Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 19, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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No Matter What Clouds May Gather or Hardships May Be Necessary, Government by Law Must and Will Be Sustained, Says President
m Message to Congress Federal Commission to Make Investigation of Coal Industry Recommended. :.
ASHIN'GTOX; Aug. 18. (By
the Associated Press.) The
text of President Harding's
address to congress on the industrial
situation was as follows:
Gentlemen of the Congress:
it is manifestly my duty to bring
to your attention the industrial eit-
jation which conrronts the country.
Tne situation growing out of the
prevailing railway and coal mining
strikes is so serious, eo menacing- to
the nation1? welfare that I should
be remiss if I failed frankly to lay
t hp matter before vou and at th
same time acquaint you and the
whole DeoDle with such efforts as
th. executive branch of the govern
ment has made by the voluntary
exercise of its good offices to effect
a settlement.
The Kusnension of the coal Indus
try dates back to last April 1, when
the working- agreement between
mine operators and the United Mine
Workers oame to an end. Antici
pating that expiration of contract
which was negotiated with the gov
ernment's sanction in 1920. the pres
ent administration sought, as early
as last October, conference between
the nnerators and miners in order
in facilitate either a mew or extend
ed agreement in order to avoid any
suspension of production when April
1 arrived. At that time me iuui
workers declined to confer, though
the operators were agreeable, the
mine workers excusing their decli
nation on the ground that the union
officials could have no authority to
negotiate .until after their annual
A short time prior to the expira
tion of the working agreement th
Tini-nft workers invited . conference
with the operators in the central
competitive field. covering the
states of Pennsylvania, Ohio. Indi
ana and Illinois and in spite of the
union declination of the govern
ment's suggestion for the confer
ence, five months before, the gov
ernment informally but sincerely
recommended the conference, but -it
was declined by certain groups of
operators, and the coal-mining con
troversy ended in the strike of April
1. It was instantly made nation
wide so far as the organ ised mine
workers could control and included
mahv districts in the bituminous
field where there was neither griev
ance nor dispute, and effected a
complete tieup of the production in
the anthracite field.
Government's Efforts Fail
It is to be noted that when the
suspension began large stocks of
coal were on hand, mined at wages
higher than those paid during the
war. There was only the buying
impelled by necessity, and there was
a belief that coal must yield to the
post-war readjustment. "When the
stocks on hand began to reach such
diminution as to menace industry
and hinder transportation, approxi
mately June 1. overtures were initi
ated by the government in the hope
of expediting settlement. None of
these availed. Individual and dis
trict tenders of settlement on the
parts of operators in some in
stances appeals for settlement were
wholly unavailing. The dominant
groups among the operators were
insistent on having district agree
ments; the dominant mine workers
were demanding a nation-wide set
tlement. The government being
without authority to enforce a
strike settlement in the coal in
dustry, could onlv volunteer its
good offices In finding a way of
adjust ment.
Accordingly, a conference of the
coal operators' associations and the
general and district officials of the
United Mine Workers was called to
meet in Washington on Julv 1. The
designation of representation was
left to the officials of the various
organizations and there was nation
wide representation, except from
the non-un'on fields of the country.
Before the Joint meeting I expressed
the deep concern of the country
and invited them to meet at a con
ference table and end the disputes
between therrf. The conference, did
not develop even a hope. The ope
rators were asking for their district
or territorial conferences: the work
ers demanded national settlement on
old basis.
Appraising correctly the hopeless
ness of the situation. I again invited
both operators and workers to meet
w'th me, and tendered a means of
settlement so justly inspired that it
was difficult to see how anyone
believing in industrial peace and
justice to all concerned could reject
it. In substance, it called on the
operators to open their mines, on
the mine workers to resume work
at the same pay and under the
same working conditions as pre-vailed-at
the time the str'ke began.
in turn, tne government was to cre
ate at once a coal commission, or
two of them, if preferred bv all par
ties to the dispute, so that one could
deal with the bituminous situation,
the other with the problems in the
anthracite field. Among the com
missioners were to be representa
tives of the . operators; representa
tives of the mine workers, and out
stand'ng. disinterested and able rep
resentatives of the American public.
