1 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, r THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1923 7" JXORIST9. 54 Ws.hlnrtnn St. Mum 0269. nowen for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. feme and Rare Orchids m Specialty. Quality and Service Since 1S90. 2D . i. - MATVT HOT HOUSES , lS&5' m" 7709 We fii?w our oviSlcwiRS Qrealrttbrtrhf . MorrlioaSt. lton - 5 tAlwtuffrht Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals. 287 Washlnrton. Bet. 4th and 5th Ets. Phone Broadway 4537. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. 'Main 7215. CHAPPELL'S FLOWER SHOP SSI Morrison. N. W. Bank Bids. Main 6118 MONUMENTS. Til PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 8B8 4th St.. Opp. City Hall. NETT BROS. r t. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS I 6. THIRD &WNE STS. I HOWE E.T43 RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In' order tn earn the mora than one time rate, advertising tnufet run in con-J ex'utive issues. One time T2e per line Two times (each issue) .... 1 lc per line Three times (each issue).. 10c per line beven times (each issue).. 9c per liae une to six months, per month $2.50 per line six to tweive montns. per month , $2.25 per line j.net auove ratps appiy to air neaa inga with the following exceptions: Situations Wanted. Each insertion 9c per line Help Wanted. Proposal Invited. IvOfet and o un U. ? pec i a 1 ot ice. Personal. Funeral Notices. One time 15c per lin i wo times (each issue) .... 14c per line Three times (each issue).. 13c per line aaven times (each, issue) ..lJc per line One month $3 per Una NEW TODAY. Kaie Per Line. DaiJy. Sunday One time 16c 20c Two times (per issue) .... 15c 19c Three times (per issue) . . . 14c 18c Seven times (per issue)... 13c 17c One month, daily and Sunday $3.50 Count five words to the line. No ad taken for Igh than two lines. Ads. run Sundaj a oniy charred at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the aui Tertirer is a MtbNcriber to phone. The oregoman win rex-etve adver tising by mail provided sufficient re mittance for detinue number of issues is tHnt. Acknowledgement will be for warded promptly. Advertisement are tnken for The Daily Oregouian until 7:;tG P. M.. for The Sunday uregoniua until ft P. Al. Saturday. Phone your wanl ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7u70. ttVX TODAY. "Built to KnUiire" . 1 Milm m -.-iiif'- R K IJ I M A D E S are those BED ROOFED, eood-lookinr. .ubstanttally built Sectional Garages that you- e. io your Deighborhood. "Built to Endure!" Absolutely Easy to erect- Economy to ahlp. IVe Deliver and Erect Garagre in PortlHild. Stain Applied, for S47. BEDLMADE BLDti. CO., Portland. S15 E. 11th. Two Blocks South Hawthorne. Phone East 6114. FLUFF RUGS Made from your old worn-out carpet a Saves half the price of new rugs. Send your rags and'wooien cloth. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet; BxlS Klips, Steam Cleaned, $1.50. Kat 3580. 188 K. 8th St. NOKTHWEST BT'G CO. G. F. McDougall Go. . Mechanical EmtlnFers. Rte, Patent Attorneys. Phone Broad-nay !).",. 213 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Edward E. Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. Cnhed State Bank Building. REAL ESTATE. INCOME PROPERTY. Hotel, store, , wharf, several resi dences, power site; yy acres inc'.uding tide land and riparian rights; deep wa ter frontage on lower Columbia river. Owners will sacrifice for only ?20,000; half cash. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 622 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. yor Sale Flat and Apartment Property. HAVE well-located 4-flat building which can be made to pay 15 net. Every thing in splendid condition. , Price - $b500. Terms. HEXRT W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7S31. BY OWNER Income $1S0 month. 17--. room house, ideal west side location. $10.d00. including furnishings. 4X2 loth, between Harri.on and Hall. Main 8-142. r Sa le L ta. A LAM EDA $1000. Will sell my beautiful 50x100 lot on Mason St.. near Glenn ave. ; price $1000. Bdwy. 420. . ROSK CITY SNAP. Beautiful 50x100 lot 30 ft. from pave ment; all assessments paid: a bargain; ?75. Owner. Broadway 1573. ALAMEDA PARK. I have over 30 lots for sale in Ala meda, some burpa ins, Vance T. Fer guson. Bdwy. 4ti;J0. LOTS $1 down. $1 per week. 50x100. Na tural shade trees. 40th. near Prescott. HENRY W. GODDARP. Realtor, -M3 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. EXTRA good lot near W. Killings-worth; car and 3 schools: cheap; only $5 down to small home builuer. Walnut 3796, mornings, eveninsr.. ALAMEDA. The best value tor $3 00 in this ad dition. W. M. t'mbdensTock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. irt.S. ROSE CITY lot, eu.st front, with founda tion 32x37, at a bargain. Aut. 314-09, a ' njx f cS.iUS''L rSS i j: REAL ESTATE. ROSE CTTT PARK. ,$ 350 e. 73st., facing north. 125 ft. north, or .railing st., ouxiuu. 550 E. 68th St., facing east, 50 ft south of Siskiyou at. 800 E. 67th St., facing east, 150 ft. north of Alameda drive. 650 B. 63d at., facing east, 150 ft south of Alameda drive. 650 K. 63d St., facing east. 200 ft. south of Alameda drive. 675 E. 67th at., facing east, 150 ft touth of Siskiyou at. 675 E. 67th at., facing east, 100 ft south, of Siskiyou at. 750 E. 64th St., facing west, 100 ft. south of Stanton st. 750 E. 48th at., facing west, 250 ft. north or Stanton st. 750 E. 5Sth at., facing east, 100 ft south of Siskiyou st 775 e. 39th st., facing east, 50 ft. north of Thompson st. 800 Southeast corner Stanton and 63 d sts. , 850 E. SOth st., facing east, 10t ft north of Stanton st. 850 E. 70th St., facing west, 50 ft south of Fremont st. 950 E. 56th st.. facing west, 200 ft. nortn or Stanton st. 9-50 E. 57th st., facing west, 200 ft, north of Stanton st. , 1000 E. 62d st.. facing west, 150 ft. south of Fremont st. 1000 E. 62d st.. facing west. 200 ft. south, of Fremont st. 1000 E. 60th St., facing west. 150 ft. north "of Sandy blvd. .1000 Northeast corner 60th and Bra zee sts. 1050 Northeast corner 46th and Sis kiyou sts. 1100 E. 57th St.. facing west, 250 ft. north of Sandy blvd. 1100 E. 60th st.. facing west. 200 ft. south of Sandy blvd. " 1100 Stanton st., facing south and up 41st at. 1175 Alameda drive, facing south, 50 ft. east of 45th at. View lot. 1200 Southeast corner 55th and Sis kiyou sts. 1250 Southeast corner 52d and Stan ton sts. 1600 Southwest corner 48th and Wis taria eta., 66x100. HEXDERPON-BANKUS CO., 228 HENRY BLDG. ' BDWT. 4754. CLOSING OUT LOTS IN LADD'S ADDN. Choice ones for $1000 and up. All Improvements Paid. . 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. Only 10 per cent cash re quired. Remember, this fine addition Is only 20 minutes' walk from courthouse. See MR. DELAHTJN-TY. Ladd Estate Co., 24 Stark St. Broadway 5754; evening. Tabor 7045. LOT BUYERS ATTENTION. HOMED ALE. HOMED ALE. Now is the time to buy your lot in Homedale: ideal restricted district; bounded by Alameda Park and Irving ton; served by the Broadway car; beautifully situated. Prices are reasonable. Sewer, water, grading in; sidewalks going in now. TERMS Only 3094 down, balance Kny payments. Second mortgage privilege. Let me take you out and show you this wonderful opportunitv. VANCE T. FERGUSON 1011 Ch. of Com, bldg. Bdwy 4620 $300 WHO SAID LOTS? $300 We have 7 lots left in a new tract we started selling last week. You take your choice at $300; small pay ment down and balance easy terms These lots are located one block from East Glisan st. at 4th. We have 11 lots near the Mt: Tabor reservoir that -a-e can ell at the email price of $350 each. These are good lots and near the car and paved street Let u.. show you these. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6389. IRVIXGTON DISTRICT Large lots at rv'l"' ". near proposed northeast high school and city park, across the street from fine row of colonial type homes; we are selling oa.E. 28th "be tween Tillamook and Thompson sts ;.0xl95. 75x95 or 100x195. look it over This property must be sold to satisfy H.-jiiMsr uniy tew jert. Your op portunity to get a big lot for little RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMESEEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive. We ara intereeted in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buy ing: or building. ROBNETT McCLUKB, . Bl'TLDERS, 302 Couch Bidg. Broadway 657. LISTEN TO THIS. lira tots, (-o.x 100 ft., on E. Madison 00m st., ior only $1450; all improvements in and paid. Don't miss it J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg ' Bdwy. 6034. ' LAURELHURST. " $1190. Beautiful full lot, running back to an alley; street improvements in and buv ' "ear park' Thia ls a very special Everett Philpoe. Salesmanager ,n T-'EIL,AX & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. BUIi.nr.Rs Houses completed promptly; our construction and workmanship, to gether with liberal financial assistance, will please you; soldiers' bonus ac cepted. REIMERS & JOLTVETT, Sellwood 2964. BUSINESS corner lot, 100x100, on Divi sion st all street improvements paid suitable for apartment house, drug store, grocery or butcher shop. Must be sold this month at a sacrifice. Small payment down, balance terms to suit. Inquire Multnomah Hotel Pharmacy Bdwy. 3210. CHOICE OF ALAMEDA: ' 80x100. on Bryce ave., between Glenn ave. and Regents Drive ; beautiful homes on each side; a real exclusive site; priced iow; restricted to one home; M tmbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 16.8. 8??LOT,NEAR REED COLLEGE vH4?VJOHN BAIN, 307 SPALD ING BLDG. tLILD A DUPLEX Fine location, big corner. 21st and Market; basement $2500, also dandy site on Weidler 21st with concrete garage, same near price. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. $1000 BUYS BEAUTIFUL LOT. LAURELHURST. EVERYTHING PAID. RUMMELL fc RUMMELL 274 Stark St., Bdwy. 6729. 3fth and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60. 9x100 CORNER. IRVINGTON DIST.: $100 cash, $10 monthly; sewer, side walks and paving on side; all paid. New district. Price $1150 JOHNSOX-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ALAMEDA RYPI.T'eivw 100x100, everything in and paid Choice location. Oniy $1500. Let us show vou. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. Main 6S69. 213 Corbett BIdir BUSINESS CORNER. 100X100. A fine location for light mfg., laun dry, foundry, etc., on Grand ave. and Stephenson st. Phone, Owner, Auto 520-42. Tabor 9432. LOTS. Attractive lot in Rose City district, near Sandy, bloek to car, beautiful building site. Onlv 350. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. Main 6S69. 213 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 50x100. 2 trees, all improvements In and paid. Close to Irvington or Broad way car; $900. terms. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DIST. Attractive lots for building. Near Hawthorne car. Sold to parties desir ing to build. Onlv $1250. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR, . Main tSS09. 213 Corbett Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS view lot, next 4oor to 732 Sherwood drive, 6300 Quare feet; cash $2500. Owner, Mra, C. A. Merriam, 1331 Madrona drive Seattle. Wash VIEW LOT ALAMEDA-PARK. Overlooks city. Price i make offer. For a few davs only. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. 633 X'. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. DIFFER EXT. Have several beautiful home sites on the west river front, Sandy beach, will sell in 50x200-f oot tracts ; 2 blocks from station. Call Aut. 523 -1 4. 6 XICE LOTS IX ARGYLB PARK AND Weilesley. $1200. 8 nice lots in Wellington and Argyle Park, $1300. 1421 X. W. BXNK BLDG. LAURELHURST lot. best bargain in tract. 88 feet wide. Call at Room 1, Railway E-jcch. bldg. Price onlv $1300. UNION ave. business lot, only $1750. Consider good residence lot for part. Owner. Kant 6799. REAL ESTATE. For -Lots. RAISE CHICKENS. BERRIES. GARDEN Own a beautiful 4-acro tract: no building restrictions: close in to center of business district; rine aou, snaae trees, wonderful view. Priced very low, asy terms. Make your home pay for itself. Phone Atwater 0893 evenings until 9 o'clock. ROSE CITY $850, 50x100 lot; city im provements paid. RUMMELL & RUMMELk 274 Stark St.. Broadway B72!. 3th and Sandy. Auto. 320-BO. LOT WALKING DISTANCE. CHEAP NEAR SANDY. 22d st.. all improvements in. J1100 cash. Bdwy eoll. T. O. BIRD. 530 CHAM. OF COM. THREE BLOCKS BROADWAY CAR. Fine corner lot. 50x109. Trvington district, liens paid; total price J500. All cash. See Dwyer, with Fred W. iGer man Co.. Realtors, 732 Cnam of Com. IRVIXGTON 3 single corner bargains. 17th and Klickitat, J18T5; 25th "and Brazee, J2000 ; 23d and Kremont. $1600. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Bdard of Trade Bldg LlRVIXGTOX DOUBLE CORNERS lOOx lOO on nancocK; $juu, lutn ana scan ton. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale Hoasea. ROSE CITY PARK. 4400. Combination living room and dining room. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, pipe furnace, garage, 2 blocks of Sandy; absolutely new; $750 cash will handle. Thia is a '"'hILLSR BROS., Realtors. .211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3628. Branch offic. 50th and Sandy, Tabor S4S5. $4.100 TERMS. 6 ROOMS AND DEN. A rare buy for someone desiring a close-in home: near 24th and hi. Coucfl in excellent condition, and someone is going to grab this in the next few -lavs: larae living room with Iirepi. many built-ins. handy - kitchen, full cement basement with laundry and furnace; garage with full cement tirive; hard surface paid. All roams exceptionally large, including the clos ets: in fact, nothing .small except the price. David Ham. Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 3th. A. 320-04. 3 STORES AND GARAGE. $5350 $1767 CASH. Besides 4-room apartment, with two bedrooms, large living room with lire place, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, wnite enamel bath, present in como $50 per month from 2 stores, t other store occupied by present owner. ' Entire property will bring in $100 per month. Ground space 58xt)0.. Situ ated in R. C. on Sandy blvd. For home with income it can't b beat. DAVID HARP. Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 11-50 Sandy Blvd.. at 33th. A. 320-04. IRVINOTOK. See beautiful stucco home at 593 E. 24th N. ; 9 large rooms and steeping porch, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, extra lavatory, 3 .extra toilers. hardwood floors throughout. If Jooking for a bargain see this. MoDONELL, EAST 0419. NEW LAURELHURST NEW. POSITIVE BARGAIN. $.1750 NEAR THE PARK $5750. You will have to hurry if you want this mighty good buy. It's a real home with oak floors throughout; living room across front, fireplace, breakfast nook, tile drainboard, tile bath, base tub. cement basement. Fox furnace, garage and many other features too numerous to mention. Don't delay. SEE IT TODAY. R. L. McGRBW, Realtor. 