying
its truth to the instance of Mrs.
A. P. Crawford, who at the age
of 71 has entered Columbia univer
sity, it is seen that this elderly
student is not merely pursuing a
foible, but actually is following a
wise and entirely logical project.
There is nothing of the unconven
tional about her decision, but mere
ly the rightful exercise of a privi
lege that has by long custom corre
to be associated with youth, though
it is the common property of all.
It appears that Mrs. Crawford,
ever a student by avocation, has to
some extent lost her main employ
ment with the maturing of her
children and that she seeks a new
purpose in life.. Twilight for her
is not to be a place of pious resig
nation and gloomy forebodings, but
a zestful, well-lighted workshop,
wherein she will employ her brain
and, incidentally, prolong her use
ful activities. Briefly, this estim
able woman has declined to rust.
Work is man's natural estate. By
activity, within the bounds of pru
dence, he thrives and becomes the
stronger. The employment of either
mind or muscle, unlesA protracted
to the point of fatigue, strengthens
the physical and mental attributes.
Statesmen are not striplings, nor
are they middle-aged commonly
they are well advanced In years.
At an age when many men of busi
ness or agriculture retire they are
still in the lists, and tilting with the
vigor of youth and the sagacity of
seasoned experience. And at an
age when we begin to note the signs
of mental decay in men who have
retired, these more active mentali
ties are more brilliant than ever.
This argues that an occupational
Influence is of prime importance in
the preservation of life itself. There
are exceptions, of course. A dolt
may live to be a centenarian. But,
generally speaking, the active mind
survives longest in its tenement of
An interest in life is the main
thing. Once that Is lost, or aban
doned, or supplanted by a mere
acquiescence in life, the flavor of
existence has departed. The world
needs more women .and men, of
such an age as Mrs. Crawford's;
who are unwilling to rust.
It is greatly to be hoped, for the
serenity of our educational insti
tutions and for the good name of
the nation, that the iwo young men
arrested for drug smuggling in the
east, and who explained their of
fense by saying that they sought
funds for a college education, are
no more than freak instances of
bad ethics. 'If it is so difficult to
attain learning that impecunious
students . must resort to illegal
means to obtain funds, then it were
far better to dispense with higher
education in such cases. Certainly
it would appear that a more ex
tensive knowledge would but burn
ish the wits of some exceptionally
gifted crooks. Fortunately no such
situation exists.
Members of the faculty of any
university or college could, we have
no "doubt, furnish the information
that numerous rtudents are some
how contriving to get an education
without violating the law or aban
doning the ethics such institutions
seek to inculcate. It cannot be so
especially difficult for the penniless
young man or woman to equip
themselves for college, as it'is evi
dent that hundreds, doubtless thou
sands, of them actually do each
year. The first requisite is a sin
cere and purposeful desire for self
betterment and the second -an un
ashamed willingness o tackle any
honorable task, finding dignity
even in. the menial employments,
' 'I
That is not only sound democracy,
but sound common sense.
There are but two purposes to
education. The one to fit the stu
dent for the conquest of life, the
other to give him the clearest of
ethical viewpoints, that he may
never by word or deed bring shame
to his alma mater and that, by
the same token, he shall himself
be the better equipped for happi
ness. It is very evident that any
university which taught the prac
tical and neglected the ethical
would fall far short of its duty.
There are not, however, any such
educational delinquents. To the
contrary all phases of college activ
ity, including athletics, are, intended
to strengthen the moral percep
tions of the student and to make
of him a better sportsman.
There should be no sympathy, on
the educational score, for the
youthful culprits, detected in a
most despieable commerce, who of
fer that excuse to the authorities.
Even though their necessity was
real it does not In any measure
condone the illegal act; firstly, be
cause it should not and cannot,
and, secondly, because there were
honorable ways open to them. The
suspicion arises that the plea they
make is fundamentally insincere.
and that they are types which yield
to the lure of easy money and the
escape of work. One cannot but
conjecture what such worthies as
these would do with a college edu
cation, once they possessed it. It
seems logical to predict that they
would not employ it to the advan
tage of society.
