21 TITE MORNING OREGOXTAX, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1922 ANXIETY RULES IN nniinrniii nuinirr r u m i u mumtr i I IIIiMlwIilU IIUUIIIUI Hope and Apprehension Feature Day's Trade. lirinr wrnv ni r nt i r 3cst i 1 1 miii 1 tit tin c . . . Kelly Pfr,i)ft!d 1MI ! K-nntt 7 , . H3l Urk stcM s ". 1 "-.. ' mo i r.'. I.-bbr McN I. 7n 1 iM L c A Mayers .. T 1o 7m 1i-44 J i rd 3 lJil 7 1144 I M rr: Co 7 S ' '.11 I . . Proc r.Trb 7a K'-il K-publ'c I A 5 fi &r Roe 7 V22 to 7 I'd .stl A Tub 7 l .' M s-ifi 4 t'o i"-1 :a 7 i..u I o.: rmt4 Iruic hm lU l 111 V J R ib lat rf Ss 7 l"- do 7 H tO I Ml pf & ., IW3 Va Oh.-m r. I '" Wat V T col tr 5 Belief, ffowerer, Prevails That Solution of Industrial Prob lems Will lie Found Soon. BT AtKXANPER PAN A NOTES. 1 Br crfwaeo Tribune Uird Wtr NEW YORK. Aug-. 14 Th ntwi with Vliich th wwk b(an today waa not . mt a character to Inspire rbcerfulnna ; 31 financial markets open4 under the Shadow of the sporadic acta of vlalnc aira!Rt th rattwavs. th d'-aertlon of their trains by oprttnc rri at various and touchTa pmms, tnJ the adjournment of th l-on-lon rcpa.ratluns conference without attrermnt. This time the new waa reflected def fniteir in the market, ratiway shares cr.nlna on the average about a point In t he stock exchauijr. while the franc fell back to last wrvk'n low rat in the foreign iirhang marrt. Wcm for wheat and cotton also went lower, partly. It Is probable, because of th day's un etiUrr news. On the other hand. Krnrh ftvernmfnt bonds held firm in the New Terlc market, rM aiming ail of an early fractional dcHne, and neither the Lon don stock market nor the rate for sterling grave evidence of uneasiness. The day's weakness in the stock mar ket and in foreiicn exchanite was a nat ural expression of nneimneiM at the fnli re to find a solution for the two prob lems, which In some way must be solved in the very near future; but It was also beed on consideration of the mont dis- autetlna artrnatlve possjbf Stilus in the esje tt the railway controversy a general liotdup of transportation; in the case of tne irtfuun reparations forcible action by France individually. Had either of these alternatives hen Voked upon ss Immediately probable, tha markets would have moved emphati . caily. Instead of losing-, as they did, only a part of last week's late recovery. Bxit the feeling in financial clrc tea waa at ill w ronrly to th effect that the railway brotherhoods. In th Interest of labor as body, cannot permit the rrlpptln of transportation and fuel distribution to go on. and that the French jrovernment !S wholly unlikely to take act ion w hlrh ven In form mtcht Imperil th entente. Nevertheless, it had to be reconitd that th dert!on trains In th wild erness hy l hlr crews, on a f 11 nmjr pre text, and In abnc evn of orders from th unions, had Introduced a new and unpleasant phaj into the situation, and that t h failure of t he 1-ondon conference 1-ft ih Orn-nn reparations matter In a atat h re the nxt turn of vrnit was Impoamhle to forae. Financial markets partu-ularfy d i.k u nee rt a intt-. and tl.etr art on tmy was logical In th i tsttnc situation. Anit thts familiar Influence. It was recoa-nSid today that th labr situation was at a pnmi where a sudden set! le ment waa always a possibility. Th evi dent approach of such settlement In the ccai trad dtapul necessarily affected th Ju4cmnt taken of the other phases of the labor d fficu'fiea It was therefore with sn unusual mixture of apprehension ad hopef u! n that the day ended the financial markets. luhi:c uMbtl Am I.t A Tran bs .... Am Tel coll 4s do roll s do is .............. H H T Ss le.l Tel Ia rl r.ai uni 6a Cit.-s 5crvic 7s B.... do 7s C do 7s P Tnt Met 4H Tnt R T ref As l.arSed Cas 7s Mort Fower ."s A .... Northwest Tel 7s .... Pac Tl is Fac r.M os , . fetouthweat Tel 7s . . . . tl bonds Arts-Io Am 'Si ...... Atlantic Ref i,a .... r.aiena S oil 7s Ouiff Oil 7s Humbi 7s ........... Fan Am 7a Mex Fet cv fig ....... :nclalr Tl S O l al 7s f O N T 7s T-xas Co 7s Tidewater Oil m Vacuum Oil 7s ........... turb bonds Allied Fsckers Am Tel A: Tel As.. do Anaconda Cop &s do 7 An-!o-Am Otl 7S Jt.th filee 7i rnno tias C C.aiena Slfrnai Oil 7s Orand Trunk BUs Searn Roe 7s 3-y r So West Tl 7s S'andsrd OH N T 4s ?w:ft at Co 7s do 0, Varuum Oil 7s Koreijpn government bond Arcentine jt 7s do U I Ss '. Fi!um hm 'iran - !rn fts ChrUtlania s Fopenhaitn 5Ss r'anifh fonsol ! Frvm h tallies o !-aly 4 A Swedi h Uovt H L" Alex 4n do H ft Vruruay Kxt 5m Zurich s ... lt3 ... I'" . .. Wi ... H'2J ... ... l ai ... 1!M1 ... I'-fJ1 ... v.-j ... l i3 1 ... 12S ... lf-'i . . ..1144 ... 1 !-.' . . .. lt4S ... l!4.- ... 1 i3 7 ... HMfl ... HH . . . !:; F.'.'M ... 1 .m;i ... 1!J ... JOi:t ... 141 r37 ... 1?42 ... 1'J-: ... lSUo ... 131 . . . i '.:! ... l!t,l , ... 1113 . . . 1 ... 13M . .. 1131 . .. . .. l'.-'.T ... lflil . .. loati IslSTOGKS SHOW REACTION 1IMH i i BOX!) PR ICES DEVKLOP WEAK- ,.h VESS IX SYMPATHY, 11 , . .Mlsed Oianses PreTalT in In- ! dustrlal and Foreign Groups. I Liberty Bonds Steady. -With few x- 1SC4 193J m.;i 1'4.-. 1044 1!l !:( t l-- 1 S1 1K..4 194A S3 i. 112 I'i 1H lofiH MS ll.-.S r2 . mn 0V I'M 5 11 12t a lni !M 07 BIi 1 0.1 Ills'. 1H4 1iki. lS l.rS li'rt 1 lot l"3i lonv, nil s 101 i, lot . l"4, l'4 104 losH !!' IMS loss loS 1 o-.- S 102-, 108 loom 4S 10.4S lfw, 1 13 110 01 S 110 2 1H4 S 4.