11 McCALL PATTERNS AND HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS 1ST FLOOR , TEA ROOM 4TH FLOOR GROCERY BAKERY TESSEN i 4TH FLOOR Candy Specials Dollar Mints 33c lb. Fudge 29c lb. Radio Mixed 25c lb. Picnic Lunches Buy your week-end foods and picnic lunches all prepared at our Delicatessen and Bakery on 4th floor. RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. I Candy Dept., Main Fl. TmOBBISON. ALDER. WEST PARK. AND TENTH STREETS.T TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922 . . i ' i nimmn ninnniinni nr n 1 MP rll TIMi I r STORM . Be Omitted. , . r . . , , . IS CREATED! ML ', ' ' M S ' ? - ; - r g I 'J" V - n j p S S - fix ust Clean-Up Sales in AH Depts. Draymen and Others Besiege Act' ing Mayor, Who Agrees to Take Some Action for Relief. A storm of protest reached the city hall yesterday as a result of the anrouncement that beginning Monday all drivers of motor vehicles double-parked would be arrested, assessed ?5 as a "bail-fine" with vigorous prosecution to follow in the event that the case is taken to the municipal court. Ptssibility of the complete with drawal of deliveries in the business district loomed until Acting Mayor Mann obtained a promise from Chief of Police Jer.kins that the cam paign against the double-parkers would not be inaugurated until a more complete investigation had been made, and. if launched, the $5 "bail-fine" would be omitted. Deliveries Declared Needed. I. H. Adams, manager of the Portland Draymen & Warehouse men's association, forwarded a let ter to Mr. Mann in which he .point ed out that if the campaign were carried out. it would be practical ly impossible to make deliveries In the congested area. "If the douM parking ordinance Is enforced as outlined in the news papers it means that the draymen will be unable to deliver to mer chants In the restricted districts without 'being arrested." wrote Mr. Adams. "In keeping tab on 15 deliveries to M. J. "Walsh and company, whose place of business is directly oppo site my office, there were but four times that the drayiman, was able to get alongside the curb so he woukL not be liable to arrest. Matter Declared Serious. "This is a very serious matter with us, for even under present reg ulations we now deliver In this dis trict at a loss. "I am notifying our membership that they will suffer arrest if they double park, and they have no means of knowing before arriving at the place of delivery whether the space is occupied or not. If occu pied they must return goods or suf fer arrest." Mr. Adams asked Acting Mayor Mann to aid in a solution of the problem, so that the draymen would be able to operate. ' Other merchants also were up in arms over the proposed order. They telephoned protests or appeared in person throughout the flay. Order Believed Mistake. "Personally, I 'believe that this sudden order is a mistake," said Mr. Mann. "The merchants of the city are entitled to some considera tion. I think there should be a great deal of common sense dis played in the enforcement of this parking ordinance so that it will not injure the people who are pay ig the taxes and make the city pos sible to live in." Chief Jenkins said that he had conferred with Captain Lewis, in charge of the traffic bureau and author of the proposed order, and asked him to act slowly in the mat ter.. "At all events, there will be no $5 taken by the police as 'bail fines,' " the chief declared. The proposed method of taking "bail fines' is already in disrepute in the police bureau as a result of the "fining" of traffic violators by a police officer who acts as both prosecutor and Judge. Chief Jenkins suggested a con ference before the city council of all persons interested in the ques tion. Some members of the council are opposed to any such conference, holding that there is no need to make any drastic changes in the traffic code at this time, because there has been no general, complaint of congestion. Vacation time and week-end trips with all the merry-makirife in the cool of the mountains, at the beach or along the Columbia highway or cavorting along the Clackamas or Sandy bring-many instant needs which we are always prepared to furnish on Saturday, the eleventh hour. Camping needs, hikers' apparel, cooked foods ready to serve, etc., etc. Guy Bates Tost, star of "The Masqaerader," now running; In Bfew York at $2.50 top, and which has been booked by the Rlvoli. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Liberty Katherine MacDon- ald, "Domestic Relations. Also Buster Keaton. Columbia House Peters in "Human Hearts." Rivoli "The Black Panther of Paris." Majestic Wanda Hawley in "Bobbed Hair." Heilig Harold Lloyd In "Grandma's Boy." Begin ning third week. Hippodrome Tom Moore "From the Ground Up." Circle Hoot Gibson "Trimmed." in in UoiKploldProMoi? by Lilian Tinqlo MeMIN-NVIL,LE. Or., July 20. My Dear Miss Tinple: (1) will you please give me l good conserve recipe having- apricots for a. base? (2) Also kindly rive me the riyht proportion of sug-ar and water for a syrup to can peaches and also pears. (3) I would like & gnod recipe for orange marmalade also. Thanking- you very much for your kindness, MRS. A. M. S. SOME general suggestions and combinations for conserves were plven recently in The Sunday Ore gonian. A good standard proportion Is four to five pounds of founda tion fruit to five pounds of eugar. two or ithree oranges and one to two pounds raisins, with or with out the Juice of one lemon and one pound nut meats (or less) if Je eired, or the nuts may be, omitted, since many people dislike them in conserves. A detailed recipe for apricot conserve might be as fol lows, though the exact proportions may be varied to suit personal taste and the varying flavor of the apricots: Apricot conserve Method 1 Five pounds stoned and sliced apricots, Juice of one lemon, one pound very thinly sliced oranges (two or three oranges) free from seeds, one and one-half pounds seedless raisins, five pounds sugar, one cup water, one pound nut meats. Cook the sliced oranges in the water until tender, add the other fruits and cook until tender. Add the sugar and cook until the mixture jells when dropped on a cold plate. Add the nut meats Just before taking? from the fire. Stow like jelly. Method 2. Another method less apt to be bitter in flavor Is as fol lows: Take the peel from the oranges. Soak in brine to remove the bitterness. Freshen in cold water, then cut into fine shreds or pass through the food chopper, cook until tender. Slice the orange pulp and apricots and add to the peel. Cook until tender. Add, the sugar and finish as above. (2) Peaches and pears may be preseried in thin or in richer syrup as preferred. A general useful rule is to allow one-third of its weight in sugar and from two and one-half to three cups water to every two cups "sugar. Boil the , sugar and water, ten minutes or longer if a richer syrup is preferred. For pears a small amount of lemon juice Is sometimes added to bring out the flavor of the fruit. (3) In selecting an orange marma lade recipe, one has to consider whether a sweet or sour or bitter flavor i preferred, whether orange j I T IS very seldom that a stage success of the very first water is withdrawn from the theater without even a stay in stock in order to be filmed. Gum Bates Post's appearance as the star in the screen version of "The Masquerader," the Richard Walton Tully production and a First National atraction, is an event. It has been booked for showing at the Rivoli theater by Gus Metzger, general manager. Whether he will be able to play this super-feature at the customary prices has not been decided. It is doubtful. In addition it marks the film debuts of both the star and the pro ducer. Kach of them have won an enviable reputation in the theatrical world. Furthermore, the direction by James Young and the superlative supporting cast that will be seen in this picture are insurance of its high quality. Although "The Masquerader" was first produced on the speaking stage six years ago and Post has given over 2000 performances of the leading dual roles, its popularity still continues. Even this season the star was on tour with this vehicle, getting record box office receipts everywhere. To take such a play off the boards meant an immediate financial loss; but Pro ducer Tully believed that the greater audience of the films would make that immediate loss worth while and would even make up for it ultimately from the economic standpoint as. well. Such thas, in fact, been the case, for the 'motion picture public every where has been responding eagerly to the opportunity of seeing on the screen this combination of star and vehicle. Screen Gossip. House Peters is making the hit of his illustrious screen career in "Human Hearts," the Universal Jewel super-feature now showing at the Columbia theater. This is one of the most intensely human films shown in a long time. There is a gripping story of powerful enotional appeal, a star of unques tioned ability, a supporting cast of exceptional merit, and excellent direction. The pronounced success of Harold Lloyd in "Grandma's Boy" has in terfered with the booking arrange ment of the Heilig theater. "The Isle of ZoVa" was booked to open there today, but the unfailingly big business attracted by the Lloyd fea ture has forced the management to continue it. It may possibly run another week. alone or orange and lemon or orange. lemon and grapefruit (orange always predominating will be best liked). Also which type of marmalade is desired syrupy, thick, Jelly-like or firm enough to cut. You might try the following and let me know if you wanted another type. I have about 32 different recipes, all "good." Orange marmalade For eath pound of oranges allow the juice of one lemon, six cups water and eight cups sugar. Cook either by method 1 or method 2, as in the conserve given above, according to whether a more or less bitter taste is liked. Traveler to