FOK S.VLE ATTOMOBH-ES. USED FORDS. USED FORDS. EASY TERMS. CARS TRADED. 0a evenings. 8:30; Sunday. 9 to 6. TOURINGS. 1P1S Ford touring $22 1919 Ford touring 263 l!lu Ford touring - ltflS Ford touring -- J95 1920 Ford touring, starter......... 350 1W.J0 Ford touring. starter......... 3.5 1921 Ford touring. atarter. ooo 1921 Ford touring, tartar and e- mount ble nm 895 1920 Ford touring, atarter. extra good - 365 1920 rord touring, starter 340 1920 Ford touring, new starter and battery 850 1921 Ford touring. atarter. dem. rlm tperfect) 425 COUPES. ::i Ford coupe, new paint ... 550 1U21 Ford coupe, lota of extras.... &30 li22 Ford coupe, cord Urea (per fect) 575 SEDANS. 1920 Ford aedan 4J5 1920 Ford sedan 4vo 1020 Ford sedan, extra good 550 lliio Ford sedan, new paint 525 1BJ1 Ford aedan 52- 1921 Ford aedan, wonderful condl dition 530 1921 Late Ford sedan, nearly perrect 83 1021 Ford aedan. Iota ot extra.. 4. oio 1D21 (Late) Ford sedan, new paint. tlrea and wheels oS 1921 Ford sedan, extra good........ oB ROADSTERS. 1922 Ford roadster, car same as new. S dem. rinia, new oar, fcday guarantee; has $0 exraa 610 1821 Ford roadster, new body. chassis perfect - - - 515 1921 rLate) Ford roadster Sao 1921 Ford roadster, a wonderful ouy . o65 CHASSIS. 1918 Ford chassis (shocks) 185 BUGS. We have 4 all of them real buvs. new paint on some. They are $235. $275. $275 and 285 TRUCKS CHASSIS. 1920 Ford truck chassis, pneumatic cords ..... 3 a0 1920 (Late) Ford truck chassis, atarter. solid tires . 395 LIGHT DELIV ERIES. TBI Panel Ford delivery 165 1922 open express Ford delivery, starter, same as new 425 3922 Open express Ford delivery, starter 395 Our used car men will see to it that these cars are just as they are said to be by our salesmen ibefore letting them go out. Buy from a reliable "Ford dealer," TALBOT & CASEY. Inc.. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. USED CARS. 1921 Nash 7-passenger, run 8338 miles, new cord tires, paint, guaran , teed 1175 1919 Nash. 5-pass.. original finish, cord tires, 90 days' service 775 1919 Nash. 4-pass.. a real bargain for 1919 Nash, -pass Buick roadster, good run ning order 1921 Essex, a real bargain, lots of extras, the best buy in Portland .... 535 800 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR C. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. . YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE: WE FURNISH THE MONEY: CL'R SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG-. 2d Floor. DODGE TOURING CAR. Purchased from Oodge agency in May, 1921, driven by owner at prac tically all times and given exceptional care: body, top. upholstery, etc.. show practically no wear. Very quiet motor with quick 'pickup and lots of power. Price is $745 cash. Call owner. 3t0 Oregonian birig. . 1921 DODGE TO I RING CAR. In excellent condition. 5 cord tires, 30 days' guarantee and a week's trial, S7.-.H. COO: & GILL. INt., PAIGS AND JEVVETT DEALERS. '.:h and Btrrnside Sis. Bdwy. 77M. LATE model Bulck roadster, fully equip ped and in perfect mechanical condi tion; must dispose of this car today. Bdwv. 1130. Ask for Mr. Baucum. Sundav. Bdwy. 1133-K LATE 1921 Dodge touring, cord tires, green sunvisor, spotlight, fully equip ped: just like new car; will sell this week at a bargain. Bdwy. 1130. Ask for Mr. Baucum. Sunday Bdwy. 1133-K. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Aider at 17th. Bdwy. 3254. Mail orders filled. 1918 OVERLAND, good tires, spotlight, mag., starter, new top. $265. Carl Nyqujst. 11 'a 10th. Broadway 33S3. ltl DODGE, in A-l condition; $475. 269 Salmon street. GOOD Chevrolet touring, $225; terms. 462 Hawthorne. STANDARD Ford tops put on, $10. Standard Top Shop. 394 Union N. Automobile Wanted. TRADE 2 good lots, close to business district of Newport, value $600. for - good truck or touring car. Bertha John son. Hill Crest Rt-. Knappa. Or. WE WRECK THEM H.gnest casn price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO THIRD AND GLISAN. WANTED Hupmobile or Dodge, not older than 1918; must be a bargain. Call after 6 P. M 1717 Chautauqua blvd. or phone Empire 0512. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for ail cars for less. S. S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Bdwy. 636. CARS wanted to wreck; all parts for lesa Hodes Aut. farts co a-J iaer. corner 16th. Broadway S638. LATE model automobile wanted as first pavmeut on modern bungalow. Rose City. 710 East 47th N. Auto. 329-10. WILL, pay top cash price for vour Ford, any model. Bring It to 609 Washing- ton St.. at 19th- CASH for all makes of cara, condition no object. 414 Glisan. woodyard. Broadway 0293. DEAD STORAGE, $4 per month, brick building. 120 Union N. HAVE a good lot that 1 will trade for an auto up to $700. Call Auto. 637-65. WE LOAN money on automobiles. Gran- plng Treece, 102 N. Broadway. LATE DODGE car wanted; choice lot in trade. East 9052. A DANDY bungalow; will take a car as payment on it. r-w 30x6 CABIN launch, 40 h. p. marine mo tor; se-l or trade for auto. East 4666. tjAR WANTED Have city lots and cash. S2d S. E. WILL PAY cash for Ford or Chevrolet; private party, last oju'. TviLL PAY $1000 lor lata model coupe, Buick preferred. Phone Atwater 0363. WANTED Best late model coupe ior SS5 cash. Walnut 1239. jiiot or cycle. BARGAINS IN USED - AND REBUILT UARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES EASY TERMS. As low as $40 down. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., d at Taylor. Main 7889. H 4.RLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER. USED MOTORCYCLES, all inakas, lib eral terms; used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-4 urand avenue. Distrlbu-ors for ACffi, R E. A DING STANDARD, CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND motorcycle, real bargain, perfect condition. 