-.V, i .ITS 74 113 GRAIN PRICES GO LOWER XEVK-rOLLAPSE IX LIVER POOL AFFECTS CHICAGO. Farmer Binning .More Omt Than for Many Year: Country Offering I.lclit. rarTl'll..l br Jordan. ntworth ft Co. Of Port.nl Al'tl n 4 A C I. 4 d 7. B ol-i d n 4 rf rt . fmnBt Svuh.-n ...... C"niln N.t 7. ....... C.n.o:.. Nor s ......... d- 7. 4 CTt P.e Tt .7 Ch- A Oh o cv 4S do It.o 4S do r tm ............... do con S C A Q 1.1 rttv 4. ,C A- W.ftt Ina 4s r o w 4. C M A St ! 4. do r 4 .............. . do d.b 4. .............. do n 4. A. . do cf 5. do gen 4. A ............. do c. 6a do r 4S. A Chita NW tB 4m .. d o . do 7. C R I A P rf 4 Coto Poo rf x 4 S ....... vlo Soo 4. A HdMBB cv a........ do 7. da sa c. 4. do r.f ft. En- I'L. 4. do ran 4. A............ do B do I do fa CO 4. 04 Trunk o .S. Ot Nor 4S do 7. Ot Trunk . do 7. XI! C.nt it 5s do rf 4s ............... K C Sou rrf 5 Ko A Dr. M 1st Bs L-MS 4s US 7. do unl 4s ............... F-n-i.lr 7s ............... ;s-i'ss m ass MKT 4 iir rn 4s do rrf As do r.f 5s JCT'T drb 4s .............. do rnn 4a do r-f Imp 4S. ......... do r r d -b ds. ......... . do c!l 7a ? T N H A llrrUa NO T. X A Mrs Ss. ......... P PI. 4a ts .p or NOR Jt ss O 8 I. rf 4a Prnns a .............. do rn 4'ns H i 4 SS do r-n 3a .............. do 7a do RR S Kr.dtr.s; era 4s .......... 5 A L. 4s do B .., do s A ffnii Rr tin ft. ........... So Par cv 4a............. do rf trm 4s Ff rr' 4a do rinr &s Stl-ASF PL 4s A do s;n As do I'L. As B do it.n is .............. do adl a do n.? As .............. fW-ASW lal SS do rrtn 4 do lat 4a T Psc 13S.... X r. Par lat 4s do rv 4a do rrf 4s do As Tn Tank 7a Wabaah lat 5s ! I Ss tVrat P- Sa M1KT d) Ss . I'h.lt 7Sa . Ot:l Rt t In'Iua'rlala .AUir'l PirkiTi As ......... Am Air 7Ss Am lt Ss Am Tob 7a ARiroclK As A do 7s B Armour rir 7s di 4 Sa Tarrr ttcirl fcs , J':i Sfr: 7s do rq 7a ................ do rrf . Crro d. Pssco As Cht'.. ronr Ka A ........... do ron 7a Col Graph . CoPFf Kip Va do fca do w f! T ! in Sa Coio lo-t Sa , Cpban Am iUKr ts Cuban Car rr 7a ......... T"ai:'.-s rv Sa T'lamnnd Match 7.s ...... rupont 7Sa Fn-rilr Oas Pari As ....... Ftak a. Orti Kite dab 5s do drb "-a floodnrii 7a ................ Coo.1 rar s f'.Trl 7a M.rah.r 7Ss . I I Sir.l drb 4SS , In fit..: s. , Int .rrSa lot ilar.ns C T a lsi !! 14H l'ltl . ... !J . ... lutti .... lni .... lW.iO .... ia .... 1W4H i''.i.' ll4 1:.J 1 :.'. lws . 1J.V1 1H.I4 .... 1 : .... -'114 .... 1 ' i :o,4 ... ;nl4 li7 1-sf . ... Itil .... l-ti 1!S4 IM lf.-l 1 11-S4 lfc.Vk lr.ia. lwr.i ins i ll .3 1H.M lii.lH 1I ll'H ltf.lll 10411 1HS IBa lliso 123 IC.tl l4lt "lliio 1 tr 1H7S 11 2.4 Hl'il lf14 li 2"'3 IMS 10: 1M4 1S3S I' M 7 lo.ia l!L- I'M 1 1 ! l'-30 ltilH 1M-..7 l'.S 1!4 14S if 14 if-:- lfO -t.41 1"4 ll.it r.isi 1 !...! I'll l;ss 1 rtO 1 : 3 lf:2 !- 20m 1!4 7 . Ki.'7 n If I 1 .! fs; ! ::i4t !1 107 V. Ma -s T1W lo 113S 1 1 s voS ; 101 HI S 7S Ml M1 7-'S Hi; 7S Hit :ts rt S s IMS liS :-t m s 111S 4S 1. S3 S.4 S7 ' llBtl. fS 111 l".tS ll-'S vs n, i2 P2S MS H7'. S IMS Mh a.i- jooi. 1'7 no-i S4 S 8S 1"7S lOS f'-'Vj 73 hat. ions 1"3 S 7 V HON ouS lo;v 1101. 1 1 h. o :S 4 ! ui i; lo'S 73 . 1' aj . 7 lo4 si S 74 S 2S 1A 14 s l-'3 J4. vt u. . ... 11H . ... Im 1 o-o i 4 ! I'M! 104 S i I'M 7 1 :. ! li lulU ln l'4Si l3 H-4 . r.3t l'3 I'M 1P3 1M lf4 2 1"3I 1'4 ir32 1 " - 3 H'AS l. - 31. H 11'3 1 ! IS.. I l'-.'-N l--." lMs, 1 0 i HO 13 4 77 1 r3 1 1014 1 :. f. f3T 4 l'3i io; U..-4 I01 mi 103 ltM 1"2 ir4i inTH ltii in.tv 141 114 11 i.tr. 1 13(. Ii3 14 H3 2 lOl If 12 f 1W 41 ta BT CHARLES D. MTCHAKI.it. ' Pt Chlrs;o Trtbuns I.s-d Virt. CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Wheat, oat and Sptrmbr corn sold at nsw low frjrurea for th Sarason todsy. A nr collapse tn I,vrTol. hsre m'hsat futures -ere off -Std pr rfntml at ore time on p-in ica. developments In th London corJerence. had a radical eff.ct here. Closir.ir iradea were at Josses f 1 2 S c on corn. H'c on osts and 1 & lr. on rje. Corn was Se lower for September, hut H01o htfhvr on the Gfrrd deliveries. lhort coverlns; on the rsjl str:ke pi Septembr s heat to about la over iho HH-fniMr r.y. but as soon as the buy lrr censed the market bmke rapidiy with persistent i:inir of September and luy nf of May. credited to a local nous. Weakness n the northwest. svhr h edc In c sales wre heavy, had some ef fect b re. i.t er .Vm.imm bus he is Sep tember were sMd C MtnneapoHs aramst rash era in. with the close there 3 He lower. Vash era ;n a ho we. 1 more weakness than futures. A hoUtlny on the conti nent checkeff the fore tun demand, with sales of .W. 0OO bushels reported at the aea board. Iocal handiera sold 5.'0.O0 bushels ti exp-rters Despit the rail s:rike. arrtvsis are pot materially mailer than Iat year. The trade paid littte or no attention to statistics Corn showed pronounced strength in the face of the breaks In OTher gra!ns. There waa ctosinjr of spreads between corn and other aralns and also short covennir. September was under pres sure. lry weather talk aff-ted the de ferred deliveries. The crop is o:nc backward In some feet tons of the cen- traj west, due to a lack of moisture. Export demand Is fsirlv jrood, with local handlers serine 4 bushels to the seaboard. Basts on spot waa anera. llr urvhaneed. Oats declined readily in sympathy with wheat, but ran Into jco'vd support on the extreme rreak and finished on a fair rally after a ran re of Stir He. Kx- porters tok -V f)f bushe;s here. Country offer. nr were Ilrht and farm- ra are binning more oata than for many years Rye. weaker and losrer. In mpathy