The commission was to be instruct
ed to direct its first inquiry to the
rate of wage to be paid for the
period ending next April 1 and then
to enter upon a fact-finding inquiry
into every phase of the industry
and point the wav to avoid future
suspensions n production.
Proposal Is Declined.
The disputants all endorsed the
suggestion of a fact-finding com
mission. The anthracite operators promptly
accepted the entire proposal. The
mine workers refused to resume
work under the arbitration plan.
The majority of the bituminous
operators filed an acceptance, but a
considerable minority declined the
Under the circumstances, having
no authority to demand compliance,
the government had no other course
than to invite a resumption of pro
duction under the rights of all par
ties to the controversy with assur
ance of government protection of
each and every one in his lawful
pursuits. This fact was communi
cated to the governors of all coal
producing states and with two ex
ceptions assurances of maintained
law and order were promptly given.
In some instances concrete proof of
effective readiness to protect all
men. strikers and non-striking
workmen alike, was promptly given.
But little or no production followed.
The simple but significant truth
was revealed that, except for such
coal as comes from the districts
worKea Dy non-organized miners.
t the mercy of the
Right of employes and employers to conduct their business
recognized and "warfare on unions of labor" deplored.
National investigation for constructive recommendations as to
conduct of coal industry declared necessary.
Government commission to adse as to fair wages and condi
tions recommended.
Immediate legislation to establish temporarily a "national coal
agency," with necessary capital to purchase, sell and distribute
coal, urged.
. Esch-Cummins act in establishing railroad labor .board declared
inadequate, with little or no power to enforce decisions. Action
recommended to make board's decisions "enforceable and effective
against carrier and employes alike."
President refers to "shocking crime at Herrin, 111., which so
recently shamed and horrified country, and adds that incident was
"butchery of human beings wrought in madness.".
Administration's efforts to restrain profiteering and to obtain
rightful distribution-of coal reviewed. Legal power to control
prices found lacking.
President declares positively for right of men to work and. says
that in both coal and railroad strikes this right has been "denied
by assault and violence," and in some cases winked at by local
authorities, adding: "It is fair to say that the rreat mass of
organized workmen do not approve, but they seem helpless to
hinder. These conditions cannot remain in free America."
Country declared now at mercy of United Mine Workers.
Better "protection of aliens and enforcement of treaty rights
through a measure to give federal courts jurisdiction in protecting
aliens recommended.
Harding concludes: "No matter what clouds may gather, no
matter what storms may ensue, no matter what hardships may
attend,' or what sacrifices may be necessary, government by law
must and will be sustained. Wherefore I am resolved to use all
the power of the government to maintain protection and sustain
the right of men to work."
the country is
United Mine Workers.
ijovernors in various states re
ported that their operators and rrain-
ers naa no aispute and were eager
icauiiic piuuucuon. jjistrict lead
ers informed me that their work
men were anxious to return to their
joos. out tnat tney were not per
muted to do so. Hundreds of wive
of workmen have addressed the
White House, beseeching a settle
ment, alleging that they knew no
grievance, and there is an unending
.iv... ui. iui rtfiiei wnere ne
cessity or suffering; were impelling,
where a mere expression of need
ougnt to una ready compliance.
Commission la Asked.
At every stage the government
has been just and neutral regarding
S' scales ana worKing contracts.
inere are tunaamentai evils in our
present system or production and
distribution which make the wage
problem difficult. In the bituminous
coal fields are vastly more mines
than are requisite to the country's
needs and there -are 200.000 more
mine workers than are needed to
produce in continuous .employment
the country's normal requirements.
By continuous employment I mean
approximately 280 working days in
the year. In many instances last
year men were employed less than
154) days, in some cases much fewer
than that. In the over-manned sec
tions men divided working time and
high wares are necessary to meet
the cost of the barest living. In
terrupted transportation.-sorely bro
ken employment, the failure to de
velop storage against enlarged de
mands and inadequate carrying all
these present problems bringing on
righteous wae adjustments and de-j
macs constructive solution.
of the impressions of many cases of
unjustifiable profits in the industry
and because public interest demands
investigation and demands the find
ing of facts be given to the public,
I am asking at your hands the au
thority to create a commission to
make a searching investigation into
1 industry, with provi
sion for its lawful activities and the
bertowal of autnority to rtvrai
every phase of coal proauction, saie
and distribution. I am speaking now
on behalf of mine worKers, mine op
erators and the American public. Jt
will bring protection to an ana
point the way to continuity of pro
duction and the better economic
functioning ot tne industry in im
future. , .
