TITE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1923 18. FOB SALK. Furniture for Sale. STORAGE SALIC. GOOHS TO BE SACRIFICED. FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES. T500 square feet floor space filled with high-grade furniture of every kind and description; antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, violins. vacuum cleaners, electric pads and blan kets, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks. Wilton, and oriental rugs, refrigerators, sewing ma , chines, automobile and truck ; tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE St TRANSFER CO., 4th and Pine Streets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. FURNITURE FOR 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE CHEAP. MAIN 8164. xr !ninr tnhl buffet. 6 leattaer-bot- tomed chairs, chiffonier, large leather rocker, folding kitchen table and 2 i.h;n. sanitary couch with duofold mattress. Tel. E. 1882. nnnus of furniture at a bargain; come and get soma good pieces. 754 Kront st. BARGAIN I rooms complete; player ,(anr with furniture or separate. u. 3332. Office Furniture. WE BIT V, sell and rent every kind or. equipment for your office. You save money on either new or used equip ment bitft-ing from us. D. C. Wax Of fice Equip. House, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. CLOSING out office, will sell all equip ment. Apply 515 Cham, of Commerce. COUNTER and bookkeeper's desk, ilaiw offer. Bdwy. n231. 42-IN. KOLL TOP ottice aess ana nmir for S5Q. Call after n f. Ji r.. i,o.i. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50. complete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER COV,. 04 Fifth St. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below man ufacturers' price; TERMS. $5 cash and $5 month if desired. LATE MODELS RPNTKIJ 3 months. $7.0 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 121 Washington St. Bdwy. 4S1. REBl'll-TS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. 1" P. O Co.. 231 Stark st. Bdwy. 7507. liEPAIlt rent. buy. sell, supplies. Type- writer Insp. Co.. 312 starK. fcsuy. i.-. S3 MONTH rents an Underwood or Kern ineton. Empire Transfer Bdwy. loo. Poultry. Sim PLYMOUTH ROCK pullets for tale. Rnote 3. Box 126. H2d and Maple sts. I Iok. Rabbit. Hird and Pet Stock. NEW BIRD Book. "Care. Feeding ana Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume of real Information. y.Iso tells how and what to use to overcome disease and trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner if a canary. Postpaid. 30 Routledge Bird Pet A Animal Co.. Portland. BELLMORB BIRT1E at stud; a sire of winning cocker spaniel puppies. Mam 44S4. ANDREASBl KG roller, imuuii su.,. good t rainer ana cKe. " PURE-BRED Aireda wonderful watch in? ria nor j.-i"-. MALE puppies for sale. $10 each. Wal nut c.i'i. TAN BOSTON Terrier pups, beauties. Aut. "Hi- 2 MONTHS old Persian kittens. Main 194 AIREDALE puppies cheap. 240 East Sth. ltoats. Lnunrhe-t and Marine Equipment. vi R SALE Below cost. "Chief river wheel boat. 6-ton capacity. Mackie. 102V4 Second. D. B. c-h-t t rl9 RKXT Five-room moaern houseboat, furnished; piano; 2 Oregon Yarht Club. Sellwooq um. HOUSEBOAT NO. 7. OREGON YACHT CLUB. motor canoe for sale cheap; terms if desired. Call Aut. 626-44. Coal and Wood. S4.23 PER LOAD $4.25. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir blocks and slab, run cartlv dry. for furnace or heater. OREGON FUEL CO.. WALNUT 4102, FOR. SALE Slabwood. blocawood. Na. 1 fir and pole oaa cr.. "" . ",' cut fuel and coal. S. A H. green .trad ing stamos. Holman Fuel Co.. 84 8th st. Broadway ojoo. FOUR-FOOT DRY SLAB, $6.50 COKU. $4.25 load in 2-load lots. 16-inch block and slab mixed. For furnace or heater. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. NO. 1 GREEN and dry fir, $8.00: heavy country slaD, o.uu; poio ' $10 per cord. Second growth fir si.Jo. Main 6241. tji ru'k" orwi slnhwood. $4.25 per load; 2 loads $8; furnace and fireplace wood $4.25 per load; two loads, ts. Lali Walnut 5904. WOOD WOOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties', also 16-tnch dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. 60 CORDS dry fir, 20 miles out. sell at $2 50 per cord. or let hauling on shares. Walnut 6737. DRY box wood, ideal kindling; $3.25 and $4 a load. Walnut 3649. BUY second growth fir cordwood, $.- cord. At. 2526. Wal. 3423. WHEN you want a wood.-aw call neuey. East 6840. WOOD, any kind, summer prices now on. Atwater 2526. Wdln. 3423. BEST grade Utah coal, oak cordwood. Phone East 1759. DRY BLOCK and slabwood, single load, $o; double load, $S. Bdwy. 2545. .BUY second-growth fir cordwood. $7.25 cord. At. 2526. Wal. 342.1. A-l OLD GROWVTH fir wood. $7.50 de livered. Auto 522-15. -A-NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH- Ilr corawooa $S cord. Tabor 5033. Kegs and Barrela. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage -Co.. 808 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. M9-19. Fruits and Vegetables. SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOUSEWIVES. Drive out to No. 112 East i3th st., Mount Tabor, and buy .your cooking apples, fresh from the trees, and see the finest apples in the county and the cheapest. Come in the afternoons. Radio Equipment. COMPLETE receiving set. detector and two steps, filament, control Jacks, phones. Westinghouse Victrola attach ment, storage batteries, etc. Cost $200. Sell quick for $125 cash. See and hear it evening at 908 Commercial St. Wal nut 5026. Miscellaneous. 32 WINCHESTER rifle for $17.50. after B P. M-. E. 1133,1. FULL DRESS suit, never been worn, size ."'. Call after 6 P. M. K. 9333. CEMENT jardineres, suitable for porch or garden, very nanqsome. jiam i -o.. PAIR heavy trellis for vines. 12 ft. by 4U, ft. Main 7855. ' century; l.indtng. dictionary. 10 Main 7S55. vol., Morocco GAS RANGE, in good condition. Phone Woodlawn 1350. $15. SECTIONAL bookcases, solid mahogany. Main 7833 FINE Kentucky Wonder beans 5c a lb. 411 Cook ave. Aut. 323-10. LATE rotary White sewing machine oniy $ 22. 50. 171 Park st. BEANS. 6o. Kentucky Wonders, for can nins. 4329 42d a e. S. E. . WOOD and coal range in fine condition. 