with wheat. Houses with north western connections were rd sellers, while the se Aboard huirht. Vo 2 on traek was lc lower, as compared with fieptern ter, selM.na' st 1 Jf I l,p over NEW TORK, Auk. 14 15S ; ceptiona bond prices weakened substan ,,M,V i tia'.lT todav In. avmoathy with the reneral reaction In stock a Mixed changes pre vailed In the Industrial and foreign irroupe, with liberties holding fairly steady. Norfolk 4b Western convertible 6s dropped 2 hi , with losses of 1 to 1 n being reir.Mered by Seaboard Air Line adjust ment 3s, Chicago and Alton 8Hs. New Haven 6s, Chesapeake and Ohio convert ible Cs and Krle general 4s. In the Industrial list Tobacco Products 7s and Saxon company 7s broke through for new hirhs. but losses of 1 to 1 points were sustained by Bethlehem Steel refunding .Is. Wilson company s and IWs and Cub Cane &s. Contrary general expectations. French government and municipal Issues held up well despite the break in 'exchange, only fractional 'osses being recorded. Belgian 8s dropped over a point. Japanse first 4Vs were up 2 points to a new high and Zurich Ss were up 1. South American loans were firm. The Issue of $7,000,000 first and re funding 5 per cent bonds of the United States Rubber company, which wertl offered today at 10 Vs to yield 5. U. were oversubscribed. Professional, operators today took ad vantage of the deadlock In the rail strike to launch two attacks on the stock market, one at the beglnniag a-nd one at the close, which resulted in recessions of 1 to 4 points tn the active issues. Active and strong buying support halted the first reaction but constructive sentiment apparently was disappolned over the prolongation of the strike and the second attack caused many shares to yield and c'.ose at the lowest prices of the day. Northwestern rails, which had regis tered the largest advances In the up ward movements last week, yielded the most. Lessee of 1 to 2 S points were shown by Missouri Pacific. Northern Pa cific. Great Northern preferred. Pere Marquette. St. Paul. Chicago A North western, Rock Island, Chesapeake A Ohio, New York Central, St. Louis A San Fran cisco. St- Louis Southwestern and I.e h Bh Valley. Central Railroad ef New Jersey dropped 5 points on small sales. Mexican Petroleum fluctuated within a radius of nearly six points, closing at a net los of 4 si. Extensive selling of General Asphalt forced the common down 4 points and the preferred (1 points. Mexican Seaboard. Pan-American Petro leum. Phillips Petroleum and Standard Oil of New Jersey also were heavy at lo?es of approximately t to 2 points. Independent steels were stronc in the eariy trading on reports of an early consummation of the two independent mergers, but they sagged considerably In the general reaction at the close. Lacka wanna Steel was off 2H. Republic dropped '2 and smaller declines took place In Mldvale, Replogle and Vanadium. I, ft. Steel receded 1 1. Several hiith records were made In the upward movement around noon, no tably by Sears-Roeburk. Burns Brothers. Internationa! Harvester, National Cloak Jt Suit, famous Players. Advance Rumely, Allied Chemical and J. I. Case preferred, but most of these yielded with the gen eral lift in final dealings. Total sales were approximately 575,000 shares. New low record In the Canadian dls- ' count rate and a sharp break in French francs featured the denlir.KB in foreign exchange. The Canadian premium was down to S 3-32 of 1 per cent, as com pared with a high of . 1-4 per cent in December. 120. Failure of the allied premiers to reach an aureement caused the reaction in francs, which fell 16 points to 80S cents. Demand sterling n as off U and German marks were down to ll1 cent" a hundred, only S of a cent above the extreme low record. Beirian. Italian and Dutch rates were down 5 to 14 points. Call money opened and renewed at 4 per cent, but eased off to 3 4 before noon and thence to 8. where It closed. Time money rates were virtually un changed with few important dealings heinjc reported. Rates on commercial paper were inclined to firmness. CLOSLNG STOCK QUOTATIONS. Furnished by the 0erbeci & Cook comuanv of Portland: a i s. r ' gn fiuu 7 s 2.01MI 13 ITS 20 S 57 S 1.704) ' 43 S l.SOO S S 300 Sot) 3ou lOO do pfd 1.600 6SS lot Nickel 1,700 17 S Int Paper 4.4U0 57S do ufd Invincible Oil .. . Island Oil , Jewel To K C Southern.. do pfd , Kelly-Spfld Kennecotf Keyatona Tlrs. .. 2.4'H) 8'. LlfK Steel 6,7'M KO Lee Tire 100 27 S Lehieh Valley. .. 1.100 6JS Lonliard Loew Theaters L N- Max Seaboard ..16.10 Max Motor "A". 5K 1j "B" 1,000 May Stores 12S Mot Pet 19.f!0O 17 Miami 100 2S .MM State.fl till .. Z.4IH) Mtdval. Steel ... 2.400 F.JH ITS IT 25 S SS 42 S 3 S 77 27 H 64 S 600 i6s ies 1S M K A T VV1 8iO do pfd Wl 400 Mont Power Mont Ward 14.700 Ml Pic BOO do piA 1.000 MSlPS8M.. 10O Marland Oil 300 Martin A Perry Nat Enamel .... 2.400 Nat Lead 100 Nevada Con ..... 2o0 New Haven ..... 4.9O0 12S 3S 1S 42 S 23S 23 S sss 64 38 S 20 67 S MS 128S 170S 2S 12S 34 17 42 24 S 22 S 65 S 64 88S SS S6S 9914 B S 1S 16S 31 S SOS Norfolk & W 1.000 115 114 Nor Hue S.800 S1W. 80 Nova s Steel 300 l.SOO 2,7(10 300 7 97 S 76 S 2 4K soo . 5.60 . 4.200 . 8.100 . 1.700 . 4.40O . l.SOO S.."00 . 400 2.SOO .12, SOO 6O0 . 4.4O0 SOO . 