TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1922 19 Em'CATION'AU .I0 TOU WANT A GOOD JOB? More automobiles are betn sold now trian ever befor wh'ch will create bis demand for competent auto me chanics. We teach auto repairing, auto electrical and battery work and assist Everyihir.fr is fully . explained in our new 112-page catalogue. Call or write xor a fRhfci copy, ask ror uook :x o. Visiting hours daily at 10 A. M.. except oaiurrt a v. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL. L nion Ave. and v asco tet. Woodlawn or Alberta Car. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but the bent. Here It U. Standardized with, schools In 00 other cities. Best laooratories, best hop equipment and instructions. Ac tual shop practice given on real re Pair Jobs. Results absolutely cuaran teed. The time for you to go to school la while business ia quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few month Inquire- Oregon Institute of i ecnnoiogy, ia.in St., at six in. service men get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY Enroll for day or summer school at tnis great business college, the train i ing school for success. Courses include i comptometer, stenography, banking, t bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write i or pnone Main otfU for free catalogue. i . JtJt.il.NJvt.- W ALA hJK JBUalN Eaa COLLEGE. Fonrth near Morrison, Portland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach, the trade In 8 weeks, fur. nista. a set of tools to you and give you some pay while learning; positions se cured; write or call for catalogue and particulars. Kurnside st. STUDY MASSAGE Prepares one fr sanitarium work, physician assistant or private prac tice, jtxyaroinerapy is aiso taugm. Portland School Massage, Inc.. 414-15 btocK exchange bldg. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you me traae in a weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; po sitions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 weeks; tools furnished; some pay; position secured ; special rate this mor.tn. write or call 54 1st st, iMlSS Mattingly's Private Shorthand, Typewriting school. Individual ln- strucuon. zuy i4tft. near Jefferson. BEAUTY parlor course evenings t spe- - ciai summer rats. Alaaam -Curtis, 40H r jueKum Didg. Phone Bdwy. 6902. Learn telegraphy Raiiwav ti: graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange utag. I'ay ana nignt classes. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Mfts Buckels' private school for young laoies; inaiviquai attention. East 4 JBOCK Y MT. Teachers' Agency Sin roll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. 512-13. iUSK TEACHERS' AGCY., Journal bidg. main leacning position; free reg. XATES-PISHER Teacher Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Bdwy. bldg. tTTTLP WAXTEP MAjLK. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 240 Ankenv St.. enrnur Snii ILeading Lumber Office Pacific Coast. -au .HCLLUUJJ, UAu fREE PARE 4 short-log buckers. 6 laborers, new construction work around mill; 5 dry jumuer na.no j era, a dox lactory labor ers, 4 planing mill laborers, 10 steel Sang men, 6 section men. Price and jving conditions given at office BEND, OR. FARE ADVANCED. 6 track men, 8 hours $3.60 jUU-HiiUtS FOR COLUMBIA RIVER. 2 sees fallers, 8Hc sq. foot; 1 head duplex loader, $7.50; 1 duplex loading engineer, $7; 8 choker setters, 4.5tt; 2 chasers, $4.80; 1 fireman, $3.50; 2d faller, $4.75; 2 sets fariers, $4.80, $5; 4 hook-on men, $4.60; 3 buckers, $4.40; 1 signal punk, $3.75. Other positions will be in hourly. ORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR, WASH. FARE ADVANCED. See boss in office. He wants mill and yard men, $3.50; young men for box factory. $3; 3 choker setters, $5; 3 wood putters, $3.50; 3 wood buck ers, $3.50. LATE SPECIALS. 3 pile driver men $ 5.6- 2 edgennen .................. e.07 1 planer grader 5.00 , 1 camp flunkey, R, and B..... 65.00 1 carriage rider 4.75 0 wood choppers. vtontract 3.73 3 camp dUshwasherTH. and B.. 60.00 rick-wood choosers 1.50 4.00 3.50 7.50 7.00 1 deck man, mill ...... 1 Edger's helper ..... 1 head loader, duplex 1 loading duplex engineer.,... 3t sets fallers, eq. foot Come today. We are licensed, ed and will protect you. -0SH bond- LOGGERS AND MILL MEN, CALL AT DELANEY'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 H South Tower ave.. Centralia. Wn. Wanted Fallers, buckers, rigging Tnen, track men, donkey firemen, wood splitters, wood backers and other kinds of work for camps and mills. ONLY $1 FED AND LOW FARES TO THE WORK. MAN who understands making and hanging draperies; must be experi enced and furnish references. Apply in morning before 10:30, superintend ent's office. Olds, Wortman & King. jWHEN YOU WANT HELP, PHONE BROADWAY 8000. CENTRAL EM PLOYMENT CO. T. F. BURKE, MGR. MAN to take charge of milk route, drive wagon and solicit new business. In quire Elco Dairy and Poultry Farm, Shattuck Station, 2 miles below Couq cil Crest, or telephone Main 5197. ONE young man between the ages of 21 and 25. with Ford car for collecting position. Apply after f:3n, 428 Ex change bldg.. 2d and Stark. AIAN ABOUT 50 to do light work on ranch, close to Portland; must bach; steady work, $25 and board. Walnut 03K42. .YOUNG man, about IS. to assist in stock and shipping rooms; preferably with tire experience; salary $75 to start. AC 872. Oregonian. WANTED A second cook, night work, salary $100 per month to start. The Lily Confectionery. 214 Second st., Cor- BARBERS Steady work, good in or out of Portland. Always t opn for a good man. 1013 Union a pay. job N. AT TOLEDO, Or. ; long job, 6 bridge Oregon Labor Agency, 1 carpenters. N. 2d st. BOY wanted to drive special delivery. Must have driver's license. Riverview Dairy. 1003 Belmont. WANT Filipino or Japanese boy for housework ; must be able to cook. East 1322. 3 TEAMSTERS. 2 shovelers. Wednesday Water ax... A. M. ; wages $ 3.o0. 