THE MORNING OREGONIAN", SATURDAY. AUGUST 12, 1923 0 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Ciy Bdlftr Vl TT. - Sundar I4llor Miln T;i). M-J Advrli iti .'. Wm ToTl. fta-f5 kiixruituiilut ( Bid..ilil 7070. eeo-tS ORE60NUN KKSOETS. ftabarrEfe. with th. following ar.nta at . yr mmr rort. to cir tta m t prompt delivery of Th OrrgonUa. City r.i.a &ubocr;pttoos by moil or paroblo ilk B.rvi.w. Or. ... Mrs G.orcte Fok Hoy City, or o. K- Sh.ily hr Octin. Or r. D. Mitch.u Hrt.k.r. Wirt J. M. MrArthar Hricbloo. Or w. n-ri t ionuo Or. .Cannon Ba?h Me. Co. t'trwa. Wua Mr M at- Matt:n Coison. Woon.. .. Shlpherd'. Hot Sprtro l anun. Wooh Carl R. Smttn Chinook. W..a R Knataon Kro:, or.' Cannon Btacn Mm. Co. o.r-.b.ldl. Or D. C. EUla tiorioaidl. Or J. u Klddvr Ueorcart. Or.... Y. J. Robinsoa Hoi Ukf. or iiol Lak Sanitarians 1 . Vta.f A. C. Pf I .or. Biicb, Wuk W. E Straabal Manhattan Beaco, Or U fttalnakor Manaaaita. or E. Kardtll MtKim: Bride. Or.Svarta Mncllpa. W.h Hn. U U Jarnoa Nahcotta. Wuh K. J Brown Noah-kab-nl Baacta. Or. . A. C. Anderaon N.i:.m. Or.,.. ......... D. C. Parrcoy , Nrakowln. Or.... Alexander Rotk NawportOr . V. B. S.iarp Ocaaa Laka; Or As Stalnakar Ocean Park. Waab.... .. mii CtmpMII I Paclfw city. Or.... O.W.Ward ocoanaid. Or. .. . ..... RnaintfrK. Broi Pacific City. Or.... t. K. Esmond Rockaway. Or L Sn.mlM a:d.. or,. .. Roth Dru Co. Wuh tiaora L Putrram T'.liamook. Or. . . . J. 8. Lamar Twin fiocaa. Or 1 Stainakor w haairr. or R. H. Cady Whir. Or J. T- Uaml'toi ANOTHER CONTENDER FOR BEAUTY CROWN TO BE AWARDED ! IN THE OREGOMAN"S CONTEST. Hirfflf.ROMI (Broadway at Tamhlll) Vaudcrtli and movmc picturaa con Ubbou. dai.y. 1 1 la 11 P. M- PJVT1GE3 (Broadway at Aldrrl Vauiyiiia. Tnrr ahowa daliy. I and P. M. THB OAKS (Amwratlt Park) Th Armarroni Matral Comply company. Vaka cin at r'irtt and A.dr. COLLMBIA BEACH ( A-nuxrrirnt Park) rUUiag. danrlnc and rtdea Cara at f't'th and aahmgion. r.Aii. Raon.-Tifv RtriDUTtD. Th resolution adopted by the ex ecutive committee of the American Association of Engineers. Indorsing he stand of the Southern Pacific In the I'entral Tacific case, has been repudiated by the body of the so ciety. The original resolution was offered by O'.af Laurgaard and was adopted on June :s. The society, at its meeting Wednesday night, re scinded the action of the executive committee and went on record that the organization should remain neu tral in this matter, as It was one of politics and economics and not of nginetring. Theft of jcit Charged. Joe guerrles. 31. was in the city jail yesterday on a larcrny charge after confessing to the theft of a suit of clothes from the Kahey-Broclcman campany Thursday. He was carry ng the stolen suit under an over coat when arrested. He said he came lo Portland earlier in the week from Oakland. Cal . where he was be lieved to have a police record. Po lice begaTi searching for his part ner, who was said to have aided In he theft. Wiss HxriAU Appointed. Miss Martha Handail yesterday was. ap pointed by Mayor Baker as superin- Tcnaent oi tne women s protective etvtaion of the police bureau. Miss !;anda!l has been filling the posi tion sine the retirement of Miss Lola G. Baldwin. Mi.'s Kandail has had many years' experience in police work. In a Ttctn civil service ex amination she led the list with 100 I-er cent. Si'mmek's Savings I-Os-v Mike Bradt worked all iummtr iirt saved up ISjO. Then he came to tc o to re:ebrate. Hia hilarity was short lived, however, as he was relieved of the entire ro.l by a woman at the Sargent hotel Thursday, he told the police wlao arrested him at fifteenth and Pettygrove streets for being drunk. Mike was so drunk he forgot to worry about the doss of his money. Pctiti Sheriff Robbed. William llensley. a special deputy sheriff. :iot only lost his star and revolver. mi was torcen to give up bis watch nd 13 in cash when two highway men held him up in the coal yards of he Standard Pue! company at about 1:30 A. SI. yesterday. He said that both men were armed but he was able to giv a dis'-ription of but