2,900 2-) S 74 S SO S3S 70 71 46S SI 39 29 S 43 S 13S 7S B7; 40S 7S SOS 1.200 120S 400 Ilia, N Y Air Brake . N Y Central ... Nor Amn Ok la Prod ref .. Ontario sliver .. TDntarlo W .. . Otis Steel Pacific Tev rac G & Kiee . . Punta Alexre . . Pacific Oil Pan Amn Pet . . do "B" Penna ......... Peo Gas Per. Marquette. Pure Otl Phillips Pete . . . Plerce-Arrow . . Pleroe Oil . . . PllsCoal P A XV Va Penn Set Steel Pad Steel Car. . Pullman Ray Cone Reading , P.em incton .... Reptorje Steel : Republic . & S. . do pfd Rep Motors Ryl Inc Oil Ry.steel Spa; . . . Stan Oil Kan Sears Roebuck . . Shattuck. Arls. . Shell T & T Sinclair , Stan Oil Ind do N J Sloas Shef Sou Pacific Sou Ry Stand Oil Cal... St L, S F u. Strombers; Carb.. Sturfebaker 10.1OO 128 Swift & Co 10 TT.n Cop A Chm 10O 0S i exas lil l.SOO Texas Pac 600 Tex Pac C O.. 1.500 Tob Products ... l.ino Tran Com! Oil.. too Cnion Otl Del... I.400 I nion Pac United Alloy ... Cnlted brut .... t'nited Kood Prd United Fruit .., 1'nlon B A P.. . . U S C I Pipe lrnttd Ret Stores 2 OOO U S Ind Alcohol 6. SOO 76 PBS 75 2S 3.300 300 JiK) 700 " "soo TOO AS 35 i, 73 SS 53 S 1.5O0 700 700 1.200 94 S 9S 30', 109 S 74 S 49 S S2S 74S 68 S 45 5. 90 37 29 S 43 7 66 39 S 7 SOS 121) IBS 74 S S3 S 31S 71S "hK' 53 S 91S 9 .".Si so S 64 H 17S SOS I 12 74 1S 23 S SB 43 H 33 S 6S 77 27 64 S 16S 16S 130 20 88 1S1 127S 171S 2 12S 34 17S 41S 71 24 S 22 55 64 29 S6 99 1S 30S 114 70S SO 76 94! S 75 2 7 26 10. e 73 s 49 S 42 S 74 69 45S 90 37 29 42 US 7 6H4 3S 7 SO 120 16 74 sr. s il 71 92 3i 53 10S 9.". 92 S 9 3S 30 IDS'. 101 4UU 1S 1I7S 177 43 4 200 92 91 S 91 S.400 2fl 25 23 S 2 200 1 03 104 1D4 2.400 31 30 30 SO0 4 47 - 47 123S 123 1IM 106 46 S 31 24 54 S 13 21 10 4BS VI 23 S4 13 20 S lo 4.1 31 24 54 13 20 i 1.000 144 14JS 1I3S 1"" 3( 3T 37 100 79 79 79 2"n 7 7 7 SOO 147 147 147 SOil 66 65 6 200 1.6K .".itO 4H) 10O S.20O two 300 8,000 22 s; 3!l 1 S '7.V ' 53 'iss "67 IsOvr. 77 21 SS 3S 64 US s 7.1 S2S 40 S i 124 26 ""As 14S B:d. 77 21 :is 64 11. s 1 73 S S2 97 S Adama Lxp Advance Kuan do pfd Agr Clieni io pfd Aj.x ICut.bcr Aiaaka Gold Alaska Junoau Allied Chrm Aiils-Chaim do Pfd Am Heet Suffar Am HoK'h Am Can Co ao pfd Am C & Fdy pM 7"o 11-4 Am Cot Oil ... l.Soo 27 do pfd . . . . . . Am Drug- Svnd "00 S Am Hid A L... 30 14 do p(d 4O0 72 Am Ice l.Soo 111 Am lntl Corp.. ."' 37 Am Linseed .. 2.6oo 36 da EKd loo S3 Vi Am Loco s.o00 U 117 117 do pfd 113 Am Sf Raxor. 1 0O0 7 7 Am Ship Com 3O0 1". 17 Am Smelter ... loo o 60 do pld Sot) Hi 97 Am Snuff Am Stel Fdy. 5.000 3S 03 101) 122 2 b.i 5 14 71 10S 10O 3 36 33 34 . S3 r.M 4t bo BKAKS rAlT.HT IV STOCK PK.41 Pierre-Arrow Frrfrrmi Stork Runs r to 3.3 SJid Bark ta 29. Pv rUmto Tribune I,eaa-d Wire.) NEW YORK. Aus 14 Todar oro.ed trt bs a irana.f.on dsv for the railroad executives, from a policy of definite ac tion last week to a p.i;:.-y of watchful waiting-. Probably the plainest case of allowir. ths rampant b-r to sell Into a baa: and at the l.istcal moment suddenly tull rh draw strinra and wimi'l them to re- purchaae ,:,pk, they had sold, which haa ocrurr-d on the flcor of the New York Stock rtfkirx' th's year, was in ths preferred anrt rommou shares of Pte-re-Arrow to. lay. The preferred stock ran up V 3. and then ba'k down to the a.-aie of 29. cloa- Ins; with a net advance of S po.nta. The common advanced sympathetically nd rained 1 poln'a. The advance in American f. Indeed com mon ar.d preferred th:s forenoon at tracted atr.nT:on. Both laaues roae more than t-. j points, but in the afternoon hen the balance of the Hat sold off. the common loet a rood part of irs early salna Wail street heard that "broker. aso-iated with Standard Oil tntereata' rare buymc the atock. Attention was ailed to "hidden" aaaets. It belnr. de clsred that ths company la carrylnc Its auptliea of Lasted at 40 cents a sal. on whereas the market price Is In the is-bhorhoo'l of SO cer-ta. 1'robabiy the direct reason for the sd- varce in sucn atocaa as n.rectiy siiect the farmer may be traced to the To-rn-m-nt's bumper Aua.i.t crop forecaat. Ani.r;rin farmer w:l! re-e)v about $7.14. 634. Co f-.r their 17 principal crops, as compared with $S.li3."..sil.O.H) they re cstved in HOI. There was acain more money In the financial d'strict than borrowers wanted to take Somethlnc like l.'O po).0a) was In hand at tne openir.e of the market todar to be put on ra.l and the result was a gradual decline In the rate from 4 per rent to 3 per cent, the lowest sine. August 4 Bankers are inclined to the belief that this rals win continue, for" moat of the week. Natal Moreai. FAVANVAH. Au. 14. Turpentine, firm. 1.06 rsllon. sales. 604 barrels, rereipts, 4'l barrel., shipments, 234 bar. re a. stock, intol l arrr.i. Kosin Firm. Sa.es. 76.3 barre's; re ceipts. 13nj barre's; ehlprr.ema. 2o bar re, a; atoca. 91.1i7 Quote: B. P. 14. oS. E. F. ; if, I. 4 .': K. 5: M. .V0S; N. i,35. Wii. S3 no. WW. sft SS. nriral Fnilts at Near York. NEW YORK. Aur. 14 Evaporated ap pies, dull: state. 17filr. Prunes, un settled. Cakfomtas. 6f7ise; Ore cons. 126 lc. Peaches, f rm; choice. r?14c; extra choice, 11 3 15c; fancy. lSfllSc. SOU ' 31 3 2.200 1-ji; 122 1.3. Kl 150 149 147 147 1.7HO 91 90 l.al 107 107 7"io 3.'w 305 :;' .17 17 l.UOO 53 52 V, Am buaTir .... ooo do pf.l Am Sumatra .. Am T-l Tel.. m Tobacco do "B" .... Am Wool do pfd Am W P pfd . . Am Zinc Anarond Asad Oil Atchison do pfd Ati Coast Line. Atl Gulf : W I Baldwin Loco . Baldwin pfd Haito A Ohio .. do pfd P.ivrnsd.il CVrp. Beth tlfe! "B". Booth Klsh ... B R T Butte C Z... Butte eV Sup . . Bums Bros Cad.io Oil ... .v Calif Packing . Calif let do pfd Canadian Pac . Cen Leather C-rro de Pasco. Con Textile . . . "handler Motor Cha.i X .. Chan lit W no pfd Chi. I Cop Chino C M tft P do pf.1 Coca Cols. C it O Colo F I. .. . .. Colo Southern.... Col Gas,. Kiec .. Coium.i.a Crap.. Con Gs Cons Cigars do pM Contl Can Cities Sve Banks Corn Prod do Pfd Coaden Oil C It 1 A P do A pfd do B p.'d Cruclbe do pfd Cuba Cane ..... rf o pfd Cuban Am Sugar He! A Hudson.. !ome Mines lel A Lack Davison Cham.. Soo Kndlco'.t Johnson. !ioo Krle a . . . . 