10S9 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8R92. IRVINGTON MODERN COLONIAL. On beautiful lOOx 100 corner, first floor, beautiful entrance with open stairway in solid mahogany, unusual li vi ng room, lovely breakfast room, tiled kitchen and library; second floor, large bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine tiled bath and extra plumbing, large ballroom with massive fireplace, maid's room has bath ; owner must 1 have money. See this and make offer. East 0419. ' $4200 A RARE OPPORTUNITY $4200. You can buy two 5-room semi-bungalows on paved street; all Improve .. ments paid, for $4200. with small v down payments and easy terms; muet ' be sold this month; owner leaving city; get this right $4200 'Includes both places. No phone information. Call 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Wm. A. Hughes Co. See us for hotels, rooming and apt. houses and homes in all parts of city at reasonable prices. Broadway 6808. $5100 EASY TERMS. 5 ROOMS- GARAGE. Close to Rose City school and car; hardwood floors, fu-epl., built-ins in every room; complete cabinet kitchen, cement basement with No. 1 heating plant; very pretty lawn and shrub bery; solid cement ctrive to garage; all improvements in and paid. It's your move. David Harp. Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 3th. A. 320-04, NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $4000 NEW BUNGALOW $4000. If you are looking for a bargain, don't overlook this buy; has oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, all built-ins. tun cement Dasement, ouviuu lot. xm . ished in ivory and tapestry paper and double -constructed throughout. A real home for someone; . $800 cash will handle. R. L. McGRBW, REALTOR, 3089 Hawthorne. Tabor 8892. IRVLNGTON. $7000 Fine 'home on 16th, near Brazee ; 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement and furnace ; newly painted outside, fine condition inside. McDONEDL, EAST 0419. $D"0 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT, Why jpay rent? Furnished, cosy. 4 -rooms, plumbing, electricity; nice 60x 300 lot; lots ce fruit, garden, wood ehed. tools and chickens included; everything goes; leaving city: terms. liberal discount for all Cash. Tabor 4803. f m OWNER HAS LEFT CITY. ROSE CITY PARK HOM MUST BE SOLD. $900 down ; 6 rooms, modern, hwd. floors, sleeping porch, garage, built-ins. Price $5500. Easy terms. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. IRVINGTON COLONIAL ORIGINAL DESIGN. BuJJt for home, finest finish. 2 frre .placew, large bedroom, 2 bathrooms, garage, choice location. Neubausen & Co. Main 8078. East 0394. $2730 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalow, good full plumbing, electricity, gas, built-ins. basement, nice 50x100 lot; 6 fruit trees; assessments paid; terms. Tabor ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HOME. 6 rooms and sun porch, Gasco fur nace, fireplace, beautiful view of city, garage; $8900. Owner, Main 7844. MT. TABOR DISTRICT $3500. A good comfortable home with lota or shruoDery, Deautnui lawn, nomelike. Terms. Phone Mr. Dealer, . Tabor 3433. WANTED 5-room bungalow; must be 'new and up-to-date and bargain. Call after 6 P. M. Not over $3500. Tabor 2579. 160 ACRES unimproved Oregon land, sale or trade; Indiana or eastern prop erty also considered. C A. Dryden, Dupont. Indiana. A FIXE "littTe bungalow in Montavflla; only $200 down, balance like rent; your opportunity to own and keep your rent. Call East 1487. IRVIXGTON English colonial, original comtruction ; 6 rooms, sleeping . porch, garage; choice shrubbery. By owner. East 7186. FOR SALE by owner, six-room house, large lot; nice home. 5324 4 2d ave. S." E., near 56th. Call M. Grose, 610 Alberta. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Five charming rooms, attic; garage. East 23d st., $6250, terms. Neuhausen & Co., Main 8078. $4300, $700 CASH 5-room new bunga low, 50x100 lot., c. basement, 1. trays, furnace, garage. A home in Sellwood . to be proud of. 3038 Belmont 7-ROOM house, double plumbing, full cement basement; street improvements paid; $4250. 493 Ainsworth ave., cor. 9th. MOUSE PLANS, 1O0 designs. $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR' SALE Attractive home, 6 large rooms, reasonable. Owner. Particulars, Empire 1314. W'ILL take lot in improved district and some cash part payment on 6-room Co lonial home. Tabor 9243. OWNER must sell at once, no commis sion, mod. 8-rm. f urn. flat, close in : rent $80 month; easy terms. Main 5739. 6-ROOM semi-bungalow, block from car; easy terms, w oo uregon.an. Kf II. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FRANK L. McGUIRE SAYS Portland Is ffoing'to hold an Exposition in 1925. Never was there a better time to invest in Portland real estate than today. REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE VANCING DAILY. It's practically impossible to find a desirable vacant house for rent. Rents Are Not Coming Down. Now is the time to buy your home, before the Fall Rush. You will find some real home oargains in the list below. We have many others. We can't advertise them all. Over 2000 nhotogranhs of Homes for Sale are awaiting your inspection in ' our new enlarged display room. YOUR HOME IS HERE. I'll helo vou make your down payment. 90 Salesmen With Autos at Your Service, Office Open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW.- $4900 Modern, attractive bungalow on 50x100 lot: oaid street liens in ( eluded; large combination liv ing and dining room: iirepiace, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, two airy bedrooms, full cement basement with furnie garage. This is a real value;' terms. E- 17th: st. HAWTHORNE HOME. $4490 $500 down! Then rent; 7-room bungalow and sleeping porch hardwood floors, beautiful buf- let. fireplace, furnace, garage. ' Owner does not live there and is anxious to sell. East Giant st. NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $4400 No mortgage to assume, .small down payment, entire balance 535 month includes everytning. 5joomB, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. furnace, fireplace, east front, full lot, garage. Williams, ave, LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $4200 6-room attractive bungalow type home with garage; full cement basement: built-in con veniences, firertlace. caved St.. liens included: 2 blocks to Rose City car; $500 down, balance - less than rent. Near E. 3Ld. We Have More Than 100 Rose Citv Homes 100. 4190 Easv terms. An adorable brand new, spic and span bungalow with full massive cement front rorch. 5 rooms; combination liv ine and dlnine: room; fireplace. - , ivory finish; 2 cheery bedrooms and white enamel Dutch Kitch en; breakfast nook, garage. E. 59th st. ADJOINING PIEDMONT. $4100 Low, , rambling-type 5-room . bungalow-cottage, extreme in . its simplicity: full cement base - ment, furnace, fireplace; beau tiful enamel plumbing through out; buffet ana Dutch kitchen; - 1 block from car. 3 blocks from school, walking distance to Jef ferson hign school; on Grand ave. $500 DOWN HAWTHORNE! $3675 $500 down. THIS IS AN UN . DUPLICATED BARGAIN: 5 room, homey, substantial bun galow, that is ONE OF THE BIGGEST VALUES' IN THIS DISTRICT TO DAY! t Don't waste any time SEEING IT! Fireplace, built-ins, 2 cheerful bedrooms and bath, xh block to car. EVERYTHING IS IN AND PATD. E. 45th street. . FURNISHED WEST SIDE , BUNGALOW. $2200 On sightly location on beautiful . hills of South Portland, sur rounded with trees and shrubs. We are offering a very attract ive 4-room modern furnished bungalow; sun room ; combina tion living and dining room ; white Dutch kitchen; light, airy bedroom: white enamel plumbing fixtures; 1 block from car; $500 will handle, balance like rent. Just like a modern v apartment. UNUSUAL VALUE. ADJOINING PIEDMONT. $3490- Here is a real attractive, un usually well-built, 6-room home, with sleeping porch and garage, on paved street ; large front porch, full width of house, ar tistic living room. Indirect light, tapestry wall paper. Pret ty djmng room,, white Dutch Kitchen, one bedroom and bath . on first floor. 