one of them. Hensley Uvea at 307 East Seventh street. Fibb Permit Fas Lifted. As the result of the rain, the ban cH per mits for bonfires to destroy weeds and rubbish was raised yesterday, i-'uch permits have not been Issued for the last month because of the extreme dry weather. Applications for the permits can be made at fire stations throughout the city. It was announced yesterday at the city bail. Shrine Movies Billed. Motion pictures of AI Kader temple activ- '. In San Francisco, during the re cent Shrine convention there, wlil be shown by special arrangement In the Hippodrome theater beginning oday and continuing until next Friday. .Many prominent Portland Shnners were snapped In the. 700 feet of film. Trails Cu to go ox Hike. The Trails club wl!l leave this afternoon t 2:4S o'clock for an outing to the south fork of the Clackamas river. The members will buy tickets to Faraday. Another party wl!l leave tomorrow morning on th :4S train for the north fork, where they will meet the Saturday party and return to this city in the evening. Etta Frank Estate 150.000. An state valued at more than S50.00I was left by the late Etta Frank, whose death occurred in San Fran cisco on June IS. 191. according to th petition for probate of will filed in the circuit court yesterday by Ben Bleumauer. who sought to be ap pointed administrator with the will annexed. Boott.ex;er Fixed 42i0. Henry l-chrlmer. tried by Jury on a charge cf bootlegging, was found guilty In he court of 1'i.Mrlct Judge Bell and fined $-i0 yesterday. He was oper ator of a big still discovered by dep uty sheriffs at East Fifty-second rtrset and Killings worth avenue on July 1. Notice of appeal was filed. At-ro Is Robbed. Charles R. Hoover. 3:5 Wasco street, reported ioF"the police yesterday that prowl, r-rs stole a kodak, a black leather grir and auto tools from his ma chine near his home some time Thursday night. Vacation Hazards. The daily pa-l-ers are full of rsporls of vacation accidents. "Amcnj other things, be r-ure to take an accident policy with you on your vacation. Phone A t water !3l for, particulars. Ft. McDonald Co- Teon bidg. Adv. New Crop Kino's Spinach Is in Grocers are now beiiyr supplied new. 'resh production of the excellent King's Dehydrated Spinach from the Mant at The Dalies. Oregon. No preparing necessary it's al! ready for cooking. Adv. Calvart Fresbtteriax Chcrch. Rev. B. B. Sutcllffe. pastor. Rev. 1 ev Johnson will preach tomorrow tt 11 A. M. " No afternoon servlca during August Adv. TtRED. Achixo Feet can be re lieved Sea oar foot specialists for relief. X-ray servlca frew. Knight whoa Co.. 341 Morrison. AdT. Dr. Wm. Cavanach moved to 01-i-l Journal building. Adv, HULL ALTERS CHARGE S'PKCIFIC INSTANCES OF RE POUTED FRAUD CITED." Photo by Markham. Ml BONME LIDWKK OF PORTLAND. Mr. Christj:nsen Named News l:aa Just been received from the American National Association Mas ters of Dancing and Normal School w being held In New York that Victor Christensen has been named ry the association to teach at the western division for a course of two weeks in Salt Lkt City, beginning August 30. Ene.dos K. Scott. SI. I), returned. Adv. Rent. Private Office, North western Bank. Slain 0974. Adv. COUNTY PERMITS SIGNS Foster & Klelscr to Put I'p Bill board at I.lnnton Quarry. Permission to erect a sign on tha Columbia river highway has been scld to Foster & Klelser for $25 a year by the Multnoniahecounty com missioners. This action was taken at the meeting of August 9 when the commission consented, for the price named, to permit the billboard con cern to erect a sign on the site of the couy quarry near L.innton. Since the construction of the Co lumbia river highway a constant war has been waged against the In troduction of sigfis along the drive. Private land owners have been in duced to refuse the erection of signs on their property and as quickly as a sign appeared the owner of the land was requested to have it with drawn. The state highway comuiis sion is also endeavoring to "ave signs kept off public or private ground