387 w. s. PORTER for barber shop: experienced and willing to work. Write The Palace Barber Shop, Astoria. Or. BIDS wanted on carpenter work, nlumb- ing and plastering. Tabor tnJ16 before ' 8 A. M. and alter! P. M. PIANIST for movie, recounting his abilities- and salary expected. Young man preferred. Write AV 205. Oregonian. JANITOR Married man who can do calcimining: $75 and apartment; ref erence?. BF SiVJ. Ores;onian. WANTED Cabinet maker. Beaver State Furniture Manufacturing Co.. East 33d and Broadway. ROOM 701 Shetland bldg., for Mac-O-Chee guaranteed hosiery, direct from factory. WANT logging trucks ; 4 months' work ; 8-mile haul, pavement. Apply F. B. t'oie, 5 ot Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. $75 WEEKLY selling advertising; ex perience unnecessary. 210 Stock Ex change bldg. HORSESHOER and general blacksmith, good wages. S. L. Dennis Tfr. Co., Raymond. Wash. FURNISHED basement apartment, light and gas. for a few hours work. Elder ly couple preferred. 4.4 ll'h st. WANTEO A-l auto mechanic. Elite Auto Repair Co., 12th, Jefferson and 13th pt. 2 FURNACE 110 fith st. installers. Lynch Bros. YOUNG man wanted; married preferred; inquire mornings. 35 Russell bldg W A NT ED Experienced weavers. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. St Johns. TWO NEAT appt aring men for city work. Call 3 to . 23 Artisans bldg. FLOOR stove plate molder wanted. Hammer-Bray Co., Oakland. Cal. FIRST-CLASS barber, dress Viereck Hatha. Inquire or Albany. Or. WANTED Boy to work must be IS years of age. in laundry; 4n Belmont. WANTED Repair man ior uour factory. AV Orejrnian WANTKE trician. First -class automotive Apply 411 Oak ft. CABINETMAKER st. wanted. 10O N. EXPERIENCED 110 Park st. baker's helper. Apply TO DO cleaning in restaurant evenings for hijj me t!s. 52s Union ave. North. WANTED .Man to repair roof. 4118 53d avenue Southeast WILL trade .V-xlOO ,lnt for painting and carpenter work. 572 Clinton st. WANTED Experienced 1334 4th st. bushelman. BUS BOY'S wanted. Portland Apply between 9 and 10 A. M botel HELP WANTED MALE. WAITED BY GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS 6HEETMETAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS WELDERS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD. TO REPLACE MEN NOW ON STRIKE AGAINST DECISION OP UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD. APPLY AT NEAREST SHOP IIVISION SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. FREE TRANSPORTATION. K. T. CODD. 314 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. SHOPMEN WANTED! The Spokane, Portland Sc Seattle Railway company has position open at Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, for & limited number of skilled MACHINISTS. BOILERMAKERS. TINSMITHS. PASSENGER CAR REPAIRERS, Apply at Room 830, PIttock Block. SHOVEL engineer, $175 and board. Crusher man. $123 and board. Team foreman. $125 and board. Steam roller engineer, $6 a day. Milker, $60 and board. Camp flunkey, $65 and board. STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 2 N. Second st. WANTED Local representative, age 30 - to 40 years, married man preferred, soliciting and collecting ; permanent position. Opportunity for advance ment. Interview V. E. Wilson, 602 Northwestern Bank bldg. LIVE WIRE solicitor who can furnish light car for established routes; lib eral salary and commission ; unusual opportunity for steady, lucrative em ployment. Frank's Dry Cleaning1 Co., Union & Weidler. BOOKKEEPER Automobile repair shop; local references required ; immediate employment to man who can qualify; other qualifications than bookkeeping necessary. C 855, Oregonian. BANK MESSENGER. Neat young man ; good references; 1S-20 years of age; call early. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. 504 Spalding bldg. EXPERIENCED dairyman to work with pure-bred herd. Some farm work. Can learn care of test cows. Farm on high way 1 mile east of Beaverton. D. C. Howard, Beaverton. Or. vreu.. suppose AFtt. X cown VlEEKS ROOCsrllSl6 VX THfc HOME 6oot sVpxer. ivpttut ovee two voters ki "TVteVC lxx HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED. STRIKE CONDITIONS. For Service as Railroad MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, CAR INSPECTORS. BOILERMAKERS. PIPE FITTERS, CAR REPAIRERS. CAR BUILDERS, (Carpenters), ROUNDHOUSE LABORERS. Adequate provisions have been made for the full protection of new employes, the same as old employes who re mained loyally at work. Applicants should apply at SOUTHERN PACIFIC Employment Bureau, room 7, 65 Jaar ket street, San Francisco (open S A. M. to 8 P. M. daily, including Sun days), or any of the following' offi cers; Superintendent Portland union station, San Francisco, 3d St.; Oakland Pier, Sacramento, Stockton, Dunrnnulr, Bakersfield, Los Angeles. Assistant Superintendents, Sparks, Nev., and Rose burg. Or., Superintendent Motive Power, Sacramento and Los Angelea J. H. DYER, Gen. Mgr., Southern Pacific Company. OFFICE boy, manufacturing institution. Address in own handwriting, stating age, etc., and salary expected. BF 867, Oregonian. Help Wanted -Salesmen. OPENING for two salesmen, one with car; prefer men with advertising, stock or insurance training; two clean-cut men with nerve, pep and staying quali ties; this is a real opportunity to earn big caah commissions by helping to es tablish essential industry; not crowd ed with competition, with international demand to serve and unusually large profit possibilities. In reply state age and selling experience replies confi dential. For personal interview, BC 8tS3, Omgonian. SALESMAN. An excellent opening for salesman who wishes permanent connection of the right sort. To the man who can make good this offer is exceptional means lust one thing advancement. Our office will be open in the Gasco building in a few days. Apply at Multnomah hotel, room 371. today. SALESMAN; high-class man under 36, to represent tne international corre spondence Schools ; experience not ab solutely necessary, but must possess unusual energy and determination, also sales ability and clear record; will pay the right man $250 per month; bond and reference required. S, P. Snyder. 