THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, TIITJRSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922 V.) HELP M'ATTKD MALE. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 Ankeny St.. corner Second. Ieading Lumber Office Pacific Const TO MrCLOUl. CAL. FREE FARE. 6 laborers. 10 steel Irani? men. 6 sec- tlon men. Price and living- conditions given st office. REND. OR. FARE ADVANCED. 6 track men. 8 hours $3 60 LOGrtBRS FOR COLUMBIA RIVER. 2 seta failers, 8Hc sq. fwot; 1 head duplex loader, S7.-S; 1 duplex loading engineer. 11: choker setters. 14. iMi 3 chasers. $4.8; 1 fireman. $3.50: 2d faller. $4-75; 2 sets failers, 4 .. 15: 4 hook-on men. $4.Wi; 3 buckers. $4.40: 1 signal punk. $3.73. Other positions will b In hourly. NORTH TO GRATS HARBOR, WASH FARE ADVANCED. See bose in office. He wants mill and yard men. 33.64): young men for box factory, $3: 3 choker setters, $5: S wood splitters. $3.50: 3 wood back ers. $3. SO. LATE SPECIALS. 5 pile driver men f 5 62 2 edprmen .................. 4.07 1 planer grader 5.0O 1 camp flunkey, R. and B So.OO 1 carriage rider 3.75 6 wood choppers, contract .... 3 75 1 camp dishwasher. R. and B. 60-00 6 rick-wood choppers ......... 1.50 1 deck man. mill 4.00 1 edger-s helper 3.50 1 head loader, duplex 7.50 1 loading duplex engineer .... 7.00 8 sets failers. aq. foot 08 Come today. We are licenaed. bond ed and will protect you. "WANTED FOR LOGGING CAMP. MAN DISHWASHER. FOR CITY SAWMILLv SECOND DOOCKK. SECOND MARKER, GREEN CHAIN. APPLY 4L EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . 83 -A N. 3D ST.. NEAR BURNSIDE. WANTED Two men between 25 and 45, selling experience preferred, but not essential, for permanent positions. Large con cern, rapid advancement. Apply Thursday. Friday, between 10 and 12. Room 334 Northwestern Bank Building. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN. CALL AT DELANEY'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 Vi South Tower ave.. Centralia. Wn. Wanted Failers, backers, rigging znen, track men, donkey firemen, wood splitters, wood buckers and other kinds af work for camps and mills. ONLY $1 FEB AND LOW FARES TO THE WORK. MAN who understands making and hanging draperies; must bo experi enced and furnish, references. Apply ' in morning before 10:30, superintend ents office, Olds, Wortman & King. DAIRYMAN. Experienced Swiss or Danish wanted. I who understands dairy business thor j oughly; married man preferred, wife j to do cooking and help generally : board t and room with family: man who caa I handle machinery and tractor has first choice; state salary and give refer ences In first letter. M Wnl, Oregonian. WANTED District managers and depu tlea. ladies or gents, for the Yeomen: excellent proposition. , If you mean , business call at 402 Alisky bldg.. at I nnce. lfl A. M. to 10 P. M. Mlg Cam palgn now starting. J. H. Exell. State Manager. . WANTED; Local representative, age SO to 40 years, married man preferred. soliciting and collecting; permanent position. Opportunity for advance ' ment. Interview- V. E. Wilson. 802 Northwestern Bank bldg. BOY WANTED to drive pri vate car. 436 Cham, of Com. 2 MEN FOR rock quarry. 13.50, 8 hours; meals 40 cents; 6 miles from Sandy; take Estacada car to Eagle Creek; will meet car that arrives at 6:13 P.M., Thursday and Friday. Stenstrom Bros. LIVE WIRE solicitor who can furnish light car for established routes; lib eral salary and commission; unusual opportunity for steady, lucrative em ployment. Frank's Dry Cleaning Co., Union Weidler. -' WANTED One good radiator and fender man, $9 per day; state full particulars in first letter. ABERDEEN RADIATOR FENDER CO.. ABEK KKEN. WASH. " WHEN YOU WANT HELP, PHONE BROADWAY S0UO. CENTRAL EM PLOYMENT CO. T. F. BUKKE. MGR. WANTED All-around printer, one who can- handle cases and presses In small job shop; state age. married or sin gle, number of years experience, also rive phone number. O 87, Oregonian. CONCRETE ourb foreman. 48(52. Call Bdwy. EXPERIENCED carpet and rug sales man, with references. O S57. Oregonian. SH1NGLER, East 32nd and Knott Sts Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN. An excellent opening for salesman who wishes permanent connection of the right sort. To the man who can make good this offer is exceptional means Just one thing advancement. Our office will be open in the Gasco building in 'a few days. Apply at Multnomah hotel, room 371, today. EXPERIENCED hosiery salesman to represent well known mill making high grade full fashioned women's silk hosiery, selling direct to retailer on commission basis. Must have good following; state fully in first letter experience in detail, references and previous connections, or no attention will be given. Address. Whidden, 703 Bulletin Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa- MEN of neat appearance and pleasing personality, position permanent, ad vancement rapid; pay $3i to $75 per week commission, according to ability. ' Call today. 700 Journal bldg. VANTE-D Experienced salesman of proven ability to represent us in .Ore gon, southeastern Washington and southern Idaho; sell our line coffee, tea to retail dealers and Jobbers. Com mission and weekly drawing aocount. Application by letter only; references required. Wason Brdthers, Inc.. Se attle. Wash. REA L ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. We have opening for good farm and acreage man. also for good inside prop erty man, if you want to get in where you can make some easy money we have the listings ready for you to tart on. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. WANT two first-class stock salesmen to sell our preferred and common stock. No better stock for sale In city of Port land, from both salesman's and in vestor's point of view. Starr Fruit Products Co., East 1st and Yamhill sts. Ask for Mr. ureene. EXPERIENCED APRON SALESMEN TO SELL only guaranteed advertised apron In America. Full or part time; 14 pat ented features popular priced; 1 sample sells all prospects: lib. com.; exc. ter. L M. CO., R. 403, 53.1 S Franklin st.. Chicago. 111. WANTED District managers and depu ties, ladies or gents, for the Yeomen: excellent proposition. If you mean business call at 4031 Alisky bldg.. at once, 10 A. M. to 10 F. M. Big cam paign now starting. J. H. Ezell. Stats Manager. . SALESMEN WANTED for petticoats, bloomers and princess slips for Oregon. Arkansas and Idaho: must be experienced In line with fol lowing, on commission basis. Box 53 620 St. James Bldg.. N. Y. CHEVROLET SALESMAN wanted to work on straight commis sion basis: down payment on demon strator required. Apply sales manager Fields Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder. TWO masain or newspaper salesmen, nw proposition on coast, publisher's own offer; no money collected in ad vance. 