The necessity for sucn a searcning
national investigation with con
structive recommendation is impera
tive. At the moment the coal skies
are clearing, but unless we u'
cure for the economic ills whic; E f
fect the industry and tnerem una a
basis for righteous relationship, we
shall be faced with a like menacing
situation on next April 1, on the ex
piration of the wage contracts
which now are being made.
Need for Inquiry Evident.
The need for such investigation
and independent consideration is re
vealed bv both operators and mine
worker in the provision in the
Cleveland agreement so recently
made. The government will giaaiy
co-operate with the industry in this
programme so far as it is to the
public interest so to do. but I have
an unalterable conviction that no
lasting satisfaction or worth-while
results will ensue unless we may
have a government commission, in
dependent of the Industry, clothed
with authority by the congress to
search deeply, so that it may advise
as to fair wages and as to conditions
of labor and recommend the enact
ment of laws to protect the public
in the future.
The almost total exhaustion of
stocks of coal, the crippled condi
tion of the railways, the distressed
situation that has arisen and might
grow worse in our great cities, due
to the shortage of anthracite, the
suffering which might arise in the
northwest through farlure to meet
winter needs by lake transportation,
all these, added to the possibility of
outrageous price demands, in spite
of . the most zealous voluntary ef
forts of the government to restrain
them, make it necessary to ask you
to consider at once some form of
temporary control of distrubution
and prices.
Curb on Profiteering Sought.
The administration earnestly has
sought to restrain profiteering and
to secure the rightful distribution of
such coal as has been available in
this emergency. There were no le
gal powers for price control. There
has been cordial - co-operation in
many fields, a fine revelation of
business conscience stronger than
the temptation to profit by a peo
ple's misfortune. There have been
instances of flat refusal. I rejoice
i to make grateful acknowledgment
to those who preferred to contrinute
to national welfare rather than
profit by a nation's distress.
If it may have your approval, I
recommend immediate provision for
a temporary national coal agency
with needed capital to purchase, sell
and distribute coal which is carried
in interstate shipment. I do not
mean. that all interstate coal shall
be handled by such a federal or
ganization; perhaps none will be
necessary, but it will restore its
capital to the public treasury and
will be the instrumentality of
guarding the public interest where
private conscience is insensible to a
public need.
This proposal does- not relate to
any possible employment in intra
state shipments. Price restraint and
equitable distribution in intrastate
shipments are a responsibility of the
state's own government. In such
voluntary activities as have been
carried on thus far the federal gov
ernment has endeavored to re
establish the authority and respon
sibility in the states which were un
dermined in the necessary centrali
zation of authority during the
The public menace in the coal sit
uation was made more acute and
more serious at the beginning of
July by the strike of the federated
shops crafts in the railroad service
a strike against a wage decision
made by the railroad labor board
directly affecting approximately
400.000 men. The justice of the de
cision Is not for discussion here. The
decision has been lost sight of in
subsequent developments. In any
event, it was always possible to ap
peal for rehearing and the submis
sion of new evidence and it is al
ways a safe assumption that a gov
ernment agency of adjustment de
ciding unjustly will be quick to
make right any wrongs.
The railroad labor .board was cre
ated by congress for the express
purpose of hearing and deciding dis
puts between the carriers and their
employes, so that no controversy
need lead to an interruption in In
terstate transportation. .
Rail Disputes Inevitable.
It was inevitable that many wage
disputes should arise. Wages had
mounted upward, necessarily and
justly, auring the. war upheaval,
likewise the cost of transportation,
so that the higher wages might be
paid. It was inevitable that some
readjustments should follow. Nat
urally these readjustments were re
sisted. The administrative govern
ment neither advocated not opposed.