610 S 31st st. N. TEXT and camping dishes for sale. 309 Shaver t. Walnut loso. BACK bar and counter for saia cheap. Inaui-- 213 6th st. NEW ,250-31100 water 2322 Savage rifle. Phone At- STEEL. black annealed sheets 16 and 24 Ga. Bdwy. 5231. DROP-HKAD Singer machine, good con rlltlon, $15. East 3769. 562 William,. SCREENS, mirrors, furniture repairing caolnet work, etc. Walnut 1487. ' FOR SALE Yellow transparent apples mnd blackberries. Call Seilwood 311s. HEMSTITCHING machine. Call or write 106 E. loth. Vancouver, Wash. SHINGLES FOR NUT 3750. SALE. CALL WAtA FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases. 43 1st, pear Ash., GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries lor ALL cars. $10 to $15. Bdwy. 4482. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c per day, delivered Walnut 1259. SECOND-HAND tenfcs and covers for sale Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. SHINGLES direct from mill, extra Star-A-Sta Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. APPAREL SHOP in a uoin ?. good show ing of fall Sargent. Tabor 2?3 AN A NO. 1 man's beaver coat, size 42, very reasonable. Ail olio. OreitQnjan. FOR SAI.K. M iscel laneous. DAINTY, lacey. white gold and platinum mountings; they make your dismonda look 25 per cent larger and brignter as well; a wonderful selection to choose from. MILLER'S BIO LITTLE JEWELRY STOR E. Sells for Leas Gifts That Last. NEXT DOOR MAJESTIC THEATER. WASHINGTON NEAR PARK ST. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain. Absolutely harmless and no alter fcr Mut fKfaetion euaranteed. Dr. A 'w. Keeae. Dr. E. J. KlesendahL Above Majestic Theater, 351 V Wash. SEWING MACHINES. Large stock slightly used drop-head Singers, Whites. New Homes and all other makes, guaranteed and at truly bargain prices. Liberal allowance for your old machine in exchange on a new stno-er. We rent and repair. Singer Store. . 198 4th. near Taylor. Main 6S33. 256 NEWTON, at a bargain; fine shape. 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. Call Sellwood 3830. or AM 803, Oregonian. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest selections. Come in and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253, IF YOU uppreclate splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. LEAKY ROOF, EH? Very aggravating. indeed! Why not a comrortaoie ana permanent roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, de teriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 5958. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Shotguns and Rifles. Tents. Camping Outfits. Trunks. Hand Bags, Electric Fans. Tools and anything of value. . . NEWMAN, 128 First, near Alder. Aut. 627-46. 625-82. Broadway 7161. HUNTERS, TAKE NOTICE. WE RENT SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. HAVE YOU A GUN FOR SALE OR TO TRADE? NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First. Near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. S1BLOCO furnaces, pipe or pipeless. rad ically improved, proauce superior in sults; average cost of fuel past "win ter, $35.20. Best guarantee for dur nhitiiv and results. Pipeless installed $98 to $152. I. T WToodruff. 121)1 Mal- lory ave. Walnut 2103. MAUSER rifle, with short bolt action, for the cal. .25 Remington rimsess cart ridge. On rifle is mounted a. 3-powcr teieeeope sight. Rifle and sope in A-l condition, i'none Alain ioio. xr. Box 692. A. F. Lutter. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes. new and second-hand at rlgnt prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRTS SAFE A LOOK CO., 105 Second St. Bdwy. 7045 nnnRS. windows, screen doors, mould ings, mlllwork. gl&ss, roonng ana not-. bed sash; see our oaa siocit ui usn uu doors for prices. 1. B. Scully Co.. down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. SHWING machines, new and second hand, sold lor less: no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes: machines repaired ana rentea. smvlxn MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d St., near Taylor. Main 9431. SO SLIGHTLY used White. New Home. Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal term on sale. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. at Belmont Phone East 2359 18-FOOT front and back bar, complete with pump and laxo iu mirror, lernis. 20-foot lunch counter. Call 223 Burn side or call Tabor 8154. HOT-WATER tanks. $5, guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repaired: plumbing con tractors: estimates' given. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams St. E. 8516. BARGAIN on men's hats and caps, $4, $5 hats now $1.95 to $2.95; caps 76c to $2.45. 251 Washington et, between 2d and 3d. SHOWCASES. SAFES. SCALES. Cash registers; root beer barrels, check writers, wall cases, account reg isters: big selection. 129 First st. BEAUTIFUL steel blue gray squirrel coat, full length, with double fur shawl collar; practically new; reasonable. Phone East 9296. - DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 3 sports men to Join our ciub; best lakes and club house on Sauvies island; by auto. O 8.11. Oregonian. TWO IRON electric lanterns for porch, fitted with heavy brackets, also in side fixtures, large glass electrolier. ' Main 7S5S. - SINGER sewing machine. No. 85-10. -with high-speed motor and stand; used oniy one month. Apply 169 t. 10th st. LARGE table desk, solid mahogany, size 5 ft. 10 in., by 3 ft. 2 in. Main 7855. A 3'x5li GRAFLEX with Bausch A Lomb Zeiss Tessar lense, at moderate price. Main 7S55. COOK stove, good as new, $12; also Pe ninsular range reasonable. 100 East 6Mh St. 351 AUTOMATIC Winchester rifle In good shape, $25. Henry Long, East i;n40. CHEAP, confectionecy fixtures fountain, cases, cash register, tables, chairs. At water 3755. . BIG, long tables for sale for tailor shop or similar store. Call lobby Alisky b!dg.. 3d at Morrison. ALMOST new congoleum rug $9, BxlO'i, just varnished, call -Mrs. matt, xsortn Coast Electric Co. Bdwy. 837. GREY and white enameled wedge- wood range, used 6 weeKs, 5o cash. Mrs. H. P. MacLeod, foot of Miles st. FOR SALE New gray wicker Oriole. wheeled baby pea; mattress; oira cage. Phone E. 8710. COUNTERS, fine oak, parquet window, sacrifice; camnei woraer s maLeridi. Bdwy. 4219. 