42$ Exchange bldg., 2d and Ftark. EXCEPT-OXAIs opportunity for expe rienced stationery and printing sales man. r. O. Wax Office Equipment House, '24 NT. 5th. WANTEO by eastern firm, several good salesmen; city work. See Mr. Scher merhorn., District Mgr.. .615 iStoclc Ex change bldg. SALESMAN Good opening for man who has had experience on magazine or newspaper in business section. Mr. Piper. Falling bldg. SALESMEN Can ue 2 men io sell the American Ma xaaine. Publisher's own plan. We how you how to make good money. Room T22 Failing bUIg. If YOU want to work and can ell an easy-selling auto specialty, answer AH 72. Oregonian. " A HIGH pressure sa lesman whose serv ices are worth upwards of $6000 a year. AC SH. Oregonian. BAILSMAN for mens clothing, experi enced, with references. Lion Clothing Co.. 4th ar.rt Morrison. MOTOR truck salesmen to sell high grade line of motor trucks, 10 per cent commission basis. 142 uxnsldo. HELP WANTED VALE. Help Wanted -jSa.lemep. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! By FRANK L. McOLIRE Salesmen with car. . TODAY! Make big money, selling real estate; no experience needed; all property furnished; we close all deals; we pay you your commission the day your deal is closed. Learn In our office. Make thousands of dollars per year, your splendid chance to get into the real estate business, associated with a live, progressive, reliable, old-established firm; we offer you every op portunity to make good. Portland is one the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her entire history. Take advantage of it. Call J. T. Knappenberg. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg., Broadway 7171. 3rd St., between Washington and Stark. ATTENTION. SALESMEN! We w ill teach you to sell real estate. If you've soid books, musical Instru ments, securities, adding machines, au tomobiles or any article that requires soliciting yon can sell real estate and double your earnings. Our rapid-fire salesmen are making from $300 to 1S00 monthly. There's a big demand for the class of property we are handling. We have Just opened three new sub divisions. We need 6 more energetic, reliable salesmen. See Mr. Comte, mornings only. COMTE KOHLMAN, 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. Largest lot and acreage subdivision sellers in Portland. OWING to an increasing demand among the farmers for the "Colt" to light their homes and to cook their meals in the state of Oregon, we are In need of more salesmen to demonstrate our lighting and cooking plants and take orders. Men with autos need only to apply. We train you one week, ex penses paid, then give you a liberal contract with weekly traveling ex pense. If you desire to connect with a fast selling line call or write H. E. Kent, 406 Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED Two men between 25 and 40, selling experience ; preferred, but not essential, for permanent positions Large con cern, rapid advancement. Apply Thursday. Friday, between 10 and 12. Room 334 Northwestern Bank Building. OPENING for two salesmen, one with car; prefer men with advertising, stock cr insurance training; two clean-cut men with nerve, pep and staying quali ties; this Is a real opportunity to earn big cash commissions by helping to es tablish esaeatial Industry; not crowd ed with competition, with International demand to serve and unusually large srofit possibilities. In reply state age and selling experience; replies confi dential. For personal Interview, BC 63, Oregon ian. WANTED AGENT. AGENT to sell nursery stock locally: state experience. Also rose budders wanted. N 851. Oregonian. HEALTH, accident and. hospital Insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Two efficient saleswomen who can take orders over telephone; must be convincing talkers; salary and commission. Apply, giving tele- phone number. AJ 8i0. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED house-to-house canvas sers to sell "20-Mule-Team borax products" in Seattle r" salary and com mission. Apply in person, room 323, Pioneer Bldg., Seattle. WOMEN, enter the field of salesmanship if you want to make money for your , self. Free instructions will put you in a position of independence. AO 872. Oregonian. WANTED All-around printer, one who can handle cases and presses in small job shop; state age, married or single, number of years' experience. a.lso give phone number. U H7. oregonlen COOK for small camp, $B0; middle-aged woman for housekeeper, no incum brances, city. Square Deal Employ ment office, 806 Uoodnough bldg.. Main 6 7 27. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home. Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phons Main 8450. DM car. WANTED School girl wanted to help In good home for room and board and carfare. Call evenings after 6 o'clock. Tabor 2203. WANTED Working housekeeper for small hotel; must be experienced and able to handle switchboard. Apply Byron hotel. ' BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER IN PRINTING HOUSE; 100. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. 504 SPALD ING BLDG 1 EXPERIENCED waitress for 8-hour work and 1 experienced waitress for 4 hours. Call Sign of the Rose Tea Shop. 501 Broadway-Yamhill bldg. WANTED by eastern firm, several good saleswomen, city work. ee Mr. scner merhorn. District Mgr., 615 Stock Ex change bldg. WANTED Experienced cook, only those accustomed . to private home cooking need apply; small family; best wages. BD 7!a. Oregonian. GIRL wanted at once who is exper ienced In typing, filling in and mime ograph work. Apply Commercial Ad- vertiBing Co., 45 4th st. WANT young girl to help in light house work In family of 2. Good pay. Wal nut 3258. EXPERIENCED sewing machine opera tor. Columbia Auto Top, 351 Burn side st. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girls in distress 955 East Glisan. "MV car. East 0316. STENOGRAPHER not over 25 for out of town position. Call Hoffmann. Main 3564. MILLINERY makers wanted, no appren tices. Apply Lowengart Co., 11 N. Broadway. HOUSEKEEPER wanted in nice home for- widower without children. Box 776. Raymond, Wash WANTED Housekeeper for light house work and care of baby. 6315 62d St. S. E. Woodstock eai ' YOUNG lady to represent printing and stationery concern In city. Address A 858, Oregonian. SALES LADIES Ladies to work a hlgh grade line that appeals to women. Call forenoons, 21) Hawthorne ave. GIRLS wanted for road show and camp; experience not necessary; good salary. Call 811 Glisan st. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator. Business Placement Service, 540 Mor gan bldg. WANTED 100 bobbed-hair girls. Cair at Majestlo theater between 12 and 1 P. M. Ask for Mgr. Lacey. WAITRESS fo: logging camp. $00 a month, roori and board. Oregon Labor Agency, 1 N. 2d. GIRL wanted for confectionery and oigar store. 