It only held that the laBor board
was the lawful agency of the gov
ernment to hear and decide disputes
ana us aumonty must be sustainea,
as the law contemplates. This must
be so, whether the carriers or the
employes ignore its decisions.
Unhappily, a number of decisions
of this board had been ignored bv
the carriers. In only one instance,
however, had a decision, challenged
by a carrier, been brought to the
attention of the department of. jus
tice and this decision was promptly
carried to the courts and has re
cently been sustained in the federal
court of appeal. The public or the
executive had no knowledge of the
ignored decisions in other cases be
cause they did not hinder transpor
tation. When these failures of
many of the carriers to abide by de
cisions of the board were brought
to mv attention. I could more fairlv
appraise the feelings of the strikers,
though they had a remedy without
seeking to paralyze interstate com
Law Held Inadequate.
The law creating the railroad labor
board is inadequate, contrary to pop
3eca.uae of these things,' becauso ular iKfysreiiaa, jt haa-littk. or-ao
power to'lnforce its decisions. It
can impose no penalties on either
party disregarding its decisions. It
cannot halt a strike and manifestly
congress deliberately omitted tne
enactment of compulsory arbitra
tion. The decision of the board must
be made enforceable and effective
against carriers and employes alike.
But the law is new and no perfec
tion ot it by congress at tms mo
ment could be helpful In the present
threatened paralysis of transporta
Happily it is always lawful and
oft times possible to settle disputes
outside of court, so in a desire to
serve public welfare, I ventured
upon an attempt at mediation. Those
who had preceded me in attempt
ed settlements had made some
progress,. I submitted to the offi
cials of The striking employes and
the chairman of the association of
railway executives in writing on
the same dav a tentative proposal
for settlement. Knowing that some
of the carriers had offended by lg
noring the decisions of the board,
and the employes had struck when
they iiad a remedy without the
strike. I felt it was best to start all
over again, resume work with all
agreeing to abide faithfully by the
board's decisions, thus to make it
a real tribunal of peace in transpor
tation. The barrierto -be surmounted was
the question of seniority. By the
workmen these rights are held to be
sacred and unsurrendered by a
strike. Bv the carriers the preser
vation of seniority is the weapon of
discipline on tne one nana ana tne
reward of faithful employes on the
other. It has been an almost in
variable rule that when strikes have
been lost seniority and its advan
tages have been surrendered, when
strikes have been settled seniority
has been restored.
In the tentative proposals which
I sponsored it was provided that
everybody should go to work, with
seniority rights unimpaired; that
there should be no discrimination by
either workmen or carriers against
workmen who did or did not strike.
I realized that the proposal must
carry a disappointment to employes
who had inherited promotion by
staying loyally on fhe job and to
such new men as had sought jobs
looking to permanent employment,
but I wanted the fresh start and
maintained transportation service
and I appraised the disappointment
of the few to be less important than
the impending misfortune to the na
tion. It was not what I would ask
ordinarily to be considered or con
ceded, but at that moment of deep
anxiety, with the c6al shortage
gravely menacing, i was miniting
of the pressing demands of the wel
fare of the whole people. I believed
the sacrifice brought to the men in
volved could be amply compensated
for by the carriers in practical ways.
Commerce Seriously Impaired.
' I believed the matter of trans
cendant importance was the accept
ance of the proposal to respect the
labor board's decision on the ques
tions w-hich formed the issue at the
time of the strike. The public com
pensation would be complete in
nardiner bv law against recurrence.
The proposal was rejected by the
carriers. Though the rejection did
not end all negotiation, it left the
government only one course to call
the striking workmen to return to
work, to can tne carriers io assign
them to work and leave the dispute
a,hout seniority to the labor board
for decision. When negotiation or
mediation fails this is the course
contemplated by the law, and the
government can have no chart for
its course except the law.
To this call a maioritv of the car
riers responded favorably, proposing
to re-empioy an siriKei-.s except
those guilty, of violence against
workmen or property; to restore the
strlKing worKmen to tiieir utu puoi
tinns where vacant, or to like posi
tinns where vacancies were filled:
questions of seniority which cannot
be settled between the employer and
the employes to go to the labor
board for decision. The minority of
the carriers proposed to assign
jobs to workmen on strike only
who, th nnsitions were vacant.