265 Oak st. A CLIENT OF OURS is seeking experi enced stock and bona salesmen; posi tions pay good salary and liberal com missions; answer own handwriting, giving full particulars of issues sold, names, addresses and capitalization. Write JenKins, Back & Killian. Wrig ley bldg., Chicago. 111. WANTED Good, reliable salesman to sell 5. R. Watkins products to the consumer In city and territory open in Oregon and Washington; good rural territory open. Apply at 209 4th, Maryland and Virginia hotel, room 237. Ask for C. C. King. WANT two first-class stock salesmen to sell our preferred and common stock. No better stock for sale In city of Port land, from both salesman's and in vestor's point of view. Starr Fruit Products Co., East 1st and Yamhill sts. Ask for Mr. Greene. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars; earn $2500 to $10,000 commission yearly; big demand for men, inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen Tr. Assn.. Dept. 274. Chicago. PORTLAND Ford agency employing limited number of high-class men has opening for salesmen; automobile ex perience not necessary, but must be willing to wOrk hard. AB 842, Ore gonian CHEVROLET SALESMAN wanted to work on straight commis sion basis; down payment on demon strator required. Apply sales manager Fields Motor Cas Co.. 14th and A!qer. TWO magazine or newspaper salesmen, new proposition on coast, publisher's own offer; no money collected in ad vance. 428 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. SALESMEN, county and state managers, best proposition on earth; 100 per cent profit, small capital required. Call at residence, 601 5th st. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for expe rienced stationery and printing sales man. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House. 24 N.' 5th. TO PARTY WITH FORD TOURING. Ve have very profitable and agree able proposition. 544 Washington. B rft a dway 2209. 9 A. M. until 8 P. M. SALESMAN Good opening for man who has had experience ou magazine or newspaper in business section. Mr. Piper. 222 Failing bldg. SALESMEN Can use 2 men to sell the American Magazine. Publisher's own plan. We show you how to make good money. Room 222 Falling bldg. MOTOR truck salesmen" to sell high grade line of motor trucks, 10 per cent commission basis. 342 Burnside. CLOTHIXG salesman, experienced, with references. Lion Clothing Co., Mor rison, corner 4th. SALESMAN If you are a want work call 9 to 10, Commonwealth bldg. hustler - and room 203, WANTED Livo wire 475 Morrison st. truck salesman. - fc. OP VeJL- VPtU. Keeps. - casih - ' I rr HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! BY FRANK L. MGUIRE, -SALESMEN WITH CAR TODAY. Make big money selling real , estate; no experience needed; all , property furnished; we close ail deals. We "pay you your com mission tire day your deal is closed. Learn in our office Make thousands of dollars per year. Your splendid chance to get into the real estate business, associated with a live, progress ive, reliable, old-established firm. We offer you every opportunity to make good. . Portland is on the verge of one of the- greatest real estate activities in her entire history. Take advantage of it. Call J. T. Knappenberg, with FRANK L. McGUIRB, Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Wash and Stark. ATTENTION. SALESMEN I We will teach you to sell real estate. If you ve sold books, musical tnstru ments, securities, adding machines, au tomobiles or any article that requires soliciting you can sell real estate and double your earnings. Our rapia-iire salesmen are making from $300 to $800 monthly. There's a big demand for the class of property we are haticuing. ve have just opened three new sub divisions. We need 6 more energetic, reliable salesmen. See Mr. Comte, mornings only. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 416-18-20-22 Sraldinar Bldg. Largest lot and acreage subdivision sellers in Portland. SALESMAN. For the new Oakland six. Startling price reductions August 1st are greatly stimulating sales. Exceptionally attractive money making proposition for high grade man. MR. BROWN, 344 BURNSIDE. RELIABLE SALESMAN WANTED FOR WELL-ESTABLISHED FIRM. MUST HAVE CAR. NO INVESTMENT. THE WRITER OF THIS AD WILL POST , YOU WELL ON THE LINE AND WORK. WILL PROVE TO- YOU YOUR COMMISSIONS WILL RUN FROM $15 TO $25 PER DAY. YOU MUST START WORK IMMEDIATE LY'. READ AD CAREFULLY. IT MEANS JUST WHAT IT STATES. GIVE PHONE NUMBER AND AD- DRESS. AJ 807. OREGON IA N. SALESMAN WANTED. Have opening for a good high-class acreage and farm salesman, also can place a good high-class inside prop erty man: will give exclusive to each party, a good chance for the right party. 1 CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 6006. WANTED -A GENTS. HEALTH, accident ana hospital Insur ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cook for small, high-class mountain resort: best kind ot home cooking required; attractive location, pleasant quarters; also waiters wanted. H 781. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper for country home, 6 in family; all modern conve niences;, must be good plain cook; no laundry; state references, salary ex- pected. AV 262. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman for mother's helper; good home, some wages. Call 612 Pettygrove st. Take . NS Port land car going north, get off Petty grove st. WANTED A girl to work in . grocery store and to take orders over phone; must be good at figures; steady work. Call Tabor 0203. WANTED A working; housekeeper; not necessary to speak Jngiisn ; a rencn and German spoken at home. Main 0534. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. WANTED School girl wanted to help in good home for room and board and carfare. Call evenings after 6 o'clock. Tabor 2203. WANTED Working housekeeper . for small hotel; must be experienced and able to handle switchboard. Apply Byron hotel. SECOND cook for logging camp, close in, $85 per month and board; call In person; do not phone. Oregon Labor Agency, 1 N. 2d st. ONE CAMP waitress and one camp dishwasher, $50 a month, room and board. Columbia Employment Agency, 21 N. 2d. YOUNG lady to do 2 hours' work 2 morn ings each week in exchange for first clas piano lessons. Teachers' course if desired. Auto. 324-22. DICTAPHONE operator, $100; lumber stenographer, $100. Business Place ment Service. 540 Morgan bldg. CAMP waitress, $60 per month, room and board. Oregon Labor Agency, 1 N. 2d. WANTED Experienced power machine operator, steady work and good pay. 4QQ Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Experienced feeder and folder for flat work department. Palace Laundry, E. 10th and Everett. ROOM 706 Swetland bldg., for Mac-O-Chee guaranteed hosiery, direct from factory. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girls in distress 955 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 0316. SEVERAL GIRLS for easy selling propo sition. Publicity Bureau, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. Call forenoons only. MILLINERY makers wanted, no appren tices. Apply Lowengart & Co., 11 N. Broadway. YOUNG lady to represent printing and stationery concern in city. Address A - 858, Oregonian. SALES LADIES Ladies to work a high grade line that appeals to women. Call forenoons, 279 Hawthorne ave. GIRLS wanted for road show and camp; experience not necessary; good salary. Call 311 Glisan st. FAMILY cooks, good wages, waitresses, housemaids. Square Deal Employment Office, 506 Goodnough bldg. WANTED 100 bobbed-hair girls. Call at "Majestic theater between 12 and .1 P. M. Ask for Mgr. Lacey. FIRST-CLASS chocolate dipper wanted. Donovan's, East 7th and Couch. INTELLIGENT woman to wait on semi invalid. Eaat 6645. WANTED Experienced power machine operator on men's coats. 109 2d st. WANTED-i-Good woman as housekeeper. Wages $50. Main 2424. WANTED Experienced weavers. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. St. Johns. WANTED Young experienced - waitress. Add ress 713 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. GIRL for houbework. Atwater 0315. 411 Broadway. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework. Sell wood 3891. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 50a E. Broadway. Call East 9217. EXPERIENCED cashier-wrapper. Clothing Co., Morrlstm, cor. 4th. EXPERIENCED hotel switchboard op erator. Main 7584. WANTED Two experienced waitresses. Union Depot Restaurant. WANTED Teachers for mission school. Apply 170 1st St. from 2 to 4 P. M. THE GUMPSHOMEWARD BOUND TH&T'S AWAX rV PtU-OCf civeR.sioM- jvej a. MlNt 1 IN HETS. GOT TO WHEW HE CO MS BA.CK HE'S fuu. of pe? vMr "the. OE PmtcHNU - fU- JU5J AA.t IFvl - If HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED operator on power sew ing machine. First-class finisher on men's coats. Hand buttonhole maker on men's coats. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE. 3d and Morrison. BOOKKEEPER, some stenographic work, for leading printing concern, $100. Dictaphone operator for railroad of- fice, $100. Stenographer for lumber company; short distance from city, $100. Remington-Wahl biller; wholesale groceries. $100. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE. 504 Spalding bldg. - CALIFORNIA LADY, returning San Francisco middle September, wishes to hire Protestant girl, not over 30, gen eral housework, cooking; must be good cook, cheerful disposition, have local reference and must agree to stay six months or longer; expenses paid to California; wages $35. Apply Wednes day only, Mallory hotel, Mrs. Hoover. WANTED Stenographer with wholesale grocery experience, for good permanent position; also stenographer living in South Portland, with limited experi ence, for nositioh In that locality: sal ary $60 to start. Main 3730. Clerical Placement Bureau, 3O0 Corbett bldg. Wanted Domestics. WANTE Experienced cook, only those accustomed to private home cooking need apply; small family; best wages. BD 703. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and rooking, to go to Hood River valley; small family and good wages. Alain jviit. WANTED Good cook and general house work; three adults; no washing. Main 0521. GIRL to assist with housework for room and board and wages. Fond of chil dren. Tabor 5804. GIRL wanted for housework, 9 A. M. to 5 P, M. every day except Sunday. $20 per month. Call Main 837o. EXPERIENCED girl general housework; water 0419. for cooking references. ana At EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, three In family, wages $3o, ref erences requirea. aiain ea.o. WANT neat capable girl for general housework, J Irvington; Swedish pre ferred. East 2B25. COMPETENT maid for general house work. Permanent, wages $30. Mam 1844. WOMAN or girl to come in daily to as sist with housework ana care ox cmia. 79 W. Jarrett. Wal. ft706. GIRL for general housework. Phone Mil- waukie 4a. GIRL for general housework. Main 4825. 145 N. 22d. GIRL for geiierdt housework; good home. 43H E. 17tn JN. East 0273. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply bio uverton st. WOMAN wanted for light housework. Apply 591 5th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 1000 HOP PICKERS WANTED. FAMILIES PREFERRED. EXPE RIENCE UNNECESSARY. We pay 50c per box; we must have clean picking. E. Clements Horst Co- Independence, Oregon, largest hopyard in Oregon. Fine hops; two beautiful. clean camp grounds, each with store, butcher shop, pure water, community stoves, always hot. and with camp marshal in charge; experienced private parties care ior cnnaren during wotk ing hours at reasonable charge: free tent, or room to families: free wood, water and straw for bedding; handball court and horseshoe throwing grounds and good bass and kroppie fishing on the ranch. We haul pickers front train to ranch free, and after harvest bring them back to trains free. Do not regis ter elsewhere until you have talked to our representative, who will be at the Coffee & Sheely store. 