2 new tires; $70. Call Bdwv. 5656. 5:30 to 8:30. VOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 Third st. Main 6139. Aotumopile lor Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night servics. - COUCHMAN GARAGE. JPth and Couch. Broadway 8696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 3690. . NEW CARS FOR RENT. With and without drivers, roadsters and touring cars, $1.50 an hour and up. Fourth and Pins, opposite Multno mah hotel. ' AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Broadway 0S4P. NEW 5-pasaenger machine with driver by day. week or month. Phon East 3498 a-CYLINDER, 5-PASS, BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 8547. FORD. $1.50 per hour, any tima. Phone Mam &4GS. Res. Bdwy. 2753. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. - For Exchange AntomobUea. , TO EXCHANGE One practically new 80-h. p. GMC tractor for car or truck. AV 880, Oregonian. FOR SALE TRCCKS ASP TRACTORS. BANK SALEi OF MASTER TRUCKS. One of the leading Portland banks is selling Master trucks, all aizeo. new and slightly used, below manufacturer's cost- If von are interested In trucks see lis befora you buy. Terms. No brokerage.. Removed from 342 Burnside at. to 10th and Stark. Phone Broadway 1641; evenings Tabor 27S9. , CHEAP TRUCKS. Master lhi ton, almost new, $500; Ford, 1918. new tires. $150; White, ton. $300; Sterling. 8 -ton. make of fer; Indiana, ai-toh, $350; Republic, 2-ton. $250; Wlnther, dirt cheap. Many others and they must an be sold quick. Easy terms to reliable people. First come, first served. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve. Atwater 0183. TRUCK SALE Ail kinds of trucks, big trucks and little trucks, heavy duty trucks and light delivery trucks. All kinds of bodies and makes. All at bar gain prices. Term, if wanted. North west Auto Co., 18th and Aider, Bdwy. 14(10. 1919 OLDSMOBILE ECONOMY, JWU. New cord tires, repainted, recondi tioned. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. 11th and Burnside sts. 1919 FORD truck, worm drive. Just over hauled, body cost $225; all for $325. 120 Union N. East 1487. REPUBLIC, 1-ton truck, good condition. $330. Inquire L. O. Ross, care Allen & Leww. REPUBLIC truck.' ton. fine delivery body, snap: $350, terms. Ask for-Mr. lreiana.. awy. u-ii FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck. Phone Empire Ijaa 3 -YARD dump body and hoist. East 1299 FORD ton truck, license 48543? stand' bet. 5th and 6th on Yamhill. $400. GARAGES. WANT to buy one good, transportable ga rage. 2040 E. Mill st. ' AUTO REPAIRING. MR. AUTO OWNER. Have your auto .repaired in your own garage by expert auto mechanic; all work iully guaranteed. Bdwy. 0538. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS, MACKINAWS AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL ATWATER 1229 OR 253 MADISON. WE WILL AL-OW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order, and you can pay us tho balance on easy monthly pay ments. Bring In your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy the Tailor, 104 rourtn St.. near oiaiit. Goldstein the Tailor, pays highest cash prices for men s suits, overcoats, shoes. etc. broadway s932, 245 burnside st. bet. second and third, call me before anyone else. F L Rt FU RS F U KS. Low rent und low prices; remodeling and re-airing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg Co., 134 Park St., between Morrison and 1'amhiil. Phone Main 6529. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND . OVER coata Wt pay the hghest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners, 117 Second St.. N. W. ior. Wash- Bdwy. 7244. WANTED Two cords good aider wood for fireplace, to be delivered at 1128 East Flanders. Advise 217 Railway Exchange b!dg., by mail; price and where can deliver. WE WISH to buy a good piano and also a phonograph, will pay ali cash; muit De pa rg.i i ii , no it an. -v v tBuiuon. CLOTlli.Vu WANViiy If you want to , sell cast-off clothing." Mar. 3-'J5. Feo ' pie's Secoi.d-Hai Store, 209 Madison. BKFORK you belli piano or phonograph consul' resale arid exchange dept. Oro gon filers Mus.c House, 2t7H Wash. V ANT EI Newspapers and magazines tied in bundles; wili call and pay 5uc 100 lbs. Call Kmplre 133&. INDEPENDENT Paper Stock Co., 4S5 Overton. Bdwy. i'O03 Highest prices newspapers, magazines, waste paper. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. AUTO CAMP OUTFIT. TENT. BDWY. 7161. AUTO LUAMON US and gold Uougnt. Reliable estimates. G. Cramer, 713 gelling bldg. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington st. tiJ Gil .T cah price paid for rifles, "nof guns. Hochfeld. Jv 3d, near Oak. WANTED Wicker baby buggy In first class condition. S K53. Oregonian. SAFE Give phone and price. p 853, Oregonian. PRX V ATE party wants to buy furniture. What have you? Write 251 Fremont. Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best possible prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and ail kinds of household goods to ship out of town; will pay more than other local dealers; call us for one article or a housefull ; a courteous, competent buyer will cli. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange, 72 X. Third st. Bdwy. 2200. PAY SPOT casn tor second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beas, dishes, everything you want to sell or ti change; we pay more toan alyon in town; your call promptly attended to. CAUL EAST 8986. ATWATER 263 Call a fair, and square man when selling your furniture, rugs and household goods and I will pay you all it is worth: we will appre ciate your call and attend to It im medlately. Atwater 2i3. CALL MAIN S87S. We pay the highest priced for used furniture. See us before you seU. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE CALL MAIN 887S. CALL MAIN 0734 if you wish to sell your furniture and other household goods. Highest prices Pald' CALL MAIN 0734. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, of any description; pay cash. Phone today, main n or .too .r ij avai. WE NEED second-hand furniture and iay best prices. Call East 2405. WE WILL BUY your rurniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker St C. auctioneers. Maiu 3332. EDUCATIONAL. FISK TEACHERS' AGCY.. Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching position: free reg YATES-FISHER Thc A" -irv -!' -e registration. Main o-'t. rawj. mu. THE GUMPS SANTA CLAUS JR. . , , 1 : fTKHK MlNKltT- A J)MPNG RO? . SOME JCKS - V 0H,VOUKt. Mt . f ANt A,tv VOO wW7 SBBtR.Wa W'fc tOf LOLW WrS- I mS ) AND V(utt- Guess WMovu- But JUST avs- Soon Noor. WvVft. Jm4mh ' ' ' Z '''''' " ! THE EDUCATIONAL. DO YOU WANT A GOOD JOB? More automobiles are being sold now than ever before, whch will create a big demand for competent auto me chanics. We teach auto repairing, auto electrical and battery work and assist our graduates to good positions. Everything is fully explained In our new 112-page catalogue. Call or write for a FREE copy. Ask for book No. 5. Visiting hours daily at 10 A- M.. except Saturday. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, Union Ave. and Wasco St, Woodlawn pr Alberta Car. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best hop equipment and instructions. Ac tual shop practice given, on real re pair Jobs. Results absolutely guaran teed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few month Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology, Main St., at Sixth. Ex service men get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONEY CiUICKLY. Enroll for day or summer school at tl,is great business college, the train ing school for success. Courses include . comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth near Morrison, Portland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach the trade in 8 weeks, fur nish a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured; write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burn3ide st. STUDY MASSAGE. Prepares one ior sanitarium work, physician assistant or private prac tice. . Hydrotherapy is also taught. Portland School Massage. Inc. 414-15 Stock Exchange bidg. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 weeks; tools furnished; some pay; . position secured; special rate this month. Write or call 234 1st st. MISS Matting'y's Private Shorthand. Typewriting school. Individual In struction. 269 14th. near Jefferson. . BEAUTY parlor course evenings at spe cial summer rates. Madam Curtis, 400 Pekum bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange . bldg. Day and night classes. P.OCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state aupt. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED STOKES & SMITH MACHINE MAN. CAPABLE OF MAKING FORMS. MUST BE A SCORER AND PAPER CUTTER. POSITION IS OUT OF THE CITY, FARE ADVANCED. WE ARE LOOKING FOR A LIVE WIRE, NOT A MAN THAT WATCHES THE CLOCK; GOOD SALARY. WITH OPPORTU NITY FOR ADVANCEMENT FOR THE RIGHT MAN. AV 264. OREGONIAN. EMPLOYERS, ATTENTION. WHEN. YOU WANT HELP, PHONE BROADWAY 8090. CENTRAL EM PLOYMENT CO., 13 N SECOND. T. F. BURKE, MGR. PAINTERS, plumbers, tinners, plasterers, brick masons to figure on contract on house. 793 E. 24th N., near RegenJ drive. Walnut 2S49. ADVERTISING salesman, experienced in aoliciting display on daily newspaper. Address G. W. Roche. Spokane. Wash., giving age, references and experience. LOOMFIXER for 5 Crompton looms; all on blanket work: pay 60c per hour. 48 1 hours per week. Sanitam Woolen Mills, j Stayton, Oi MAN for ligrht work on small ranch Close to Portland; steady work; must DAch; $25 and board. Gettman's stor. Union ave. and Fremont at. ! WANTED First-claes top and seat cov- er man: steady work if you are the rirht man. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14tli ( and Couch. , OPERATING Millwright; fast food planer feeder; also mill laborers for large Co lumbia river mil!. Central - ilmploy ment Co.. 13 N. 2d. WANTED Experienced man to run ber ry, fruit and chicken ranch on shares; close to the city and market; refer ences required. N 55, Oregonian. CAPABLE- man and wife tor janitor work in apartment house ; references. M 35, Oregonian. $.5 WEEKLY, selling advertisings ex perience unnecessary. 210 Stock Ex change bldg. ; HORSESHOE R and general blacksmith, good wages. fi. L- Dennis Tfr. Co., tjay-iwond. Wash . WANTED Experienced landscape gar dener; others need not apply. Knight Landscape Company, 41" K. J3th N. Vv AXT Filipino r Japanese boy for housework; must be able to cook. East 1322. WANTED An elderly man to work on ranch gardening; J10 per month, board. East 9276 ' WANTED 2 or 3 first-class iron mold ers, by up-to-date shop. A &83. Orego nian. 1 WANTED First-class patternmaker for open shop in city. Apply 020 Oregon bldg.. put v uaH sts. PIANIST for movie, recounting his abili ties and salary expected. Young man preferred. Write AV 295, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced programme advertising solicitor. Apply Box AF 8Tv. Oregonian EXPERIENCED solicitor for collection agency. Business Men's Clearing Hoie. 3115 Wilcox blflsr A'JTOMOBILE mechanic wanted. man who can work on ail makes of cars. T. McDonald. 