17 KKAX fcJTf ATB Fur Sale -Houses. BETTER HOMES. HITTER. LOWE CO.. REALTORS. DISTINCTIVE BARGAIN. $5500 .East Broadway; snap for large family; 100x100 cor. lot; 7 large rooms and sleeping porch; fire place, furnace; beautiful grounds with garage; close to new pro posed high school and park. Mr. Family Man see this. Terms. ROSE CITY CORNER. $ J?O0 Beautiful 7-room home; living room, dining? room, den and kitchen. 3- bedrooms, bath and steeping porch; furnace; Ideal location beiow the hill; 1 block from Sandy; closs to school; on a 50x100 cor. lot; improvements in and paid. This place is away below the rnarket.v Terms, Garage. . ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $5950 6-room, modern bungalow with large living room; hardwood floors: all built-ins; 3 bedrooms; beautiful 30X1OA lot, with line lawn and shrubbery: 2 blocks to .Broadway car; honest value here. Terms. 2-STORY COLONIAL. $6230 Beautiful' Alameda Park; 6 large rooms and sleeping porch; beautiful fireplace; massive buf fet; 3 bedrooms, fine bath; hardwood floors; full cement basement; furnace; 50x100 lot, with garage. This place spells home and is underpriced for quick sale. Terms. . BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. $6oOO Nifty bungalow for the young folks; combined living and din ing room; hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen, with nook bedrooms, bath, attic: 50x100 lot, with garage. Look at E. 17th at. N. and make us an oner. irvington ri;vri.ow $7800 -Here's a beautiful bungalow i the very heart of Irvington new district; living room ex lends across entire front; larg cement front porch; hardwood floors throughout: tile bath breakfast room; 2 bedrooms and large attic: fine furnace beautiful lot. with fine shrub bery. Terms. Let us show you. IRVINGTON COLONIAL $8500 6-room distinctive home: hard wood floors; tapestry paper and oia ivory tlna.il throughout breakfast room, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch: wonderful lot. with shrubbery and garage. It's uinerent. Let us show you. Many others. Remember we have me irvington bargains. We are lare-el responsible for the rapid development of Portland's Model Hume Section. We Know irvington. We have made study of it. Broadway 7567. CITT HOMES DEPT RITTER. LOWE A CO., REALTORS. -'-'1---3-Q-1 Hoara or Trade bldg. LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. o KTOJ1S AND SUNROOM. The best part of Laurelhurst. east iioni, center entrance with French aoors to living and dining room; se lect oak floors throughout, living rm. 14x28. with 8x10 sun norch j-rllninlnfr lots of handy bullt-ins. complete kitch en, vltrolite drain boards, breakfast room wnn Duut-in china closet; three large bedrooms upstairs with dressing rooms adjoining; tiled bath with best plumbing money can buy; two-thirds cement oasement with Iaundrv and Al heating plant: garage with full cement uiive. r-rice iwi. terms. DAVID HARP VTj, R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFF. ganciy aiva.. at 89th. A. :t20-04. HERE IS A WONDER. More than an acre, well Im proved, lots ot berries. 3-room bungalow, fiasco furnace, chicken run. 52 pullets, good barn. This is a real home, only $3800; $650 cash. Park Rose. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 By. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 8628. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. , Tabor 84S5. BRAND NEW BUNOALOWS. Irvington Park 5 rooms. Dutch kitchen, two big airy bedrooms; $:il00, $300 cash. Missouri st. New, 3 rooms, all dandv big ones, on naved street; nifty is the word; $3000; $400 cash. W'e also have 4 It-mom hinirnlnir new listings but not new houses, whit' can be handled with from $200 to $300, muaerateiy priced and easy pay ... . us xur oargaina. RALPH HARRIS CO.. bib Cham, of Com. Bdwy. SUM $3150. SUNNYS1DE SPECIAL. Reduced from X4000 E llnrrlmn r near E. 39th., substantial S-room house needs little repair, 4 bedrooms, good plumbing, basement, beautiful 50x100 ioi im nne iruit trees and shrub oery; paved streets: sewer oald i t.ilc to car; close to schools and churches. A real snap. Must have substantial first payment. Absolutely shown only i,iuiiunieni. jaawv. i.ytit. CITY HOMES DEPT . RITTER. LOWE A CO., REALTORS 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade Bide IRVINGTON-ALAMEDA. iOU UASM X5UU. 4-ju -HMAXD NEW. ATTRACTIVE o-KUU.ll iIU.NUAl.OW. DTK FERENT FROM THE ORDI NARY BUNGALOW: FINE LO CATION AMONG THE FIRS MI1VVD. FLOORS. LARGEST t miruAtls, NICE BED ROOMS, DUTCH KITCHEN, nnaAM" AS'l" XUOK, FUR NACE; ST. IMPS. IN ANU r-Aiu; MA LANCK. LIKE RENT. K. KOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 24 7 8. ROSE CITY PARK For sale by owner. beautiful home. 1 block from Sandy . o rwiim on one noor. tire places, breakfast room, hardwood noor, me nam, 2 toilets and lava tories, full cement basement, instanta neuos water neater, garage, with tw rooms and bath above; 3 lots with -loiiy neages along the back, some frui trees, a wild nook, fountain and lake iu sen witn a or 3 lots; some terms. laoor 1 1 .la. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, garage and all, $4750, $750 will handle. Don't fail to see this. Easy monthly 'pavments. HILLER BROS.. Realtors, Walnut 2804. $1400 HOME FOR YOUNG FOLKS. Splendid value. 3 rooms, with neat built-in Dutch kitchen. toilet, gas and electricity; lot 100x100; right among the firs; a home for one who appreciates a nice location; $1400, uou down, $13 and 6 per cent in terest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST sine 2d St., near Sandy blvd. ; modern bungalow, 6 rooms; large living room with French doors, fireplace: beautiful nat. grain finish, hardwood floors, fur nace; exceptionally well built; large ....wv, casn. oat. monthly. Immediate possession. Bar gain. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD. 528 Cham, of Com INCOME HOITSK: u large room in good renting dis trict, close In on the east side be . tween 2 car lines; would make 2 large ui i-uum w umq as apartments; near high and Benson schools: lot xnm; price xoooo. $1000 cash. $50 JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7 IRVINGTON COLONIAL. A BKAUTlFliL HOME WITH 3 FINE BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING -nr!; all HARDWOOD FLOORS, IMMENSE LIVING ROOM WITH FINE OPEN STAIRWAY: SPLENDID- i.i Blll.T A.ND FINELY FINISHED i-yi:Allil) AT 665 E. 20TH ST. N. ni' x . , . $20O0 NEAT HOME Pvcn ST 4-room plastered house, bath, toilet. rK-cinuy, gas; some fruit; improve ments all in and paid; near schoo and car; good district: terms are at tractive; $21)00. $500 down, $25 ufiiiui... im-iuiung interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUMONT DISTRICT New coxy 4-room bungalow. 46th. near Fremont: has 2 bedrooms. living room and kitchen; full plumbing, ga rage: $2500. $200 cash, balance easy terme. Why pay rent? A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. a Sandy at 52d. Tabor 259l" LOOK AT THIS. $5500. .Eight-room hoe, large rooms: 50x 100 lot or 100x100 if wanted; double construction; two lavatories; cement basement, furnace, laundry; garage, Zl'z Thls ,s a first-class home. Owner. 7S6 Commercial st A PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Restaurant, makes over $200 per month; rent $30: full price $1593 while it lasts, west side location. G. C. ULRJCH CO., INC.. Suite 403 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 43.-i4-43.VV DIFFERENT. Attractive bungalow, new, modern. 5 rooms downstairs, finished attic, Ala meda district, close to school; $4850; terms. Aut. 523-14. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hounes. LAURELHURST. 5 ROOMS, $6500, $1500 CASH. Beautiful Laurelhurst bungalow; hardwood floors, finished In old ivory, fireplace, furnace, garage, breakfast nook, all modern built-ins. exceptional ly nice floor plan; built for a home; reasonable terms can be arranged. LAURELHURST. B ROOMS. ."i00. TERMS. Fine 6-room bungalow, with old Ivory finish, fireplace, furnace, break fast nook, hardwood floors, all modern bullt-lns. This Is a real home in every - respect; reasonable terms can be ar ranged. IRVINGTON. 