4.7IIO do lat pfd an o. hi K:ec Stor Baty.. 1 liwl Famous Players. 12. son Fed Mns A Sm.. loo do pfi 1.4.1) Gen Cirars 2oO Gen K ec in.) 179 Gen Motor S.4O0 13 do 6 per cent.. -oo Gen Asphalt ...32.200 Goodrich Clldden Paint " Granbv poo Great Nor Ore... 1.3on Great Nor pfd... g.30O Greene Cananea Gulf S Steel Glen A Iden Houston OH . Hupp Motor .... Ills Cent Inspiration , . . . . Int Acr CrJ com do pfd Internoro 40 o 7 17 l lti 133 40 so lol 37 122 141 14B 1HIU, 107 3') 17 , .32 HO U S Rub do 1st pfd . . . C 3 Smelting.. U 3 Steel do pfd Utah Copper .. Va Chem do pfd Vanadium Steel 3 Ivandou Wabash , io A pfd do B pfd .... Wells Farro . . Western Pac . . do pfd Western Union. 33 estKhouae A B lOO Westghs HAM 1.500 W: Md L'iO White Motors .. Soft Wlllys-Overld ... S.ooo do pfd 1,400 Wilson Packing Wis Central Worth Pump 4O0 W A L E soo 3Vhlte Oil 2O0 Whlta Esgle Oil 2O0 33 66 67 57 33 33 '65 H.", 65 63 57 .37 13 40 10. SOO ioo ion ioo no ini iiy iin Kansas City Power and Light Co. 7 First Preferred Stock 1. Pays cumulative dividends of $7.00 per share in quarterly payments, exempt from the Normal Federal Income Tax. 2. Preferred as to assets to $100 per share and divi dends. " , 3. No par value. Fully paid and non-assessable. Re deemable only at $115 per share. , 4. Net value of properties equal to $180 per share. 5. Net earning-s available for dividends, FOUR times requirements before depreciation and nearly THREE times after depreciation. . 6. . To be listed on New York and Chicago Stock Ex change. . 7. Can be purchased from us at $93.50 per share and accrued dividends which yield 1XA per cent. Descriptive Circular Upon Request Blyth. Witter &. Co. Municipal, Corporation and Government Bonds Fourth and Stark, Portland BRoadwav 6481 San Francisco Los Angeles New York Chicago Portland Seattle S 3V Penn Oil. . S O ind, ,. do Kansas . . . do Kentucky do N Y do Neb do Ohio do pfd Swan Finch. . Vacuum Washington . . -Imperial Oil . . .. 60 . . 109 . . 520 . . 9.3 . . 422 . . 175 . . 45.3 .. 117 . . 32 . . 42.3 22 '.".' 108 62 109 340 9B 426 iss 465 119 33 43l) 27 110 some scattered covering in the market .for coffee futures today. The market closed net unchanged to 4 points high. Sales were estimated at about 50.000 bags. Closing quotations September. 9.2oc; October, 9.24c: December, January, March and May, 9.22c: July. 9.19c. Spot coffee quiet, Rio 7s 910c; Santos '4s 14 14c Fo reign Bonds. Furnished by Overbeck 4 Cooke com pany of Portland: 300 4O0 SOO l.SOO 1.200 2.6110 200 200 66 64 4 21 27 27 4 63 63 s8 47 47 11 12 32 21 S0 11 .31) 7oo 101 os ioi h nt H4 61 61 61 13 33 M) 1S 12 32 79 IX 11 47 40 4 14 7 25 11 47 6 39 40 13 V, 7 2.3 ll1. 47 6 39 44 2!) 411 13 7 23 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions furnished by the Overbeck & Cooks company of Portland: Open. High. Low. Close. Liberty 3 .... 100.98 100.9S 100.92 100 92 do 1st 4s 101. 1(1 do 2d 4s. .- 1O0 3S do 1st 4S..101 22 101 2S 101.1 101 22 do 21 4 a. .. 1110.52 100.36 100 50 100 54 do 3d 4 s. ..ino.so 100.56 loo. 50 100 5" do 4ih 4s..40 28 101.6 101.22 lol 1:4 Victory 4s.. . lull 41 1 no Jil K.0 4S 10O48 do 3s ..1P0.H4 100 84 100.82 100.82 Money, f liver, Ktc. NEW YORK, Aug. 14. Call money easier: high. 4 per cent; low 3 per cent: ruling rate, 4 er cent; closing bid. S per cent: offered at 3 per cent; last loan. 3 per cent; call loans agat.nst ac ceptances. 3 per cent. Time loans, easier; mixed collateral, 60 and 90 days. 4ffi4 per cent; four to six months. 4 per cent. Prime commercial paper, 434 per NEW TORK, Auff. 14.Foreilfn bar sliver, 6Sc; Mexican dollars. 52c. LONDON. Aug. 14. Bar silver. 34 d per ounce. Money. 1 per cent; dis count rates, short and three months' bills, 2 3-16'$2 per cent. Belgian Rest. 5s do prem 5s .... do 7s do 6s . . . . British 3s do 5s do 3s do Vic 4s do ref 4s Brssll 8s . . d o 7s .... V K 5s, . d o 5 s . . ric 5s Bordeaux 6a Canadian 5s do 5s do 5s .. do Ss do Ss .... Chinese 5s . Chile Ss ... French 4s . . do ,3s .... do Sa .... do 7 Us do Ra German W L 5s ... Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s ..i.... do 4. Ilpslg 4s do Sa Munich 4s .......... do 5a Frankfort 4s Italian Sa Jap 4a : do 1t 4V.S .tap 2d 4s Nnrwav fis ......... Swedish 6a Denmark a Russian 5s do 5s . do ft S Sao Paulo Ss Swiss 5 a ...... do 8a Denmark 6a Dutch East Indies 6s do. 6. s Bid. Ask. .1019 68 72 .1920 72 73 .1945 104 105 .192.3 99 100 91 9.i 94 . 98 PS 97 80 82 77 80 101 .1922 . .1927 . .1929 . .1919 ..1919. 77 .1941 ioi 19.32 93 93 1922 110 110 1929 109 110 1937 104 105 1934 82 83 ......1926 99 100 1927 9S ion 1929 102 103 11H7 99 100 1931 99 lOO .19.31 52 . . .1941 103 t. .1917 49 . . .1920 72 ...1931 39 ...1941 99 . . .194.3 100 1 54 103 .32 76 62 99 100 1 U 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 78 93 93 . . .19 10 110 Itl ...1939 104 10.3 . . .194.3 IIO ...1921 14 . .T1926 2 ...1919 14 . . .1936 100 . . .1929 103 ...1940 119 120 .v-1952 99 99 ...1962 9.3 95 ..1947 94 D4 . .191 S ..1931 . .1923 .192 1H 2 2 36 78 93 93 U 110 17 17 100 103 COTTON" FTTCKES DOWN AGAES Renewed Southern and Local Selling Re sponsible for Drop. 1 (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW TORK. Aug;. 