191 Grand ave. MAN with car to sell real estate. The Talles. Or. Meet me Saturday 3 P. M. Carlton Hotel. Fred Bauer. WANTED- A good advertising solicitor; good money to the man able to produce the goods. Call today. 215 4th st. WANTED Ford mechanic. Talbot & Casey. 1 Grand ave. WANTED Gardener to put in lawn. 150 1st. Main 4S61. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 249 Alder st. V A X T K D YV L OU SPLITTERS. t3Q" E. LINCOLN STKKET. POKTER wanted. Barber Shop, Third street. 1 - hp" VTED FOR .SATURDAY. 290 RUSSELL. ! WANTED Man and team to excavate cellar. Call Tabor 827L WANTED First-class brass moulder. Apply Oregon Brass Works. EXPERI ENCED fruit packers. BaUam Co.. 128 Front st. WANTED 2 experienced carpenters at B7H Ladd ave. . WILL give clean basement room to man for some services. 393 West Park. WANT young man to learn bakery trade. Apply at H7 Killingsworth ave. CABINET maker and carpenter wanted. Apply ready to work. 100 N. 3d. BANK messenger ; one with high school education preferred. R 853. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced weavers. Apply Portland Wroolen Mills. St. Johns. EXPERIENCED carpet and ru sales man, with references. O 857: Oregonian. ILL trade 50x100 lot for painting and carpenter work, unnton st. aiORyiXG OREGOMAy, FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, 1923, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BY GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. MACHINISTS I BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS 6HEETMETAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS -ELECTRICIANS WELDERS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BT UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD. TO REPLACE MEN v NOW ON STRIKE ; AGAINST DECISION OF UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD. APPLY AT NEAREST SHOP OR DIVISION . - , SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. FREE TRANSPORTATION. M. F. CODD. m 214 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. WANTED. STRIKE CONDITIONS. For Service es Railroad MACHINISTS. BLACKSMITHS. CAR INSPECTORS. BOILERMAKERS, PIPE FITTERS. i CAR REPAIRERS. CAR BUILDERS. ' (Carjnters). ROUNDHOUSE LABORERS. Adequ&t. provisions have ben tor tjie full protection of new employe., the same as old employes who re mained loyally at work. Applicants should apply at SOUTHERN PACIFIC Employment Bureau, room 7. 65 Mar ket street, San Francisco (open 8 A. M to 8 P. M. dally. -Including Sun days), or any of the following offi cers: superintendent Portland union station. San Francisco. 3d St.; Oakland Pier. Sacramento. Stockton, Dunemuir, Bakersfield. L,os Angeles. Assistant Superintendents. Sparks. Nev- . and Roseburg, Or., Superintendent Motire Power, Sacramento and Loi Angeles. J. H. DYER, Gen. Mgr.. ' Southern Pacific Company. liARBER WANTED 120 Second street. HELP WANTED MALE. SHOPMEN WANTED! , The ' Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway company has position open at Portland. Oregon and Vancouver, Washington, for a limited number of skilled . . - MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS, TINSMITHS, PASSENGER CAR REPAIRERS. STRIKE CONDITIONS. Applv at Room 830. Pittock Block. 1 LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 240 Ankeny St., Cor. 2d Leading Lumber Office Pacific Coast. Bend, Or., fare advanced. 6 trackmen, $3.80. Loggers for Columbia river camps. 2 sets fallers, 8 Vic sq. ft.; 1 head Duplex loader, S7.50; 1 Duplex loading engineer. 7.00; 1 choker setter, $4.80 ' 1 Inotter, J4.75; 2 seta fallers, $4.80 $5.00; 1 signal punk, $3.75; 6 nckw,o4 choppers. $1.80 rick; 2 camp watchmen $4 00- 1 yarder engineer, $b.uu, a swampers, $4.50; 1 loading engineer, 5North to Grays Harbor. Wash., fare adslenCboss in office." He wants mill and yard men, $3.50 Young men for box factory, $3.00; S choker setter $5- 3 wood splitters, $3.50-. 3 wood buckers, $3.50. Ship tonight. ' Southern Oregon fare advance. 5 laborers on new power line. $4.00. 4 sets fallers. $5, $5.25; 2 buckers, $5 12 R R. laborers, $3.60; 1 yarder engineer, $6.00. Board, 35c meal. Too late to classify: 3 pile driver men. $o.oJ4. 1 edgerman, $6.07. 1 carriage rider, $3.75. 6 rick wood choppers, $l-0. 1 head loader Duplex. 7.0. 1 Duplex loading engineer, 7.tru. 2 sets fallers, sq. ft. 8'ac. 1 yarder engineer, $6.00. Other positions in hourly. See us to- day LOGGERS AND MILL MEN. CALL AT , DELANEY'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 1074 South Tower ave.. Centralia. -Wn. Wanted Fallers, buckers, rigging men, track men, donkey firemen, wood splitters, wood buckers and other kinds of work for camps ana mills. , -vr , 1." Ej' T 4 ' n LOW FARES TO THE WORK WANTED Experienced steam and elec trical second engineer, for work in large industrial plant In city; man must be capable of operating and mamtam 'ing boiler, pumps, sprinkler system and elec. motor. Applicants should be be tween the ages of 30 and 48. Married man desired. State experience and lat place wonteu. ccw. wi.,.".. WANTED District managers and depu ties, ladies or genu, for the Yeomen; excellent proposition. If you mean business call at 402 Alistoy bldg., at once, JO A. M. to 10 P. jf. Wf cam paign now starting. J. H. Ezell. State .Manager. ERRAND boy. 310 Selling bldg. GOOD opportunity in wholesale business for young man who can multiply and add correctly, write legibly and operate typewriter; knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography an advantage; give references. Y 834, Oregonian. DRUG CLERK GOOD FRONT STORE MAN; MUST BE ABLE TO DO COM MERCIAL WORK AND HAVE HAD DRUG EXPERIENCE. APPLY IN PERSON TO THE REXALL STORL. YOUNG man with high achooreducatidn for junior clerical position in large office. Opportunity for advancement. State age, education, experience if any, and salary expected. Ah. 8ii Oregonian. 