223 Morrison street. Portland, on August 15. 16. 17, 18 and 19. Come prepared to buy your tickets to Independence, or If coming by your own car, to pay cash deposit as evidence of good faith, this to be returned to youat the ranch office on your arrival. ATTENTION, HOP PICKERS! We will be at room 415 Common wealth building, corner of 6th and Burnside, on August 18 and 19, to register and make arrangements for transportation to the Mitoma hop yard, Independence, Oregon. 117 acres of the finest hops in the valley. Good camping grounds, tents, tables, benches, straw and sawed wood fur nished, store and restaurant on the grounds. We have arranged for .a special train. Come prepared to buy tickets. Fare round trip $3.25, one way $2.42. If you wish to drive down a cash deposit will be required as evi dence of good faith at the time of reg istration, which will be returned to you. Picking will begin about August 28. Families only. Office open 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. HOP PICKERS wanted at J. W. Seavey'e hopyard, sorest Grove, Or. 130 acres of hops, good, clean camp sheds, water piped on grounds, straw and camp stoves furnished free, good grocery store, good dance hall near camp, cab ins are built to accommodate three or more persons, so make up your parties accordingly. It will be necessary to buy your transportation tickets and make camp arrangements at our Portland office, 222 PIttock bldg., 10th and Washington sts. If you wish to' drive, a casn deposit, will be required, which will be ref .nded after you have picked two days. Picking will begin about September 1. Phone Broadway 1090 Ask for Mr. Oglesby. HOP PICKERS wanted. Will be at the St. Charles hotel Sat., the 19th and 20th of August, to register pickers; 50 acres good hops; tents, straw, wood, water furnished. Come prepared to buy your transportation to Dayton, which, is $2 round trip; the price of picking is $1 per hundred and 20c per hundred bonus if you stay till the job ,is finished. Merlin Herding, Dayton, Oregon. ' HOP PICKERS wanted for Bell Hop yard, Salem, Or. About 20 days finest picking; register at 31 East 13th st. Come prepared to buy tickets to Live sley (Oregon Electric). All usual accommodations furnished. WANTED 10O hop pickers at Harris burg, Or.; $1 a box; must have own camping outfits; bonus of $25 and fare returned if stay all season. Public Bm ployment Bureau, 170 4th. WANTED 30 pickers for string beans; Sc car fare; pay lc a pound; about 3 weeks' work. Public Employment Bu reau. 170 4th. HOP PICKERS wanted; good camp grounds, wood, straw, water furnished. Apply Bishop Bros., 408 Flanders St., corner lOtlu TEACHERS for western positions; free registration. Westmore Agency, Spo kane Wash. CANVASSERS Big pay, quick sellers. 527 Cham, of Com, bldg.. afternoons. HOP PICKERS wanted, usual accom- modations. Walnut 5S37. HOP PICKERS 5254. wanted. Call Walnut HOP PICKERS wanted. Auto. 520-11. 227 Hall St. S. HTCI.P WANTED WITH 1XVKSTMKNT. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; plenty work; make from $0 to 412 a day. 505 Swetland bldg. . Tuts Time ThE OU TIMER S MkUfMO A.ROUN& ferWH A. WWTE eVtkCa IN KS - HAWD NOW I 31 ' HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Man with $1000 to Invest In a good going manufacturing concern, selling direct to iobbers; inside or out side man. Wanted Man with $10,000 to invest In manufacturing proposition; office man and manager. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR, 300-2 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sta. EXPERIENCED nurse or good, compet ent, refined business woman wanted as assistant superintendent for sanitarium. Must invest some capital. BD 857, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION on large stock or grain ranch by young married man, 7 years' ex perience, capable of handling all sorts of machinery, good with horses; wants permanent place with chance for ad vancement, Oregon or Washington; references. AP 774, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by married man of good habits; has had 10 years' expe rience in all branches of automobile, truck and tractor business, from oper ating to repairing. What I want is work and a chance to prove ability ; California references. Y SG9, Oregonian. WANTED-By energetic young man, 24, position inside selling auto parts, hardware or sporting goods concern ; f xperienced and able to meet the pub ic. Would like to answer by Inter view. Phone B 0646 between 10 and 11. SHINGLING We specialise In reshin gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 1928. PAINTING, TINTING AND WOOD FIN ISHING. I DO YOUR WORK. RIGHT. MAIN 3383. . SITUATION wanted; owner's first-hand contracts, building, repairing, finishing. EAST 8368. AMBITIOUS ex-seVIce man desires per manent position; not particular as to kind of work; not a floater. Call Broadway 5448. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. ' Let me do you a first-class job rea sonable price. J. H. Jenkins. Tabor 9354. EXPERIENCED hotel, cafeteria and res taurant. Any position from manager down. Desire Immediate employment; reasonable wages. Main 6474, apt. 23. CARPENTER, repairing, reshingling, cabinet and mlllwork. Nelson & Niel son. Aut. 533-8L Res., Atwater 0224. Tabor 3457. ' WANT a job as cheesemaker in Wash ington or Oregon, 10 years' experience; also milk and cream tester license. B.I S73, Oregonian. . WANTED By experienced truck driver and chauffeur, job in or around Port land; permanent job only. Call Walnut 5954. YOUNG man wants position with whole sale firm driving delivery truck. No tobacco user. M 859, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position; will o any kind of housework. Tani, 206 Front st., city BOY, 16, husky, wishes work on ranch or in city. Write or call 1355 Marguer ite st. 1 FIRST-CLASS electrician's helper, understands radio. 