521 Irving. KODAKS. We buy,- sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 124 Broadway. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation, tjaii or write ur. ueau, Second and Morrison. 60 GENUINE Don John cigars. ,$2.23 Heitkemper, maker, 151 postpaid. J. Porter. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and second hand. special prices, pacitic hate v buppiy Co., 48 Front St. Broadway 1966. OFFICE FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED. C. WAX. 24-26 N. STH. BP. 2739. AIR compressor, Brunner No. 102, com plete, ready lor use, sxau. 022 Alder St.. S. W. cor. 16th. 3 FOX FURNACES complete; fair con dition; cheap. Main 32 ib. 54o i am hill. LICENSED independent electrician wires A rooms. X12; d lor 2u; guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales, bougnt. sola, exenangea ana re paired.' 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. FOR SALE Little girl's tricycle. rery good condition. Main 6140. NEW CABINET sewing machine. down pillows. Atwater 2798. 1 COMBINATION safe. 20x26x15 Inside measurements. 273 Hawthorne. $60. NEW HOME electric machine, cheap. 52214 Washington st. EQUIPMENT for small bakery. Washincton. Call 008 1 74-FT. PLATE GLASS showcase for sale cheap. Main 8466. USED pipe furnace, $20. East 2827. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Ford Roadster. Refinished. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. - 341 Burnside SU HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Ford touring. Refinished. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 20 Paige, 5 passenger touring. Refinished like new. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. 1920 CHEVROLET touring. In fine con dition; lots of extras; will consider terms; price J30U. . Walnut 23S7, FOR SAT.F AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS AT RIGHT PRICES. We have the best and most reasonably priced Used Car stock ' in the city. We have the car that you are looking foi one that is best suited to your needs and purse. A reasonable amount down and the balance on long and easy terms. Buy a good used car with a reliable com pany behind it. Our stock is -constantly changing. Come in, today and make your choice. These are a few of our Used Car bargains: 1918 Briscoe touring $ 225 1017 Saxon roadster 75 1018 Mitchell touring .... 400 1017 Chalmers touring 350 1920 Mitchell touring 995 1018 Liberty touring 800 118 Studebaker 3O0 1019 Apperson touring .... 1150 1018 Overland touring .... 275 1017 Hudson touring 400 1013 Overland roadster ... 40 1015 Mitchell touring .... 135 1917 Overland touring 160 ' Ford roadster 200 1920 Mitchell touring 895 Grant sedan 675 1020 Buick touring 950 1916 Packard touring 1000 1920 Mitchell touring 995 1017 Maxwell touring 175 1918 Briscoe touring 230 1918 Mitchell club roadster. 575 1918 Stutz roadster 1225 1919 Mitchell touring . , 750 1019 Briscoe touring 325 1918 Overland touring 300 1918 Maxwell touring 250 Open Evenings and Sundays. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. Broadway at Everett Ft. 40, Years in the Northwest. , FORDS! FORDS! Now. Mr, , Bargain FORDS! Hunter, here's your chance: TOURINGS. 1016 Ford touring. , 1017 Ford touring. . . 1018 Ford touring 1910 Ford touring, starter. 1920 Ford touring, starter. 1921 Ford touring, starter. ROADSTERS. 1016 Ford roadster. 1910 Ford roadster . .,$ 65.00 . . . 115.00 . .. 175.00 .... 275.00 . . . 325.O0 . . . 350.00 . . .$115.00 250.00 1920 Ford roadster, starter, with delivery box . 350.00 1020 Ford roadster, starter 375.00 1020 ord roadster, starter. . ... 275.00 1921 Ford roadster, starter. . ... 375.00 CLOSED CARS. 1921 Ford coupe, p r a c t 1 c ally new .$575.00 1921 Ford coupe, lots of extras.. 550.00 1920 Ford sedan, fine shape.... 525.00 191R Ford sedan, starter 385.00 1921 Ford sedan, like new 575.00 1920 Ford coupe. . 525.00 CHASSIS. 1914 Ford chassis $115.00 1916 Ford chassis. '. .y 11 5". 00 1920 Ford chassis. . .1. 225.00 COMMERCIAL CARS. 1914 Ford deliver', good body. . .$ 05.00 litlf ford delivery, panel body.. 27a. 00 102V Ford delivery, starter, ex press- body -. 325.00 1919 Ford 1 - ton truck, express body 375.00 1910 Ford 1-ton chassis 275.00 Over fifty cars to choose from. Buy your usea car irom a reliable dealer. We give the same service on these used cars as we do on a new one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. East 3770. ALLEN -GOODS ELL MOTOR CO.. 12th and Stark Sts. "The House of Service." 1921 Ford touring ....$390 1021 Ford touring f 375 1P20 Ford touring 325 1918 Ford touring 225 1920 Ford roadster 325 1918 Ford sedan 325 1920 Ford sedan 500 1921 Ford sedan 525 1918 Ford coupe 350 1921 Ford coupe v 525 1913 Ford delivery " 160 TERMS. Open Sundays from 9 to 1 o'clock. ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO.. 12th and Stark Sts. "The House of Service." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. MS Studebaker, 7-passenger, $123. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '19 Buick Touring. This is a real bargain. a THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED AR DEPARTMENT. Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St- - STEVENS SALIENT SIX 1 1922; red roadster; just broken in niceiy; goou ruDoer. spotlight, auto matic windshield wiper; will sacrifice. 11. - K. AUTO CO., Broadway 2320. Ask for L. C. Williams. BUICK ROADSTER. A practical automobile and a won derful buy at $405. It's a 191S model in very good condition; Just had a $50 paint jow; terms ana win traae in a Ford. See Mr. Cate. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. E. 3d and Broadway. East 0303. CHEVROLET! CHEVROLET! CHEVROLET! 1918 Chevrolet chassis, starter 145 1919 Chevrolet delivery, beautiful panel body, starter, looks like new $275 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Grand Ave, and Hawthorne. East 3770. 1921 DODGE TOURING CAR In excellent condition. 5 cord tires, SO days' guarantee and a week's trial; $750. COOK GILL, INC.. PAIGE AND A E WETT DEALERS. 9th and Burnside Sts. Bdwy. 7751. FORD SEDAN. 1921. This car is in excellent condition. Engine, tires ard upholstering in fa-st-elass shape. Wlli sacrifice and give easy terms. Tabor 2337. SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Late model Winton Six 7-passenger; never been out of private service; re cently overhauled and in A-l condition. Six good cord tires, wire wheels and all extras. Bdwy. 2669. 