Lecture. ABERDEEN, Wash'.,' Aug. 18. (Special.) Rev. Aug. C. Peterson, who returned recently from a year of travel in the Scandinavian coun tries will lecture Saturday night in the Swedish Tabernacle on con ditions abroad. The lecture will be unde the auspices of the Epworth league of the Norwegian Methodist church. WANTED by the RAILROAD COMPANY Boilermakers, Machinists, Blacksmiths, Car Repairers' and Car Inspectors. . For Employment at NAMPA, Idaho GLENN'S FERRY, Idaho POCATELLO, Idaho MONTPELLIER, Idaho SALT LAKE CITY, Utah At wages and under conditions established by the United States Railroad Labor Board. A strike now exists ' at these points. Free transportation and expenses paid to place of em ployment, also steady employment guaranteed and se niority rights-protected for qualified men regardless any strike settlement. Apply to A. C. MOORE 513 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon Open Week Days and Sunday, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. 9 r i Women's Silk Dresses $12.45 $22.45 Department Second Floor Sale of Women's5 Dresses of Canton, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Crpe knit and Georgette in a variety of styles and colors, loose, long line models and waistline effects with pleated panel tunics. Also a few cape dresses. Colors are Fuchsia, Beige, Periwinkle, Brown, Gray, lijavy and Black, and dainty flowered pat- O A terns. Sizes 16 years tq 44 bust. A i- Q?? A P an unusua' showing of high iL iDiimLxO class Dresses at a very low price. The materials are Taffeta, Tricolette, Crepe, knit and Georgette, also heavy Canton. Stylishly trimmed with applique, beads, radium lace, etc. , A good range of colors. Sizes 18 years 'to 44 bust. ' Specially priced at $22.45 Wool Bathing Suits and Sweaters $3.49 Center Circle, Main Floor Wool Bathing Suits, in plain and striped patterns, fitted arms' eye. Two-piece models, trimmed in contrasting colors. Orange, blue, navy, jade, black, maroon, brown, rose, Fuchsia. Sizes 32 to 46, special at $3.49 SWEATERS In slip-on and tuxedo styles, plain and trimmed in contrasting color stripes. Long sleeves, V and round necks. Red, peri winkle, pink, orange, jade, navy, black and tan. Sizes 36 to 44.., Specially priced at $3.49 wn .' iew iuiumn Hats $12 1 In the Millinery Department, second -jfloor New arrivals in autumn hats of jvelvet duvetyne and felt combinations. 'Hand and machine embroidered, of metal -;threads and with metallic ornaments. A beautiful range of colors featuring the ,new autumn shades, of Toast, Beige, -;Canna and Cinnamon browns. Only $12. 1 NEW MILLINERY IS ARRIVING DAILY IVORY Soap 4 Cakes 25c Drug Section, Main Floor None sold except with other purchases made in the drug department. Limit 4 cakes to a customer. Special Satur day price, four cakes xfor 25. Squifrb's Petrolatum, full pint size, regular S5c bottle, special 6 $4.75. Lee's Hospital Cotton, one-pound roll, specially priced this sale at 45. Jergen's B. & A. Lotion. Special for Saturday only at, bottle, .37. Oriental Cream. Specially priced for Saturday only at, bottle, $1.35. 4711 Bath Soap. Assorted odors. Specially priced at, the cake, 18. Krank's Lemon Cream. Specially priced for Saturday at, jar, $1.00. 85c Bathing Caps 39c $1, $1.25, $1.50 Caps 69c In the drug section, main floor, as sorted styles and colors, for Saturday. 'A Food Specials GROCERY DEPT., 4TH FLOOR It pays to patronize our Grocery Department for'a'll your foods. There is no waste when you buy the best. Preferred Stock Catsup for 29 -5White Star Tuna Fish only 210 (White Meat put up in cans). Del Monte Pork and Beans, OP priced special at 3 cans for &J OREGON WALNUTS, pound 350 Extra special, 3 pounds for $1.00 OREGON CHEESE, pound 250 SLICED BACON, pound for 6O0 CHURCH'S GRAPE JUICE 290 DEHYDRATED SPINACH, pkg. 230 Kings Products Co.'s New Pack Women's Gloves 98c and $1.69 Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Women's 16-button length chamoi sette gloves with embroidered backs, in medium weight, gray, mode and beaver shades. Also 8-button length gloves in the chamoisette slip-on style, with embroidered backs, in beaver, brown, mode and pongee. Regular $1.25 values, special at 980 CHAMOISETTE GLOVES in the slip-on style, with strap wrist with pearl buckle, in the leading popular shades for fall, gray, beaver, mode and covert. Sizes 5 to 7, for $1.69 $3.50 Silk Hose $2.98 Main Floor Best ingrain all - silk hose, in the most fashionable colors for fall. This is your best opportunity to lay in a good supply, as the price will warrant it. Regular $3.50, $2.98 $1.25 Sport Hose $1 Dept. Main Floor Women's sport hose, in fancy ribbed and plain weaves, Also heather mixtures. Ex cellent values at $1.15 and $1.25. Specially priced at, the pair $1.00 Women's Bloomers $8 Values $4.95 Underwear Dept., Main Floor A sale of women's good heavy quality Glove Silk,-VANITY FAIR, Bloomers, in navy, fawn, white, mole and brown colors; in sizes 6 to 9. Our regular $7.50 