0435 50th S. E. also ave. AMBITIOUS high-school boy wants work for rest of the vacation and after school. Call East 7653. RESHINGLING Shingling, nrices rea sonable. work guaranteed, estimates . free. Auto. 325-16. A-l FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, ca pable of foremanship; reliable city ref erences. E 853, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work evenings; try anything but salesmanship. Phone Tabor 4713. PRESSER.experienced on hand and ma chine, wants position; couia arive car; nest reference, r &ai. uregoman. TRUCK driver wants a steady job, ref erences, well acquaintea witn tne city. X 872. Oregonian. MAN and wife want place as janitor in apartment house. See me before you hire anyone eise. ai; pq.i. uresonian. PAINTING, PAPERING, KALSOMINING for good workman, best materials. Call East y-Jiz. BY LOCOMOTIVE engineer with logging concern; experienced in either geared or rod locomotives. Aij cm, uregoman. GENERAL contractors, Drick. tile, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor 8793, Empire ui-tu. CHAUFFEUR wants position; drive any ' make; worked 5 years one place; best references. L oregonian. HOTEL clerk, experienced and reliable; local references. Phone Broadway 2825. Chas. L. Brown. ' PAINTING, KALSOMINING. First-class material and workman ship. East 011S. HAVE- some money, a Ford car and ser vices; give particulars. BJ 856, Ore- gonian. AMBITIOUS young man wants position as baker's apprentice, some experience. East 8094. - EXPERIENCED farmer wants work on small farm or gardening of any kind. H 871, Oregonian. HIGH grade builder desires conference with interested parties; mutual gain. L 851, Oregonian. . CIRCULAR sawyer and filer; can deliver the goods; gooa reterence. m. ;. -liner, 1S1 12th st. Phone Main 7343. SHINGLING, reshingling; get our esti work guaranteed. Phone mate; all Main 7010. GENTLEMAN, with 5-passenger car, wants position. Uo anywhere, walnut 4702. WANTED -By married man, ranch with stock and tools, on shares, or will work for wages. N 867, Oregonian. WOULD like to get janitor work in apt., hotel or rooming house, or night watchman. Call East 1783. PAINTING, papering, kalsomining; ma terial, workmanship guaranteed; sat is fa ctionorno PAINTING, tinting, best materials used; good worK, reasonable prices. Atwater 2619. PLUMBER wants small jobs; repair ex pert; low estimates. Bdwy. Ifaa3. KALSOMINING. painting, plaster pairing; reasonable. Mam 2S05. CLERK in grocery or salesman, 27 years' experience, powy, uwa. MIDDLE-AGED, capable man work. F 866, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND janitor and furnace man, first-class. Atwater 3702. CARPENTER, UNEMPLOYED. WAL- NUT 10U2. WORK for man with heavy team. Walnut 2077 or l7. PLUMBING and repairing, best work. reasonable. Tabor 824. East 9838 COLORED WOMAN Sellwood 2871. wishes day work. PLASTERING by work guaranteed. contract; first-class East 2011. CEMENT WORK; HAVE JktTXERS. PHONE TABOR 6781. MAN with light truck wants job. Main 37S0, room 211. FAMILY gardening, houseclemning, care taker. Call Main 4632. Mr. Bacon. CEMENT walks, floors, drives, walls and garages. Bdwy. 1245 or East 373T. KALSOMINING. CLASS WORK. PAINTING. 628-40. FIRST- WANTED Carpenter labor work by con tract. AB 861, Oregonian. HOUSE painted, $50-$95; rooms tinted. $l-$5; papering, adc tou. wamut CQB4. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work and reasonable. Sell. 1309. PO-SITION by experienced Bman as jani tor, watchman or caretaker. Tabor 8779. Awt I invited vs- t woou AiCceTeo the mik Givmo an at home, rot AME.UA- VtCTVVi. HC VAMTM ONC OF THOtE UTTUt THRE-CONfeEt SAN&WVCWES (N ONE HANt AND A. tMI TeVSSC N mwi."" WW Oevvr Ur P. ?e SITUATION WANTED MALE. T U L' u P i Llnr 1 .. ntl u..t'arn 1 fi:Bilbleu ex-strvice men very etticienc in "c" wm-L' Hv ivlnc PmnlnVllltbUt them you will not only aecuro a hard and conscientious worKer but will be relievmu- a situation which is very " serious with them. They are not seek ing charity but are looking for onie thing where by earnest .endeavor they can create a permanent position. 1 Married man, wife and baby to sup port, desires private chauffeur posi tion; can keep up repairs and will ing to make trips, day or night, any where. 2 Desires a position of lens grinding or photography and finishing school about September 25. 3 Neat appearing young man desires a position ad private chauffeur; wall acquainted with city ; good references. 4 Married, have wife and baby to support; grocery" clerk, clerical and can handle any kind of automobile; need work at once. 5 Desire a position, not too heavy, where advancement is possible; am willing and energetic and can handle a clerical job; not a $1000-a-week man. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WORLD WAR, PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. L REPLACEMENT OFFICE, 310 Buchanan Bldg. Bdwy. 3980. CREDIT AND COLLECTION MANAGER Y'oung man, early thirties, college law graduate, forceful and pleasing personality, capable executive, expert correspondent, experienced retail credit and collection manager, also thoroughly experienced lease contracts, knows how to develop sale through the credit of fice; a 100 per oent American, a red blooded fighter, with lots of enthu siasm ; a man who does the unusual things that bring results. Is your credit office governed by a man of this calibre? If not, address C 854, iregonian. SITUATION wanted, in wholesale house or industrial plant, by married man, 40 years old; steady and Industrious, willing to start with small salary with chance -for advancement, with firm where ability and initiative will be recognised by advancement. What have you? AK 874, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN A young man, 29, Aus tralian, many years responsible posi tion with well-known Douglas fir im porters In Australia, would like posi tion with wholesale lumber export con cern here. Excellent salesman, corre spondent, office man. AR 870, Orego- gon Jan. I AM in touch with an experienced ad vertising man who desires to connect with a progressive Portland firm. If you are in need of the services of such a man communicate with me and I will give you full information. F. W. Ludwig, care of M, & H. H. Sichel. 