7 ROOMS. $12,000. TERMS. Double corner, 100x100; English co lonial; T-room modern home, full ce ment basement, fireplace. furnace, woodwork in. natural finish; 3 large bedrooms, sleeping porch; a wonderful home with beautiful grounds and shrubbery; satisfactory terms can be arranged. If you are in the market for a house we have exclusive listings of the finest homes in Portland. We specialize In fine homes. COB A, McKENNA & CO.. ESTB. 1889. Broadway 7522. Artisans Bldg. ALAMEDA COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Truly a bungalow of charm, and dis tinction and an entirely new offering. Large living room with colonial man tel of splendid design: library with open grate; most complete kitchen and breakfast nook. 2 beautiful sleep ing rooms with built-in dressing tables and with tile bathrom connecting, also one or more sleeping rooms and com plete bath on second floor; ample space for recreation room also on this floor. The grounds are a thing of beauty apart irom tne house and the sunken garden and winding paths, together with the mass of foliage tend to make a perfect setting. The hardware, the detail work and the many most unusual leatures seem to leave nothing to b ucauea. Shown only by appointment with MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 8207. WEST OF LAURELHURST. -100 -On East Ash street. Just west or Laurelhurst. on 'corner lot very attractive 4-room bunga low; wtme enamel plumbing; electric lights and. -gas; street liens all paid; Just a few min utes' walk to beautiful Laurel hurst park; $500 down, $20 per month. McGuire will help you make your down payment if necessary. WHV PAY If IT VT y $1900 Comfortable 7-room home, close to Woodstock car; living room, dining room, den. 3 airy bed rooms, bath. toilet; electric ugnts and gas; fireplace; very easy lerms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Americas Largest Home Seller. Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. ROSE CITY. PARK BUNGALOW. Located on Sandy blvd. corner and Indeed a p!ace of great charm, never before offered for sale. Very large living room, finest plumbing, hardwood floors and lighting fixtures. The con struction, the detail work and the detail work and the arrange rmnt of this home, together with the lovely landscaped grounds make it really a place unusual and an opportunity for those ap preciating those points. Appointment arranged. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER.' East 3207. EASTMORELAND. 1003 CRYSTAL SPRINGS BLVD. You people who play golf or who want a home In beautiful Eastmore land. here is your chance to get one of the most artistic English cottuges you ever saw for the money. 6 rooms, mod ern in every way, all French windows, large corner lot, garage. You can get this for $7500, with $1500 first pay ment, this place will compare with any thing in the city up to $11,000. See W. F. MAHONEY. REALTOR, with CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Bdwv. 6006. ROSE CITY PARK, $4100. Truly you can readily see the value in this cosy bungalow: built by day labor for a home. Located 8 blocks from Sandy; improvements all In; 5 rooms and brerakfast room ; finished in old Ivory; oak floors, fireplace, book cases, Dutch kitchen, lighting fixtures, cement basement, fine garden; easy terms or bonus. CAMPBELL-RICHHARDS CO.. 111! Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) . Automatic 315-44. HOMES FOR THE OLD FOLKS. - A neat little cottage of 4 rooms, corner lot 80x100, on car line; splen did fruit trees. Price $1500, $200 down, $20 monthly. Another 6-room bungalow-type cot tage with ground 75xloo. 2 blocks from St. Johns car, house only 4 years old. Price $2000. Both of these are re markable bargains. See Kertson, with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 732 Cham, of Com. $2650 BUYS beautirul. brand-new 4-room bungalow; 6O0 yds. from pavement: all improvements in; fffeplace; all bullt ins; in fact everything that an up-to-date house requires. $4850 for 10-room or 2-famllv house. or could be used as 2 flats; good loca tion: everything modern; lots of fruit; $1000 will handle with easy terms. This is a bargain. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR. 300-3 Henry Bldg. . Bdwy. 1566. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $7500. 7 rooms, music room, sleeping porch, art glass French doors, plate glass win dows, lovely electric fixtures. 2 sets of plumbing, furnace, fireplace, garage, cement runway, nice veranda. This ia an extra well built house and could not be duplicated for the price asked. Shown by appointment. J. R. HAIGHT. FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. , Bdwy. 2045. 'IOLLOW TILE RITXfiAI.niV Five large rooms with fireplace, concrete foundation and basement, "4 of an acre of ground; 72d st. Place is in very rundown condition and needs the services of a handy man. but look at the price, $2600. A few hundred dollars and a man's time will make a $4500 proposition out of this. See Kert son with Fred W. German Co., Real tors. 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY 7-RM. BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern with built-ins. oak floors, fire place, furnace; 100x100 grounds with a profusion of beautiful shrubbery; garage; 1 block from Sandy blvd.; price $7000; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $8000 LAURELHURST. 8 rooms. - furnace, fireplace. oak floors, garage: will consider a lot or an acre on paved highway. If first class, as first payment. J. R. HAIGHT, FOR REAL ESTATE. 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2945. MODERN eight -room Irvington home. lour tlreplaces, third-floor room, open sleeping porch, glassed sleeping room, besides four bedrooms; ivory wood work, hardwood floors: roomy garage; lot and a half; shrubbery and trees. Bast 3507: $10.000. ROSE CITY $3500. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, garage. nut! neiKiimirnoua, cio.se to car service; small payment will take this nice home. J. t. MAlliMT, (UK REAL ESTATE, 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 204 5, $3700 A BARGAIN. Beautiful home in Hlphlanri rlta. trict. Five rooms. All large and well lighted. Fruit trees, berries and garden luu ui an Kinos. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, Main 6S69. 213 Corbett bldg. LAURELHURST BARGAIN SNAP Classy nearly new 1 -story modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, best section near park, no in cumDrances, easy terms; a bargain excellent condition. Tabor 0407. 6-ROOM HOUSE EAST kiiik Close to MontavlUa car line; lot lOOx 100; fruit trees; 4 rooms downstairs, 2 up, ftij n in jiaiiuie mis snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-n Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. NEW BUNGALOW. 3 room, up to date. ideal floor plan; Just completed: Al berta district: full lot: bargain price, with substantial payment down, or lot to $700 as part. Owner, 813 Stanton st. East 4389. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, ail improve ments in, sarage ana driveway, ce ment porch, hardwood floora. fireplace laundry trays. 100 feet from street car sacrifice. $3350; terms. Bdwy. 42S1. Eve. and Sun., East. 4216. REAL nifty new modern small bunga low, wnite ivory rinisn. all nullt-in features, by owner: leaving state; very easy terms. A real bargain. $2200 Phone Bdwy. 1288. 1S06 E. 11th st. N $20110 BELOW COST. -Party leaving city must sell modern 8-roiim home, hardwood floors, fire place, house ready to move into. 7a EAST HARRISON ST. $4300. $1300 CASH Rose City pick-up: a-room up-to-aaie Dungalow, lot 30x 100. 1038 Belmont. ATTRACTIVE 3-room modern home, one block from Alberta canine; cash and terms. 1012 E. .9th at. N. I REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $4400. Combination living room and dining room. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, pipe furnace, garage, 2 blocks of Sandy, absolutely new, $750 cash will handle. This Is a snap. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. DUPLEX BUNGALOW REAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. $5750. We can rent this for you at $95 monthly or live In half and rent the other for $50. You make the initial payment and rental will take care of balance. Real snappy- design, double constructed, real modern. Investigate. Terms. A. G. TEEPBJ CO.. Rose City Office. 