and $8.00 values, special $4.95 SPORT BLOOMERS Women's light weight glove silk bloomers, in black and navy "only. Sizes 6 and 7. Our regular $4.00 values, special $2.95 Educator Shoes For Men and Women Educator Shoes are worn by efficient men who realize the great benefit of healthy feet allowed by correct footwear. Comfortably fitting shoes and restfulifeet relieve you of a strain which saps j-our vigor and disturbs your mental poise. We carry Educator Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers. The new Modified last, AS SHOWN IN ELLUSTRATION, combines comfort with pleasing and dressy appearance. Specially priced at $9.50 and $11.00 FOR WOMEN The Modified Educator Shoe and Oxford with its straight inside line, flexible arch and low heel, prevents bunions, ingrowing nails and deformity of toes caused by' ordinary footwear. They allow room for proper expansion and development of the foot. Made only of the best materials and specially priced at $10.50 and $12.50 Boy Don't Wait Until the Last Minute to Get Your Boys Ready for School As soon as your vacation is over your next and all important duty is to get the youngsters ready for school and "Oh, what a task." We began months ago to make selections of boys' apparel for school, . and ' now we are ready with the best values in all Portland. s' 2-Knicker Suits Special $9.85 We have cheaper suits, but we especially ad vise buying from our $9.85 assortment of wool suits. There is an extra pair of knickerbockers with each suit. A good assortment of attractive patterns to select from. They are well tailored and fit perfectly. Sizes range from 7 to 18 years. Price is exceedingly low at $9.85. Other suits made of wear-resisting materials priced at $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00. Also broken lines $25.00 and $27.50 suits $18.85. 150 boys' suits, broken lines, special $8.95. Boys' Corduroy Suits $9.85 School days call for just such suits. Strong as iron and good looking, too. These suits are made of dark brown soft corduroy material in smart styles, with full belted coat, pleats in back, lined with strong material, sizes 7 to .18 years, $9.85. MEN'S FALL SUITS on Sale at $29.85 As we swing into the autumn sea son our thoughts turn to warmer clothing and different clothing. We get tired of the old suit and want a new one-a good one, too. Here's men's all-wool Suits in the famous Kirschbaum and other well-known makes. We guarantee the tailoring to be the best. The materials are fancy mixtures, serges and hard fin ished worsteds, in browns, grays, stripes and 'novelty patterns. The best suits in all Portland fi??Q OP at the price; priced only J30J Yes, we .have suits for less and some that cost more. Men's Trousers $5.00 Department, First Floor. A sale of men's and young men's pants, all high-grade; McMillan, Dutchess and other good makes. Well tailored nd good durable materials. Sizes "range 30 to 50 waist measure; materials are cashmeres and wool mixtures in greys, browns, .stripes and plain pat terns. Values to $7.50, special $5.00 Men's Silk Ties 76c Three for $2.25 Men's store, Main floor A special line of men's silk ties in the"very new college stripes which are quite popu lar right now. Also a splendid lot of. wash ties, all selected from our regular stock and are our regular $1 values, special 760 each, 3 for $2.25 Men's Hose, 6 Pairs $1.40 A sale of men's mercerized cotton socks in all the best shades, good, fast colors, extra well made, a splendid hose fbr wear; special 250 pr., 6 $1.40. j Men's $1.50 Night Gowns 75c Men's muslin nightgowns, in white only, our regular $1.50 grade. Limited quantity to be closed out at price. Men's $125 -$1.50 Shirts 83c Department Main Floor Men's good quality percale shirts m pleasing patterns and fast colors, sizes range from 14 to 17, our regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, for 830. WE SELL THE BEST $2 Men's Athletic Union Suits in fancy madras mixtures, Kerry Knit make, guaranteed full size and well made. Regular $1.50 grade, special at $1.15. Men's Department, First Floor. MAN'S SUIT IN ALL PORTLAND i basement Sale of Men's Outing Gowns ft -rf f-v These gowns were manufactured by one 'Jk 1 1 of the best known factories in the east. ' Our buyer, who is now"in New York, pur chased them at a very advantageous price which permits this offering for one day only. They come in splendid patterns and excellent grade of outing flannel, cut full, nicely finished in every .respect. They have military style collars, plain and braid trimnftd. Sizes 15 to 19. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS AND WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO CUSTOMERS. Visit the Basement Underprice Store For Bargains in All Lines Our Great Clean-Up Sale of Women's and Children's Wearing Apparel Is Still in Progress Second Floor Extraordinary Bargains Are Offered in Women's Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Domestics, Etc. Main Floor ! i i i i !