0 WANTED Two conduit wiremen and 2 helpers. Coast Steel & Mach. Co.. 50 1st st- . - 3 MEN FOR rock quarry, $3.50, 8 hours; meals 40 cents; 6 miles from Sandy; take- Estacada car to Eagle Creek; will meet car that arrives at 6:13 P.M., Thursday and Friday. Stenstrom Bros. LIVE WIRE solicitor who can furnish light car for established routes; lib eral salary and commission; unusual opportunity for steady, lucrative em ployment. Frank's Dry Cleaning Co., u nionjKvvt;iui WAITED One good radiator , and fender man, $9 per day; state' full particulars in first letter. ABERDEEN RADIATOR & FENDER CO.. ABER- WANTED First-class barber to go to Aberdeen. Wash.; guarantee $30; 607c over $42; hours 9 to 7; Saturdays until 9 Apply Lewls-Stenger, 10th and Mor rison PRINTER, lineotype operator, two thirder wanted who "can set 5 galleys solid 8-point daily and wishes to in crease speed; wages $24; 48 hours. Journal, ireaa. yam. WANTED Sheet metal worker. Inquire 256 Kussen st. Help Wanted Salesmen. TWO magazine or newspaper salesmen, new proposition on coast, publishers ovn offer; no money collected in ad vance. 428 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for expe rienced stationery and printing sales man D C. Wax Office Equipment House, 34 w. otn WANTED bv eastern firm, several good salesmen; "city work. See Mr. Scher merhorn,. District Mgr.. 615 Stock Ex change bidg. SALESMAN Good opening for man who has had experience on magazine or newspaper in business section. Mr. Piper. 222 Falling bldg. IF YOU want to work and can sell an easy-selling auto specialty, call 302 Wiicox blag.. V riaay mui 11. MOTOR truck salesmen to sell high grade line of motor trucks, 10 per cent ; ; i aiO ttiirnQHp REAL ESTATE and rooming house sales men with cars. 517 Chamber of Com merce bldg. SALESMAN One with typewriter expe rience preferred. AR 867, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. WE WILL TEACH YOU TO SELL REAL ESTATE. We handle subdivisions only. Don i you know that lots and tracts in big subdivisions are much easier to sell than any other class of real estate? There is a big demand for this kind of property. Our rapid-fire salesmen , are making from $300 to $700 monthly. You can do equally well if you are an energetic worker and have confidence in yourself. There isan opening on ' our sales force for you. See Mr. Comte today. a C6MTE & COLEMAN. . 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. LARGEST LOT AND ACREAGE-BUB- 1J1 V lalU: OP.ljjLiC. ivo i-" , OPENING for two salesmen, one with car; prefer men with advertising, stock or insurance training; two clean-cut men with nerve, pep and staying quali ties; this is a real opportunity to earn big cash commissions by helping to es tablish essential industry; not crowd ed with competition, with international demand to serve and unusually large profit possibilities. In reply state age and selling experience; replies confi- . dential. For personal interview, BO 863, Oregonian. , ' SALESMAN. An excellent opening for salesman who wishes permanent connection of the right sort. To the man who can - make good this offer Is exceptional means just one thlngv-advancement. Our office will be open in the Gasco building in a few days. Apply t Multnomah hotel, room 371, today; J WANTED Experienced salesman of proven ability to represent us in Ore gon, southeastern Washington and southern Idaho; sell our line coffee, tea to retail dealers and jobbers. Com mission and weeklv drawing account- Application by letter only: sr'erences required. Wason Brothers, inc., Se attle. Wash. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. We have opening for good farm and . acreage man, also for good inside property-man; if you want to get in where you can make some easy money we have the listings ready for you to start on. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak. ' WANT two first-class stock salesmen to sell our preferred and common stock. No better stock for sale in city of Port land, from both salesman's and In vestor's point of view. Starr Fruit Products Co., East 1st and Yamhill sis. Ask tor Mr. Greene. WANTED District managers and depu ties, ladies or gents, for the Yeomen; excellent proposition. If you mean business call at 402 Alisky bldg.. at once, 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Big cam paign now starting. J. H. Ezeli, State Manager. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars! earn $2500 to $10,000 commission yearly; big demand for men, inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen Tr. Assn., Dept. 274. Chicago. man. Must be experienced in stocks, bonds or insurance. State qualifications and references in first letter. Commu nication confidential, AE 741, Orego nian. SALESMEN wanted, to sell Ford and Lincoln cars. Men with phonograph, ' sewing machine and cash register ex perience can make good money. Rob-Inson-Smith Co.. 6th and Madison. CHEVROLET SALESMAN wanted to work on straight commis sion basis; down payment on demon strator required. Apply sales manager Fields Motor car Co.. J4tn ana Aioer. FIVE HOUSE-TO-HOUSE MEN. $5 GUARANTEE; ONLY NEAT-APPEARING MEN. APPLY 122 GRAND AVE.. ROOM 14. 