14th and Morri son. ; BUICK SIX. five-passenger, late model, has been rn but little, A-l condition, looks and runs like new, for sale cheap, cash. Can be seen at Union Depot Ga rage, Broadway and Hoyt. Owner, W. J. Hanna. FORD SEDAN. A 1921 repainted and guaranteed for 30 days, a week's trial, $475. COOK A GILL. INC.. 9th snd Burnside sts. Bdwv. 7751. PAIGE AND JEWETT DEALERS. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1920 Hudson speedster, 90 per cent new. $1150. Trade or terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Grand Ave, and Hawthorne. East 3770. 1920 FORD SEDAN. . $400; has demountable rims, self starter, speedometer, oversize tires and has Just been completely overhauled; w-iil take some terms. Call Tabor 3212. FORD touring car, with starter and foot feed; must sell at once on account of sickness; $325 takes it. East 3236. 464 E. Ash. FRANKLIN. Demi-sedan, new. never used, will sell at a substantial saving to buyer, Bdwv. 0849. WILL sell my 192.1 model 4-00 Chev rolet touring demonstrator at a liberal discount. Terms to responsible party. Walnut 3612. FORD coupe, 1922, used less than month. over $100 In extras; double Hasslers. spotlight, 2 bumpers. For quick sale S673. Broadway 0849. FORD sedan, extra good shape, lots of extras; will sell reasonable. Broadway 24S 8. LATE model 491) Chevrolet, good con dition; price for quick sale, very easy terms. Tabor 39S5. 1921 CHEVROLET touring, condition ex cellent, small down payment with easy balance. Main 7437 1922 DODGE touring, everything first class, $S50 cash, some extras. F. L. Freebury. 465 Montgomery. LIBERTY Six in perfect condition. Will sell reasonable or trade in for real es tate In city. 248 West Burnside. FOR SALE 1921 Ford sedan, $75 worth of extras; must sell; private owner. Call Walnut 4903. 1921 BARY GRAND Chevrolet. A good buy Will demonstrate. Call Walnut 361 27 Ht'PMOBILE roadster, model N. snap. i2ibi jnuat go south. Bdwy. 4553, -. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. A Safe Place to Buy. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. Broadway at Burnside. BUY ONE. OF OUR REBUILT CARS AND SAVE THE DlFFJKrtKiCls. Here are a few fine used cars taken In trade on new Velie Six and Peerless Eight cars. The prices will surprise you and ' terms can be arranged to meet with . your requirements. 1919 Dodge touring, many extras. 1918 Dodge touring, fine car. 1915 Dodge touring, new tires. 1019 Oldsmohile Six touring, snap. 1919 Oldsmobile Six sedan, fine con dition. 1920 Oldsmobile touring, only $550. 1919 Paige touring, looks like new. lffjft Velie Six tourlne-. fine car. 1919 Mitchell Six touring, repainted. TOIT AluYwell tonrlnr. onlv $175. 1918 OveiMand "4" touring, low price. 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand, only 2io. MANY OTHERS OPEN EVENINGS. W. R. DE LAY AlOTOlt UU., Distributors Velie and Peerless. A Safe Place to Buy. Broadway at Burnside. Phone Broadway 3121. USED CARS. 1921 Nash 7-passenger, ran . 8338 miles, new cord tires, paint, guaran teed t $1175 1919 Nash, 5-pass., original finish, cord tires. 90 days' service 775 1919 Nash, 4-pass., a real bargain for 585 1921 Nash sport model, only . run 4325 miles. A-l paint, guaranteed like new 1100 1921 Essex, a real bargain, lots of extras, the best buy in Portland 850 : 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet sedan, new paint .... 525 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. ' WHY HELP PAY' the high overhead of expensive downtown stores when you can buy as good used automobiles at 530 Alder St., where rents ar .low and cars are carefully se lected and inspected before of fering for sale? FORD ROADSTER. FORD BUG. FORD SEDAN. FORD TRUCK. CHEVROLETS. MAXWELLS. OVER LANDS. BUICKS. OAKLAND. OLDSMOBILE. WILLYS-KNIGHT. ST EARNS-KNIGHT. DODGE DELIVERY. REO SPEED WAGON. MANY OTHERS. C. O. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 1852. A REATj. USED-CAR SALE. We need the space and must move 1 our large stock of cars at once; every! car has been reduced in price. The I following is a partial list of stock on hand: Waa Now. 1 .$2000 J1500 1921 Auburn Sedan.... 1916 Dodge Touring .. 1920 Cole "8" 1917 Chalmers . . 1921 Stutz Touring 1917 Packard, 7-pass... 1916 Overland . 400 230 . 1200 800 . 650 400 . 2250 2000 . 1350 1100 . 275 150 W will consider any trade or terms! within reason. po brokerage charged. GRANNING A TREECE. 102 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 1723. 60 CARS TO PICK FROM. 1916 Ford chassis, license " $ 65 1917 Ford touring, starter block.. 125 1917 Ford touring, rebuilt 185 1918 Ford touring 190 1919 Ford touring, repainted 240 1020 Ford touring, starter, extras. 340 1020 Ford sedan, like new 485 1917 Saxon 4 roadster 135 1917 Ford bug. fenders 135 1918 Chevrolet touring 215 1919 Chevrolet touring 275 1917 Buick 6 375 1918 Buick 4 375 1920 Buick 6 623 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH., Grand Ave. and E. Main St. East 4376. Open nights and Sundays. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUD . EBAKER. '19 Studebaker Special Six. This is an exceptional buy as Is.' Look this car over. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '20 Buick, 7-passenger Tour ing. See this car if you want a 7-passenger touring. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '21 Ford Coupe. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. Rebuilt and repainted, a sacrifice at I $850. take car on trade, balance on terms. COOK A GILT,. INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT DEALERS. 