301 Burnslde st. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Smith Wallpaper House. 1010 2d St. GIRL for bookkeeping and stenographic work, part time. 306 Oak st. WANTED Scrubwoman. 9 A. M. today. 114 Grand ave. Bradley a ptea. GIKL wanted for lunch counter. Apply ' Cascade Lunch. 3d and YamhltL W ANTKD--Experienced wsavers. Apply Portland Woolen .Mills. St. John-; WANTED housework. Middle-aged woman Srllwood 8891. WANTED Two experienced waitresses. Union Depot Restaurant. WANTED Girl as mother's helper, good home, reasonable wages. Walnut 3258. COMPANION, light work, board and room and some wages. Atwater 2296. HC&60 T'J-4. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED operator on power sew ing machine. . First-class finisher on men's coats. Hand buttonhole maker on men's -coats. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN " STORE. - 3d and Morrison. MILL EXPERIENCED operator on power sew ing machine. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE, 3d and Morrison. 3 GIRLS with experience tin magasine subscription work; must present a goua appearance and have ability to call on general public. This is an Intensive, well organised campaign, and will yield splendid returns to experienced party. See Mr. Flanley at Arcady Co.. 12th and Jefferson, Thursday, between 9 and 12 A. M. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to work at soda fountain in candy store; afternoon-night shift. Apply for position from 1 to 3 P. M. Don't phone. ROGERS' CANDY STORE, v Cor. Broadway. Yamhill Sts. WAITRESS FOR " LOGGING CAMP. PHONE BROADWAY 04.15 OR APPLY 4L EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 33-A N. 3D ST. WANTED Cook for small, high-class mountain resort; best kind of home cooking -required; attractive location, pleasant quarters; also waiters wanted. H 781. Oregonian WANTED Housekeeper for country home, 6 in family; all modern conve niences: must be good plain cook; no laundry; state references, salary ex pected AV 282. Oregonian. Wanted Domestics. MAID wanted in good home, not over 35 years of age. for general housework, family of 4; must be near and have good references: $30 per month. Apply after 6 o'clock. 750 Clackamas St. Broadway car to 22d. EXPERIENCED girl for funeral house work and cooking to goo Hood River valley: small family, good wages. Main 2075. 6X0 Everett. AN experienced nurse maid for 8-yes.r-old boy; reference required. The Wonder Millinery. 132 6th St., city RELIABLE lady for all around kitchen work; room and board and some pay. SS5 3d st. Call at back door. ' WANTED Good cook and general house work; three Adults; no washing. Main 0521. . - WANT neat capable girl for general housework. Irvington; Swedish pre ferred. East 2625. . WOMAN to do general housework, t0 34 Floral ave., cor. E. Couch st. Tabor 8730. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and reneral housework: references; wages r0. Atwater 0410. WOMAN or girl to come in daily to as sist with housework and care of child. 79 W. Jarrett. Wal. 5706. GIRL for general housework. Phone Mil- waukle 45. GIRL or woman, assist with general housework. $2. month. East r04o. GIRL for general housework. Main 4825. 145 N. 22d. RELIABLE girl for general housework. omall family. Main 43M4. GIRL for housework. Atwater 0315. 411 Broadway. WANTED Girl to assist with house work. East 3164. YOUNG g! Apply 5! rl wanted for light housework Ml 5th St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Appiy olO Overton st. HFI.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 1000 HOP PICKERS WANTED. FAMILIES PREFERRED. EXPE RIENCE UNNECESSARY. We pay 50c per box; we must have clean picking. E. Clements Horst Co., Independence, Oregon, largest hopyard in Oregon. Fine hops; two beautiful, clean camp grounds, each with store, butcher shop, pure water, community stoves, always hot, and with camp marshal in charge; experienced private parties care for children during work ing hours at reasonable charge; free tent, or room to families: free wood, water and straw for bedding; handball court and horseshoe throwing grounds and good iiass and kropple - fishing on the ranch. We haul pickers from train to ranch free, and after harvest bring them back to trains free. Do not regis ter elsewhere until you have talked to our representative, who will be at the Coffee & Sheely store. 223 Morrison street, Portland, on August 15. 16, 17. 18 and 19. Come prepared to buy your tickets to Independence, or if coming by your own car. to pay cash deposit as evidence of good faith, this to be returned to you at the ranch office on your arrival. ATTENTION, HOP PICKERS! We will be at room 415 Common wealth building, oorner of 6th and Burnside, on August 18 and 19, to register and make arrangements for transportation to the Mitoma hop yard, Independence, Oregon. 117 acres of the finest hops in the valley. Good camping grounds, tents, tables, benches, straw and sawed wood fur niBhed, store and restaurant on the grounds. We have arranged for a special train. Come prepared to buy tickets. Fare round trip $3.25, one way $2.42. If you wish to drive down a cash deposit will be required as evi dence of good faith at the time of reg istration, which will be returned to you. Picking will begin about August 28. Families only. Office open 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. HOP PICKERS wanted. Will be at the St. Charles hotel Sat., the 19th and 30th- of August, to register pickers; 50 acres good hops; tents, straw, wood, water furnished. Come prepared to buy your transportation to . Dayton, which is $2 round trip; the price of picking is $1 per hundred and 20o per hundred bonus- if you stay till the job Is finished. Merlin Herding, Dayton, Oregon. I WANT a representative in every town in Oregon to sell our product direct to oonsumer; you collect your commission on taking the order; we do the rest. Write M. Schermerhorn, District Mgr., 615 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. HOP PICKERS wanted fcfSv Bell Hop yard, Salem. Or. About 20 days finest picking; register at 81 East 13th si Come prepared to buy tickets to Live sley (Oregon Electric). All usual accommodations furnished.:. HOP PICKERS wanted; good camp grounds, wood, straw, water furnished. Apply Bishop Bros., 408 Flanders St., corner 10th. 60 HOP PICKERS wanted, good accom modations, water piped to houses, good hops. At Horseshoe lake near St. Paul, Or. Apply 615 Lumbermens bldg. HOP PICKERS wanted; usual accommo dations: for further information wrJte Geo. W. Case. Donald. Or. TEACHERS for western positions; free registration. Westmore Agency. Spo kane Wash. CANVASSERS Big pay, quick sellers. 