President Harding's address to
congress on the" coal and railroad
strikes displays full appreciation of
the gravity of the situation that
they have produced. He takes the
only sound position in his propo
sals for remedies that the rights
of the public should be the first
consideration, and can be main
tained without impairing the rights
of those persons who are engaged
In the transportation and coal in
dustries. Every good citizen shares
his condemnation of the lawlessness
and outright cruelty that "have
marked the strikes, of the terrorism
with which union leaders and their
extreme followers have he.ld in line
thousands of men who would have
returned to work if they had dared,
especially of the rank savagery dis
played at Herrin. All who have
a true comprehension of American
liberty will endorse, his re-affirmation
of every man's right to work
unmolested by assault, insult or
social ' ostracism.
The president's recital of the
progress of industrial strife and of
his unavailing efforts at peaceful
adjustment, and his recommenda
tions for legislation are the more
impressive because they come from
an" abnormally moderate and emi
nently just man whose patience has
been exhausted. His chief fault has
been that, in endeavoring to end
the railroad strike, he has carried
conciliation so far as to weaken
his own position a fault also of
the labor board. By undertaking
to mediate between the railroad
executives and the shopmen's
unions and by encouraging them to
negotiate directly, he obscured the
fact that the labor board is a court
of equity "whose decisions are not
open to question and that, in re
fusing te abide by the board's de
cision, the strikers disobeyed the
government. By seeking confer
ence with the strike leaders after
they had defied its authority, the
labor board stepped from the firm
ground that it occupied when it
declared that, after ordering the
strike, these leaders no longer
represented employes and therefore
had no standing before it. Both
the president and the board thus
gave color to the pretense of the
strikers that they were striking
against terms offered by the execu
tives, not by the board.
But these departures from a
firm, logical policy have had their
compensations. By the course
which the strike has taken the
gross misrepresentation of the ques
tion at issue, the brutal assaults on
men who exercise the right to work,
the gradual extension to the train
service, the abandonment of pas
sengers in the desert and of perish
able freight to destruction the
truth has been brought home to the
people that a railroad strike is so
Injurious to the life and property
and to the public order of the
whole nation that it cannot be per
mitted. Before this strike began
we could only picture in our minds
the consequences which such a dis
turbance of transportation would
bring, and such is our instinctive
reluctance to limit the rights of
large bodies of citizens that we
shrank from prohibiting railroad
strikes by law. We have now had
actual experience of those conse
quences, .constituting proof of the
conflict between the people's right
to live and the railroad men's
claimed, right to strike. Congress
should now be ready to take com
pletely out of the hands of both
the railroad executives and the
employes the settlement of labor
conditions, to give the labor board'
power to enforce its decisions, as
the president suggests, and to de
clare railroad strikes unlawful. We
may expect bitter opposition from
the labor chiefs whose power would
be diminished, and further conflict
may follow the first effort to put
such a law in effect, but the time
seems to have come for establish
ment of the principle, and we
would better get through the strug
gle than have to look forward to
a series of strikes. The same rule
of obedience to the board's deci
sions should be applied to the ex
ecutives as to the employes, for
the former also have offended.
The president's resolution to in
voke the law against conspiracy in
the case of all alike will receive
the more general approval through
its having been formed after so
patient an endeavor to induce
recognition of public rights. His
whole course of action and his
character are a guaranty against
partiality in enforcing the law. We
may be confident that it will be
invoked equally against a body of
employes combined to halt opera
tion and against a combination of
railroad managers to disrupt a
union. That being the case, no
excuse for stopping or impairing
operation will remain.
Only the gravest emergency could
Justify government control of prices
and movement of coal in interstate
commerce, as proposed by Mr.