9h and Burnside Sts. Bdwv. 7751. CHANDLER DWPATCH BARGAIN. This is a iate model car and looks I like new; is in fine mechanical con dition, has 5 wire wheels and 5 good tires; will sell at a bargain and give easy terms. Phone fjast liihz. CASH PAID FOR FORDS. . Why trade your old car in on new one when we will pay you its 1 value in cash 7 Then do-your shopping. Cash counts, T. McDonald, 191 Grand ave.. corner of Taylor. East 6319. STEVENS SALIENT SIX, $650. This car is in fine mechanical- con dition, has just been repainted and looks fine: has good tires and other extras; will give easy terms. Phone East 1962. FORD roadster, late 1019 model starter type, Firestone demountable rims. Iota or extras. qwy. FOR SALE by owner, Buick bug, per fect mecnanicai conaition, .new paint and tires. Davis. East 0212. SACRIFICE 1920 Olds 6. like new; see Ing's believing. $690. Auto. 633-83.. - - 1919 FORD sedan, special, snap $275. Aut. 316-51. FORD roadster, 1918 model, with 1922 body; fine shape. Bdwy. 248S. 1919 CASE 6, good mechanical condition; sacrifice $45o. 245 Morrison. 1921 FORD coupe, runs fine, looks good. Walnut 3612. 1919 DODGE, In A-l condition; $475. 269 Salmon street. BUICK four, Al condition, $300, easy terms. Tabor 4755 FORD coupe, perfect condition, cash or terms. Main 3124. GOOD Chevrolet touring, $225; terms. 462 Hawthorne. STANDARD Ford tops put on, $10. Standard Top Shop. 394 Union N". 1917 CHEVROLET touring, $135. For sale by owner. Y 875. Oregonian. FORD touring in Al condition, $125. Multnomah, East 732.2,. ... 730 FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. USED. CAR PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. In order to make room for our rapidly growing storage and transfer business we have made radical reductions in prices of our stock of used care. We must close them out. and at our new prices they will go fast. Below we give a partial list showing seduction in prices Was. 1919 Mitchell. 7-passenger. $1050 Now. $ 700 600 300 600 1919 Haynes. 7-passenger.. 900 , 1919 Dixie Flyer. 5-pass.., 600 1920 Dixie Flyer. 5-pass... 1000 1917 Winton. 7-passenger. . 1200 1920 Moon, 5-passenger 1200 1920 Cole "S.'.f 7-passenger. 1200 1918 Daniels. 7-passenger. . 1800 1917 Chalmers, 5-passenger 650 1917 King "8", 5-passenger 1000 1921 Haynes coupe. 4-pass. 2100 1916 Dodge, 5-passenger... 400 500 800 ' '800 12O0 400 650 1500 250 1918 Overland, 5-passenger 450 . 300 1917 Velie. 7-passenger. .. . 600 12 1915 Chandler. 7-passenger. 425 300 A great many others at similar re ductlons. Our stock of trucks and trailers reduced in the same propor tion. Your own terms in reason. We carry our own. paper. No brokerage. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE A SALES COMPANY, 415 East Ash st corner of E. 6fth. Open Sundays. 9 to 4. PHONE East S510. DODGE. DODGE. DODGE. RAILROAD STRIKE or not. our policy will- not countenance charging "all the traffic will bear" in. the sale of our USED CARS. During the past ten weeks our over-sold condition of new DODGE BROTHERS cars has occasioned an unusual strong demand on our reconditioned used car stock- a demand that could easily have Inflated prices. Our prices have remaVhed con sistent during these ten weeks. They will continue consistent even to the last car on hand in the event of a railroad tie-up. In fact they have been intelli gently reduced as of August 1 in line with price adjustments on certain makes. We offer you a conscientious measure of transportation value, backed up by an efficient, per manent organization. DODGES ALL MODELS. 1919 Dodge screen delivery .. 675 1918 Dodge sedan 700 3919 Olds delivery, -ton... 650 1917 Buick touring 475 1921 Ford touring 375 1920 Ford coupe 475 Ford delivery 110 1921 Maxwell roadster, new.. 575 1921 Mitchell touring 825 1921 Velie 34. 5-pass 875 1919 Model 90 Overland 350 1918 Model 85-4 Overland .. 325 1920 Baby Overland sedan .. 595 Reo touring 195 USED CARS IN TRADE. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC., 11th and Burnside Sts. - HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUD EBAKER. '20 Studebaker; refinished: new tires; motor thoroughly gone over. A-l condition in every respect. , THE STUDEBAKER OORPORA- . TION OF AMERICA. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUD HBAKER. 20 Studebaker" Big Six tour ing. Refinished like new. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE: WE FURNISH THE MONEY: OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG., 2d Floor. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUD EBAKE9. ID Studebaker- four cylinder, THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 20 Case touring. Refinished like new. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. DODGE TOURING CAR. Purchased from Dodge agency in May, 1921, driven by owner at prac tically all times and given exceptional care; bony, top, upholstery, etc., show practically no wear, very quiet motor with quick pickup and lots of power. Price is $745 cash. Call owner, 300 Oregonian bldg. 1918 DODGE touring car, good condition, good rubber and good paint. $395. Some terms. Call Mr. Bates, East 0302. SELDOM AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS. Peerless 8, model 1920, 7 pass., lust overhauled and painted, looks and ' runs like new, 4 new cord tires, lots of extras, easy terms; a real bargain. Ownerr 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. PAIGE LIGHT 6. $275. 1917 model, cord tires and in fine -running order, a real automobile; will demonstrate. 1 COOK A GILL, INC.. PAIGE AND JEWETT DEALERS. 9th and Burnside Sts. Bdwy. 7751. 1922 LIBERTY SIX. license, new cord r tires: looks like new car; price $so; mechanically guaranteed; to a reliable party will take a small payment down with 12 months to pay balance; no brokers. Phone East 8879. FORD TOURING $195. This is really a wonderful snap. Just overhauled, engine in perfect order. Looks; good, too; valuable extras; half cash. 1008 Raleigh st. LATE model Buick roadster, fully equip ped and in perfect mechanical condi tion; must dispose of this car today. Bdwv. 1130. Ask for Mr. Baucum. Sunday. Bdwy. 1133-K. LATE 1921 Dodge touring, cord tires, . green sunvisor, spotlight, fully equip ped: Just like new car; will sell this week at a bargain. Bdwy. 1130. Ask for Mr. Baucum. Sunday Bdwy. 1133-K. BARGAIN. 1921 490 Chevrolet, like new, driven only 4800 miles in city, ' bought new from Fields Motor Co. Cheap for cash. No dealers. 709-10 Broadway bldg. I HAVE a 6-cylinder Buick touring, com--. pletely, rebuilt, new, first-class paint and new top; the best buy in town. Bdwy. 1130. Ask for Mr. Baucum. Sunday Bdwy. 1133-K. . 