14. Cotton futures list rallied after early weakness today only to react in the afternoon tradinn so severely that at the close prices were about c- a pound under the previous closing; level. Renewed southern and local selline; was .responsible. May was off 44 point3 and the rest of the list 51 to 55 points net lower." Spot quiet, 53 points decline, 20.50 for middling upland. Southern markets: Galveston, 20.50. 50 points decline; New Orleans, 20.50. 63 points decline: Augusta. 20.25, 50 points decline; Memphis, 21.50, unchanged; Houston, 20.10, 70 points decline; Little Rock, 21.25, 25 points decline. . - A minimum of 7 Without deduction for 2 Federal Inoome Tax. (A much higher return on bonds "called" for sinking fund at 105 ) Safe Beyond Question Secured by first mortgage on real estate and plants worth 3 times entire bonds ' outstanding. Long Term 15 Years You can get your money any time by selling your bonds. Marketability Assured Not less than $200,000 required to be retired annually by purchase or "Call by lot" at 105, thereby assuring a strong market. Financial History Net earnings for past ten years av erage $1,142,000 more than 4 times bond inter est requirement. During past six years $2,000,000 of company's preferred stock retired with surplus earnings. Growth of Business Output 1905, 50,000 bags; output, . 1921, 1,000,000 bags. Management None better in the business. The Future There is a world shortage of sugar. Con sumption is increasing faster than production. Consumption in the United States first six months, of 1922, 2,750,000 tons compared with 4,300,000 tons for the entire year of 1921 the greatest consumption- for any year in our history. Deflation is fully accomplished. Production cost is down to before-the-war basis. Market is advancing. You can't go behind these fa,cts. These bonds are a prime security of a great . unit of one of the greatest of the world's basic in dustries. If you are in touch with the world's af fairs you know these bonds are the top of their type. 1 ... Call, phone or write as about the Holly Sugar Corp. 7s at Par. Denomina tions $500. $1000 Use our Partial Payment Plan .3 Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. UUMBCRMENS BtDO.. PoUTLANO FIFTH tyJiTCijigS. PHONI STARK B740 Oregon Banking and Bond News. NEW TORK. Aug. 14 quiet; middling, $20.50. Cotton, spot. l.f.oo 101 1 oo nil loo 112 loo 3o 9.S.") 124 lOO 112 9.2H0 57 "6.'.o '.30 T.IMM) M l'.ooo '2.3 loil 7 .'Oil 29 3.000 137 '406 82 l.UOO 6ti " SOO 141 4.4-ai 40 1...1 38 7-0 10 1.0..0 :.!! 4.300 r. "200 "21 ' S.ii'i'i 22 til HI 1-1) 54110 :i S.4..0 4S 2.100 70 2.2011 76 301 29 lOO 49 2,4'M) 96 2.400 122 " "400 "ia 4.206 -iis 2.206 "4:1 1,0. .11 44 V.ioo 92 T.i'6'i "1.3 O.IO .". 2. loo 2 2.6..0 :n 2 00 1:12 93 92 112 111 311 30 112 .36 6.! 2,1 18 5.3 "29 78 "24 1 29 81 S7 140 39 3 to lo SS 83 ;,; -1 2il HO 5 40 6;i 74 29 411 0.3 24 28 137 10 So 57 411 3 10 .38 83 21 2S " 47 611 49 9- 3 1211 12.1 :(( :7 42 4.1 to 15 38 7 1" 113 119 42 4 1 96 S. 9o 92 13 Swift Co. Storks. Cloairur prices of Swift 4! Co. stocks at Chicago were reported'Tty the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland aa follows: Swift & Co 105 Swift International 20 Libby. McNeil A Libby 2 do new 7 National Leathor . . 7 Mining Storks at Boston. Mining stock quotations at Boston fur nished by the overbeck & Cooke com- of Portland 4 4 17 26 40 88 11 .3 4 81 68 31 40 88 23 120 32 3.1 131 131 ' ' Bid. Ask. Arixona Commercial 9 9 Adventure So 80 Ah meek 63 64 Algomah 25 50 Ailouex 2.3 26 Arca.iian 3 3 Hingham Mines 14 15 Caf A Arizona 60 61 Calumet A Hecla 290 29.3 New Corn 19 ' 19 Centennial 9 10 Copper Kange 42 43 Davis Daly 7 7 Eaat Putts 10 11 Hancock 1 2 Helvetia 1 1 Island Creelc 107 107 .In pf.l 94 6.3 Keweenaw 2 3 Kerr Lake1 3 4 Lake Copper 4 4 La Salle 1 1 Michigan 2 2 Mohawk 1 61 May Old Colony 4 4 Mason Valley ............. 1 2 North Butte 12 12 Ntpiesing 6 6 ol.i Dominion Copper 23 26 Osceola Mining .36 37 Ojlhway 2 2 Qulncv Mining 43 43 Pond Creek 21 22 Is.e Royal 24 24 South Lake 46 47 Supp Boston 1 1 United Shoe Mach 40 ' 40 do pfd 26 26 South I'tah S 10 Superior Copper 4 4 Trinity Copper 2 1-16 2 Tuolumne . . . .' 69 73 I tah Metals 1 1 rtah Con 2 3 U S Mining 41 42 do pfd 48 49 Ventura 29 30 Victoria 1 2 Winona - 1 1 Wyandotte 60 75 Shannon SO 90 -t 16 4 1.1 .3 3 76 1711 It 04 30 :iu So 400 300 74 17 35 7.3 17 200 1 01! I, 108 4.O .! 0 1 00 71- 400 3 38 Z 1.4O0 4 4 tnterat Callahan . Int Hunt 11 200 n. j-ia lat Marin 1,200 14 14 16 23 4fi 87 12 Ml 178 11 SI 64 ? 33 1.3 3.. 39 80 .... 82 S '4 73 17 10T 411 4 .8 113 14 Standard Oil htorka. Standard Oil stocks furnished by the Overbeck Ac Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Ask. Anglo 18 19 Borne Scrysmor 400 41.3 Buckeye 97 99 Cheesebrough 190 20O do pfd 108 111 Continental 137 142 Crescent 34 3.3 Cumberlan4 13.3 140 Eureka 90 92 Galena com . 50 52 do old pfd 108 112 do new pfd 101 10s Illinois Pipe 164 -168 Indiana Tips 89 91 National Transit - 26 27- N T Transit 163 167 Northern Pipe 99 101 Ohio Oil 26 27 International Petroleum ... 