Neither proposal has been 'accepted.
Thus the narrative brings us to
the present moment, but it has not
included the developments which
have heightened the government's
concern. Sympathetic strikes nave
developed here and there, seriously
impairing interstate commerce. De
sorted trans-continental trains it
the desert regions of the southwest
have revealed the cruelty and con
tempt for law on the part of some
railway employes who have con
spired to paralyze transportation
and lawlessness and violence in a
hundred places have revealed the
failure of the striking unions to
hold their forces to law observance.
Men who refused to strike and
who have braved insult and assault
and risked their lives to serve a
public need have been cruelly at
tacked and wounded or killed. 'Men
seeking work and guards attempt
ing to protect lives and property,
even officers of the federal govern
ment, have been assaulted, humi
liated and hindered in their duties.
Strikers have armed themselves and
gathered in mobs about railroad
shops to offer armed violence to any
man attempting to go to work.
There is a state of lawlessness
shocking to every conception ft
American law and order and violat
ing the cherished guaranties of
American freedom. At no time has
the federal government been un
ready or unwilling to S'lve its Sup
port to maintain law and order and
restrain violence, but in no case has
state authority confessed its inabil
ity to cope with the situation and
asked for federal assistance.
Breakdown la Threatened.
Under these conditions of hind
rance and intimidation there has
been such a lack of care of motive
power that the deterioration of lo
comotives and the non-compliance
with the safety -requirements of the
law, are threatening the breakdown
of transportation. This very serious
menace is magnified by the millions
of losses to fruit growers and other
producers of perishable foodstuffs,
and comparable losses to farmers
who depend on transportation to
market their grains at harvest time.
Even worse it is hindering the
transport of available coal when in
dustry is on tne verge ot paralysis
because of a coal shortage, and life
and health are menaced by a coal
famine in the great centers of popu
lation. Surely the threatening con
ditions must Impress the congress
and the country that no body of men
whether limited in numbers and re
sponsible for railway management,
or powerful in- -n umbers- .n-d omtti-
tutlng- the necessary forces iniilway
operation. . snail be permitted
choose a course which, imperils pub
lie welfare. Neither organizations
of employers or working men
unions may escape responsibility,
wnen related to a public service tn
mere fact of organization magnifies
tnat responsibility and nubile inter
est transcends that of either
grouped capital or organized labo
Workers' Rights Denied.
Another development is o signifi
cant that the hardships of the mo
ment may well be endured, to rivet
popular attention to th necessary
settlement. It is fundamental to all
freedom that all men have unques
tioned rights to lawful pursuits. I
work and to live and choose thei
own lawful ways to happiness. 1
these strikes these rights have bee
denied by assault and violence, by-
armed lawlessness. In many com
munities the municipal authorities
nave winked at tnese violations, un
til liberty is a mockery and the law
a matter of community contempt.
is fair to say that the great mas
of organized workmen do not ap
prove but they seem helpless to
hinder. These conditions cannot re
main in free America. If free men
cannot toll according to their own
lawful choosing, all our constitu
tional guaranties born of democracy
are surrendered to mobocracy and
the freedom of a hundred millions 1
surrendered to the small minority
which would- have no law.
It is not my thought to ask con
gress to deal with these fundament
al problems at this time. No hasty
aotlon would contribute to the eolu
tion of the present critical situa
tion. There Is existing law bv
which to settle the prevailing dis
putes. There are statutes toroid
ding conspiracy to hinder interstate
commerce. There are laws to as
sure the highest possible safety
railway service. It Is my purpose
to invoke these laws, civil and
criminal, against all offenders alike
The legal safeguarding against
like menaces In- the future must be
worked out when no passion sways,
when no nreiudice influences, when
the whole problem may be appraised
ana tne pudiic weirare may De as
serted against any and every inter
est which assumes authority beyond
that or the government itself.
Aliens' Protection Wanted.