1922 CHEVROLET 490 touring; will guarantee car to be in first-class con dition; must sell afe once, easy terms. Tabor 5985 SIX-CYL. car, cord tires, for sale $300. Will trade for light car. Ford bug, $200. 1002 Alder. Phone Tabor 0344. Call any time. 21 FORD touring, will sacrifice, new. labor 16S8 or East 6551. like OR SALE AUTOMOBILES. MID-SUMMER BARGAINS. ON RENEWED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or reDulia nuasoD ana i.ssex automooue These are in' the best of mechanical condition. They are also warranted the same as factories warrant new cars. In addition we give 30 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first- class condition and sold with a ten days' free trial, sub j act to being re turned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This elves amnio time for every pur chaser to try out the car he buys: gives him time to have it inspected. and we want only satisfied customers. 1919-1920 (Model O se ' ries) Hudson super six, Westinghouse air springs $1275 1919 Hudson speedster..... 1160 1915 "6-4 Hudson 1.... 375 1919 Essex 750 1920 Essex 825 1921 Essex : 875 1918 Liberty 875 1918 Stephens Cole "8 650 650 ... . 1818 Chandler coupe 750 1920 Chandler dispatch..... 750 1921 Paige 925 ' 1919 Chalmers Maxwell truck ........ 625 , . . . . 800 ' Largest Used Car Branch Store in this city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 5739. Also & Display at Our Salesrooms, 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO- COVEY'S USED CAR CLEANUP.' Sunday, August 13, is the start of a REAL SACRIFICE SALE. We have a very complete as sortment of cars, most of them small, and medium priced ma chines. Practically all have been overhauled, repainted and equipped with good tires. Covey Mlotor Car Co. HAS NEVER HAD SUCH A DESIR 'ABLE STOCK OF USED AUTO MOBILES TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC. AND WE HAVE CUT OUR PRICES VERY MATERI ALLY. We won't advertise a sale without having it a TRUE SALE. - For a . partial list, tajgether with prices, see the Sunday and Monday Oregonians. Tuesday Journal and Wednesday Tele gram. Bring this list with you ask for the cars by our house numbers. REMEMBER. -we have two stores one at 28-30 No. 'Broad way and the main plant at 21st at Washington. "ALWAYS THE BEST AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANY. Open Sundays and nights. Phone Broadway 6244. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. "90 Overland. Repainted. For anyone wanting a small car at a small price this car is the one for you. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. '18 Studebaker, 7-passenger, itt exceptionally fine condition. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LTE MODEL FORD SEDANS AND COUPES. We have 12 to choose from and we are going to sell them cheap this week. 1921-1920 models. One 1922 model. Liberal terms. Phone and ask us about them. It costs too much to describe them here. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. E. 3d and Broadway. East 0303. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '16 Dodge Touring, like new. This car is a bargain. THE "STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, Broadway 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '19 Ford sedan, refinished like naw. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OW AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. GREATEST VALUES OF THE DAY. 1918 Maxwell roadster $183 1920 Ford touring 350 1920 Briscoe touring 375 1921 Gardner touring 500 1021 Crow-Elkhart touring 475 AH cars in Al condition, good tires. STOKES MOTOR CAR CO., Milwaukle at Bybee ave. Sellwood 4073. FOR SALE By owner. 4-pass. sport model Case, always had rine care; looks and acts like new; lots of ex tras; 6 cord tires. Westinghouse shock absorbers, 2 spotlights, bumpers. Price $900, and a bargain. Fr E. Bowman, 210 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. ' 6007. . 1921 FORD touring, $325 cash; spot light. demountable rims, starter, two new cord tires, back sawed for sleeping and other extras. Just overhauled. Must sell. Brooks. Main 3705. 394 Guild st. FORD SEDAN Cord tires and many other extras, specially priced at $515. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC., lltn ana tturnsiae is. 1923 490 CHEVROLET TOURING. Run less than 500 miles. If you are In the market for a new car, I can save you some money on this one; easy terms, pan lapor o.iao. 1921 PAIGE LIGHT SIX. This car cannot be told from new and is in the best or mechanical con dition: has 5 good tires; will sell part cash, balance terms, pnone East 1962, 1921 CHANDLER DISPATCH Disk wheels and many other extras; best buy in Portland: car can be seen at Godby's Garage, 5th and Hoyt, or phone . Bdwy. 2123 . 1"'! CHEVROLET touring car in excel lent condition. Many extras. , Terms if desired. Apt. 4. Lucile Court. 1922 FORD SEDAN at a. bargain; used one month: perfect condition; not yet limbered up. Tabor 5721. 1021 FORD roadster, shock a??sorbers, looks and runs like new. $325. Bdwy. 2488. PAIGE touring. 1918, only $450, easy terms. Call Atwater 2074 between 1 and 4 P. M. . FORD , sedan, good paint, extra, good tires, will sacrifice if taken at once. Bdwy. 2488. FORD sedan, late 1921, perfect condi tion, 6 good tires; for quick sale, $525. 21 N. Park st. Bdwy. 7943. FORD touring, 1919 model. Make me an offer. Must be sold quick. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve. Atwater 0182. 1920 HUDSON touring; overhauled, cord tires; must sell; highest offer takes it. Call Johnson. E. 4376; ATTENTION to those wishing automobile or trucK taeaa storage, nreprooi Diag. Reasonable rates. Call Bdwy. 3606. v FORD touring, 1917 model. $105. Bdwy. 2488. EXEPHEKS. 1920.. CAMj BSW.I, 4475, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUD EBAKER. 21 Special Six Studebaker se dan In perfect condition in every respect. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 19 Maxwell touring. Refin ished. Car Is In best of condi tion in every respect. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. 20 Auburn Beauty Six. Very fine condition. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. Chevrolet Bug. This is a bar gain, $200. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORA TION OF AMERICA. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Bdwy. 2731. 341 Burnside St. 1922 CHANDLER sport roadster. This - car is the very latest type Chandler with individual fenders and many ex tras; car cost over $2000 as equipped. Run less than 6000 miles; will take $1100 cash. See Mr. Desovia at Cook A Gill Co., 9th and Burnside, Bdwy. 7751. I HAVE a dandy 7-passenger touring car which 1 will trade tor a lot in a good district; this car will stand Inspection. Phone Broadway 6389. Ask for-U. S. Harkson. 1920 PAGE LITTLE SIX This car is a bargain. Price $ttf3. small down pay ment. Easy terms on the balance. E. H. Docksteader. Wal. 3201. FORD coupe, 1922, used less than month. over xiou in extras; - aouoie nassters, spotlight, 2 bumpers. For iuick sale $675. Broadway 0S49. 5-PASSENGER Klssell car, good engine. paint, ruooer anu top, cneap, f iov. vvia take part In Ford or Chevrolet. Wal nut 3466. $400 HUPMOBILE BARGAIN. 1917 big four, in Al mechanical con dition, at 448 Flanders, between 11th and 12th. 1921 FORD coupe, in best mechanical condition, good tires ana lots ot extras, must sell this week at very iow price; terms. Sellwood 2016. SAVE $90 on Chevrolet demonstrator, run less than 1000 miles, ride in it, drive it, sell yourself. Hyland. Walnut 5901. PAIGE-GLENBROOK Am leaving city. cash talks. For further information phone Empire 2062, bet. 5 and 7 P. M. 1921 FORD roadster at a pi-ice made for quick sale. Let me show you what a bargain It is. Main 3021. FINE new five-passenger auto to trade. Will take piano or real estate in part payment or what have your 101 .otn st WB TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto wrecking Co.. 031 Alder at 17th. Bdwy. 3254. Mail orders filled. 1922 CHEVROLET ; 5 wire wheels; spot light; bumpers; good rub. Auto. 022-04. $150 down, bal. monthly. WE PUT steel teeth in your old fly wheel: cranKsnatt turning, cyi. grind ing. H. B. Black, 534 Alder. Bdy. 2681. FORD sedan, 1920, in fine condition, al most new tires ana gooa paint sacri fice $425. -Tabor 0S28. 1920 CH AN ul-. ti rt lor sale by owner. East U4 Detween u ana iz:ao a. jyx. or evenings. 884 E. Burnside. GOOD 5-pass. for sale. $350, or will Call Sellwood 0768. trade for city lot. FORD touring, 1917, for $165. Broad- way 2488. STUDEBAKER 6. fine shape; will sac- rifice. Broadway 2488. FORD coupe, late model, lots of extras. shocks, etc.; a good buy, nawy. 24. 1921 FORD coupe, dated 6-4 '21; lots of extras, over-sized tires. JHdwy. 2-1. 1921 FORD sedan, fine shape; $325, Broadway 2488. STUDEBAKER 6. fine looking car; only $375. Bdwy. 248. 1921 OLDSMOBILE Six for lot In strlcted district. Walnut 0627. CHEVROLET, 1917, exceptionally good buy. $165. 523 Alder St. Automobiles AVanted. TWO LOTS IN ALAMEDA PARK WANT AUTO AS PART PAYMENT Out-of-town owner of lots 2 and 3 in block 55 of Alameda Park, will sell at real sacrifice. See Mr. Kinney at Mult nomah hotel or write your offer to Box 846, Eugene, Or. TRADE 2 good lots, close to business district of Newport, value $600. for good truck or touring car. Bertha John son, Hill Crest Rt., Knappa. Or. WANTEtti LIGHT AUTO. Have diamond worth $150 and some cash for light auto. See Mr. Kinney at Multnomah hotel. WE WRECK THEM Hignest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AU1U ItliiLUWSlKUUliun THIRD AND GL1SAN. ATTENTION to those wishing automo bile or truck Wead storage), fireproof bldg. Reasonable rates. Call Bdwy. 3606, CARS wanted toiwrecx; parts for all cars for less. S. A S. Auto Wrecking . Co., 13th and Alder. Bdwy. 636, CARS- wanted to wreck; all parts for less, nodes Autu 1 arts CO. o-- Aioer, corner 16th. Broadway ob38. LATE model automobile wanted as first Davment on modern bungalow. Rose City. 710 East 47th N. Auto. 329-10, WILL pay top cash price for your Ford, any model. Bring it to 609 Washing ton St., at 19th. 1921-22 four or light six-cylinder car. Will pay cash. Must be real bargain. No dealers. AV 242. Oregonian. WANTED Ford runabout. Must be reasonable and in good running order. Improved Tamale Co.. diz nurnsme St. CASH fbr all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Gllsan, woodyard. Broadway 0293. WE WILL SELL your car quickly, rea sonable commission. Telephone East 1487. 120 Union ave. .N. DBAD STORAGE, $4 per month, brick building. 12U union ji. HAVE a good lot that 1 will trade for an auto up to .uo. an auuj. WE LOAN money on automobiles. Gran ning & Treece, 102 N. Broadway. WANT Chev. or Ford chassis, without engine. East 8445. WE'LL pay cash for Ford or Chevrolet. 156 E. 8th St. East B2lt). TO BUY from private party. Ford or Chevrolet. 166 E. llitn. East Wiin-t. BEST Ford touring $150 will buy. Ferrill, Gen. Del., rortiano. Motorcycles. BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HAKljlii I -11A V 1UDU.S wyiuniv-ung EASY TERMS. As Iow as $40 down. MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO.. 3d at Taylor. Main 7889. H-ARLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE - CENTER. USED MOTORCYCLES, all makes, lib eral terms: used parts 10-75 discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-4 Grand avenue. Distributors for ACE. READING STANDARD. CLEVELAND. POR SALE 1919 Twin Indian motor cycle, electric equlpt, speedometer, tandem, perfect running order. Phone or write E. D. Pore. Rainier, Oregon. T'niAN motorcycle. 2 cylinders. 3 speed must be sold by Friday; cash only. 1119 I E. Stevens' st. CLEVELAND motorcycle, real bargain, perfect condition, 2 new tires; $70. Call Bdwy. 5056. 5:30 to 8:30. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 Third t. Main 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. ' 19th and Coach. Broadway 8696. Remember Our Number Bdwy. 8696. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Broadway 0840.. NEW 5-passenger machine with "driver by day, week or month. Phone East 3498. , 6-CYLINDER, 6-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. 8547. FORD, $1.50 per hour, any time. Main 8468. Res. Bdwy. 2753. Phone For Exchangt Automobiles. WILL trade my Ford sedan for any model Ford. Phone Bdwy. 1572. Ask for Mr. Wagg. ; TO EXCHANGE One practically new 30-n. p. GMC tractor for car or truck. AV 880. Oregonian. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. RADICAL reduction in prices of new and used trucks and trailers. Here ara some of Lne new and old prices to show the great reductions Was. Now. 1918 Ford delivery $ 400 MO 1919 Ford dump truck 600 400 1919 Day Elder 2Vi-ton.... 18O0 1200 1919 Master 2-ton 1500 1000 1019 Chevrolet 1-ton 1000 . 750 1920 Atterbury 2-ton 2075 1400 1919 Commerce 1-ton 700 350 1018 Gary 2Vi-ton 1460 1000 1920 Gary 114 -ton 2200 1700 1920 Gary SH-ton 3025 2350 1919 Atterbury 5-ton 430O 200O 5- ton Highway trailer 825 000 3-ton Highway trailer 530 430 lH-ton Highway trailer... 800 600 6- ton Highway trailer 700 600 These trucks have delivery bodies dump bodies, logging bodies and lum ber rolls. Some long bodies, and somet short bodies. We can fit you out for any kind of a Job. We have trucks to hire to responsible parties by the day. week or month. Your own terms in reason. We carry our own paper. j Xo brokerage. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE A SALES COMPANY. 415 East Ash street. Open Sundays, 9 to 4. PHONE East 8510. CHEAP TRUCKS. Master 1H ton. almost new. $300; Ford, 1918, new tires, $150; White. -ton. $300; Serling, 3-ton. make of fer; Indiana. 3-ton, $350; Republic, 2-ton. $2."0; Winther, dirt cheap. Many others and they must all be sold quick. Easy terms to reliable people. First come, first served. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. Eve. Atwater 0183. BRAND NEW 3ton Atterbury at a big discount; can't take delivery; will allow pur chaser full down payment. M 860, Ore gonian. 1919 OLDSMOBILE ECONOMY, 650, New cord tires, repainted, recondi tioned. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. 11th and Burnside sts. WANTED At once, heavy trucks with trailers for 4-mile log haul, macadam road, million and half feet logs and piling to move. Phone East 0693. Write C. H. McClaln. 492 E. 7th N. DODGE express delivery, cord tires, li cense, $225. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, 11lh and Burnside Sts. WANTED Partner, with little nionev. l drive truck. Must be good driver. Good A.N Kl'i. oregonian. REPUBLIC truck. ton. body. snap;. $350, terms. Ireland, Bdwy. 0217. fine delivery Ask for Mr. WANT to rent 2 2H-ton trucks by the month. Bdwy. 0341. FORD ton truck, license 48543. stand bet. 5th and Hth on Yamhill, $ 400. S'a-YD. dump body and hoist. East 7299. OARAGES. GARAGE for rent. 0118. 791 K. Salmon. East WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHALL THESE FOLKS BE DEPRIVED OF GOOD READING? Every day dozens of Portland folks call at the library lor volumes which cannot be supplied. There Is scarcely a book for which; all requests can be filled. Shake speare is as much in demand us modern writers and non-fiction la gaining on fiction. Obey that Impulse. Give the li brary all the books you can spare. Leave them at the Central Library or at any of the branches. Thank you! THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGH EST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS, MACKINAW'S AND SHOES. WE CALL EVERYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL; ATWATER 12211 OR 233 MADISON. WE W1L.L ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order, and you can pa us tho balance on easy monthly pay ments. Bring In your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy the Tailor, 104 Fourth st. near Stark. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932, 245H BURNSIDE ST. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg Co., 134 Park St., between Morrison and Yamhill. 1'hona Main 6529. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVER. coats We pay the hghest prlcea Ore gun Tailors and Cleaners, 117 Second St., N. W. cor. Wash. Bdwy. 7244. WE WISH to buy a good piano and also a pnonograpn; will pay all cash; must be bargain: no trash. X 4H5, Ort-gonian. CLOTHING WANTEli If you want to sell cast-off clothing. Mar. 3225. Peo ple's Second-Hand Store. 209 Madison. BEFORE you sell piano or phonograph consult resale and exchange dept. Oro gon Eilera .Music House. 287 Wash. WANTED Newspapers and maguztn'-'S tied in bundles; will call and pay 50o 100 lbs. Call Empire 1339. INDEPENDENT Paper Slock Co.. 485 Overton. Bdwy. 2003. Highest prlcea newspapers, magazines, waste paper. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. A UTO CAMP OUTFIT, TENT. BDWY. 7161. AUTO 627-46. BILLIARD table wanted; would trad small snooker. J. R. Howard. 725 Powell. DIAMONDS and gold bought. Reliable stimates. G. Cramer. 713 Selling bl rt . DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E.. Heeds. 340 Washington St. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles- shotguns. Hochfeld. 85 3d. near Oak. WANT showcase, cash register, scale. Bdwy. 7161. Auto. 627-46 625-82. WANT small second-hand safe. R. w. Wood. 101 6th. Bdwy. 74 90 Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time; best posslhl prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of townj will pay more than other local dealers; call us for one-article or a housefull; a courteous, competent buyer will call. Rosenberg's Furnitur Exchange, 72 N. Third st. Bdwy. 2200. FAY SPOT cash for second-hand furni ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, dressers, tables, chairs, beds, dishes, everything' you want to sell or exchange; we pay more than anyone in town; your call promptly attended to. CALL EAST 8988 ATWATER 2693 Call a fair and squara man when selling your furniture, ruga and household goods and I will pay you all it is worth; we will appre ciate your call and attend to it im mediately. Atwater 2693. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. CALL MAIN 8.878. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, of any description; pay cash. Phon today. Main 4'127 or 166 First St. WE NEED second-hand furniture and pay best pricea Call East 2405. AMERICAN FURNITURE CO. WANTED Box couch with patented springs: good condition; cheap for cash. Sellwood 3797. CALL MAIN 320s: Wiil pay the higliest prices for your furniture. WANTED Good furniture in exchange for choice vacant lots. see J. M. Cobb. 314 Chamber of Commerce. WE WrILL BUY your furniture or sell for vou on commission. George Bakof A Co.. auctioneers. Mala 8333. 7