8:30 TO 12 A. M.. FRIDAY. WA NTED--A GENTS. AGENT to sell nursery stock locally: state experience. Also rose budders wanted. N 851. Oregonian. HEALTH, accident ana hospital insur ance: big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED house-to-house canvas sers to sell . "20-Mule-Team borax products" in Seattle', salary and com- . mission. Apply in person, room 323, Pioneer Bldg.,- Seattle. ANY GIRL, in need or a friend, apply to he Salvation Army Refuge Home, Mayfalr and Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. WANTED bv eastern firm, several good saleswomen, city work. See Mr. Srher- merhorn, District Mgr., 61o Stock lix change bldg. ' i " ELDERLY gentleman wants housekeeper for light housekeeping r stage age ana wages escpected; give address. AL 873, Oregonian. - WANTED Experienced cook, only those accustomed to private home cooking need apply; small family; best wages. BD 79a,. Oregonian. . ' EXPERIENCED typist wanted for tem iporary position. Apply Friday morn ing at the Commercial Advertising Co., 45 4th. DICTAPHONE operator experienced in railroad work. Apply room 405 Wells Fargo -bldg., between 9:30 and 11:30 A. M. WOMAN or girl to care for small home and 2 small children: wages $20 per month. Apply at Caramel shops, 680 Alberta, after 10 o'clock. WANT bookkeeper to take care of books in bakery and clerk part of time; state experience and wages expected. BD 910, Oregonian. ; ' EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper, $3.2.', day, 5 days week; must be quick and neat. Vols' CHOCOLATES, 649 2d st. Main 1696 evenings to 10:30. MARRIED lady . without children to care for" small rooming house. Apply before 11 A. M. 433 Cham, of Com. bldc . ; . WANT housekeeper under 35: working mtn and little boy: bungalow home. 1250 Montana aye. Home evenings. WANTED Experienced preeo girl. Good wages, room and board. Good Samari tan hospital laundry. Atwater 3049. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girls in distress 955 East Glisan. "MW- car. East 0316. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower, 2 boys' 9 and 13. Please state wages de sired. AM 852, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER not over 25 for out of town position. Call Hoffmann. Main 3564. . WANTED Housekeeper for light house work and care of baby. 6315 62d st. S. E. Woodstock car.-' WANTED Young lady for light office work; give references, also phone nuiber. AK bi. uregonian BRIGHT young lady; must speak Ger man. Business Placement Service. 540 Morgan bldg. YOUNG lady to represent printing and stationery concern in city. Address A 858. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper in widower's home: 3 children; Catholic preferred. AO 871, Oregonian. WANTED 100 bobbed-hair girls. Call at Majestic theater between 12 and 1 P. M. ASK ior Jigr. ivacjr. WANTED Experienced weavers. Apply , Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. WANTED Two experienced waitresses. Union Depot KeBtaurant. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. $15 per weea. nroaoway umfi WANTED Middle-aged- lady for light housework. 'Jail xaoor imp. 2 LOGGING camp waitresses, $60 month. C e n tral employ irient .o. 'o vniTvn ladv sell advertising; salary I . $22.50 per week. J 863, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED operator on power sew ing machine. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE. 3d and Morrison. EXPERIENCED - millinery salesladies Also saleslady experienced in selling furs. Apply today between ft aI?d,J' o'clock. New York Millinery Com pany. 291 Mrrison street. WANTED By large manufacturing con cern; competent stenographer and con fidential secretary. Must have best oi references. Banking experience pre ferred. Give full details in rPlv- AP NEAT appearing young woman to polish silverwear and keep stock in good or der, one with mi experience pre ferred. Steady position for one will ing to work. O. Korber, the Jeweler, Alder at 4tn WELL KNOWN bond house desires good stenographer who has also had clerical experience; excellent opportunity for advancement; write, giving age. ex perience and education. AM 8i3. Ore gonian WANTED Housekeeper for , country home, 6 in family; all modern conve niences; must be good plain cook; no laundry; state references, salary ex- - pected. AV 262. Oregonian. WANTED Lady fancy presser: one that can use needle; single lady preferred; good wages, good job. Phone or write J. J. Bradley, Fell'a Cleaning. Pendle ton, Or. WANTED Manicurist. Call Benson ho tel barber shop. Wanted Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and cooking, to go to Hood River valloy; small family and good wages. Mam zuio WANTED Girl for general housework, good position to the right party. Call Main 0970 or 381 Alder St., cor. W. Park. AN experienced nurse maid for 8-y?af-old boy; reference required. uhe Wonder Millinery, la'j Ptn st.. ouy. WANTED Good cook and general house work; three adults; no washing. Main 0521. LADY for general light housework, apt.; must be good plain cook; references required. Main J4. A GIRL or middle-aged lady to assist with housework and care of children. Sellwood 3S83 WANTED Experienced maid for cook ing and housework, no washing or ironing, fnone jiain udiu WOMAN to do general housework. $40. 34 Floral ave.. cor. E. Couch St. Tabor 3730. GIRL foi general housework. Phone Mil- waukie 45. GIRL or woman, assist with general housework. $25 month. East 664. GIRL for general housework. Phone Main 4825. 145 N. 22d. GIRL for light housework. German or Swiss preferred. wainui mn YOUNG girl wanted for light housework. Apply out atn st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Phone Main 7457. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE ATTENTION. HOP PICKERS! We will be at room 415 Common 'wealth building, corner of 6th and Burnside, on August 18 and 19. to register and make arrangements for transportation to the Mitoma hop yard. Independence, Oregon. 