40tb and Sandy. Tabor 9588. Laurelhurst Office, 39th and Gillian. Tabor 3433. UNIQUE CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. $5250; $1200 cash; choice restricted - district; 5 rooms and bath, modern in every detail; garage, furnace and breakfast room; every built-in conven ience, including Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, bookcases, mirror dresser doors, hardwood floors, ivory wood work, tapestry paper, shades and lin oleum; beautiful terraced lot, 50x100; trees, flowers and shrubs. This ador able home built by day labor, only JJ months old. Furnishings may be pur chased at sacrifice. Call owner. Tabor 1878. , ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW. REDUCED PRICE. Ttils Ideal bungalow located on 50th st., near Hancock; one of those real good looking, well built bungalows, one stops to admire. One of the best built homes in the district. Large rooms. Arranged just as you yourself would plan. Everything here one could pos sibly expect. Easv terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office. 39th and G-lisan. Tabor 34S3. LAURELHURST $5750. One of the biggest bargains in all of Laurelhurst. A new bungalow with great big rooms and enduring construc tion. Built by the owner for own home. You'll have to inspect this to appreciate its true value. You'd ex pect to pay $1000 more. Modern in every way. Garage, too. A. G. TEEPE CO., Laurelhurst Office. 89th and Glisan. Tabor 84S3. Rose City Office, 40th -and Sandy. Tabor 0586. A POSITIVE BARdAIN. A COUNTRY RESIDENCE. Strictly modern bungalow type; hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins, hot water heating, furnace, beautiful grounds; fine location. Just outside the city limits where you'll have no city taxes or assessments to pay, nearly an acre or ground. The price is only $6000, pay only $500 down. Don't fall to see this home. It s a bargain. COMTE & KOHLMAN. B. 6550. 418 Spalding Bldg. , IRVINGTON PARK. New 5-room bungalow; plastered: hardwood floors, fireplace, old ivory finish; rugs and draperies delft blue, lovely .Dutch kitchen with breaKtast nook; composition drain board and built-in conveniences throughout; base ment; plpeless furnace with coil; newly furnished, furniture first-class. See it today; immediate possession; .$5500, terms. Owner. Broadway 4205. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, lino leum In -kitchen and bath, finished in old ivory, hardwood floors, book cases, beautiful buffet, furnace, fire place, full basement; garage; 50x100 lot: paved street, etc; owner non resident; will sell cheap; price $5800, $1500 rash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY DISTRICT $3850 5 rooms and large-attic, complete with hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace; garage, etc.; liberal terms. Inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office. 4uh and Sandy. , Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office, 3!lth and Glisan. Tabor 3433. $4750 BEAUTIFUL CORNER $4750. 5-room modern home, 1 block west of Laurelhurst and 1 block to car; all street improvements in and paid; fine garage. Home is in excellent condition. Grounds shade trees, lawn, etc., are beautiful at $4750, with easy terms. HENDERSON-BANK US CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. - Bdwy. 4754. LAURELHURST $5950. Under construction: splendidly built bungalow with hardwood floo -s throughout, tiled bath, recessed tub. garage, too; wonderfully well located; Burely real value here; liberal terms. .A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9588. Laurelhurst Office, 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. ALAMEDA PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW.. 7-room bungalow that has every modern built-in convenience. first floor, best grade oak. Hght stain fin. ish; gas furnace, -full basement, ga rage. This place built for a home and will appreciate. Must be sold and priced below construction. . C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bnr.k Bldg. Atwater 2245. FOR $3100 YOU can buy a new 4-room bungalow. full basement, fireplace, hardwood floor, Dutch kitchen with nook, strictly modern and a wonderful buy; if you want a small home at the right price this Is It; $500 down, bal. easy terms. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6389. RICHMOND. 5 rooms, living room and dining room with hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms and nice kitchen, cement basement and attic: lot 40x100; nice lawn and flowers; also berries; paved street, close to car and school. Price $4150, $750 down, bal. $35 a month. W. A. Ben- nett, 311 Henry mag. Bdwy. 3251. FOR SALE By owner, new modern bun galow in Piedmont; white enamel kitchen and bath, 5 rooms and base ment, also screened-ln sleeping porch; garage: also furniture, all new and up to date; $3000 If sold at once: $1500 aawn. rnone walnut 0369. Located 1315 Haight ave. Come and see It. For particulars call at 1019 Union ave. a real sacrifice. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, built-ins, splendid base ment, best pipeless furnace, chicken house, rruit and berries; lot 120x12." house 1 year old; cost $5700. Will sell Tor 450 Sturm -Keefer Co.. 214 5th, 5-ROOM bungalow and large attic, full cement basement, fireplace, hardwood floors:. -block to car and paved street; extra good value, $3200, $1150 casn, e.-io montniv. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787, $3700 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS. Attractive new 5-room bungalow, auuoie constructea. conveniently ar- rangea; hardwood floors, fireplace, all Duni-in xeatures, good plumbing. ment basement, laundry trays. Tabor $2050 $250 DOWN. Modern 5-room bungalow, base- ment. Fine trees and garden, double garage. This is a real bargain. Let us show you. Balance like rent. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. Main 6800. 213 Corbett bldg. WEST SIDE. 5-room house with basement, on paved street, located on Mill st. and odd shaped lot, but room for another 6-room house. Price $4500. W. A. Bennett. 317 Henry bldg. 4-ROOM house, electric lights, gas, patent toilet, new cesspool, small base, ment: 40x100 lot and cement sidewalka Will sell for $1150; $250 down, balance $20 a month. ' Take Mount Scott car to Tremont station. 8410 70th st. S E. $630. CASH. $40 per month. 6 interest, will build you modern 3 or 6-room home on choice close-in eaat side prop ! erty. all improvements paid, plans orawn. rjr Mil, uregonlan. 5-ROOM bungalow on 100x100 lot, a splendid corner, only 2 blocks from car; $3000; easy terms' ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. $2900 BARGAIN HUNTERS 4-room new bungalow; fireplace, bullt-lns. W. E. kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, bath. washtubs; full basement; $400. 201 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7429. FOR SALE or Exchange Attractive Mt. Tabor house. Belmont, near 60th; strictly modern; garage bungalow. Owners needing more room. Investi- gate. Tabor 8094. JIT. TABOR DISTRICT. $3500. A good comfortable home with lots of ehrubbery, beautiful lawn, homelike. Terms. Phone' Mr. Dealer. Tabor 3433. :8 NEW Just completed 7 rooms and bath. full basement, furnace. 290 Poplar St., Ladd addition, between 18th and Itlth sts. See owner. 145 Grand ave., or 411 East Washington st. SEi.1, OR LEASE modern house, walking nisiance, east sioe, gooa location, seven large rooms, suitable for large family or private boarding. Owner. A 859, Oregonian. $1925 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, plumbing, elec, rait. Duteii kitchen, lars-e flnm-a dik. garage, lawn, fruit; terms. Tabor 430a! REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $1,150 BUYS 4-room house, 75x100 lot: fruit trees, close to car and school good neighborhood; $300. cash, balance sio a month, butter, 246 Hi. Broadway. VZ13. Suburban Homes. EVERGREEN. Three-fourths acre at Evergreen sta tion on Oregon City line, garden all in, nice four-room bungalow with bath, gas and own water system: $8-00 worth of furniture goes with place, all for $3300. Terms: don't fail to see this, as It is a good buy. see F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGTJIRE. 