527 Cham, of Com, bldg., afternoons. HOP PICKERS wanted, usual accom modations. Walnut 5837. HOP PICKERS 5254. wanted. , Call Walnut HOP PICKERS wanted. Auto. 829-11. 227 Hall St.- S. THE GU VJE.VU, SUW05 out uw are out!- CA.M St TWE 0t GIBL Kln i i "Smmo, HlNt t MNVF 5 - "cwREe or re.. HAu toN chores, v opv - Ant mi vniuw wire VWCIN- V HtAt OFF- VIA- TtLL THEM .OM-TrtTwc, HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE HOP PICKERS wanted at J. W. Seaveys hopyard. Forest Grove, Or. 130 acres of hops, good, clean camp sheds, water piped on grounds, straw and camp stoves furnished free, good grocery store, gbod dance hall near camp, cab Ins are built to accommodate three or more persons, so make up your parties accordingly. It will be necessary to buy your transportation tickets and make camp arrangements at our e-ortiano. office, 222 Pittock bldg., 10th and Washington sts. If you wish to drive, s. cash deposit will be required, which will be ref :nded after you have picked two days. Picking will begin about September 1. Phone Broadway 1080. Ask for Mr. Oglesby. HELP WANTED WITH INYESTATENT. EXPERIENCED nurse or aood. com Dot ent, refined business woman wanted as assistant superintendent xor sanitarium. Must invest some capital. - BD 857, Oregonian. t A DTVITH In entftHll.hert woorianw busl ness; plenty work; make from $S to $13 a (ay. 3uo swetiand bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION as dishwasher in restaurant or hotel; reliable American; old res taurant man; all-around man In kitch en. East 1783. BOY. age 14, would like place close in where can work for board. Call Elmer May, Broadway 4789, between 11 A. M. and 4 p. M. MARRIED man wants position driving Ford truck for wholesale nouse, gro cery or milk route, etc. Phone Main 1723, ask for Mr. Moore, room 4 I AM experienced man in farming and cattle; want Jon managing lariu. j. Van Delnyster, Route 8. Box 150 A. Vancouver. ' AMBITIOUS ex-service man desires per manent position; not particular as to kind of work; not a floater. Call Broadway 5448. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. Lfft me do vou a first-class Job rea sonable price. J. H. Jenkins. Tabor P354. LICENSED chauffeur from Los Angeles wishes position with a real estate firm as driver, with chance to learn the business. H 852, Oregonian, CARPENTER. repairing, reshlngllng. cabinet and millwork. Nelson .Mel son. Aut. 533-81. Res.. Atwater 0224. Tabor 34,7. WANT a job as cheesemaker in Wash ington or Oregon, 10 years' experience; also milk and cream tester license. BJ 873. Oregonlen. WANT JOB with a wholesale house as truck driver or shipping clerk, or stock room, where I have a chance for advancement. S 852, Oregonian. 16-YEAR-OLD boy needs work badly; prefer place with a future or would take anything. Bdwy. 19B4. Mr. Bor land. CARPENTER work of all kinds done by contract only; new and remodel ing; we are prompt and reliable. Ta bor 8374. WANTED By experienced truck driver and chauffeur, Job in or around Port land; permanent joo oniy. tan wamui 5954. JAPANESE boy wants position; will do any kind of housework. Tanl, 206 Front st.. city. . HOTEL clerk, experienced and reliable; local references. Phone Broadway zs.o. Chas. L. Brown. BOX FACTORY superintendent open for position; 18 years' experience. AE 808. Oregonian. AMBITIOUS high-school boy wants work for rest of the vacation and after school. Call East 7653. " ' RE SHINGLING Shingling, prices rea sonable, work guaranteed, timates free. Auto. 325-16. w YOUNG man wants work evenings: try anything but salesmanship. Phone Tabor 4713. PRESSER, experienced on hand and ma chine, wants position; could drive car best reference. P 851, Oregonian, TRUCK driver wants a steady job, ref erences. Well acquainted with the city. X 872. Oregonian. MAN and wife want place as janitor in apartment house, see me before you hire anyone else. AC BQd. oregonian. PAINTING, PAPERING, KALSOMINING for good workman, best materials, call East 9212. WANTED Employment by man and wife; would consider anything perma nent. BD 874. Oregonian. GENERAL contractors, brick, tile, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor 8793. empire "i-t.t. fc.. CHAUFFEUR wants ' position ; drive any make; worked 5 years one place; best references. L 852, Oregonian, HAVE some money, a Ford car and ser vices; give particulars. J 856, Ore gonian, AMBITIOUS young man wants position as baker's apprentice, 'some experience. East 8094. EXPERIENCED farmer wants work on small farm or gardening of any kind. H 871, Oregonian. HIGH grade builder desires conference with interested parties; mutual gain. L 851, Oregonian. CIRCULAR sawyer and filer; can deliver the goods; good reference. . c -iiaer, 181 12th st. Phone Main 7343. SHINGLING, reshingling; gat, our esti mate; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 7910. GENTLEMAN, with 5-passenser car. wants position. Go anywhere. W&lnut 47"2. PAINTING, papering, kalsomining; ma terial, workmanship guaranteed; sat isfaction orno pay. Tabor 2328. CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE MENT WORK BY MIXER. TABOR 6S88. CARPENTER work wanted: garages, re modeling, reshlngllng: for anything It will pay you to call Walnut 5676. BOY wants work on cattle ranch for board, room and - wages. Call Bdwy. 19H4. COLORED man wishes janitor job. Ta- bor 1758. GARDENING, lawn work and hedge pruning. Main 7759. WILL cut grass and 638-14 evenings. weeds. Call Auto. EXCAVATING, General teaming. Atwater 1808. CARPENTER New or repair work; . timates cheerfully given. ' E. 9978. A MAN 4-0 wants to work about 4 hours a day. 112 N, 4th st. PAINTER wants work by day or con tract. Call Main 7560. PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates turn. Kinder & Peterson. Atwater 1828. PLUMBER wants small jobs; repair ex pert; low estimates. Bdwy. 2583. KALSOMINING. painting, plaster pairing: reasonable. Main 2865. re- CLERK in grocery or salesman, 27 yearn' experience. Bdwy. 5688. ALL-AROUND janitor and furnace man. first-class. Atwater 3702. WORK for man with. Walnut 2077 or 0167. heavy team. PLUMBING and repairing, best work, reasonable. Tabor 8724. East 9838. PLASTERING by contract: flrst-Class work guaranteed. East 2011. CEMENT WORK; HAVs PHONE TABOR 6781. MIXERS. MAN with light truck wants job. Main 37SQ, room -it. FAMILY gardening, housecleaning, care taker. Call Main 4632. Mr. Bacon. CEMENT walks, floors, drives, walls and garages. Bdwy. 1245 or East 8787. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work and reasonable. Sell,. 