2 light, airy bed rooms and sleeping porch up. Just repainted inside and out. Like new; practically your own terms. $300 or $400 down, monthly payments like rent. (See our bargain list before you buy.) UNUSUAL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 53250 New distinctive lines on East 68th street, 2 blocks from Sandy blvd., on 50x110 foot lot; com bination living room and dining room ; cheery fireplace; hard wood floors; - white enamel Dutch kitchen; "light, airy bed room and sleeping porch; white enamel plumbing, good cement . basement" with lurnace ana laundry trays; planned like i first-class apartment. It will surprise you the Easy Terms it can oe nougat on. RIGHT INi UNIVERSITY PARK! S2835 $400 down! The rest like rent. Here is an inexpensive modern bungalow home, built on the same design as many or our ex- , uensive homes: combination uv ing and dining room, fireplace. waite enamel' Dutcn Kitchen, 2 airy sleeping rooms; best white enamel plumbing. Ports mouth ave, . $250 DOWN, $20 -PER MONTH! Attractive Bungalow Home. S2600 Here is a home for you and it's furnished. Typical California bungalow in good repair; dis tinctive lines; reception hall. living room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, light, airy bed room: white enamel plumbing. electric lights and gas; garage. 59th ave., 3 blocks to Mt. Scott - car. You'll havo to hurry. SEE - FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. America's Largest Home Seller. Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. NOTICE. T have an .opening on my sales force for a salesman with auto Business Is Great. $4750 ROSE CITY HOME! 7 On account of death of owner, bau tf iul home will be sacrificed. AVHde porch with massive pillars, large liv ing room and" den. paneled dining room with buffet, built-in kitchen with large screened-ln back porch, bedrooms light and airy; choice shrubs, selected roses. Will make easy terms to right party. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY PARK $4150. -room, bungalow, nearly new. fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, best of con dition, .triced low on account or leav ing city; terms. See this before buving. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. 1 Bdwy. 2045. NEW BUNGALOW SNAP. $4750 buys a contractor's home; best of material and workmanship ; all modern conveniences : corner location : fine garage; lawn in; a duplicate of this house sold last week for $5700; $1500 down. bal. terms. CU Tabor 8336 for appointment. . WEST SIDE COLONIAL $7800. In fine location, modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, white enamel with plenty of built-ins ; garage ; close to car ; terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. Bdwy. 2045. LARGE HOME $3500, Lot 66 2-3x100, full 1 bearing fruit trees, berries, flowers. Has 5 good bed rooms. You can rent, them if you wish; half block to car $500 cash, $25 : and' interest monthly, JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WALNUT PARK, beautiful new home of 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, finish old ivory, fireplace, furnace, beautiful built-in features, hardwood floors downstairs, improved street, fine . district; price $7600, $1500 will handle. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3963. $3200 CLOSE TO CAR $3200. 5-room modern bungalow and large attic; hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement; 1 block to car; extra good value; $1200 cash, $30 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.; 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MODERN eight - r6om Irvington home. iour nrepiaces, tnira-iioor room, open sleeping porch, glassed sleeping room, besides four bedrooms; ivory wood work, hardwood floors; roomy garage; lot and a half; shrubbery and trees. East 3507; $10.000. $2600 NEW BUNGALOW $2600. 5-room modern bungalow, 80x100 lot, 4 blocks to car; $500 cash, balance $30 per month, interest included. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY BRAND NEW. ' 5 rooms, beautifully finished, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, strictly modern in every respect; very fine location, close to car; $6500, terms, J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 ANKENY. - Bdwyt 205. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. THREE SPECIAL- BUYS. MULTNOMAH STATION. S2730. 5-room bungalow, living room with iirepiace, dining room, a oearooms, Dutch kitchen: 2 lots: onlv 2 -block: from school; 4 blocks from car and Vz diock irom highway; electric ignia, gaa ana water. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $31.10. Lartre Iot: 95x280: fruit und flowers street improvements in; good 5-room house ; sleeping porch ana Datn ; gas, electricity; this is a splendid buy ant can be handled with a small cash pay ment; balance on easy terms. WALNUT PARK. ; A wonderful buy ;n this .beautiful- district; 7-room moaern nome mciuu ing hot water heat; full lot. beautiful shade and shrubbery, street improve ments in and paid; can arrange terms to suit you. Everett Philpoe, -Salesmanager, ' NEIL AN & PARKHILU, 239 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. A SNAP EXTRAORDINARY IN SUNNYSIDE. You will look a long time before you beat this. Here is a fine bungalow, it has 5 large rooms and floored attic; it has hardwood floors, fine fireplace; dining room has fine buffet and beam celling; fine Dutch kitchen, modern bath.-lights and gas; full cement Dase tyi n ti wood lift njid laundry travs and is absolutely a snap- for $3500; $1500 cash, balance straight mortgage as long as you want it, and for quick sale we win throw in an tne nousenoia lurnisrv ines. Snaps like this are scarce. . Do hurry. See R W HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858, SOME REAL BARGAINS IN MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. 5-rfvnm hunealnw. full basement, thl is a real hartrain. will sell for $3600 can handle this home with $500 down payment and $3a per month; act quicK 7-room house, located 584 East Tay lor street, if you want a real bargain we can sell this home for $4900. 6-room furnished home, located on Mberta street, this is a real bargain, vou can buy this home furnished for $2500, if you want a ral bargain let us show vou these nome. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006, I TNI QUE CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. $5250; $1200 cash; choice restricted district; 5 rooms and bath, modern In every . detail : garage, furnace and breakfast room: everv built-in conven ience. including Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, bookcases, mirror dresser doors, hardwood , floors, ivory wood work, tapestry paper, shades and lin oleum; beautiful -terraced lot, 50x100; trees, flowers and shrubs. This ador- r- able home built by day labor, only I months nld. Fnmishines mav be pur chased at sacrifice. Call owner. Tabor 1873. EASTMORELAND. 1003 CRYSTAL SPRINGS BLVD. You people who play golf or who want a home in oeauuiui casimoie land, here is your chance to get one of the most artistic English cottages you ever saw for the money, b rooms, moa ern in everv wav. all French windows, large corner lot, garage. You can get this for $7500, with $1500 first pay ment thia nlace will comDare with any thing in the city up to $11,000. See W. F. MAHONEY. REALTOR, with COROORAN-JOXES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. A rOIIN'TRY RESIDENCE. Strlctlv modern bungalow type; hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins, hot water heatlns1. furnace, beautiful grounds; fine location, just outside the city limits where you n nave no cny taxes or assessments to pay, nearly an acre of ground. The price is only $6000, pay only $500 down. Don't fail to see this home. Its a bargain. COMTE & KOHLMAN. t B. 6550. 