One specific thing I must ask at
your hands at the earliest possible
moment. There is pending a bill to
provide for the better protection of
liens and for the enforcement of
their treaty rights. It is a meas
ure, in short to create a jurisdiction
for the federal courts through
which the national government- will
have appropriate power to protect
aliens in the rights secured to them
under treaties and to deal with
crimes which affect our foreign
The matter has been before con
gress on manv previous occasions.
President Tyler in his first annual
message advised congress that in
asmuch as "the government is
charged with the maintenance of
peace and the preservation or amic
able relations with the nations of
the earth, it ought to possess with
out question all the reasonable . and
proper means ot maintaining tne
one ana preserving the other.
President Harrison asked for the
same bestowal of jurisdiction, hav
ing encountered deep embarrass
ment which grew out of the lynch
ing of 11 aliens in .New Orleans in
1891. President McKinley, dealing
with a, like problem in asked
the conferring upon federal courts
jurisdiction in tnat class or inter
national cases where the ultimate
responsibility of the federal govern
ment may be involved. President
Roosevelt uttered a like request to
congress in 106, and President Tall
pointed out the defect in the present
teaerai juraisaiction wnen ne maae
his inaugural address in 19-09. He
declared that "it puts our govern
ment in the pusillanimous position
make definite engagements to
protect aliens and then, to excuse the
failure to perform the engagements
by an explanation that the duty to
keep them is in states or cities not
witnin our control. it we would
promise, we must put ourselves in
a position, to perform our promise.
we cannot permit the possible fail
ure of justice due to local prejudice
in any" state or municipal govern
ment to expose us to the risk of
war which might be avoided if fed
eral jurisdiction were assured by
suitable legislation by congress. "
Herrin Horror Deplored.
My renewal of this oft-made rec
ommendation is impelled by a piti
able .sense of federal impotence to
deal with the shocking crime at
Herrin. 111., which so recently
shamed and horrified the country.
In that butchery of human -beings,
wrought in madness, it is alleged
that two alienswere murdered. This
act adds to the outraged sense of
American justice and humiliation
which lies in fhe federal govern
ment's confessed lack of authority
to punish unalterable crime.
Had it happened in any other land
than our own and the wrath of
righteous justice were not effective
ly expressed, we should have pitied
the civilization that would tolerate
and sorrowed for the government,
unwilling or unable to- mete out just
I have felt the deep current of
popular resentment that the federal
government has not sought to ef
face this blot from our national
shield, that the federal government
has been tolerant of the mockery of
local inquiry and the failure of
justice in Illinois. It is the regret
able truth that the federal govern
ment cannot act under the law. But
the bestowal of the jurisdiction
necessary to enable federal courts
to act appropriately will open the
way to punish barbarity and butch
ery at Herrin or elsewhere, no mat
ter in whose name or for what pur- !
pose the insufferable outrage is
It is deplorable that there are or
can be American communities where
even there are citizens, not to speak
of public officials, who believe mob
warfare is admissible to cure any
situation. It is terrorizing to know
that such madness may be directed
against men merely for choosing to
accept lawful employment. I wish
the federal government to be able
to put an end to such crimes against
civilization and punish those who
sanction them.
t isk- - i tie t i f " v r i -f r iT;-j- -. - . t i
i fi H WS Wfc vVil II a w --; M.ii"fctjf',;-- 1 s: I
1 fi v W OSs BILLY WM '$'Wm
iiflMSM by LLOYD W,r
INvlvVk V4v cn uatadc camtattt a h
i is s - x v i .- o b v m l i ia r. .mil i u r.i .1 . a i i t 1 1
SiVHS Sl" JPuL I hJT&U V1U fcSA A Jh I lifel t ,1
t SVrVfcA - r, annir 111 ::i
y&fs$g 4----w hi Programme , . '!
!t-t- w C v. ,v, X.jjfS V I "Capriccio Espagnole" (Caprice on Spanish unemes; .;: a
it' rvOsfT l?!k SJL - N- Rlmsky-Korsakoft Op. 34 "
?!v ' s' , j a 19" I (ft) Alborada .
ll" yVSr jS SrWSSM' I I X "Intrmeo Plttoresque"J. KeciM O 18 I I : h,,
tr,s? iWrAk I I X "Gloriana," Selection Rudolf Friml I .'I
' k - 9 MM B tfhVL T-K'C 1 X "Prelude" (To Act II of the Opera H
'K- BV B ti S X.' h X "Cyrano") Walter Damrosch
C .Jk iyjlf M H ti 1 -k X "Valse Bluetts" (Air de ; v
MV" V H -I fi v? X Ballet) R. Driego :. !