212 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. AT TIGARD. $2100 $300 DOWN. Two and one-half acres of fine coun try home; has two-room house, barn, chicken house for 200 chickens, and rabbit house. Id fruit trees, plenty of berries. Think .of it, let us show it. See F, C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Three-room bungalow, only four blks. from Metzger station; one large acre nearly all under- cultivation, few firs: price for quick sale, $1200 with $300 down. See F. C. MARSHALL. WITH. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. LOOK AT THIS. 5-room modern house, plastered, full cement basement, electricity, gas, run ning water, good soil. 20 assorted fruit trees and small fruit of all kinds. Close to car line, just outside of city limits. $3250 terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. $6000 BUYS a thoroughly modern 8-room house. 2 blocks from Multnomah sta tion. Every convenience. Large tract of ground covered with fruit and vege tables, large garage, number of out houses; easy terms. Ben Rieslaid. 404 Piatt bldg.. or Mrs. Grant in charge of the Multnomah office. JUST A HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 2 acres at W'oodburn, 1 acre rasp berries, bal. In fruit and garden; good 8-room house with electric lights and city water; price is only $1650; half cash. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FINE home on Craig road, 30 acres, all in cultivation; 2h acres grapes that ..cropped 10H tona last year; 2 acres ln other fruit; 0-room modern house, city lights and water, double garage, l(t.000, half cash. This will bear in vestigation. ' 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg. HALF acre of ground, all in garden and fruit; nearly new. modern bungalow, which we are compelled to sell, as we are leaving the city; easy terms. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. $825 BUYS a dandy little house on quar ter acre of ground near -Multnomah on the Oregon electric: modern con veniences., Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg. MrsrGrant In charge of the Mult nomah office. BUNGALOW, Multnomah district. Just completed; hardwood floors, .buffet, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full cement base ment, furnace. Terms. Private owner, W. F., Watkins, Bdwy. 5500. SEE US If you are in the market for an attractive suburban home. Have sev eral modern bungalows, 1 to 4 acres. Balph Harris Co., 816 Chamber of Cdm mierce. Bdwy. 5634 NEW 6-ROOM bungalow, 1 acre; buffet, fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch, full basement, bath: berries, fruit. chicken house, double garage, shrubs; 1 block to car, fine garden. Tabor 37Q1. SELL my Park Rose bungalow and acre on easy terms or trade for home In town. Last. LOT near Portland, trade for Los An geles property. Sell. 3501. For .Nale Business property. $13.00 FOR a fine two-story b:ik bldg. on one 01 tne main streets on tne cast side, consists 'of 2 stores with living rooms on first floor, two five-room fiats on the second floor, full concrete basement. Lot 50x100. Mortgage of $4000. Will take some trade. A great bargain. $55oO for a good, up-to-date corner Dulldlng with store and warehouse on the first floor and modern five-room flat above with large porch. Lot 100x100. F. L. BLANCHARD, Keaitor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. ' Bd.vy. 6859. FINEST INCOME PROPERTY ON EAST SIDE. Priced right; wonderful location: best of condition, well built; beautifully landscaped. $8000 with terms. Call Mr. Lemons for details. Broadway 6007. For Sale Acreage. SUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE. 5-acre tracts within 6-mile limit of Portland, good soli, good road; $100 to $300 per acre. $50 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month: no interest to pay. S. B. Gustoff. 400 Henry bldg. Bdwy.- 7o. THIS SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM. An independent living on 12 a. with 6 acres bearing prunes. Estimated crop this year $1500. besides family orchard, berries, walnuts and other crops; 6-rm. house.- barn and out buildings; 14 mile off pavement and electric station. Price $6500; easy terms. John A. Meissner. 821 Gasco bldg. VALLEY farm lands at Onalaska. Wash., productive silty clay loam, not gravelly, level, -well watered, convenient mar kets, roads, etc., 20 acres up, $13 to .-u; small payments and sio to $15 monthly; steady, nearby employment assured purchasers. Salesman, On alaska, or write Graham Land Co., 1008 American Bank Bldg.. Sep tile. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 acres, all cult.. 3 acres beaverdam. fln6 creek, 6-room. modern, plastered house, electric lights, bath, toilet, wa ter system, barn, garage, team, cow, chickens, . Ford delivery. $7500.- Con sider house up to $3500. C. W. Mltler- snip. li Fourth. Main 5275. ISs ACRES. aV in cultivation, mile to electric car and sta. ; level, good soil, running water house and barn, 2 cows, 2 horses, wagon, harness, culti vator and many more; 6 a. In potatoes, hay In barn; a snap; $3200, on terms. H. W. Garland. 260 Taylor st. 1-3 ACRES, all cultivated, with gar. den. fruit and spuds, new 5-room bun galow, hen house, fine well. 5 blocks O. on fine gravel road. $500 cash, balance good terms. 601 Stock Ex change bldg. . CHOICE 5. ACRES. WATER, LIGHTS. PAVED ROAD. Only 2 miles out; fine site on high way at a great sacrifice; only $400 an acre; worth double. Owner, 628 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. . ONE MILE FROM CITY LIMITS. $850 buys 2.42 acres of cut-over land, very small creek, near Boone's ferry, road on property, ext. of Terwilllger blvd.: $2.j down, $8.50 monthly. Fred w. German Co.. Realtors. 732. THREE acres of fine soil, all in cul tivation. 2 blocks of station; a swell place for chicken; small house;" price $1100; small payment down. Keller & Deal. 425 Lumber Exchange Mdg. STOCK RANCH. 180 acres, Yamhill -county, running water, fine for stock, $5 per acre, terms. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Seach rest Bros. CLOSE IN ON PAVEMENT. Remarkable sacrifice, 84 acres: city water, lights, phone, young orchard, best eoll, 2 -miles out. for only $40t an acre. Owner, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms' offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. " 10 ACRES. NEAR BEAVERTON $1800. cleared, small house, young or chard, berries, garden, 3 mi. Beaver ton: 2 miles station. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. 5 ACRES close to Glllis station, on Bull nun electric, very nest or soli. Prices only $1350; terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 65 8. BY OWNER 40 acres. i hour drive from center of Portland: 30 acres fine potatoes, $250 per acre. Inquire Sll ' itanway exenange. ONE CHOICE acre, nearly new 3-room house. 2 hen houses, fine garden. 65 chickens, some furniture. $1050. $450 casn. oui mock rjrnbanre bldg. . BARGAIN. 2V, ACRES FI'E r.A.-n ALL IN CULTIVATION. EXCELLENT luuaiiua; B7, terms. Tabor 2045 evenings. 20 ACRES. 15 under cultivation, family wcua, u. uiS vam. o-ruom nouse. woven wire fence, - $1500. terms. 305 Bu chanan. 20 ACRES on Craig road, just off high way, partly ciearea, line lor platting; can be had for $10,000; good terms A-t-i yy . nana mor. ACRES, buildings, orchard, 34 .miles to rwruanu; vvru iraae ror UOUSe. J C Kuratll, 804 Spalding bldg. 16 Mi ACRES level, limber, creek, some beaverdam; 12 m. w., near hard sur- Tace; terms, j. . anarp. owner. 83 u, 3d. 120 ACRES unimproved land; some tim ber on it; for sale cheap. P. Wabke, Nehalem, Or., box 61. 40 A.. FACING on Yaqulna bay, $1000; $300 down, balance at 6 per cent, d dress W. E. Flesher, Wlnant. Or. CHOICE LAND ADJOINING PORT LAND. SALE OR TRADE. OWNER, J.'. ' , ' " . "' I 6EV.E,AC,5svL,9.SE IN- THOMAS I ALLEN. 6131 821 ST. S. B. 618-15.- i-NAr. cjAn i vnn. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. 1 ACRE at Gresham, 14 mile from sta tion and school; rocked road; all cul tivated; fruit and shrubbery; attrac tive 7-room plastered bungalow with full cement basement, fireplace, white enamel plumbing; garage, large chick en house, capacity.-- over 800 chickens, brooder house, capacity 1000 chickens: additional land may be had adjoining. Offered at real bargain, on terms. Con sider Portland house for part . value. Personally inspected. Photo at' office. ATTRACTIVE 8UBURBAN HOME. 7 acres, 1 1 blocks from electric sta tion and school; 15 miles southeast of Portland; near highway; all under cultivation; about 2 acres assorted bearing fruit in fine condition; 4 acres potatoes; 6-room plastered house with basement and fireplace; chicken house for 200 chickens, other buildings; price $4500, terms. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. GER LINGER BLDG. ! Over 500 Bmsll places near Portland. 1(1 ACRES. Close in, west side, all cleared ex cent small fir grove in one corner: 18- min. car ride on Oregon Electric; 400 feet, to public school, city water, gas and electric lights. This place" Is way below value at $500 an acre: good rock roaa on two sides, investigate tnis you want close-in acreage. Bdwy. 2571, Portland Home Co., 633 Railway Exch. Ids. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. One or more acres at 91st and Glisan I block from city car line; good soil very small payment down; easy terms on balance. W. M: UMBDENSTOCK & CO., 210 . Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658 Homestead?, Relinquishments. 160 RELINQUISHMENT near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on place; good clearing buildings; equipment; house hold goods; cow; on S. P. Ry., 80 rods to station? a $4000 cordwood propo sition: quick aacriffce, $900. 301 Cor- pett mag. For Sale Farms. 5 ACRES on paved highway, 3 acres bearing prunes, balance family orchard ana garden, house, barn and garage, $3000. 13 acres. M mile to paved highway. r, acres bearing prunes, balance gar den, grain and pasture land, house, barn, etc.; stock and implements; $oaoo; will accept exchange to $3000 70 acres, 45 acres cultivation, 10 - acres 2-year old prunes, balance pas ture and oak timber, new buildings, spring water piped to buildings, stock and implements. $9500, accept - ex change to $3500. 1S2 acres, H mile to city and paved road, all in cultivation except zx acres, z& acres 4-year-old prunes. 18 acres clover, good house, z oarns, garage, stock, implements, hay and grain, city water and electric lights. all lor $l8,uuu. . 140 acres, about 40 acrea cultivation, balance fir timber, house, barn and granary. 7 miles to good town, $3500, $500 casil, rest on easy terms. ALBERT S. NELSON. Yamhill. Or. For small or large Yamhill county farms write me. 40 ACRES, 28 miles out; 14 miles to electric station: 4 mile to school rocked road; 10 acres cultivated;. 8 acres more can be farmed: 16 acres timber and pasture; spring water piped to house; 2 creeks; 1 acre bearing or chard, acres berries; good 8-room house with fireplace, large Darn, ga rage; 2 large chicken houses, capacity granary, wooasnea. oiner uuuu Ih?r: tiersonal nrooertv. cow. yearling. over 400 chickens, wagon, mower, disc, plow, cultivator, etc.; price $5500. easy terms: consiaer .foriiana. oouse t $4000. BX acres. 24 miles south of Portland macadamized road; close to town and school: 25 acrea cultivated, 35 acres pasture, balance timber: 30 acres best or bottom land; 1 acre oearing or chard; 4-room house, 2 barns, - chicken house; crop, stock and equipment; Price for everything $7500, large cash payment. Or consider coast ranch near Nestucca river of same value. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. GER LINGER BLDG. Over 50O small places near Portland. LARGE PRODUCE. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 75 acres, 1 mile from Dallas, Or.; good hard road; 1600 bearing commer cial apples, Delicious, Newtowns, Grimes Golden, approximately 3000 boxes; 3 tons loganberries, 1000 young prune trees, 60 acres under plow, 6 s.cres pasture, 9 acres timber, finest new buildings, fine spring and spring trout stream, land lies level, finest soil, $300 per acre. Will take in trade.. See us for particulars. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. OWNER LEAVING STATE, MUST SELL. This 10 acres fine land, no nine, rocs: or gravel, 14 miles- from Portland: 6 rodm house, good barn, large poultry house, all fenced and cross-fenced; new cedar posts, heavy wire; 100 trees full of assoited fruits, in -first-class condi tion; also berries; 2 acres potatoes, 1 corn, 1 cabbage, 1 carrots, oeets, 4000 kale plants, 200 Tancred chickens, good horse, 5-gallon cow. 2 hogs, tools and furniture, all for $3800; $2000 cash, bal. 3 years at 6 ; on good roads. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FARM FOR SALE. NEAR CHEHALIS. WASH. 465 ACRES. 465 acres, well Improved land, close to Chehalls, on the Pacific highway; 12-room house, barn 80x100, all farm .machinery, stock and furniture, if you are in the market for a real high class farm, let us tell you more about this place; price $66,000. will consider $25,000 in good income property on this ranch. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak St. Bdwy. 6006. . TILLAMOOK COUNT Y. 122 acres, 'A mile from Roosevelt highway, 1 mile from cheese factory; borders on Nestucca bay and the ocean; good soil, good buildings; share in cheese factory, 24 cowa, 2 reg. Jersey bulls. 2 heifera, B nogs, 3 norses, ensi- ' lage cutter, wood saw, 7 h. p. gas en cine, root cutter, milking machine. wagons, buggy, disc, mower ane other farm and dairy toots; price tio.outi. Address William Sr. Porter, oretown, Oresren. 1 A , REAL BARGAIN. 474 acres, lo miles from Portland, about 43 acres in fine crop, good im provements, fine soil, very sightly; 3 horses. 7 cows, 3 heifers, all kinds machinery and small tools. The crop, stflplt and machinery are worth $3000, which puts this place far below value. Price $iz.auu. -LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 338 Chamber of Commerce. 25 ACRES $800. 4.1 miles out. 3 miles from river, highway and R. R.; on good county road: settled community, close to school; best of soli for clover, fruit, berries, potatoes, nuts or grain; no rnr-k- snring water: 20 per cent cash, balance long time. You can't beat it for price, quality, or location. We take you up by auto. John A. Meiss ner, 821 Gasco bldg. M MILES FROM PORTLAND, 65 acres, 40 acres in cultivation. 8 acres timber, balance pasture; 1500 mh, nf wood: 4 room house, some furniture; barn; spring on every 10 acres, large creek: A norsea, 4 cows, farm implements, $4500. terms. C. W. MILLERSHIP. 165W. Fourth St. Main 5275. 7i ACRES AT BEAVERTON. Good 6-room house, 2 poultry houses, garage, large woodshed, family orchard and berries; land all tiled. In cultiva tion, except 1 acre for wood: you can live here and work in Portland; price $4500: $1750 cash, bal. S years' time. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MR. GARDENER and Dairyman, just look at this; 98 acres of rich bottom land, situated one mile from that rich farming district, Aurora; only $70 an acre; plenty of water for Irrigating; close to warehouse, bank, stores, town and railroad. J. B. Holbrook, Realtor, 214-215 Panama bldg. WALNUTS AND PRUNES. Dandy little IT1. 4 acres in prunes and .walnuts; crop this year estimated at over $1000: close to good town, finest district; Sdiou; only sihuu casn, bal ance payable six years at 6 per cent. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. WELL-IMPROVED 640-acre stock ranch. 200 acres private irrigated mealows, 200 ares grain land, rest pasture: worlds of free range adjoining; bunch of horses, machinery; good buildings, good hay crop. All for $8900. Owner, 719 Washington. Miles City, Mont. FOR SALE at a bargain, on account ot deatn, one of the best modern Improved TA.acre. ranches in Marlon eonntvi prunes, loganberries; 7 miles soutii of Salem. Airs-. Aruuiu, xwuia , itox B4, E alem. Oregon. A FINE 160 acres of Canada land in absolutely sure grain district. Sell on 12 years' time or crop payment. A real buy. Corcoran, 325 Lumbermens bldg. MUST sell, 40 acres on highway, part cult., , orchard, water, timber; only $1350; terms. Dubois, 801 Spalding bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; easy terms; best soil; farms, -all sisea McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. FOR SALE 30 acres land, all in crops: all kinds of buildings and stock. 15 tons of hay: $7500, half cash. Address Andrew Helm. Rt. 1. B. 12A, Canby, Or. LINN county farm. 865 acres, improved, 1 only $16,000. Address Geo. W. Wright,' Albany. Or. ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. A REAL SNAP. Owner needs money for other busi ness and will sacrifice his 320-acre stock ranch, located about 125 miles south of Portland, for $7500; never has been offered ' before for less than $12,000: fine for sheep raising, can run 2000 heads the year around, without feeding. Plenty of good outrange and plenty of good spring water, water piped in house, has good 4-room house la-re-e barn and all necessary out buildings, has about $15O0 worth of , fencing and farm emplements. 50 acres Cleared and in cuiiivai'.un. u acres timber, balance pasture. If you are ooking for a real bargain see Barrand or Spiker with Sturm-Kefer Co, 114 0th St. Main 2458. ' B7-ACRE BARGAIN. 7 acres fine- orchard, good house, barn, other buildings, 15 miles from Por-tland, In fine walnut district; has about 4000 cords of wood; price $5500. ... LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. , 338 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. NEWCOMERS CROWDING INTO OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY Want homes. You nave them. We'll SELL THEM. Personal attention. Immediate action.--- We- inspect, appraise and photograph all property within 24 hours. WE SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS advertising and are in touch with the majority of HOME SEEK ERS; 98 energetic salesmen with au tos. No charge except the standard commission of 3 per cent in the event -of a satisfactory sale. We protect the Interests of out-of-town owners. WE WRITE fire insurance. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third, bet. Washington and Stark. I AM ENTITLED to the bonus loan and am going to build at once; want lot on Improved street which I can han dle with some cash and second mort gage privilege until loan is available;, price must be right; reply giving price and location; owners only. D 727. Ore gonlan. WANTED $7500 BARGAIN. Have client" for the most attractive type house $7500 will buy; colonial or English architecture preferred; Irving ton. Laurelhurst, Portland Heights, Westover or King's Heights. Must be modern and not old. Mr. Lemons. Bdwy. 6007. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. Real bargains in either business or .residence properties located on im proved streets, close to car line; prin cipals apply only, no agents. Went worth. Bdwy. 1429. after 6 P. AT., or AE 851. Oregonian. X WANT the best buy available any good district that $500 cash and good monthly payments will handle; lve full particulars as to price, mddress. etc., or no attention will be paid; no agents, please, u ig, urcBm'au I HAl'E some cash and the soldiers bonus loan to apply on mouern a-ruum bungalow in good district; give full particulars as to price and present In cumbrances; owners only. C 727, Ore gonian. $200 TO $500 DOWN. We have many buyers desiring a home with a small down payment. Ca 11 rr- telenhnne t.odav. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. wamt stricrlv mod. 5 or 6-rm. bungalow, lOOxlOO-foot lot, good resincieu uibl. Will pay from $5000 to $6000 cash. Please don't answer unless you have something good to otter, ivirs. oirni6i Walnut 61121 nnsE CITY BUNGALOW, Will exchange $1000 equity in Rose Citv bungalow, almost new, u ii-uiu tnr KtihiirhAn home of 8 or 4 room near car and assume difference. Mac pherson. Bdwy. hisa. HA-irci iint with 111211 habv arand chev rolet and little casn as urai. iiajmi-m on 5-room bungalow up to -uuu. tin nay $50 per month or more on balance ; , , . . r , I'll, .1 - I -1 I Wrilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 13 5 WAXTKn From owner, modern west side residence, 6 to rooms; win give all improved well-located building lot and little cash as first payment. Can pay substantial .monthly payments. W HiUl, oregonian. rnir. riTV BUNGALOW Five rooms, almost new. modern will consider diamond as first pay want ,a lance easv monthly pay ments; no cash required. Macpherson Bdwy. H7a, HAVE $600 and soldiers' bonus to apply on modern D-room nouse, in xwoe ivj Park, between 37th and 55th sts. ; not over $4S00; must ae a -oargain. oou, Oregonian. WANT to buv for cash direct from own er, six-room house witn at least two lots: prefer St. Johns district, but will consider other good district; close to school. AV 294, Oregonian. WANTED LARGE HOUSE NOB HILL. to lo-room House in inoo nm ais- trict, not to exceed $7500; must be close to car line. Call Mr.- Lemons, rjawy. 6007. ' HAVE 2 buyers wanting 6-room modern homes that $2000 win nanaie. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880 WANT this week, direct from owner, modern home, east side, 12th to 60th sts., $2500 to $4000 value. Cash for bargain. Give price, location, etc. M S52, Oregonian. WE HAVE customer with $300 cash for bungalow to $300o. Phone yours for quick action. Ralph Harris Co., 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. SELL YOUR PROPERTY by my successful system. It brings cash buyers. Investigate. P. O. Box 1131. WANT best 4-room cottage with bath that $1600 will buy, with $100 down $20 per mo. Owners only. C 832. Ore gonian. HAVE stock in a going company, which I want to trade for a good residence or acreage. This stock will bear in- vestlgatlon. J 827. Oregonian. WANT improved acreage, 1 to 20 acres. Describe ruiiy, witn terms. PACIFIC FINANCE CO. 320 Plttock BIk. WANTED A modern house of 6 or 7 rooms, in desirable- location. Price about $3000. No agents need answer. Owner only. Address P. O. Box 178. WILL buy today from owner, 4 or o room bungalow; will pay $500 down -and good monthly payments; must have possession at once. Bdwy. 2Q.6. WE WILL cash that home for you If it's a good buy and not too far out. IX you want quicic action. Eee a. xl. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. HAVE new five-passenger auto to trade as first payment on west side city lot in good residence district only. 101 loth st. - TO 10-ACRE equipped chicken ranch near Portland. Give location and full particulars. AV 260, Oregonian. WLL accept 2 lots in good location as payment on mouern o-room Dungatow, balance easy terms F 845, Oregonian. TO BUY house and lot, not less than 8 rooms, close in; all particulars when answering. AP 3i0. Oregonian. SUBURBAN home or few acres view acreage. Give full particulars.- BF 871, Oregonian.. GOOD houses on improved streets, priced right, l can sea yours ax a lair price. Main 1576. Haight. 263 Yamhill. LIGHT car as part or all payment on . good building lot. Vance T. Ferguson. Bdwy. 4620. HAVE 1921 Stevens automobile. Want lot in Alameda Park, Irvington or Laurelhurst. Bdwy. 4620. HAVE clients for Irvington or Ala meda lots it the price is right. Main 3787. WANTED Moderate-priced house In good district. Easy terms. Main 68,00. WANTED Acreage and lots. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens oiag.. LATE model nearly new car, trade for equity Improved property. East 0413. FOR RENT FARMS. LEASE FARM. 3S5 acres, bottom land, H upland; 32 miles from Portland on paved high way; 4 head norses, 33 milk cows. SUiwiLL trade mv 6-rc heifers, 1 2-year old. 1 8-year-old helf- j prlced at $3500 for er, 2 bulls-, chickens. S5 tons hay, lots I.E. SPENC of straw, spuds. Dodge truck and all farm implements; sell or trade stock and implements. c w. Mlllershlp, 10''4 Fourth st. Main 5275. FOR RENT One of finest dairy farms 'over 300 acres in northwest fields in high state of cultivation; large modern buildings; corn and roots can be ar ranged for. A 801, oregonian. TIMBER LANDS." SAW MILL of 85 M. capacity, full log ging equipment, including donkey and lines, fully equipped boarding house and bunk nouses to accommodate 40 men; 5 million feet of Douglas fir tim ber and lots more timber adjoining; 3 miles from V. P. railway, with hard graveled road; this plant has been operated only 5 months and is In ex cellent condition; on account of disso lution of partnership will sacrifice 50 per cent of cost. Inquire 1652 East 13th St., Portland, Or, and deal direct with owner. WANTED Man to set up small mill and saw by thousand, or will sell mill and timber on easy terms. Excellent lo cation, long job. Apply 624 Morgan bldg. " FOR SALE Large tract small old-growth timber; pay as cut. or will contract with mills to saw and log by thousand. Apply 621 Morgan bldg.. . . TIMBER LANDS. SO ACRES, with 18 acres finely improved, at $100 per acre: 80 acres, adjoining above, unimproved, at $25 pes- A. Big stand of timber on all sides. Eva Wemtworth, Lorane, Lane county. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 143 ACRES Near Corvallis. Or.. 100 acres In cul tivation, balance pasture; 8-room house, barn, shop, garage, other out buildings; well at house and barn; wa ter in pasture; 1 mile to church and school; stock, farm machinery and tools. $11,000, small payment down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. TRlVSMWSinV COMPANY, Party owns the controlling interest in a $70,000 transmission and electric light and power company in middle west, pays big dividends every year and can be run by anyone. Is offering It for sale or will take Portland or Oregon income property in trade. See Mr. Ferguson, 1011 Chamber of Com ' merce bldg. . NOTICE. If your city or- farm property i for exchange, has merit and is priced r ign-i, list with the Coe A. McKenna Co established since 1889 and your every interest will be safeguarded. COE A. McKENNA CO., Artisans Bldg., Broadway and Oak. Bdwy. 7522. KANSAS RANCH WANTED. Iri exchange for well-located, on pavement, highly improved Willamette valley ranch, close to Portland, to the value or sa.uuu. jc. a. a.asiey, .00 Montgomery st., corner 3th. LOOK ! WILL YOU TRADE. . what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, targe or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Easier, 295 Montgomery St., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAT. WONDERFUL TRADES IN ALFALFA AND WHEAT FARMS. Want your city property or western . Oregon farms; cair- match your trade in a hurry. Try our system. 11 woras. Write us what you have. O. H. SKOTHE1M REALTY .CO.. 4th Floor Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. - HOME AND INCOME. Hawthorne District, 100x100, and S apartments, partly furnished. Jou could have your own home and rent the balance of the building for about 180 ner month. Price S85O0. Will take bungalow up to $4000,. balance terms. Auto 632-53, 3 ACRES $2600 3 ACRES. 4-room houBe. double garage; chick en house, 40 chickens; 1 acre cleared, balance beautiful grove; near Oswego Y lake. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-8 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. 28Vi ACRES, short way down Columbia; new 6-room bungalow, good barn and outbuildings; 18 acres cleared; team, cow, hay and farm implements and tools, exchange for few acres near Portland or Vancouver. Wash. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A GOING STOCK RANCH. 1640 acres, 800 cultivation, B barns. 2 houses, large creek, springs: Imple ments and machinery; no incumbrance: $50 per acre; want city income to $100,000, will pay cash difference or assume. - John A. Meissner. 821 Gasco bldg. CALIFORNIA FOR PORTLAND. S3 acres in heart of orange and grape land district, near Riverside; deep, rich soil ; on gravel road, less than quarter mile off paved boulevard to Los Angeles. Value $19,000. Trade for improved Portland or vicinity. B 851, Oregonian. 040-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. ' All in cultivation, 800 acres in sum mer fallowr fair buildings; fine well; on rock road, close to school, 3f4 miles from good town; price $35 per acre; will trade for valley farm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 338 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES of Umatilla county land. 2 M. feet yellow pine, remainder good for crops, cash price $2000, or in trade would consider a 4 or 5-room house or small acreage near Portland. P. L. HANNON. 253 Washington St. WILL TRADE LAURELHURST PROPERTY. I want to trade house in Laurelhurst valued at $8000 for one In Irvington of same value or more. Must be east of 18th and north of Stanton. Call Mr. Lemons. Broadway 6007. WILL trade lot in on bungalow. Have fine lot worth $1000 which I will trade in as part payment on desirable five . room bungalow not to exceed $5500. ' Must be in Alameda-Irvington or equally good district. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. SPOKANE PROPERTY WANTED. ' Have two beautiful lots on 47th near 45th ave.. improvements all paid; will trade for Spokane or Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, improved. B. C. Wood, New Scott hotel, today. HAVE a good 30-acre farm, new build ings, running water, well located, close to station. Will trade for a good grocery store or a good home in Port land. T. P. Kelly. 306 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5022. A-l, 60-A. FARM in Spokane valley, on State nignway, some alfalfa, wheat, berries, modern bldgs. ; fine home; terms or trade. Cost prop erty $21,000; owner, O. L. Paryet, Op portunlty, W"ash., R. 1. . HAVE a 10-acre farm at Beaverton, with modern buildings, city water, light and gas. Will take home In Portland as part payment. Your own time on the balance. T. P. Kelly, 806 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5622. i WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. Ground 100x100, present Income about $260, could be Increased $lo0 more: would consider acreage or small farm for part. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg 60 A. COAST FARM; 33 a. bottom land, ciearea; large nouse ana Darn; silo good location; appraised value, $8000 will take $3000 trade; $3100 federal loan; terms on balance. W. Cobb, owner, Slletz, or. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade naving merit; nouses, .lots, farms, acreage. J3ring in your proposition. Robinson-Spooner Co., 712 Couch bldg. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE XKAJJlfi ARTIST AT J. W. CCONNELL CO. 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. FIVE-ROOM house and 4 lots Price laoou; want about 5 acres, close in. una e-room modern Irvington home. irice souu; want small farm. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens bldg. LOTS TO TRADE FOR AUTO. Have cheap lots In Portland sub. urbs to trade for automobile. See Mr. Kinney at Multnomah hotel or write oox nin. n;ugene, ur.r FIVE-ROOM cottage, lot 100x150. barn chicken house, garden, fruit, spring wa ter, for Portland imp. property. Will pay casn aiirerence. xt. li. Rosencrans, Troutdale, Or. DON'T LOSE YOUR EQUITY. We will give you a suitable exchange for your equity and save you from foreclosure. All Information confiden- tlal. A'G 131, uregonlan. WANTED Larger house: have 3-roo nouse, rat. acotc aistrict. lot 50x100, clear, as first payment and assume to $2500 or $3000. East 7389. 451 Belmont si reet. iu aukks near Kidgefield. Wash. 25 mnes norm or i-ortiana; nair in culti vation; good buildings; trade for Port land property. Deshon Mortgage Co Spalding bldg. WILL exchange my equity In fine home in .viarsnrieia, ur., ror store, car or Portland property. See me this week mi ei QipcH n.xcnange mrig. ROOM modern home, garage, close In, and two separate lots; want 5-room house. Hawthorne or Sunnyslde dis tricts. 572 Clinton st. FOR SALE or trade for house, quarter section rancn locatea in rorest reserve. Judith Basin country, Montana. Ideal for stock and grain. 1108 B. 21st st. N. room modern home, ir rooming house. SPENCER & co . 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE a nice 3-room modern house; lot 50x127. Will trade for a good room ing house on west side. T. P. Kelly 306 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5622. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Small house and lot, cheap; will take car, cash and terms. Call Owner Walnut 1561. SEASIDE HOME. Will trade my $4000 equity in beau tiful Seaside home for clear property In Portland. Bdwy. 4620. I HAVE several lots to trade for light cars; some In restricted districts. Vance T. Ferguson. Bdwy. 4620. 160 ACRES, near Rose Lodge, Lincoln -co.; exchange for good car or truck; value $1200. AV 296, Oregonian. WOULD trade 150 shares Utah-Idaho Sugar stock for acreage or good build ing lcsR852!Oregoriian. SEATTLE tor Portland Modern home in Capital Hill, Seattle, for Portland. Mrs, Brook. 394 Guild St., Portland. EQUITY P.. C. P. acreage, 100x260; bal ance, $650. at 2H per cent monthly, no interest. For auto, call Main 2088 PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. Bdwy. B178. 624 Henry Bldg. GOOD AUTO FOR YOUR LOT GOI DENBEKG, 222 Abington Bldg, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. AiOUKHN BUNGALOW FOR AC RE AG P.. Five-room modern butiKaloiv. 