where the state roads exist a j signs are considered a menace to drivers and a blot on the land scape. I BEAUTIES ENTER TWO SISTERS TAKE PART RACE FOR FAME. , IX STRIKERS DENY CHARGES Counter Affidavit! Are? Filed In Contempt Proceed ingn. Counter affidavits were filed in federal court yesterday by counsel for striking railroad shopmen. In which denial was made of the charge of contempt of court brought against 20 union pickets recently by Rivalry Between Various Sections of State Shown In Search fop Prettiest Girl. Pretty girls, oceans of them, ara being entered in The Oregonian's beauty contest these closing day and as the finish or the race is in tight. Interest Is higher than ever. Yesterday two sisters entered, a family rivalry having been estab lished, and both girls declare they rmiled their prettiest at the pho tographer in the hope of winning the beauty laurels of the state. Girl chums are going In. each say ing to the other that If not suc cessful personally she hopes her dearest friend will win. Rivalry be tween verlous sections of the state, loo. is keen, for It will be no small honor to whatever part of the state is successful in bringing forward Oregon's, most radiant beauty. Other cities of the Cnited States are miking strong efforts to dis cover the very prettiest girl possi ble in order to have formidable con tenders at the Atlantic City pa geant of beauty when Miss America, beauty queen of them all. is chosen. Detroit. Slich, boasts of having a wonderful girl athlete In the run ning who csn do almost anything in sports, being an accomplished swim mer, diver, tennis and golf player. ss well as drive an automobile or airplane, dance divinely and. In fact. lake any role creditably In all forma of athletics. Dayton, O.. Is coaching her can- oidates In the beauty contest, a round half-doien cf well known mo tion picture stars having been bn gaged to instruct tne girls In ap proved beauty methods. Th Ad rlub of Rochester. N. Y., nas undertaken to decorate the roll ing chair to be occupied by Miss Demand of Counsel for Governor lor Manner of Alleged Vio lations Is Met. Charles Flail's attorneys yesterday specified the manner in which they considered certain residents of Marion county had voted illegally in the primaries. The Hall people. when first submitting a list of ntms et Varlnri eriimlv ractfrienta 'made the blanket assertion that they were guilty of illegal voting. Gov ernor Ocott's attorney demanded that the charges be more specific and yesterday afternoon Jay Bower man, chief counsel for Olcott, was supplied with the data. The particular charges and those affected in Hairs accusations, fol low. Contestant sumbits the following list of names of those who voted illegally In Marlon county at the nominating elec tion on May 1, 10, becauee they were not rc-gistered in good faith and were not member In good faith of the re publican, party: Mary Kw;r. Kobcjrt Me Namee, John Bannlra. Charles Meier, V. H. Farr, Josephine. Nibler. Theodore Htghberger. Lawrence Faraschweiier, John K. Theo. B. Brentano. George Put nam. Peter o. Brasi-ll. r red Meier, Jennie Karr. John Ditter. Frank Bell. Contestant submits the following list of names of voters who were unduly in fluenced at said election, contrary to law. by the priests and officers of the Catholio church: Mary Faber. Robert McXamee. Peter G. Braiell. Anna Smel ler, c'aeper J. Gerbarr. Bertha Schwab. Josephine Nibier. John F. Theo. B. Bren tano, John Bannick, Walburg Reiland, Mane Kraemer. John Hertl, Alois uhl. Lawrence Faraschweiler. Contestant submits the following list of names of voters who changed thefr reg istration from democrat to republican without filing the affidavits required by law: Marie Kraemer. Margaretta Wirtx, Casper J. Gerhaar. Slary berle. Remigi von Beiram. Helen Wachter. M. Anton Biglow. Josephine Beyer, Sophia Erpeld trig. Harvey Bailweber, Louiae Kieger. Joseph B. Starvens. lewls Dubois, Moily CVheu. Suet Shepherd. Eleanor O. Luper, Rose Kahut, Mary Bishop, Let a Nibler, Peter Lelek. Arthur Dubois, Masters, James