380 u ashington. WILL cut grass and weeda on vacant lots. East 1562. ... Bookkeepers, Btenograpuers. Office. WANTED A position as bookkeeper or general office clerk. I am experienced and can give unquestionable references. I am willing to work and am confi dent that I will give complete satis faction. Call H. C. Snyder. Walnut 7032. AN EXPERIENCED accountant with some of his time unoccupied, desires accounting work three or four hours daily, or will keep up set of books that does not require over one-half day daily. Address "S," P. O. box 669, Portland. . COMPETENT bookkeeper, 12 years' ex perience banking or wholesale lines preferred. AV 247,' Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, general knowledge lum ber, box, millwork. open for position. BD 859, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. RELIABLE young widow with one child wants management of home for busi ness men or employed couple ; expe rienced housekeeper and excellent home cook. Want permanent, respectable position; not interested in matrimony. Aut. 628-70. REFINED, well-educated married lady wishes positibn as manager of apart ment house or small hotel. Thoroughly capable. Best of references. BF 858, Oregonian. PRIMARY teacher, with A-l references, five-year certificate and two years' ex perience, wishes position in first, sec ond or third grades. X 871, Orego nian. GOOKS, waitresses, maids for hotels, restaurants and ranches. also for camps. Square Deal Employment Agency, Goodnough bldg. Main 5727. YOUNG lady, without home, wishes posi tion as ward, companion or house keeper. Miss Mona Koeneke, 1383 Portsmouth ave., Portland, Or. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work. Laundry or cleaning. Phone Sell. 3077. Address 018 Maiden ave, Sellwood, or phone sen. EXPERIENCED, competent young busi " ness' woman desires management apartment house; references. Atwater 3400. ; COOK. EXPERIENCED HOTEL, CAFETE RIA OR LUMBER CAMP. BROAD WAY 289fl. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Wed.. Thursday. Frl. ; references. Wal nut 161L " WANTED Position as chambermaid, ex perienced. Phone Atwater 0555 from S till 3:30. , EXPERIENCED colored woman wants chamber work or housework, reference. East 4270. ' RELIABLE woman, good cook, wishes day work of any kind; city references. Call Main 7013. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes private branch exchange. Bertha Reimers. Empire 0453. . VERY experienced woman round, day work, fixpert Main 2117. . wants all laundress. BY WOMAN of refinement, assistant to housekeeper first-class apartment house or hotel. AH 808. Oregonian. " RELIABLE woman wants cooking or housekeeping in country; good pay. M. E., 567 E. 38th St. N. GIRL wants general housework. Empire 0718. CLEANING, window washing, laundry. Mrs. Crnstensen. aiain wi--. WILL give mother's care to small child over 4 years or age, aii Aut. ta.i-. WANT work by day; beat of reference. Main 2741. RELIABLE colored woman wants any kind of day worK. uroaqway lino. LADY wants any kind of work. Call Walnut 0327 COLORED girl wants, chambermaid work. Cail walnut zfivn WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home. Call Auto. 521-39. EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants work Thursday. Phone 631-86. GOOD working woman wants day work. Call East 6282 WANTED Saturday work by IS. AC 861. Oregonian. ichoolgii 1, LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 61116 FIRST-CLASS experienced chambermaid wants work. Broadway 5819. room 37. RELIABLE iady wants day work of any kind. Aut. 63.1-80. WILL care for apt. house for apt. West Park. Atwater 2885. DAY work wanted; city references, mornings. Walnut 2138. RELIABLE woman Phone E, 8868. wants day work., EXPERIENCED chambermaid, good Atwater 2157, Apt. 6. worker. Phone WANT light housekeeping for old people or working couple. East 8427. WOMAN wants day work. 35 cts. Call room 14. Bdwy. 5652. them, to visit ee ?mN ? then invitation- imagine. THE OTVtEtt "SHE Wl OF WAjC, TTlN b lATTV ?TJU, COFFEE" Qncwo R SITUATION WANTED I" KM ALE. BookkL-epern, Stenographers. Office. WOULD like poa.tloa as secretary or !- flee manager: have had general s - perlence. Including lumber, and ain ac customed to meeting the publ.c; can give the highest references: am ex perienced stenographer. Call Tutor 9125. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and A-l typist, 12 years' experience double entry bookkeeping, capable of taking charge; dependable, accurate, rapid and neat; wants permanent po sltion; reference, lir' ,S60. OreKontan. OFFICE HELP uFFlOE HELP . STENOGRAPHERS HOOKKKt'EUS. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL sKli V ICR, BDWY'. 0953. 504 SPALDING rtl.OO. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY W A N T S OFFICE OR BOOK K KEEPING WORK 'EVENINGS. ADDRESS AO 875. ORE GONIAN. FOR APPOINTMENT. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-cashier. Al references, desires position. Will leave city. M 869, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typi&t. pt--il-eral office work, wua:s poaUiuu. iVfcl ref. Sell. 3721. BUSINESS COLLEGE student wIhIum po sition aa office girl, half -days unO Sal urdays. E. 0427. DreHHniakerH. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, i euhon able. Mrs. E. Travis, 355 last -Tin st. Tabor 0927. ACROSS 10th street from public library. Rose Dressmaking Parlor, i&U lUth t. Maiu 2101. DRESSMAKING Experienced d regain alt er would like encasements, remoduiir-rf-Phone Walnut 5088. DRESS MA KING Satisfaction guaran teed; children's clothes specialty. Te. Aut. 635-80. 6522 02d ave. S. E. HEMSTITCHING, any color, tic. Ki.i. 4vi Raleigh blag. 327 Wash. Bdw .J74,. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 12-"l2lh st., cor. Washington. IU Iffy. 00 7 0. DRESSMAKER, make ovr lutiun: $3.50; references given. Hilwy. ."'