50x100 lot, only 1 block from car; in very good condition, 6 nice bearing fruit trees; garage: price $8000; want 4 to 8 acres on west side, within 20 mlts of Port land; not over $S5O0; investigate thla as we beiieve it will be worth your while. See Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 7 ACRES STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. Located 16 miles west of Portland, 25 acres In crop, 1 acre potatoes, bal ance open pasture; 6-room house, barn end other building: & vows. 2 heifers, team, chickens and all farm ing implements and tools; price $ir("i; will take house to $5000, $1000 casli and balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 338 Chamorr of Commerce. QUICK SALE or trado; 20 acres all cultivated: good buildings; well water; near highway and electric depot; $4300. Owner, John Calderwood, 313 East 48th St.- Tabor 6326. TO EXCHANGE MISCFLLANEOI'S. WILL trade Ford with starter and foot L feed fur some furniture and some cash. Cast 32:ti. 464 E. Asll. 2 FINE building lots, 3l!th and Alberta, for late model auto; value $750. At water 0345. EXCHANGE equity In lot for niHllogaliy case piano. Bdwy. 2043; evenings Wal nut 0260. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles. l.iveHtock. CROWN STABLES. For sale Horses nt all prices anil all kinds and sises. Have 3 good fam ily cows. Harness of all kinds, new and second-hand. We make our own harness and sell cheaper than can he found elsewhere. Everything guaran teed as represented. Phil. Suetter, mgr.. 25 Front St. DURtlC boar pigs of best strains at $25 each. Fit for any show ring. Hanne nian's Jersey Farm. 1 mils .beyond Cor- oett on oiumbia highway. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. J. Esenahar. 8"-3W Eapt Morrison st. FOR SALE 75 or less registered Shrop shire ewes in fine condition. HoJraan Fuel Co., 94 5th st. 2 COWS. 1 fresh. 1 coming fresh; will sell or take young stock in exchange. Walnut 5418. GOOD family cow for sale cheap; cnl Osburn rd. and Sandy It. 2, .ox 208- Troutiiale. Or. VETERINARIAN. BR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. SEVERAL good work horses. Inqulra of C. O. Pick. 55 Second street. FINK span bay mares, 2.'ttiH potin.Is, w 1 1 ll harness, for $150. Ksst 84i. BARGAINS In horses, harnesses and wagons. 240 East 8th st. FINE milk goats for less than half price. Main 2878. SUBMIT PRICES 10 earn clear hay. Clay .-. .mrsw, inc., l-l HI l.u n. Plnnos, Organs and Muslrnl Instrument. $10 CASH $5. $8 OR MORE MONTHLY Is all you need pay if you buy your piano of the Schwan Piano Co., besides, you then buy at their 25 to 40 per cent lower prices. Here are a few: $450 Marshall & Wendel upright. .$195 1475 Hailett & Davis upright 233 $500 F. & C. Fisch-r largo upright 2H3 $900 Stelnway & Son's upright-... 8H $1150 Thompson player piano 8"5 $1050 Singer player piano 595 101 Tenth St.. at Wash and Stark. $20v $35. $85, $85 secures phono graphs at $5 cash. $3 or more monthly, at Schwan Piano Co.. 10th and Stark. $75 buys small 7-octave upright piano. $95 buys United makers' square plana $145 buys $425 Emerson upright plano $195 buys $400 Hailett Davis plana. This week at Security Storage Co., 103 10th St., Cor. Stark St. NEW $165 " Alandel" phonograph, dark mahogany finish; plays all records. $90 cash. Apt. 104 Imperial Arms. Phone Main 5647. PIANOS, player pianos and phonographs ato rent; new player rolls, uoc each. Player Roll Exchange. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, near Wash. WILL give you a good price for your old piano in tratie lor a new pmno. we also sell pianos and phonographs at very low prices. 409 Union Av e . N. SALE used upright pianos. $195, (215, o, etc., iu casn, io, i or x montn, at Lipnian, Wolfe Co., Fifth and Washington Sts. PIANO tuning and phonograph repairing, any make. All work Ktinr.-inieeci ; ex pert wotkman. Seilierfinr-Lucus Music Co., !-; 4tn st. nnwy. .i ir WHEEI.OCK pl-t.yer-pln.no, plays 88-note rolls, witli extra rolls, prieed to sell quick, only $330, terms. G. F. John- son Piuno Co., 141) th st. WE HAVE several large sized cabinet phonographs, $150 to $250 values priced at $100 and $125. terms. O. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Oth St. BUESCHER saxophone, C mel., silver gold bell and keys. $123, terms. G. P. Johnson Piano Co., 1411 Oth st. MARTIN C mel. saxophone, sliver-gold bell, $130. terine. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 fith st. CONN trombone, 6-in. hell, smnll bore; bargain, $40. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Oth St. EUESOHER baritone saxophone, silver with gold bell; $150. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 nth at. WE WILL exchange your old piano for a new Vletrola or Oheney nhormRraph, G F. Johnann Piano Co.. 149 Hth st. WE HAVE a few phonographs which we will rent on reasonahle terms. G. -F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 Oth st. BRUNO trumpet, silver-gold hell and keys; $75; quick chango to B and A. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. PIANO Nic3 case, all in flrst-ciass fon. ditlon; only $2i'0. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 nth st. LEAVING town, old, cost $575. Walnut 600. Ellington piano, 8 mo. Will sacrifice for cash. K1NGSUURY upright, $187. Come In and hear it. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Washington st FOR SALE Piano, must be sold at once. Used six months. Bargain for cash. Phone Main 2M0S, room B"3. PHONOGRAPH, Queen Anne stylo, cost $300, will sell for $125. Call after 6 P. M. E. 9.133. KOH1.BR & CHASE piano, practically new. Cash $175. L. N. Lefebvre. At water 2653. . SEVENTY dullars buys beautiful, sweet toned piano. Here's your chance. 213 Swetland bldff $2.50 RENTS phonograph with .ate rec ords Empire Transfer, 143 lltn. Bdwy. 015.'). AEOLEON orcliestrelle. suitable for mo tion picture house or church. Main 7855. WANTED Used piano, pay cash. Call Bdwy. 1548 PIANO wanted. Good used piano, must be a bargain. Bdwy. 6,"76. NICE Miller piano for sale, cheap, by private party. East 5259. FOR RENT Vose & Son piano, sell cheap, no dealers. East 5259. PIANO wanted. Will pay casli for bar gain. Atwater 1532. THOMPSON piano. In good condition. $200. 520 5th St.. Oregon City. CHICKERING baby grand piano. like new. East Hani. Furniture for Sale. AS I AM LEAVING the city must sac- rlflC3 a very oeautuui ana complete French modern ivory bedroom suite. The bed is bowfoot with oval crown, the dresser, chifferobe and dressing table are dustproof and richly enam eled on solid white mahogany with gold trimmings: two chair match the suite; also de luxe double-deck spring and mattress. This suite hss cost $1160, in Indianapolis, two month ago. Will sell for $495. Walnut 3159. LEAVING for east, sacrifice following items: New Ivory breaKrast tHble anu four chairs, $35; beautiful oak buffet with mirror, $25; new Vletrola. $65: fumed oak dining-room table, $15; new refrigerator, $20; mahogany cen ter stand, $4.50: electric table lamp, $12; kitchen treasure, $3.50; clock, mir ror and other small items at sacrifice prices. No dealers. 347 Lincoln St. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale, house modern and cheap reni.'v chicken house and plenty of wood; all for less than $100. 368 E. Madison St.. after 2 P. M. DON'T sacrifice your iurniture if going east or to caurorn:a: we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, flrepioof storaee. C. M. Olson TranFfer & Baggage Co., 245 Pine st. FURNITURE of 5 rooms, upper flat, for rent reasonable, tnoiougniy cleaned; -easy walking distance. 288 East 2d N.. near Wasco. REASONABLY prieed clilna closet, book cases, dishes, taoie linens, pictures, ori ental rugs. etc. East 4448. 582 E. 21st N. 8-PIECE light oak dining-room set: par- lor pieces, including line Dookcase in same finish. Nearly new and very at- tractlve. 633-92. LET ME make you beautifully over stuffed davenport nd chair In my spare time. 841 fj. wtark. cast HD'.'S. $93 DAVENPORT. $00; $K0 rugs. $35; $49 set dishes, $23; $133 phonograph, $50. 1434 Killlngsworth. DINING room set,. William and Mary. Jacobean finish and other articles; no dealers. East 7638 mornings. DAVENPORT table, several overstuffed pieces and wicker for sale. 616 East 17th st. N. WHY" RENT furniture when you can get B full rooms for $250, 761 Front