117 acres of the finest hops in the valley. Good camping gunds, tents, tables, benches, straw and sawed wood fur nished, store and restaurant on the grounds. We have arranged for a special train. Come prepared to buy tickets. Fare round trip $3.25. one way $2.42. If you wish to drive down a cash deposit will be required as evi dence of good faith at the time of reg istration, which will be returned to you. Picking will begin about August 28. Families only.. Office open t A. . . - ii 11. lo u tr . -u HOP PICKERS wanted at J. W. Seavey's hopyard, Forest Grove, Or. 130 acres of hops, good, clean camp sheds, water piped on grounds, straw and camp stoves furnished free, good grocery store, good dance hall near camp, cab ins are built to accommodate three or tore persons, so make up your parties accordingly. It will he necessary to buy your transportation tickets and make camp arrangements at our Portland office, 222 Pittock bldg.. 10th and Washington sts. If you wish to drive, a cash deposit will be required, which will be ref .nded after you have picked two daya. Picking will begin about September l. Phone Broadway 1090 Ask for Mr. Oglesby. HOP PICKERS WANTED FAMILIES PREFERRED. For a fine yard 9 miles north of Salem, on the Willamette river. Ex cellent camp ground with good con veniences. We furnish you with 'new apartments, sawed wood, good water, straw, tables and stools- Store on place. Picking will start about September 1. Register August 18, 19, 21 and 22 at 602 McKay bldg., S. E. corner 3d and Stark sts. lciepnone .puwy. iiijii HOP PICKERS wanted. Will be at the St. Charles hotel Sat., the 19th and 20th of August, to register pickers; 50 acres good hops; tents, straw, wood, water furnished. Come prepared to buy your transportation to Dayton, which is $2 round trip; the price of picking is $1 per hundred and 20c per hundred bonus if you stay till the Job is finished. Merlin Herding, Dayton, Oregon. I WANT a representative in every town in Oregon to sell our product direct to consumer; you collect your commission on taking the order: we do the rest. Write M. Schermerhorn, District Mgr., 615 Stock Exchange bldg.. Portland, Or. HOP PICKERS wanted tor Bell Hop yard, Salem, Or. About 20 days finest picking; register at 81 East 13th st. Come prepared to buy tickets to Live sley (Oregon Electric). All usual accommodations furnished. WANTED Man and wife without chil dren to work on ranch. Wages $65 per month. Four people to cook for and general farm work to be done. Perma nent position for right couple. Call Main 3191. HOP PICKERS wanted for East Inde .pendence. Or.; good camp grounds, wood, straw, water, sheds, electric lights furn.shed. Register at Seld Back Co.. 30H 1st at. Phone Auto. 536-50. HOP PICKERS wanted; good camp grounds, wood, straw, water furnished. Apply Bishop Bros., 408 Flanders st., corner lOth 50 HOP PICKERS wanted, good accom modations, water piped to houses, good hops. At Horseshoe lake near St. Paul, Or. Apply 615 Lumbermens bldg. HOP PICKERS WANTED. For my yard at Hopmere; good hops; shacks free. Will be at St. Charles hotel Aug. 21 and 22. Homer Goulev. HOP PICKERS wanted; usual accommo dations; or further information write Geo. W. Case. Donald. Or. WANTED Hop pickers. Call at St. Charles hotel Friday, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. L. D. Brooke. TEACHERS for western positions; free registration. Westmore Agency. Spo kane Wash. CANVASSERS Big pay. quick sellers. 57 Cham, of Com, hidg.. afternoons. HOP PICKERS wanted. Call Walnut 5254. HOP PICKERS wanted. 247 Hall St. S. Auto. 529-11. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 1000 HOP PICKERS WANTED. FAMILIES PREFERRED. EXPE RIENCE UNNECESSARY. We pay 50c per box: we mast hav clean picking. E. Clements Horst Co.. Independence, Oregon, largest hopyard in Oregon. Fine hops: two beautiful, clean camp ground each with store, butcher shop, pure water, community stoves, always hot, and with camp - marshal in charge; experienced privat parties care for children during work ing hours at reasonable charge; free tent, or room to families: free wood, water and straw for bedding: fourt and horseshoe throwing grounds and good bass apd kroppie fishing on the ranch. We haul pickers from train to ranch free, and after harvest bring them back to trains free. Do not regis ter elsewhere untU you have talked to our rep-esentative, who will be at the Coffee & Sheely , store. 223 Morrison street, Portland, on August 15. 18, 17, 18 and 1R. Come prepared to buy your tickets to Independence, or If coming by your own car. to pay cash deposit as evidence of good faith, this to be returned to you at the ranch office on your arrival. HKI.F WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. SIMPLEX AUTO WHEEL PALES COM PANY for OREGON. CALIFORNIA and TEXAS decides to locate here. Pro pose lo FOKD1ZE their plant and offer Jobs and sales contracts to Investors in the basic organization. Large profits assured. 504 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. EXPERIENCED nurse or good, compet ent, refined business woman wanted aa assistant superintendent for sanitarium. , Must Invest some capital. BD 857, Oregonian. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; plenty work; make from $6 to $13 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION on large stock or grain ranch by young married man, 7 yeara' ex perience, capable of handling all sorts of machinery, good witn horses; wants permanent place with chance for ad vancement, Oregon or Washington; references. At" 774. oregonian. SITUATION wanted by married man of good habits; nas nau iu t1; rience in ail branches of automobile, truck and tractor business, from oper ating to repairing. What I want is work and a chance to prove ability; Calirornla rererenees. i n'i. witK" MAN and wife, experienced apartment house janitor, capable of taking full charge; have own tools: can do repair work, plumbing. kaUominlng and painting: first-class house wanted: best of references. O 855. Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshin gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 1928. CARPENTER work wanted by good me chanic by the hour, day or job; esti mates of time and material gladly given. Shop 845 Russell. Phone East 7890. WHO NEEDS ME? Groceryman, aged 34. local experi ence, can meet the public; not afraid of work, desires steady position. 875. Oregonian. STEWARD-MANAGER wants position with first-class club or grille: can fur nish references. J. F. Ernst 695 Love- joy st. Main Q44.r. EXPERT driver wishes to drive and care for large truck or car. Willing to work 12 or 14 hours. V. E. Boge. Hlllsboro, Oregon. PAINTING, TINTING AND WOOD FI.V ISHING. I DO YOUR WORK RIGHT. MAIN -3383. POSITION as dishwasher In restaurant or hotel: reliable American; old res taurant man: all-around man in kitcn en East 1783. JANITOR WANTS POSITION OIL , BURNER PREF. OVER THREE YEARS' EXPERIENCE. REF. AFT R 5 P. M. PHONE AUTO. 610-81. . BOY age 14, would like place close In where can work for board. Call Elmer May. Broadway 4789. between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. . MARRIED man wants position driving Ford truck for wholesale house, gro cery or milk route, etc. Phone Main 1723. ask for Mr. Moore, room 4. I AM experienced man in farming and cattle: want job managing farm J. Van Delnyster, Roule 6. Box 150A. Vancouver. - AMBITIOUS ex-service mandeslres per manent position; not particular as to kind of work; not a floater. Call Broadway 54 48. , , PAPERHANGfNG. PAINTING Let me do you a first-class job rea sonable price. J. H. Jenkins. Tabor B354. CARPENTER, repairing. resiling. ing, cabinet and mlllwork. Nelson N el son. Aut. 533-81. Kea. Atwater 0224. Tabor 3457. . WANT JOB with a wholesale house as truck driver or shipping .clerk, or stock room, where 1 have a chance fo r advancement. S 852. .Or1g1nl;i WANTED by married man, position as janitor or night watchman; 7 years experience as head janitor. Alio ex perienced engineer. AN 875. Orrgoman. 16-YEAR-OLD boy needs work badlvj preler place with a future or wou d take anything. Bdwy. 1964. Mr. Bor land. BOX FACTORY superintendent open for position; 18 years' experience. At. Mis. oregonian. WANTKD by man and wife, a position to take care of country home or club- house. AO 873. Oregonian. RE SHI NO LING Shingling, prices rea sonable, work guaranteed, estimates free. Auto. 325-16. TRUCK driver, experienced and steady worker, wishes position. BF 773, Ore- YOUNG man wants work evenings; try anything but salesmanship Phone Tailor 4713. PRESSER, experienced on hand and ma chine, wants position; could drive car; hest reference. P 851, Oregonian. TRUCK driver wants a steady job, ref erences. Well acquainted with the city. X 872. Oregonian. WANTED Employment by man and wife; would consider anything perma nent. BD 874. Oregonian. GENERAL contractors. DricK. tile, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor S793, Empire 0145. CHAUFFEUR wants position; drive any make; worked 5 yeare one place; best: references. L 852. Oregonian. AMBITIOUS young man wants position as baker's apprentice, some experience. East stun. HIGH grade builder desires conference with Interested parties; mutual gain. L S.i I. (ire soman. CIRCULAR sawyer and filer; can deliver the goods; good reference. K. C. .Hilar, 1SI 12th st. Phone Main 7343. GENTLEMAN. with 5-pastnger car. wants position. Go anywhere. Walnut 4702.. PAINTING, papering, kaisominlng; ma terial, workmanship guaranteed; sa'. Isfactlon or no pay. Tabor 2:128. CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE MENT WORK BY MIXER. TABOR 68X8. CARPENTER work wanted; garags. re modeling, reshlngling; for anything It will pay you to call Walnut 6676. BOY. 17. willing to work for small wages, to learn trade or any other work. Auto. H42-14. EX-8KHV1CE man wants permanent po sition not particular. Address F. O. Ptarrett. 692 Tenlno ave FOR KXCAVATI.m; Lrc i.k auwu. I A 1,1. I A r. . CARPENTER A! BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR .1323 WANTED Cesspool digging and sewer connecllng. Auto. 642-14. v v kind of work short hour after P M. Call 535-19. A-l CARPENTER Builds and remodels, cheap hy contract. Walnut 0126. CARPENTER WANTS WORK. AT WATER 3136. , HOUSE painted. $r.0-$95; rooms tinted. f l-j,; papering, o.' iun. PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting; papering, 30c a roll. Mar. 24113. YOUNG man with car desires position. Best references. Phone East 851'.'.. COLORED man wishes janitor Job. Ta bor 11.13. WILL cut grass and weeds. Calt Auto. 638-14 evenings. EXCAVATING, General teaming. Atwater 1808. r ARPENTER New or r-pair work; e timates cheerfully given. E. 9976. A M N 40 wants to work about 4 hours a' day. 112 N, 'h ' PAINTING, tinting, papering, esllma-les turn. Kinder Peterson. Atwater ISlis,. PLUMBER wunts small Jobs; repair ex- nert: low estimates. Bdwy. 25S3. ALL-AROUND janitor and furuace man, first-class. Atwater 3702. PLUMBING and repairing, best work, reasonable. Tabor S724. Fast 9S3S. PL A.STERING by contract ; first-ciass work gnaranteed. East 2011. C1-.MENT WORK; H A V fa, MIX ERA PH o ne; iAt-'.'n. o'o. with light truck wants Job. Main MAN 37 room .ii. ii-iMlLY gardening, housecleaning, car.. t.ker. Call Main 4632. Mr. Bacon. rirMEXT walks, floors, drives, walls and "rages. Bdwy. 1245 or East 8737. ! a. I NTING, tinting, papering; good worlC and reasonable. Bell. 1388. -J