L,uper. Joseph Schneider, Albert C. Bishop. BRUTE EVADES POLICE Assailant of Women in Columbia Park District Still Free. Police detectives worked all day yesterday in an effort to find the brute who made vicious assaults upon four women in the vicinity cf Columbia park during the last few weeks. Detective Captain Harms said last night that the bureau has one or two clews which are being followed and it is possible that ar rests will be made shortly. One suspect was picked up by De tectives Coleman and Collins, but after careful investigation he was released. Although he answered the description of the assailant it was learned beyond doubt that he could not be the man. Mayor Baker has announced that the city will give a reward of $100 for information which fwill lead to the arrest of the assailant. ' This follows the request made by Chief Jenkins, who has given the matter his personal attention. will occupy the site of the old Lin coin hotel. The auditorium in the new build ing is to have a seating capacity of more- than 3000. Its size is made necessary by the big membership of the Seattle lodge, in excess of 6500. OAKLAND PASTOR QUITS Rev. R. A. Hutchinson Accepts . Call to Upper Hood River. OAKLAND, Or., Aug.a. 11. (Spe cial.) Rev. R. A. Hutchinson, pastor of the community church here, has tendered his resignation, to take effect September 1, in order to o to e like position in the upper Hood River valley. He came here from Ireland eight years ago and is wide ly known throughout southern Ore gon. He has taken a leading part in church and fraternal activities and his ability. as a platform orator made him a welcome visitor at all kinds of community gatherings. The local organization is a unio of the Methodist. Presbyterian, Dis ciple. Baptist, Episcopal and Luther r communions and has been in x istence four years. A conrmitte has been appointed to select a new pastor. SET OF TEETH IS LOST HUMAN CONSCIENCE DULLING LOSER DECLARES. STREET WORK RESUMED BEAUTY TOURNAMENT NO.MINATION THE OREGOXIAN ATLANTIC CITY CONTEST Name Residence) Name of Parent When was picture taken? i.. ....... IXSTRCCTIO Fill In witn pencil ana paste coupon on back of picture We are not responsible for loss of photograph or damage. Mail at once to Beauty Contest Editor. The Oregonian. Portland. Or the Oregon-Washington Navigation company. had been allowed for the filing of statements by the shopmen and the case will be argued early next month. Meanwhile. It la .declared by at torneys for the railroad company, no action wtll be taken against the group of strikers that collect on the picket line when the whistle blows at the Alblna shops at night, unless more annoyance than Is now occasioned shall be caused strike breakers. Should violence or in timidation .occur, however. It was said prompt steps would be taken to restrain the pickets. Railroad A I Rochester in the Some time I ade and the Pro E. L. RICKSON MISSING Relatives Gravely Worried. Man ubjeot to Dizzy Spells. Relatives last night were gravely worried over the disappearance of K. I Rickson, 73. who has been missing from his home at S67 West Kussett-street since August 1. Mem bers of his family were unable to explain why he should have disap peared, unless, perhaps, it was due to amnesia. He Is said to have been subject to slight dizzy spells. Mr. Rickson weighs about 180 ponnds and Is 5 feet 9 inches tall. He wears a mustache of reddish hue and his hair in gray and thinned. When last seen he was wearing a suit of dark gray material and a brown felt hat. Anyone having in formation about the missing man is asked to telephone Walnut 355 to get in touch with the relatives. The Pheasant and Oregon Hotel dining- room. Hood River. A real place to eat. d. The Pheasant. Hood River. Din ing room, tea room and fountain room. A real place to eat. Adv. rolling chair pa- romlse is given that it will be the handsomest vehicle of "Ml. Several other cities are to give their chosen beafcty gifts of Jewelry, leading merchants volunteering this gracious attention. Because