20 20 Penn Mex .3 27 Prairie Oil 53.3 R65 Prairie Pipe 246 230 Solar Refg 3?o 340 Southern Pipe 93 9.3 South. Penn Oil SOS 213 Foreign Kxchange. ' Foreign exchange rates nt the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United States funds: Country and unit Rate. Austria, kronen $. .000O5 Belgium, francs 07770 Bulgaria, leva .007.341 Czecho-Slovakia. kronen 027S0 Denmark, kroner .21630 Rnglar.d. pound sterling 4.47.300 Finland, finmark 02190 France, francs 0.81 ,0 Germany, marks 001.35 Greece, drachmas .03300 Holland, guilders 38940 Hungarv. kronen 0012O Italv. lire 046.30 Jugo-Slavia. kronen 0O3S0 Norway, kroner 17400 Portugal, escudos 07700 Roumania, lei 00900 Spnin. pesetas ' .156.30 Swollen, kroner 2H3.30 Switzerland, francs 19150 China Hongkong, local currency .57.3.30 Shanghai, taels 772.30 Japan, yen 48800 NEW YORK. Aug. 14. -Foreign ex change easv. Great Britain," demand 4.4fl. cables J4.46 ; ' 60-day bills on banks, $4.44: France, demand 8.03. cables 8 04: Italy, demand 4.57. cables 4 57: Belgium, demand 7.61. cables 7.62: Germany, demand .11. cables .12: Holland, demand 38. is. cables 88.80: Niorway. demand 1T.32; Sweden, demand 26.25: Denmark, demand 21.50: Switzer land, demand 19 04; Spain. demand 15.56; Greece, demand 3.12; Poland, de mand .01: Czecho-Slovakia. demand 2.70: Argentine, demand 36.50; Brazil, demand 13.62; Montreal. 99. 1 Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Aug. 14. Copper, steady; electrolytic, epot and nearby. 14c: fu tures. 1414c. ,..,, Tin Steady; spot and nearby, 32.12c; futres. 32 23c Iron Steady; No. 1 northern. $31001? 33 00; No. 2 northern. $29.00 31.00; No. 2 southern. 20O020.50 Lead Steady; spot. 5. 75 3; 5. 80c. Zinc Steady; East St. Louis, spot and nearby delivery. $6.206.25c. . Antimony Spot. R.2.3c. Chicago Potato Market. t CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Potatoes steady on New Jersey, weak on other stock; re ceipts. 92 cars; total United States ship ments, 7-57.cars : New Jersey sacked Cob blers $1.6O1.70 cwt.: East Shore Vir glnla barrel Cobblers. No. 1. $2.60 2.0.3: Minnesota sscked Early Ohfos. $11.10 cwt.; Nebraska sacked Early Ohios, 80c B$!.0S cwt. mm Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased "Wire.) CHICAGO, Aug. 14. Gasoline: Tank wagons. 21c; service stations, 23c; ma chine, 27.9c. Oils: Summer, 11.4c: win ter, 11.9c- Carbon perfection iron. - bar rels lOKe. - Linseed oil, rsw, 1 to 4 bar rels', dellverv, $1.04: boiled. $1.06. Tur pentine, $1.31. Denatured alcohol.. 40c. Coffe Futures Stronger. NEW TORK. Aug. 14. Reports of ulightly steadier Brazilian markets and lower temperatures in Sao Paulo led to NEW TORK. Aug 14. Cotton futures closed steady; October, $20.22; December, $20.22; January, $20.12; March. $20.16; May. $20.00. Cotton Seed Oil Market. ( Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) ,'EW YORK, Aug. 14. Cotton seed oil closed: August. 9.709..3; Septem ber, li.77.ff9. 8.3; October. 8.868.SS: No vember, 7.88?790; December, 7.817 82; January, 7.79&7.S0; reDruary, 7.795S7.8U; March, 7.877.88. Cotton Seed Oil Futures. Cotton seed oil futures at New Y3rk furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co., Portland: September. 9.77W9.85; October, 8.86 8.8S; November, 7.887.90. Sugar Markets. NEW YORK, Aug. 14. Raw sugar, centrifugal,. 5.49c; refined, fine granu lated, quiet, unquoted. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 14. CalifolN nia-Hawaifan raw sugar, 5.36c. Hay and Fed at Seattle. SEATTLE, Aug. 14. City delivery: Timothy hay. $25; D. C, $26; mixed hay, $23; alfalfa iay, $21; D. C, $26: barley, whole, $36; barley, ground and rolled, $38; barley, clipped, $40; chick starter, $3.3; chop, all grain, $42; coconut meal. $40; corn. $37; corn, cracked and feed meal, $39; linseed meal. $59; scratch food, $46. Kelso Hotel Modernized. KELSO, Wash., Aug. 14. (Spe cial.) A. D. By ram, proprietor of the Washington hotel, is having the big hotel completely modernized this summer. Modern heating and hot water systems have been in stalled, and there is now running water in nearly all the rooms. A feature of the hotel is that there are 52 outside rooms, which makes it very popular with the traveling public. The Oregonlan publishes practi cally all of the want ads printed in the other three Portland papers, in addition to thousands of exclusive advertisements not printed in any other local paper. r.ooi Tate, assistant cashier of the First National bank of Boise, was in Portland during the week end. Tate is the proud possessor of a number of med als he won as a member of the 2d divi sion during the world war. He was a run ner with the marines and was , badly wounded and confined to one of the mili tary hospitals for some time. He called upon a number of bankers while here, a a a "Crops look pretty good out our way." was the comment made by S. L. Scroggin. president of the First National bank of Sheridan, when . in Portland yesterday. He said that prunes looked particularly goad and that the rain had been of . . .. ,1, .... anti other material DeiieiiL iu " vegetables. a 1 Seaside has been particularly well pa tronized by tourists this season, accord ing to L. L. Paget, cashier of the FirBt State bank of Seaside, who was in Port land over the week end. He declared that more vacationists visited the resort so far this season than were there during all last summer. I ... .... t. 1. but a few minutes t3 make the Journey It is seldom that H D. Warren, vice-president of the Van couver National bank, presents an ap pearance in Portland. He was here yes terday and visited with local banking officials. a Holt Cooklngham. of the credit de- t -jj 1. TMHon hank, re- partment 01 - - turned to his duties yesterday after a ,. . 