N A 4t f !-& - ' Wm. X "Der Geist des Wojewoden." v .
:" WF NlV ' Qyerture L. Grossmann .
; t- -triirun - N'iiLnTT jh41 wA
r nowX I rrvN'U. 1 ZtSxH T7
PLAYING u LJ J mmmmk t$wm ;?mMm . L5
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all the power of the government to toy Mrs. Edna Geer, Linn superin- ton institutes will take place on the In obtaining the lecturers the ex
maintain .transportation and sustain tendent, and E. H. Castle, Benton same three days during the last penses will be reduced for both,
the right of men to work. superintendent. The Linn and Ben- week in November. In co-operating counties.
Gold Vein Is Found. . mmm mm m mmm mm
Duty to Government Flrat.
In the weeks of patient confer
ence and attempts at settlement I
have come, to appraise another ele
ment in the engrossing industrial
dispute of which it is only fair to
take cognizance. It is in some de
gree responsible for the strikes and
has hindered attempts at adjust
ment. I refer to the warfare on the
unions of labor. The government
has no sympathy or approval for
this element of discord in the ranks
of industry. Any legislation in tha
future must be as free from this ele
ment of trouble-making as it is
from labor extremists who strive for
class domination. We recognize
these organizations in the law. and
we must accredit them with incal
culable contribution to labor's uplift.
It is of public interest to preserve
them, and: profit by the good that is
in them, but we must check the
abuses and the execesses Which con
flict with public interest precisely
as we have-been progressively legis
lating to prevent capitalistic, cor
porate, or managerial domination,
which is contrary to public welfare.
We also recognize the right of em
ployers and employes alike, within
tne taw, to estaDiisn tneir metnoas
of conducting business, to choose
their employment and to determine
their relations with each other.
We must reassert the doctrine
that in this report the first obliga
tion and the first allegiance of
every citizen,, high or low, is to his
government and to hold that gov
ernment to be the just and unchal
lenged sponsor for public welfare.
and the liberty, security and rights
or all its citizens. ro matter what
clouds may gather, no matter what
storms may ensue, no matter what
hardships may attend or what sacri
fice may be necessary, government
by-law must and will be sustained.
Wherefore, i m isolv-od -to u
GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. 18.
(Special.) A small pocket of gold,
seven miles from Kerby, yielded
over $1200 in free gold. Two pros
pectors stumbled on the vein and
took the metal out in three days.
Institutes to Co-Operate.
ALBANY, Or., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Linn and Benton counties will
join in 'bringing outside talent to
the annual county teachfer insti
tutes next November. Such was the
outcome of a conference held here
re a dv for
scalds and mirns
The tormenting, insistent pain of a
bum or scald is quickly subdned by
Resinol Ointment. Its cooling ingre
dients remove the inflammation, and
hasten the healing. Cover the burn
well with Resinol and bandage with
soft gauze. In severe bums or scalds
covering a large surface always send
tor a doctor.
Kesinoi products at all druggist.
Northern Pacific Railway Company Will Employ Men at Rates
Prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as Follows:
MACHINISTS 70 cents per hour
BLACKSMITHS .70 cents per hour
SHEET METAL WORKERS 70 cents per hour
ELECTRICIANS 70 cents per hour
BOILERMAKERS 70 to 702 cents per hour
PASSENGER CAR MEN 70 cents per hour
FREIGHT CAR MEN 63 cents per hour
HELPERS, ALL CLASSES 47 cents per hour
Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time
worked in excess of eight hours per day. Strike conditions pre
vail. Young men who desire to learn these trades will be employed
and given an opportunity to do so.
A strike now exists on the Northern Pacific Ry. .jf
Apply to Any Roundhouse or Shops or Superintendent