of the keen competition Miss Portland will meet in the na tional contest. It is desired that the rreatest possible number of entries be made so that the Judges will ave the very widest selection from which to choose. It was on this account that the whole state was Included in the competition and the lists are still open for al! pretty girls who have not yet entered to do so. All entries must be in The Oregonian office by r.ezt Tuesday night, but until that i:me. any girl more than 1 years r.ld and unmarried, who Is a resl uent of Oregon, may become a can didate. For convenience, the cou pon Is printed. It should be used, as It simplifies the process of entering. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Only 10 minutes away by "red electric cars" is this charming pic nic and outing retreat. " 40 cents round trip to Oswego: 50 cents to Lake Grove. Ideal place for a day or week-end. Good camp ground at Lake Grove. Inquire Southern Pa cific ticket office, 4th St., at Stark. Main SsOO.-g-Adv. - WILL DEDICATE CHURCH Ceremony to Be Held at Clover dale Mission Tomorrow. Dedication of the new Catholic mission church recently erected at Cloverdale will take place tomorrow with Archbishop Christie officiating. The edifice has just been completed at a cost of several thousand dollars and the dedication ceremony will be participated in by members of the Catholic church of Tillamook and Portland. The formal ceremony will be held at o'clock in the morning and will be followed by an all-day festival at Pacific City on the beach. The programme Includes sports and stunts and a huge old-fashioned bar becue dinner to be served at noon. A clambake is also included and a musical programme, in which the Mount Angel band will play, will be given during- the late hours of the afternoon. ELKS PLAN LARGE HOTEL Hostelry Will Be Feature of Seat tle Club Building. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 11. Ah up-to-date 300-room hotel is in eluded in plans for a $1,000,000 addi tion to the present Elks' club build ing here, announced today. The ad dition will be erected on the lot ad 'Joinine- the present huilrlini? and Paving in Centralia Expected to Be Finished Soon. CEXTRALIA, Wash., Aug. 11. (Special.) The pouring of concrete was resumed Thursday on 25 blocjc in the north end of the city. Th work has been suspended since July 20 owing to a shortage of materials. According to the contractors, six more days should see the completion of the contract. The new paving on 'Gold stree has been .opened from Maple etree to Main street, and traffic will be allowed on the rest within 10 days. A. V. Swanson this week started laying cement sidewalks on Marlon Btreet in the Logan district. Adam Hadelln is completing his contract for laying sidewalks in the south west, part of the city. Chancre In Passenger Trains, Spo kane Line, S. P. & S. Ry., Sunday, August 13.' On th date named above local passenger trains between Portland nd Lyle, leaving Portland 7:50 A. M. and arriving 5:45 P. M North Bank station, will be discontinued. Stops on signal to receive and dis charge passengers will be made by Spokane trains No. 4, leaving Union, station 9:15 A. M., and No. 1, arriv ing Union station 8 P. M., at Wash- ougal. Cape Horn, Prindle, Ska ma nia. Greenleaf, Cascades, Carson Cooks and Underwood. Sunday only No. 1 will stop to receive passengers at Nipigon. Adv. Fishermen, Return From Alaska. ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug:. 