Harding. The coal strike not yet
being fully ended and the move
ment of coal being obstructed by
tie rajjrfiad. gtr&sa hjmgvNQfcot fitf
ment threatening to reach its max
imum at the precise season when
crops are moving in the- largest
volume, such control may be neces
sary as a temporary expedient, but
its temporary character should be
emphasized by prompt return to
normal methods as soon as the
emergency passes. The recent ex
perience of the war has taught us
the ease with which government
intervention in business extends and
tends to become permanent, its cost
and waste, and' its vain attempt to
obstruct the working of economic
law. The question may reasonably
be asked: If the government should
deal in coal, why not In oil, gaso
line, even wood? Scarcity of coal
raises its-price and stimulates de
mand for other fuels, creating dan
ger of profiteering in them also.
Yet recent events in this and other
countries have proved that the best
corrective for stoppage of the sup
ply anjd inflation of the price of
coal is a ready and abundant sup
ply of alternative fuels. Both oper
ators and miners will come to their
senses when they realize that their
quarrels kill the market for their
product by driving consumers to
resort to oil and in the long run to
waterpower. Next to wood, coal is
the most uneconomical of fuels and,
if the supply is to be frequently
interrupted, the tendency to use it
as raw material for a number of
products rather than as a source
of heat and power will grow
stronger. .
More merit is to be found in the
president's proposal for an ex
haustive inquiry into all the facts
of the coal industry.. There is cer
talnly something wrong . with an
industry of which it can be said
that its productive capacity is
double the consumptive demand
that it employs its workmen only
half time and that, with a wage
scale 30 per cent above the gen
eral range of those in other indus
tries, a large proportion of -these
men earn a bare subsistence. . ' The
operators and miners agreed at
Cleveland to appoint a commission
to inquire into these facts, but the
matter too nearly concerns the pub
lic welfare to be left to the parties
directly interested. The inquiry
should be undertaken by the gov
ernment from the standpoint of the
general interest, to the end that
the people may be assured of a
constant supply at a fair price,
yielding a just profit but no more,
and that enough miners to produce
a full supply may be assured con
stant employment at fair wages.
The strike has proved the coal
supply to be of almost equal neces
sity with uninterrupted transporta
tion, and congress would be justi
fied in extending to this industry
the principle that strikes are so
great a public Injury that they can
not be permitted.
The discovery of customs officials
that certain cigars contained opium
is unusual but not extraordinary.
We once dissected a cigar which
contained the following, to-wit:
Cabbage, pine slivers, portions of
cotton, generous dosage of flour
paste, and indications of rope fiber.
At that it wasn't a bad smoke.
An ex-county treasurer in Min
nesota confessed to stealing $258,
000, was indicted, pleaded guilty
and was on the .way to Stillwater
at 7o'clock the same day to begin
serving from one to ten years. It
is fair to presume he did not have
a dollar left for technicalities.
The three men in a boat were
quarreling about the course. One
said north. One said south. One
said west. While they wrangled a
wind arose. It blew them eastward
and they landed at the port of
California is in ecstacies over the
discovery that the state has a real
glacier. Now tourists can be
promised home brew with a guar
antee that it will be ice cold.
A statistical expert 'figures that
only 200,000 rattlesnakes are left
in the United States, but he evi
dently is going on the theory that
prohibition prohibits.
The "wets" have promised beer
to the thirsty within two years.
Public benefactors? Tes, in a way
but the truth is that they expect
to sell the beer. . ,
The price of one hundred marks
has declined to 8.75 cents in New
York. At that rate somebody will
be urging congress to include them
in the tariff.
So far -Mr. Hearst's political feel
ers have failed to disclose any great
hankering by the American people
to have Happy Hooligan in the
Anyhow, the marital infelicities
of the movie folks are a wonderful
aid to the struggling barrister,
whatever the rest of us may think
of 'em. '
Presume Henry Ford's candidacy
for president is based on the suppo
sition that the machinery of gov
ernment requires a crank to start it.