1390. WILL cut grass and weeds lots. East 1662. on vacant MP S THE BUNK OF A BUSY JkNT TH 6NOVJ-H FOOTO TARAJIMA Cnik vimte.s And : y n SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE. THERE are in Portland several disabled ex-service men very efficient in their different lines who are badly in need of work. By giving employment to them you will not only secure a hard and conscientious worker but will be relieving a situation which Is very serious with them. They are not seek ing charity but are looking for some thing where by earnest endeavor they can create a permanent position. 1 Married man, wife and baby to sup port, desires private chauffeur posi tion; can keep up repairs and will ing to make trips, day or night, any where. 2 Desires a position of lens grinding or photography and finishing school about September 25. 3 Neat appearing young man desires a position as private chauffeur; well acquainted with city; good references. 4 Married, have wife and baby to support; grocery clerk, clerical and can handle any kind of automobile; need work at' once. 6 Desire a position, not too heavy, where advancement is possible; am w'illlng and energetic and can handle a clerical Job; not a $1000- a-wees: man. . DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WORLD WAR, " PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 1. REPLACEMENT OFFICE, 810 Buchanan Bldg. Bdwy. 3980. CREDIT AND COLLECTION MANAGER YOUNG MAN, EARLY THIRTIES, COLLEGE LAW GRADUATE, FORCEFUL AND PLEASING- PER SONALITY, CAPABLE EXECUTIVE, EXPERT CORRESPONDENT, EX PERIENCED RETAIL CREDIT AND COLLECTION MANAGER, ALSO THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED LEASE CONTRACTS, KNOWS HOW TO DEVELOP SALES THROUGH THE CREDIT OFFICE ; A 100 PER CENT AMERICAN. A RED-BLOODED FIGHTER, WITH LOTS OF ENTHU SIASM; A MAN WHO DOES THE UNUSLTAL THINGS THAT BRING RESULTS. IS YOUR CREDIT OF FICE GOVERNED BY A MAN OF THIS CALIBRE? IF NOT, AD DRES8 C 854, OREGONIAN. I AM in touch with an experienced ad vprflninjf mnn who desires to connect with a progressive Portland firm. If you are in need of the services of such a man communicate with nie and I will give you full information. F. W. Ludwig, care of M, H. H. Sichel. 880 v ashington. POSITION on large stock or grain ranch by young married man. 7 years' ex perience, capable of handling all sorts of machinery, good wltn horses; wants permanent place with chance for ad vancement, Oregon or Washington; references. AP 774, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by -married man of good habits; has had 10 years' expe rience In all branqhes of automobile, truck and tractor business, from oper ating to repairing. What I want is work and a chance to prove ability; California references. Y 8K9. Oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced apartment house janitor, capable of taking full charge; have own tools: can do repair work, "plumbing, - kalsomining and painting; first-class house wanted: best of references. O 855. Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshln gllng and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. "East 1928. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as janitor In good apartment house; can kalsomlne. paint and all repair work; good engineer. Call Auto. 521-39, room 28. EXPERIENCED butler, valet, chauffeur from California, here to learn real es tate business wishes something to do after office hours or at night; best of ref. H 853, Oregonian. EXPERT driver wishes to drive and care for large truck or car. Willing to work 12 or 11 hours. V. E. Boge, Hlllsboro, Oregon. PAINTING, TINTING AND WOOD FIN ISHING. I DO YOUR WORK RIGHT. MAIN 3888. MARRIED man, no children, wishes work on ranch or caretaker of ranch or country home; best references. Phone Wal. 0641 or R 859. Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Mtenograpners. Office. AN EXPERIENCED accountant with some of his time unoccupied, desires accounting work three or four hours dally, or will keep up set of books that does not require over one-half day daliy. Address "S," P. O. box 669. Portland. WANTED Office position by middle- aged man; experienced In double en try bookkeeping and accountancy; also experlenoed in grain business. Address L. W. Fudge, Waltsburg. Wash. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with local references, wlsnes position; garage pre. ferred where I can help on automobiles, as I understand that line of work. East 6323. EXPERT acoountant wants work part time or small jobs auditing or keeping books: references. Bdwy. 315. Auto. 613-18. COMPETENT bookkeeper. 12 years' ex perience banning or wholesale tines preferred. AV -4 r. oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, general knowledge lum ber, box. millwork, open for position. BD 859. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Wed.. Thursday, rl. ; reierences. wal nut 1611. RELIABLE woman wants cooking oi housekeeping In country; good pay, M. E.. 367 E. 38th St. N. PIANO TEACHER, lady, experienced. $1 an hour at your home or ner s. ast RELIABLE woman wants steady places for day work; wasnmg ana ironing preferred. East 8884. room 3. RELIABLE woman wishes position as housekeeper for one or more men' or as chambermaid. AJ 869. Oregonian. YOUNG married woman wants apt or rooming house to run; best city refer ences. Phone Bdwy. 2825, roffm 5. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleaning, wanning or otner work; good work guaranteed. Walnut 6305. GRAMMAR, grade and high school studies taught. Backwara pupils a spe cial tyl DAY work wanted by reliable woman Thursday and Friday. J . wo4. CLEANING, window Washing, laundry. Mrs. Crristensen. Main wi-a. RELIABLE colored woman wants any kind of day work, tiroaaway tiuo. LADY wants any kind of work. Call Walnut vaji. - COLORED girl wants chambermaid work. Call walnut -nin. . LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED: 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . EAST 6196. FIRST-CLASS -experienced chambermaid wants work. Broadway S819,- room 37. WILL care for apt. houfe for apt. West Park. Atwater 2885. 831 DAY work wanted: city references. Call mornings. Walnut 2138. RELIABLE woman Phone E. 8868. wants day work. chambermaid, good Atwater 2157. Apt. 6. worker. Phone COLORED woman Sellwood 2871. wishes day work. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid wants work. Main 5727. EXPERIENCED millinery -trimmer wants position for short season. Bdwy. 5926. LADY wishes day work; first-clasv ref erences. Walnut 4300. DAY WORK for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Atwater 3819. WANTED Da,y work, 6886, room 404. any kind. Main WHS kNV YOO VlEtlE.? VWHV S0 LET A VET2.S0M KNOW COMW6 .' W6 t HAVE. Y EK tOVX)A "TO THE tPOT TO MtfcT V(JD- 1WE WE'RE OUST NEXT tOOa VVSITIW& THE 'FER.QUSOHS- A.Nb mrc-rr wnw? we were jutst tai wivia xAroviOERVNSwwtH vou V - I w I I' ' ' SIT UATION WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE young widow with one child wants management of home for busi ness men or employed couple; expe rienced housekeeper and excellent home cook. Want permanent, respectable position; not interested in matrimony. Aut. tt-'M-iU. BUSINESS woman employed between 8:30 mornings to 6 eenings would like to work mornings and evenings for board and room. Tel. Main 6014. Miss H. room 6, evenings. REFINED, weil-educated married lady wishes position as manager of apart ment Hbuse or small hotel. Thoroughly capable. Best of references. BF 858, Oregonian. COOKS, waitresses, maids for hotels, restaurants and ranches, also for camps. Square Deal Employment Agency. Goodnough bldg. Main 5727. YOUNG lady, without home, wishes posl tlon ftn urflrii rnmnanlon or house keeper. Miss Mona Koeneke, 1363 Portsmouth ave.. Portland, Or. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work. Laundry or cleaning. Phone Sell. 3077. Address 618 Maiden ave, Sellwood, or phone Sell. 014 WOMAV Willi rhrpA bnvs fschOOl age) wants work in apartment or hotel for housekeeping rooms ana some ij, Bdwy. 1964. Room 6. EXPERIENCED good cook who knows how to make business pay, wants cafe teria work; references. N 860, Ore- gonlan. PF.ITTX'Rn lariv wants nnxltlon as com panion for lady or as housekeeper in small family; references. Call Broad- way 0031. FRENCH couDle. middle-aged, want sit nation, me.n cook, wife second work; reference; city, country. F 874, orego nlnn. WANTED The care of an apartment . house for use of apartment ana some wages. Tabor '.'4-4. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Friday and Saturday. Tabor 17S9. Jef- EXPERIENCED girl wishes to work in home for use of piano ana small wages. AV 266, Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. WOULD like position as secretary or of fice manager: have had general -ex perience, including lumber, and am ac customed to meeting the publlo; can give the highest references: am ex perienced stenographer. Call Tabor 9125. COMPETENT young lady with 8 years' experience in filing and general office work, wishes position beat reterences. Main 5i (0. OFFICE HELP OFFICE HELP STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. BDWY. 6953. 504 SPALDING BLDG. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY WANTS OFFICE OR BOOKKKEEPINO WORK EVENINGS. ADDRESS AO 870, UKJS GONIAN, FOR APPOINTMENT. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist. understands double entry, also Bur roughs posting machine, desires per manent position. alnut 4678. EXPERIENCED legal stenographer wishes position, permanent or tempo rary. Walnut 7013. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-cashier. At references, desires position. Will leave city. M 869, oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper-stenographer desires position: city references. Ar- 871. Oregonian. - kx PERIENCED bookkeeDer. tyoist. gen eral office work, wants position. Bust ref. Sell. S721. ' POSITION in physician'B office, $00. Phone Bdwy. 5234 bet. 9:30-12 A. M. Dressmakers. TEN YEARS' experience in ladies' tailor inr and dressmaking. Take this oppor tunity having your fall dresses, suits and coats made before the season opens. Prices reasonable, workman .' ship guaranteed. Miss Molzahn. 404 Broadway'-Yamhill bldg. TJHKSSMAKING. olain sewing, nurses' uniforms, curtains and drapes. Prices reasonable. East diidty. ACROSS 10th street from, public library Rosa Dressmaking Parlor, 186 10th st Maiu 2161., DRESSMAKING Experienced dressmak er would like engagements, remoaeung. Phone Walnut uUSN. DRESSMAKING, latest styles, excellent work, reasonable Atwater 2524. 484 Jefferson. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh hide. .127 Wash. Bdwy. 3742, DRESSMAKING and hemstitching. 8 and inc. Riley & Clinton. 411 Raleigh bldg. WANTED ressmaking and sewing. 346 Lnrrabee. East rm. . DRESSMAKING, first-class workman ship guaranteed. East 3P. PLAIN sewing neatly done; children's sewing a specialty. Phone East 3.183. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; antetd. Tabor 8456. work guar- DRESSMAKER, make over talloress. $3.50: references given. Bdwy. 5652. Nurses. GRADUATE nurse offers 2 rooms, kitch en. furnished apt., also single H. K. rooms, prefer nurses or students will ing to share, rates reasonable. (East 4Go. Domestics. CAPABLE woman, excellent cook and worker, wants place; adults; no children; $45 to $50. S 851, Oregonian. ELDERLY party wishes light work in plain home; no laundry. Bdwy. 1225. SWEDISH glrf wants housework. L 854, Oregonian. Housekeepers. MOTHER to keep house lor reliable wid ower where can keep two children of school age. town; trlflera don't answer. A E 869, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced woman 'wishes position as housekeeper in te spectabie apartment or" rooming house. AN 806. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGE jj woman wishes keeping for employed couple. ' 6286. house Tabor WANTED TO RENT. HollNfK. RESPONSIBLE business man w-ishes to rent a medium-sized, attractively fur- ' nished house with garage in desirable district, available by Sept. 10. or not before Nov. 1. Excellent care. Three adults. East 6270 WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room fur nished house, with garage. In Piedmont district, close to Union ave.: not over $45 or $30 a month, to reliable parties. 1372 Union ave. N. Walnut 3532. 6 OR 4-ROOM modern furnished house, west side or district served by S. P, east side, local trains preferred. Refer ences and best of care given. Fireplace desired. L 853, Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow In restricted district by family of two adults; best of references. Phone De ehon Mortgage company, Broadway 6631 or East 1811. WANT small bungalow, partly furnished. . from owner, who would appreciate and must have careful tenant will guar Tabor antee best of oare. Reference. 5341. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED By young couple, email house or flat: must be strictly modern, good neighborhood, on or near paved street. .Main a.l.M. r-. u. oneeuy. WANTED, to rent, answer by 2 o'clock Thursday: Furnished house in South Portland, not farther out than Grant st. 4, 5 or 6 rooms. P 859, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room bouse, modern; in good location; adulta; on or before September 1. AV 666. - Ore gonian. BRAIN tlDH'T OH Q V VUER.E. howe SO ere coming w- GETTING SO Lonesome fo Xov Yoo- WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent, by Sept, L furnished 5-room house or bungalow; ' must be fairly close in and In good fielghbor- hood. M 875. Oregonian SUBURBAN home, furn. or unfurnished, with some ground, fireplace preferred; excellent care given; good car Service; reasonable rent. Tabor 8846. " WANTED AT ONCE 6 or 7-room un furnished modern house with garage, walking distance preferred. Call Wal nut 08i)K. WANT to rent furnished house ol - or 9 rooms. Close in, west side preferred. dwy. zi04 WE HAVE--clients for rentsls. Let ui rent your houses or apsrtments for you. 170-4 10th st. Atwater Mil. WANTED To lease, 8 or 7 stftctly ma ern Irvington home with garage. Call Suite 802. Hotel aialiory. WANTED 8-room house In desirable lo cation on west side, by responsible party. East 8164. A GOOD 12 or 15-room house, suitable ' for H. K. apts. ; any good location. AH 873. Oregonian WANTED To rent a 4 or 5-rooin moo em house, with garage, in suburb. Call Mam 4-:4. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room house; will pay $15 to $20. G. A. Lava. Broadway 6768, STRICTLY modern 6 or 7-room house by reliable couple, no children; west side. Atwater 0705. WANTED To rent 5-room must be reasonable. Call M.. Tabor 2571). . bungalow: after 8 P. 5-ROOM house or flat, at once. BJ 862. Oreironlan. 5-ROOM house, kitchen and dining room furnished, reasonable. Walr.ut 6029. Rooms With Hoard. YOUNG gentleman desires roommate, with board; nice room In exclusive home: separate beds. References ex changed. East 7384. WANTED Room and board in refined Srivftte home by girl 'employed during ay. AP 887, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL. 65 Washington St. A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant In connection; near Washington park. Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, day, week or month. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of n-inrtera-te nrtced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. THE WHITEHALL. 263 Sixth St. Rooms, single and en suite, modern, at moderate prices; large sun parlor and every oonvenlence. Portland's downtown hotel. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH: QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT OARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 1- lsth ST AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up, private bath. $8; fireproof, ana ciean close to business center. ANSONIA HOTE1.. 124 14th st at Washington: ratos $ Bar week and un. $1 day: fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. WEAVER HOTEL. 708 WASHING TON STREET. Walking distance, newly furnished moms with private baths ana pnono, $8 per week ana up. Mwy, non. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St., cor. Stark Under new management; modern: pri vate baths: phone: reasonable rates, $ and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. WASHINGTON HOTEL, ,' 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at sonahle rates by week or month. rea WHY NOT have an apt while in townT Three modern furn. rooms, $12.30 per week San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. E. 1090. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, undernew man agement, 682 H Washington St. Mod ern. orivate baths free phones, reason able rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy. HH31 HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th it 2 blocks north of Washington st., fire nroof: Dleasant Fooms and suites very reasonable rates by day or week. 784 LOVEJOY ST. " MAIN 8619. Residential hotel and a real home for people employed. Good home cooked meals. HOTEL OCKLKY, Morrison St., at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; ngnt ana airy. west SIDE Some real nice newly fur Blshed rooms, nice district, walking distance; $12 and sin. Bdwy. 41IL-II. ONfil front bedroom on first floor and sleeping porch on 1st floor. 493 Yam hill st. NKWI.Y furnisheu 2 rooms, with bath new building. 413 E. loth South East I307. Price $35. THE ST. PAUL., Fourth and Alder; A HKSPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HO TEL: $1 up. Rates by week or month 50c DAY. $2.50 week up: large, absolute ly clean rms.; baths free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 8d, near Jefferson. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonapie rates. GRANT HOTEL. 13th and Washington rooms by day, week or month: home like and quiet. KOOM in nice modern home, suitable for 2. with or without housekeeping. 351 W. Park. FURNISHED rooms In exclusive Nob Hill residence. 115 N. 22d. Main 5S98. LARGE or single, new front sleeping rooms; kitchen if desired, aai Htn. I nfurnished Rooms. 3 LARGE unfurnished rooms; , elec tric Irht. Datn. per monin Adults only. Call after 5 P. M". Ol'6 Clay st. Furnished HwinlHln Private Family. FOR GENTLEMAN, mahogany furnished front room, quiet, moaern. Atwater 1 780. 362 '4 Park t FRONT room, walking distance, west side, $4 week. 433 v Montgomery, aiain 870. ' PLEASANT furnished sleeping room for gentleman that wisnes a nice piece to riom. Keaaonapie. nun bl. d. a HKAITTIFLL room lor gentleman every convenience, eio. asi -oi;. xi East 20th. fur. AND UNFUR. sleeping rooms in modern home wun garage. vvainut 3682. A VERY cheerful room in a modern close-in Rose -;uy nungaiow, aiso ga rage. 392 E. St. N. AUt. 31Z-13. NICELY furnishwd room in modern home, 0 minutes walking aiscanca xrom town. Atwater i i ,3. NICELY furnluhed room, private family, hot, cold water, gentleman preferred. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1741. DESIRABLE, clean rooms, modern home, 241 N. 21st. Phone Main 3Q50. NICELY furnished sleeping room, clean home. $12 a month. 71 N. 2-'d t. 3, CLEAN, pleasant front rms., reasonable prices: also eipg. porcn. -raoor man, NICE furnished loom in private family, 668 Everett. HEIGHT8 Front room, balcony, line, lady, $15. Atwater 2H87. 269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice room. modern conveniences, walking distance. CLEAN room, modern home; 382 Ross St., 2 blocks Bdwy. bridge. sir ROOM for gentleman, west side references. 729 Glisan. Atwater 861.1. FOR RENT Furnished rooms In private family: good location. fr.aBt 2i6. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking tlistsnoe, $2.u0 a week. 431 Bth st. Vaa so - vps been AMDS VONESOME CEtTTMNLS i r SvUEtTVieM-T--fNt LITTLE CHESTER. tO0kN FINE LOOK HouU 0N6URVJt HE re-MiM- tiEMi; A r 1 21 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In rrlvate Family. YOUNG lady bank clerk would like con genial roommate. . Have nice corner room with board; furnished in ma hogany: all conveniences; ref erencta exchanged. East 73S4. . WEST SIDE, near public library Front room, newly furnished two windows, electric lights, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call after u P. M. 228 10th St. Phono Main 5758. LARGE, well furnished corner front room in refined home; heat. bath, phone, walking distance; gentlemen: rt-fer-ences. 35.8 Larrabe", nr. Bdwy. bridge. PLEASANT furnished front room, fur nace heat, electric light, bath, walking distance, breakfast if desired and ga rage. 569 E. Pine Ft. East 04.VJ, FRONT room, all modern conveniences. good car service, walking distance, gentleman, $18 per month. East 6162. 