.. DRESSMAKING, your numo, or lulno, guaranteed, reasonable. East 256Q. DRESSMAKING and hemstitching, ai U 10c. Riley fc Clinton. 411 Rrtieigh bldg. WANTED Dressmaking and sewing. 3lU Larrabee. East 8519. DRKSSM AK I NO, first-class workman ship ur;fnteed. East 81!MT PLAIN sewing neatly donu; ehr..lrn's sowing a spec I alty. Phone Hat 353 6. MIDDLE-AGE woman wishe hut ki -p-ing for employed couple. Tabor 02X0. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; work guar anteed. Ttibor 8450. TRAINED NURSE takes all kinds of cases, hourly, daily or permanent; rea sonable terms. Atwater 0349. NURSE will care for patient in her owi home; desirable location; physician's references. Tabor Siih4. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, wants engagement ; excellent references. Ta- - bor 3328. ' DonieHtit'H. . EXPERIENCED woman deirea house work, good cook, city or country, good wages. AL 809, Oregonian. ELDERLY party wishes light work in plain home; no laundry. Bdwy. 1225. SWEDISH girl want Oregonian. houHuwurk. L 854, Hounekeepert. THOUGH G H L V experienced woman wishes position as housekeeper in i t spectanio apartment or rooming houhe. AN SHU, Orogonian. REFINED lady, one child, wishes house keeping position. AF 801, Oregonian. ANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date list, of deiirablo furnished and unfurnished houses, apartments and flats, with definite In formation pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find thl bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. 1 Eighth Flolr. 8 OR 4-ROOM modern furnished house, west side or dIMrict served by S. 1'. east side, local trains preferred. Refer ences and best of care Klven. Fireplace defired. L .K."3, OreKonian. 5, 0 OR 7-BOOM ainrurnishud house with garage, in IrvinKton, by doctor with one child; must be clean, in good con dition. Will lease for 1 year. Heason ahle rent. Walnut 1M71. w WANTED Modern r-room bungalow In restricted district by family of two adults; best of references. Phone Ue shen Mortgage company, Broadway titiM or Kast 1S11. WANT YBAU'S I.EASK O.N Hul:SK. 7 or 8-room striclly modern house In King's Add. or thereabouts; unfur nished; will pay well for good piacl. Call f. Lemons. I'.dwy. I'.iiuT. WANTED Fine unfurnished house, west sitle; must be close in. In good dis trict: 8 rooms desired with garage. Mr. Lemons, FIriwy. 007. WE HAVE many calls tor houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. 6. A. WAO.VER CO.. 2.10 Stsrk St. LEASE for one year from Sept. 1 or Oct. 1, modern bungalow with garage, by responsible .ouple with little girl 2 years. AN 83. Oregonian WANTED By young couple, i;m.ill house or flat: must be strictly modern, good neighborhood, on or near pstved ati.ei. Main r:s:t7. E. J. Sheeby, - WANTED AT ONCE or 7-room un furnished modern house with garsgc. walking distance preferred. Call Wal nut 085S. WANT to- rent furnished house of 8 or 0 rooms. Close In, west side preferred. Bdwy. 21'H. 5-ROOM house, full lot, first payment cn modern house, 7 rooms. Bdwy. 5038. Bdwy. KOit.1. WANTED To lease, 0 or 7 strictly mou ern Irvington homo with garage. Call Suit 8112, Hotel Mallory. WANTED To rent a 4 or 5-ronin mini ern house, with garage, in suburb. Call M.lln 42H4. WANTED To rent 5 or li-room houce, unfurnished, or lower flat; must be modern. Phone East U031. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, garages lease. with option to buy if not Inflated price. W 537. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished modern house or auartment. 3 or more rooms, nose car; 3 adults. 'hone Auto. 512-7Q. -ROOM house, kitchen and Ulnlng room furnished, reasonable. Walnut 6020. Rooms With Hoard. ROOM and meals in pleasant home fur elderly lady; comfort and agreeable surroundings are essential; west aldo pref-rred. F S6S, OregonlHn. WANTED Room and board In refined private home by girl employed during riuy, AP 867, Oregonian. House keeping Rooms, WANTED Housekeeping rooms in a quiet Catholic home for elderly lady. East 7704. ' PAST middle-aged lady desires 2 h. k. rooms in private family for the winter at about $15 a month. East 2533, Business Places. WANTED TO RENT Private olflee III suite. In first-class office building, centrally located. ' Furnished or un furnished. Give complete Information. N. 870. Oregonian. WOULD like to rent desk space in ground floor office. Call Mr. Parker. Bdwy. 7829. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St.. cor. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates. $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea- sonable rates by week or month. WHY NOT have an apt while in town? Three modern furn. rooms, $12.5f per week San Marco, E. 8th. and Couch, E. 11)00. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 632' Washington t. Mod ern, private bsths. free phones, reason able rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy, r.xai. HOTEL CONRADIXE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st.. fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. 794 LOVEJOY ST. MAIN 8610. Residential hotel and a real home for people employed. Good home cooked meals. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at loth $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy. ONE front bedroom on first floor and I sleeping porch on 1st floor. 403 Vam hlll st. . NEWLY furnlsheu 2 rooms, with l.ntg. new building. 415 E. 10th South. East 1507. Price $3.1. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Aider; A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HO TEL; $1 up. Rates by week or mouth. .',0c DAY, $2.50 week up; large, absolute ly clean rms.; baths free: water always hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jeffer3on. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St., nesr Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month st reasonable rates. GRANT HOTEL, 13th and Washington, rooms by day. week or month; home like, and, QUiot, v