Some loganberry growers are be
coming discouraged. So did some
prune growers a quarter century
ago. Now look at prunes!
The most efficient speed-cop Is
not employed by the state. His
name is James W. Death, and he
is always on the job.
It is recorded that July food
prices took an upward leap. The
individual we are looking for is the
fellow with the pin.
A frequently broken resolution is
like a broken arm. If you break, it
often enough it will presently never
be of service again.
Field Marshal Halg has gone into
the whisky business, which is
rather giving his fellow country
men a rum go. .
May we confidently expect a
reaction in milk prices when the
fall rains inspire the pastures to
green activity?
Discovery of a seven-by-nine
"glacier" in the San Bernardino
mountains is going a bit strong even
for California.
No big cigar concern has as yet
offered German marks as coupons.
Completed Portion Stands - Traffic
Well, Bat Construction Drags.
NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 16. (To the
Editor.) So much complaint has
been made about the Newport-Cor-vallis
highway that the highway
committee appointed by the New
port Community club, has made a
tour of inspection andreported that
the partly completed road between
NewpSrt and Toledo has stood the
heavy traffic well. Some" parts of
this road have been, completed, but
other parts have not . been com
pleted. ' . '
The committee and the taxpayers
of Lincoln county are not satisfied
with the way the road "work is
being carried on. There have been
a few men working on the Newport
Toledo end of the highway for some
time, but at the present rate of con
struction it is thought the work
cannot be completed before 925.
The same contractors that are doing
the work have the contract to grade
the highway between Toledo and
Eddyville, a considerable part of
which has not been touched. With
the rainy season approaching, it is
predicted by the committee that
the work will not be finished earlier
than July or August, 1923, although
the people. of this county have been
assured by the highway engineers
that the work would be done in Au
gust of this year. With four months
of ideal weather Just past, the A. D.
Kern company, contractors, have
had a small bunch of men Jumping
from cut to cut, where the yardage
is the heaviest, and only a very
small proportion of the grading has
been completed, and some of the
heaviest parts of the grading have
not been touched.
At the same time the' people have
been led to believe that all the
grade work would be completed and
partly rocked, insuring traffic that
it could get in and out of Lincoln
county this winter. Those who are
acquainted with conditions here
blame the contractors for the delay,
as they are familiar with the
weather conditions and know that
during winter is not the time to
build roads here.
The masses of the people blame
the highway commission for allow
ing the contractors to lie down on
the job during good weather. Labor
is plentiful and no excuse can be
offered that. will satisfy the people
of this county, that they are getting
a .good deal on the way our roads
have been and are being built.
- After waiting 35 years to get the
necessary appropriation they can
not see the need of waiting four or
five years to build 37- miles of. road
when the money is ready to pay
Writer Suggests Addition of a Few
Steps and Some Gravel,
PORTLAND. Aug. 14. (To the
Editor.) Recently I went out to
Macleay park, thinking ' the trail
made by Adam Elm would make it
easier to be reached. On going there
:e could not find the trail, but on
returning found It, and two of us
in our party went out by the trail,
which ends below the big bridge on
Thurman street, where our machine
was to meet us.
We found in order to get to the
..op of the bridge that we had to
;-limb an almost perpendicular hill,
and being weary by that time found
it hard to climb. x
The park is very beautiful, but
the" few steps put in at the top of
;he bridge should be continued to
the bottom of the hill or steps cut
in the side of the hill "and graveled
so that visitors could get in and out
of the park easily, as it is a park
many would enjoy going to much
c-ftener on account of its natural
beauty and seclusion, if it could be
eached .easily . by - picnic parties,
especially those going on the street
The new trail is wonderfully at
tractive and a great deal of time.
energy and money have been spent
on it and it would be much easier to
reach the park that way than by the
old flume if the steps are put in as
Mr. Elm.- who did this work for
all to enjoy, deserves at least . the
city's sincerest thanks for putting
In that lovely trail. -
When the sunlight ripples on it
And it's turned all to gold;
In the first glad glimpse of morning
Like a statue worn ana oia.