11. (Special.) Ten Aberdeen men who have spent the summer in Alaska fishing will return from the north ern salmon grounds on the schooner Libby Maine, which is scheduled to clear for Seattle from Bristol Bay August 15. The passage is expected to take from 12 to 15 days. Many harbor fishermen spend the . sum mer in Alaska waters, usually re turning here for the fall fishing season. Washington Woman in Race OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug. 11. The first woman candidate for nomina tion on the congressional ticket in the state of Washington, Minerva E. Troy, democrat, of Port Angeles, filed her nomination paper today. She will oppose Llndley H. Hadley, Nelson J. Craigue and Charles A. Turner, republicans, and P. B. Tyler, farmer-labor, in the Second con gressional district. " Woman Files for State Senate. SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 11. Miss Reba Hum, a practicing attorney of this city, today filed with - the county auditor declaration of her candidacy for the republican nomi nation for the state senate frqm the Seventh district. , mmi mm Hood Rivera finest eating place. The Pheasant and. Oregon hotel din ing room, all under same manage ment. Adv. & h. street stamps ror easx Hoiman Fuel Co, coal and wood. Broadway (151: 640-X1. Adv. Summer prices on eoal. Phone Dia mond Coal Co Bdwy. 2017. Adv. Up he goes Down he comes! Sunday i "THE OAKS" Hazelwood Mexican Chews One of oar most popular confections. A rich golden penoche cream filled with choice pecan halves 75c, $1.50 and $3.00 Per Box HAZELPOPS for the kiddies 2 for 5c When you buy Hazelnood Candy you secure the best. The Hazelwood 388 Washington St. Broadway Hazel wood 127 Broadway Articles . Found, Except Dog, Usually Kept; Advertisements .by Finders Few. The comparative length of the lost and found columns on the want ad pages of daily newspapers, says Mrs. A. W. Curtis, residing at the local Y. W. C. A., Is an indication that the conscience of humanity is gradually dulling. "We see," she says, "a loeg list of notices under the heading of lost and a sadly cur tailed list under found. x- The article found Is usually a dog that the finder does not want or cannot keep to advantage. Find ers keepers, losers weepers eeema to be the low slogan of humanity, for it is self-evident that almost everything- lost Is also found. "About a month ego I lost a black suit coat, in the pocket of which was a set of teeth that was very valu able to me and that I have not the money to replace. The finder could not use the teeth and would hot use the coat if she knew how badly 1 need it. I either left the coat in the Y. W. C. A. or the rest room of the central library, or I may have dropped it on the street. 1 adver tised and made all possible in quiries, but whoever found the coat and the teeth chose to keep them, worthless as they were. "If the one who has these articles will Teturn either or Doth, prefer ably the teeth, it will give great pleasure to an old woman who has to work for all she gets." HEILIGr Bdwy. at Taylor. Ph. Main JOOO NOW SHOWING r TODAY TOMORROW . , ALL NEXT WEEK Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. Band Leader Held Up. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 11. While on his way home early today T. H. (Dad) Wagner, popular Seattle band leader, was held up by three men dressed as sailors. He lost 2 and a watch, value unstated. I m ii I CENT DAY SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 . AT OUNCIL CREST P A R K All Rides le When Accompanied by One Reg-nlar Ticket. Pay Usual Price for One Hide, Get Another for lc. GRANDMA'S BOY HIS C-rAKI' FIRST FEATURE TOKether with nana! hleh-claaa II L. 1 li 1 C PRO&HA.1HHIS POPULAR PRICES (Including War Tax) AFTERNOONS TO 6 - - 25c EVENINGS AFTER 6 - - 35a CHILDRE1V UNDER 12 10c 8UGfiKSTIO ! AVOID CROWDS AT NIGHT! COME IV AFTEIllVOOIV EAST SIDE Baptist Church East Twentieth and Salmon WALTER REJiWELIi HI.'SOSr, I). t Minister Bible School, 9:30 A. M. Morning1 Service 11:00: THE DOCTRINE OF BAPTISM' Evening Service 7:45: "THE LORD'S RETURN" Dr. Hinson Preaches Young Peoples' Service 6:30 P. M. Mid-week Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 P. M. "If Christ Should Come Tomorrow?" (East Morrison or Hawthorne Avenue Cars.) fie for the for the for SCENIC RAILWAY I fln Chlldnen Ac, Iwli Second Ride BOAT RIDE I f)n Children Be. I Ub Second Ride STEAM TRAIN I fln Children Sc. I wu Second Ride CARROUSEL Cpfor All. the Second 3 U Ride for ------ Gather Up Tear Pennies, Pack Your Lnnch Basket and Spend a Joyful Day at OUNCIL CREST PARK Ic lc lc lc HOTEL SEATTLE Pioneer Square, SEATTLE, . WASHINGTON 200 Large, Clean, Airy Rooms, Newly Carpeted and Re decorated. Rates: $2 Single, $3 Double. 