233 Lnlon ave. N. CONGENIAL, young man wishes room . mate, twin beds, parlor, piano, a real home; rates $3 up. 61 N. lath. Bdwy. 2721. NICELY furn. nns., private home, husi ness men, quiet, home-like atmosphere ; breakfast andjdinner; walking distance. References. 442 Holladay. K. 0-'2'l. NICELY furnisned bedroom; also one connecting bedroom and sleeping porch, modern, exclusive Irvington home. Phone East 0632. TWO AND 8 nicely furnished rooms. 2H 4th st. Phone Atwater 8262. Call or phond after 6. WELL furnished room close In. steam heat. 307 11th St., apt. E. Atwater 0481. 257 12TH ST.. single, double, hot. cold. room, walking distanre; men only. Rooms Wltn Hoard. CAMPHKI.L HOTEL,. 23d AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPlt ELL-H ILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day. week or month. Meals served to transienta HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 HOYT, NEAR 2HD. MAIN 3305. One of Portland's hlgll-class resi dential hotels. Attractive rates now offered by Mrs. McDougall, formerly of Ramapi hftel. NORTONIA HOTEL Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, ..with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 11 89. PARK VIEW HOTK1. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. THK MARION. Attractively furnished rooms and -eellont meals with every home conven ience, very moderate rates. 615 Gltsan street. Broadway 0P14. ROOM anil boa rd for business ffirl; all niodern conveniences; walklnir dis tance; $5 per week. Aut. 21U-74. 12 li. 7th st. . PRIVATE buartlliiK house 111 fine V. 8. district, close In. tlood home. made bread anil pastriwn 1!4 N. 10th st. Bdwv, 4:il 4. WISCONSIN HOTKL Rooms 1'So per nifcht, H.iiO per wk. Corner rooms. 30u per nlRht, 3 per wk. Meals Oc. 643 Hood si. 1123 BAST IfOTH. KxnlliMtve eat aide resldenllal hotel; all comforts of a home combined with hotel service. Knst 7.1S4. TIIK lift INK. RKSII1KNT1 AU HOTET,. 773 Marshall St. I'lione Main 1-i4. Itc in.M.H. TViuble. Sins-le, Mesla. T70 Marahnll. .Main 447H K hlDENTIALi HOTKL. 711! Maisliall St. Main 8i03. Newly furnished, excel- tnt meals; rates week or month. Room With l.earil In I'rii-ine Klimlly. PRIVATE house for siria grammar school ag-e; ench child will receive mother's care and training; near school, library und churches. bell- -wood g'-'Pa PRIVATE home for small children, 1VB to 4 years of aR: will he tflven best of care; references furnished, phone Tabor 74 ill. LAltiiK, clean room with bo.ird for one or two Renilemen; shower bath, home privileges; walking distance. East side. Eist 11014. IRVINGTON ! ROOMS. BUST HOMK COOKINll, REPINED SI'RROt.NI). INUS. LAUNORY PRIVILEGES. UA RAOB. BAST B(145. ROSE CITY I.arKe front room. H win dows. 1 or '1 gentlemen, breakfast, dinner if desired, private home. Tabor 81)7",. ROOM anil boKld, easy walklnir distance, west side, all home privileges, all home cooking and new beds. s per week. Phone Hroadway 2;i.13. I KV1N' ITO.N. BKAl'TIFl'L HOME -I-arR fronf room with hot-cold water, excellent meals. 4! K. lth N. GIVE mother's care for little girl. -blocks from school; l-'.l month, no other children; will give best of ref erences. Tabor 133.1. ROSK CITY Large Iront room. 3 win dows. 1 or - gentlemen, breakfast, dinner If desired, private home. Ta bor RtlTH. Nlt'ELT furn. 1111. with board; home privileges; for gentleman or couple; no objection to child. Sell. S270 ROOM and board, $:l,1; modern, a real home, west side, close In. 407 14ih t. Atwater 17.". HO.MIS for young men employed; horns rooking nd home privilep-cs. Rates 17. ."0 per week. Close In. L'MJ 14th si. ON K LARUE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO; HOARD IF DESlKliU. UDWY. 3:!."5 HI 7 MARSHALL. ROOM for girl employed, with or wlth EaSt out two meals. lu . join 4.1HM CLEAN, comfortftble room with board In modern nome, waiaing oiamn'-e, west side: rates reasonable. Main wi.V-'. KOOM. board, laundry and mending In homo of voung couple ror reiineo gen tle m a n. $Hl..1Q a week. Tabor 44S11. ROOM with board for married couple or 2 men room togetner, .i per monin. Phone Sellwood S'171. KOOM and board in private boardlng- ho'ise. ; e. Asn. i-none cast i.-.n. HOMi; cooking, home privileges; prices right. Sellwooil l.tirj a ROOMS, $115 per tliolUll. way, cor. 24 1 h. H "till K. Broad- ItOuM and board for 2 gentle genial family. No ill) Ella l-'u rn lalied Apiirtmenlw. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. lh Vista Ave. High-class apartment house near 2sd and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer; s-room fur nished apt.. 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly decor ated a-room apt., with a real bed room and new furniture. Call Main 3883. Ll'CRETIA C01HT A PA RTMKNTS. Nicely furnished, 5-room, front cor ner apartment, Wilton rugs, overstuffed furniture, period dining eel. hardwood floors, ivory enameled, everything first class. $110; also 4-room unfurnished. Come and see this finest court and lobby In the city. Atwater 1513. . TO SUBLET. At once. 10 days or 2 weeks, newly and very elegantly furnished 9 rooms and sleeping porch. In high-class apl. house, to 1 or a sdulta; very, very rea sonable. lfl St. Clair, cor. Washington. References required. . THE ALAMO APARTMENTS. Furnished 8-room front apt., fl.S: back. $40; all with private baths, dls-appe-arnig beds, steam heat; back apt. 2 beds, suitable for 8: newly done In white ensniel. 414 Market. CARMELITA A PA HTM KNTS. 4-room furnished apartment, some thing better than the ordinary, close in. reasonable. Main 2"S8. LOVELY a-room apartment. $20 monlti. Nee them, lou will appreciate ttieiu. Bdwy. 1X71. THE STANFIEL1). Modern a-room apt., light, heat phone. $23. Winter rate. Main 7302 fHK ORDERLEIGH, t2 Grand ave. At tractive, well-arranged sillies, renovat ed, private baths, very reasonable. YOUNG man to share apartment, walk ing distance, reasonaote rent. Atwater HB21 after B P. M. NICELY furnished housekeeping apart ment, rcasonaDie. io -n. -a si. juain snop.. ROSKLYN APTS.. 110 21st N. a-rooni modern apt., reasonaoi-. MADISON PARK, apartments. 2. a nd 4- roem ants- r aia ei BANNER apartments, nicely furnished Reasonable rent. 4H9 Clay st. s rooms. 662 FLANDERS, near 20th. nicely fur- nlsnea, -room iii.. e-". PURKEE APTS., lovely rooma and bath Sort lcaiinjn. iwar ninniin ave. AND S-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts.. 220 N. 17th at. Bdwy. lgli UN1UN AVE. and Kllllngswori h. fur atit. J-ROOM APT.. 1 room and kltchen-nw. reasonante .1 .mi, nfir fo j . WKSTMfNSTER. 2r; SIXTH. N'TCgl.Y FURN COR APTS. MAIN WD 8-ROOM furnished apartments. Harrison Court. 394 i-'lltk. Jia-Iu 5145.