And we see that mighty sentinel
Towering high above the rest.
How our heart responds with wonder
For that Monarch of the West.
Daylight comes, the gold has, van
ished, 4
And all crystal now It stands .
Overlooking streams and river.
Sloping hills and forest lands,
Watching still, the twilight lingers
As the daylight softly fades;
King of all the western region,
Monarch still of the Cascades.
Night flings o'er its darkened man
tle Mellowed With the moonlight
elow; '
UAnd the world is bathed in beauty
That the west alone can know;
But unmoved there stands the sen
Keeping: watch o'er hills and
' glades;
King of all the western region.
Monarch stin of the Cascades.
Registration of Trademark.
TROUTDALE, Or., Aug. 17. (To
the Editor.) Please inform me as
to where I must apply to register a
trademark and what the cost will be.
The applicant for registration of
trademarks is required to file with
the commissioner of patents, Wash
ington, D. C, an application in writ
ing, specifying his name, domicile,
location and citizenship; the class
of merchandise and the particular
description of the goods comprised
in such class to which the trade
mark is appropriated; a statement
of the mode n which the same is
applied and affixed to the goods and
the length of time during which the
trademark has been used; also a de
scription of the trademark itself.
A fee of $10 is required. " Certificate
of registration remains in force 20
years, and may be renewed.
Additional BUI tor Freight.
HARRISBURG, Or., Aug. 17. (To
the Editor.) A man received a ship
ment of freight at the railroad depot
and paid freight charges, obtaining
a receipt. In two weeks he received
a bill for more freight charges. Is
the second bill collectible.
If the first bill, through error,
was for a smaller amount than the
correct charge for the service ren
dered, an additional sum sufficient
to make up the correct charge is still
Washington Star.
Jud Tunkins says his idea of un
developed resources is the intellect
ual equipment of a man who under
stands the Einstein. theorY but can't
Those Who Come and Go.
Tale of Polka at the Hotels.
Officials of the Philadelphia
Sesquicentennial exposition are in
tensely interested . In the develop
ment of plans for th Portland
fair in 1925, according to C. Henley
Courtwright, prominent Philadel
phia attorney, who is a visitor here.
"Those who have met your Mayor
Baker have expressed the greatest
confidence in his ability," Mr.
Courtwright declared, "and they
feel sure that he will do much
toward making your fair here a suc
cess." Plans for the Philadelphia
exposition ara going along more
smoothly, now that a director-general
has 'been selected. There has
-been much discussion about a
change of .name, many citizens hold
ing that the word, "sesquicenten
nial," meaning "150th anniversary,"
is too long. The site officially se
lected for the exposition is within
15 minutes' walk of city hall in the
center of town, and is admirably,
suited for its purpose.
Portland is coming to be recog
nized in the Hawaiian islands as
one of the .mportanx porva ui im
mainland, G. McNicoll of Honolulu
said yesterday. Trade between
Portland and the' islands is growing
steadily, and the outlook for the
future is very bright. Honolulu,
Incidentally, is due for a tremen
dous boom as a vacation resort.
Thousands of pleasure-seeking
Americans are visiting the islanos
annually now and these thousands
will be swelled by other tnousanas
in the future. The climate of the
Islands and the unusual scenic
beauty are the imaln attractions.
The Hawaiian- National park, re
cently established, scattered over
a number of islands and1 including
active volcanoes and beautifuj, lux
uriant forests and 4 timber-clad
mountains, is -becoming recognized
as one of the wonder spots of the
These are fine days for M. A.
Rickard of Corvallis. Mr. Rickard
Is the owner of a prosperous ga
rage in the "heart of the valley"
town. Tourist travel this year is
smashing all previous records, Mr.
Rickard said yesterday at the Ore
gon hotel, where he registered fol
lowing his arrival in Portland.