'With Bath: $3 Single, $4.50 Double. First-Class Cafe in Connection. Club Breakfast 30c Lunch 60c, Dinner $1.00 R. L. HODGDON, Manager. Note -y- Owned and operated by Americans'. APOSTOLIC FAITH CAMP MEETING JUKE S5TH TO AUGUST 13TH-; Cor. SSd St. and 65th Ave. S. Take Woodstock car at Second: and Alder Sts. to 52d St., walk, three blocks south. Large Auditorium Seating About 2000 Persons. Meetings Every Night All Day Sunday. 40-PIece Orchestra Excellent Male and Mixed Quartet. "Come and See." "No Collections first Methodist Church Northwest Corner Twelfth and Taylor Streets B. E. Parker, D. D Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 Morning Service, 11:00 "Our Master's Programme . Dr. Ray E. Close, Executive Secretary Portland Council of Churches. Evening Service, 7:45 "The Secret of a Strong Mart's Power" Dr. Ray E. Close. Hop a CC Car FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "WHITE TEMPLE," Twelfth and Taylor Streets. REV. CHRISTOPHER BURNETT, . From Calgary, Will Preach to Us Again Sunday. Morning Service, 11 o'clock. THE STRENGTH OF STILLNESS Evening Service, 8 o'clock, THE BEST DRINKING WATER IN THE WORLD Sandfly School at 9t45 A M. Everybody Welcome. Centenary Wilbur Methodist Episcopal Morning Dr. H. C. Jennings, one of the leaders of American Methodism, will Bpeak. Evening Mr. and Mrs. William Morton Rasmus. interpretive readers of national .reputation will read "Ben Hur." It has to be heard ' to be appreciated. East Ninth and Pine Sts. First Congregational Church Park and Madison Sts. Dr. W. T. McELVEEN, Pastor. Rev. Wm. H. Boddy Preaches 11 A. M. "A Plea for the Price less." 7:45 P. M. "Paths to Peace." 12:30 Noon Golden Rule Forum. The "store where you always re ceive any hour of day or nioght prompt and courteous atten tion. Prescrip tion filling a spe cialty. fOi Is! C. Test It out ;n v r r 2- CORNER, GTJJ and ALDER. STS. SELLING BUlLL)lNO FOOT TROUBLE . Corrected Only by wearing arch supports made from the ImpreiMton of the foot. Method feare ahead of anything now In lue. erfee t and absolute relief. 818 PITTOCK BLK. BDWY. 6049 ELASTIC STOCKINGS Truiea, Abdominal Supporter, end for Prices and Meas tiring Blank. Postage Paid by TJa. LAUE - DAVIS DRI7G CO. Truaa Expert .i. 173 Third Street. Portland, Oregon. King Coal QIC Per Ton Until An great 15. OlO CAST 88ir. Read Thta for Your Benefit ! "LAFAYETTE MINERAL SPRINGS I In Old Yamhill. The rheumatic sanatorium of the Portland zone. It's the mineral water that will cure any kind of rheumatism, akin disease, etc Red Electric to Lafayette Station, or paved highway via Newberg to Lafayette. WHY SUFFER, WHILE OTHERS ARE BEING CURED EVERY DAY f WANTED CHAIRS TO CANE AND PIANOS TO TUNE "BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND For Particular Call !R.. J. V. MYFR". EAST 738. The Tent Meetings 13th and Morrison 7:45 Tonight: "The Biggest Morel Coward in Bible History" A large Children's Chorus at 7 o'clock. Sunday Night: "The Fork in the Road the Breaking; Point Between God and Man Large Chorus Choir nd Special Music. Last Meeting. Come Early. The Last Is Best. Save From $1.50 to $4 Per Cord on Your Wood Order Ask Broadway 6353 Hi H0LMAN FUEL CO. S. & H. Green Stamps Fifth, and Stark Streets, We offer the greatest fuel value forthe Ieastittoney iox IOBXOI D o n o HOI o For Shops and Roundhouse RATES: Machinists ..... . . ............ 70 cents per hour Blacksmiths ...... 70 cents per hour Sheet Metal Workers 70 cents per hour Electricians 70 cents per hour Stationary Engineers .. Various rates Stationary Firemen Various rates Boilermakers 70c to 70 per hour D o 'Passenger Car Men ......... Freight Car Men .... ... . . Helpers, all classes Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Strike conditions prevail. 70 cents per hour 63 cents per hour 47 cents per hour 7 a o a o APPLY ROOM 312, COUCH BUILDING, 109 FOURTH ST., NEAR WASHINGTON, PORTLAND I09E IOE 10X30