418 Spalding Bldg. WEST SIDE COTTAGE SNAP. 5-room fine cottage, clean as a pin; electricity,, bath, full basement. 2 bed rooms, fine lot, 50x100, paved street, sewer and all liens paid ; some fine bearing fruit trees,, small rrurts, cnic en house and run; on car; 15 minutes' ride, southern Portland. Price $3000; easy terms can be arranged: no mort gage to assume. No. 132 Nebraska st., near Corbett. .T W GRTTSST. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. A REAL HOME ON SANDY BOULEVARD. Look this beautiful home over at 1307 Sanriv. then make vour best of fer; if you want a dandy home, " and one that you can always cash out get busy and make offer at once, as some one is going to get a good deal on this fine home. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. , 275 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006. $5450 ROSE CITY BEAUTY. - A new and nifty 5-room bungalow with everv imaginable feature; furnace. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, hardwood floors and everything; 50x100 lot; garage. North of Sandy blvd., in a fine location. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. 39th and Sandy Blvd. . Auto. 320-60. HAVE a 5-room and sleeping porch mod ern house in Irvington free of all in debtedness to trade for larger in Ala meda, Laurelhurst or Irvington. Also a 4-room house on paved street. Albina district to trade for larger. Mt. Scott property considered. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO. Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bldg. $150 DOWN; price $1300; 4-room plas tered elec, gas, basement, newly paint ed, bearing fruits. $4250 R. C P.. $100 down and sol. loan; cosy 4-rm. bungalow, bath, fire-; place, basement, furnace, 1. trays, 50 xlOO, lawn and shrubs; 1 block to Saruly. . Heyting & Rider, 202 Failing bldg. REDUCED FROM $5250. 7-raom modern bungalow; has large living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, pantry, bath and sewing room, 3 lovely bedrooms upstairs, fireplace, furnace, buffet and garage, lot 50x100. improve ments all" in, paid for; quick sale $4500; must have $2200 down, balance long. time. East 8035. AN UNUSUAL BUY. $3000 $250. Dandy 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, fullv modern; 50x100 lot; finest kind of plumbing, Dutch kitchen; fuIL basement; 8 big bearing fruit trees; lots of berries; garage; all clear. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. FORSALE By owner, new modern bun galow in Piedmont; white enamel kitchen and bath, 5 rooms and base ment, aJso screened-ln sleeping porch; garage; also furniture, all new and up to date; $3000 if sold at once; $1500 down. Phone Walnut 0569. Located 1315 Haight ave. Come and see it. For particulars call at 1019 Union ave. ALBERTA. 6-room two-story house in very best of condition, newly painted, quite mod ern, large rooms, full basement; 60x 100 lot. fruit, berries; 1 block to parlf, 3 blks, to car, - Must be sold. Now va cant. Terms. O. M. DERR, Realtor, 1215 N.W. Bank Bldg. Atwater 2245. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room strictly modern bungalow, extra lot of good built-ins. A-l shape, garage, all clear; $5000. terms. THOMSON & THOMSON, -REALTORS-620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4SSO. ROSE CITY PARK. Bungalow of 5 large room -and sleeping porch; garage, furnace, drap eries and curtains go with place; $2T50 if you can pay $1450 cash, balance $20 monthly, including interest. Bdwy. 4288; evenings 6407. 4-ROOM house, electric lights, gas. patent toilet, new cesspool, small base ment; 40x100 lot and cement sidewalka Will sell for $1150; $250 down, balance $20 a month. Take Mount Scott car to Tremont station. 6410 70th st. S. E. ON BERTHA-BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. A beautiful 6-acre country nome, bungalow, garage, fruit, berries, etc., within 15 minutes drive of Broadway. The making of & show place. John A. Melssner. 821 Gasco bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK. 5-room house, 2 lots, close to car and school; $1700," $400 cash, balance to suit. WILBUR F. JOUNO. Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bldg. ' . MOVE IN TODAY. "Good 7-room house; 4 blocks to Wood lawn school and car line; $3000, $500 down, mortgage $1200. balance $30 a month, including interest.. 1524 E. lOth N. Owner. Walnut 0913. $650 CASH, $40 per month, 6 interest, will Duna -you mouern o or o-room home on choice close-in east side prop erty, all improvements paid, plans drawn. BP 861, Oregonian. . 5-ROOM bungalow on 100x100 lot, a splendid corner, only 2 blocks from car; $3000; easy terms. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. A REAL nifty new modern small bunga low, white ivory iinisn, . an ouiu-in features, by owner; leaving state; very easy terms. A real bargain. $2200. Phone Bdwy. 1288. 1306 E. 11th st. N. 52900 BARGAIN HUNTERS 4-room new nungaiow; iirepiace, ouui-ms, w. E. kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, bath, washtubs; full basement; $400. 201 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7429. NEW Just completed 7 rooms and bath, full basement, furnace, 290 Poplar st.. Ladd addition, between 18th and 19ttt sts. See owner, 145 Grand ave,, or 411 East Washington st. " ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date . ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDEN STOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bld .Bdwyj, IG5S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ANY REASONABLE OFFER. LAURELHURST 6-ROOM HOME. Must be sold on account of serious illness in family. You don't get many chances like this. Will be sold to the first prospective buyer. Living room across entire front with very attrac tive fireplace, hardwood floors, French doors, finished in white and ivory, handy kitchen with lots of built-ins, three dandy light bedrooms upstairs with lots of closet room, full cement basement with laundry and furnace, garage, very pretty lot wli nice lawn and shrubbery. Get busy! Cli talks. ANOTHER BARGAIN. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Renters, read this: Strictly modern bungalow, all rooms on one floor, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins In every room, complete kitchen, cement base ment, with laundry and furnace; ga rage, wUh full cement drive; unusually pretty lawn, 7 years old and in Al con dition, 8 blocks from school and cars, hard-surface paid. Price only $4975, with $750 cash. 3 STORES AND GARAGE. $5350 $1767 CASH. Besides 4-room apartment, with two bedrooms, large living room with fire place, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, white enamel bath, present in come $50 per month from 2 stores, other store occupied by present owner. Entire property will bring in $100 per month. Ground space 58x90. Situated in R. C. on Sandy blvd. For a home with, income it can't be beat. DAVID HARP, Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at S9th. A 320-04. ROSE CITY PARK, $4500. You would never expect to find a bungalow so complete for so little money. Beiow hill; improvements all in; 5 rooms, with large living room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, oak floors, fireplace, built - in bookcases, tapestry paper, buffet, cement base ment, furnace, expensive lighting fix tures, shades and very easy terms or Don us. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On viaduct.) Automatic 315-44. BEAUTIFUL HOME SACRIFICED. $4830 $750 DOWN. Five spacious rooms and glassed- eleeping porh, beautiful hardwood floors, artiatic elec. fixtures, break fast nook, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, garage. You really must see this charming home. we are going away and will sell elegant furnishings very reasonable; block Willamette blvd., two blocks north of jiinngswortn. 1226 Atlantic st. Wal nut Q648. , ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Then you -want the most for your money. We draw your plans, arrange financial aid and make It possible for you to Duiia on small payments anc save you money. Houses under con struction. ALBOHN INVESTMENT CO., 216 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6157. $30 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded to the nersons wrirln the best letters setting forth the ad vantages and benefits of home owner ship. 425 for first prize. $15 for second $10 for third. Winning letters will be puonsnea m tne Mctiuire wystem.. Mail getters to Frank L. McGuire. Ajnericas Largest Home Seller. 212 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. ' SABIN'S BLUE RIBBON. 5-room modern bungalow with sleep ing porch; improvements in and paid .rncea at $juuu;- oniy $ouu cash, Dai ance easy. W. W. SABIN. REALTOR. 1032 Union ave. N. Walnut 0589. ALAMEDA DRIVE HOME. SACRIFICE. Eight rooms and sunroom. ' Fine view over citv Has everv convenience, 2. baths, hot-water heat, hardwood floors, double garage, fenced rear yard, lot 60x110. Not new. but in fine con dition. Will be sold by owner at $2000 under value. Call Tabor 2290. Go see and then talk price. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. One of the most elaborate 9-room colonial homes with unobstructed view of city, ' mountains and river, built for home, very unusual construction and every modern feature, walls beautifully decorated, 2 nice lots with magnificent trees and shrubbery, hot water heat, 3 baths, double garage. Tabor 0407. LDD ADDITION. Moving - to California, selling at sacrifice: 8-room modern house, sleep ing porch,, 2 toilets, fireplace, furnace, plastered attic, full cement basement. garage, on paved alley ; fruit and flowers; high lot. close to Hawthorne and 20th. Will sell on terms. 692 Elliott avenue. GREAT BARGAIN $2650. $250 cash 4-room modern bungalow, cement basement, lovely uutch kltch en, enameled laundry tray, on- paved Douievara, an paia, near scnooi. stores Call N, E. corner E, 74th and Stark sts. FOR SALE, $4700 Double house, 11 rooms; upper flat rented; splendid lo cation; 2 blocks from Laurelhurst park and 2 blocks irom tunnyside canine; must be sold immediately, owner leav ing city. 10S1 East Alder st. Phone Tabor 4&T4. FOR SALE By owner, 4-room stucco bungalow on 40x80 lot, all modern con veniences, white enameled Dutch kitchen, stationary wash trays, elec trie lights and gas, for $2500; $500 down. vv in consiaer less ior cash. 6916 Woodstock ave. Auto. 620-15. EXTRA SPECIAL MODERN BUNGA LOW. LAURELHURST CORNER, CLOSE TO CAR. Ideally located, new and up to the minute. Priced to suit you. See It at once. Bdwy. 7959. Aut. 623-17. NEW. BUNGALOW, 4 rms. down, 1 up, hdvd. rioors. ciassy Kitcnen. tun niDg.. garage. Owner. $3450. $500 cash; close school, car. 112: & 6da st. JN. AB car to Emerson, GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in xinanclng same; 12 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED.. L. R. Bailey,, con tract lnjrarcjntect:924 ROOM house, large living room, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen, lot 60x100 $1500, $500 down, $20 . month; large range, heater, linoleum and few chick ens included ; would consider Ford, as part down payment. 717 is. Blst N. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Classy 2 -story, 8-room home with garage, best location, nearly new. rich old ivory finish, nicely papered, oak rioors ihrougnout, z Datns, sun room. nice yara, cneap. j.apor wu. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, completely fur nished, reaay to move into; $4000. Owner leaving city. Might take car. Reasonable terms. Main 6338. FINANCE SERVICE CO.. Construction Dent.. Root. J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 909-913 Wilcox bldg. ir'none nawy, 6453. BEAUTIFUL Colonial Heights, a new. modern six-room bungalow, cut down to only $4bio. opportunity to buy di rect from owner at a big saving. See this at once. 301 c. ztn st. jg;ast 6837. DIFFERENT. Attractive bungalow, new, modern. 5 rnoms downstairs, iuusnea attic, Ala meda district, close to eohool; $4850; terms. Aut. 523-14. ONE OF Rose City Park's finest five- room nomes, moueu mju u uwut, pricea for quick sale at $5750. terms. Laurit ajen-Stevenson-Scbneider Co., Inc., 226 Alder st. Main 8615. MODERN 7-room bungalow in the heart of Rose City Park, $7500. Lauritsen-Stevenson-Schnelder Co., Inc., 226 Al der st. Main 8615. SNAP Rose City Park, 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, etc., fur nished. $6750, terms. Zimmerman, 433 Chamber or uommerce mag. FOR SALE Nob Hill 7-room house, fur nace, fireplace, garage; or will lease furnished to responsible family, $100. Main 8250, 8-ROOM house, garage, full basement, fireplace, naiuwuwi xioors, uutca kitchen; 1 block to Rose City car line. $4250. $muo down, ua.il jM.ainvi625, LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. 2-story, 8-room house with garage ; every modern convenience, 4 bedrooms, beautiful grounds; $7500. Tabor 0407. NEW 4-ROOM house, 50 by 100-foot lot, 2 blocks from school, $2500, $500 down. Lauritsen-Stevenson-Schneider Co., Inc. 226 Alder st. Main 8615. 7-ROOM modern house, 50x100, corner lot, walking distance Jefferson high school,' $3500, accept automobile to $400, terms. Owner, 559 B. KlUingsworth. FOR sale by owner, new 3-room bun galow, 2 blocks from street ear, Kenton district. E. E. Van Buren, 32 E. Lom bard st ROSE CITY PARK, modern 5-room bun galow, sleeping porch; garage; paved street. Owner, Tabor 2035. FOR SALE Good 6-room house, E. 79th at.; paved street,' etc; sacrifice? good - investment. Phone Atwater 1093. $250 CASH, $900 for S-room not modern house. 50xl00-ft. lot, fruit, berries, good district. E. 4855. $2750 $750 CASH, 4-room house, heart of Sunnyside, East 35th st. Rented $25. 1038 Belmont ; - . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. I AM THE OWNER of a 6-room house, located at 895 E. 60th st. N., near Hancock st. ; on account of death and sickness I am forced to sacrifice at once; thia house .was built for a home, is double constructed, unusual design, full-size basement 36x38, hardwood floors throughout, good attic room, large enough for two rooms; everything up to the minute; not a cheap thing was used in this house; built on an improved lot, with shade trees, fruit r and shrubbery; also has a nice If-wj thi nlar.A is new nd no one ever lived in it: ciose to school and within walk-J ing distance to high scnooi; aiso ime district ; anyone looking for a zite e home, you may come and see me from 10:30 to 4:30-Sunday at house; don't be late, for someone will take this place at my unusual sacrifice price. vasn or terms. LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. NEW, 6 ROOMS AND SUNROOM. The best part of Laurelhurst, east front, center entrance with French doors to living and dining room; se lect oak floors throughout, living rm., 14x28, with 9x10 sun porch adjoining; lots of handy built-ins, complete kitch en, vitrolite drain boards, breakfast room with built-in china closet; three large bedrooms upstairs with dressing rooms adjoining; tiled bath with best plumbing money can buy; tworthirds cement basement with laundry, and Al heating1 plant; garage with full cement drive. Price $8900, terms. DAVID HARP, Manager R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFF. 11C0 Sandy Blvd., at 39th. A. 320-04. $5250. ROSE CITY PARK. A -new 5-room bungalow, the finest buy in Rose City, has every modern feature, and finished In. old ivory, - tapestry paper; has Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, corner lot with all asss ments In and paid. Only $500 cash and $50 per month. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. , Branch office. 50th and (Sandy, Tabor 8485. LAURELHURST $5750. One of the biggest bargains in all of Laurelhurst. A new bungalow with arreat bie rooms and enduring con etruction. Built by owner for his own hoie. You 11 have to inspect this eoDreciate its real value. You'd pect to pay $1000 more. Modern in every way. -Garage, too. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office, 40th ajid Sandy, Tabor 9386. Laurelhurst Office, 39th and GUsan Tabor 3433. T.ATTRFT.HTTRST NEW BUNGALOW, Ideal location on a sightly lot close to car; attractive, 5 rooms, large living room with firenlace. fine dining room ivorv finish woodwork, tapestry paper, . French doors, oak floors, breakfast nook, niitr.h kitchen, cement basemen with furnace : garage ; $6500, terms. We have several good buys in Laurel hurst. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 351 ANKENY. Bdwy. 2015. , BIG SACRIFICE. ROSE CITY PARK. A mnnfc desirable 6-room home wit den, all the-nice built-ins. natural fin lsh, oak ponsnea iioors, 11rep1a.ee, u fiirnn.fftr nil 1rcr eWeerful rooms, clear as a pin, lovely shrubbery and flowers, haara of fruit- 2 blocks from car; owner moving away; has slashed price for quick sale; $5400, $2500 cash. Your opportunity. , INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. LAURELHURST $5,750. A lmnst New Terms. K r-r-na and lartrfl attic: OWUPT h.8 been transferred to east and must sell immediately; hardwood floors, lots-o: bullt-lns, complete caDinet. Biiuin with Pullman breakfast nook; cemen basement with laundry and furnace bard surface paid; immediate posses Sion. TvM Hnrn. Manager. R, T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy mva. at mrw. a. jv-vi. ROSE CITY PARK For sale by owner, beautiful home, 1 diock irom oanuj hivrf 8 rooms on one floor. 2 fire nlaces. breakfast room, hardwood flooro, tile bath, 2 toilets and lava tiriM. full cement basement, instanta- neuos water heater, garage, with, two rooms and bath above; 3 lots with holly hedges along the back, some fruit trees, a wild nooK, iountam anu iano will sell' with 2 or 3 lots; some term Tabor 1729. WE HAVE a choice lot just north of Sandy, on 03d St., will build to suit customer; $300 down and $30 per month. See us at once. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626, ' Branch office, 50th and Sandy, Tabor 8485. IRVINGTON-ALAMEDA, SMIUASH S500. $4990 Brand new distinctive, 5-room Hunt-alnw fn fine location : all st. imps., in and paid. Large living room, ndwd. floors, lar-o-PRt fireolace. handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 nice bedrooms; furnace, win accept soldier's bonus. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. TVAT.vi NG DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. 22d st., near Sandy blvd.; moderi bungalow, 6 rooms; large living room with French doors, fireplace; beautiful nat. grain finish, hardwood floors, fur nace; exceptionally well built; large Int.: onlv S3250. S2000 cash. bal. $2 monthly, immediate possession. Bar gain. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK. Make Your Own Terms. $3500 Will accept soldier's bonus on tniS new aiiracuro uuiigaii' yy , hdwd. floors. French doors massive fireplace, Dutch kitch n. breakfast nook. 2 nice bed rooms, cement basement, fur nace. Bargain for a quick sale. R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. MOUNT TABOR HOME SNAP. T.3.rtrA fl-rm. house, large attic, fur nace, 4 fireplaces, sleeping porch, with 2 or 3 lots 50x100 each; $8000 with 100 xlOO. or $9000 with 100x150; cost over $9000 to build house, actual valu over $14 000; on E. Morrison st. Fine view. J , VV . tilV us.11, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. 4RnO israw PIEDMONT BUNGALOW, JUSt compietea m;a uh-huj u-ivum bungalow, furnace. fireplace, oak floors, garage, hear high school and park;' terms to suit. J. R, HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 ANKENY. Bdwy. 2045. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, Sr.KIH) TKKMM. New 6-room bungalow, extra well built, garage and furnace, tile floor in fine bathroom, tile drain boards in Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Best buy in this fine district. R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. T?riKW PTTY PARK. $6500. Blpht large rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, garage, fun basement, laundry tubs, hardwood floors, lots of bullt-lns; best possible location in Rose City Park. Half a block to the car ana Deiow tne aim Call Tabor 74H. T.AT7RRLHURST BUNGALOW. itrrracrivA new 5-room bungalow, floored attic, finished in ivory and white, tapestry paper, oak floors, mod- ern, Wltn Ka-iaRc. v--y INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. T,nOK AT THIS. $5300. : Eight-room house, large rooms; 50x 100 lot or 100x100 if wanted; double construction; two lavatories i umiieui vacAmont. furnace. laundry; garage. etc. This is a first-class home. Owner, 786 Commercial st. R-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3200. Fireplace, built-ins, .2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, attic, basement with laundry trays, tinted rooms, well built. enamel finish, umy auu. ieany new. FRANK C. ROBINSON. REALTOR. 415 Cham, of Com. .Bdwy, 3222. IRVING TON. 5-rooni bungalow, hardwood floors, tynianc KrMikfajrt nook: a dandy lit tle home; easy terms, $4150, $500 down, rest like rent. I must sell. Bdwy. 593 x ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow; br nook; ha. iioors; Duiit-ins, etc.; price only $4730; will take $5O0 down. Owner, jsawy. tv-v. ROOM home on Alberta street, a nice home and a good investment; all street improvements In and paid for; only $2800 with $300 cash. Broadway 1531. MUST sell 6-room modarn bungalow, full basement, narawoou iioors. uuaei, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 50x100 lot; $3300, $200 down, balance $35 per month. Tabor 9433. IRVINGTON. Dutch Colonial, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, all built-ins, French doors, pretty fireplace; garage; corner; a snap for someone. Call Bdwy. 5931. HOUSE FOR LOT. By Owner I have a 5-room modern bungalow, 875 Fremont et. ; price $4750; my equity $1500; will take lot for all of part ortmy equity- rvuwy. n-ir. BARGAIN, by the owner, 6-room house and garage, nawtnorne aist. ; moaern. Call Auto. 643-17 or see traffic officer Yamhiil-st. market. 3-ROOM house, level lot, cleared, gas, water, sidewalk, $300 cash, mortgage $250. Owner, East 6929. 