Hundreds of automobiles are pass
ing through Corvallis daily. The
feature of the travel this year, he
said, is the exceptionally large
number of California tourists wh6
are escaping Xhe heat by passing
their vacations in Oregon and other
northern states. There are hun
dreds of cars from the east, too,
every state in the union being rep
resented. Road conditions in the
south are generally good, he said.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hodes are
among the best-known residents of
Eugene. Mr. Hodes k owner of the
largest steam laundry there and
Mrs. Hodes is part owner of the Os
burn hotel and is manager of its
dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Hodes
are Portland visitors, accompanied
by Miss Grace Knopp, daughter of
Mrs. Hodes. Miss Knopp is a grad
uate of the University of Oregon
and has Just returned from the Uni
versity of California summer school.
She will teach romance language at
the Eugene high school this winter.
The party will leave today for a
short vacation at Seaside.
"Senator Poindexter is a certain
winner in the republican primaries
in Washington." Millard Hartson,
collector of customs of Washington,
declared yesterday. Mr. Hartson,
who is a Portland visitor, is well
informed on the political affairs of
the sister state to the north. He
said that the district of eastern
Washington will go strong for the
present senator and that much of
western Washington will support
him. "Colonel Lamping and Mrs.
Axtell will run about 50-50 on the
rest of the vote," he predicted. "So
far as I can see, it will be a sweep
ing victory for Senator Poindexter."
H.. C. Adler, publisher of" the
Chattanooga Times, brother-in-law
of Adolph Ochs, publisher of the
New York Times, is a Portland
visitor. He is registered at the
Multnomah hotel with Mrs. Adler
and Miss Nannie Ochs, sister of
Mr. Ochs. While here he is visiting
Jonah B. Wise, whose sister is the
wife of Adolph Ochs. Mr. Adler will
leave this morning for San Fran
cisco, where his son, who is assist
ant publisher of the" New York
Times, will be married shortly.
Portland hotels are being flooded
with reservations for the triennial
Episcopal general convention, which
opens here September 6. Hundreds
of prominent clergymen and lay
men have written or telegraphed
for reservations for the period from
September 6 to September 23, and
the local hotels are straining every
effort to make arrangements to
care for the visitors. Mail is al
ready pouring in for the patrons.
There are not a great many
people who know that Louisiana Is
situated in Missouri. J. J. O'Brien,
desk clerk at the Portland hotel.
who is generally credited with
knowing just about everything.
didn't know it himself until yester
day, when C. G. Buffeen registered
there. Buffeen explained that the
Louisiana in question,' instead of
being the Btate, is a city of some
5000 inhabitants.
Harry L. Day and Jerome J. Day
of Wallace, Idaho, mining men and
owners of . the Hotel Portland,
arrived in this city yesterday on a
short business trip. They are
staying at the Portland. The Days
are among the best known of Idaho
mining men having amassed a
fortune In the mines of that etate.
They have, rich holdings In the j
Coeur d Alene district.
Frank Edgar Scobey, director of
the- United States mint at Wash
ington, is visiting in Portland. He
is registered at the Multnomah
hotel. With his wife, Mr. Scobey is
touring the United States, and in
cidentally is inspecting the various
government mints throughout the
N. N. Davidson, Robert A David
json and Joseph A. Krieg, prominent
residents of Helena. Mont., arrived
in Portland yesterday on- a tour of
the Pacific coast. They registered
at the Benson. Road conditions
from Helena to Portland are excep
tionally gocd for this time of year,
they said.
Las Esperanzas is a little city In
the, state of Coahuila, Mexico, about
lOO milea south of Eagle Pass, Tex.
In former days it has been the scene
of stirring 'battles 'between the reg
ulars and the insurrectionists, but
now it is comparatively quiet, for
Mexican town. Robert A. Fos
ter is registered at the Multnomah
from Las Esperanzas.