1 Hn.in0 whllih he two weeas accumulated a coat of sunburn that it will require sometime to remove. Andrew Matthew, representative of the Mercantile 1 i uu,..-. Francisco, is in Bortland, and called yesterday on officials of the Northwest ern National bank. ( a - . . . . ...hi., nt the T.add ft Tl S bank? departed Saturday by . . ... Tire sab-a' VaPflllOIl 111 CnTa0 Se "wm visit the Yosemite park. ' . . . r t .......v. vic.e-nreaident of james xi. "J1- r , 1 o Lumbermens Trust company, is in Spo kane where ne is iraii.o.ui..e for his company. ; ... . . ..M.ni the Commer- cial bank of North Plains, was in Port land for a few hour yesterday. Cowlitz Berry Season Ended. kv.t.Ci. Wash.. Aug. 14. (Spe Ci 1.1 The last shipments m logan- berries were made from Kelso las operative growers, of which Shev recting head foK Cowlitz count;i Licayue tne ary weainrr mi 111 e 1 r. i. this vicinity harvested averag. crops of raspberries and lograntK'r ries and report a successful yea: Practically alt the fruit grown 1: this county was sold through th co-operative growers. Notice of Redemption to Holders of Victory Notes and Others Concerned. Notice is hereby given as follows: 1. Call for partial redemption of 4 per cent Victory notes. All 4 Vic tory notes, otherwise known as United States of America gold notes of 1922 23, which bear the distinguishing let ters A, B. C, D, E or F prefixed to their serial numbers, having been designated for the purpose by lot In the manner prescribed by the secre tary of the treasury, are called for redemption on December 15, 1922, pur suant to the provision for redemption contained in the notes and in treas ury department circular 138, dated April 21. 1919. under which the notes were originally Issued. Interest on all the 4 per cent VIetory notes thus called for redemption will cease on said redemption date, December 15, 1922. Victory notes of the 4 per cent series bearing the distinguishing letters G, H, I. J. K or L prefixed to their serial numbers are not in any manner affected by this call.or re demption and will become flue and payable as to principal on Hay 20 1923, according to their terms. 2. De tailed information as to the presenta tion and surrender of 4 per cent Victory notes for redemption under this call Is given In treasury depart ment circular No. 299. dated July 26, 1922. copies of which may be ob tained from ths treasury department division of loans and currency, Wash ington, or any federal reserve bank A. VV. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Expansion to Meet Demand for Product causes old established, prosper ous firm to offer 8 per annum (payable quarterly) with share in profits, for funds In units from $500 to $10,000, Five, years or longer at option of oompany. Will bear strictest investigation. Ample security. So agents. AB 85S. OREOOJilAX. 20 -year non-callable 6 Gold bonds City of Condon, Oregon A $90,000 issue priced to yield 5.40. In addition to being direct liens on the municipal water system, these bonds are DIRECT GENERAL, OBLIGATIONS of the citv. They are NON-CALLABLE a feature that IN SURES a high interest return to maturity, as they cannot be called. Bonds, too, are legal investments for savings banks and trust funds in Oregon as well as legal security for STATE. COUNTY AND CITY FUNDS IN OREGON. The net bonded debt of Condon, county seat of Gilliam County, is only $47,000 as against an assessed valuation of $953,820.00. The 1920 census gives 1127 population. Semi-annual interest. Den. $1000. Improvement Bonds City of Eugene Yield 5 -470 of This $29,953.20 issue of 10-year Improvement Bonds is to pav for street improvement works. Bonds are primary obligations of the city, supported by assess ments against the property benefited. Although bonds are optional after Aug. 1. 1923, bonds of this type have had an average life of 7 years, or three years less than maturity. They are offered on a 7-year maturity basis and are priced at 101.46 to yield 6. The financial strength of Eugene is unquestioned. The city, in addition to being the county seat of Lane county, is also the site of the University of Oregon, and is rapidly looming to be a railroad center, and an important mer cantile distributing" point. Bonds in $500 den. Bonds Are Income Tax Exempt . . Detailed Information on request. LUMBERMENS Broadway and Oak Price 91 and Interest Yielding 5.70 22 years to maturity Utah Light and Traction . Company first and refund ing mortgage 5 gold bonds, due Oct. 1, 1944. GUARANTEED unconditionally as to principal and interest by the ITAH POHTB & LIGHT CO. Circular on Request The National City Company Offices in more than 50 cit if. ' Yeon BIdg., Portlnnd Trlepbone Main 0072 x Crystallization It has been determined that vibration, through the constant pounding of the wheel, crystal lizes and shatters rigid p a v e ment just the same as vibration causes the same result in the finest of steel. A non-jarring, or resillient surface in pavement, like that in Warrenite-Bitulithic, is, therefore, deemed a neces sity to avoid crystallization of e the pavement and reduce to a minimum the process of crystal lization in the steel parts of the vehicle. G. B. HARRINGTON CO. BDWV.-TM4,' V. S.. BANK BLDG, Stocks and Bonds Specialize In unlisted securities. What have you to sell? What do you wish to buy? Inquiries solicited.