5-ROOM new, modern house. See owner, Fipral ave., LaurelixuxeV REAL ESTATE. For iSa 1 e 1 1 ou re. REAL BARGAINS. ROSE CITY. $5750 A rare opportunity to buy beautiful 6-room bungalow; extra large living room and dining room: den; to large bedrooms; Dutch kitchen; break fast nook; tiled bath; large floored at tic; full cement basement; Gisco fur nace; beautiful built-in buffet and bookcases; located in very best resi dence district; one block from car line. If you are looking for this type of home you cannot afford to pass it up. MT. TABOR. $8500 Completely furnished 6-room, 2-story bungalow ; living room 17x27 ; dining room 14x18; beautiful fireplace; built-in bookcases ; large built-in buf fet in dining room; Dutch kitchen and pantry; full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace; 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; large garage: corner lot; west slope Mt. Tabor ; wonderful view of the city ; built on pre-war rices and in excellent condition; all ready to move into today;' being offered for quick sale at price less than actual cost of construction ; owner leaving city. $11.000 Another wonderful bargain; 8-room colonial house; west slope of Mt. Tabor; one block from car line; 84x100 lot; beautiful flowers and shrubs; garage; full cement basement; laundry trays; Gasco furnace; auto matic hot water heater; hardwood floors in every room; tiled bath, with recess tub and pedestal f ixt ures ; liv ing room 15x23; fireplace and built-in bookcases; dining room 14x16; built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen and breakfast room ; two large sleeping rooms and glassed-in sleepin-g porch. A particu lar place for particular people and is being offered for $1500 leas than actual market value. CALL E. B. PEXGRA, WITH W. G. IDE. 817 LEWIS BLDG. Tabor 1906. BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS. Irvington Park 5 room?, Dutch, kitchen, two big airy bedrooms; $3100; $300 cash. Missouri st. New. 3 rooms, all danrlv big ones, on paved street; nifty is tne word; $3000; $400 cash. We also have 4 5-room bunga low, new listings but not new hnuseswhtrh, can 'be handled with from 200 to $;;oo. all moderately priced and easy pay ments. See us for bargains RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Cham, of Com Bdwy. flfiM. ROSE (TTY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW. REDUCED PRICE. This ideal bungalow, located on 50th st., near Hancock, is one of those re.nl good-looking, well built bungalows one etops to admire. One of th best built homes in the district. Large rooms ar ranged just as you yourself would plan. Everything here one could pos sibly expect. Easv term?'. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office. 40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office. li'Mh and Glisan, Tabor 3433. NEW BUNGALOW, 7 Rooms, $400. 4 bedrooms. living room, dlnlnar room and kitchen. full basement, hardwood floors, built for home but family trouble makes immediate sa le necessary. Close- to s liool- and en r line; futl price $4000, terms. Mr. Par ker, 24S Strk st., near 3d. Bdwy. 7829. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 58S VISTA AVE You people who have been wa nnsj Portland ISofghts here is your chance to get a new home at the right price, English cottage of li rooms and sun room, hardwood floors, fm-plae. fur nace, large grounds, wonderfullv lmt out with cobblestone walks and ter races, unobstructed view of entire rftv; will make you any kind of reasonable terms you want. W F. MAHONEY. REALTOR, with m COROORAX-JOXES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Phnne Hdwy. fifHlrt. NEW "BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN. Strictly modern bungalow on pavet street, hardwood floors t hronghout, a 2 light, attractive bedroma, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace and furnace; close to 3 car lines. PRICE -$3750. Mr. Parker, 248 Stark st.. near 3d, Phone Bdwy, 7829. ROSE CITY PARK, $4100. Truly you can readiTy se the valu in this cosy bungalow; built by day labor for a home. Located 8 blocks from Sandy; improvements all in ; 5 rooms and brerakfast room; finished in old ivory ; oak floors, fireplace, book cases, Dutch kitchen, lighting fixtures, cement basement, fine garden; easy terms or bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct- Automatic 315-4 4. $2530. 6-room furnished house, in ex cellent condition, fine lawn anl garden, lots of fruit, 2 block to car; you can't beat it; $650 cash will handle. KILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch office, 5mh and Sandy, Tabor 8485. ROSE CITY PARK. WAS $6000 NOW $5400. Out-of-town owner requests us to sell his home quickly. Modern in every way with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace ajid garage. 6 large rooms. Easy terms. Ideal location. A. G. TEEPE CO., Rose City Offico, 40th and Sandy, Tabor 0586. Laurelhurst Office, 39th and Glisan, Tabor 3433. MY ELEGANT Bombay bungalow on 100x100 landscaped corner; best dis trict, east side, tiled bath and vesti bule, hot water heating plant. 33-foot living room with largest open fireplace, Dutch kitchen; very beautiful mod ern convenience; 7 rooms representing $14,000 investment. Will sacrifice for $8900: half cash. Phone Walnut 3139. SUNNYSIDE. $250(VT$.-,00 CASH. Dandy 3-room close-in bungalow, near car and good school; level 'lot; all improvements in and paid ; large, airy rooms and in fine condition. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR, Main 6H69. 213 Corbett BMg, LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy nearly new l-story modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, beet section near park, no In cumbrances, easy terms ; a bargain ; excellent condition. Tabor 0407. ATTRACTIVE home. Rose City Park. 398 East 38th N. Living room, dininjr room, kitchen, breakfast room and, lavatory on first floor; four bedrvom upstairs; every convenience. T,erma Call Tabor 4553. BEAUTIFUL new bun.ga.low, all improve ments in, -garage ana driveway, ce ment porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry trays, 100 feet from street car; sacrifice, $3850; terms. Bdwy. 4231. Eve. and Sun., East. 4216. BEAUTIFUL new home of five splen didly arranged large rooms ana large attic; tile bath and tile work table, oak floors throughout; garage and ce ment drive; a great bargain and onlv $lO0O cash required. Broadway 153U HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Most cheerful 5-room home, nice district, finished in natural oak floor, built-ins. fireplace,; $4150, $1000 cash, INTERSTATE AND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 729. NICE PIEDMONT HOME $5500. Six rooms, fireplace, full basement with furnace, laundry trays; garage. Close to Jefferson high. Terms. HEXRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. $1550 BUYS. 4-room hdUSG. 75x100 lot! zruit -trees, ujuat; lo i-ui aim cunooi; good neighborhood; $5O0 cash, balance $15 a month. 4utter, 246 E. Broadway. E. 9213. ALAMEDA PARK. Will sell my 4-room bungalow, com pletely furnished with garage; $500 down, the rest like rent. . Call ma up. Bdwv. 59SL BEAUTIFUL new bungalow of 5 rooms and large attio in irviugcon, greatly underprlced for quick sale. Only $5250 on very easy terms. Broadway 1 53 1 . ' $2000 BELOW COST. Party leaving city muat sail modern 8-room home, hardwood floors, fire place, house ready to move into. ' 73 EAST HARRISON ST. $4500, $1300 CASH Rose City pick-up f o-room up-iu-umw uufidiu w, ,101. ous I 00. 1038 Belmont. . ATTRACTIVE 3-room moern home, one block from Aioerta canine; cash and, terms. 1Q12 E. 9th St. N. FOR SALE -Ranable,, 5-room bun galow W 1 Hi "it". , 1 ..rv n 1. ii.i 11 w u IB UHar.. walk Ing distance. CnU East 2551. WEST SIDE. 7-room house, near 10th and Everett sts.V terms. Bdwy. 5638 or Bdwy, 809.1. Irvington bungalow; lot 75x120; e rooms, noort, nun pun:u, new, moaern; terms. 388 K. 27th N. East 7034. CAR -3 first payment on 7-room house anl lot. rrico iwm. jr-none Main 4578. Apt. 2. IRVIXGTON 6-rm. modern home, $4300, a(, aw, owner. . .