F. B. Roberts of the Klamath
Agency is registered at the Mult
nomah. He is in Portland on busi
ness in connection with the agency.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thieroff of
Medfprd are passing a few days in
Portland. They are at the Mult
St. Clair O'Toole, well-known
stockman of Wheeder, -Or 4s vCggia
ered t the Perkina. ' I
More Truth Than Poetry.
Br James J. Montague.
How wantonly our statesmen spend
The people's utmost bean;
How little do they apprehend
What income taxes mean!
So utterly am I bereft
That, when my cellar's dry,
I seldom have the money left
To get a case of rye.
With bonuses and tariff bills
Our substance they exhaust.
Untile with apprehensive chills.
We shudder at the cost.
I know I cannot get this fall
The rest that I require
I will not have the wherewithal
To pay my caddy hire.
They talk of subsidies for ships,
And public men in bands
Are going off on Junket trips
In far and foreign lands.
I'll have to keep from going broke
To sell at least two cars
And all I can afford to smoke
Are thirty cent cigars.
No thought about the public purse '
Is in a statesman's mind.
He lets things go from bad to worse,
To all our Interests blind, '
He sees the nation go to pot,
Nor makes the least demur;
And presently I fear I've got
To be my own chauffeur!
. , "
No Demand.
Engineer's assistants on vessels
are called water tenders. They use
very few of them on United States
shipping board craft.
Makinar Business.
We suspect that It was some law
yer who evolved the idea that the
ownership of the air could be made
a subject, for legal dispute.
Well Cnred For.
Read the new tariff bill and you
will begin to think that the Amer
ican sheep have all registered for
the next congressional primaries.
(Copyright, 1922, by Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Burroughs Nature Club.
Copyright, Houghton-Mifflin Co.
(Copyright, 1922, Houghton Mifflin Co.)
Can You Answer These Question f
1. Does it do any harm to collect
birds' eggs?
2. Is the apricot a cross between
a peach and a plum?
3. I would like to know what a
worm is found recently when" cut
ting sod. About two inches, long,
half an inch in diameter, white, with
light brown head, and some tufts
of hairs on its back.
Answers in tomorrow's Nature
Answers to Previous Questions.
1. About how often do parent
Dims teea tneir young;
We don't know that any absolute
rule can be given, but published
accounts by reliable ornithologists
of certain nests they have watched
show an average of less than six
minutes between feedings, both par
ents being at work. Of course as
there were several nestlings, each
could not get a mouthful every trip.
It was noticed that between 6 and 7
A. M. and 4 and 5 P. M. the parents
made more trips per hour than dur
ing the hotter part of the day. Also
that the young ate more as they in
creased in age.
2. If cabbage and cauliflower are
the same family, and taste a good
deal alike, how did they turn out so
different in looks?
Cabbage, in the headed form we
know in market, is the result of
cultivating the plant for its leaves,
at expense of stalk and flower,
keeping most of the nutriment in
the leaves. Cauliflower Is the same
general plant cultivated for its in
florescence, or bloom, sacrificing
everything to that character.
3. Can bats fly as well as birds?
They cannot equal the strongest
ruers among mras, but are quick In
motion and accurate in direction.
It must be remembered that birds
differ greatly in powers of flight,
and bats are undoubtedly surpassed
by the swiftest birds.
As AH Men Do.
By Grace E. Hall.
Pain-dazed, I looked on life one dis
mal day,
And marveled I had ever held It
There are so many sorrows by the
So many valleys, barren, parched
and sere '
That must be crossed, like deserts
hot, with pain,
They seemed just then scarce
worth the ache, the care.
While each soul passing, planning
joy or gain,
Had little time for me in my
And then from some mysterious
vital shore
The tides of health began to
slowly flow.
The waves beat stronger in my
heart once more.
With all the vigorous warmth they
used to know;
I saw glad sunshine tinting all the
Then took my way again with
busy men, '
And in my turn, by life's swift ed
dies whirled.
Passed by the stricken hardly
seeing them.
In Other Days.
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oregonian of August 19, 1872.
Salt Lake. Brigham Young and a
party of church officers are mak
ing a tour of the northern counties
of the territory and are received by
the Mormon people with processions,
music, flags and flowers. .
Indians belonging at Camp Har
ney have been raiding settlers on
Crooked river, stealing horses and
butchering cattle. A party of sol
diers followed them from Camp
Harney and, after a jaunt of 15 days,
overhauled them and put them in
At a meeting of the state teachers'
institute, held at Eugene last week,
it was recommended that the office
of state superintendent of schools
be created.
Twenty-five Years Ago. '
From Tho Oregonian of August 19, 1807.
New York. High-water mark for
the season was reached in the wheat
market today, not only on values,
but as to the amount of transactions
as well. Prices advanced 4 to 6
cents for the day and sales reached
the big total -of 14,310,000 bushels.
The committee appointed by the
manufacturers' association to take
charge of the fair to be held this
fall in the exposition building by
that body held an enthusiastic meet
ing last night in the office of. Sec-1
letary G, ArGoov&e, . 1
the Beast
Three more pages of pictures of
Oregon's most charming girls
entered in The Oregonian's
beauty contest, will appear in
tomorrows paper. Interest is
growing intense in the contest.
which will be decided early in
the week. .
Summer Days Are
Vacation Days
The Sunday Oregonian de
votes departments to news of
the beaches, the mountains
and resorts.
For the
Auto Fan
. New Oregon coast highway
is scenic, says illustrated ar
ticle by John W. Kelly, who
has just visited that district.
How Society
Plays Circus
It is a thrill for a Eockefeller
to wait on a table or a Van
derbilt to walk on stilts.
Is Portland ,M an
Missing Marquis?
Interesting article by DeWitft
Harry deals with man- who
claims to be nobleman who
married Eskimo.
"The Purple Lady"
by Georgia Pangborn
The story of two little chil
dren and some paper dolls
and afterwards those same
children grown up.
Sculptress Studies
Art on Horseback '
From breaking norses on
Main street girl develops1 into
great artist.
Tom Sawyer Shakes
With Mark Twain
Hannibal, Mo., people hold
pageant in which famous
writer is brought back in ef
Cheese Tested
by X-Ray
The old method of determin
ing quality of a cheese by
plugging has been superseded
by an X-ray examination.
Intensely Human
Sketches of People
"The Amusement 1'ark " is
subject of full page of draw
ings by W. E. Hill.
Radio Weddings
the Latest Fad
Season's zest for "thrill"
marriages1 results1 in variety
of freak ceremonies.
Longer Skirts
in Fall Attire
Bigger sleeves are also com
ing in with autumn modes.
declares fashion department
Norwegian Methodists
to Convene Here
Charles W. Burns, bishop.
Helena, to preside during
conference at Portland.
Home Building
and Arrangement
Design of beautiful CaTifop-..
nia bungalow for those who
are contemplating building.
American Girls
Go to France
Will compete in international
track meet under leadership)
of Floneda Batson.
The World'
of Movies
This and news of the drama
and other amu sentient a hand
led in departments.
"Pa" Would Win
the Flappers
How he steals a uniform only
to get into trouble shown ta
"Polly and Her Pals," intlA
comic supplement.
Another Article in
Industrial Series
Some of the, big things un
der way in the timber indus
try have been described in
recent issues. Another page
feature on an Oregon de
velopment will appear tomor
row. Review of Portland's
Thriving Suburbs
Kenton's growth and indus
tries form the basis for an
illustrated, story. This is no
of a series of articles on the
progress of various districts
in and near Portland.
The Oregonian
Fits All Moods
If you want to be amused or
entertained, or if you want
something which will im
prove, your mind or add to
your information turn to
The Sunday Oregonian.
All the News of All the
World Found in
. The
Sunday Oregonian
Just 5 Cents